#minecraft misfits
moonuru · 1 year
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soooo I got to playing minecraft with my friends. And we went exploring, to the deep down and found a mob called a ‘warden’
Lots a screaming, panicking was to be had. lots. Minecraft is really scurry
The lineup! First is ink @omegafloor then grim @grimmixxart than panny @pioripan and then glim! Last one in the back is me cuz I was the baby noob of the group and had to be protecc from the big monster.
As you can see, Ink showed no fear of such beast and fought valiantly against it. (they did die a lot, along with grim. and glim.) BUT NO BEAST CAN FELL US! I think the power of the diamond sword ink got went to their head >>
yknow at one point it spotted where I was and I thought I was gonna die, cuz it one shot my friends but turns out I didn’t! :D that’s my only little badge of honor, I got hit by the warden and survived with half hearts. (I did die later but shhhh)
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terracomets · 6 months
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who gave romeo a phone
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fredmcsm · 9 months
Axel . For me bff . maybe a little creek in the corner being lgbtq
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I had 2 guesses on what requests I might get and I got them both right… :3… WATCH ITS THE CREXELS IN MY MCSMVERSE YAAAAEEEEY real in every universe
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kenzovanished · 1 year
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My favorite family <3
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axelmcsm · 2 years
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crexel for pride month .. + live aiden and pike reaction
[dont use/repost] rbs >>>> likes
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naivesilver · 1 year
hello, square boy eugene for the ask game?
GOOD MORNING yes absolutely 🥰
Send me a character and I’ll make a mood board for them using only pictures in my camera roll
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misfitsgg · 2 years
Winners in our hearts
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the-witchs-cafe · 3 months
Directory | BYF | Witch Essays | Pending List
Hello, hello! And welcome to the Witch's Cafe! Have you gotten weary? The crushing loneliness of your own self-torment became way too much? Fret not- this establishment is here for all witches; those who have fallen from the greatest of heights, to those who have been left with nothing at all.
Here in this little coffee bar settling between the cosmos, our customers have traveled far and wide just to socialize and find solace within their shared agonies- some managing to cross through universes; so be on the lookout for those whose faces you might have the luck to recognize!
We also herald our existence with this flag- oh, don't you worry! This flag is free for anyone to use, even if all our operations were to cease!
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With all that being said, I'm certain you would like to know the way through these halls;
#Witching Hours: The customer list! Go right ahead and greet yourself to these fine folks! Maybe you'll find more similarities between yourselves than you would intially assume. (Gen. tag for crossover witches made by other people)
#Registered Witches: What cafe would this be if we didn't have any regulars? Recognized their choices of beverages just like the back of my hands! If you wish for a story, they're your go-to's! (Witch essays written by either mod H.N Elly or mod Charlotte)
#Witch cards: Every now and then, familiar faces start popping up more than usual; not as much as our regulars, but it is fun to observe their activities, even if from a distance. (same as the above, but in the form of much smaller witch cards)
#Would Witch Out: Passerby's and their rumors...honestly, you couldn't blame a gal for eavesdropping every now and then, no? Not even while getting the latest scoop on who was the poor soul whose destiny caught up with them? (due to the shutdown of YFWWO and in order to give its mod a break, I've opened up operations here. Submissions are now OPEN!)
#Would Survive PMMM: Of course, some folks do happen to be naturally lucky; finding a way and reason to keep going forwards even in the darkest of nights...it's admirable, maybe a little enviable, don't ya think? (The complete opposite of the above; if you know a character who would cakewalk through this universe's trials and tribulations, let us know with the full details regarding why!)
#There Is a Pipe Bomb in your Mailbox: Those lil' misfits out there and what tricks they got on their sleeves- ah, what fun would it be if I didn't allow any tomfoolery every now and then? (The joke submissions tag)
#There is no Secret Menu!: (The shitpost tag; hey, the great Italian poet, Dante Alighieri, had called his little self-insert fanfic in which he and Virgil went through all sects of the afterlife "The Divine Comedy" for a reason, right? We all need a reason to crack up since we're gonna be in our self-inflicted torment and punishments for some time.)
#You're now listening to . . .: Solace can be nice every once in a while, but a nice tune to distract yourself from the pain and get in the mood to continue working on your eternal goals is just as comforting! (general audio tag)
I do also have to warn ya'll that we also have to abide by the blacklist; yeah, we do try to cater to all that enter these doors, but an eldritch horror needs to have some standards, ya know?
Country Humans/Country Balls
Any of the media created by Okegom/DeepSeaPrisoner
Minecraft SMPs, especially Dream SMP
Building upon the above, we do not take requests for real world figures, unless if they were obvious jokes. This includes, and is not limited to, youtubers, musicians, pop idols, and individual game developers.
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
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wh3r3v3rimayr0am · 2 months
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★ my names axel or axe, call me whatever 🤷‍♂️.
★ i’m 6teen! i play the guitar! my favorite color is red. ummmm i can speak some french!!
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★ my rp accounts are @jaymz-hetfeeld-blogg @duffffff-mckagan @jon-ddavis @davgrrohl @sid-0 @wesbr0land
★ my social media accounts;
discord: ax3l.ax3l
insta: wher3verimayr0aam
twitter: whrv3rimayr0am
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★ as of music; i love metallica, megadeth, korn, slipknot, rhcp, him, limp bizkit, gnr, black sabbath/ozzy osbourne, misfits, mötley crüe, alice cooper, the bloodhound gang, eve 6, everlast, the beatles, thin lizzy, marilyn manson, three days grace, seether, switchfoot and nickelback. * just bc i like the music, doesn’t mean i always support the artists!!
★ other than music; i love minecraft, brokeback mountain, frankenweenie, malcolm in the middle, the crow, impractical jokers, jackass/viva la bam, guitars, horror movies (fav is texas chainsaw massacre), film cooper, finn mckenty, eddievr etc.
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delta-romance0 · 7 months
Hey i’m Delta!!
This is my page i’m not really sure how to do introductions but here are some things about me :))
I am a minor, take that into consideration when interacting with me. Also, I am Black-British (Half Jamaican) which I think is pretty cool. My mbti is intp-t and I’m non-binary using they/them pronouns and queer :]
My time zone is GMT :3
I’ll mostly be posting things about My Chemical Romance, music that i’m listening to or like, art I make, random thoughts I have and maybe other things who knows!!
~My Interests~
Art: drawing; watercolour, pen, pencil, colour pencil all of that jazz, some I post some onto here:)
Music: MCR, PTV, FOB, Taking Back Sunday, P!ATD, The Academy Is…, The Used, Leathermouth, L.S Dunes, Descendents, The Smiths, The Cure, Blur, Misfits, Deftones, Sex Pistols, Minor Threat, Destroy Boys, Rihanna etc etc
(The list would be too long but those are my favourites)
Instruments: I play guitar! Not very good but can learn songs pretty quickly and enjoy doing so, maybe at some point i’d like to learn drums or bass
Shows/Movies I have watched: The Umbrella Academy, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, Superbad, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Jennifer’s Body, Jaws, Dawn Of The Dead, Dead Boy Detectives, Jackass 1&2(I’ll watch the rest at some point) etc.
(To be honest i’m not a big show/ movie watcher as much as i’d like to be)
Games: Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Animal Crossing, Sally Face, Fran Bow, Little Misfortune, Little Nightmares, FNAF.
My favourite having to be Sally Face, Stardew or Sims
#delta rambles: random shit I think
#deltas art: my art :P
#delta answers: answered asks
Pretty much if you’re not a very nice person with controversial or hateful views/ opinions that people would not agree with, or just generally a creep.
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A take of my mine on a modern au headcanon
Broke: Lenore is the gamer gf
Woke: Annabel is the gamer gf
Come on, guys Annabel being a gamer is literally canon. The thought of Lenore and the misfits staying up late and hanging out together online is cute, but with the exception of pluto, they would all be boomers, the one and only game Pluto could get them all into was minecraft and at sleepovers literally any pvp fighting game.
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conarcoin · 1 year
actually no one remembers it exists but the fucking smplive tekkit spinoff is some of the most minecraft roleplay to ever roleplay . smoking that shit that makes kryoz tell you to go watch fitz from the misfits to see more of the main plotline
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terracomets · 5 months
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creek and petra friendship famous forever and always
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phatcatphergus · 5 months
need someone to make a timeline of tubnet so that i can kill myself after reading it
Oh shit, I'm not that great with solid timelines so anyone who has detailed info please share!
From my knowledge, Tubbo has wanted to create a server to play on with his friends since he was really young (like the 13-14 age range I believe). He first made a server by begging his dad to buy one for him (Lee_500 the goat) and played on places like Hypixel as well.
Tubbo, being Tubbo, wanted to make it even better than it was and create his own games to play and create with friends. I know at one point he did actually make a minigame-based server but someone fucked him over and took all the revenue/credit but I don't know or can't remember the details of that.
Fast forward to the DSMP blow-up. Tubbo now has the financial capabilities to create what he's always wanted to create, as well as make it for other people to play and enjoy as well. He has always put so much work into making things for chat and this was just the perfect opportunity to fulfill his childhood dream of designing games within Minecraft to play with friends as well as make something to give back to the chat.
He starts actually getting into it around 2021 and the dream starts taking a form with the possibility of a team behind it.
In 2022 Tubbo joined Misfits who are now able to provide more financial support as well as create a staff and provide other resources for him to accomplish his dream. Ben Spoont is co-owner of TubNet now.
August of 2022 was the intended release date but was met with what Tubbo described at the time as "issues with their service providers". In reality, the server was hit with an insane DDoS attack that Cloudflare did jack shit about. Detailed information on that is in Tubbos video here
The server release date was then pushed to November of that year and went really well! They got insane traffic and everything seemed to be going well!
Unfortunately, the momentum didn't last long and the server traffic died down to really low numbers. There could be a few different reasons for this but the fact was that their numbers were as sustainable as they should be.
From the release date, there were tournaments and plans made by Tubbo and the TubNet team but unfortunately, here we are. I think there were a LOT of factors that went into this and there isn't one thing we can blame on it needing a hiatus but it was something that had so much potential and promise that i wish could have come to fruition
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sgbluebell · 1 year
mic check 1, 2! hi everyone! reddit and twitter are Dying so i thought i'd take my art here instead!
my name is bluebell!! i'm a motion/graphic designer which means i make animations and other moving graphics for videos and streams. i've worked primarily in esports and gaming, namely for overwatch league/world cup teams and minecraft youtubers with misfits gaming (yes i Know don't laugh. it just kind of happened + I'm Love Minecraft). i also sing and animate music videos! atm i'm just freelancing around!
please let me know if i am doing anything wrong bc i think i understand how tumblr works but i haven't really been on art tumblr before ^u^ it's good to meet y'all
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axelmcsm · 2 years
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his grand return with a new coat of paint
[dont use/repost, rbs > likes]
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