#mipha ily
michpat6 · 2 years
mipha’s happy ending is her death.
had she managed to survive waterblight ganon, she would have been the last champion standing. there would only be one divine beast firing at calamity ganon, but without link there with the master sword to do any real damage she’s just making it easier for zelda to snatch him up and put him on a divine leash, and who’s to say the other three beasts wouldn’t turn on Ruta in an attempt to snuff out the one that got away?
but if she does make it out, leaving Ruta on standby or whatever makes sense, link is dead. zelda is trapped in the castle. the other three champions are ghosts bound to cold, mechanical tombs that do nothing but wait for new victims. she can’t kill three blights if she barely survived her own. she can’t possibly kill the calamity.
so mipha goes back to Zora’s domain, hugs her father and Sidon, and hears from the Sheikah scientists that the Hero has been placed in that cave they found on the Great Plateau, that it’s going to heal him better than her Grace ever could, and that he’s going to wake up soon and retrieve his sword and save all of Hyrule.
mipha holds sidon closer and mipha waits, because she knows link, she loves link, and he always comes back. he never leaves a quest unfinished.
the fields burn, more people die from the Guardian attacks, lynels armed with shock arrows take over most of the woods near Zora’s Domain, and mipha waits.
and waits.
and waits.
a hundred years pass. sidon has grown so tall, even taller than her, and she wonders if the sheikah scientists were lying. that woman, Purah, hasn’t contacted her in ages, and the last she heard of Impa, she could barely walk a few feet without needing her cane.
a lynel has made its home atop shatterback point. mipha would feel more confident in taking it down if her Grace wasn’t waning after a century of use healing anyone that comes to her, and if she didn’t still feel the phantom pains of Waterblight’s spear as it pierced her torso. she’s too afraid to pick up a trident, now, because all she can hear is her own screams echoing off of Vah Ruta’s walls.
then link walks right into the throne room and asks after Divine Beast Vah Ruta. why doesn’t he have to worry about this one? why isn’t it infected like the others?
mipha runs up and engulfs him in a hug, tears streaming down her face, and when she pulls back to look at him there’s no recognition in his eyes.
he doesn’t remember her. he doesn’t remember anything. all he knows is that he has to save his princess.
mipha has known that the two of them were meant to be together since she was born. she grew up hearing the legends of hyrule’s royal family, she knows how intertwined their souls are, but still she held out hope that maybe once, just this once, a different princess would catch his eye, maybe one that wields a trident instead of a Sheikah Slate.
but now he doesn’t know anything about that. he doesn’t know anything about anyone, and still the only thing on his mind is zelda. mipha’s happy for her friend, she’s happy that zelda is the one who gets to have him if it isn’t her, that zelda has found someone so devoted, but it doesn’t stop the ugly, jealous part of her from rearing it’s head just a little bit.
she points link in the direction of shatterback point, and watches his back disappear around the corner. he comes back thirty minutes later with twenty shock arrows and a new sword and shield.
he’s going to gerudo town next, he tells sidon, because boys will be boys and the two of them have bonded over the week he’s spent in the Domain. he wants to learn more about Urbosa, and more about Zelda by extension. Those two were close, weren’t they?
mipha wishes him luck. he leaves. so she waits.
and waits.
and waits.
a month later, a message from the Chief of Gerudo Town reaches Zora’s Domain. the Hero of Hyrule went inside of Divine Beast Vah Naboris two weeks ago, and he hasn’t come out. their scouts can confirm that Naboris is back on the prowl, kicking up a sandstorm as it searches for its next challenger.
without mipha’s power to give, without her Grace to guide him, without her to save him, link has died again. they can’t afford to put him back in the shrine of resurrection, who knows how long he’ll sleep this time, and Zelda’s power is growing weaker by the day-
if only she hadn’t survived, mipha thinks. if only she were a ghost, too, and if only she could offer him her Grace so he would survive Thunderblight Ganon. At least he would be alive. At least she would be happy to stitch his skin back together and shove the life back into his body for as long as he needs her to, it would be her pleasure.
mipha’s death is her happy ending, because at least in death she gets to stay by link’s side.
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merriclo · 2 years
replaying botw and i just showed up at zora’s domain and oh my lord
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autistic-sidon · 2 years
I want the mile long Prince Sidon Analysis on why you think he's autistic because I'm totally neurotypical and I love him a completely normal amount 👍👍👍
Prince Sidon is autistic and here's why
The most noticable symptoms I have observed in Sidon as an autistic person are observed in his relationships, body language, routine, and interactions with Link.
Let's start with relationships. Sidon is without a doubt an extrovert, but I have a maybe painful, maybe controversial observation to make here. Other than Link, Sidon doesn't have any observable friends. A common misconception about autistic people is that we are all introverts, but this is not the case. Often we want to make friends, but struggle with social cues to where we are alienated in conversation. In Sidon's case, he struggles with social ques, either implying something he does not mean, or misunderstanding a figure of speech. For, "Implying something he does not mean" a certain hylian serves as evidence for this, Douma.
Remember how Sidon introduced himself to Link? Well, not everyone took kindly to it. Douma can be found hiding before you meet Sidon at Inogo bridge. To paraphrase her, she says Sidon is "A freak (or creep? I can't remember which one)" and that he said he was, "watching her." Yeah, Sidon did say that to Link as well, but as the players we know that he did not have any stalker like implications, however as a lone traveler, it's not insane of Douma to assume that. This exemplifies the fact that Sidon, like many other autistic people, will give off unintentional implications due to wording. Sidon mistakenly came off as a stalker to Douma, and likely did not understand why she hid, as he says the same thing to Link after. I bold that because autistic people often do not understand neurotypical's social rules, we will not know why we have upset something 90% of the time.
Next is body language. I'm sure most already know but i will clarify anyway because I want to: a common trait in autistic people is stimming! This is a method of emotional regulation where we will move a part of our bodies in a repeated motion/action, or repeat words and phrases. Sidon's trademarked pose is very likely a stim! He does it when he is excited, whether it be from encouraging others or good news. This stim gives a lot of enjoyment and is very charming (plus he has done it since he was a child!) So he does this a lot due to positive reactions from others. This is not Sidon's only stim, as he noticeably bounces a lot when he talks. A more subtle stim can be observed in Age of Calamity, where he bounces his head a lot while talking! (My personal favorite, it's fucking adorable.)
Next is routine. This is a more simple observation, and more dismissible due to video game logic, but I thought to include it anyway. Sidon has a routine of: Staring at Mipha's statue by night, staring at Vah Ruta by day. Autistic people are known to have strict routines to follow, and Sidon's routine centers around Mipha. We also may be found getting upset when routine is disrupted, as Sidon does when Link overhears his grieving at night.
Last and most definitely not least, we have his interactions with Link. My personal favorite is at Inogo bridge. When Sidon asks you if you are going to help with Vah Ruta, one of the response options is, "I'll think on it." Sidon's response is, "You'll think on it? ... ... ... ... ... Was that sufficient time to think? Surely, let's go!" Holy FUCK I love this dialogue. Sidon does not catch what the implications of, "I'll think on it" are. Normally one would use this dismissively, (as it kinda serves as a no option...) But luckily Sidon has autism immunity! He couldn't read the social que that was being conveyed, one being dismissive, and instead gives Link maybe 10 seconds to "think on it." As a whole, when Sidon talks to Link his mannerisms are definitely different from the other Zora. He has is own way of wording things, for example, "Have I mentioned how incredible you are? And how thankful I am? Because you are, and I am!" Also... speaking of this line of dialogue, the first part is written in a larger font because our boy here is yelling. Like many other autistic people, Sidon seems to occasionally lack control with the volume of his voice. Other zora are not often found yelling as often as Sidon, and many of his behaviors are specific to him.
Another interaction I like is an alternative cutscene. Instead of meeting Sidon at Inogo bridge, you can pass him, and meet him at the throne room instead. Here you will see Sidon's more... bitchy side, which I love. Though Sidon did have some bitchy intent in this conversation, I doubt it was truly malicious. However, his tone definitely comes off very rude. I am unsure if this was intentional, because he apologizes immediately after. Another instance of Sidon's bluntness (autistic people are also known to be very blunt) is when he tried to recruit the Goron Reagah, who hangs out in the general store. Sidon says to Reagah, "I simply cannot carry you!" Which I really don't think he had any malicious intent behind, however Reagah feels it was rude of Sidon. I think this was an instance of Sidon showing that classic bluntness of autistic people (a bluntness that he apologizes for!!!) And, in his blunt honesty, he came off as offensive towards the Goron.
As a final note, Sidon constant apologizing gives off a subtle internalized ableism, and low self esteem. But these mile long paragraphs are my main reasons for headcanoning him as autistic. I addition, I think he may have ADHD as well, many symptoms of the two are shared, but they are also present together frequently. Here is a venn diagram I found where I highlighted symptoms Sidon shows.
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I wasn't sure about some, so I'll explain why.
Short attention span: This is something I quite frankly don't know how to catch in Sidon. He does tend to switch between subjects sometimes in conversation, but I am not confident enough to be sure if that indicates a short attention span.
Emotional dysregulation: Sidon has a few responses that don't seem traditional, most indicative in the alternative throne room cutscene and his interaction with Reagah. However I again do not have enough evidence to confidently identify it.
Rejection sensitive: I an actually pretty sure Sidon is rejection sensitive, as I feel his self esteem is dependent on how others perceive him. Then again, this may be an interpretation specific to me so it's debatable.
Anxiety from routine change: Sidon does have routines, but we simply don't get enough info to tell if he gets anxiety from change. He was anxious when Link heard his grieving, but that's all we have. Not enough to make a sure conclusion.
Not understanding social rules: This plays into social ques. Sidon didn't seem to understand why someone would think, "I've been watching you" sounds weird, so that indicates he doesn't understand social rules. I leave this up for debate because honestly I think I'm reading into things too much.
The ones that are fully highlighted should have been explained to some degree already. I would have provided screenshots instead of paraphrasing, but that required me to play through the entire beginning again just to get them, or get a YouTube video. My memory is fairly reliable when it comes to Zoras, especially Sidon, so I hope my explanation is enough. Again, thank you so kuch for asking this, I have wanted to yell about Autistic Sidon for so long.
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thezoraprince · 11 months
one of my big love languages is gift giving, i also like making the gifts when i feel confident enough in my skills or customizing them when im not. another request, mostly for sidon but maybe bazz too, if giving a handmade gift.
as prince, i feel like sidon would prolly never receive a handmade gift from anyone other than dento ( for obvious reasons ) or maybe mipha in the past. i think he would love it so so much. some stuff i would of making / gifting him/them would be a cape, a new cravet, hell even a friendship bracelet.
i feel like it would be something uncommon for bazz as well. as captian, he prolly only got attempted "bribe gifts" or a store bought gift from his father or the brigade.
( i feel like rivan would save his cute little handmade gifts for dunma and gaddison seems a bit to involved in her work to hand make a gift for just a friend, she would certainly buy one every once n a while but making one seems to time consuming for her.)
TIA <3
totally forgot to post this!!!
i'm shre ypu got the notification, but Sidon's is up!!i've been having trouble with Bazz's, but i think i have an idea. i'm gonna try to get it out by tuesday (my schedule is weird this week ughhh)
i hope you enjoy the one that's posted!! and thank you for being the best ily <333
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corvidcrowned · 3 years
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a Mipha bc I’m replaying botw again and she’s my favorite
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glitter & gold
hi @transzeldas!! i decided to make u an extra gift,,,ily beloved /plat uhh its the art prompt you gave (legend braiding wilds hair), but in writing form! ao3 link; here!
“Your hair is a mess. We can’t go with you like that.” “What’s wrong with my hair?”Wild frowned. Really, Wild’s hair is unkempt. It’s a complete mess and Legend hates that. “Wild. I do not care if I have to tie you to a chair—you are not walking out of my house like that.” “Legend, that’s a little overboard—” “Stay out of this, Twi.” “We can’t fix it, anyways.”Wild argued, crossing his arms. “I don’t have anything.” “Yeah? Well I do. Sit your ass down.” Wild pouted, but sat at the nearby table. He thinks his hair is fine.. Besides, Legend was complaining about going to this party anyways, why does it matter if they all look good or not? Legend returned soon enough, a brush, some hair ties and a box in hand. “What’s in the box?” “Some hair accessories I made. Now, sit still. Nobody distract me or him.” Wild blinked, wincing when Legend simply placed the box onto the table and started brushing his hair. “Goddesses, Wild, your hair is so thick…why do you ruin it like this?” “You almost sound jealous.”Wild mumbled sarcastically. “Eh. Not really. My hair’s just as thick as this. It’s just a shame you don’t take care of it.” “...I didn’t expect you to know much about hair care.”Warriors blinked, leaning on a wall. “There’s a lot you guys don’t know.”Legend shrugged. “But my best friend is the princess of a fashion empire. I gotta know this stuff.” “Best friend, huh?”Wind giggled. Legend shot Wind a look before going back to Wild’s hair. “Why does it matter how we look?” “Because. Fable wants me to look good, and you’re all associated with me, so you have to look good too.” “Why does she care how you look? You haven’t changed anything about your appearance..” “Well, yeah.”Legend whistled, getting the knots out of Wild’s hair. “That’s why we’re goin early. I’m getting changed in the castle.” “What?”Hyrule blinked. “Why..?” “Fable is insisting I try wearing a corset.”Legend shuddered. “Not looking forward to it. I’ve helped Sty put her corset on before? Looks painful.” “So..this thing we’re going to.”Twilight whistled. “What is it?” “Fable insisted on it, but…ugh. It’s been exactly 10 years since I first saved the kingdom. She thinks it’s something to celebrate. Anyways, enough about me. Wild, what’s your favourite colour?” “Hm? Oh…”Wild paused, thinking. What is his favourite colour? He does like the blue on his tunic… But he also liked the blackish-blue of Revali’s feathers, the fiery-red of Urbosa’s hair, the reddish-pink of Mipha, and the orange of Daruk’s ability—Daruk’s protection. “Um…what if…I have multiple?” “Then tell me what they are.” “...even if they’re specific?” “Yep!” Wild faltered, trying to put it into words. “What’s this for?” “Ribbons.” Wild’s eyes lit up. “Can you show me them? So I don’t have to explain…” “Sure. Gimme a sec.”Legend spun on their heel, walking off. Legend returned in time, with two boxes. “I have—”Legend groaned, dropping the boxes on the table. “Every colour you can think of!” Wild nodded, looking through the boxes. He carefully picked out the five colours—the blue of his tunic and the colours that reminded him of the champions. Legend hummed upon seeing the ribbons. “Nice colours. Pretty, too. Alright.”They shoved the boxes further back on the table, taking the ribbons from Wild. “You have to stay still for me, alright? I know it’ll be difficult..” “Okay.”Wild nodded. Carefully, Legend started pulling Wild’s hair back into a braid—threading the ribbons through as they did. They left some hair in the front untouched, but Wild figures they’re doing something with that.. “You’re good at this, Legend.”Time observed quietly. “How so?” “Fable gets me to braid her hair sometimes…I braid Hilda’s hair sometimes too.” “Uh…question.”Hyrule winced. “Who…is Hilda?” “Princess of Lorule.” “Another princess?”Warriors laughed. “That’s three! Didn’t take you for a ladies man.” “I am not!”Legend glared at Warriors, tying the end of the braid with a pink hair tie. “Sorry about the hair tie, I only own pink ones.” “Are you done yet?”Wild questioned, curious. “Not yet. Just one more thing..”Legend started
rummaging through the original box they had brought. Then, they sat on the table in front of Wild and started putting something—beads?—through his hair. They were in so many colours, but mostly shades of blue. Then, Legend pulled out one final accessory. It’s a golden cuff, with a black triforce on it. “Silver doesn’t suit you. Sorry.”Legend laughed, pinning the two beaded sections of hair back and pinning them above the start of the braid using the cuff. “There! All done!”Legend grinned, backing up. Wild blinked, glanced at his sheikah slate, and handed it to Twilight. “Can you..take a picture for me? I wanna see.” Twilight paused, then smiled. “Sure thing, cub.” After the picture was taken, Wild immediately went to look at it and— He loves it.
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blue-knightshade · 2 years
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Here, have a mipha
ily gn
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slime-crafters · 3 years
Shout-out to Mipha for having the most useless champion ability... stay strong, queen ily
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imarizaki · 3 years
hello bb just dropping by to ask what ur favorite song is from the loz/botw ost mwah ily always!! (also are u more comfy with dms or asks bc u know how interacting on the tl is comfier for some...)
hi bb <33 AA omg mipha’s theme 100% i absolutely love mipha’s theme <333 the way it sounds so soft while sounding so sad at the same time? immaculate. (i don’t mind either!! if u ever wanna talk to me on dms go ahead roo bb)
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missingphi · 7 years
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I think about Zelink in each game and I seriously give Nintendo props for creating a compelling dynamic between the two no matter if it’s purely platonic or has romantic undertones or is just blantantly spelled out as soulmates.
OoT Zelink has romantic undertones. Don’t even try to argue with me if ya feel differently. It isn’t spelled out plainly enough that we could say it’s practically canon, but it does have that bond between them that’s undeniable.
In the game, you can literally go back into the castle as Young Link and show Zelda the different masks Link acquires through the side quests. And the entire idea of Link sneaking pst all those guards to show Zelda some mask is hilarious and adorable.
After the time jump, Sheik then accompanies Link and it’s 10000% obvious that he’s fascinated with them. Link wants to spend as much time with Sheik as he possibly can. Water Temple aftermath scene anyone? That made it obvious (for me) that OoT Zelink are soulmates, because it’s their souls pulling them together and creating this attraction. Gender has no say. (It’s also makes Link 10000% bi in this game since Sheik is considered a “guy” to everyone else and I live for this headcanon). No matter who they’re disguised as, the chemistry and attraction is THERE. Plus, in Kakariko when they’re attacked by the Shadow. Staying by the others side. Trying to protect each other. Please let me live.
And the final battle. Oh this poor bby. He sticks his arm out to protect her. He’s so loyal to this girl. He found out she was this person guiding him the entire time and she’s separated from him as soon as she reveals her identity. Foolishly banging on a crystal to free her? Desperate boy wanting to save the girl he cares so much about. Link’s entire life ends up revolving around Zelda in this game. She is the one person he truly truly cares about on a deep level.
I love Malon and all, but I never saw the connection. I’ve always headcanoned the idea that Link comes back from MM’s events and goes straight to Zelda and legitimately just grows up in Castle Town under Zelda’s orders and is trained for the Guard and eventually becomes the head of the entire Hyrulian Army. I also headcanon that OoT Zelink both die young, but not before they have a child who is then given to their trusted friend Malon to raise. (I know it’s a dark headcanon but hey I think it makes sense)
Twilight Princess, on the other hand, gives off much more platonic vibes. Partly because Zelda is barely in this game. I do love Midlink in this game too, but as an endgame, nope. The thing about Twilight Princess Zelink is that it could POSSIBLY happen after the game’s events. But during the actual gameplay? This Zelda and Link play their respective roles to ultimately defeat Ganon. It’s more professional.
People can debate about this one, with Link’s attention whenever Zelda is in the room being solely on her and all, but I see that more as a ranch hand meeting royalty for the first time and being awed by the regal and natural beauty she exudes. I have said that I can see them happening through a friends with benefits type of situation, but only after.
In game, the story pretty much implied that Ilia is the love interest and not Midna or Zelda. Tbh, I didn’t love her character but I knew for a fact that Link did so I went with it. But I’m replaying the game now and BOYYY it seriously points to Ilia and Link being an item. And it makes perfect sense too. But after everything, I’d see Link sticking around Zelda more because she at least understands. But again, in game and from the canon events, Zelink is more platonic than anything.
Skyward Sword is completely platonic. Idk how y’all got “soulmates” from this Zelda and Link, I mean-
Yeah no do I even have to talk about how this game is blatantly romantic? Its not even UNDERTONES like it’s full out “I’m doing this to save the girl that I love”. They’re literal soulmates and started the kingdom of Hyrule and I couldn’t be MORE PROUD! The first Zelda and Link happen to be in love and they managed to get cursed so in every incarnation they’re bound to meet each other and I think that’s beautiful (despite the angry third wheel that reincarnates with them). But otherwise, this game is legit a love story between Link and Zelda with a bit of action and adventure sprinkled in. Good quality and excellent eyeliner.
Breath of the Fucking Wild people. I know I already did romantic undertones but would I be me if I DIDNT go on a little rant about the beauty of this Zelink??? Didn’t think so. It’s also not even undertones. It’s also not blatantly romantic. It’s heavily implied.
So, you get the hate to love trope, the princess and her knight trope, AND the amnesia trope. All three in this very special pair. The memories play these two very well. The actual story to the game may have been a bit underwhelming, but Zelink’s story is MASSIVE. The memories show us a very complex Zelda, a mute Link who is loyal to a fault, and an epic love story between the two. This isn’t even a theory. It’s actually canon. (Thank you Kass, ily bby)
Now Link’s perspective isn’t fully fleshed out, but that’s the thing. It’s not supposed to be. But what we do get is a few pieces of information that makes you go “oh so he does have feelings for Zelda”. First being the Journal Entries. He wants to save Zelda ASAP so he can see her smile. He wonders if she will be pleased with how far he’s come. He is determined to save her after gaining all his memories of their relationship back. This Link only truly remembers Zelda. The Champion’s have some place in his mind, but he doesn’t remember like like he remembers Zelda.
Second being the little moments in the memories, like him staying by Zelda’s side in the castle to just hang out with her, listening to her ramble on about science things, being Extra Asf when the ground shakes and he immediately goes to make sure Zelda doesn’t stumble, turning around when Zelda begins to doubt herself, sheathing his sword despite being chased by murder bots. It’s just all those little things that makes you THINK.
Third being the flowers. The symbolism. It’s all too real and I won’t even get STARTED on how Nintendo gave us a canon ship name for BotW Zelink and we had the audacity to IGNORE IT!!!
Fourth being the fact that they practically debunk Miphlink after giving it the potential to become official. Stay with me. They painted Mipha as the typical childhood friend that falls in love with the protagonist. Except, I can say with certainty that it’s 1000% one sided. In the game, Link goes to Zora’s Domain as a kid and Mipha heals kid Link’s wounds because she a kind and gentle soul. There’s nothing romantic about that given the fact Mipha writes about it before she writes about the feelings she develops.
When Link goes back, she writes about how he looks past her, doesn’t open up to her, but still remains the kind soul she knows him to be. This in and of itself tells us that Link has no feelings for her whatsoever. He’s a knight and he does his best to protect whoever is in need. But he doesn’t truly reconnect with Mipha as a teenager because he remains closed off and in her diary, Mipha confirms the fact that he doesnt give her the same attention that she gives him. She makes the Zora Armor, yeah, but she didn’t present it to Link AND she prayed to Ruto. Ruto being the Zora that fell for Link but that relationship never happened because Link didn’t have feelings for her whatsoever. That in and of itself gives the impression that this relationship is also one sided. The thing that always stood out to me was how Mipha never presented the Zora Armor and how she realized Link and Zelda would grow closer because all the time they had was spent with each other. My theory is that Mipha saw Link and how he seemed a bit less weighed down. And it hit her that the Zelda is also more carefree at this point. And she puts two and two together and realizes that Link and Zelda have opened up to each other and gotten much closer as a result. Hence, why she didn’t give him the Zora Armor since she saw where Link’s heart truly lies. That’s just my own personal idea and theory on her not giving him the armor, so don’t judge lol.
But BoTW Zelink is so COMPLEX and is heavily implied to be canon after the events that I cannot wait to see how the sequel treats their relationship. It’s definitely going to be fun to watch and play.
Nintendo provided all thes unique takes on two characters yet never gave them a toxic relationship, but always one where they can rely on the other when they needed to. And I think that’s beautiful.
*please take note that these are more of my personal opinions and how I view the relationships which may differ from others but that’s okay since LoZ is supposed to be a franchise where you are Link and so whatever you love, he loves. I’m just a slut for Zelink 🤷🏻‍♀️
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bxstiae · 4 years
my url please? :)
Send me a url and I'll write some positivity for it. / ACCEPTING / @gerudofury
Man oh man where do i start! First off: thank you for writing the queen. I love me a good queen. Like. I love mipha so much. But i also love urbosa just as much and if anybody can write her so well honestly it would be you. Idk why. But you, as the mun, def give me the best urbosa vibes ever. And honestly its great. Like really i love your urbosa. And ill be honest with you. I had found you long before i eventually did follow you. I just fjidhfjd i wanted to be ready to. But honestly i dont regret anything. Youre such a joy to see on the dash. Im happy you enjoy my contect cause honestly its the same with you! Except twice as much. I love me some great queens. I know female muses sometimes dont get as much love but im here to tell you that you and your urbosa give off such strong and powerful vibes. I love it.
Not to mention youre such a sweetheart too as a mun. Thank you for dealing with the hot mess that is me. ILY 😭❤ if people arent following yet please go follow. Such great content right here.
Also let me also not forget that now i have somebody to come running to whenever there is something gerudo related because... /i have a lot of songs that remind me of the gerudo./ so yea. I hope youre ready 😍 also also. I love urbosa so much. Amd i love our thread. Honestly if you want more threads. Tell me cause i love writing with you. Youre so good. ❤❤❤ stay beautiful fam.
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bae-leth · 5 years
FE3H x LoZ
Hey, I saw that you enjoyed my Zelda AU so I decided to expand upon it! This includes eight students for each house, and even strengths based on the Three Houses weapon types. Also for convenience all of the students are Hylian/Gerudo/basically human.
To set the scene, the Gerudo Empire is in the desert to the west, the Kingdom of Hyrule is in the north and east, and the Ordon Alliance is in the forests to the south. The main religion is the Church of Hylia, and the Officer’s Academy is still in the center of the continent because the name sounds generic enough. The curse of Demise exists, but records of it have been lost to time and none of the students are aware of it (cue emotional revelations and plot twists).
Since there are so few Gerudo characters of actual plot relevance, I decided to include Ganon’s other allies from across the series, plus a few wild cards.
Ganondorf - house leader. Heir to the Gerudo Empire. Strong and very physically capable, as well as a firm leader. Strengths: Lance, Brawl, Reason, Authority
Ghirahim - Ganondorf’s cunning retainer. Only really ever thinks about himself and his master. Strengths: Sword, Reason
Cia - used to be a warm, angelic girl when she was little, but has become the opposite since then. She idolizes Ganondorf, but also admires Link from afar. Strengths: Faith, Authority, Flying
Lorenz Zant - a foreign exchange student from Twili, a faraway archipelago. Only friends with the people in his class, and hates everyone else. Especially despises Midna. Strengths: Brawl, Reason, Flying
Urbosa - probably the nicest person in the class. Has a motherly attitude. Very strong and protective of her allies. Strengths: Sword, Bow
Astrid - a quiet girl who is almost always studying. Also has an obsession with fortune telling. Strengths: Faith, Reason
Onox - son of an imperial general. Large and built, and loves training. Always agrees with Ganondorf. Strengths: Axe, Brawl, Heavy Armor
Ruto - daughter of a wealthy noble from Hyrule who became close to the emperor, but she does not always approve of the Empire’s methods. Very flirty, and has many admirers. Strengths: Lance, Riding
These characters are all either Sages, Champions, or Resistance members.
Zelda - house leader. Crown princess of the Kingdom of Hyrule. Extremely smart, and though usually kind, can be cold and relentless on the battlefield. Strengths: Bow, Reason, Riding, Authority
Impa - rescued by Zelda during the Tragedy of Sheikah and has become her faithful retainer since then. Often found accompanying Zelda or praying. Strengths: Sword, Lance, Faith
Revali - son of a renowned warrior in the Kingdom. Thinks very highly of himself and looks down on those who are physically weaker than him. Often trains to the point of intense fatigue. Strengths: Bow, Flying
Mipha - a shy, quiet girl who mostly keeps to her room. Dotes on those who are injured despite her introverted nature. Strengths: Lance, Brawl, Faith
Medli - daughter of a famous musician. Incredibly skilled at playing the harp and dreams of becoming a star as well. Kind to everyone she meets, but has a reputation for being clumsy. Strengths: Axe, Flying, Authority
Byrne - A quiet student who often goes unnoticed. However, he is immensely skilled in battle, which tends to surprise people given how often he disappears during training. Strengths: Sword, Brawl, Heavy Armor
Shad - a scholarly student who is extremely interested in history. Will approach any random student to help him with his research. Unlikely friend to Ashei. Strengths: Faith, Reason
Ashei - the daughter of a noble, but she would rather be a knight than an heiress. Blunt and sometimes downright undignified. Unlikely friend to Shad. Strengths: Sword, Axe, Riding
These characters are Link’s friends and companions from throughout the series. 
Link - house leader. Future leader of the Ordon Alliance, though born a commoner. Kind and genuine, as well as very charismatic, but hides insecurities. Strengths: Sword, Faith, Riding, Authority
Ravio - son of a merchant family. Very close to Link, almost like a brother. Quite lazy, and would rather scam people than study. Strengths: Axe, Bow, Flying
Midna - the princess of Twili, who came to the Academy as a foreign exchange student. Admired by many for her beauty and charm. Incredibly snarky and mischievous, and often gets into trouble. Strengths: Lance, Reason, Flying
Saria - the youngest student at the Academy. A sweet and charitable girl who loves animals and feels at home around nature. Strengths: Bow, Faith
Daruk - a noble who dreams of becoming an accomplished knight. Very friendly and outgoing, but has a fear of dogs. Strengths: Brawl, Heavy Armor, Authority
Fi - a girl who is very religious and is usually found praying. Very analytical and excels in her studies. Often responds to her peers without emotion, and many have never seen her smile. Strengths: Sword, Flying
Groose - Link’s self-proclaimed rival. Always trying to one-up Link, much to Link’s exasperation. Has a massive crush on Zelda, and is willing to join the Azure Owls for free. Strengths: Axe, Lance, Brawl
Malon - a farmer girl from the Ordonian countryside. Works extremely hard, as it took a lot for her father to send her to the Academy. Known for her distinct singing voice. Strengths: Bow, Reason, Riding
Despite moving some things around, such as their locations on the map and certain events like the Tragedy of Sheikah (Duscur), the nations here are loosely based on those in Three Houses: Hyrule = Adrestia, Gerudo = Faerghus, and Ordon = Leicester. (oh and Twili = Brigid)
Though Hyrule is a KINGDOM and Gerudo is an EMPIRE, Hyrule is larger because Gerudo is still growing and expanding. However by the timeskip Gerudo won’t have grown much because of Hyrule’s declaration of war.
The Tragedy of Sheikah basically went as follows: the people of the Sheikah region were close allies of the royal family, but were then blamed for the mass assassination of several nobles, including the queen. In retaliation, Hyrule massacred the people of Sheikah.
Since elements were pulled from many LoZ games, the three house leaders aren’t based on any specific incarnation. However, if I had to pick, Ganondorf would be from Ocarina of Time, Zelda would be from Breath of the Wild, and Link would be from Twilight Princess.
I haven’t really thought of who would be the leader of the church, or the faculty, or the equivalent of Byleth, but then again it’s not like this has to be an exact copy of Three Houses anyway. However I do think that Telma would make a wonderful stand-in for Manuela.
There are still cats in the Monastery (speaking of the monastery, I don’t have a name for it). Link and Saria give them the most attention.
I hope you enjoyed this!
this is so well thought out im going to cry. instead, I am just going to go through everything in order (prob not ) and scream at things i want to point out
'no one knows about the curse of Demise until later' IM BWUBWUWBWUBBWUB NOO.... NOOO..... THIS IS GOING TO TEAR APART FRIENDSHIPS..... i NEED to see the confrontations after this, because.... that's so heartbreaking and I don't want to imagine it... but i Need to see it :((
i AdOre how you incorporate characters from across the games, too. seeing chars like Byrne, Onox and Astrid make my lil Zelda heart happy...
and speaking of the characters, I love the strengths you gavce them!!! and the backstories... because this REALLy makes me want to see their supports. can you imagine.... Midna and Zant, Ravio and Revali, Groose and Zelda, Groose and everyone, Link and Ghirahim trying to hold a friendly conversation (which. oh dear. doesn’t work)... there is SO MUCH POTENTIAL and i can only IMAGINE!!
if you have any story details sketched out, I NEED to know!! i esp liked how you adapted the tragedy of Duscur to the tragedy of Sheikah, since there’s already hints of hostility towards the Sheikah in 10,000yrs ago-BotW, so it’s definitely not remiss that they wouldn’t be blamed ;; and this also makes me intrigued about Zelda’s motives!! Why does Hyrule declare war? because of her own personal reasons pertaining to the tragedy? in response to the Empire? something else entirely??
same with Ganondorf.... WHAT makes him declare war.... because I don’t think it’s just a case of conquer n conquer..... eyes emoji....
(and ofc our boy Lonk. with the best team, imo.... I Love the Verdant Wolves. would join them ASAP. they look like the house with the most Chaos but ALSO a lot of POWER...)
ESSENTIALLY I JUST NEED STORY DETAILS and house leader interactions!!! because, pre-timeskip, the triforce trio are friendly?? Yes??? And then it all falls apart??? Yes???????
TELMA AS MANUELA. PLEASE. PLEEEEEEAAASE..... she’d be absolutely fantastic!!! I also think we could have Kaepora Gaebora in replace of the white owl at the bulletin boards. Just for some friendly little advice...
and of course!! Link and Saria give the cats the most attention!! Saria plays the ocarina for them, and Link canonically picks them and runs around while giving them cuddles.... EXCELLENT....
 I also think Ravio would be a very good replacement for Anna. y’know, just to get the best bargains for the Wolves.... maybe steal for them a house, too.....
also? Groose joining the Owls without any recruitment requirements??? I. Groose ily but shUT UP STOP THAT!!! LINK Probably just facepalms mournfully.... who else is going to play around with the Groosenator with him :((
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muwujika · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
mipha and link art (≧◡≦) ♡
the first one is png, the second one is png transparent fyi ;))))
edit 2/23/19: woAh 100+ likes!?!?!? thanks y'all! 💕💕💕 ily 🌸🌸🌸
edit 7/14/19: ok y'all should stop liking this, this art is old so like its disgusting but still tho... thank y'all djvjej (⊃๑ᵔ꒡ᵔ๑⊂)♡
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goldenworldsabound · 5 years
YOOO have you thought about how vir.en fits into your royalty au yet?? 👀👀👀
HI HELLO YES! You, anon, asked me a fantastic question and ILY
Viren is also an assistant to the King (my father). He and Spock tend to provide fairly different advice to the King, and different solutions to problems. Of course, these days with Spock performing a lot of royal guard duties, Viren takes on most of the advisor tasks. Viren’s solutions tend to the kind that required people like Akabayashi - commanders who were willing to do the dirty work of the castle. He runs, and has always run, that side of things, in addition to being the magical expert.
He helped Princess Wendy hone her powers as best he could, though even he didn’t really understand how they worked. He sees himself as very strongly loyal to the King and the kingdom.
How Princess Wendy brings him into her circle, so to speak, I haven’t quite figured out, but he’s absolutely ecstatic about it…at first (although it complicates things for him, since the King/kingdom’s best interest are often at odds with Wendy’s best interests). He immediately deludes himself into thinking that the King would totally approve of a marriage between himself and the Princess.
Of course…when he finds out the guards (and others) are also seeing Wendy…he gets pretty upset. When he was the only one, it was fine, but as soon as others are involved, he starts to lecture her about how what she’s doing is wrong and wildy inappropriate. She gives him some tough love and calls him out on his hypocrisy. This is also about where I’ll introduce the idea that the King is looking for a suitable suitor for Wendy, despite her relationship with Princess Mipha. That’s kinda what swings Viren to eventually kinda get over it and accept the harem situation - Wendy doesn’t have a lot of time left to love who she wants to, and furthermore he’s being a fool if he thinks the King would approve of a relationship between them. But he does relent.
I don’t have anymore headcanons about what that relationship is like, yet…I do know that since Viren is like, a trusted advisor and whatnot, he finds reasons to bring her to interesting places and such in a way that the royal guards cannot, and he’s more than happy to shove that in their faces. He acts like it’s a competition and does a poor job at disguising his unhappiness at them being involved.
And as much as they all roll their eyes at him, the guards are a little jealous that he’s allowed to interact with Wendy in a more…fun context, like taking her out under the guise of education, etc.
He's also not as careful as he should be and PROBABLY almost gets himself and Wendy in trouble at least once
fdjsfk I can’t wait to write this thank you again for this lovely ask!!! It helped fleshed out even more things!!!
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