illustratus · 1 year
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The Siege of Montségur Fortress, 1244 by Sergey Lesnikov
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Montségur : Les cathares - Antoine Duc de Levis Mirepoix
Montségur : Les cathares – Antoine Duc de Levis Mirepoix Auteur(s) : Antoine Duc de Levis Mirepoix Editeur : Editions J’ai Lu Langue : Français Parution : 01/01/1967 Format : Poche Nombre de pages : 248 Résumé :Dernier bastion de la révolte albigeoise, haut lieu de la foi cathare, la forteresse de Montésgur couronne un mont hautain, isolé de tous les autres sommets. Mais sous le…
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henk-heijmans · 1 year
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Plowing, Montségur, France, 1950s by Jean Dieuzaide (1921 - 2003), French
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bitesize-astrology · 4 months
Keep Climbing
Friday - December 22, 2023
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In September I traveled to southwestern France, and visited the town of Montségur. In the town is this imposing mountaintop in which the ruins of one of the last strongholds of the Cathars still remain. I, along with six other impressive women, hiked to the top and spent time in those ruins. To say that hike (or climb) was challenging for me personally is an understatement. It took some internal determination, a sturdy walking stick, and the strong and steady hand of one of my Sisters. But once at the top, everything it took to get there - from the eleven hour flight from Atlanta, to the grunting and groaning of the climb - was 100%, unequivocally worth it.
Now that the Sun has moved into Capricorn we are more aware of the "work" ahead of us. And for many of you who have already been "working," you're looking at that Mountain and wondering if you have it in you. Can you possibly put one foot in front of the other one more time.
YES you can, and it's important to keep reminding yourself of that today. A retrograde Mercury conjuncts the Sun today at 0° Capricorn, an alignment that can have your mind doing the proverbial "making a mountain out of a molehill." No mountain is scaled in one step, no problem solved with one single solution. It is the combination of steps, in a consistent walk, that puts you on the mountaintop.
Don't shy away from the climb right now, even if you are tired and a bit weary. There was a time when you wished for that mountain, for the opportunity to scale the heights ... and now it's here.
Remember, from The Sound of Music's signature song ... Climb every mountain, Ford every stream, Follow every rainbow, 'Till you find your dream.
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c-etait-ailleurs · 7 months
Alaïs se tenait sur les murs de la citadelle de Montségur, silhouette gracile et esseulée dans son épais manteau d'hiver. La beauté lui était venue avec le passage des ans. Si mince qu'elle fût, la grâce se reflétait dans son visage, son port de tête, son maintien. Elle regarda ses mains : dans la lumière matinale, elles semblaient bleutées, presque translucides. Des mains de vieille femme. Alaïs sourit. Vieille, non. Plus jeune que son père quand la mort l'avait emporté.
Kate Mosse, Labyrinthe, LdP p. 699
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ovnihoje · 1 year
Quem são os guardiões secretos do Santo Graal?
Quem são os guardiões secretos do Santo Graal?
Os “Puros” salvaram um antigo artefato que dá poder sobre o mundo. O artefato foi literalmente “removido” das garras dos inquisidores, e a punição foi o martírio. Imagem de Davie Bicker por Pixabay Não há tantos lugares no mundo que atraiam tanta atenção de esoteristas e historiadores quanto o pequeno castelo de Montségur, localizado em uma montanha íngreme no sul da França. Este castelo não…
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abbedartigue · 12 hours
Montségur… Cette religion des Cathares sans Crèche, ni Croix, sans prière ni Grâce… Ces «parfaits» qui rejettent toute vie imparfaite… ces Purs qui s’efforcent de sauver Dieu et lui opposent un autre créateur pour le justifier du Mal dont la Création l’accuse et ôter de dessus de Lui le Péché du Monde… En vérité, tout cela me semble grand. Trop grand. Je me suis toujours éloignée de ce qui, devant Dieu, manque de misère… «Si je dois me glorifier, ce sera de ma faiblesse» et «Sa Grâce me suffit». Rien ne me paraît plus beau, entre Dieu et l’homme, que ces relations magnifiques du Péché et de la Grâce… Le Péché, cette grande blessure, ce grand cri – l’Église, avec David, ne chante guère autre chose – et la Grâce, le grand amour qui entre par cette plaie. Je ne voudrais pas, oh ! non ! être sans péché. Je ne voudrais pas, à Dieu, fermer cette porte grande ouverte. Misère… miséricorde. Toute la religion du Christ tient en ces deux mots-là – le Seul. Marie-Noël in Notes Intimes
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Events 3.16 (before 1970)
934 – Meng Zhixiang declares himself emperor and establishes the Later Shu as a new state independent of the Later Tang. 1190 – Massacre of Jews at Clifford's Tower, York. 1244 – Over 200 Cathars who refuse to recant are burnt to death after the Fall of Montségur. 1355 – Amidst the Red Turban Rebellions, Han Lin'er, a claimed descendant of Emperor Huizong of Song, is proclaimed emperor of the restored Song dynasty in Bozhou. 1621 – Samoset, a Mohegan, visits the settlers of Plymouth Colony and greets them, "Welcome, Englishmen! My name is Samoset." 1660 – The Long Parliament of England is dissolved so as to prepare for the new Convention Parliament. 1696 – The Dutch bombard Givet during the Nine Years' War. 1792 – King Gustav III of Sweden is shot; he dies on March 29. 1802 – The Army Corps of Engineers is established to found and operate the United States Military Academy at West Point. 1815 – Prince Willem proclaims himself King of the United Kingdom of the Netherlands, the first constitutional monarch in the Netherlands. 1872 – The Wanderers F.C. win the first FA Cup, the oldest football competition in the world, beating Royal Engineers A.F.C. 1–0 at The Oval in Kennington, London. 1898 – In Melbourne, the representatives of five colonies adopt a constitution, which would become the basis of the Commonwealth of Australia. 1916 – The 7th and 10th US cavalry regiments under John J. Pershing cross the US–Mexico border to join the hunt for Pancho Villa. 1918 – Finnish Civil War: Battle of Länkipohja is infamous for its bloody aftermath as the Whites execute 70–100 capitulated Reds. 1924 – In accordance with the Treaty of Rome, Fiume becomes annexed as part of Italy. 1925 – An earthquake (measuring around 7.0 magnitude) occurs in Dali, China, killing an estimated 5,000 people. 1926 – History of Rocketry: Robert Goddard launches the first liquid-fueled rocket, at Auburn, Massachusetts. 1935 – Adolf Hitler orders Germany to rearm herself in violation of the Treaty of Versailles. Conscription is reintroduced to form the Wehrmacht. 1936 – Warmer-than-normal temperatures rapidly melt snow and ice on the upper Allegheny and Monongahela rivers, leading to a major flood in Pittsburgh. 1939 – From Prague Castle, Hitler proclaims Bohemia and Moravia a German protectorate. 1941 – Operation Appearance takes place to re-establish British Somaliland. 1945 – World War II: The Battle of Iwo Jima ends, but small pockets of Japanese resistance persist. 1945 – Ninety percent of Würzburg, Germany is destroyed in only 20 minutes by British bombers, resulting in at least 4,000 deaths. 1962 – Flying Tiger Line Flight 739 disappears in the western Pacific Ocean with all 107 aboard missing and presumed dead. 1966 – Launch of Gemini 8 with astronauts Neil Armstrong and David Scott. It would perform the first docking of two spacecraft in orbit. 1968 – Vietnam War: My Lai massacre occurs; between 347 and 500 Vietnamese villagers are killed by American troops. 1969 – A Viasa McDonnell Douglas DC-9 crashes in Maracaibo, Venezuela, killing 155.
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sethian123 · 3 months
Twinkling Star of Montsegur (Choka Poem)
(Poem about the medieval siege of Château de Montségur, a religious battle aimed to destroy the Cathars)
Beneath stars twinkling
Sophia and Christ flew down
In the form of birds
In the form of large vultures
Vultures filled with grace
Vultures from the Great Mountains
The Mountains of Snow
They both perched on an ash tree
Whose roots go deep down
To Hades, the home of worms
Whose trunk goes high up
To the Kingdom of Heaven
They watched the white lambs
Twinkling with heavenly spears
Glittering with shields
Shining in holy armour
Gleaming with their swords
Ready to defend their home
Their faithful castle
Against the wolves of Saklas
However old fate
That serpent trapped in hunger
Wanted to slaughter
Every lamb looking upwards
Every faithful lamb
To snuff out their shining light
The light of the world
The two vultures from heaven
Knew this coming fate
And so, they sang in secret
“The home is the spear
The castle is the army
The home is the shield
The castle is the armour
The home is the sword
This small star of holy faith
Will soon disappear
When the red fire rises
From the dying earth
But after a day of toil
You will reunite
As a palace of starlight
And the lambs shall watch
As shining angels at peace
As twinkling stars of the night”
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Road scene by Montségur, Languedoc region of France
French vintage postcard
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stilouniverse · 5 months
Sabrina Ceni "L'araldo della Terza Parte", Ali Ribelli Edizioni
Ali Ribelli Edizioni 1244. Arpaïs ha solo tredici anni quando fugge dalle fiamme di Montségur. Con sé porta un antico manoscritto: l’Interrogatio Iohannis, memoria e speranza del suo popolo. Sulle rotte dei pellegrini e dei mercatanti, un lungo viaggio ha inizio; dall’Occitania alla Lombardia, da Cremona a Sirmione, fino al cuore della Tuscia, Fiorenza, dove tra i gigli bianchi si annidano covi…
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yespat49 · 6 months
Siège de Montségur / le péril cathare
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strings2book · 7 months
A Journey to Love
"A Journey to Love" is a deeply personal and spiritually enriching account that takes readers on a transformative pilgrimage through the mystical landscapes of southern France. In this captivating narrative, the author embarks on a Holy Grail journey, not only in the physical world but also in the realm of inner guidance and spiritual awakening.
One of the standout qualities of this book is its ability to transport readers beyond the confines of everyday thinking and into dimensions of profound spiritual insight. The author's vivid descriptions and heartfelt storytelling allow readers to accompany her on a journey that transcends the ordinary, providing glimpses into the mystical and divine.
Throughout the narrative, the book is infused with precious messages of love, encouraging readers to embark on their inner voyages toward self-discovery and connection with the divine. The author's personal experiences in heightened states of consciousness are particularly inspiring, as she encounters essential aspects of herself and uncovers ancient connections with figures such as Yeshua, Mary Magdalene, the Holy Family, the Essenes, Cathars, and Templars.
The historical backdrop of the Holy Family's journey to the south of France after the crucifixion adds an intriguing layer to the narrative. Readers are treated to a captivating exploration of sacred places visited by these historical figures, including Montpellier, Alet-les-Bains, Montségur, Puivert, Rennes-le-Château, Serres with the Pech Cardou, and Bugarach. The interweaving of past and present throughout the journey creates a sense of timelessness, where healing and reconciliation take place.
The author's willingness to share memories and experiences related to the Essenes, Cathars, Templars, Yeshua, and Mary Magdalene provides readers with a profound sense of connection to these historical and spiritual figures. The narrative doesn't shy away from addressing the pain, sadness, loneliness, and doubt that such memories can evoke, but it also offers a path to healing and transcendence.
It ultimately guides readers on a quest for deeper understanding, both of themselves and the mystical and spiritual dimensions of history. It offers a powerful reminder that our connections to the Light World and sacred, secret societies are ever-present, waiting to be rediscovered.
In conclusion, it is a captivating and spiritually enriching book that invites readers to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and connection with the divine. With its beautifully written narrative, profound insights, and historical depth, this book is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the mystical and spiritual aspects of southern France and its inner journey.
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antti-nannimus · 11 months
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heronstill · 1 year
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Montségur, France, 1950s by Jean Dieuzaide
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annesowine · 1 year
Vis ton Vin ! 15 et 16 Avril à Montségur
Durant deux jours, la bastide de Monségur en Entre-deux-Mers fête les vins vivants, bio, biodynamie et nature.Plus d’infos sur http://vistonvin.fr Plus de quarante viticulteurs venus du Sud-Ouest et d’autres régions de France seront réunis sur ces deux jours. Engagés pour des produits plus naturels, ils feront déguster leurs crus, et partageront leur histoire et leur passion sous la grande halle…
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