#no nonsense
pakgirls530916 · 4 months
Princess Anne,the no nonsense woman, so like her father Prince Phillip. Show us how you really feel 😂😂
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macabrecabra · 7 months
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Working on small doodles of OCs to give them a new facelift and life from old drawings c: Zetsu in particular has gone through so many incarnations....but slowly working on her look c: After so long of drawing her as "conventionally attractive" I realized that because of her rank...she doesn't have to look like that, so now experimenting with making her look more middle aged and refined c:
she is a personal favorite as an OC, as she is unapologetically evil. Sometimes just need a character who just has no moral compass and not out to prove anything u_u
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contac · 2 years
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periodically80s · 1 year
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aurianneor · 7 months
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The images are frightening. We see caravans of migrants crossing Central America on their way to the United States. We see boats filled to the brim off the coast of Florida or in the Mediterranean. In border towns, we see hordes of young men on the streets, destitute, jumping the barriers of detention centres, living in squats, sometimes addicted to drugs.
European countries and the United States claim to be so overwhelmed that they delegate their borders to Mexico, Turkey and the countries of North Africa. They pay them to process asylum applications before the migrants have set foot in the destination country. The detention centres are inhumane and the migrants jump the barriers to get to their destination. The barrier is very easy to jump. Migrants enter countries illegally because it is inhumane to ask to enter legally. So they don’t assert their rights.
Faced with these terrifying images, we hear the Right telling us that these illegals must be punished more severely, and we hear the Left telling us that there are no problems with migrants. These migrants work for a tenth of the price and cannot assert their rights before a judge. The people most affected by migration are the rural and poor. The result of this situation of irregularity is to create an extremely cheap labour force that cannot compete with European or American labour. It is legitimate to feel helpless when faced with these migrants. The fields in the United States and Europe are full of illegal workers and the fields are not controlled. The current policy simply creates more scope for employers. The people living in rural areas are concerned, and only the right wing is addressing them.
In the short term, many migrants are arriving at the borders of the West and there is no reason why their treatment should not be organised in humane conditions. Those who wish to assert their right to asylum do not deserve prison.
In the long term, the European and North American powers have largely contributed to making the countries of the South unliveable. We must stop actively destroying these countries. Multinationals must be held criminally responsible when they commit an act in these countries that would be a crime in the West. They must be tried in the West for pollution, subversion, corruption, forced labour, child labour, etc. On the other hand, the West can and must support democratic regimes when they emerge in these countries. African revolutionaries have all been killed. This has to stop.
It is only under these conditions that development aid can be effective. If we give development aid when these conditions are not met, it feeds corruption. Only effective development aid will create decent living opportunities in these countries and reduce the number of migrants.
Taking stronger action on climate change is also important to ensure that these countries do not become hellholes.
If these countries end up receiving a fair income from their resources and labour, they will become long-term customers and trading partners and will be able to deal with the sanitary problems that threaten us all.
Peru, biodiversity in danger: https://www.aurianneor.org/peru-biodiversity-in-danger/
“How can you frighten a man whose hunger”…: https://www.aurianneor.org/how-can-you-frighten-a-man-whose-hunger-is-not/
Fair trade and organic farming: https://www.aurianneor.org/fair-trade-and-organic-farming/
How can we win back trust?: https://www.aurianneor.org/how-can-we-win-back-trust/
Humiliated by the Republic: https://www.aurianneor.org/humiliated-by-the-republic/
“Calais ou pas caler”: https://www.aurianneor.org/calais-ou-pas-caler/
Solidarité Hélvétique: https://www.aurianneor.org/solidarite-helvetique-democratie-semi-directe/
License on the Red Planet – A science fiction story: https://www.aurianneor.org/license-on-the-red-planet-a-science-fiction/
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fruitcage · 3 months
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athenepromachos · 2 years
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White shirt ✔️
Bulging biceps ✔️
Taking no bratting expression ✔️
It's all too much.... 🥵
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nattousan · 2 years
tf y'all know about Steve cake
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daily-utsu-p · 1 year
Daily Utsu-P #121:
のうなんせんす (Nounansensu) / No-Nonsense | Original from the No-Nonsense EP
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dragonmuse · 2 years
it's been about a dozen mentions of izzy's therapist and no one has called on my shenanigans so today is the day I tell you directly that Izzy's therapist is Donna Noble. Dr. Donna if you will.
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deafeningdestinyaster · 7 months
“Not right now. My hair looks sweaty and gross.”
“Good point,” he says, and I want to punch him.
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nando161mando · 5 months
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aurianneor · 10 months
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Commerce équitable et bio
J’entends plein de bonnes idées sur le commerce équitable ou bio mais il m’en vient une réaction et une réflexion.
Tout d’abord, je pense qu’il est excessif d’imaginer un changement substantiel reposant sur le consommateur payant plus. Dans la majorité des pays d’Europe, nos producteurs sont payés une misère par les intermédiaires car ils vont pouvoir vivre des subventions, donc d’argent public qui vient justement de la poche des consommateurs qui paient aussi pour les frais de santé conséquents de la nourriture industrielle des pollutions et du chômage. En définitif, le consommateur a déjà payé via les taxes, les 3/4 du produit bon marché sur l’étagère avant même de l’acheter. Dur dans ces conditions de lui demander de choisir le produit “équitable” et plus cher d’à côté qui lui n’est pas subventionné.
Maintenant une réflexion plus générale:
Mon point de vue est que la révolution néo-libérale de la fin des années 70 est venue avec un corpus idéologique comprenant que l’Etat devait réglementer le moins possible mais subventionner plus. Un chèque pour l’essence, un autre pour la nourriture, des subventions aux producteurs comme aux consommateurs permettant des prix bas. Cet abandon du rôle de l’Etat protecteur permet aux industriels de ne pas subir les conséquence (pauvreté, santé, chômage) de leur modèle. Ce même principe s’applique dans les pays “à bas coûts”. En effet ce n’est pas par amour du Bangladesh qu’une marque produit là-bas mais parce que cet état comme d’autres ne joue pas son rôle de protecteur pour sa population ( ne pas polluer, ne pas faire travailler ses enfants, ne pas détruire ses ressources naturelles).
Cette idéologie a aussi été le compas d’organisation comme l’OMC (Organisation mondiale du commerce) qui a ouvert le commerce international en partant du principe que le simple fait de commercer et s’enrichir mutuellement produirait le développement pour tous. En conséquence, même si nous en venions à mieux “protéger” en Europe, la justice pour nos producteurs serait de ne plus importer de pays qui ne sont pas engagés dans la protection de leur propre population et environnement.
Je pense que cette réflexion va au-delà des biens de consommation. Par exemple, l’Etat providence va fournir une aide à un handicapé pour surmonter une marche, au lieu de se demander en premier lieu pourquoi ne pas lever l’obstacle et permettre à la personne de vivre dignement. Bien sûr il y aura toujours besoin que la communauté aide ses plus vulnérables mais aujourd’hui cet argument est exploité pour le profit des intermédiaires.
Il faudrait imposer des critères respectueux de l’environnement à l’interne comme à l’import car ils sont moins coûteux pour les citoyens et garantissent un respect des sols nécessaires à la pérennité de l’exploitation et à la régulation climatique. En effet, les exploitations industrielles appauvrissent les sols et à terme les rendent infertiles et sans eau qui régule la température.
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fruitcage · 3 months
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thepoisonroom · 7 months
beauty standards are so fucked up what happened to i love your body because it's you. what then.
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lastoneout · 5 months
I know this is a tiny part of the wider problems born of diet culture, fatphobia, classism, and racism but like god the idea that "healthy" food must inherently taste bad has completely ruined us as a society.
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