#noine noine posts
noine-noine · 1 day
Charles: Jake, I need life advice. Jake, sipping gatorade and eating cookie dough: You came to the right person.
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fallenwingzero · 1 year
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I love that Noin's weird American western style outfits spread to Zechs and Naina. It's like a family thing to dress as cowboys/gunslingers, except Zechs takes it one step further and goes to a saloon shoot-out 😂.
Poor Milou with his wearing all black though. You know at some point the other three have chanted "one of us, one of us" at the poor boy.
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nanjokei · 7 months
senyuu fans that arent jaded yet and are still following the current story is noin there in person yet i stopped reading when hero crea turned into a minor joke chara. the euphoria of noin being mentioned by juli and august has worn off
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unxpctedlygreat · 1 year
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This cost me an arm but!!!!!!!!!! Got my hands on Houses's collector edition I'm so!!!!!! ☺💕
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ikuzeminna · 1 year
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In my previous post I talked about the women of Gundam Wing not being treated as awards or reasons for man pain for the guys and I’m actually a little surprised that no one so far called me out on Meilan because at first glance, she falls right into that category. Because her death is specifically there to motivate Wufei and do nothing else. No one else knows about her, her death doesn’t affect anyone or anything else.
Except for her grandma who is apparently still so grief-stricken she blows up her entire colony. Thanks for more trauma, Master Long.
But I guess I’m gonna call myself out here then and derail this into a meta about Meilan’s portrayal actually being male-coded. Apparently I’m also gonna make up words while doing so lol
What do I mean? Let’s first clear up what I meant when I said the Wing women aren’t used for man pain. Man pain is quite an umbrella term that’s supposed to describe any instance of the narrative portraying a male’s emotional pain be of a higher magnitude than anyone else’s within his story. Especially women’s.
In my post I was referring to the very specific case where a woman’s suffering is stripped from her narratively and made exclusively a guy’s problem, to the point it only exists if it’s in relation to him. Think Gwen Stacy’s death affecting Spiderman or 2009‘s Spock’s mom dying or Aang burning Katara and then moping about never firebending again, necessitating her comforting him about his (accidental) assault on her. messed up doesn’t even begin to cover that last one The girl with the puppy is actually an example of this in Wing because her death only exists to make Heero feel bad. She isn't even given a name. The most classic example really is a guy’s mom dying though and him being forever sad about it. It’s the easy way for the writer to give his manly man something to cry over without making him a wimp. Otherwise Kira from Gundam Seed would be more popular.
But when we get asked to name a famous fictional death, I think most people will pick Mufasa, the prime example ever of a death affecting the audience. And it makes sense. Because not only was Mufasa a good parent, who sacrificed his life to save his son, Simba’s entire hero’s journey is basically living up to his father’s example. It's what drives the story.
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And that’s the difference between men and women dying in fiction, especially parents. If a mother dies, it’s something to be sad over (i.e. Spock). If a father dies, it’s a legacy to uphold (i.e. Kirk). Simba is never worried about living up to Sarabi’s expectations. Hiccup spends three movies trying not to shame his father. Katniss won’t shut up about what a great person her dad was even though her mom is right there, being the medic for her entire district, but never being worth emulating in any way.
The same goes if it’s just a friend. A female friend’s death is a devastating event, a male friend’s death is a call to not let his sacrifice be in vain.
Which brings us back to Meilan. Meilan may have been written as just a device to give Wufei a tragic backstory, which lands her squarely in man pain territory, but narratively she is the same category as Mufasa, influencing Wufei to the degree he changes his entire way of life to live up to her memory and hold himself accountable during the series when he fails to do so, which yanks her right out of it again.
Besides, Wufei never goes around openly mourning her death. It’s hidden in aggressiveness and weird sexism towards Noin and his odd reverence of his Gundam. I love that it was supposed to be a secret that would have been revealed at the middle of the series, just like everyone else’s backstories, had the schedule not been crazy, giving us the recap episodes instead. Alas...
But this is one of the reasons I love Gundam Wing so much. The colony leader Heero Yuy and the late King Peacecraft may be revered figures within its universe, but by the end of the series, and definitely by EW, the person the entire galaxy admires is Relena. A girl. Which is completely deserved for all the things she manages to pull off, mind you.
I love most that Heero admiring Relena also has a very personal aspect to it. He knows her. He knows how bullheaded she can be. She’s not an abstract to him, he’s intimately familiar with that Gundanium backbone of hers. That scene on Libra where they keep throwing compliments at each other is great. Relena tries to transfer her accomplishments to Heero, playing into narrative tradition of gender roles here where the guy always gets all the glory, no matter how competent the girl may have been (glaring at you here, Hiccup and Astrid >_>) and Heero, the show’s male protagonist, bounces it right back, telling her he is nothing compared to her, landing a sweet blow to narrative sexism.
Gundam Wing is a weird little show where I don’t know if one could call it feminist considering how every woman is assigned to a man, with Treize and Zechs and Duo and Wufei standing above their female counterparts due to their strength or lineage or because they’re the series’ Char clone, but within the roles it assigned to everyone, it does a wonderful job of not being sexist about them. Une is portrayed as more competent than Treize, who is more of an opportunist. Zechs outright says Noin is better than him. Wufei won’t shut up about Nataku and what a failure he is. It's like the show apologizes for being Gundam and made in the 90s, explaining why the pilots and big bads all have to be male, but they'll make the female characters as cool as they can to make up for it. Here, have some Sally and Noin being a badass duo or Relena and Dorothy carrying the philosophical debate during the Cinq arc.
....Except Hilde. I got nothing here because her and Duo are classic gender roles to a T, haha. But at least Duo is not being a jerk about it, which is more than can be said about most fictional guys trying to dictate a female’s actions. Duo lets Hilde make her own decisions.
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paganimagevault · 8 months
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Tillya Tepe 1st C. BCE - 1st C. CE. There's a lot more pictures on my blog (with individual descriptions). Link at bottom of post.
Tillya Tepe is a burial site that hosts six graves, one man and five women. I didn't see anything about genetics of the people buried there. It seems to be generally assumed that the people buried there were Scythian, Yuezhi, or Parthian. There are a lot of Hellenistic themes, with Central Asian influence, to the art. Some of the jewelry is nearly identical to those found in the Xiongnu tombs of Gol Mod and Noin Ula, which are dated to the 1st C. CE also. There is a Chinese mirror. A Roman coin of Tiberius, minted in Gaul is also present. There are coins from India, Parthia, and the Yuezhi also. Items found here seem to have come from the Western-most part of Europe and the Eastern-most part of Asia and various places in-between. The finds are generally dated between the 1st C. BCE and the 1st C. CE, with nothing later than that.
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gatormeister · 4 months
Gundam Wing is finished!
And while I might not have come out of it thinking it was peak Gundam, it was certainly at least good Gundam. These final 10 episodes were definitely the show at its best. Everything felt much more cohesive and well put together than what came before it. Zechs's turn to essentially Char's plan made a sort of sense. As far as I could tell Zechs essentially felt like he needed to become the villain in order to unite the Earth and colonies. And I assume he was aware he would fail when he didn't say anything to Heero telling him that the Wing Zero said he had no future. All in all a fantastic send off to a bumpy series.
Zechs and Treize were fantastic as always. Duo and Quatre remain my favorite Gundam pilots in the series. Lady Une returns, loved that. Noin actually stands out to me as another character I ended up really enjoying on screen. Poor Relena kept getting jerked around with whether or not she was allowed to make her own moves by giving up control to Treize. Which was kind of annoying, I really wanted Relena to be shown making her own moves in the politics game more often. She did whenever she had the power to, but the show was very quick to make sure she didn't have that power for very long at all, and that was kind of frustrating.
I suppose the hot take for this show is that I think it has worse opening episodes than Double Zeta. Double Zeta's big issue in it's opening episodes were the mood whiplash, every motivation and decision made some sort of sense sense, it was just a goofy sort of sense. The goofier tone of Double Zeta's front half would come to be charming in retrospect as the second half's own shift in tone broke down the goofballs you got to know. Wing's opening episodes left me frustrated with what felt like a ton of confusing characters, unknown motivations, and poor characterization. Now those were only the opening episodes Wing didn't take as long to ease those frustrations as Double Zeta did, but unlike Double Zeta it never made me come around and look fondly on those episodes either. It has the scene of Relena tearing up the card Heero leaves her, which was a very nice call back, but it was more a call back to Heero and Relena's strange relationship more than to the opening episodes themself.
That said I am going to watch Endless Waltz, and come back with another post. Looking forward to it since I've only heard good things so far.
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zookazooks · 1 year
Trowa Barton and Lucrezia Noin meet one another in the middle of the butch/twink venn diagram, send post
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gundamzine · 11 months
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@avaantares brings us some post-canon fic, featuring Zechs and Noin. 
Like what you see?  Sign up to get your free PDF copy of the 2023 Gundam Wing zine Battle Scars and Kitchen Cabinets by completing the form OVER HERE.  
@zineapps @zine-scene @zinefeed @zinesubmissions @fandomzines @zinefans
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noine-noine · 27 days
Charles: Rosa hasn't answered her phone all day, she must be asleep or something. Gina: Rosa never sleeps in, let me try. Charles: Oh please, like she'll answer you over me - Rosa, instantly: Hello?
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fallenwingzero · 1 year
The importance of Wufei training Milou in Frozen Teardrop just dawned on me.
Noin entrusting her own son to Wufei, who was responsible for the death of the cadets that she trained back at the Victorian base, to be raised and trained by him for 3 years really shows how far the two of them have come and how must trust Noin has in Wufei and his abilities.
It well and truly shows that, at least with these two, the cycle of revenge has ended.
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bryony-rebb · 1 year
Noin the doormat
I’ve been thinking about this increasingly the last few years. When I was in high school I definitely considered Noin to be a bit of a doormat -- a doormat I was very fond of, but still in a way where I was like ‘ugh, why did they have to make her like that’. But you know... the older I get, the less I see her in this light.
For me at least, I think a lot of my perception was tied up in that anecdote we get about how she let Zechs be the top student at LVA and placed herself second. And I still see a lot of people talk about that when critiquing Noin and citing disappointment in her character arc. This is also the point where I think my take on her has changed the most over the years.
Because firstly...the only source we really have about this tidbit is Zechs (in the show, anyway, I don’t know about the supplementary materials/FT, sorry, but I assume most people are also taking their knowledge on this point directly from the show, the same as I am). The thing about that is...do we really think Zechs is that reliable a narrator? Like. Reeeeeeally? (I am not the first person to point this out, but I am going to re-iterate it because I think it’s worth mentioning lol.)
That’s not to say there’s not some truth to what he says. Noin was the second-ranked student while Zechs took the top spot, that’s not in dispute, just the how and why that might have come about. And all I’m saying is, I think there’s some grey area there that’s fun to play with.
But secondly...let’s say Zechs is entirely on point. Noin gave herself a mission to make Zechs #1 at her own expense. I’ve heard people say, like, well it was because she realized Zechs’s own mission against the Alliance was more important or whatever, which is totally viable...but also still solidly doormat territory, IMO.
However, the other thing we know about Noin is....SHE HATES WAR. Again, Zechs’s words, but he says this directly to her and she has the chance to dispute it and she doesn’t, so.
And I don’t know why this took such a long time to click in my brain, but. LVA is a military academy right, so if it functions like I assume it does, the cadets receive their education and in exchange have an obligation to serve for a certain length of time thereafter. So it’s not exactly like the high school I went to, where being the top student might afford you a better choice of university or at least look good on your CV or something as you go out into the world (which, looking back is also kinda BS honestly, but whatever). If you’re the top student at LVA, you end up like Zechs. You’re not going out into the world, you’re going out to the front lines. And if you’re Noin, and you hate war...why would you want to do that? I wouldn’t.
So my current take is that actually, trying to avoid the top ranking is Noin valuing her own self-interest and putting herself first, and therefore...not a doormat. Yay!
(There are, in fairness, other doormat arguments that could be made, but this has gotten kinda long, so. Some other post, maybe.)
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curtvilescomic · 11 months
Sorry about somewhat silencer but in Finland's neighbouring " nation" russia there is now ab armed revolt by war-criminal Wagner PMC. So rogue war-criminal state versus their war-criminal mercenaries.
Finland has over 800 miles something like 1300 kilometers of border with russia. There will be refugees and carnage.
And our current far-right government is silent. Last time russia used refugees as hybrid warfare our current so called Prime Minister Petteri Orpo was the Minister of Interior and screwed it up . Our current Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen ( who when still maiden name Lepomäki was active in Finnish far-right racist net sites) has not said anything, like our Defense Minister but at least our President Sauli Niinistö commented. . about football which americans call soccer.
So yeah since there is no reliable leadership the citizens are wary and nervous. Because we are right next to the chaos. Russian " special military operation" is really special and while I do not ( yet) fear that the war/ civil war comes to Finnish ground having that big nation in freefall next door and having no capable adults in our political "top" makes it difficult to post just comics, movies and pretty ladies.
But I will try 
Suomalaiset tämän tietääkin. Diktaattori Kekkonen oli noin kaikessa väärässä mutta nyt on kyllä Saatanan tunarit asialla 
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bunnakit · 1 day
i did indeed watch the new ep of my stand in today but i wont have my thoughts post until tomorrow bc ive started watching the episodes every week with @twenty-noine and we need to scream in vc (literally) on fridays, so from now on my meta posts will prob be on saturdays lol
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thisweekingundamwing · 7 months
This Week in Gundam Wing 17- 30 September 2023
Here’s the roundup for September 17th - 30th, 2023!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make next week!
~Mod Hel
Green Mischief https://archiveofourown.org/works/50260426
Gen, Trowa Barton & Duo Maxwell
Sally Po, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, Heero Yuy
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Cocktail Friday, Alcohol, Trowa and Duo being little shits, bad star wars references, Wufei will not be pleased
Sally is unimpressed by the creepy-looking cocktail Trowa and Duo serve her, especially when they start talking nonsense. Before long, however, her own plan begins to form.
Wine and Hugs https://archiveofourown.org/works/50416243
F/F, Sally Po & Lady Une,Lucrezia Noin & Lady Une, Lucrezia Noin/Sally Po
Lady Une, Sally Po, Lucrezia Noin, Mariemaia Khushrenada (mentioned)
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Cocktail Friday, Alcohol, Wine, Birthday, Friendship, Post-Canon, Not Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Compliant
Sally and Noin bring Une a belated birthday gift.
Fandom Discourse:
GW Prompt Meme event
Rules: https://gwpromptmeme.dreamwidth.org/408.html
Main Page: https://gwpromptmeme.dreamwidth.org/
Calendar Events:
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompts for Friday, October 6th! https://gwcocktailfriday.tumblr.com/post/730182557559291904/cocktail-friday-post-responses-on-friday-october
In need of prompts!
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/730188053636841472/updated-events-calendar
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
GW Holiday Gift Exchange 2023
Participants List https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/730187822630322176/participants
GW Hallows
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noirangetrois · 8 months
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Gundam Wing Relationships: Sally Po & Lady Une, Lucrezia Noin & Lady Une, Lucrezia Noin/Sally Po Characters: Lady Une, Sally Po, Lucrezia Noin, Mariemaia Khushrenada (mentioned) Additional Tags: Cocktail Friday, Alcohol, Wine, Birthday, Friendship, Post-Canon, Not Gundam Wing: Frozen Teardrop Compliant
Summary: Sally and Noin bring Une a belated birthday gift.
Excerpt: Une had just gotten comfortable on her couch, reading glasses on and book open in her lap - yes, an honest to goodness paper book - when she heard a knock on the front door. Confused, she set down her book and got up to check through the peephole, then smiled as she recognized two of her closest friends.
“Sally, Noin, to what do I owe the pleasure?” she asked once she’d opened the door.
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