#not going to tag the characters in the background
ghouljams · 1 day
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I wanna do my own writing challenge but I am also a jokester and a buffoon, so...
Ghoul's "King Killer" Challenge (inspired by @391780 and @glitterypirateduck)
I want to see people kill König in absolutely insane and convoluted ways. I'm gonna be honest this is for the König lovers as much as the haters, you cannot tell me you love a character if you're not willing to explode them in your mind just a little bit.
Please be 18+ to participate and tag me @ghouljams in your post. I'll put all posts onto a master list. Please tag your fics appropriately, and please no suicide or rape, these are meant to be comedic deaths.
This can be angst fic or this can be a background death in a different character fic, I just want that man dead. And most importantly I want it to be in an incredibly convoluted and stupid way. I'm providing what I call "dumb ways to die" prompts but honestly if the spirit moves you or you have an idea fucking go for it.
There's no real time limit on this but I'll give y'all June 16-23 as the golden zone.
"I want that man dead"
The second known case of spontaneous human combustion
Death rolled by an alligator
Eaten by hampsters
Fell out of bed too hard
Someone stuck their finger in his gun and it exploded looney toons style
His phone battery exploded while he was calling someone
Bit by a rabid animal
Turned into goo
Hit by a t-shirt canon
Tried to pet a bear
Testing a stab proof jacket gone wrong
Attempted to drive a fork lift
Tried to outrun a train
Attempted to rescue a chicken from a well
Tried to disassemble a grenade
Insisted he could literally walk on water(couldn't)
Snake coiled around his shotgun and ended up pulling the trigger
Attempted to demonstrate "unbreakable" glass
Tripped and fell into concrete
Shook a soda can too hard and it exploded
Fell out of a roller coaster seat
Ate a peach pit and got cyanide poisoning
Vicious mockery but in real life
Ate expired food
Tried to climb an electric fence
Smoking near blasting powder
Hit by a meteor
Attempted electrical work himself
Anal gone wrong
Anal gone right
Osha violation
Was watching the eclipse while driving
Sat too long in a sauna
Fell down stairs
Choked on own spit
Lawn chair balloon flight into controlled air space
Circus performance gone wrong
Attempted karate
Easily preventable causes
Flying hammer
"Be quiet silica gell packet, can't you see I'm starving?"
"Trust me, I know what I'm doing"
"You're not going to shoot me, you would've done it already"
"I saw someone do this in a movie once"
A legless lizard crawled somewhere it wasn't supposed to
That evil bunny from Monty Python
Driving with both feet
Fell in a wood chipper
Attempted sword swallowing
So so bad at blowjobs
The hubris of men
Too many pillows on his bed
Met a cryptid
Weather related accident
Walked into a pole
Falling piano
Siphoning gas
Bee sting
Mosh pit accident
Not wearing a helmet
Not watching where he's going
Fell in a hole
"Looks safe enough"
Antagonizing the crows
Cow tipping gone wrong
"No little german boy don't go in that cave"
Microwaving something
Rube Goldberg Machine
Time Machine
Shrink Ray
Building falls on just him
Dog farts (those things are deadly)
Crafting gone wrong
Cuteness Aggression (The cute thing is aggressive)
Ink poisoning
A dog wags too hard and hits him with their tail
Slipped on a banana peel
Choking on a life saver candy
Electric car explodes
If none of these strike your fancy feel free to come up with your own convoluted and silly death for the man we all love (or love to hate)
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Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side A: Round 3
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to @ tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Jaiden Wells | She/her | @apotheoseity
Jaiden is.. really just some girl. A college student and avid Tumblr user, many of the people she's close to are wrapped up into supernatural or otherwise out-of-this-world situations, but she's just.. not. Everyone around her is terrified that she'll be exposed to some sort of horror, and at some points she's jealous of the people around her for leading such interesting lives, but she remains.. utterly mundane.
Promos: https://toyhou.se/16595108.jaiden-wells
Adan Botello | He/him | @rainecloud020604
Adan is a highschooler who is just looking to pass class, go home and play Minecraft. He doesn't want to be unique or special any more than he is, maybe being a Minecraft YouTuber would be awesome but that's all he wants out of life. No matter what is thrown at him he tends to run away from it, like a fantasy world trying to claim he's a prince, he wants nothing to do with it. He just wants to be a normal kid, graduate high school and play Minecraft. He's also got transgender and autistic swag
Promos: https://toyhou.se/17322997.adan-botello check out the comic featuring Adan on this blog @a-tale-in-a-bottle
Wally Rosette | He/him | @hershelchocolateart
Wally Rosette is a 15-year-old kid who was chosen (and then kidnapped) to attend the Elite Villainous International Learning facility. This position, however, is solely because his parents were world-famous villains. Wally himself has no interest in the business, and is often described as the sweetest person any of the cast has ever met. He spends most of his time in the background, helping out faculty and students with their homework or various tasks, and only ever becoming relevant when homework *is* the plot of the week. Wally is just a kind kid who knows better than to get involved in the plot and loves his friends so so so so so so so fucking much it's unreal
Promos: https://toyhou.se/8256045.wally-rosette <-wallys toyhouse profile! https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/the-villain-school/list?title_no=97541 <-the comic he's in (discontinued because I'm doing a different one - it is 6/40 chapters with a planned remake Somewhere in the distant future)
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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[no extra description provided]
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Despite the fact all he desires to be is just some guy the universe keeps trying to make him more than some guy. He's supposed to be a hero, a prince, but he keeps running from the idea of it so much he ends up in another world entirely and all he wants is to go home and be normal, all he wants! He's not looking to save his sister, she can save herself she's strong. He just wants to go home :( that's all he really wants in life and he's getting really tired of the universe saying otherwise
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THIS IS MY VERY FAVORITE BABY BOY So Wally is a sweet kid, but because his parents were world-famous, he never really got a choice in who they raised him to be. This resulted in him having a BUNCH of self-worth issues that he tries to deal with on the side because he doesn't want to get his friends involved. He has two (2) major points in the plot (OUT OF 40 CHAPTERS)- one plot point where he ignores the main antagonist to get a boyfriend instead, and one where his entire arc finally culminates in "Wally Learns How To Say No To People." Outside of that, he does NOTHING regarding the main plot and is a C plot character at best. He is simply involved and there in the background because I love him so much and he is my precious little baby boy and yeah sure maybe I loved him so much I made 27 alternate universe versions of him that all have plot relevance in all my stuff but *this* wally is simply a boy and he is blue and he is lovely and I would kill and cry for him every day
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captainqster · 3 days
Art History Aesthetics - Lidell Locke
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Bold what applies to your character!
tired eyes / coffee stains on the table / listening to the bustle of the city / unmade beds / ponytails / sunlight seeping through the curtains / chapped lips / walking barefoot across floorboards / dusty dictionaries / black and white reruns / huge sweaters / ticking of the clock / hearing birds in the morning / fireplaces / falling asleep during class
freckles / the sun rising / watching the sea / taking shots of the city / historical museums / bright eyes / looking up at the clouds / walls covered in artwork / drawing in the middle of lessons / tracing your fingers on the sand / painting for hours / staying in uncrowded coffee shops / worn paperbacks / messy braids / going to bed with your knee socks on
dark hair / a little sophisticated / always observing the world around you / intricate designs / high ceilings / extravagant musical pieces / dim lights / colorless photographs / fancy furniture / pale skin / hearing soft footfalls coming from outside your room / mischievous looks / bitten nails / candlelight dinners / dark shades of lipstick
chandeliers / the clinking of a teacup / laced clothing / modern architecture / light hair / watching the view from the terrace / hidden birthmarks / drinking tea in the morning / wandering about in an empty building / botanical gardens / old films / ancient marble sculptures / expensive perfume / breakfast in bed / reading stories about mythology
compassion / short writings on scraps of paper / blushed cheeks / a bouquet of roses / reading collections of poetry late at night / loose hair / carpeted floors / attending operas / faint music playing in the background / staying under the covers until midday / the night sky / streetlights / picking flowers / dancing around in silk dresses / scented candles
Thank you @why-raven for the tag!
Did this for Lidell since he's so new and needs to be fleshed out. Tagging @avaritia-ffxiv @justalittleraven @disaster-husbun @mist-touched and @zylphiacrowley! If you've already done it feel free to ignore or do for a different OC
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fortunatetragedy · 2 days
WIP questionnaire tag
Ray of starshine @the-golden-comet hit me with this tag and I HAVE NOT SEEN THIS ONE BEFORE thank you so much!
I will be answering for Doom Metal Love Story.
What’s the first part of your WIP that you created?
Figuring out who the characters were. I then wrote the 275-page Bad Ending timeline the characters go through in 1874. The worldbuilding (it's a historical AU) I made up as I went.
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I'm kind of medicated rn so the idea of a cover of "Du Hast" by Rammstein done in 1870s-style music is making me laugh.
What are your favorite characters that you made? Why?
Honestly, it's Sullivan, the protagonist. I originally got through the first draft by going, "He's a literary device, he's not a real person, you're just out of practice" (this is one of the darkest things I've written so I felt bad LOL.) Then I learned more about who he is as a person and I realized I couldn't tell that kind of story using this character. He deserved to catch the bad guy and save his stupid boyfriend from becoming the avatar of a dead god, not have what I did to him in draft 3 happen to him. Also he's fucking funny and my roommate and I are always doing "the Sullivan voice" whenever anything mildly inconvenient happens so we sound as if we're describing the hardships of an 1870s frontier cavalry first sergeant, and that's the greatest gift anyone could have ever given me. Thank you, Cole.
What other pieces of media do you think your fanbase would share?
My fans probably love Pathologic, Dungeon Meshi, and that show where Mads Mikkelsen and Hugh Dancy get covered in blood and fuck each other with knives (I have never seen Hannibal.)
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
It's character-driven. Royston is a "moral outlaw" (old-timey for "psychopath.") Sullivan wants a Golden Ending. Look at my fucking outline for Book 2.
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#time loops
Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
OMG yes. Sullivan's horse Molly is a character. Royston is jealous of her for roughly half the 1872-73 storyline. It's... he has psychological problems.
How do your characters travel/get around?
It is 1872-1874 (depending on where we are in the time loop) so we get around by the following means: 1. Train! 2. Horse! 3. Boots! 4. ... Sullivan has to use crutches in Book 2! 5. ... Royston might learn how to fucking teleport at some point but that's... I don't even want to think about that.
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
I am on Book 2 of three. I just finished Chapter 7. It's the "debate" section for the novel but we're in the "fun and games" section of the entire trilogy so the fact I don't have a nosebleed rn is impressive.
What aspects (tropes, maybe?) will you think draw your audience in?
Who doesn't love a Western that has time loops and weird Eldritch shit happening in the background?
I'm fucking with the Sliding Scale of Fate vs. Free Will
It's scary sometimes?
You've heard of They Were Roommates? Let me introduce you to They Were Friends.
We're going for the Golden Ending. I have no clue how I'm going to pull this off but I believe in my ability to keep typing until I do.
What are your hopes for your WIP?
All I want to do is cause irreparable psychological damage to people who thought they knew how the world worked until they read my novel. And maybe to break Top 100 in Western Horror eBooks on A-Zon, at least for like an hour. I did that once and now I'm going to chase that dragon the rest of my life.
tag! @astramachina @cowboybrunch @dyrewrites @frostedlemonwriter
@noblebs @pb-dot @sentfromwolves @transthadymacdermot @words-after-midnight @zackprincebooks
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fl0atingbubbles · 3 days
Want to be a part of an Indi animated show??
yep, that's right! I'm working with some friends on an indi animated show inspired by all those who came before! The concept has been building for around a year now and we've decided to start looking for some more artists and writers!
The show is called ZOMBIECORE!
ZOMBIECORE is a horror mystery show about a zombie bunny in a city of cannibal demons! Follow her as she searches for her killer through the 5 districts of Ghastown!
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(click on the images to see them better)
Now before I go on any further;
This is just a passion project that we are working on in our spare time, if things progress further there might be payment down the line, but that is extremely far away and not at all guarantied. If this does not work for you, don't apply!!
anyway, onto the details! We're looking for concept artists/animators as well as writers for the script!
artists/animators will be (you don't have to be doing all of them if you're an artist, just what you're comfortable with!):
- making visual concepts for the show's overall look - character designs - background/location concepts - animation/movement concepts - and anything else that comes up!
this role could also evolve into you helping out with backgrounds, storyboards, or animations when we get further along!
Writers will be:
- planning the episodes - writing the scripts
yep that's about that! some important things for you to note before applying tho!
- this is UNPAID (like i said before) - you only have to do work you're %100 happy to do and take breaks whenever you need - you can drop out whenever - you don't need a specific skill level. We are accepting every and all applications from expert to beginner! so don't feel like your art isn't good enough <3
I'm working as the animation director and a Co-writer, so I'll be there to help with whatever role you have, and if you've been following me for a while you know i don't bite.
How to apply
- Have discord (no way around this) - Send me a DM on discord (user Fl0atingBubbles) - if you want to be an artist, please add examples of your art! Anything animation or concept based would be loved, but any art will work!
Once you have sent me a message I will look over your application and send it to the director (their name is Bloom)! We will then decide if you're allowed on the team! you might have to talk to Bloom before you can join just to check if you'll work, but they're super nice lol
after all that you'll be welcomed to the team and can start helping out!!
If you have any questions about this please ask and I'll give you the best answer i can!!
✨Also, if you guys could share this post around or tag anyone you think would be interested, that would be great! we'd love as many eyes on this as possible!!✨
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forcebookish · 3 days
[updated!] the weight in her heart (2/5)
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Happy IchiRuki Week! Day 7: Finish that WIP (chapter)
Summary: In the span of a few days, Ichigo goes from giving the transfer student a ride to school on his bicycle to watching her die right in front of him. With nowhere else to go, Rukia’s ghost haunts him, hoping to find out what killed her and move on. Claiming it’s only about getting her out of his closet, Ichigo does everything he can to help her move on—including confronting her family and, of all things, going on a date. Yet the more he does for her, the less he wants to let her go. And the closer they become, the heavier the Chain of Fate on Rukia’s chest grows. (Rated M)
Word count: 10,509
Tags: Major character death, human/ghost AU, canon-typical violence, Hollows, Quincy, whump, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, fake/pretend relationship, sexual content, first dates, first kiss, wake & funeral, alcohol, underage drinking, background TatsuHime
Please reblog; kudos, comment, and subscribe on AO3 :)
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tortadecereji · 1 year
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They'd get along just fine!
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frogetime · 2 months
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first time in the gardening room
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bloominglegumes · 20 days
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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medi-bee · 2 months
i'm cooking
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
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Oh, it’s gonna be the way you always thought it would be
but it’s gonna be no illusion
Oh, it’s gonna be the way you always dreamt about it
but it’s gonna be really happenin’ to ya
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aquanutart · 2 years
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Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side A: Round 3
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to @ tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Tulip | It/Its | @joyfulness03
-Literally just a little tulip mouse -Caught in the middle of a monster war, but is entirely oblivious to anything happening (not privy to The Horrors, because it is literally just a mouse) -Day plans: curling up in the sun to photosynthesize. it is fully booked, indefinitely -The most neutral of neutral parties (group pet) and the most background of background characters (group pet) -very friendly to everyone that pets it and gives its treats. it only bites a little bit, just little love nibbles. Average rodent behavior but with slightly sharper, plantier teeth
Andrew Moss | He/him | @flowerrose14 (submitted by @rainecloud020604)
Andrew is just your average nerd, ghost hunter and an anxious wreck but despite it all he is a guy. Despite the horrors of being shrunk and traumatized hes still himself, an anxious wreck of a human who thinks the supernatural is awesome and he wants to study it so so bad. Even though fairy hunting gone wrong is literally the reason he got cursed, he's still interested in the supernatural. After all its awesome, and whats going to stop him.
Promos: https://toyhou.se/14728111.andrew https://toyhou.se/HotChocolateGalaxy
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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[no extra description provided]
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Andrew is in a group of lets see, a demon, vampire, a dragon, and hes the only human and hes literally just some guy in the group its so funny. He's weird yes but hes so normal compared to the rest of them and even though he was cursed for a while other than the fact that he was a bit traumatized by the whole thing he is just some guy still he just sits weird and asks his demon boyfriend weird invasive questions about being a demon and his habits.
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sirmanmister · 30 days
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This is a redraw from January 6 2023, in honour of it being 1 YEAR since I posted the last chapter of The Father(s) and Son(s)!!!!! A little bit over a year actually because it was April 10th and it took me a little while to draw this lol
So much has changed in the span of a year omg. And for THE BETTER?? Like I’m going to school, I made and lost friends, I’m slowly but surely getting over some social anxiety (still a wip tho!!! 😭😭) and I’ve found so many cool mutuals and artists and just!!!! AAA!! Not to mention my art skills have improved a whole HELL of a lot!! LMAO
I don’t write as much as I did when I wrote my fic initially, and I feel bad for that sometimes, but it’s just a testament to how things have gotten a lot better for me and it’s not bad that I’m busy. I’m still trying to cobble together some more writing to eventually get another fic out, cuz I do genuinely miss it, but we’ll get there when we get there!
Pspsps closeups/old pic under the cut!!
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marblerose-rue · 1 year
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click for better quality!
sisters cinderpelt and brightheart
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fruit colored ninja??! 🥥🍇🍏🫐🍊🍓🍈
follow for more sillies <3 more stuff below the cut ↓
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at first i was trying to give them all outfits from my closet but i realized i just wanted to make designs instead. here’s the original sketch i did at work and the height reference chart i made. and some closeups :)
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