#not in any particular order~
evasive-anon · 3 months
Jason looking his actual age.
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Random panels from RHATO N52 that vibe with my mental image of Jason’s appearance. RHATO sucks but I do love how Jason looks in a lot of it. I just need him to look like actual fucking teenager and not a middle aged man and I am so desperate for it that I will take it wherever I can find it.
Saved these because I kept thinking about it after @ghost-bxrd’s ask post with crack about Red Hood being adoptable. (Tagging you 'cause it seemed like you may like having these.)
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dragonroilz · 6 months
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the prettiest girl in town, the new girl, and the eldritch god slayer
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dilfmobius · 3 months
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Lokius moments that altered my brain chemistry [1/?]
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imaginederror · 2 months
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Some more warrior nun screenshot drawings
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polycrews · 1 year
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happy homestuck to those who celebrate
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wyrm-in-the-apple · 1 year
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And then they all went out for ice cream.
For @nashdoesstuff‘s Dream tournament
Identification of each Dream below the cut:
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Left to right
Front row (around the table):
Shattered!dream [@galacii-gallery], modernverse!dream [@ask-modern-verse], one small dream!dream [@calcium-cat], malltale!dream / mall [@withtheworms & 0netype]
Second row:
empireverse!dream [@lunnar-chan], dawn [@sunlit-witch], molten!dream [@orbital-inclination], bwb!dream [@the-kk-crow], reset!dreamtale!dream [@pzyvengeance​], shattered!monarch [@wishingstarinajar], dream [joku]
Back row:
leviathan!dream [@skumhuu], swap!dream dream / swad [@song-song-a], oneiros [@wishingstarinajar], negative!dream [@angstyhikka], silence / dream!error [@dryemiddi]
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bahoreal · 12 days
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smallmightsupremacy · 18 days
Might i be bold and ask you for your fave bkdk fics?
Anon. Anon. I'm so sorry that I've taken forever to reply to this ask, but I hope you understand that this is one of the hardest tasks I've ever had to do I think for starters I'd recommend the 'big 3' bkdk fics. They're all popular for a reason, and if you're looking for something long and angsty, you can count on those to deliver. (Though, I will be honest here and tell you that I never finished twyutd, but from what I hear it's a super good fic!!)
As for specific recommendations, I'll try to condense my list of favorite fics wayyy down and then go on to name some authors that I love so this post doesn't go on forever So, after scrolling in a hot sweat through my bookmarks, here's the final list:
promises kept by gabstar The Night We Met by majjale
glowing skins and pleading fingers by mimisyum
All We Ever Knew by dynamics
warm hands by flowercafe
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing by maxisnotokay
Do Not Disturb by surveycorpsjean
headliner by passengerside
As for bkdk authors, here are a few of them whose works I adore and go back to read day after day: ladyofsnails
Happy reading anon <3
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splashammil · 2 months
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Gonna start doing some redesigns, first up is Trixie!
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lerildeal · 1 year
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Just some fish
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essektheylyss · 2 years
God, I am obsessed with the implications behind Caleb waiting for and wondering about "a visit" from Essek because there's so much of an understanding in that, there's something established.
This doesn't have the feeling of pining in the sense that you're uncertain about crossing a line or whether a step further was welcomed, but instead an acknowledgement that there are many factors involved that would make such a relationship unconventional, and recognizing that what that looks like one week to another changes, and respecting how that shifts.
Perhaps there is a bit of pining involved, that for the feeling that they're not really going to get normalcy, that this is what they've been afforded; but this isn't really pining, it's just an extension of the grief and guilt they're both carrying.
But in spite of that, here is this open invitation, with perhaps some nebulous boundaries as to what that entails week to week—but it's an invitation that both seems to be well established and is also clearly accepted some of the time, given that Caleb is able to anticipate that, though it's unclear how often.
It's just very careful in a way that isn't at all hesitant, though perhaps it might look that way from the outside—it's meeting the other person where they are with grace, and knowing that, if or when it becomes necessary, they'll offer you the same grace in return.
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skeletalheartattack · 6 months
What mario characters would you want as your new dad?
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pierppasolini · 5 months
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✨ 9 favorite films that i watched (for the first time) in 2023 ✨
I was tagged by @anthonysperkins thank you! 💙
Since I did my Top 10 First Time Watches a few days back [here], I decided to do 9 more first time watches that I loved last year. :D
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pollyanna-nana · 2 months
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Dunmeshi tier list. Thoughts?
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thethinkingcloth · 1 year
lockwood and co as ao3 tags (part 1/?)
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antianakin · 7 months
I'll never understand how some fans are so incredibly willing to just be okay with "it happened in a timeskip" to excuse bad writing lol. Like "oh yeah these two characters who have been enemies for like four seasons of a TV show had their entire reconciliation OFF SCREEN in the time skip between episodes right at the end so it works" or "oh yeah this character who was left basically broken had their entire growth and development where they came to terms with the thing that broke them in the time skip so it works" kind of stuff. Like that's literally the ENTIRE emotional climax of a story that's been building for a while and you're FINE with not getting to actually SEE IT???
Can't relate.
#fandom wank#i'm so so tired of people telling me 'well it happened in the timeskip' when i get annoyed about something#like a character doing a personality 180#or a character suddenly changing their mind about something that was really important to them#or literal wholeass character development that's integral to this character's story#there are some things that can happen in a timeskip and some shit that CANNOT#like imagine if luke had NEVER confronted yoda or obi-wan about keeping the truth of his parentage from him#like we come into rotj and they're just fine and it's never addressed#like luke's just never mad and they never even have a convo about it#imagine how unsatisfying it would feel to have had that massive bombshell dropped without any real payoff to it#imagine never actually getting to see luke work through that particular revelation or how it impacts these relationships#and they were just like 'well it happened in-between movies'#it would SUCK#you NEED those convos in order to actually understand how luke fully comes to accept the truth about anakin#because even if he's calmer by rotj he's still upset by it a bit#only by TALKING to yoda and obi-wan does he actually get to the point where he has total faith in anakin's goodness#we HAVE to see that he's still frustrated about this and still working thru it#we cannot fucking skip it#i'm willing to accept that he's calmer about it due to the timeskip but not that he's already worked thru it all#there's a fucking difference
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