#not really i'm not
fixa-ryeter · 1 year
Rating Songs Based On How Fun or Torturous or Easy etc etc They Are To Sing With a Cold
because i’m tired of memorising leaf structures and i like singing. don’t claim to be good at it. i’m decent though. i have a bitching cold right now and breathing is difficult so. i wanted to document this.
p.s. sounding good/decent/bad is written while taking into account that i have a cold. L for me i guess
Gray (sajou no hana) - 10/10 - ok this was nice. this was fun. it sounded decent to me despite my nose being as congested as the traffic in KL over here. so woo! it truly does make you push high notes in regular voice bc blocked nose = bye bye half of your falsetto range
Memosepia (sajou no hana) - 6/10 - ow on the high notes. still kinda easy for how relatively quick this song is. i mean, it's kind of difficult for me to enunciate quickly and clearly when i have a cold so that considered, not a TERRIBLE experience
Inferno (Mrs. Green Apple) - 7.2/10 - low notes on the pre-chorus were a pain but that's as usual so nothing new. sounded decent. surprisingly easy to switch from high to low in the chorus. it was fun though so i don't mind
如果我們不曾相遇 (Mayday/五月天) - 7/10 - this song is a nostalgia banger so it gets extra points <3 it was pretty ok and i could juuuust reach the low notes too so i don't mind it. it's fun and didn't sound too bad
99 (MOB CHOIR) - 7/10 - i'm sorry half of these are mob psycho songs but this was a shuffled playlist i promise BUT not bad not completely torturous quite fun. 'mitsuuukaru daaaROOOUUUUU' (my favourite part) is still manageable so points for that too
勁歌金曲 (Leo Ku/古巨基) - 7.8/10 - yep the 10 minute medley of canto/mando pop classics. i think literally the only reason why points are taken off is because of enunciation difficulties and low note difficulties (torture) but I LOVE THIS SONG!! or songs? is a medley a song or a songs. i know not
Renai Circulation (Kana Hanazawa) - 8/10 - listen man i haven't watched bakemonogatari i am sorry. but also somehow this song was nice with a blocked nose like. surprisingly pleasant and not a pain. for positive shock factor it gets points
残酷な天使のテ—ゼ (Yoko Takahashi) - 6/10 - ok this one wasn't bad. it was ok-sounding. it was. still kinda fun though. because i like this song. props to the song. i love this song
餓狼傳說 (Jacky Cheung/張學友) - 8/10 - yeah ok can't blame this song for being a fucking banger and fun to sing at the same time. sounded good. blocked nose has almost nothing on this. it should be higher actually. let's make it a 9/10 instead
火红的萨日朗(要不要买菜)- 5/10 - nothing against the song itself because it's nice to listen to but. it was just plain boring to do. had to switch between octaves but. it's what i do anyway. there was. no challenge and no additional fun. nice song still though
Cobalt (MOB CHOIR) - 2/10 - before i say anything I LOVE SANA-SAN'S VOICE. OK. i am so in love with both her voice and this song. makes me go ham every time. i love Cobalt with all my heart. that said. PAIN. PAIN. ITS TOO FAST. TOO MANY QUICK NOTE PATTERNS. my nose did not allow me to catch up with any of this and it sounded HORRENDOUS. NO FUN, ONLY TORTURE, SOUND BAD, NO.
Empires (Lamya) - 8/10 - somehow this was pleasant, fun, manageable, and the song is a beauty anyway. i can't do Lamya justice, cold-inflicted or not, but it sounded surprisingly good to my ears (again considering my nose is clogged like overused toilet.) good fun
so that's all yeah i did this for absolutely no reason i just thought it would be fun and it was. i like to blabber. did you know that. now you do. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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rongzhi · 5 months
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English added by me :)
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you know he would have been one of Those kids
inspired by this pic:
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shiyorin · 3 months
Two moods
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Do you know this queer character?
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Castiel is Queer and Agender or Genderfluid, and uses varying pronouns based on presentation!
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lgbtlunaverse · 27 days
The world exists in such a baffling state of simultaneous sex-aversion and sex-hegemony. Every social platform on the internet is trying to banish sex workers to the shadow realm but I can't post a tweet without at least two bots replying P U S S Y I N B I O. People are self-censoring sex to seggs and $3× but every other ad you see is still filled with half-naked women. Rightwingers want queer people arrested for so much as existing in the same postal code as a child and are also drumming up a moral panic about how teenage boys aren't getting laid enough. I feel like I'm losing my mind.
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mylittleredgirl · 7 months
my new thing whenever an embarrassing memory jumps up out of some backwater neuron to t-bone my present-day thought process is to declare a statute of limitations. like i can burn down an entire building in the state where i live and the law deems it both unfair and illegal to prosecute me after six years have passed, i think that thing i said in high school can be expunged from my record.
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koddlet · 7 months
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personal rules for winter ❄
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widebruh · 8 months
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otiksimr · 19 days
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Poorly drawn Vulpix line
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guhhhhhhhhhhh · 5 months
Man.... tumblr really has changed. Someone filmed themself having gay sex on the senate hearing room floor and I haven't seen a single post about it
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captainjonnitkessler · 4 months
You know I used to think "tumblr's absolute refusal to actually engage with the Trolley Problem in favor of insisting that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is just a short-sighted idiot is really fucking annoying, but I guess it's not actually doing any harm".
Anyway that was before we asked tumblr at large to decide between "guy aiding a genocide but making progress elsewhere" and "guy who would actively and enthusiastically participate in a genocide and would also make everything else much, much worse for everyone elsewhere" and the response was that there must be a third, morally pure option that doesn't require them to make a hard decision and that anyone who asks them to make a binary choice is a short-sighted idiot.
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stuckinapril · 3 months
i don't think people really understand what's happening in gaza. with each passing day that sees more and more palestinians dead, it's becoming easier and easier for those in the west to perceive them as nothing more than a statistic. they might engage w the occasional palestine post, sure, but it's just as easy to scroll right past that moments later w no real outrage for the genocide retained.
it's vital to stay reminded that palestinians who are with us today won't be with us tomorrow. it's happening every second of every minute of every hour, and it's relentless. somewhere in gaza a little girl is losing her mother, a little boy is watching his siblings bleed to death, elderly people are infirm with starvation and illness, palestinian women and girls are being sexually assaulted and kept in cages, fathers are leaving tents to find food for their families and not coming back. this is all happening right now, and it's a direct result of the west's complacency. it's a direct result of their not seeing arabs as people worth saving.
it might be hard to compute as a westerner, but this is real. don't let your privilege blind you to your humanity.
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agentperezbian · 3 days
I'm curious. Tag this with your sexuality and what your favorite M/F ship is.
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hansoeii · 9 months
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I probably won't finish this piece any time soon, but I wanted to share the unfinished version with you anyways!
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the-tired-commander · 8 months
hey could y'all do me a favour?
Reblog if you're okay with "weird" compliments on your stuff!
things like "biting this" and such
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