#obscure: the aftermath
violetbudd · 14 days
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clocktowerr · 9 months
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OBSCURE: THE AFTERMATH Feat. in Electronic Gaming Monthly Magazine April. 2008
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butchsophiewalten · 6 months
OKAY! I actually have time to talk about Spectacle now.
For anyone not in the know, Spectacle is a "Walten Files Minisode" which released on the 11th. Its really good! It has a lot of fun and interesting stuff in it which I want to talk about.
So evidently this video is of some kind of production from the "Local 57" news channel/television network which keeps being referred to (IMO. i think this reference is a little too on the nose if this network keeps being so relevant but whatever. my 2 cents). This video doesn't really seem like a news report to me, though. More like a true crime spotlight. And if I'm hearing the reporter correctly when she talks about when Bon's Burgers opened "4 months ago, around the summertime" (or maybe "some months ago"?), this is actually a pretty recent retrospective on the disappearances.
We hear a lot from Derek Collins in this video also, the same detective (Here we learn he is in fact, the Chief Detective of the Brighton Police Department) from the original /investigation1 Findjackwalten page. Here he's pretty much just repeating the same shit as on that webpage. He talks about how there were those 6 total missing person's cases filed that summer (including, I assume, Edd & Molly.) and how they stirred up a lot of unrest within the Brighton community, and how there were rumors flying around about everything for a while.
And really, I think the only New information we really glean from this video is getting a better idea as to what the Brighton community's response to the 1974 disappearances really was. We know for sure now that, at least in the relative short term, it was a pretty big source of rumor and speculation for a while. It's also interesting to me that the July 19th Bon's Burgers Incident was tied to Rosemary so quickly? Considering that seems like kind of a smoking gun. Hoping we get more information soon about what exactly the relationship was between Bon's Burgers/Felix and the Brighton Police Department was like, and why this pretty damning, albeit circumstantial evidence, never lead to any arrests.
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⚠️Vote for whomever YOU DO NOT KNOW⚠️‼️
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graveslxt · 6 months
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sheigarche · 26 days
Just like in a plague tale, Obscure 1 and 2 has Olivier Deriviere's signature: as soon as you start listening to the soundtrack, it's impossible not to remember the iconic scenes where they play.
And, yep, I'm talking about a certain kiss scene, yes 🤭
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"Do you want a better reason to fight?" - Stan Jones
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wariopunkdesign · 9 months
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Of all the survival horror games I've played, Obscure isn't my absolute favorite but it's definitely the one I enjoyed the most, I don't remember how many times I've finished it, both in single player and in two players; I even bought both PC and PS2 versions.
I bought the game by pure chance because it was attached to a video game magazine, I immediately adored it from the initial intro footage, intro that made me discover Sum41, which immediately became one of my favorite bands.
I've always been attracted to the school setting in horror, Buffy was my favorite series and I really liked the movie The Faculty.
The story is very simple but the soundtrack is amazing and impactful
Obscure 2 was ok, but not as genuine as the first, despite everything I miss a third game that closes the story and unfortunately there will never be.
If you like my illustrations, you can find my custom merchs on Redbubble and TeePublic.
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thatwitchrevan · 10 months
DisneyWars canon isn't all bad and doesn't have the same problems every time because there's so many different writers and properties but I'm confident they couldn't handle the War Crimes in Kotor the way Kotor does and that's the main thing. Those are my emotional support war crimes.
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technicalcakemix · 2 years
 REVIEW - ObsCure & ObsCure 2 / ObsCure The Aftermath (Halloween special!) Special thanks to DevonVoixVO and Cursed Riparia!
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violetbudd · 12 days
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hellman55 · 1 year
Longplay of Obscure: The Aftermath/Obscure 2
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who-do-i-know-this-man · 10 months
Rae Sloane (Star Wars Aftermath trilogy) moves on for free! Because their opponent was disqualified!
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areyoudoingthis · 6 months
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This shot makes me completely insane. Ed's wanted to bury the Kraken and Blackbeard for so long, but now he's literally and symbolically digging himself up from the depths, he's swimming all the way to the bottom on purpose to drag himself back out.
And he does it in part because he's just been told "If you were ever good at anything, go and do that", and then rowed himself back into a nightmare, ships burning everywhere, Stede missing, and British soldiers harassing him while he's barely coping with what he's seeing. Maybe at first this is about bringing the Kraken back out of anger and dissociation, but that's why what happens next is so important. Because whatever his motivations are in this moment, he's doing something. The last time he was underwater he was drowning and Stede's presence saved him, this time he's taking action and doing whatever he can to fight back. And anger is only part of that, has always only been part of what moves Ed to violence.
Blackbeard and the Kraken have always been fueled by love, and fear, and yes, rage against unjust situations that made Ed feel helpless and trapped, and then left him feeling even worse for fighting back. And that last bit is what changes this time around and allows Ed to reintegrate, because for the first time, he's not alone anymore to deal with the aftermath, he's not a kid without a family, he's not a man crying alone in secret in an empty room without anyone to console him.
After he digs himself up, he emerges fully dressed on the shore, Edward Teach literally reborn on a beach at last, leathers back on and determined to do whatever it takes to find Stede. And it's such a powerful shot: he's all in black against the white surf, dripping wet hair completely obscuring his features and trailing tentacle shaped rivulets of water in front of his face.
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The next shot we see is his shadow self, his dark, blurry reflection on the sand. The only bit of Ed's actual body we get are his feet stepping determinedly on the wet sand, making his way back to land and to Stede and towards his full self (although he hasn't realized this last bit yet).
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But it's not until he finds the soldiers reading Stede's letter -and this is such a lovely representation of how the core of the show is the relationship between these two men- that all the parts of him are finally able to integrate into a single person when Ed embraces the Kraken and Blackbeard and Ed as being of equal value. It's reading the adoring, unhesitating declaration of Stede's love that allows Ed to redefine himself, to see his darker parts in a different light, the light Stede has cast on his life.
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He reads the letter, realizes the depth of Stede's love for him, understands he's really committed to Ed for good (in permanent ink), that he didn't push him away by showing him his trauma as he feared, that sharing the story he's never told anyone else about his first and worst act of violence didn't make Stede reject him, that Stede loves him and wants him in his life for good. He has a short cry about it while he reads and processes.
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And then he roars "you wrote me a lovely letter" and charges. A lot has been said about how angry in love the line sounds, and yes, he is angry, angry that he almost lost Stede again, angry that the British soldiers would mock the letter, angry that they'd hurt Stede and that they'd think they can do whatever they want just because they have the power, think they can separate them again after everything they've been through.
Ed has been afraid of his anger for so long, made up a tale and a whole different persona to hide it behind, but his anger has always been born of love, of the need to keep his loved ones safe, of rage against abuse and injustice, and this is what he needed to be able to see in order to start healing.
He's in love, Stede's in danger, he needs his protection, and Ed offers it unflinchingly and doesn't hate himself for it this time, sees the part of him that is capable of killing not as monster but as loving protector at last. Because the British are abusing their entirely illegitimate authority, and the man he loves is in trouble and may even be dead, and this isn't even a question for Ed, he'll fight for him.
And once he's safe he'll drop his weapons at their feet to kiss him and tell him what he's finally become able to say: he loves him. He's maybe beginning not to hate himself, and he loves Stede. And Stede reaffirms what he wrote in the letter, tells him that he knows, that it isn't Ed-Blackbeard-Kraken that's a dick, but life.
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Is this arc done? No, of course not. Healing happens in stops and starts, it takes a long time, and that's why DJ has said from the beginning that OFMD was always meant to be three seasons long; the last season is going to be all about Ed and Stede dealing with their issues so they can grow and heal. But they were always meant to do it together, because that's when they're strongest, that's when they're able to shed a light on the other's darkest bits and help him see them in a kinder, loving way.
This was an emotionally charged step in Ed's journey of growth and self acceptance, but the issue will probably come back up in the future, especially now that he and Stede are slowing down and taking time to process their mountains of trauma and everything they've been through in a very condensed amount of time.
But this is still an incredibly significant moment for Ed. He's gone from panicking and hiding under a blanket in a bathtub to throwing parts of himself overboard to digging them up from the bottom of the sea towards the shore and the light, and wielding them intentionally to fight for what he loves.
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sheigarche · 10 days
The Aftermath gang 🥰
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toji-bunny-girl · 4 months
Always wondered what happens after a darling successfully escapes their yandere. Will they meet a new person and fall in love? Will they continue living in the aftermath of being kidnapped and traumatised? If so, how would they navigate their life with their disturbing past?
And what happens if the yandere managed to catch their darling back for the second time?
It’s been more than 2 years since you escaped from Bakugou, and you’re living a fresh life away from him. You don’t report him to the authorities because you know the corrupted system would wound you up back under his chain. So, you’d rather keep your mouth shut and move to some obscure countryside far, far away from him and the city.
There, you found a halcyon lifestyle and an honest man who cherished you more than anything. You had gotten engaged with him within a year of seeing each other and you thought life was finally falling into place. Until it didn’t.
You had no one to blame, really. It was as if God was playing an abhorrent joke on you. Who knew pro hero Dynamite would be going undercover in the diminutive town of Motosu for an on-the-run supervillain?
Who knew he would be staying at the exact inn you’re working at? 
Bakugou had always known that you were out there somewhere, he could feel his cells insisting you were missing and alive—hiding in the tenebrous cracks of the world. And one day, he would find you and drag you out of whatever crap you’re hiding in.
Lucky him, he had caught a familiar figure trodding around the inn he was staying at over a runaway case. He couldn’t have gotten it wrong, right? The way those hips sway as she walks, how her neck is structured from behind, and her smell. So sweet, as ambrosial as some forbidden fruit.
And when she turned around a corner, he saw your exact features—that very face etched like a tattoo in the walls of his mind. He could never get that profile wrong; he could never get you wrong.
Bakugou doesn’t just sweep you off from this shitty town though. He waited and watched. Noted the usual route you take to go back home, ‘home’ where you would call it, with some bumpkin who managed to put a worthless ring on your finger.
Dynamite could've given you everything and anything. He could’ve given you the world—a million-dollar ring, a mansion, and his whole heart and soul just for you. And you settled for that?
It boils his blood in crimson ire—why couldn’t you just be good and love him? Just why? Why can’t you accept your fate with him, forever as your one? Why? Why? Why?
He’ll get you to answer him soon enough once he got everything prepared—paying for the local police and magistrate’s silence; no one would know and care about your disappearance then.
And he waits until you’re off your shift and traipses back home with your sore back and hips, you wouldn’t be worrying about them when he gets you back to your real home.
“How long has it been?” your pace slowed, ears twitching. “2 years? Or more?”
No. This can’t be. 
Your thought doesn’t finish forming before you’re bolting away as hard as you can, it doesn’t matter if your legs are getting weaker and the world is on vertigo—you’ll die if you’re caught. You know this voice and it haunts you in every nightmare you have, and for once, you prayed and prayed and begged for this to be a dream.
Don’t take my life away again. 
At last, you knew you could never outrun him. But the adrenaline surging through your veins made you believe you could; only a little while until you’re home and you’ll get Takashi to call the cops. And you finally understood chemicals were mere illusions when your body is thrown forward, landing on the ground before Bakugou pins you down.
It’s been two years. And he’s bigger. Stronger. Your stomach drops into the endless abyss when your eyes catch his burning red, sweat and tears automatically roll down your face and your voice fails to crack out of your dry throat. The world feels like it’s ending and you’re finding death in front of you, again. 
“Please, please, don’t! Please, leave me alone! I’m sorry, please—” you saw his face; a serpent with a satisfied hiss, tail locking its prey immobile, and you understood there was no way you could ever gain back your freedom. “Please, god! Please, don’t do this to me!”
“Oi,” so chilly, as if the alphabet of his word were stabbing your eardrums. “I’ll kill him if you don’t be good.”
This time with a life’s threat, you knew you’d forever be in hell—dead or alive.
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୨ yandere series ୧
yandere!katsuki﹛ⅰ﹜ yandere!katsuki﹛ⅱ﹜ yandere!katsuki﹛ⅲ﹜ yandere!katsuki﹛ⅳ﹜ yandere!katsuki﹛ⅴ﹜
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