#oh and sorry everyone who followed me for rain world
artifcer · 9 months
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blasted my way through @doe-prince's comic, @goldenshrikecomic, for the second time and it inspired me to make an AU version of an old TEF character for that universe!
Kezrael is a lone buck who has been separated from his herd. He is a Northerner, and his mane of fur is iridescent. His Halv is an Arctic Tern!
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Hello! Omg I'm so excited you're writing for death note! Can i get a gender neutral reader who maybe helps light or saves his life by pulling him out of the way of a car or something, and he becomes fixated on the and kind of like dedicates his cause as kira towards them?
Of course, love . Sorry for the delay. Death Note has always been one of my favorite shows to write for so I’m a more then thrilled to fulfill your request. Hope you enjoy the story!
Innocence (Yandere! Light Yagami X Reader)
Trigger warnings: I don’t think there are any for this story, but if I missed one, let me know)
Light Yagami needed to follow his normal routine and arrive home. He only had short amount of time where he could write names in the Death Note. Light was cleansing the world, one criminal at a time. In time, he will become the god of the new world.
Although, one thing always troubled him. When he did in fact elimante L, where would Light go from there?
The simple answer was he’d continue killing those making the world rotten and Kira’s reign would prosper.
Wouldn't it be lonely ruling the world by himself? Light never paid that idea much thought. He would never find someone who’d meet his ideals and intellect.
What Light didn’t account for was someone special making their way into his life.
The teenager was in deep thought as he made their way out of the school grounds in the pouring rain.
Without warning, a force hit Light. His umbrella went flying through the air until it cascades onto the drenched sidewalk. He braced himself and closed his eyes as he waited for the fall, but it never came.
Light cautiously opened his eyes to see what stopped him from landing on the ground. The seventeen year old wasshocked to find a good looking high schooler holding tightly onto his arm.
He noticed they were wearing a uniform extremely similar to his own. This mystery person had to have be attending the same school. They were very attractive so Light figured they were probably pretty popular. If that were the case, how come Light couldn’t recognize them. He knew everyone in his classes and he was certainly popular himself. The teen contemplated over the idea that they could be a transfer but Light came to the conclusion that that couldn’t have been the case. He’d be most likely been asked to show them around. The teen would nevee forget a persons face that was constructed like a god/goddess.
Once Light regained his composure, ( Reader) let go of him and leaned down to pick up Light’s discarded umbrella. They handed it out towards him and released an apologetic smile.
Once Light held the umbrella, the other person gave a low bow. They spoke softy, but Light could still hear them over the pitter patter of the rain.
“Please forgive me, Yagami-san. I apologize for hurting you. A car was swerving and looked like it was heading straight towards you.”
(Reader) was terrified to look up from their position. They’d figure Light would simply glare and start to reprimand them. They didn’t have much experience with popular kids.
“Oh, It’s alright, uh…” The teen trailed off, hoping the other would finish his sentence.
“(Reader’s full name).”
“That was very brave of you.” (Reader) looked up at him, puzzled.
“Thank you, but I’m sure anyone would of helped you. I’m no one special.”
“I’m not so certain of that.” Light smiled a bit.
Reader simply nodded in response. The teen expected that to be the end of their discussion with Light Yagami but he did something that shocked them.
Light held out the umbrella so it was protecting both (Reader) and himself from the downpour. This small act of kindness meant the world to (Reader), as they tended to always be ignored by their peers.
The high schooler motion for them to walk together.
How could they possibly refuse Light’s offer without looking rude? If Light Yagami thought (Reader) was rude then they could kiss the days of being a nobody goodbye. They didn’t know much about the teenage boy besides the fact that he was popular and top of the class in terms of intelligence. (Reader) feared they would become the topic of what those kids whisper in the hallway. They’d become the focus of their cold glares.
So they walked with Light.
The two students made causal conversation as they made their way down the street. At first it was awkward but soon they were joking with each other as if they were old friends. Light found out that (Reader) was in almost all of his classes. They explained how they tended ti keep quiet and lurk in the background.
Each word (reader) spoke, resulted in Light coming to the conclusion that made the type of person that Kira was trying to protect.
They were good,hard working, honest and most of all innocent.
He needed to protect them. No, Kira would protect (Reader) and those like them.
He may of just found his partner. Someone to rule the world with him.
“I can’t wait to make you mine, (Reader).” Light muttered to himself.
(Reader) pretended to be oblivious to what her new acquaintance said but in truth, they heard him and they didn’t know what to think.
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specialagentlokitty · 11 months
Buck x reader - my superhero
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Hello, Since it’s summer, obviously hot outside 🥵 please request where shyreader is dating (911) Evan Buckley and best friends with Thor and Bruce banner. She’s a very powerful well known superhero who controls the weather - Anon💜
It had been a few months since you had last seen your boyfriend, and the avengers had been invited to an event for the LAFD to raise money for charity.
And of course they all thought it was a good idea, and you agreed to tag along.
So, you sat on Thors back as he walked towards the station.
“Doesn’t your boyfriend work here?” Bruce asked.
You nodded your head a little and looked down at the scientist.
“Yeah… he does..”
He smiled a little bit.
“It’ll be nice to finally meet the man you’re involved with.” Thor said.
“You have to be nice.” You scolded light.
Thor laughed loudly with a few others and he grinned from ear to ear.
“I will be nothing but nice!”
You smiled a little bit and you jumped down from his back, walking between him and Bruce as you all walked into the station.
“We’re looking for Captain Nash?” Steve asked.
“You came! Amazing! Follow me!” A man rushed out.
While they all followed the firefighter, you turned to the man you spotted immediately as you walked in and walked over to him.
Standing next to him, you watched what he was doing for a minute.
He jumped a little and spun around, then he grinned for ear to ear and crushed you in a hug, spinning around a few times making you laughed.
Hugging him back, you wrapped your legs around him and buried your face into his shoulder.
“Oh my god I’ve missed you so much…” he whispered.
“I’m sorry…”
Buck set you down, and you smiled up at him a little bit.
“Hey don’t be, you’re a big superhero out there saving the world.” He grinned.
He leant down and softly kissed you and when he pulled away you buried your face into his chest, and he laughed a little.
Buck placed his hands on your back, kissing the top of your head.
“You smell…” you said.
“Alright miss weather! It’s hot okay?!” He pouted.
You laughed softly and you took his hand, lacing your fingers with his and you took him outside.
You placed a finger to the collar of your shirt.
You waited for a response.
“(Y/N)? Where did you wonder off to?”
“Outside, can I make it rain? Just for a little while?”
You waited again, and you heard footsteps so you turned around to see them all walking over, including the 118 and you shuffled a little closer to buck.
He quickly pointed everyone out to you.
“Woah! Woah! What’s this?” Eddie gasped.
“Oh my god, Buck is dating a superhero!” Hen grinned.
You buried your face into his side.
“Good job guys you scared her!” He huffed.
They laughed a little and surrounded you both, and you glanced at your friends, and you shuffled away from Buck towards Thor and Buck pouted.
“No come on!” He whined.
He crossed his arms and huffed.
“Looks like you’ve got competition Buck.” Bobby smirked.
“It wouldn’t be much of a competition.” Clint smirked.
You slapped the archer and he laughed, hiding before Nat.
“So you wanna make it rain?” Chim asked.
“Meet the superhero Elemental.” Buck beamed.
“Woah, you’re like the second strongest superhero!” Chim gasped.
“Right behind me.” Tony grinned.
“You wish.” Steve scoffed.
They bickered for a few minutes and you migrated back to your boyfriends arms.
“Well, I think it’s time to make it rain, don’t you?” Nat asked.
“How about a bit of a storm?” Thor beamed.
You smiled and stepped outside with him, and they all took covered.
You looked at Thor and he nodded his head, and you took a small breath.
Your eyes turned white, and you aimed your hand towards the sky, clouds building up around where you pointed.
They slowly spread out, turning the blue sky a dark grey, and you slammed your hands towards the ground, opening the heavens and rain came pouring down.
Then it was Thors turn, he raised his hand for his hammer, and when it came, he pointed it to the sky, making lightening crackle and streak across the clouds.
Immediately the hot air cooled down, and everybody sighed in relief and you padded back over to Buck, standing in front of him with a little smile.
“Why didn’t you get wet?” He asked.
“I can choose to block people from them.” You replied softly.
He nodded his head and he smiled at you, wrapped his arms around you to hug you softly.
“My superhero…” he whispered
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storiesbyjes2g · 6 days
3.127 Blessing in the storm
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Back outside, I found a remnant of our party crew. Maira and her family held down the dance floor while Mama and Chi Chi yammered on about who knows. Hopefully they got all my embarrassing childhood stories out of their systems. Sophia sat at a table, probably nursing her back. I asked if she wanted to go home, but she said she was okay. It began to rain, so Maira, Chi Chi, and the Ricketts family went home, and me, Sophia, and Mama went inside. I was starving and realized I hadn't eaten since breakfast, so I grabbed a plate of ribs and ate in the dining room. Sophia followed me, and so did Mama. I guess it was story time.
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I began by apologizing for not doing what I promised to do. It wasn't my intention, but it just happened that way.
"We've been trying to get pregnant ever since we got engaged," I said.
I watched Mama's face and saw the exact moment she realized where the story was heading. Nothing I said came close to being her fault, but I could see the mommy guilt oozing from her eyes, and I knew exactly what she was saying to herself in that moment. My son needed me, and I wasn't there. I failed my child. I'm a bad mother. I had lived long enough to understand there was nothing I could do or say to ease those kinds of thoughts, but I still wanted to.
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Sophia jumped in and talked about her first suspicions of a problem, getting tested, and doing treatment. I explained we didn't say anything then because we thought the treatments would work quickly and we'd be pregnant any day. We thought telling everyone would cause unnecessary alarm, but as the days went on, it got harder and harder to reach out because we were so devastated. We used every ounce of remaining energy to keep our minds off it because we were emotionally spent.
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Finding out about Alessia's pregnancy was hard. Really, really hard. I was angry at her because I wanted what she had, and she didn't even appreciate it. On top of that, I found out I also had low fertility which pretty much eliminated our odds of getting pregnant.
"Your granddaughter was conceived through the miracle of IVF," I said.
"Oh, my sweet boy! I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that! I wish I could have known so I could comfort you, but I understand why you didn't reach out. I know all too well what it's like to feel you need to suffer alone."
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"IVF is really expensive, though," she continued. "Are you okay? Do you need help? I could-"
"We're fine, Mama. But, thank you."
"Okay. I'm glad. Wow... I don't know how to feel. Like, my heart is broken for you, but I'm extra excited about your future now. I always thought you'd be amazing parents, but I know you'll be even more so now and will spoil this baby rotten. I'm so proud of how you two support each other. You've got the real thing, and it makes me so happy."
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"When I learned about you," she said to Sophia, "I dreamed about this time. I looked forward to staying with you for a few days while you found your wings and make sure you two got enough rest. Things won't be quite like that now, but I'm still here for you guys. I'm not sure when I'll be able to get away and meet your sweetheart, but if you need anything at all, call me. I'll find a way to help."
"That's really sweet, Emmy. Thank you!"
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I had to be the most blessed man in all the world. My parents loved and supported every move I made; They loved my wife; I was going to be a father; My best friend was moving to town. What more could I ask for?
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tired-reader-writer · 1 month
I was re-listening to the AU playlist (thankfully my headache doesn't seem to be preventing me from music tonight) and I felt the urge to ramble about stuff sooooo. Lyric highlights, a brief aside on why I might've chosen a particular song, that kind of stuff! I won't be breaking down entire songs, though.
If y'all wish to listen along as you read this... inordinately long post... Here's the link to the playlist:
“If these newly sprouted feelings resound in your heart, I can stay by your side and protect you, right?”
“Holding up the light I erase my hesitations
What I wanted to give you was a future
I scream out my grief, holding onto crying nights”
— Oath Sign, by LiSA
Ain't this just so fucking Shapur in Wolfsong?
“Even if I lose, even if I fail
I have no choice but to keep living
No matter how many times I fall
I have something to protect”
“This is the path I choose, the only path given”
— Kamado Tanjirou no Uta, by Nakagawa Nami, covered by Raon Lee
Pretty much the theme of the AU. They didn't choose this world, but they have to live in it. And protect what they can, while they're at it.
“Can you still smile even after seeing the real world?”
“A spiral song clears the way for one willful hope”
“You don't know how reckless you are
You make me blue”
“Whisper your name again
Then restart it right away
Oh my bitter color ardour wander
Gotta feel it undercover”
— Avid, by Mizuki and Hiroyuki Sawano
Of Ayunnen and Kashi's POVs as they're befriended by Shapur, though the final highlight was from Shapur's POV.
“The moon moves on
Death rides on
The raven flies in the evening”
“Long is the journey
Long are the paths to go
Long-lasting is the longing of men, if this is to be”
— Máninn Líður, by SKÁLD
Aaaaaand the massacre happens. They're dead. Grief enters the scene.
“Within this neverending rain
No longer am I afraid of yesterday
The future that had lost you
Had just begun”
“The cruel sky shines upon
Both what was lost
And what will never change”
— Aria, by Kalafina
The neverending rain both for the literal rain that bookended the chapter but also the metaphorical rain of grief that will follow the characters for years to come.
“You who are crying, you who are lonely
It is you who is right, it is you who is human”
“Dreams you want to fulfill, dreams that you can't reach
They themselves turn into dreams, into hope, and that's how people live on, right?”
“Thank you to the miracle
That we were able to meet
Even in a dirty and ugly world
Even like this”
— My Song, by GirlDeMo(Angel Beats) uhhh I haven't tracked down the irl singer who sang this, SORRY 😭
I chose this track primarily for Farangis. Imagine a young Farangis, struck with grief of losing her parents, ostracized by everyone else in the temple out of jealousy, and the first highlight is a reassurance that she has a right to cry, that she's human because of it.
The second highlight is more abstracted from her, more about hope in general.
The third comes right back to Farangis, she feels grateful to have met the clan and expanded her horizons, even in a shitty world like this. It's what draws Ranna/Ashaya to her, as well.
“Tears spill for the days you cannot return to The sky above burns crimson”
“Here, fulfill the ancient vow O night, break to dawn!”
“As if piercing a passing doubt Nock your arrow to your bow, release it far, far away”
“You, don't forget Your dream of seeing the burning end of the skies Those fragments will surely awaken, waiting”
— Akatsuki, by Shikata Akiko, covered by Shannon
Mostly just for these lines
Ancient vows and dawn arriving, it kinda sounds like a prophecy, doesn't it?
“Where it's covered in all the colored lights
Where runaways are running the night
Impossible comes true It's taking over you”
“Colossal we come renegades in the ring
Where the lost get found in the crown of the circus king!”
— The Greatest Show, by The Greatest Showman Cast
Mostly for these lines about runaways and renegades lol
Also the song has immaculate Kazai vibes
And shenanigans
“Sticking it out, letting you down
Making it right”
“Seasons, they will change
Life will make you grow
Dreams will make you cry, cry, cry
Everything is temporary
Everything will slide
Love will never die, die, die”
“Some nights, I think of you
Reliving the past, wishing it'd last
Wishing and dreaming”
“Death can make you hard, hard, hard”
— Birds, by Imagine Dragons
The POV of those who remain.
“I met you
And had a dream that would never come true”
“Wanting to protect you
I reached out
And embraced you with my still trembling fingers”
“All we can do is keep on living
Until we lose all our strength
We'll keep shouting helplessly”
“The proof that I was here
Is still there, in your eyes”
“Crying, screaming, and even as we vanish
We are alive
We are here”
— Sprinter, by Kalafina
Themes of the story, pov of the survivors, the desire to protect, etc!
And from a people that kept being erased over and over, a declaration that they still exist.
No but really, the song is really good.
“In the silence of a world wearing a veil of misty rain Suddenly, I saw how cold the face of truth could be”
“What else shall we let go To live our lives the only way we knew The birds are soaring in the sky So high above us all, we who cannot fly We dragged our wounds behind us And kept walking on”
“Through the emptiest of nights, ones that freeze you to your bones If we stay together closely, we will see the morning light What is the reason why, we can't stop this chain of hurt How much longer will we relive the past, the same memories?”
“Unlike the birds that soar the sky We have no wings, and though we won't learn to fly We stand above the earth now And keep walking on”
— flowers, by Hana Hope (English version)
Almost copy-pasted the entire song here
It's a song about humanity. It makes me so damn emotional.
Keep walking on. Share the warmth. Stay close together. Hey why do we keep hurting each other?
Themes very relevant to Wolfsong.
“For what reason
Have I been engulfed by flames?
I have been captured by fear
For such a long time
Now these flames will never extinguish!”
— The Star Knows, by Hoshimi Junna (Revue Starlight anime), I don't know who the irl vocalist is
“Now I'm fighting this war
Since the day of the fall
I've been desperately holding on to it all
But I'm lost
I'm so damn lost”
“Oh I wish it was over
And I wish you were here
Still I'm hoping that somehow—”
“As I'm lying awake
I'm still hearing their cries”
“And I'm wondering why
I still fight in this life
Cause I've lost all my faith
In this damn bitter strife”
— Shot In The Dark, by Within Temptation
I know this song doesn't fit Saam's vibes but. Hear me out.
The first parts just scream of him after the siege of Ecbatana, yeah?
Though the part about losing faith reads more Kubard, tbh
“As I paint a crimson artwork on the ground
With every piercing sound another worthless soul lies dead
Until my hands are dyed a brilliant red”
“Destroy them all (destroy them all)
I can't stop
No, I cannot stop
This need inside of me for more destruction
Powerless, powerless
So fragile is humanity
Cause in the end (in the end)
They're nothing except useless puppets
‘What's the reason for our creation?’
Hey, I'm asking you
So what do you say?”
“Cause here we draw the line
And every single thing is defined (black or white)
The very moment we were given our names
Our roles have been pre-ordained
When I snap my finger
None will remain”
— Karakuri Burst, English cover lyrics by SirHamnet
Ranna/Ashaya and Hilmes duet. On hindsight Hilmes' parts need quite a bit of stretching, buuuut he is dubbed “The Prince of Justice” by the Master in canon so someone who's trying to rid Pars of “evil” could fit right in. Ashaya is lashing out, destroying everything in their path, and sees nothing worth saving in this wretched society. Hilmes is caught up on the birthright stuff (our roles have been pre-ordained) sooo. Yeah.
“Why'd you make my voice stutter?
Why do truths never matter?
Why'd you curse me with ‘You're a natural-born genius’?
Endless inferno (inferno)”
“If you wanted me to live
If you wanted me to forgive
If you wanted to pretend like we're civilized humans—”
“Why don't deaths end my torture?
Why don't anyone feel my hurt?
Why do we crown our most violent to be champions?”
— In Hell We Live Lament, by Mili
Could be Araya, could be Ashaya. Wounded by the world, questioning it.
“And besides in the mean, mean time
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart”
“I just gotta get you out the cage
I'm a young lover's rage
God I need a spark to ignite”
“My childhood spat back out the monster that you see”
— Light Em Up (My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark), by Fall Out Boy
Kazai and Ranna/Ashaya's song. Their feral tendencies coming to the forefront!
“As long as we're together
I will believe
There's a continuation for our destiny”
“When we were small
We made a single precious promise
I will not give up
I will recreate it
I wanted to see you”
— Starlight, by Aijou Karen and Kagura Hikari (Revue Starlight anime)
Not gonna lie this song is on thin ice despite how much I love it.
I initially kinda wanted it to be a song for Ashaya and Alfarīd— in the case that they did meet in their younger years, but now I'm not so sure.
On second glance it oddly reads as Daryun and Narsus????
Do with that what you will.
“What will I embrace
As I discard in the shadow of desire
This ideal of mine, drenched in pain?
It feels like another world, but this is the truth
With these stained hands I will protect you”
“What have I lost
As my awakened heart
Betrays yesterday's justice?”
“Now I'll brandish my glittering dream in the darkness
So that it will shine upon our overlapping lives
With the strength I have chosen
I will reach the place I believe is paradise
The hope that is our bond
Is connecting us to the future
Let us overcome our unhealing sorrow
My full emotions, unafraid of being broken
Are simply waiting for dawn to come”
— Another Heaven, by earthmind
Shapur's song. His and Kazai's, moreso Shapur's for the lines about discarding the ideals he once had.
The song is from the perspective of a protagonist who lets go of his heroic ideals and his dream of becoming a hero, in favor of saving the woman he loves. A song from the story of a sword finally becoming human.
This is Shapur's resolve settling, having decided what it is that he wishes to protect.
“Finally breaking, so where are you now?
It's been such a long time that I've tried to live without
I'm suffocating, I need you to breathe!
So pull me up, pull me out
Before I am buried beneath!”
“Thought I was climbing out
But it's dragging me down
What's hidden here with me
Thought I was alone
But it pulls me deeper now
I can't escape!”
— Buried Beneath, by Red
Gurgin's song in this AU, imo. Thought he was sticking it to the society that hurt him and killed his brother by joining Team Zahhak, only to realize much later down the line (after unwillingly staying in Gorgan for a while) that... they were only dragging him down. Maybe he's calling out to his brother.
“Test my will, test my heart
Tell me how the odd's gonna stack, huh?
Y'all go hard, I go smart
How's it working out for y'all in the back, huh?
I've seen that frustration
Been crossed and told no
And I've come back, unshaken”
“I can't fall back, I came too far
Hold myself up and love my scars”
“I don't fold up and I don't bow
I don't roll over, I don't know how”
— Lost In The Echo, by Linkin Park
Mostly vibes, but I felt this captured Gurgin's kinda haughty attitude, lmao.
“An existence that was born in the city
Seeming stronger than anyone else
Now we can only imagine our cursed and doomed future”
“Running and falling
Embracing these wounds that won't heal
For this moment the world has been waiting for”
“Drowned in the weakness of my inner self
I don't even know what mask (face) I should wear now anymore
So won't you give me an answer?”
“I know that it may look ugly and pathetic
But this is who I am right now
A corpse that cannot become anything, so go ahead and laugh”
— Kaikai Kitan, by Eve, covered by Raon Lee
Hilmes, fresh out of the haunted-forced-redemption-temple :D
“The pain layers upon itself and becomes shackles
I have no time to be crying
The helpless night and the the disheartened morning
They keep passing over and over
And what was left of the cruelly broken hope
Was a wavering light”
“The justice someone's wielding hurts so much
Even if someone's crying
It will hurt my heart again
Even if there are scars behind every single truth
I have no choice but to simply—
Forgive them all”
— Untitled world, by ReoNa
Areyan/Arslan's song in the AU, after he's been rescued from Ecbatana.
“I will change reality itself
Even if the truth I find is harsh and cruel
The world is filled with disasters
Time to tame the sins, change our fate”
“The rocky castle is starting to shake, it's finally time to decide
Whether to repair or rebuild, a choice must be made”
— Vivid Vice, by Who-ya Extended, covered by Raon Lee
Song for a redeemed Hilmes.
“It's a scream that my body alone cannot contain”
“I have a heart that trembles
Only when I touch your hand”
“It's fine even if it's foolish
It's fine even if it's ugly
There where lies beyond righteousness
I want to hold your hand”
— Suzume, by RADWIMPS ft. Toaka
Song of a redeemed Gurgin who is in love with Isfan.
“A world where nobody hurts each other
May be a baseless optimism
But even so, I want to try betting on it”
“Anger and grief get passed
From person to person in the blink of an eye
They create enemies that don't even exist
And thus ignite the call to fight”
— Yakodou, by Sakamoto Maaya
The song's not particularly dedicated to any one character, really, it's more of an all-compassing song
Think of it as a song before the final showdown against Zahhak.
“As I carry irreparable shadows
The promised place is where flowers bloom
With no care for sin or love
There goes spring
The shining light
Is simply dazzling in the sky
Please do not forgive me
I want to be broken, I want to be reborn
I will laugh by your side”
— Haru wa Yuku, by Aimer
The ending song of the finale in a movie trilogy, this one carries a tone of finality. And the lyrics felt fitting for a Hilmes near or at the hypothetical ending of the story.
The rest of the song could be echoed for other characters, but yeah.
And that concludes most of the songs in the playlist!
Rapid-fire round for the ones I didn't cover:
Soleil: roughly has the tone of a tale being retold— a martyr who gave too much and then died— the song that inspired Araya, a mythological figure for the clan.
Lostbelt title theme: an instrumental, to set the tone for a grand story— though I initially envisioned it panning over the long-gone ancient island, where the clan was said to have originated from, the island where Araya died
Noh Chant: Kaykhusraw's betrayal, Iumaka's death
Dance of the Spirit: clan vibes, especially kinda sorta Kazai in a ceremonial setting?
Moonsong: Ayunnen's song
Parent's Feelings: the somber tone of the castle after the massacre.
girls, dance, staircase: the vibes of a quiet morning
Yuki no Hitohira: more of the somber grief.
Rain: The entire song is just so clan-coded
Wolf Blood: Isfan and Kashi, need I say more?
Crucible: Ashaya/Ranna character song
The Nights: Kazai vibes. The line “Think of me if ever you're afraid” makes me go soft.
Homeland: the castle and Shapur's lands as they grow with the clan's presence, the feeling of being home
Garden: joyful tone setter
It's My Day: fun tune, an energetic morning
朝市にて: Ecbatana before shit goes horribly wrong
Sulcus: Areyan's brainstorming song during the siege and Lusitanian occupation
Chaotic Battle: Ashaya's battle theme
Shura Fire: Alfarīd's battle song
Spirit of the Wild: Kazai's song
Sediment: Team Zahhak vibes
Silhouette: Team Zahhak vibes
Deep Darkness: the haunted temple Hilmes gets trapped in
Hitogashima Ballad: seems to be a children's song/lullaby, the vibes fit Araya The Younger (not the mythological one, Kaykhusraw's son he killed and wiped off of history), a ghost Hilmes encounters in the haunted temple
Nijamena: I could not for the life of me find translated lyrics so it's on here for the supremely epic vibes
Fate/Apocrypha: preparing for the final showdown vibes, has a mystical air to it soooo
The Last of the Starks: Team Gorgan aka Shapur's family and the clan at the end of everything kinda vibes
Labyrinth: Hilmes leads a ceremony to apologize to those Kaykhusraw had betrayed and murdered, put the spirits at ease, held where the haunted temple is.
@innerchorus Since you were interested, here ya go!
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siremasterlawrence · 6 months
Broken Heroic Will Part 1 - 2
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Clark Kent is on his way home when a giant screen appears blaring over the entire city of The Great Metropolis showcasing a group of people rushing in to the Museum of Metro Technology and Science.
The main one stops cold facing both of the other men snapping his fingers they follow his orders informing him them to remove all of their guns and guards the space with the front door barricade.
The man quickly makes intake of the area all surrounding him when he spots the odd object sliding across the room he stops shy of the glass fading his hand as it pushes in through the glass and grabbing it.
The mind altering agent boggles a bit shook him to his core then spun about feeling all of his senses as he looks up knowing who else is here because the power level of the Man Of Steel.
He spins in mid air like a drill he burrows so deep in to the ceiling as it cracks up in a huge smash he continues to drive down to me in fashion the blue, red and yellow are a dazzling sight.
I giggle a bit throwing and catching the old no ancient object in his hand flipping it back and forth as it burns up with light shining it then absorbing it in to his skin with a strong vibration empowering him.
Superman is overwhelmingly not shocked at all to see me then throws a super hard shaft of a nightmare punch sending him flying so much craziness across the room hitting the wall.
His body sliding to the bottom of the room I glee with excitement laughing so loud in the main hall as let the noise echo in to his ears as he it is excruciating shaking his one body.
The man uses some magic creating a circle of power in the air creating a box out of thin air sending box decorating in Christmas like paper and a bow tie on top of it glowing in a aura it lands next to him.
The main raises his hand wiggling his finger as sprinkles of fire transferring him from the museum and leaving Superman is lost as his whole senses comes back to reality he signs heavily.
He is groggy picking up a box anger rage of himself unwrapping the bow tie, trashing the Christmas paper and unlocking the top of the box and the magic lifts upward in to the air.
The magic rains over him changing a multi array of color on to his body becoming more in to Kryptonite getting weaker and weaker as his energy draining his power from his body.
The box swirls on to his body as he began to float into the air traveling without his will or consent shooting him in to the sky he flew in to a magical hole transporting him in to a new dimension.
Crash landing in to a massively huge crater
leaving him in pain as he crying begging him for help as he rolls over in pain and some tears in his eyes as the man walks off in to the distant.
Clark tries to throw a punch catching both of his hands in his palms, Superman firmly taking it in his hands twisting them to the side and forcing him to his knees it is very obvious.
“How on earth are you doing this?”
“Oh Poor Superman!”
“Stop mocking me”
“Or What?”
“Super pussy”
“That is not my….”
“Not you what?”
“That word”
“You men a name “
“Take a knee”
“I will never succumb”
“Oh but you already have “
“You lie”
“Hardly! Look at me”
“I said look at me”
“Your eyes “
“I am your Lord and master”
“You are my slave “
“You are too powerful “
“Someone admits it “
“Who am I?”
“Master Lawrence “
“Clark Kent”
“Kiss me”
“I am not gay”
“You are now “
“YES! I love you “
“It’s about time my boi”
“I am sorry”
“Do you love me?”
“With all my heart “
“Here to the moon”
“My God!”
“The world will crumble under his feet”
“I am yours”
“Is this not simpler?”
“Yes My God! I love you “
“Raise up to me”
“Kiss me like you are hungry “
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Captain America aka Steve Rogers is on the beach ignoring everyone else a weird strangers palm lands on his wide shoulder holding it tightly and swinging him in to a gigantic bird cage.
Steve looks horrified watching an evil looking Superman with a sadistic expression arms crossed and ready to battle with darker like intentions he speeds over to the cage and raising.
He shook it over his head before he is proceeding to throw it fifty miles away in to the rock formations behind him and causing hell on earth with shamble of rubbles spread wide.
I stepped in to a horrible disaster area that is worthy of a construction site crew horror is on full display when Captain America is able to escape flipping in to the air he does a super hero landing.
A shield is thrown in to one rock as if it is so light weight starts to ricochet sending it hit me head on and I go rolling to the floor in total pain and he stares down at me into total disappointment.
I can feel all of my attention on him as when Captain America descending down right in front of me but Superman rushes to my side blocking his fist in a swift attack and gave a good punch to the gut.
Steve is struggling on the floor completely in a stems of hazy fog clouding him up all else fades disappeared in to nether world of his own mind and he is falling in to a life of my consuming him.
Clark grabs him jolting in to the air doing a semi back flip he slams his body in a fatal bone crushing pain his eyes roll back in to his socket and he is knocked in to a deep slumber.
Clark is unconscious waking up tied down to the chair he is stripped of his clothes and unable to move the fear in his eyes is clear that he is broken their is no way coming back from this.
“Why Clark? “
“Just what?”
“I am Master Lawrence’s vessel “
“No Clark”
“Stop it”
“I cannot “
“Feel the crushing pain of defeat “
“You cannot force me too”
“Too what Steve?”
“You can’t win”
“Master Lawrence….”
“He is using you “
“He freed me from my torment”
“All hero’s have torment”
“Such a loser”
“Oh! I will Fuck you “
“Bastard you are cruel “
“Mwahahahahaha! You have no idea “
“I can’t fight you any longer”
“Why bother anymore?”
“I loathe you “
“Go on”
“I despise your like”
“No! You don’t “
“Keep telling yourself “
“Oh! I will”
“You love me”
“Make me bitch”
“My power is cemented “
“Resistance is futile “
“I can do this all day “
“Oh Captain!l”
“You no idea “
“What you will unleash?”
“Hell on earth “
“Nothing more would be satisfying”
“Uh huh!”
“What did I just say ?”
“Exactly! Haha”
“I give in”
“I give up “
“I am yours”
“Take my waist in your hands”
“Yes Master”
“Undress me”
The end
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50calmadeuce · 5 months
Ch. 8: The Break Up and Flight
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Top Gun: Maverick world, trademarked by Paramount Pictures Corporation. I do not claim ownership of the characters and the world that I am borrowing.
The story and situation I am creating are a work of my imagination and I do not ascribe them to official story canon. This work is for entertainment only and is not a part of the storyline.
I am not profiting financially from the creation and publication of this story, but I do hope it gives you happy thoughts.
These stories are my own, so please do not take them and use them for yourself without my permission. If you see them somewhere else, please let me know. :)
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It was late, and you and Leslie were tidying up in the living room when Sean entered.
Leslie gathered the plates you'd collected. "I'll catch up with you later," she said, heading towards the kitchen.
Turning to Sean, you said, "We need to talk."
He settled on the edge of the couch. "I agree."
You approached him slowly, removing the engagement ring as you did so. When you reached him, you extended it towards him. "I can't. I'm sorry."
He accepted it, his expression resigned. "I had a feeling." He looked up at you. "Was it something I did?"
You perched on the edge of the coffee table and reached for his hand. "No, Sean. It wasn't you. It's me. It always has been. The same thing happened with Ben." You took a deep breath. "I've been in love with someone since I was sixteen."
Sean looked at you, his expression a mix of surprise and realization. "Someone from the past?"
You nodded. "Jake Seresin. He was my first love, and I never fully moved on. I thought I did, I tried to, but it was always there, lingering. I recently found out something about him and I can't deny how I feel."
He sighed, a heavy acknowledgment of the truth. "I appreciate your honesty, Y/N. It's better to know now than later. I wish you the best, truly."
You squeezed his hand, gratitude in your eyes. "Thank you for understanding, Sean. You deserve someone who can give you their whole heart."
The both of you stood up, a touch of sadness in Sean's eyes. "I always thought it was my imagination, that something was missing in our relationship." He sighed. "I'll move my stuff to the guest room and leave tomorrow."
"You're a good man, Sean."
"Thank you."
The two of you embraced, and when you separated, Sean met your gaze, leaned over and gently kissed your cheek. "Good luck, Y/N."
"Thanks," you said, your eyes following him as he ascended the stairs.
Leslie entered the living room, her expression a mix of concern and curiosity. "Well, that didn't go as bad as I thought."
You turned to face her, a thoughtful look on your face. "I often wondered why he proposed. There was always something missing."
"So, now what?"
"So, my mother left a clause in the Will."
"What was that?"
"I have a trust of 1.5 million dollars waiting for me. James got the ranch, of course, but I was left with some money."
"Y/N. That's great!"
"The trust is for Jake and Y/N Seresin."
"Oh," Leslie remarked, processing this revelation with a thoughtful nod. "So, I guess your mom also figured it out. Everyone except for you."
You exchanged a knowing smile with Leslie. "Yeah, I guess." You settled onto the couch, and Leslie joined you. "Did I ever tell you about Mandolin Rain?"
Perplexed, Leslie looked at you. "No."
"Remember that night we went to the carnival and Jake came home soaking wet?"
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"Oh my, yes! The two of you looked like drowned rats."
"I convinced Jake to come out in the rain and just enjoy it."
Leslie raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"
"Yeah. That's when he first told me he loved me. Right there in the pouring rain."
Leslie's eyes widened in surprise. "Wow, that's... actually kind of romantic."
"Yeah, it was," you admitted, a fond smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "We stood there, drenched, and he just said it. It was one of those moments you never forget. Then when we got in the truck to go home, 'Mandolin Rain' by Bruce Hornsby and the Range came on. We made it our song."
"Never thought Jake had it in him."
You met Leslie's eyes. "There's a lot more to Jake than you think."
"Well, he's my brother, so...what are you going to do?"
"I guess I'm going to go after him. The question is, where do I start?"
"I know he's talked about some bar called The Hard Deck. He hangs out there a lot."
"Of course he would."
Leslie shrugged. "It's a start at least."
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You were fortunate enough to secure a flight from Austin to San Diego the very next morning.
You and Leslie shared a heartfelt embrace, promising to stay in touch more often now that you had made the decision to return home or live with Jake, depending on how things unfolded.
As you boarded the plane, your heart raced with anticipation. The thought of reuniting with Jake, of finally facing the feelings you both shared, filled you with a mix of excitement and nervousness. The journey ahead felt like a new beginning, and you couldn't wait to see where it would lead.
After a three hour flight, you landed at San Diego International Airport, rented a vehicle and started the drive to Coronado. You got a hotel room at one of the hotels outside of the base and walked up to the desk to check in.
"Hi! Checking in?" the front desk clerk asked. She was a friendly young blonde with a warm smile.
"Yes, that's right," you replied. "Reservation should be under Y/N Seresin."
The clerk quickly typed on the computer. "Ah, yes, I've got you right here. Here's your key. You're in room 214. Breakfast is served from 7 to 10 in the morning. If you need anything else, feel free to let us know."
"Thank you very much," you expressed with a grateful smile as you accepted the key. Just as you were about to make your way to your room, you had a moment of pause. Turning back, you approached the desk once more. "Actually, I do have a question. Could you tell me how to get to The Hard Deck bar?"
The blonde receptionist responded with a warm smile. "Certainly!"
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linkysmommy · 7 months
Well here it is. My Bloodbound review/reactions/essay/idk what.
For some reason, now that it's done most of what I have are critiques 😂 I guess because there were so many amazing things about this book, such great characters and themes, that certain things ended up leaving me... disappointed. But before I get into all that, let me start with what I really, really liked. (adding a cut because I feel like this is going to end up really long lol. also, spoilers ahead. obviously)
Overall, the vibes, the characters, the themes, and the lore were immaculate. The writers put a lot of thought into the world that they created and the themes they wanted to explore through that world, and I really respect that.
I thought that the vampire council and the clans in NYC was a really cool concept and was a little bummed that we didn't get to do more with vampire politics. Despite hating most everyone on the council, I also loved them. I found them all interesting and unique, and loved seeing the backstories that involved them, such as the scene at the fair or the scene when they all teamed up to take down Gaius. I was actually sad when the Baron and Lester died lol, while it did make for a cool scene, I felt that their deaths left a hole in the story. (oops sorry I did not mean to turn this positives into a half-negatives thing lol)
I swear that the toxic, messed up relationship between Gaius, Kamilah, and Adrian has me by the throat. The concept of a cruel, thousands year old vampire gaining the love and devotion of these two people not through the use of mind control *cough Rheya cough* but through sheer charisma, magnetism, and leadership skills... and then shaping them into tools to be used in his hands. Making them into his queen and his soldier and then forcing them into a cycle of violence while still inspiring them to follow, using them while still loving them... it's one of the greatest pleasures of having read this series to have gotten a taste for this relationship. And now that I've gotten a taste I'm just hungry for more, so this will be rotating in my head for a while yet.
Adrian Raines. My darling. My BABY. There is just something so fascinating, so alluring, about a creature born and shaped for violence, whose heart manages to remain pure. I especially loved how this was explored in Bloodbound 2. You see the heartless, emotionless cruelty that Adrian was capable of at the end of book 1, and then throughout book 2 he struggles with these two sides of himself: the heartless soldier, the angel of death, versus the kind, idealistic, sweet man who's fascinated by the simple things the world has to offer like open fields and sunlight, and the incredible ingenuity and good that the human race is capable of creating. Throughout book 2, this dance of Adrian being the foil to Gaius is clear as day and oh so powerful. Gaius was Rheya's soldier, who was shaped into a killing machine at her side, who was driven to extremes by seeing the way his own people were hunted and killed. Adrian was Gaius's soldier, who was shaped into a killing machine at his side, who had to fight the anger and hatred that tried to pull him to cruelty and snuff out his goodness. Like I said in a previous post, the juxtaposition of this inner warmth and kindness against the person Gaius tried to make him will never not be fascinating.
Kamilah and Adrian siblings bond!! PLEASE they're so cute! I adored how over and over again, we saw them exchange looks and have full on worldless conversations by just their facial expressions. The way they know each other so well, inside and out, and have complete respect for one another, and the way they would die for one another, it just warms my heart and I adore them.
Also, just Kamilah. She's a badass ancient warrior queen, and I really loved seeing how no-nonsense and serious she was. Like she's been doing this for thousands of years, she's seen so much, she's killed so much, I feel that she doesn't think she truly deserves redemption or is as pure as Adrian, but she fights to protect the people under her care. Those who cannot fight for themselves the way she can fight for them.
Gaius Augustine, what a villain you were. I loved how the game never shied away from the nuances in his character. They never painted him in cartoonishly villainous colors with no remorse for his actions. You can see why he became the way he was, and while you can understand that doesn't mean you have to excuse it; it does, however, make him more of an interesting villain. The fact that love and a desire to protect his people is what drove him to extremes makes him a fascinating villain, because his actions, while inarguably evil, are rooted in something that most everyone can understand: love. Although Gaius never knew how to truly love, it doesn't mean that he didn't. He hurt Kamilah and Adrian over centuries, but he never truly wanted to kill them. I appreciated that the various times where Gaius killed someone or almost killed someone with whom he had history (such as Takeshi or when he almost killed Kamilah), he expressed remorse. It wasn't enough to make him stop, because he is a bad man, but the fact that there was remorse in the first place adds more depth and emotion to both his character and the event itself.
I enjoyed the way that MC defeated Rheya. I thought that the twist that Rheya had murdered her own daughter after having given into her anger about the fact that she thought her daughter was murdered was really great. I enjoyed that MC didn't have to physically overpower Rheya; she just had to go back to where the cycles of violence began and show to Rheya herself that was the monster in her own story. I loved that.
It would be remiss of me to not mention Lily Spencer. From start to finish, she was a delight, and I loved how MC was honestly just as geeky as Lily sometimes, she just reigned it in a little bit more. Lily's enthusiasm for life was refreshing for a vampire story, where usually becoming a vampire is compared with death, and yet Lily's take on it was that she had a whole new life to live, new experiences to try out. I really enjoyed her humor, and thought her friendship with MC was both touching and relatable. So have some Lily moments that made me laugh out loud:
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Also, the scene where MC died, and then she was Turned, and you woke up in a coffin, and you almost killed that girl in the park... peak cinema. Absolutely delicious, you'd better believe I ate that shit up. I also loved seeing the flashback where you saw how the other vampires reacted to your death. Yes, I enjoyed seeing Adrian in pain, yes, I am an angst fiend and sadist ig.
Sorry I feel like there's more to say but I've been working on this forever so I'm gonna leave the positives at that 😭
Let me first preface this by saying that I truly enjoyed Bloodbound. It latched onto my brain, and I enjoyed the journey, and it managed to make me more invested in a Choices book than I have been since I read It Lives. That being said, after finishing it, I couldn't help but feel that many things could have been done better, and a little bit let-down that many of the things that I connected to were not fully explored or expanded upon like I felt like they could have been. So this massive critique going forward is done with love. That's all. ❤️
This one isn't a huge deal, but I was disappointed by the lack of variation that your choices had in the final battle. You had the choice to kill Rheya's vampire guards or leave them, then you had the choice to kill Dracula or leave him. The first time I played I was doing a supervillain route so I was intentionally trying to choose the darker choices and was delighted to see how people were reacting:
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I thought that their dialogues were based on the fact I was going on a murderous, merciless rampage, but then when I came back and played and didn't kill everyone, their reactions were all the same. So that was disappointing.
The Jax/Lily death was,,, a choice. I get what they were trying to do. I do. Rheya lost her family, Gaius lost Rheya, Kamilah lost her brother, Adrian lost his family. There were cycles of loss that bred extreme behavior among our cast, and they wanted MC to experience that, too. They wanted to make her a reflection of Rheya, for the moment of losing Jax/Lily to be the trigger that makes her able to lose her humanity and become the very thing she swore to destroy. However, there were a few problems with how it played out! First of all, it's obviously suspect that the two sidelined Black or Asian LIs are the only ones who can die, while Adrian and Kamilah's plot armor protects them. Second of all, they wanted to make this big sacrifice to make MC snap but then they didn't even commit to it. If anything it would've made more sense for the LI to be the one who dies, seeing the impact that it had on MC. Because while my MC cares about Jax, he's probably the person in the crew that she's the least connected to so it felt a little odd for her in particular to lose it while the others were okay. I think that honestly, she would've reacted more like them. Sad, and angry, but without such an extreme reaction. But, the writers simultaneously tried to play it safe by ensuring that your LI doesn't die, while being "brave" and killing off part of the crew, so it just came across feeling odd to me and didn't quite hit the mark of what they were trying to do.
The romantic development was underwhelming. The romance quality skyrocketed in books 2 and 3, but unfortunately by then, the characters were already in relationships and while I enjoyed those scenes, I felt disappointed that we missed a quality relationship arc where we saw the characters fall for each other. I romanced Adrian, and I don't see what was so incredible about mc in the beginning to make him fall for her. She's just some human, and he's a powerful CEO, 300 year old clan leader and vampire council member. That's not say that I don't think he could've fallen for her - in fact, I think it's poetic and makes perfect sense that the man who's so embroiled in his vampire world and vampire politics yet adores humanity would fall for an average human - but the development simply wasn't there. The scene where you first let him drink your blood after breaking him out of jail was underwhelming and there was no emotional weight in the writing of that scene. In book one, it just really felt like the fact that something happened was supposed to be enough for us to believe that it was meaningful, instead of the writing and development showing us how it happened.
The actual plot events were in general... underwhelming. Both books 2 and 3 set up this fascinating potential for scenes and narrative arcs, with Gaius destroying NYC, and then Rheya taking over the city, and both times we just flew away to chase down artifacts and have diamond scenes in pretty places in various countries. I think it was an unfortunate choice to trade the potential of vampire politics for artifact-hunting.
The Order and Xenocrates in particular were woefully under-utilized. The tapestry paintings shed light on a fascinating dynamic between Gaius and Xenocrates, and we see that this anger and hatred has spanned millennia! Xenocrates is the reason that vampires are hated and hunted, he is the reason why Gaius is driven to extremes and decides that his plan to eradicate humans apart from keeping a blood supply for vampires is the only way to protect his people. And then... he just dies in a building collapse, and the Order is destroyed, and this thousands-year-old conflict is snuffed out pretty much immediately. It was disappointing, because there was so much potential in the lore that was created here, it just wasn't taken advantage of in the present storyline.
This one is small, but. Where the heck did MC's mom go 😭 we see one memory of her and then never hear about her again. Did she die? If she's not dead, why is MC not concerned about her while Gaius and Rheya are trying to destroy/take over the world.
This one is also small but worth mentioning - I was so annoyed that MC was forced to speak up and voice her opinion all the time in situations that really didn't involve her. It was just odd to me that Adrian's assistant thought it would be a good idea to speak up in a vampire council meeting after only having known about vampires for like. A few days lol. There were many times where I cringed at having to choose something to say because I, frankly, would have just remained silent because it wasn't my place to speak.
Maybe this is just me but... I definitely felt like Jax was done dirty by the writers. Not just in that he was sidelined and had fewer scenes and plot relevance apart from "being part of the crew", but I think his development as a character was weaker than the others. By book 3, I do feel like he came more into himself, and it was nice to see him have a character arc regarding his relationship with Takeshi, but for books 1 and 2, I personally felt like the writers didn't really know him. He was sort of just... bland, left vaguely blank aside from the "rebel vampire leader" for a while. The writers themselves said that he was the hardest character to write, which makes sense because I could tell that it took them a while to figure out who he really was.
Now for my biggest critiques, mostly centering around the handling of Gaius's character and missed potential.
First, Gaius's character development and thing with Rheya. I... was not a fan at all of the brainwashing plot point. I found that it made Gaius's character far less interesting and seemed to be almost incompatible with previous portrayals of his character and who they had been creating. For example, Rheya supposedly severed his compassion for humans, yet we see a direct contradiction of that when he had empathy for Kano, a dying child who'd lost his parents, and decided to Turn him in order to save his life and give him a chance to avenge his family. What made him so fascinating to me originally was the fact that DEVOTION was what ultimately turned him into a monster: first, devotion to Rheya, and second, devotion to his own people. By book 3, he was reduced from a terrifying vampire leader who would put his life on the line to protect his own people (as seen in crypt scene where he risks his life to save other vampires instead of running to safety) to a mindless zealot of Rheya whose only purpose seemed to be "Obey the goddess!" While the devotion to her is fine, it saddened me that his role as a leader who let fanaticism guide him as he sought to protect vampires was overshadowed by this interpersonal conflict between two individuals. I think there was a hugely missed opportunity to pit his two devotions against each other when he learns that Rheya doesn't actually care about him OR the vampires as a whole, and would happily take their lives if it meant gaining more power for herself. To watch him wrestle between his devotion to Rheya, his beloved goddess, and his devotion to his vampire progeny... now that is a character arc I'd love to dive into. Imagine if, in addition to being angry that Rheya used him like a tool, he was also angry that she wanted to hurt vampires. Just imagine something like this: "While you were asleep I was building a kingdom for our people, while you were gone I was the one who stepped up to protect them! And now you think you can come back, and use them, and kill them, and that I'll support you?" The vibes... immaculate.
Going along with the topic of Gaius being responsible for his own actions vs the concept of brainwashing, if Gaius hadn't been brainwashed and simply turned against Rheya because he realized she didn't care about the well-being of vampires and saw them as tools in her quest for power, I feel as though it would've made the alliance between Gaius and MC's crew all that much more interesting. A fragile alliance between people with a common enemy, but Gaius is still not an ally because he still disdains humanity, and once Gaius helps you get Rheya out of the way, you know that you'll have to deal with him next... mmm delicious.
As an add on, learning that it was all the result of brainwashing opens up a whole can of worms of "okay this man still committed war crimes but how much is he actually responsible for?" that I frankly don't feel was necessary, because Gaius was fully fascinating all on his own without needing to add the element of brainwashing to it. I just felt like it had the result of turning a fascinating, layered, nuanced character into "black-and-white" to make his redemption easier for lay readers to stomach.
Even after having bought every single tapestry diamond scene and plenty of diamond scenes with various characters, I was still left with lingering confusion about what happened in the past, namely: what did Gaius's empire look like and how did it work, what exactly were Kamilah and Adrian doing to spread his empire and enforce his rule, and what about him made them choose to swear fealty in the first place? They talk so much about all the people they killed and yet we really only saw them kill people who weren't exactly innocent? Iirc we only saw Adrian kill confederate soldiers, a British soldier who tried to kill him first, and a rogue vampire that had just drained a man of blood. And yeah, there was some sketchiness about it because the confederate soldiers weren't attacking him, and there was a young kid with them, but at the end of the day they were enemy soldiers fighting to maintain slavery and this is war - hardly the same thing as ruthlessly murdering strangers. Anyway the point is that I would've liked a clearer picture of what they did, to truly see them at their lowest points. And then, to see what was the catalyst that started pushing them back up again. I would've liked to know who they were sent to kill, and why, instead of vaguely "I've killed so many people." Give me the details!!
Like Part 1, I am Tired now and I feel like I've said most of what I want to say. So I am finished with my critiques section.
If you made it this far, you are the best and I appreciate you being interested enough in my thoughts to read this long, rambling review ❤️
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ladysomething · 3 months
Oh my goodness thank you so much for such a detailed answer and for entertaining my long, rambling mess of an ask. I appreciate you and I LOVE learning more about your writing process. It’s so interesting to me and it makes me appreciate the fic even more knowing how much work and care you and SaiyanWitcher put into every chapter. I will ask again at the end of WYGIG to find out what foreshadowing moments you loved the most, I promise! And in the meantime I am so excited to see what things I’m right about and what things are gonna surprise me! (Also I think I’m already wrong about the Kelly thing because I forgot in ch2 that Charles said she didn’t have a mating bite, so my new prediction is that Max was helping Kelly escape from a bad situation and that Max’s mum was the one he saw go through mate withdrawal, but don’t tell me if I’m right! I’m living for the suspense!!)
And tiny details like the vase thing are truly my favourite thing. Idk, they just are that special something that makes a fic go from amazing to like, god-tier for me. And now since you said you love when people pick up on tiny details, here’s some others I noticed that I loved, just in case me noticing them can also bring you some joy.
Before the auction, Mattia touches his own face when referring to Charles’ muzzle in ch1 and Max gestures at his face similarly in ch2 when trying to get permission from Charles to remove the muzzle (and then the contrast of Mattia’s cruelty and Max’s gentleness that follows those similar actions is !!!!! so good !!) 
I loved how in ch1 when Charles is trying to mentally block out the auction, he focuses on pretending he’s back in his childhood apartment since that was a safe place for him, and then that’s the same place his dreamworld is based on when we see it in ch3!
Charles self soothing by stroking his teddy in ch2 and by stroking the sheets in his nest the same way in ch4 broke my heart a lil.
And Charles described Max’s scent as most collecting on petals of daffodils and jasmine when Max was trying to calm him down in ch3 and then max describes Charles’ scent as strawberries and jasmine in ch4. Love the subtle overlap, those boys are meant to be (even if it’s a Rough Start)!!!
This ask is now longer than my first outrageously long ask, I am so so sorry. And I don’t even have a question so def don’t feel obligated to reply to this one LOL. But I have so much love for your writing and so appreciate your willingness to answer my (and everyone else’s) questions about your writing and this story!!
anon, I need you to understand that I've had a really difficult week writing WYGIG. I know exactly what has to to happen, and I'm so excited for the next chapter, and yet I am struggling to get words down on the paper.
Your previous ask, and now this one, are so immeasurably delightful to me and they are the exact type of thing I needed to hear. I don't know if you'll ever be able to understand just how meaningful the things you've said are.
I honestly don't think I even have the words to thank you for your extremely kind and thoughtful asks, so instead I'm giving you what is an extremely meagre offering in return: a snippet from chapter 5.
It's below the cut, for anybody who doesn't want the spoilers.
“Is this your Dreyma Ver-öld?” 
Charles’ fingers slip on the keys, discordant noise filling the air. He whips around on the seat, horror filling him as he sees Max standing in the middle of the living room, dripping water everywhere and looking around curiously. 
“You,” Charles seethes. “What are you doing here?” 
But he already knows the answer, of course. Max claimed him, so just like every other part of his life, Max gets access to this, too. At least he seems to have woken up outside, where it’s still pouring rain. At least there are small justices. 
“Mine doesn’t look like this,” Max says, ignoring the question entirely. 
Charles wouldn’t have any idea what Max’s Dream World might look like. He’ll never get to see it, because to see it he’d have to claim Max back. No, instead, Charles is doomed to a life giving everything to Max and getting nothing in return. 
“Was this your home?” 
Charles grits his teeth and turns back around to his piano, stubbornly refusing to answer. 
“What was the shed outside?” Max asks a few moments later. “I tried to go in, but—” 
“You can’t go in there,” Charles snaps, shoulders hunched. He doesn’t care how confrontational he sounds—he’d rather die than let Max near the memories locked in that shed.
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alostlovergirl · 1 year
hello! i have read all of your marvel stories & i absolutely love them <3 could i please request a dark bruce banner x reader where he kidnaps fem!reader who is his assistant? maybe he is worried about her living in the city alone, but he is obsessed with her and wants to get her pregnant as soon as possible so everyone will know she’s his? you can change any details you’d like. thank you so much!
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Just worried. -Bruce Banner X reader
Summary: Bruce has always been paranoid about you, but you never thought much about it. A boss worried about his assistant, right? Maybe, its gone to far.
Warnings: creepy, stalking, kidnapping, possessive, obsessive, non con, force pregnancy, breeding.
Note: Here ya go! Sorry, it’s a little short, but I hope you like it!
Bruce loathed leaving his assistant alone. He wanted to keep her in his lab and comfort her. Save her from the big bad of the world. That has always been his number one goal, to keep her safe and in his sight at all time. She lived alone in a big city and he was scared that someone was gonna hurt her. He already have heard horror stories about women being sexually harassed while walking alone. He has tried desperately to get her to stay when they accidentally stayed too late in the lab. She always stated that she was fine and made her way home in the orange tented night, leaving her paranoid boss pacing his home.
Bruce can't stand it. He was upset that ne courant have her near him at all times. He needed her here, even after work hours. He wanted to hold her and make her safe, make it so she wouldn't have to worry about anyone hurting her. So he wouldn't worry about her.
It was raining. Hard raining. Bruce closes the blinds, the rain distracting him from his experiments. He looks over at his perfect assistant, smiling as she was bent over the chemicals, testing out a drug they were making for medical reasons. She looked amazing, hair tucked back in a low ponytail and so focused on her project. He walks up to her, standing on her right side, watching over her. When she takes notice, he gets met with those beautiful almond eyes and warm smile. " Ya know, you don't gotta watch over me, sir " she teased him, taking off her goggles.
Bruce just smiles and grabs droppler outta of her hand. “ I am just making sure you are doing the right thing. Can't have another explosion... " he smirks, remembering the explosion she caused in his lab a few nights ago. It was absolutely halirous seeing her singed face and scared expression. Probably thought that he was gonna fire her. She just shakes her head, giggling and turning back to her project. "Would you want to stay here with me? The rain is getting worse. "
" No no... wouldn’t want to be a bother... plus I got a show to watch.” she sounded excited at the end and that made his heart warm in his chest. He smiled, but frowned when he realized she rejected his offer. He really didn't want her to walk home in the rain. There were too many dangers; she could slip and bust her head wide open, she could be robbed, she could be followed and taken advantage of. He couldn't allow that to happen.
"Oh come on, dear. I could stream your show here and I will set a place for you to sleep. I don't feel comfortable about you walking home in the rain, darling." he takes off his glasses and he sighs. He was becoming desperateto keep her in his home. She lets out a sigh and turns to her partner, stretching. She shakes her head, taking off her gloves, getting ready to leave. She grabs her bags.
"No no... I need to go home, Bruce. I cannot stay with you all the time" she seemed to be getting nervous as she grabbed her beats. She flashes one of her signature, heart breaking smiles before rushing past the worried doctor. He grumbles as the door slams behind him. He grips the table and starts growling to himself, about to toss the table across the room in frustration. Why won't she understand that he was trying to protect her? He just wanted to make her safe. She was too precious to be out the world. Too perfect to be touching the disgusting filth out in that world. He was gonna protect her. Whether she liked it or not.
The woman was making her way down to her studio apartment in the downtown part of town. Snot was dribbling out of her nose from the cold rain, but she really didn't want to stay with Bruce. He was becoming kinda creepy lately and it was freaking her out, like the fact he was trying to get her stay over all the time. Either staying late or wanting to watch a couple of movies. She has thought about quitting being his assistant, but he pays so much money and she can't give that up until she finds a better job somewhere else. She gets to her apartment and unlocks the door to her fluffy brown cat, Gizmo. He meows at her and she picks him up, smiling. She carries him to get him some food and water before washing her hands, making some food
She couldn't stop thinking about Bruce and worrying about his mental state. She wondered if he was sane and if that was the reason why he was so protective over her. She really needed to get away from him. She feels that she was in possible danger and that if she goes back to his lab, that she'll never come back out.
She went back every day. She didn't want to go back because everytime she went back, Bruce got more and more obsessive. He wouldn't leave her alone and was starting to become more persistent about her staying over. He was asking every fucking hour of the day, she was starting to get annoyed and it wasn't helping that she was becoming more stressed out as he was over her shoulder, criticizing everything she was doing. "Ok! Get off my back, Bruce!" she pushed the older doctor away. She moves away from him, turning around, with a pissy attitude.
Today was a bad day. She was cramping, she didn’t have time to do her hair, she was tired and she was pissed off about everything. She really didn’t want to deal with Bruce's bullshit today. "Damn Bruce!" he looked shocked and confused. He actually looked hurt that she yelled at him.
She just sighed and takes off her lab coat. "i quit..I can't do this anymore, Bruce.", she grabs her bags and leaves, quickly. She takes a deep breath, not realizing how much trouble she just caused for herself. Her " worried " boss now didn't have her with him anymore, but he can't leave her on her own. He needed her to be with him all the time and he was gonna make that happen.
It had been a few weeks since she left her boss alone in his lab. She was struggling to find work after all of that, but she refuses to go back to his lab. He was scaring the hell out of her and she finally got away from that being fearful of her supposed ‘worried’ boss. There was no way she would ever see him again. Before she blocked his number, he had been obsessively texting her over and over. Begging her over and over to come back, that he would lay off of her.
She completely cut him off and weird things started to happen; her powerlines got cut and during the darkness, she heard a bunchof weird noises. Her phonelines were cut and she couldn't call anyone for 2 weeks straight. She hears people trying to get in her apartment at night and she has called the cops over 20 times, fearful of her life and safety. They keep brushing it off, telling her to invest in some locks.
She did live in the bad part of town, but that didn't mean that the police wasn't obligated to help her, right? She took matters into her own hands and bought extra locks for her doors, patio, and windows. She purchased pepper spray, and a gun. She even had a male friend stay with her for a while, until she was sure she was safe. She limited her outside activity and started covering her face when ever she is at a store. She was so scared about everything, even after the whole thing stopped happening.
She just needed to protect herself because she didn't feel safe. Now, she was relaxing in her apartment, when her door bell rings. She sighs in disappointment at her interrupted movie, putting her popcorn down. She gets up and walks over to the door, opening it. "hello-" she was cut off by a deranged looking Bruce, holding a gun to her head. She stood there in shocking, vision blurring with tears.
"I was worried about you, sugar" his voice was monotone and sick sounding. Sounded like he has been out in the cold or rain. "No more living by yourself. You are coming to stay with me." he spoke, gently but held the gun firm. He reached out Ana grabbed her arm, pulling her out of her apartment. He shuts the door and allows it to automatically lock. He tugs the tense woman along, making small, awkward conversation with her as she stayed quiet, fearing that if she said anything, that she would face down in the concrete of the busy streets. He stood close behind her, gun against the small of her back. He seemed giddy as she walked with some sweats, sweater and some house shoes on. She didn't understand how no one felt something wrong with this situation or helped her when she was completely tensed and uncomfortable around this man. Bruce just continued talking as they reached the house / laboratory she areadea seeing. He ushered her up the concrete steps Ana gave her his house keys. " unlock our home..."
She shivered, tears forcing its way out of her eyes. Shaking horribly, she unlocks the door, the air conditioning blasting in her face. She looks up at him and he just pushes her inside the house with a wicked smile.
"You can never leave me again. I'll make sure you are connected to me forever. Everyone is gonna know you are mines. I'll never worry about you again." The tears flows harder as he spoke, walking towards her, holding the gun. He pulls her into his chest and tilts her head up, holding the gun behind his back. " be a good girl, yeah?"
Even if he was threatening, his voice never failed to comfort her. Something about his sickly sweet voice and the way he whisperswas comforting, no matter what he was talking about. She almost relaxed into him until ne carasses her thigh. His hands disgustingly roamed her body, making her extremely uncomfortable. He groans in the pleasure and she pulls away from him. “Bruce…please. I’m begging you to leave me alone. I won’t tell anyone.-“
“Shhh…. You don’t understand how long I have wanted you. Everything about you is perfect. From your beautiful face to your plump ass. I was always worried about your safety because you were so gorgeous. You left me and I needed you. I have you now and I am never letting you go…” she could hear a little bit of Hulk in his voice at the end of his confession. He bum rushed her and throws the woman over his shoulder. She started to struggle and kick, crying harder. He was so excited. So happy to have her in his arms even if she didn’t want to be in his arms. She doesn’t have a choice anymore. He was going to make her his and everyone will know that she is his.
He slams her on the couch and continues feeling her body up as she fought against him. He fulfilled his disgusting fantasies as he overpowers her small body, ripping her naked. He wasted no time in getting what he wanted. Her pretty little cunt was wet, even though she apparently didn’t want him. He swipes a finger along her folds, making her screams stop and she bites her lip. He chuckles to himself and presses his finger inside of her wetness. The clench on his finger was amazing to him. It was making it harder for him to hold back, but he needed to at least try to prep her.
She couldn’t help herself, moaning out when he nudged her legs open and pushed his face between them. She feels his hot breath and warm lips against her sopping wet cunt. She pushes back against his face, whimpering. She grabs at her tits, pinching her nipples. She shakes her head, trying to break out of her pleasure fueled senses, knowing this was wrong. She clearly didn’t want this, but yet it was so good. Her body was begging for more as his tongue shoved in and out of her.
When he pulled away, he laughs at her red face and unties his sweat pants. He pulls out his cock and shoved himself inside her without warning. She sucked in a breath as her succulent sucked him in. She grabs the couch and turns her face away from him, letting him thrust inside of her. She wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, so maybe she could escape later. She tried to ignore it, but it was too good. She covers her mouth, eyes rolling back. She rolls her hips with his thrusts and she moans out, making him smile.
“Feel good? You can’t hide your moans from me, sugar” he growls, going inside harder. He holds her face down into the couch, losing control of himself. Her pussy was wet, making slapping noises in the echoey living room. His cock was thick, not very long, but it was enough for her to be shaking already. Every thrust sent waves full of pleasure throughout her body.
Suddenly, he held her down by her arms and pounded her without a care in the world. Her jaw slacked open and she cried out, moaning. “BRUCE! WAIT WAIT!!” it was becoming too much to handle and was starting to hurt. She started hitting his hips, but that only made him faster and harder. The pain was burning through her like a wildfire and he just growls, muttering something to himself.
“Gon make you mine… make you pregnant” as soon as she heard pregnant, she started to scream for help. She tried to fight him away, but he just slaps her thigh every time you move. She cry and beg him not to impregnate her. She didn’t want to be connected to him forever, but he was too strong to fight back against. His hips stuttered to a stop and she feels hot cum filling her up.
He pants, sitting back on his knees and watching her drip out like a freshly backed donut. “All fucking mine…” he pants out as she moved away from him and against the other side the of couch. She pulls her knees up to her chest and cries into them. He crawls over to her and wraps himself around her, rocking her, trying to comfort her. She didn’t even fight, just sat there and cried.
She belonged to him know because he was just so worried about her.
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Target audience: @beantothemax @crabknee
Nino and Jaffar one-shot, 764 words
Jaffar spent every waking moment worrying for Nino. She was small, weak, and far too trusting. Some day, she was going to get herself hurt.
One morning when he had woken up before everyone else, he found Nino was not at camp. She never slept in, but she wasn't one to wander off either.
With his daggers in hand, he searched for her. His heart raced with every second he could not find her. She might have been kidnapped and halfway across the country already!
He sighed, though, relieved to find a clear set of her footprints in the mud. It had rained some days prior, so the patterns on the soles of her boots were still clear.
He followed them down to a field of flowers and tall grass. It was difficult to spot her as her green hair blended in with her surroundings, but he managed to follow the sound of her humming.
"Nino!" he called out.
"Jaffar!" she smiled, standing with dozens of flowers in her arms, "Goodmorning! Do we have to continue marching?"
"No, Lyn says we'll stay here until tomorrow. Don't run off without telling anyone," he frowned.
"Well, no one else was awake yet, and-"
She flinched slightly when he ruffled her hair. His faces softened (though he didn't quite smile) and he looked down at the flowers that had begun falling out of her hands.
"What's all this for?"
"Florina taught me how to make flower crowns and I thought I'd make more."
"What are flower crowns?"
"It's like these- uh- circlets? I don't know, they don't really look like crowns, but it's like a ring of flowers you put on your head!" she beamed.
Her nose scrunched and her eyes were hardly open as she giggled, showing off all the flowers crowns she had made. He took each of them, careful to make sure he would not destroy the petals.
His hands had scarcely been used for things so delicate or pretty. All he could remember was fear and death by his own hands. The only thing he feared was that he might never learn to be gentle, that he might hurt Nino when he only meant to care for her, but now when she smiled so, showing off her creations, not hurting her was the easiest thing in the world. How Sonia could hurt her was beyond him.
"Do you wanna learn how to make them?" she asked.
He nodded and, as carefully as he had taken them, he lay the crowns on the ground.
Nino gave him dandelions that must have been the length of his arm. She held two together, showing how he should braid them. When he did not understand it the first time, she showed him again and again and again.
"Sorry," he muttered after failing for the sixth time.
"It's alright! You'll get it eventually, and I like being with you!" Nino smiled a smile he wanted to preserve.
This feeling in Jaffar was new, unlike anything he had felt before. It wasn't like the shame or wicked "pride" that haunted him, but something soft and sweet. When he looked at Nino, he did not think of how he might disarm or kill her, only how he would protect her.
That great feeling in, all its unfamiliarity, was overwhelming to someone who had never known love before and so tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. Nino, distracted with her flowers, did not notice until he sniffled.
"Oh no, why are you crying?" she asked.
"I don't know," Jaffar breathed.
With a sigh, Nino wrapped her arms around him and soothed him, just as her family would with her.
Neither knew how much time had passed before Canas found them.
"There you are!" he smiled, "I made breakfast, let's eat."
Nino stood with a smile and walked some paces before realizing Jaffar did not follow her.
"Aren't you hungry?" she asked.
Jaffar merely shrugged.
"Oh come on now, you're a growing boy and you're family, it would be shameful if I didn't feed you," Canas smiled.
He stood and rubbed his eyes, but paused, "I'm family?"
"But of course! Nino's family is mine as well."
Jaffar hardly spoke as they ate, only watching as the girl told her uncle all about the flower crowns they had made. He wasn't related to them by blood, he would never truly be Nino's brother or Canas' nephew, but...
Perhaps their blood did not matter. As long as that urge to protect Nino remained, he would be happy to call her his sister.
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In addition to my previous "top 5 ask" this is the attached space to gush and rant about how Ghostbur is your favorite of all. 😝 Go off. I want to hear it all.
I am so happy right now I keep smiling oh my goodness-
Gosh where do I even start oh my gosh-
Ghostbur’s just… adorable. I don’t usually call fictional characters adorable, but Ghostbur IS HE REALLY IS!!! HERE WOULD YOU LIKE AN EXAMPLE!!!
Speaking of Friend!! Ghostbur being an animal lover is just… yes. He’s so sweet and kind and gentle to Friend and loves him dearly and takes him everywhere on a little leash, and he calls Friend his “comfort sheep” and Friend really does help calm Ghostbur down and aaaaaaah he’s like a therapy pet and it’s adorable 🥺
Ghostbur’s devotion!! To the people he loves!! Oh my gosh!! Like he literally followed Tommy to his death, and did everything he possibly could to help Tommy and make sure he was taken care of and felt loved; and the compasses!!! Aaaaaaah!!! Ghostbur gave Tommy a compass that pointed to Tommy’s best friend, and Ghostbur knew it would mean a lot to Tommy so he went through the painstaking process to make the compass and EEEEEEEEEE!!!
Oh! Exile! Can I talk about Exile? Yes, I shall.
Ghostbur was pretty much the only one who visited Tommy during Exile. The only one! And not only that, but Ghostbur stayed; he built Tommy a house, helped him make Exile a home (or as much of a home as it could be) and helped decorate and would take pictures of L’manburg and bring them back for Tommy to look at, and he helped with the beach party planning and happily offered to send invitations… like I feel like people don’t talk about this. Ghostbur helped Tommy a lot during Exile—so much so that Dream, the big bad guy of the server, saw Ghostbur as a threat and tried to kill him!!!
Lots and lots of people see Ghostbur as a child, as immature, as silly or weird or pointless or something else, and while yes, Ghostbur does have very weird and very innocent and very child-like quirks, that is not his entire personality.
In actuality, Ghostbur is an incredibly cunning, smart, resourceful, thoughtful, deeply caring individual who thinks hard about things, and communicates himself in a wonderfully unique way! I really resonate with a lot of what Ghostbur says :)
So many people see Ghostbur as the “tee-hee silly ghost boy” and like… have they even watched his Doomsday stream?? Have. Have they even watched it?? Have they heard Ghostbur screaming at Phil??? Have they heard, “I know I’m forgetful, I know I’m an amnesiac, I know I’m the comic relief in all your stories but I still feel things, and I try my best to make sure no one else feels them” (said through tears, by the way)
HAVE THEY HEARD THAT??? HAVE THEY HEARD, “I sowed the seeds of peace, and yet I’m the one who pays for war”??? DID THEY HEAR ANY OF THAT???
Heck, even Phil, the one Ghostbur said all this to, merely said this: “I’m sorry. You’ll understand someday.”
Gosh. The misinterpretations of Ghostbur will never stop making me angry. Anyway.
Ghostbur also loooooves to read and has his own little library which yes :D :D
Ghostbur’s weird, man. He’s a strange guy. He’s dead. He burns in the rain. He loves sheep. He loves Tommy. He just OUGHHHHHABDKSBKSGSJSV
Ghostbur has such a unique personality + way of viewing the world, and I feel like this fandom really sleeps on that—which is a shame, because Ghostbur is a beautiful character!! There’s so much potential there!!
Also his determination to see the best in everyone, even if they’ve been deemed the bad guy; he saw goodness in Eret, he saw hope in Wilbur, he was even nice to Dream! He even was friends with Dream (which, he probably shouldn’t have been, because Dream did nothing but hurt him, but still wksdhwjsgwjg)!
One of my favorite quotes from Ghostbur is, “Maybe a villain is just a hero who hasn’t been convinced yet.”
LIKE !!!
Gosh. Gosh, man. I freaking love Ghostbur.
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sex-lapis · 1 year
Happy New Year, Zhongli-sensei
Mandatory Zhonglumi birthday smut, please enjoy
The history department year end party was, to Zhongli, something to be endured rather than enjoyed. His fellow academics were a tightly wound bunch, and adding alcohol to the mix always ended in an argument over some minor historical point. The fact that he generally knew the true answer to whatever it was they were fighting about added another layer of unpleasantness to the entire event, and more often than not, he ended up sat in a corner, laughing to himself over a glass of wine.
This year he had excused himself on the stroke of midnight, fireworks serenading his walk home. The streets around him were quiet, and it seemed to Zhongli as if the whole world were inside, cocooned from the cold and rain by the warmth of family and friends. Well, everyone apart from him.
He was nearly to his apartment when he saw one of his students, sat on the pavement. His favourite student, in fact. Lumine, who would listen to him prattle on and tell anecdotes about obscure battles and generals, whether they were on the syllabus or not.
She was wearing the same clothes she’d worn to his lecture that morning, the thin white fabric of her blouse sticking to her skin in the rain. Her head was bowed against the rain, and she didn’t look up until she sighted Zhongli’s shoes.
“Sensei-” she started, eyes widening.
Zhongli held his umbrella over her, a futile gesture, but one he felt compelled to make. “Lumine? Are you okay? Do you have somewhere you can go?”
Wordlessly Lumine shook her head, and Zhongli stepped closer, holding his arm out for her.
“Come with me,” he said, pausing as her golden gaze fell on him, uncertain. “I can make you some tea, at least.”
She nodded, and her hand was small and cold in his as he helped her up. “You won’t tell the school?” she said, and some small part of Zhongli’s heart cracked.
“I’m your teacher, Lumine. I have a duty of care to you, not the college.” He sighed, shrugging off his jacket and draping it over her shoulders. “Let’s get inside, before you catch a cold.”
What else are you good for, when you’re six thousand years old, except for perhaps teaching history? He hadn’t had much in mind when he’d retired from being Liyue’s emperor, but immortal or not, he still needed somewhere to live, and the bills wouldn’t pay themselves.
Zhongli busied himself with preparing the tea, trying not to think about how Lumine’s golden eyes had gone huge as she stepped through his doorway. His apartment was modest enough, but the same couldn’t be said about the contents.
He’d been earnest enough when he’d vowed to live like a normal man, but Zhongli was in truth no monk. The trappings of his position, of his divinity, had followed him all the way to his humble teacher’s apartment. His favourite incense burners, his cases full of rare scrolls, even some of the weapons he had crafted hung from the walls.
“Is this… real?” Lumine asked, fingers tracing the edge of a silk wall hanging.
Zhongli cleared his throat, putting the tea set down on a folding mahogany table that had been a gift from the queen of a neighbouring country, now defunct, probably only existing on the maps of historians like himself. “Please excuse the clutter. I had to downsize somewhat.”
“Oh, are you divorced?” Lumine’s expression was questioning.
“Oh, I’m so sorry.” Without warning, Lumine’s hand was on his arm, her golden eyes looking up at him with concern. “I didn’t know.”
“It’s alright,” Zhongli managed, his voice strangled as Lumine’s touch short circuited a part of his brain. If he were still emperor he would make her a concubine. The thought rose to the forefront of Zhongli’s mind and stayed there like an unwelcome guest. He would make her a concubine and put her in her own little palace, his to visit and dress up and play with.
If Lumine knew the effect she was having on him, she didn’t show it. “Still, I’m sorry.”
Zhongli shook his head, pouring a cup of tea for each of them. “If there is one thing that one learns in the study of history,” he said. “It is that tragic circumstances are rarely unique. I am hardly the only person in this world who has undergone loss, or heartbreak.” Gently, he slid Lumine’s cup towards her, a prompt. “Would you like to tell me what happened?”
“You’ll keep it a secret?”
“Between us,” Zhongli confirmed, taking a sip of his own tea.
“My brother’s missing,” Lumine confided, her voice low and full of shame. “He was my only family, and I can’t afford the apartment without him, so…”
“You were evicted,” Zhongli finished for her.
Lumine bowed her head in confirmation, liquid tears forming at the corners of her eyes. Zhongli’s reached for his handkerchief, not really thinking, and Lumine blinked in surprise as he dabbed her tears away.
“Don’t cry,” Zhongli breathed. “It’ll be alright.”
“You can’t tell anyone! Not my friends, not the college-”
“I made a promise, did I not?” Zhongli eyed the bottom of his teacup. “I am not a man who breaks his promises. We will find a solution, in time. But for now, you should stay here.”
“With you?” Lumine’s eyes widened.
Zhongli nodded, wishing not for the first time that his residence was larger. “I’ll roll out a futon for you.”
That night he dreamed of a golden figure, crawling over him, pinning him down, pushing up his nightclothes. A tug on his hair roused him, and as he came groggily to consciousness Zhongli found that his dream had been very much founded in reality. She was on top of him, in his bed, sitting up astride his waist, the covers pushed aside.
“Sensei, let me fuck you,” Lumine whispered, and Zhongli felt the heat and wetness of her sweet cunt where it pressed against his navel, his nightshirt riding up where she had unbuttoned it. “Please.”
Zhongli opened his eyes fully and immediately regretted it. Lumine wore one of his dress shirts, her breasts peeking out where it was half buttoned, her mussed golden hair framing her flushed face in the half light. Zhongli’s body betrayed him like a sea monster rising from the depths, his mouth dry and his cock turgid. “Lumine!” he rasped, caught between covering his face and pushing her away. But there was nowhere safe to touch, only her deliciously naked thighs and hips, her slender waist, her tantalizing breasts.
“It’s okay, sensei.” Lumine leaned forward, taking his hands, strands of her hair falling over his chest and collar. “You don’t have to do anything. Just let me take you.”
Zhongli stared up at her, trying to push the ache of his cock to the back of his mind. He was bigger than her, stronger than her. He could pick her up and put her back in her own bed, like the gentleman he pretended he was. But he didn’t. “You don’t have to do this, Lumine.”
Lumine’s expression was amused. “But I want to,” she said, pushing herself back against his cock.
Zhongli groaned as Lumine took him in, cunt so warm and wet that it was almost unreal. Her walls gripped him, at once tight and velvety, the feel of her sublime.
“See? You want me too, don’t you.” Lumine’s small hands squeezed his as she rocked her hips, the change in angle ripping a gasp from Zhongli’s throat.
“I-” Zhongli had never been a liar. “Yes,” he confessed, voice hoarse. “Keep going, little student. Make me spill myself inside you.”
“Sensei-” Lumine whimpered as she kept rocking, the sound of her voice enough to make Zhongli twitch, close to the edge of his endurance already.
Zhongli bucked his hips, driving another moan from his favourite student’s lips as he wrested his hands from hers, grabbing her by the hips and fucking up into her.
Lumine whimpered and begged in nonsense syllables as he took her, air driven out of her in time with his thrusts, the wet noise of her cunt filling his senses.
“You’re mine, aren’t you,” he growled, slowing his pace as he felt himself reach his limit.
“Yes, sensei.” Lumine’s face was flushed, her pupils blown. “I’m yours, to take and fuck and cum inside, whenever you like.”
“Then you should be a good student and cum on my cock, shouldn’t you,” said Zhongli, thumb finding the sensitive nub of her sex and brushing over it.
Lumine’s eyes went wide. “S-sensei!” she whined, and Zhongli smirked as he continued the gentle, continual touch. It had been a long time since he had been with anyone, but he had been with enough women to tell from feel that Lumine was close to her own orgasm, with the tension in her body and the shallowness of her breath.
“Good girl,” Zhongli rasped, barely holding off his own end, angling his hips to push at the sensitive spots inside her as he finished her with his thumb.
Lumine whimpered as she came, cunt quivering and pulsing around his shaft as she slumped forward against his chest. “I love you, sensei,” she murmured, so quiet that he could barely hear it.
Those four words and Zhongli felt himself come undone, fingers digging into the soft flesh of Lumine’s thighs as he emptied himself inside her, painting her womb with his essence.
It was, Zhongli thought, as he drifted off, not the smartest thing he had ever done. Lumine was still on top of him as he went soft inside her, her own breathing slowing to a sleeping rhythm, and Zhongli absently kissed her hair. He’d never claimed to be a wise man, just very old and good at improvising. If something bad came of this, he could deal with it.
“I love you too, little student,” said Zhongli quietly, to the still night air.
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thealterscrolls · 10 months
many a wednesday has passed since @wispstalk tagged me to do this and i’m finally getting around and remembering to doing this! here’s a segment from the Raining Stars draft, my hero of kvatch/martin fic! snippet is from the perspective of ambrosius rex. ambrosius has DID (unaware) and dissociates in this snippet. i know i’ve shared this one in places before but i’ve changed it up a fair bit since then. also i really like it so idc
i honestly don’t know who’s all actively writing stuff at the moment so i’m not going to tag anyone specifically. boring i know. sorry. consider this post a tag and tag me if you share a wip because i want to read them!
without further ado, the wip:
Jauffre leans away from me, attempting to stand on his own. “We don’t really have time to talk. We must get Martin somewhere safe.”
Martin turns to him. “Who might you be?”
I quickly speak for him. “This is Jauffre, grandmaster of the Blades.”
“Jauffre,” Martin repeats to himself quietly, pausing to think for a moment. “I’ve seen you before. I know your face.”
Jauffre sighs. “I travel a lot in my line of work.”
Martin visibly scrutinizes him but says nothing.
“Jauffre’s right,” I interject. “We have to go.”
Before any of us can say more, Savlian strides up beside me and claps a hand on my shoulder. “I’m sure Ambrosius here told you the good news, brother Martin, that the gate is closed, but I doubt he mentioned that it’s all thanks to him. You should have seen him. Man fought like a beast!”
“Oh, did he now,” Jauffre asks.
I don’t know if he doubts it or if he’s impressed by that question. I can’t find it in myself to say anything.
“Ambrosius practically slaughtered all those daedra on his own,” Savlian continues. “We simply followed.”
“Last night I would have found that hard to believe, but today—” Jauffre doesn’t finish the thought.
“I saw him with my own two eyes and could scarcely believe it. I wasn’t sure who I was more terrified of: him or the daedra!”
All I can do is nod along with him. I feel strange. Exhausted. Empty. A bit uneasy in my stomach. As much as I want to hear Savlian’s story of what I can’t remember, I can hardly pay attention to what anyone is saying. I’m not sure I want to hear it anymore either.
Before I get lost in myself any further, I politely excuse myself from the conversation. Martin offers an arm to Jauffre who in turn acquiesces and takes it. I wander away a distance, sitting down in a pew to catch my breath. My body sinks down heavily against the stone.
I’m not sure how long I sit there, fading in and out of focus. After a while, someone sits down a space over from me.
Martin speaks. “Savlian and his men are taking back the rest of the city. They figured you deserved a chance to rest.”
“Where’s Jauffre?”
“Oleta is seeing to him. She’s the healer here. One of the best in Cyrodiil.”
I lift an eyebrow. “However did you manage a thing like that?”
“Well it wasn’t easy,” he laughs. “Oleta was stern with him, and I might have told him I wouldn’t leave otherwise.”
“I’m surprised you got that to work.”
He shifts in the pew, taking a breath. “I don’t savor the idea, but I imagine it has something to do with being the only heir. Allegedly, that is.” His tone sounds lighthearted but if I didn’t know any better, I’d swear there’s a weight to it as well.
I snort softly in acknowledgment. There isn’t much I can say to that. I’m hardly one to pretend to understand the complexities of such a situation.
“Well, anyhow,” Martin continues. “Tierra plans to escort the townspeople to the camp outside the city, but we have to make sure everyone’s ready and safe to move, including Jauffre.”
“That makes sense.”
We sit in silence for a moment. Then he turns towards me slightly. “Are you doing okay?”
No. “I’m fine.”
He may as well have scoffed. “Nobody is fine. Not when the daedra are slaughtering our people and it feels as if the world is coming to an end. I know things are wrong, so you’re not sparing me from anything by pretending otherwise.”
He doesn’t know what’s wrong, not completely. I nod my head anyway. “Alright then, I’m not fine. But forgive me if I don't explain further. I’ve got nothing to do with the gods so I don’t think I’d find a priest’s words very comforting.”
Martin takes a breath and looks away, appearing visibly shamed. His voice is quieter than before. “No, forgive me. It wasn’t my intentions to preach at you. If it’s any consolation, I had no such ‘priestly’ words to offer. Truth be told, I’m having trouble with my own faith now.” He pauses, and almost laughs out his next sentence. “And something tells me I won’t be a priest anymore after this anyway.”
“Not sure that makes me feel any better either,” I say, slightly bemused.
“Didn’t think so,” he snorts softly. “But I prayed—I hoped for deliverance. And it came. So that’s comfort enough for me. I don’t think I can thank the gods quite yet, but I can thank you.”
Saying “you’re welcome” doesn’t seem an appropriate response, so I nod my head again. I turn my head towards the people huddled in the chapel, towards the living and the dead. Few among them appear hopeful. The rest are scared, perhaps not of the Gate or the daedra anymore, but rather, of the future and the uncertainty of it all. I can’t take credit for saving any of them.
I wonder how many of them are experiencing such a thing for the first time in their lives. Is this their first crisis? Perhaps their second? Maybe all their problems had been small, which is not to say they were any less painful. Of all the crises I went through, none of them had ever reached this scale. None threatened all of Tamriel. Maybe it’s a first for all of us.
“I haven’t saved anyone,” I whisper. “I didn’t stop anything. Their lives are forever ruined and I can’t help them. I’ve placed a sackcloth scrap on a severed limb.”
Martin shakes his head. “There are times when stopping the bleeding is all you can do.” He almost doesn’t sound convinced of his words himself when he says it.
I want to tell him that’s not so. I want to say that’s more than what I’ve done. I want to say many things. I know I could keep arguing with him, but it would all be futile. Nothing comes out. My eyelids fill with heavy moisture and my mind feels far away again.
I’ve been bleeding my whole life.
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plusreaderswhenever · 6 months
Hello again!
Could I trouble you for a Bandana Dee + Reader ficlet? (Same as last time, if you already did it, can you point me towards it?)
Thank you so much in advance! (I still love the Magolor fic you wrote!)
Signed, I need more Bandee fluff
I'm sorry for the wait, I lost my phone right after I wrote most of the fic! I just got it back and finished it, here you go!
Off to Castle Dedede you rushed, an important bag slung over your shoulder. The dark clouds overhead and feeling in the air could only mean one thing- soon it was going to rain and drench all the mail you were carrying! When you took the job to become a mail carrier, you didn’t imagine it would be this perilous.
You sped in through the castle door and it was a good thing you didn’t slow down once since the first signs of rain, because it started pouring instantly once you got in. On the downside, you were exhausted from running at top speed for so long.
You set down your bag to catch your breath and laid on your back next to it. Breathing heavily, you let your muscles relax for now.
It must have been a few minutes, because a certain bandana-wearer carefully crept up to you. “Are you okay?” He asked with concern, standing next to your head so that you could turn your face to him and look him in the eyes because he was a tiny boy. To a human at least.
“Yeah,” you didn’t move from your spot on the floor. “Just needed to rest for a bit. I had to run a lot to get here before the rain.”
He nodded sympathetically, then saw the sack next to you. “Is that a mail bag? I didn’t know you were a mail carrier!”
“Yup! Got the job pretty recently, so it’s no wonder you didn’t know.”
“Oh that makes sense!” He waited for a bit. “Why aren’t you getting up?”
Poor guy looked and sounded so worried, you had to respond as quickly as possible! “Oh- uh- don’t worry! I just, uh… didn’t want to get up.” You got up. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay!”
You concentrated for a second on remembering something you forgot. Oh yeah!
“I’ve still gotta deliver this mail. Where do I put it? I don’t know where the Castle Dedede mailbox is.” 
“Well… the mailbox is outside in the rainstorm… so I’ll just take whatever’s for this place and deliver it myself to everyone here who needs it!” You looked outside at said rainstorm. “Well, I can’t let the rest of the mail get wet, so I’ll have to stay here until it passes. I’ll help you do that, then.” Bandee smiled with his eyes. “Thank you for helping! This way!” You picked up your bag and followed him down the halls. 
You were very fast without even trying, is what most people of this universe would say. He was pretty slow to you due to being so small and not having legs, but you had patience. For a while at least. After the first few deliveries, you offered to pick him up and carry him.
He seemed a little surprised at the thought, and you wondered if you had made him uncomfortable. It turns out, he was just excited about being held by you. You lifted him up and held him in one arm. He was impressed by your strength, but though it was true that big things are generally better at lifting than the smaller things that were abundant here on popstar, he was stronger to be honest. 
Not enough to pick YOU up, but enough to lift things that you couldn’t. It was a bit freakish to you considering he was only a little above eight inches tall. (9 or 10 inches maybe? Taller than Kirby) The people of this world had proved to you before that their weight did not correlate with their strength in the same way humans worked. You picked up King Dedede’s hammer once, and were shocked by how you could barely get it off the floor! King dedede also picked you up (with some difficulty) to show off once, but you could raise Dedede about as high as you wanted! He weighed about as much as a cat though, which is the most heavy anyone here has ever been to you other than Adeline. Most of them were like plushies, such as the dee you held now, but Kirby was light as the spring breeze! It was a wonder he didn’t blow away all the time, but you had learned most things didn’t follow the logic you were used to. Such as how that same Kirby could hold you over his head with zero effort. Apparently his power was infinite in all categories. Most people here couldn’t lift you no matter how hard they tried, though.
You were a little bit wimpy for a human to be honest, but you could still easily hold a lot of little guys, so you were happy with the strength you had.
You carried him through the rest of the deliveries for the castle and went back to the room you ran into when you first got indoors, but it was still pouring hard as ever. You wouldn’t be able to leave and deliver anywhere else anytime soon.
You looked down at the brave warrior nestled adorably in your arms. He looked back, knowing the same thing you just realized. You just stood there in silence for a good second, then asked, “Is there anything I can do?”
Bandee thought for a second. “Well, we can race raindrops on the windows.”
“Good idea.” You went to the nearest window with him in your arms and set down your heavy bag of mail, then sat down facing it, holding Bandee so he could see the window and the water on it as well as you could.
“I pick this one!” He exclaimed, putting his paw/nub/fingerless flap for an arm on the window pointing to a raindrop he liked. “That one.” You smiled, putting a finger on the window pointing to another drop that looked promising to you personally.
His drop was bigger than yours at first, but yours absorbed a lot of other droplets and won! You raised your fist into the air. “Woo!” Bandee took the loss like a champ. “Congrats!”
You continued to race raindrops until you saw the rain stop through the glass and you had to continue on your mail route. You said goodbye to Bandee, promised to meet him again sometime, and gave him one last hug before you went. He waved as you left until you were out of sight. A good day!
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autisticlalna · 2 years
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GHOST IN A SONG - a vikingpilot fanmix
[ listen on Spotify! ]
skye rocket, jenny - Sad Machine // tokyo machine - JOURNEY // nitro fun - Soldiers // fox stevenson - Don't Care Crown // draper - Who Are You // eve - Outsider // grabbitz - King / Ghost In A Song // the mountain goats - Rain in Soho // thefatrat, laura brehm - MAYDAY // mikky ekko - Who Are You, Really? // enter shikari - THE GREAT UNKNOWN // the stupendium, cami-cat - Slide Into the Void // enter shikari, wargasm (uk) - The Void Stares Back // bring me the horizon - MANTRA // shinedown - DARKSIDE
(i tried to keep it family-friendly but both mantra and darkside have instances of swearing, sorry 'bout that)
reasoning behind songs under the readmore!
the general concept of this was that it starts off upbeat and positive and then gets steadily more concerning and darker to reflect the progression of viking from being a "friendly casper" (as legundo describes him) to, well. the scene with legundo and taneesha in the ghost's vault. there is something wrong with him (affectionate)
sad machine: solar asked viking on stream what songs he associates with his character and i'm half-paying attention while poking at an early wip of this when suddenly i hear "is anyone there? oh, hi!" and that knocked me right over. unfortunately this version doesn't have that intro but i love skye rocket and this is a more upbeat, enthusiastic version that i think works as a good intro to this
journey: fun adventure-y vibes! i think this was the last song i added and there's not really much behind it besides it having a fun vibe and, y'know, viking's been wandering and exploring up until everyone else settled in dominion
soldiers: the ENTIRE REASON for this is because viking's twitch sub notif kept reminding me of this song because it has the exact same sample
don't care crown: "and well i spent so much time with the don't care crown that i don't care how it's been weighing me down and i can't be open in my heart now i'm feeling nothing at all! i ain't lettin my spirits down 'cause ain't matter that much i've found, i'm the dude with the don't care crown and i'm not gonna be taken DOOOO~OOOOOWN"
who are you: "i'm just shooting in the dark but i'm gonna tell her that i know from the start feels like forever [..] and all i want to know is, ' who are you?'" (also a fun mirror to a song later in the playlist)
outsider: this is 1/2 because of "viking stops mid-mining session to start playing a bunch of anime songs on stream" but also. "the demon within my heart undoubtedly will not forgive me [..] so that it doesn't end up being a barren wasteland i hid that name and appeared here"
king / ghost in a song: "days and days of restless worry, will i ever change a thing? leave my mark on endless stories, i just want to go out like a king [..] 'cuz i lost my soul in a frequency no one can speak to me i am a noise"
rain in soho: "no promise sweeter than blood pact, nothing harder to go through with than a vanishing act" (suggested by fluffy!! i need to listen to more tmg)
mayday: "and it's been so long been so long been since i've seen a face"
who are you, really?: "so you feel entitled to a sense of control and you make decisions that you think are your own, you are a stranger here, why have you come? [..] who are you really?" (also a fun mirror to "who are you" >:D)
the great unknown: "is there anyone out there? send me a sign! is there anyone out there? i shout into the great unknown" (suggested by solar i think)
slide into the void: "if you can't place the pin where patterns end and you begin, follow the director, else you're gonna slide into the void, but if the world you knew has cracked and fallen through, go to the projector, load another slide into the void" (and also, like, all the spooky hiss chant sections) (suggested by aquelon!!)
the void stares back: "i can see out over space and time and i'm moving at the speed of light 'cause i've been waiting for when the moment's right to tell you oh, did i mention, i'm from another dimension?" (i am very biased because i love enter shikari and this song came out right as i got into dominion so there is a permanent association now)
mantra: "and i know this doesn't make a lot of sense, but do you really wanna think about yourself now? all i'm asking for's a little bit of faith, it's so easy to believe [..] before the truth will set you free, it'll p--- you off! before you find a place to be you're gonna lose the plot!" (this song nearly didn't make the cut but also. unhinged viking moments.)
darkside: "don't be so quick to judge, raise havoc from above, i think i've had enough, time to raise the dead! it's all subliminal, supernatural, i might be mental, but i've still got my cred!"
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