#oh noez
defnotjarlaxle · 7 months
Ah... there's a spider in my shower. i wanted to get rid of it but it wiggled it's little legs at me which looked really cute so anyways that's my child now and it can stay
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firedragon1321 · 6 months
You Want Some NaNo? Too Bad!
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Here we are- 32000+ words! Due to the added words from the short story and how big this is ballooning, I'm upping my total wordcount to around 60000 for this year. It's only been *checks calendar* a week so-
Wait. A week?
Tonight's highlight reel is under a readmore, since it contains mentions of transphobia and "correcting" a trans person. Welcome to dystopia.
Joran's exploration of his friend Teosur's mansion continues. He escapes Prellie (twice), but calls the attention of the mansion's bodyguards. They're built like bears, and Joran is a literal twig. Fighting them is not an option.
Joran and Teosur's childhood friends- with whom Joran became estranged after they met their soulmates- were invited to the mansion for a party meant to celebrate Teosur's union with his soulmate. They are also hunting for Joran.
Joran temporarily obtains a skeleton key while exploring Teosur's room. He finds a weird hospital-looking room in the mansion, but the key doesn't let him go too far in that area.
Joran is eventually cornered. But first, he gets a chance to speak to his old pal Riffo.
Riffo was a trans girl, but the fungus only pairs together straight couples. To "rectify" any gender booboos, it turned her into a super masculine man. Joran has some trouble piecing together what transness is, but ultimately decides that the fungus killed his friend.
Joran is formally captured shortly after this. When he struggles, he's knocked out. He wakes is a room with nothing but a bed, a clock, and a bucket in it. The key's gone, obviously. But so is the tape Joran planned to use to show Teosur the truth of their world.
Tomorrow, I'm getting Joran out of that room and will hopefully conclude this arc. Then I can move into the book's tail end, which will tie up loose ends, elaborate more on other characters like (probably) Prellie, and focus more on the friendship between Joran and Teosur.
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feathery-dreamer · 1 year
Star Trek: Lower Decks scene concept
Capt Freeman: “we need to talk to your Great House’s matriarch, Lady [Name]”
Klingon matriarch’s spokesman: “you or a champion of your choice must defeat X of our warriors before receiving permission”
Freeman: “very well, we will respect your culture. I choose Mr Shax as my champion!”
Shax: *gleeful Bajoran bear noises*
Spokesman: “warriors, come forth!”
*collective war cries and sounds of clashing and injury, while Shax kicks ass and smashes skulls and bashes ribcages, and wins*
Spokesman: “such warrior spirit! you truly fight like a Klingon! it seems you are worthy of speaking to Lady [Name]”
Freeman: “alright, now we will wait as you-“
Spokesman: “I will let you know if she survives her injuries”
*shocked looks as one of the warriors, currently unconscious, is swarmed by concerned Klingons*
Chief surgeon: *scans the fallen warrioress* “transporter room, two to beam into the emergency room immediately!”
*Klingon transporter effect takes the surgeon and warrioress away. reveals Freeman jaw slack with horrified eyes, Shax and T’ana cringe mortified; Mariner tries to stifle hysterical laughter, with mild success*
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chipsiscurious · 1 year
Kiwis 🥝
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I wanna know what kiwi taste like, are they chewy as they look? Are they sour? Sweet? Do they smell wonderful? Questions that cannot be answered till I taste it myself 😔🥝 ✨
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soryualeksi · 3 months
The first German media is carefully starting to report on our Foreign Minister "warning against" the absolute bloodbath "humanitarian challenge" of an all-out Israeli attack on the refugees in Rafah.
And I found myself baring my teeth against the radio like a weirdo because I can't contain my disgust and fury.
Were all cheering this on UNTIL NOW.
Were persecuting anyone who raised the alarm about the ON-GOING humanitarian catastrophe as an "antisemitic terrorism supporter". People lost JOBS. People lost social standing. PEOPLE WERE SUED.
Everyone with a human heart WAS SCREAMING ABOUT THIS FOR FOUR MONTHS but you were too fucking racist and arrogant to listen, because "who can trust these Muslims and anyone who lets themselves by MANIPULATED by them amirite".
Now you're getting scared because those people who kept screaming about human rights might ACTUALLY have been onto something, and you're seeing yourself unable to wiggle out of the fact that YOU TOO cheered on this ethnic cleansing, you see yourself in some DEEP SHIT of I don't fucking care "public opinion" or something, because CERTAIN AS HELL IT'S NOT SUDDENLY GROWING A CONSCIENCE.
And now you try to fucking quickly get up some "plausible deniability" defence, so that you might be protected from the full brunt of "The world is watching the targeted massacre of refugees on livestream and YOU personally told the perpetrators that it's fine, go ahead, no red lines, do as you wish because PER DEFINITION your ends are pure of heart and justify ANY means physically possible" UNTIL THIS FUCKING MOMENT WHEN IT BECAME TOO OBVIOUS TO FURTHER DENY REALITY.
I fucking hate everyone.
I hope their stories haunt you to the end of your days, awake and asleep.
Germany is complicit and was ENTHUSIASTICALLY so until THIS moment, where now everyone is trying to wiggle out.
"We just didn't KNOW! UwU"
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mrstsung · 2 years
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Some shang tsung self ship/emote doodles.
We have disgust/angy (with bad bih hair flip)
Next is lovey dovey/happy/heart eyes (with fresh out the show me and simpin shang because he loves to hold his wife's booba or any part really,and he's a bit of a perv ok? This is both hc and canon)
Then there is sad/depressed shang. Plz hug him. (His crown broke. I'm giving him reassuring hugs that he's still king to me. Plz someone get the gorilla glue!)
(I keep telling shang to not make head gear out of flimsy cheap metals. But all his mk11 budget went into all of his other outfits and features. Oof)
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at least we’re finally getting a better picture of the PlotTM of this book, and not just protags internal emotional battles. it’s a bad, generic plot where the motivations of everyone involved are cartoonish or stupid but at least it’s finally here
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warcrimesimulator · 7 days
Kind of horrifying to know how often disabled kids (esp diabetic and asthmatic kids) have actually died in schools because they were required to have their life-saving medications locked away in a nurse's or principal's office because oh noez heckin drugs :((( School really is some totalitarian shit.
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eggstir · 2 years
Oh noez
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ashleyfableblack · 1 year
Oh Noez! Hide the wimmin and turtles! It's the GAY AGENDA! 😁🌈😉
Now in delicious Cider!
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A mood piece for an upcoming story- "The Best Wingmare Ever". 💜💙💚💛❤
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ryuatewater · 20 days
hey... its me... im now invading your actual blog. you will never be free from me!!!11! *evil laugh thats not actually evil because im too stupid to actually be evil* /silly
Oh noez!!! One day youll find out that in tje intro of this blog i have listed all my other side blogs1!!!1!1!
You sneaky little virus11!!!11!1
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crescent-cubed · 6 months
Ok, I'll have mercy on you lmao.
So now if you ever see me say something like "Oh noez" or "Ceiling Cat" you'll know what to blame it on! 🤣
Understood! XD
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firedragon1321 · 6 months
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Holy JESUS. I mean, even with the short story words in there, I sure wrote a LOT.
(Note that my final draft will be somewhere in the 60000 word range. I cannot wrap this shit up in 8000 words. I'll post when I meet the 50000 word goal, but continue nightly updates until the draft is done.)
Here's the highlight reel. Huge spoilers for if I ever publish this. Like- spoilers that if it was a movie, you'd want to murder your friend if they told you. Readmore'd just in case.
I've finished Joran's trip around his friend's mansion. Unfortunately, his mission impossible proved too impossible. Teosur is now infected by the love brain fungus. Oh noez!
Joran resolves to save Teosur, even if it seems impossible.
Some backstory stuff involving Joran's brother, Jagzid (pun on "jagged"), who noped off when he met his soulmate and left Joran running the house alone at age sixteen.
Joran's antics have made him a target of not just his town, but the entire cluster. That's a group of ten towns. All of which are desperate to get him to just hook up already so they can go about their normal lives.
Joran receives help from a girl named Ally, who provided him with many of the secrets of his world. She lives with a group known as the People, who exist outside the love-fungus-fueled dystopia. She takes Joran and his four-year-old sister to her family, which consists of her father and brother.
The brother is kind of a loser who wears shirts that say "That's What She Said", but he's a nice guy.
Ally's father has the ability to surgically remove soulmate timers that have yet to go off. He offers to do so for Joran. He accepts.
This surgery will only freeze Joran's soulmate's timer. She won't be hurt, but she will think he's dead. This may be to his benefit later.
Before the surgery, Joran and Ally's dad have a discussion about love and its many forms. Keep in mind Joran lives in a world where gay and trans people don't technically exist, and no-one can choose to be single, amongst many other bullshit nuclear family rules. He's a little overwhelmed with all the forms of love now presented to him.
I also get to mention gay rams and penguins. It's only for a line. But I think it's cute.
Joran undergoes the surgery offscreen. It's a success! Thanks to something he said beforehand, though, Ally's father has an idea that may help Teosur, and perhaps the world. He's taken Joran's fungus to run some tests on.
I stopped midway through a light chapter where Joran treats himself to a sponge bath and movie marathon. The kid deserves it.
Also present- four-year-old Jibby making cookies out of dirt and winning the quiet game on the way to Ally's house. There are finally adults to take care of her. Yippie!
Plus two scenes from the original short story were remade into dream sequences. The short story had multiple endings, which I incorporated into the novel as dreams! I won't be able to use this cheat going forward. But that'll plunk me down at around 50000 words anyway.
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feathery-dreamer · 2 years
Bad Cop
Il y a deux semaines, lors d'un atelier d'initiation au théâtre, la comédienne qui nous encadre a fait improviser une scène. Le concept était un agent de la circulation qui ne parle pas français et un touriste qui ne parle pas anglais. Le résultat était pas mal, mais j'ai trouvé que l'exécution manquait un peu d'épice, alors je l'ai développé à ma façon.
Décor : un carrefour à l'intersection de deux rues, Etats-Unis (lieu non spécifié) Personnages : Le Touriste français (T), Le Policier américain (P), L'Interprète (I)
(Le Policier est en train de réguler le traffic. Le Touriste entre en scène, l'approche et lui touche l'épaule.) P (se retournant) : "Yeah." T : "Excusez-moi." P : "Yes sir?" T : "Vous parlez français?" P : "What?" T : "J'ai besoin de directions." P : "Sorry, I don't speak fancy." (Il arrête les voitures, tourne de côté et fait circuler l'autre rue, ignorant le Touriste.) T : "Alors vous parlez pas français?" P : "Sir, please go back to the sidewalk." (Il pointe vers le trottoir.) T : "Hein? (Il suit du regard.) Ah oui, oui bien sûr! (Il essaye de regagner l'attention du Policier.) Mais d'abord j'ai besoin de directions." P (roulant des yeux au ciel) : "Look - I don't know any 'je mappel' or 'sacrebleu' bullshit, okay? I just saw the Eiffel Tower once, and I can say 'mercy beaucoup'. That's all!" T: "Ah, vous parlez un peu?" P : "I said go away! I can't help you." T : "Je voulais juste-" P (râlant) : "Told you, I don't fucking speak croissant! Go eat a snail or something." (Il arrête la circulation, tourne le dos au Touriste et fait suivre le traffic sur la première rue.) T (après un temps) : "S'vous plaît..." P : "Dude, you're a lost cause. You're in America, and don't know a word of English?" T : "J'ai demandé partout, personne ne veut m'aider!" (Le Policier se tient les tempes. Entre l'Interprète.) I (au Policier) : "Hello officer! Sorry to interrupt." T : "Hé, j'étais là avant!" P : "Sir, you are in the middle of the street." I : "I couldn't help but notice your trouble with this tourist. I speak French. (Au Touriste:) Je peux traduire pour vous?" T : "Oh oui! Merci, merci tellement!" (Il lui tient la main, l'embrasse et la secoue passionément.) P (marmonne) : "Mercy would be leaving me alone to do my job." (De nouveau il change le sens du traffic.) T : "Enfin quelqu'un avec un peu d'empathie." I (retirant sa main) : "Mais, il y a pas de quoi, monsieur." T : "Vous pouvez dire à ce policier que je souhaite aller au château, mais je sais pas comment?" I : "Bien sûr. (Au Policier:) He says your country is shit and your president should burn in Hell." P : "Oh really now? (Il met les mains sur ses hanches et se penche vers le Touriste:) You think your dumbass country is better than America?" T (un peu inquiet) : "Il a dit quoi, là?" I : "Il dit qu'il connaît pas très bien les environs, mais il pourrait vous montrer le château sur une carte." T : "Chouette ! (Un temps. Mal à l'aise:) Alors euh... cette carte?" I (au Policier) : "He says you're the dumbest nation ever." P (ricanant) : "Yeah, well. Yours is only good for wine and cheese, and even that sucks. Ha!" (Il tourne le dos au Touriste, changeant le sens du traffic.) I (au Touriste) : "Il en a pas, mais il pourrait vous guider vers l'office de tourisme le plus proche pour qu'on vous en donne une." T (dubitatif) : "Ah, euh. Très bien! J'espère. (Il s'éclaircit la gorge, cherche le regard du Policier et lui sourit:) Ce serait très gentil à vous. Je vous en serais très reconnaissant." I (au Policier qui le regarde) : "He says you can suck his dick. (Il imite le sourire du Touriste.) And, I think he knows your mother very intimately." P : "Alright, that's enough!" (Il marche vers le Touriste et lui saisit le col.) T (surpris) : "Aïe! Attendez, je-" P (grognant) : "Say you're sorry, right now! Or I'll demolish your stupid tourist face!" T : "Ah... nononon! Non, attendez! Y-y a un malentendu, là! (Paniqué, il regarde l'Interprète:) V-vous pensez pas?" I : "Mais pas du tout! Il dit qu'il aime beaucoup votre veste. Il veut savoir où vous l'avez acheté?" T : "Ah? Eh ben, euh- (Il s'éclaircit la gorge encore.) C'était euh, un cadeau de mémé! Pour mon anniversaire, voyez?" I (au Policier) : "He says go ahead, it won't be his first nose job." (Le Policier balance son poing dans la face du Touriste, qui s'écroule. Noir, rideau.)
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xaneyyy · 10 months
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(My bf found my art of me and him!!! Oh noez!!!)
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arbitrarygreay · 10 months
I find it increasingly hilarious that a common EQG fanfic trope is "oh noez what can Sunset do after graduation, her papers are all FAKE and universities ACTUALLY DO RESEARCH" and, uh, what, most colleges take undocumented applicants. They don't care as long as her money is good. In fact, in some places a fictional student is a proud tradition.
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