#okay I genuinely don’t know though this season could actually just be fine
honkceasar · 9 months
2 more eps left on season 1 of prime defenders!!! I sure hope nothing bad happens that makes season 2 have a much different tone!!!!! Surely it stays silly and goofy forever and these 4 teenage superheroes end up alright and okay!!!!!!!!
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toournextadventure · 1 year
everyone but her pt.1
a/n: this is part of a slight au i've got goin on. the only real difference is slight deviation from the season since i haven't finished it. there's no genuine plot to all of these, just things i think would be cute. EDIT: previously called math tutoring
Word Count: 2.4k Warning: slight language Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (Masterlist)
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Enid loved playing matchmaker, but she was going to lose her mind if neither you nor Wednesday finally made a move. If she had to watch you doodle on her paper’s in class one more time? Had to watch you get within an inch of Wednesday without actually touching her and intruding upon her space? Was forced to bear witness to your quite frankly embarrassing attempts at flirting?
“Did you know Kemper suggested his own punishment in prison?” You asked far too late into the night; another attempt at flirting and sparking Wednesday to go off with facts about the serial killer.
That’s it. Enid had to do something about this before she threw up or fainted. Again.
“Hey, wait up!” Enid called as you both exited your literature class.
“Walk faster, Sinclair, I’m late,” you called back, but you still slowed your pace so she could catch up.
“Have a date with Wednesday?” Enid asked as soon as she fell into step with you.
“No, Enid, I don’t have a date,” you chuckled, “I have math tutoring.”
Of course you do, Enid thought to herself with a sigh. Why on earth would you actually act on the feelings that literally everyone but Wednesday knew about? It didn’t make her cruel to want you to make a move! But you somehow always had something to do and it was ruining everything!
“Wednesday can tutor you,” Enid suggested. Out of respect for you, she ignored the slight falter in your step.
“I… don’t think that’s such a great idea,” you said with a shrug. “Math already makes me want to cry.”
“But she’s extremely smart,” Enid continued. “Much smarter than whoever you’ve got now.”
“I’m not emotionally strong enough for-“
You both stopped as Wednesday stepped in front of you. It always made Enid smile to see you have to nearly break your neck to look down at her roommate. Something about the height difference made the power imbalance all the more entertaining.
“You both look far too happy,” Wednesday said in her usual deadpan.
“We were just talking about you!” Enid said happily.
“Hopefully it was everything bad,” Wednesday mused.
“Y/N was actually wanting to ask you something,” Enid continued, ignoring the look you shot her way. “Weren’t you?”
“What do you want?” Wednesday asked as she finally looked up at you. No one else would have noticed, but Enid saw the way her features softened just the most minuscule amount.
She also continued to ignore the increasingly pissed off look on your face before you sighed and turned back to Wednesday.
“I need a new math tutor,” you said through gritted teeth. “Think you could help me?”
“Your math knowledge is abysmal at best,” Wednesday answered quickly.
“Yeah, I know,” you mumbled. Your left hand came up and rubbed the back of your neck in what Enid had long ago realised was a self-soothing gesture.
“I suppose I can make time,” Wednesday finally said after leaving you to worry your lip for far too long. “On two conditions.”
“Name them,” you shot back instantly, your hand finally falling back down to your side.
“You don’t interrupt my writing time,” Wednesday said first.
“Easy, next?”
“You teach Eugene how to talk to people,” Wednesday concluded.
“Isn’t he, like, 13?” You asked, though Enid noted you never said no.
“He’s as dreadful at making friends as you are at math,” Wednesday continued, causing both you and Enid to flinch away from the harsh truth.
“Okay fine, deal,” you said with a slight huff. “Just quit insulting my math intelligence.”
“We can get started tonight at 7:30,” Wednesday said, completely ignoring your statement and turning to Enid. “We’re going to be late.”
She walked off quickly, and Enid gave you a quick “I’ll text you!” before jogging to catch up with her roommate. They walked in comfortable silence even though Enid was dying to ask Wednesday about her new study date with you. This was probably going to be the most time you would both be spending together at one time!
“Should I leave you both alone during your “tutoring” session tonight?” Enid finally asked, her tone and smile completely eliminating any chance at trying to keep her cool.
“You could use the math help too,” Wednesday answered quickly.
“I’m choosing to ignore that statement,” Enid said simply as she stood a little taller. “Just admit you like her flirting and want to spend alone time with her tonight!”
“It’s a pitiful attempt at flirting,” Wednesday said simply. “And if we are alone, I very well might drill the formulas into her head.”
“Actually, I think I’ll stick around,” Enid tried to joke even though she knew her roommate would follow through on her threat of bodily harm. For your sake, she would be the buffer between Wednesday Addams and your very life.
At least for tonight.
You were late.
You were late and it was raining and you weren’t answering your phone and there were only so many times Enid could tell Wednesday you were on the way. But Wednesday was smart, she had surely caught on by now that no one knew where you were. Maybe Enid should send Thing to go find you and force you to at least answer her texts-
-three knocks on the door. Enid was throwing it open in an instant.
“Where have you been?” She asked through gritted teeth.
“You told me to bring flowers,” you whisper-shouted back at her, “and Thornhill wouldn’t leave!”
“Well now you’re late and Wednesday is upset and- you look like hell,” Enid said as she finally noticed the haggard state you were in. “What happened to you?”
“My wings wouldn’t fold into the harness so now they’re all wet and-”
“-Just get in there and kiss up already,” Enid interrupted you. She grabbed you by the forearm - doing her best not to crush the chocolate in your hand - and pulled you into the room, shutting the door loud enough for Wednesday to turn around.
“You’re getting water all over the floor,” Wednesday said simply. “Where were you?”
“Held up by Thornhill,” you lied effortlessly. Well, technically it wasn’t a lie. An omission of sorts, you would claim. “So I brought these to, uh, make up for it.”
You held out the three black dahlias that had somehow survived the rain and the box of what Enid realised was very dark bitter chocolate. Perfect, Enid thought as she smiled to herself. You had gotten everything she had told you to get. This was going to work perfectly!
“Flirting was bad enough,” Wednesday said, causing your cheeks to burn, “but flowers and chocolates are just too far.”
Your mouth opened and closed several times with no words coming out. The flicker of your eyes in her direction before you sighed and took the gifts to the bed in defeat? Enid wanted to scream. How could that not have worked? They were two of the things that she knew Wednesday loved! This Addams was getting on her last nerve.
Enid kept one headphone out as the tutoring session droned on. She wanted to be up to date on everything you said so she could know what your next move was. Maybe Wednesday took studies too seriously and this wasn’t the proper time to woo her. That didn’t leave many options, but Enid could work with it.
“If you mention polynomials one more time, Addams, I’m going to strangle you,” your voice sounded out, causing Enid to jump and turn to make sure you were both still alive.
“Strangle me, then,” Wednesday said without hesitation, “at least then I won’t have to deal with your rather pitiful attempts at understanding simple terms.”
“That’s what this is supposed to be for,” you shot back, “fixing my pitiful attempts.”
“Not even I can fix this disaster,” Wednesday claimed.
“Fuck you, Addams,” you grumbled as you stood up from your spot on the floor and left the room.
Enid turned to face Wednesday, who was still sitting at her desk and looking utterly unfazed. Why would she tell you that? The whole point of this tutoring was for you both to spend time together! Why would she openly insult you like that and then have the nerve to act like-
-the door opened again and you leaned in just enough to look at Wednesday’s desk.
“Same time on Friday?” You asked as if nothing had ever happened.
“Don’t be late next time,” Wednesday answered.
“Sure thing, Addams,” you said with a mock salute and a small smile. “Good night, ladies.”
And just like that you were gone.
Enid fell back onto her bed in utter exhaustion. She hated you both.
“How’s the tutoring going?” Enid asked her roomie when she saw you walk through the courtyard with Eugene trailing after you like a lost puppy. At least you were holding up your end of the deal.
“She has risen from abysmal to slightly below adequate,” Wednesday said without looking up from her book. “A drastic improvement, I would say.”
“Have you both agreed to go on a date yet?” Enid continued; she had very much noticed the lingering look you gave Wednesday as you continued your walk.
“No,” Wednesday answered. “Don’t you have homework to finish?”
“I can either do my homework or interrogate you about your love life,” Enid sighed, “and frankly, I have priorities.”
“We are not going on a date,” Wednesday said, finally shutting her book. “That would be a conflict of interest and she would need to find a new math tutor.”
“That’s what you’re worried about?” Enid asked incredulously.
“No one else is capable of helping her pass her test next week,” Wednesday continued.
“Wednesday Addams,” Enid said, trying her best to sound authoritative, “you’d better ask her out on a date after her test, then.”
“Or what?” Wednesday asked. “You have nothing to hold over me.”
Enid inhaled sharply, her mind running a million miles a minute trying to think of what would make a good threat. Bodily harm wouldn’t work, she would enjoy it too much. There was nothing to take away because she had only the necessities to her name. Surely there was something Enid could use to make her threat worth it.
“Or I’ll show Y/N the pictures of you letting me paint your nails,” Enid finally said with a smug grin.
“If you do, you’d better sleep with one eye open,” Wednesday threatened back. The only difference was she didn’t need to give an actual threat; everything she did was scary.
But Enid’s demise would surely be worth it if it meant you two finally getting together.
“Read ‘em and weep, Addams,” your voice cut through the air as a packet was tossed onto the music stand in front of Wednesday.
She knew you would be coming by this evening; you had mentioned you were supposed to be getting your math test back. If you had failed, you would have come back and asked what you had done wrong. Which, admittedly, was everything; you truly were horrendous at math. But if you had passed, you would have come to gloat even if it was adequate at best.
She held her bow out to you - which you took with gentle hands - and picked up your test. There in the top corner was a 83 written in red ink. Her fingers flipped through each page, taking note of what you got wrong. Algebra, Wednesday thought with disgust, you never listen.
“An adequate grade,” Wednesday said as she handed the papers back to you. She ignored the ruffle of your feathers at her words before taking the bow back.
“Thank you for helping me,” you said in a voice that made Wednesday feel like she had swallowed a handful of spiders.
“I did it for Eugene,” Wednesday said. You both knew it was a lie. You didn’t call her out for it.
“Whatever you say, Addams,” you said with a smile that made those same spiders try to crawl back up her throat. “Don’t let your cello get wet, it’s supposed to rain.”
You turned your back to her and started walking along the edge of the balcony, the feathers of your wings twitching in the wind. They melted into the inky black of the night in a way that was almost poetic. Edgar Allen Poe-esque, she would even claim.
Thing tapped the music stand to get her attention before talking far too quickly. Wednesday shook her head no, but he insisted, finally leaving the stand to crawl up your leg and rest on your shoulder.
“Thing has something to ask you,” Wednesday said, ignoring the gesture Thing sent her way and focusing entirely on the sheet music that she wasn’t reading.
“Whatcha got?” You asked as you turned your head to look at him. He made his gestures - which Wednesday promptly refused to look at - and said what he wanted to say. You chuckled.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Thing,” you said, finally looking up to meet Wednesday’s eyes as she glared at you. “We can hit up the Weathervane tomorrow, I’ll pick you up at 6.”
You held up your hand to give Thing a fist-bump before he crawled down and made his way back to the music stand. There was an irritating look on your face; it wasn’t quite a smile, but it was nearly as condescending. And yet, something about it almost made her not want to claw her own eyes out.
“Good night, Wednesday,” you said before pitching backwards over the ledge. She almost felt her black heart skip a beat before you swooped back up into the sky and took off toward your own dorm.
“Do that again,” Wednesday said as she faced Thing, “and I’ll rip your fingernails out one by one.”
Thing shook and ran off back inside, probably to see Enid. He’d better pray she could protect him. She did not appreciate him and his sick sense of humour. Yours either, quite frankly, seeing as Thing had done exactly what she had asked him to do. But you were clearly going to make her work harder for this date.
That was a challenge she was willing to accept.
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Not quite sure how I feel about season 0 yet
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I’ve definitely enjoyed the first three episodes. Retrospectively, parts of it work really well as a prequel to the original Yugioh series. Like Joey/Jonouchi (might go back and forth on their names since I watched DM in dub) going from a bully to a friend to Yugi and Yugi completing the puzzle, two things that were only ever mentioned in DM. It was neat actually seeing those events onscreen. I know they weren’t in DM because they didn’t want to be too derivative of this series and that’s totally fair but it still made DM feel incomplete in some places.
Apart from the “prequel-y” bits though, this has a very different feel from the rest of Yugioh. So far at least, it’s very episodic. The pilot gives some set ups and the next two episodes (and seemingly the next one based on its preview) are really loosely connected filler stories following these characters, with the occasional horror vibe when Yami Yugi shows up. Every episode so far has followed the same “some guy beats up weak Yugi so Yami Yugi appears in the last few minutes to punish them with a shadow game” narrative. Which is fine, it’s just entertaining enough to keep my attention for a couple episodes at a time while I eat. Season 0 feels different from every other Yugioh series but as a result, it lacks the charm of the other Yugioh series, at least for me.
It has its own merits though. Like its characters, some of which are superior to their depictions in DM.
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Okay not all of them. I still don’t really like Honda (never have) and Miho comes off as kind of manipulative but the others are all pretty good. I like Jonouchi’s more gruff yet still loyal persona in this show, that could just be a sub vs dub thing to be fair but I quite liked it. He’s about on par with his DM self. Yugi Muto meanwhile gets a lot more screentime in this series than he does in DM and as a result, I actually like him right off the bat, unlike DM where it took me much longer to care about either of the Yugis. Yami Yugi...
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...is not as twisted in this as I was lead to believe he was, at least at the point I’ve seen. His voice and design are honestly more weird than creepy which I will admit does disappoint me a bit. I do like how he feels much more like a legit alter ego to Yugi in this than he did in DM, where he was definitely his own person. That worked in its own right but I really like the whole “Jekyll and Hyde” vibe Yugi and Yami have in season 0, as though he’s actually a darker personality originating from within Yugi. Not sure if that’s what they’re going for yet but I enjoy it.
And my favourite season 0 character so far is Anzu.
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No you ain’t trippin, season 0 Anzu is the best interpretation of this character I’ve seen. Dark Side of Dimensions is a distant second place in this regard since it showed her achieving her dream by leaving to study dancing in America (the only bit of character she had that wasn’t related to her relationships in DM) and in episode 2 of season 0, she’s willing to break school rules and get a part time job to raise money for that dream. You go girl. She’s also just generally more enjoyable. I don’t know, the writing here makes her come off as more sassy and no nonsense rather than DM where she just felt... for lack of a better term, like a stereotypical nag. Also, she and Yugi are actually kind of cute in season 0. I like the scene where she sticks up for Yugi when he’s being bullied and Yugi just looks so incredibly happy to see her:
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And this one where he excitedly talks to her about the puzzle:
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They actually seem like genuine friends in this series, a fact that never really came through in DM for me because of how little screentime Yugi got compared to Atem. Anzu’s character revolved around him way too much in DM  and while that could still become a problem in season 0 (in fact it almost definitely will considering the pattern of DM-VRAINS) but I’m glad that for the first few episodes at least, Anzu was allowed to have more of a personality. And she and Yugi have much easier chemistry.
It’s a decent show so far I’d say. If it had been my introduction to Yugioh, I almost definitely wouldn’t have gotten as into it as I have but looking back on it as a “prequel” or the series’ roots in general makes it kind of interesting.
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releasemefromthevoid · 3 months
Alright guys, this is the end of it. Not gonna lie, I thought this was a little… underwhelming. They’re focusing a lot on the aftermath of a battle, which could be cool if done correctly. I wasn’t that into it.
At the very least, this episode, the visuals went crazy! We had the red color grading when Tui was captured, and the monochrome gray with the specific highlights when she was dead. La’s possession of the Avatar looked incredible as well. They sold it as a fairly awe-inspiring moment, but I think this moment was undermined a little in other ways.
I think there are a lot of little inconsistencies throughout the show that really culminated here. Some of my worries were resolved, but some of them really weren’t. 
In any case, I think this was fine for a season finale. It fit the tone of the show and went harder than the other episodes to end things off. 
I’ll write a full series review tomorrow, I’m trying to go to sleep.
Live reactions under the cut
well i do love seeing strategy sokka
disappointed by the lack of catapults on the ships so aang couldn’t creatively use them to destroy the ship
did iroh just tell zuko to swim in freezing waters? lol
wait we already did koh, so what’s up with tui and la? how are we gonna figure out where they are? are we even gonna see the spirit oasis? 
oh so. we’re introducing the war balloons now? early for the fire nation? with a vague reference to the mechanist? how’d they even get the plans? sure do wish we’d seen more about those before, besides just making them. maybe used one to take down the firebenders invading the northern air temple? maybe a fire nation soldier could’ve found the remains of a balloon. just a thought
the. ice moon?
so tui and la only take physical form once a year in this version? huh
and he’s gonna kill tui with KURUK’s spirit knife. interesting macguffin
okay so there is the spirit oasis. and they’re using it to bring back momo
sorry that was actually genuinely deeply upsetting. they just did something illegal i swear to god. don’t fuck with the animals
i am Not believing that katara is skilled enough to fight zuko. sorry but it’s not happening. she hasn’t even been trained. “you found a master haven’t you”. no zuko, she hasn’t. NO ONE HAS TRAINED HER. “yes, you’re looking at her.” katara, someone called you a master once, girl, that doesn’t mean you Are one
good lord that’s so red. i like that they kept that visual cue though
tui: dea. the color grading on this is still good too. the only colors we really see are the flashes of yellow and red with the fire balls being thrown around. theoretically, everything else should be grayscale/monotone, with the exception of yue’s blue eyes (which i don’t believe are blue in this adaptation). i don’t really have complaints about the look of things
okay la, your turn
do we need a “reality of war” moment again? tbh i feel nothing for these people. 
oh yue’s eyes ARE blue. chill
hey what do you mean “you’ll be lost forever”. something something killed in the avatar state killed forever can’t reincarnate
okay la possession looks cool as hell. obsessed with these visuals
though idk if it’s just me, but people are really trying to get the “avatar is gone”, “there’s no more avatar”, “you’ll be lost forever” thing across huh. i feel like that kind of undersells the moment when seemingly everyone knows what’s going on. 
zuko’s gonna fight zhao now why? purely so zhao can give zuko a moment of realization, got it
and then he tries to kill zhao. i still think zuko would never.
and now zhao is almost certainly dead, because iroh pushed him off. and zuko didn’t have that moment of offering mercy, and zhao didn’t have the moment of rejecting that mercy. this IS a downgrade
woahhh hahn dead confirmed. wish i could celebrate, but he’s nice now
so pakku is NOT becoming katara and sokka’s grandfather in this one. i bet we won’t even learn the significance of katara’s necklace
sorry are you relying on bumi for earthbending training? you haven’t even started waterbending. this bumi is barely reliable from your interactions with him
oop there goes omashu. weird that we’re seeing the takeover
okay. sozin’s comet. i thought you were taking that out? was that just a lie then? shouldn’t aang know about that? might actually make him learn waterbending. considering the series just ended. and he HASN’T EVEN LEARNED WATERBENDING YET
liked: the visuals went so hard, no kataang romance
worried about for potential season 2: zuko's arc
disliked: zuko and zhao's fight, katara "mastering" waterbending despite never having trained with a master, aang literally not even once showing that he was the avatar outside of the avatar state (not learning ANY waterbending)
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A different kind of prison
Tw for noms again, yeah, it’s honestly gunna be most my blog, with Grian again, this time it takes place in season 7 also thanks @random-tinies they helped with so many of the angsty ideas in this. Also, hard vore is brought up, nothing happens, and its mostly just panicked thoughts it is safe.
Grian the parrot laughed at it again. It was so strange yet, looking down at the shirt he had sewn, he was happy with it. The shirt was soft, made from some wool he had bought recently, and although Grian wasn’t much of a seamstress, someone had to repair his sweaters. The shirt dropped from his hand as he fell, flopping onto a hard cold floor, the bird sat there for a second dazed. He let out a groan before looking around him. Standing next to him was Doc who was growling at something. Turning his head, Grian locked eyes with False who smiled. “Scar was looking for you Mother spore.” The guard teased. Grian froze, scared of her words. Taking out some keys she opened the door, Grian jumped back as she reached for him. Impulse and Doc rushed in front of the avian who backed himself into the far wall. False let out a huff as she drew out her sword, the bald eagle's wings rose up in intimidation making herself look a lot bigger. Grian attempted to do the same, but False had that predatory look in her gaze making the smaller avian freeze on the spot. The mycelium leader's heart beat quickly, his body shivering, scared as the two that attempted to guard him were pushed away, Impulse after watching Doc get thrown back away. The creeper was fine, but wasn’t going to test the eagle more than he had and just gave a sad, defeated look to his leader. Grian closed his eyes waiting for the stabbing of a sword. Nothing happened, when he opened his eyes he saw the sword being placed back into its sheath and False taking one of his arms started her way out, turning around and locking the door. When out of view from the other resistance members she turned to the smaller avain. “Did I scare you that much?” She asked with genuine concern in her face and speech. “Y-you’re hurting my arm.” Grian says, causing the eagle to quickly drop it. “Sorry, sorry.” He rubs it and she gives an apologetic look. “I- that was a bit much, I’m sorry.” “I-it’s okay.” Grian says, rubbing his arm. “So uh I’m guessing you’re taking me to Scar? Is he going to?” He stopped looking at the sword on the eagle's far side. “Oh no- no no, I at least I don’t think he is, it doesn't seem like a Scar thing to do.” Grian nodded. “Well lead the way.” False nodded and the parrot followed behind. It didn’t take him long to realize they were underneath the resistance's second base, it explains how they got trapped as well. They hit a staircase, False turned to him. “Actually I forgot this earlier,” she slides out what seemed to be a potion. “I was told to give it to you if you showed up.” The parrot took it and looked at it, confused. “I promise it’s not poison if that's what you’re thinking.” Grian looked at her then back at it, slowly peeling off the cork. She was right about it not being poision, well at least it didn’t smell like it. His second guess was jump boost, and it made sense if they had placed something to keep the other hermits from getting out. What shut that idea down though was that False hadn't drank anything herself and was just looking at him. “Wh-what exactly does it do?” False’s expression softened as the parrots feathers began to rise on his back. She gently placed a hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eye. “Well, I know it’s a mix of fire resistance. As for the other thing, I’m not sure I can say, sorry.” Grian nods, he could smell the magma cube strongly now, and it made sense. It’s possible the burning slime smell muted the rabbit smell and it was just a jump boost. The idea of False not drinking anything though was fresh in his mind. Could be she already had, so the parrot just tilted his head back and barely swallowed. There was a sweet taste, most definitely not a jump boost. The flavors also didn’t mix that well, the bitter magma and the sweet, well whatever it was, made him nearly spit it back out. False seemed to notice his distress. “You good?” she asked. Grian nodded, finally gaining the courage to swallow, and chugged the rest down before deeply inhaling. He felt nauseous and his vision blurred, he was most definitely scared. “Grian?” False’s soft voice called from above him. “False? False? Where are you? I can’t see super well.” “It’s okay, I’m going to pick you up, is that okay?” Grian nodded. “Do you know when the blindness will wear off?” “Blindness?” She asked seemingly startled by that. Grian felt hands gently pluck him from the floor. “I don’t remember anything about that, have you tried wiping your eyes?” Grian took one of his sleeves and wiped across his face, blinking a few times. His vision came back and he looked up slowly. His body tensed when he saw how big False was. “I-I was shrunk wasn’t I?” He asked, voice quivering. “Y-yeah, you okay? Do you need some time to settle or-?” “No-no I’m okay, I’ll be alright.” “Okay, then I’m going to head up the stairs, would you rather me walk up? I don’t want to shake you up too much.” Grian nodded, keeping an eye on the stairs as she worked her way up, soon he could hear the chatter of the Hep above him, making him shiver some more. Soon they emerged and all the heads turned towards them. “Your turn Cub.” False said and the pharaoh made his way down the stairs taking the keys from False as he passed. All eyes were focused on the parrot, who swallowed nervously. “Hey, Grian.” Scar said, waving the two over. The smaller avian grabbed onto the eagle’s hand, glancing around very startled about the whole thing. The other hermits gave him friendly smiles but it didn’t help his nerves. False walked over placing her hands down on the table gently pushing Grian off, he just sat there taking it all in. His body shivered uncontrollably, Scar seemed to notice and wrapped his hands around the small avian startling him. “I- sorry I should have asked, I thought you were cold.” The Fae said slowly, pulling his hands away. He stopped when Grian grabbed onto one of the fingers hugging it. The larger blinked before gently curling his fingers around the parrot's back and wings. Grian just slid into it, his stress nearly vanishing at the soft touch. “O-oh oh my gosh.” Everyone turned to Tango who had his face in his hands watching Grian. “I want hand hugs, please.” He begged, his tail whipping back and forth excitedly. The little avian giggled slowly making his way over to Tango who lifted his head from his hands, his tail somehow wagging faster, as the small bird rubbed himself along his fingers, careful of his claws. “We should just keep him like this, it’s nice.” Keralis joked, most of the hermits laughed along with him. Grian rolled his eyes pushing himself away from Tango who whined. The parrot just looked around taking in the perspective of everyone around him and smiling. “This is so weird.” He commented, causing a snicker from the hermits around him. “No like seriously, how do you get anything done like this?” “Well, it’s nice if you ever need a hiding space,” B-dubs said shrugging, “though mobs are a pain when it comes to being that size.” “You’d be an expert on that wouldn’t you, B-dubs?” False teased. “Why yes- WAIT ARE YOU CALLING ME SHORT?!?!” The hermits around him burst into laughter. Grian chuckled but tried to hide it. He was shorter than b-bubs but honestly, no one ever said much about it. “HEY QUIT LAUGHING!!” The big-eyed man shouted, it made a couple laugh louder, but soon it quieted down with a couple coughs. The avian walked over to one of the edges checking out the distance between the table and the ground. The Hep leader panicked and placed hands under him causing the parrot to look at him annoyed. “I’m fine Scar. I won't fall.” “I- well mm I don’t know what you do?? You could get hurt.” “I have wings?” Grian said with a slightly annoyed tone. This made the vex stutter before sighing in defeat knowing the parrot was right. “Well shrinking him didn’t make him any less sarcastic.” False commented, the resistance leader just turned and stuck his tongue out at her, making the two sitting next to her laugh again. The eagle let out a playful growl, causing the smaller avian to fluff up in a challenging way. “OOOOOO.” Tango said understanding what Grian’s body language meant. “What are you going to do about that, False?” the demon teased. This caused the large avian to shoot up from her chair and lean over the table wings out wide like the parrot was doing, stopping when she sees the enemy leader flinch. She sat down after seeing Scar behind him looking a little angry. “Well anyways, let us begin.” Scar says, causing Grian to turn around and sit. “Well as you know, you and your group have been causing us a little bit of trouble.” Grian just smiles at that. “So I will offer you a way out-.” “What happens if I refuse?” Grian asked cutting the mayor off.
“I don’t think you want to know.” Scar says smiling, the shrunk leader felt a shiver run down his back. “I’m guessing it has to do something with me being small.” The vex looked a little shocked but nodded. “You are right about that, yes.” He responded slowly, only causing the avian to think. Not about giving up, oh no he wasn’t going along with that, he was just wondering what the Hep leader had in mind. “No. Sorry I don’t think I will.” Grian said confidently, causing the other hermits to look around at each other and then back at him. This also gave the avian second thoughts. Only when he looked back at Scar did he realize that the Hep leader ran his tongue across his lips with a big smile. The avian's feathers stuck up as he slowly started to push himself backwards. “C-can we talk it out?” “Well, the option of giving up is still on the table.” Scar responded. “I’m not doing that.” Grian hissed, his movements stalled by a hand pushed against his back. “Then I’m going to do what I had planned.” Scar said, mocking the parrot a little. "Come on i-it's not like I can do anything like this." Grian says trying his best not to stutter.
"That is true." Scar starts bringing up a hand to think. "But this is more fun." The fae said amused. He reached out, his body leaning on the table a little bit as the same hand, and grabbed the small avian. Grian flinched at the grip, eyes turning to the other hermits finally resting on X. 
The admin blinked a couple of times, seemingly worried by the smaller's expression before turning his head away. Grian was about to call out to him but was lifted into the air and brought closer to the opposing leader's face. The avian pushed against the fingers holding him causing Scar to grab the smaller by the sweater and just hoist him higher. Grian’s feathers were ruffled by the slow calm breathing of the vex before him. “I’ll give you one last chance.” Scar said, smirking. The bird flinched at the words, not expecting them. This only made the smile on the Hep leader's face grow. The parrot’s face fell, and he swallowed nervously before answering weakly. “No.” Scar just let out a huff, opened his jaws, and let go. Grian attempted to fly but the second he got his wings out his chest hit a plush tongue. The parrot attempted to push himself up but the vex was quicker, closing his jaws gently around the bird’s wings and legs. The resistance leader froze, his breath speeding up. When he could feel Scar's jaws start to lift he pushed himself trying to get back out of the taller’s mouth. But the Hep leader realized as he tilted his head up making the bird slide down. He grabbed onto the fae's teeth, his legs dangling behind him. In doing so he pulled his wings out from underneath the teeth to avoid being cut. The tongue beneath him lapped at his hands trying to get him off. Grian held on as best as he could but his hands were getting sore. Instead, he stuck out his feet gripping the molars before letting the front tooth go. Scar pushed his tongue up in an attempt to unstick the avian’s legs, but Grian pushed off the bottom of Scar's mouth and shot his arms upwards pushing against the hard palate. The shocked voices of hermits sounded around him as they saw their leader’s jaws split open. Even False stared for a minute, surprised at the shrunken builder's strength. Scar was still pushing up at the resistance leader with the back of his tongue but changed tactics as soon as he realized it wasn't working. Instead, he curled the front part of his tongue backwards, shoving at the avian's chest, while also biting down a little harder. Grian let out a long pained groan, his body forced into a more crouching position, as he fought to keep the jaws open. The parrot lifted one leg in an attempt to move forwards, but the larger’s tongue shoved backwards hard pushing the avian off balance. He fell forwards begrudgingly wrapping his arms around the large wet muscle as he felt his toes trimming the edge of Scar’s throat. The large jaws shut around the smaller, who clung on for dear life. The fae curled his tongue down and around the resistance leader’s head trying to get him into his throat, while the avian fought for a place to put his feet on. The tongue sides pressed closer trying to form a taco around the bird, squishing his face, chest, and legs while also forcing the parrot down. Grain’s talons fought to grip on the walls making it seem like the bird was trying to run as his feet slipped down until finally, he tipped over one side slightly and a leg was pulled into the vex’s throat. The parrot attempted to pull it out but the muscle pulled it in. The smaller leader attempted to remove his leg by pushing up with his free one. Scar had other plans. The larger’s tongue pushed up, pulling some of the avian's leg out but the walls above and behind him pressed in and pulled down, sucking down the parrot. Grian barely kept his grip on the tongue, his hands pulling at the wet tongue effortlessly before the back of the tongue pressed against the bird's chest pinning him between it and the back wall. The tongue lifted, squishing itself against the resistance leader’s face before the swallow sounded, pulling him down. Light flooded the throat, causing Grian to look up. His face was right beneath the opening so he could barely see the outline of Scar’s teeth as his mouth hung slightly ajar taking in as much air as he could. A hand gently felt the avian from the outside as Scar laughed. “You’re really strong.” Scar complemented, gently massaging the bird trapped in his gullet. Grian panted a little before answering. “Thanks?” He replied, a little confused. The walls around him pushed back and forth as the larger one laughed. “Ready?” The Hep leader asked. “No, but whatever.” Grian responded, a chuckle was felt around him like before. The Hep leader’s head tilted and he swallowed once again. This time it was nicer, much more gentle, maybe this wouldn't be awful. ‘Wait, but Scar’s a fae, which means he doesn't have a-.’ The avian didn’t even finish that thought. He pushed his legs out hard, accidentally scratching the Hep leader's throat. A pained yell escaped Scar’s mouth, making the parrot's ears ring. A strong hand pushed against the bird's feet as the larger lurched forward. A bit of blood splashed against the resistance leader’s pants and sweater, while some made its way up and out. Loud coughing sounded from all around him, forcing the avian’s hands on his ears as he painfully moaned at the loud noise. The calls and cries of the Hep agents are muffled by the muscle between them. He could feel his feet start to slip again, he reached an arm out to stop himself but as soon as he tried the walls compressed in on him. The muscle squashed his body tight before a gulp forced him down. Grian attempted to struggle, but Scar kept up the swallows, making them stronger as well to keep the avian from attempting something like that again. The bird was halted when his feet slide through a slightly tighter spot into a more open area. All hell broke loose, Grain's wings pushed against the back wall while he pulled one leg back up and shoved at the far wall opening up the gullet. Scar was still sucking as much air as he could in so the parrot took his chance. He pulled his other leg up and positioned it above the other one before he slide his body up higher. He placed his lower leg above the other before he shimmied his way up again. This went on for what Grian assumed to be 5 minutes before the walls squashed the bird into a ball. A gulp sounded a little before he felt the compress and the push of the walls. Grian went to push his legs free but knew the best option was to stay curled up, it made swallowing less effective. After 4 swallows he could feel the opening of the stomach tickling his toes. But the wall was so tight and small Scar was struggling to get him farther. It went on for a while before Grian heard the sound of water from above him. A few small droplets were his only warning before the liquid surrounded him. His talons struggled to grasp the soaked surface forcing them down into the hole with all the water. The parrot fell, stopping as the opening to the stomach pressed around his midsection. Using his hands he attempted to pull himself out but the last gulp sounded, he could barely make out the gullet above him closing together before shoving him through the hole. The resistance leader tried and failed to stop the slide into the hip-high water. He panicked, throwing himself against the stomach walls, legs kicking and hands pushing out trying to escape the talkative organ. The walls only weakly pushed back seemingly unaffected by the avian's attempt at escaping. “SCAR!!” The parrot screamed out. “PLEASE, PLEASE…please.” He tried, his body falling limp onto the slimy walls. His hands gently pushed at the flesh as his body lay against the pulsing walls. There was no response, the silence broken by the mumbling of the stomach. Tears soon fell from the avian's face, the walls pressing against his cheeks as if comforting, his legs gave out forcing Grian to his knees. His shoulders and face remained above the pool as he cried. He was pushed over as Scar stood up most likely leaving. “S-scAr!” The resistance leader screamed, hurting his own throat. There was no response, Grian didn’t even think the taller could hear him. His fists loosened as he fell onto his side into the stomachs side, the walls gently massaging the bird as he lay there waiting for the burning feeling, tears still streamed down his face, but he made no sound. A hand gently pushed against the bird's side and at first, he had no reaction, but when it happened again he let out a growl and pushed back. The hand stopped pushing, and instead rubbed around in circles for a little. Grian let out whimpers, Scar felt satisfied, there was no doubt about it. The rubbing stopped after a while. Soon after the parrot could hear the muted sound of a firework launch and Scar’s body shifted, splashing the bird a little bit. He let out a groan, sputtering to make sure nothing got in his mouth. He gave an annoyed kick to the gut wall and heard a soft grunt sound from above meaning the Hep leader most likely felt it. A hand reached down, pressing against the bird as it did before. Grian gently punched before blinking a couple times. He could feel the adrenaline draining from his body. The parrot stood up to keep himself from falling asleep, and decided to walk around and feel the distance of his containment. As he stood up he was surprised to feel that he was still fine, besides how his legs were a little sore. The avian stretched an arm out, walking until he found what he assumed was the front of the belly. Almost all of the pool was tipped in that direction so Grian decided to turn around when he felt it so as to not get burned. He kept his arms out tracing the far wall, flinching when Scar let out a hiccup. The shrunken leader nearly screamed when the walls pushed back, he figured it was Scar again. “CAN YOU PLEASE STOP PUSHING ME?!?” Grian angrily shouted, and almost as soon as he did the hand disappeared. “Wait. S-SCAR CAN YOU HEAR ME!?!?” Grian asked, the hand returned and poked him. “I-, IS THAT A YES??!?” He was poked again giving him confirmation. Grian stood there confused, why wasn’t he answering if he could hear him? Was he going to let him die in here? Is he just keeping him here until he says he’d stop? Scar wasn’t dumb, well not as much as people might lead him on to believe. Surely he knew though-. “The fire resistance.” Grian said aloud. There was a gentle poke to his side. “You added the fire resistance so I don’t die, didn't you?” Once again the resistance leader got a tap placed on his side. Grian took a deep breath in and curled his talons into his foot before kicking the stomach walls as hard as possible. Scar let out a pained huff and pushed back. “What? You deserved it.” Grian said, looking up as if he was looking the taller in the eyes. The muscle around him shifted quickly, squishing the smaller. He tried to push back but the walls retreated back, not before soaking the avian. Grian attempted to shake himself dry, feeling a little sick from the experience. That didn’t last long as the world around him shifted. ‘Scar must be landing.’ he thought as he slipped backward, the stomach's contents heading in his direction. The bird shut his eyes, mouth, and nose as the liquid shoved him to the floor. The parrot shot up, wiping as much as he could off his face before taking a deep breath in. He looked down at the puddle he sat in a little disgusted. Well, at least he was safe, right? How long was the fire resistance though? Grian walked backwards pressing his back into the wall, just because he was safe, doesn't mean his mind could accept it. He still is and was in Scar’s stomach, the second the fire resistance wears off, it would most definitely be painful. ‘When would Scar let him out though?’ Grian panicked a little at that thought. ‘Scar wouldn't do that though right?’ The avian’s head swirled with questions, he barely knew the vex. Well, that was a lie, but he never really went against the Fae before. The closest to an enemy he’d been to the man is when he was a spectator. That was still much different then now, and Grian had no idea what the Hep leader could and would do. Honestly, by now he would have thought that the lack of air would have killed him. Somehow, he felt fine though, well, as fine as one could be in this situation. He places his hands beside his back, feeling the muscle rub itself against his hands as if checking them out. Wait, how long is the fire resistance? The resistance leader’s heart dropped, what if it wears off? He pressed his body more into the flesh. “S-scar?” He asked, his voice quivering, the wall behind him pressed into his back. After a little of the pressure not receding the avian began to panic. “SCAR?!?!?!?!?!” Once again there was no response and the avian slowly walked away from the walls, his feathers fluffing up as he walked in circles. “SCAR PLEASE ANSWER ME!!!” The bird yelled, cupping his hands. The bird felt around for a little before looking up trying to spot the throat, but he must be too far down so there was no light coming in the roof. This freaked the avian out even more. “SCAR!!” He tried one last time, still no response. Grian became desperate, tears falling from his eyes as he called out, his voice quivering, until he couldn’t speak. Loud sobs wracked his body and his mind in a loop on possible deaths. The bird's hands came up to his head, he let out a pained groan as he started to walk backwards. He nearly toppled over when he felt the wall touch his back. Grian turned around a bit too quickly, making the parrot fall onto his back splashing himself. Once in a semi-comfortable position he cried out again. “SCARR!” There was silence, no hand pressing, no words, nothing. The resistance leader curled in on himself sobbing once again. The ticking time of the fire resistance in his head, and he’d rather not burn to death. Eventually he stood up, stepping back before launching himself at the nearby wall. He heard a huff exit from above him, but besides that, nothing. It’s all the avian needed though. Grian Jumped feeling the roof of the stomach smiling a little as his fingers traced the opening to his current, uh well position. Once again he launched himself up making sure he had the position right. The parrot jumped again, flapping his wings while also clinging onto one of the nearby walls he pushed, fighting his way through the opening. He felt the pulse of the stomach walls speed up just as his head breached the tight spot. The sound of a weak swallow sounded from above him, and the avian only had a second to react before he was forced back in. Grian heaved looking up into the black even more panicked. Scar had gone back to ignoring the smaller so he decided to change tactics. The Resistance Leader’s back slammed into the close wall again, nearly making him fall. Catching himself, he once again backed up, before this time jumping on the slippery muscle. He met with a hand half way through the jump, flinging him to the other end of the Vex’s stomach. A loud grunt shook the walls around him. Grian felt the floor beneath him start to wiggle and his world shift before he slid. “NO NO NO NO!!!” The avian cried out in panic, but was muted as his face hit the front wall. The fae's hand pressing the other side in pain as he let out another groan before huffing and patting the small bird. The shrunken leader pushed back, getting his face out of the slime. The stomach’s pulse slowed down again and the hand started to rub in circles again. Soon after, the organ shifted, sending the avian down on his butt. Grian just took time to breathe, too tired to think about the outcomes much longer. He flopped onto the wall again leaning into the rubs more than he’d like to admit. When the hand stopped Grian shifted up but before he could say anything he heard a gulp from above him. He shot up running as fast as he could before a splash forced him down. Instinctively the avian's arms shot out in front of him stopping him from going under the puddle. Water rushed around his face but he stood himself up, the swallowing continuing. Did Scar swallow someone else? Oh god, oh no, is he going to do this to everyone? When Grian turned around though he saw a glow, a pink one, answering his question. No, it wasn’t another player, at least at the moment, it was a potion, Healing to be specific and the bird watched as it worked its magic. The liquid illuminated the flesh around him showing the dark green color that surrounded him, though he honestly wished it didn’t. The avian also watched as the pink surged into his body healing scratches he's had for weeks. Looking around him the glow fixated itself around the area the bird had been slamming himself into. Grian could also hear a relieved sigh from above him. It then hit him, so is this why Scar was ignoring me? False’s words rang through his head. ‘It doesn't seem like a Scar thing to do.’ His thoughts were cut short as the walls around him rumbled and pushed in. Grian struggled to his feet, but his back was pushed forwards by the wall behind him. He barely kept himself on his feet moving forwards just to feel the flick of another wall forcing him backwards. Is this how he died? The parrot shivered the walls soon closed around him forcing the puddle upwards. As the liquid reached his chest and the walls met his wings the bird froze. The light started to dim as the potion worked its magic flowing through the larger’s veins. The walls and puddle continued to shrink Grian’s breathing space, so when the liquid hit his lower chin he puffed out his cheeks. Scar’s stomach pressing into him nearly made him lose all his air. Next thing the avian closed his eyes before the muscles squished against his back forcing him up? The resistance leader's head was pushed through the gap he had come in, his mouth quivering, barely keeping shut. He was shoved up again, and could feel the liquid around him falling back down past his hairline. He still wiggled his arms up and covered his mouth before being pushed up again. Now the air was being squished out of his teeth, but his hands kept the juices from getting in. The next shove sent the grossness past his shoulders and he took a breath in,. coughing at the slightly dry air. He took another breath, before his cheeks were squished and he was moved up. His feet barely lingered at the lips of the stomach's entrance now. Grian opened his eyes a little and could see light, not strong, but much nicer than the dark prison he was forced in before. They were instinctively shut as the walls moved in again sending the avian up. A couple more hurks the bird opened his eyes again, looking over he saw a pink glow working its way into a small scratch. O-oh I did that didn’t I? Grian asked himself, reaching a hand and gently touching it. The throat walls around him wriggled uncomfortably, squishing the small leader’s chest a little. “S-sorry.” Grian gasped out quietly. What the bird assumed to be a finger pressed at his side. “Sorry for scratching you Scar.” “It’s okay.” The vex answered the walls shaking around the avian as he did such. “You okay?” the larger asked after a minute of silence. “I got so panicked when you started throwing yourself at me, I- has- did the potion wear off?” While talking the walls squashed the avain in them even more. Grian blinked for a couple seconds, before realizing what the taller meant. “I- I don’t think so? I’d rather not find out though.” The fae answered with a hum. “Are you ready to continue then?” “What?” “Out?” “OH, uh, y-yeah.” Not even a second after Grian answered the walls pushed him up. Scar’s breathing became very loud as he fought for air with the avian sharing the same tube. The vex didn’t waste a second before mustering up a strong push, shooting the top half of the parrot onto his tongue. Grian let out a gasp deeply breathing in as much air as he could, and Scar stopped to do the same. When they’d recovered enough, the smaller tucked his claws in and pulled his legs out of the Vex’s gullet. A small hurk sounded as the parrot’s tail slid out the largers throat. The resistance leader was too exhausted to move as the tongue beneath him pushed him out of the larger mouth and into the Fae's hand. Grian was drenched, his feathers thoroughly soaked. The smaller was angry, after being placed on a wooden table, he turned to face Scar. His anger drained as soon as he did. The vex looked beaten and sad, as if Grian had just kicked Jellie out the window in front of him. The avian turned his head away, forgetting his rage. Next to him sat milk, a small play tea cup full. “Is this for me?” the small leader asked, fighting the instinct to flinch as the drool drained from the other's mouth. “Y-yeah.” Scar said quietly, a hand rubbing his upper throat, presumably where the bird scratched him. Grian didn’t answer back and just drank his vision blurring as he grew back to normal size. He sat on the table till his head cleared and slid off slime still covering his body making him shiver in disgust. “Do you want to use my shower?” Scar asked his voice light, his throat most definitely still sore. Grian didn’t even turn around shaking his head. “Goodbye Scar.” The bird's tone hinted at the once existing anger before his wings shot out and he pushed off the landing, gliding away. 
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cmyknoise · 2 years
so like. i don’t think dsmp should have a reboot in terms of like. how reboots typically are. same story same characters just told in a ‘better’ way now that they know better. 
i wouldn’t mind the title of dsmp 2 or whatever related to ‘dream smp’ though. 
i think it would be fun if they made another server with all the same people, or at least most of the same people (whomever wants to return), and just. started fresh, completely fresh. new characters, new lore, new story. completely and utterly. not a sequel either or at least not a complete sequel. no one referencing events of the dsmp (unless, maybe for a handful of characters it applies to their lore if they chose). 
like the idea of a “reboot” with rehashing the same characters and story and lore is bad. 
but if they simply just make a new server on 1.19 and invite all the people that is already on the server and go ‘play and make stuff up as you go’ then that is absolutely fine, and i actually encourage it? 
because a lot of the newer people, like eryn or cpk or aimsey, and even some of the moderately new like hannah and boomer and foolish and puffy, etc, will then get to be there from the beginning, and have more of a chance to story tell, if they wish to. they’ll also have more time to make things their own instead of trying to shoehorn in things to an already active and ongoing plot. 
i think in this sense, if they make a new server that will be fine and okay, even if some peoples’ stories from the dsmp end up not getting told? its overall their choice with how they want to continue their characters, and that includes not at all, and if they chose that they’d rather start something new, that could be fun. 
besides having new characters with new stories and plots being told through the minecraft medium can be SO fun. 
we see this with so many other minecraft based fandoms, how they do “reboots” without being related to prior ones, or seasons if you will. think of the last life/third life/double life series, where they all have lore and stories and stuff but it’s reset, for the most part, every season. then they tell something different. 
like. honestly a reboot or season 2 could be VERY GOOD if it’s actually a blank slate, or like 98% a blank slate (again some characters i think could benefit or have ways to be connected to the dsmp as their backstory and have it work). 
i think you guys are just really scared of change and things ending up horribly. 
if, and i mean if, the reboot is how i’ve said as some sort of blank slate server where these guys get to do stuff all over but new with different characters, it will ultimately be good. 
the dream smp as a server has been ongoing for 2+ years. some of these people haven’t even gotten to explore or play on the server due to lore. think of cc!dream. he had to do a whole out of character stream after the prision break because he genuinely hadn’t seen most the builds that happened since he’d been imprisioned, and he wanted to see them. let alone actually just getting to play minecraft with friends. 
the dsmp has become so lore heavy that it is story being told through minecraft, not minecraft with a story being told. 
they don’t get to mess or fool about much anymore, and again i think a reboot would let them be able to do this. 
we’d get that nostalgic feel of how casual rp was on the dsmp during 2020, we’ll get to enjoy new characters and immerse ourselves in a new story with new lore. 
this is a good thing, i think. i genuinely don’t think most the cc’s on the server would even be for a total reboot. a lot seem to want to be done with the dsmp story like, 6 months ago. 
i think a lot want to do new things, so a “reboot” will probably just be a season 2 type deal with a new story, new characters, new world, etc. and i am excited for that.  
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mkeyztrm · 2 months
okay but i do wanna be real really quick about what’s been going on for me personally, i feel like i haven’t been honest with anybody even in my personal circle of friends.
so, seasonal depression has been hitting me hard. if you don’t know what that is, here’s the definition.
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I have no idea how to explain how I feel in real words, so I’m gonna write out a scenario that explains it.
imagine a truck coming at you from your left side. full speed, fully accelerating no stop.
imagine a train coming at you from your right side. off the rails, full speed, fully accelerated, no stop.
there’s only one way out, and that’s the doorway infront of you, but in order to exit through that doorway you’d have to face a thousand blades infused with the worlds deadliest snake venom.
You can’t go back, that’s your worst choice.
behind you stands a 6 foot brick wall enforced with lasers, spikes, thorns, knives, daggers, swords, bullets, cannons. any object that can cause harm, but you don’t see that just by looking at it. It’s sugar coated with portraits of all your best memories, the things you could go back to if you just climb over that wall and “save yourself”. But you know it’s a trap, and that as soon as you ground yourself on the other side you’ll face the worst outcome you could’ve ever imagined.
now the truck never hits you, neither does the train. it’s the anticipation of “when will it hit me, when will it all be over” that’s really getting you going. the adrenaline rush of knowing you could either make it out, or stay there stuck in a trance of your very own irrational fear of confrontation.
in short, your options are limited.
the only true choices you got are;
stay there and continuously be stuck in a loop of emotions
go back, and face your worst nightmares.
go forward, risk losing it all.
or, you go forward, say “fuck you” to all those negative thoughts, all the negative outcomes and go forward with your life.
now picture everything I’ve just described in that writing as one, singular emotion / feeling. imagine that emotion constantly lingering. any feeling of being happy making you feel guilty afterwards.
that’s what I have been going through. some days i feel fine, great, amazing even. then once i get hit with another wave of this negative feeling i regret ever saying anything to anyone in the first place. It’s really messing with my life. it’s been to the point I’ve crossed the thought of “sewer slide”. i haven’t had those thoughts in ages. i don’t want to do it, I’m not going to do it. /srs but something makes me wonder what everyone’s lives would be like if I wasn’t here. would they be better? /rh probably not because I don’t really impact people that much LMFAO. but I’m not gonna die guys /srs pls don’t report me to safe2say 😭😭😭😭. My relationships are fucked up. I’m slowly distancing myself from anyone i don’t see everyday and the fact I’m aware of it is what really makes me feel regret over it. my love life sucks, im so very genuinely trying my hardest to shake the thought of it away, but no matter how many times it leaves it just comes back even stronger. Anytime I see couples it just reminds me even more that the only people who’d love me romantically are my exes. though, even my exes were just confused and the majority of them actually just saw me as a friend. they just couldn’t differentiate platonic and romantic. all i want is for someone to love me just as much as i love them. i think id do just about anything to have a healthy, stable relationship where communication is there.
that’s really wrecking me, but there’s definitely been some good things.
my best friend is being released from residential soon, and i miss her so fucking much. she means the entire world to me, no person could ever compare to her. she’s so stunning on the inside and out, and she doesn’t recognize it as much as she should. she deserves the world. she’s gonna celebrate my birthday with me we’re gonna have my first birthday party ever at her house :)
my other best friend is gonna hangout with me this weekend, we’re gonna get matching hair dye. I’m gonna get split dye and I think she’s picking one of the colors. she’s learned so much about me and I’ve learned so much about her, it’s honestly so refreshing to hangout with her and leave everyone else in the past for a minute. she doesn’t understand how much of a positive impact she has on me. <3
i wrote a lot, sorry for yapping. i just figured I’d be deadass for a minute, even if no one really cares it’s nice to be able to get the words out in a way
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digitalsatyr23 · 1 year
Stampede vs Original Trigun
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So I know a lot of people on here really liked Trigun Stampede, and I went in watching it with a pretty open mind because, believe it or not, I hadn’t actually watched the original Trigun up until that point. No specific reason, just never got around to it. When I heard that Stampede was going to be a fresh new take on it, I thought “Cool, since I’m not attached to the original series then this should work out just fine for me.” Well... I can see why some people like it, but it really isn’t for me. My understanding was always that Vash was a big pacifist, but Stampede’s Vash is such a non-main character. He gets a few cool moments here and there (and even I was hyped during that finale) but he does SO LITTLE in that entire season, other characters actively berate him for not doing stuff. Stampede did motivate me to try the original though. I thought the original would be merely “okay” since it’s an older show and I just wasn’t sure if it would hold up but got daym, its reputation is well-earned. The characters are all so fun and likable right out the gate and they’re both consistent and have lots of nice subtle layers to them. Vash in particular is a really great main character to see on-screen. He has his low moments but it all feels more authentic, in a way. Stampede’s Vash had his moments and I could totally understand WHY he felt the way he did, but he was basically a sadsack the entire time after like... I don’t know, the first episode? OG Vash is a sadsack sometimes and it’s clear that he’s really carrying around a lot of guilt and depression, so his goofy exterior seems to be a coping mechanism for those feelings. At the same time, he still stands up for others when he needs to and he also has genuine moments of anger, happiness, and peace. What I’m saying is original Vash just feels like a more fleshed out character to me. I’ve also really enjoyed the original’s rendition of Wolfwood so far. He’s quite a bit goofier than I expected him to be, but he bounces off the other characters rather nicely and he feels like a true buddy for Vash. The shooting contest episode was great because it helps highlight the similarities (and differences) between Vash and Wolfwood. I did enjoy Stampede’s Wolfwood but again, just like Stampede Vash, he felt like he really had one main character mode, and that was grumpy. Grumpy is fine (especially given the situations he ends up in) but a little variety never hurts, you know? And Milly? Milly??? I can see why people were sad she wasn’t in Stampede’s first season, because she’s such a treat. She’s funny, adorable, and always fun to see. Never a dull moment with her. She’s usually in the background most of the time but I notice she’s really observant for how airheaded they play her off as. Makes me wonder how they’ll handle her in Stampede S2. Also also, I do want to say I don’t 100% hate Trigun Stampede or anything. I really loved its art style and animation. It really pulls off the cartoony vibes original Trigun had sometimes, but in 3D so it’s even more lively, and the few traditionally animated sequences (such as Wolfwood’s backstory) were real highlights in that season. I just feel like the writing and characters in Stampede lack the depth and fun the original has. The old show has me hooked! I haven’t finished it yet so my opinion may change, but at least from what I’ve seen, I adore it.
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hot-take-tournament · 6 months
Thank you so much for putting this together, it was really fun to do. These are the best answers I could come up with:
1. In ‘what the hair’ I believe it’s Gothel in the dream sequence right? Thats such a cool way to open a show I think, it really draws to you. But it is incredibly confusing if you didn’t watch ‘before ever after’ first
2. I think in the first opening it’s 3, I’m not sure about the other two. If I’m being honest the first season is my favourite.
3. A music box is laid out and when rapunzel plays it it activates the atomatons hidden in the gift boxes.
4. Okay that’s one’s really hard, I know for a fact Varian has blue eyes and I’m pretty sure Monty does, but I really can’t hunk of anyone else. Rapunzels are Green, Eugene and Lance’s are both brown. I don’t know, Faith? Maybe Frederick but I think his are green.
5. The one in the right I think
6. If I remember correctly, which is highly unlikely, Rapunzel starts the song so I’m going to guess Eugene finishes it as a part of the little back and forth they have. I’m more of a ‘nothing less to loose guy myself’, so I don’t actually remember that song much.
7. I think it’s in ‘Once a handmaiden’, but I could be wrong. That episode is really good for a number or reasons, but there’s something really funny about Varian canonically inventing a gun, good for him.
8. The left one?
9. Happily ever after, I know it’s a reprise of the first song in the ‘Before ever after& short movie but I’m not sure if it’s called something slightly different
I really struggled with most of these, clearly I’m a fake fan </3 it’s fine I tried my best, at least this makes good practice for when I do eventually have to go up against the devil to avoid eternal damnation.
It was really fun though :D thank you for putting this together it was super cool. (Not to be that really annoying guy but I do highly recommend TTS it is a very fun watch)
Also slightly related fun face Zachary Levi plays Rocky in the the new chicken run movie and you can really tell. He uses the same line deliver as he does with Eugene it’s pretty funny to compare the two characters.
it's no problem at all, one of the best parts of this blog for me is being able to learn about everyone's special interests!
besides, considering how much experience i have in combing the internet to research fandoms i'm unfamiliar with (mostly so i can make bad puns), it was kinda fun for me to try and put that ridiculously niche skill to the test under time pressure
though... in retrospect i maaaay have accidentally made some of the questions completely impossible
(also, i know i answered your asks out of order, it sounds weird but the genuine reason is that because of the times you sent asks i was worried you were losing sleep over the stress of not knowing whether your asks were anonymous or not)
anyway, here are the answers:
1. you're totally right, it's Gothel who speaks first - no one else has a line until the 2-minute mark, they just kind of make noises at each other. i know they did it because it's a dream sequence, but it's still inexplicably funny if you pay attention to it, it reminds me of final fantasy
i did watch the first episode in full to get an idea of what this show was about, and i do have a lot of questions - tangled was one of the only two disney princess films i watched when i was a kid and i still don't really understand how her hair has grown back or who cassandra is (she seems nice though)
2. yeah in hindsight this one is basically impossible to get from memory, and when i wrote it i didn't even realise that there were different animations for the later seasons
the first one has 7, the second has 4 (i think?), and the third has 3, though it's really hard to tell
3. i actually got that wrong, i thought the music box turned into the robot, but you're right, it activates the parts hidden in the presents that then assemble themselves
4. people make fun of disney for their disdain for green eyes, rapunzel is the only disney princess who has them
excluding tangled, i can't even think of two human disney characters with green eyes period
well apparently they decided to overcompensate by making it so that almost no tangled characters have blue eyes, and honestly it's kind of hilarious
even characters who had blue eyes in the movie had their eye colour switched to green for the series
i was only able to pick out five because i noticed the trend and started actively looking for it - and even then, it was like finding a shiny pokemon anytime someone with blue eyes appeared on screen
so the fact that you were able to think of five off the top of your head is crazy impressive
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he does - so do varian, frederic, faith and monty, so that's five
5. the mirror is the one on the left
the one on the right is actually based on the broken plate from breaking bad
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6. eugene sings last, i have no idea what the context of the song is though
i actually was originally going to use 'nothing left to lose' but i changed it like five minutes before the timer ran out because i realised there were a lot of questions about cassandra, she's just in every clip
7. yeah, it's 'once a handmaiden', i think once her imaginary british friend pulls the cloak off it never comes back
i may have got this one from the wiki
8. the yellow eye is her(?) right eye
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9. you're right, it is just a reprise of the first song from before ever after
(though i found out just now that disney's official songlist technically calls it 'life after happily ever after', which is dumb, so i'm going to ignore it)
so, overall i don't think anyone can accuse you of being a fake fan, you definitely got most of them
still, i'm glad you enjoyed it <3
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ellynneversweet · 1 year
Aaaaand I’m done.
Okay. I’ll say that I liked this the best out of all the Bridgerton offerings so far: it made a genuine attempt to engage with the absolute nonsense Romancelandia setting rules already established in this universe and turn them into something cohesive. It almost works.
Everyone had real problems (except for Violet, who was just sort of…there) that weren’t things that could just be resolved if they would just talk out a stupid misunderstanding. Charlotte and George’s romance is genuinely unusual and quite touching, especially in its later stages. Lady Danbury as the fantasy version of an unhappily married woman turned wealthy independent widow is delightful. I like that they didn’t (by romance standards) sugarcoat the level of control a woman’s relatives and husband had over her life, or how precarious life without a good protector was. Some of the ways in which this was spelled out to the female characters (and thus, the audience) was a bit clumsy — this is their native culture, after all. They can and certainly should react to it in a variety of ways, but surprise at the degree of legal confinement they’re subject to comes across as stupidity, often.
Some of the costumes were hideous, some were great. Late baroque suits the brocade and ruffles bullshit of the Bridgerton Style Guide much better than the regency does. No one knows what to do with hats, but I really enjoyed the ladies in tricorns we got. (I love a good tricorn.) And there were some beautiful bergeres, which are another fave of mine.
It offers a cohesive explanation for why Charlotte is dressed in styles from twenty years ago, because she’s emotionally arrested in that era. It doesn’t make me forgive the lack of regency court dress in the Bridgerton-family centric seasons, because I desperately want to see that on screen. I actually think it could work. I know everyone hated it and the fashion plates of the era look a bit silly, but the silhouette is not dissimilar to a hanbok, if you squint? It could be done. And I bet those dresses could even be reworked to be regular going out dresses. If the panniers only added width to the sides, all you’d really have to do is re-sew the side seams into straight lines.
Violet should have been cut from this, frankly. George needed more screen time outside of Charlotte and his never ending leeches and ice baths. He’s an interesting character and the actors who played him were both genuinely good. We needed more sane George, because mad George is necessarily shown at an emotional remove from his thoughts and emotions. I’m not sure if having him be unstable so early was decided as a plan to explain away why Prinny isn’t a character in the main series and why Charlotte is so very prominent as the effective regent.
Also, we could have done with less horrible sex scenes between the Danburys. Once or twice, fine, but the rest could be easily telegraphed through Agatha’s post-rape bath and bitch sessions.
Um. I loved Reynolds, as I’ve said, and I’m sorry we didn’t get mature Reynolds in George’s household. I liked the variety of relationships shown. I don’t love how cold mature Charlotte is towards Brimsley — it seems horrible and disconnected from their early friendship. I don’t appreciate the way the narrative role Brimsley and Reynolds played necessarily cut out the existence and importance of ladies in waiting (and courtiers more generally). That annoys me, in a show that so heavily centres the lives of women. Lady Danbury’s relationship with Coral was good, though.
Edit: oh, and the timeline and travel distances involved made absolutely no sense at all. They all have magical tardis carriages. I nearly lost my mind when Reynolds complained about ‘riding all the way here’ when Brimsley had been using that same route as the walk for a small puppy every day. And, of course, the whole invitations for a royal wedding that starts in three hours thing.
Anyway. Scream away at me if you have thoughts.
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hella1975 · 2 years
You are the only fucking one with normal opinions about arcane and I Wish you were there to see when everyone’s tiktoks were full of nothing about arcane and everyone being feral over silco and his nasty ass and Viktor who is. Fine. The best of the topsiders but still involved in an overall boring plot unless it was about himself and his disability which were the only interesting parts on the top end. Or Vi and Cait and I Don’t Like Cait very much. Like she’s Fine but god she’s fucking dumb sometimes and doesn’t know when to shut up and I don’t like her in the game either. I wish we saw more Ekko in the show tho.
How do we feel about the thought of Ekko and Jinx’s fight feeling like Zuko and Azulas. Second part could you imagine if they interlaced the Zuko and Azula scene with them play fighting as kids like arcane did? I wouldn’t have survived that actually. Or the parallels of Jinx and Vi to Vander and Silco and the siblings who care for each other despite despite despite. Also! So many people were mad at Vi for hitting Jinx but that whole scene was a very human response? She (accidentally) killed like their whole family? She just had a big fight? I’m sure her adrenaline is through the fucking roof and people forget she’s also a child at this point. She immediately regretted it and walked away to calm down and then got picked up before she could come back and help or fix things. Like obv that’s not the best thing she could do but I don’t think she was in the head space to gentle parent her sister. I have so much to say about this show and everybody else had such different opinions on the whole thing 😩
OMG OMG YES EXACTLY okay i have several things to say about like. all of this so im bulletpointing lmao
silco - WAIT WERE WE SUPPOSED TO LIKE SILCO??? WHAT??? like even in a 'villain who was justified' or even 'villain you can sympathise with if not justify' i just genuinely wholeheartedly dont like him. looking at an incredibly mentally ill girl and saying she's perfect is not a redemption. putting drugs into your own streets and getting your own people addicted to the point of being loyal to you is not a redemption. there is literally nothing good about his character. im pretty sure i put in the tags the first time i really saw him that basically his anger towards topside was 100% justified and even his desire to use extreme measures after so long being ignored, but you totally lose that the moment you turn on your own people. like okay mr manipulating class traitor of the year respectfully i was not upset when you died
viktor - i was soooo disappointed by viktor's character bc i genuinely REALLY wanted to like him like i was so intrigued by his disability and i love that he's a nerd and an underdog and can be abrasive at times and i thought there was SO much potential with him being from the undercity, but he was just so so passive and half the time i was just angry at him and shouting at the screen. like he's watching these toffs who dont know anything about the undercity - and havent even been there - discuss the future of people JUST LIKE HIM and he just allowed it. he only cared about his inventions and maybe that will be explored in season 2 bc it seems like they're taking a narrative where it shows his obsession to the point of detriment (what happened to that assistant that fancied him) and he'll possibly change for the better but as of right now he's just completely forgotten his roots and only remembered the undercity when it benefited his inventions. he went off with 'in the pursuit of great, we forgot to do good' though like i'll allow him that much that quote fucks stupendously
cait - same hat as viktor i REALLY wanted to like her bc it seems like we might actually be getting queer rep and i dont want to hate 50% of the couple but my god is she ignorant. and actually ignorance isn't the problem it's not a crime to be oblivious and it's not her fault she was born into a better life than vi, but it was her insensitivity with her ignorance that bugged me like girl just SHUT UP SOMETIMES MAYBE???? like it's very easy to look at a situation you haven't been in and go 'i would never have said that in a million years' but i can still safely say that if i was in the slums surrounded by victims of horrific addiction who have been turned on by even their own people and now live in the most extreme clutches of poverty, and i was there with a girl raised in this environment who only knows how to fight and has been beaten down again and again and has spent the past few years in prison, something im intimately aware of as the person who BROKE HER OUT, then i wouldnt go 'i think this is a good time to be accusatory about her homelife actually'. like literally what the fuck was the thought process. and it wasn't a one time thing she did it ALL the time i genuinely dont know how vi didn't hit her she's so lucky she's hot
zuko and azula - WHY WOULD YOU SAY THIS TO ME MY GODDDD like that tiny snippet of them playing in the palace garden as kids except it's an entire scene of parallels to them in the agni kai. despicable
vi hitting jinx - i actually laughed out loud when i read that people are apparently getting aggy about the fact vi hit jinx. i have to assume people making those takes dont have siblings. i have hit my sister for far less and can guarantee if she accidentally killed all my loved ones then she'd be getting an awful lot more than a slap to the face. siblings fight. it's literally a universally accepted fact. it's not FUN or GOOD but it still happens and 99% of the time it's over shit much less serious than what these two were fighting over. touch grass
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emblazons · 1 year
okay ngl the plot of the movie actually sounds really fun, definitely an interesting twist. really cool to have another example of how much execution and production does for the overall outcome of a movie/show
honestly really funny in a ST context tho, you have people swearing up and down that the Duffers are secretly terrible writers who have no idea what they're doing but also have this Very high quality show that's up until s4. like. off topic from the Tutor but it's genuinely funny to me how people say the Duffers won't be able to write a byler "twist" when they're already watching a very well put together show
maybe more of the highly Duffer critical fans actually Should go watch the Tutor and the Room and other camp movies so they see what a show/movie that has no idea what's going on actually looks like
Honestly! the Tutor as a premise was just fine—it just had such unbelievable jumps in logic and bad dialogue that it was obvious the writing wasn’t as thought out or capable as it needed to be to meet the concept it was based on. It…was an experience, especially for someone who just came off of seeing 22 films in preparation for the Oscars ☠️ I said in my first comments about the movie—that script was like. “First year film student trying too hard to be intelligent” energy, not something that should had made it to a screen 😭 it is hilarious in retrospect though. I appreciate the absurdity of it all.
As for people who think the duffers are bad writers…lmao. I guarantee most of them have not watched as many movies or tv shows as they need to to understand how solid ST actually is as a narrative, because…once you see what bad writing actually looks like, it’s impossible not to tell the difference.
Tbh I think the real issue is most people ferociously critical of the duffers don’t know the difference between “I don’t like this” and “this is poorly written,” because even though there are places where they excel and places where they could put a little more love, the Duffers logic, writing, narrative jumps and subtext are all sound if you watch shows paying attention—and the ones that aren’t clear upon immediate viewing make sense when you piece together precious seasons to the “nonsensical” parts of action on screen.
I’ll be the first to tell you that M&R aren’t perfect, and there are certainly things I would change if I was writing it, but…they’re more than solid enough writers to handle a plot twist as straightforward as a love triangle with a queer element.
Anyone saying they “too stupid” to pull off a setup as clear cut as “two childhood best friends find love after one dated someone else” just because the end result is two guys together is either projecting from the queerbaiting fear they’ve got from other shows or just mad that people be gay imo 😂 Thanks for the ask!
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Thoughts while watching Taskmaster s15e07:
- So does Greg saying there will be no points for toasters mean they’ve all brought in toasters, like the jelly situation from season 11?
- I would genuinely play Taskmaster Wac-A-Mole. I would love to. Can they add that to their purchasable merchandise? Will they have to pay Ivo royalties for the idea?
- I love how hard Ivo defends his prizes tasks. Usually with some watertight explanation that you can see he planned beforehand. Fair enough, it is popular worldwide and has Greg’s face on it now.
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This will be exactly how I will sound when explaining what I think about Mae Martin, if they ever start using he/him pronouns. Fair enough, though. Prof. Brian Cox on a Pop-Tart has to be worth something.
- We’ve seen a lot of unusual sides to Frankie Boyle so far this season, his “doing a Prof. Brian Cox” side turns out to be much creepier than I’d have anticipated, if anyone had asked me what I’d expected from Frankie Boyle’s Brian Cox impression.
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- I wrote the above point before seeing Greg point out the same thing:
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I shall try not to screenshot the entire episode again. I’ll slow it down from here on out.
- Oh, Jenny’s was genuinely good. Like, an actual thing rather than weird novelty, and an actually cool-looking thing. And I’m not even mentioning how attractive it is when Mae tries to argue with it while managing to appear both self-conscious and indignant. Look at me not even mentioning that.
Something about the way they argue for points. I have no idea how Greg ever resists it. It’s fine, I’m doing fine.
- Surely there’s an outtake where someone makes a dick joke after Kiell says “The most brilliant thing that pops up is obviously oneself,” right?
- Pogo stick’s not bad, but space hoppers are better. Kiell’s joke about Greg being a teacher was pretty good, though.
- Again, Frankie Boyle has brought in a piece of art that has nothing to do with the prize task category. It’s such a weirdly specific idea to be Frankie’s “thing” throughout this season, and yet, very on brand.
- Sorry, I wrote the above point before the points were given out. I can now say that the real trend is Frankie Boyle bringing in prizes that are pieces of art, have nothing to do with the category, and get over-scored. Which would be a problem if he actually won the season on it, but he won’t, so it’s fine. I’d still love to see him take an episode, though.
- More eggs. I think this season’s been pretty egg-heavy, even for Taskmaster.
- I’d just like to say that I don’t know what a pulper is either, Kiell.
- Ooh, title drop from Frankie.
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I still don’t know what a pulper is.
- I mean, obviously if you could remove the egg from the pulper that would be a good thing. I don’t know what it is, but I think I’d at least try walking about it to see if there’s an obvious way to open it up.
- I swear I wrote the above point before seeing this:
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So... is that it? They can extract the egg if they literally just walk to the other side of it, and Frankie and Kiell haven’t bothered?
- I have finished watching Frankie and Kiell do this task and I still have no idea what’s going on. But I’m almost sure that Frankie was wrong about lack of speed being the problem, and may still have lucked into doing well by happening to stop at the right time.
- Okay, I still don’t understand.
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Does he mean it’s just the first time Frankie and Kiell saw the interior? They were blind because they chose not to go look? Or did none of the others look either? And why not? Would it not have been visible to them if they’d walked around it? Because from the shots we saw, it looked like it was wide open? What is happening?
- Jenny and Mae up next, so Ivo is once again being saved for last. He’s going to have a breakdown, isn’t he?
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Jenny Eclair hearing cymbals crash loudly, freaking the fuck out, and then assuming an egg made the noise: top-notch comedy, this is what the fans have paid to see.
- Right, I’m an idiot. I’ve just remembered that the task said they can’t move from their spot, so that’s why they don’t walk around the machine. I should really go back and delete the stuff I wrote above about that, so I look like less of an idiot, but I can’t really be bothered. I see now why they are blind. And I now have greater appreciation for the inherent comedy in making them just stand there spinning a wheel and listening to crashing with no idea what’s happening and no way to find out.
Having said that, any chance they can say the red dot they’re standing on is the spot, and move it? It’s a bit of a risk because Greg could decide that’s not allowed and disqualify them, but there has been precedent in previous seasons for arguing that the red thing is the spot and you’re still on the spot as long as you stay on it. And this task would be so easy to win if you could just move a bit, though they wouldn’t know that from where they are. As far as they know, trying to hop around on a red dot might just waste a lot of time and lead to nothing.
- Solid energy from Jenny Eclair here.
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God, the genuine distress on their face when they heard a noise that might be an egg getting pulped. I’m not even talking about sexual attractiveness anymore (I mean, okay, I am a bit). It’s just what's so much fun to watch on this show. That’s not comedy distress, that’s just actually being very concerned that they lost focus for a moment and misjudged the pulp wheel. What more can we ask for out of a Taskmaster contestant?
- All right, I’ve watched Jenny fly too close to the sun and pulp the egg, which means Mae probably does the same since they were grouped together. But I am still getting invested in the tension as they carefully push closer to it. Come on, Mae. I believe in you. Magically sense the position of an egg.
- I might have started saying “No no no no no stop stop stop stop stop” out loud at this point:
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- Ah shit. On the bright side, maybe this episode gets to be Frankie’s?
- Ivo! They didn’t save him for last because he had a breakdown! They saved him for last because he is a clever little boy who has seen previous Taskmaster seasons and knows about moving spots. Good job.
- It is a lot of fun to watch Ivo spin the wheel with abandon, and then occasionally stop and look around like he’s convinced he’s missed something. No, it’s okay, little buddy! You’ve got this!
Something about watching Ivo Graham makes me feel like a gym teacher encouraging an eight-year-old to climb a rope.
- What a smart boy. He knows how to hop around a carry eggs and spin wheels and everything. Someday he might even learn how to open his eyes.
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- Fantastic. A team task and the periodic table of elements. That’s all I want out of Taskmaster.
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Will anyone be surprised if I mention at this point that when I was 13, we had to memorize the names and symbols of the twenty elements that our teacher assigned us for a science test, and I chose instead to memorize the name and symbol of every element on the whole table? I haven’t done it years, but I bet could still write out a periodic table with the names and their symbols correctly placed. I can still list the original 151 Pokemon in order, that one I have checked recently. It’s important to retain all the useless information you memorized in childhood for no reason, because otherwise, how will you know who you are?
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I tried to think about something to say about this screenshot so I’d have a legitimate excuse for adding to this post, instead of just including it as a way to say “look how hot Mae Martin is”, but I’ve got nothing.
- I mean, as far as “weird screenshots that you’d never expect to exist but there they are on Taskmaster” go, Frankie Boyle and Ivo Graham being handcuffed together is up there:
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- So it’s basically an escape room, then? I’ve been informed by Ed Gamble that Mae Martin and Ivo Graham both like this sort of thing, unsurprisingly.
- I’m going to guess that stellar performance from the team of three was edited to look even more efficient than it really was, as a contrast to whatever we’re about to get out of Team Big IF. But still, that was impressive. Mae Martin like four steps ahead of everyone else, explaining that one of those things on the wall is going to relate to the other thing and we have to eat the candies and just get on with it. I’ve just realized how great it’ll be if Mae wins this season, specifically because I want to see them take on Sarah Kendall in Champion of Champions. Battle of the ruthlessly efficient.
- Kiell admitting that a task in which he looked bad was edited to make him look better than he really was is pretty funny. And again, this means that whatever Team Big IF do is such a mess that the editors decided it’s funnier than Kiell being upset about candies by enough to cut the latter for more of the former.
- Oh, excellent. It’s always good when a team breaks down so badly that you see them wincing in the studio just because they know their task is about to be shown. This may not, in fact, be Frankie’s episode to win.
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- Ivo Graham correcting Frankie Boyle’s pronunciation of “cumin” is pretty much everything I expected to come from this team.
- Why is Frankie adding up the numbers?
- I believe Ivo is asking himself the same question I just wrote down, but does not have the guts to actually it out loud to Frankie Boyle’s face:
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- My apologies to Ivo Graham, obviously it turns out he has no fear at all of confronting Frankie Boyle about his flawed system:
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No fear at all. He’s doing absolutely fine.
- Okay, I see this is the moment they realize they still have handcuffs on, but does that really explain everything about why this hug is so weird? Was Frankie going for lifting him into the air?
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- Taskmaster sometimes just feels like an experiment where they throw shit at the wall and find out which bits of it are funny. Things that just wouldn’t happen unless Taskmaster manufactured it, so without this show, we’d have no way of knowing whether those things are funny or not. Turns out that two comedians of wildly contrasting personalities frantically searching a room with plastic sheeting on the walls while handcuffed = funny.
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I feel like it summarizes Ivo’s persona that he can come out of a task that went horribly wrong due to Frankie’s incompetence, and Ivo saved it by being significantly less incompetent in that particular area, and still, in the debrief, Frankie can comfortably take the high status. Love seeing Frankie have the guts to come out of that terrible a performance, and his primary comment on what happened is to call Ivo a coward.
- Jesus Christ. How hard would we have to petition the people who run Taskmaster to get them to release the unedited footage, that does exist somewhere, of Frankie Boyle and Ivo Graham being handcuffed together in a small room for 42 minutes straight?
Surely someone’s gotten on this, fanfiction-wise, right?
- Kiell regaling us with a story of stealing his classmate’s pen in school. Greg’s right, we are getting a solid picture of his childhood here.
- Oh, I like these. The tasks where they have to pick something without knowing why they’re picking it, so they have to guess what the task will be. I just imagine how I would absolutely lose my mind as I tried to consider every variable in guessing, knowing I’d be mad at myself later if I messed it up for myself, and then it’s just nice to watch people go through that and know I don’t have to.
- I thought off the bat that Frankie’s pick for the number would be the one I respect the most - I’d probably go with 50 if I were picking between 0 and 100, in case going really high or really low fucks you over horribly. But then Ivo went 42 with a Hitchhiker’s Guide reference, and okay, it’s a bit trite, a bit “thing my friends and I all recited to each other in high school to prove how cool we were for being able to reference this”, but I like it anyway. You go, Ivo. Make your Douglas Adams reference.
- I mean, I think I’d at least guess that the ingredients, noun, and adjective have something to do with each other. I haven’t seen part 2 yet, but I’m saying if I were doing part 1, I’d try to pick words that could be at least somewhat related and ingredients that could relate to them.
- Yep. Turns out I made a good call. Not sure the contestants did.
- I mean that’s what you want out of Taskmaster, isn’t it? Comedians dumping a load of food ingredients onto a plastic duck while panicking about a timer running down? That’s why they commissioned this show.
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- Jenny’s grabbed a gold shoe from somewhere else, I guess she knew it was there because they must have filmed this not long after the golden shoes + bowling ball task. At first I thought it was quite a coincidence that she picked “gold” and “shoe” when she’d used that in another task, but then I realized they must have filmed this one shortly after that one and she was thinking of it when she picked her words, like how Mae and Ivo were both thinking of ducks becuase they’re all over the house.
- Well, I’ll be honest, I got to halfway through the third pre-recorded task and then I got a call from my boss about some actual work I have to do, and I really wanted to just finish the episode so I’ve watched the rest without stopping to write stuff down. It was, once again, not Frankie’s day. Nice to get Kiell on the board, though, every constant who isn’t good enough to have a shot at winning the whole season should at least have the goal of staying off the relatively short list of contestants who’ve never won an episode. Ivo repeateldy endeared himself to me throughout this episode, and may have thrown it away at the end by believing that a Canadian accent sounds like an American with a particularly high-pitched voice. Why doesn’t every single episode have a part where the contestants have to do impressions of each other? They could get lots out of that. Okay I have to go do actual things now, but this was fun, can’t believe there are already only three left.
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Fic prompts!
I’m not sure how specific you want them, so here goes:
All of these are for Ted/Trent, can be established relationship or not, rating’s up to you, whatever you want!
-they spend the night at a hotel room
-they are apart for whatever reason, and they miss each other
-celebrating each other’s birthdays
Okay okay, so I got this request almost a year ago and I never ever responded to it even though I had something just sitting in my WIP folder this entire time. I didn't think this one was good enough to post considering I took quite a diversion from the original prompts, but in honour of Ted Lasso Season 3 Teaser Trailer Day, I have decided to break my year-long silence.
Title: ???
Pairing: Ted Lasso/Trent Crimm
Prompt: Hotel, snow, apart, birthday, missing each other,
Word count: 1.7k
Other tags: fluffy, oneshot
Read on AO3
To anyone else looking out at the dark streets of Richmond from their window, it appeared to be like any other Winter afternoon. The air was the sort of cold that would bite at your skin if you stood outside for long enough. Thick, white snow delicately framed every window in town, including the window that Trent Crimm, formerly of The Independent, sat beneath, longingly staring at the reflection that seemed to be staring back at him.
The day itself shouldn’t have felt significant to him anymore; he managed to make it through 41 other birthdays just fine after all, and his 42nd was shaping up to be no different from the rest. Trent was never really in favour of celebrating his birthday. As a child he never really enjoyed celebrating his own birthday or having parties with his friends from school (not that he ever seemed to make many…), and the habit of ignoring his birthday until it finally washed over him and became just any other day had well and truly followed him all the way throughout his adult life. 
On this birthday in particular, Seraphina happened to be staying with her grandparents. The situation seemed unfamiliar to Trent; having a completely empty, quiet house all to himself without having to write a detailed report on Richmond’s win the night before in Liverpool as a deadline drew closer and closer. In a way it was oddly freeing, but simultaneously terrifying, and Trent found himself unsure of what to do. Which explains why he sat, staring out of the window at nothing for at least half an hour that night. 
Fortunately, a sound snapped him out of his trance, startling him at first until he realised it was the  specific ringtone he had set for whenever Ted called him. Which, he had noticed, had become his nightly ritual. 
Trent picked up his phone, taking a deep breath before answering. 
“Trent Crimm, The Inde-“ he stopped himself. Old habits. He cleared his throat gently. 
“How may I help you?”
“Aw, I know who I’m calling,” he heard the familiar voice of Ted Lasso assure him. He couldn’t help but smile. 
“How is Liverpool?” He asked, genuinely curious despite having been there himself what felt like a million times to attend various football matches during his career. 
“I’ll tell ya, Trent, it’s a lot more fun being in a city right after you’ve actually won a game,” he answers, followed by a low giggle that makes Trent’s heart race a mile a minute. 
“And the hotel…?” He asks. Decades of working as a journalist leads to some terrible habits, like not being able to hold a normal conversation without just firing questions at the other person. Ted doesn’t seem to mind it, handling each one with the same sincerity and charisma he brought to the press room where they first met. 
“Nice. Almost a little too nice, if I’m being honest. Which reminds me, I’ve got something I need to give to you,” Ted tells him, which is.. strange, to say the least. 
“That’s very kind of you, but.. why?” Trent asks, fidgeting with his glasses in his hands absentmindedly. 
“Well, I know you said you don’t like gifts, but I figured it was the least I could do,”
Trent stops fidgeting. 
“…for what?” He asks. A strange feeling, something between dread and excitement, took a hold of him as the question comes out far more stern than he intended. 
“Aww, come on now, Trent, you didn’t think I’d forget your birthday did you..?” 
Trent sighs. Of course he would never forget. He tries his hardest not to read too much into it- Ted probably remembers all of his friends’ birthdays… right?
“I’m not totally sure how you even remembered in the first place,” he said, returning to fidgeting with his glasses again, this time more anxiously. 
“Remember that time Keeley was trying to guess what your star sign was…?” Ted prompts him. 
Trent cringes at the realisation that yes, he actually did volunteer that information and yes, that was the context. 
“Thank you very much for calling, but you should know I am staunchly opposed to celebrating birthdays. Mine in particular,” he attempts to explain, though he’s almost certain he’s not going to get very far. 
“Now, why is that…?” Ted asks, his signature, almost child-like curiosity laced through every word of his question. It was hard not to want to tell him everything. 
He wasn’t like Trent; he didn’t ask questions to manipulate or make people feel a certain way. He asked questions simply because he wanted to know what the answers were. 
Trent takes a moment to consider this before answering. 
“Oh, I don’t know. Maybe just the thought of being.. older,” he shrugs even though Ted can’t see him. 
“Aw, there’s nothing wrong with getting older, Trent. It just means you’re finally growing into your reading glasses,“ 
Trent gasps, taking mock offence, but can’t help laughing slightly. His day definitely seems to be improving. 
“So you’re sure there’s absolutely nothing you want for your birthday..?” Ted asks, but in a way that makes Trent think he’s definitely planning something. Some grand, Lasso-style gesture that would probably just embarrass the hell out of him. 
“Yes, I am quite certain, Coach Lasso,” he says carefully, making sure that there is no way any word in the sentence could be misconstrued. 
“Nothing at all…?” He repeats. Something inside of Trent lights up, either fear or excitement. Or possibly both. 
“Yes, I am sure. Nothing at-“ before he can finish his thought, the familiar sound of the doorbell permeates the silence in the apartment. 
“-all,” he finishes, before carefully inching towards the door, completely unsure of what to expect. 
Of all the things he might have suspected before opening the door, Ted standing by himself, beaming at him on his doorstep was not one of them. He was holding a cupcake, topped with a lit birthday candle. 
Trent hangs up on the phone call, standing in utter disbelief at the scene before him, trying to remember this moment as best as he could. A million questions flooded into his mind, 
Like “Aren’t you supposed to be coming back from Liverpool tomorrow?”
But instead of asking any of them, he stared in silence just for a moment, trying to savour it for as long as possible. 
“Well, what are you waiting for?” Ted asks him, gesturing down at the candle. 
“I- what?”
“Come on! You have to make a wish!” He smiles expectantly. As Ted holds the cake out towards him he can see something on his face that he has never seen before- something fond, and soft, and truly happy. Trent could feel the slight sting of tears in his eyes that he choked back as he eventually blew out the candle. 
“Woo! There ya go! Now, for obvious reasons you can’t tell me what you wished for, but-“ 
“Ted...” He said gently, cutting him off from whatever digression he was bound to launch into. 
He took a step closer and shut the door behind him. 
He suddenly felt a wave of new-found confidence come over him in that moment as he slowly dragged his gaze eyes up from the unlit candle, all the way to Ted’s eyes, which were widened in curiosity and anticipation. 
Ted could feel his heart thumping against his chest, and suddenly he felt as though he was witnessing Ms Scanlon’s tan lines again for the very first time, but this was new. Different, somehow. Because this was real, and it was with Trent Crimm, formerly of The Independent, the man who he had been thinking about since the moment he saw him in the press room on his first day at work. 
“Thank you. For everything,” Trent smiled at him slightly as he gently plucked the cupcake from his hand and placed it down on the small table just inside his front door. As he reached for it, his fingertips grazed Ted’s just for a moment, but it felt like maybe just a moment too long, and now Ted’s insides were twisting and knotting. It was a feeling he was familiar with, whenever the panic would settle in and it felt like he couldn’t breathe, but this was different. This was comfortable and warm and good and he never wanted it to end. 
He tried to keep his imagination from going wild; Trent was a good friend of his, and he just wanted him to have a good birthday. Nothing else. But he couldn’t help but wonder if Trent was thinking the same thing. 
“Oh, no, that’s okay, I just swung by to-“ Ted’s words are cut off by Trent’s warm hands cupping the side of his face, curing the chill with his gentle touch before pressing his lips against Ted’s in one swift motion.
Ted stands there for a moment, stunned, before reaching for Trent’s waist to gently pull him closer. After all, he has only really kissed Michelle, and felt completely unprepared for this scenario. Even though he’d be lying if he said he hadn’t thought about it once or twice.. 
Something inside of Trent felt as though it was bursting at the seams, as if months of wondering if all of Ted’s grand gestures and late-night phone calls and little nods to each other in the press room meant what he thought they meant this whole time. What he wanted them to mean all along. 
Ted feels his breath catch in his throat as Trent takes his bottom lip between his teeth gently as they pull away from each other. 
They stand for a moment like that, in Trent’s doorway as Ted stares at the ground nervously and shoves his hand in his pockets, trying desperately to ignore that  every single cell in his body felt like it had caught fire.  
Trent studied him for a second, unsure if maybe he had made a huge mistake and ruined any shred of trust the two of them had only moments ago. 
Then he remembered the candle in Ted’s hands, how he had been told to make a wish and blow it out. How he wished for just a moment, a brief moment in time, that he had the courage to say how he really felt. 
He took a deep breath in before filling the silence that had settled in between them. 
“Would you like to come in…?” 
Ted nodded before slipping politely past Trent and in through his living room. 
Maybe Trent could come around on this whole birthday thing after all.. 
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whoblewboobear · 10 months
If this season turns into a steam roll I’ll be kinda bummed. It’s only week 3 so I’m not too worried about it right now but I don’t know… last week was kinda meh.. and this week so far is fine but it’s not that exciting. Like with week one it was messy as hell but fun to watch and a little easier to keep up with but now it’s like.. okay Cirie, Izzy, and Felicia are gonna flip a few times before they decide who they want the house to vote out then that person goes home.
It’s interesting that the entire house kinda rolled over and decided to just do what the three of them want because they aren’t thinking that far ahead. Right now the other side could rally the numbers and make this an actual split house. But I genuinely don’t see that happening any time soon. This Red/Cory/Cameron thing would be interesting if I cared about Red’s game or Cameron at all. The only people that genuinely could build up an opposing side would be America, MeMe, & Cory. By the time the do it I doubt they’ll have the numbers though.
It’s just very much starting to feel like a drag race season where you know who’s gonna win from the jump. BUT I will say I’m glad that the people running the house are two black women and a queer woman and the men they’re working with are extremely loyal to them (Hisam aside.) If it’s gonna be a steam roll I’d gladly have it be people that rarely are in a position to do so. At the end of this we might have our 3rd black winner in a row and our second black woman winner in a row.
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Tell me about Tarastrike please.
i honestly never intended to get as into it as i did it just kinda happened.
im also not trying to imply that its canon or anything. i fully know it isnt and im fine with that.
but the thing that gets me is like. most other bots don’t like tarantulas and for good reason. that much is obvious. he’s a manipulative traitor with quite a bit of an ego.
but not quickstrike for… whatever reason??
like. as far as i could tell, quickstrike had no desire to betray megatron until late season 3. and why would he? all he wanted to do was fight, and megatron let him do that. but then the thing with tarantulas happened. iirc there was no coercion involved he just… agreed to it. which i choose to interpret as quickstrike being The Only Bot who doesn’t hate tarantulas.
and again, my memory is vague, but they seemed to work together… surprisingly well. you’d think tarantulas would be constantly pissed about how quickstrike doesn’t really know much of anything but i guess not??
i also just really really like the idea of tarantulas being generally considered this creepy off putting guy by everyone except quickstrike. a slight bit of self projection there but whatever.
this is more headcanon dynamic but. initially though i think tarantulas would see quickstrike as very easy to manipulate, considering his one track mind. but he doesn’t even need to do any manipulation because quickstrike just genuinely likes being around him. and it’s just been a long while since tarantulas has actually had a genuinely positive relationship with someone that they just naturally get closer.
also its better than tara/pr0wl.
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