#oliver gaymer
molusca · 14 days
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I think this was my first FC on a lvl28 and I don't even know what happened... my thumbs were def not tapping that ending right
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cinema-wasps · 1 year
gamer oliver swift
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fully convinced oliver plays t.f2 and mains engineer. it's right up his alley and i think he would love running between buildings fixing/upgrading them. he would also get very emotional when any of them get destroyed
[go send me drawing reqs!! pretty please]
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pugdoggaymer · 2 years
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Doing another playthru of SoSPoOT. Previously married Iori so I’m lean towards Emilio this time. I really like this forward camera view that you get now when talking with townsfolk. Almost makes up for not having their photos on their chat boxes.
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casperolivervo · 2 years
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So the blue bird is imploding, huh? Well, here's more places to find & follow me on social media pages! ✨️
Zeldas are in my bio! 🔗
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sleepygaymerdisease · 3 years
funniest moment of high school (IN RETROSPECT) was when someone tried to pressure me into kissing my boyfriend and i was like. unbelievably uncomfortable with that. i never kissed him. i thought it was gross and weird. to. to kiss my boyfriend. ive realized since then that im a lesbian but at that specific moment i was trying to rationalize any other reason for not just. kissing my boyfriend. and he was fine with this. so he got me out of this situation where these popular girls wouldnt let me leave school until i kissed my boyfriend. and i thought he was so cool and nice for that. but i found out after he dumped me in an olive garden parkinglot that he was actually dating me? out of pity? i was pressured by everyone i know to date him (dont ask me why i thought this was normal, they thought i had a crush and i was just experiencing internalized bs) and he only dated me because he thought if he hurt my feelings he wouldnt be invited to my parties anymore 💀 and he ALSO thought he could make his crushes jealous at the same time by being in a relationship. so like. he never kissed me because he never cared. and i never kissed him because i was actually a lesbian. idk thats kind of funny
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vriska thrid wheeling rn
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Baby Fever (A Request)
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Requested: Anonymous
Word Count: 704
Warnings: None
Pairing: PregnantFem!Reader X Natasha
Request: Could you do fem Reader picking baby names with Natasha Romanoff
A/n: This is more a drabble than a fic, sorry!
The air was cool enough for you to be outside the tower for the day. It was a nice relief from being stuck inside all day and night. 
Honestly for a bunch of super heroes, they worry that you wouldn’t be protected if they let you out of their sight for one minute.
“Babe?” The voice of your girlfriend floated out onto the patio where you were sitting on a bench.
Smiling, you turned around and waved at her, grimacing a little at a sudden sharp pain in your stomach.
One that did not go unnoticed by Natasha.
“Are you okay [Y/n]?” She rushed over and hovered her hands over your shoulders and then your stomach.
You waved her concern off, patting the bench indicating she should sit, “Its okay Nat. They were just kicking.”
Hearing more than seeing her sigh, you rubbed your stomach and smiled out at the grass lawn that Tony had outside the tower.
“It’s getting closer to the due date, are you still sure you don’t want to know the gender until the birth?” Natasha’s voice was like a balm to you, as you leaned your head onto her shoulder.
“I want to be surprised. Either way, I will love our child.”
Natasha hummed and placed a hand over where yours was sitting on your stomach. For a moment, it was perfect. The wind playing with your hair, her warmth by your side, the child in your belly being still.
And then the baby decided to kick.
“Oof. That was a strong one.”
You turned to where Natasha had straightened to see her staring in awe at your belly.
“They kicked.”
You laughed, “They do that occasionally.”
“This is real.”
You raised a brow, “You thought it wasn’t?”
Natasha finally relaxed again with a soft chuckle, “That’s not it. I just...it hasn’t hit yet really that we’re having a kid. I never thought I would get the chance…”
I threaded my fingers with her to hold her hand, “Better thank Bruce and Tony for being able to create this child with both of our DNA.”
“They better not try to get custody.” Both of you laughed at that. 
Even though Bruce and Tony had helped inseminate an egg with both yours and Natasha DNA, the child was yours and they had no claim to it, not that they would want to anyways.
“We should think of names. For both boys and girls.”
You raised Natasha’s hand to kiss the back of it, “You’re getting excited now that’s it hit, it seems.”
Natasha grinned and pulled you in for a passionate kiss.
Flushed and giggling, you pulled back and gave in, “Okay. So do you have any names in mind?”
The air filled with the sound of Natasha humming in thought.
“How about Oliver for a boy, and��” her green eyes flashed as she smiled big, “And Samantha for a girl.”
You nodded slowly, lips pursing together in thought.
Natasha frowned, “You don’t like them?”
You rushed to reassure, “I like them! I just think...those names are kinda common.”
You met Natasha’s eyes, “I was thinking more along the lines of Alan for a boy and Nova for a girl.”
Natasha looked confused for a moment, and then her eyes went soft with realization. “Names based off Alianovna.”
You nodded even though it wasn’t a question, suddenly shy and nervous.
“It’s okay if you don’t like them. I know it’s kinda a touchy subject for you.”
Natasha shook her head frantically, “No! I love them [Y/n]. But...are you sure?”
You smiled, “I’m sure. I want our kid to have a unique name and at the same time carry a bit of their mother in them.” At this your smile turned into a smirk, “I mean, their going to have my last name after all.”
Natasha laughed loudly, “Oh I see how it is.”
“Name the baby after me! Clint Junior rings a nice bell!”
You shrieked as Clint suddenly appeared behind you, scaring the daylights out of you.
“Clint! Get your ass back here!” 
Your body trembled as you laughed at the sight of Natasha chasing a laughing Clint across the grass. Life was perfect.
FOREVER Taglist:
@sxph-t​ @mialeelavellan​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​ @platonic-plots​ @sociallyawkwardcircus-freak-hi​ @queenbbarnes​ @mythixmagic​ @chas-z​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @strangersstranger​ @princess-evans-addict​ @rororo06​ @timelordhunterandmysterysolver​ @xxxtwilightaxelxxx 
Natasha Taglist:
@ludwigvonbaethoven​ @hanjiscience-slut @kitten-q-p​ @morbid-gaymer​ @honeybadgerwhodoesntcare​ @sunnyandtwisty​ @zoeyknight​ @kurlyafro​ @thewomanofwonder​ @5aftermidnight​ @myfemininelesboworld​ @gaytrashgoblin​ @marvelb00kwolf​ @multifandom-imagines-things​ @turtlelurky​
Avengers Taglist:
@jadepc​ @marvel-is-a-mood​ @brynnloh​
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marvel-wlw · 4 years
Kara Danvers x Kryptonian!Reader 
Requested by @lostshadow12
Request: Thanks!😉Kara Danvers x fem kryptonian reader x Sara Lance where Kara thought that only she, Superman and Astra are the only Kryptonians left but Astra letting it slip that she her friends daughter survived(that is from a royal family and she was Kara bestie and Kara had a crush on her)and that she gave her to a family somewhere in Star City much to Kara’s surprise and barely consealed excitment and when finally meeting her she learns that she’s a superhero along with the Legends and she’s dating Sara Lance and they both are quite tense and jealous around each other after readers excitment to meet and see Kara after all the years, and Kara being frustrated that reader can’t see that Sara is actaully cheating but the reader did have suspicion of this but was still sad when catching her in the act and finding comfort in Kara(Kara’s happy but also kinda sad that reader is so sad)and reader end up going home with Kara and meeting a very curious Alex(she’s just happy that Kara isn’t alone anymore and finally glad to have met the girl that Kara couldn’t shut up about all these years)
Warnings: Mentions of cheating
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters, they belong to DC.
Tag list: @casey-anne-j​​​ @pharaoh-of-time-and-space​ @morbid-gaymer​​​@geekycatlover​​​ @rainydaysrnevergrey​​​ @natalia-helena-alianova-romanov@alphalesbianwolf​​​ @dancurse @autumnjackson4​​​ @1-danid​
Supergirl tag list: @yanginginthere @stop-drop-and-drumroll​
A/N: If you guys want I could do a part two but I hope you guys like it! :)
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For the longest time Kara thought that only herself, Kal-El, and Astra were the only Kryptonians left. There have been many nights where she would stay up and think about you. Back on Krypton the two of you were best friends, Kara also had a huge crush on you, her feelings for you have never gone away even after all this time.
One day Kara went to see Astra, that was when Astra let it slip that you had survived. At first Kara couldn’t believe it, but as Astra told her everything she knew it was true.
When Kara got back to her apartment she saw Alex waiting for her. Alex could tell something happened. “What happened?”
“She’s alive Alex.” Kara said softly. Suddenly a huge smile forms on her face. “She’s alive!”
“Who? Kara, who’s alive?” Alex placed her hands on Kara’s shoulders, making Kara look at her.
“(Y/N)’s alive! She’s been living in Star City all this time!” Kara started rushing around the apartment. “I have to try and find her I need to-”
Alex was able to grab Kara, making her stop. “Calm down okay? We’ll find her, I promise.” She pulled Kara into a hug.
When Kara arrived at Star City she knew she had to talk to Oliver. Once she described you to Oliver he immediately knew who you were. He told her that you were working with The Legends along with Sara. He went on to tell her about how you and Sara were dating.
As soon as she heard that her heart break, she pushed that aside though. Kara would deal with the pain later, right now all she wanted was to find you.
Oliver was able to get in contact with Sara, he asked her if The Legends had a free moment to come and visit Star City for a little bit. 
“They’ll be here tomorrow.” Oliver told Kara. 
Oliver took Kara to the meeting point. Kara was so excited that she couldn’t stand still. As soon as she saw the Waverider land she started to get nervous.
Sara was the first one to walk out, she pulled Oliver into a hug. “Okay Oliver, what did you want to see us about?”
“(Y/N) there’s someone here who wants to see you.” Oliver said to you.
You raised an eyebrow at him, you were about to ask who it was but then you saw her. Your eyes widened. “K-Kara? Is that really you?” 
“It’s really me.” Kara smiled.
You smiled before rushing over to her, pulling her into a tight hug, you weren’t afraid of hurting her since you had a gut feeling she had the same powers as you. Kara hugged you back just as tight.
“I thought I lost you.” You whispered.
Sara glared at Kara, she couldn’t help but feel jealous. But she shouldn’t have a right to feel jealous when she was keeping something from you that she knew would hurt you and end your relationship.
The Legends were able to stay in Star City for a few days and you were so happy. During the time you and Kara spent together Kara noticed that Sara was cheating on you, when she found this out she wanted to confront Sara but she didn’t. 
What Kara didn’t understand was how you hadn’t noticed yet. But you had a suspicion something was going on for some time now.
You were trying to find Sara on the Waverider, you decided to check the room you two shared. When you walked in you froze when you saw Sara on the bed making out with someone else.
“What the hell?!” You could feel the tears threatening to fall.
Sara pulled away from person. “(Y/N) it’s not what it looks like!”
“Don’t give me that bullshit!” You growled. “I can’t believe you!” You glared at Sara before you took your glasses off and used your heat vision to burn the photo of you and Sara that was on the bedside table. “We’re over.” 
You stormed out of the room and left the Waverider. Kara was on her way to see what caused you to start yelling when she saw you leaving the Waverider. She frowned and went after you.
Outside you were pacing back and forth when you heard Kara come outside. You looked over at her. “How could she do that? I thought she loved me...” Tears started rolling down your cheeks.
“I’m so sorry (Y/N).” Kara pulled you into a hug, holding you close. You wrapped your arms around her tightly, you nuzzled your face into her neck. How could she hurt you like this? Kara wanted to go give Sara a piece of her mind but with you in her arms she had to stop herself.
After a few minutes Kara pulled away slightly. “How about you come live with me in National City?”
“Really?” You pulled away from the hug slightly.
“Really.” Kara smiled. “What do you say?”
You thought about it for a second, you had friends here on the team but after what Sara did you knew it would be hard to keep working with her. Plus you wanted to be with Kara again and this was your chance to be able to spend more time with her.
“Okay.” You smiled.
Kara had brought you to her apartment, you looked around a smiled. It definitely screamed Kara that’s for sure. While Kara was showing you around there was a knock on her door.
“That’s Alex I’ll be right back.” Kara told you before she went to answer the door.
As soon as you and Kara got to National City she had sent Alex a text letting her know that you were going to be living in National City now. Alex’s curiosity got the best of her and she had to meet you. 
You came out of Kara’s room just as Alex walked into the apartment. Once Alex saw you her eyes widened. Kara smiled. “(Y/N) this is Alex.”
You walked over to Alex and Kara. “It’s nice to meet you, Kara told me a lot about you.” You held your hand out to Alex.
Alex blinked a few times before she shook your hand. “It’s nice to finally meet the woman Kara couldn’t shut up about all these years.” She chuckled.
You looked over at Kara, you raised an eyebrow. You could’ve swore you saw Kara blush. Looking back at Alex you let out a chuckle. “She couldn’t shut up about me?”
You were only in National City for a few hours but it already felt like home.
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marc-anthony-macon · 3 years
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"Ima" I was so thrilled that my friend, the nuclear physicist @kazshimda bought this piece before returning to Japan. While I am not much of a gamer, myself, I've been enthralled by the talents of gamers since Atari first exploded into arcades and homes in the early 80s, and I'm especially wowed by the immediacy and in-the-momentness of their skills, their ability to become so absorbed into the action, that they sort of become unified with the game. I like the idea of carrying that immediacy into daily life, so I did this riff on classic game art by Oliver Frey. #dadaism #outsiderart #artbrut #popart #punkart #rawart #marcanthonymacon #intuitiveart #collage #gayartist #gayart #folkart #analogcollage #weirdart #alternativeart #gaymers (at The Gilbert Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNVG6qvrHy2/?igshid=nn6pwfemxo8f
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thevanitybear · 4 years
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So the hubs got me a #nintendoswitch a couple of weeks before all of this chaos. I’m happy I finally gave in to him and gave gaming a try after 10 yrs. Thx babe! 😘 It’s my first game console ever, so I’m still learning but loving it so far. Olive however, is not happy about not being the center of attention though. Haha 🏡 #socialdistancing #gaymer #pokemonswordshield #dogsofinstagram (at Austin, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9-Ts9ZpyaO/?igshid=8az3b8403nap
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molusca · 15 days
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he was a bit mean to me. but he is home!
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pugdoggaymer · 3 years
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Today I accidentally saved over my 85 hour playthru of SoS:PoOT. 😰. I almost had everything unlocked and only had to level fishing and cooking. I had started a second character that I was going to play through the first few days and then pick up again after they patched the game again. I just got home from work and found that I had also saved it over the first file.
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casperolivervo · 2 years
Hey y'all! I'm just one follower away from affiliate status on my personal Twitch! Please consider giving a follow and tuning in to upcoming streams~
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futabiisms · 4 years
—i am. so sorry for being gone for so long. i don’t want to go into details but my life has really taken a turn for the worst recently. i’m doing slightly better now, but still not terribly great; hopefully life throws me an olive branch soon, though. i miss my gaymer son very much, as well as all of the friends i’ve made through him, and if you want to reach me my discord is lιηκ.#4797 - i also will rp through that medium as well, but please tell me who  you are if you add me. i don’t know if ill be back here anytime soon, but know that i’m always thinkin abt taiki and the rest of u.
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Playlist Tag
You can tell a lot about someone by the type of music they listen to 🎵🎶
So basically, hit shuffle 20 times and write down what ya get and then tag ten other beauts.
Thank you @fxngsfogxarty for tagging me. 
Freeze Your Brain- Heathers
As Long As He Needs Me- Oliver (Cover By Aimie Atkinson)
A Million Dreams (Reprise)- The Greatest Showman
Defying Gravity- Wicked
Jacob and Sons- Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat
When You’re Good To Mama- Chicago
Belle- Beauty and the Beast (Live Action)
Cell Block Tango- Chicago
I Should Tell You- Rent
Making Things Up Again- Book of Mormon
Non-Stop- Hamilton
Go, Go, Go Joseph- Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat
In The End of Time- School of Rock
Tango Maureen- Rent
Problem/ I can’t Feel My Face- & Juliet
Apex Predator- Mean Girls
I Believe- Book of Mormon
Sexy- Mean Girls
Gimme Some Lovin’- Blues Brothers
Congratulations- Hamilton
I tag @lotsoffandomimagines, @allisonbaelfire @myriadimagines @meganlpie @morbid-gaymer
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ghost-captain · 4 years
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All of my fantrolls I’ve drawn kicks off my art spam!! I still wanna make more its an addiction. Anyway here’s names and such. Indigo - Seriox Resdis (My trollsona!! I kinda wanna make a better pic for him. Gaymer who’s super good with tech and shit) Cerulean - Anansi Serket (shes a fan descendant for an rp! :3) Violet - Iefzek Vitral (hes so fuckin smelly and rancid i hate u) Olive - Iezzah Croluk (pranking baby extrodenare i love him) Gold - Saivit Frataz (know it all mecha anime weeb) Purple - Skuvoz Cudron (bit of an asshole but still a clown? Still working out personality) Mutant Burgundy - Elkuso Sethis (my other trollsona! He’s burgundy bc burgundy inverted is that bright teal colour. He pretends hes a teal to the best of his abilities. also very clearly albino. being used in a fansession rp!) More trolls will prolly come and such bc im addicted to making fantrolls
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