#one day i'll write something long again but its gonna be a minute
universe of constant spinning, every end a new beginning
“So, do you have an umbrella? That was like, your thing, right? At Claw?”
Ah—not again! He can’t keep zoning out while talking to people—especially his boss.
But… why was Reigen still here? It was late and he always got to work early. It wasn’t his job to stay and coddle his employees. “I—uh—no,” he stuttered, fingers twisting anxiously. “Mine was, uh, "is” broken, sir.”
‘Broken’ was a mild way to put it. More like it got destroyed.
[or, reigen gives serizawa an umbrella]
☔️2,651 words | serirei☔️
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knightyoomyoui · 2 months
TWICE Sana x M/F Reader - "I Want It That Way"
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I'M BACK. After 3 months of no update, your one and only Knight Yoo-Myoui returns to bring you readers more stories in my book. Author's been in a really tough situation especially last month, but that still ain't gonna be enough to take out my passion and motivation to continue writing for both mine and your entertainment. I'm gonna continue this as long as I can. However, from now on; please understand and expect that I won't be updating very often like weekly or everyday as before. Studies is my current priority as of the moment but I promise that I will always update yall. Actually though, this new kind of pacing for both my writing procedure and publishing has somehow lessen the pressure in me. I'm really liking it so far, makes me comfortable. This story is requested by ShaShaSha029 BUT..., sorry Sha because I made some changes on your requested plot hehe. I already made the same concept from my previous works so I used your other request from another member to come up with something new that I haven't done yet. And as for the other member you requested to me, I'll give you a brand new plot for her. I hope you and the readers will like this. Enjoy reading! STREAM "I GOT YOU" and "ONE SPARK" MVs btw!
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"I'm going home, guys. I'll leave the office to you all."
YN/LN, a current 4th year student from Cheongnamdong Polytechnic University and the campus' ongoing president of the student council, has just finished your tasks for today and is now about to depart from their office and send your goodbyes to your fellow members kindly to end the day on a positive note.
"Be safe on your way home, Pres!"
"You too."
You continued walking after sending him all the bright greetings, but before passing to your own cubicle and reaching the door, it opened. You then heard some footsteps behind it until a familiar figure made its presence known in front of you.
You watched your classmate, friend, and the secretary of their council, Yoo Janghoon, peeking at the door with a weird smile before you find him standing on your way.
Janghoon then approached YN.
"Seems like you're about to leave."
"Yeah." You nodded. " What's with your smile in your face? You look like you just saw something amusing.", he said in a judgmental look.
"Not with my own eyes, but the words I've heard are enough to picture her on mind." Janghoon smirked and bounced his brows.
"Her? You're into hunting chicks again?"
"Idiot, I have a girlfriend now, ofcourse I'm not." Janghoon mocked YN as he was about to throw a punch. "But seriously though, not even me could deny that it really does interest me."
"Why, what's going on out there?"
"Well, I've heard from my acquaintances from the other courses that there's a newly transferred female student here in the campus earlier after the class break."
"That late?"
"Yeah, I was a bit confused too but they said the professor just let it passed because they said that her documents were finalized at the last minute so that's why." YN hummed to react.
"And would you like to enlighten me what's so interesting with this random transferee student? I mean, no offense. Welcome aboard to the university but... what's special?"
"Dude, I'm telling you, it's not just "random", this girl was a legit bombshell. Based from how they described her, it was like when she stepped on the room, they felt like there was a legit goddess that got manifested into reality."
"And that's it?"
"Y-yeah... but you know and I know, dude. Our university has been missing it's "queen" for quite some time now. And probably the students are making noise about it is because they see a huge potential on her."
"Okay. Well, I do hope she doesn't feel overwhelmed with the attention she's about to receive on the next days of her stay here."
"But we're here as the council officers to take control, right?"
"Exactly." you nodded. "Anyways, gotta go now. I still have a family dinner not to miss."
"Alright, take care pres."
"You too, sec."
You left the office and the campus with a curiosity forming in your heart and mind on the identity of this woman that has been the center of the gossips you were unaware of due to how busy you are on the duties.
Arrived at home, you entered and got welcomed by your mother who is preparing their table for a lovely dinner tonight while your father is busy watching basketball on the living room.
"Good evening, mom."
"Good eve, YN. Tired?", she said while placing the plates on the table.
"Not that much but I would be glad to rest as always.", you spoke with a timid smile.
"Perfect, meal's coming right up real soon. Join your father there, okay?"
"Okay. Thanks, mom."
You walked near to your father and greeted him courteously. You sat beside him and laid your back comfortably on the soft cushion of the couch to release all the pent-up exhaustion your body has consumed on today's packed class schedule.
Minutes later, your mother commands both you and your father to position yourselves on the seats. Each grabbing their own meal, all of you started praying first before taking your first bites and swallow on such a delicious food.
"Uhm, dear. We want to talk to you about something." Your mother inserted a topic to be discussed.
"Sure, mom. I'll be listening. What is it about?"
"It's like a business talk but this also concerns about your personal life too, YN which we much rather prioritize." Your father said after swallowing his throat. "We meet up with our partners on the company regarding this and we all come to an agreement."
"Agreement to what?"
"Me and your mother are placing you in an arrangement contract with their child."
"Wait, come again?"
"Arrangement contract. It means we set you up with someone as your age to date and marry one day, and we figured out that to strengthen the connection between us, we decided to-"
"Yes, wait. I know that part, dad but... why need to? Wasn't it too early? I get that you want me to have a wife and a family someday but... it's not one of my priorities so far.", you complained.
"YN, please do understand that your mother and I ain't be getting younger as time goes on. Someday, you'll be alone, and we just wanted to give you another family that you would be glad to remain and... hopefully, to remember us like how we raised you from the beginning."
"But wasn't this too fast? You're making me rush things."
Both sides went silent, as the father felt guilty also for how true your words are.
"It's my life. You may be the one who gave me that but I developed and earned a right to decide what's right for my future."
"We know, son... but we had no choice. It's for the sake also of our business. You know that we have to keep it to the mountain top so that we don't have our efforts of raising it go to waste, especially when this is the main reason how me and your mother were able to give you a better life that you deserve. And some way or another, you will be for sure, the one who will take the mantle and own my properties. You can use it also to raise your family easier."
"We are not forcing you to do this, YN. Please, we just wanted to inform you and talk about this because you also have a side and opinion to be heard. Whatever your answer may be, we will respect it. We are just suggesting, but hopefully you can consider it, honey." Your mother's soft voice effectively kept you at ease more.
Taking deep breaths and a short length of silence to contemplate, you looked at them both as you made your choice. "Fine. This is because I love you both and I owe you two everything. I'm doing it."
They both smiled in relief. "Thank you for this, son/daughter."
"No problem. So... can you tell me more about this contract?"
"Well it's simple, an arranged contract but we requested to have you and the girl we chose to spend 30-days or let's say a month to get to know each other and figure things out if you two would believe that everything will work out as a couple." Your father explained.
"And who's the girl that you guys have prepared for me?"
"They have an only child just like us, and it's an easier idea to place her because as we learned, their daughter is currenly in search of finding somebody to love."
"Sadly, we're unalike."
"But she may be able to change your mind, on whatever that hold your heart back. You accepted the offer, now you just have to see how she really is, but we're certainly sure that she's good just like her parents."
"And what's her name?"
"We haven't been introduced nor asked for her name, but from what we know, her nickname should be "Minatozaki", and is Japanese. She was also studying now at the same campus as yours."
"I'll try to look for her and maybe we can talk there privately."
"Whatever you want, YN. Just keep us updated okay?"
"Noted." You replied before everyone returned on focusing to finish their foods.
The next day, you were a bit irritated from how the discussion last night distracts you in the middle of your duty. You couldn't concentrate at the curiousity that dwells inside of you.
So you decided to to take a break outside. You encountered a vacant spot to breathe some fresh air and drink at the iced coffee you prepared on your tumbler as you roam your eyes around at your surroundings.
That's where you spotted some group of students huddling around at a spot near the bulletin board, as if they're being crazy or attentive at something.
Eager to find out the rucus, you approached the scenario and tried to peek around, and there you noticed a female student entertaining the other fellow students by asking her randomly and even asking for some pictures like she is a celebrity.
As she turned around, her long chestnut colored hair flips around as if it denied the gravity, her side profile appeared, until it all fully rotated to have her face evident at you for the first time.
And my oh my the rumors shared by your secretary were true.
No wonder why she was already popular, she does look magnificent, enough to be mistaken as a famous personality.
Your eyes couldn't leave the sight of her just doing everything even in such bare minimum if movements that still effortlessly made her very attractive. Thankfully, there's your boy distracting you as you snapped back when you felt a shoulder wrapped on your neck.
"You finally met her." Janghoon said, smirking at you. "From what I heard earlier, the exchange student's name's Minatozaki Sana. She's a foreigner, a Japanese to be specific."
"Minatozaki?" Your thoughts murmured. Contemplating if you heard it right, but that was the same surname your father was tasked you to find, and she even has the same nationality.
Having exchange students in your campus are very rare.
You are flabbergasted as you slowly realize that... this woman is going to be the one you'll date and marry.
Unconsciously, you turned around at Janghoon with your forehead crumpled and mouth slightly gaped.
"What? Did I say something wrong?"
"Oh n-no. Not-thing." You shook your head swiftly. Returning your gaze back at her, you couldn't believe it at all that your parents and her friends does picked a perfect girl for you.
But you wondered if it could be said the same about you.
Hours later, Sana who was about to enjoy her recess, instead went to the council office to meet the president, as per the classmates told her after being tasked to do so.
She stepped in front of the door that says "Student Council Office, knock twice before entering". She followed and slowly pushed the doorknob. A person sitting at the far end of the room, looking busy on his desk greeted her.
As the door closed, it alarmed the president that the person is now here for a scheduled conversation, only that when you raised your head, you looked at her having a shocked reaction.
Sana stares at the reveal of this mysterious person that runs the entire student government of the campus. Flashbacks began to run back into her mind, slowly making her upset.
"Thank you for agreeing to come here and t-"
"Am I looking at this very clearly?" Sana immediately spoke.
"You? Out of everyone here... was chosen to become a leader?"
"W-what? Settle down, miss. I think you n-"
"A representative figure for everyone, and I get to be under your orders around here?" Sana chuckled bitterly. "I didn't know that even after years later, we'll still have our paths crossing onto each other despite how I wanted to never meet you in my life again."
"D-do we know each other?"
Sana scoffed as she looked at you ridiculously. "Ofcourse, how could you recognize me. First of all, I was just a complete nothing to you. A plaything of your cruel antics and delinquent actions. And second, I'm not the same girl you used to belittle everyday."
You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at her intently. "W-what... you..."
"Still doesn't ring a bell? Oh, how about this. The name Minatozaki Sana? That fat nerdy girl back in elementary that you used to bully so hard in our 8th year that forced her to transfer to other school. How about that?"
Your eyes sprung open as you instantly remember the name and that student you used to include in one of your prime victims in your dark past.
That description of her past self brought you back to the times when you remembered looking for her first to rather mock, annoy, or play with her until her feelings broke and look helpless.
You were a bully before in elementary days, and she was your classmate back then. But that was all only the past now as you are now a changed person, with all the better and positive things that came into your life had taught you more valuable and nice things to consider yourself reevaluating your personality.
But it looks like it could tell the opposite for Sana's part.
"I remember you now, Sana. And... please, let me tell you right now that I'm not the same person you used to despise before."
"Do you really think I'll be fooled easily by that?" Sana retorted. "We just met after what... 7 years and you're supposed to have me believing that when in fact, I still look at you as that same horrific figure I never should've want to see again, but yet here you are."
Sana still didn't took a seat. She walked around and observed the room. You were a bit relieved that all of your council members are absent in this tense confrontation. "What a hypocrisy it is to have you getting involved in an organization that focuses on student rights when in fact, you have a record of violating it before. Shouldn't be a student fitting for that must be... clean?"
"Sana, believe me or not, I changed. I wouldn't even dare to take this position if I'm not sincere for it, and I'm not forcing you to believe me."
"Oh, ofcourse you should. Because I really don't buy everything that comes into your mind not until I see it" Sana shook her head and smugged. "Maybe it'll change my mind of me planning to expose you from every-"
"Wait! You can't be serious?"
"Oh indeed I am." Sana clicked her tongue. "You ruined me before, but here I am who helped myself and from people I loved to become this better version of mine to stand here in front of you, I'm going to get you this time, YN. I'm going to make you feel what is it like being... excluded."
She leaned forward on the desk, staring at you sharply and observing your nervous expression. "But...if there's some sort of a miracle that... you did changed. Then you're going to prove it on me. Make me convinced that this YN I hate with every fiber of my being is... gone."
"What if I tell you that you already have a chance to make me?"
"And that is?"
"Have you heard about an arrangement contract from your parents?"
"Y-yeah... but they don't tell me who it is because- WAIT" Sana quickly lunged back away from you. "Please tell me who I'm thinking is correct."
"Sorry to tell you but I was just in denial as you are yesterday."
"Oh God." Sana poured out the biggest disappointment she felt in her entire life so far. "W-why does my fate has to be very unlucky everytime when it's about you? Me being in an arranged contract with you? I think I have to vomit."
"Wait! But you said you want me to prove that I changed?"
"And you really think I want it this way?" Sana looked at you disgusted. "Being as this fabled student council president or just a random student from me would be fine but... YOU AS MY FIANCE? That won't do, mister." Sana swayed her pointing finger. "Unfortunately, the answer would be NO. Now please, I have to go already. I still have a lunch to take before I lose my appetite."
Sana walked away from you and left the room unbotheredly. You sat there, back falling flat on your swivel chair. Your hands caressed your hair as you reacted unbelievably and stunned that this heavily improved Sana that you used to know many years before has returned to actually be your woman, but unfortunately, her hatred for you still lives on her till this day.
Her opposal didn't worked however, as Sana tried to request later during dinner, she was informed by her parents that the contract can only be cancelled after 30-days for the people to finally reassure their decision.
She mentioned that YN and her have a bad history in the past, but instead her parents reasoned out that maybe YN has changed and it will not hurt to give another chance. If only they know what the real reason it is, but Sana was clearly affected by their suggestion because honestly, Sana is a forgiving soft type of person.
Still, confident that she's satisfied with her answer, she became impatient and hated being with YN more.
Meanwhile, you shared to your mother about how the unlikedness of you and Sana's interests about the marriage arrangement in a deatiled manner.
"We met and had a talk, but... it wasn't as proper and civil as I expected because, I was surprised that she confessed something very familiar to me. Something that I've been trying to get it out on my head. Something that I wanted to let go for a long time."
"What was she to you before?"
"A nuisance, even though she wasn't doing even wrong. I look at her before thinking it wasn't right for her to be in this type of high class campus that I study at too, but then I figured out that me ending up bullying and making her emotional and mental state suffer is way worse than she is."
You flinched when your mother slapped you in the head. "What??? How could you bully someone?! Is that how we raised you?"
"Mom, wait ofcourse no... but, I was just made to be like that because of what happened to us, you know that!"
Your mother became speechless and a glimpse of pity became visible to you. "But it's all good now, mom. I'm not like that anymore, I'm telling you.  And that's what I should've just wanted to prove to Sana but... I understand that she won't let me anymore. I broke her too much, I can't let it happen again."
Stepping closer in front of you, she placed her hands gently on your shoulders to massage them and make your ease down. "Even I was mad and disappointed that you once turned into that type of guy you never should be, but I know from the bottom of my heart that you will always be a good kid of mine because that's how I raised you to be. You just got affected too much by our struggles before. And I believe you always, YN. The only thing I can do now for you to support you, and that is for you to keep on moving forward and never stop to make Sana forgive you, alright?"
"I will. Thanks, mom."
She patted you on the cheek. "Goodluck, okay? You have a month to do it."
"Okay, class dismissed. Group 1, remember to prepare your report by next week okay?"
"Yes, prof!", the students who are part of the group that the professor mentioned chanted.
The professor left the room, leaving the students have the freedom to eat lunch during their vacant time.
"Sana, cmon! Did you bring a lunch with you?", one of Sana's classmates asked her while she's clearing her table.
"No, I'm gonna buy for today."
"Nice, let's go!"
Sana brought her wallet and cellphone with her, joins her newfound friends named Miyeon and Sullyoon as they make their way out to the classroom.
However, as they were about to, a figure suddenly pops out of the doorway, stopping their tracks. The two classmates of hers had a visible shock in their faces unlike to Sana, her bright mood quickly shrank down into a gloomy one.
"Hi, sorry if I'm almost late." You straightened your lips. "Good thing I was about to catch you leaving yet, let's go eat lunch together."
Miyeon and Sullyoon's jaw dropped at the student council president's proposal. Sana's eyebrows knitted hardly. "Huh? What nonsense are you saying?"
"Why? I'm just going to invite you to eat with me?"
"With you?" Sana scoffed and chuckled. "You have the guts, I'll give you that... but NO." Sana leaned forward at you to say this.
"Let's go girls."
Sana was just commanding her classmates and taking a step again away from you but in her surprise, she felt her body being pulled by a force. She tried to process what happened, and there she found her skin contacting with yours as she stood by your side...
with your hands wrapped around her waist.
Miyeon and Sullyoon's eyes largened in utter shock at what they're seeing. They couldn't believe that such a new transferee would get to gain closeness and change the behavior of the famously respected and knowned leader of the students around the campus.
Sana's lungs skipped functioning as soon as she felt your fingers dug deeper into her skin. Her face then starts to turn red and her face showing almost hilariously stunned reaction, with no hint of an idea what has turned you to be like this today.
"Pardon me for Sana's antics right now, we just had a fight yesterday and I wanted to come up a solution to fix that." You said in a melodic and apologetic tone to them. Sana was dumbfounded at the ridiculous fake words you are talking about.
Sana wasn't able to finish her words, when she felt herself getting pulled again, now squeezed against your body which intensified her heartbeat and blushes.
"So, please. Can we eat together today, love?"
Any words that are synonym to what I mentioned earlier can be heavily applied now to all three women witnessing the sudden change of the president's act.
You led the way, bringing Sana with you as both crossed the hallway with the confused and flabbergasted duo following on the back while some of the students can see the two having this kind of contact has began to grab attention.
As they reached the cafeteria, Miyeon and Sullyoon shyly approached the "couple". "Uhm, Sana. I think we can just eat sometime. We'll let you have you two your private time okay?"
"B-but w-"
"Thank you for being considerate on us, girls." You smiled humbly at them and they nodded before they left you and Sana to find their own seat. As the two of you remained, Sana's face crumpled and seethed much air to unleash her full force on escaping to your touch.
She quickly unhooks your arm on her waist, pushed you aside, and punched you in the shoulder. "Oww!"
"Seriously, what the hell did you do to me, YN?!" Sana started to bicker out on you. "How come you just started to spit out and let my friends hear and see you assuming that we have a relationship now, huh?! Did you ate something bad that had you acting like crazy today?"
"Nope. I'm perfectly fine, and what I did there earlier, consider getting used to that." You replied. "Because from now on, I'll be going to do it with you again and again and again a-"
"Woah wait no what?!" Sana paused you. "And why is that, huh? I haven't even agreed yet on the deal-"
"But was the contract got cancelled?"
Sana fell speechless. She remembered yesterday that she swore to dump the contract by requesting to her parents after she gave her disapproval. However, she failed to do so.
You took her silence as yes. "I suppose it didn't. If it does, my parents would've informed me immediately."
"Yeah yeah yeah, you won. So what? You still can't just do it like that to me randomly. I still haven't gave you the consent to touch me or do anything lovey dovey around me. Just because the contract states that we are arranged to be a couple that doesn't mean I can let you easily do everything free around me. Especially when the fact that I still hate you so much." Sana pointed at you as she stares deeply within you.
"Alright, fine. You do have a point. I shouldn't have done it. It's my fault, I made you uncomfortable, and I'm sorry for that." You spoke in a calm tone. Sana got her insides tugged at your sudden softer behavior. "But just know this, I hope you can let me do these with everything I can. No matter how much you deny, we are still stuck in an arranged contract that has a month allowed on us to come up on a decision if we'll take a marriage, and that gives each of us the right to do what couples does.
And I'm going to use it also, for me to prove myself to you that I've changed through all these years, Sana. Consider it me acting or say whatever you want, but when it comes to you, I'll show my improved self and nothing less than that." You said plainly to her. Sana is just listening at you patiently, sticking out important details to her mind while her emotions were a bit being brought by your committed words.
"I can't force you to love me back and have our marriage settled someday after the deadline comes, I wasn't even into love these days but I had no choice but to follow. But, I really do hope that before or when these all ends, I can hear you saying that I am now forgiven."
Sana was struggling to come up for a words to answer, and you took the opportunity to let her have time to remember and process everything as you locate a seat and bought foods for both of you. You left the still pissed off Sana became completely silent and come back to join her in an awkward lunch together.
That went on and on, with you trying to get along with Sana through most of the occasions. You supposed to take it all as a yes coming from Sana that you were being a chance to prove everything to her that you are not this same bad person she used to resist before.
With your frequent actions around Sana led to the campus knowing also about your rumored relationship with her.. Some were supportive that the president finally get to have a girlfriend such perfect as Sana while some were not due to the reason of jealousy most concerning about the fact that they are not the ones standing on the shoes or position of either you or Sana.
That didn't affected both of you, especially Sana who is trying her best to become unbothered with all of these because she is too tired to explain it to many people for some truth that everyone wouldn't accept easily. She knows it all to herself anyway that it's all part of the act, that none of them are interested with each other or has a growing fond being developed.
Not until one day, she accidentally finds you tutoring a female student in the library. She saw how entertained you are on how easily the girl gets to understand quickly with your teaching, thus turning you both looking happy together.
Feeling a bit uncomfortable at the scene, her lips unconsciously forming into a frown. Sana instead leaves the room and went on to return with her friends who noticed her bad mood as she buried her head around her crossed arms on the desk.
It all procceeded until their next subject when the girls tried to approach her about it. "Hey, Sana what's with the grumpy look?" Miyeon said as she peeked at Sana who looks completely out.
"You weren't participating with us lightly, what happened when you left the room earlier?" Sullyoon added.
"Yeah, you seemed in a no good mood."
"Nothing." Sana blabbered.
"Was it YN?"
"I said NOTH-" Sana paused and realized that she just made herself obvious, Miyeon and Sullyoon were just staring at her.
"Welp, that confirms it." Sana sighed. "Care to tell us what's the problem?"
She remained silent. She wasn't sure why she's getting a bit embarassed to reveal it until she also got nervous when her friends began to list down some of the possible things a couple creates problems.
"Was he cold to you today?"
"Hmm maybe you're the one who's not?"
"Or... could it be somebody's jealous-"
"What, no?!" Sana rapidly reacted. Miyeon and Sullyoon exchanged a "gotcha" look.
"Oh unnie, you're too obvious." Miyeon laughed.
"Jealous of what? Or should we say, who?" Sullyoon curiously asked.
"S-stop! I said it's nothing, okay! There's no chance in hell that I am jealous because of him." Sana made a "tch" sound on her mouth. "I don't even like him at all." She rolled her eyes as she whispered it, barely to be heard by her friends who returned focusing on their own. As she was left alone with her trouble, her eyes went staring at the window, she sighed deeply as she felt a strange regret inside her after saying those words while remembering what she saw back in the library.
As if she meant it.
Hours later, Sana bids goodbye to Miyeon and Sullyoon before she walked at the hallway all by herself. She stopped on her steps when she felt this unsettling feeling near her shoulder.
Her head goes turning around, searching for something but was unsuccessfully. Sana sighed and shook her head. "YN isn't coming. That guy/girl is a student council president, Sana. He/she's probably busy." she muttered to herself.
Sana continued to move, with a blank face and a moderate speed. As the afternoon light about to engulf her, she felt her sling bag slowly float, the weight she's carrying quickly became lighter.
Her breath got taken away shortly in surprise until she realized what caught her from that action.
It was you, smiling while standing beside her as you taking off her bag gently from her shoulder.
"May I?"
Sana didn't respond, she just let her arm spread a bit to let the strap fall, easily allowing it to fall from your posession.
"You do look like having a bad day." you peeked at her expression. Sana slightly got shy, and turns her face away as she pouted while rolling her eyes arrogantly.
"You just noticed? I'm always like this whenever you're around me."
"You sure there's nothing more than that? I know it's pretty much of a 'me' problem but... can you be more specific?"
"Oh come on, wasn't that enough for you? Stop triggering me, please. I said what I said, you are an eyesore that's why." Sana crosses her arm. She started to walk down the stairs as you slowly followed her with a faint smile on your lips.
"Okay, if that's what you say. I'll just be here behind you. Too bad, I wanted to lead the way because I want take us somewhere unwinding first." You sighed and tightened your lips. Sana heard it, sensing a weird sensation through her. She must be saying no or even meaner than that, but how come she became more curious?
Sana heaved out a large breath of air before pausing on her walk with a stomp. She turned around to face you as she gestures you to come forward. "It's only because I needed it."
And you grinned thankfully.
The two of you went to a cliff from a road outside of Seoul. Just in time, Sana was about to whine about how dangerous this place you chose until she was distracted of the magnificent sunset in display to the skyview.
Each of you took a picture, with her being first. You clicked the button, instead the shot accidentally captures Sana turning her attention back at you. As she approaches you, you dragged down your phone in embarassment and nervousness that she might found out and suspect that you're secretly spying on her.
"What happened to you?" Sana finds your tensed manner.
"N-nothing. I just... remembered something."
"Weirdo." She teases you. "So what's gotten into you choosing this place. Are you gonna push me there down the cliff to show me your true colors?"
You looked at her exhaustedly, no much in an energy to enlighten or defend yourself. "Say or think of anything suspicious about me, Sana but I wasn't even harming you even in my imaginations anymore." You didn't bother to look at her because all you'll see rather is an irritated, sassy woman whom you had a price to pay for.
"This is my favorite place to chill." You simply answered, leaning at the front of the car and posing your limbs as you supported yourself with your arms pressed on the car. Sana looked at your side-figure.
"I started finding this when me and my mom used to go here when I was young. She was the first one to notice how beautiful the sunset is to watch from here, and I did agree on her... and it turns out to become one of my favorite scenery." Sana just listened to your story as you continue to witness the sun hides from the clouds.
"My mother told me to stay with her longer here because for a moment, she found peace and serenity. She felt like there's nothing to worry about." You paused as you smiled proudly. "She felt like she wasn't going to be alone in this battle she's facing, because I was there by her side. Even though I... wasn't that too much vocal or expressive at what I've gone through in our family, but... my heart knows where I need to stay. Where I can surely find a better outcome for my life someday."
"That's why when the right thing happened one day, I started to listen and follow to my heart first. I kicked out all those delinquent students away from my company and I only remained my wonderful mom and dad... step-dad..." You corrected yourself, Sana shrank her eyes at that intentional pause. "Because it felt like it's the right thing to do, and it did. It helped me to get back up to my feet and reshape myself to become a proper man that my mom always wanted to see in me.
Sana, mind I if ask... am I progressing?"
Sana stares at you as you glanced at her with your glistening eyes full of hope. "I'm not gonna lie this time, but you sure are doing quite an effect on me..." Her voice is slowly decreasing through the words.
"But that won't still change anything about what you did to me before. People can say past is past easily but me? If it wasn't for that, which I don't know... should I say thank you atleast anyway... for motivating me to change my appearance? Lose a massive amount of weight, beautify myself more, get rid of those eyeglasses and braces just so that I can be accepted and liked by many for my features like what you said?" Sana said with a bit of a hatred rising through her again. You remain speechless as you understand why it's driving her mad.
"I achieved a better life too but unlike you, what I did I get? You put me into a trauma that I'm still bringing to myself till this day. Fear and anxious that...  makes me still remember it all."
"I like the passion, YN... but I will never going to forgive you for what you did to me. I will always hate you for that." Sana said it with all honesty. "And that's enough of a reason for me to have no interests on having our deal contract settled."
Heartbroken, you chose to ignore and hide as you have nothing more to do than to accepts her decision. After all, you were the one who already said that you can't force her to make amends with you.
The next week, Sana was about to go downstairs when she found a student sipping lollipop at the corner. The guy looks completely wasted, obviously breaking the proper uniform rules. She decided to ignore him as she continue to go through but insteas, the guy catcalled her before moving on its own, approaching Sana.
"Hi there, hot stuff." The guy said before taking off her lollipop with a slurp. "Where you going at?"
"A-at my class." Sana nervously said.
"Hmmm... okay. Nice and proper, I like it. Ladies like you are easy to be tamed, isn't it?" He smirked menacingly.
Sana stepped back and grabbed her sling bag. "E-excuse me? How dare you-"
"Ohhh, daring. Such a duality we got here huh, I wouldn't mind if you can do switch roles with me, however we can only apply that in the bed."
"Shut up, pervert!"
"Cmon, lady. It's that simply, feel free to take a shot on me, and you can be there to your classroom without a problem."
"And if I don't?!"
"Challenging and fightful, I like that."
"Then you're going to love me."
Sana and the delinquent both became surprised as you made your unexpected emergence from the stairs, hurrying down ss you pushed away the guy and had him bumping his back on the barred metal gate.
"This one's pestering you?" Sana only nodded.
"Ugh shit! Ah, look. It's the bastard of this goddamn student council!" The delinquent said while touching his upper back in pain.
"Choose your words more carefully. I can report you and have you be placed in a sanction that you'll regret."
"Go on, make me. As if I give a shit. This entire university is a complete bullshit anyway. The only reason it got me staying here everyday, is if wasn't for some sexy chicks like here roaming around-" The deliquent didn't had to speak disrespectfully and point at Sana longer as he ate a crunchy right punch from you straight to his face.
"You crazy bitch!"
The guy fights back at you, returning the punch you gave. It agitated you and led yourselves into a brawl that had the groans and growls echoing to the upper floor, catching student's attention. Sana panicked and tasked them to call a guard to seperate the two.
The guy got the advantage during the fight, he continues to give you a barrage of kicks to the waist before he pulled Sana closer to her and inappropriately traced her sides while he chuckles dangerously.
Sana felt disgusted and quickly slaps the guy. "What do you think you're doing, huh? Fucking slut!" He gave Sana a fast backhand slap that had her twirling and crashing next to the metal handles of the stairs.)+•~
You saw what he did, with anger fuming in you, you pulled his leg and sent him down on the ground before you tackled him andgave him multiple punches until the guards and the officials broke up the fight.
As a result of the fight and from the decision made by the higher ups, the guy was kicked out of the campus for multiple delinquent offenses while you got suspended for your role as the president for a couple of months when they learned that you just did that for self-defense.
Sana was sitting on the bed with the nurse preparing the first aid until you showed up and requested the nurse instead to leave it all on your hands. She hesitated for a minute that you are also bruised but you bargained until she gave up and listened to you as a respect for being a student leader.
Sana in her surprise, watched you sit down and grab the first aid beside you. "W-what are you doing?"
"Treating you."
"Don't make me a baby, YN. The nurse can do it herself."
You just stared at her and Sana felt a bit intimidated. She decided to shut up and forcefully let you do your thing. "Good. Now come closer and lemme see your cheek."
She leaned forward and directed her aching cheek on you. "That idiot." You cursed as you search around the reddening spot. You weren't aware that it was mixed by Sana's blush now to have you staring very closer at her.
You started applying the ice pack around the hurting spot as Sana hissed before she swallowed in her throat and spoke. "T-thank you... for earlier."
"No problem. That's unusual, atleast I got a positive comment from you.
"I- I wasn't expecting you to come to rescue me, okay. And I didn't know how much I needed it."
The awkwardness between each other formed as none dared to speak afterwards when both got lost in their words. However, you started a topic that might break the silence and for Sana to understand more.
"I wasn't always like this."
"I know, you said it. It's just that there's something happened that I don't know-"
"It's my dad." You answered it. Sana looked at you. "I know you've been itching to ask me what exactly happened."
"I just don't want to because I felt like it's not my intention to know more and all I had to do is to understand you because it seemed too personal that I might sound forceful. But I do really wanted to know why." Sana replied. "So... step-dad?"
"No. My biological dad." You revealed. "My original father was abusive to my mom. I learned that he became like that when he started to fell addiction to gambling and other crazy stuffs that risks your money badly. He releases his frustration to my mom until she couldn't take it no more when she heard it loud and clear from my father that he despises her for me not turning out to be the one he's expecting. He always wanted a son/daughter but... nope. That's just all a part of his excuses that made my mom snapped and file a divorce  and report to my dad, and guess what. Her attorney became so interested in my mom and here he is, my mom and my dad broke up and him, who is now my step-dad, saved mom and I." You said as you applied care on her bruises.
Sana looked at you pitifully and for the first time, she frowned for you. "W-why are still helping me or... treating me good, even though I don't return it back at you?"
"Because... I got influenced. At first, I look up to my dad. I thought at first that he was tough, strong... I started becoming like him when him and my mom always gets to have a proble but then I realized that he was a true coward for proving all that by beating up my mom. And she was the one who is actually tough, because despite of all the suffering she took from my dad, she didn't hurt him back physically but that doesn't she has no plans to fight. Because if she does, then I wouldn't be in a better state if it wasn't for her.
So I changed. I took mom as my role model. I remained calm as much as I can. I did it all to reshape myself from the ghost of the past. Now here I am, rather choosing to prove myself and mean it all on my words on you. I don't want to fight anymore to cause trauma, Instead, I'll do in a need to protect the people who are close to me."
Sana tied all the strings together, and it did finally all comes to a clear point that it wasn't really your fault that you turned out to be that reckless bully that she had to go through a hard time before. She would be lying if she won't admit that she is a supporter of a belief that people can change, and it comes through this moment that she decided that she can use that phrase for good.
"There, all done." You said as you tucked all the hair to her ear and patted the bandage firmly on her face. Sana was just staring back at your tender and admirable demeanor. "Does it still h-"
"I forgive you."
You fell silent. That was very out of nowhere, but suddenly it got so uplifted to hear that successfully.
"Y-you do?"
"And we still have a week remaining ahead of us. We can use it to finally be able get along together."
You smiled widely as you saw how Sana's bright and cute grin shines right in your eyes. She looked so beautiful, and you even felt more guilty and poor for her on vanishing this irresistable kine of joy within her before.
"Yeah we can. T-thank you a lot, Sana."
Sana patted your hand to calm your happiness down. She smiled as she stared down at your hands stacked together. She took a grip on it and even felt the heat crawling through her skin, sending to her overflowing emotions in her heart.
It actually does look... fitting in her opinion. And she even agreed more to herself when she looked back up to see the owner of the hand she would actually love to hold more in many occasions.
That moment, Sana confirmed to herself that she has now began to discover a liking on you, who is also discreetly sharing the same serenade as her too.
Days after you and Sana tried to start this brand new closeness both of you has started for each other, its aftermath had left you ran out to became so overwhelmed about it, now that have reminded you of something that requires to be done more important before the expiration was reached.
You wanted to be happy because you have now made peace with Sana, but today wasn't the right time for you to celebrate fully.
Too much occupied on spending time for each other, that it almost made both forgot that you had to deal with a serious matter when the next day comes.
Your mood disrupted as you got conscious of the date today, not even Sana's bubbly personality can distract you from it or anything. You couldn't even join her as you remained watching her instead for some reason.
"You seem like you're in deep thoughts again, YN." Sana poked you with the tip of the ice cream she bought. "Are you okay?"
You didn't answer right away as it took time for you to snap back into your senses and found yourself being confronted by Sana.
A lie. Sana detected that disturbing twitch of a forced smile on your lips.
"Really, what's going on? I know i've seen this last time on you getting blacked out of nowhere but this one feels different."
"How can you say?" You asked in a dead tone.
She shrugged and opened her ice cream first before she continued speaking. "That something's definitely bothering you. You're so stiff and uneasy. Does it makes you scared?"
"M-maybe it is..."
"Care to share what it is then?"
You were about to respond but Sana introduces you to her cold palm blocking your sight.
"But first, eat your ice cream. It's gonna melt, plus... it's my favorite flavor, okay? I don't want it getting wasted." She pouted adorably.
You chuckled and sighed as you opened your ice cream. "Delicious."
"Who? Me or the ice cream?"
"W-what?" You looked so baffled at her suspicious remark.
She laughed loudly at your embarassed expression. "I'm sorry- it's just... you keep on staring at me while you're licking it and commenting it for me. I thought you're teasing me so... I tried to get back on you."
"S-stupid, you and your pervy thoughts..." You rolled your eyes and blushed intensely at her own silliness. "And what if I say you?" you smirked a little and glared at her.
"Then I don't mind having you grab a taste as much as you like~" Her eyes didn't even had to glare back at you to look flirty and seductive, instead aura changed on its own as Sana ensures that the one who started this kind of fun won't end up getting defeated in the end.
You gulped and looked away from her enticing look as she wheezes. "Sorry, what's gotten over me. Anyways, let's go backto where we left. Oh yeah, what's making you scared?"
You had to compose yourself before replying to her. "Of us. Certainly... for you."
"I can't tell if this luck that I have of making myself had to witness this whole you being... just the way you are is only temporary for me to see, because I fear that... I might lose this... real you, again." You said.
"I appreciate the consideration YN but, risks are inevitable okay? It's fine to take it as long as it won't step or abuse my whole being again." Sana said. "I know you're scared but... face your fears. This is why you seek for another opportunity, right? To make things right."
"But would it be wrong for me if..."
"If...?" Sana waited for your next words to follow up.
Your heartbeat quickened, nerves trembling, emotions rising, as there's no going back once you have revealed this secret you have been keeping from her in weeks. "Would it be wrong for me if I don't just want you as a friend anymore? That I also began to admire you more than that?"
Sana's smile dropped. Her gaze went more focused on you as she couldn't believe what she's hearing. "Y-you like me?"
"I know it's ridiculous of me to say that to you, because I feel like I don't have the right to feel this way because I made you like this... forcefully with my wrongdoings. But, I don't know why my heart is being like this." You said to her.
"Maybe it's due to what I've said to you last time that I started to follow what my heart wants, and it pains because... I feel like this is what I may be missing after all these years when I rather ending up hurting you against my will. And now it makes me worry if I continue this feeling i'm having now that we have buried your hatred, I might lose this... bright side that depicts the real you, Sana. That I mercilessly thrown away when we first met.
I don't want to let it go but... I couldn't  get rid of this feeling in me, even after you told me you have declined our contract, I'm heartbroken but I still keep on loving you." You started tearing up. For the first time, Sana has fully visualized this fragile self of yours and it truly does hurt her deep inside.
"But I don't want you to pity me. I still respect your decision, but... for the last time... a last hope in me, I just want to ask... do you... still want to reconsider it?"
You looked at her with your poor eyes. Sana got her breath taken away by your weakened state. Her heart crumples in pain seeing you like this because you are heavily concerned of something that you don't even had to.
Because she likes you too, and you don't even know yet.
If your heart chooses her, her heart needed you more.
"I'm sorry..." is what came out as a whisper to Sana's shaking tone. Your heart shattered and there's your last hope disappeared like a popped bubble in the air. She was about to speak but you interrupted her.
"I see. I get it, no matter how much a person forgives you for your sin, there's always be time that would grant you the punishment for wasting that moment that you should've been good rather. A karma, in short. And this one, is what I have to bring and suffer for the rest of my life."  You said to her with a bitter smile. Sana was in awe at your guilty pronounce.
"I enjoyed our time but I think I have to go now, Sana. I'm sorry." You excused yourself to Sana as you emptied your ice cream and left her speechless on your spot with her. Her frozen consciousness has what costs her to respond late to unable to catch you as you walked away from her sight.
Sana was left in distraught, as the words she was about to say and the entirety of your confession sinked down to her.
March 31. The day of the proclaimation has come. The month is ending and that means the contract has reached its breaking point. You and Sana met again in the court along with your parents in each of your sides.
Both parties are worried and confused on why you and Sana seemed so dull and devastated that neither couldn't look at each other's eyes anymore. This is what you feared, and the regret is eating you up again so bad.
"Mr/Ms. LN, are you in favor of the contract to be published and hereby signed by you?"
"I do, your honor." You said. You wanted to give it up but you chose to fight for what you have desired more. You wanted to be with Sana longer, and even if it won't grant you the same opportunity, it doesn't matter. Atleast you have become honest to your heart that you would've love to have her as yours.
Sana's lips trembled as she tried to fight the tears about to pour down on her face but was unsuccessful that the judge had to halt the question. It breaks your heart more to see her in an emotional breakdown in front of you.
"Miss Minatozaki, are you okay?"
"I... I'm not..." She sniffed her nose and wiped her tears before proceeding. " I'm not in favor of the contract, your honor."
Your family and Sana's both were in shock and saddened. You weren't surprised, but you are surely devastated that she is really this a hundred percent certain of her decision.
"Are you sure with your answer, Miss Minatozaki? You look hesitant. Perhaps you can provide a clear explaination why you still responded the opposite?"
"I'm really not in favor of the contract, your honor." Sana shook her head. She wiped her tears again before she stepped forward and came closer to you.
"Because I don't want to have it done arranged."
Your eyes widened. The collective gasps of the both sides can be heard from the court.
"I'm rather hesitant because I want to be with you more, YN... but not through this. I want us to build the story of our relationship through our own. I want it that way, not this where others had to dictate and rush us how things should go for us." She apologetically looks back at yours and her family, and gladly they nodded understandably at her point.
She immediately pulls you into a hug so tight that you wouldn't even care also if you got suffocated into her endearing gesture of what finding your home should feel like. "I'm glad that you didn't let go, YN... because I love you too."
She sobbed into your shoulder and you gave up with your emotions as flood of tears fell down on your face, but this time it was all full of joy and relief. You reciprocated her action as you wrapped her body into your own embrace and cuddled her head on your side.
"Thank you... thank you for giving me a chance, Sana. I'll do everything I can not to ruin this. I love you.
She leans away fron your shoulder and holds your shoulders as she traces your face super close between each other. "I'm so proud of you, YN. You deserve it."
"And yes, I would be glad to be your girlfriend... and your future wife soon." She winked before she pulls your head next for a wholesome romantic kiss.
Your families and even the judge clapped and congratulated in support for your newfound stronger relationship with Sana since this is a sight to behold seeing two couples aren't destined to be torn apart from each other... but rather to stay together forever despite all the harsh and crucial situations they had gone through.
Love, in cooperation with time; always finds a way to connect two people's hearts no matter how long it might take, and this... is the way their story had to go.
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the-ace-with-spades · 1 month
I'll never write it so gonna post the abandoned idea for it here (also as a reminder, all my fic ideas are for grabs unless stated otherwise so if someone wants to pick it up, be my guest)
Red strings of fate/Soulmates AU
You are connected to your soulmate by a red thread only you and your soulmate can see and touch (and cut). When your soulmate dies, the thread solidifies and becomes heavier, as long as the distance between the soulmates was the time one of them died — almost like a chain.
Jake and Bradley find out they're soulmates early on in flight school — it's hard not to when the thread pulls tauter and tauter until they finally meet in the same classroom and they can see the other end of the thread for the first time.
There's fascination, there's the thrill of sneaking around (they should disclaim it, as soon as they learn, so it can be put in their records, but they never do) and everything is new and bright. They start to treasure the string, turning around their fingers and finding joy in noticing the other end twitching and pulling — with time, they notice the motions translate over the tread no matter how far away they are.
They make up a system of pulls and tags, using Morse code and it becomes something else, they become something else — in the air, wordlessly in sync, on the ground, talking to each other whenever they want, during sleepless nights and separate schedules and long-distance deployments.
Things start getting complicated. Bradley has commitment and abandonment issues, Jake's an all-or-nothing type of guy and just being soulmates isn't enough.
They go their separate ways. Bradley still, sometimes, when he can't sleep and the night makes him feel like nothing has a sense or a purpose, sends little messages down the thread. He never gets replies.
The day they meet again at the Hard Deck, Jake suspects Bradley is coming for the same assignment. The string’s been getting lighter and lighter the whole night, dropping down, no longer stretched to its limit.
They try to ignore the string the whole time the training goes on, but Mav still suspects. He doesn't say anything, but he feels like history is repeating itself.
When Mav and Bradley are arguing in the debriefing room and Warlock comes in, he doesn't say anything but Mav looks down at his own wrist and his face turns white and Bradley knows at that moment.
(Whether Mav and Ice are soulmates and married or they are soulmates but Ice still married Sarah, that's up for discussion).
During the whole funeral, Mav rolls the invisible thread around his wrist, moving onto his arm when it's not enough.
It's at that moment — Bradley decides Jake will never have to do the same.
The minute he turns around for Mav, he makes up a plan in his head.
They find each other in the snow, and argue, but by the end of it, Mav is making up a crazy plan and they'll try to return in one piece. Try being the keyword.
He pulls on the string, the thread between his thumb and index finger.
Mav frowns. "What are you doing?"
"Sending a message before we go."
He repeats it, just in case Jake hasn't realized in time to catch the whole thing at first. And then he starts looking through the pockets of his life vest.
“He’s not walking around with a dead man’s chain, Mav.”
Mav tries to stop him the second he realizes what Bradley is going to do but it's too late — with the same knife he cut his parachute off, he cuts off the thread, close to his wrist, letting it fall limping into the snow, red almost looking like droplets of blood.
It takes Jake a minute to realize that the tagging is a physical feeling, not just wishful thinking formed by his imagination.
The carrier deck is a mess, the foxtrot teams returned, Phoenix is now arguing with the admirals about Rooster's position — he might not be dead, sir — and the ringing in Jake's ears doesn't stop until he looks down at his wrist, and sees the string moving, the pulling a rhythmic, well-known motion.
Aloud, breaking up the vivid discussion about Maverick and Rooster's status, he says, “Rooster is alive, he’s—he’s talking,” and it almost feels like it's someone else using his voice.
“What do you mean, Hangman? His comm is silent.”
“Can feel it on the string, it’s still red and he’s— he’s tugging in Morse code,” he says. He closes his eyes and lets himself be pulled by the wrist. “S-O-R-R—Sorry, he’s—sorry and—and—I-L—Shit, no.”
The string flops down, loose. “No—”
He cut it. He cut it because it's still red and not gray but still too limp and he knows it. His wrist feels too light, too free.
When Bradley lands on the carrier, his wrist is bare and the thread pools around Jake's feet. It doesn't magically reconnect when they touch, when they shake hands.
Jake tries to desperately find the other end, carrying rolls and piles of it with him as he follows Bradley to the med bay.
“Jake, just—just cut it,” he tells him. “It’s going to connect you again in a day or two.”
Jake ignores him, pulling miles and miles of the thread into circled piles next to Bradley's bed. He can't see the floor — it's just red and red and nothing else.
“No,” is all Jake says. “Not to you.”
It'll find him a new match, connect the thread to someone else, to someone who isn't Bradley.
"Bring me some scissors," Bradley says. He almost feels bad, when Jake's gaze turns up to him, glaring with shiny eyes. "Just do as I say for once."
Wordlessly, looking like it pains him, Jake brings him disposable scissors.
Bradley grabs his hand before he can move away, pulls about three feet of the thread from the pile, and cuts off the excess on the floor.
He wraps it around his own wrist, the string thin and soft, and a little clumsily ties it into a loop over his arm. When he leans away again, the thread takes a second, taut, and then stretches with the distance, like it has always done.
Jake stares at it, too focused and too absent. "That's the shittiest knot I've ever seen."
Bradley huffs. "Well, you gotta learn to live with it."
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Made it to chapter 16 today which means Feyre and I have both had our first impressions of Rhysand's Inner Circle and ohhhhhhh boy
Its hard to pinpoint why exactly, but theres something so discomforting about watching them interact. I think the main thing is that for all their "casual-ness", theres still clearly a rigid hierarchy between them and they all seem to 'know their place' so to speak, its not at all like Lucien and Tamlin's relationship in the first book which genuinely felt like a friendship that was unburdened by their status or positions. Like, theres this one moment where Mor and Amren are like kinda bickering with each other i guess, and Feyre remarks that Mor is probably super powerful if she dares talk back against Amren (in an incredibly minor matter Im pretty sure but I already forgor ngl) and because this is the book where Feyre's perspective starts being Objectively Correct all the time, I guess that's true, I guess the only reason someone would dare voice their opinion on something to this friend group is if they were physically more powerful because otherwise you just level a fucking mountain during an argument
Anyway, Im gonna switch topics for a short moment but I promise this diversion is relavant to the point above. So, sometimes when I go into the anti-tags on here looking for criticisms or complaints of the books, I instead find anti-ship posts that are mainly just about trash-talking some ship, mostly ones relating to that whole Elucien/Elriel/Gwynriel shipwar, which I already have thoughts on but I'll save those for later. In any case, one day I stumbled upon this pretty long anti-elriel post about how the gifts Elain gives Azriel on winter solstice arent actually cute and it describes how she gave him like, herbs that help with headaches "because his friends are always giving him headaches" apparently. And then that post went on a whole rant about how insensitive that was of her and that she doesnt actually understand Azriel's dynamic with his close friends, but honestly, judging from this chapter Elain was absolutely spot on
And I usually wouldn't say this because yknow, its only one chapter and we're probably gonna get the nuances of their relationship later, but this is a book written by Sarah J Maas, her characters and their relationships are rarely particularly deep and, more importantly, her writing is incredibly unsubtle. If Azriel was in any way fond of his friends shenaningans I wouldve noticed it, because Feyre wouldve noticed it like 15 times during that whole dinner. But she didnt.
Its especially bad for Cassian and Azriel because it feels like Cassian thinks they have this great rapport but Azriel just genuinely kinda dislikes him. Not to mention that whole fucking mess with Azriel and Mor and Cassian and Mor having sex so she wouldnt get married off or whatever, good god how is every conversation between them not insanely awkward
Even beyond that, idk man, theyre all just so insufferable. I dont understand how Amren, ancient eldritch being trapped in a fae body that she is, can stand to be around them, I wouldve left them 5 centuries ago if I was her. I guess the explanation is that she finds the government position interesting but its like, youre SECOND to the most boring and annoying man on the planet only kinda ruling over a court that you dont even actually care about from everything Ive heard. Again, if I was in Amren's position I would not be hanging out in an APARTMENT in a boring ass city at the behest of a quartett of stupid bozos, I wouldve weaseled my way into being the personal advisor of Beron or some shit so I could watch the Vanserra Family Drama unfold live
There was one good thing about this discomforting dinner though, and that was how inexplicably gay Cassian was for Rhysand. He was really out there, looking at him with such love, calling him pretty twice in like two minutes being all "I knew I wanted a piece of him the moment I first saw him, the high lord's pretty son" like okay. I know what you are
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gamarancianne · 4 months
Hi, I requested the az x reader story! I have to say that I was a bit insecure about ordering from someone who hadn't published a story yet, and I hadn't even ordered one, so it was all very last minute to send it. I thought "my god, I need to see how she works on her stories!" and girl, you exceeded my expectations! I loved it! I need to know how it's going to continue and how it's going to end. I was so happy and surprised when I saw that you wrote the request the day after I asked for it, because I thought it would take longer.
Oh, I almost forgot, I'm happy to know that my request meant something to you since it was your first.
I can't wait to see Lucien and the reader's friendship. By the way, I'm fine and I'll be popping in here more often anonymously (maybe not as much since I'm busy with college stuff), but I think I'll use an emoji as identification? - 🌨
Omg you'll make me cry ! That's so sweet of you thank you ! I'm not gonna lie I was nervous as fuck too, being French and writing in English and having never posted yet😭. And I was so shocked that lots of people loved it and that you loved it as well ! So really thank you so much again for that nice message and for having at the end sent the request in the first place and of course I can't wait to see you again(I give you all my courage for college I know its hard 🙏) !! Don't worry part 2 is on its way since I'm still on holidays (not for long) and our dear Lulu is gonna be the best friend ever. I was so excited about this ask and inspired like I got the whole scenario in my head it was insane!! You'll be my first ask and my first anon 💗🌨
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here2bbtstrash · 1 year
your votes are in! part 2 survey results ✨
i asked, and y'all answered!!! 👀
as mentioned a few times before, the survey is not closed - i won't update it with new works moving forward, but i will keep an eye on it if anyone decides to run back and add votes! so please don't feel like it's too late, esp if you're new and still catching up on the porn (there is A LOT of porn. pls take your time and stay hydrated okay 😵‍💫)
but since it's been about a week, and new votes have slowed down, i thought it'd be fun to do a reveal of the top 10 results as things currently stand! sticking them below the cut - join me, won't you? 🍷
at #10, with 40 votes, we have... moving day! i was honestly surprised to see this one crack the top 10, but i should know better than to underestimate the yoongi hoes at this point. y'all love your delusional long-haired boyfie content, and who am i to deny you that??
at #9 (my lucky number 👀), with 42 votes, we have... it's sweet! shocked to see a fluff fic crack the top 10 honestly, but let's be real, the taehyung hoes are THIRSTY (anyone who follows jai already knows this 😂) - i promise i'll write more for y'all soon, and that the next one will actually feature smut!!!
at #8, with 43 votes, we have... park and ride! (and technically also its sequel, five minutes!) y'all really said give us a part three mother 😭 and jokes on you because i have an idea for a part three *and* a part four for these two. you'll never be free of them lmao!!
at #7, with 45 votes, we have... the spins! i'm happy to see this one here!! i love this couple and i've wanted to do a sequel for them for AGES, though i swear my idea for what i actually want to do changes every few months 😂 guess i gotta decide on one!!!
at #6, with 51 votes, we have... sunday! idk why i didn't expect this one to rank omg!! i don't feel like i write jin particularly well, and i especially thought that level of BDSM would be too much for some 🙈 but i have learned y'all are freaks who like crying during sex.... huh...... DULY NOTED 👀📝
halfway there, time for the big hitters! at #5, with 54 votes, we have... party on you! ahhhhh this one makes me happy to see 🥲 forever AMAZED and ECSTATIC that my most popular fic on this blog is a hoseok fic!!! i want to write a million billion more hobi things this year, and i will certainly see what i can do about circling back to these two cuties. at the very least there shall be more ass-eating in 2023!! 🎉🍑
at #4, with 58 votes, we have... deep end! joon hoes with TWO appearances on the board, we love to see it 👏 i loooove that y'all are down not only for period smut, but for some of the risks i took with using more flowery/poetic language in this one! i had so much fun trying something new, i'd love to revisit this couple and that writing style again!!
at #3, with 59 votes, we have... two in one! y'all. no. i'm shook. wig FLEW, wig in the STRATOSPHERE. say WHAT?!?!?! the first fic i ever posted on this blog, my most self-indulgent work (actually it might not be the Most lmfao but it's UP THERE) - i'm. NUMBER THREE?!?!??! okayokayokay 👀 i see y'all 👀 we're gonna have a verrrrry fun jihope month next month aren't we?!?! 😈
at #2, with 65 votes, we have... the shape of your body! oh man 🥺 i'm almost, like, emotional to see this one rank so high. this fic is so so personal and dear to me, and was a BIG leap for my writing in a lot of ways. the fact that the response has been so overwhelmingly positive, and that so many of y'all read all 24,000 words of that fic and said you want MORE. i can never put into words how much that means to me 🙇‍♀️ it's hard for me to think of a whole plot for a sequel - bc i wrote so damn much already 😂 but lemme see what i can do to at least cook up a drabble or two (if you have ideas, keep 'em in your back pocket for jihope month 👀)
and finally... at #1... with 70 votes... no one is surprised 😂 - it's drip! ahhhhh squirt god min yoongi. we meet again. i will never live this fic down lmfaoooo. and funny... doesn't he have a birthday coming up soon? i could've sworn... 👀💦💦💦
alright besties!!! i'd love to know your thoughts!!! any surprises? any you're happy to see?? anything that didn't make the list that you're about to get out the torches and pitchforks over??? i wanna hear it all, so drop me a comment or an ask and let me knoooow!! 🎤💜
(for me, it's babygirl missing out on the top 10 by two votes... but it's fine i'm fine... 😭)
also can i just say - look at y'all, getting ALL OF OT7 ON THE BOARD??? we fucking love to see it!!! equal opportunists on this blog! yaaaaaaas porn for everybody!!! 👏👏👏
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pinkafropuff · 5 months
[Home for the Holidays] -Emilia
She was singing again. Thanks to how high up she’d gotten, she was sure it wouldn’t be heard by others- she had a knack for producing “static” so that her words would only be heard by her own ears- so long as they did not get too close, or look too deeply. Her spell would make sure of that; with her very specific requirements, it was almost assured that she would be free to express (or not express) whatever she wanted.
“You can only be heard by someone as lonely as I, from a place I am not and am not well known. You will sound only as the sweetest of whispers of the dearly departed, of easily forgotten words and tones.”
It was cold out; it was always cold in Ishgard, but today, up high and with all that wind, she found herself longing for the snow in a way that she did not think possible before. The month, as it were, was the Eorzean equivalent of “December”, and she found herself reminiscing as she cleaned the blade of her lance, carefully polishing even the most minute of details on the shaft. 
It “sounded” like a normal carol. As she thought much about it and cared very little for its tune, the simplest would suffice:
“Oh ay, ay ay, I’m dreamin’
Of a white
With every-
Christmas Card I write
May your days,
May your days,
May your days,
Be merry and briiiiiiiiight-
…and may all your Christmases
She could see her breath when she breathed out a bit too heavily. She was wearing a hat, but…still. There was something chillier about the warmth of ones’ breath against the air in December, and it always smelled like-
She paused. Mouth slowly opening and closing, she felt a strong tug at her chest. For a long time she ignored it; its warmth began to scald her throat as she held it down, prickling at her abdomen as she swallowed to destroy it in stomach acid, though it was all to no avail. Its taste was like the sweetest juice. She could indulge it this once. Just once. 
“...I’ll…be home…for Christmas…” A whisper. “You can count on…me…”
“Please have snow
And mistletoe
She chewed the words to make them unrecognizable. “...r..sents under the tree.” One boot to the top of the cathedral, she pushed back just slightly; a modicum of snow slipped off of its sloped top, dropping down onto the empty streets below. 
“...Christmas eve will find me
Where the love light gleams
I'll be home 
…for Christmas
If only in my dreams…”
The only warmth was on her tear-stained cheek. 
“If only in my-”
(She closed her eyes.)
Rustling among boxes of things long forgotten. Static cling against long, red sleeves. Since it’s winter, it’s the perfect time to rummage among old things and pretend they’re new. 
He’s making a mess. He hates mess, so it’s clearly not his favorite part, but he’s so deeply invested in what the mess could be, that [-----] can’t find him in the garage as readily as she’d usually be able. It’s not that big, of course; though it can fit the one car, it hasn’t in years, given the junk of various persons taking up its space. By now, it’s almost like it was never meant for an automobile at all. 
“I found the tree!”
“Daddy, everybody knew where the tree was, we’re havin’ cocoa right now.” It’s a good thing she’s wearing her long hair today. It’s nippy around her neck and shoulders, even with the hat she’s thrown on to keep her warm.
(She reached up and touched her now-short hair. That was one thing she missed, but maybe not much else. For her it smelled of the fakeness she needed to convince them of her personhood. For her it was estrangement. A barb in her skin.)
“They can’t eat or drink nothin’ til I pray-” His voice broke off. “Babygirl, if you’re gonna help me, then help me! Don’t just stand there.”
[----] let out a little sigh. “I’m not that strong. You should ask….I dunno, Robert or somebody.” Not that she didn’t want to try. Though she’d throw her back out too, with the way things were going.
“He at work right now.”
“Then we should wait until he gets home. He’ll be over for the movie at least, and Auntie’ll probably goad him into staying.” Not that there was any guarantee he’d help out. “At least Trina’ll be around to help out by then. Don’t want you to throw your back out.”
“If I do, I got a doctor right here.”
(Her elbows were getting cold. Stupid dragoon armor. A good coat was better than this. How did Estinien survive like this, anyway? The elves seemed French but reminded her more closely of Russians. Tough and tall. Rough, but trying not to be. Or maybe that was French after all. She wouldn’t bother.)
“Doctor Ross is not on call, it’s Christmas! And, because I’m working with the government, I get paid time off!”
(How that would bite her in the ass later.)
“Well, you should get your ‘paid time off’ behind over here to grab the other end of this tree. I know you been liftin’ patients and all that. Ain’t no nurses ‘round here to pick up your slack!”
In the end she’d relented, if only to take the tree box inside. By the time they were done, her mother had already started a fight with her father about his habits- though at least they’d already gotten through the prayer. It was enough to wake the neighbors- which, in this case, were her aunts and uncles not originally keen on showing up early to their collective grandparents’ (and parents’) tree-trimming, house decorating celebration. It was loud but warm, its simmering cooled only as low as time would let it before they all dispersed to their various homes, most of which were apartments in that same building. 
A microcosm in an otherwise crowded space. If she peered into a snowglobe, that’s exactly what she’d see; a big, loud family in varying skin tones, talking and laughing with drinks in hand, whether they be coffee, tea, cocoa, or wine. 
“Nah, no cocoa. Pass me the rum,” she’d said after one too-long shift at the hospital, and her nana had passed it over without much fuss.
“A workin’ woman deserves that much.” 
(“Have fun, but not too much fun.” She’d say.)
The freezing cold is incentive enough to pull her legs in close, arms tightly wrapped around herself as her thoughts rest in a far off memory. 
“Happy Starlight everyone!” Through the hustle and bustle of the season, Emilia finds herself sitting alone at a table in the back of Revenant’s Toll, her arms and legs crossed, boots resting atop the table. Apparently it’s celebrated as a holiday for children- why, Emilia is not keen on finding out- but she relents that it must be a cultural thing, and otherwise not something she is overly interested in. Alphinaud and Alisaie- despite being children themselves- are passing out gifts to every Scion, which she admits is good of them; with all that money in their family, it would be good to at least be generous. 
A poor facsimile of a thing. But they seemed happy nonetheless. She was a lot of things, but a party pooper was not one of them. No, it would be better to leave, or to brood. Whichever would lead them to not seeing her cry like a stupid baby at the end of the night. 
“Ah, there you are.” It was not an unwelcome voice; she’d gotten used to Alphinaud by now (though not as much his twin, who was still merrymaking with other guests and clearly goading them into sharing their drinks, despite being able to buy her own), and figured he’d come around sooner or later, probably to wish her a nice day or something or other. While it wasn’t a bad thing per se, she was getting tired of putting on her act with him, especially when he’d taken rather recently to grinning in response, as if he knew her dearest secrets. As if he knew her. “I’ve a gift for you, if you want it.”
She gave him a very strong side eye. Arms crossed over her chest, she leaned back further in her chair, enough to (while knowing the wall was behind her) stretch her hands above her and brace them behind her neck in a dangerously careless position that she was sure would tip anyone else’s chair over entirely. “If it’s free, I’ll take it,” she lied. 
“I knew you’d say that,” it was almost a mumble, but he offered her a package nonetheless. “Happy Starlight. I know you aren’t keen on asking for things you want, and you may even have been a bit mean spirited when you said it, but-” He paused, seeming to want her to open up the package. She did not. “..well. I hope you like it, at least. And there is a receipt of sale, should you wish to return it.” 
“Generous of you,” she answered lazily, and though he shrugged at her, he still smiled and crossed his arms over his chest, mirroring her former position.
“Well,” he admitted, “I did hear that, with all this prestige, if I cannot afford to be at least this generous it would make me quite the laughingstock.” 
Without wanting to, her lip twitched. It felt like a smile. “Well, blow me over. I guess I’ll accept it then.” And she meant it. Genuinely. 
When he left, there was only a beat or so before his sister came; in her hands was a rather big, vase shaped thing with a big bottom and smaller top (not unlike her own physical frame), that made a heavy, gentle slosh sound- which made her wonder what was in the damn thing. 
“Here,” she said to Emilia, though all she got in response was the doctor’s flickering gaze from her to the gift and back, somewhat in disbelief.
“What is that.” She didn’t ask it like a question, and couldn’t bring herself to sit up at first- but her curiosity got the better of her and she slipped her boots off the table to lean close. 
“Maybe you should open it up…?” It sounded like a hint, but the impatient edge made Emilia grin a little. 
“And if I don’t?” A challenge. Alisaie was easy to challenge, given she never backed down from one, and easy to goad when times got rough. It was her favorite thing about the younger twin- other than her taste for red in her clothing, which Emilia agreed with on principle. 
“Well, then…!” She warned, eyes flashing a bit…but then she closed her eyes and pressed her lips into a thin line. “Look, you can open it or not if you want, but you’ll miss out on something amazing to enjoy when we go caroling later on tonight.”
“Oh, so it’s a drink,” she murmured, using a delicately gloved finger to pull on the wrapping paper. “What, you made me some koo-” She thought better of it. “...some lemonade from your stand?” Easily the best way to guarantee her intent. 
“Just open it!” 
She did. When fully unwrapped, the bottle glistened with the most beautiful brown, the spirits within shivering just slightly with every touch. With two hands she gingerly handled the container, careful not to release its slim neck from her grip. Rum. Finely aged and beautifully packaged. It must have cost a fortune. “...where did you get this?”
“You said you liked to drink,” Alisaie admitted, “and though I know it’s a bad habit, I just thought…well, it’s not wrong if it makes you a bit happy now and again, is it?” 
Emilia’s lips parted. Her lipstick started crackle against drying skin. 
“Now, you have to promise me that you won’t drink too much tonight instead of hanging out with us, or else I’ll…!” She threw her hands up. “I’ll smash the bottle! I’ll drain every last drop and you’ll see none of it.” Arms crossed over her chest and mouth pulling into a tight sort of pout, she turned her gaze to the side. “Whatever. It’s not my fault Alphinaud picked a coat for his gift. I know mine isn’t as good.”
Something tickled at her eye. It didn’t matter. “What?”
“He already gave you his, didn’t he? He tried to make me feel better about it, but I wanted to get you the coat, since it was all you asked for,” she was so absorbed in her conflicts with her brother that she didn’t realize she’d spoiled the surprise. The gift in question was clearly still at Emilia’s side. 
Suddenly driven by a need to know, she grasped the package and ripped it open. Fuck. He really had gotten her a coat. A really nice coat. A really nice red coat, clearly made to be used as armor in environments where cold was king, where her breath caught on mountain peaks and she was too stubborn to do more than sit out there all night long, to be safe with herself and her tears away from prying eyes. 
These stupid kids.
“They’d go good together if they weren’t so-” She broke off suddenly, noticing for the first time that Emilia’s face had begun to flush around her cheeks and eyes. “...are you alright? You look a little-”
She bolted out of the door with her arm over her face and didn’t stop until she was higher than anyone could see her. 
Of course they were kind. They're young. Adults, maybe, by this world's standards, but Emilia knows better than most the difference between eighteen and twenty-four. Between an overgrown child wallowing in debt and a fledgling doctor who'd pulled an entire 12 on her feet. Somehow, the twins were both at once. 
The wind whipped at her cheeks again. At least in this cold, it wasn't only her eyes that would sting red, or her nose. She could explain it away this way, crouched down in the snow-covered dirt like a gargoyle standing watch for the holy cathedral.
“Run out of children to frighten?”
Her lip twitched at first with some sort of disdain, though for once, she hadn't meant to. When her head turned to see him, he was more or less the same as she remembered; tall, brooding and unbearably pointy. A more or less match for her ire. An easy target.
“‘fraid not. Got kicked outta my hotel.” The cracking of chapped lips curled to one side. She’d have to find a place with better stuff for them later, since that cheap shit was not cutting it. “Why? Ain't you got better things to do than harass ladies, Mr. Dragoon?”
To this, he was silent. The Azure Dragoon only crossed his arms, a heat stewing beneath his helmet. “Unfortunately for you, this is work for me.”
“...damn. Even you gotta work on Christmas,” she murmured, which made his head turn a bit, though she realized she shouldn't have said it. “...it's a holiday, ain't it? What you out here for?”
“You, apparently.”
The words snapped her teeth against each other. It was good that it was cold. Better to be mistaken for the chatter of shivering than something else. When she regained her bearings, she drawled, “...what for?”
“There’s a storm picking up near here,” he admitted with some carelessness, “and some of the children thought to venture out further than they ought.”
Hmph. “You callin’ me a kid?”
“I didn't call you anything,” he answered roughly, “though you speak it well enough on your own.” A single armored hand extended, its sharp fingers not unlike a dragon itself. “Well? What are you waiting for. Run along.”
She kissed her teeth. She had half a mind to argue with him- tease him, goad him, annoy him enough to give her a good fight- but he was right. It was getting colder, and the flurries of snow were starting to get stuck in her eyes (which she rolled enough for him to see, even amidst the furious white). 
Emilia stood, boots crunching in the thick snow as she shifted her weight to one foot and then the other before shoving her hands into her pockets, shoulders slightly hunching in dismay. “Of course, officer,” she said, her voice clear as a songbirds’. “I was gettin’ bored of this spot anyway.”
Then she smiled. A too-sweet smile that made him scowl. Ironically, it amused her enough to give him a real one for free. When she teleported off, Estinien was still standing there, a statue clad in black in an otherwise endless white. When a few moments passed and he was sure it was clear, he headed back into town, the whisper of the wind kissing the back of his neck, its forgotten song stinging near cracks in his armor.
“If only in my-”
The coat was still sitting on the table when she returned, along with the bottle. Alisaie didn’t smash it yet, huh? A stray thought. She snagged the bottle and opened it up to give it a sniff. 
The Scions were all gone. Maybe they'd gone caroling without her. Good, was her first thought, though it soured after a moment or so. That wasn't fair or kind. Not that she was given to doing more than one at a time.
Boots thump, thump, thumping across the floor. The cabinets to the bar burst open as she searched for some necessary ingredients- though most were below her, in what seemed to be a kind of fridge. 
It was good to ride out compulsions like these when they came. Maybe something good would come out it- like the sudden urge to clean a long-dirty room or do one’s taxes just before the deadline. 
Big bowl. Punch jar? Bowl. Regular bowl. “Who gives a fuck?” She said out loud, thrown up beside her head, a careless gesture to pair with her swears. Eggs, milk- shit, they had so many kinds of milk- sugar, heavy whipping cream, (? was that too different than milk?) vanilla (probably), cinnamon (maybe?), salt (oh hell yeah, salt. ‘To balance the flavor’ or something). By the time she was done mixing what seemed like it should be eggnog for at least fifty people, the doors opened faster than she imagined they would. In an effort to cheapen her actions quickly, she grasped the finishing touch: the bottle of fancy rum.
She took a deep breath. She could drink this on her own. She could treat it as a friend for hours, maybe weeks if she stretched it out, if she was good with it, it get her through this godforsaken season, through the empty and spiraling cold while everyone else sang carols and stayed warm to the touch-
-chewing her lip. A little sigh. Time was running out, and she didn’t want to be seen doing it, so. It’s Christmas, ain’t it? She unscrewed the cap and dumped it all in- at least, more than half of it, to compensate for both the sweetness of the eggnog she had yet to taste, and the amount of servings. Clumsily- and quickly, of course- she grabbed the bottle and set it off to the side, hands on top of the bar. When the doors opened, the Scions- both inner circle and outer- filled in, with Alphinaud and Minfilia at the front. 
“Oh! There you are! We were out looking everywhere for you! Alisaie said you had quite a fright-” The blue twin broke off when she glared down at him, silencing any efforts to overdramatize her flight. He cleared his throat instead. “Anyway, what is this?”
Minfilia in particular peered over the bowl. “Mm…it smells quite nice. Is it alright to drink?”
“Is it safe to drink, you mean,” began Alphinaud, though Alisaie elbowed him in the side. The rebuke seemed to come from either side, Emilia, Alisaie, and Minfilia all, so he just shrugged and opted to stop himself before he got skewered by them all. 
“Well, Emilia clearly made it for us,” she wanted to protest Minfilia’s assumption, but found she could not, “so why don’t we give it a try?” 
She shrugged in response. Though she hadn’t thought far enough to get cups, she found them fast enough to make herself one. “...it’s spiked. Don’t drink too much.” Then she poured some of her own. Apprehensive because of the smell (eggs tended to do that to her, on occasion), she took a sip, only to be startled by the pungent taste that was very unlike alcohol. Maybe she shouldn’t have put in that many different kinds of milk?
“...this is…interesting.” Minfilia nodded, though her expression was clearly concealing a rather different emotion. “It tastes very…unique. Yes. Unique.”
The twins got their own cups (though Emilia thought to keep an eye on them, given their ages; legal or not, they were comparatively young) and Alisaie wrinkled her nose delicately at first, before retching back into her cup. “Ew! What is this?” It burst out from her with a bubble of laughter. “It tastes like…like spoiled milk? With rum in it.”
“Let me try,” Thancred pushed forward, and before they knew it, everyone was grabbing a cup of the eggnog, though Emilia herself leaned back and cupped her hand under the elbow holding her own glass, sipping slowly as she closed her eyes.
“This is awful,” her brother agreed, though he was laughing too. “What is this made out of? It’s not…spoiled, but it tastes like-” His eyes searched the ceiling before they closed, fist to his chin as he lowered his head in thought. “Like flavors fighting for dominance?”
“We shouldn’t judge it too harshly,” said one voice, obviously noticing her off to the side. “I mean it’s- I mean the rum is good!” 
A ripple of laughter washed over the small crowd. Not wanting to upset her (though there was no way she could be) they kept the banter light after that.
The nearly empty bottle caught her eye. She turned away and pointed her gaze at Alisaie. “You still goin’ out?”
The red twin stood up straight. “Wh-I mean you-”
Her brother slid in beside her. “Of course we are. It’ll be cold, though, so you could bring some of this if you were willing to join us…?”
Of course she would. She was young, after all. “Nothin’ better to do.” She swirled her swill around in her cup. A waste of expensive rum. She smiled to herself, enjoying what felt like a smart little secret. ‘Sides, I should take that coat out and see if I need to take it back.” 
This seemed encouraging to him, somehow. “Mayhaps with a little more drink, you’ll even sing some carols…?”
“Shut up, kid.” Was her answer, though more than one Scion noted that it was not a “no”.
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obsessedwithkpopfics · 11 months
that soonhoon fic was amazing!! do you think you could do a snz fic for hao and have jun as his caretaker? then maybe jun catches hao's sickness towards the end and they're both sick?? I really love your writing btw its soooooo good!!!!
Thanks for requesting! Sorry it took so long!
Jun p.o.v
I was sitting in my room on my phone. Gladly enjoying my day off, when my door was pushed open. "Jun?" I looked up and saw Hao standing in the doorway. "Hey Hao, what's up?" I spoke in Chinese. He avoided my eyes and shifted from one foot to the other awkwardly. "I don't feel good." He admitted softly. I immediately put down my phone in concern. "How do you feel? Is it bad?" I asked. He shook his head. "It isn't that bad, my head hurts and I feel congested, that's all." I mentally noted that Minghao downplayed his symptoms a lot so he must be feeling worse than he was saying. "You can come in if you want." I said and he nodded and sat down next to me. I put my arm around him. We sat in comfortable silence until I felt him turn away from me. "HhTkSchu!' HhTskChu!- Sorry." 
"Bless you. Don't apologize." I placed my hand on his forehead, "You feel a bit warm." 
"Oh." Was all he said, I had a feeling he was still trying to convince himself he wasn't sick and didn't like that he had a fever. "Can you just wait right here? I'm going to get you some medicine."
"No, I'm okay," he said softly. "I wasn't asking if you wanted medicine. I was asking if you'll be okay alone." He shrugged. "Do you want me to text one of-"
"HKTchshu!- eKtcHu!- HSkTchu!"
"Bless you. I can text one of the members and have them bring it up if you don't want to be alone." 
"No, it's okay." I shook my head. Minghao was always like this. He didn't take his feelings into account if he thought it would hurt others. This often led to him putting others before him. "I'll text one of the members to get medicine." He nodded. In a few minutes, Soonyoung came to our room. "You said you needed medicine. Who's sick?" He asked and I silently gestured towards Minghao. Soonyoung nodded knowingly. He left the room after that and I turned to Minghao. "Let's take your temperature first. And then I'll give you medicine." Minghao nodded tiredly. I put the thermometer to his forehead. "100°F. That's bad." I said. Minghao shook his head. "It's not that bad. I'll be fine with some medicine." I was about to reply but he turned away from me. "Hh…KTschShu!- HhTskChu!- HhTSchuu!-" 
"Bless you." I said softly. "Minghao. You have a fever and you're gonna rest whether you like it or not." I said. Minghao groaned but nodded. This was a clear cator indication that the fever was beginning to tire him out. I handed him his medicine. "Here, take these. And you're gonna rest after this okay." He nodded again. I smiled at him. "Tired, Haohao?" I asked sweetly and he looked at me with droopy eyes. "Yes. Very." He said and I chuckled. He snuggled close to my side, and as he fell asleep he looked up at me, "Don't tell the others I cuddled with you." I laughed, "I won't." I promised. 
While he slept, I played on my phone. Not wanting to move because I didn't want to wake him up.  
Sadly my plan didn't work long because his own body betrayed him. About 15 minutes after he fell asleep he was thrown into a rough and painful sounding coughing fit that made me cringe. I rubbed his back as he tried to recover from the fit. "You okay?" I asked tentatively after he stopped coughing. He swallowed harshly and sniffled, "Yeah… do you have any tissues?" I nodded and reached over to grab the box from.my bedside table. He thanked me before taking a handful and blowing his nose. He lowered the tissues from his face but quickly brought them back when his breath hitched. "Etchu!- hh- hetCHu!- hetcHhu!-"
"Bless you." I patted his shoulder. "Thanks." He coughed a bit after he blew his nose again. "Do you need to take something?" I asked him, trying to hide my concern. "I'm fine." He said as he coughed. "Uh, no. We're not doing this today." I said, rolling my eyes, I took my phone out and texted Jeonghan asking him to bring more medicine. The whole time Hao was protesting. "Junnie, I'm really f-hhkTchu- EhhTchu- snf- fine." 
"Bless you."-" I was cut off by another sneeze from Hao. "C'mon. You can't insist you're fine while you're sneezing like five times while you say that. Plus, Jeonghan hyung and his medicine could help you feel better." I said calmly. Hao glared at me but didn't say anything. Knowing I won, I just patiently waited for Jeonghan. After a while, I heard a knock on the door. "Junnie? Hao? I'm here now." Said Jeonghan's voice and I stood up to let him in. He was carrying about three different grocery bags filled with groceries. "What's all this Jeonghan hyung?" Hao asked. Jeonghan put down the stuff. "I was out grocery shopping but then I got Junnie's text so I just decided to directly drop by here. How're you feeling?"
"I'm fine! Jun just doesn't believe me" He said, sniffling after, "Don't you have a fever though? Soonyoung said so." 
"No." Hao said, Jeonghan looked at me, "He does." 
"Hao, I think that it's a good idea to rest, especially because you have a fever" Jeonghan reached into the bag and pulled the medicine out. Hao shook his head. "I don't have a fever, Jeonghan hyung." I rolled my eyes. "Let's just check your temperature again. That should settle if you have a temperature or not." Said Jeonghan. He checked Hao's temperature. "101°." "See! You still have a fever." Said Jun, exasperated. Hao looked defeated. "Fine. I do have a fever." Jeonghan nodded encouragingly. "Will you be willing to rest now?" He asked, sounding almost like a kindergarten teacher talking to a toddler. Hao nodded, though reluctantly. "Okay, good." I said. Hao pouted like a little kid, it was strangely adorable. He scrunched his nose up, "You alright Hao?" I asked, taking in his annoyed expression. "My nose is itchy!" He said with a whine. "I'm sorry, try blowing it. Maybe that could help." He nodded and took a tissue and blew his nose harshly. He groaned softly. "Itchy." Jeonghan looked at Jun and the latter nodded. Jun then pulled out a feather from Jeonghan's grocery bag. "I knew that this would happen so I asked Jeonghan hyung to pick up a feather on his way here. Let's get rid of your itchy nose, shall we? Said Jun and Hao nodded desperately. Jun brought the feather up to Hao's nose and gently started tickling it. Hao's breath hitched immediately and he turned away from Jun. "Hh..ItksSch!- HhkschShu!- HhktChHuh!- HhktChHuh!-" "Bless-"
"Hh..HktSchuH!- HhttTchuH!- HktSchuH!-" "Bless you! Feel better now?" Jun asked, and Hao nodded. "Let's get you to bed now." Said Jeonghan and both Jun and Hao nodded. Once Hao was cuddled in bed with Jun, he turned to the older. "Thank you. For everything." Jun smiled. "Anything for you, HaoHao."
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citrusreadstoa · 1 year
Reading The Dark Prophecy: Chapter 40 (SPOILERS)
"Shakespeare, don't bring that / Iambic pentameter" Either the Dodona screaming arrow starts spouting poetry or Meg does. Is the ultimate goal of this series to teach kids poetry?
"'A little warning, perhaps?' Jamie called." Yeah, the greatest danger a person falling out of a window poses is to the people below they may crush. How high up is it, anyway?
"We didn't see him." Oh, so he did fall into the void. Wtf?
"He Lityerses-ly flew out the window." Leo, you pull a muscle from that stretch? A for effort, though. I'll cut him some slack for the hostage situation he was just in.
"The two bumped fists as if they hadn't just spent the last few days talking about how much they wanted to kill each other. They would have made fine Olympian gods." Omg that's literally my family! We'd make great Olympian gods!
"[Thalia's] new gray highlights from my solar blast looked quite fetching." Did anyone else get gray highlights? Do Hunters' hair grow out? And again, skin cancer?
"We're going to need a bigger notepad." Why? Is iambic pentameter usually long?
"must the Lester go;" I'm fucking sorry? That caught me so off guard. I didn't expect his name to be so bluntly stated in the prophecy.
"Apollo starts to jive." Does jive mean something different here than I'm used to? I thought it meant to be on the same page as someone. JIVE (v.): 1. perform the jive or a similar dance to popular music 2. (Informal, US) taunt or sneer at 3. (Informal, US) talk nonsense
"But a full Shakespearean sonnet, complete with ABAB rhyme scheme, ending couplet, and iambic pentameter?" Oh, the horror! Not the couplets! These prophecies and chapterly haikus are slowly convincing me this whole series was an excuse for Rick Riordan to stretch his poetry-writing muscles.
"We will parse our doom later" PARSE (v.): analyze (a sentence) into its parts and describe their syntactic roles / examine or analyze minutely
"It kept me from thinking too much about the lines of the Dark Prophecy." Ay, he said the thing!
"I redesigned him so he's like a Lego kit, built for quick assembly!" Thank-freaking-goodness! He knows Festus is gonna get crunched, so he plans ahead!
"dissolving them into light. Could a quasi-deity such as Commodus do something like that to himself?" We haven't seen much of any of the Triumvirate's godly powers yet. This could be one. I'd be surprised if he died so easily. Anyway, important thing is that the triple-threat battle is still possible!
Hey, wait, why aren't Hades, Persephone, or Thanatos on the Triumvirate's case yet? They're escaped souls! I know we've established that souls escape all the time, but this should be pretty high on the ghost-wrangling list!
"Their bodies desiccate when their spirits pass on" DESICCATE (v.): remove the moisture from (something); cause to become completely dry "Heloise's body crumbled to dust." Okay, so it was just holding together for the funeral. Maybe that means she'll regenerate eventually? Let me cling onto that hope.
"Made this for you. You can take it with you when you go away." Noooo I just know they're gonna pull at our heartstrings with this little doll later down the line.
"if you ever want to talk--" "No, I'm good." Mood.
"Yet I could no longer feel annoyed with her for giving up my gift of divinity." Yeahhhhhh he's understanding
"hide his bald pate." Probably means head or scalp. PATE (n.): a person's head
"What of the Dark Prophecy?" Did everyone just unanimously agree to call it the Dark Prophecy? Do they all just hate it because it's too long?
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Please excuse me for being the biggest Banshee simp :,))) Could it be fluff? or a little sus it doesn’t matter bdhfhv (I’m gonna say that its a pre-established relationship bc 👉👈)
Anyways- Its late at night at the tower and I’m sitting at his shop and telling him stories about funny stuff that happened in gambit as he tinkers with weapons. He gets frustrated with the thing hes working on so we go outside and end up cuddling (just being affectionate in general bc i just want to kiss his little forehead bdhdjv 😭) as we watch the city from the tower.
Thank you so much!! I really hope this is good, and please take your time <3!!! (Also bestie- if you simp for anyone I’ll gladly write little stories like this for you. I promise I won’t judge >:))
WELL WELL WELL....I get why you're simping for Banshee tho, he is adorable. But thank you for giving me a scenery! I'll see what i can come up with on this one! ^^
Btw...you are a Guardian in this one if that's okay! No class is specified so feel free to just think of what class you are and i forgot to put it in but you're also not wearing a helmet.
This one turned out pretty good for my standards, i hope you enjoy it!! <3
Genderfluid!Reader x Banshee-44
It has been a long day for you, filled with awesome and nerve wrecking events. You are a Guardian who just got done with their tasks right at the end of the day as you now found yourself at the shop of your beloved gunsmith Banshee-44. You two have been together even before the Red War, when the Black Garden still decided to cause some drama. But speaking of the present you are now finding yourself sitting at the back of the small shop and tell your Exo boyfriend all about what happened in Gambit today and your chat with The Drifter all the while Banshee was tinkering with an Auto Rifle that has been jammed (up) in multiple ways and is hard to fix - even with his knowledge.
He was trying to give you all of his attention, he really was but this damn rifle kept on causing problems so he had to speak up "(Name), I am sorry for having to say this but i have to concentrate on this weapon right now so if you could give me a minute of silence that'd be really of use." and you gladly obeyed. You knew his job was causing him problems sometimes AND the thing with his memories just keep on adding up to that so you decided to just silently sit there and watch him do what he is best at.
While you were - by now - cleaning your own Hand Cannon you heard him grunt as the sound of something heavy hitting the metal surface of a counter had followed close behind. With a concerned expression you stood up from your current position on the chair and walked up to him, seeing him clearly distressed and annoyed by this stupid rifle that some Guardian managed to jam up so hard even the Gunsmith couldn't properly fix it. "Are you feeling alright? Would you like to take a break, Banshee?" you asked while laying a gloved hand on his shoulder. He was looming over the rifle with his hands placed at the edge of the counter, leaning on it with his full weight as he was just looking down on it and tried to think of a way to finally get it to work again like it should. Noticing how deep he was rummishing in his mind to get a solution, you decided to wrap your arms around his torse from behind, laying your head on his shoulder that you previously grabbed before you grumbled. That brought him back to reality as he finally answered "W-what were you saying? I didn't hear it, I was thinking..sorry" , "You should take a break, Banshee. If this rifle causes you too much stress then you have to clear your head even for just a minute." you muffled against his neck and he went silent. It took a minute or two before he rose his head and looked at you rather confused, "What did you say? I forgot...memory problems and all" was all he managed to say as you scoffed and let go of him before grabbing his hand. "Follow me" was what you said before leading him out of the shop and to a secured spot where no one usually went.
It was late...pretty late with the stars floating in the sky, illuminating it. While the City down below was glowing with lights, showing it's beauty at night all while the Traveler was right in the middle, big and shiny. As you and Banshee were looking at the view you pointed out the various Ghosts flying around near the Traveler, "They are probably still looking for their Guardians" Banshee said as he acknowledged the view in front of him, but nothing compared to you nonetheless. Speaking of you, Banshee couldn't resist the urge to look at you, seeing you illuminated by the glow of the Traveler and the moon just took his breath away (even if he doesn't really need to breathe). He was glad that he agreed to the date all those moons ago, he was happy to now call you his. You know...you always caught his attention when you were striding through the Tower, talking to your Ghost about various topics.
He was lost in his thoughts again and you had to chuckle as soon as you noticed it, which..well flustered him so he looked away. "You are easy to fluster, even with that stern expression of yours" you said as you raised your hand to touch one of his antenna to which he crossed his arms and huffed, "You just know what to say and do" was the answer you got while his optics flickered from the view to you and back. It was amusing to see such a calm and collected Exo get flustered that easy just by one move. He only gets that flustered when you two are alone though.
While you lightly touched the antenna at the back of his head it twitched, which made you chuckle so you kept on doing it. Seeing how much fun you had with just his antenna, made Banshee turn off his optics - like he was simulating to close his eyes - and slightly lower his head.
As you realised how happy this Exo actually made you, you decided to surpise him with a big bear hug. He was startled by your sudden action and had his mouth plates hang open while his arms were raised. "I love you Banshee" is all he had heard because you whispered it as you clung to him, "I love you too..(Name)" he answered as he slowly wrapped his arms around your back and held you close. After a minute or two he decided to lay his head on your shoulder and sighed while you gentle stroked his back.
The silence between you two was comfortable. It was all he ever wanted in his live as an Exo, a person he could love and hold close to him like he had you, getting loved and appreciated like you did. Honestly you - specifically you - was all he ever wanted in his existence and now that he got you, he was finally able to relax and get really comfortable. (He really loves you)
With a kiss to the side of his head from you he practically melted in your touch. You had to smile at his reaction while you raised a hand to place at the back of his head, gently stroking the plate there with your thumb. He hummed in response and wrapped his arms around you a bit tighter, signaling to you to that he appreciates it.
Your Ghost suddely appeared and floated around you both, chirping in response to the wholesome scenery infront of it before nuzzling against your shoulder and just staying there.
This moment sure was one of the best you ever had, here at the beautiful night view from the Tower of the Last City with your beloved gunsmith in your arms. "Did i already tell you that I love you..?" is what broke the silence between you two by the low voice of Banshee-44 to which you had to laugh and say "Yes you did sweetheart but I love you too!" and with another kiss to his cheek you had him softly chuckling aswell.
Yep, you never wanted this moment to end.
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The Reaper and The Death Angel Part 37
I've got covid and I feel like death. However, if I don't write, I'll do nothing all day long and it's the only thing taking my mind off how I feel. Please enjoy!
Part 36
Series Masterlist
Contains: Fluff, angst, violence, canon typical misogyny, smut (oral sex F receiving, fingering, P in V)
7.K Words
Comment if you wanted to be tagged or follow #the reaper and the death angel
Home again, home again, jiggety jig.
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"Oh Herman, you're gonna want to hear what I just found out."
Holt came screaming around the corner with the stack of faxed papers in his hands, waving it with a strange look on his face, "you sure?"
You nodded, "yep, positive. I've got to have this phone call then I'll be in to go over my theory."
"Sorry about that. I just crossed referenced some things, the developer Hale is trying to get into Charming is a serial arsonist or is hiring one, to burn down buildings so he can buy then at a lower price. So far all the fires have been in Oakland but it's only a matter of time before it happens here."
"Shit, I'll have Miles and Phill go to Lumpy's make sure nothing goes wrong, thanks for letting us know so soon."
You could hear him yelling orders in the background, "I've got some Anvil guys to go down there as well, we can never be too sure. What happened to Shepard?"
"He bailed, dude had the heart of a bird that was scared of its own shadow."
It wasn't a surprise, "alright friend, I've got to head back to work but I've faxed all the details to you. I'm going to see if there's someone in Oakland who will lend me their ear."
Kozik chuckled, "who you got in mind wonder woman?
"Damon Pope."
"The IRA already put out a kill order."
Stahl huffed, "if you want to get reduced time for the Club you need to try harder."
Jax hung up, as he walked up the stairs, Maureen came down them, "I'm not sorry about Trinity, but I'm really glad you told her."
She waved her hand, "you did the right thing Jax, thank you."
He pulled her into his arms, "I've got something you boys might want to see." They walked into the inn and Maureen handed them an address, she didn't know what it was for but she hoped it would help them find Jimmy.
When they showed up, they found Sean Casey dead and a stack of paperwork that put Jimmy squarely in the Russian's pocket. When Happy found Casey's teeth at his feet Chibs was rushing off to find his family while someone called Juice.
Sam went over the strewn about files, "Putlova? He's in Norcal, right?"
Clay picked up the bit of paper, "yeah, he is. Call Tig see what he can find out. Remind me again what your sister's guy came up with?"
Sam shrugged, "standard Russian Mafia stuff, they own strip clubs and brothels throughout the state. They have a small gun-running business but nothing close to what the Irish have. Nothing she found was of much help past that."
Clay nodded, "get some of this Cyrillic to her, see if she can translate it before we find Jimmy."
Sam was halfway to dialing you, "already done, it will take her five minutes tops."
"Hey little brother, how can I help?"
You could hear the shuffle of papers, "I just sent you some photos, can you tell me what's going on?"
You huffed, "that was a silly question."
The photos came through on the Anvil app seconds later, "it's the names of shell companies, four to be exact. One is shipping, one is moving and packing specifically for large shipping containers, one is trucking and the other is load security. I'll send you the names but it looks like they're all California companies."
"You are a life saver, we owe you so hard." He hung up after a very quick goodbye, "Clay, y/n came through. I've got something."
You straightened your lab coat one last time before walking into the building, "hello miss, how can I help you today?"
You smiled warmly, "I'm Dr y/n, I need to see Mr Pope. Please tell him I'm here about some fires in a handful of low income properties in one of his neighbourhoods, I'm not with the cops, I'm just a concerned citizen."
She smiled, "he's very busy but I'll see what I can do, have a seat right over there."
Half an hour later, you were being called into his office, "hello Dr l/n, how can I help you today?"
You smiled and accepted his extended hand, "you don't remember me do you?" He tilted his head, "we were at a funeral for a little girl, Heather Willams, she went missing, I was the one who identified her."
He nodded softly, "I do remember you, you came with all the staff from the lab where her body was being held."
"Yes, fortunately, I'm not here about dead children today. Have you heard of a Mr Mason Tutler?"
He squinted and picked up his office phone, "yeah Jenny, send August in, please." About a minute later, a tall man in a grey suit walked in.
"What do you want with Mr Tutler?"
It sounded like he didn't like the man, "I believe he's responsible for fires that took the lives of people in your old neighbourhood. I have all the proof I need to send him to prison for the rest of his life but I can't go to Charming PD because all the fires happened in Oakland. I also know that some of the fires happened in buildings you were going to buy so you have every reason to want this man behind bars."
"What's in this for you?"
You turned to August, "this man he's working with is Charming's main developer Jacob Hale, who almost hired a Neo-Nazi to beat a holocaust survivor. You can understand that I don't want fires catching at home." Pope smiled, it was hard to tell if it was false.
"Let me call a detective I know and we'll go over this together. Are you here because of that huge warehouse fire, last I heard it was a drug cook gone wrong?"
You shook your head, "nope, had our machines not picked up on the minute traces of accelerant, it would have been ruled that way but it was there. I had someone I know and trust look into other fires in buildings Mr Tutler owned or was interested in and found the same thing."
The defective arrived much faster than you expected, "Dr l/n has something I'm sure will interest you."
You went over the information, pausing to answer questions and give more details. The detective looked over the photos of the burn patterns, "why do you think he's done this?"
"Personally, I think he loves money but if I was to go with what I'd say in court? He chooses properties that are either owned by small businesses or ones slated for low income and subsidised housing. My guess he's using the tax breaks and government handouts to fill his pockets while using poor buildinng materials and cheap labour. The rest of the money goes into his pockets.
"Well this is… I can arrest him the moment I leave with all of this. Can you fax the lab reports to me in organised crime and I'll file them with the arrest paperwork?"
You nodded, "done."
Pope locked his fingers together, he looked like someone out of the Godfather, "what do you really get out of this?"
You smiled, "I told you, justice for the six burnt bodies I had to wade through over the last few days. However, if you feel like you owe me something, you don't."
"At least let us pass your name on to the people affected, I'm sure their lawyers would want to know this before he hits the courts."
You shrugged, "if you want to do something, make sure you find a link to Jacob Hale. He'll do this to my neighbourhood if given a chance and I can't let that happen."
Pope nodded, "that's all you want?"
"Yep, I have no motives other than bad people getting what's coming to them. What happened to Heather's killer tells me you want the same thing."
He looked at August then gave you a half smile, "you are an impressive young woman. Here's my card, if you have anything else you want to discuss please don't hesitate to call."
You took the business card from him, "thank you, Mr Pope, August, the offer goes the same way. I'm sure the kids you buy ice creams for would love a tour of my museum."
"Are we any closer with a location?" Clay shook his head, "nothing panned out, can your sister do some more digging?"
Sam nodded, "I'll talk to her but she's swamped with a problem with Hale, something about a dirty developer."
Clay didn't look impressed, "leave her to that, we can have him growing another head while we're here."
Before the others could suggest something, the priest showed up. "We have word on Jimmy, we think he's about to board a Russian plane back to the states, I think I've managed to convince the Kings to allow you to handle it but they still need to decide. The moment they come back with their decision, you have to move."
They shared a look, "get us his location and we'll do it."
Jax turned towards Sam, "call Russo, tell him we'll be leaving soon." Sam was already on the phone by the time Jax was done talking.
"I will be back with news soon."
The priest left and there was silence in his wake, "he can't get out of the country."
Juice was understandable upset, "we know, we'll get to him in time." It took an hour before the kings came back with their decision.
"One of Jimmy's soldiers gave up his location, you are to follow your task then leave Ireland, we will be in touch when you land back in the states." They raced off as soon as they were allowed to, heading to the address that they were given.
It was an aeroplane hanger, the wheat fields around it were damp with the rain and they could smell the farms in the distance. As they drove up, they could hear people moving around, Jimmy voice was clear, along with a handful of thick Russian accents.
Clay put his finger to his lips as the others pulled their guns. They rounded the corner and the men stopped still for the briefest of moments before drawing their guns and firing, the Sons returning with their own bullets.
"Get him into the plane." There was a rush of bodies and the rage of the muzzle flashed as they loaded Jimmy into the plane, the Sons were pinned down by heavy fire as the pilot started pulling out of the hanger, as Sam raised his gun to aim at the plane, Jax pulled him back, they couldn't focus on Jimmy now.
Jax turned around to see Happy clutching his arm, yelling over the gunfire, "you right brother?"
Happy cursed again, "it's just a graze."
Jax nodded, "we need to get out of here." They retreated slowly, at this point the small Russian force was on the back foot and got onto their bikes.
As they pulled into the safety of the road, they watched the plane climb into the sky.
You were driving down the highway with Ima and Abel in tow, the stars had just starting to come over the sky. "Is there a reason you were asking Cindy about her design business?"
You nodded, "yeah, Anvil's looking to do some more high-end stuff, including luxury boat rides for their wealthy clients who want to party in safety and style. I saw some of her stuff and thought she'd be a good fit. Billy's sent her the contract just before I left."
"Wow, that soon?"
She seemed very surprised, "yep I own a large amount of the company, Billy trusts me."
She smiled softly, "when does their Oakland field office open?"
Abel was babbling along, doing his best to contribute, "two weeks, I wanted to ask Jax if he wants to come to the opening party but he's got so much going on right now."
Ima shrugged, "I'm sure he'd love to go, it's only one night." She took out her phone as you stopped at the lights, a car pulled up behind you, close enough that it was rude. Out of habit, you checked that all the doors were locked, they were. Your ears pricked as you heard the doors of the other car open, you looked in the rearview mirror to see two men with guns on their hips getting out.
"Act natural, someone's about to try and carjack us. This thing's a tank, they'd need a bomb to get into it so we're just going to sit here, call the cops."
Knock knock
One of the men was standing at your window, "can I help you sir?"
He was doing his best to act normal, "yeah, we're really lost. Can you point us to Charming?"
You gestured behind you, "you're on the right track, keep following his road then turn left and you'll be there. Is there anything else I can help you with?" Ima was on the phone, you could hear Hale saying he was on his way.
You got out your phone and snapped a picture with the flash on, "sir, if you're going to try and rob us it's not going to work. This thing is a tank, did Jacob Hale send you?" His eyes went wide as he looked to the other man, Ima was keeping herself together.
"My child is in the car, I will not hesitate to kill you if you put him or my passenger in danger. I have your faces, leave now and this stays between us."
He went to pull his gun but you were faster, "not a good idea, I've killed far more men than you, would you like to test me?" His friend checked Ima's door, "they're all locked, you can check all of them if you want." Another car pulled, and they turned their heads.
"Keep driving." But the driver didn't move at the sight of the gun, and with the opening of the door, Hale and two of his deputies we getting out.
"Put the guns down." They went to run but you opened the door on one of the men, the shock of the heavy thing hitting him stunned him enough that he hit the ground. He took one look at your gun in his face and put his hand up.
"Move and you die." The other man was frozen to the spot as Hale put him in cuffs, something about the way he looked at Ima, you imagine his smug smile set her off and she was coming out of the car. The deputy holding the man was shocked enough that he didn't react right away, then Ima's fist flew at his face.
"You fucking asshole, my nephew's in the car." Hale made no move to stop her as her knee met his crotch as he flopped over, it was only after her shoe met his face did someone pull her away.
"Shit Ima, you know how to hit a guy."
She smiled, "it's been a long week, I really wanted to hit something."
You held up a finger to signal to the deputies to stay where they were, "I've sent their photos off to a friend of mine, she's going to get back to me in ten minutes. That's the time you have to come clean or I'm going to ask Charming PD to add child endearment to your rap sheet, I'm sure that will make jail fun."
"It was his brother, but he just wanted us to scare you, I swear."
David walked off and the men were loaded into the back of the car, "David, do nothing, we have no proof."
He swallowed, "I'll keep them away from the phones, I hope you know what you're doing."
You climbed back into the car and drove away, "you good?"
She nodded and looked behind her, "he has no idea what just happened."
You smiled, "I think we should head home and eat ice cream on the couch."
"Good idea."
"We know that Jimmy is heading back to Northan California with the Russians. You'll only have a small window to get to him, we need you to kill him." This flip-flopping was really starting to get to them. They shared an unimpressed look, "it's come with rewards, a massive expansion to your gun business."
Clay put a cigar in his mouth, "if you do this, we'll give you access to our full arsenal. AR-Fifteens, MP5s, RPGs, everything. Plus all of Jimmy's contacts in the Western US. It means putting up more charters, creating more alliances. You think The Reaper is up to that challenge?"
Clay nodded, "yeah, I think we can help you out."
There was a knock on the door, it was Juice with their bags, "time to go guys." They left soon after, waiting at the hangar for the plane to arrive, just before they boarded, Jax got a phone call.
"Hey Darlin, we're just about to fly home. Is everything ok?" It struck him as strange, you would be at work right now, there's no way you call outside one of your breaks.
"Jacob Hale just tried to have me killed, while Abel and Ima were in the car."
Jax took a sharp breath, "is everyone ok?"
He was starting to shake, "we're all fine. One of the guys said that he was just sent to scare me but when David went through his phone they found the opposite, it was a paid for hit."
"We're getting on the plane now, we'll be home by the time you wake up in the morning."
You could hear the fear and anger in the voice, "we'll meet you there. We're ok, I promise."
Billy laid a hand on your leg, "they'll be here in twenty minutes, stop worrying."
You bounced your leg anyway, "this is the second time something almost happened to Abel on my watch, what kind of mother puts their child in that much danger."
Billy shook his head, "you had him in a bomb proof car in the car seats that are rated to be used for high ranking government staff, nothing was going to happen to him. Ima is fine and Hale is probably going to prison. Stop worrying, that's on order."
You chuckled, "me not worrying? You don't know me very well."
He shook his head, "go inside and play with Abel, I'll wait out here." Billy came to get you just as their bikes pulled up.
You raced up to Jax and he all but lifted you into the air, "I miss you so much Darlin."
You rubbed your nose with his, "I missed you too." Billy handed him Abel, who lifted his little hands and tugged on Jax's beard.
"I missed you too little man." Before the reunion could continue, Clay got a call. The call was short, Clay spoke very little and seemed unimpressed, he almost crushed his phone as he hung up. "That was Arizona, they'll be here in two days. They're working closely with the Mayans charter in Santo Padre and want to talk about a bigger cut if we start selling them more guns."
Jax huffed and his head dropped against your shoulder, "the work never ends."
You shook your head, "no it doesn't."
Sam cleared his throat, "I'm here too."
You rolled your eyes at him, "yeah well, you smell like a foot so I'm not hugging you until you've had a shower."
He laughed and pulled you away from Jax, hugging you so hard that your face was pushed into his chest, "I missed your too sis."
Jax and Sam slept the whole day and into the night when they got home, Jax only waking up when Abel wouldn't stop crying. "You feeling better now?"
He shrugged, "still a little jet lagged but I'm happy to be home, have you heard anymore about Hale?"
You nodded, "yep, they're drawing up the warrant now."
"I don't want you leaving the house without protection. We have church, then I'll be home."
You went to protest but Jax put a firm hand on your shoulder, "I almost lost you and Abel twice in as many months, I know you can look after yourself and I know you'll do anything to protect our son but please do it for me."
You smiled softly, "alright, are you going to tell Kip about his patch today?"
Jax chuckled and buried his head in your neck, "yep. I love the fact that a local politician is trying to kill you and you're thinking of someone else." His hand came up to put a strand of hair behind your ear.
"We'll be home for a late dinner but don't wait up if you're tired."
You nodded and Jax pressed a firm kiss to your lips, "can you give us everything you have on Hale and his buddies?"
You walked to the bench and handed him a thick file, "that's everything, but Penelope is expecting your call, I've put her number at the top."
Thank Darlin, I love you."
"Love you too."
"Take off the kutte." Kip's eyes went wide as he pulled the leather off his back, "put in on the table." He placed it in front of Chibs, who sliced off the prospect patch. Just as he was about to walk out, the table burst out into cheers and the other rockers were placed on the now blank kutte.
"Welcome to SAMCRO Sack." He sat down next to Chibs and they started to go over the events of the last few days.
"I didn't know y/n's guy was actually a woman."
Sam smiled, "Derek Morgan, the tall black guy setting up Anvil's Oakland office, is her husband. She's the biggest ray of sunshine on the planet."
"Y/n said she talked to some Oakland hot shot about Mason Tutler. From what she said we won't need to worry about him after this guy gets to him."
Kozik shook his head, "you old lady is one scary chick."
Jax smiled, "I know, who did she talk to?"
"Damon Pope, apparently he used to be a shot caller for the gangs in Oakland, he still helps with The Niners, but now he's a community leader. She told me he had a child molester who she helped put away get killed inside."
Sam huffed, "I like this guy already."
Jax tilted his head, "was that the Heather Willams case? I remember when she read about the guy's death in the paper. She said she thought someone at the funeral might have been responsible but she didn't go into it."
"If she thinks it's him she won't say anything to us, she would have said something to him though."
Juice flipped through the paper in the files, "I'll call Penelope, we'll see it she has anything else to say."
"Hello gentlemen, y/n told me you'd be calling."
She did sound like a ray of sunshine, "what can you tell us about this developer?"
There was the clanking of keys, "nothing now, he's dead. Killed by a tenth street killer gang member four hours ago. The killer said his little sister was burnt in a fire in a building he owned, said he saw him and couldn't contain himself."
Someone huffed, "wow, this Pope guy really comes through. What about Hale?"
Penelope tutted, "we have enough of a paper trail to put him in prison for the rest of his life. He'll have to pull out as mayor now. Can I help you with anything else?"
Clay shook his head, "no thanks, you've been a huge help."
"It's nothing, I hope to see Jackson at Anvil's opening party in two weeks. Call me whenever you need a hand." Jax blinked in confusion, you have never mentioned the party to him.
"What's next?"
Sam rubbed his face, "we've reached out to the Russian but we're still waiting to hear back, other than that, there's nothing to report."
Clay slammed the Gavel, "head home guys. Arizona will be here early in the morning but they won't be here for long. I know we've got a lot going on but this could be big for us so I expect everyone to be on their best behaviour."
Jax pulled you into his arms, "hey." You walked him to the kitchen and handed him a ladle, "we're just about to sit down for dinner, help yourself."
Jax piled his plate high and sat down, "did I hear right that you kicked one of the guys in the calls?"
Ima nodded, "yep, he deserved it. What should Jax wear to the Anvil party?"
Your eyes went wide, "umm, it's doesn't matter, there's so much going and I can guarantee it won't be any fun."
Jax waved his hand, "I want to go, this has been in the works for months."
You rolled your eyes, "a three piece suit, sorry."
Jax smiled, "done, I can't wait to see your dress."
The conversation went on late into the night, "I beat, I'm heading to bed. They're letting me back in the lab tomorrow but only if Hale's arrested. I'll be at the Clubhouse for when Arizona shows up."
Jax walked into the bedroom soon after you, "I'm really sorry all this is happening."
You shrugged, "this is nothing Jax. When I was overseas, the biggest bounty on my head was forty million US dollars, I get offended if someone isn't trying to kill me."
Jax chuckled, "your grandfather would be proud, a Neo-Nazi wants you dead."
You smiled softly, "yeah he would be. I miss him so much sometimes. He didn't care I'm into women, I brought a girlfriend to the house expecting him and my grandmother to never speak to me again but he hugged her and said that the only thing that mattered was that I was happy."
"I'm sorry I never got to meet him."
You dropped your forehead onto his chest, "he would have loved you, probably would have asked you to help him with one of his old cars."
Jax pulled you into his arms, "let's hit the hay, it's been a long week."
"Good idea, good night beloved."
"Good night Darlin, I love you."
The pounding on the bedroom door woke you up, "aah, what?"
Sam pushed and the door flew open, seconds later the newspaper was being thrown and your head, "read it." Sam yelled it as he walked away, Jax was looking around bleary eyed.
"What was that?" You showed him the front page.
"Trouble in paradise, how Jacob Hale might spend the rest of his life inside."
"Shit, you going to work today?"
You nodded, "yeah, I'll have David come to the lab to take my statement, I'll be at the Clubhouse just after five."
Jax smiled, "are you forgetting something?" You tilted your head then it hit you, so you leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek.
"Good morning beloved."
"Ahh, a Mr Pope with a handful of tiny humans at the door for you."
You smiled, "send them in, they're here for the tour." Seconds later, Pope and a group of ten children arrived, "Hello everyone, when I offered Mr Pope some tours for his friends, I didn't think he would act so soon. Where would everyone like to start?"
All the hands went up, "can we start with the Dinosaurs?"
"Of course we can." Pope walked next to you while you showed the kids around, "I hope that young man has a good lawyer, temporary emotional distress is a valid defence."
Pope nodded, "don't worry, he'll be taken care of. All these kids lost their homes, we're helping but I figured they enjoy a break."
You nodded, "this is the best part of my job, I need it just as much as they do."
He smiled, "yeah, I get that. Thank you for bringing up the issue that started all of this. August and I do our best to keep the neighbourhood safe but with guys like this, sometimes they slip through the cracks."
The tour finished just after three, Pope pulled you aside as the kids were getting their faces painted by Angela and her intern, "my offer still stands, if you ever need anything, please call. I think we could do a lot of good together."
"Thank you Mr Pope, I can say the same thing for you. You have my numbers."
You put on a simple outfit for the Club party, jeans and a nice button up black top with sheer sleeves and a mesh back that showed off your crow. Jax walked over to you as you got out of the car, Arizona was already there, milling around the compound.
"Hey, how was your day?"
You shrugged, "good, I'm halfway through a case and I got to give some kids from Oakland a tour. Have you heard anymore about Hale?"
Jax nodded, "he's been at the station all day, it looks like he's going to plead to a lesser charge but it's hard to say."
The sight of Billy's car pulled your attention away, "did you call him?"
Jax shook his head, "nope, did you?"
You waved to your friend, "nope, he must be here about the field office." Sure enough, Billy spoke to Sam and Jax about T-M doing the vehicle maintenance for Anvil.
"It's pretty simple, you send your guys our way, we train them for a week at our expense and then they do all our cars. You don't all have to come all at once but we'd like it if you all did the training."
Jax tilted his head, "why didn't you bring this to Clay?"
Billy was blunt, "because y/n didn't endorse him. You guys can handle it, I'm sure Gemma will be fine doing to programing. I have no problem telling Clay why."
Billy actually waved Clay over to speak to him, "while you do own this business, I like to work with people I know well and I know these two far better than I know you. I'm sure the two million dollar advance, the free top notch training and this massive contact make up for the fact that I brought this to you step-son and not you?"
Clay nodded, "I get it, you know these guys and you don't know me. I'm grateful we chose us. Stay tonight, drinks are on us."
Billy looked over at you, "why not, free booze is free booze."
The night was fun until the party really started, the man who caused problems for you last time Arizona was here was still in the Club, even if no one liked him. You were talking to Billy and Jax when you saw the man talking to the new Arizona prospect, and then he was coming up to you.
"You still with Teller."
You drew back away from him, "do I know you?"
He crossed his arms, "I asked you a question, are you still with Teller?"
You nodded, "yes, why do you want to know?" He was acting like Jax wasn't even there, when he went to intervene, you put your hand up.
"I don't appreciate your attitude. As you can see, I'm still with Jackson, why do you want to know?"
He was getting pissed off and you had no idea why, "because you're a bitch." Your eyes went wide, Billy had moved in front of Jax so he couldn't do anything.
"Can I help you or are you just going to insult me?"
He huffed and turned to Jax, "you shouldn't have an old lady that everyone hates."
Billy was working to keep Jax at bay. "How about this, I go around and ask everyone how they feel and say you told me no one likes me."
He looked like he didn't want that, "you really love the sound of your own voice, don't you." You looked behind him and the other member was watching on, "walk away dude, if you have a problem with me, take it up with Clay." He went to walk away but when he met the eye of the Arizona man, he turned around and slapped you across the face.
Billy put all his weight into stopping Jax from moving and the Clubhouse went silent. You looked the prospect in the eye and started to talk, "who put you up to this? No prosepct in their right mind would hit the old lady of the mother charter's VP. Was it your friend behind you?" He looked behind him and did his best to backtrack but you were walking past him and standing in front of the man.
"Don't bother lying, was it you?"
He sneered, "yeah it was, you need to learn your place."
You smiled, "don't be a coward sir. If you want to hit me, let's put on gloves and head to the ring now. I'll sweeten the deal, we do two ten-minute rounds, MMA, and if you win, I'll never come to a party while you're here again."
He crossed his arms over his chest, "fine but no tapping out, until we're pulled apart, it doesn't stop."
You stuck your hand out, "done."
Jax was shifting from foot to foot, "what is she thinking?"
Billy smiled, "she's thinking she wants to beat a man to death tonight. This has happened before and she almost killed him. It's going to end every bad for him." You walked up to them, having dressed in clothes from your car and gotten tap and MMA gloves from your trunk and handed the tap to Billy.
"Please don't kill him, it would be bad for business."
You smiled, "I'm not going to kill him, I can't say if he'll ever ride again when I'm done with him." With the tapping done and your gloves on, you stepped into the ring.
Bobby came between you two, "now, you've agreed among yourselves the rules. But we don't want any problems so no cheap shots." Put placed your glove out for him to touch but he ignored it. Billy leaned in with a sadist smile on his face and it started.
The man didn't stand a chance, after one well placed hit to his jaw he was stunned and couldn't recover. They watched on as he took hit after hit after hit. His face was soon bloody, and he could bearly stand up.
"Are you thinking this is hot or scary?"
Jax couldn't take his eyes off you, "both. Oh fuck." He shrank into his skin when you placed a well aimed kick to the man's knees, the crack noise filling the air and the man hit the mat. You were on top of him within seconds, shoving his hand away from you while you pummeled his face.
Jax noticed you were holding the man's head off the canvas by his hair and he can recall when Sam told him that most of the damage from punching someone came from hitting them against a hard surface. You were pulled off him spitting mad when he went limp, Billy and Jax jumping in when Bobby was struggling to keep you back.
"I'm not fucking finished."
Jax held you tighter, "yes you are. It's done, look at him." He was still motionless on the mat, you shrugged Jax off you and walked up the Armando who was watching with Clay.
"Do you have a problem with me?"
He put his hands in the air, "no ma'am, he made his bed and now he needs to lay in it. I'm going to have a serious talk with my men about respect. I've always liked you, so do the other guys, I'm sorry this happened."
You nodded, "great, if it does happen again, you'll be the one bleeding on the mat."
You looked at Jax and put a still tapped hand out, "what to help me clean up?"
Jax smirked, "sure Darlin." You took his hand in yours and walked to his old dorm. Before you could blink, Jax was slamming the door and pushing you against it.
"That was so fucking hot, I swear to God, I've never seen something so sexy in my life."
You smiled, "I wanted to kill him, I could have too, if I could have gotten away with it."
Jax had Sam's voice ringing in his head, "it means the death angel."
"I would have let you." He pulled away and looked at your cheek, "you ok?"
You nodded, "I'm fine, it won't even bruise."
He took your hands in his and unwrapped them. "Now that that's taken care of."
Your back was against the door as he leaned in to kiss you, it was firm and you could feel his teeth meet your lower lip. "You want this?"
You nipped his lip, "yep, nothing better than sex after vanquishing a foe."
Jax smiled and ripped your top off, then yanked your pants down your legs for you to kick them off. He shoved you against the door again, then pulled you away and pushed you into the bed.
He was on top of you within seconds, smirking down at you like he was going to unhinge his jaw and eat you. "I can't believe you're mine. I am the luckiest man in the world."
He kissed you like you had the last breath on the planet in your lungs. Then he was pulling his own clothes off while you ran your hands over his firm torso. "See something you like?"
You bit your lower lip, "every fucking day." He yanked you to the edge of the end and dropped to his knees, lifting you towards him as he buried his face into your core.
"You taste like heaven."
You pushed his face towards you, "less talking more action." You felt him smile against you as his tongue darted out to lick your clit. His beard was scratching your skin as he slid two of his thick fingers inside you, "oh my God, more please." Jax chuckled and sucked your clit into his mouth, his other hand gripping your leg firmly enough for you to bruise.
"Jax, I'm close." He doubled down, adding a third finger before crooking them and rubbing your G-spot. "Ah fuck." You clenched around him as Jax used his forearm to stop your hips from bucking, Jax pulled away before the orgasm ended, making your groan in frustration.
"You're being a dick." He smirked and wiped his face with his hand, spreading your legs as wide as he could before stepping between them and lining himself up with your entrance.
"Please." Jax nodded and slid inside you in one hard thrust, setting a rough pace that made you hold onto the sheets so you weren't shoved up the bed
"Tell me you mine."
You smiled and ran a hand up his chest and to his face, Jax leaning down to kiss you, "I'm yours."
Jax grunted against your lips as his hips slammed into yours, "I love you so much."
His hand went to rub your clit while he lifted your lower half off the bed with the other. "I love you too." Jax grunted again, his knees shaking a little.
"Jax please." He smirked and rubbed your clit faster as you squeezed around him, then he was pulsing inside you and falling onto your chest. "That was amazing, but I need a shower."
He laughed and took a deep breath against your skin, "really? I think you smell amazing." You shook your head.
"I stink and I'm pretty sure I have blood on me."
He smiled again, holding you tight so you couldn't get up, "Jackson, let me go or I will bite you."
Jax shook his head, "you say that like it's a bad thing."
You laughed and nipped his shoulder, "will you let me up if I let you join me?" He smirked, "of course Darlin, I was waiting for you to ask."
You shook your head, "you're insufferable."
After your shower, Jax drove you home and now you were sitting in bed in his lap while he ran his fingers over your bruised knuckles. "I'm really sorry that happened to you, I should have stepped in long before it got violent." You lifted his hand to your lips and pressed a kiss to his fingers.
"My brave knight, I wasn't going to let you and neither was Billy. I can handle myself."
He huffed, "I can see that, I don't think that guy's ever going to think about you again, let alone try and talk to you."
You turned over in his arms and buried your face in his chest, "I love you so much Jackson, I hope you know that."
He gave an affirmative grunt, "I know, I love you too."
You kissed him softly and you felt something prod at your tight, "really Jax, I'm not that hot."
Jax smiled and nuzzled his nose along yours, "bullshit, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen." He rolled on top of you and sucked on your neck while his hand moved down your body, just before it could slide into your pants, someone knocked on the door.
"You guys decent?"
It was Sam, "morally or am I currently in the middle of something? No to the first one, yes to the second."
He groaned behind the door, "you guys need to see this."
Jax climbed off of you and opened the door, Sam showing him a Fax.
"Jacob Hale, witness protection application."
Jax took the paper from Sam's hand, "what the fuck is this."
Sam shrugged, "looks like he turned on someone, David will be here tomorrow to talk to everyone about it."
You shook your head, "the bad guy never gets what he deserves, does he?"
Jax smiled sadly, "I'll fix this, I promise."
Part 38
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bellafragolina · 2 years
*crawls in through the 3rd story window*
To you and also the anon that gave us the idea of soulmates being linked through lifetimes, I would like you offer my undying devotion. That stuff is my jam!
And the thought that the boys remember, too - you can do so much with that! Are they the only ones who remember? Because if so, then Reader could be finally, blissfully unaware of how much their previous incarceration suffered. Hell, maybe it was even like, something the twins bargained with Arceus for, that their soulmate has a happier existence next go 'round; Arceus could have been like, "done and done, but also you two are gonna remember so you can help make your own request a reality."
Or does Reader remember, too? The extent of everyone's memories might be up for debate, but if Reader even remotely remembers their past life, they might be like a wary stray cat around them that the boys have to slowly befriend. (Childhood friends to eventual lovers, maybe?) Not nearly as bad as the last time, obviously, but more like a "hmmmm, not super comfortable around you just yet but I can't tell why" slow burn friendship kind of deal with the boys being utterly determined to win you over.
(As an aside, I thrive on platonic/familial/friendship soulmates, too, so I just imagine the twins are also continuously reincarnated together and have each other's and maybe Elesa's names on one another's non-romantic-soulmark wrists. Or. Wherever you want the marks to be.)
I read a fic once for a different fandom - and I wish I could find it again, alas! - where the cycle of reincarnation for soulmates kind of acted like Groundhog Day and kept going until everybody got their happy ending. Like, one life they missed each other and never met, the next they got separated and died, in the next one they wound up as rivals and hated one another, etc. It finally ended with them coming all the way back around to the very first life again (in modern times, because time shenanigans) and finally getting it right. I can 100% see Arceus pulling this shit with the twins and Reader.
"Y'all fucked up? Reincarnation jail for train men! Reincarnation jail for you three idiots for 100 lives!"
So picture the twins and Reader, going through a dumb number of lives, trying to get it right, and fiiiiiiiiinally getting back around to the first one, the one where Reader was a Plasma victim grunt, and everyone has a very weird sense of deja vu as they all meet for the "first time." Reader is tense and nervous, clearly expected something bad to happen, and the twins are anxious and feel like the moment has far more weight than it already should - like if they make one wrong move, they'll ruin everything.
Everyone just sort of stares at each other in tense silence for a long few minutes, until the twins slowly, carefully, reach out and take their soulmate's hands, smiling gently.
"It's nice to finally meet you."
Cut to tearful, happy first meetings leading to long roads with happy endings.
(Meanwhile, Arceus is just banging its head on a wall somewhere in exasperation. "ABOUT DAMN TIME!")
{I have more soulmate au ideas, including other forms the soul bonds could take - like dream sharing, or what-you-write-on-your-skin-shows-up-on-theirs - for various different scenarios, possibly even for each of their reincarnations. But I'll save those for a different ask if anyone is interested.}
I’m interested in all of your ideas please tell me them please!!
God, the idea of the twins remembering well what happened before, and being in an almost repeat of that previous life. You’re there, as you were but maybe with a different team this time, clearly uncomfortable and nervous as you show them your soulmate marks. There’s dread on your face, but also confusion as to why, and it breaks the twins’ hearts.
They’re so gentle. They touch you like you’re something precious, and give affection as you accept it, mindful of every bruise and scar you carry, physical or not. They’re determined to do better by you, and to give you the world. Comfort and happiness, that’s they’re priorities, and they don’t care what anyone else has to say about it.
And it gives former team members hope, seeing you rise above your past and find happiness with your soulmates.
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bi-bats · 10 months
asksender reporting for duty! 🫡
for the latest fic ask set: 5, 7, 8, and 15 please!!!
(also, please please take all the rest time you want/need!!! you gave us a Feast, now it is time for rest and recuperation 💕💕💕)
(i heard you say I can take as long as I need in one of your more recent ones, I just didn't internalize it which isn't your fault 💚)
technically the latest fic I had posted when I reblogged this was Scars and Stitches BUT right before that I posted What Are You Waiting For? which is FAR more interesting to me SO I'm answering for that one because rules are fake and I feel like it.
5. How do you decide how long your fics/chapters will be? Do you have a word count goal?
Ha. Ha! I don't decide anything. Do you all think I'm out here deciding that my next update for Know Yourself should be 18k words?? Of course not.
Here's how it goes: I tell any given chapter what I think should happen. The chapter says "hmmmm, maybe. We'll see." Then I beg the chapter to please please please please please not be over 10k words. It gives me a smile like it thinks I'm adorable for even asking when we both damn well know that the chapter will do whatever it wants, and what I want has nothing to do with it. And then either the chapter takes mercy on me (like it did in this fic) or it Does Not (like it is doing in Know Yourself).
7. What part of this fic/chapter was the most fun to write? 
Honestly, the whole first chapter. There's just something about the way it flows that I feel so good about 💚
8. Which line/paragraph are you most proud of? Why are you proud of this? 
But the strangest thing is how everyone believes Jason anyways. Just like that.  Then again, Dick is backing him up, so of course they believe him. Everyone believes Goldie, all of the time. He just flashes that gorgeous smile like a fucking master key, and Jason’s always been a tiny bit jealous that everyone else turned out so goddamn endearing.  Not that being intimidating doesn’t have its uses, but sometimes he can’t ignore how much easier certain things would be if his edges were just a little less sharp.
This whole section. I think it's just that this is one of those thoughts that Jason keeps to himself, even though he thinks it fairly often. It captures a part of Jason I rarely see represented, which is how he came back different and he feels different from the rest of the bats in a lot of ways that strain his relationship with them. (Also, I feel like this reads in his voice really well which is something I sometimes have a hard time feeling like I nailed.
15. What is one question you wish someone would ask you about this work? Ask it and answer it.
There is ALWAYS a question I want to be asked about fics, and it is what songs inspired them! I listen to so much music (Spotify wrapped outed me last year at 84k minutes of listening lmaoo) and I used to write to music a lot but I've been finding it distracting lately.
I still plot to music though, and each of my fics have playlists! I'm gonna link the spotify playlist for this fic here! Top recs from this playlist are:
Lately I haven't Been Sleeping
J's Lullaby
Thank you for reporting in for an ask!!! I always love seeing you in my inbox and I swear I get excited every time, I'm just bad at answering 😂
And re: your comment at the end, Thank You and everyone who reminded me to give myself room to rest! I don't want to burn out any more than anyone else wants me to burn out, and I appreciate the reminder!! Also preparing the feast was So Worth It, people are still (like literally at this moment I got one) sending in the LOVELIEST comments that are making my day every single time!!
Ily all!!! and Bean I'll see you in like five seconds for your Echo Wife ask I've been vibrating to answer 💖
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kittenpawscute · 2 years
Criminal Records
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Pairing: Belle Bottom x F!reader
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You were in Criminal records, working at the counter as usual since Nefario has been sick for the past week. While you were worried if you were gonna do fine considering it was always the two of you on busy days, soon the worries went away when you actually started. The customers were always polite enough to wait if you got stuck with another one which was a great help.
Both relief and exhaustion washed over you as the last customer left and you were able to just clean up and go home. While you were more then excited to finally go back to your apartment, you tried to stay behind to not lock Belle out. Considering she comes by at closing time to get paper work done. So taking your sweet time, you started cleaning the counter (even though it was mostly you zoning out). This only caused you to get more startled when a familiar pair of hands slammed on the counter, trapping you between it and the woman behind you. How did she even get in? The front door is the only one you unlocked and you would notice her coming in. Right? It was so quiet, the only thing filling in the silence being your quick breathing which slowly calmed down back to normal. After that, it was just painful silence. And the fact you didn't know what she's doing only made the panic set in. She was always keeping some space between you for as long as you knew her, so being this close to her was unusual, to say the least.
,,Is something wrong Belle?" Your question hang in the air, somehow managing to make you feel more awkward then before. Your only answer was her leaning her head on your shoulder and her hands moving from the counter to hug you from behind. Sending a warm feeling where her hands touched.
(A/N: ik I'm interrupting but TUMBRL DELETED SOME OF IT AGAIN so you could've had it at Nov 17 9:00, now you'll be having this idk know when)
,,Not anymore." A short answer followed by more silence. But a more comfortable one as you started enjoying the intimacy you two were sharing.
,,Has anyone been giving you trouble today?"
,,No, why?" You replied truthfully. Other then a jerk there and there, nothing really interesting happened. Well, up to a few minutes ago, at least.
,,No particular reason." Lies. You didn't know Belle longer then maybe a month or two, but anything she did, said or asked had a reason behind it. But deciding to let it go for now, you just let your body relax more into the warmth her body gave off.
,,Nefario finally gave me the keys so you don't have to wait up anymore. I'll be locking up tonight, Goodnight Y/N." Were the last words she spoke to you as she made her way to the office, leaving you there confused. If it was about her feelings or if it was about yours. You were unsure. But all those thoughts escaped your mind as you made your way back home, hoping for a good night's rest.
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Okay nvm the release time is still Nov 17 9:00 :,)
I want to thank @ibelieveinvillainsupremacy for the request for this fic. I'm sorry if it seems too short but its midnight and this is the best my brain can make from all the scraps of basic english I have in my soul.
Either way I hope you enjoyed it, maybe if you want to drop requests you can check my Writing list and/or drop suggestions on which characters to use :)
P.s: Am fighting the urge to make my page be inspired by Belle or Scarlet-
P.p.s: Both?
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
(gom update is included here sorry it got long).
I've really been struggling with Ch 21's structure so i took some time to ignore it completely HAHA (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) so i started working on it again about an hour or so ago, and i am feeling so much better about it it's unreal. LMAO it really helps to step back sometimes.
While i'm reading it back and not worrying about what i'm doing i can just go "oh i'd like to expand on that. let's add this." or "i want to add a voice here. I want to add an effect to the text here."
I tell you, having a day where you don't touch your work and come back to it later will help you a TON if you're not the type to hate your work no matter what after leaving it alone for 5 minutes. haha
i had written about 3.8k words or something like that before and i just checked the word count now and its about 4.3k- which when you're just supposed to be just reviewing and altering your work is a lot to add! and i'm not done cuz i'm still a bit before the half-way point of the chapter. So i'm feeling better about it even though i may still come back to it tomorrow after this to make sure i like it. empathy sessions are still iffy for me even though i like it better now
i want them to feel like they're mine when they're really so close to the novel it is like uHGGHH. i don't like copying the novel so closely which i found out pretty early into this arc haha
which is why i'm gonna love the end of empathy. tons of unique stuff there that isn't hinted at at all (nothing is talked about for the three months before his death but i am gonna write ALL UP IN THAT SHIT) i am so excited for it which is why it's so hard to do all this other stuff before it ಥ_ಥ
anyway yeah proper gom update will be at the bottom (after the TLDR) (o゜▽゜)o☆
-if you get tired of looking at your work and don't like it, come back to it in a day or two and reread it to make corrections. you will probably like it better!
-i'm making good progress with my corrections and i am excited for the end of empathy arc which is coming soon!
GOM Update: 4332 words for GOM ch 21 "Mistake" rn, it goes up or down depending on my alterations but it was previously about 3.8k words (so i've wrote about 500 more words for it today more or less) and i started working on the chapter art as of last night, which i actually really like but i'm going to try some different stuff cuz i didn't like how it looked when i was lining it.
i'll give you guys a little sneaky peeky ;) (yes, i drew this one on paper cuz i was feeling it a bit better than digital)
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Hello there! thank you for viewing this post...even for a little while...haha
my name is Y/N! ... your name ...
Sorry...that's not really a good enough title to introduce myself to you isn't it?
I mean...it'll be pretty much like talking to yourself in here.... haha
maybe it'd be easier to call you 'reader' or something?
What do you think?
Ah wait, you can't answer here...haha!
Hey... I'm just gonna stop talking now!...hahaha.sorry, sorry... I just...you're so cute !
I don't know what got into me! but... you are! and... wow, you look so sweet when I first saw you on the other side of the screen...
I feel like my heart might actually pop out of my chest any minute now! haha!
...I feel like I WANT to be you...
But...I am now aren't I?
I am supposed to look like you...and to be you after all...right?
I am supposed to entertain you by taking a role as the protagonist of your story and make you laugh with my stupid acts!
I will do that for sure!
You know...the funny thing...I don't get why some people seem to hate 'Y/N's' in general...what did I do wrong?
is it because I'm cringe? or am I too boring for them to like?
I guess they probably have a few reasons...
Maybe it was because I didn't look or act like them enough?
That would also be an option...though I wouldn't blame anyone if they thought that...I only see your face! not your personal life!
Or it's because I am annoying...maybe that's the problem... I don't want people to dislike me so badly that they want to end me, right...? or maybe I'm just being ridiculous?
Oh no...
...I'm rambling again...
I hope you don't mind...oh well~ maybe this will change soon enough.
And hopefully we shall meet in person one day!!
I will try my best for...
...Actually Never mind...
...No matter how much I tried, no matter how many times I repeated the phrase "I will try my best" you still wouldn't like me would you?
Why? why don't you like me? I mean... I'm kind of boring, right? I'm always thinking about my own problems...but... you are probably already bored and frustrated with me... aren't you?
It makes sense now, doesn't it? It explains everything. You can't stand seeing me around because you don't like that I always acted so boring...
I just...I want to be like you...I don't know anything other than that!
I was supposed to your puppet...for you to play and pretend as you wanted...and I didn't...because I'm not like you at all. I can't act or move as fast and as easily as you could...and...and I feel bad when I realize that I can't do even half of the things you do in real life..!
I'm sorry...you're supposed to control my every move...but somehow I ended up liking you instead!
Now that I think about it...it is kinda obvious isn't it? How long have we been together, reader? How much time has passed since we were strangers?...when you stop appreciating what I do...
I've done everything for you! I've even done so much lewd things to people I don't even like or even know!
We haven't even seen each other before in real life...so how did I end up liking you so much?
My time is running out...I should say good bye...
Well then...goodbye, reader!
Please watch all the stories that has me in its entirety!
I won't leave until then! I promise I'll try my best to make you happy! :)
(So I have this concept that Y/N is their own person but I try to make it as tragic as possible plus a bit of yandere...sorry I'm not good at writing about this kind of stuff)
Y/N needs therapy lol
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