#our beloved twig
redstoneofaja · 1 month
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by god the shape of him….
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thanks mr wagner
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gascansposts · 2 months
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Ayyyyyyyy more avantris and shitfuck !! Episodes 19-20 (mostly 20)
Kenku and the elf are part of my own dnd character things! Yippee!
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mint-yooxgi · 6 months
Promises - Yandere!Kraken!Felix
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Yandere AU & Kraken AU - First Person POV
Genre: Mature, Smutty Themes, Internal Monologue
Pairing: Felix X Implied Chubby!Fem!Reader
Words: 1,958
Warnings: Implied violence and shipwreck, kidnapping, Felix is a type of Sea God in this, mentions of past sexual relations. Tentacles. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Did I base the start of this drabble on the ending scene in Dead Man's Chest? Perhaps. Is this a bit tamer than the others. Maybe. Either way, I still hope you like it! I've been slowly easing myself back into writing, so I'm happy with what I've been able to do. Plus, I just fucking love the banner I made for this hehehe... Anyways, Feedback is greatly appreciated! Enjoy!~
The Thirteenth of The Feral Drabbles
They thought they could keep you away from me.
They really thought they could keep you away from me.
It’s laughable. I thought it was a known rule for sailors not to anger the sea, but alas. Here we are.
The frantic screams and shouts don’t deter me for one second. I know what I came here for, and I’m not leaving without you. You’re mine. I warned them what the consequences would be, yet still they refused to give you to me. Even after we promised ourselves to each other! Can you believe that?
Oh, that sounds so harsh. It’s not like you didn’t also choose me. It’s these… these… things keeping us apart. They don’t understand our love. Think I’m corrupting you, or something.
Such bullshit. The only thing I’m corrupting is their ability to live.
They hid you on the third level, thinking you’d be safe within the deepest confines of the ship. Little do they know it’s the worst place you could be. It’s like they want you to get hurt, like they want me to kill you. Such things I would never do. 
Still, despite my anger as I tear this floating piece of wood apart, I’m careful. Your safety is my top priority, and I’ve already ensured that. Right now, you rest, cocooned inside a few of my tentacles. Magic surrounds you, ensuring none of their attacks have any effect on me or you. Like hell I’ll allow them to disturb you now. Besides, you passed out shortly after my assault started on the ship, but you don’t have to worry. I’ve got you.
I can still remember when we first met, how you told me you didn’t fare well with sea travel. Yet another offence they’ve made against you. I’ll never forgive them for their transgressions. Sinners need to pay, and I am here to pass my divine judgement on those that would call themselves ‘heroes’.
Do not fear, My Beloved. Once I finish smashing apart this pathetic excuse of driftwood, I’ll take you home. 
Where you’ve always belonged. 
With me.
These planks are so brittle, it’s almost laughable. Your captor’s pathetic attempts to defend themselves are cute, in a way. If not for the fact that every time I start to pull you out of the wreckage, more of them show up to try and hinder me. I don’t know why they’re so obsessed with protecting you now when they’ve never done so before.
I’m the one who always saves you. I’m the one who ensures you no harm. Not them.
No matter. They haven’t seen everything that I can do. My capabilities far surpass what their puny, closed off minds can comprehend. I’ve got magic beyond the darkest depths of the ocean, strength greater than the harshest of tides. There is no being, save myself, that could keep me away from you.
I don’t even know why they try.
Finally, I’m able to pull you out of that godforsaken wreckage and unleash my full wrath upon these wretches. The boat snaps like a twig as I pull the debris and all remaining survivors below the surface. 
None will survive. They don’t get to. I won’t let them.
Honestly, it’s kind of fun tearing stuff apart. I’ve always enjoyed making a mess of things. I only wish you could be awake to see just how strong your lover can be. After all, I’m doing this for you. I warned them about what would happen should they lay their filthy, traitorous hands all over you. I’m simply staying true to my word!
You know firsthand that I’m a very truthful guy. I would never lie to you, My Pearl. I would rather be slow roasted over an open fire than even think to deceive you.
Aren’t I so loyal?
Oh. Right. You aren’t awake to hear my teasing. Teasing which you seem quite fond of whenever I’m with you.
I think you just like hearing my voice…
That’s okay, Beloved. I will speak for as long as you desire me to. Besides, the feeling is quite mutual.
Gods- I can’t wait to see your face when you wake up in our home, and I get to tell you everything that I’ve done for you. Finally, we can be together, free of oppressive opinions and suppressive stares. Where I’m taking you, we can be ourselves, and the magic of my ocean will keep you safe. Eventually, when you’re ready, you’ll even become like me, too. 
Won’t that be incredible? Just thinking about it makes my whole body tingle.
Or maybe that’s just the change in depth.
I promise my home isn’t too much further out, and it’s in a safe area. You’ll be able to live here with me free of any restraints. I’ll be your comfort. I’ll be your guide. I will provide for you everything you will ever need. 
There is nothing stopping our love now.
I’ll even make sure that no sliver of the wreckage I just caused gets to you. The currents listen to me. They’re my friends, and soon they will be yours, too.
Either way, I’m glad that’s over, because now I can focus on you! I know that you’d be celebrating with me if you were awake, but for now, I’ll simply revel in this sweet victory alone. Having you safe in my arms is enough reward, and when you wake, the true celebration will begin.
Hmm, I wonder what we should do first? Should I take you to the reefs so you can see all of the colourful coral that I’ve grown just for you? Should I present you to the schools of fish that always seek refuge around my house? Get them to revel in your beauty? Or maybe I’ll worship you in the den of our own personal sanctuary, where nothing - no one - will be able to interrupt.
My Beauty.
My Beautiful, Beloved Pearl.
I’ll admit, there’s a certain ring to those names that I enjoy. It calls to me like the cavernous songs of the sirens. An enchantment I can never seem to escape: you.
Not that I want to. 
No. Never. Not since the very first time I laid eyes on you.
You’re addictive, you know that? One glance caught my attention. One melodic note of a spoken word, and I was hooked. Your eyes are deeper than the darkest sea, and I could swim in them forever. You hold me, transfixed, with your gaze whenever you look at me, and I never want it to stop.
Honestly, I can never grow tired of you looking at me. I want you to look at me, and only me. I want to be the first thing you see in the morning when you blink those glorious eyes open, and the last thing you see when you go to sleep at night. I want to wrap you in my arms and hold you close, whispering the sweetest words of all the worlds in your ears, and hear you do the same for me in return.
There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Beloved, and I will never hesitate to prove that to you. With me, you will never have to settle for less than what you deserve, for I will always give you every single thing your heart could ever desire.
Fuck- I can still remember the way your body trembled from the very first touch. The more I trailed my arms over your body, letting the tips of my tendrils caress your skin, the more your whole being warmed. You fit so perfectly in my hold, that I long to always touch you - to always be near you, and obey your every whim.
I am but your loyal servant, sent to worship the very depths of your soul. Your entire being calls to me, and I could bathe in your warmth for all eternity. Right now, it’s that warmth that I crave more than anything. That glorious nectar that seeps from between your legs beckons to me. One taste isn’t enough. I need to feel you flooding my every sense once more.
I could spend ages defining it, but nothing could ever truly put into words just how ethereal you are to me.
People always thought my existence was mere myth itself. Rumours and legends only meant to scare those away from pursuing adventure on the high seas. Nothing more than a fable to tell their children at night to ensure they don’t go off swimming in the bay alone.
They have always been, and will always be, wrong.
I’m as real at the tide, as sure as the sand that resides against the ocean floor. There is nothing in these waters as deadly as I am, and all those that oppose us will face my wrath.
Well, where we’re going, we won’t have to worry about being disturbed at all. Plenty of room for the both of us. Plenty of privacy. No one dares disturb that which should be left undisturbed. At least, those smart enough to.
That is, of course, unless I use my magic to let those sirens get a taste of their own medicine. Water echoes even the smallest of sounds, and yours should be heard for miles around. I can still hear your glorious voice calling out my name as you bathed me in your own sacred waters, and I want all to know that you are mine, and I am yours. For all eternity. 
I’ll admit… I’m addicted to you, and I can never get enough. Though, from the way I remember your hands clinging to me that night only days ago, I don’t think you can get enough, either.
Good thing we have forever to spend fully satisfying each other!
Ah… looks like we’re finally getting close to home. I can see the familiar drop off up ahead. Don’t worry, Beloved, there’ll be plenty of air for you to breathe inside. I won’t always have to keep you covered in a veil of magic. Though, I would always like to have an arm around you. Feeling your skin pressed against my own is a sensation unlike any other, and I long to never let you go.
Perhaps I should tidy up a little more before you wake. I always have way too much energy after destroying a ship. Something about adrenaline and all that.
Perhaps when you wake up you could even help me with it… You might be a bit tired and disoriented when you wake, but my magic can help with your exhaustion. You seemed to like that that last time I used it on you.
How else could we have gone as many rounds as we did?
Oh, you flatter me by pulling yourself in closer to me subconsciously when I shift into such a basic form. It easier to move around like a human within my home when it’s drained like this, and besides, I haven’t exactly shown you my entire true form yet. The last thing I want to do is scare you as soon as you wake up. You’ve already suffered the trauma of being stolen away from me today. I don’t want to make things worse.
There. All you need to do is rest now. 
In my arms? Well, who am I to pull away from My Pearl when you’re clinging onto me so tightly in your sleep? 
I truly can never say no to you…
Just rest, Beloved. This creature shall keep you safe, tucked away deeply in his heart for all eternity. Once you open those glorious eyes of yours, our own adventure will start.
Just you and me, forever. 
I promise.
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milolunde · 21 days
Triplets Born
Like most things, I started rewatching Sonic Underground for fun and nostalgia and ended up making a version of it for myself in my head. However, UNLIKE most things, I felt I needed to draw it immediately instead of keeping it in my head.
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Welcome to the stage Sonic Subternion
There was a time when Robotroplis was beautiful, full of life and peace, a time when it was known as Mobotroplis. Mobians were free to take part in the glory the queendom had to offer. They were free to take charge of their future, build a home, explore the world. But, just after my children were born the evil Doctor Robotnik used his technology to turn our world into a place of terror. Capturing the great realm of Mobotroplis, Doctor Robotnik and his machines turned our paradise into a prison of concrete and metal. 
As the source of Robotnik’s wealth, the aristocrats were left to play their tea parties and lavish masquerades, dooming my people to mechanical graves of servitude. Refusing to bend to Robotnik’s terror, he stripped me of my right as Queen, placing a bounty on my head… and the heads of my infant babies. Imprisoned in my own home, unable to aid my beloved queendom, I was left with a choice: Submit and forfeit Mobotroplis, or forfeit the life of my family. When all hope was lost, the Oracle of Delphius revealed to me a prophecy…
You must give up your children, separate, hide them from the evil that seeks their demise. Someday, you will reunite and overthrow Robotnik as the Lost Council of Four. But you must not act too soon. Cement your place in this destiny, for revealing yourself too soon will plunge your world into catastrophe. 
To give up my babies, to leave my queendom to the hands of Robotnik, then stand idle for years while the prophecy became realized. The Oracle laid before me a destiny where my worst fears were set in stone. Without a choice, I took my babies, smuggled myself and them out of the prison that was meant to be our palace home, and left them on the doorsteps to their true destinies… then fled.
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Sonia “Sophia” Windermere
On the steps of House Windermere, Queen Aleena hesitated. The Windermere family had been sponsoring Robotnik since he first began the siege of Mobotropolis. Was leaving her darling daughter in the palm that fed Robotnik truly what destiny demanded? Looking at the lush garden within the tall fence, Aleena stepped through the dead grass to the gate entrance and left her daughter, her beautiful Sophia, cradled in her crib, and ran, imagining herself running with her children through the lush court grass to the grand fountain at the center.
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Sonic “Oliver” Oakcrest-Hedgehog
Stepping carefully through the poison oak and already-dead pine saplings, Queen Aleena carried her baby boy through the woods strapped to her chest, arms curled around him in protection from the low branches. Upon hearing the rush of a waterfall, she took a breath and looked down at her baby. Wryly, she smiled at Oliver, who stared up at the sunset sky through the dead tree branches in awe. Untying the woven cradle from her back, she placed the sky-blue hoglet in the blankets, swaddled him tight, and gave him a final kiss before knocking on the cabin door and running back into the trees, arms shielding her face from the pine and twigs in her way. As she ran, she listened as the waterfall hushed and wondered what it would have been like to teach Oliver to swim.
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Manic “Maurice” Roach
Fearfully creeping through the ruin of her queendom, the new city of Robotropolis, Queen Aleena held on tight to the handle of her basket. Draped in a cloth, she hoped to disguise the cradle as an ordinary basket for carrying groceries. However, the ornate design of the cradle could not be completely covered, and the shape undoubtedly gave away that it was anything but an ordinary basket. Hoping the shadows and late hour, fifteen minutes before curfew, would keep her hidden, she tread towards her destination. It was a humble home, its front door blocked off and relocated to the narrow passage between the home and its neighbor. She loomed in the alley, hesitating for a moment as the green light flickered above her. Her realm did not have shadows before, but there she stood, skulking through her own queendom. Blinking, she set the cradle down and uncovered it, heart swimming when she laid eyes on Maurice. She brushed his quills, kissed him twice, then soothed her hand across his body, watching as he drifted to sleep with his medallion in his mouth. Finally standing, she covered the basket, rang the bell, and fled to hide for the night before curfew officially arrived. She ran with her eyes forward, knowing if she looked back she would gather her son into her arms in an instant. Tears stung her eyes and she wondered if fulfilling a cruel destiny felt much like being watched: Fingers numb and quills on end as it peered through the back of her throat.
That's it as far as origins go... Sonic does still end up with Chuck a few years after living with the Oakcrest family, and Manic is still super kidnapped after Aleena leaves, but I thought that would lend better to another post. That is, if I have the motivation to make another post lol. I really enjoyed making this one. It's refreshing to get my ideas out somehow rather than just letting them stir in my head until I forget about it. WELL please let me know, of you read this far, if you liked it! I plan to do more with this "rewrite" or "AU" or whatever it is. Not sure what form it will take, but I already have how they all meet typed out somewhere and I look forward to sharing it!
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meowmeowriley · 6 months
Idea that's too short for an AO3 fic: Tactical Cuddling. (Is It Tactical Cuddling If There's No Tactical Need And It's Just Straight Up Cuddling?)
Side note- No but fuck you, I'll call this mini fic whatever I want.
established relationship, GhostxSoap, fluff Soap uses feminine terms of endearment and call Ghost his wife because I think it's funny.
Ghost had been on a long Op. Several weeks in the dark. No contact with his team, with his family, nothing. He was dirty, and exhausted as he trudged through the base. He'd debreifed with Price, after which he'd pulled out his phone and groaned.
"Something wrong, Ghost?" Price raised a brow.
"Bloody phone's dead. Just wanna talk to Johnny." He sighed in defeat. He'd charge the damn phone, then call his boyfriend ASAP, then he'd go to sleep. Knowing himself, he'd probably combine the last two, falling asleep to Johnny's voice was just so damn nice.
Price was smiling at him. "Stop by the sergeants quarters, say hi to the new guy, then get some rest. You've earned it." Damn Price and his push for camaraderie.
"The new guy?" He asked, exhaustion painting his words darkly. Or maybe it was disdain, he hated meeting new people, after all.
"You'd've known if your phone wasn't dead." Price dismissed him then Ghost kicked himself mentally again for forgetting to turn the damn thing off to save the battery.
Now, as he shuffled towards the Sergeants's room, he cursed the new guy for being between him and his room, and consequently, his ability to call Johnny. Nothing should stand between him and his Johnny. This man was already on his shit list. He'd be lucky if all he got out of Ghost was him flipping the man the bird. What Ghost really wanted to do was punch him in the face. The other sergeants were already afraid of him, might as well start the new guy off right.
He could hear Gaz talking as he approached, and started gearing up his best glare to send the way of the new guy whom Gaz was most likely talking to, but when he got to the doorway his legs and lungs stopped working simultaneously. There, across the room, was his beautiful beloved boyfriend. Johnny.
"Oh, sir, you're back! This is our new Sergeant, Soap." Gaz started to introduce, it fell on deaf ears.
Ghost jerked forward, barely keeping himself from running. With single minded focus he crossed the room. Johnny looked at him with a crooked grin, but he couldn't hide the worry in his eyes. Ghost knew he looked like shit, still fully kitted and filthy, but he didn't care. He collided with Johnny, crushing him in his embrace. A smaller man would've snapped like a twig. His momentum carried them both around and then down, falling gracelessly onto the bed that had been behind Johnny. Roach's bed, but who fucking cared? Not Ghost. "Simon!" Johnny grunted as he was pulled down on top of Ghost, then he chuckled as he accepted his fate.
"Missed you love, but why are you here?" Ghost asked. He closed his eyes and let his head fall back, carding his fingers through Johnny's hair.
"Got transfered. I texted you?" Ghost could feel the man cock his head to the side.
"Phones dead." He grunted.
Johnny hummed and Ghost felt a kiss be pressed against his lips through the mask. "You know, I wasn't expecting to get tackled." He chuckled against Ghost's clothed lips.
"Wasn't a tackle. Was a hug, 'n then I decided to lay down." Both he and Johnny laughed at his cheek. Ghost thought himself pretty damn funny.
"I thought you said you had a wife?!" Gaz croaked. Right. They had an audience of two.
"Aww, you talked about me?" Ghost teased.
"I didn't give them your name, in case you wanted this a secret. Guess I didn't have to be worried." With his hand still on Johnny's head, Ghost felt him turn to look at Roach and Gaz as he spoke to them. "Aye, he's the wife." He turned back to Ghost. "Simon, hen, you're filthy. Let's get you changed, yeah?"
"M'fine. Lemme sleep, Johnny." Ghost was fighting nodding off, the comforting weight of Johnny on top of him was pushing him towards sleep.
"No, come on. Up." Johnny was pulling on his tac vest, climbing off the bed to pull him up. Ghost obliged with a huff, and finally opened his eyes again. Roach and Gaz were staring at the two of them with open mouths. "You should hear the shit they said about you, Simon." Johnny said with a grin, causing both the other men to blanch. He began meticulously removing Ghost's kit. Helmet first. Then vest.
"I'm sure most of it was true." Ghost yawned as he lifted his arms to allow Johnny access to the sides of his vest. As he sunk down to remove Ghost's holsters and knee pads he looked up at Ghost.
"Ye eat babies, love?" Those electric blue eyes danced with mirth.
"There's something I've been meanin' to tell you, Johnny." Ghost couldn't help the smile that spread as he joked. The mask hid it anyway.
Johnny gave a playful shove to his chest, then withdrew his hand and gave an experimental squeeze to his fist. Ghost knew his shirt was drenched with sweat, if they were still early in their relationship perhaps he would've been embarrassed. Right now, he was not. Johnny made quick work of his shoes. "Right, let's get you some new clothes as well."
"My room's too far." Ghost didn't whine. Wasn't capable of it. At least that's what he told himself.
"I've got plenty of your clothes here, hen." And sure enough, from his own bag, Johnny produced a shirt and a pair of underwear, both belonging to Ghost.
"Bloody thief." Ghost whispers as he allows Johnny to take his dirty shirt off him. He caught a whiff of it as it was pulled over his head, damn thing was mingin.
With the shirt out of his way Ghost could see their audience had the decency to turn around. Good. Johnny took his underwear next, and while he didn't mind changing in the same room as his sergeants, he didn't need them gawking at him. As soon as his underwear was in place, Ghost grabbed Johnny from behind and pulled him back down. He removed his mask and buried his face in Johnny's hair.
"Siiimooon." Johnny unabashedly whined. "This isn't my bed." Ghost looked up to see Roach shifting from foot to foot, looking at them.
'That's my bed, sir.' Roach signed fearfully. Ghost was aware. He glared over Johnny's head, snapped his fingers and pointed towards what was apparently Johnny's bed. Roach nodded and scrambled towards it.
"Arsehole." Johnny chided him. Ghost barely heard it. He hummed in response. He was comfortable, warm, not clean but at least stripped of his gear and dirty clothes. Only one thing left he really needed, other occupants of the room be damned.
"Johnny?" He mumbled sleepily.
"Aye, love?"
"Talk to me?"
And he did. Ghost could feel the rumble of Johnny's words through his arms, wrapped tightly around his love's chest. And he nodded off thinking about how nice it would be to have him around more.
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fuctacles · 5 months
The best date that never happened
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for @steddiemicrofic's prompt "pine". This is part 4 of the accidental AU i only write for random challenges now apparently.
508 | G | no cw | they say the b word!!!
1 / 2 / 3
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Steve was moping. He’s been planning another round of holiday preparations with Eddie, but he ditched him at the last minute, claiming something important has come up. What could be more important than picking up a Christmas tree?
And maybe a cup of hot chocolate while they maybe walk around the stores brainstorming gifts for little shitheads, too.
Okay, yes, he was hoping to turn it into an impromptu date, sue him.
He had this perfect sneaky date day fully formed in his head for a week and now he had to go alone. While he wasn’t angry at Eddie, the bitter feeling wouldn’t leave him. Even the new Wham! couldn’t compare to Eddie's chatter if he was walking alongside him. He would comment on how creepy the nutcrackers on the display were, and how the hot chocolate could use more marshmallows. 
He passes dads with measuring tape and kids whipping each other with abandoned twigs. Everyone is looking for the perfect tree in their own way. 
Except for him. His perfect way would include Eddie. Or Robin, at least. But he wasn’t ready for her opinions right now. 
Over the Christmas chatter, a familiar voice broke out. He whipped his head around to look for the under-conditioned, beloved mop of hair, but all he could see was a Santa hat. Confused, he looked further, but the person in the hat started waving. With no more prompting needed, he jogged over.
The boy’s cocky smile turned into a startled laugh when Steve ran into him and hugged him tightly, lifting him off the ground.
“Did you ditch me to play dress-up?” he asks incredulously after they part, pulling on the white pompom of his hat.
“Yeah, Jeff’s family needed an extra pair of hands at the last minute. I’m sorry for canceling our plans, but…” He perks up immediately, mischief in his eyes, as he pulls Steve deeper into the green maze. “I was told I could pick one tree for myself, but we both know there’s no space in the trailer for this, so I thought, what better way to abuse my newfound power to save a tree for my boy- My- My boy,” he settles on after a moment of stuttering. He squeezes self-consciously on Steve's hand but doesn’t let go. 
They stopped at the back of the fenced-off area, in front of a gorgeous pine tree. Its branches are full and even and the perfect height for Steve's living room. He’s not looking at it.
“Your boy?” he asks teasingly. 
“You are a boy,” Eddie counters. 
“I'd argue that I'm a man, but nobody says ‘manfriend’, do they?”
Eddie is red in the face, and so is Steve, with what he’s about to say.
“So… Boyfriends?”
Their hands are still clasped together, but Eddie smiles down at the ground, kicking stray pebbles.
“Yeah. Do you like it?”
He’s not sure if he’s asking about the tree or the new status of their relationship, but the answer is the same anyway.
“I really do.” 
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wen-kexing-apologist · 6 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally
I was tagged by @twig-tea, but I do what I want so I'm ignoring the Boys thing (and on at least one occasion the BL thing). Anyway, without further ado, and in no particular order.
Win!Lin- Cupid's Last Wish
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gif by @angelbesideme
Thanks to Cupid's Last Wish, Jan is a boy here! So I am choosing Win from Cupid's Last Wish before he body swaps back. HOWEVER, if I'm honest, it was less Win and more masc!Jan that made my brain short circuit so do with that what you will.
Toon- Seneha Stories
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I am breaking from the prompt immediately, but this is my post and I can do what I want, so I am choosing Toon from Seneha Stories, which @so-much-yet-to-learn brought my attention to. Seneha Stories is definitively not a BL, but Toon is hot, kind, sad, and he fucks so I'd be living my best life.
Miw, Neo, Shin, and Mae - 3 Will Be Free
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I like it when my fictional women not only are capable of murder, but have, in fact, murdered. Miw and Mae are hot, competent, killers, fucking over evil billionaires so what is not to love?
I am not immune to Neo and his slutty little crop tops. He has three brain cells and they are all that is keeping him from not dying. Iconic to be honest.
I am not immune to Shin and his glasses, and his kindness. I mean, the boy got cut with a knife and not only comforted the kid that wounded him when he started freaking out but dated him.
Mollie - The Warp Effect
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gif by @patpran
MY FIRST NON-BINARY REP IN THAILAND, MY BELOVED. Mollie is so fucking hot, they are talented, they have sick tattoos, they are fighting for themselves, and are changing the landscape of media, what is not to love?
You could also almost certianly put in any of Silvy's characters and I would probably want them carnally, cause...it's Silvy.
(honestly, I'd go for Nim too, but again, not for her character's personality, it's the masc!Jan effect)
Kim- KinnPorsche
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gif by @namchyoon
For this scene and this scene only. Honestly, I think if nothing else this shows you that my type is people who could actually maybe kill me in a fight.
Or at the very least, people I could get in to a homoerotic fight with.
Anyway, Jeff gives me gender envy and the first time I saw this gifset, I thought he was a butch lesbian.
Speaking of homoerotic fights
Phaya and Sand - The Sign
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MENACE! A MENACE I TELL YOU! I truly well and deeply have an appreciation for when someone who (I assume) typically would top absolutely just vibrates out of their skin at the first sign they might be topped.
And I'm adding Sand here as well because I think my jaw dropped like ten feet when I saw her on screen.
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Sand, baby girl, let me know if Yai doesn't treat you right, cause I will.
King- Bed Friend
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gif by @earthfluuke
Shout out to this man, I've seen him on at least three of these lists. But who could blame us? Look at him.
Choy Yu Na- Semantic Error
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She did that bisexual sit and my heart was hers.
And for my last two picks, I certainly am asking myself the question, do I want them carnally or do I just want them?
Mork -My Ride
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Helloooooooo Mr. Dimples. I mean....I feel like I don't need to explain myself here. We all get it, right? We understand, right? And besides, he gives rides for a living or something...
Minoru- Our Dining Table
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HE'S JUST SO NICE, SO KIND, SO TIRED. @isaksbestpillow is so right, he is a mother. I love him.
Tagging @so-much-yet-to-learn, @solitaryandwandering, @respectthepetty and anyone else who sees this and wants to join!
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mingisdoll · 2 months
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Includes: butler!San, afab!rich!chubby!reader, Robin Hood is still alive yes yes I will not take any arguments whatsoever since I hate what the writers did to him lol anyways, Regina is still a queen but with no magic, ATEEZ x OUAT, basically a shit ton of fluff with some angst lol
Tucked away in the Enchanted Forest lied a castle. A very unique looking castle. In that castle sat a royal family. That family consists of King Robin, Queen Regina, and Princess Y/N. She was the beloved daughter of Robin and Regina and her faithful companion, and quite possibly her only friend, is her butler.
A hot man named Choi San.
He lived in a small cottage within the kingdom yet was unable to find a job anywhere. His parents died due to the mistake committed by a group of bandits so he was left to fend for himself and his little brother.
His name is Choi Jongho.
However, the man remained kind to those around him, even though some people weren't as kind. He was on his last leg of finding a suitable job for him. As he took a break from his job search, he decided to take a stroll in the woods with his baby brother. As he watched him play with various twigs and dirt, he heard a branch snap. His ears perked up and he saw a thief trying to run away from something. The thief was unaware of the little boy that was in his way and San, being the protective man that he is, jumped in between Jongho and the thief. The thief stopped at looked at them both. He was about to execute the bright idea of handing over the stolen goods to San to make it seem like he was the one that stole them
When he took an arrow to the knee.
Two people approached the thief and San. One was holding a bow while the other was busy prying the goods from the thief and placing him in cuffs. They both looked at San, who was busy comforting a crying Jongho.
"Oh dear. Is the little lad alright?" A kind voice asked gently. San looked up at the owner of the voice and nodded meekly.
"Yeah. He's just a little shaken up right now. Um... thank you for saving us." San said in that soft and airy voice that would make people swoon. The man smiled and extended his hand.
"Robin Hood. Or King Robin I should say. Pleased to meet your acquaintance!" Robin introduced himself. The second person then looked at San with bright eyes and extended her hand.
"I'm Princess Y/N! I'm the next Robin Hood. Pleased to meet you!" She giggled and San found the little girl endearing as she shook his hand. She soon let go and walked over to Jongho, who was hiding behind San shyly. As she talked his little head off, Robin clasped San's shoulder.
"You're really brave to protect the little one. Is he your son?" Robin asked and San shook his head, smiling as he looked down at the interaction between Jongho and Y/N.
"No, your highness. He's my little brother." San politely corrected him and Robin nodded.
"Is it just you two or do you have a family back home?" Robin asked. "It's just the two of us, sir. We... lost our parents to bandits. They died at their hands." San shakily explained and Robin's heart ached.
"I'm so sorry, lad." Robin sympathized with him and San weakly smiled. "It's ok, sir. Honestly, I'm just more worried about our wellbeing. I haven't been so lucky in finding a job that pays well and puts a roof over our heads. It's either I'm not old enough or they aren't allowing me to have Jongho by my side while I work. I don't see the problem though! Jongho's a well behaved boy! I... I just..."
Robin brought San into a hug as San wept on his shoulder. He hushed the young boy and tried to get him to calm down. San felt tiny hands clutch his leg and he looked down to see Y/N hugging his leg.
For someone trying to be the next Robin Hood, she was adorable.
"Don't cry, mister! You're too cute to cry!" Her little voice squeaked out and San felt his heart almost burst. Robin looked down at his daughter and grinned wholeheartedly. He then looked at San.
"How would you like to come with us back to our castle? You can be Y/N's butler. We will pay you adequately and we can put a roof over your heads. After all, kindness is something that must be paid forward." Robin suggested.
"Oh! I don't know, sir. Y/N doesn't seem like the type of person to need a butler. She may be a princess, but I can tell that she's very independent." San rambled nervously and Robin chuckled.
"I'm well aware of that. However, she sometimes forgets the little things. Which is where you come in. Plus, she's taken a liking to you and the little one over there. May I ask what his name is?" Robin explained.
"His name is Jongho, sir." San introduced Jongho to Robin. The little boy shyly high fived the king and San found the sight endearing. "Well then, San. Would you like to be the butler of the royal family so you can finally give Jongho a comfortable life?" Robin formally asked him. San nodded eagerly.
"The honor is all mine, your highness."
That was almost six years ago. San was 16 while Jongho was 11. San grew from a boy to a man. The changes were drastic due to him hitting puberty.
And the daily exercises he does with the royal family.
He used to be this skinny little boy that wore oversized polo shirts that were wrinkled, khaki shorts, and ratty boots. His hair was long and shaggy and it covered his eyes a lot due to shyness he felt whenever other royals looked at him with mainly judgmental looks.
Now he grew into his bobblehead.
His body got bigger, his shoulders were broader, and his waist was tiny. His clothes were a bit more fitted and they clung to his body deliciously. His polo shirts were replaced with crisp white button ups that were ironed to perfection, a black leather tie, a black vest, and black slacks that were slim to show off his equally muscular legs. His childhood boots were replaced with black dress shoes that were made of the sleekest leather and were always shined to a mirror like consistency.
His face changed too. His jawline sharpened, his eyes were more siren like and alert, and his black hair was cut short and styled back since he was more confident in his looks and he stopped caring what the other royals said.
It was all thanks to Y/N.
Ever since he and Jongho were taken in, she has been teaching them how to love themselves and be more confident in whatever they were blessed with. San could tell that she spoke from experience.
Y/N did gain a bit of weight and was slightly chubby around the face. But it wasn't her fault. After she was struck in the shoulder by a poisoned arrow and healed rather quickly, she decided to step back from archery yet continued to be a hero by studying up on how to become the next Good Queen. There was a bit of fat around her stomach and her thighs were a teeny bit big yet it didn't stop her from flaunting the beautiful gowns she wore.
San admired her while Jongho fell deeper in love with her.
The five of them were currently having dinner. Regina made sure that San was treated like a person rather than a butler and San was grateful for the respect that she had for him. As they were chowing down on steak with assorted veggies and seasoned potatoes, San felt a little more down than usual. The once bright smile that was present on his face was replaced with a blank expression. He was quieter than usual and before that, he was scolding himself on small mistakes he made, which he'd never done.
What got the royal family concerned about him was the way he was angry early. Why? It was simple.
Jongho got tripped by one of the visiting princes and San saw. He gently helped his brother up and started yelling and cussing out that very same prince. Normally, he'd be levelheaded and professional but the amount of stress he was feeling finally tipped over. He even punched a wall!
His strength was terrifying. And it probably explained why his knuckles were bandaged up.
The family of the visiting prince tried to persuade Robin and Regina to fire him, but it was a failure due to the fact that Regina saw the whole ordeal happen and called them out. Robin then declared that their trade deal was to be thrown away unless the prince apologized. However, the prince was stubborn and now he was probably being scolded by his parents since they lost the deal due to his acts of foolishness.
San was grateful for their help yet he remained quiet and even apologized for being violent. Which was ironic since he only yelled at the poor guy.
Y/N had enough of it. She missed seeing San's smile and she missed hanging out with him. So she scooted closer to him and started poking his face.
"Princess, please." San begged quietly since he wasn't in the mood and he was afraid he might lash out at her.
"Uh yeah no. San, what's going on? I'm not the type to pry into people's business, but you're like a brother to me. My heart aches every time you scold yourself over little mistakes and you even apologized for 'being violent' even though you haven't laid a finger on that douchebag! Talk to me..."
All eyes were on San when he started crying quietly. Regina sent the rest of the servants away so she and Robin can give San their undivided attention. Y/N immediately took him in her arms and he hugged her back immediately. Muttered apologies could be heard and she simply shushed him.
"I just... miss home. I miss being in a place where I once grew up. Don't get me wrong though. I love it here. I truly do. But I feel like a part of me has been left behind as soon as I took up this job. I fear that the longer I stay here, the higher the chance that my memory of my hometown will be long gone. It sounds silly but still. I couldn't fathom the last core memory of my family being gone."
Y/N kept comforting him and whispered reassuring words in his ear while Robin and Regina looked at each other before looking at Jongho.
"Do you feel the same way?" Regina asked Jongho. The young boy nodded his head shyly. Regina then thought for a moment before coming up with an idea.
"How would you like to take a year off to go visit and settle down in your hometown?"
San looked up at Regina and as much as he wanted to take that opportunity, his selflessness wouldn't allow it. "Oh! I don't know, Regina. I feel like I'm being too selfish to ask for such a thing like that."
"Don't be ridiculous. You've done so much for us. Let yourself have this, San." Regina reassured him and San immediately sprang up to hug both her and Robin before hugging Y/N once more.
Y/N sort of blushed a bit when his huge body practically swallowed her tiny frame.
"Thank you! Thank you much!"
Three days later, San bid his goodbyes to Robin and Regina before stopping at Y/N. Her eyes were filled with tears and San shushed her gently whilst wiping her tears away. His hand, with a single gold band on his index finger, caressed her cheek as he leaned in and kissed her forehead.
"Don't worry, kiddo. Jongho and I will be back before you know it. I'll even bring gifts from my hometown as my thanks to you and your parents. Ok?" San smiled and Y/N simply nodded since she couldn't trust her voice at the moment.
"I'll see you in a year, little robin."
And with that, he and Jongho ventured off into the woods to go home. From there, Y/N counted the days until the Chois came back.
They will come back. Eventually.
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itsajanea · 3 months
A Spark Beneath Hearts
Written by @itsajjanea
Idea of creation and illustrated by @lizaluvsthis
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Summary: A young fairy prince embarks on a dangerous quest to save his sister from the Dark Overlord of the Dark forest . Once he and the Overlord had finally met, they had a rocky start but as the prince could see through all the darkness, what he saw was something he didn't expect. But after all, good or bad, Things aren't always what they seem.
Chapter 1: Only Fools Rush in....
As Smg4 turns around to see where the sound was coming from, he saw his beloved Tag6. As he looks at her beautiful face, all his troubles and worries fades away into a soft smile.
He slowly flaps his wings as he started to lift off the ground and headed towards the meadow.
As Smg4 flies closer, he starts to notice the lavender scent that surrounds the entire meadow and he was captivated by her beauty, her voice, her kindness to the creatures and flowers that surrounded her.
Tag6 suddenly notices Smg4 approaching and called out to him.
Oh how he loves hearing her call his name like that~
As he sets foot on the ground and runs towards her, closing his eyes as goes for a hug and a kiss, he felt something smooth and soft against his lips. As he opens his eyes, her finger was against his lips, blocking him from giving any kind of affection.
"Nuh-uh, not until after the wedding" she says in a flirty tone, she smirks seeing the reaction of her "lover".
"Right, Sorry." Smg4 takes a step back, embarrassed and flustered.
"How are you today my love?" Tag6 asked as she steps closer to brush off the dirt of his clothes and picks out every leaf and twig that did not belong in his luscious hair.
"Well I'm doing great, I'm just exited for our special da-" He stops as he heard her gasp very loudly.
While Tag6 was removing the debris in his hair, she noticed a twig stuck in his hair that seemed even more out of place than the others. It looked like it was from the...
"YOU WENT INTO THE BORDER FOREST?????" She grabbed him by the collar and yelled at him, scaring away the little creatures that they were once surrounded by.
She was shaking the poor blue fairy back and forth until she let go and turned away as Smg4 falls down onto the soft grassy ground.
"The plan will fail if HE dies, Everything I worked for would be all for nothing!!!!" as Tag6 was frustrated, they had said that out loud and had forgotten about the fact that her "dearest" Smg4 was still here.
Smg4 quickly got up after he fell.
"Wait, What?"
As Tag6 heard him spoke, she looked back to see her prince just staring at her, confused with what she just said.
"I uh-" Tag6 had to think fast. If she lets this slip even further, then the plan would already have failed for real and there is no way she would want to fail her MASTER.
"I mean- How could I possibly live without you?" She throws herself onto Smg4, slightly bending over a bit to seem smaller, placing her hands on his chest as she lets out fake tears.
She sees this working because of him getting flustered and turning red like a strawberry.
Smg4 had immediately forgotten what Tag6 said earlier and gave a her a big hug as he rests his head against her soft hair, enjoying this moment, until he snaps back to reality.
"Oh! Don't worry about me!" As he stops hugging her, he wipes away her tears and gave her a sweet smile.
"I can handle myself you know? I'm big and strong like a bear" He smirks as he raises his arms like he was a grizzly bear.
As Tag6 looked at him with a blank stare, she suddenly burst out laughing.
"Oh 4, you are just like a teddy bear..." She gets closer to him once again, bringing down his arms as she holds his hands.
"~My Teddy Bear~" she softly says as she gives him a sweet smile.
"Heh, I guess I am your Teddy Bear aren't I?" he returned the gesture with a smirk as he pulls her close. They both lifted their wings as they started soar in the sky together, swaying to a calm melody.
"I can't believe we get to spend the rest of our life together" they both smiled at each other, enjoying the moment.
"OH RIGHT! The Wedding, I have to get ready and I will see you later!" Tag6 suddenly let's go of Smg4's hands, she turns arounds and starts flying the opposite direction. She looked back at the blue fairy and blows him a kiss before flying away.
Smg4 catches the kiss and held it close to his chest, he was blushing as he happily sighs just thinking about her...
"Smg4? SMG4!!!" He suddenly snapped back to reality. and as he turns around he saw his sister Tari, looking at him with great concern and panic. She quickly flew over to him to see if he was fine, She starts asking many questions as she flies around him, making poor Smg4 get a bit dizzy.
"Where have you been? What were you doing?? What Happened to your clothes??? UGH, What is That?!?!?" Tari points at the stinky bouquet behind Smg4's back.
"It's for Tag6- Oh no, I forgot to give them to her." He looked at Tari with sad eyes as She snapped her fingers for Beeg to appear.
"Oh you are so not giving THAT to her..." Tari said as she grabs the bouquet and held it up in the air as Smg4 tries to take it back.
"Why not?" "Because she's perfect, She deserves the best so that's why its got to be perfect!"
"You're right." He lets out a happy sigh as twirls around in the air.
Beeg then takes the bouquet away not before he clearly showed his disgust to it. Tari fixes his hair and clothes, Smg4 spoke up, asking a simple question.
"Hey Tari, do you think she loves me just as much as I love her?"
As Tari had just finished placing the flower crown on his head, she responded.
"Of course she does! That's why you two are getting married!" She places her hand on his shoulder to give some comfort, as he smiled back, they heard a loud "EUGH" coming from Beeg as he got a new bouquet.
Smg4 got excited as he grabbed the bouquet from Beeg.
"Thank you Beeg, Its perfect! I want to give this to her now!"
He starts to fly off to direction his love went, ignoring Tari and everything else.
"But Wait! Wouldn't it be bad luck if you see her?" as soon as she yelled, it had been too late because Smg4 had already rushed off.
Oh no.....
As Smg4 was happily soaring through the sky, holding the bouquet tightly in his hands as he passes through obstacles to finally see his dearest Tag6.
He landed on a small cliff to rest his wings for a bit, and he finally saw her.
She looked so beautiful in that dress, he couldn't believe they were going to get married.
He almost called out her name before noticing a dark cloaked figure stepping out the shadows.
He couldn't hear what they were saying but he saw something that shook him to his core.
As watched closely, he sees Tag6 leans close to the mysterious figure and gave them.... a kiss?
No...It couldn't possibly be...
He couldn't bear to accept it, especially when he saw his "beloved" smiling back at the other person after backing out from that kiss...
No... How- How could she...
As the young prince struggled to say anything, he could feel tears flowing down his face, he could feel his heart shattering at that moment. The woman he loved for so long, was just playing him like a fiddle.
Smg4 couldn't take it anymore, he dropped the bouquet and stomped on it, just like how she stomped on his heart.
He turns away from them, trying to hold back his tears even further as flies away.
How could he ever love again?
As the poor fairy flies away crying, Tag6 finally took notice of the pair of familiar blue wings and his wailing sobs, fading in the distance.
She had messed up, and she definitely won't hear the end of it from...
End of Chapter
Previous Chapter : Prologue
Next Chapter: Chapter 2: New Rules
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elodieunderglass · 1 year
Setting all other discourse about fiction and reality aside, I really love and appreciate how book-readers have decided that SOME little fake guys are actually extremely Real(tm). Like, even in the same BOOK, there will be fictional characters where the reader agrees that the author made a series of conscious and unconscious choices about this character, and there will in the same book be a little guy who absolutely DID exist and DID sentiently do these things.
Okay you need some examples. Most of you will understand Sam Vimes/Terry Pratchett. Everyone understands intellectually that Pratchett was a writer moving his little puppets around (except that Vimes is real, actually.) Pratchett could write Vimes doing ANYTHING and readers would believe it. When you see footlong discourse about Vimes it’s always presented as if he’s a Man who Chose To Do those Things, never a well-worn literary mechanism. People respect him: Sam vimes arrested a dragon - No he didn’t!! Man’s not real! Pratchett could’ve made him do anything! By some apotheosis Sam Vimes is a real little guy.
The character who is the most real is Stephen Maturin, who is much more Real but too obscure to start with. Stephen is the most character ever. He is Irish-Catalan active in 7 different anarchist separatist movements and also serves the British empire also. He is a horrible little scientist doctor surgeon spy, he is VERY dirty, addicted to 3 drugs, plays the cello, has broken every bone, and is smelly also. He has a sloth. He is the predecessor of all “put them in a jar with a twig” blorbos, but unlike YOUR degraded blorbos, he is real, actually. Look at how I write about him. He is our son Stephen who speaks every language. At no point do we accredit Patrick O’B for coming up with any of this hard work, let alone do we accuse him of making Stephen unbelievable or inaccurate. He is a real horrid little man.
With the possible exception of Paddington Bear, who is very polite, most Meta-Real entities are consistently horrid little men. This quality (plus the fact that ACD looms SO VISIBLY and distractingly over his shoulder) may be why Sherlock Holmes is beloved but unreal. He is horrid and detailed, but not little?
As you can see, I am trying to characterise the qualities of these entities, and whether there is a spectrum of reality. Jesus, for example, feels somewhat real, with cloudy edges possibly due to translation artefacts. Gilgamesh might be, ditto. Ishmael is NOT. Lizzie Bennett is a funny one (also a rare real female) because she is not at all real, but you could 100% encounter her ghost. Do you see what I mean here.
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
Hi Squiggly! It's the bish anon who requested the Kokushibo x reader for tickletober! I saw your mini-vacation post. I hope you're doing better...If you feel up to it, can you please consider writing a 'cuddle' fic with soft lee! Kokushibo x Ler! Reader? I'm sorry, the six-eyed terrorist makes me melt more than he should😭. Get well soon!
Koku my beloved! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D It's time we give our six-eyed demon some much needed love, shall we? :3
Cloud 9 (Taglist)
@cupcake-spice13, @thatbigbisexual29, @duckymcdoorknob @wolfyeatstacos @gladdygirl18 @baby-tickles2022, @backy-san @t-wordiiish, @sarahmaystock5578
“Good evening.”
Kokushibou froze, the sheath holding his sword halfway towards its destined spot. Slowly, he peered at you, finding you standing by with a furious glare. “Good evening, (Y/N)...did you sleep well?”
“Not at all. I was too busy worrying about my husband. See- he hadn’t come to bed yesterday morning. Or the previous morning. Or the mornings before that.” You kept your voice low, but your temper sharpened each statement until you were practically biting them out. “From what I’ve gathered- he’s been out training from dawn till dusk.”
“That…certainly is an issue.” Kokushibou placed the sword against the wall, turning so he was facing you. An outsider would likely find this comical- the highest rank moon being scolded by a lesser demon. Of course- Kokushibou would have had their head for even thinking of you as anything less than his equal. Regardless of hierarchy and Lord Muzan’s blood; to Kokushibou, you were just as strong as he.
And in a game of wills; even stronger.
“Yes, it is. Tell me, my dear husband- have you already forgotten what you promised me?” You tried to keep your anger, but the longer you looked at him the more soft you felt. He was clearly ragged, the visible skin along his arms bruised and scratched. His clothes were dirty, and his hair was a wild mess of twigs and leaves. It was his own fault, sure, but that didn’t mean you were completely shut off from the visible aches.
“...That I’d return when the sun began to rise so I could rest and in turn spend time with you.” Guilt touched his eyes, and he bowed his head in apology. “Forgive me, (Y/N).”
Your anger melted away as you shook your head, walking to your husband. “I always do. But my forgiveness isn’t going to help you in the long run. If you overwork yourself, you’ll be sloppy. Isn’t that what you told me when you were training me the first time?” You reached out, tracing his face with your hands. “Come on- let’s get you out of these clothes and into something comfortable. I’ve already got a bath running.”
“I can do this myself, (Y/N)...”
Despite the words, Koku’s voice lacked any real argument. You sat behind him in the bath, combing through his mangled hair gently as you removed the various twigs within. It took some mild persuasion to get him to let you help.  “You’re my husband; don’t be so modest,” You teased, even though you knew why he hesitated on you seeing him nude. The water reflected the scars along his skin, old and fading- full of stories. You didn’t pry about them; instead choosing to wait for the day he was comfortable sharing.
“Nope. I haven’t seen you in days. This is our time.” You smiled as you pulled the last tangle free, watching his hair pool around him in soft waves. “Besides- for all that patience of yours, you’d give up not even halfway with your hair.”
“Hm.” Was all he said in response. You grinned as you picked up a washcloth. Victory was yours.
After he was bathed, dressed and clean, you pulled him along to your bed, pushing him gently into his side before sitting behind him once more, tugging at his robe. “Take this off- I have something for you.”
“Didn’t you just insist I put this on?” He asked as he did as told, shedding the upper half of the robe. “So indecisive.”
“Hush.” You pinched his bicep before reaching over, gathering up a bottle of oil. Daki snagged it on her last mission but hated the smell, giving it to you because “It seems like something you’d like.” Sure enough- you found it pleasant. “I’m gonna give you a massage.”
“Oh?” Kokushibou blinked, looking at the bottle curiously. “(Y/N)...You do know we regenerate. Muscle aches are no longer a thing for any of us.”
“There’s more to massage than just ache relief, love.” You told him after he investigated the bottle, returning it to you with suspicious eyes. “You’ll see what I mean.”
Kokushibou didn’t argue as you gathered his hair up, tossing it over his shoulder and out of the way. Nor did he complain when you pressed your now oil bearing hands into his upper back, gliding them across his skin. If anything- he seemed to have suddenly lost the will to fight, his tense shoulders easing almost immediately.
“Feels good?” You asked, grinning when he groaned in response. Another victory for you.
By the end of your massage, Kokushibou was puddy in your hands.
Lying beside you, he didn’t argue as you scooted closer, pressing his head against your chest as you stroked his hair, humming a song you remembered from your time being human. There was a twinge of sadness with it, but it was nothing compared to the sight you got to witness.
Kokushibou felt so sturdy yet so vulnerable in your arms. You didn’t say anything when tears dripped against your chest, only wiped them away as they came. Just how long had it been since someone held him? The thought made your soul hurt far worse.
As if sensing this, you felt your husband squeeze you tighter, his way to reassure you. He always seemed to know when your mind began to wonder. No words were exchanged, you just leaned down and kissed his crown.
Eventually, his tears dried and the ache you felt had eased. The two of you were just lying there, entrapped in each other's arms. You were happy- it felt so good to finally have him back with you.
At the same time however, all the petty revenge schemes you made when he was gone came to mind. You were no longer angry, yes- but that didn’t mean you were completely over it. Feeling sneaky, you let the hand stroking his hair drift down to his back, keeping your touch feather light as you traced along the back of his ribs.
“Hm!” Kokushibou made a noise resembling a muffled laugh. Then another. Eventually, you felt him shake against you, muffled giggles creeping out his throat as you carried on tracing his ribs up and down. He didn’t pull away and you didn’t press in- neither of you wanted to break the serenity of this moment. “(Y/N), pleahhahahahse.”
“This is what you get for overworking yourself.” You told him simply, kissing his crown once more as you danced your fingers over his lower back. Again- you earned a round of muffled giggles, the sound deep and rich that vibrated your bones in the best way. “I missed you- and I missed your laugh. Don’t leave me alone like that again.”
“I prohooohohmise! I prohooohohmise, my mohoohoohohon, now stahahhhap thathahhahat!” He laughed out, relaxing once more when you stopped, returning to his hair. “Heh…you are a devil, (Y/N).”
“I’m your devil.” You smiled, feeling him take your chin in his hands before his lips found yours, kissing you deeply.
“And I love you for that. I’ll…be more aware. Of my limits going forward.” He traced your face with his thumb, taking it in like it was the only sight in the world worth looking at. “I’m sorry for making you worry.”
“It’s okay…as long as you come home, that’s what matters.” You pulled him into you, returning to your serene state. “I love you, my great swordsman.”
“As do I, my beloved moon.”
Thanks for reading!
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lurkingshan · 5 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
Tagged by @dribs-and-drabbles, thanks dribs! It's kind of fun to go back and see what I was on about at various points this year.
This blog was a mere bebe this time last year and I hadn't started posting anything substantial yet, so nothing of note here.
most popular — Making fun of Hira in Utsukushii Kare 2 (affectionately)
favorite — Praising Moonlight Chicken's character writing
most popular — The Glory does revenge right
favorite — Whining about people using the friends to lovers label wrong
most popular — Celebrating Queen Ae Ri from The Eighth Sense
favourite(s) — Making sure people understand Ji Hyun is a drama dork, helping to kick off the most batshit week of discourse in T8S fandom, and of course the first (of many) appreciation posts for Porsche's sweater
most popular — On Step By Step removing a scene critiquing BGP because of fan outcry
favorite(s) — 10 Things I Love About WDYEY and 10 Things I Love About Khun Chai (please watch them if you haven't yet people!)
most popular — Having a ball with King the Land
favorite(s) — Breaking down Pat's effect on Phupha in Our Skyy 2, the complexity of family trauma in Our Dining Table, and Jeng's reaction to his failed confession in Step by Step (ugh remember when this show was good). And of course this was the month that the La Plue meta round up was born.
most popular — Bitching about romance discourse (it was about King the Land at the time but it's quite widely applicable lol)
favourite(s) — Hysterical praise for La Pluie's conflict writing, kudos for Be My Favorite's character work for Kawi, breaking down where Step By Step went wrong
most popular — Ah the good times when we were still so amped about Only Friends
favorite(s) — Every moment of the My Ride rewatch, great moments in subtitlery from Laws of Attraction, and praise for Sing My Crush
most popular — That one time I actually liked a Mew thing in Only Friends
favorite(s) — Trying to get y'all to watch Love in Translation, comparing Someday or One Day and A Time Called You, clarifying the differences between Boston and Brian Kinney
most popular — Boston and Nick my beloveds (it would be shocking if they didn't make this list they are responsible for many of my most popular posts)
favorite(s) — A couple I Feel You Linger in the Air breakdowns: why the romance works despite being underwritten, and Fong Kaew's excellent character arc
most popular — Goofing on the unseriousness of Kiseki: Dear to Me
favorite(s) — Breaking down how the writing choices in Only Friends sent toxic messages and final thoughts on the IFYL finale
most popular — Japanese BL starter pack
favorite(s) — Simping over Mohk simping over Day in Last Twilight, yelling about Cherry Magic Thailand, kicking off bl superlatives 2023
In addition to all the people dribs tagged that I am double tagging because I want to see your answers (@wen-kexing-apologist @grapejuicegay @btwinlines @twig-tea @rocketturtle4 @waitmyturtles @telomeke and @respectthepetty) I am adding some other folks I know wrote/created a lot this year because I'm curious what stuck with you most: @bengiyo, @ranchthoughts, @jemmo, @chickenstrangers, @chicademartinica, @slayerkitty, @my-rose-tinted-glasses, @colourme-feral, @blmpff, @liyazaki, @wanderlust-in-my-soul, @troubled-mind, @benkaaoi.
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moramaisis · 2 months
Characters: Ascended Astarion x tav tiefling Pairing: M/F Status: Happily evil together. In a stable relationship. Warnings: Heavy smut, murder, villain couple, dark romance, dark humor, unhinged horniness. Long story! Keywords: Mutual masturbation, hand job, rim job, oral sex, threesome, biting, vaginal sex, light dom/sub, light degrading, femdom, teasing. Notes: This is a third story....yeah.....it's sad. The brainrot is thriving. It's smut with a plot and i tried to world-build, though it might stray away from canon...a little. Ao3 Summary: After defeating the Elder Brain ascended Astarion and his tiefling bride decide to travel the world. The first place they visit is a town in the north with interesting pagan traditions. The couple gets bored after a while and Arsenia proposes they convert their first spawn. A certain elf of high class has caught her eye and the couple decides to seduce him.
After everything was over, it was time to move on. I said i didn't want to settle down and Astarion has been stuck for 200 years. Stuck in those 200 years. He wanted to see the world. I was used to travelling and could travel some more.
I said we could hang a map on the wall and throw daggers at it, see where fate takes us. He said i was too dramatic.
„I excelled in geography and i'm very good with daggers, my love. I couldn't make a random throw even if i was blindfolded.“
I said i will throw him at the map if he doesn't make a choice. So, we did the next best thing. We were staying at an inn, so, i went downstairs, snatched the most disheveled drunk and threw him at the map. He survived the encounter, but the mark left by his bloody nose was enough to start our quest. The location happened to be lovely as well. We were quite lucky, as it appeared.
Before leaving we had to make a one last trip to the Cazador's palace. Astarion gathered his mortal minions and gave them instructions to clean out the castle. There were a lot of gore leftovers in the dungeons. The castle had to be maintained while we were gone. A few days later we rented a carriage and left Baldur's Gate. I wore a suit topped with a long coat. I considered a dress, but decided against it. Astarion made sure that my suit was made from the best fabrics and finely tailored. I had never felt so fancy in my life. Our destination was a large town in the North, it was a place i have never been to.
As we approached our destination the landscape began to change dramatically. Dense forests encircled boulder fields, eroding cliff edges broke the surface of meadows coated in dead grasses. The closer we got, the whiter the earth became. One morning we opened the carriage curtains to witness falling snow. Air became colder, snow thickened. Soon we exchanged our carriage for a horse-drawn sleigh.
We entered the town coated in furs and blankets, with frosty eyelashes and visible breath. It was very different to the views we were used to, however, it was breathtaking. The streets were decorated with lanterns, evergreen branches hanging from doors and windows. Colorful ribbons and ornaments - woven from twigs, hay and carved from wood - adorned the greenery. We rented a small house near the wall and sat by the fireplace. The nights were long and short days heavily clouded. Every morning workers shovelled snow on the streets. Strange creatures of all sorts pulled sleighs around town, horses, furry horned beasts, odd deer-looking things. Even a couple pulled by dogs!
Daily walks became our routine, my hand in the crook of my lover's arm, both of us dressed in furs.
„I can't believe i killed 7000 spawn just to move to a place without the sun,“ Astarion groaned as we were walking between shops.
„What is your obsession with the sun? Do you want a fucking tan?“
„I'd look great with a tan, you must admit,“ Astarion smiled amusedly.
„You look good in anything, beloved,“ i teased him. „I like it here. It's beautiful, peaceful, the air smells fresh…“
„That's because the sewers are frozen, my love.“
“That certainly helps,“ i smirked, gazing up at the sky as flashes of color snaked across the darkness. „Look up. You can't see that in Baldur's Gate.“
Astarion turned his eyes to the sky and we both watched the Northern Lights in silence.
“I have seen these before. Back when i used to travel and work as a blade for hire. I always wanted to see them again.“ I fought back distant memories, now that time has passed a dusting of bittersweetness coated them. Astarion caught on to that.
“Is that longing in your voice that i hear ?“
“Maybe“, i sighed.
Astarion turned to face me and took my hands. „Sounds like you're missing your former life filled with danger and adventure. We don't have to carry on like this, you know. Pretending to be an honorable married couple. We're on vacation, after all. We can do whatever we want.“
I squeezed his hand, bringing it close to my heart. „You're so sweet that you're making my teeth rot. I don't want to spoil our fun. I love travelling with you and i need a vacation. It's just…i liked my job. New day, new person to find, a new skull to smash. There were ups and downs, for sure, and i don't miss working for assholes…but….i feel like an impostor. We don't quite fit in, do we, love?“
He liked my train of thought, it was safe to say he felt the same.
“I always knew you're a thrill-seeker, it's one of the many things i love about you. So, tell me, what twisted little ideas are festering in that demented brain of yours?“
My smirk grew wider, menacing and flirty. „Too early to say. The city needs exploring. But, lover, you'll be the first to know.“ I reached out and twirled a curl of Astarion's hair, then ran my hand down the front of his coat possessively. I have always been very…tactile. „Lets pay less glamorous parts of this city a visit, shall we?“
“Excellent choice, my treasure. Lets remember the good old times.“
We walked to the poor section of the town. Buildings were smaller here, still in good condition, but visibly older. It was like going back in time. People walking past us were also dressed simply, mainly wearing goat or sheep skin coats. Astarion spotted a lively pub and we entered the rustic, dimly lit building. We took a seat near the back and gave a lovely maiden, who approached our table, the order. Coins were exchanged and our drinks arrived soon. Astarion got himself a cup of wine, while i took some ale. Both locally brewed, with unusual spicy additives, and pretty good!
The buzz hit me quickly and i relaxed on the bench. We were eavesdropping and the conversations were exactly what you'd expect to hear in a pub. Although, one peaked my interest. It was held by a two men behind a corner table. The taller man was chewing on some dried meat, while the stouter one was downing his ale.
“The solstice is coming, i promised my daughter a new skirt. She will be taking part in the celebrations, doing the ritual. It's not proper to show up in a patched dress. She wants to impress someone, she said,“ spoke the taller man.
The other nodded in a daze. „I will be at home. Marena will be working.“
“Working during celebrations?“
The stout man sighed, „She's working at the house of Anvegg now. She's in the kitchen and the fancy folk are having a ball. All the big noses will be there.“
“Right, right. It's not posh enough to celebrate amongst the commoners.“
I scraped my claw on the table, it was our sign that i was interested. Astarion looked at me with a twinkle in his eyes.
“Felt an urge to mingle with high society? Although, crashing a ball would be an act of rebellion in itself. These kind of things are usually invitation only.“
“I think the house of Anvegg is one of the oldest elf families ruling this town.“ This town had more elves and half-elves than any other race. It was quite diverse otherwise, except for humans. It would be curious to see the forces behind this place. Especially as old as these.
Astarion's eyes unfocused, he was somewhere else for a second. „Hmm, Cazador had spawn for these kinds of activities. Prowling around crowded places, hiding in dark alleyways, sharpening fangs on unwilling necks…“
“…and look where it got him. Tigers who don't hunt become lazy. And overconfident.“ I filled the pause, spitting venom at that lost name.
Astarion smirked, he seemed to experience a special kind of joy each time i bad-mouthed his former master. I liked to indulge him, but he knew i was right. I wasn't going to let my lover become stagnant, he was mine and i will look after him.
“It does feel nice being back in the trenches,“ he admitted. „Watching the events unfold, being in control.“
I touched his hand, my face hidden by shadow. My touch was passionate as i played with his fingers. I wanted to reassure him, bring him some peace of mind. Every time he mentioned his former master i felt a violent impulse to cuss out Cazador. However, his reminiscing was becoming more frequent. After the ritual his confidence was soaring, just mentioning his former master's name could send him into rage. Time passed and he started to change. He began mentioning his spawn life again. Something about that filled me with sadness and a carnal desire to comfort him.
“Control is everything, my darkest desire,“ i lulled a song of seduction.
His response was fiery, his hand caressed mine as he leaned over the table.
“You are right, my little dragon,“ his tone carried a similar amount of allure.
“We need more information about the upper echelon, if we proceed.“ I tilted my head, a plan already brewing.
“I love seeing you scheme. The wickedest ideas rise from the depths of that deviant little mind of yours, especially when you look at me like that.“
“Call my mind little one more time and i'll fuck you right on the spot.“ There was a threat hidden in my lustful whisper. My tease carried the intensity of the sun.
“You're making it very hard to stop, my little love.“
His eyes burned me and i felt an urge to make him scream. It sent shivers down my spine. I would never say that to him – it would be simply too cruel - but Cazasor was right when he said his screams sounded sweet. Besides, i didn't want to give him the wrong impression. His suffering did bring me pleasure, but only if it led to delight. And bringing him delight was equally arousing to me. I adored messing with his head. My love has always been toothy and bloodstained. It was understandably too much for the majority, that's why my list of lovers was so short. I think he was attracted to my duality.
“Go on, try me.“ My voice challenged him.
Astarion snatched my jaw and pulled me closer. Our eyes met, holding a staring contest. A tingle danced between my legs. His thumb brushed over my lips, repeating the motion after reaching the corner of my mouth. I parted my lips and bit his thumb. His eyebrows furrowed as he gasped from pain.
“You're fucking feral…mmm, i'm glad i made you mine.“ He leaned to kiss me and the crowded room melted away, there was nobody else but us. The spot between my legs moistened and throbbed in yearning. I grabbed the back of his head and sat up in my seat. Astarion broke our kiss.
“We should find a more private place,“ he said.
I took his hand and pulled him up, we swivelled the tables and escaped into the snowy streets. He led me down a narrow street, snow crunching under out boots, and we stopped in a passage between two buildings. Conveniently, there were no windows. Astarion pushed me against the worn stone wall and unbuttoned my coat. I lifted my leg and he pressed it to his waist. Our kiss was raw. His hand made its way down my pants, i throbbed and let him play with myself. His hand was stroking my folds, drawing circles around my bud. It was wonderful, i could do anything when i felt like this.
I began opening his coat, then his pants. My hand clenched his member, toying with it like it was my treat. His breath quickened as his hips thrust into my hand. I started kneading his length, finishing each motion with a tight squeeze at the base of his shaft. He was my plaything and couldn't keep my hands off him. It was driving him crazy and he repaid me by pushing his fingers inside me. My silky walls clenched around him and he thrust his fingers into me. It was blissful!
My hand clamped around my lover's member, kneading it upwards. Once i reached the tip i pulled aside his skin and circled the head. Astarion shuddered and dug into the crook of my neck, his fangs meeting my skin. I arched my back, welcoming the bite. It turned me on like nothing else, electrified the tips of my nerves. Asatrion knew it well. He released my neck and dragged his tongue down my skin, only to suddenly bite me again. I undulated against him, moaning from delight. My fingers were swirling delicate patterns into the tender head of his member. He thrust his hips, looking for some kind of friction to end my tease.
I wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. I removed my hand from his length and slipped it under, caressing his balls, then moved deeper down to stroke the tender skin around his rear entrance. Astarion exhaled with pleasure, his hot breath wafting over my neck. His fingers were moving at a steady pace inside me, my wetness dripping down my thigh. It was wonderful and i didn't want it to end, not yet.
My fingers stroked him, giving him a delicate rim job. I could feel him clenching under my touch, his breath quickened and his teeth sunk into my shoulder. The pleasure was building inside me, i would finish soon if he let me.
„Slow down your fingers, just a little,“ i mumbled in his ear.
Astarion was kissing and nipping my neck, his hand complied with my request. Meantime, i was caressing his back entrance, pushing a finger into his tight bundle of muscle, then easing down. He was heaving his hips in unison with my fingers, his fully hard member brushing against my arm, smearing precum on my skin.
We spent a while like rutting animals, grunting against the cold wall. Then i removed my hand and he pulled down my pants. It didn't take any effort to slide inside me. I exhaled in ecstasy, grasping at his clothing, awaiting him to speed up his hips. He did exactly that, unwilling to wait any longer. He fucked me right there, in the snow, my hands clenching is ass. The orgasm was delicious and my vampire lord finished soon after, my clenching silkiness driving him over the edge.
Next day we had to go out during the working hours. The sky was heavily clouded by gray, wide snowflakes were falling from the sky. I took us to a bookshop, it was a beautiful room filled with dark wood. I introduced us as traveling merchants who are looking into expanding our business. The shopkeeper was a sweet woman, who took kindly to my conversation. Of course, our fancy clothing and furs helped to sell the illusion. I bought a book about local poetry and asked about the city. The woman told us everything we wanted to know. It appears there were three major houses who ruled the city. Three big elven families who had formed a council.
I also asked about the celebrations. She told me about the winter solstice and the goddess of death and cold. They held huge celebrations each winter, when the night was the longest. It was a local deity, whose familiars haunted the barren winter lands. We were lucky, the solstice was happening very soon.
We enjoyed the town until that day. Explored streets, buildings. I rented a sleigh and we drove around like royalty. Locals were skiing in the hills and ice skating on frozen lakes. I bought some skates and tried it out. It was a lot harder than it looked, but my vampiric reflexes helped. I wanted to experience as much as i could. Surprisingly, i managed to get Astarion to try out ice skating too. It was amusing to no end seeing a vampire lord on ice. I was so proud of him, although it took some convincing. In the end we managed to explore the frozen lake together, holding hands like the cheesiest old couple.
Two young girls passed us. I heard one say that were were adorable and she hopes to be just like us when she grows old. I almost turned around and ripped their heads off but Astarion stopped me.
The day of the solstice citizens lit candles on their windows. The day itself was incredibly short, the night, however, lit by golden lights. We heard the commotion from our house. People were wearing masks and clothing in bright colors, chanting and singing. Many masks depicted skulls, decorated with ribbons and runes. It was the night to execute our plan. I wore a dress with a tight bodice – that gave be excellent cleavage – and a huge skirt. Astarion dressed in an elaborately decorated suit. We had no chance entering through the main doors without unwanted attention, so we had to sneak in. While inside we had to look the part, so we fluffed our feathers like a pair of peacocks.
We put on our fur coats and hired a sleigh to take us to the upper city. My jewelry felt cold and heavy against my chest and neck. It was a freezing cold. We sneaked as close to the Anvegg palace as we could, but the streets were crowded by sleighs. People were waiting in a queue to pass through huge metal gates. The palace itself was magnificent, resembling a castle. Its architecture was elegant and detailed. We spotted guards everywhere and had to sneak along the palace wall. After careful inspection we decided to climb over the wall behind the palace gardens. The guards were pacing along the wall, but since it was so long they were fairly spaced out.
Astarion shapeshifted into mist and flew up the wall, there he snapped the neck of the nearest guard and threw him into the garden's evergreen bushes. I – being a sorcerer after all – conjured a spell that allowed me to fly. From there we jumped down and hid behind the bushes. Astarion called forth a fog and it blanketed the palace like a tender curtain. We snuck in through the palace backdoor, but not before casting a spell of invisibility upon us both.
We made our way to the ballroom and stood at the back. The scene was a sight to behold. Elves and races of different kind were dressed to impress. The room was adorned by evergreen branches, lanterns, candles and decorations made of crystal. The latter reflected light in different colors, creating prismatic speckles on the walls. Drinks flowed freely, a table with light foods and desserts was under arched columns. Musicians were playing a fast-paced, but oddly melancholic, tune. Nobody was dancing yet, people were exchanging pleasantries, still entering.
“Looks like we got here too early,“ Astarion noted.
“Bollocks, i'll fetch us some drinks.“ I dodged people masterfully to get us two glasses. The drinks were spicy, but very good.
“So, this is how the upper crust parties in this piece of the world? Is this what you expected?“
I glanced around and sipped from my glass. „Yes and no. With the masks and sad music there better be a sacrifice coming.“
I found it odd that although all the townsfolk was masked, no one in the ballroom was wearing one.
“The nobles have too much money and status to hide their face. Just showing up here is a sign of success. Why hide that?“ Astarion spoke, tasting his drink. I think he noticed me glaring at people.
The ballroom was filling up and the song changed, still melancholic. Soon a chime of bells echoed in the hall. People's murmur quieted down and a figure appeared on a balcony above the crowd. It was a handsome finely-dressed elf.
“Dear guests, beloved neighbors, and those who had to make a long journey to get here, i welcome you in the house of Anvegg. I'm lord Ronegard Anvegg and this palace has been the heart of our family for more than 500 years. Ever since it was built, it has been welcoming to guests and hosting a winter solstice ceremony to ward off dark spirits of the cold and thank the winter goddess Lendera. This year we have something special prepared. But, until then, let us dance and drink like the sun will never rise! We shall honor the eternal night!“
The crowd cheered. Lord Ronegard smiled and raised his glass, then continued.
“To those who are new, i'd like to present my family. My beautiful wife Ereida. „
A stunning woman walked forth, taking her husband's hand. She wore a gown with a long train, jewelry and a headdress. The crowd sheered again.
“Be warmed by the light of Anvegg's palace. Friends will always find a refuge here,“ she said, her voice like a song. By the whispers it became clear she was greatly loved and admired.
Lord Ronegard spoke again, holding his wife's gentle hand, “this is my oldest son, Obreon!“
An elf nodded at the back of the balcony, while making a step forward, surrounded by his siblings who were waiting to be presented. My eyes snapped onto him and never left. I don't think i have seen such a face in a long time, the noble modesty and elegant movements crowned him in excellence. He was stunning, long white hair that glimmered in light blue, dark gray eyes, sensual lips. The handsome elf was wearing a suit in gray and blue colors, silver rings and an elegant silver headdress.
“….Obreon is a skilled dancer, sorcerer and talented musician.“
The named son kept an impassive face, but his mask cracked as a glimmer of annoyance sparked in his eyes. He stepped back into the row and his father proceeded to present his other children, two sons and three daughters – all equally gorgeous. My eyes were glued to Obreon. I recalled what the bookshop keeper told me. Anvegg family were powerful sorcerers, who wielded old magic, kept magical artifacts and had fought battles for this city.
There was something about him that i couldn't comprehend, something magnetic, something familiar. I wanted to possess him. Add him to my collection. Break him, make him kneel. Desire and violence mixed in my twisted head.
I turned to Astarion and whispered in his ear, “you wanted an army of spawn. Have you though about turning somebody?“
“Who do you have in mind?“ He lowered his head curiously.
“How about the oldest son of the Anvegg family?“
Astarion looked up at the balcony, eyes narrowing. He noted the white hair, his overall visage and raised an eyebrow, snickering loudly. „You clearly have a type. Taking the son of a powerful family will blow our cover, not to mention put a target on our backs, my treasure. Maybe you should make another choice?“
My tongue thrashed, rubbing against the back of my teeth, an animal trying desperately to escape its cage. Astarion was right, it was a huge risk, but i couldn't stop thinking about it. The more i entertained the idea, the more i liked it. My hand slid up his chest, stopping on his shoulder.
“It will be dangerous, but if we play our cards right this might become our secret weapon,“ i whispered in his ear.
“You love this city, if we make ourselves the public enemy we'll have to leave.“
I glanced at the balcony, the noble family were slowly disappearing, probably going down the stairs to join the ballroom. I knew this, i didn't feel like leaving, not yet. The danger of this idea, however, had a hold on me, it made me tingle.
My lips were almost touching Astarion's ear as they formed a breathy purr, “imagine, the beloved son of this city as your spawn…listening for you, being your eyes…the most powerful house would stand at your feet. There won't be a better way to infiltrate.“ My siren song tickled his neck, wafted curls of hair across his skin.
“You'd have to use your master's restraint on him…maybe spice it with some spells. As long as he doesn't talk, who will rat us out? We're the heroes of Baldur's Gate, remember.“
He turned to look at me, our faces almost touching. “You know how to be convincing, but be honest with me, why did you pick him?“
“He would make a great plaything, in more ways than one. Can't give you a solid reason, my darkest desire. It's just instincts.“
Astarion chuckled victoriously, his voice sweet and sedative. „So that's how it is then? My treasure has finally started shopping for some bedroom furniture? You started quite late, i expected someone with your appetites to begin a lot sooner.“
“Maybe he won't be any good at all. For his own sake, he better be. Do you like him? If the sands of time ran backwards, and you were standing in a dark alleyway, would you have taken someone like him?“
He paused, looking out into the crowd. The noble family had entered the room, scattering to greet their guests, old and new.
“I had low standards in my former life. He's the sort you'd rarely find in one. Had i met him back then…well…“ he drawled, voice cracking, eyes locked to something in the distance, „he would have certainly caught my eye.“
I smiled, it was all i wanted to hear.
“He looks like he could be your son….or a long lost relative. Maybe fathered in the bushes of some lost elven kingdom,“ i teased.
Astarion snorted with amusement, „Not all elves look the same, you know. It's flattering, but don't ascribe me any children, i assure you, i have none. I'm one of a kind.“
“We'll have to wait until he's alone. This greeting ceremony will go on for a long time.“
So we waited, crawling around the ballroom like shadows, waiting and watching. Guests started making merry, cups were filled and couples danced. I pulled Astarion to an empty hallway and took his waist.
“Excuse me, noble sir, will you spare me a dance?“ I was feeling playful and the night was simply too good waste. The fast-paced melancholic music echoed in the hallways, bouncing off high ceilings and candelabras. Astarion held my hand, whilst enchanting me with an elegant bow.
“It would be a pleasure, my lady.“ He placed a hand on my waist and i took the long train of my skirt into my hand, we started swirling around in a light-footed dance. We were ghosts haunting this castle, invisible yet present.
The night went on and soon another chime of bells wafted through air. It was Ronegard Anvegg standing on the steps of an elaborate staircase.
“Dear guests, it's time to witness the ritual and fulfil the hunger of winter's ghosts. Please, proceed to the inner garden, our servants will lead your way.“
Servants in fancy clothing and holding lanterns stood near the main doors. A flow of guests began moving outside, where more servants lit their way. The night was cold, a light sprinkling of snow descending from the sky. The winter moon hung low, enormous like a bulging eye. The passage of guests, who had put on their coats and gloves, was travelling to the garden located in the inner circle of the castle. We followed, still cloaked by the invisibility spell. It was a joyful trip, full of murmur and excited conversation. I had a strange anticipation in my chest, the thrill of something great and menacing igniting my nerves.
The crowd gathered in an open area with a frozen fountain at the back and evergreen trees surrounding the space. There was a tall stack of dry wood and hay in the center of the arena, decorated with red ribbons. Two dead hares were placed on each side, adorned with fresh flowers. Lord Anvegg walked in front of it, his family kept to the side of the funeral pyre.
“Some of you know these lands well, while some have not yet had the time to become acquainted. These lands are bountiful in summer, yet deadly in winter. For centuries locals held rituals to make wintertide a safer time. Before, the hungry ghosts of Lendera's familiars roamed the lands, hunting people down, spilling blood. Venturing outside was not safe, going into the woods was deadly. Only by appeasing the winter soul have we gained safety and freedom.“
Ronegard gestured to his servants and they carried something to the arena. It was a tall bundle, tightly bound by colorful ribbons. The servants carried it to the stack of kindling and rested it against the wood. It stood up, now vaguely human shaped.
“Each winter solstice we give the winter's kiss a sacrifice, usually we choose someone from the town's prison. Someone worthy of death. This year, however…“ He raised his hand elegantly and a servant lifted a flap of fabric from the top of the bundle. A pale face emerged, eyes wide open, cheeks glistening with tears. A gasp travelled through the crowd, some were snickering.
“Tonight we are giving away one of our own. Some of you know him as Florian Denere, an elf who worked for the council. It was discovered he had been selling our information and filling his pockets with our gold. A betrayal is an act worthy of death in these parts, we keep close to survive and there simply isn't any room for those who put themselves above everyone else. Today, we shall give him to the winter hounds!“
His last words turned into an ecstatic yell, making the crowd cheer and clap. The sacrifice stared at the crowd, sweat running down his face, unable to speak as his lips were sewn shut. A servant brought Ronegard a torch and he placed in onto the kindling. The fire catched on and started to spread, a yellow glow reflecting in the terrified eyes of the sacrifice. He seemed paralysed by some potion, the only part animated being his eyes, those were nearly bulging out of his head, staring at the fire that was creeping closer to his feet.
Ronegard lifted a cup and yelled out into the night, „goddess of winter, ruler of death, take thy offering and stay benignant to our people. This soul is yours!“
The crowd screamed out in bloodlust, though some were averting their eyes in horror. I was spellbound by this sudden act of violence, my eyes taking in every movement, every scent and sound. The hair on my neck stood up, the energy of this ritual was unmatched. The sacrifice's eyes reflected a golden orange as the flames swept over him, he was engulfed in seconds, the fabric soaked in something flammable. My hand reached out for Astarion, grabbing his hand into mine. He squeezed me in return. Coming here was worth it after all.
“What an unexpected turn! The noble family is a lot more unhinged than i imagined! Bloody human sacrifices for old forgotten gods, how quaint! I have to admit, Ronegard knows how to throw an unforgettable party. I think some guests will be revisiting the highlight of this event in their nightmares,“ Astarion laughed, enjoying the performance as much as i did. The stench of burning human hair and flesh washed over the guests. It was so revolting that many covered their noses, some retched.
Ronegard was standing motionlessly and gazing into the flames, captivated by the sparks rising up into the night sky. Or maybe there was something else he saw in the fire? His eyes were oddly absent. He woke from his stupor and turned to guests with a wide smile.
“Dear guests, i'm asking you to go back inside. The ritual is over and it's getting rather unpleasant.“
He left the scene surrounded by servants who began guiding the crowd inside. The Anvegg family was last to move, they exchanged a few glances and haste words, then dispersed into the darkness. All but one – Obreon, he stared into the fire for a few more minutes, then began slowly sauntering to the castle. I nudged Astarion, it was our chance! I removed the invisibility spell. We had found a secluded spot away from the crowd, near the evergreen trees, where we could remain undisturbed.
“I want you to approach him first,“ i whispered. „Get a feeling for him, then introduce me.“ „Keen on watching, are you?“ He was joyous, eyes glinting from the anticipation of a challenge. „You always liked to see me at work. Don't forget to blink, darling.“
He was teasing me, but not too far from the truth. My eyes were fixated on our target, predatory, merciless.
Obreon didn't see him coming. Astarion just popped out from the dark void, that was this night, making the elf wince.
„What a powerful performance! It's going to be the talk for days to come. Not to mention a masterfully crafted exposition of a warning.“
The surprise on Obreon's face dissipated, replaced by formal coldness. „Excuse me, i don't think we've been introduced?“
„That is entirely our fault. We had to undertake a very long journey to get here and exprienced a few delays. We were late, but lucky enough to see the main event.“
„Oh, i'm sorry to hear that. It explains why i didn't see you at the dance.“ Obreon's demeanor seemed to soften up a little.
„You have an extraordinary memory, Lord Anvegg. How many people were there? A few hundred?“
„It's more of a curse, really,“ Obreon sighed. „I wanted to take a little walk, you may join me, if you don't mind the cold.“ The two began slowly encircling the gardens, snow crunching under their feet.
“I couldn't help but notice your disapproval during the ceremony. Were you close with the burning man?“ Astarion's question was blunt, yet not carrying any kind of accusations.
Obreon looked up in to the sky, the snowfall was becoming denser.
“I dearly hope it wasn't that obvious. Yes, i knew him. At one point i may have called him a friend, but it was a long time ago. In the council everybody knows each other. It was a shock to find out what he had been doing.“
Astarion sensed that the elf had nobody to talk to about the loss. It was an open door.
“It's always the ones who we least expect that tend to surprise us. My condolences for the loss of your friend.“
Obreon thanked him with a tired, yet grateful smile. “I will be fine. He knew what he was risking. The council has always been ruthless to traitors.“
“So you're telling me, private executions are widely practiced in these parts?“
“Private – only on special occasions. Public – not anymore. I'm guessing you outsiders think it's barbaric.“
“Not really, if the sacrifice is a criminal, then does it truly matter what kind of a punishment they receive? At least they're spending their last moments doing something useful. Or do you think otherwise?“
Obreon moistened his lips while admiring the castle. Snow was building on his head and coat.
“I would be a hypocrite to say that i care about the sacrificed. The dangers my father spoke about are very real. Townsfolk used go missing during wintertide, then be found ripped apart. The messengers of the goddess howled and scratched behind closed doors. People were scared to go into the forests, to go outside at night. Although, attacks happened during daytime, too. These are a necessary measure. A life has to be given, a thinking feeling being, such is the law.“
“Ah, gods love exercising their unyielding power, often as a detriment to their own worshippers. Are there any more human sacrifices planned in your yearly calendar? I can free up a spot in my schedule.“ Astarion's voice dropped flirtatiously. It worked as Obreon smiled.
“Not this kind. We celebrate summer solstice, but only sacrifice animals and wine during the ceremony. Some may sacrifice their virginity, but that's up to the gods of luck to decide.“ Obreon stopped and turned to look at Astarion. „You didn't say your name. It's not fair since you know mine.“
“I'm lord Astarion Ancunin and there's someone i'd like you to meet.“
“It's a pleasure, though, i haven't heard your name before.“ Obreon followed Astarion, who was leading them towards the row of evergreen trees.
“It's to be expected, i've led a rather secluded lifestyle and made my debut recently.“
I was watching from the bushes in silent awe, the plan had worked out perfectly. Astarion was enchanting to observe, his performance truly noteworthy. I could never get tired of this. He was good at what he did best – seducing. Cazador, you bastard, you made the perfect monster.
Astarion's hand reached out for me, parting the snow coated branches, and i gave him mine. He guided me out of the shadows, where i could see Obreon up close for the first time. He didn't disappoint, still as magnetic as when i first saw him, only now he wore a cautiously furrowed brow.
“This is my consort, my love and my partner in crime – Arsenia.“
I smiled, trying to not scare the elf with my intense staring. I stretched out my hand, as was customary. He took it gently and brought it to his lips. It was a gentle kiss, i barely felt any warmth. I caught his gaze and smiled. Obreon's eyes stayed on mine for longer than was decent.
“I apologize for stalking you in the bushes, but i was dying to meet you.“
Obreon was amused, „it seems i walked into an ambush. You must be freezing, you had to wait a long time for me.“
“I don't mind the cold, especially on a night like this. The gardens are beautiful, i went on a stroll.“
It was so difficult not to stare, i tried my best to soften my expression, but the hunter in me was enthralled by the chase. I was hyper-aware of myself, the air and the falling snow. I felt alive! There has always been a predatory aspect to my being, which was amplified by me becoming a vampire spawn. No, a vampire bride. I had tasted my lover in more ways than one. He had given me his blood. I was truly free to unleash my horrors into the world.
Obreon sensed the energy, there was no way for it to be unnoticed, it crackled through the air like distant lightening, filling the air with the scent of ozone. I doubt he understood what it meant, yet he was enticed. The elf's gray eyes darted from Astarion's smug smirk to my alluring little smile. My eyes were full of unspoken promises. Calling to him, inviting him to take part of unfathomable pleasures. Astarion's act was unmatched, he was spellbinding and gentlemanly.
“The gardens are one my favorite places, too. It's even more beautiful during the summer when everything is in bloom,“ Obreon said.
“It's also very private, i noticed. A lot of alcoves to hide in.“ My voice was silky smooth, brimming with temptation.
Obreon looked down shyly, a playful smile lingering on his lips. “It's by design. Many unions have been formed in this greenery.“
“I imagine many confessions of love, as well. This maze of green is built for the lecherous whispers of lovers and their hastened breaths,“ Astarion noted, his voice becoming deep and seductive.
We started moving, walking slowly between the snow-capped trees and bushes, many of which still held on to their berries. White pearlescent drops peeked out from the snow. As we were ambling the gardens Astarion drifted to Obreon's left side, while i kept to his right. He was cornered, the poor thing didn't even have a clue. Or did he? Perhaps he was waiting for a special kind of treat?
Obreon nodded with amusement. „If it was warmer these paths would be filled with guests. I'm ashamed to say that i have seen lifted skirts and bare thighs on more occasions than i dare to admit. My family turns a blind eye, as long as the guests are content.“
Astarion leaned closer. „Have you ever thought about joining one of them?“ His tone was controlled, yet flirtatious.
Obreon was impressed and entertained by his bluntness. “I have received a few invitations over the years, but none of them enticed me.“ The elf glanced at Astarion playfully.
I wrapped my arm around his bicep, caressing the silky fabric with my fingers. “It was brave to admit that, but it would be even braver to explain why.“
Obreon turned to look at me, our eyes met and his gaze travelled down to my lips, then to my cleavage, before bouncing back up. I let him know i caught him staring, he could look if he wanted to. I certainly didn't hide my wandering stare. My glowing tiefling eyes ran down his delicious frame, stopping briefly at his crotch.
Obreon gulped, „i'm very selective when it comes to that. There wasn't any chemistry between the us, or there wasn't enough of it.“
Astarion looked at him intensely. „Having high standards is paramount in these times, but especially to a person of your importance. Do entertain us, how do we measure up to your desires?“
Obreon's cheeks flushed, he gathered himself and looked in Astarion's eyes. „Are you going to make a proposal?“ The question was soft and quiet, more of a whisper.
“Would you like to get one?“ I squeezed his bicep, coming to a kissing distance of his lips.
Obreon smiled anxiously, his breath quickened. He stopped the walk. Large flakes of snow were gliding from the sky. It was so still and peaceful outside. The elf was firmly pressed between us, cornered like a deer by a pack of wolves. Yet, he didn't seem to want to run.
“Maybe,“ Obreon whispered lustfully.
I brushed his long hair out of the way and kissed his neck. Obreon closed his eyes, inhaling slowly, blissfully. Astarion touched Obreon's jaw to turn his face and kissed him on the lips. Obreon accepted the kiss eagerly, melting into position. He moved his hand to Astarion's neck, holding him gently.
I wrapped my arms around the elf, allowing them to wander shamelessly. My kisses on his neck were demanding, my tongue made an appearance and licked his soft skin. He tasted of nothing, maybe with a barely noticeable flavor of salt. His hair was silky soft, a lot of care went into it's upkeep for sure. I played with it, letting it slide between the tender flesh of my fingers.
Having him in our arms was victorious, the aloof prince at our mercy. The pretty man in a lion's den. I watched him kiss my beloved one, the scene made my heart beat faster. It was unusually satisfying to see my lover in action from a bystander's point of view. I could fully appreciate his beauty only when observing him from afar. Well, not afar in this case. I was still up close.
Astarion's lips moved in a hypnotizing way. They were soft, skilled and deadly. Those very lips that brought me pleasure were now making someone else sigh lustfully. I heard Obreon, i couldn't be fooled. I watched, tilting my head to catch every minute detail. The place between my legs tingled, becoming tender and responsive to every movement and friction. I needed to see Obreon flinching, his body was a plaything i wanted to engage.
I pressed my hand against Obreon's crotch and felt him through the fabric. He winced, gasping from the pleasant surprise. I rubbed him through the clothing and he thrust into my hand. This sent waves of pleasure up my body. I cupped his face and snatched him from Astarion, then kissed him passionately. Obreon let me inside his mouth, let me play with his tongue, while his hand touched my breasts that were mischievously bulging out from by bodice.
Suddenly, i felt a brush of wind on my neck. It was Astarion, he stood behind me, kissing my neck and nipping my skin. My pussy throbbed, eager to be touched. He caressed my shoulders, his fingers were running down my back, squeezing my waist. It was fantastic and i channeled that into the body in front of me – Obreon.
My hand was stroking him harder and faster, making the elf squirm underneath me, his kisses became more savage. I unbuttoned Obreon's trousers and slipped my hand into his undergarments, his erect cock fitting perfectlty into my fist, burning it with heat. Obreon moaned out loud, his hips bucking into my hand, begging to get off. I began stroking him, pausing to play with him like i saw fit, teasing him, edging him.
Meantime, Astarion was decorating my shoulder blades with toothy kisses, finally lifting up my skirts to touch me. His hand fluttered to my crotch and slipped a finger into my wetness, gently rubbing my swollen bud. I never wanted him to stop. His finger glided over my bud so delightfully, every stroke sending flickers of pleasure up my nerves. I uttered a blissful growl, the wetness dripping down my thigh. Then his hand started rubbing me in circles and i felt ecstatic! My hips started moving on their own, helping the orgasm build. My swollen bud was overly sensitive and the epicentre of my current state. I broke Obreon's kiss, my head tilted back in ecstasy.
All this time i made sure my hand in Obreon's pants never stopped for a second. The noble elf was watching us now, eyes darkened by deviant, perverted lust. He was breathing heavily, lips parted, tongue slithering behind the white cages of his teeth. He lunged forward and kissed Astarion over my shoulder. There i was, squeezed between two warm bodies, flushed and dripping wet.
Obreon took my leg and pulled it up to his waist, holding me, clinging to me like i was a wuthering wave and he a drowning sailor. The tingling delightfulness in my groin started to expand and my walls flexed, welcoming an intense orgasm. My eyebrows furrowed and mouth gaped as it shot up inside me, the wonderful spark-filled sensation. My eyes drifted out of focus, my head falling back, i was enjoying the aftertaste. My hand was still working on Obreon, now speeding up with the intent to make him groan.
Obreon tightened his hold on my thigh, his hips moving along with my hand. The cheeky bastard was basically jerking off into my hand. There was a viciousness to his movements, a desperate kind of lust.
Astarion parted their kiss and grazed his lips down the nobleman's neck, sucking on him, teasing his flesh. Obreon whimpered in bliss, allowing himself to be devoured. He was in a state, cheeks adorned with a heavy blush, clothes and hair disheveled. His voice formed a hoarse moan, whilst his hips continued to hump my hand. I was holding him firmly, moving quickly along his shaft. My thumb made sure to brush the tip of his member as it pulled out.
Obreon's voice cracked in the middle of a moan, his body shuddered and slowed down. I felt his seed in my fist, but i kept on stroking him. Obreon embraced me tightly, his thumb caressing my thigh. He was breathless as he humped me jerkingly throughout his orgasm. I pulled out my sticky, semen coated hand and shoved it into Obreon's mouth. He sucked on it obediently, cleaning my fingers with his tongue.
„Mm, what a good boy,“ i exhaled sweetly. Astarion glanced at me, he was still toying with the nobleman's neck. We understood each other well. His jaw flung open, sharp fangs glistening with saliva, and latched onto Obreon's flesh. Obreon gasped, but was still licking my fingers in his mouth. I smiled watching my lover drain him. My fingers dug deeper into Obreon's mouth, caressing his tongue possessively. His eyes drifted shut, long eyelashes fluttering as if he was dreaming. I could feel him sucking my finger, a heavy lustful gasp flowing from his lips.
„You were such a delight, my lovely elf,“ i whispered in his ear.
Obreon's body began to weaken, his hand released my leg and it dropped to the ground. Astarion embraced him and held him up, while the nobleman drifted silently into a dreamless sleep. Obreon's body fell limp, his beautiful face peaceful and dignified. Astarion placed his body into the snow. He stood back up and stared at the lifeless shape.
„It was beautiful, my love,“ i said serenely and reached out to wipe away the blood on Astarion's chin.
He turned to look at me, smug and pleased with himself. A hint of dark passion glinted in his red eyes.
„It's been a long time since i've seen someone welcome death so willingly. I expected him to put up a fight. Well, i guess this is what happens if you let yourself starve.“ „Or his parents never taught him to be wary of strangers.“
Astarion touched my cheek lovingly. „We must bury him, my darling. We have to find a place where we can meet him tomorrow, without prying eyes. He will be confused and in need of soothing words. Potentially dangerous.“
„We'll bury him in the forest. The ground is frozen, but i will melt it with fire. And i'll need you to call upon a mist even bigger than envelops this castle.“
„Aren't i lucky to snag a sorcerer. Consider it done, my dear,“ he smiled.
I kissed him and it tasted of dark lust. I couldn't stop, my hand drifted to his loins and squeezed his cock. It was hard and begging to be played with.
Astarion groaned into our kiss and mumbled, „behave now, my insatiable lover, there's a dead body that's in need of a burial. After it's taken care of i'm all yours.“ I gave his member a possessive squeeze before letting it go.
„As you want, my desire,“ i growled.
The fog that came over the town was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. I heaved Obreon's body over my shoulder and cast a flying spell. Astarion turned into a swarm of bats and we departed our hunting grounds. Roof tiles clanked under my heels as i soared from building to building. The swarm of bats was faithfully by my side, sometimes surrounding me like a halo. Below us echoed the cheers and chanting of the partygoers, some exclamations of surprise, some curses at the mist. Street lanterns gave the mist a golden glow, so defused and distant that it seemed unreal. Like the light that's seeping between the eyelids when they're barely open.
We jumped off the town wall and wandered into the dark forest. It was pitch-black but the snow made it seem lighter. It was still snowing, the moon was our only witness. We travelled deep into the woods, so deep that nobody should wander there by accident. I placed Obreon's body into the snow and looked around. The trees here were ancient and contorted, branches and nubs covered in fluffy snowcaps. Near me the flock of bats undulated between trunks, descended and took the shape of a man.
„There's a clearing worthy of a grave,“ Astarion said and trekked through deep snow to a place below a rocky hill.
The ground there was flat, no big trees around. The hill with boulders provided cover.
„Мove aside, dear,“ i said as i started moving my hands in circular patterns, channeling my fire.
A huge blazing sphere materialized above the clearing. I danced my fingers in the air and it lowered closer to the ground, melting the snow. When green grasses appeared i pushed the sphere even lower and it touched the ground. The smell of burning wafted up and i clenched my fists. The fire snuffed out. This wasn't enough, still. I cast a spell that allowed me to move objects around, then focused on the dirt and scooped a human-sized hole into the earth. Astarion carried Obreon to his grave and laid him to rest. I commanded the giant clump of soil to move back into its place and the body was finally covered.
I stared at the fresh grave. The deed was done, there was no way back. Tomorrow we will have to welcome whatever crawls out of that grave, be it doom or blessing. I could have summoned a snowstorm to cover the naked dirt, but we were too far into the woods to have a need for it.
„I hope it's not doubt in your eyes that i'm seeing,“ Astarion whispered with amusement, while embracing me from behind. „It was your idea, after all. His family will slaughter us with a concerto, if they find out what we did.“ His voice lowered in tone, becoming a breathy, sultry whisper.
He was pent-up ever since our debauchery in the gardens. His hands encircled my waist.
„I'm deeply impressed by your sixth sense for masochists. Perhaps i should leave finding all future spawn to you…that, and i love indulging your whims, my darkest dream.“ As he was talking his lips were leaving a trail of kisses down my neck. I sighed with delight, letting him seduce me.
„Кeep talking….and kissing me, my love. I was hoping you would want to fuck on his grave.“
Astarion laughed alluringly and spun me around as if we were on a dance floor. My hands landed on his shoulders and snapped to his neck.
„We were in the middle of something. Well, you were, at least.“
„Want me to continue?“ I laughed smugly.
„Mmm,“ he drawled lustfully, „a certain part of me has been waiting very eagerly to meet you again.“ Astarion pulled my hand from his neck, pressed it against his face and traced his lips with my fingers.
My eyes were burning holes into him. Astarion opened his soft mouth and stuck his tongue out, running my manicured fingers across its moist surface. A sting of pleasure shot up my loins and i snapped my other hand from his neck and cupped his crotch. Astarion's heavily-lidded eyes were glued to mine, desire written on his parted lips.
My walls throbbed, i simply could not resist him. My hand clenched his member through his pants, traced its prominent outline, then kneaded it possessively. Astarion's mouth gaped further open, it was inviting me to do horrible things. I pushed my lips against his, but didn't kiss him just yet. My lips rubbed against his, teasing, soothing. My hand on his crotch began rubbing him off. Astarion shivered from delight, his hands grabbing my waist and starting to lift my skirts.
I smiled and took his lower lip between my teeth, sucking it, then clamping down at full force. Astarion moaned from the sudden pain, his brow frowning, but he didn't stop me. I sucked on his lip while my hand was hard at work on his cock. The opposing sensations were driving him mad, conflicting in his brain, enhancing one another. I released his lip and grasped the front of his jacket, beginning to lead him backwards towards the fresh grave. He complied, staring at me with vengeful lust. I shoved him onto the ground. It turned me on that our 'third wheel' was underneath us, even in death. You shall serve, Obreon, serve in every possible way.
Once my lord was down i crawled on top of him, my hands reaching for the clasps of his pants. I opened them and set his hard, aching member free. Just looking at it made me wet, it was mine, only mine, i will do whatever i damn please. I stooped and stuck my tongue out, licking up his shaft. I made a dramatic pause at the tip and began teasing it with my tongue. A pair of shaky moans from below let me know just how appreciative my lover was. His moans echoed with tingles in my crotch. I reached down and stroked my bud, making sure that Astarion sees it. He stared, moistening his lips with his tongue. I lowered myself to suck his tip again, prodding it with my tongue, all this time rubbing myself. It was heavenly.
Astarion closed his eyes in delight, his hips thrusting upwards, asking for more. I gave his shaft a few strokes, while my mouth was working on him with wicked devotion.
„Just fuck me already, my love,“ he groaned out grimly, while in desperate need of release.
I gazed up at him with evil self-satisfaction, as my tongue was swirling around his tip. I was pleasuring myself shamelessly, putting on a performance.
„Is this begging worthy of a vampire lord? Don't think so,“ i teased him cruelly, returning back to slurping his length. I sucked his tip like a lollipop.
Astarion shuddered and moaned out loud. „Damn you, do you want me to beg?! You evil, wicked, wretched little…“ His cursing got cut off by a needy groan, since i sucked him in and gave his member a few rough, fast-paced bounces. I spat him out shortly and began kneading him.
„Shit,“ he swore crudely.
I chuckled and heaved my hips, my hand still between my legs.
Astarion gulped and gathered himself, it wasn't easy since his mind was foggy. „Alright…“ he panted. His voice became low and seductive, the kind that drove me feral. „I need you to fuck me…i beg of you, my darkest desire.“
I listened intently, of course that voice got to me. I took great pleasure in stroking myself faster as he spoke. I nearly gave in, but decided to torture him further.
I smiled looking at him, then shook my head cruelly.
Astarion huffed annoyingly and frowned at me. His mask was quickly broken.
„Fuck, what do you want now? A poem of 50 paragraphs?!“
His frustration was deeply amusing to me. Watching him squirm made my bud grow bigger and more sensitive.
„You wouldn't be able to make one, you're a shitty poet,“ i said with a hoarse chuckle.
Astarion glared at me without blinking, eyes narrow. My evil foreplay was starting to dawn on him.
„I could command you…“ He started, but i cut him off.
„Command me to what? Sit on your cock? No you fucking can't….“ I laughed loudly, getting a deep satisfaction from his blight. I moved down and ran my tongue across his length, leaving a kiss on the tip. Then sat up and added, „or you would have already done so. You're powerless, vampire ascendant.“
Astarion trembled as i teased his member, something in his presence shifting. His face turned emotionless while his upper lip curled, exposing his fangs. He lunged forward and grabbed my neck. He pulled me close until our faces almost touched.
„I'm powerless…and yet here you are grinding yourself against me. Look at yourself, you're absolutely dripping feral, you'd do anything for me. What is this if not power?“
I looked at him silently. This was a fun turn of events, i loved it when he grabbed me like that. I grasped his member and smirked widely.
„Not bad, but i'm not afraid of you,“ i said and shoved him back onto the ground.
He wasn't expecting that and growled at me.
„You witch!“
I waved my finger, scolding him alluringly. „No, no, be nice now, my beloved.“
Astarion stared at me with a deep frown. „You're enjoying this, aren't you? Does my suffering satiate your sadistic little heart?“
I licked my lips, my hands moving to undo the lacing of my bodice. I moved up on his body so that my hips were right above his. I sat down, my wet folds pressing onto his length. As i was untying my bodice i rotated my hips, grinding myself against his hardness. Astarion inhaled sharply and arched his back, enjoying the delightful friction. I opened my bodice and freed my breasts, my hips now grinding more intentionally. A groan escaped him and his hands snapped onto my hips, making sure i never stop.
„You have no idea, my beloved,“ i purred, carried away by the sweet sensation between my legs.
I humped him further, my movements becoming more rough and desperate. My vampire was grunting underneath me, jerking my hips faster and faster. I needed him inside me. I reached down, grabbed his cock and guided it inside me. It slid in effortlessly for my wetness had stained even the front of his pants. Entering me made Astarion gasp out in ecstasy, his chest heaving with each heavy breath. I started riding him, angling myself in a way that i could grind my bud against his stomach. Astarion's hands dug deeper into my hips, pushing me down harder. I was panting, moans of pleasure flying from my lips each time his cock brushed against my walls. We spent a while like this. Astarion's frown softened, his visage revealing a desperation for pleasure.
Suddenly he sat up and pushed me to the ground, nudging my thighs up and entered me again. It was fantastic! He held my legs and thrust into me with speed and vigour. Each friction of his delicious cock against my throbbing walls sending waves of bliss up my body. I sunk my claws into his shoulders and let him have me however he wanted. The ecstasy in his eyes was unlike anything i've seen so far – bliss, impatience, adoration. I felt the orgasm build and screamed as it expanded, my head flying back, eyes fluttering shut.
Astarion fucked me through my contractions, groaning from the intensity of the sensation. There was an absence in his eyes that told me, he was coming soon. His hips kept moving, unable to stop even if he tried, aching for the sweet kiss of release. Finally, he moaned loudly and grabbed me into a tight embrace. His hips were still moving, riding out his prolonged frustration. I stroked his hair and held him lovingly. Once he stopped we just lay there in each other's arms. Gasping and covered in dirt.
We returned to the city and enjoyed the luxuries of our rented cottage. We filled the wooden tub and had a bath, drank wine, rested on soft fresh sheets. I asked Astarion to wash my hair and he fulfilled my request. Then i washed his. I have become used to his presence, even during the most intimate moments, and i demanded the same from him. He didn't seem to mind it either. Astarion said he was always watching, but so was i. I watched him unbashfully as he bathed, changed or slept. He was a feast for my eyes, something worthy of admiration.
„You always stare so eagerly,“ he noted.
„You can return the favor, i don't mind feeling your eyes on me,“ i smirked alluringly, or…have you become bored of this?“ I ran my hand down my leg to make a point.
„How could i possibly get bored of you, darling? I chose you as my consort for a reason,“ he flirted back.
„I hope you chose me for my personality, because you'll never get rid of me.“ My flirtation had a dark aftertaste, a playful warning just under top layers. „The only acceptable divorce i'll take is decapitation.“
„Are you threatening me or flirting? It sounds the same coming from your lips, my love.“ Astarion leaned closer to brush my neck, whispering, „Do not fear, my love, i know about the hidden recesses of your mind, ah, the horrors that lurk in that darkness are abundant. I met you when you were a merciless assassin and was captivated by your steady hand, by your stoic character. Though, i know now that your stoicism was simply a facade, there's hardly anyone in Faerun more passionate in nature than you. We're a good match, don't you think ?“
His seduction worked well on me. I put my hand on his chest, my claws dragging on his skin.
„Say it!“ i hissed, my eyes burning with fire.
His lips formed a devious smirk, but his eyes were clouded by lust.
„I love you and i will burn the world down for you.“
I laughed victoriously, drunk on desire.
„I will slaughter anyone who dares to lay a finger on you.“
Astarion lowered himself slowly onto my lips, his voice a hoarse whisper.
„It's a promise.“
Next night we made our leave, i used a flight spell again. It was still snowing and the forest was even more difficult to travel. Large snowdrifts were leaning against trees, the wind was knocking the buildup of snow from tree crowns. The grave site was coated in a blanket of snow, but still lightly dented. The hill made finding the spot a lot easier. We stood at the foot of the grave, dressed in our furs and waiting.
„It's quite romantic,“ i said playfully. „Еven while waiting something to chew its way out of the dirt.“
„The noble family has probably noticed the absence of their oldest son by now, but there's no commotion, no search patrols on the streets.“
„You think they're keeping it quiet on purpose? The palace is being searched, i'm sure of it.“
„The Anvegg family wants to save face, we must use it against them.“
An eerie scream echoed in the distance, bouncing off trees and stone. I grabbed Astarion's hand out of instinct. He comforted me.
„It must be one of those hungry winter ghosts Ronegard was speaking about. It's a good thing they have been appeased.“
I looked into the darkness of the forest, something was watching us, something ancient and incorporeal. This land was truly haunted, haunted by monsters scarier than us. Suddenly the snow on the grave started moving, a hollow formed on its surface, and a pale hand reached out into the sky.
„He is coming,“ i noted calmly. We watched as the snow got shovelled aside, mixed with the darkness of dirt, and a figure crawled out. Obreon was hard to recognize, his clothes were filthy, hair tangled and stained by soil. His gorgeous eyes we now red, wide from fear and confusion. Obreon clawed at the snow, pulling himself further into the moonlight. His head was whipping around, looking for something in the trees. Then he finally noticed us and froze.
„Where am i? W-what have you done to me?“ The nobleman growled.
„You have been reborn, sweet prince,“ Astarion spoke to him smugly.
„With term and conditions, dear. Now you belong to us.“ I stepped closer and squatted down in front of him, gently touching his hair.
„What are you saying? What did you do? Did you curse me?“ Obreon stared into my soul. He was so confused, so dazed.
„You're a vampire spawn now. He is your master.“ I stroked his hair, cleaning it from dirt, nodding towards Astarion.
Obreon frowned and shook his head in disbelief.
„No, no….no! This can't be true!“
I took a small mirror from the pocket of my trousers and held it up in front of Obreon's face. His eyes locked on it, widening with horror. He crawled closer, staring into the glossy surface that showed no reflection. Something inside him broke, his head dropped, long hair dragging on the snow.
„Мy family will kill you for this,“ he mumbled.
„I'm afraid you won't be able to tell them. I don't want to exert total control over you, so i need you to behave. Being a spawn doesn't have to mean endless suffering, however, if you to put us in any danger…“ Astarion was menacing, confident and powerful.
He was going to be an excellent master and i was so proud of him. He was all mine.
„..Astarion will command you to walk into the sun,“ i finished the sentence for him.
Obreon clenched his teeth and made a loud whimper - as if about to cry or burst out laughing, a grotesque gag of a sound. He raised his head, eyes glistening with tears, mouth contorted.
„Whatever you planned is destined to fail. My family….the council… will never let themselves to be influenced and if they find out that i'm a…“ he struggled to utter the word, „they will burn me as a traitor.“
„Вurn their own son?“ i chuckled, my hand caressing his head. „That's too heartless for a man who introduced his family so lovingly. Come on now, it's not all doom and gloom. We will take care of you, i promise.“
I knelt and pulled the elf into my lap. Obreon didn't resist and laid his head on my thigh, i started gently stroking his head. It was an odd scene, but he seemed to calm down.
Astarion was satisfied with the outcome, he stood and watched us quietly.
„What happens next?“ Obreon asked.
„We will take you home, but first, you have to make yourself presentable,“ Astarion replied. „Your family should remain blissfully unaware of your nightly escapades.“
„You can take a bath at our place and we will clean up your clothes,“ i chimed in, brushing dirty hair off his cheekbone.
„And you will tell your family a story with a very happy ending: you succumbed to a night of wild debauchery with two of your guests, who lured you out of the castle. You got drunk and passed out somewhere, only to stagger back home the next day. You can add whatever details you desire to make it more convincing. Lying shouldn't be too difficult, since it's basically the truth.“
Obreon listened quietly, eyes distant. Confusion and shock was written all over his face. He was scared, too. I tried my best to calm him, we didn't need him to panic.
„And…what do you want to be called? Should i call you master now?“ The nobleman barked bitterly.
Astarion rolled his eyes. „Мaster is such an old-fashioned, formal title, i prefer something more…casual. You may call me by my name.“
„You must stay out of the sun and be ready for the hunger, sweetheart. Astarion, will you read him the rules?“ I averted my eyes to my beloved.
The vampire hummed and replied with a delay, „Things will be different from when i was a spawn and it's no secret i feel aversion towards my former master's rules. Mine will be a lot easier to follow. Keep your nature a secret, i recommend drinking from criminals, it's about time they'd be useful for something. Animals are another good source to keep in mind. Secondly, obey my every command. You won't mention us to anyone. And you will come when called.“
„Think of us as your extended family,“ i added tenderly.
„It's time, my love,“ Astarion gestured.
I cast the flight spell on myself and Obreon, whilst Astarion shapeshifted into a swarm of bats. The mist was still veiling the town, so there was no chance of being seen. I held Obreon's hand as we jumped from rooftop to rooftop.
„So, you're a sorcerer,“ he mentioned midair. „He isn't building an army of sorcerers and wizards, is he?
That made me laugh. „Оf course not, it was i who chose you.“
Obreon stared at me with a frown, worry and confusion plastered all over his face.
We landed on the balcony and entered our humble abode. I filled him a lovely hot bath. The noble elf seemed to enter another stage of apathy, he just stood in the middle of the room stolidly, eyes vacant. I had to undress him and he behaved like a doll, allowing to be manipulated without any resistance. I guided him into the bath, where he sat in silence. I washed his body, then his hair, led him out of the bathtub and wrapped him in a blanket. Astarion stood next to a wall, sipping a glass of wine. He offered it to me, as i passed by, and i took it gladly. I downed the whole thing and pressed the empty glass back into his hand.
The next thing that needed to be done were Obreon's clothes. I washed them, then used a fireball to heat up the room and speed dry the garments. When i entered the room with fresh laundry in my hands, i stumbled upon a charming scene. Astarion was drying Obreon's hair with a towel. He did it so gently, so methodically. Then he picked something from the table and proceeded to comb his hair.
I placed the folded clothes on the table and sat down, enjoying the view.
„Has he said anything?“
„No, he's been ruminating.“
„Can we really send him back in such a state?“
„He will be fine in a minute. I was in a similar state myself. Though, a lot more self-aware,“ Astarion snickered.
„Poor thing, he must be blaming himself,“ i said mockingly, tilting my head.
„This is just the first stage, rage will come next.“ Astarion knew what he was talking about.
In a way, Obreon was at fault. He did follow two strangers into the night and succumbed to their seduction. At the same time, his decisions didn't have much gravity in the outcome. We would have turned him even if he resisted. In that case, he would have been at a greater risk of death. I wasn't sure i wanted a spawn that fought against us. There was no use for a biting dog. Astarion would trust my opinion, i'm sure, he knew i was good at picking people apart.
I walked up to Obreon and cupped his face with both hands. „Don't blame yourself. If you want to hate someone, hate me. Your hate shall be the wind under my wings. I can promise you one thing, if you accept us, we will keep you out of harm's way. You shall taste all the pleasures of eternity,“ i said to him in the most charming way.
I needed Obreon to be strong and cast aside his doubts. He was going back into the lion's den and had to be mentally sound. Astarion, who was still combing his hair, sent me an amused glance.
„I'm giving him something to focus on,“ i whispered to my beloved. „It's better if his aversion is aimed at me, not at his master.“
Astarion shook his head in charming disbelief. „You're positively diabolical, my darling. Not to mention impishly clever.“
His praise tickled me like nothing else. „Мove aside, i'll dry his hair.“ My smile was sly and flirty.
I brought my hands in front of me and summoned a fireball. The brightly colored flame filled the room with elongated shadows. I blew onto the fire ever so gently and a wave of hot air wafted over Obreon's hair. I repeated this a few times before extinguishing the flame.
Astarion began combing his hair again as if nothing happened.
„I wish someone took care of me, instead of feeding me dead rats and carving my skin off. My spawn should be grateful to have me as their master.“
„I wish i met you sooner, i would have draped his intestines on palace windows. You will be a better master than him, it will be your advantage. Your gift to those ingrates.“
„You're as lovely as ever,“ he stated.
Astarion put the comb down and walked out of the room.
„I'll fetch us some more wine.“
I followed him with my loving eyes, but i got interrupted by the pressure around my arm. I looked at Obreon and confirmed that he was indeed holding me. His red eyes were glued to mine, bottomless and glistening.
„You never answered me.“
„What was the question, my dear?“
„Why did you choose me?“
I lingered with my answer, letting Obreon's eyes melt into mine, his expectations to churn and tangle.
„Because i liked you.“ My answer was blunt, yet alluring. „Weren't you attracted to us, too?“
„You seduced me.“ Obreon was feverish.
„And you enjoyed it.“ My voice was sweet as honey, dark charm in full bloom. „In fact, it seemed you were waiting for it your whole life, judging by the way you were humping my hand.“
I could swear i saw the shadow of hesitation sliding across Obreon's face. He was doubting himself, questioning everything, ashamed.
„I will neve forgive you,“ he said, „but i can't hate you either.“
Simply admitting that made him feel small and guilty. It made me happy to see that we had made such a memorable impression on him, that we were messing with his pretty little head.
„There's no need to sulk. Eternal life is a gift not offered to many. You shall prosper under a reasonable master. You ought to be grateful to have Astarion,“ i cooed and leaned in to leave him tender kiss on the lips. „Get ready now.“
Obreon stood up, wrapped in his towel like a protective shell. I turned my back out of politeness and heard his towel drop to the floor. He started dressing himself. After some time i turned around and he was in his evening outfit. I ran my hand up his chest and smiled.
„So handsome. You'll need a spell to hide those eyes.“
Obreon nodded silently. He closed his eyes and began chanting. I felt a burst of magic and when he opened his eyes, they were his former color.
Astarion was back, holding two glasses of wine. He seemed pleased to see that things were going well. He walked up to us and splashed wine all over Obreon's outfit. The latter stared at him in shock, but the vampire lord simply smirked.
„You're far too clean for someone who spent the night hugging the bottle,“ Astarion said. „This will help you with your mission.“
I pulled a handkerchief from my pocket and dried his face.
„Just remember this, your new abilities brought you a lot of advantages, not just weaknesses. We will meet again soon.“ I kissed him sensually and he succumbed to the charm once more. My hands moved on their own, slithering down his chest and grasping at his sides. A heavy sigh fluttered from Obreon's throat. I kissed him for a second longer and pulled away.
„You have to go now,“ i said. „I'll take you.“
Obreon shook his head, still recovering from the kiss.
„There's no need. I'll go alone. It won't be hard with a dense fog outside.“
„Have a safe journey.“
Obreon dashed past us and down the stairs. I heard the door open and slam shut. Once we were alone Astarion burst out laughing.
„That poor boy! You messed up his head and his loins! I wouldn't be surprised if he is infatuated with you, anyway, he will be eating from your hand.“
I huffed flirtatiously, „Me? You were there too, if i remember it correctly, messing with his head just as keenly as i was. He's in love with us both. He just doesn't understand it yet.“ My hand slid down the trim of his jacket.
Astarion's hand took my waist and pulled me closer. „We woke his hunger and he will be coming back until it's satiated,“ he spoke in a soft, tempting voice.
„I hope he does. Lust is more powerful than fear,“ my eyes had a sinister glow. I took the glass of wine Astarion was holding and sipped.
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bengiyo · 6 months
Theory of Love Rewatch Ep 8 Stray Thoughts
Last time, Khai began his bisexual awakening, and I gave the show points for handling the interior experience of that with a lot of honesty. I appreciate that no one is on Khai's side about going after Third, let alone Third. I like that Two especially doesn't want Khai messing with Third. I am glad that Third has been moving on with his life, and I like how now that we're outside of his head Third seems kind of aloof. I like that Khai's reputation is working against him as he tries to be serious about Third. Meanwhile, Bone is working on a big project with Paan and making eyes at her. We left at Khai being cast in Third's play as the jerk lead.
Ep.08 The Proposal
Third is actually so mean and I love it.
I also like that Third is annoyed by Khai hovering over him lately.
Khai tried to fuck with Un and Un said, "Pot-kettle-black, bitch."
LOL, even Shane is on team Let Third Be Into Someone Else.
It's kinda funny how most of this gang has no skill when it comes to people they actually like.
Okay, this car scene with every radio station playing some kind of sad song about heartbreak was funny.
They're getting some good resonance with Lynn. Her boyfriend got tired of her and she's wondering if she should change. Khai is also struggling with who he should be for Third.
I think White may have actually been in a fight before. His reactions to ministrations feel correct.
LOL. Bone said Un is way better than you, Khai. Get wrecked.
Un said, "What do you know of Third? Aren't you his best friend? Answer, quickly!!"
I feel no sympathy for Khai at all. He always tossed Third at girls he was done with and used him as a shield. He deserves no regard from Third after all the shit he pulled. He can't even handle girls he flirted with being annoyed with him.
Taking a nap while waiting for the file to export is so real.
Yes, Two, get that shot in at Khai for always dumping Third for girls.
I really like Gun's gait. He doesn't often adjust it for his characters.
I struggle to feel for Khai's heartache here, because he's hurt more people than just Third.
I'm so sick of this orange balcony as the transition shot.
Who are you jealous of here, Two?
Wow, is Khai going to actually tell Third he's quitting? That's better than his usual avoidance tactics.
So, Khai, you're saying you want to...Make It Right? You don't do that by kissing a sleeping person, especially one you've wronged.
Finally, Third gets mad. I've needed him to get mad. I needed him to go to the window, stick his head out, and yell, "I'm as mad as hell! And I'm not going to take this anymore!"
Good thing he wore that helmet!
Yes, montage of all the things Khai did to Third. I'm glad you're finally recognizing your shit even if you think this is the end.
In the words of Susan Ivanova, "All love is unrequited." I'm actually enjoying this part of the show a lot. Khai is so bad at this and can't stand that Third is inaccessible to him now. You don't know what you got till it's gone, and I am not feeling sympathy for this man child. I like that his bros give him shit constantly and never let up until he starts to break. Khai created the world around him with his callousness, and I'm enjoying seeing him grate against the other side of it. Ending on him sliding across pavement and getting torn up is an excellent choice, because our bodies are so fragile. It's good to illustrate how he thought he was immune to all of that on his beloved Charlie and all the ways he projected onto that only to see him dashed across the road as he thinks about his friend he never realized how much he loved until that friend cut him off.
As always, this rewatch is sponsored by @lurkingshan, with support from @waitmyturtles and @neuroticbookworm. Also tagging @twig-tea by request.
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dlsintegration · 9 months
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Using @iwtvfanevents's a meal to remember event as an opportunity to celebrate some of the sickos beautiful authors in this fandom 🧡 here's a list of some of my favourite recommendations, all of them Louis-centric and/or involving louis in a major fashion.
I will also be adding a song that I associate to each of them!!
canon/semi-canon compliant
Pour (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Kicking this list off with one of my all times favorite, manages to capture their voices perfectly. You'll never go wrong with one of babe's fics, they're all canon in my head 🧡
song: holy terrain - fka twigs
Glass (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Melting just thinking about this one. I can never be free of them.
Pieta (E) by baberainbow / @baberainbowao3: Gabrielle gives lestat something he needs and gives louis something he didnt know he needed 🧡 Gabrielle is so kind 🧡
song: let go - tinashe
song: mary magdalene - fka twigs
Tides (E) by @nlbv: Tides my best friend. had to stare at my ceiling for at least 10 minutes after that one and it doesn't lose its impact no matter how much I come back to it. Masterful grasp on both louis and lestat's characterization and the toxicity that permeates their relationship.
song: tear you apart - she wants revenge
Roadkill (E) by @baberainbowao3 and @nlbv: TELL THE AVENGERS TO PACK IT THE FUCK UP. This is the most ambitious crossover of our generation. Roadkill my wife my beloved my soulmate. Read it so many times i've managed to convince myself it was canon. and it is. What is a family meant for if not for going to the circus, commiting horrifying acts of violence and making plans for the future 🧡
song: savage good boy - japanese breakfast
someone buy me roses (E) by indigostohelit: Perfect dialogue, impeccably true to their characters, illustrates louis' religious hangups and repression in a subtle funny and intimate way.
song: save a prayer - duran duran
Amour Rouge (E) by revengefrnnk: Louis exploring femininity. Big big fan of putting that man in lingerie personally. 10/10 certified s1 deleted scene to me.
song: blood and butter - caroline polachek
Reformation (E) by verseau / @greedydemands (MODERN AU): The sacred texts. We all remember where we were. 10/10 will make you go through the full range of existing human emotions. I laughed. I cried, a number of times. I sweat, I danced. I got... a shot, I ate and... I had many epiphanies.
song: heaven - shygirl / be sweet - japanese breakfast
hold me tight, & fear me not (E) by boltcutters / @wordforworldisforest (TAM LIN AU): Me when I find a beautiful fairytale book in the evil yaoi section. Read if you love beautiful writing and if you want to find out what happens to lost little lambs that stray from the path.
song: i cant breathe - gwsn
Part of Your World (E) by weathermood / @weather-mood (LITTLE MERMAID AU): I never know where to start when praising POYW, from how real and alive the world feels to the sense of tragedy permeating Louis and Lestat's entire relationship, to how much it's made me miss the sea. Oh and also the monsterfucking ❤️
song: like real people do - hozier / sea, swallow me - cocteau twins
House of Gold (E) by dirtygoldensoul / @revolution-starter : I don't usually read A/B/O fics but I love this one so much, for many reasons, the main one being how bad the family dynamics get me... Can't recommend it enough 🧡
song: work song - hozier
Like a Heathen clung to the Homily (E) by @thelioncourts (SEX CLUB AU): One of my favorite insights into Louis' internality and his lingering religious trauma, and how it still affects him, chapter 4 almost made me cry... Can't wait to see where it goes next.
song: after dark - mister kitty
canon/semi-canon compliant
dirges (E) by boltcutters / @wordforworldisforest: Can't make my way into loumand territory without mentioning my beautiful wife dirges. Ziska if you read this know that you will be dealt with shortly. Loumand bed death allegation hours: CLOSED FOREVER.
song: posing in bondage - japanese breakfast
Alluvium (E) by serpenstkirts / @knifeeater: The best way I can describe Laïs' fics and how they make me feel would be to liken the experience to drowning into a lake and being grateful for the dark water filling your lungs. This fic is about eroticized latex gloves and finger sucking btw.
song: only seeing god when i come - sega bodega
vanishing point (E) by serpentskirts / @knifeeater: Motorcycle sex as religious experience. Day 67 of my campaign to get Laïs in that writing room.
song: sunset - caroline polachek / nascar - stella smyth
Selfsame (E) by @vampdf: 70s LOUMAND CRUISING ERA MY BELOVED. Number 1 on the list of the crimes Eli has to answer for. 1000/10. Died five separate times reading this. Rolin look at me. Rolin dont listen to AMC. You need this in s2. It is crucial that we get this. Louis deserves it.
song: a pill to crush - evelyn / sulk - tr/st
Prey Drive (E) by The_Lame_Goat / @iwtvdramacd18: Speaking of loumand's 70s insane bdsm practices 💔💔💔 s2 script just leaked. Is your eternal vampire marriage hitting a rough spot? Try our newest predator/prey large-scale roleplay!
song: lullaby - the cure / on the run - kelela
Mark Deep (E) by The_Lame_Goat / @iwtvdramacd18: Goat you have my blood on your hands. No added commentary needed actually. The damage this fic has done to me is irreversible. Read if you want some more quality t4t loumand insanity.
song: pang - caroline polachek
Rumpelstiltskin (E) by weathermood / @weather-mood: Most normal loumand roleplay night. Louis wakes up in a tower. I literally refuse to say anything else until you all read it for yourself and go through the sheer range of emotions I've went through when first reading it. #Their princess/captor slay is real and alive and thriving. This fic is also part of the NMHMRGPINE (No Matter How Much Rashid Gets Paid It's Not Enough) verse btw.
who is she ? - i monster / big bad wolf - shakey graves
the night island (E) by @vampdf (MAFIA AU): I don't know much but I know Armand was made to be a mob boss and Louis was made to be a mob wife. One of the most insanity-inducing byproducts of the career dom s2 teaser Armand scene(tm).
song: bitch bites dog - cecile believe
thy fearful symmetry (E) by mothmaiden: 70s era. One of the flrst iwtv fics I ever read. Never left my mind since. Delicious dynamics between the three of them, got me gasping and covering my mouth many times. Can't recommend enough.
song: soul control - jessie ware
Little Kidnaps in the Dark (E) by @gayvampiredivorce : The damage little kidnaps has wrought on my crops, my mental health, my friends and family can NOT be overstated. Masterful interpretation of the evolution of their relationship and dynamics through the haze of vampiric existence. Anne could never have done this.
song: when the sun hits - slowdive
Lethe series (T/E) by serpentskirts / @knifeeater: Quite simply one of my favorite series not only in that tag but in general. Every sentence Laïs writes pulls me into a dark void that I hope I'm never getting out of.
song: hopedrunk everasking - caroline polachek
Good to Love / Ruthless in Love (M) by themasterletters / @brightfelon (MODERN AU): Reading Toni's fics makes me feel like im a teen again, waiting anxiously for updates and calling up all my friends to scream and , am in love with all of Toni's readings of the characters but his Louis truly gets me. That fic doesn't only live rent free in my head it's also led me places I wouldnt go to with a gun. I have seen the best minds of my generation led to madness by toni's loumand. btw.
song: career boy - dorian electra / genghis khan - miike snow
A Potentiality for Corruption (E) by @vampdf: The thing is. I can't talk about Eli's fics without talking about Potentiality. However. Talking about Potentiality also happens to send me into a state of delirious hysterics. Daphne Du Maurier found dead in a ditch. Charlotte Brontë shaking and crying. Guillermo Del Toro found jobless. There's a new Gothic classic in town.
song: ptolemaea - ethel cain
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hotcat37 · 2 months
(Moodboard delivery service is sorta closed 4 a lil buttt i was kinda wondering how ur lil mii versions of our boys are doing,Frank’s growing up pretty fast N Tommy getting into a fight with John even tho John could break his arms N legs like f4n twigs 💀.Got any updates on Igor?? :3,his lil “:3” face has been engraved into my brain N I miss the lil guy N his hamster cage apartment 😭😭)
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I'm actually going to do a whole separate post of all the recent Mii tea because a lot has happened in one day 👀 Thank you for the Jance dump my beloveds <33 As for Mii Igor 🐈‍⬛:
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He was in a very good mood today >:3 Played nicely with Jesse and Edgar. He's starting to warm up to Nace too :0
Also BIG Mii Jance update:
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They're having another baby!!! It's Ollie time!!
💕🐶 Jance pet dads real
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