wsxmoe · 11 months
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Chronosentry My submission for the Kaybug Community Collection 01: Future from last april!
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goldammerchen · 9 months
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the-busy-ghost · 1 year
We may not have the most exciting or blooming garden in the world but we do have:
Ladybirds living on the holly (eating aphids)
Blackbirds regularly hopping about, eating the few slugs that ever actually appear, and picking up leaves from the lawn for their nests
Finches, sparrows, and tits (haha) chattering to each other in crowds on the one small tree
Many different kinds of visiting bee and wasp
And this is relatively normal for a Scottish garden so it's not just us and even if we could do better by our wildlife, it still makes me happy to know they're there
#Also woodlice but they're everwhere round here#When we lived in England we even had a toad that lived at the bottom of the garden#We do try to make a hospitable environment for the species that come along but we're not very good at it#So we can't really take credit for this except in what we don't do or refuse to do#I think the key is to keep things somewhat tidy but not too much#Every other garden on our street- even the ones that are supposed to be wildlife friendly- are so TIDY#There's no fallen branches for insects to hide under and no worms and slugs in the lawn because of overcutting#Thus no food for birds and no places for them to hide either#We also have a hedgerow which helps#We also have a hedgerow of hawthorn and beech and holly instead of a fence so I think that helps#And for a long time we had an elderly dog who couldn't chase anything herself but it kept the cats away#(I love cats but they shouldn't be allowed to just roam around threatening wildlife and shitting in the flowers)#We could do much better#We need more early food for bees so I will try to remember to plant some muscarii or something this autumn#And we do need to do some tidying soon but on the whole I am happy with it#It's nice to think that the ordinary British garden can be adequate for wildlife without any work really#Obviously we could make it a haven if we put the work in#But it's as much about what we're NOT doing (excessive use of weedkiller and insecticides; overtidying)#As what we are doing (planting pollinator friendly plants)#Especially this year it's been a year of birds#There are SO many of them because they have lots of places to hide and it has a great result#Because the few slugs and things we have tend to get picked off by them before they do serious damae#And the slugs that don't I tend to spot and put in the compost heap where they can be useful#By contrast our small back garden is an awful example#Astroturf and paving stones and no shelter and no plants/food- even the weeds aren't flowering ones like dandelions#I'm gradually trying to improve it as we get a lot of sun and there are fences so less wind#It will be good for growing fruit and veg but there's no point in even putting birdseed or flowers back there#No birds or bees will go near it until we make substantial improvements#Even if I fill it with plants it will have no other wildlife except insects as there is nowhere for them to perch and hide#It will just be pots and paving stones
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danthropologie · 2 years
Sorry previous anon on Daniel again.
I just wanted to add that I think Daniel’s biggest strength is the self-awareness he has. Yeah he has a big ego like the rest of the drivers but he knows what his limitations are. Which is why he knows he has to take that one year off even if he is aware of the possibility that he may never come back. Like seb developed that trait after what he went through at Ferrari but Daniel always had it. You can see it in his driving as well, which is why he’s always been one of the cleaner racers (excluding last Sunday lol). A prime example of that is China 2018. He goes for the overtake when he knows it will stick (his move on vettel vs max attempting the same move but causing a collision)
But in a weird way that self-awareness was also his limitation at McLaren. I think he didn’t fight the team orders or the bad strategies because he kind of knew where he stood with the car and he sort of accepted that but as you’ve said like in monza when he knew he could do something he goes for it 100%. Which is why when I see comments on twitter saying why would he go back to rb to suffer the same fate as checo, I don’t quite agree. I think if he gets that seat and it’s a car he can push to the limit, he’ll be bringing the fight to max because he knows he can do that
it's interesting cause i DO think that you're right that understanding his own limitations is a big part of why he's always been such a clean driver, but i think there's also an element to it where he feels this sense of duty to everyone in the garage and back at the factory that allows him to do what he does. like he's talked and alluded to it before—how he wants to get results not just for himself, but also to make all their time and effort worth it and give them something to celebrate too yk (and relating back to your previous ask, it's also interesting to think about how that might relate or be due in part to coming up through the sport without that mentor figure).
but then at the same time, it's also interesting to look at something like monza, and how the impact zandvoort the week before literally can't be understated. to be fucked over time and time again and nothing ultimately come from it? of course he went into the next race with a fire in his belly and a point to prove. so there's that sort of dichotomy breaking point in him where he'll be realistic and willing to take a team order UP UNTIL the point where he feels like it's fucking him over for no real gain. and that's so fascinating to me cause it's like...how thin exactly is that line between sacrifice and self, between duty and ego, etc.
and if he DOES manage to get back into that seat, i think it'll be really REALLY interesting to see if they let them race again, the way they did before (even to their detriment sometimes, eg baku), or if they're less risk averse now that they know where the car stands and what it's capable of. but either way, if daniel feels confident and comfortable and like he can bring the fight, then at what point would he actually start fighting back? would it take longer to get there now because he's older and more mature and has been through these other experiences and so in coming back, he'd want to play the team game out of gratefulness for a second chance? or does the ego hit full force the second a contender car is back underneath him?
(prev ask link)
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formula1neverleft · 2 years
I hate it here :)
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6ebe · 9 months
More telemetry to make me want to kms
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wsxmoe · 2 years
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Nostalgic Embrace
Hello, I'm Julie, your local trans and therian bovine art lady from the Netherlands! 🐮 I'm going to be retroactively posting my works on this blog and mix in any new art I produce in the future as well! I hope to see you around! ✨
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ad-cn · 2 years
Title: Candy Cream (tpz Overcute Remix) Artist: t+pazolite Album: I WANNA WANNA WANNA REMIX!!! e.p. (2018)
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mariclerc · 14 days
So, i watched the video of the radio between Charles and his new engineer at Imola. Safe to say i got some ideas, and was wondering if you could write something with Charles and engineer!reader? Basically something where reader is Charles’ engineer and he’s developed feelings for her, during a race ( could be Imola, or Monaco as thats this weekend) she talks to him like Bryan does and he realizes he has a praise kink. Could lead to smut if you’re comfortable with that. Thank you in advance.
Thank you for this request, I did my best to develop it as much as possible, I hope you like it!! <3<3
Strategies and praises | cl16 (+18)
Summary: you like to praise your driver, but you have no idea how much good it does him. Warning: fluff and some light smut.
a/n: CHARLES WON IN MONACO OH MY GOD, I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE IT!! HE REALLY DID IT, I'M SO SO PROUD OF HIM!!! (not to jinx him I wrote this between Friday and Saturday so you won't have exactly the positions like in the race)
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The Monaco Grand Prix is in full swing, everyone is excited and ecstatic as they want to know how the local driver, Charles, will do. You, as his race engineer, are under a bit of pressure, as well as him, but it's nothing you can't control. For you it is a race of mere strategy and that's it, since many overtakings do not usually occur, and that is why you and Charles spend a lot of time studying the different strategies that may happen in the race.
“If we get one last run with the mediums in quali, we can achieve pole position.” He says and you nod.
“That's right, it's just a matter of the track staying the same throughout qualifying and, in case you already have provisional pole and a red flag or something happens, you're already insured there.” you say as you finish reviewing some telemetry data.
Suddenly he lets out a sigh and runs his hands through his hair, ruffling it a little. You know he is stressed and overwhelmed by this weekend, it's not that he doesn't like it, on the contrary, it's the constant pressure to have a good race at home.
“But... But what if I qualify further back? I don't know, that will change the whole strategy, right?” He asks in a whisper, you nod.
“Ehm... That might change the strategy a little bit, of course, but it's nothing we can't recover with a couple of undercuts or overcuts...” you say to finally close your laptop.
You look at Charles and notice how your words calmed him down a bit, you have been his engineer since he arrived at Ferrari in 2019 and you have been known for giving him some praises every so often in the race. And a couple of times you have been criticized for some questionable decisions in the race, but he was in charge of clearing your name with pride those times, which you are very grateful to him since he always believes in you and you in him.
It's already race day and you find yourself with a lot of nerves, the day before Charles had qualified P3 and, although it was not what we expected, there was a certain tension and hope on the pit wall. The roar of the crowd fills Charles helmet as he navigates the tight corners of Monaco. You, his engineer, his voice of reason in the chaos, cut through the static.
“Charles, that was a phenomenal lap! You took the Rascasse beautifully, just keep pushing, we can still make a good climb!” you say on the radio. “Just try to make it clean, okay? You're doing a very good job.”
A small smile tugs at Charles' lips under the helmet... He wasn't just pushing or fighting for the podium anymore, he was pushing to hear your voice, to impress you, to make you feel proud of him.
You watch the telemetry with a focused intensity, a satisfied smile playing on your lips.
“Perfect line through Beau Rivage, Charles. You're a monster machine! Let's catch them boy! I know you can do it!” you said watching his lap, he had made a couple of overcuts.
The compliment hangs heavy in the air between you and Charles, a blush creeps up his neck even though you can't see it. He pushes even harder, the car straining under his command.
Charles crosses the finish line, a hard-fought P3. He lets out a guttural yell of exhilaration, the adrenaline coursing through him. Maybe it's not a home win as he wished, but it's a podium and it's something at least.
“Great job, team! That was incredible. Y/n, you were brilliant on the strategy, thank you so much!” you heard his voice over the radio communication and you smiled.
“It was nothing Charles, now let's celebrate! You deserve it more than anyone!” you also say through the radio. “You did an absolutely amazing drive, Charles. You were phenomenal out there. We should celebrate after the podium ceremony!” you say and you let out a little giggle.
A shiver runs down Charles' spine... It wasn't just the post-race adrenaline, it was the way you said it, the subtle soft praise laced with something more, and that sweet and soft giggle of yours. All your colleagues on the pit wall hug you and congratulate you for such a spectacular strategy, Fred also congratulates you with a loving hug. You release a breath you didn't realize you were holding. Relief and pride wash over you, how proud you are to work with someone like Charles is priceless, he is someone who always strives to achieve his own.
At the end of the podium and the interviews, the paddock was practically deserted, you found yourself putting some things in your briefcase when you hear Charles calling you to meet you in his driver's room.
The room is a mess of post-race adrenaline, empty water bottles litter the table, fireproof gloves are tossed on a chair, and Charles himself is sprawled on the sofa, he's still in his race suit, sweat clinging to his toned chest through the fireproofs. He looks exhausted but exhilarated and handsome to your eyes. You knock on the door.
“Come in!” You hear him say and you enter the room, a shy and tired smile adorns your face.
“Hey, you wanted to see me champ?” you asked softly.
Charles beckons you in, a shy smile playing on his lips. He pats the space beside him on the sofa.
“Yeah, come sit, please. There's a few things we need to go over, but...” He trails off, his gaze lingering on you a beat too long. You raise an eyebrow, amusement tugging at your lips.
“But what?”
“You did amazing today, you know that? We pulled off a miracle out there, keeping the position.” he smiled shyly.
You smiled lovingly at him. “We did, didn't we? Thanks for trusting my calls. You were a rocket ship on that track, Charles.”
His gaze lingers on you a beat too long. You brush a stray strand of hair from your face, feeling a warmth spread through you.
“Always. You're the best engineer I've ever had. Not just because of the numbers, but...” his voice became a little low, he hesitate a bit, then leans in, his voice barely a whisper. “Because you believe in me... Even when I don't believe in myself, even when everyone doubts about my abilities or myself in general.”
Your heart skips a beat, you reach out, your fingers softly grazing his cheek. The touch seems to spark something in him, he leans into your hand, his eyes searching yours.
You blushed a little. “Hey, I'll always believe in you, Charles! You're incredible. You know that, right?”
His eyes hold yours, a new intensity there. He cups your face, his thumb brushing across your lips.
“There's something else I want you to know... Something I've realized lately.” he says with a husky voice.
He trails off, his gaze dropping to your lips, you feel a shiver run down your spine, he leans in slowly, and you meet him halfway. The kiss is electric, fueled by unspoken emotions and the adrenaline of the race. His hands explore your back gently, sending shivers down your spine.
“Your voice...” he kiss you again. “on the radio...” he give you another kiss. “it does things to me...” he said between kisses.
A laugh escapes your lips, breathless. “Like what, Charles?” you ask him teasingly.
He kisses your jaw, his voice a low rumble. “Like... it makes me want to drive faster, makes me want to win, to archive even more podiums... Especially when you...” He hesitates, then whispers in your ear. “Especially when you tell me I'm doing good, when you tell me that I can do it.” he said huskily.
A blush creeps up your neck. You realize what he's saying, a heat pooling in your core.
“So... you like a little praise, huh?” you whisper too.
He kisses your neck, his touch sending shivers down your spine. “More than you know, mon ange, especially if it comes from you.”
The air crackles with unspoken desire. You let out a soft gasp as Charles undoes the buttons of your t-shirt, his touch lingering on the fabric. You reach up and cup his face, pulling him close for another kiss. This time, it's deeper, filled with a new urgency. His hands slide down your back, sending a fire down your spine.
“Then tell me, Charles. What do you want to hear?” you said breathlessly.
He pulls back slightly, his eyes blazing. “Tell me you're proud of me, tell me I drove flawlessly. Tell me you knew I could do it... Please.” he says in a whisper, practically begging you.
You run your hand through his hair, a slow smile spreading across your face. “I am so incredibly proud of you, Charles. You were phenomenal out there, you took that car to its limits and never gave up. You're a phenomenal driver, the best on the grid.”
His eyes lock on yours, the praise filling him with a surge of heat that goes beyond the race. He leans in again, his voice a husky whisper.
“More, keep going amour. Tell me you knew I could keep that podium, even when I doubted myself.”
You trace the outline of his jaw with your thumb, your voice dropping to a low purr. “I always knew you could keep that podium, Charles. You have this incredible talent, this fire inside you. You were born to be a champion!”
His breath hitches, and he pulls you close, his touch sending shivers down your spine. His hands explore your body, finding the small of your back, urging you closer.
“Don't stop please. You make me want to push myself even further, make me want to win every single race left, just to hear you say that again.” says with a ragged voice.
The praise fuels your own desire. You pull back slightly, your gaze flickering over his race suit, you smile.
“Then let's celebrate your podium properly, shall we? Show me just how good you are at taking some orders.” you say with a husky voice, and a triumphant grin splits his face.
The air hums with a different kind of electricity now. Charles's eyes darken, the praise turning him on far more than he expected. He leans in, his voice a low rumble.
“You don't just believe in my driving, do you baby?”
His hand dips under your shirt, brushing softly against your skin. You gasp, a shiver running through you.
“No, Charles. I believe in you... All of you. Your talent, your strength, your incredible heart. You're the most determined, passionate person I know! And seeing you out there, pushing yourself, it does something to me too...”
His touch ignites a fire within you, mirroring the one he feels. You trace a line down his chest, feeling the heat radiating through his damp race suit.
“What does it do, bellissima?” he says with a husky voice.
You lean in close, your lips brushing his ear. “It makes me want to celebrate with you in a very different way.” you whispered in his ear.
He pulls back slightly, his eyes searching yours. A slow smile spreads across his face, a mix of satisfaction and desire.
“Tell me then, how do you want to celebrate?” he asks.
You run your hand down his arm, sending a spark through both of you. “Let me show you how proud I am of the man you are, not just the driver. How much I admire your strength, your focus, everything that makes you so incredible.”
His breath hitches, and he pulls you close again. This kiss is different, slower, filled with a deeper meaning. His touch explores your body, finding the places that make you shiver, places no one had ever discovered before.
“Then show me, bellissima. Show me everything you've been holding back.” he said with a rough voice.
You pull back slightly, your eyes locked on his. “But first, tell me one more thing. Did you ever think your engineer might be a little turned on by seeing you dominate the track?” you say shyly.
His laugh is a low rumble, filled with pure, unadulterated desire.
“Not until now, but believe me, gorgeous, the feeling is most definitely mutual.”
He finally pulls your shirt up all the way, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through you. As he slowly undresses you, his eyes never leave yours, a mixture of gratitude and raw desire burning bright. The celebration takes a turn neither of you expected, fueled by the adrenaline of the race, the praise that goes beyond the track, and the deep connection that has been simmering beneath the surface all along.
His eyes scanned your body at a slow place, he was drinking you in just by looking. His lips met yours in a gentle touch and your back met the couch as he hovered over you. Looking into his eyes you kissed him again, biting his lip which elicited a groan from him and a smile from you.
“Oh god amore, are you sure you want this?” He asked. “We can’t go back after you say yes.” he added in a low voice that send shivers down your spine.
“Yes, I’m sure Charles.” you replied bringing his lips down to yours. Detaching his lips from yours he kissed down your body, your skin crawls when you feel his warm lips on your body, slowly kissing every curve and dip that adorns your silhouette, leaving a burning path on your skin, you let out a sigh. “God, you're so good to me Cha...” You whisper between a light sigh, your words made him let out a light growl, he felt his body react to your praise.
“Oh mon amour, je te ferai te sentir si bien... I will make myself worthy of your praise...” He says in a low and sensual voice, the mixture of French and English makes your head go crazy. (Oh my love, I'll make you feel so good...)
His lips continue their journey down your chest, taking the time to kiss your breasts gently, as if they were the most precious thing in the world, then he went down to your abdomen where he left loose kisses in the area, making you release one or another soft sigh. He continued down until he reached your core, he smiled at the sight of you completely naked, he softly kissed the inside of your thighs and your heart started beating super fast.
He started to leave sloppy kisses until he reached your folds, he began to leave sloppy kisses and licks on your wet folds, you raised your hips a little to give him easy access to that area, and he began to devour you slowly, he was taking his time to taste you. Your soft moans didn't take long, he slowly sucked on your clit, making you let out a loud moan that probably rang throughout the deserted paddock, but that's the least of it now.
“Keep doing that Charlie...” you say with heavy breathing and that gave him the impetus to continue savoring you with such passion, you hold on to his soft, silky hair. “God, you're such a... You're such a good boy.” you moan slightly.
Your words lit the fire in him a little bit more and he continued tasting you completely in his mouth, you were like a blessing in his life, like something he had wanted to try for a long time. You felt your walls tighten and a strong wave of pleasure washed over you, you felt like you were going to faint right there.
“Cha... Charlie... I'm... I'm close.” you whispered as you whimpered in pleasure, he stopped his ministrations on your core and looked up at you, god he looked so damn hot, his cheeks flushed, his face sweaty from the strenuous work he was doing down there.
He smiled and took off his boxers, revealing his erect cock, he brought his lips to yours and kissed you softly and sweetly, it was as if he didn't want to let this moment between you go. “If... If you don't feel comfortable or something, just tell me and I'll stop instantly, okay darling?” He said in a hushed whisper looking deeply at your eyes.
You looked and him and smiled shyly. “Charlie, I... I want this the same way you want it, okay? I want you to continue.” you whispered and he nodded. “Just do it, okay honey?”
He aligned himself with your entrance and gently entered you, giving you time to adapt to his big size, your breathing became erratic, he began to move slowly and a little loosely at the same time. He wanted to satisfy you, to please you, make you feel like you are the one who have the power in this precise moment... His hands ran over your body, just as they did at the beginning, until they reached your hips and he placed them there, his thumbs made circles in that area, he began to thrust into you with a little more rhythm. He began to breathe heavily, his hot breath coming into contact with your neck and that gave you chills down your spine, his movements were meticulously perfect, he took the moment to appreciate you and enjoy this.
You felt your walls tightening around him, making the two of you let out moans at the same time, to you, he looked like a Greek god at that moment, sweat taking over his toned torso, his darkened and dilated pupils watching you as if you were a goddess or some kind of miraculous apparition in his life.
“Mhm, bébé, I'm... I'm gonna cum.” he whispered against your neck, his agitated and husky voice a delight to your ears. “God, you feel so good around me chérie.” He murmured as he kissed the skin of your neck, making you sigh again and again.
You moaned as you felt the pleasure wash over you. “Such a good boy my precious Charlie.” you said with a husky voice. “I'm close too, handsome.” you whimpered and you closed your eyes.
The climax reached you two making you tremble with pleasure, your legs trembled and you felt how your breathing stopped being erratic. He rested his forehead against yours and kissed every little part of your face, while you just smiled, the love you feel for this man is incredible, something that goes beyond a simple discussion of strategies or friendly companionship.
When you finally felt that everything in you was completely normal, you spoke. “That... That was, amazing charlie.” you whispered softly, giving him a kiss on his cheek, he smiled. “You made me feel good... I haven't felt like this in a long time.” there was no lie in your statement, it had been a long time since the last time someone had made you feel as good as Charles had.
He smiled and blushed. “It was nothing sunshine, everything for you and only you.” he kissed your cheek. “I think you deserve good things more than anyone else.” he whispered too.
After a few seconds, silence was present in the room, but it was a fairly comfortable one, your hands were intertwined with his and your thumb caressed the back of his hand, you smiled shyly at the sight, it was something that looked so cute and innocent.
He smiled again and looked at you with great affection in his eyes. “I love you, darling... Thank you for this!” He whispered sweetly and kissed your temple.
You smiled tenderly. “I love you too charlie.” you whispered too. “Don't you think we should take even a quick shower?” You say and let out a shy giggle.
He smiles and raises his eyebrows, blushing. “Oh... Of course love!”
You just smile at him again and you kiss his cheek. “And then you take me to my hotel?”
He denied and picked you up in his arms to walk to the small bathroom in his driver room, you let out a soft gasp. “Oh, no my love... We will go to my house!” He said.
You raised your eyebrows and chuckled. “But... And my things? Everything is in the hotel...” You started to say but he interrupted you, leaving several small kisses on your lips.
“Don't worry about it honey, we'll look for that before we go to my house.” he smiled. “Just worry about being pretty and smart, my honey.” you giggled at his words.
“You forgot to mention bossy.” he laughed and blushed.
“Oh sure, a little bossy, but that's how I like you.” he whispered on your lips and kissed you again.
You just smiled while you went into the shower, you felt very happy because you never thought that Charles had something for you and that at the end of the day it was something that you also wanted at some point. You admired him as a driver, that was for sure, but as a person it was a totally inexplicable thing. Today showed you that, apart from being good at taking orders, he was excellent pleasing you and showing his true emotions, you can't wait to see where this new journey might take you both.
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coco-loco-nut · 1 month
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Sister Reader
Summary: Charles has a racing inchident with his sister
A/n: sorry for modifying the request, I couldn't bring myself to send baby leclerc to the hospital
requests open masterlist
“Let’s go, Y/n, we are going to be late,” Charles bangs on your hotel room door. You open it, giving him a death glare as he walks in.
“I might actually murder you,” you scowl, pulling your hair up into a pony tail. Charles looks all fashionable heading into race day while you just wear a Mercedes polo.
“No you won’t, you love me,”
“Not more than Arthur and Enzo,” you say, the former stands up from the couch in your room.
“Ha, I knew she loved me,” Arthur says, shoving your team backpack into your hands.
“Alright, let’s go. Someone has an F2 race to drive in,” you take a quick glance around the room, making sure nothing was left behind. The three of you enter the paddock and cameras capture your banter. You don’t even stop in the F1 motorhomes, the three of you walk with Arthur to his garage. Lorenzo is waiting for you three.
“You two go back to the F1 paddock, you have your own races to prep for,” Enzo tutts, you roll your eyes lovingly at your older brother.
“Good luck out there, Arthur. I’ll be watching,” you hug your baby brother, who is more than happy to return the hug. Due to his association with Ferrari, you usually only see him on race days when visiting Charles unless there is a support race.
“I’ll see you later,” Arthur tells you, waving goodbye to you and Charles.
“Meet me in Ferrari to watch the race,” Charles says when your reach the Mercedes motorhome.
“There are the best siblings in the paddock,” George greets the two of you.
“We do have the best relationship in the paddock,” you laugh. “I’ll see you later, Charles,” you wave as you walk in with George.
“I think we have a real shot today,” George says, grabbing two coffees.
“Thanks, I agree. The car feels great this weekend and it’s a weaker track for Red Bull. Ferrari are also feeling good, so it will be a strategy fight,” you hum.
You and Charles cheer your little brother on during his feature race, celebrating when he makes the podium. Unfortunately you can’t watch it due to the Drivers’ Parade. Your PR team shows you that you and Charles are trending thanks to your ‘perfect sibling bond’.
“Charles, apparently we have the perfect sibling bond,” you tell him. Your garages are beside each other, which is only a little confusing for some staff.
“If only they knew the truth,” he sighs, shaking his head. “Good luck on the track today,” you hug each other like always.
“You too, may the best Leclerc win,” you smile, shaking his hand, then going back into your garage to talk with your team.
“Our strategy is sound, how are you feeling?” your race engineer asks.
“Have we looked at an overcut? The tires have been good and the car has good pace this weekend,” you suggest, looking at data from the support races.
“That is something we can look at,” Toto agrees. Having Toto in the garage is oddly comforting, he is an active member of your conversations.
“No worries if we don’t go with it, just thought I’d throw it out there,” you nod. the last bit of time before the race flies and before you know it you are in the car, waiting to release the brake and hit the gas.
A good start and good strategy has you fighting for second. As you are approaching your last pit stop later in the race, your engineer informs you that they are going with your overcut idea. You push the car as Charles pits. You were right, a beautiful overcut puts you in P2.
As you are approaching the end of the race, you are fighting with Charles. To you he is just a Ferrari and to him you are just a Mercedes. You feel your wheel get clipped and your car spins out, sending you into the wall. You confirm that you are okay and climb out of your car, frustrated beyond belief. It doesn’t take too long for someone to pick you up and take you to the medical station to get checked out.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Lorenzo and Arthur rush in.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just sore. Is Charles okay?” you ask in return.
“The race just ended, we haven’t gotten a chance to speak with him yet but he sounded upset on the radios,” Arthur tells you, making you move over on the medical bed so he can lay down.
“Y/n! I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to clip you. Are you okay?” Charles rushes in, clearly distressed.
“That depends, where did you finish?” you grin.
“P7, I took damage,” Charles says a little confused.
“Then yeah, I’m fine. If you had finished top 5 it would’ve been different. Relax, it was a racing incident, the track narrowed and we both didn’t leave a lot of room. I may not be the FIA, but I don’t blame you,” you ramble a little, trying to stop Charles before he spirals.
“But I hurt you, oh god, what if you died? I shouldn’t ever race again,” you look at your brothers to help, “Arthur do you want my seat?” Charles has tears in his eyes, not quite believing you.
“Ye-” Arthur starts before Lorenzo cuts him off.
“Charles, Y/n is fine. Look at her. She’s a little banged up but that’s nothing that painkillers and a couple days off won’t fix. Quit offering Arthur your seat any time you mess up,” Lorenzo says firmly.
“No, keep offering Arthur your seat. He deserves it more,” you tease, an evil grin on your face. Charles notices and snaps back to reality.
“Next time you say that it’s on sight, I will run you off the track,” Charles pouts.
“Alright, let’s stop before the FIA hears something and holds it against you, even if it’s just sibling banter,” Lorenzo huffs, a little tired of being the parent of the four of you.
"I really am sorry," Charles reiterates, forcing Arthur off the medical bed so he can have the spot.
"I know, it's why you are going to take us out for a really nice dinner," you grin. "Smile," you take a selfie of you and Charles to post on your socials to let the fans know that you are fine. Naturally, you captioned it "nothing, just an inchident."
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papayadays · 1 month
summary: lando x american!reader gf - lando gets his first win in miami, and you’re there for it
a/n: for lando’s amazing race win!! so proud and over the moon <33 also this is very self indulgent (*cough* especially the mit part), omg 
warnings: none i think, fluff, happiness, maybe language like once or twice?
“it’s lights out and away we go!” you heard crofty say. you watched the screen anxiously as you always did with race starts, fiddling with your rings. in the mclaren garage, you heard a collective gasp as checo locked up, nearly taking lando and both ferraris out. then there were cheers as oscar got p4 and then p3, but you were hardly paying attention.
“that was stupid,” you muttered under your breath. “he could’ve ruined so many people’s races.” feeling a gentle prod on your shoulder, you turned around.
“dear, maybe don’t say that here,” your mother advised. “you know how that fans are going to take it.” your dad nodded silently in agreement as you sighed reluctantly.
“fine,” you conceded, biting your nails absentmindedly. “i’m glad y’all are here though.” it was the miami grand prix, and you and your family were in the garage watching your boyfriend. it was very convenient that your family was already on the east coast and florida was always a welcome getaway. this was one of the first races you could actually go to since you were busy with college, studying engineering at mit. to be quite honest, you were probably only going to be able to make it to the three us races and maybe a summer race or two.
you remember the conversation you had with lando before the race. “today is a day full of possibilities,” you heard him mumble to himself. walking towards, him you wrapped your arms around him, nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck.
“it is,” you agreed, pecking his lips. “podium at least, i think. the car has pace, starting spot is good, data looks nice, ferrari will probably fuck up, and i believe in you.”
his grip on you tightened as he let out a sigh. “every time i think it will go well, things fall apart, with the sprint quali, the sprint race, regular quali,” he said, disappointed. “i just want to do well at your home race, and with your family there too.”
you moved his head to meet your gaze. “lan, you will always make me proud no matter what,” you stated softly. “and my family adores you too. just go out there, and work your magic. i love you, baby.”
lando gave you a wide smile, making your heart flutter as he nestled his head on your shoulder. “thanks, love,” he grinned. “i’ll try and be more positive. i love you too.”
“is it warm in miami?” cisca asked over your phone’s facetime. you had called them since they were back in bristol so you could all be connected as you watched lando.
“very,” you nodded, smiling at your boyfriend’s mother. “but, nothing i’m not used to, i suppose. one summer, when we came to disney, it was sweltering. at least the roller coasters helped cool me off.” this earned a snort from adam, who was staring intently at their tv.
you turned back to the screen, seeing oscar rising up while lando was still behind checo. mouth pressed into a line, you fiddled with your thumbs, looking at your papaya orange nails.
soon, checo had pitted, and you knew that the ferraris and oscar were going to respond to that. earlier, you had talked to will about doing a one stopper, which they were optimistic for, but that was on the premise that a late safety car would come out. you walked over the the panels, observing the telemetry wordlessly, noticing the promising signs of pace.
after the influx of stops, max soon peeled into the pits after hitting a cone -much to your surprise - leaving your boyfriend in first place. “please let the one stopper work,” you murmured. “we need a hail mary overcut.” the performance engineer flashed you an amused look for a brief moment before turning back to the data.
lando maintained the lead, a somewhat-comfortable margin to max, which was baffling you, but also was something you had predicted. suddenly, there was a ruckus in the garage. your eyes had been fixed on the telemetry, so when you eyed the screen, your hand flew to your face, adrenaline pumping through you. “oh my god, oh my god!” you exclaimed. “safety car!” logan had crashed out, and you would be sure to talk to your fellow american later to reassure him, but not now.
the pit crew immediately rushed out, with lando coming in to capitalize on this opportunity. it was a perfect stop, and as he came back out, he came back out with a substantial gap to max, a whole lap ahead of the safety car. please, please, please, you silently prayed.
at the restart, your heart was pounding as max moved closer and closer, about to pounce before lando closed the door on him, pulling away. you let out a sigh of relief, hands at your chest, before glancing back at the data. your eyes widened. the car was flying. with the new hards and fast car, it was like all the pieces were falling into place. your hands flew up to cup your mouth, nervous gibberish coming out as your mother wrapped her arm around your shoulder and cisca gave you an understanding smile.
as the gap to max grew, your freaking out worsened substantially. “oh my lord, please,” you repeated for the umpteenth time, hands still over your mouth. “c’mon, lan.” with each lap, you felt your heart swelling with hope.
and in the blink of an eye, you were on lap 57. “oh my god, he’s gonna do it!” you whispered shouted. you watched as lando rounded the last corner, face stretching into a wide grin. then, he crossed the line. “OH MY GOD HE DID IT!” tears of joy started to stream down your face as you grinned at the screen, barely feeling yourself being pulled into a hug by your parents. over the phone, cisca and adam were freaking out as well, ecstatic at their son winning his first race. “lando, oh my god, oh my fucking god, he’s a race winner!”
you high fived everyone you could reach in the garage, cheers ringing out, before making your way down to the pit lane. “zak, he did it!” you exclaimed, not wanting to bother will yet. the ceo pulled you into a hug, his face red with excitement. your fellow american grinned as you turned to will, tapping his shoulder and giving him a silent thumbs up. here, you could hear lando’s radio, with his cheering that made even more tears fall down your face and then him saying he loved the team. then, he said, “we did it, will!” and that hit you hard, full on sobbing with joy now.
you made your way with the rest of the team to parc ferme, where you saw lando’s mclaren park on the track. he took his time, getting out and pointing a finger to the sky as he stood on his car. you clapped your hands as hard as you could, voice the loudest you’ve ever heard you use.
then, he took off his helmet, revealing the brown curls you loved so much as he made his way. you could spot his smile from miles away, making your heart melt. then, he grinned at the team, putting down his helmet and running at them, leaping into their arms. you could hear his laughs between his sobs, and you pulled you phone out for a quick picture, wanting a picture to save forever. he was fucking on top of the world in that moment, just like he was your world. lando was set back in front of the metal barriers and zak hugged him, hopefully not breaking any ribs.
then came andrea, and the moment was so heartwarming, you almost didn’t see will pushing you past the barriers. then lando was in front of you, arms wrapped around your torso as he pulled you in for a deep, magical kiss. you felt all of his emotions, and you tried to convey your pride. “lan, baby, race fucking winner!” you exclaimed, tears still running down your face. “it’s been a long time coming, but it’s finally your day and you deserve it so much. i’ve been dreaming of this for you, and i’m so glad i could be here for it. this is your moment, and i am so, so fucking proud of you. i love you so much, lando.” your smile was impossibly wide as you gazed at your amazing boyfriend, the moment still not quite sinking in yet.
he was ushered to interviews, but not after he was congratulated by half the grid. it made you chuckle, to see how loved your boyfriend was, even among his rivals. he couldn’t stop smiling the entire interview as jenson reflected on everything. you too, started remembering his journey, back when he was a rookie in 2019, to his podium in austria, to sochi’s heartbreak, to all his podiums, and now. you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard lando say, “this one is for a lot of the special people in my life. my grandma, my parents, my girlfriend and her family, who happen to live in the us, and lastly, for the team. i love you all, and thank you so much for everything.”
afterwards, you tuned out of max and charles interviews, eyes fixed on your boyfriend as he went to get ready for the podium. everything was a blur up until they announced lando, the race winner. you cheered like you had never cheered before, wiping away the ever flowing tears as he pumped his fist, moving to stand on the top step. finally, after so long.
the british national anthem started playing, and you noticed the pride etched onto lando’s smile. you mouthed along the words, having learned them years ago for this specific scenario. your eyes were trained on him, something he noticed as he gave you a wink, grin widening at seeing you singing his national anthem.
after the music ended, you laughed as max and charles wasting no time in spraying your boyfriend in champagne. he looked so thrilled and you wanted that memory seared into the back of your eyelids. lando’s bottle smash seemed brilliant this time and the tears finally stopped as you gazed up at him, beaming with happiness. that was your boy.
then, lando was quick to exit the stage, heading back down to the team where he quickly pulled you into his arms. “baby, y/n, love!” he exclaimed, pressing kisses all over your face. “i actually did it!”
“you did,” you responded, voice filled with glee. “i’m so, so proud of you, lan! about fucking time. huh, nico was right. lando norris, you’re a race winner. and this is your time to shine.” you pressed your lips against his, wrapping your arms around his neck in a euphoric kiss.
“this one’s for you baby,” lando grinned. “and there’s more to come.”
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ferraris-gf · 2 months
explaining f1: pit stops
teams have to carefully plan strategy around pitstops, taking factors like tyre wear and track position into account.
once a driver hears the "box, box" radio message, they will enter their pit box, located in front of the team's garage. garage positions are assigned based on the constructer's championship of the previous season, with the winning team normally closest to pit entry and so on.
drivers can pit as often as they want, though they generally keep their visits to a minimum because each stop costs racing time.
the crew
there are 12 members involved in the tyre changing process. there are 3 members for each driver, with one removing the old tyre, one putting the new try on and the third loosening and tightening wheel nuts.
this process requires the car to be raised, so 2 members operate a front jack and 2 operate the rear jack. a further 2 crew stand to the side with spare front and rear jacks.
there are also 2 members in the middle of the car holding it steady, and 2 adjusting the front wing.
one final member ensures the pit lane is clear so the driver can move off.
pit stops are mandatory as a result the rule that requires drivers to use at least two different tyre compounds during a race (read my explanation of tyres here). if a driver violates this during a dry race, they will be disqualified but this rule does not stand for races where 'inters' or 'wets' are used. in 2021 in turkey, esteban ocon finished the race without a single pit stop.
mechanics must make sure to take at least 0.15 seconds while changing tyres to ensure they are properly tightened. the driver must also wait a further 0.2 seconds before leaving.
speeding in the pit lane (going above 80kmh) will result in a penalty, as will impeding a competitor while exiting. drivers will also be penalised if they leave their box in what is deemed an unsafe manner.
each member of the pit crew is required to wear safety gear and a helmet in compliance with fia requirements.
pit boxes are also where 'stop-go' penalties are served. punishment for rule violations, a driver can be required to enter the pit, stop for a certain amount of time without any work being done to the car, and then rejoin the race.
undercutting and overcutting are the two most common pitting strategies.
the 'undercut' is a strategy where a driver pit early (and usually unexpectedly) and uses fresh tyres to get ahead of a rival who will have to pit later.
the 'overcut' happens when a driver delays pitting in order to gain position while rivals pit. this allows the driver to take advantage of the clean air in the hope that when they do pit, they have built up enough time to come out in front.
refuelling has been banned in f1 since 2010. prior to this, teams would refuel while changing tyres, a useful strategy tool.
safety concerns surrounded refuelling. in hockenheim in 1994, jos verstappen's pit stop saw his car accidentally soaked in petrol before it erupted into flames. no one involved was seriously injured, but this was not the only incident of dangerous a refuelling incidents.
the current record for fastest pit stop belongs to mclaren. in qatar in 2023, they executed a pit stop for lando norris in 1.8 seconds (beating the previous record of 1.82 set by red bull in 2019).
alternatively, the current record for longest pit stop belongs to mercedes. in monaco in 2021, during valterri bottas' stop, a mechanic was unable to remove the front right tyre due to an issue with the wheel nut which forced the team to retire the car. the team was only able to remove the wheel nut after 43 hours.
another notable pitstop occurred in japan in 2023. sergio perez sustained damage and retired from the race. after 41 minutes however, he returned to the race to serve a 5-second penalty, his team exploiting a loophole to ensure this penalty wasn't transferred onto the next race.
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race-week · 22 days
What is better here - undercut or overcut?
Hold track position for as long as possible by extending tyre stint and then hopefully pitting into clean air.
Track position is key here and tyre deg is low.
However you may still see drivers pit early, especially if they have been sat in traffic for some time, just so that they can get free air.
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rickybaby · 16 days
He's going to end it from the start with his terrible strategy and terrible car. I saw the script 😭
He’s going to start on mediums. He’s going to have a good start and hold his position. He’s going to go long in his first stint because his long runs were really good yesterday. He’s going to overcut a few couple of cars into the points. He’s going to have a sub 1.5s pitstop and fit on the set of softs he’s saved by not making it to q3 and then go back out and put the defensive drive of his life to stay in the points 🙏🏽
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l-norris · 5 hours
Canadian GP 2024 Recap
This is becoming a series now I fear.
This race was utter madness and I was in SHAMBLES by the end of it.
Enjoy me going crazy for the next few paragraphs.
As last time, numbers in brackets are laps. (That I definitely didn't forget to add the first few laps)
- Ruth Buscombe calling Esteban "Estie bestie"😶‍🌫️
- Beautiful anthem!
- Apparently Yuki was late for the anthem? Bro's getting detention💀
- Zak and Toto chatting away
- Landoscar spotted‼️
- Danny Ric getting his shoes cleaned like the king he is
- The intro is playing and I'm anxiously chewing on my fingernails already
- Accidentally had German commentary on - disgusting
- It's pissing down by the way.
- This one will need actual strategies... rip to Ferrari.
- Logan outqualified Checo just as a reminder
- Saubers starting from pitlane
- Carnage? Yes? No? We'll see.
- The pre-race anxiety keeps building up
- Formation lap starting!
- We get it Crofty, they resurfaced the track.
- Formation lap complete.
- No crashes into the first two turns?
- Nevermind, someone went flying (Pierre pushed Checo into the grass)
- George is still in the lead! YIPPEE!
- Charles fumbled😞
- Carlos fumbled too😭
- Horrible day for Tifosi 2.0
- Kmag gaining like 100 positions in 2 laps
-Funky Danish man just FLEW to P4
- 1st yellow flag. Oh Logan...
- At least he's back to pace
- Lewis binning it
- Fernando almost kissing the fucking wall lmao
- Kmag 8 second pitstop rip
- Daniel apparently did a false start🫣
- It's not raining anymore apparently but no slicks in sight just yet (understandably so)
- Hulk is holding onto these full wets like a lifeline
- Hulk train!
- Daniel 5 second penalty😮‍💨
- Max is closing in on George
- Lando closing in on Max and George
- Yeah, uh... Haas fumbled btw
- Lando keeps setting fastest laps
- Max went wide omg
- Lando is catching Max (17)
- DRS enabled (18)
- Oscar fastes lap (19)
- Oh my God this is stressful
- Lando is driving like his life is depending on it
- I mean... it kinda is.
- both Ferraris out of the points by the way... sigh
- quick toilet break, hope I don't miss anything
- Jinxed it. I missed a crash. Hm.
- SAFETY CAR. (26)
- ... Of course it was Logan... poor man
- Lando missed the chance to pit😭
- There's still hope for Lando.
- He pits (27)
- ... He came back in third...
- "FUCK!" As Lando once said
- Let's hope Lando can pick up the pace again after this
- Charles retiring?? Restarting the car?? Idk man.
- HUH??? Also on slicks? (28)
- Safety Car in (29)
- 40 laps to go
- Pain and suffering
- Ferrari fucked it
- Lewis is probably rethinking if he wants to join Ferrari after all rn
- And Charles is back in the pits😮‍💨
- Charles is getting lapped now. Fun. (37)
- Lando is my last hope
- I'm so tired (no literally I should be getting ready to go to bed lmao)
- DRS would be nice right about now
- We have 30 laps to go and I'm seriously debating on whether I should just go to bed
- Pierre is on slicks (41)
- And immediately bins it (but saves it)
- Lando is lawnmowing
- Charles is retiring (43)
- I can't do this no more
- Slicks are coming out
- Lando stays out??
- Overcut? (44)
- ... nevermind...
- And George got Lando too🫣
- Nevermind ahaha he's back up in 2nd
- Max complaining and setting fastest laps continuously.
- Checo fucked his rearwing
- Carlos binned it
- Which made Alex bin it
- Safety Car 2.0
- Both Ferrari out😮‍💨
- Both Williams out🫣
- I'm seeing a pattern here.
- oh no hopefully I'm not jinxing it
- Max is pulling away... yawn...
- 7 laps left
- George binning it while trying to overtake Oscar
- Let Oscar cook Goddammit!
- Oscar has to deal with Lewis now
- Aaaand he's gone.
- Oscar is struggling man
- Merc boys battling it out over P3
- Yuki destroying that one damn bollard everyone ignores consistently (thank you king)
- Lando wanting a Safety Car (same)
- But alas... Max Verstappen wins once more.
- I honestly turned off the broadcast as soon as the top 3 crossed the finish line
- I stayed up late for THIS???
- Conflicted whether it was worth it or not tbh
- Like yes it was an exciting race BUT😭
- I want my McLaren double podium RIGHT NOW
All in all, it was a pretty chaotic race. Yeah. That sums it up pretty well.
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nepttune16 · 14 days
I find it so amusing that Charles stans are taking people saying "Monaco was boring" as shitting on Charles. Girl, every year Monaco is a dry race, it is boring, there's Always this discussion. This one probably feels bad for you because Your Fave won but I am sure that if anyone else had won this race you wouldn't be defending it from being called a snoozefest because, objectively, it was. The lap 1 free pitstop literally killed the only thing that can make shenanigans with under/overcuts and the Top 10 literally remained the same For The First Time. It being emotional for Charles yada yada doesn't mean that The Race itself was any good so it will be called boring, no matter how historical the track is.
Yea it was boring for you maybe but for me no dude I was literally on my knees for this to not go south. But one thing I watched the race last time as well. Tell me one thing why do people have to shit on the driver that won the race, is it his fault no he raced, he did absolutely everything he could, is the the teams fault well I don’t think so. The track is not boring the cars being too big is the issue here which might get solved to some extent with 2026 regulation. My anger is to those people who are calling it an easy race.
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