#p. novik
smokycinnaroll-art · 5 months
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Eek! No art summary put together because i was so busy drawing this!
...but look at it anyways!! Another year, another art... clearly we've downsized a bit. That's okay though! Little things can eventually add up :-) like days& weeks in a year! no this is not going anywhere.
Anyways, i'm tired 👍 only zzzs in my near future, now...
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ruinconstellation · 1 year
Artifice is fundamentally about giving the universe a long and complicated story to coax it to accommodate your wishes.
The Last Graduate (Scholomance #2) by Naomi Novik
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wetcatspellcaster · 2 months
I saw you respond that you a very much not an SJM fan 😅 fair enough but I did want to ask what books/series you did like or would recommend that are of a fantasy/romantasy vibe!
lmfao, i am destined to become known for my parasocial enmity with the wingspan lady on this hellsite.
I don't read stuff with the same vibe as SJM all that often anymore. I used to read a lot of paranormal romance but the heteronormativity of SJM clones was upsetting me, so I've turned more towards the romance genre or just straight up fanfic these days.
So these recommendations might not be the perfect overlap but-!
Books with Fey Romances that are good
Holly Black, for all your fey needs. Tithe is the OG (and if you like sad men with white hair, have I got a blorbo for you!) but The Cruel Prince is her most popular series, that most people have read. The Darkest Part of the Forest is also an amazing standalone novel with a bit more creepiness than the other two. Not very explicit sex.
Olivia Atwater's Half A Soul and Ten Thousand Stitches are regency romance novels with fey associations, the first book is about a girl under a fairy curse and the second is about a fairy himbo trying his best at being a fairy godmother. No sex, that I can remember.
Heather Fawcett's Emily Wilde's Encyclopedia of Fairies. I've talked about this book a lot. If you like my fanfic, you will like this book, because this book was written for Me specifically. Not very explicit sex.
The Falconer series by Elizabeth May. This is the closest in this list to what SJM writes, only this is. um. better. Much sex, but also just... 'what if we started an apocalypse together, and the guilt meant I was scared to touch you, but we've got nothing else to live for now so why shouldn't I just do it?'
Fantasy Books with Good Romance
T Kingfisher's Swordheart and Nettle & Bone - both standalone novels. Swordheart is just Howl x Sophie dynamics, if Howl was a martial class, and also. A sword. Some sexiness.
Uprooted by Naomi Novik (if we count the love interests as both the hot sexy wizard man AND the protagonist's gal pal). Some sexiness.
Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia. If you like your immortal/mortal romances, this is a pretty stellar read tbh. Some sexiness.
In Other Lands by Sarah Rees Brennan. This is such a fun book just generally but the slowburn of a 7 year high school romance sent me a little feral actually. Some sexiness.
Daevabad trilogy by S.A. Chakraborty. Now, this one is a little bit evil bc its an epic fantasy trilogy that is quite dense, and the romance is amazing but it takes a WHILE. *I* can write an evil slowburn, but there is nothing more evil than what happened in these books bc everyone is so fucking repressed. Alternatively, The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by the same author, which cut to the chase a lot quicker, romance-wise.
Fantasy Books that are 😌😌 sexy 😌😌
The Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman. This is my favourite paranormal romance I've read in recent years, and they don't even have sex but I'm putting it here because um. they did. to me. That's what happens when you write a regency romance where if a woman takes of a man's coat they have 37 horny thoughts about it in real time. Imagine if Darcy and Elizabeth for P&P were also fighting demons at the same time as falling in love (not metaphorically. literal demons.)
Mating the Huntress by Talia Hibbert. Talia Hibbert's books in general fucking slap but I wish she'd written more paranormal romance than just this ONE story bc um. This was. um. Good.✌️
A Marvellous Light and A Restless Truth by Freya Marske. Freya Marske is also a popular fanfic author, and it shows with the way she writes sex.
That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon by Kimberly Lemming. This author is the one who went briefly viral bc she accidentally has a book cover with Astarion on it lmao. This book was the first in that series, and unfortunately it wasn't for me (dragon shifter porn, I did *not* know going in) but the sex was really, really well-written, if that's something you could be into.
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wheel-of-fish · 1 month
13 books!
I was tagged by @consistantly-changing (thanks!) to answer these 13 questions, tag 13 people and, if desired, add a shelfie! I looove this one!
1) The last book I read:
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries by Heather Fawcett, which is a departure from my usual fare; I just wanted something fun and cozy. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed it!
2) A book I recommend:
Ugh, so so many. uhhh how about The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett
3) A book that I couldn’t put down:
My Brilliant Friend by Elena Ferrante (that whole series, really)
4) A book I’ve read twice (or more):
Uprooted by Naomi Novik
5) A book on my TBR:
A new one I'm excited about that I'm on the hold list for at the library is The Warm Hands of Ghosts by Katherine Arden.
6) A book I’ve put down:
Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. I don't know if I wasn't in the right headspace for it, or if I'm just too dumb. Probably both. I would like to try it again sometime, though.
7) A book on my wish list:
The Handbook of Bird Biology by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
8) A favorite book from childhood:
The Secret Garden. I had a really pretty illustrated copy. I still have it, actually!
9) A book you would give to a friend:
Gilead by Marilynne Robinson
[There is no No. 10 I guess?]
11) A nonfiction book you own:
The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson ugggh it's so good
12) What are you currently reading:
Waiting by Ha Jin and The Art of Gathering by Priya Parker
13) What are you planning on reading next?
I won't actually know until I get to that point. My reading mood changes with the wind. :P
And a shelfie! It's a couple months old, but I don't feel like taking a new one. (fwiw, a LOT of these are used or gifted, and I prune/donate them regularly)
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Tagging @glassprism @musicalhell @bogglebabbles @les-gnossiennes-fantomatiques @rjdaae @ladystormcrow @forestscribe4 @a-partofthenarrative @jennyfair7 @pianomanblaine @lucy-ghoul @dying-suffering-french-stalkers @lestatslestits
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augustinajosefina · 6 months
A request
Please suggest books to me! Preferably in the glove kink/lesbian space atrocities, urban fantasy or dark academia genres but I'll happily try any SF/fantasy at least once.
So far I've read and loved:
Before 2023
The Imperial Radch (Ancillary Justice/Sword/Mercy) - Ann Leckie
Jean le Flambeur (The Quantum Thief/The Fractal Prince/The Causal Angel) - Hannu Rajaniemi
The Windup Girl/The Water Knife - Paolo Bagicalupi
Memory of Water/The City of Woven Streets - Emmi Itäranta
The Locked Tomb (Gideon/Harrow/Nona the Ninth) - Tamsyn Muir
The Masquerade (Traitor/Monster/Tyrant Baru Cormorant) - Seth Dickinson
Teixcalaan series (A Memory Called Empire/A Desolation Called Peace) - Arkady Martine
Machineries of Empire (Ninefox Gambit/Raven Stratagem/Revenant Gun/Hexarchate Stories) - Yoon Ha Lee
The Murderbot Diaries (All Systems Red to System Collapse) - Martha Wells
The Broken Earth (The Fifth Season/The Obelisk Gate/The Stone Sky) - N. K. Jemisin
Klara And The Sun - Kazuo Ishiguro
Xuya universe (The Citadel of Weeping Pearls/The Tea Master and the Detective/Seven of Infinities plus short stories) - Aliette de Bodard
This is How You Lose the Time War - Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone
The Goblin Emperor/The Witness for the Dead/Grief of Stones - Katherine Addison
Some Desperate Glory - Emily Tesh
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue - V. E. Schwab
The Craft Sequence (Three Parts Dead/Two Serpents Rise/Full Fathom Five/Last First Snow/Four Roads Cross/Ruin of Angels) - Max Gladstone
Babel: Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translators' Revolution - R. F. Kuang
The Luminous Dead - Caitlin Starling
Last Exit - Max Gladstone
Dead Country - Max Gladstone
Read and liked:
The Moonday Letters - Emmi Itäranta
Great Cities (The City We Became/The World We Make) - N. K. Jemisin
Piranesi - Susanna Clarke
Autonomous - Annalee Newitz
Dead Djinn universe (A Master of Djinn/The Haunting of Tram Car 015/A Dead Djinn in Cairo/The Angel of Khan el-Khalili) - P. Djèlí Clark
Even Though I Knew the End - C. L. Polk
Station Eternity - Mur Lafferty
The Mythic Dream - Dominik Parisien & Navah Wolfe
Shades of Magic (A Darker Shade of Magic/A Gathering of Shadows/A Conjuring of Light/Fragile Threads of Power) - V. E. Schwab
The Stars Are Legion - Kameron Hurley
Ninth House/Hell Bent - Leigh Bardugo
Machine - Elizabeth Bear
Our Wives Under the Sea - Julia Armfield
She Is A Haunting - Trang Thanh Tran
Sisters of the Revolution - Jeff & Ann Vandermeer
Station Eleven - Emily St John Mandel
Was uncertain about:
Light From Uncommon Stars - Ryka Aoki
The Kaiju Preservation Society - John Scalzi
Paladin's Grace - T. Kingfisher
The House in the Cerulean Sea - TJ Klune
In the Vanishers Palace - Aliette de Bodard
Uprooted - Naomi Novik
And read and disliked:
To Be Taught, if Fortunate - Becky Chambers
A Psalm for the Wild-Built - Becky Chambers
The Priory of the Orange Tree - Samantha Shannon
The Calculating Stars - Mary Robinette Kowal
The Space Between Worlds - Micaiah Johnson
How High We Go in the Dark - Sequoia Nagamatsu
Shadow and Bone - Leigh Bardugo
The Passage - Justin Cronin
(My pride insists I add that I have, in fact, read other books as well. Just to be clear.)
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best-childhood-book · 2 months
Suggestions for fantasy books:
In Other Lands - Sarah Rees Brennan
Beauty - Robin McKinley
Uprooted - Naomi Novik
The Broken Earth (series) - N.K. Jemisin
The Princess Bride - William Goldman
The Deep - River Solomon
Poison - Chris Wooding
Inkeeper Chronicles (series) - Ilona Andrews
The Witcher (series) - Andrzej Sapkowski
The Poppy War (series) - R. F. Kuang
The Live Ship Traders (series) - Robin Hobb
Sorceror Royal (series) - Zen Cho
The New Moon's Arms - Nalo Hopkinson
The Curse Workers (series) - Holly Black
Alice (duology) & Lost Boy - Christina Henry
Ring Shout - P. Djèli Clark
Kingkiller Chronicle (series) - Patrick Rothfuss
Legends & Lattes - Travis Baldree
Iron Widow - Jay Zhao
Coraline - Neil Gaiman
Pet - Akwaeke Emezi
Thursday Next (series) - Jasper Fforde
A Monster Calls - Patrick Ness
The Bloody Chamber - Angela Carter
The Dark is Rising (series) - Susan Cooper
Wicked - Gregory Maguire
East - Edith Pattou
Knights of Liofwende (series) & The Welkin Weasels (series) - Garry Kilworth
Old Magic - Marianne Curley
Book of the Crow (series) - Catherine Fisher
Mongrels - Stephen Graham Jones
The Last Binding (series) - Freya Marske
Sorry, I know that's a lot! Anyway, thank you for running these polls and breaking my heart again and again, lol.
What a list! You've got a lot of great ones in here (I love you, Poppy War, Uprooted, and Iron Widow). I've added them all, though some of the names changed due to series vs book titles
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interlagosed · 4 months
hibi, i absolutely love your writing style. it's magic and i have spent quite a bit of time re-reading your work! i was just wondering, what your fav non-fanfic books and authors were? where do you get your inspiration to write? p.s hope everything is going well w the pregnancy!!!
Oh my god I love you thank you I needed the reminder that I’ve put good work out there even in the drought 😭😭😭 thank you so much
I love the fantasy genre! I always have I always will. All of my writing has some inspiration from some fantasy book I’ve read. I loveeee Brandon Sanderson (the Stormlight Archive in particular), Naomi Novik, Tamora Pierce (TSOR takes a LOT of inspo from her Tortall universe). Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan is one of my favorite series of all time. Ursula Le Guin is the GOAT—everything she’s written is gold. I also take a lot of inspo from Priory of the Orange Tree and A Day of Fallen Night (though I didn’t like any of Shannon’s other work lol). I also read and write a lot of poetry which I think has definitely influenced my style.
I also find inspiration from a lot of things, like music and art, but I honestly also use writing as a way to work through things in my own head. ¡Revolución! is a p clear example of what I mean by that lmao. How do I use writing as catharsis and as a way to imagine something better for the world? If I could create a universe, what would I want to see in it? I write for myself first and foremost, and I really think that keeps me motivated and honest to myself :)
Thank you again bb!!!
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recurring-polynya · 1 year
I love Temeraire! What did you think of it?
Oh, I love the Temeraire novels a lot! For starters, I read them originally as they were coming out. I was in my mid-twenties, and it was one of two extremely formative media periods for me (I also read the Abhorsen series and watched Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist for the first time in this general time period). I even got to hear Naomi Novik do a reading at a local Barnes and Noble. She was wonderful, and she signed my copy of His Majesty's Dragon. I also ended up lending my copies to my dad. He enjoys Star Trek and other occasional mainstream sci fi and fantasy, but is not the sort to read a book about dragons. He does love aircraft and War and an excess of details, tho, so he loved them. I made it about five books into the series--they get real depressing in the middle, and I had to wait a year or two between books and it was the time period where I was getting married and moving houses. That's probably about when we dropped Bleach, too.
Anyway, I have since very much enjoyed Novik's standalone novels Spinning Silver and Uprooted, and I decided I wanted to do a full Temeraire re-read-to-completion (my dad actually loaned the later books in the series back to me). I started last November, and then Mr. P decided he wanted to re-read them, too, so he's been a book or two behind me throughout, but it's been a blast to talk about our favorite parts. Anyway, they are wonderful novels if you love worldbuilding and details. Couriers! Supply lines! Philosophical disagreements! I non-ironically love that they don't have a particularly strong plot structure, they play out more like episodes of a prestige television series. They'll get on a boat, and by God, Naomi Novik will tell you about spending four months on a boat. The stories have a good balance of Thrilling Battles of Global Importance and, y'know, shitting around, like I like. Traveling. Training. Gong Su's amazing improv cooking (love you, king!). Half of one book is about Temeraire working through some grief by starting a beef with the breeding ground equivalent of a homeowner's association. The cast is a sprawling collection of delightful weirdoes, human and dragon alike. There's a good balance of the side characters having interesting backstories or personal motivations that enrichens, rather than distracts from the main action. The dragon personalities are amazing, both as individuals and in broad strokes--my favorite aspect of this is that whenever there's an egg, they're all "💖 Egg! 💖 ~precious baby~ I would die for u 🥺" and the second it's out of the shell, it's like "Fuck you. Why do you eat so much? Don't touch my cow. I'll see you in Hell." This happens, like eight times.
The one single complaint I have is that Laurence is explicitly heterosexual, which I just choose to ignore, because dating both Jane Rowland and Tenzing Tharkay at the same time is the bisexual dream.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 2 years
Here There Be Dragons
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I was thinking about dragons, and while a SHOCKING number of my dragony books are still in tubs in my Dad's basement in Alaska, I do have a few dragony books on my shelves at the moment and I wanted to share them, who their dragons are, and why I love them.
A Natural History of Dragons follows Isabella Camehurst (the future Lady Isabella Trent) as she works to build the field of draconic studies. The dragons here skew more animalistic than intelligent, but they're very cool, and the exploration of both the natural history of dragons and Isabella absolutely obliterating pseudo-Victorian gender roles in the name of science is extremely fun.
Heart of Stone features the draconic mob boss Janx, who fully has all the energy of "class clown who grew up to use his powers for evil" and simultaneously is himself a dragon. Between his phenomenal chemistry with Margrit and his on-again off-again tempestuous relationship with Daisani, Janx is never not fun.
Guards! Guards! features the absolutely darling Errol, who frankly is a miracle of nature and everyone's sad panda dragon. I get very Tad Cooper vibes from Errol, and between him and the great dragon summoned to eat Lady Sybil, the dragon shenanagins in this book are a solid 10/10. But then, it's Terry Pratchett, what else would we expect?
Ok, full disclosure: Calling on Dragons is the third book in the Dealings with Dragons quartet, but my copies of the first, second, and fourth books are in Alaska, so we are sneaking this one in. This particular book is lighter on the actual dragons than the first book, but Kazul just going full on Quincy P. Morris on a group of wizards never gets old, and Wrede's voice is, quite simply, incomparable.
Last but never, ever least (Naomi Novik has never written a bad book in her life and the JEALOUSY and ADMIRATION I feel are intense) is His Majsesty's Dragon. Temeraire, baby, you keep doing you and dragging Lawrence to the light side because you might be young and inexperienced but you're RIGHT. And just utterly charming. Not to mention the fact that his entire formation are a treat--I would hug on Maximus forever, we really need more gentle giant himbo dragons in the word (Maximus disagrees when he meets Kulingile, but we're just going to ignore that).
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wicked-witch-for-hire · 6 months
Book recommendations for Galemancers
Happy belated Thanksgiving!
This is a thinly veiled attempt to recommend some personal favourites of mine. They are all fantasy novels with the occasional romance woven into it, but they do not belong in the romantasy genre (but if you have a great romantasy rec, or any other recs, please share it).
I have concentrated on newer releases but there will be a list of honorary mentions for all the classics at the end.
- Gale is perfect, and I want exactly that!
Naomi Novik - Uprooted
“Our Dragon doesn’t eat the girls he takes, no matter what stories they tell outside our valley. We hear them sometimes, from travelers passing through. They talk as though we were doing human sacrifice, and he were a real dragon. Of course that’s not true: he may be a wizard and immortal, but he’s still a man, and our fathers would band together and kill him if he wanted to eat one of us every ten years. He protects us against the Wood, and we’re grateful, but not that grateful.”
This is a delightful standalone fantasy based on mostly Polish fairy tales. Our heroine, Agnieska has been plucked from her home by their village's feudal lord to serve him for 10 years. Said lord also happens to be a prickly, impatient wizard who begins to teach Agnieska magic after he discovers to both of their dismay that she is talented.
I don't want to spoil the plot for you, but let's just say that there is an Evil Wood, a handsome prince who wants to save his long lost mother, and nothing will happen as you would expect to happen. It is imaginative, enchanting, engrossing and even funny.
- I like Gale, but I wished to have adventures with Tara!
H.G. Parry - The Magician’s Daughter
“In every fairy tale ever told, it's a bad idea to tangle with a magician's daughter."Nobody, not Hutch, not Rowan, not even herself, had ever referred to her in those terms before. And yet hearing it made her relationship with Rowan so clear and so bright that it hurt. She still didn't know who he was, or why he had done so many of the things he had done. But she knew who he had raised her to be. If he wasn't her father, then she at least was his daughter.”
Have you been wondering if a wizard can be a good father? While an aloof wizard might not be the best choice to adopt a shipwrecked little girl at first glance, Rowan and his intelligent, loyal and kindhearted familiar Hutchington together are more than enough. (You have heard me right, Tumblr! :-P) Thus Biddy grows up on Hy-Brasil an enchanted little island not far from the coast of Ireland.
"Biddy loves her strange little home, despite being unable to use magic herself, but lately spends her time yearning to explore the outside world and meet actual humans (rabbits being notoriously poor conversationalists, after all, and magicians being, well, erratic at the best of times). After Rowan runs into a spot of trouble, inadvertently dragging Biddy into a magical mess almost a century in the making, her wish to explore is granted, but Biddy quickly learns that the outside world is not at all like the storybooks she grew up reading." (Lightspeed magazine)
This is a nice, meandering fairytale of a found family, coming of age and beautiful worldbuilding. It is full of magic, peril and adventure. I was very grateful to experience losing myself in book like a young girl again.
- I love Gale, but I have respecced him... (how dare you! you heathen!) But I still like brooding heroes I need to save from themselves...
Alix E. Harrow - Starling House
"The gates of Starling House don’t look like much from a distance—just a dense tangle of metal half-eaten by rust and ivy, held shut by a padlock so large it almost feels rude—but up close you can make out individual shapes: clawed feet and legs with too many joints, scaled backs and mouths full of teeth, heads with empty holes for eyes. I’ve heard people call them devils or, more damningly, modern art, but they remind me of the Beasts in The Underland, which is a nice way of saying they’re unsettling as all hell.
I can still see the shine of the window through the gate. I step closer, weaving my fingers between the open jaws and curling tails, staring up at that light and wishing, childishly, that it was shining for me. Like a porch light left on to welcome me home after a long day.
I have no home, no porch light. But I have what I need, and it’s enough.
It’s just that, sometimes, God help me, I want more.
I’m so close to the gate now that my breath pearls against the cold metal. I know I should let go—the dark is deepening and Jasper needs dinner and my feet are numb with cold—but I keep standing, staring, haunted by a hunger I can’t even properly name.
It occurs to me that I was right: dreams are just like stray cats. If you don’t feed them they get lean and clever and sharp-clawed, and come for the jugular when you least expect it."
One part Southern Gothic, one part dark fairy tale and also intensely romantic story of two acidic, stubborn people battling monsters and each other.
"We meet Opal, a young woman who’s stuck in the tiny town of Eden, scraping a living so she can get her bright younger brother into a better school. Eden is nowhere, notable only for its connection to the author E. Starling, who wrote a single cult-hit children’s book, then disappeared nearly a century before. The house she lived in, Starling House, still stands, but it and its keepers have long had a mysterious air about them. So when Opal starts dreaming about the house, she wonders what it means. Then, the mysterious resident of the house, Arthur, hires her to clean the place for far more money than her old job, Opal can’t resist. But the house holds secrets—and danger—that she couldn’t possibly have imagined." Link
List of Honorary mentions
Ursula K. Le Guin - A Wizard of Earthsea (1st book of the The Earthsea Cycle)
Diana Wynne Jones - Howl’s Moving Castle
Thanks to @mavka-world
If you want even more:
Charlie N. Holmberg - The Paper Magician (1st book of the The Paper Magician trilogy)
- this is a YA fantasy, some parts of it reminded me of Anne of Green Gables (mostly because it is set in Edwardian times), and there is a bit of an anime flavour to it. All 3 books together is a pleasant albeit a bit formulaic story of girl named Ceony Twill who becomes the apprentice of a famed paper magician, falls in love with him, and of course has to save him :-) It is the perfect book to read if you are in a turkey coma!
Jim Butcher - Dresden Files
- while Butcher has problems writing non-stereotyped female characters (especially in the earliest books) I can forgive some of these tropes in a noire urban fantasy, where our hero happens to be a wizard working as a private investigator. Don't read them, but listen to them because the audio books are narrated by James Marsters (Spike from Buffy) and they are so damned good...
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fandomtrumpshate · 1 year
Counting down the hours - a numbers update!
Since the update yesterday evening, THIRTY more creators have signed up for another THIRTY EIGHT offers … including a signup for Goncharov, NINE new write-in fandoms, and FIVE more folks willing to work in any fandom.
Sherlock has managed to tie up fifth place in the listed fandoms, sharing the spot with Teen Wolf. And the tenth spot is now a 4-way tie between Merlin, Original Work, The Sandman, and The Witcher.
Under the cut is a list of the Unlisted Fandoms with just one write-in. A single sign up would bump them up the list. A handful of signups can completely shake things up.
Signups close TONIGHT at 11:59 PM Pacific.
1 A Series of Unfortunate Events 1 A Voice from Darkness (Podcast) 1 Ace Attorney 1 Alex Stern series - Leigh Bardugo 1 All The Wrong Questions 1 Animorphs 1 Be Kind My Neighbor 1 Bioshock 1&2 (only) 1 Blood of Youth 1 Blue Exorcist 1 Blue Lock 1 Bug Fables 1 Cabin Pressure 1 Call the Midwife 1 Cats the Musical 1 Charlie's Angels (2019 film) 1 Cherry Magic (TV) 1 Citizen Sleeper 1 Cobra Kai 1 Coco Pixar 1 Coffee Talk [Video Game] 1 Cosmere (Brandon Sanderson) 1 Crossover Chaos AU (multifandom crossover AU) 1 Cyberpunk: Edgerunners 1 Dead by Daylight 1 Dead Poets Society 1 Derry Girls 1 Dice Punks (podcast) 1 DMBJ/Grave Robber's Chronicles 1 Downton Abbey 1 Dr. STONE (anime/manga) 1 Dragon Ball Z 1 Dragonriders of Pern - Anne McCaffrey 1 Dungeons and Daddies 1 Eerie Indiana 1 Emma - Jane Austen 1 Fire Country 1 Firefly 1 For All Mankind 1 Glee 1 Grace and Frankie 1 Greys Anatomy 1 Grimm 1 Guardian/Zhen Hun 1 Gundam 1 Half-Life 1 Hello From The Hallowoods 1 Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni / Higurashi When They Cry 1 Hit the floor 1 House of the Dragon 1 How to Train Your Dragon (Movies) 1 Hudson & Rex 1 IDOLiSH7 1 Ikemen Vampire 1 Imperial Radch Series - Ann Leckie 1 Infinity Train 1 Jane Austen (any novel any pairing) 1 Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse 1 Jojo's Bizarre Adventure 1 Jurassic Park 1 King of Scars Duology 1 Les Misérables 1 Los Simuladores 1 Love Between Fairy and Devil 1 Madre Solo Hay Dos 1 Miss Scarlet and The Duke 1 Mob Psycho 100 1 Monochrome Factor 1 Motorcity 1 Naomi Novik's books (Temeraire /Spinning Silver/Scholomance) 1 Obey Me! 1 One Last Stop 1 Outlast 1 Paper Girls (TV) 1 Parasol Protectorate 1 Peacemaker 1 Persuasion - Jane Austen 1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen 1 Prodigal Son 1 Psych 1 Qi Ye 1 Ranger's Apprentice 1 Ranma 1/2 1 Roseanne 1 RPF 1 Sable 1 Sanders Sides 1 Scooby Doo 1 Shameless (US) 1 Sidemen 1 Silicon Valley (TV) 1 Skins (UK) 1 Tamora Pierce works 1 Tangled the Series 1 Ted Lasso 1 Teen Titans (Animated Series) 1 Temple of the White Rat series by T. Kingfisher 1 The Ancient Magus Bride 1 The Boys 1 The Daevabad Trilogy 1 The Dark Pictures: House of Ashes 1 The Diviners (Libba Bray) 1 The Goblin Emperor - Katherine Addison 1 The King: Eternal Monarch 1 The L Word: Generation Q 1 The Legend of Drizzt 1 The Lion Hunters Series - Elizabeth Wein 1 The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015) 1 The Man From UNCLE (TV) 1 The Princess Weiyoung (Jinxiu Weiyang) 1 The Tarot Sequence - K.D. Edwards 1 The Terror (TV 2018) 1 The Vampire Diaries (TV) 1 The Wilds (TV 2020) 1 This Way Up 1 Timeless (2016 TV series) 1 Tortall - Tamora Pierce 1 Tower of God 1 Transformers 1 True Blood (TV) 1 Twilight 1 Twilight (All media types) 1 Until We Meet Again 1 UuultraC 1 Valorant 1 Velvet Goldmine (1998) 1 Vikings (TV) 1 Vorkosigan Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold 1 Warframe 1 White Collar 1 White Collar (2009-2014 TV series) 1 Whiteley Foster's Mansong 1 Xena: Warrior Princess 1 Yellowjackets (TV) 1 Yu-Gi-Oh!
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smokycinnaroll-art · 9 months
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ruinconstellation · 2 years
When a first experiment goes that far awry from your expectations, it's usually not worth the risk to keep going. It means you're missing something quite important, and in this case, we had no idea what the something we were missing was. So if we tried again with just minor tweaks, we'd expect it to go wrong, and at that point, not would it go wrong, it would almost certain go wrong in a much more dramatic and possibly painful fashion.
The Last Graduate (#2 of the Scholomance) by Naomi Novik
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m-madeleine · 5 months
hi! for the end of the year asks: 1, 3, 9, 14, 22, 24?
1. How many books did you read this year?
Officially 33, although counting is difficult because I interned in publishing this summer and read some books that weren't out at the time. I keep thinking of more books I finished half a year ago. There's one that's announced for February and I guess I'll be counting it for this year instead??
Then there were also a couple that I technically finished, but am not counting for my goodreads challenge for Reasons, like I was basically skimming because of fast review deadline...or found so artrociously horrible I don't even want it to stain my account lmao. And that last one, I did the final edit for, so I know how bad it was even after multiple professional editing rounds :P
3. What were your top five books of the year?
In no particular order
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik (EL!!! El, the girl who was born to be evil and fights tooth and nail to stay good out of spite T-T) (Also I realized I operate nigh daily on the exact same level of vigilance as a kid in a school that will KILL YOU and that's....a lot)
The Old Ways by Robert Macfarlane (chill nonfiction about hiking and sailing mostly around Britain)
Shadow Girls by Carol Birch (girl's schools and ghostssss)
The Death of Bees by Lisa O'Donnell (two girls bury their own parents in their backgarden; macabre in the best ways, grim but full of love)
Dark Places by Gillian Flynn (essentially a fictional true crime case where you actually get the satisfaction of unpeeling all the layers through a round dance of POVs, left me Pondering for daysss)
Bonus: Along the Trenches by Navid Kermani (a travelogue that gets into the nitty gritty of the history and politics of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus) (I've only gotten halfway through, but I have to mention it NOW because it's amazing and Kermani has been cemented as my non-fiction crush)
9. Did you get into any new genres?
Not really! I def felt a taste for dark stuff this year though.
For the opposite of Getting Into, I had to read a lot of r0mance novels and new adult fiction for work, and mmmmmmm no. No shade, I did enjoy a couple, even though I'm not sure I would've finished them if I didn't have to. But they're just so formulaic T-T I need my books to have a kick.
14. What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
Worked hard on finishing In Männerkleidern by Angela Steidele. It's somewhere between an academic work and a conventional biography? The subject is a working class AFAB person in early 1700s Germany who lived sometimes as a woman and sometimes as a man, had a really interesting life, married a woman but eventually got busted and executed for "sodomy with a woman".
I think Steidele is pretty solid about dealing with the transman or lesbian or?? controversy potential, refers to the main character as whatever gender they were presenting as at the time and when discussing the possibility of interpretation at the end gives evidence for and against all possibilities fairly imo.
You're usually not gonna catch me reading history stuff outside uni, but this was a treat.
22. What’s the longest book you read?
Mansfield Park!
24. Did you DNF anything? Why?
Oh yea. For one, a lot of that was involuntary through work, often you'll only get a 50 page sample, sometimes the rest isn't even written yet.
One thing for work I DNFd more or less voluntarily was What Doesn't Kill Us by Ajay Close (sent in for translation licensing). I actually loved it and for the first and last time felt that famed editor "This is MY manuscript and I'm FIGHTING for it" feeling. Buuuuut it's very dark and visceral and I wasn't in a great headspace at the time, so I kind of just quiet quit on it during my last week. I did still write it a recommendation for as far as I got.
Outside of work, The First Day of Spring by Nancy Tucker. Only took me a couple pages to realize it was based on Mary Bell. I actually thought it was very well done, but it was tough to read just because of the subject and even flipping forward didn't help. I don't think I'll go back to it, I feel like I kind of know what it was doing and where it was going and I liked it, but don't need to experience it page by page.
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ossidae-passeridae · 10 months
tag meme
tagged by: @elfiver and @spiritthatdenies
Last song: uhhhhhh this one's either the introvert's anthem - Who Can It Be Now by Men at Work, or VAST's Touched. Yes I am aware these are very, very different songs
Currently reading: Oh we're doing this are we? Let me get the list.
A Deadly Education by Naomi Novik (this magical school eats people)
Pole Dancing to Gospel Hymns by Andrea Gibson (very tasty poetry let's not talk about my annotations just yet)
The Scar by China Miéville (which I'm struggling a little with and have been recommended to start with The City and the City which I think I may do)
Triple Zero aka Repcomm Book 2 by Karen Traviss (currently in the naughty corner due to Etain's breakdown making my eye start physically twitching)
Crucible of Gold by Naomi Novik (a reread in preparation for Yuletide this year because I know what's coming)
Am I rereading Harrow the Ninth for the uh... twenty-seventh time (yike), yes I am, it lulls me to rest and I adore it
Bertrand Russel's On Education (read for the first time as an undergrad, sure hits differently now)
Strangers, Gods, and Monsters by Richard Kearney (what does it mean to be human/inhuman?)
Currently watching: The Expanse with some friends which I'm enjoying immensely! Hopefully once things are a bit less *waves hands*, Trigun: Stampede.
Current obsession: uhhhh I think my most obvious current obsession is trying to work out what's wrong with the meatsuit? My coterie of medical professionals would like me to cool it, if nothing else :P (Joke's on them, I'm like a dog with a bone)
No pressure tags for: @adjoint-law @mid-nighttiger @thebisexualmandalorian
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mymaleficaria · 10 months
mthedm ---> mymaleficaria
Hi gang! I've had this blog since high school, but somewhere in college it fell into disuse and disrepair. I've been itching to get back on here, as a space on the internet that's not...ya know *gestures at the Twitter-sized elephant in the room*. But I also wanted to go in with a fresh coat of paint and reintroduce myself to y'all, maybe even make some new friends (or enemies. That could be hot.) A lot has changed!
Wait, why do I follow you?
Statistically, you followed me because of Wolf 359! I was big into podcasts back in the day, WTNV, Wolf 359, all those. I also wrote some Wolf 359 fics and was semi-active on the discord. Still fondly remember the show and might reblog fanart once in awhile, but it's not the direction this blog's going to go, so feel free to unfollow if what up I'm to now isn't your jam.
What's this blog about now?
Wouldn't you like to know, weatherboy? Frankly, I'm ADHD as fuck, so that'll vary by the day, but I have a few fandoms (do we still say fandoms in the year of our lord 2023???) that I've been into lately.
Dimension 20: I started watching D20 a little less than a year ago, and it entirely took over my life. It's just a series that's so robustly funny, wonderfully told, and never fails to make me smile. I'm especially fond of ACOC and Fantasy High.
Dracula Daily: I'm in this shit for the long haul! I think Lucy and Mina should kiss, but that's neither here nor there.
Game of Thrones/HotD: This show ended in a trash fire, but it literally lives in my head rent free. The political intrigue, the drama. Ugh. I'm a targ girlie through and through, so I've been eating up HotD, though it's nowhere near as good imo. Am also currently reading the 1st ASOIAF book.
YA lit/Whatever I'm reading/watching: I've read almost 50 books this year so far, and am frankly, insane. Bonus points for queer reads! Not many people to talk about books to irl, so might ramble about them on here instead. Also watch a lot of random TV drama and some anime.
Writing: I'm a fanfic writer, and a fiction writer in general, so I'll post stuff about writing--complaints, story snippets, link to my fics, etc! Headcanons and all will be found here. I've also copyedited before, which is like writing but if you get even more nitpicky about it.
Personal/Whatever the hell I feel like/My D&D Games: Life happens and sometimes you want to scream into the void. Ramblings, jokes, whatever. I transed my gender in the past few years and sometimes I'm mad about it! I also just graduated college! Madness! I play a lot of TTRPGs, and I'm usually on brainrot for one of my characters at any given time.
Why's your new username that?
One of my favorite book series is The Scholomance by Naomi Novik, and in the series, Maleficaria are the horrifying monsters that threaten to kill the students every day, and what is tumblr if not a place full of vile, evil beings? Plus, it means you all can call me Mal.
Anything else?
Nope! Other than to feel free to drop me a line and say hello, especially if you want to scream about D20. I'm p alone in this brainrot irl, so I'm pretty much always down to talk about the Bad Kids... especially Adaine and Fabian. I'm also always down to take fic suggestions in my asks! This show genuinely lifts me up when I'm down, so sharing it with people is one of my favorite things.
My fics (shortlist):
In Sweetness, There is Violence: Angsty ACOC one-shot about if Ruby had made a different choice in the finale. Obligatory Caramelinda Caramelinda-ing.
the words i speak are wildfires: A HOTD one-shot I intended to be smut, that ended up instead being more like a romantic sapphic moment of healing between Alicent and Rhaenyra. What can I say? I like childhood friends to enemies to lovers.
Stay Stellar: An unfinished (and, very likely, discontinued) 15-chapter high school AU for Wolf 359 that I wrote with an old friend. Featuring some truly crazy shenanigans, a lot of embarrassing Kepcobi moments, and a surprising amount of theatre.
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