#pasion de las pasiones
bleongambetta · 9 months
Moves That Make Promises In Pasión de las Pasiones
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One of the tricks I like to use for writing effective, interesting custom moves in Pasión de las Pasiones (my Ennie 2023 Best Game nominated game of telenovela drama) is to build it around a promise.
I'm a sucker for a payoff in a piece of media, I love to be promised I'll be shown something and then be shown exactly that. I think it's innate to want exactly that, we love foreshadowing and getting that payoff. That's the entire basis of telenovelas honestly, through all of the twists and turns and questions, we have a promise (sometimes direct, sometimes implied) of how it will end.
Bonus points to those who get my gif choice.
Im going to give the quickest background I can before showing the move.
Briefly Custom Moves
Moves, for those uninitiated to Powered by the Apocalypse, are little bits of rules with a trigger, a mechanic (often rolling plus a stat), and a result.
When you MAKE A TUMBLR POST, tell us what it is then ROLL PLUS SHARP. On a hit EVERYONE REBLOGS IT.
These little mini bits of rules let's games really focus on specific genre conventions of the stories they are telling. When they do a good job, they focus play.
Custom moves are invented by the GM either before or during the session. They are for a scenario that the game didn't see coming or that normally wouldn't necessarily be a focus of the game. They follow the same structure and can be a little tricky to master, because often you're doing them quickly!
Briefly Pasión de las Pasiones Moves
Pasión de las Pasiones is a variant on PbtA which instead of stats uses questions. Simplistically, for each "Yes" answer to two questions on a move, the player adds +1. Those questions usually have to do with fictional positioning (what is happening in a scene or what advantages/scenarios a character has).
The Move
When you race across the jagged cliffs, trying to claim the prize that will forever change your life, roll with the questions:
* Are you willing to die to win?
*Are you willing to kill to win?
On a hit, you make it to the end, neck and neck with your greatest rival. On a 10+, pick 1. 7-9, pick 2.
*You chicken out at the last minute and lose, mark 1 conditions
*You make it over the line, but you're busted up to the point that you're not walking away from this. Face Certain Death.
*You drove someone off the cliffs. If they're a PC, they Face Certain Death. If they aren't, they are dead, dying, or missing.
On a miss, you screw it all up. You lose control of your vehicle. If you were willing to give your life, Face Certain Death. If you weren't, watch as someone else takes your place at the podium.
So why does this custom move work?
It asks the player, what are you willing to give for this and the player makes a promise. For promising to give their life, they get a +1. For promising to kill, they get a +1. That's a great little moment, of all of the players listening to the racer say that.
Then, if they roll poorly, we get that payoff. They promised they'd give their life, let's see it happen.
If they roll well, we also get that payoff! You said you would give your life, will you now? You said you'd kill, will you now?
This design basically makes a mirror around the objective, you tell me what it's worth to you and then I ask you if you'll pay it.
For the record, our roll had the racer falling off the cliff, but being saved at the last minute by a mysterious racer who turned out to be the missing heir to the fortune and identical triplet to two of the players.
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goldyke · 9 months
if you have the time, what are your favorite ttrpgs? I'm interested in getting into the genre but dnd is kind of hard to break into. Again, you don't have to answer if this would take too much time to explain. Thank you!
So I’ve played about 35 different games, mostly one shots. I’ve had the benefit of playing with people I trust which can greatly influence game play. Below I’m going to include the full list of games with brief descriptions, but favorites first.
I definitely prefer non-traditional, narrative, and gmless games, so that will be a running theme.
Tales From the Loop has to go first because it’s the game that made me fall in love with ttrpgs. This game has Stranger Things vibes. You play a preteen in the 80s in a town where weird shit is constantly happening. This game is more on the traditional side. There’s a GM running the story, you roll for skill checks, there’s probably a specific story playing out that your gm will try to hook you on to. This game uses only 6 sided dice. There is a sequel listed below for teens in the 90s.
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Fall of Magic is a narrative rpg with at most 3 dice rolls in the entire game. FoM is played on a beautiful, handmade map. Your characters progress through the cities on the map as you collaboratively tell the story of your journey to the birthplace of magic. Every city on the map has locations in it with a narrative prompt. Each player decides what location to visit and acts a scene at the location answering the prompt. Anything you say becomes true. There are no rolls. Nothing makes me want to write an epic fantasy more than a good game of Fall of Magic
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Pasión De Las Pasiones is a PBTA game, which is one of my favorite systems. In it you play a character from a long-running telenovela. I suggest only playing with a gm familiar with the genre who can do justice to the setting. There’s lots of scandal and intrigue. In fact one of the possible characters to play is the secret evil twin of any of your fellow players. PBTA gamesone are closer to traditional with dice rolls and a gm, but emphasizes the narrative more. Rolls are based on you committing to certain tropes and are boosted by narratives rather than any sort of character skills. (I also suggest checking out other PBTA games.)
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A Quiet Year is a map drawing game. All you need to play are a deck of cards, a printout of what the cards mean, and drawing materials. You tell the story of a community rebuilding after a harsh winter, answering prompts from the cards for each week of the year. As you build the village and create the story, you draw a map to show all you have done. No artistic skill is necessary. You do not play a character in this game. There is no gm. There are no dice rolls. This is the map from my last game. (I prefer to use wrapping paper for more space)
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Dialect is a language building game in which you collaboratively make up new words that become completely normal to you through play. You play as members of an isolated community of any sort (lost mars colonies, online message boards, a thieves guild) which breaks down over the course of the game. You play out the evolution and eventual dissolution of your joint language. Each turn comes with a prompt for which you create a word and then play a scene. This is great as a stand-alone but I love the idea of using it as worldbuilding for a larger campaign.
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I will hopefully do another post talking more about someone games tomorrow
(Warning for q slur used once below cut)
This is a list of all the games I’ve played with a short description for each. I do not recommend all of these, but feel free to ask more about any of them. I’ll talk more about some of these in future posts.
Masks (teenage super heroes. PBTA)
Paranoia (dystopian bureaucratic comedy horror)
Weave (app based multi genre. Left very little impression for me)
Tales from the loop (80s teenage horror mystery. D6 based game)
Things from the flood (90s teenage horror mystery. Sequel to above)
Descent into Midnight (map drawing game. psychic underwater entities in a community fighting an influence. PBTA.)
Dream askew (queer enclave as society falls PBTA. Book also contains a jewish companion game set in a shtetl, Dream Apart)
Rippers (dark Victorian. supernatural hunters)
Pasion de las Pasiones (telenovela the rpg. NDNM)
Fall of magic (map based, gmless, story telling game. High fantasy. I own but have not yet played their second scroll game City of Winter)
Fiasco (multi genre heist-gone-wrong game. Gmless. D6 based)
Inspecteres (ghostbusters-esque, bureaucratic comedy. Some mockumentary elements.)
Dnd (we all know this one)
Quiet year (map drawing, gmless game on the growth of community)
Dialect (linguistics based game telling the story of a collapse of community)
Microscope (world-building game played over the course of an era. Great for works building for a larger campaign)
Lady blackbird (single scenario game- helping a noble escape arranged marriage. Steampunk)
Lasers and feelings (Star Trek, basically. One pager. Great for new players and gms. Good system to build a home brew based on)
Castle falkenstein (steampunk+fantasy adventure)
Headspace (cyberpunk, anticorp. Emotionally intense/triggering)
Mouse guard (mouse fantasy adventures)
Numenara (science fantasy adventure game. Earth based, 1000 years off)
Manifest (sci-fi western)
Damn the man save the music (employees try to save their dying indie record store and achieve their personal goals. 90s)
Ryutaama (npcs travel and experience the joy of existence)
Dead Halt (a hotels AI has gone rogue. You work there. Try to survive. Horror-ish but in a campy way)
Knave (a very simplified fantasy adventure game)
Thirteenth Age (similar to dnd with a few unique interesting features. Made by creators of dnd 3&4)
Anomaly (tarot based gmless game about a sinister organization investigating supernatural anomalies)
Visigoths vs. Mall goths (conflicts and romance between the warriors who sacked Ancient Rome and 20th century spooky teens. Takes place in a mall in 1996)
Arcana Academy (magic school game. Don’t play with strangers because they will fall into HP tropes)
Alice is Missing (silent game played over discord or similar. A mystery is solved through texts and group chats
Worlds Without Numbers (large world fantasy adventure game. OSR. Similar in concept to dnd but with plenty of differences. More human centric)
Nahual (Mestizo shapeshifting angel hunting underdogs)
Sign (sign language building game. Deaf children develop their language collaboratively in a new school setting. Played silently.)
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shannanigan-art · 1 year
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Pasión de las Pasiones: A Fey Court Mystery
What happens when the Feywild, who’s courts have fractioned into smaller and more specific courts, host a grand event, but one of the hosts has mysteriously disappeared? Secrets, back end deals, court intrigue, and of course, romance!
My good friend @rosesrambling is running an ACOFAF-inspired rpg using the PbtA system Pasion de las Pasiones and gang? We’re only two sessions in and it’s already getting spicy! Our main guests of honor include Malena, Knight of the Court of Iron, Sancho, squire of Malena, Almos and Alura, twins of the Court of Dreams, Ríonne, Princex of the Court of Harvest, and Frankie, leader of the Court of Beasts! I cannot wait to see how messy this campaign becomes 🌸✨😘
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cryptix23 · 10 months
"You abandoned me at birth!"
"I was an infant at birth!"
- out of context pasion de las pasiones
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matias-vasquez · 6 months
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waderockett · 1 year
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I’m sick and haven’t been home since before Thanksgiving. My girlfriend picked up my mail today—I received the Blade Runner TTRPG and the Pasion de las Pasiones TTRPG! No idea when I’m going to have a chance to look at them, but it’s a nice surprise.
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dannyplaysrpgs · 1 year
At long last, Pasión de las Pasiones is in my hands... And yet! I must not! Not until Friday, at least
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1687- Que dure lo que tenga que durar, que dure un día, o quizás meses o años, que dure una vida entera, que dure la eternidad, que dure un segundo, que dure tan solo un susurro, pero que sea contigo.
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bleongambetta · 4 months
2024 TTRPG Winter Stovetop
It's cold out there and the orders are stacking up for new ttrpgs so it's time to check the ttrpg stovetop. CHEF, I NEED HANDS
Maybe lost the metaphor a bit there.
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TTRPG designers tend to have a lot of games in progress at once and it's useful/nice to be able to check in on those things! Here's what I'm working on!
I'm structuring mine (as I have for a little while) as front burner (active), back burner (paused, but simmering), cold (essentially abandoned, but may pick up again), or done.
I think probably that's also the order of how interesting they are, so I'm going to write them in that order. Feel free to ask me about any of these games or ask if there's something else you know I've worked on!
Front Burner (by approximate time focus)
Pasión de las Pasiones: Tormentas del Corazón
Contract Work That Isn't Public Yet (but a preview is 💀🤹🏽‍♀️)
Towershield/The BL-G Hack/Three Musketeers/Romantasy Roll Under Apasionado por el Apocalipsis Game
Deadly Kobold Racing: Artful Version
Pommel Ball
Back Burner (by approximate interest)
Bottle Episode (to be inserted into long-running campaigns or played as a one shot experience)
RADCrawl Roguelike
Dancecards & Debutantes (may be part of Towershield, etc)
Can't Handle The Heat
Catching the Nice Guy
Chase the H0ll0w (hopefully will revive with edits for 2023 Spooky Season?)
Pasión de las Pasiones
Deadly Kobold Racing: Artless Version
If you want to know anything about any of these projects, give me a shout!
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sinfonia-relativa · 11 months
No soy nada especial; de eso estoy seguro. Soy un hombre ordinario, con pensamientos ordinarios y llevo una vida ordinaria. No hay monumentos dedicados a mí y mi nombre pronto será olvidado, pero amé a alguien con todo mi corazón y con toda mi alma, y ​​para mí, eso siempre fue suficiente.
El diario de una pasión
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aqcuaria · 1 month
Siempre serás mi fuego y yo tu aire
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blogseducativo · 2 months
Frase del día
“Los alumnos son un reflejo de la pasión del profesor”.-Elena Escribano
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ya-no-la-quiero · 9 months
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Pura pasión / Annie Ernaux
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Que bien se siente el no ser arrastrado por las masas, tener autoridad propia y confiar en nuestra propia intuición,  de verdad que es un gran regalo...
Sentirse diferente está perfecto.
En un mundo que a menudo busca la uniformidad, abrazar nuestra singularidad es un acto de valentía y autenticidad.
Cada uno de nosotros es una obra maestra única, tejida con hilos de experiencias, sueños y peculiaridades.
Celebrar nuestras diferencias nos permite explorar nuevos horizontes, desafiar lo establecido y descubrir la belleza en la diversidad.
No hay un molde único para la vida; somos como estrellas en un vasto cielo, cada una brillando con su propio resplandor.
Entonces, abraza tus rarezas, tus pasiones y tus peculiaridades.
Porque en la esencia de lo que nos hace diferentes, encontramos la verdadera esencia de nuestra humanidad.
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matias-vasquez · 10 months
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gumaball · 7 months
Tengo muchos pensamientos y recuerdos innecesarios, y habitualmente hago muchos viajes al pasado, estoy tan ocupado pensando en lo que fue o lo que pudo ser que a veces siento que no estoy poniendo la suficiente atención a lo que está sucediendo en el presente.
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