#photobooth decor
shaadiwish · 9 months
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Traditional Genda Phool Decor Ideas
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the-chennai-events · 10 months
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audrey-gianelli · 2 years
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vdecorsandevents · 11 months
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tangaytv · 1 year
The Wedding of Jo ann & Harry l Painting of Decor Bamboos & Wooden Branc...
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wlntrsldler · 3 months
poisoned mercury | just friends
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a/n: boys have debrief sessions too! a lot of pining! lovers who are blind! yippeeee!
series masterlist | previous | next
vii. just friends by virginia to vegas
“yo, castellan!” 
luke was lying on your bed, head falling off the corner as he watched you scribble things down in your notebook on your desk. he’s been hanging around in your room more often. your bed was much comfier than his own, with a fluffy white blanket, silk sheets, and a million pillows that mostly end up on the floor when you go to bed. he cringes when he thinks of his usual navy, polyester sheets on his bed, and piles of scrap paper with wasted lyrics scattered around his floor. 
the pictures you took at the photobooth were now taped with the rest of the decorations on your wall. you placed it front and center, giving him the perfect view of it from where he was. the boys had asked him about the sudden change in attitude between the two of you, but he never gave many details about what happened the night the two of you disappeared. 
they cornered him once on his way to the gym, “what gives, luke? when did you and y/n get so close?” 
luke shrugged, “i don’t kiss and tell.” 
“you kissed?!” 
“well, no.” 
that was that. luke wasn’t going to share anything with them, partly because he didn’t know if there was anything to share. yeah, you two were hanging out a lot more now. you were touchier with him, a hand on his arm (he tried not to flex whenever you did that but it’s like muscle memory for him to do so.), a leg on top of his own when you sat beside him, a lingering touch on his back when you said goodbye. you were also more open to him touching you, a hand around your waist while you smoked together, holding your hand underneath tables, a hand on your thigh as you engaged in conversations with the group. but he didn’t know if he was reading into things. maybe you were just like this with everyone. he’d only ever seen you with clarisse and she wasn’t a very touchy person, so that didn’t help much. and you didn’t have many other people you were close to at camp for him to base anything on. 
luke sat up on your bed, “in here!” 
travis, connor, and chris popped their heads into your room, no doubt thinking of new ways to tease luke about his crush on you. they said hello to you and motioned for luke to follow them into travis’ room. 
luke groaned, not wanting to leave you, but obliged. he got up and walked over to you, squeezing your upper arm, “i’ll be right back.” 
“m’kay,” you replied, sending him a smile. you closed your notebook as he peeked over your shoulder, “you coming to the party tonight?” 
he smiled, “wouldn’t miss it.” 
the three boys were sitting around travis’ computer when he walked in. connor motioned for him to shut the door when he arrived. oh, luke thought, this is a band intervention. this only happened once before when connor was going through a tough time and he was taking his anger out on everybody. he’d just broken up with his girlfriend because long distance got to them and it seemed like he was upset at everyone he encountered. not the best situation to be in when they were all forced to live with each other in a small tour bus and hotel rooms. 
“what’s going on?” luke asked, leaning against the door. “you guys look serious.” 
“because this is a serious issue,” connor said, playing with his key ring, “we need to show you something.” 
“well, we need you to hear something,” chris chimed in, motioning for travis to cue up something on his computer. “so this thing with y/n… is it serious?” 
luke felt like he was put on the spot. he didn’t know how to answer that question. were you serious? what were you anyway? he didn’t know how to categorize what the two of you were doing. he felt like he was stuck in a limbo with you, maybe something more than friends but not anything more than that? it didn’t make sense when he tried to rationalize it. it kept him up more nights than he’d like to admit. but he let you call the shots. he didn’t want to scare you off. 
luke’s jaw ticked, “i don’t know if we’re anything.” 
“dude,” travis groaned, “come on. you’re something. i’ve never seen you act like this since…” 
“ever,” chris finished travis’ sentence for him. he sat beside connor on travis’ bed, “i’ve known you for years, luke, and this is not something i’ve ever seen before.” 
luke sighed, “look, i know you guys said not to fuck up our relationship with mr. d and it’s really not my intention to, but i dunno, guys. she’s just so–”
“i’m gonna stop you right there before wax on and on about how great y/n is,” travis cut off. “you do realize that we’re not mad that you have feelings for her, right?” 
that caught luke by surprise. he’d been so focused on trying to figure out what the two of you were that he was kind of relieved to know where his friends stood on the situation. sure, he wasn’t the happiest knowing that his friends disapproved, but at least he didn’t have to guess about what they thought of it, but now he was more confused than ever. 
“luke, man, we just want what’s best for you,” connor said, shrugging his shoulders. “did it have to be the daughter of the man who decides if we get a contract extension and the man who dictates the trajectory of our career? no, but we can’t stop the two of you from whatever it is you’re doing. plus, we like y/n.” 
“i’m confused,” luke vocalized, walking over to the three of them, “if this is not what that’s about, what’s the point of the intervention?” 
travis beamed, twirling in his computer chair to dig up some files, “we wrote a song.” 
“you wrote a song?” 
“yeah, we just recorded it without you because you’re too busy sending y/n googly eyes,” connor snickered, “wanna hear it?” 
luke nodded, pulling up travis’ drum seat, “absolutely.” 
“before we play it,” chris prefaced, “we mean these words in the most loving way possible.” 
“is this fucking song about me?” luke asked, gobsmacked. he let out a laugh, understanding why they felt the need to call for an intervention, “you guys suck.” 
“maybe,” travis smirked, clicking on an audio file, “but the song doesn’t.” 
the song began with drums, followed by the sound of connor playing guitar. the bass came in shortly after with the three of them doing background vocals. travis seemed to take the lead on main vocals. luke felt connor tap his shoulder, sliding him a piece of paper with the lyrics to the song. 
luke couldn’t deny it– the song was good. he looked down at the page, cheeks turning red as he read the words. the paper had three distinct handwritings, showing that this song was definitely a group effort. this was co-signed by the three of them. 
“stop making up your excuses
call her up, tell her you forgot something
it's worth more than you are thinking
don't be a fool, tell her you think she's cool
stop waiting for a fairy tale to
take you away, don't wait for someday
she's thinking the same thing as you
don't be afraid, dreams aren't found they're made
'cause you've only got one chance
you've only got one chance
kiss her you fool.” 
luke put his head in his hands, laughing uncontrollably as the song continued. the three boys laughed along with him, head bopping to the instrumentals of the song. it was insanely catchy. luke knew instantly that this song would be a fan favorite. it was definitely going on their second album. 
as the song faded off, luke tossed the paper to travis, “you motherfuckers. did you write a song to try to convince me to make a move?” 
chris looked at him with a straight face, “duh.” 
“i really thought this was gonna be a whole thing,” luke smacked travis’ leg, shaking his head, “whole time you guys just wanted the dirt on me and y/n.” 
“okay, here’s the thing, luke– there is no dirt to share!” connor whined. the three of them weren’t nosy per se, but they were curious. they wanted to know what developed between you and luke. he’d never been one to shy away from talking about his romantic interests, but this time, with you, it was like luke was suddenly a square. 
they often saw you guys giggling with each other, sharing secret looks that you thought the rest of them wouldn’t notice, hands on each other at every possible moment. it was quite ridiculous, actually. luke didn’t need to have a finger hooked on your belt loop while you made cereal in the morning nor did you have to have the string of his hoodie wrapped around your finger when you were lying on him on the couch. 
they’d tried to ask him about it many times, but luke wouldn’t budge. they didn’t need to know everything, but it became clear to them that luke’s silence wasn’t because he was keeping secrets from the band, but because nothing had happened between the two of you that warranted a conversation. it was like you two were playing a sick game with each other, pushing the envelope just far enough to avoid a conversation about what you were, but subjecting everyone around you to the brutal torture of watching you fall for each other without making a move. 
okay, so they were nosy. sue them. 
“i don’t know what to tell you guys,” luke got up from his seat, rubbing his neck, “i just– i’m scared that if i make a move, it’ll fuck things up between us.” 
“believe me when i say this,” chris got up, placing his hands on luke’s shoulders, “you aren’t going to fuck anything up. trust me.” 
he cocked an eyebrow, “and you know this, how?” 
chris’ face flushed as he removed his hands from luke and stuffed them in his front pockets. he looked down at his feet, shyly, “clarisse told me.” 
luke’s eyebrows raised, eyes twinkling with fondness, “you guys are so focused on me, but we need to talk about chris and clarisse!” 
chris’ face morphed into a gigantic smile at the sound of his name next to clarisse’s. luke shoved him, motioning for him to start talking, while the stolls leaned in, locked in to listen to chris’ perspective. luke took his spot next to connor, giving chris the floor. 
chris scratched the back of his head, red creeping down his neck, “i really like her…” 
when you mentioned that there was a party happening, luke didn’t realize that it was a party just for the older campers. imagine his surprise when he walked into the woods with chris in tow to find lee fletcher with his entire dj set up blasting IDGAF by drake and bottles of liquor strewn about on a picnic table. 
“hey, you see y/n or clarisse yet?” chris asked, looking around. luke didn’t comment on how chris seemed to spray a bit more of his cologne on his clothes tonight and how he hogged their bathroom to fix his hair a million times. they were late to the gathering because of chris. luke thought it was adorable how chris got so nervous around the girls he liked. 
“nah, sorry man,” luke pat chris’ back, “don’t be so nervous. you’ll be fine.” 
chris scoffed, fixing the pearl necklace around his neck, “easy for you to say, castellan.” 
“chris,” luke stood in front of him, blocking his view of the party, “clarisse likes you too, alright? don’t stress.” 
“no, i know she does,” the boy replied, shaking his head. he peered over luke’s shoulder to look for clarisse again. “she showed me what she was wearing for tonight and i know she’s gonna look so pretty. do you think i look okay?” 
“you look good, rodriguez,” he chuckled, moving to chris’ side. the interaction brought luke back to high school, back when chris went on his first date with a girl from their chemistry class, adrianna. they’d been paired up to do a lab project together and it was the first time luke saw chris become a nervous mess. the two of them rode around on their bikes going to four different grocery stores to find the best bouquet of flowers for adrianna. in the end, they settled for an arrangement of poppies and sunflowers. adrianna loved it and they went on to date for a few months before she broke it off with him when he started to take music seriously. 
luke always thought that chris was a better man than he was. chris never harbored any ill feelings towards adrianna, stating that the rockstar’s girlfriend life was just not something she saw herself in. chris said that adrianna wanted to be a teacher and had her own dreams she wanted to follow. as much as chris liked the girl, he took the breakup pretty well. even if he was younger than luke, he was always more mature than him, emotionally anyway. 
“i think i see her,” chris said, fixing his shirt for the umpteenth time. “y/n is there too.” 
luke’s eyes quickly darted to where chris was looking. you and clarisse were sitting on another picnic table, feet resting comfortably on the benches. beside you was a red cooler with selzters and beers perched on top of ice packs. you were laughing at something clarisse said, talking to two older, male campers who didn’t hide their attempts to check the two of you out. 
luke couldn’t blame them. the two of you did look good. you were wearing jeans that hugged your curves perfectly with a long-sleeve off-the-shoulder black top. your hair was thrown behind your back, two small braids on either side of your head, and small gold hoops hanging from your ears. in the orange glow of the campfire not too far away, luke could see the hint of lip gloss on your lips. you wore your black platform converses and luke squinted to see if his little doodle on the side of the rubber was still there. 
he tilted his head in your direction to signal chris to start walking towards the both of you. as he got closer, a warmth spread inside his chest when he saw his familiar handwriting on your shoe. in silver sharpie, luke wrote ‘5 star’ with an atrocious attempt at a star on the left shoe. 
you two were in your room when he had the idea. he didn’t notice it before but you wrote little things on each of your shoes. you told him a story about a house party you went to years ago where you’d accidentally taken the wrong left shoe on your way out the door. you’d all taken off your shoes to jump into the pool and left a pile of shoes by the living room, stacked on top of each other. in the rush of things, you grabbed a pair of vans and slipped them on, only to realize when you got home that the left shoe was a different size than the right. since then, you always customized your shoes in small ways to make it easier for you to find them. 
you’d never wore your converses before so you didn’t get to do anything to them yet. luke was happy to help you continue your tradition. he also wanted to leave you a reminder of him whenever you wore the shoes. a small memento of your time with him at camp. 
“five star,” luke called as he approached you. the four of you turned your heads at the sound of his voice. the two boys paled at the sight of two members of poisoned mercury and scurried away before he and chris could even grab a beer from the cooler. 
you unseriously rolled your eyes, taking a sip from the can in your hand, as you watched the two boys you and clarisse were talking to before leave in a hurry. not good for luke’s ego, you thought, though you were glad the boys left. you were on your sixteenth (and yes, you were counting) ‘oh really?’ with the boy who only seemed to talk of himself. 
“castellan,” you raised your can to him in a greeting. 
luke moved the cooler away from you, snagging the last bud light in it, before sitting beside you. clarisse and chris got to talking, choosing to move to another area away from the noise and left the two of you alone. 
“who was that?” 
“hm?” you asked, genuinely forgetting that you were talking to someone else before he got there. you were focused on the boy beside you now. he was wearing a red flannel, bunched up around his elbows, with a white shirt underneath. his black jeans complimented the silver jewelry he always wore. he looked good. you blinked, “oh, i don’t know. james or justin, or something.” 
luke cracked open his beer, “you need to start remembering people’s names.” 
“i remember the ones that matter,” you dismissed, turning to face him. the small studs on his ears were illuminated under the dim light. “you showed up.” 
“told you i would,” luke smirked, bumping your knee with his, “you look good.” 
“thank you,” you squeaked out, looking down to play with the ring on your index finger. luke’s eyes looked down at your hand, a wave of fondness crashing over him. “you do too.” 
he grabbed your hand, running a finger over the silver metal, “is that my ring?” 
your eyes widened, “oh, yeah. sorry you left it in my room and i wore it to remind myself to give it back to you.” 
“keep it,” he said, keeping his hand on yours, “i have so many i didn’t even realize it was gone.” 
that was a lie. the barbed wire ring was in his daily rotation. he always wore it on his ring finger along with his other two rings. he even had a ring tan that matched it. he’d been looking for it everywhere for days, but decided it was a lost cause when he couldn’t find it in time for the party. luke figured he could just buy another one, but now knowing that you had it, he didn’t feel the need to anymore. it was safe with you. 
“what did the boys want earlier?” 
“oh, nothing,” luke flushed remembering the song they played for him a few hours ago. the four of them got caught up talking for hours that by the time they ran out of things to say, it was nearly time to get ready for the party. the stolls headed out earlier, too impatient to wait for chris as he flailed around trying to find the perfect outfit for clarisse, and luke stayed back to wait for him. he didn’t see you after he left your room, too preoccupied with helping his best friend. 
you narrowed your eyes, “didn’t seem like nothing.” 
“well, they wrote a song and wanted me to hear it.” luke could never hide anything from you, not like he wanted to anyway. there was nothing he wanted to keep from you, except how he felt about you. but that was more of a complicated situation. 
“i wanna hear it,” you said, excitement in your voice. 
“absolutely not,” luke scoffed, playfully. he was not ready for you to hear that song. he knew you’d connect the dots quickly. “soon, though. maybe.” 
“come on, castellan,” you droned, placing your seltzer on the table. “i wanna hear it.” 
“i told you, soon, five star. s’not ready yet.” 
“and? what if i wanna hear it unfinished?” 
“nah, you’ll get to hear it when it’s perfect,” the corners of his lips quirked up into a smile, “gotta impress you.” 
in the morning, you were going to blame the alcohol in your system, although you had been sipping on the same seltzer since you arrived. the drink tasted watered down and dull. it didn’t really have an effect on you at all, no red flush on your cheeks, no dizziness in your mind. but for now, you were going to blame it. perhaps, it was a placebo effect of some sort, encouraging you to be bolder with luke. “you always impress me, pretty boy.” 
luke was glad that the beat dropped the same time he choked on his drink, the liquid getting stuck in his throat as the pet name left your lips. he played it off, clearing his throat as he looked at you. your lips were parted slightly, the ghost of the words you said prior still lingering in the air. your voice echoed in his head. you always impress me, pretty boy. 
you were looking at him with hooded eyes, something foreign dancing in your irises. a dare, maybe, for him to succumb to you and let you hear the song he was speaking of. or maybe for him to do something else, something that crossed the line of friendship that he’d been tip-toeing around for weeks. is it too far to press his lips against yours right now? the voices of his band mates rang in his ears, begging him to finally make a move. 
your lips were inviting. the remnants of your lip gloss was smudged haphazardly on your bottom lip, sparkles of glitter catching his eye. you were closer to him now, too, thighs pressed against his own, breath fanning over his face. it drove him wild how you were looking at him, patiently waiting for him to do something. 
he decided against it. it took all his willpower not to kiss you then, but he didn’t want the moment to be tainted by the watching eyes that surrounded the two of you. he knew you didn’t like the spotlight, preferred to have your private business safely tucked away just for you, and he respected that. he wanted that too, to only have these moments for himself. what he envisioned with you was his own personal reprieve from the world. he didn’t want to share you. 
five star, the girl who had him wrapped around her delicate finger, who teased him relentlessly, who carved a permanent space in his thoughts, who took his breath away with every stolen glance and concealed touch. he shared so much of his life with the world with his music and his status. he’ll be selfish just this once. this was just for him. 
luke looked away, sipping the last few drops of his drink. your pull was magnetic. he sighed, voice hoarse, “you’re killing me, five star.” 
it amazed you how luke still didn’t realize that he had the same effect on you, though you couldn’t judge him too harshly, you supposed. for the last two months, you’d given him nothing to work with but a roll of your eyes, snide remarks, and feigned nonchalance. you built your walls up too high. from the moment you’d met him at your smoke spot, you knew it would be dangerous for you to be around him, though you didn’t show it then. 
an attractive boy who shared your vices, incessant on pushing your buttons undeterred by the fire in your soul, ready to argue back. he had his sarcastic replies that countered your defense mechanism that often left your mind scrambled when you thought about it at night. his proximity to you, living in the same cabin, giving you just enough space to leave you wanting more. you enjoyed your time with luke, much to your premature dismay. your biased perception of musicians was turned on his head the more you spent time with him. 
people always told you that you liked a challenge, always searching for something to keep you vigilant, on your toes. and luke castellan, the bastard that he was, was exactly who you needed. he always had something up his sleeve, but never something that could hurt you. you didn’t know if he was even capable of the sorts. 
it was easy to see why people were attracted to him. he was easy on the eyes, even if it took you weeks to admit it to yourself. but you pitied the people who didn’t get to know him like this– they’d never understand how it feels to know luke castellan. they’ll only get to know the luke that the tabloids wanted, and he was the furthest thing from it. he was wild and rowdy the way any teenager would be, but with his mom, his band, with you, he was something else entirely. 
you were sure that anyone who was lucky enough to know him were unlucky enough to want him because when anyone gets to know luke, there is no denying that they’ll fall for him. and you were teetering dangerously close to the edge. 
if gods existed in this world, will they make you one of the lucky ones to experience this? had you done enough good in this life to deserve this? you didn’t know and you were scared to find out, but with the way he was looking at you now, something between longing and tenderness, your patience was wearing thin.
before you could say anything, clarisse, chris, and the stolls walked over to the two of you. chris had his arm around clarisse, sending luke a wide smile. 
“we’re ditching the party to grab food by the gas station,” connor explained, “you guys wanna come?” 
you looked at luke. you loved your friends, but you didn’t want to be with them right now, not when all you wanted to do was talk to luke. he saw your pleading eyes and shook his head, turning to the group, “nah, i think we’re good here.” 
“suit yourself,” travis shrugged, beginning to walk towards the main road. the other three followed, the murmurs of their conversations fading into the night. 
luke got up from the table, dusting off his pants, “you wanna head home?” 
“yeah,” you followed his actions, taking his outstretched hand to help you off the table. “let’s go home.” 
the walk back to your cabin was filled with your usual banter, laughter that you both tried to suppress in fear of getting caught after hours, and excuses to touch each other, playful and teasing, but they lingered longer than what could be deemed as friendship. when you arrived at the cabin, you and luke stood in the living room, both unsure of what happens next. 
you paused, scruffing the bottom of your shoes on the cabin floors. you motioned to your room, “this is me.” 
he rubbed the back of his neck, every bone in his body begging him not to retire to his own room. “yeah. guess we should get some sleep.” 
“yeah, g’night,” you turned around to walk into your room. luke watched as you opened the door, only beginning to walk to his own when he saw you enter. he was so caught up in his head that he didn’t realize the door never closed. it was the sound of your voice that made him turn around. “luke?” 
he jerked his head so fast, he was sure he almost got whiplashed. luke’s voice was hushed when he spoke, “what’s up?” 
you bit your bottom lip, “do you want to come in?” 
his feet took him to you before his mouth could open to give you an answer. he was in front of you in record time, breaths uneven and palms sweaty. you placed your hands flat on his chest, feeling the racing of his heart. he closed his eyes as you wrapped your arms around his neck. when he found the strength to open his eyes, he found your face close to his. his hands found their way to your hips. he cautiously let his lips graze your cheek, placing a soft kiss there. “five star.” 
“mhm?” you purred. “what is it luke?” 
the sound of your voice like that, breathless and raspy, was enough for him to press his lips against yours. luke felt like his heart was about to burst in his chest when you kissed him back.
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lightfootpremierent · 2 years
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by Lightfoot Premier Entertainment, LLC.
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meganutriland · 2 years
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shaadiwish · 9 months
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Save These Unique Genda Phool Decor Ideas And Slay Your Wedding Decor.
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the-chennai-events · 9 months
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audrey-gianelli · 2 years
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vdecorsandevents · 11 months
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mayearies · 10 months
say click! take a pic! with miles g. genre: fluff
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warnings: idk use of the word negro, spanish (might be incorrect) a/n: we don't talk about the ending. also haha funny continuation from the arcade fic WE LOVE A WHOLESOME MILES
e42 miles and you were still on your arcade date, until you stumbled upon a photobooth. miles didn't like taking photos at all. once in a while he would let you take pictures of him but you'd have to delete them afterwards (you don't) (you have an album of him called 'pictures i should have deleted but i decided not to cause i love my man')
"mami, nooo" "yesss, miles! we haven't taken pictures in a while!" "ion wannaaaa"
✰ you'd end up dragging him into there anyways, of course with a few tricks up your sleeve. he raised an eyebrow at you with an unamused look. he knew there was a reason you didn't leave your makeup bag in the car.
✰ he wouldn't like it at first that much, since all you were doing was fake smiling. though, as more tokens were wasted and more pictures were printed, he slowly got into it. a few hugs here and there, lots and lots of kisses, being really touchy, etc. it's what got him excited. with you sitting in his lap and showing affection towards him, that's really all it took to bring a smile to his face.
✰ at one point, you smothered him in stamps of your lipstick.
"ah. mi cara, mi amor. it's all stained now." "it looks cute, though. mwah." "aww, te amo tanto. "
✰ when you two got back to your place, you decorated the strips of film with glitter pens and some of miles' graffiti markers while he took pictures of you doing so.
✰ depending on how many photos you two took, he would keep half and you would keep half. he would probably cut a few out and put them in his phone case or wallet and hang up the rest. he would DEFINATELY hang up the one you had stamped another kiss mark on.
goodnight ml to miles, seen
goodnightt la muñeca miles, seen
also did u return my markers miles, seen
... to miles, seen
... send me back my money rn. miles, seen
no negro to miles, seen
yes negress miles, seen
WHAT to miles, delivered
© mayeluvsu
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1997devil · 9 months
watch me
pairing: jww x fem reader
w.c.: 2.4k
warnings: consensual filming during sex, oral (f receiving), dirty talk & praising
if there ever were a place on earth like what the books described heaven, wonwoo would think it to be your bedroom.
it’s not the place you spent your childhood in, but it’s your private bedchambers you decorated all by yourself to your heart’s content. if there were a place that was you embodied, it would be here in this very room. he loves all the little details you store in every peeking corner. he recalls the way the door lock so often let loose on its own–a product of the old but sturdy building you resided in–, the way the plain white curtains flutter as the breeze let itself in from the window you popped open in the mornings, the way the fairy lights strung over your headboard painted a glow on you as you lounged about wrapped in his arms, talking to him about anything and everything.
nothing could ever disturb you when you were here. wonwoo liked the idea of that. of you having a safe space, a place for you to rest and let loose, and he was utterly grateful you let him step into your safe haven and shared it with him willingly.
you’d opted for a night in this day, sore and tired from the hectic work week you’d gotten wind up in. you called wonwoo earlier in the day to inform him you have the rest of the week off and he said he’d be over once his workday was finished, with your favorite takeout.
you’d clicked on your diffuser when you first returned to your apartment in the evening, casting a sweet lavender scent to waft about your room. you had changed your bedsheets just recently too– wonwoo helped you put it on. once you had dinner settled, you retired to your room, wonwoo trailing at your feet like a sweet clingy kitten. your feet tangled under the covers, laptop on your lap as you laid back to chest, attention half on the screen and half on wonwoo’s skittering touches across your skin.
just as you were about to click open a new tab, you had pressed on the photobooth app by accident. you pulled up rows upon rows of shots of yourself, mostly you at home, some taken secretly at work with your colleagues, then some of you barefaced and some done up–you liked to turn the camera on while you did your makeup, using it as a mirror and a personal log of your days spent.
“can i look at these, baby?” wonwoo kindly asked you, considerate of the fact that you might not be comfortable with sharing these private records with him. you nodded your head, pushing the laptop closer to you so he could see better.
wonwoo hummed as he clicked through the photos. you looked so beautiful. he pressed a kiss for every photo he clicked on, blazing a simmering heat to your cheeks where his lips laid. he found his favorite shot of your collection, your lips pulled into a beautiful grin, eyes scrunched into half moons. you looked genuinely happy, healthy, glowing, like a princess, like the goddess of the moon.
“my beautiful girl,” wonwoo rumbled, the vibration of his voice humming against your body. “is it alright if you send me some of these? i want to keep them, see them everytime i miss you.”
you giggled, telling him of course, sending over your and his favorite shots to his phone. you saw him put a heart to every single one, even creating an album to catalog the photos in, so he could easily access them.
as he was busy tinkering about on his phone, you clicked back to the main screen. you clicked on the camera button, the countdown going off immediately, and wonwoo hadn’t even realised it. you created a hilarious candid of you sneakily smiling as wonwoo remained unaware of the photo op.
you poked his cheek to get his attention back on you, finger racing to click for some new photos. this time he posed for the photo, putting on silly poses and sticking his tongue out. your camera roll soon being overtaken by these couple shots, shots that you would cherish forever.
in a series of photos wonwoo’s kisses travelled from your temple, your cheeks, to the sloped tip of your nose and finally your lips. you barely pulled away from his lips against yours to switch the camera mode to video, hitting record.
you started talking like you were in those beauty videos you enjoyed watching on social media. wonwoo simply watched you talk and wave about the camera, you pretending to introduce your boyfriend to your audience.
it was all too terribly endearing. wonwoo resumed his attack of kisses, distracting you from whatever you were saying, airy giggles floating up with every peck he gave you.
you tipped your head backwards, pressing your lips on his. you easily gave way for his tongue, licking against yours, reaching into your mouth. wonwoo thought you tasted like the strawberry flavored toothpaste you had, the coffee from this morning, and the gum you chewed on to keep yourself awake through your work.
a light moan slipped through as he bit on your lower lip, tugging you closer to him if it were even possible. wonwoo saw the way your eyes began to droop and sweet sounds began to pervade. he knew all the ways to make you feel good and he gave no rest when he wanted to make you sing from his touches.
you didn’t even notice the camera was still rolling when he slowly pushed it off of your lap and to the side, careful to not nudge it with your leg. he slid you down so you were laying on the bed, your fingers rising to nestle in his hair, keeping him pressed to you. wonwoo’s lips slid down to your jaw and neck, pressing butterfly kisses that had you keening in pleasure.
“wonwoo,” you sighed out, feeling a tingle rise deep in your core. you needed him to take care of it.
“hm?” wonwoo responded coyly, hand now tucked under your camisole, running over your waist and tummy. “what is it, darling? does it feel good?”
“yeah,” you breathed. “you always make me f-feel good.”
he recalled the troubles you’d spilled to him earlier, the way your workweek had been physically and emotionally draining. “what do you need, baby?” he lifted his lips for just a moment, tucking your messed up hair behind your ear. you could barely keep your eyes open, your muscles melting into pliance and putty under his touch.
“n-need you, won.”
“where, baby?”
he let his thoughts take over. “here?” he grabbed your breast, fingers pinching and grazing over your nipples, your chest arching into his touch.
it felt good, but it was nothing like what you needed deep in your core. you barely shook your head no, letting his hand travel downwards. he reached out to your thighs, drumming his fingers. “how ‘bout here?” close enough. he knew exactly what you wanted, he just wanted to hear you say it, beg for it sweetly.
“maybe here then?” he cupped the apex between your thighs, warm from the cotton sleeping shorts you had on. there were layers of clothing between his touch and your skin and yet you keened from the pleasure like he was touching you closely.
“does baby like that? baby wants more?” he muttered into your ear, fingers tracing the lips of your pussy. you vocalised your agreement, voice wispy and trembling, like you were worked up.
he rose up to his knees. he tugged off your sleeping shorts and panties easily, leaving you bare from your waist down. he traveled down your body, adjusting the camera so it would capture him settling in between your legs, lips inches away from your already sopping wet cunt.
he started with gentle licks before he dove in with desperate sucks and shoving his tongue into your pussy, fucking your cunt just how you liked it. your skin was damp to touch with your wetness leaking out, and wonwoo’s spit coating your skin down to your inner thighs. he could so easily make you cum with just his light touch and he knew the exact way to work you
he muttered dirty phrases as he kept eating you out, loving the way your taste lingered on his tongue.
“w-wonwoo, shit,” your voice took a higher pitch, signalling your incoming peak. you broke off into mere syllables the closer you got to cumming.
“you g’nna cum, sweetheart? gonna let me taste your come?”
“yeah, ah, i’m so-so close, won, i can’t,” you sobbed, fingers flying to grab at your chest again, fondling with your nipples for extra stimulation.
“you can, baby, and you will,” he licked in between, “come for me.”
it didn’t take long for you to come after he commanded you to. your thighs threatened to press against his head, and wonwoo would simply be happy to die like this, your sweet arousal decadent on his tongue.
he lifted his mouth off of your dripping pussy while you were coming down from your high, slipping in a finger. he marvelled at how wet you were, how easily his finger entered you all the way to his knuckles. he added another digit, scissoring in you, feeling your juices coat his fingers.
“can you take me, baby? got me so hard and now you gotta take care of me, too.”
“yes, i can,” you peered at him through your lashes. your eyes were glazed over, still riding on the orgasm he just gave you.
“that’s my girl,” he slipped his fingers out of your sopping cunt as fast as they went in, tapping the pads on your lips, red and bitten down.
“clean me up first.”
his fingers prodded into your mouth easily, your tongue swirling and sucking around them like a lollipop. you swore wonwoo’s eyes went darker than they already have, breathing heavy, tickling your cheeks.
wonwoo barely pushed down his sweatpants to his thighs, just enough so that his hard cock would jut out. he snidely laughed when your eyes went wide when they landed on his dick, knowing just how crazed you’d become even from just one orgasm and barely any contact aside from his mouth.
he slicked himself up with the juices that shone on your cunt, coating his tip with your come from earlier, barely pushing in. you mewled, hips unconsciously raising to catch his dick and push it in deeper.
“lemme hear you ask f’r it, baby,” wonwoo mumbled, catching each of your wrists in one hand and pressing them to your tummy, holding you down.
you whined, eyes going shut. “i need it, won, i need to f-feel you deep in me, please, i need you t’make me cum, god, i know you will, ple-ase give it to me.”
god, you do so well for him everytime.
he pushes in slowly, the same pace your mouth drops open, sensation of taking him raw never ever settling upon your muscles, blowing your mind to otherworldly proportions.
it didn’t take long for wonwoo’s thrusts to gain speed, him trying to hear more of the noises endlessly spilling out of you. he tucks your arm down, your fingers barely reaching your clit, his fingers above yours, directing you to rub against the sensitive bundle of nerves. the added stimulation makes you yowl, and your pussy tighten up impossibly, wonwoo letting out a few groans of his own that sound straight from a porno.
wonwoo sees your computer that’s still blinking on, camera still rolling. you’re not being loud enough for the microphone to fully pick up on your sounds, but it’s capturing every single thrust he makes and the curve of your body as you try to stave off the pleasure.
“turn around for me, darling,” he requests from you, and it takes you a few seconds to gain recognition of your surroundings, wonwoo’s dick driving you to a drunken haze.
he lets up on your hands, his warm palms grabbing your waist, rolling you over so your stomach lays on the bed. he grabs onto your thighs next, pulling them upwards so your knees are on the mattress, spine curving into a beautiful arch that both you and him know will have you feeling his cock in your gut for days to come.
he continues his pace from earlier. he keeps an eye on the screen, admiring just how wrecked yet beautiful you look, that it was all his doing.
“eyes open, baby,” he groaned, thrusts never letting up, “and look up.”
you barely pried them open, only now registering your laptop that is still turned on, camera still rolling, recording the way your body trembled under wonwoo’s, crackly speakers catching every moan and whimper, shaking with each deep thrust of wonwoo’s hips.
“you like when i film you becoming such a cockslut, hm? should we do this again next time?” he tugs on your shoulder, causing you to straighten up, before dropping both of your bodies down, his head tucked into your neck.
you cannot even say a word in response, letting him talk you into what’s surely the biggest orgasm you’re about to have in however long it’s been.
“don’t worry, babe, never g’nna share this with anyone, you know only i can fuck you like this, right?”
“this way you can see how pretty you look when i fuck your sweet pussy, baby, how gorgeous you are when i make you come.”
you can feel your core impossibly tightening, your whining growing in pitch, sweat dripping down your neck as wonwoo all but pounds into you.
“come for me, baby, then i’ll come too, give you my cum, watch it drip out of you.”
wonwoo comes not long after you do, you not even registering the wet hot kisses he presses to your shoulders as he gently fucks into you to ride you through your orgasm. he slowly lets up on your body, letting you plop down onto your covers, muscles loose and body–and mind– obliterated.
he soothes your tingling skin with his hands, muttering sweet nothings into your ear to keep you awake and conscious, slowly easing you back into reality. he glances at the camera, watching through the screen the way your eyes blink out of your stupor and droop slowly, nearly throwing yourself into a deep slumber.
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callanton · 4 months
datey dates! ₊˚⊹ ᰔ
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about. what type of date riize would bring you to! warnings. foods, fish?? (idk if it's counted) cursing.. pairing. bf!riize x fem!reader author's notes. this has been on my mind too many times, so i had to type it out..
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𖦹 shotaro..~
an arcade date with shotaro! i think this suits him very much. i knew that he was totally going to bring you to the dance stage to show off his dancing skills. he would probably catch the attention of people around him, but he didn't care; as long as your eyes are on him, he'll continue <3 the others were astounded by him! like, who doesn't?? crazy.. and you'll be his proudest gf ever. then he would drag you to the hockey ice or basketball (totally not by force) and teach you how to play it (if you dk) after that, he'll wrap up the day by taking some pictures at the photobooth, will prettily decorate it together with you!
𖦹 eunseok..~
picnic dates are so him. he will prepare all the foods and set up the place! he felt like falling in love with you all over again after seeing you dressed up, and he'll think he's the luckiest man ever by having you as his gf. he will even learn how to cook your favorite dishes :( (you see him in the riize's contents on yt?? he can cook cook) not a particularly good chef, but he is determined on everything about this date!! making sure it'll be the perfect date you've ever had in your life. feeding you while having love in his eyes is true true. half of him is anxious, wondering if you like it or not. when you say it's good, he'll be letting out a relief sigh LOUDLY, as if the world will end if you don't like it.
𖦹 sungchan..~
and for this.. i think sungchan would perfectly fit with the grocery dates. like, if you see this man, he'll have the most boyfriend material pictures ever?? (pls give me one sungchan in my life, i'm going crazyyt) goofiest man who will tease you by putting up your things on the air. oh! oh! escape room dates >:) my man looks all confident, thinking he will get out of the room easily. but oh boy.. he's wrong, probably gonna cry out at the staff, begging them to let him out. he can't stand the thought of separating from you, which drove him crazy (when it had just been 10 minutes)  treats you an ice cream as an apology for ruining the date </3 and he would totally repeat the same things all over.
𖦹 wonbin..~
aquarium dates!! wohoo we all have been waiting for this >_< hear me.. so, wonbin + aquarium dates = literally perfection. he watches you from by his side, you were looking at the fish swimming around you. he just nodded along with you when you told him facts about fish when he had zero knowledge about any creatures living in the water. the smile on his face stayed from the moment you both stepped inside the aquarium until the end of the day. he will buy you a matching keychain (totally not an idea from wifty) and have it hanging on his bag. take lots of pictures with you!! his wallpaper? changed to the pic of you pointing at the stingray. holding your hands all the time and will not, ever, let go. even when you said you needed to use the bathroom.
𖦹 seunghan..~
romantic dinner at home!! he is the most gentle person i've ever seen (bring my boy back! he did nothing wrong) he has the house all set up. the candle, the flower path for you to make your way straight to the table after the long day you had. he'll be embracing you with warm hugs. then he'll kiss your forehead and lead you slowly to the table. you don't care if he bought the food from delivery! he has already prepared everything for you using all his efforts and ideas. he will pull your chair like a gentlemen himself. then he takes a seat in front of you (tripped over his own chair, because he fell for you lol) at the end of the day, he will massage you and prepare your bath.. he is so sweet!! drying your hair after the shower and will carry you in his arm to the bed.
𖦹 sohee..~
a movie date with sohee is the highlight!! you don't get him like i do.. study your favorite genre of movie, actors that you like, and types of cartoons that you watched. he had all your favorite snacks prepared.. like oh my god how much do you love him for this.. he will also prepare the fluffiest and most comfortable blanket you have ever felt in your life. cuddling session is all he can think of all the time.. boy just wants to cuddle you and 100% will not focus on the movie playing, when he has his arms all wrapped around you (even if it's his favorite movie) play with your hands, tracing some sweet words like "i love y/n" on your hands. he'll be the one who slept first, and i can imagine him snoring mimimi kind of thing.
𖦹 anton..~
my love!!!!!!! he is the most loml out of all the lomls.. my man will bring you to the nearest cafe in the city. study dates with you ^^ he already ordered your fav drinks and desserts for you, and trust me, this man will not focus at all, like how can he? your beauty distracts him. those serious faces of you making him melt at his place. he wants to kiss those pouty lips of yours so bad. how can you look all cute like that when you're just doing your assignment??! then later, he will start to do his work (just after you scolded him for wasting times) but you know what? he doesn't give a fuck. staring, looking, and watching you are the only things he can do. he is so so whipped. he is that down bad for you.
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© CALLANTON 2024. all right reserved. please don't copy or steal any of my work/post! ʚɞ
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roscgcld · 7 months
DAYDREAMING!READER || so embarassing...
request: hi ! wondering how dd!reader somehow got drunk from a party and yuuta is protective of her (idk if they're old enough to drink but oh well - or yuuta would even let dd!reader drink) hehe~
note: my first bit of writing after being away for months! i am not really sure how things will go from here on out, since it really has been a hot minute since i’ve written anything. but i am hoping to be able to get back into the swing of things soon! xoxo
pronouns: she/her
!disclaimer! - mentions of alcohol and underaged drinking 
daydreaming!reader masterlist  |  buy me a coffee?  
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“A party?”
Dark-blue eyes scanned over the ornate card that fell out from his morning mail, taking in the intricately written characters on the cream page. An engagement party between two smaller, but still influential clans, is to happen over the upcoming weekend. The newly engaged couple were a looker for sure, but Yuta wouldn’t put it past them to only be engaged for bloodline purposes. “Why would I even be invited to something like this?”
Still muttering to himself Yuta glanced away from the card onto the calendar that was on his wall to check his schedule. His eyes however would always drift from his messy calendar to the brightly decorated photobooth picture of himself and Y/N. and immediately, a smile tugs at the corner of his lips. Right, he is in a relationship with someone who was once the most sought after bachelorettes; and with his distant but constantly talked about (thanks, Gojo Satoru for not being able to keep his mouth shut when it comes to talking about his beloved students) connection to the Gojo clan, it was no wonder he gets invites to high profile parties. 
Still - that doesn’t mean he wants to be. “I wonder if Y/N wants to skip this one or not..”
He got his answer not long after opening that invitation; and that is how he found himself scrolling mindlessly on his phone as he waits for Y/N to model another dress in a store that she had called in advance to shop in. Before this he had picked up his dry-cleaned suit, and after making sure it was ‘on theme’ with whatever dress Y/N has in mind, he was dragged into the dress store he is in right now. All in her quest to ‘find the perfect dress’.
“Okay, how about this?,” The sound of a familiar voice brought Yuta out of his mindless scrolling as he glances up; his eyes immediately landing on a pair of bright doe eyes looking at him expectantly. The dress Y/N had on was one was definitely one of his favourites - a soft swirl of reds, yellows, and creams over a simple spaghetti-strapped dress that ends around her knees. It hugged her figure well, yet being loose enough where it doesn’t seem like it’s about to break open if she chooses to take another piece of chocolate cake from the dessert table. “I think this is one of my favourites so far.”
Y/N huffs and puffs her cheeks out a little in thought as she spun around to check the length of the dress from the back; her mind seeming to wander as she gently runs her hands down the smooth fabric. “I like it too,” Y/N states finally as she meets Yuta’s eyes through the mirror, a smile tugging over her pretty features that had Yuta’s cheeks warming up from embarrassment. Now why is he still getting embarrassed whenever she smiles at him? “I think I am going to get it.”
“A good choice,” Yuta somehow replies back with ease as he watches her skip back to the dressing room, a soft chuckle leaving his chest at how adorable she looks. He was sure if he squinted hard enough he’d see happy cat ears on the top of her head wiggling in excitement, all because Yuta agreed with her on the dress. Yuta wasn’t too sure why Y/N would want his opinion, since he found everything she wore beautiful. 
But this was also an excuse for him to spend more time with her, so he wasn’t complaining too much.
It didn’t take too long after that for them to be out of the store, Y/N waving at the saleswoman while Yuta held onto her hand and the bags over his shoulder along with his suit. “Should we be getting a gift for the new couple?,” Yuta asks Y/N curiously as they got onto the elevator to make their way towards another store to continue their shopping spree. “It would be bad if we showed up empty-handed.”
“A lil’,” Y/N admits as she looks up at Yuta, resting her cheek against his shoulder as he raises an eyebrow in response. “Usually ‘tosan would pick up an expensive bottle of sake. You know, those brands that are made by old families with old techniques,” Y/N continues as she leads Yuta off to a shoe store so she can browse for some heels. “I doubt we can get alcohol at our age...maybe something more useful? Like a toaster oven - everyone needs a toaster oven.”
The shopping day passed and before Yuta knew it, the engagement party day was upon them. Yuta and Y/N had decided to get that toaster oven that he had suggested at the mall, so they left their perfectly wrapped giftbox on the overflowing table at the entrance of the party before they made their way deeper into the ballroom. Y/N had immediately led them towards her parents, who greeted the teen couple with warm smiles and hugs.. “How has school been, you two?”
After some catching up Y/N and Yuta started to mingle with the others, slowly making their way towards the young couple to share their well wishes. The young man, Ida, and Yuta both hit it ofg; talking about a video game series they were both into as Y/N and the girl, Iori, fawned over the dress Y/N was wearing. 
“Oh - how rude of me,” Ida comments after a few more moments, giving Yuta a kind smile as Yuta gave him a curious glance. The young man gestures for a server over, and Yuta’s eyes immediately caught onto the familiar wide-mouth glasses. As both him and Y/N were handed a glass each, Yuta leaned down to take a snip of the clear liquid and immediately caught onto the familiar scent of sake. “I know we aren’t supposed to be drinking until we’re of age..but what is a celebration without some alcohol? Of course, you do not have to if you don’t want to.”
Now Yuta is not dumb; although the laws are strict, it wasn’t uncommon for people to drink under the age of 20. Even more so when you come from a noble household; alcohol and politics tend to come hand in hand. And he wouldn’t lie and claim to be a saint either - he’s joined in on Yuji and Maki’s drinking sessions in their dorms as they played a few rounds of poker. It was through those experiences that he realises that he has quite the tolerance. 
So he wouldn’t be opposed to taking a shot of two; but what he is worried about is Y/N. Who, now known to everyone, has little to no tolerance for alcohol. However, the few seconds he had taken to stare at the small ceramic cup and look over at his girlfriend, Y/N had already tipped head head back and drank half of her sake. Immediately he stared at her with wide eyes as she made a face at the taste of the alcohol, yet she put on a smile without missing a beat as Iori giggles and takes a more appropriate sip from her cup. 
Since it would look odd if he didn’t do the same he took a careful sip as well, enjoying the distinctly nutty taste of the drink as he wraps his free arm around Y/N’s waist. “As much as I don’t want to be a party pooper, I do feel a little bad drinking below the age limit,” Yuta admits with a chuckle, wordlessly taking a glass of juice when a server passes by; handing it off to Y/N as she carefully finishes the rest of her sake so she can hold the glass of juice. The speed with which she did it had Yuta cringing ever so slightly in concern. “Plus, I am not sure if it is a good idea to return to campus drunk...”
“Ah, right! You and Y/N-san are both enrolled in Tokyo branch of Jujutsu Tech,” Ida commented with sparkling eyes, looking very interested at the idea of the school as Iori rolled her eyes fondly at her fiancé. Probably a conversation she has heard one too many times. “I am a little jealous. I’ve always wanted to enrol myself, since getting to work with fellow jujutsu practitioners my age may do me some good. But alas, I didn’t manage to pass the entrance exams myself. It would be great if you’d share some tips!”
‘Oh - uh..I can try?”
And just like that Yuta found himself talking to Ida about college, in between the splendour of other grand sorcerers and influential families around them rubbing shoulders. It is during this conversation that both himself and Y/N, due to the fact that they were just standing to the new couple, were offered a few drinks by the other party goers. No one seems to care about the fact that they were all underaged, nor the fact that giving them what seems to be unlimited amounts of alcohol to people their age can be quite an issue. 
And unfortunately for the both of them, both Y/N and himself are people pleasers at heart; so every time they were handed a drink, they do not have it in them to say no. The difference however, is that Yuta can handle his drinks - Y/N, on the other hand...well, about two more glasses of champagne in and she was already giggly and seeming to be swaying on her feet. Immediately Yuta had his arm around her, calling over a server to bring him a glass of water quickly. “Alright, princess - that’s the end for you.”
“But whyy?,” Y/N lets out a whine as she stumbles into Yuta’s chest, giving him drunken puppy eyes that seem to work better than her sober ones. Maybe it was paired with how clingy she seems to get, pouting sadly like a scorned puppy as she seemingly tries to bury herself into his skin. But Yuta immediately felt his heart skip a beat as he stares down at the obviously intoxicated Y/N; who seems to have decided that she did not want to interact with anyone else, and want Yuta’s full attention on her and her only. “Y-Yuta~..”
“Hush,” Yuta mumbles with a soft chuckle as he thanked the waiter who handed him the glass of ice water, holding it up to her lips as Y/N whines and turns her head away from the chilled glass sluggishly. “Come on - don’t do this to me now,” Yuta said with a soft groan as he stills the pouty girl, coaxing her to drink from the glass slowly as Ida gave the couple an amused glance. 
Yuta removed the cup after she took a few gulps, rubbing the small of her back as she rests her head on his shoulder with a huff. “You have quite the handful there,” Ida said with a chuckle, his words causing Yuta to let out a tensed chuckle as he gently strokes at Y/N’s waist. “Nothing new then,” Yuta replies back with ease just as a pair of footsteps made their way towards them, a familiar low whistle following soon after. 
“Damn, the only day you two are allowed out and you guys are really making the most out of it.”
Yuta wasn’t surprised that his white-haired sensei was at the party - after all, it was an honour to have the most powerful sorcerer mingling amongst their guests. However, Yuta has a feeling that Gojo had only agreed because he had seen who had RSVP for the occasion. “As the responsible sensei that I am, I should be reporting you two to Yaga for breaking the rules.”
“G-Gojo-sensei!~,” Y/N greeted through a hiccup, forcing herself out of the warm hold Yuta had on her and stumble her way to the tall man with a giggle. Gojo, used to the antics of drunken people, casually opened his arms to catch his giggling student. His touch was respectful yet firm as he carefully glanced over Y/N’s face, shaking his head even as he carefully rests his hands on her shoulders. “Having fun, young lady?”
A drunken nod and giggle left Y/N’s lips as Yuta gave Gojo an unamused glance, handing the white haired man the glass of water Y/N was sipping on moments before. Gojo, not new to this rodeo, wordlessly grabbed the glass and had Y/N drinking from it with ease. Or more so he had a grip on the back of her neck to hold her in place as he carefully tilts the glass against her mouth so she can sip at it carefully. “How many did she have to drink?”
“From what I remember, the sake and some champagne. I drank the others,” Yuta said with a stressed sigh as he runs a hand through his hair, not noticing the guilty look Iori was sporting. Gojo noticed however, and just one simple glance at the younger girl had her shrinking behind her fiancé's shoulders. “W-Well...we may have had a shot or two of soju..”
“Who the hell is serving soju?,” Yuta asks in a clearly defeated tone, to which Ida just chuckles softly and gently pats him on the shoulder as a form of support. “Probably some of the other younger guests here. You can bring your own drinks in and have them with people,” Ida admits with an awkward cough before he gestures for someone to come over, giving Yuta a reassuring smile when the clearly stressed teen gives him a desperate glance in return. “We will prepare a room for you two to rest up first. Just give the staff a call and they will prepare a car as well. A simple gesture for dealing with my ramblings about college on what was supposed to be your off day after all.”
Yuta was relieved - at least he would be able to sit Y/N down and let her sleep the alcohol off for a bit before even attempting to make their way back to campus. So, with the help of Gojo, they managed to guide the clearly whiny and stumbling Y/N towards the back where there was a room prepared for them without arousing the stares of the other party goers around them. “Yuta, I thought you were more responsible than this.”
“You know her and her alcohol,” Yuta grunts as he kicks his dress shoes off messily, giving one of the maids a thankful look when she quietly states that she will bring more water for them. Ignoring the tsk that came out of Gojo, he leaves the man be to balancing a giggling Y/N as he bends down to unbuckle her heels. Catching onto her ankle so she does not kick his nose clean off his face once he managed to get the first one undone. “I *hic* c-can d- *hic* do it myself..”
“No, you can’t,” Yuta grunts as he managed to get her heel off before carefully setting her foot down, Gojo letting out a sudden grunt when she seemed to have stumble straight into his chest from that alone. Yet Yuta didn’t bat an eye as he quickly takes her other shoe off, taking the step up into the tatami covered floor leading into the room. “Alright, I can grab her from here. Can you go and lay some cushions together, sensei?”
“On it,” Gojo hums as he takes his dress shoes off with ease before he made his way into the room, where a maid was carefully laying out a mattress and some pillows for Y/N to rest on. “Alright princess, hands on my shoulders,” Yuta hums as he held onto Y/N’s waist, guiding her to take the step into the room before he carefully led her towards the makeshift bed pressed up against the wall. “And down you go.”
Y/N huffs out a giggle as she was sat on the mattress, giving Yuta a wide smile as he stares down at her with a blank look on his face. He was definitely not impressed at how mischievous she is being. “Do not even start with me,” Yuta sighs out before he waves Gojo off, since the older man knows that Y/N was going to get an earful. So all he did was wave at them with a cheeky smile of his own as he walked out of the private room, closing the sliding doors behind him to provide the couple with some privacy. “We’ve talked about taking drinks without thinking, Y/N.”
“Y-You’re not my d-dad!,” Y/N whines out with a huff as she crosses her arms over her chest with a pout, looking like a scorned kid with her sleepy eyes as she looks away from her brooding boyfriend. Yuta sighs and closes his eyes in defeat, quietly squatting down in front of her after shrugging his suit jacket off. “What am I going to do with you?”
Wordlessly he drapes his jacket over her shoulders before he turned to face the table behind him, intending to grab a glass of water for Y/N so she can drink from it again. However a familiar hand grabbed onto his shirt sleeve, causing him to pause before he looks back at Y/N. Who was now sporting tearful eyes as her bottom lip trembled ever so slightly. “Oh...princess,” Whatever anger or annoyance Yuta felt immediately left his body as he turned to give Y/N his full attention again, scooting over the tatami flooring on his knees so he can wrap the sniffling girl up in his arms. “I know you didn’t mean to get this drunk..you just didn’t want to ruin the mood.”
Y/N sniffles and buries her face into Yuta’s chest, completely forgetting that she was wearing a face of makeup that can transfer onto his white button up. Yet Yuta doesn’t seem to care either as he gently pats the back of her head, careful not to mess up her perfectly done updo while he tries to comfort Y/N. “It’s a simple mistake. Everyone makes them - don’t beat yourself over it, okay? I’m sorry for seeming to be angry at you, you didn’t do anything wrong alright? I just worry about you all the time..”
Another sniffle and a soft nod was all Y/N gave him, and without another moments notice he carefully collected her into his arms. Shifting himself about so he was now seated on the mattress instead; having placed Y/N so she was curled up against his chest comfortably. “Alright,” Yuta said with a sigh as he settles down against the wall behind him, crossing his legs in front of him as Y/N wraps her arms around the jacket she had over her shoulders still. “To be honest, as much as this is not ideal, I am not opposed to going home early.”
While Y/N didn’t show her tearful face, she did reach over to smack him on the chest gently; as if she was reprimanding him for once again giving into his anti-social behaviours. “I am being serious - I was getting kinda desperate when Ida wanted to talking about nothing more than college. If Jujutsu Tech needed a spokesperson, I’ll make sure to put his name down for the position.”
It took a few more moments of silence and gently swaying from Yuta’s end, but soon Y/N has claimed down and seems to have grown sleepy. “Are you hungry?,” Yuta asks her quietly as he quietly gestures for the maid to come over to bring them some food over, looking down at Y/N when made a face at the thought of food. However Yuta wasn’t sure if she had eaten anything before the party, as he hadn’t had time to cook them something simple before they left. It might explain how. after just a few drinks, she was as drunk and confused as she was. “I know you are going to hate me, but you need to eat some food before we try to get home, okay?”
All Yuta got in response was incoherent grumbling, but he chose to ignore that as he quietly thanked the woman who handed him a plate of finger foods for them to nibble on. Quietly Yuta picked up some karaage with his chopsticks before he held it up to Y/N’s lips, to which she drunkenly leaned forward before taking a bite from the fried chicken. “Careful,” Yuta coos at her and shifts his arm to pick up the piece of fried chicken skin that had dropped onto her chest, wiping at it carefully so he doesn’t end up smudging the sauce all over the fabric by mistake. Because he was sure that even at her drunken haze, she will not let him hear the end of it if he allowed for any of the food he was feeding her to stain her dress.
He fed her a few more bites of the different foods before she whined that she didn’t want anymore. So he just grabbed the glass of water that he had set aside and helped her to take another sip of water, giving her a smile when she takes a big gulp. “There you go. Good girl.”
(rose: the way i giggled at that line was embarrassing - one man should not have that much power over me T^T)
A soft burp was all Yuta got in response, to which Yuta just snorts before he opens her purse after struggling with the clip to find a packet of tissues. After a few more bites of snacks in between, and an entire pint size glass of water down, Y/N was starting to gain some of the colour back to her face. “I wanna go to the bathroom..,” Y/N whines as she gently tugs at Yuta’s shirt, to which he just raises an eyebrow at her before he nods and starts to help her up from the ground. 
He did stand for a few moments and wiggled his toes so he can get the blood flowing back down his legs before he started to lead her towards the bathroom, noting that Y/N was not tripping on her own feet as much. He let her use the bathroom by herself, but he did make sure to keep close to the door so he can rush in if she falls.
 Thankfully nothing happened, and when she did come out of the bathroom, all she did was pout before she rests her forehead against his shoulder sleepily. “Can we go home?,” She grumbles, to which Yuta gave her an amused glance before he held a hand out for her to take. “Yes ma’am. Whatever you say.”
Yuta, being a man skilled at avoiding people, somehow managed to navigate his way through the busy partying crowd to allow himself and Y/N to escape. They did stop briefly to inform the engaged couple and her parents that they were leaving, with Yuta buttering them up and informing them that they have other engagements while skilfully hiding how drunk Y/N still was. He assured her parents that she was just tired, as they did have a few back to back assignments and reports that they had to do before the dinner had begun. He didn’t bother to lie to Ida and and Iori - instead reassuring the young couple that they will make it home safely and that he will text them the moment they make it back to the dorms. 
Although it was last minute, thankfully their driver had just rounded the corner after grabbing some dinner for himself. So he picked the young couple up, being quite concerned for Y/N as he rarely sees her as drunk and out of character. Yet Yuta reassured him that she was feeling a lot better; so the older man made sure to give Yuta a plastic bag just in case Y/N chose to loose the contents of her stomach before they drove off. 
Y/N, although still drunk, thankfully did not suffer much motion sickness - so she just closed her eyes and rests her head on his shoulder throughout the drive. Yuta, deciding that it was too much work to wake her up and make sure she walks carefully down the long and winding hallways of their school, grabbed the keys to her room from her purse just as they were rolling up the front of their college dorm. He got out first, and after adjusting her dress carefully, leans inside to pick her up form her seat bridal style. “Do you need help, Okkotsu-san?”
“No, I think I can manage from here,” Yuta replies back with a warm smile, nodding for the kind man to drive off as he gently shifts the sleeping Y/N in his arms. With another round of mumbled pleasantries Yuta turned to walk back into the college, passing through the gates and into the familiar wooden hallway. Thankfully, as it was a normal school night, the others were either locked away in their rooms to sleep or are hanging out with one another past the curfew time. So Yuta managed to get them back into her dorm with minimal effort. 
“Alright princess, here we are,” Yuta chuckles as he closes the door behind him, greeting Catoru with a coo as the furball ran towards them in greeting. “Wait first, you menace. Gotta put your mum to bed,” Yuta chuckles as the ball of white weaving around his legs, gently nudging the purring cat aside as he stepped deeper into Y/N’s room. 
He carefully set her down in her bed before he started to get to work - taking her heels off before he proceeded to help change her into one of his shirts to sleep in comfortably. He even help remove her makeup with some micellar water, making sure to be careful to wipe her face bare of any products. He did attempt to recreate her skincare routine; but after being intimidated by the many bottles on her vanity, he just stuck to the basic toner pads and moisturiser combo.
It was better than nothing. 
“Guard your mother,” Yuta mumbles to Catoru quietly as he reaches over to pet the resident cat, smiling gently when he made a noise while rubbing his head against his hand. After making sure Y/N was all tucked into bed (along with a plushie for her to cuddle with), he refilled Catoru’s water and food bowl. Deciding to let her sleep along comfortably in bed for the killer hangover he was sure she will have tomorrow.
And he wasn’t wrong - he was in the midst of pouring himself some coffee the next morning when he heard what  sounded like an animal’s pained moan; followed by a sloppy knock being thrown at his door. Yuta lets out an amused chuckle as he walks over to the door and opens in, chuckling softly as he was met with squinted eyes and a pout that expressed pain and annoyance. “How bad is it?”
Y/N grumbles as she gently pushes her way through the doorway, planting her forehead squarely against his chest as Yuta closes the door behind her with an amused look. “Come on - I’ll make some brown sugar toast for you. The sugars will help,” Yuta chuckles softly as he carefully let Y/N into his room and onto his bed, immediately going over to his drawers to find some panadol for her to take. “Ugh..this is so embarassing...”
“You’re fine,” Yuta comments with a chuckle as he handed her the pain killers and a glass of water, going back to the kitchenette in his room so he can finish pouring his coffee and start on mixing the brown sugar and butter mixture for the toast. “You didn’t embarrass yourself too hard. Sure, a few people noticed, but so far no videos of anything you’ve done have surfaced.”
Even though it was all in gest, Y/N gave Yuta the dirtiest look she can muster at that moment before falling back against his pillows, cuddling up with Catoru who must have followed her in. “Not on my black bedsheets,” Yuta sighs softly to himself as he stared at the white furball happily rolling around on his comforter, knowing that he will have to lint roll it later so he doesn’t wake up with fur in his eyes or mouth until the next time he washes his bedsheets. Yet he made no other comment as he puts the buttered bread into the toaster oven, keeping an eye on it so it doesn’t burn. 
Soon he was sitting down on the bed besides Y/N, a mug of warm tea in one hand and a plate with two pieces of sugary toast in the other; giving her a comforting smile when she peeled a sleepy eye open. “Breakfast is ready,” He coos down at her as Y/N gave him a gently but grateful smile, slowly sitting up as she reaches over to take a sip of tea. “Feeling a little better?”
“A little,” Y/N admits as she sets the mug of tea aside, thanking Yuta when she was handed the plate before taking a bite from the warm food. A soft hum of happiness left her lips when she tasted the brown sugar on her tongue, her reaction causing Yuta to smile gently as he adjusted himself against his bed. They were both silent as she slowly finished her meal; with Yuta going on his phone as he pets Catoru with his free hand, while Y/N quietly chewed on her toast while trying to make sure she doesn’t leave crumbs everywhere.
When she was done she sets the plate aside and wiped her mouth and hands clean, quietly making her way over to her boyfriend before she curls up into his side. Yuta just lifted his arm without batting an eye, giving her a warm smile when she leaned up so he can press a kiss on the top of her head. “What am I going to do with you?,” Yuta mumbles with a soft chuckle, cuddling her closer to him while Y/n just lets out a pained moan. 
Yuta just rolled his eyes fondly before he turned his phone off, deciding to just cuddle her and baby her for the rest of the day. He knows he should reprimand her for what she had done yesterday, since it was irresponsible for her to do so. But he also knew better - so all he did was gently stroke her hair and made sure she drank enough water and felt comfortable for the rest of the day. 
He’ll just talk to her about it tomorrow.
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform. 
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