#pneumonia cw
fletcherwilbury · 26 days
@febuwhump Day 26: "Help Them!"
Warning for Physical violence, physical abuse, verbal abuse, illness, pneumonia, injury, broken bones
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normal-newt · 1 year
Vaccination pros: less pneumonia, less injury from sick times, keep friends in support programs safe, look after people who can’t get vaccines, annoy anti-vaxxers
Vaccination cons: sore arm :( 
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coffeeghoulie · 6 months
Hey, hi, so uhm I’m having a kinda crappy week with a family member being in the hospital. Could you write something that maybe has to do with one of them being in the infirmary and everyone doing their best to help out with them? Just wanting to feel semi better about putting in so much effort.
I'm sorry about your family member, I hope everything's going alright. This took a bit to get done, but I hope it makes you feel better. <3
Content warnings for medical treatment (a nebulizer/breathing treatment)
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Ghouls have stronger immune systems than most humans. Perks of being unholy beings, wrought in Hellfire and all of that. But the week or two after summoning Up Top is precarious, exposure to all sorts of human pathogens capable of knocking any unlucky new summons on their ass. Aeon gets lucky, his quintessence enough to bolster his immune system until he's in the clear.
Aurora, on the other hand? Not so much.
Less than a week after their joint summoning, Aurora finds herself in the Abbey infirmary, woozy and too warm and breath wheezing wetly in her chest, and she thinks she's dying. The human Sibling working the desk, a short, older woman, Heather, going off of her nametag, nods knowingly. She stands and leads her to a bed with a small table beside it, partitioned off from the rest of the infirmary by a curtain. "Aether and Omega are currently with other patients, but I'll let them know you're here, alright, boo? They should be in soon."
Aurora nods, trying to make herself comfortable on the stiff mattress as Heather leaves, closing the curtain behind her. She shifts, feeling small and miserable and she doesn't know what's going on. She thinks she's dying, or her vessel isn't accepting the summons, or-
The curtain opens again, and the biggest ghoul Aurora's ever seen walks in, and she's met Mountain and Aether. This ghoul is broad and tall, a shock of white hair against deep purple skin, and she shrinks back, growling on instinct as he approaches her.
It doesn't quite have the effect she hopes, her chest and throat protesting the noise. She turns, coughs, winces.
The bigger ghoul chuckles softly, holding his hands out in a placating gesture. "You must be Aurora, farfallina. I'm Omega. Heather says you're not feeling well?"
Aurora blinks slowly, brain slow. She nods. "Think I'm dying."
He smiles, shaking his head softly. "I know it feels like that, farfallina, but may I use my quintessence to see what's going on?"
She nods, sitting up a little, tail lashing on the bed as he sits down beside her. Aurora whines as her chest protests as she moves, eyes wide and watching Omega warily.
"I know you're newly summoned," He says, his movements slow and telegraphed. "I don't know if you've ever felt quintessence before."
Aurora shakes her head, arms crossed over her chest. "No," she says, cursing herself for how it makes her throat scream.
Omega winces in sympathy, slowly resting a hand between her shoulderblades, almost big enough to span her entire back. "It feels a little tingly, a little ticklish. I swear to the Old One that it won't hurt. Alright, farfallina?"
She nods, and feels something popping like bubbles over her skin, leaning into Omega's warm touch. He hums, brow furrowed slightly
"Well, good news, you're not dying," Omega says after a moment, rubbing her back gently. "You have pneumonia, which is very treatable with how early we've caught it. Your immune system's still getting used to being Up Top, and you probably caught it off of one of the siblings. I'm going to step out for a moment and find the nebulizer, which will help you breathe and clear the fluid from your lungs. It'll be no more than ten minutes, okay?"
She nods, leaning back on the pillows as he stands. Omega cocks his head, humming as he reaches behind her, arranging the pillows so she's more upright. He pushes the sweaty pink strands of hair off of her forehead, a tender gesture, and then he ducks behind the curtain, leaving her alone.
It's seven minutes before the curtain rustles again, and Aurora sits up. But it isn't Omega. It's Mountain, slightly more familiar, a kind look on his face. He has a mug in his hand, something herbal wafting up from it. "Hey, morning glory," he says, voice quiet. "Meg says you're not doing so good?"
Aurora coughs, rattling her small frame. She whines and curls up smaller in the infirmary bed as Mountain nods and hums. "Yeah, new ghoul sick. Ask Meg when he gets back, he can attest to this, I got knocked on my ass by something that my old Papa gave me. Was in the infirmary for two weeks. It sucked."
She giggles, only coughing a little, and Mountain smiles warmly. The giant earth ghoul sits at the side of the bed. He sets the cup down and turns to face her. "May I touch your forehead, morning glory?" He asks, voice low and rumbly.
She nods, sighing as Mountain rests the back of his hand against her forehead, his skin cool against hers. He clicks his tongue as he pulls his hand away. "Yeah, that's a bad fever, sweetheart."
"Feel like I'm dying. Omega said it was pneumonia," Aurora says, and Mountain coos, leaning over and grabbing the mug.
"Here, princess," he says, handing her the mug. "Drink this. It should help with the fever, coat your throat a little bit."
She sips at it as Mountain helps her hold it to her lips, wrinkling her nose at the bitterness of it, poorly disguised by a heavy dose of honey. He laughs softly, helping her drink. "I know, it doesn't taste that good, but it's good to keep you hydrated."
The curtain rustles, and both of the ghouls look up as Omega steps back into the room, a clear plastic mask attached to a small machine in his hands. He scoffs, grinning at Mountain, his tail swishing behind him. "Stealing my patients, are we, alpine?"
Mountain grins back. "A little tea never hurt."
Omega chuffs, setting the machine down on the bedside table. "Finish that tea up, and we'll get you started on a breathing treatment, farfallina."
Aurora nods, swallowing down the last of the tea. Mountain sets the mug on the table, shifting so Omega has room to work.
"This is gonna be a little loud, Aurora," Omega says, crouching down so he's eye level with her, showing her the plastic mask. "This'll help you breathe in the medication. I'll admit, it doesn't taste great, but it will make you feel better."
"Okay," Aurora whispers, her throat already feeling better from the tea. Omega leans in, carefully situating the mask in place over her face. Mountain shifts so she's sitting in the vee of his legs, guiding her to lean back against him as Omega starts the nebulizer.
The sudden noise makes her jump, hackles bristling, but Mountain coos, rubs his big hands up and down her arms, and she relaxes, taking long, deep breaths of the medication.
"We've got you, morning glory," he whispers. "You're in good hands, you'll be right as rain in no time."
She hasn't known either of them for very long, but she finds herself believing them.
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snarp · 7 months
Very freaked out by Uncertainty the Cat's ability to lie about the seriousness of his medical situation.
The wound on his side is WAY bigger than I thought - I didn't get a good look at it until I got him into the vet's this afternoon. If I'd realized, I might have taken him to an emergency vet when we got home Saturday night... but he just rolled around and purred at me like normal, so I didn't make an effort to part the fur. Little man, you have a new mouth on your side! Where is the DRAMA?
He just rubbed his wound on me. They didn't give him anesthetic or anything, does this orange boy just not feel pain correctly...? He's acting like it just itches.
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moonygryffin · 6 months
Having had the flu and covid back to back, I can confirm covid is way worse than the flu. And I’ve gotten the vaccine and several boosters, idk how they could even compare without them
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pumpkingeorge · 9 months
I think I might have torn open some scar tissue with my coughing. I spat out some blood.
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thebiggestmenace · 10 months
What were thoughts on the show? Was there anything that you didn’t like about it? Were there things you liked more than the game?
I didn’t like the car crash in episode 4. It felt very low budget compared to the game. I was also sad they didn’t do the drowning scene in the finale. That was my all time favorite scene from the game
I have to say I'm very biased to the show as it was my first introduction to the franchise (and I watched it all in one go, which made a brain goblin move in)!
I personally love the show and how both Pedro and Bella portray Joel and Ellie. I love how they changed and added some things, too. I liked the car crash in the show? I don't know why, but I did. I think it was the aftermath of it? when Joel was telling Ellie to go to the hole in the wall, because they're not gonna hit you. it's just such good soup to me 🤌💋
after having watched a gameplay, I was a little disappointed they didn't show Ellie getting the gun how she did in the game? cause she saved Joel after his near drowning, and then he taught her how to use a gun, even if she sort of already knew. but I do love how they showed it in the show, too! the fact that it was Frank's gun, so an older gay giving a baby gay a gun. a way to protect herself. it's so poetic :) and then when Joel asked her if that was the first time she shot someone? I really do love both adaptations. and I get why they wouldn't do it the way they did it in the show, so that it wasn't a risk to the actors, you know?
I wasn't disappointed about Ellie’s drowning not making it in the show, tbh. it adds another level of grief? for what's about to come, and we would've missed her puns and Joel throwing himself behind her to protect her as best he could. I think the show handled the finale better, too, simply because you're not playing Joel? in the game, you have to kill all the fireflies. you can't progress the story if you don't. so you don't see anything wrong? idk how to explain this properly, but you have to kill everyone or else you die along with Ellie. in the show, though, you're not playing Joel. you get to watch it from someone else's perspective and realize that he also didn't have a choice. and the show made it more. sad and grief filled. if that makes any sense. so I think adding her drowning would've made it hurt that much more, you know? it also would've put the actors at risk, so I totally get why they didn't include it
I love how they added more to the show, too! like, getting the flashback from 1968, where the scientist explains that fungal infections have no cure, right off the bat? it's such 👨‍🍳🤌💋 to me. and then getting to watch Sarah in the beginning, so we feel closer to her? beautifully devastating. getting to see Ellie at the beginning, too? before she met Joel and Tess? I really enjoyed that. it also showed us a bit of how Marlene was as a person (the oh, really? was Riley a terrorist? I feel showed who she was. she wasn't in it for Ellie, or even Anna, she was in it for herself) which I feel was important. the entirety of episode 3? also beautifully devastating. the letter had the same effect that the conversation with Bill did (in the game), it just felt more positive? like, Bill was mad in the game, so that conversation felt a bit negative. the show, while literally being after their deaths, felt positive? I don't know why, it just did. and making Sam deaf? I think was really important, cause it showed that Sam still wanted to protect Ellie as best he could. he wouldn't have been able to hear her once she woke up, so he sat facing away from her to protect her. and the fact she tried to heal him, because she knew beforehand? I think really set up the finale. yes, vaccines need more than just blood, but taking that with the 1968 flashback? I think just reiterates that you can't make a cure for a fungal infection. also loved the differences in episode 6, when they found Jackson. well, when Jackson found them lmao I love how they portrayed it all? how we actually got to see Jackson this time, and we knew that the dam was fixed. the fact that Maria's pregnant? I'm hoping they change Tommy a bit because of that (don't like game Tommy because of what he did at the end of the second game). also that could help to heal Joel a little from losing Sarah. that might just be me being delusional because of fics, though. but also Joel getting stabbed instead of falling off a balcony? I don't know why, but that felt more fitting to the show? and I liked that they showed Ellie stitching him up (did miss the don't worry, I've done this before from her, though) along with him being conscious enough to try to shove her away to go back to Jackson. loved the entirety of episode 7, too! I really, really love how the mall was Ellie’s first time being there, so Riley was taking her on an adventure. and that the photo booth actually gave them the picture strip! I just love the seventh episode, man. I don't enjoy episode 8, simply because of what it's about? but I like the little changes they did for Joel yelling what town and Ellie yelling that she's the little girl who broke your fucking finger. truly felt like those came from deep within, you know? also the fact they added in that David's people were hunting?? disgusting, but it's the little details. I love how they opened episode 9 with Ellie being born. and I love how it was Ashley Johnson, that definitely did NOT get any tears out of me once I finished watching gameplays. definitely not. I loved the giraffe scene, too! you got to see Joel’s reaction to it!!! proud dad! although I think that smile was more Pedro and Bella, but it was still so so sweet and it's so important to me :] I loved the conversation they had on that traffic blocker (wtf is that actually called??), about how it wasn't time that did it. I think it also drove home what the ending was gonna be. I already talked about the hospital, but I do enjoy that they weren't underwater for that. it's the fact that Joel tried his damndest to protect Ellie as best he could when that bomb went off. he twisted around her, so that he'd take the brunt of it. I think the ending after that stayed mostly true to the game, so there are my thoughts :)
oh, I loved the mirroring they did, too! I think Craig? maybe Neil. someone said they mirrored scenes so you knew it was an adaptation, and that it would be a little bit different than the original. Joel holding his girls different ways in the show vs the game?? 🤌💋 Ellie and Joel in his apartment being mirrored??? 🤌💋 the what town scene also being mirrored??? and then what town being added??? 🤌💋 I believe there are more mirroring scenes, but these are what I remember. I just love the little details, man
sorry this was so long, anon, I just love the show so much. it's what introduced me to the last of us. after I finished it (in one sitting, by the way, because I didn't want to forget what happened between weeks/episodes), I found a gameplay of the first game and watched that. then we did the same with the dlc. I wanted to avoid the second game, as I loved going into the show blind, but alas, I saw too many spoilers :( no one tagged stuff, so I figured I should watch the gameplay before the whole game is spoiled for me. it was devastating and I live in constant fear for how they're gonna adapt it. not because it'll be bad, just because Pedro and Bella are such good actors that I KNOW it's gonna devast each and every single one of us. the yell/scream from Ellie at the end of episode 5 still lives in my head, much against my will, so I'm very worried about the ones we'll be getting in season 2 (or more? cause Craig said something about 4 seasons?)
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ramblingzombpossum · 11 months
I'm on a roll, I nearly yanked my tube out 4 times today. What a great time!
Also, I finally got one IV removed, and am slowly letting myself hit 6-7 pain scale before taking meds.
Also, are apple crisp tonight, glucose stayed under 300 💪
Now if I could just, stay awake lol
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jlemonster · 1 year
alright so i have a liveblog of ted lasso on my drafts but i got too into it and now its 5 am and oh my god i didn't expect it to be him. my point was i stopped writting things down and just whispering them to the thing in my room that keeps moving my curtains so we're bonding :] good series btw im enjoying it.
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fletcherwilbury · 26 days
@febuwhump Day 25: Alt Prompt 10: Last Man Standing
Warning for Canon-typical violence, weapons, physical violence, injury, illness, broken bones, pneumonia
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moonstruckme · 4 months
Hii i recently discovered your account and i am devouring all your marauder works! They bring me so much comfort and just ahh i love the way you write! I really like emt!marauders and i was wondering if you maybe wanted to do a fic with them and a reader who has health anxiety?? And maybe she gets sick or something and they help her calm her thoughts and fears and just take care of her?? Only if this is something you would want to write ofc :) have a lovely day!! 💗
Thank you lovely <3
cw: health anxiety
emt!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.2k words
“Here you go, m’love.” James sits between you and Remus, holding your tea towards you with the handle out. “Careful, it’s hot.” 
You grab it quickly. “Jamie!” You suck in a thoughtless breath, setting off your cough. “Don’t—don’t burn yourself!”
You set the tea down before you spill it, James patting between your shoulder blades while you cover your mouth with a tissue. 
“Easy,” he says. “I wasn’t holding it for long, don’t hack up a lung on my account.” 
Remus doesn’t disagree, but he takes the offending hand and kisses James’ fingertips lightly. 
You take a breath as the fit settles, picking up your tea with a quiet thanks and continuing to read on your phone. 
“What’re you looking at so frownily?” Sirius asks, tilting his head where he’s sprawled out on the armchair. 
“Just reading,” you murmur, but he casts a suspicious look to the other two on the couch. James leans over, peering at your screen. 
He laughs. “Sweetheart, you know this stuff will only stress you out,” he says, leaning his shoulder into yours amicably. “You’ve gotta trust us, we’d be able to tell if it was anything serious.” 
“WebMD?” Sirius asks. 
“Healthline,” Remus replies, craning his neck to see behind James. 
“I know,” you ignore the other two, replying to James, “but I was talking to my grandma today and she—” Sirius groans, letting his head loll back against the cushion. “—she said this is exactly what it was like when she had pneumonia.” 
Remus looks at you evenly. “How old is your grandmother?” 
You take a sip of tea, hiding behind the rim of your mug. “Eighty-six.” 
He gives you a weary half-smile. “Pneumonia is a lot more common in older adults, dove. And your cough doesn’t sound like pneumonia anyway.” 
“But how do you know?” you ask anxiously. Remus’ features tighten a bit in sympathy. “I just don’t want to have it and have no idea, and then it gets worse and worse and worse.” 
James takes your hand in his. “That makes sense, angel, but—”
“And then while I was looking, stuff was also coming up for whooping cough, which sounds horrific—”
“You don’t have whooping cough,” Remus says. 
“But what if I do?” Your voice scratches a bit, and you try to breathe more shallowly to avoid a fit. “Because if that’s what it is, then it’s super contagious and you guys shouldn’t even be around me. And you can start throwing up and—” Your cough catches up with you, and you cover your mouth, eyes watering. Remus and Sirius both wince, James’ hand finding your back again. It’s nice, when you’re sick and miserable like this, to be around people who are so accustomed to it. Who will reach for you instead of cringing away. 
“It’s okay,” James murmurs, palm big and heavy between your shoulder blades. “You’re fine, sweetheart, just take a minute.” 
When it ebbs, he passes you your tea silently. The honey in it coats your throat, the warmth soothing the ache in your chest. 
“I just don’t want it to be more serious than we think,” you say weakly. “There’s a lot of things it could be that are worse than just a cold.” 
“Baby,” Sirius says firmly. “Look at me.” 
You lower your mug, finding your scariest boyfriend considering you with his usual intensity. He tilts his head to the side, brushing a piece of dark hair behind his ear. 
“Did you have your jabs when you were little?” 
You feel your brow pucker worriedly. “I think so.” 
His tone gentles a bit. “Then you can’t have whooping cough, darling. We all get vaccinated for it when we’re small.” 
You don’t want to argue with him, but your eyes flit back to your phone. “Actually, it says we can still get it even if we’ve been vaccinated.” 
“But not nearly as bad,” James says, squeezing your shoulder lightly. “You’re right, it could seem like a regular cold in that case, but it really wouldn’t turn into anything worse than that. None of the vomiting or anything like that.” 
You swallow, nodding. “Okay. Okay, that makes sense.”
“We know there’s a lot of things a cold could turn into,” Remus says. “Trust me, dove, we know. The reason we’re not worried is because we also know exactly what those would look like if they did turn up, and we could get you to the hospital at the first sign of something serious. Also, the serious things are less common than you might think.” 
“Yeah, there’s a reason it’s called the common cold,” Sirius jokes, shooting you a wink. 
You smile back, partly for his sake and partly for yours. Remus fixes you with a soft, open look. 
“I promise to tell you if we notice anything,” he says, slowly, making sure you hear the weight of every word. “Do you want to talk about pneumonia?” 
You nibble your lip, unsure. 
“If you’re still worried about it, we should talk about it,” James says. “We don’t want you to just be stressed out and silent, angel.” 
You blow out a careful breath. “Okay. I’m coughing up dark mucus and have a fever, which seems like pneumonia. How do we know it’s not?” 
“Pneumonia could have mucus or no mucus,” James tells you, as though reciting from a textbook. “And as for your fever…” He takes your face between his hands, pressing his lips firmly to your forehead. “My gauge tells me it’s still not that severe.” 
You grin at his antics, ducking your head when he goes for more so that he’s forced to confine his affections to your hair. He makes a gleeful sound of protest, grabbing you around the middle to get you closer. 
“Don’t knock her tea,” Remus warns.
“I can run you through the checklist we sometimes use before testing for pneumonia,” Sirius offers. You nod, and he launches in. “Do you have shortness of breath?” You think, then shake your head. “Chest pain? Sweating or shaking? Fatigue—well, fatigue is a yes, right? Don’t worry, doll, that’s a symptom of everything—Chills? Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea?”
Your mouth puckers in distaste at the last few, but you shake your head to all of them and Sirius spreads his hands magnanimously. “There we go,” he says. “If you were in an ambulance right now, we’d be telling you not to waste time on getting pneumonia tests done.”
“Plus, your cough doesn’t sound like it,” Remus adds, somewhat smugly. 
“Okay,” you relent. “I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t be sorry.” James sweeps a thumb over your ribs, stamping a kiss on your temple. “You can’t help worrying about these things. We just wish the internet didn’t give you so much material, you know?” His eyebrows go up a bit in the middle and he strokes your side again, more gently this time. “You should be allowed to focus on getting better, sweetheart. All this anxiety doesn’t make for great rest.” 
You let yourself sink into his side, cradling your mug in your hands. “I just don’t want to badger you guys with questions all day.” 
“We don’t mind,” Remus promises you. 
“And I’d like to think we have a bit more experience under our belts than healthline,” Sirius scoffs. The teasing look he sends you lets you know his derision isn’t for you. “Anyway, what does healthline say you’re supposed to do if you have pneumonia?” 
You scroll down a bit. “See a medical professional.” 
“Well, lucky you.”
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mayasaura · 27 days
i hope u dont mind me asking but where is it implied john is a survivor of childhood sexual assault?
Yeah, I did kind of just throw that one out there, didn't I? The implication is spread out across a combination of John's backstory and behavior, especially in Nona the Ninth.
cw for discussion of sexual coercion, csa, and systemic abuse in an academic setting
Let's start with his behavior. Mercy and Augustine spent five hundred years planning Dios Apate Major down to the last detail. Luring John into bed was clearly not an easy thing to do at the time. And while a lot of worse stuff came to light in the big reveal scene in Harrow the Ninth to overshadow it, what Augustine and Mercy did was a violation of John's bodily autonomy and a form of sexual assault.
The next time we hear from John, he's on a binge drinking hypersexual spiral, turning on a dime from five hundred years of near-celibacy to sleeping his way through the full cast and crew of the Erebos. I love a good "he fucked that old man" joke as much as the next guy, and I intend to keep making them, but that kind of zero to sixty manic behavior is a pretty common response to triggered sexual trauma.
Very early on in Nona, John recites a list of his schools. First on that list is Dilworth. Dilworth is a private school for economically disadvantaged (read: poor, and majority indigenous) boys, and it has a reputation. To quote its wikipedia page:
A class action complaint is currently underway against Dilworth School seeking accountability and compensation from the school for knowingly failing to protect students from systemic sexual abuse that occurred between 1970 and 2006.
John attended that school as an academically gifted gender non-conforming indigenous boy with no support network. His only known family died of pneumonia while he was enrolled. He was a vulnerable target in a high-risk enviorment.
This wouldn't be enough to come to a conclusion if John were a real person, but if John were a real person, we'd be out of bounds in speculating. Name-checking Dilworth in John's backstory was a choice, and I think the implication is pretty clear.
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st4rgzer · 6 months
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UNDER THE RAIN matt sturniolo
summary: you two get caught in the moment under the rain<3
genre: fluff
cw!: suggestive implications, nothing actually bad. Swearing, kissing
a/n: nothing to say about this just that its cute
“Matt stop!” I yelled between giggles as he picked me up, his hands digging in my side causing me to go weak with laughter. Our chuckles blended with the harsh drops of rain falling down on us. It had been pouring since we got to the empty parking lot for a late night makeout sesh, but as we saw the rain we decided to play out there instead, geniuses. My hair was drenched and so was his. He turned me around facing me carefully, I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He looked so pretty with the rain glistening on his face. My hand cupped his cheek and I tried to get as much water off his lips as possible as I leaned in to kiss him softly, the water from the rain making it nearly impossible to breathe. He tightened his grip under my thighs as to help me stay lifted. We both parted from the kiss, heavy breaths from both of us.
“I feel like I just drank a gallon of water” He laughed, tucking the wet hair strands that hung loosely on my forehead, placing a soft, cold kiss there.
I dropped my head on his shoulder. Matt let out soft sighs as he peppered my head with kisses, we were actually stupid for standing there in the rain for as long as we were, and we were lucky if we didn’t get a cold, though being sick with Mathew didn’t sound too bad.
“Darling, we have to get out of here or we’ll get pneumonia or some shit” He said, raising his voice a little for it to be heard over the rain that was getting louder and louder. He rubbed my back softly as I groaned at the moment being over. I jumped out of his grip, he grabbed my waist gently to stabilize me, as I could easily slip from the rain at any given moment.
We both headed to the van, drenched. He took out a few towels he had in the back of the van for special occasions, and helped me dry off first, turning on the seat heating and helping me in the car.
“Thank you baby” I smiled at him as he dried off his hair, falling ruffled on his face. I leaned over to give him a, finally not dripping with water, kiss, as he got into the car and shut the door. He placed his hand in mine, driving off.
“Matty we’re gonna get into a car accident if you don’t keep your eyes on the road” I said cautioning him, as his gaze fell on me every few minutes. He rolled his eyes and looked back ahead of him, bringing closer my hand and placing a yearning kiss on the back of my hand.
I coughed. Guess someone’s going to have to take care of me for the weekend.
taglist: @dwntwn-strnlo @oneirophobic @gabbylovesreading @lovelysturniolo @lvrsparadise @stvrni0lo @ssturniolo @strniolo @strniolo @sturniolol @ifilwtmfc
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acrushedlittlestar · 3 months
some gallagher headcanons ~ ♡
fully gn  ੈ✩‧ cw : none! mostly rambling
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the epitome of a gentleman, wants you to hold onto his arm when you walk together, holds open the door for you takes your shoes off for you, if you're having a bath together he'll massage you wherever your soar and handle you so gently while getting out of it too, dries your hair, helps style it if you're into fashion he'll always weigh in his opinions on your outfits and what he thinks looks good on you (though no matter what you choose he'll always be supportive)
calls you sweetheart darling and love 100% they're classic, maybe a bit cheesy but he's allowed to enjoy some corny things right? He also enjoys it. I also thinks he'll call you hun or honey and he's not a big fan of babe or baby they don't feel as intimate as the others.
at the start of your relationship he wouldn't touch you much, citing his rough callused hands would discomfort you, though after some careful convincing and him being a huge physical touch fanatic he'd grow more comfortable holding you when you're by each other
┄┄ ︰ ┄୨୧┄ ︰ ┄┄
a stars stories  ੈ✩‧ - the star says she apologises for disappearing and assumes she's been cursed by an evil witch (i got pneumonia) but she's recovered now
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whiskey-tango-matcha · 2 months
Then & Now (M, cold)
Hiii, hope you like A LOT of hurt followed by 2-3 sentences of comfort lmao. This is Greyson fic - Grey is sick on a day he and Reed are supposed to have a date, and he's sure Reed is going to be angry with him because Trauma(TM). It's told in a flashback sort of format which I really enjoyed because I love writing blurbs of colds at different times in life lol. I hope you guys like it, please let me know what ya think, good, bad, or otherwise :)
CW: Male snz, cold, pneumonia mention, coughing, contagion mention, lots and lots of whump lmao. A little over 4K words under the cut.
Then & Now
“Morning, Chef.”
“Huh-! HhITSZHH-ue!”
Elijah turned towards Greyson, who was doubled over into his hoodie sleeve, and gave him a sympathetic grimace. “Cooks finally pulled you under, hmm?”
“Ugh, like way fuckin’ under,” Greyson muttered, rubbing his eye and sucking in through his nose. “I feel like ass.”
“Sorry, dude,” Elijah said, tossing his counterpart a box of tissues. “Sucks.”
Greyson caught the box and pulled out a few just in time. “HITSZHZH-uhh!” This one, he managed to catch in the handful of tissues. He wiped his nose and shrugged. “Yeah,” he said, tossing the used tissues. “Mbostly because I was supposed to have a date tonight.”
Elijah smirked at his friend, who was pushing past the GM into their shared office. The two of them sat in unison. “Do you guys still call them dates? You’ve been official for, like, six months.”
“It’s our six-month anniversary,” Greyson said, his voice flattened by congestion. “We were going to do EMP.”
“Awww, now I’m depressed,” Elijah said. “Also, why didn’t you tell me earlier you were going to Eleven Madison? I still know people there.”
“So does Reed,” Greyson said, massaging his temple. “That’s why we were goigg. Fuck, mby fuckin’ head is pounding. Do we have any -?”
Elijah placed the ibuprofen in front of the chef before he could ask, along with a bottle of cough syrup and a decongestant. “You know we have it all,” he said, pushing an old cup of water across the desk for Greyson to swallow his arsenal of pills. “And fair enough. Well that fuckin’ sucks, dude, I’m sorry. Hey, at least you can leave early, right? Matt’s closing?”
“Yeah,” Greyson said, unwrapping a cough drop and popping it in his mouth. “I’ll head out once the rush is over. I still have to text Reee – hh...hhNTSHH-ue! HGTSHH-uhh!” Greyson doubled over, sneezed into his arm, and groaned. “I’mb gonna kill the guys when they get in,” he said, mostly to himself.
“Don’t do that,” Elijah said, placing a hand on Greyson’s shoulder on his way out of the office. “Then you’ll have to stay all night.”
Greyson huffed out a laugh and pulled out his phone. He clicked on his conversation with Reed, sighing. He did not want to have this conversation.
hey babe. gonna have to cancel tonight, the cooks infected me w their plague :( im rly sorry.
The chef set his phone on the desk, prepared to either be ghosted or gaslit – two of Collin’s favorite pastimes whenever Greyson had had to cancel their plans during their relationship – and was shocked when the phone buzzed with a text almost immediately. He was almost afraid to look at his boyfriend’s response.
Oh, baby don’t be sorry!! what time are you off? I’ll pick you up and take you home :) we can do a sick day little date night instead!
Greyson stared at the phone, stunned. He couldn’t help it; he read the message again, then out loud said, “What the fuck?”
Then – Ten Years Ago
The Executive Chef looked up from his paperwork at Greyson and sighed. “What is it, Abbott?”
“I, um – hh! HTSHH-uh! HGXTSH-ue! Snf. Umb, I just wanted to see if it was okay if I… left a little early today?” Greyson asked, his voice barely above a whisper. His chef raised his eyebrows and put his clipboard down. Oh, no, Greyson thought.
“Leave...early? And leave your clean up and prep to whom, exactly? Me?” The Executive Chef huffed out a laugh. “That’s rich, Abbott. Why the fuck would you need to leave early?”
“I…” Greyson started, but his voice gave out on the single syllable. He attempted to clear his throat. “I just… I really feel like shit? I was hoping I could, like… sleep it off, I guess. I mbean, I wouldn’t want to get anyone else sigck.” Greyson felt a cough bubbling to the surface; he tried to quell it, to no avail. The younger man collapsed into a coughing fit that felt like it lasted a lifetime.
The Chef remained unmoved. “My guys,” he said, placing a hand on his chest as Greyson attempted to compose himself, “don’t get sick, Abbott. And if they do, I don’t fucking hear about it. Understand? Because I really don’t give a shit. If you’re here, you’re here. If you decide to leave early,” he shrugged, uncaring, “then you leave for good. And Abbott, if you try to get a job after walking out of my kitchen, I promise you I will make it impossible. I know you’ve only been here a couple months, but here’s what you need to learn: put your head down and do your fucking job, and you can work anywhere in the world after this. Be a whiny piece of shit who tries to walk out on his shift, and you’ll be working at McDonald’s for the rest of you life. Got it?”
Greyson, too shocked to rebut, just bobbed his head up and down.
“Let me hear you say it,” the Chef said. Greyson cleared his throat.
“Yes, Chef,” he said. The Chef nodded.
“Now get the fuck out of my office.”
“Elijah. Look at this text.”
The GM looked up slowly from the iPad where he was going over reservations for the evening. “...Why?” he asked, taking the phone from Greyson’s hand.
“Just look. Tell mbe that’s ndot weird,” Greyson said, crossing his arms over his chest. Elijah looked down, confused, and read the text. He pinched his eyebrows together just a little, and read it again. “See? Isn’t that weird?”
“Greyson…” Elijah said, handing the phone back. “That’s not weird.”
“Seriously?” Greyson asked, reading the text yet again. “It’s bizarre. He’s ndot even a little mad? C’mon. That’s weird.”
“He’s being sweet,” Elijah explained, slowly, as though he were talking to a toddler. “Did you want him to be mad? Because that’s bizarre.”
“Ndo I don’t want him to be mad. I jus – HTSZHH-ue! HRRSHH!” Greyson wrenched to the side to sneeze, which sent him into a fit of hacking coughs. “I just figured he’d want to, like, yell at mbe or something. For canceling,” Greyson finished, his voice strained against another cough. Elijah didn’t respond, not at first, and instead pressed a hand onto the chef’s forehead.
“I think you’re sicker than we thought, because you’re acting fucking delusional,” he said as Greyson slapped his hand away. “Greyson, normal people don’t yell at each other for getting sick, or having to cancel a plan. That’s, like, really twisted.”
Greyson rolled his eyes. “It’s ndot twisted, Lij you fuckin’ drama queen,” he said, then held up a finger. “Onesec – hh! Hh...hnn.” Greyson sniffled, a let out a little irritated cough. “Lost it.”
“Go back to the kitchen,” Elijah said, pointing towards the swinging doors. “Sit down. Rest. Let your medicine kick in. I don’t want people seeing this -” he gestured to Greyson, as if to allude to his entire being – “when they walk past the restaurant. Alright? Text your boyfriend something nice. Not something unhinged.”
“Oh, fuck you,” Greyson muttered, turning toward the kitchen, his phone still open to the conversation with Reed. He turned towards Elijah again before pushing through the kitchen doors. “I still say that this is the unhinged thing.”
“Go to therapy, Greyson,” Elijah said, not looking up from the iPad. Greyson rolled his eyes, pushed into the kitchen, and regarded his phone once again.
thanks, babe. it’s ok, I can take care of myself. it wont be a long day, ill just grab some nyquil omw home and sleep it off. ill reschedule our rezo too, don’t worry about that. im really sorry again for canceling. if I could taste the food id still go lol.
Figuring that sounded at least relatively normal, Greyson hit send. He sat down at his desk once again and placed his head in his hands. No way he’s not pissed, Greyson thought, and he really believed it. In all his years of dating, he’d never met anyone who would respond that way; they’d at least have a snippy remark about the last-minute nature of the cancellation.
Greyson’s phone pinged once again, and he couldn’t help but grab it right away to assess the damage.
honey, please don’t apologize, seriously. youre sick, it happens, its no biggie :) I already moved the reservation to next week but if we need to ill move it again. james at emp said to tell you feel better btw.
Greyson blinked, dumbstruck. He started typing without thinking.
you REALLY arent mad? seriously?
im really not mad. who gets mad at someone for being sick…? is someone at work mad at you? am I supposed to be mad..? lol
I mean its a last minute cancellation. id understand if u were mad.
welllll….im not. is that ok? haha
grey…? you believe me, right?
Then – Seven Years Ago
He was moving through molasses.
Greyson placed a sluggish hand to his own forehead – you can’t check yourself for a fever, dumbass – and blinked painfully. He’d made it to work, he’d made it through the day, and he’d made it back home, against all odds. Now, he was stuck on his couch, unable to even crawl to the bathroom for a thermometer.
It had all compounded on him, was his guess. The endless fourteen hour days for the better part of two years at his thankless sous chef job. The shitty Chicago-suburbs apartment with no heat, where he froze for the few hours a week he slept. The near-constant drinking. Sure, he was only twenty-five, but what was it they said about this industry? It ages you in dog years. Yeah, that was it.
“Hh-! Hh...ITSZHH-ue! HTSHHH-ue!” Greyson sneezed helplessly into the blanket he’d wrapped around himself, and groaned. This was not what he’d imagined when he moved here from Minnesota. He’d thought it would be glamorous, working as a sous chef at a high-end hotel in a big city. He thought he’d have friends, or a girlfriend, or something. Instead, he was trapped on his couch, benched by a sinus infection and seasonal depression that seemed to last the whole year round. Fuck this, Greyson thought. He couldn’t get off the couch, but he could reach his phone; Greyson pulled up Indeed and changed his search parameters.
Actively searching for work. Location: Any.
“Um… Chef? What’s, uh… what’s going on?”
Greyson paused for a moment, a crate of spoiled food held on his shoulder. He turned towards Matt, keen to answer, but instead held the crate tighter and wrenched to the side. “HRTTSHH-uh!”
“Bless you,” Matt said, an automatic reaction. Greyson nodded, turned towards the dumpster, and dumped the food in before beginning the cycle anew: pick up crate. Turn to sneeze. Dump old food. Matt wasn’t sure if he should help his boss, or go inside for backup.
He chose the former, picking a crate filled to the brim with rotten tomatoes off the ground and hoisting it into the trash. “You gonna tell me what’s up?” he asked as the two of them continued gathering and tossing.
Greyson sighed, pulled a hand down his face, and shook his head. “I thingk Reed and I are over,” he said, voice soft and throaty. Matt’s eyebrows shot up.
“What? Seriously? What did you do?” Matt asked, prompting a stuffy laugh from his boss.
“I just don’t thingk it’s going to work,” Greyson said, shrugging. “I… I don’t want to, like, play gambes. I can’t do that again, ndot after Collin.”
“Chef,” Matt said as he gathered and tossed the last milk crate, “what are you talking about? Reed is, like, the most straight-shooting guy I’ve ever met. How is he playing games?”
Greyson, left without anything to occupy his hands, just shrugged and pulled out his phone. He handed it to Matt without explanation, and the sous quickly read through the text conversation Greyson and Reed had going. Matt furrowed his brow.
“I don’t get it,” he said, handing the phone back. “He wants to take care of you, what’s the problem with that?”
“He doesn’t want to take care of me, he wants to have the upper hand,” Greyson explained, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and sitting on the step just outside the back door. “Want one?”
“Sure,” Matt said, sitting beside his boss. “I mean, you shouldn’t be smoking if you’re -”
“HTSHH! Hh-! ITZSHH-ue!” Greyson turned into his elbow, taking a long moment to gather himself before handing Matt his cigarette.
“-sick,” Matt finished. The older man shrugged, and Matt plucked the lighter out of Greyson’s hand to light both of them up, not daring to push his boss any closer to the edge. For a moment, they smoked in silence, only Greyson’s sniffles and coughs interrupting the quiet.
“Boss,” Matt said, finally, “I think you need to talk to Reed.”
“I did,” Greyson said, stubbing out his cigarette. “You saw.”
“No, I mean actually talk to him,” Matt said. The two of them stood, looking at each other – a face-off without the malice. Matt continued. “Not ignore his texts and clean out the walk-in.”
Greyson scoffed. “Matt, just because you have sombe fairy-tale love story doesn’t mbean everyone else does, too. Okay? If it’s over between me and Reed, it’s fine. I’mb better off alone, anywaa – hh! Hh… Hhhii-!” Greyson stood with his elbow poised at his face, stuck in pre-sneeze agony for what seemed like an eternity. While he was incapacitated, Matt took his phone and typed out a message that his boss couldn’t see. Finally, Greyson lowered his arm and sucked in, fruitlessly, through his nose. “The fugck are you doigg?” he asked, snatching his phone back from his sous.
“If you’re not going to talk to Reed,” Matt shrugged, unapologetic, “I will.”
Greyson looked down at his phone, which buzzed twice in his hand. Reed’s face popped up on the screen. Call from: reed <3
Then – Three Years Ago
“Bless, bless, bless you. Allergies?” Collin asked, not looking up from his phone. Greyson sniffled in vain, and coughed painfully.
“Ndot exactly,” he croaked from the doorway to Collin’s living room. “Baby, do you thingk you could drive mbe to urdent care, actually?”
Collin looked up and slowly raised an eyebrow. “For what?” he asked, obviously annoyed. Greyson swallowed as best he could and placed a hand on his throat.
“I thingk… I mbight have strep. Or bronchitis, or sombething. I, uh… I’ve had a fever for like. A week.” Greyson had to stop to close his eyes and grab onto the door frame, a sordid attempt to keep from hitting the floor like a rotten sack of potatoes. Collin rolled his eyes.
“You’re such a drama queen. You seemed fine when you came over last night.”
“You were asleep whend I came over,” Greyson said, his eyes still closed. “Did you ndot notice that I haven’t been over in like five days?”
Collin shrugged. “I mean, yeah, but I figured you were busy with work. You’re always busy with work,” he said, the venom in his voice making clear that he wanted to fight.
Greyson, physically incapable of fighting at that moment, just slid slowly to the ground and nodded. “Yeah. You’re right,” he said. “Ndow I’m paying the price. Please, baby. Can you please just take me? I… I really don’t feel well.”
It was pathetic. He knew it, but he couldn’t stop himself; he was fairly sure he was moments from passing out. Collin turned and made himself comfier on the couch.
“I’ll call you an uber,” he said, pressing some buttons on his phone. “You barely make time for me, and now you’re asking me to be your chauffeur? Please, Greyson.” He showed his ailing boyfriend the phone. “He’ll be out front in five minutes. Better make your way down.”
“Okay,” Greyson said, pulling himself slowly to his feet. “Thangk you.”
Collin didn’t say a word as Greyson let himself out of the apartment. He made it downstairs, and into the uber, and into the waiting room at urgent care. He made it out by himself, too, with a laundry list of prognoses – strep, sinus infection, walking pneumonia – and a handful of prescriptions. When he texted Collin later to fill him in, his boyfriend didn’t text back.
Greyson fell asleep on his shower floor and awoke to freezing water pounding on him, and a courier pounding on his door. When he toweled off and answered it, chicken soup from the local bodega and a note that read feel better -c sat at his feet. Greyson breathed a sigh of relief; at least he had been forgiven.
Reed had dated plenty of men is his thirty-five years of life, and had found that there were two general categories when it came to sick men: there was the Baby, and there was the Don’t Look at Me.
Greyson though, an enigma since the moment they met, seemed to fall into a third category, a category that was, to Reed, yet undiscovered: the You Hate Me.
Reed was good with the first two categories; the Don’t Look at Me, you left medicine outside their room and texted them funny memes. The Baby, you laid in bed with them and spoon-fed them soup. Easy. Understandable. Truthfully, this was one of his favorite things about men: they were easy to crack. He figured Greyson would likely fall into the Baby category, which was fine by him – there was nothing he’d like more than to look after an ailing Greyson, to be honest. This third category he seemed to embody, though, was not something Reed knew what to do with.
“He didn’t answer when I called him,” Reed said into the phone receiver. “I just want to know what’s going on, I mean, did I say something wrong?”
On the other end of the line, Elijah sighed. “No, you didn’t do anything wrong. This is just… it’s just Greyson being Greyson.”
Reed wasn’t about to take this lying down. “Hey, are you guys super busy tonight? I mean, I don’t want to be that boyfriend, but, like, can I come get him? We really need to talk, and if what Matt said is true he probably shouldn’t be, like, working anyway, right?”
While Elijah paused, Reed pulled the phone away from his ear and once again re-read the text Matt had sent from Greyson’s phone: hey reed, it’s matt. grey is sick as hell, so DO NOT take any of the crazy weird shit he says seriously, k? his temperature needs to lower by like 5 degrees before you do this, but u guys need to actually talk. he’s being stupid.
“Please,” Reed heard Elijah’s tinny voice on the other end and put the phone back to his ear. “Please, come and collect him. I’m begging.”
Reed stood from the couch and grabbed his keys. “Give me twenty minutes. I’m on my way.”
Then – Two Years Ago
“Heyyy, baby, cand I buy you a dringk?”
The girl leaned back, her face marked by disgust. “No, thanks. Save your money and get yourself some NyQuil,” she said, disappearing into the crowd. Greyson huffed out a sigh and coughed into his hand – a long, crackling sound that made the other bar patrons inch their chairs away.
“She’s right, you know,” the bartender – Skip, Greyson had learned his name was a few weeks back when he had started coming in every night – said, filling Greyson’s shot glass yet again. “You need to go home.”
“And yet you pour mbe another drink,” Greyson said, knocking back the shot. “The duality of mban. NGTXSH! HTSHH! Huh-! HRRSHH-ue!” Greyson covered his mouth lazily with one hand, wiped it on his pants, hand held the glass up to indicate ‘another’.
“Bless you,” Skip said, not pouring the shot. “Greyson, seriously: go home. You sound fucking awful.”
“Are you cutting mbe off?” Greyson asked, his rheumy eyes meeting Skip’s over the bartop. “Because unless you are, I’mb staying.” He coughed again, into his elbow; the cough was quickly becoming a problem. He’d had a cold two weeks ago; the symptoms had been mild, but the cough had hung around. When he caught whatever-the-fuck this was two days ago, the cough had turned from an annoyance to a pressing issue; he should go home. He should go to the doctor, he should take a day off, he should, he should, he should.
But he wouldn’t. He would stay, and he would drink until he was kicked out, then he’d pass out on the train and not make it home to sleep. He’d go to work at seven AM and stay until midnight and do it all again.
“I’m not kicking you out,” Skip sighed. “I’m just saying… you should take care of yourself.”
Greyson blinked slowly. He could feel his lungs, heavy with fluid, gearing up to cough again; his head, pounding in spite or because of the alcohol; his heart crushed into a million, Collin-sized pieces. Take care of yourself. It felt impossible, when you’d never been shown how.
“This is mbe taking care of myself,” he said, clearing his throat. “I’ll have another.”
Greyson rested his head on a case of lettuce in the corner of the walk-in. He knew he should be continuing his madness of cleaning, but he’d accidentally sat down on his fifth trip into the refrigerator, and now he wasn’t sure he’d be able to get up again.
Fucking Reed, Greyson thought as he allowed the cold salad box to sate the fever he had burning in his brain. Why can’t he just be up front with me? If you’re mad just say it, don’t fucking torture me.
Perhaps deep down, he knew he was being ridiculous; Matt and Elijah were most likely correct. The simplest answer – that Reed truly was just a good guy – was probably the right one. But he just couldn’t get out of his mind all the times he’d reached out, needed help and asked for it, and been shot down. He certainly couldn’t allow himself to believe that the person he was dating was truly good; he knew he’d never deserve that.
Speaking of Reed, that sounded a lot like him – was Greyson hearing things? Had he, in his fever-addled state, conjured a hallucination of his boyfriend to have a fight with? Bizarre, Grey, he thought to himself. That’s really fucking bizarre.
“Grey? Elijah said you were in here but I don’t – oh!”
Either this was a really crazy hallucination, or that really was Reed standing over him, in the walk-in. Greyson blinked hard, then blinked again, and suddenly Reed was on the ground next to him.
“Babe...it’s really cold in here. Do you think we can, um, leave?”
Greyson furrowed his eyebrows together. “Leave… and go where?” he asked, his voice cracking. “I have to… work. What are you doigg heeee...HRTSHH-ue! Huh -! HTSHH! NTSHH! IGXTSH!” Greyson attempted to stifle over and over, until Reed gently took his hand and pulled it away from his face.
“That has to hurt,” Reed said, his voice quiet and calm. “You can just… sneeze, you know. Like, regular.”
“Tryigg ndot to get you,” Greyson croaked, his eyes glazing over once again. “Youbettermov – HRRETSZCHH-ue! ITSZZHH-ue! Fuck – NGTSHHZ-ue!” Greyson sneezed into his lap, then coughed until his lungs felt sore. Reed didn’t move; he came closer and rubbed Greyson’s back.
“Bless you, baby,” Reed said, eventually.
“Thangks. Sorry,” Greyson murmured, pushing his hair out of his face and turning to look at Reed. “Why are you here?” he asked, levity out the window.
Reed let out a little laugh. “Umm, why do you think?” he asked. “You’ve been ignoring me since this morning. I got worried, since Matt said you were super sick – no lie detected, by the way, you sound truly awful –”
“Sorry,” Greyson said again, wiping under his nose. “I kndow, it’s gross.”
“Please, Grey,” Reed said, taking both sides of his boyfriend’s face in his hands and looking him in the eye. “Please. Stop apologizing. It’s okay to be sick. I don’t understand why you think I’m angry at you. I’m not.”
Greyson swallowed, painfully, and gave a little nod. “Okay,” he said, finally.
“Okay,” Reed repeated. “Anyway. I called Elijah. He said to come and collect you.”
At this, Greyson couldn’t help but cough out a laugh. “Collect mbe?” he asked. Reed smiled a little.
“Yeah,” he said. “His words, not mine.”
They both laughed, softly at first, then ramping up to near-hysteria. They only stopped when Greyson started coughing again and couldn’t seem to stop.
“Let’s go get you some water,” Reed said, helping his boyfriend to his shaky feet. Greyson allowed himself to be pulled out of the walk-in, and given a bottle of water that was sitting on his prep station. Greyson drank until the fit subsided, then regarded Reed once again.
“So… you really aren’t mbad?” he asked, rubbing his goosebumped arms up and down. Reed shook his head and shrugged off his windbreaker. He draped it over Greyson’s shoulders.
“I’m really not mad,” he insisted. Greyson nodded, seemingly satiated. Reed sighed through his nose and slipped his arms around the chef.
“Life’s done a number on you, huh?” he asked, quietly enough that it could’ve just been to himself. Greyson huffed out a sad little laugh.
“Like you wouldn’t believe, baby,” he murmured, pressing his hot head into Reed’s hair. “Like you wouldn’t believe.”
96 notes · View notes
cocteaucherry · 3 months
trials and tribulations .3
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summary- falling in love with your sworn enemy was not something you planned.
cws- p&p au/ bridgerton au, inaccurate use of regency language, 18+, misogyny, sexual tension, future smut in later chapters, slow slow burn, LENGTHY descriptions, ooc Suguru, suguru x f!reader, talks of f!masturbation , not proofread
a/n- awkward silence when I up and left for 22 days with no explanation, I’ll touch more on that in a later post but for now enjoy!
taglist @mandysfanfics, @ti-mame, @awkward-d3rs3-dr3amer
The rain belted on the glass as you stood on the other side watching as the world washed away.
You felt as if you needed a cold bath, something to wash the prints of Suguru Geto’s touch off your clothes, your hands graced over the areas where his touch lingered.
Why did you feel deprived of his touch? Why did you need his touch?
“Miss l/n I’m sorry to interrupt-“
He was caught off guard by your small yelp, you had to be more attentive in this house
“Sorry Ijichi! I get lost in thought a lot.” You bowed in apology before he also returned one.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve been more gentle with my approach.” He cleared his throat with a small smile, “It’s getting rather late and the rain hasn’t stopped.. we would offer you a carriage home but the roads have been washed out.”
“I guess I’ll wait for the rain.. or I’ll try to walk.” You shrugged contemplating your options, you really didn’t want to walk especially in this weather.
“Actually, Mr. Gojo has offered you to stay in a spare room for the evening.. we wouldn’t want you catching a cold.”
You smiled before letting out a small laugh, “I’m very grateful.. but I don’t want my mother and father to worry.”
“We assure you that your parents won’t be worried, I’m sure they’d be more upset with us for letting you walk home in this.”
Your eyebrow rose as you crossed your arms, “Forgive me for asking, I know he’s ill at the moment but will I ever get to see him during this visit?” The request came out rather timidly to your dismay but it made Ijichi sweat nonetheless.
“Well-uhm- you see Mr. Gojo wouldn’t want you to get sick as well.” Ijichi was definitely not great under pressure, you noted.
You uncrossed your arms nodding your head, “alright then, I will happily stay in a room until the rain stops.”
“Then you may follow me.”
Your head was spinning with questions, why would Ijichi possibly lie abt Gojo? Why would Gojo invite you knowing he was ill? Your heart ached in your chest, Geto's actions being the one to cause it.
Your stomach dropped and your blood ran cold, if the roads were washed out that means Geto couldn’t get back as well? Was he also going to stay?
You shook your head pushing the thoughts away. Hopefully you’d only encounter him one more time tonight.
“Suguruuu~ are you listening?”
Suguru was snapped out of thought, he stood before Gojo’s bed, the white haired man staring at him with a sick grin. “Yes… I am.” He mumbled, pushing strands of rain soaked hair out of his face.
“Y’know, for a man who’s supposedly sick you seem rather energetic .”
Satoru smirked, leaning his head back, “I’m just plagued and riddled with sickness Sugu, and it seems you are too..” he pointed a finger wagging it teasingly.
The raven haired male stared blankly at him, crossing his arms, “I’m perfectly fine Satoru, please get some rest or die of pneumonia.” He turned on his heel, preparing to exit, “I’m going home-“
“Yeeesh about thattt- I’m afraid you’re not going home anytime soon, roads washed out.”
Geto froze a vein appearing above his eyebrow, “Am I supposed to stay here for the night?”
“With her yes, maybe if you’re lucky she’ll give you a kind ‘goodnight’” Satoru hummed, staring out the window to see the tumultuous rain belt down.
“Not planning on it, Satoru,” Suguru mumbled, stepping out of the room.
The rain wasn’t letting up anytime soon.
You found yourself wandering the halls, the occasional strike of lightning helping to guide your way.
You admired the classic oil paintings that adorned the ornate halls smiling to yourself when you found a portrait of a familiar face.
hair as pure as snow with a slightly rounder face and those blue eyes that seemed to bore into your soul.
Although just like usual he was never alone, always accompanied by what seemed to be his shadow.
Dark hair that was shorter with those intense amber eyes.
“Thought you went home miss l/n”
this man truly was a shadow.
You turned to the voice of Suguru Geto, but he looked more undone. Hair slightly wet as it fell past his back some strands stuck to his forehead.
“How come you’re always near or behind him?” You ignored his question pointing your head to the portrait, footsteps echoed as he stood next to you. “How come you never answered my question?”
“Why would I answer you? Why should I?” You spun to face him as he avoided eye contact with you, “You never give me a reason to answer kindly.” You scoffed as you walked impossibly closer to him, Geto’s heart skipped a few beats as he finally made eye contact with your gaze.
He cleared his throat trying to regain his stance (control), “Satoru and I have been together for…awhile, while we both are wealthy, his family is significantly stronger.”
“So that makes you his equal, even possibly a scapegoat.” You stepped back, your eyes quickly shifting to his hand that twitched at your movement.
A grin appeared on his face, “Quite the opposite, I help save his ass on multiple occasions. He’s not the best at keeping his head straight.. or keeping his pants on.”
You choked on your saliva at the sudden mention which caused him to chuckle from his throat, “What? I know a forward woman as yourself isn’t taboo to the mention of sex? Satoru excels at that.”
You felt a blush creep under your skin, “What makes you think that?”
“The way your face visibly became uncomfortable told me that,” his eyes drifted quickly up and down your frame, “I can tell when a woman is.. how do I say this? Frustrated?”
“Frustrated?!-“ you yelled out but quickly covered your mouth to whisper it, “I’m frustrated because you- you’re!-“ you stuttered angrily, scolding yourself for not having a better comeback.
“Maybe you should try exploring your own body first before going after someone like Satoru, just a suggestion,” Geto said, turning on his foot to walk down the darkened hallway.
You had almost forgotten it was raining during the conversation, the soft patter of rain filling your ear drums as you try to reconcile what just occurred.
You weren’t sexually frustrated, You weren’t sexually frustrated,
You repeated in your head as you buried yourself into the pillows of the way too extravagant bed, “ridiculous, he doesn’t know anything..” you mumbled clasping your hands close to your chest.
You tried to force yourself to drift off to sleep but your head began to pound and your body became warm, the handprints he left on your waist, they still left an excruciatingly burning linger. The way his hair framed his face annoyed you.
His avoidant stare annoyed you. His soft voice annoyed you, his strong hands annoyed you. His sly smirk, His perfect teeth, the way his fingers graced your breasts.
His last words echoed in your head broken by your lust “Explore, body”
You were taught otherwise in your life, should you?
You felt your hands drift towards your panties playing with the hem, would you really touch yourself out of Suguru Geto’s words?
You let out a frustrated groan, you couldn’t let him win.
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