#prison doesn’t solve any social problems but it creates an aid a lot of them
mrsblackruby · 2 years
Once again shouting crazy into a void that will probably have little to no effect on establishing the change I want to see in the world but anyway I refuse to make a bogey man I refuse to treat any human as the cause of all my problems when I know it’s how everything is constructed and that a lot of things being the way they are is why things are hard for the poor unhoused, outcasted, and/or down trotted. I may disagree with you but I know you alone aren’t the problem at the end of the day. I know if it were solely up to me and I alone could be the solution men wouldn’t live on the street. Children wouldn’t go hungry. The unloved wouldn’t rot away in prison. The unheard wouldn’t be unheard. No man on earth would have to die while on duty for a Corporation profiting off slowing killing them. But it’s not up to me we all need to organize for a better world and that’s means we have to be stronger than any urge for revenge because it will not save us it will only hinder. We need to heal and I’m under no illusions that we will be able to heal every person. But we have to stop treating ourselves as cold because we are not. We are warm blooded animals. And life has so much to offer a lot of what life offers is cruel torturous and hard to explain but some of those things life can offer fill us with pleasure comfort and simple joy. To live life you must confront all of these things. And humanity choses it’s path at the end of the day but does humanity want to bring more pain and torture. Or does humanity want to heal and grow and form comfort in our chaos. We only know the past we do not know what the future will bring. But even though Chances are slim there’s still hope for pleasure in my heart and I’ll be fighting for that unlikely outcome everyday of my life because as long as someone keeps fighting for it there’s a chance more stability shall come to the universe.
Yes I was just reading up on prison & salve abolishment is it noticeable.
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pumpacti0n · 3 years
abolition is never “off the table”-- and we shouldn’t let anyone try to convince us otherwise.
allowing goals like abolition to get watered down and constantly misrepresented by the propagandized public, private corporations and career politicians leads to all these problems we keep hearing about on the news getting worse.
for example, we learn about instances of police violence, indigenous women going missing, the horrific prison industry, domestic & reproductive violence against women and non-men, systemic anti-blackness, families separated at hellish border facilities, seemingly endless wars and being on the brink of environmental collapse on a daily basis.
it all seems never-ending and overwhelming that no matter what good we do in our personal lives, it isn’t ever enough, because these problems will continue to manifest. somehow, it is always the same problems coming back to haunt us.
those are the consequences when attention and energy for micro problems are given priority, instead of investigating and healing the relationships people have to power, space and resources on the macro scale at the same time.
micro-scale problems are somewhat easy to package as isolated incidents for people who we believe are responsible for handling them, and they often can handle them well enough that the majority of people affected by the issue may feel placated enough to accept the authority as legitimate
these politicians and other micromanagers “solving” the problem is often used as evidence that the authorities are competent at their jobs and that issues can be solved by the system (when it wants to solve them), thus providing evidence of their legitimacy, even when it’s these same individuals and groups that are the direct causes of the problems to begin with.
beware that not being impressed or made passive by the reform logic of authorities and capitalism can be misrepresented as: “oh, you xyz group are never satisfied, you always want to save the world, but this is the real world, you’re too idealistic and your standards are too high!”
this is not an accurate portrayal, and it often isn’t meant to be. it’s meant to distract us, divide us and obscure what the problem is.
very simply, if the direct cause of a problem is not addressed, the problem is not going to be solved.
everything else is a surface-level approach that will allow the root of the problem to continue to endlessly self-reproduce the same harmful structure and power dynamics, but in different forms.
the best way to illustrate this is to picture the structure we live under (capitalism) as a living structure, like a tree. all living structures move, transform, grow and adapt given any and all external and internal forces that affect it, no matter what scale we observe it at -- either microscopically or as part of a larger surrounding ecosystem.
you’ll hear people say that radicalism is “grasping at the root” of a problem -- which is precisely what we must do if we have any hope at addressing any problem(s) that any structure provides us with.
the goal isn’t to eliminate all possibilities of conflict, or to be so bold as to think we can perfectly meet the needs of every single person affected negatively by something. not even capitalism which boasts as being this hyper-efficient, almighty, all-powerful system can do that, even on its best day.
the people who are intimately aware of the intricacies of this system are always found at the center, at the “grassroots” level of where the structure forms its base. without a base, without grounding, without roots, the rest of the structure cannot form, spread out or replenish itself when damaged or “reformed”. so that is where we must start; with the people, communities and land that is primarily affected.
rather than manage these groups by trying to decide what their needs are for them, or what actions must be done to meet their needs, they should be empowered to decide for themselves how to best maneuver and achieve those needs, while providing necessary aid when we can, and expanding the options for possible solutions when we can.
if something affects us negatively, there is a chance it affects others, too, and it follows that it’s in our mutual interest to work together to achieve a future where both our needs are met and that we can live healthy and fulfilling lives, together.
according to the janky ass reform logic of capitalism, this is an unnecessary and dangerous approach, because it does away the authority of the people who just say that they represent us and say that they’ll take responsibility for a problem -- the same people whose jobs hinge on appearing as if they care, with platforms, talking points, photo-ops and co-signs from other politicians and high ranking members of the public to offer “proof”.
they often use the logic that says that we must preserve this system, because it is sacred and perfect, that it would interrupt business, so we can’t empower people to make these decisions, even if it means that some people have to suffer and die because the system is inefficient and does not represent them, or demands that they experience social death.
we should not be impressed by these people. in fact, if they are standing in the way between these grassroots efforts, either by preventing these programs from assembling or actively attacking them politically, then they are enemies. when you become an enemy of the people you claim to represent, you are a tyrant and an opp.
and we do smoke opps.
at every grassroots level, there are groups of people who are very sensitive to the changes that happen at all the other levels of the living structure that oppresses them. from this perspective, they can experience for themselves the effects of the things that happen above the surface, and they experience the dissonance personally when another politician promises to change something, only to eventually fall short or make the problem even worse.
they get news that claims that a problem is (going to be, maybe, eventually) fixed, are present as media moves on to the next sensational story only to experience the problems same thing again, and again.
just because the cameras are turned away, because the tweets stopped getting traction, doesn’t mean that the people and communities have disappeared. and yet, no matter what, this is a cycle that continues.
the only answer, the only consistent thing that has been proven to make a difference, is there being a complete break with the logic of this system. as long as we follow the capitalist logic, the same structure will replicate. as mentioned, the roots will create new stems, leaves, seeds and thorns if left undisturbed. we’ll continue to see new iterations of the same problems as long as the logic, the roots, are left intact.
there’s no hope of creating new structures in the the place of one that’s taking up room at the same space, so the old system must be uprooted.
its this uprooting that some call a “revolution”.
this word might seem scary to a lot of folks for a lot of different reasons. it has way less to do with the chaos and bloodshed that's associated with it in our imaginations.
it has more to do with deeply investigating the roots of a problem and actually addressing them by changing the conditions -- something that capitalism refuses to do unless there is a profit motive, or only if the problem interferes with the flow of capital to private interests. the only way this chaos and violence would occur is if (and some would insist when,) these forces mobilize to preserve the same harmful system we’re attempting to uproot in the interest of private accumulation of profit.
should we just allow these corporations and wealthy individuals stop us from changing the things that affect the quality of our lives? the wealthy capitalists would say “why yes, of course you should!” but obviously they would say that -- and we have been given no reason to believe them.
we should each of us be prepared to deal with this violence in some way. to insist otherwise is naive and not realistic, and actually harmful to the communities that encounter this violence. this may look like armed patrols and free firearms & training for the most vulnerable communities, or creating an alternative directory that people may access instead of calling the police. these matters are up to the communities themselves to envision and implement.
we aren’t suggesting that we seek out violence where it’s reasonable to avoid it, or escalate problems beyond our management of them. this isn’t meant to encourage people to fulfill revenge fantasies for the hell of it, but to be prepared in case such conflicts occur.
the aforementioned unorganized violent activities are, at best, a strategy to cope with and purge the unending stress of life under capitalism or distract the state and similar private forces in combat while other solutions are being explored. we shouldn’t fall for the strategy of turning rioters, saboteurs, arsonists, vandals and looters into enemies of the people, when they are the people...and we shouldn’t dismiss these strategies as being harmful by definition when it is often only insured property that is the target of their actions, not individuals.
we shouldn’t disparage rioters for causing damage to this system, when capitalism has been damaging the world and our communities for as long as it has existed on this planet. both violent and non-violent methods of “grasping at the root” are legitimate, can coexist and inform each other, and are necessary to combat the terror capitalism’s logic has inflicted on us all.
remember that revolutions are only as peaceful as they are allowed to be.
the process of uprooting, of revolutionizing, may indeed be violent in nature when resistance is offered, but that shouldn’t stop us from continuing the process if it is necessary. just because a dangerous system is difficult to uproot doesn’t mean that it’s more reasonable or desirable to leave it alone to establish its roots and adapt.
we must acknowledge that multiple attempts may be necessary before any transformation takes place, possibly over the course of several years, perhaps lifetimes. it might require lots of planning. however, in the interest of conserving time and energy, the most simple and direct methods of applying pressure and healing should be prioritized. we do not want to resemble, in practice or theory, the politicians we hope to depose -- by making promises we don't intend to keep, making plans that never pan out, putting off immediate solutions until we personally benefit at the expense of others.
for example, this means that rather than coming up with overly-complicated, difficult-to-achieve long-term plans of gradually moving a low-income family out of a house infested with mold, they’d be moved immediately into safe housing if such housing is ample and available. this means that, rather than waiting on the state to decide how much food a hungry person needs or should have access to, we supply them with the food if it is abundant and we have it to spare.
if the needs people and communities have are immediate, the solution should also be immediate, whenever possible. the means are the ends.
this is because people need aid now, not in the future, not when the moment is perfect and some sort of irrelevant criteria is met, not when it’s more profitable to do so, but in the present. representatives and authorities have gotten really proficient at promising to solve issues in some far-off future they’re never be around to guarantee, abstracting issues and people so that they’re seen as insignificant to greater issues. how often have you heard: “we would like to do something about xyz, we just don’t have the time (money)”?
when these so-called “representatives” package all of these lies, and the time comes to prove their worth and legitimacy, there is often no reconciliation process that any of them must go through so that they’re held accountable for straight up lying and abusing the responsibility they had to the people. this is so often why our issues aren’t solved -- we started by trusting those that aren’t even affected by the problems we face to have our best interests in mind.
that is why we say enough electoralism -- enough elections -- enough career politicians -- enough bipartisanship -- enough government -- enough hollow campaign promises -- enough “lesser of two evils” -- enough “vote blue no matter who -- enough pitting poor communities against each other -- enough celebrity & corporate “activism” -- enough self-aggrandizing authorities -- enough micromanagers -- enough permanent elected positions
yes to community control -- yes to autonomous communities -- yes to free associations -- yes to reconciliatory organizations -- yes to federations of workers and professionals -- yes to voluntary work -- yes to open borders and travel -- yes to direct democracy and direct engagement with relevant issues -- yes to immediately recallable, voluntarily chosen delegates -- yes to grassroots organizing -- yes to self-defense and community-informed reactions to crime -- yes to direct action, mutual aid and solidarity for mutual survival -- yes to returning land and resources to indigenous and black communities -- yes to yielding space and resources to historically harmed communities on the margins (LGBT+, disabled, refugees & migrants, prisoners, non-human animals) -- yes to liberation for all!!!
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yfere · 5 years
M9 Signature Moves! (Out of Combat Edition)
Part 2, with some scattered commentary.
Fjord wants to understand other people even if he’s not the best at it. Meanwhile, he’d like to avoid making himself understood. He doesn’t like scrutiny, or vulnerability. Better to step back behind someone else.
Mask of Many Faces. What he says: I like people watching :) What he means: I like imitating other people’s voices and appearances to cope with my many issues :)
Deception Check. The funny thing is, I’m fairly certain Fjord’s talent for deception comes not through dedicated practice or being a habitual liar/obfuscater so much as having deadpan sarcasm levels that are so God Tier that everyone else has to really work at figuring out whether he’s joking or not at any given moment. “Make a deception check,” Matt says, when Fjord is literally just making a shitty sarcastic joke. The party routinely giving him Doubtful Looks until he has to explain that he really was just joking, he didn’t mean that, why would you think he meant that. Likes to joke sometimes to avoid more uncomfortable emotions. It’s important to him, to keep it together.
Gift of the Depths Magic that helped him cope with the drowning thing. Erroneously assumes it will also help other people cope with their water issues as well.
Help Action The beautiful thing about Fjord, I think, is that oftentimes he will not lead in any particular task. Even the ones where technically, they would benefit by him leading! What he does instead, routinely, is pick someone else for the task, someone better than him (Caleb for history and investigation, Caduceus for insight, Jester and Beau for perception and so on) or even just a person who wants to do it, and he will help them with that task, or at the very least make sure they get help. And his help is always a useful thing to have. It helps him, too, to step back, to get out of the glare of the spotlight.
Beau is curious, she is intelligent, and she is talented. But as much as she postures, she’s not really as confident in her abilities as she should be by rights.
Extort Truth Don’t. Lie. To. Me. How Beau wants to know things, wants to know them so badly she will go after secrets with the bluntest of instruments, something painfully obvious—and it will work for her. It works when she punches the truth out of people, just as  it works when she threatens not to let you into her library unless you tell her of your sordid past.
Persuasion Check Don’t. Lie. To. Me….please? No, but it’s brilliant how the party relies on her to handle their most fraught social encounters, even though she’s not the most charismatic, even though she’s personally better at lying than telling the truth. Because, despite everything, she’s the most trustworthy of all of them. They believe in her, rely on her, and they should.
History Check Beau might claim she’s more interested in the doodles of the margins of the books she read at the Cobalt Soul than the texts themselves, but at least part of that is posturing. She’s a big nerd who has done a lot of studying of some obscure shit, and she’s always looking around her to see if any of the fuckery they encounter matches up with one of those shitty lessons she had at the monastery. She pays attention, okay?
Acrobatics Check “I parkour.” It’s gotten to the point where she does not actually need to make skill checks to do her parkour magic. Still, nothing beats running your way out of a literal pit.
What Caleb says and what he does are two very different things. Maybe once you take all his spell components away, he’ll actually be forced to use language to express how he feels. But who are we kidding. He’ll start muttering in Zemnian and you’ll be right back where you started with him.
Leomund’s Tiny Hut As with much of Caleb’s magic, a love letter to his special people. Says all the things he refuses to. Developed in an obsessive fervor while his friends were kidnapped, and unveiled when they were rescued so no one would be taken in the night again. Someday, he will make them something even better. He believes in a future where he will make them something even better.
Identify Demonstrating succinctly a lot of what makes Caleb a lovely and generous person, and also what makes him a bit of a secret-hoarding asshole. Because he likes doing favors for people, and showering them with gifts, and when you’re poor the gift lies in the identify and the giving, even when technically the item you were giving away was communal property in the first place. But also, when Caleb wants something because he thinks it’s fair for him to have as it was fair for the others to have their things, he will learn what it is, and he will keep it without a word. Jerk! Explain exactly what it is so we can keep the illusion that this is a fair process you’ve set up!
Find Familiar Caleb really loves Frumpkin, and Frumpkin is supposed to be a cat, and supposed to be with him, getting pet. But if Frumpkin has to be something else because you need him to be, he will. If Frumpkin has to scope out enemy territory for you to be safe, so be it. Frumpkin will be your landing pad, he will be the trade that will let a caged creature go free, he will sit in your pocket as a replacement owl, he will sit in the rain in the dark and watch over you while you sleep.
Suggestion Sometimes Caleb doesn’t want to leave things up to chance. Deep down, he doesn’t really trust people, so when he’s uncertain or threatened he’ll substitute persuasion and insight to force someone to do what he needs them to do. Tell us the truth about who you are. Show me any dangerous items you have on your person. Go with us into the water, so you are not left behind.
Nott wants to go back to being Veth, but in some ways she’s really living her best life right now, causing trouble and learning how to cause trouble doing things she never knew how to do before.
Message She can talk to who she pleases, but she and Caleb get their own private line, where no one else is invited “You can reply to this message, and only I can hear your reply.” One of their first spells together, the beginning of Nott the Brave, the Arcane Trickster.
Disguise Self Nott wants to feel comfortable in her own skin. And she doesn’t feel it with the spell, she feels just the same, but she looks the way she is supposed to, and that’s a step. A painful step, when the son she hugs can feel the wrongness of her through the illusion even as she clings to him.
Tinker Check/Alchemist’s Supplies Nott is nothing if not a smart cookie, creative, and reckless as fuck. She will mess with chemicals and she will mess with acid and she will mess with gunpowder—all things which feature centrally in special moves that never quite go as planned like Fireline and Fluffernutter. She will blow things up—sometimes herself. But that’s the joy of a creative mind, really.
Mage Hand Why disable the trap when you can just set it off at a distance? Explosions are more fun to watch than not-explosions, after all. Also makes you look like a cool motherfucker when you’re in a drinking contest.
Art, heart, and imagination...that is Jester. What she does is more than just pranks and troublemaking, though--her skills are integral to solving any goal put forward by the M9. And what of her own goals? Time will tell.
Sending Caleb might be good enough with his polymorphs to turn people into other people, but Jester, her art, and her imagination give her an edge in another spell. All you have to do is describe a person to her, good enough for her to do a real nice police sketch, to imagine what the person is like. And she’ll be able to cast a spell that will communicate with them anywhere, even though she’s never laid eyes on them before. A hard spell to wrangle for a natural chatterbox, maybe, but her sheer talent you cannot deny.
Zone of Truth She’s too good of an investigator to really need it for interrogation, or believe it when she does use it for detective work. Zone of Truth, Jester believes, can only be truly relied on when paired with the sacrosanct tradition of Truth or Dare.
Locate Object Woooooow, so she was the only one not to get robbed, huh? Guess who is the most responsible person with money after all? Jester is always looking for things important to other people, whether it be lost coinpurses, seals, or those creepy cloven orbs that Fjord keeps sticking into his body. “Oh, he’s going to be so upset!” she despairs, when she can’t find it. But then she picks up where the key has gone, and lights up with joy. She looks for what’s important to others, before ever looking for what’s important to her (because once you stop stop looking it will hit you in the face)
Forgery Kit The pen is mightier than the sword! At nigh every stage of her adventure with the M9, it has been her immaculate paper trail that has enabled them to accomplish their goals and not end up rotting behind bars. Pulled off some amazing government reshuffling, too. I would fear her as a diplomat.
Caduceus has very set ideas about how the world works, but sometimes his lack of experience with the outside world causes him real problems. He isn’t worried, though.
Insight Check Caduceus is a person Fjord believes with some justification to be a kind of mind reader. He certainly has pretty god-like powers here, and he is both a benevolent god and just. He senses sugar off of you, he will bring you a veggie platter. He senses guilt, he will release you from prison against your will so you can face your wrongdoings in the world. Caduceus knows best--at least Caduceus thinks so.
Divination When Caduceus finds out you have family you’re searching for, he will invoke Melora’s aid to find out if they’re safe out there, or what direction they're headed in so you can save them. Caduceus, aren’t you wondering what happened to your own family? No, he’s not going to cast a spell for that, it’s best if he didn’t question…
Create Food and Water Above all else, Caduceus wants the people he cares about to be eating well. Do his non-vegetarian, pocket-bacon loving friends agree with him on what eating well is? Is the beanpole skinny-ass firbolg eating well himself? Ummmmm…
Nature Check he doesn’t know what that is or how it works, but it sure is pretty. When you think about it, everything is just more territory. Nature is nature no matter where you go. Sure, that man-eating seaweed seems a bit odd, as does the enormous murderous bird.  But when you think about it, can you really be surprised by it?
Yasha struggles a lot--with grief, with getting close to people. But in her strange, standoffish way, she is always there when it counts. And she’ll always be there, for her entire life and beyond. She has that kind of loyalty, that kind of drive.
Investigation Check She looks for flowers, and special things, in out of the way places, and keeps them in her book.
Strength Check These arms are worth a lot! A check tailor made for impressing people at circuses, winning arm wrestling competitions, and for chasing tail while saving your friends.
Dexterity Check You can shave your friend with your greatsword. That’s how you keep your legs so smooth and shiny, after all.
Necrotic Shroud It happened again.
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dearcorteo · 5 years
A Way to Fixing the Rising Tuition Problem
The fact that college is overly expensive is something that most, if not all, people unanimously agree on. After tuition costs, fees, and the expense of living, students are already looking at some form of debt that will take longer to pay off than the amount of time they spent in school alone. Why can’t college be free? This is a question that has been thrown around a lot as end all be all solution to the rising costs of college. Personally I've often pondered this question too, and as a college student I agree, yeah, let's make college free. However upon further investigation I have come to the realization that college may never be free. In order to completely dismiss the costs of college taxes would have to skyrocket, and that is something that the American people can not get behind. So, what is another way to help out students while also ensuring that taxes don’t reach an all time high? Redistributing funds that are already in circulation. Fully understanding where our taxes go, what colleges do with the money they make off of their students, and by looking at programs that are overly funded by the nation, there may be a way to significantly lower the cost of tuition without any drastic back lash making the cost of college more affordable for students without having to rely heavily on a raise in taxes. 
Let's start small. Where do you think the money that colleges earn from tuition goes? American Economist Ronald Ehrenberg(1) states in his article Tuition Rising: Why college costs so much, “The  objective  of  selective  academic  institutions is to be the best they can in every aspect [, and] they seek out all possible resources… to look better than their competitors”. It is as simple as that. From a College’s perspective in order to be the best, you have to look the best which requires money thus colleges raise their prices to pay for aesthetics. This means that colleges spend their funds on things like newer buildings, landscaping, technology, etc, but what if we were to reallocate that money towards lowering the cost of tuition. Sure having newer stuff is fantastic, but was it ever put into consider that not everything has to be upgraded on some sort of timed schedule? It is hard to say that having updated technology is not convenient especially when it comes to college level education, but it is beneficial to stop and ask ourselves “does this really need to be updated on yearly schedule?”. Essentially every technological update is just a remake of another existing technological invention, therefore constant spending on slightly better versions of the same thing aren’t really necessary as far as technology goes. 
Now let's think a little bit bigger. Where do our tax dollars go? I mean everyone who lives in the U.S. has to pay taxes in some shape or form, and, yet I still gotta ask, where does it all go? Because despite all the taxes that must be paid by each American citizen, there never seems to be enough money still for things that could definitely use the funding.According to the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget website(2), by 2010 the U.S. spent $80,000 on prison systems alone . Looking at just California the public schooling system only receives about 9% of federal funding, 32% of funding comes from taxes, and 58% comes from the state(3). Yet, literal criminals receive more federal funding, and upgraded facilities, than our actual youth. There is no reason why the budget can’t be cut, and some of the money be moved towards lowering the cost of schooling. One of the reasons why prison systems are overly funded is because of the fact that prisons are over crowded (which is completely understandable if you look at today's social, and political climate), and to accommodate for the over crowding more money is being put into the programs to expand facilities.  By making college more accessible to everyone there is a better chance for an individual to get a good job allowing them to participate in the economy, lowering their chances at committing crimes, and giving them a chance to become proper, functioning members of society. However things are still completely opposite. The prison system receives a good chunk of funding, while college is at it peak of expense, and it’s still continuing to rise. 
Besides talking about individually funded programs let's also talk about the oh so powerful 1%. Of course taxing the rich has been an idea that has been tossed around for quite some time, yet I find it to be a brilliant idea. See, most of the opposition that comes from the 1% disagreeing with a tax specific to them is solely based on the idea that they will be taxed too excessively. However I think it’s fair to say that we don’t want all of their money we only want some of their money. If we are just looking at ten riches people in the world, collectively they are already sitting on about $739.3 billion(4) (if my math is correct). Even if we could get just a measly 25% ($184.83 billion) of their fortunes, and reallocate it to colleges that could help lower tuition costs. Out of that deal, they still get to make off with 75% of their funds. I know someone, somewhere, will claim that it is a violation of one’s rights because we would be taxing a specific demographic of people, however, some people in the top 1% have enough money to last them at least three lifetimes. Why is it that they get to own most of the nation's money, but not use it to help the same nation that they both live, and collect funds from? In a way, from both perspectives, it is not fair, but in the long term funding education can allow more people to become functioning members of society. With more functioning members comes opportunities such as creating new markets, which ultimately creates more jobs thus creating more chances at making money, and helping the economy go around. 
Before going any further it is only fair that I address those who may disagree with me, and that is good. You should disagree with me because just like you I can see where my argument is flawed. Taxing the top one percent is by far the biggest no-no, cutting funding for the prison systems could also be a problem being as they are, in fact, over crowded, and underfunded at the moment, and going on and on about the importance of college without addressing the “why should we care?” question. Well, being as the idea of “free college” has been a huge topic at the table for quite some years now the real question is “why don’t you care enough?”. College is supposed to be a place where students can learn, and work towards getting their dream jobs. I don’t see why it has to cost an arm, and a leg to get there. The amount of debt that one can accumulate just from student loans alone is absolutely ridiculous. No one wants to in so much debt that they can’t even pay it back in their own lifetime, and if they were to pass that debt would be passed on to another family member, all because this individual tried to get a bachelor’s degree in order to better themselves in the working world. So, yes, perhaps my proposal is disagreeable, but forcing people to pay outrageous amounts of money for college while also having to pay the costs of living is something that I find to be completely disagreeable as well. So let’s just agree to disagree on this one. 
College is tough. College can really test students in their ability to actually be good students, and maintain decent grades in order to reach their goals, but above all things, college is expensive. Really expensive. As I’ve said before college may never truly be free, and even if we can make tuition costs go away completely it still won’t make college free. So at the very least we could do our best at trying to lower the cost as much as humanly possible in a way that is most agreeable: collecting, and redistributing funds that are already in circulation. We can’t make new money appear, but with the money that does exist, it doesn’t hurt to try making better choices when it comes to where the money is spent, how it is spent, who gets to spend it, and why it is spent. By understanding, and being able to answer those four questions figuring out ways to redistribute money becomes increasingly easier. Of course you could look at ways of lowering tuition via raising taxes, and cutting out financial aid programs, however that brings up entirely new issues with just as complicated, and unfair solutions as any proposal to solving the tuition problem does. However, I encourage all of you to go out, do some research, and look at ways to lower tuition costs, or maybe even make college free. I can guarantee it won’t be easy, but at the very least it will be informative which at this point being informed, and aware of the issue is a lot better than not understanding the situation at all. 
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feynavaley · 6 years
@morning-gloree21 replied to your post:
Okay but this sounds super interesting? :P I wanna hear more
Thanks for the interest! 😊 And it’s nothing special, really, not really much different from the movie save for some points, but I won’t object to rambling about this a bit, haha.
Elsa: Nyo!Canada (Marguerite/Maggie – I guess that being a royal most people would call her with her full name ‘Marguerite’, but her family, ‘Maggie’)
Anna: Nyo!America (Amelia) – but, since Hell will freeze over before I write any incarnation of America younger than Canada, she’s Maggie’s half-sister, born out of a previous marriage of the Queen (with a nobleman). She doesn’t remember her father and the King (Maggie’s father) has always treated her as his own daughter, however, she’s not the first in line for the throne, even if she’s two years older than Maggie.
Kristoff: Russia (Ivan)
Hans: Prussia (Gilbert) – but, he’s not evil. I’ll explain in a moment.
There isn’t Olaf, because Maggie can’t create life, she just has a ice powers. However, Kumajiro might cover a similar role.
No Sven, either.
The role of the Trolls is covered by General Winter, who is an ancient Winter Spirit.
Arthur is Amelia and Maggie’s cousin from their mother’s side (four years older than Amelia). His mother is the royal mage, and he has inherited her powers.
The beginning would be very similar to Frozen, with Maggie accidentally hurting Amelia while they’re playing. Arthur’s mother can’t do anything about it, so she summons this powerful winter spirit who heals Amelia and erases her memories of Maggie’s powers. The only ones who remember them are her parents, Arthur’s mother, and Arthur. General Winter also gives Maggie Kumajiro, a magical polar bear cub who can talk and won’t be hurt by her powers. Over the following years, Maggie completely isolates herself (she insists on not even seeing Arthur, even if he knows about her powers, because she’s afraid of hurting him) while Amelia carries on her normal life (she’s not as isolated and lonely as Anna was, she still has Arthur, but she does miss Maggie, and there’s the problem that she doesn’t fit well in court, with her active personality and directness, being too loud, preferring traditionally masculine activities to feminine ones... Many potential suitors are driven away by that). Then, not long before Maggie’s eighteenth birthday, the King, the Queen and Arthur’s mother die while on a journey. Maggie does attend the funeral, but after that, she once again isolates herself after making sure that Arthur will look after Amelia. Edit: In general, Maggie isn’t as isolated as Elsa. She does appear in public at times (because... completely disappearing would just raise questions), she just doesn’t get close to anybody and ends up creating the picture of this ethereal, perfect and untouchable princess. She’s also the very picture of politeness and grace in her brief interactions with people. Many are in love with this image she has created and praise her as the perfect royal, but they don’t dare to get close and don’t realize that, aside from brief social interactions, she’s essentially relegated to her rooms. Court-life also goes on as usual, with the only exception of Maggie’s room being accessible only to her parents, Arthur’s mother and Arthur.
The coronation happens in a similar way to the movie. Amelia meets Gilbert, a foreign prince, and falls madly in love with him when he doesn't put her down for her personality but instead seems to like her, he even agrees to a sword duel and shows admiration when Amelia beats him. Amelia wants to marry Gilbert, Maggie and Arthur disagree, there’s the argument where Maggie accidentally freezes the town, and Maggie flees. Arthur stays at the castle to find a way to revert the spell, Gilbert helps to organize the town to handle the unexpected winter, and Amelia, with the help of Kumajiro, sneaks out to go after Maggie. She meets Ivan, a hunter who has always lived on his own at the outskirts of the town, (more likely, he saves her from some troubles), and convinces/coerces him to help her find Maggie. The two of them bond over the journey, and Ivan is attracted by Amelia’s strength, physical prowess, and even her direct attitude, something she has been always criticized for at court because it was ‘un-ladylike’ but Ivan prefers because it makes her less fake.
Like Elsa, Maggie has convinced herself that the kingdom is better off without her and doesn’t know that it’s still frozen. When Amelia eventually tells her, she panics and, once again, loses control of her powers, accidentally striking Amelia in the chest. Ivan immediately recognizes what’s going to happen and brings Amelia to General Winter (always aided by Kumajiro), revealing that his parents abandoned him and General Winter saved him when he was a child. They get told that Amelia can be saved by an ‘act of true love’ and head back to the city because Amelia immediately thinks about Gilbert.
This is where things start diverging for real. It turns out that Gilbert isn’t in love with Amelia (and he’s horrified by the turn of events) but pretended to because he was desperate to get close to Maggie. Gilbert’s little brother, Ludwig, had been kidnapped years before and is being held prisoner by a witch. They know the location, but any attempt to save him has always failed because nothing can match the witch’s power. Then, Gilbert heard rumours about Maggie’s powers, and he was desperate enough that he had to check. He didn’t truly mean to make Amelia fall in love with him, he just wanted to befriend her first because she seemed more approachable than Maggie. His main urgency was to check the extent of Maggie’s power, however, so, when he realized that Amelia was in love with him, he decided to clear the misconception only later and use it in the meantime – also because he was afraid of pushing Amelia (and consequently, his chance of gaining Maggie’s favour) away if he admitted he didn’t reciprocate her feelings, and he desperately needed that not to happen. He likes Amelia, but he’s not in love with her. With that plan out of the window, Arthur decides to attempt a spell that would most likely kill him, but he doesn’t care, if this would keep Amelia alive (maybe it’s something like him transferring his vital energy to her, trading his life for hers?). In spite of Arthur trying to hide it, Amelia figures out at the last minute the consequence the ritual would have on Arthur and stops him as he’s about to start (like, she uses her last strength to knock something over/burn something so the ritual can’t be completed). This basically counts as her being willing to die to keep Arthur alive, and she’s cured. 
In the meantime, Ivan realizes that he has fallen in love with Amelia and, urged by Kumajiro, goes after her, while Kumajiro goes back to Maggie. Kumajiro wants to comfort Maggie, who doesn’t have any idea of how to lift the spell, but he ends up revealing what happened to Amelia (he doesn’t know she has been healed). He’s convinced that Maggie could control her magic and heal Amelia, but Maggie doesn’t have so much faith in herself. She thinks that the only way to save Amelia (and the kingdom, too) would be killing herself. (obviously, this would be elaborated on a lot better in a fic, portraying how Maggie has struggled with self-loathing since she hurt Amelia so many years ago, she thinks she’s responsible for their parents’ death because there were rumours of that journey being dictated by them needing to check something that had to do with magic…) She’s about to do that when Amelia, Arthur, Ivan and Gilbert reach her. Seeing Amelia alive and well doesn’t sway Maggie because she still cannot control her powers, so she’s afraid that she would just hurt somebody again, and there’s still the issue of the kingdom to solve. Gilbert is the one who stops Maggie from killing herself, yelling that she’s the only hope he has to save his brother. This stops her long enough to listen and let the others reach her, and Ivan then knocks her out. (Ivan is a practical man. You’re afraid this girl is going to do something drastic like harming or even killing herself? Knock her out. She can’t do anything, if she’s knocked out. What do you mean with ‘that’s not how you treat a Queen?’) He summons General Winter, and along with Kumajiro he forces/convinces him to teach Maggie how to control her powers, which he does. Maggie doesn’t magically learn control like Elsa did, but the thing is that the winter depends on her powers, even if she can’t control them. Adrenaline and fear kept her going for days, but she’s running on fumes, at that point. (Maggie’s not as all-powerful as Elsa is. I really feel like Elsa’s powers were too much.) As soon as the tension is lifted, she collapses from exhaustion and the winter stops as well, letting the kingdom return to the original climate. (so, on a darker note... yeah, killing herself would have worked as well, for the ‘perennial winter’ issue. Not for Amelia, though, as it was a different issue.) After recovering, Maggie agrees to help Gilbert and she starts learning how to control her powers instead of just hiding them.
Not long later, Francis (or Francine… I really want to use Fem!France somewhere, but I don’t know if this would be the best story) and Antonio arrive to retrieve Gilbert (it turns out that he had run away without telling anybody). They’re both nobles who were friends with Gilbert, and Antonio is married to Lavinia (Fem!Romano), the crown princess of another kingdom (next to the one ruled by Gilbert’s father). They also bring the news that Lavinia’s younger sister, Felicia (Fem!Italy), has been kidnapped as well. Maggie, Amelia, Arthur, and Ivan leave with them to save everybody. After that… I don’t really know, I haven’t thought too much about it yet, but it will turn out that the witch was kidnapping members of various royal families because she needed their blood for a spell that would make her immortal. So far, she has Ludwig, Felicia, and Sakura (Nyo!Japan), princess of an eastern kingdom, (who are trying to stage an escape on their own). The witch was the one who let the rumour about Maggie’s powers reach Gilbert in the hope of luring Maggie as well, but she had underestimated the extent of Maggie’s powers. It also turns out that Ivan is the prince of a Northern Kingdom, the first who had been kidnapped. General Winter saved him thanks to the prayers of his older sister, but Ivan lost his memory in the process.
This is all I have for now. Not as original as I had made it look like from my previous post, I apologize for this. 😅 I don’t think I’m ever going to write it, but this story was really bugging me…
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doctormead · 6 years
Death of a Conservative
I was born in June of 1974.  Two months later, Richard Nixon resigned from the Presidency.  The Cold War was in its final stages and would end before I graduated high school.  But its shadow defined my upbringing.
I was raised in a Evangelical Christian, conservative, Republican home.  And that is what I was raised to be:  a Christian, an Evangelical, a conservative and a Republican.  I was never actually told that you couldn’t be a good Christian and be a Democrat.  In fact, I was explicitly told the opposite…but there was this underlying attitude in everything every adult around me said and did that said otherwise.  I’m pretty sure that the adults in my life didn’t mean to come across this way, but this was the “logic train” that I absorbed over time.  
Here’s where the U.S.S.R.’s cold shadow crept in.  Russia was the boogieman for every churched kid in those days.  We were fed horror stories about religious oppression in the Soviet Union and inspiring sagas about good Christian people who held onto their faith in spite of the danger.  We were given pamphlets and Christian comic books about heroes who smuggled bibles behind the Iron Curtain.  We were told over and over that the Russians wanted to do that to everyone, and that the U.S. was the bulwark that kept them from grinding all of us under the heel of state-established atheism.
And, if that wasn’t bad enough, Russia wanted to impose its economic system on us.  “Socialism” and “Communism” were words to conjure demons by.  We heard tale after tale of how poor the Russian people were because of prices fixed by the state.  How nobody was motivated to do their best because there was no way to really advance.  That the lack of competition kept everything stagnant and miserable.   Then Capitalism was set up as the Aslan to Communism’s Tash.  Capitalism was why things were so much better in America!  Capitalism provides competition and incentive for people to get off their asses and work hard.  This creates better, cheaper products which makes everything better for everyone!
This was the dichotomy I grew up.  Russia/Communism = evil.  America/Capitalism = good.  Enter the liberals in general and the Democrats in particular.  They weren’t “tough” on the Russians.  Worse, they wanted to erode good Christian institutions like prayer in schools which would put us on the “slippery slope” (yes, that logical fallacy got a lot of play in school time lectures and political discussions around me ) toward outlawing Christianity outright.  This made them foolish dupes at best and collaborators at worst.  And, since no good Christian would stand by while the Evil U.S.S.R. and their liberal sympathizers in the U.S. pushed us down the road toward atheistic totalitarianism, you couldn’t REALLY be a good Christian and be a democrat.  Simplistic, I know, but I was a kid and, for an embarrassingly long time, even into my adult years, I held on to that simplicity even if it was only in the back of my mind.  To paraphrase John Fischer, this was something that I wasn’t so much taught as something that I “caught”.
But, as I got older, cracks started to appear in the facade of “Righteous Capitalist America”.  The benefits of the sweeping, upper level tax cuts and the repealing of economy-shackling regulations that were supposed to “trickle down” to everyone never seemed to reach us.  Looking back, we were doing pretty well, but I remember mom and dad seeming to constantly worry about finances.  Costs of living kept going up while wages were stagnating for the middle and lower class.  As corporations merged into virtual (and sometimes literal) monopolies, I learned that Capitalism doesn’t guarantee competition.  It is “good business” to eliminate your competition from the viewpoint of a corporate overlord.  Thus an in-theory “free market” can become just as locked in and stagnant as any State run economy.  This made it easier for hard-working people to fall into financial trouble and cutting of social safety nets in the name of “fiscal responsibility” and “not encouraging freeloaders” made it harder and harder to climb out of that trouble.  And the continual gutting of public education only exacerbated matters.
I slowly grew away from the Republican Party, because, well, they weren’t living up to their hype.  Take the War on Drugs.  You’d think we’d have learned something from Prohibition.  Yeah, they “got tough” on drugs with the “three strikes you’re out” policy and militarizing the police to a fare-the-well.  All they actually did was explode the prison population and didn’t really make a significant dent in drug trafficking and use.  Drug use is the same between white and black people, but black people are disproportionately arrested and convicted which exacerbates the issue of poverty in that demographic as families lose providers and young people get a black mark on their records that will bar them from many opportunities for the rest of their lives.  At the same time, they advocated (and followed through) with cutting assistance programs for inner cities and other impoverished areas, making drug dealing one of the few available means for having an income that is above subsistence level…and the cycle continues.  (And, then in the last year, I learn that the War on Drugs was pretty much started by Nixon to target his political opponents:  i.e. liberals and African Americans.  And this isn’t “fake news”.  One of his aides confessed to this.)  Then there were the incessant wars overseas (granted with strong support from Democrats in many cases) which, in the long run, only seemed to exacerbate the problems they claimed to be solving.  There was also the outright hostility to science.  I admit, I was a climate change denier to begin with, but then the evidence finally piled up to a point where I couldn’t deny it any longer and remain intellectually honest with myself.  Also, the stifling of research into areas that might hurt their platform (for example, preventing the CDC from even starting to research gun violence/fatalities).  The party was gradually adopting a stance that facts should be discounted and ignored when they are inconvenient.  Then, to put the cherry on the top of this toxic sundae, there was the courtship of racism  When hordes of angry, white southerners left the Democratic party over the party changing to support the Civil Rights Movement, the Republican party tried to bring them into their fold to bolster their voter support.  It was subtle.  So very, very subtle at first.  The used “dogwhistles” instead of obviously racist statements and/or policies to let them know they’d be welcome.  And, as they took root in the “Party of Lincoln”, they started throwing their weight around becoming more and more openly racist.  It finally came to a head for me half-way through Obama’s first term, when Republicans flat out refused to even try to work with the President or the people across the aisle.  Their entire policy was “obstruct everything”.  The Republican party no longer represented my ideals…if it ever in fact did.  After that, I no longer considered myself Republican or conservative.  I was an independent with increasingly “leftist” leanings.
I still considered myself an Evangelical Christian but “cracks” were starting to appear there as well.  Evangelical Christianity was the vanguard of conservatism and the Republican Party.  They led the charge against the “moral erosion” of our society.  As I got older I and got to know more people outside of the Evangelical bubble, I became more and more uneasy.  Many of the things that were being railed against by Evangelicals and the Moral Majority were…simply applying the rights of the 1st Amendment to everyone.  Prayer in schools?  Unless you’re going to give a service for every religion represented in that school, it’s not fair to people who aren’t Christian.  And, even if you could do that, it singles out members of minority religions to be picked on (and, if you think minority religions wouldn’t be picked on in school, you haven’t been paying attention).  You can make it “all right” in the rules for people to abstain from the opening prayer, but see what I write before about minorities being picked on.  When I was in undergrad at Bryan College, there was a program where our students would go to the local grade school to teach bible lessons in their classes.  I’m pretty sure they only got away with it for as long as they did because Dayton, TN was pretty insular.  Looking back, I cringe at the idea.  Yeah, kids weren’t “required” to attend the lessons, but the lessons were held in each of the homerooms.  It would be painfully obvious if you left and…minorities being picked on, etcetera etcetera.  Gay marriage?  Folks, homosexuality isn’t forbidden in all religions (and certainly not in any atheist or agnostic creed I know).  If you’re going to have a religious/legal hybrid of an institution in the first place, you have to let it be applied across all faiths or lack thereof across the board to be in sync with the idea of Religious Freedom.  I kept hearing respected voices in the church rail against Islam and the stifling theocracies its followers created…but, from the way they talked about other issues, they seemed to be longing for a Christian version of Sharia law: a theocracy where the outward behavior of one sect of Christianity was enforced by the government.
Then there was Evangelical Christianity’s increasing lack of compassion for the poor in our country.  Oh, Evangelicals had tons of compassion (and open wallets) for poor people as long as they were overseas, but, if you were poor in America, you were out of luck.  The attitude seemed to be that it wasn’t the fault of people overseas if they were poor.  After all, they didn’t have all the advantages of living in America - the land of opportunity.  But poor people in the U.S.?   Well, if they can’t bootstrap themselves up like the American Dream says, it’s their fault.  They’re too lazy or irresponsible or “not right with God”.  I overheard or participated in many discussions about kids growing up expecting to draw a check like momma or single mothers having baby after baby just so they could get a bigger welfare check.  I’m sure that some people abuse the system.  Some people always find a way to abuse systems, but it became increasingly hard to believe that so many did that it negated the good such safety nets do.  I’ve gotten to meet and get to know some people who had come out of a background like that and they were nothing like the “entitled, lazy welfare-queen” of the stories.  At the worst, the poor became scapegoats for the failure of “trickle down” economics.  If those leeches weren’t being supported by the rest of us, we’d have much more money, or so went the logic.  I heard several people advocate for getting rid of the welfare system entirely and “let churches and private charities take over that job”.  The thing was, churches and private charities were around when these programs were set up.  If they were doing such a good job of it, government wouldn’t have had to start them.  Quite frankly, I didn’t see these advocates for private and church based welfare giving anywhere near enough to the local poor to make the governmental programs redundant.  And the racial component of this kept getting more and more pronounced.  The “welfare queens” were increasingly cast as black or Latina.  Stagnant wages were the fault of all those illegal immigrants who would take pennies for hours of work.  The lack of well paying jobs in your area was because they were given to less qualified minorities to meet “racial quotas”.
And, finally, there was the demonization of the “other”.  People who didn’t agree with us weren’t just mistaken.  They became “The Enemy”, and somehow Jesus’ admonition to “love your enemy” didn’t apply to them.  They weren’t to be listened to.  They weren’t even to be tolerated.  They were to be shouted down and attacked.  Grace?  Who has time for grace?!  There’s a war on, so get down to the battlefield and hold the line at all costs!  
Now, I hear you Evangelicals out there objecting to this.  “We’re not all like that!”  you say.  I know, but THIS is the public face of Evangelicalism.  “That’s not fair!” you say.  “The liberal media just focuses on that minority!”  Folks, I know that argument.  I’ve MADE that argument for years to my friends outside the Evangelical bubble.  Over and over again and, after a while, it began to ring increasingly hollow.  I could SEE what was going on inside Evangelical churches.  I could hear what my fellow Evangelical Christians were saying and “liberal slant” couldn’t excuse all of that.  And, quite frankly, this last election year was the nail in the coffin for me because Evangelical Christianity (mainly WHITE Evangelical Christianity) as a whole showed its true colors for all the world to see.  Evangelicals were a major help in putting a mysogynistic, bigoted, entitled bully in the White House.  Numbers vary, but the figures I find most likely are 58% for Evangelicals as a whole and 80% for white Evangelicals.  Let me say that again.  Of the people who identified as Evangelical who turned out for the 2016 Presidential Election, over half of them voted for Trump and a particular subset had over three quarters vote for the Orange Anti-Beatitude.  Even if a large population of the Evangelical community stayed home, that’s a pretty damning percentage and no amount of yelling that liberal media is doing a smear job can overcome it.  And Trump *still* has strong Evangelical support!  I could forgive what happened on election night if it wasn’t for the fact that the majority of white Evangelical Christians still seem to support him in spite of everything he’s done and all the lies he’s been caught out in.  Top Evangelical voices like James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and Franklin Graham still staunchly support him in spite of the fact that he is the opposite of what they’ve been saying a Christian leader should be for years and years.  And, you know what?  I don’t care why they’re doing so.  Because I’m out.
I am a Christian, and it is because of that that I can no longer consider myself an Evangelical.  There are no doubt pockets in the Evangelical movement that haven’t been corrupted, but, when the rot is THIS far spread, I don’t see how I can do otherwise.  If Jesus and the current Evangelical movement are in conflict, then I must go with Jesus.  A huge chunk of Evangelicalism has sold its birthright of grace for a mess of political pottage.  And, let me give you a word of warning, Evangelicals.  I came to Christ in the age of Billy Graham, a man of grace.  If my introduction to Christianity was Franklin Graham and his ilk, I’d have run far, far away.  There is far too little of Christ in the lives of these Christians.  Think about that.  If I was growing up and seeking truth in this day and age, I strongly suspect that I would reject Christianity due to the hateful behavior of His servants.  Think about all the young people who ARE looking for truth in this day and age…and how you’re driving them away.
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shekillsher · 5 years
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free baby stuff expecting mother
People utilized to exchange items as well as services for other goods as well as solutions prior to money was developed, and some people still barter today to stay clear of utilizing cash (mostly for tax factors I am informed). A few other fantastic solutions are a diaper solution for cloth diapering mommies, or also a diaper distribution solution for disposables, and also pay for the very first 2 weeks or a month well worth of diapering products. Even the colors made use of in the textile must be natural and also non-toxic. You might be at first attracted by all the eye memorable shades as well as the fanciness of the clothing, but if your child is not going to like it, it is mosting likely to spoil. Pyjamas and also bodysuits for little child women been available in all various colors and also styles, and are produced all sorts of weather. One or two pieces would do - a pair of babies suits, a set of t shirts, a pair of pyjamas. At the same time, you can put a Tee shirts over their pyjamas. They will certainly safeguard and also insure any kind of money you put right into an interest-bearing account as well as pay you perhaps 3% yearly passion on your down payment. They understand that if you're pleased with your sample, greater than likely you be become a routine consumer and invest loan with them. There are really a lot of free offers offered; you just require to recognize exactly how to look for them. Or search by chemical ingredients (see list listed below for some examples) and also uncover what brand names include it. Next off, you will certainly arrive at your search result page; this is a listing of all products that meet your search standards. Allow us take a peek right into what makes these standards a need to for those moms and dads buying baby garments. Additionally, let your initial couple of road experiences educate you what you need to have along. There are countless very first time mothers available that have a great deal of info to show you as well as they do not desire you to be without the details. They wish to have outfits with breathable fabric and also simple on the body. Is this what we have concerned, - everybody in our area enjoys the exact same adverts, the very same programmes, the exact same newspaper article every single day or evening? Keep in mind: After trying solitary foods, great mixes are potatoes and carrots or carrots as well as peas. And not just will I review it for him, Ill make it seem like the Elvis of foods, because Im already quite certain that Sickness like a hamdog. He likewise describes his love passion as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", utilizing the imperial characterization so usual in spiritual love stories. If you're actually strapped for cash money, then you can most likely make do with utilizing your bed as a changing table, however if you can, this is something I extremely advise. Its better to feed child first point in the morning, after that permit some play or rest time in between before offering infant a bath. At a "Pamper Event," a concept increasingly preferred for moms who currently have several kids and for that reason the majority of right stuff they really need, they might take house spa devices such as a loofah or bubble bath. A wonderful bath-themed present basket would contain some hypo-allergenic bathroom items, like infant baths, talcum powder, towels, and bathroom toys.
The significant plus is that many, if not all of these totally free products, are supplied right to the mommy's residence. And, with that, lets solve down to the nitty abrasive. Do you have the software you require to start? Eventually you are mosting likely to intend to transfer your baby, so you will need to acquire something. Unless you're intending to hang on to them for your following baby, they're simply gathering dust. With a couple of easy skills, an useful collection of "stuff, " and also simply a little bit of planning as well as preparation, youll get on your way! There is an area for TV in our lives as well as it seeks all the fastest method of taking in information from worldwide. Taking courses abroad Here, the poet makes use of the spiritual narrative to define the time, area as well as emotions that his love was founded on, speaking of them as if they were in some way meant to take place. Perhaps she thought that was her location in the world and also no-one could fault her if she did her tasks to the utmost of her capability. I once had a neighbor who informed the globe as well as it's mommy she thought sanitation was beside Godliness as well as invested all the time daily cleaning her residence. It is thought that from this you truly have the choice to look into every little thing prior to you also need to get something. Tight neck lines would certainly problem you and also also the positioning of buttons at odd positions would certainly create you issues, so check these beforehand. At the exact same time the buttons and also various other aspects in the style must be thoroughly stitched. However Betty had the cash money each time I mosted likely to prison This song further illustrates using contrasting narratives to share love. This instance better shows making use of initial language in conversational narratives. The poet feels it is unacceptable for any individual to "call you out your name ", or simply put, utilize demeaning language towards his love. Many of the baby shower ideas will work for any location, indoors or out. Do you desire your baby to look cute or awesome with child garments however you don't have ideas on where to look for them? Cost is a major thing you would certainly want to take into consideration when purchasing infant clothing. It's easy, look at an infant garments shop. Clothing treatment plays a huge role in your baby's security. Thus, it is always recommended that you maintain the safety and security as well as comfort consider mind even when you are buying event outfits for your kid. Also when you have purchased a lacy blouse for your tiny girl, if you finish up getting a dimension that occurs to be a little larger than her actual size, she will be comfortable in it. And also, moms and dads will certainly be likely to maintain purchasing garments to stay on par with the changes in the child's growth - dimension, weight, size, and also shape. Thus, buying garments that are somewhat bigger than the actual size of your babys body gifts will be good as it makes certain maximum comfort for the youngster.
Nevertheless, these immunization procedures will only make their systems solid however it doesn't offer an assurance that germs can't penetrate their method. So why did she act this way? The same thing can be real with, certainly with tube maternities, thats why those two can be confused. Yes it is real that infant garments do not last long with youngsters expanding as fast as they do, but caring for a children clothing is still just as, otherwise more, important. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life which's real This flow is special due to the fact that it utilizes both the metaphoric and different narrative strategies. The presentation of Hip-Hop enjoy stories is a really uphill struggle. And that leads us to one of the most preferred metaphoric Hip-Hop love narrative of our time. Babies will like this meal. Thick as well as fluffy clothing will certainly maintain the infant warm from head to toe. Here is a list of preferred things that has been researched with a few of the largest online merchants of baby products. Below are several of the standard points you'll desire to have. Do you wish to provide a present to a brand-new mother without spending a whole lot of cash? They utilize it when washing to get rid of smells, soften the textiles, and also give your baby as well as kid apparel a fresh and extra natural scent. When you are considering your kids comfort, its not only about the layout of the apparel youre buying it will certainly likewise be an issue of exactly how the thing rests on your children body. Consider just how much you have into the product. The following time you are re-assembling your package, make sure to include that thing. I prefer to hang around with my household as well as friends, talking on the phone, choosing lengthy strolls or dancing the evening away. With all that having actually been stated, Ive discovered a brand-new food that I understand I'm mosting likely to enjoy. Quickly you'll discover that having just a few wonderful outfits ends up being unwise. I had an excellent cost-free site a couple of years ago I saw on a daily basis. Use your Roadway Adventure logbook to record everybodies remarks concerning the day. This will certainly serve no excellent as getting child items indiscriminately will not just be waste of cash but additionally waste of time and also power which you can put for some useful use. If passing by automobile you should constantly make use of a child seat as well as comply with the supplier's guidelines for suitable. If your trip restriction is no even more than a one-hour cars and truck ride one way, then look for areas of passion within regarding 40 miles of house. Which is not an issue because just like kidneys, simply like testis, females with one ovary can have equally as many infants as a female with two ovaries as well as two tubes. Obviously it is a 2x matrix, meaning those first 2 individuals you got to sign up with are on your initial level. You should constantly have 2 pairs during the night time, because you never know when a baby is mosting likely to spit up or have a diaper leak that can require a complete garment change.
0 notes
badbunny-baby · 5 years
Run Your Own Organisation By Marketing Wholesale Infant Clothing On Ebay.com
Tumblr media
In order to speak about love and also still build a socially acceptable metropolitan identification, musicians tend to implement among the 5 successful love narrative forms. No person comprehends circumstances like that, individuals cant bargain with it, so they 'll speak about it for life. The lady attempting to offer me their most current phone plan bargain referred to a tv advert. She maintained me talking for approximately 10 mins throughout which time she referred me to this certain TELEVISION advert an additional 4 times, and also each time I guaranteed her I had not seen it due to the fact that I do not view tv. Knitting can be gotten throughout the adverts as well as worked at for 5 or 10 mins each time. New yarns and also trendy pattern styles make weaving fun and quickly, and I can weaved even if I am enjoying TV, albeit a rare occurence for me directly! With the internet, also if you live in a neighborhood that is little, you aren't restricted to your city, and also can locate individuals not simply around the UK, however across the globe as well! Then decorate with child images and also such, then take it to your neighborhood duplicate shop, like Kinkos, and also have them print the web page on pastel colored paper. Often weve occurred upon regional street fairs or windsurfing competitions or a version train gallery. Weve spoke about endometriosis, that which can be a cyst. So, you can have bleeding with a cyst yet many of the moment those are uncommon situations. The endometriomas, if they persist, and also theres continuous blood loss in the abdomen as well as the ovary that can trigger bonds. Any type of hemorrhaging cyst can be an issue. A maternity with a corpus luteum, the 2nd kind of useful cyst takes place to establish as the infant is growing. A lot of these, the larger blood materials, the bigger capillary on cysts are usually the corpus luteum cyst. A lot of ovary cysts in as well as of themselves are not mosting likely to be triggering a problem. However, the vital thing right here, is that cysts themselves, in as well as of themselves are not mosting likely to be an issue or life threatening issue. The nature of the party is possibly going to tend in the direction of the feminine side; if the coordinators of the party have an arrangement for this, after that welcoming males would be fine. Undoubtedly, there are countless males and females who are making great cash making use of the web organisation course. In this song, the poet uses the perceptual narrative to acknowledge that some males "dont be comin right ", but that he has a various understanding of ladies than these various other guys. Meant to assist with the pain, expected to assist me preserve In this song, Guru uses the contrasting story to share his view of what love ought to be. It is necessary for the clothes to be completely dry prior to they are put away or put on by a kid, and hanging the clothes on childrens garments hangers will certainly aid keep their kind. Nonetheless, aspartame was allowed on 1981 for dry products as well as 1983 for carbonated beverages.
free baby stuff expecting mother
People made use of to trade products and services for other goods and solutions prior to money was produced, and also some people still barter today to avoid using cash (mainly for tax reasons I am told). Some various other excellent services are a diaper solution for towel diapering mamas, or also a baby diaper distribution solution for disposables, and spend for the first 2 weeks or a month worth of diapering products. Even the colors utilized in the textile ought to be natural as well as non-toxic. You may be at first brought in by all the eye appealing colors as well as the fanciness of the outfits, yet if your kid is not going to like it, it is going to become worthless. Pyjamas and bodysuits for little child girls come in all various shades as well as styles, as well as are created all types of climate. One or 2 items would certainly do - a pair of babies suits, a set of t shirts, a pair of pyjamas. Alternately, you can place a Tees over their pyjamas. They will certainly guard as well as guarantee any type of loan you put right into an interest-bearing account and also pay you probably 3% annual interest on your down payment. They understand that if you're pleased with your example, more than most likely you be become a normal customer and also spend cash with them. There are actually a whole lot of giveaways available; you just need to know exactly how to browse for them. Or search by chemical ingredients (see listed here for some instances) and uncover what brand names have it. Next, you will come to your search results page web page; this is a listing of all products that fulfill your search criteria. Allow us take a peek into what makes these criteria a need to for those moms and dads buying baby garments. Additionally, allow your first couple of roadway journeys show you what you require to have along. There are countless very first time mommies around that have a whole lot of info to share with you as well as they do not want you to be without the info. They want to have gowns with breathable textile as well as very easy on the body. Is this what we have come to, - everybody in our area sees the exact same adverts, the very same programmes, the very same newspaper article every single day or night? Note: After attempting solitary foods, great combinations are potatoes and also carrots or carrots as well as peas. As well as not only will I assess it for him, Sickness make it seem like the Elvis of foods, due to the fact that Im currently quite certain that Sickness enjoy a hamdog. He also refers to his love passion as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", using the royal characterization so common in spiritual love stories. If you're actually strapped for money, after that you can possibly make do with using your bed as a changing table, however if you can, this is something I very suggest. Its much better to feed infant very first point in the morning, then enable some play or remainder time in between before giving child a bathroom. At a "Pamper Party," an idea progressively preferred for moms that already have numerous youngsters as well as for that reason many of right stuff they in fact need, they may take house health spa devices such as a loofah or bubble bathroom. A great bath-themed gift basket would certainly have some hypo-allergenic bathroom products, like baby baths, talcum powder, towels, as well as bathroom toys.
The significant and also is that the majority of, otherwise every one of these free items, are supplied right to the mother's house. And, with that, lets solve down to the core. Do you have the software application you need to obtain started? At some factor you are mosting likely to desire to transfer your infant, so you will certainly need to buy something. Unless you're intending to hang on to them for your next child, they're simply accumulating dust. With a couple of easy abilities, a convenient collection of "stuff, " and simply a bit of preparation and prep work, youll get on your means! There is an area for TV in our lives and it desires all the fastest method of soaking up information from around the globe. Taking classes abroad Right here, the poet uses the spiritual narrative to describe the moment, area as well as feelings that his love was established on, talking of them as if they were in some way indicated to occur. Possibly she thought that was her area in the world and no-one can fault her if she did her responsibilities to the utmost of her capacity. I when had a neighbor that educated the globe and it's mother she believed cleanliness was alongside Godliness and spent all the time everyday cleaning her house. It is thought that from this you actually have the choice to take a look at everything prior to you also need to acquire something. Tight neck lines would certainly problem you and also even the placement of buttons at weird positions would certainly cause you issues, so check these in advance. At the very same time the buttons and also other elements in the style ought to be very carefully stitched. Yet Betty had the money every time I went to prison This track even more highlights using contrasting stories to reveal love. This example better shows using introductory language in conversational stories. The poet feels it is undesirable for anybody to "call you out your name ", or simply put, utilize disparaging language toward his love. Many of the infant shower suggestions will help any place, indoors or out. Do you desire your infant to look adorable or trendy with baby clothing but you do not have suggestions on where to seek them? Expense is a significant thing you would certainly want to think about when acquiring baby clothing. It's simple, look at a child apparel shop. Clothes treatment plays a huge function in your infant's security. Hence, it is always suggested that you maintain the safety and security and also comfort element in mind also when you are purchasing occasion gowns for your kid. Also when you have actually bought a lacy shirt for your tiny woman, if you end up obtaining a dimension that takes place to be somewhat larger than her actual dimension, she will be comfortable in it. As well as, moms and dads will be likely to maintain purchasing clothes to stay on par with the changes in the child's development - dimension, weight, size, as well as shape. For this reason, getting clothes that are rather larger than the actual size of your babys body presents will be good as it guarantees optimal convenience for the kid.
Nonetheless, these booster shot processes will only make their systems strong however it doesn't offer a guarantee that germs can't penetrate their method. So why did she behave this way? The exact same point can be true with, definitely with tube pregnancies, thats why those 2 can be puzzled. Yes it holds true that infant garments do not last long with kids growing as quick as they do, however looking after a children garments is still equally as, otherwise more, crucial. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life and that's real This passage is one-of-a-kind because it utilizes both the metaphoric as well as contrasting narrative methods. The presentation of Hip-Hop enjoy stories is a very difficult task. And also that leads us to the most preferred metaphoric Hip-Hop love story of our time. Children will like this meal. Thick as well as fluffy clothing will certainly maintain the baby warm from head to toe. Below is a listing of prominent products that has actually been researched with several of the biggest online sellers of infant items. Right here are a few of the basic points you'll wish to have. Do you intend to provide a present to a brand-new mommy without spending a great deal of cash? They use it when cleaning to eliminate smells, soften the textiles, as well as provide your baby and young child apparel a fresh and also a lot more all-natural scent. When you are thinking of your youngsters convenience, its not only regarding the design of the garments youre acquiring it will certainly also be an issue of exactly how the item rests on your children body. Consider just how much you have into the item. The next time you are re-assembling your package, be sure to add that thing. I prefer to hang out with my family members as well as pals, chatting on the phone, going with long walks or dancing the evening away. With all that having been stated, Ive uncovered a brand-new food that I understand I'm going to enjoy. Quickly you'll discover that having only a couple of nice attire becomes impractical. I had an excellent free site a couple of years ago I visited on a daily basis. Use your Road Adventure logbook to tape-record every people remarks regarding the day. This will offer no good as buying child items indiscriminately will not simply be waste of money however also waste of time as well as energy which you can place for some useful use. If passing by vehicle you need to always use a safety seat and comply with the producer's directions for fitting. If your trip limitation is no more than a one-hour automobile trip one way, then look for places of rate of interest within regarding 40 miles of home. Which is not a trouble because simply like kidneys, much like testis, females with one ovary can have equally as many infants as a female with two ovaries as well as 2 tubes. Evidently it is a 2x matrix, indicating those initial 2 people you obtained to sign up with are on your initial level. You must always have 2 sets in the evening time, due to the fact that you never know when a baby is mosting likely to spit up or have a baby diaper leakage that can require a total garment adjustment.
0 notes
nocatleftbehind · 5 years
Run Your Own Service By Marketing Wholesale Baby Clothes On EBay
Tumblr media
In order to speak about love and also still build a socially acceptable city identification, artists tend to apply among the 5 successful love narrative forms. Nobody comprehends scenarios like that, people cant manage it, so they 'll discuss it permanently. The woman attempting to market me their latest phone package described a tv advert. She maintained me talking for about 10 mins throughout which time she referred me to this specific TELEVISION advert a more 4 times, and also each time I ensured her I had not seen it since I do not watch television. Weaving can be grabbed during the adverts and also worked at for 5 or 10 mins at a time. New yarns and also trendy pattern designs make knitting fun and also quickly, and I can knit also if I am viewing TV, albeit an uncommon occurence for me directly! With the net, even if you live in an area that is little, you aren't restricted to your town, and also can discover people not simply around the UK, yet throughout the globe too! After that decorate with infant photos as well as such, then take it to your local duplicate store, like Kinkos, and also have them print the web page on pastel colored paper. Occasionally weve discovered neighborhood street fairs or windsurfing tournaments or a model train museum. Weve talked about endometriosis, that which can be a cyst. So, you can have hemorrhaging with a cyst but a lot of the moment those are unusual conditions. The endometriomas, if they persist, and theres continual blood loss in the abdomen and the ovary that can create attachments. Any kind of hemorrhaging cyst can be a problem. A pregnancy with a corpus luteum, the 2nd kind of functional cyst goes on to develop as the infant is growing. A lot of these, the larger blood products, the larger capillary on cysts are normally the corpus luteum cyst. Most ovary cysts in and of themselves are not mosting likely to be causing a trouble. However, the essential thing here, is that cysts themselves, in as well as of themselves are not mosting likely to be an issue or harmful problem. The nature of the celebration is most likely going to tend towards the feminine side; if the organizers of the celebration have a stipulation for this, after that inviting guys would be great. Undoubtedly, there are numerous men as well as women that are making great loan using the web organisation route. In this song, the poet uses the affective narrative to recognize that some guys "dont be comin right ", but that he has a different understanding of women than these various other men. Intended to assist with the pain, intended to help me keep In this tune, Guru makes use of the contrasting narrative to share his view of what love need to be. It is very important for the clothing to be completely dry before they are done away with or used by a child, as well as hanging the clothes on childrens clothing wall mounts will certainly aid maintain their kind. Nonetheless, aspartame was allowed on 1981 for completely dry products and 1983 for carbonated drinks.
free baby stuff expecting mother
People made use of to trade goods and also services for other items and also solutions before cash was developed, as well as some people still barter today to avoid utilizing cash (mostly for tax obligation factors I am told). Some various other wonderful services are a baby diaper solution for fabric diapering mamas, and even a baby diaper distribution solution for disposables, and pay for the initial two weeks or a month worth of diapering products. Also the colors used in the material ought to be organic and safe. You may be at first drawn in by all the eye memorable colors and also the fanciness of the attire, yet if your child is not mosting likely to like it, it is going to end up being worthless. Pyjamas as well as bodysuits for little baby women can be found in all different colors as well as designs, as well as are produced all kinds of climate. A couple of pieces would do - a pair of babies suits, a set of shirts, a set of jammies. Alternately, you can place a Tees over their jammies. They will secure as well as insure any type of money you take into a savings account and also pay you perhaps 3% annual interest on your deposit. They recognize that if you're satisfied with your example, greater than most likely you be ended up being a routine customer as well as invest loan with them. There are truly a great deal of giveaways offered; you simply need to understand exactly how to search for them. Or search by chemical components (see list listed below for some instances) as well as find what brand names contain it. Next off, you will certainly arrive at your search engine result page; this is a listing of all items that satisfy your search requirements. Allow us take a peek right into what makes these standards a must for those parents looking for infant clothing. Additionally, let your very first few roadway experiences instruct you what you require to have along. There are millions of very first time mamas available that have a great deal of info to show to you and also they do not want you to be without the info. They intend to have gowns with breathable material and simple on the body. Is this what we have pertained to, - every person in our region sees the very same adverts, the very same programs, the exact same news tales every single day or night? Keep in mind: After trying solitary foods, excellent combinations are potatoes and carrots or carrots and peas. And also not only will I review it for him, Ill make it seem like the Elvis of foods, since Im currently rather sure that Ill love a hamdog. He additionally describes his love interest as "this Ethiopian queen from Philly ", using the imperial characterization so common in spiritual love narratives. If you're truly strapped for cash, after that you can possibly make do with utilizing your bed as a changing table, however if you can, this is something I highly suggest. Its much better to feed child first thing in the early morning, then enable some play or remainder time in between prior to offering baby a bathroom. At a "Pamper Party," a concept significantly preferred for mothers that already have numerous youngsters and consequently the majority of right stuff they really require, they might take residence spa devices such as a loofah or bubble bath. A great bath-themed present basket would contain some hypo-allergenic bathroom products, like baby bathrooms, talc, towels, and bath playthings.
The significant plus is that many, otherwise every one of these cost-free things, are supplied right to the mother's home. As well as, with that, allows solve down to the core. Do you have the software application you require to start? Eventually you are mosting likely to want to deliver your child, so you will need to buy something. Unless you're preparing to hang on to them for your next infant, they're simply accumulating dirt. With a couple of straightforward abilities, an useful collection of "things, " as well as simply a bit of planning as well as preparation, youll get on your method! There is an area for TELEVISION in our lives and also it is after all the fastest way of absorbing information from around the globe. Taking courses abroad Right here, the poet utilizes the spiritual narrative to describe the moment, location and also feelings that his love was founded on, talking them as if they were in some way meant to take place. Maybe she thought that was her place worldwide as well as no-one can fault her if she executed her tasks to the utmost of her capacity. I once had a neighbor that informed the globe as well as it's mommy she thought sanitation was beside Godliness and invested all day on a daily basis cleaning her house. It is believed that from this you really have the option to take a look at every little thing prior to you also have to get something. Limited neck lines would certainly trouble you and also the positioning of buttons at weird positions would certainly cause you troubles, so examine these beforehand. At the exact same time the buttons and also other elements in the layout need to be meticulously sewn. But Betty had the cash money every time I mosted likely to prison This track additionally illustrates using contrasting narratives to express love. This instance further shows using introductory language in conversational stories. The poet feels it is inappropriate for any individual to "call you out your name ", or simply put, make use of demeaning language toward his love. A number of the infant shower suggestions will certainly benefit any location, inside or out. Do you desire your baby to look charming or trendy with infant garments however you do not have ideas on where to seek them? Cost is a significant thing you would want to think about when buying infant clothes. It's very easy, check out a child apparel store. Apparel treatment plays a big duty in your baby's safety. For this reason, it is constantly suggested that you keep the security as well as convenience consider mind also when you are looking for event outfits for your little one. Also when you have actually purchased a lacy shirt for your tiny girl, if you wind up getting a size that takes place to be a little larger than her real size, she will certainly be comfy in it. And also, parents will be most likely to keep purchasing clothing to maintain up with the modifications in the child's development - dimension, weight, length, and also form. Thus, acquiring clothing that are somewhat bigger than the real dimension of your infants body presents will certainly be great as it guarantees optimal comfort for the child.
However, these immunization procedures will just make their systems solid yet it doesn't provide a guarantee that germs can't penetrate their method. So why did she behave this way? The very same thing can be real with, absolutely with tube pregnancies, thats why those two can be confused. Yes it is true that child clothes don't last long with kids expanding as fast as they do, but looking after a babies clothes is still equally as, otherwise more, vital. Hip-Hop, you the love of my life and that holds true This flow is unique because it makes use of both the metaphoric as well as different narrative methods. The discussion of Hip-Hop love narratives is an extremely difficult job. Which leads us to one of the most preferred metaphoric Hip-Hop love narrative of our time. Children will like this recipe. Thick and fluffy attires will maintain the child cozy from head to toe. Right here is a checklist of prominent items that has actually been investigated with several of the biggest on the internet retailers of child items. Below are several of the fundamental things you'll want to have. Do you wish to offer a present to a new mother without spending a lot of loan? They use it when cleaning to get rid of smells, soften the fabrics, and give your baby as well as kid clothing a fresh as well as extra natural aroma. When you are thinking of your youngsters comfort, its not only regarding the design of the garments youre acquiring it will additionally refer exactly how the product rests on your children body. Take into consideration just how much you have into the item. The next time you are re-assembling your kit, make certain to add that item. I prefer to hang around with my family and also pals, chatting on the phone, choosing lengthy strolls or dancing the evening away. With all that having been stated, Ive found a new food that I understand I'm mosting likely to enjoy. Soon you'll uncover that having only a few good clothing becomes impractical. I had an excellent cost-free site a few years ago I saw on a daily basis. Use your Road Experience logbook to tape-record every people comments concerning the day. This will certainly serve no great as acquiring baby products indiscriminately will not just be waste of money yet additionally waste of time and also power which you can place for some positive use. If taking a trip by cars and truck you need to always utilize a safety seat as well as follow the supplier's guidelines for suitable. If your journey limit disappears than a one-hour vehicle trip one way, after that try to find locations of passion within regarding 40 miles of house. Which is not a trouble since much like kidneys, much like testis, women with one ovary can have equally as many infants as a woman with 2 ovaries and also two tubes. Obviously it is a 2x matrix, suggesting those first two people you reached sign up with get on your first level. You should always have 2 pairs during the night time, because you never ever know when an infant is mosting likely to spew up or have a diaper leak that can need a total garment adjustment.
0 notes
newstfionline · 7 years
In Iowa, Trump Voters Are Unfazed by Controversies
By Trip Gabriel, NY Times, Jan. 12, 2017
MONTICELLO, Iowa--The Table of Knowledge was delving into President-elect Donald J. Trump’s plans to upend government, and marveling at how he had forced his fellow Republicans in the House to reverse themselves on gutting the Office of Congressional Ethics.
“He’s getting responses; things are happening,” Jerry Retzlaff, a retiree, said. “He got Congress to turn themselves around with one tweet.”
“There’s no secret the press doesn’t like him, and neither does a lot of the leadership,” he added. “And that’s because he’s planning on making a lot of changes.”
The eight men around a rectangular table, sipping coffee from a hodgepodge of mugs donated by customers, meet daily for breakfasts of French toast, eggs and bacon at Darrell’s diner, all while solving the world’s problems, hence their gathering’s nickname.
Washington may be veering from one Trump pre-inaugural controversy to another: unproved reports of Russia’s holding embarrassing information against him, possible ethical conflicts, the donors and billionaires of his cabinet, his pushback against intelligence findings on Russian hacking in the election. But there does not seem to be much angst in Iowa among those who voted for Mr. Trump, including some Democrats and independents.
Monticello, in rural eastern Iowa, is as close as any place to the epicenter of the political quake that made Mr. Trump president.
The state’s longstanding reputation as a political bellwether had led The New York Times to move me to Iowa for a full year ahead of its presidential caucuses in early 2016.
I had not returned since. In the intervening year, Iowa gave Mr. Trump his largest triumph of any battleground state: a 15-percentage-point reversal over President Obama’s easy victory here in 2012.
Al Ameling, 58, a technical analyst who lives in Marble Rock, near the Minnesota border, is representative of the profound demographic shift among white rural voters in the northern Midwest that helped produce Mr. Trump’s stunning upset. Mr. Ameling voted for Mr. Obama in 2008, sat out in 2012 and enthusiastically backed Mr. Trump. Nothing he has heard since Election Day has shaken his support, including reports this week that American intelligence agencies are investigating unverified accounts of meetings between Trump aides and Russian officials, as well as sex tapes purportedly made of Mr. Trump in Moscow. On Wednesday, Mr. Trump called the allegations completely false.
“The way it is nowadays, unless I see positive proof, it’s all a lie,” Mr. Ameling said in a telephone interview on Wednesday. He added he was more concerned that government officials might have leaked the material to the news media. “I don’t know if it was classified, but if it was, whoever leaked it needs to go to jail,” he said. “We need law and order back in this country.”
At Darrell’s, there are actually two Tables of Knowledge, one favored by Democrats and the other by Republicans. Among them are an optometrist, farmers and former employees of a utility company.
I asked if there was anyone who had voted for Mr. Trump after having previously supported Mr. Obama.
“Yea, there is, but they won’t tell you,” said Mr. Retzlaff, an outspoken conservative who usually chooses to sit with the liberals.
The Iowans I interviewed largely went about their lives outside the political hothouse social media. They did not follow hour-by-hour developments of the presidential transition. Indeed, on Wednesday, several were unfamiliar with the reports that Russia was holding compromising information on the president-elect, which Mr. Trump addressed in a news conference.
Many were hazy on specific policy details about how, say, House Republicans were seeking to replace Medicare with a voucher system. These voters feared an outbreak of European-style terrorist attacks by Muslims in the United States, maybe in their own communities. And overwhelmingly, Trump supporters did not want their hard-earned money redistributed to people they regarded as undeserving.
A year ago, I shadowed a Clinton door-knocker in Newton, a small city in central Iowa that has struggled since Maytag closed a washing machine plant. Jeff McKibben, one of the laid-off workers, traded down for work at a prison. Once a “straight Democrat,” as he called himself, he refused to commit at the time to support Mrs. Clinton.
Contacted recently, he did not want to say how he voted, although Jasper County, which includes Newton, was one of the more than 30 Iowa counties that swung to Mr. Trump from Mr. Obama.
“Maybe it’s time to have some change,” Mr. McKibben allowed. “I saw neighbors I knew were strong union people with Trump signs in their yards.”
The story was the same in Des Moines County, in southeastern Iowa. The local Democratic Party chairwoman, Sandy Dockendorff, knew there was trouble when she saw a Trump sign in the yard of an electrician who had always supported Democrats.
“When I called him,” Ms. Dockendorff explained last month to a group of demoralized activists at a United Steelworkers union hall, “he said, ‘You stopped talking my language; you don’t care about jobs.’”
In an interview, Ms. Dockendorff, who is running for chairwoman of the state Democratic Party, said rural Iowans were critical of Democrats for opposing job-creating projects like oil pipelines while running a presidential campaign focused narrowly on Mr. Trump’s shortcomings.
“It was all about making fun of Donald Trump--he would never be president and how horrible it would be,” she said. But “the only one talking about jobs was Trump,” Ms. Dockendorff added.
At a Des Moines County diner in Burlington, a small city on the Mississippi River, Melissa Ell, a waitress, said she had voted for Mr. Obama in 2012. But this Election Day, she stayed home. “I didn’t want to vote for either one of them, to be honest,” she said.
Ms. Ell, 46, earns a base wage of $6.50 an hour at Jerry’s Main Lunch, a 14-seat restaurant across from the Burlington Northern Railroad tracks. As she bussed a table, Ms. Ell commiserated with Jackie Furman about those who take advantage of government aid.
“I think they should be drug-testing if they’re on welfare,” Ms. Ell said.
“The welfare system needs to be reorganized,” agreed Ms. Furman, a retired commercial bakery manager, complaining that “Chicago people” were moving to Burlington to receive higher benefits and bringing crime.
Ms. Furman, 70, said, “I’m ashamed to say we caucused for Obama” in 2008. “My view is he purposely got into the presidency so he could ruin America.”
There are contrary views.
On Washington Street in Burlington, I expected Post 10102 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars to be a bastion of support for the president-elect, who had promised repeatedly to “take care of the vets.”
But there was deep skepticism. “Forget about me,” Dan Meade, a Navy veteran, said. “What’s going to happen to our kids, our grandkids? I think the guy’s nuts.”
He and three others sipped $1.50 draft beers from plastic cups. They sarcastically echoed notable Trump lines from the campaign trail. “He knows more than the generals; he doesn’t like prisoners of war,” Dan Warren, an Army veteran, said.
“When Trump was running for office he said he’d run the country like he runs his companies,” Fran Boyle, who served in the Navy, chimed in. “Which one of his bankrupt companies is he going to run it like?”
Still, Trump voters in the state say they are hoping for the best.
Mike Staudt, a retired farmer from Marble Rock, voted for Mr. Obama in 2012, but called the Affordable Care Act a form of socialism. He said he had no problem with a candidate who had run as the voice of the working people but was stocking his cabinet with the ultrawealthy.
“I know these guys are really rich,” he said. “They may have pulled off a few plays that weren’t exactly on the up-and-up, but they all had to be pretty smart to be billionaires. If they replace their own concerns with the concerns of the country, they can make things really move forward. That’s what I’m excited about.”
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