#professional music
shiftaxisrecords · 2 years
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joesavia · 2 years
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Remember to not liken cost to quality. Yet, don’t simply choose the best music coach since they are the least expensive. At last, this is an interest in your music career and your future. Thus, you should choose in light of many variables, not simply cost.
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homeofwyrm · 3 months
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1.) First time doing any comic style post here, so apologies if it's not very optimal lol
2.) Also mostly exploring what style i wanna do, so this is a little test. I forgor how hard this is
3.) Everyone was so nice on the band au poster here we are.
This is pre-band coming together (part 1)
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perotovar · 5 months
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I can only say that, as we were talking about Almodóvar, the idea of being on one of Ridley Scott's sets, three of his movies being in my top ten, and this is coming from a movie nerd. [It's like] stepping into territory that feels like… "exciting" is such a pedestrian way of putting it. I don't know if I'll ever be able to shed the identity of someone that was under the influence of these people for as long as I was. In terms of my brain being a sponge, and wanting to be on the screen or on the stage. It is a little bit of an awkward experience sometimes, because "yeah, I'm invited to the table, and I 'deserve' to be here", but the other part of me is like, glitching out on—
Imposter syndrome?
Imposter syndrome and just sort of, like, under the blanket of admiration. I think that that's something worth coming into acceptance of, because I wouldn't be here if it weren't for those influences. And therefore, if that takes up the space of like, where I'm supposed to feel entitled to be there, then fine.
In October 2020, you were on the cover of Variety, and in that story you said you were offered the role in Wonder Woman 1984 and that "that will never happen again". Fast forward to May 2023 and you lied to us, because you've been offered many roles. In a streamlined sense, you're riding a wave of star power, admiration. What you say Pedro Almodóvar and Ridley Scott meant to you— You're meaning a lot to a lot of other people, and I don't know if you've taken that part in quite yet.
Alright, I'm not gonna argue with you…
What does it feel like to have that statement be so wrong?
— PEDRO PASCAL for Variety
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chinese rock–paper–scissors (popular in fujian, known as 舞拳wuquan and are matched with music) by 阿轩
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for anyone interested:
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showsandshowtunes · 7 months
what do you mean that at reeve's last show the principal obc was there and they gave orpheus and eurydice an alternate ending by having reeve and eva walk out of hadestown up the golden staircase?? what do you mean?????!!!!??
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falsettosshizzzzz · 1 month
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Falsettos is such a genius musical within its symbolism and writing overall. The use of chess in this musical is so beautiful and makes me sob every time. Not only does chess represent Marvin and Whizzer’s relationship, but it represents everyone. In Act 1, you can clearly see how Marvin treats the people around him, especially his family, as pawns in this game of life. Chess also represents Marvin’s issues surrounding masculinity and his love for Whizzer. Marvin wants to be with men, but he desperately wants a woman to fit that role because that’s what he grew up with.
Chess also represents Whizzer. In chess, the player who plays as “White” goes first. Whizzer plays as “White” in both The Chess Game and Days Like This. Whizzer going first in chess foreshadows how he’s the first one to pass away. Jason also kept the promise he made to Whizzer by saying, “I’ll let you win” by sacrificing his king piece to Whizzer one last time once he places it on the block/tombstone. The king being placed on Whizzer’s tombstone could also represent how he was sorta okay with how his life ended, because he won. The family that he won through Marvin ultimately makes him the winner. A lot of chess is sacrifice, so the pain that everyone else around Whizzer feels could represent that Whizzer believed that the pain was worth it because of what he brought to the family.
im so normal about this musical
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chipthewizard · 6 months
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So… maybe I decided to make a Starlight Express cosplay 🫣⭐️🚂
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cillyscribbles · 1 month
john partridge goes so hard at playing tugger he actually jumpscares me when he starts balleting around with the rest of the cats lol. i get so used to him just kinda Standing there. Loitering Sexily. that's what he is to me, he's just a Guy that's Chilling there. and then boom! man does a split. and i'm like. brother are you okay
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alwaysbewoke · 2 months
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toskarin · 1 month
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excerpt from me explaining why I can't give remix stems to my non-standard tracks and why ri47 has yet to feature any guest remixes
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grntaire · 5 months
one thing i’d love to see more of in the year of our lord 2024 is changing the way the word “talented” is used when what is really meant is “highly skilled”
one could argue that talent is the culmination of skill, sure, but i find that, especially as a musician but i see it in every medium of art, that the use of “talent” often diminishes and glosses over the THOUSANDS of hours (and often, dollars) it takes to become even proficient at your art, let alone masterful. it takes ruthless dedication and study to become highly expressive and effective at a professional level at your art and to reduce it to “talent” almost negates the hard work that someone puts into what they do. people aren’t born knowing music theory or the intricacies of sculpture! they learned it through study and practice and so can you!
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joesavia · 2 years
Joe is a solo entertainer and an experienced performer. The one-man band is the ideal entertainment solution for all types of events and occasions. With a passion for entertaining the crowd, Joe engages all the audience for a thrilling and delightful experience.
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mod-doodles · 9 months
Richie always gets the shitty end of the stick in these arguments - a small price to pay for always being the aggressor
Song: ‘Toxicity’ - System of a Down
And rightfully so he's always punching down and getting under everyone's skin - he goes for the jugular and in return they go for his heart by mentioning his daughter and reading him for filth.
The parallel here is that both Carmy and Sydney stand by the motto when 'you go low, I go lower' fuck being the bigger person - respectfully.
Will he ever learn or is Tina or Marcus up next to spar or is it Carmy again?
He called Sydney ‘a conceited and condescending ribbon of brine’ - can we all admit that was a bar.
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smeagles · 1 year
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Professional Griefers Shoot
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forlix · 1 month
i don’t know what the fuck to think or feel. heart feeling so heavy
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