#rip elder kettle
mathewharris7703 · 1 year
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Paying one last visit... Casino Cups owned by @askcupsandcasinos / @camodielsart Drawn by @sonisis Commissioned by me
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mystra-midnight · 1 year
I Declare a Tug-of-war
summery: after a three day hunt you finally had the chance to have a good nights sleep, and a sleep in. except you had the share the bed with dean, a known blanket hog.
warnings: swearing. little bit of fluff. little bit of smut. ooc dean.
words: 1.6k
a/n: this was originally meant to be written as part of another writers challenge but then i disappeared and sort of never came back. after two years in my drafts i finally found the muse to finish it. now i'm reposting it because i was dumb and deleted it by mistake.
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It was the biting cold that woke you after only a few hours of sleep. You and the Winchester brothers had been in Kansas hunting a siren, which had been an utter pain in the ass. It took three days to track it down and kill it, and now that the deed was done, you could finally sleep. Except the room was a fucking icebox, and you were turning into an ice cube.
Your skin was prickled with goosebumps, your nipples hardened peaks that were straining against your sleep shirt, and your teeth were clattering. Groaning softly, you peeled an eye open to look at the rickety A/C on the wall and balked when you saw it was set to sixteen degrees. You fumbled blindly for the covers, only to be met with resistance when you tried to draw them up to your neck.
You fought down the urge to flail angrily and instead opted to roll over and glare at the man beside you, who was snuggled comfortably beneath your share of the blanket; you were going to beat him black and blue. Dean had always been a blanket hog, which, combined with being a restless sleeper, meant you often ended up without anything to snuggle beneath.
"Dean," you whined and shoved his shoulder, but the elder brother didn’t rouse. He groaned softly and rolled away from you. This time, you punched him hard enough to wake him before dragging the blanket off him.
"What the hell?" His voice was husky, thick with exhaustion, surprise, and irritation, as well as a bundle of other emotions you couldn’t quite put your finger on. He propped himself up on an elbow and glared down at you, the dull yellow glow of the morning sun seeping through the window, illuminating the room and your huddled form.
He grabbed a fistful of the blanket and your shirt and attempted to cover himself, but you fought him. "You were hogging the blanket again!" You snapped irritably. It was a game of push-me-shove-you that was threatening to rip the blanket down the middle. "Stop hogging all the blanket!"
"Oh," he said, his tone oozing sarcasm. "Would you like to be the pot or the kettle, Y/N? I think I’d rather be the kettle. Or maybe the pot. I guess it doesn’t matter since they’re both black." Across the room, Sam groaned in annoyance when your childish argument woke him. You saw his eyes open to glare at you both before he rolled over and buried his head under his pillow.
Lucky bastard. Sam had won roshambo, which meant he got a bed to himself, and no amount of pleading, puppy dog eyes, or promises of cooking for the next month had been able to convince him to switch.
"Knock it off." Dean snarled. His gaze had darkened, and his tone was beginning to sound like that of a petulant child that couldn’t get his way. It was only natural that you refused. Instead, you rolled away, pulling the blanket with you and untucking them on his side.
"Dammit, Y/N!"
His large hand grabbed your shoulder, his fingertips digging in hard enough to bruise you as he hauled you back to face him. He was sitting up now and was glaring down at you with a hot gaze that didn’t soften when you looked at him with the same puppy-dog pout that failed to win his brother over.
His gaze narrowed slightly, making the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes more prominent. Your own stare roamed over his naked chest, noticing the way his skin was riddled with goosebumps and scars, making you bite the corner of your mouth. It wasn’t that you hadn’t seen him shirtless, or naked, for that matter.
But each time you had to beat down the urge to map the canvass of his body, to spend hours tracing each scar, every harsh line, and every blurred edge, committing the details to memory, and kissing them until his own bad memories were replaced with ones of you. Yeah, okay, you were kind of in love with Dean Winchester. But the smug asshole didn’t need to know that.
It was a good old-fashioned Mexican standoff.
That was until he made a move for the blanket again, and you had to fling yourself away, almost falling out of bed in the process. It was his hand catching you by the arm and flinging you onto your back that prevented you from sprawling on the floor.
"Get off me!" You squealed with laughter as he used his weight to pin you to the mattress. His hips were nestled between your thighs, which you had clamped tightly around him to stop him from getting any closer. One of his hands was on your hip, burning through your clothing until you felt the heat of his palm right down to your bones, and he was pushing you into the mattress as he tried to free the blanket from your grasp.
"Give it to me!" He snapped loudly.
Any other time you would have done exactly that or made some witty retort, but right this very moment you were feeling bratty, so you just held it further away from him. Dean reacted aggressively, digging his fingers into your skin so that you whimpered, the sound tinged with pain and excitement. You were going to have bruises in the shape of his fingers, and that thought lit fires in your belly.
You pulled it to your chest and held it there. Your breasts bounced from the erratic movements, threatening to spill free from the thin shirt concealing them. Your nipples were hard, and your skin chilled from the frigid air. It didn’t escape his notice, and you felt his cock twitching to life against your thigh.
"Give it to you, huh?" You teased.
"You wouldn’t know what to do with me."
Dean sneered down at you and then hauled the blanket away with a huff. He held it over his head, out of your reach, and tried to twist his body away from you. You tightened your thighs around his hips and pulled him closer, so that you felt him through your panties and he felt the damp between your legs against his cock.
And in the split second when his guard was down, when he was staring at you with lust-red eyes and beating down the urge to strip you naked and plunge his cock into your hot snatch, you took advantage. With both hands, you grabbed the blanket and yanked it back, only to be met with resistance once again.
It was a childish game of tug-of-war; it was ridiculous and asinine, but you couldn’t help but laugh. Even Dean cracked a weary grin as you wriggled beneath him, rubbing your clothed cunt against the morning tent he was starting to pitch.
And then it happened.
You wished you could say it was Dean burying his rigid cock inside of you, and you feeling the delicious stretch of your pussy wrapping around him, the length of him stimulating each and every one of your internal sweet spots.
Except it wasn’t.
The sound that broke through the room was like a gunshot shattering the night, and it left both you and Dean in stunned silence. There in your hands was the blanket, and there in his hands was the second half.
"Dean!" You yelled.
"Are you fucking kidding me?" He snapped back.
Your reaction was to throw it in his face. Fucking asshole. There you were beneath him, freezing to death and horny as hell, and now your blanket was ruined. You silently cursed every god whose name you remembered, condemning them for having forced you to share a bed with a known blanket hog.
You shoved at the wall of his chest, but he didn’t budge. Instead, he slammed a fist into the pillow beside your head in a fit of sleep-deprived irritability. Really, you couldn’t blame him. That damn siren had kicked your asses up and down the street for days before Sam managed the kill shot.
All three of you were sore, tired, and in a foul mood.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t pissed.
"You guys are actually ridiculous. You know that, right? Fucking ridiculous." Sam groaned from his bed, his back toward you, though there was no mistake about what had happened just now. "You better sort yourselves out right quick because I’m not sharing with either of you idiots."
You barely had time to whine and beg for Sam to reconsider before the air was forced out of your lungs by the delicious weight of Dean Winchester atop of you. His face was buried in the crook of your neck, his warm breath a gentle caress against your skin, and it stunned you into an awkward silence.
This was definitely not how you expected your day off to go.
But you weren’t in a position to complain. The man burned like a furnace even on the bitterest of winter nights, and it didn’t take long for the warmth of him to penetrate you, right down to the bone. You weren’t shivering now; in fact, you were quite content.
It was comfortable. His arms felt like home; he held you like a promise, and Dean Winchester never broke his promises.
And okay, yeah, maybe it wasn’t the same as having his cock buried in your cunt or his tongue in your mouth, but it was a pretty close second. And as you wrapped your arms around him and listened to the soft sound of his breathing as he dozed off, you decided that you could get used to this.
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inkwell-intrigues · 5 months
ROUGH DRAFT - Chapter One: An Unexpected Guest
The eerie sound of a never-ending tapping filled the once lavish office. Torn newspapers littered the floor, their headlines taunting a hunched over figure in the center of the room, whose eye would dart from page to page, tapping his clawed fingers ceaselessly in anger.
With a growl, the newspaper that was being read suddenly burst into flames and was tossed aside. Glancing around, the latest issue of the Honeycomb Herald caught the figure’s eye. Snatching it up with a mangy hand, he began to read the front page article, his grip tightening with every word.
Devil Defunct?
Has the Devil finally left the Inkwell Isles?
It has been 3 months since the dumbfounding defeat of the Devil himself by none other than two youngsters at a mere 10 years of age, no less! Now as the weeks go by and all remains calm, the citizens of the Inkwell Isles cannot help but ask, “Is it over?”
The Devil's lair, Mt. Inkwell Hell, has sealed itself off, as if the Devil's Casino never existed, ever since that fateful day two children stood up to the King of  the Underworld. Though gamblers from Inkwell and beyond vehemently protest, the rest of us upstanding citizens breathe a heavy sigh of relief.
But even in our newfound paradise, rumors have already begun to spread regarding the Devil’s return. There are reported sightings of his devious imps and King Dice’s playing cards sneaking about and causing all sorts of mischief. Although none of these sightings have been confirmed, it presents a worrying question: Is the Devil still here, under our very noses, lying in wait to strike?
To quell our concerns, we turn to vibrant victors and heroes of the Inkwell Isles, Mindful Mugman and Courageous Cuphead, to hear their thoughts on the matter:
Mugman: “Well, I don’t think the Devil is comin’ back. Not after Cups and I made a fool outta him, but I can see why everyone’s so worried. The casino closing all quick-like and people spotting imps runnin’ about is sure strange. But my Elder Kettle says the Devil’s prideful. I don’t think he would be hiding out while everyone’s makin’ fun of him.”
Cuphead: “The Devil? Comin’ back? Hah! Not in a million years. That big ol’ crybaby won’t ever show his sorry face in Inkwell ever again, or anywhere else anywhere near here! Everyone knows how Mugsy and I beat him good, so who’s gonna respect him now? No one wants to sell their soul to a washed up rug who got beat by a couple of kids, that’s for sure.
And if he did try somethin’ stupid, he’s gonna have to go through me and my brother first! So don’t even be worried about it, the Inkwell Isles ain’t gonna be bothered by him and his goons ever again.”
So there you have it, folks! The Cup Brothers, protectors of the Inkwell Isles, are sure that the Devil won’t return. And if he does, he’ll get a walloping of a lifetime!
The very temperature of the room seemed to rise as the Devil read the article with sparks flying from his mangy fur. With a swift slash of a yellowed claw, the newspaper was torn cleanly in half and thrown aside into a rapidly growing pile of other ripped apart newspapers. Letting out a half-hearted chuckle, the Devil snapped his fingers and the entire pile of newspapers was set alight.
This was ridiculous. How could such inconsequential, menial mortals dare to mock him? He could eviscerate them with a simple wave of his hand if he so desired. He could-
As the Devil shifted, he knocked over a small vial. One of the many scattered across his desk. The demon’s heart skipped a beat, catching the vial just before it hit the floor. With a gentleness thoroughly unnatural for the Devil, he gingerly laid the vial back on his desk.
This would be his masterpiece. There had never been a more perfectly exacted revenge in all his millennia. If one potion caused his defeat, another would ensure his return.
The Devil was no fool- he knew exactly how those sniveling children had beaten him. It was just his luck that their guardian, that damned Elder Kettle, had somehow gotten ahold of a Calix potion from that bygone era.
Damn him! That old man would pay dearly for his mistake before the end.
And it wasn’t just him. Those brothers had gotten help from her. The Legendary Chalice. She’d helped them, trained them in the Calix’s ancient techniques, and hidden away like a coward as she watched her little puppets do the dirty work. The very thought of Chalice sent a shower of fiery sparks flying off The Devil’s black fur. Her insolence defied even death.
But not for long.
The Devil’s gaze returned to the vial, full of bubbling red liquid. And then there was its complement, another vial which glowed with a light blue liquid.
“Patience,” he muttered to himself as he lit a cigar.
Glancing up, his eyes fell on a chalkboard covered with formulas. He was so close to success. Just a few more tests and it would be perfect. After all these years, he had finally cracked the code of their ancient formulas, and his revenge would be exacted. Not just against those boys, but against his greatest adversary: The Calix Animi.
So there you have it! My first actual writing in about 6 months! Feel free to leave your thoughts and opinions in the replies!
Thank you for reading!!!
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hey-imma-fangirl · 1 year
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The Episode ‘Roadkill’ except it’s in the Welcome Back to the Casino AU Part IV
For @flufflepops
Being laughed at by a couple of children, at first the Devil was embarrassed, her cheeks, bridge of her nose and tips of her ears turning a dark shade of pink.
Though soon after, she snapped.
Growling and sharpening her claws, the Devil pounced. Though, the girls got out of the way just in time. But the Devil didn’t stop there, instead chased the two girls around the room- Scratching up the curtains, breaking things; all in an effort to catch them.
Right on their tails, the Devil would’ve caught them if she hadn’t gotten hit over the head with a broom.
“Bad! Bad kitty!” Elder Kettle scolded her as the Devil massaged her head where she was hit.
Not listening to the Kettle’s demands, she went to pounce once more-
Until Mugma’am pulled a yarn ball out of seemingly nowhere.
Mystified by it, the Devil stopped with a screeching husky. She blinked up at it with her big, yellow eyes.
“You want the yarn ball?” Cuphead took it from Mugma’am. “Then go get it!” She tossed it across the room, the demon chasing after it.
“I’m sorry girls, he wasn’t acting like that before!” Elder Kettle shook her head.
“She’s kinda cute, you gotta admit.” Cuphead chuckled as the three of them watched the Devil roll around the ball of yarn.
“Where’d you get that… Uh… Thing…?” Mugma’am asked.
“Oh, I ran the poor thing over. So I took him in. He was acting fine before, you must’ve just startled him.” Elder Kettle sighed. “I need to clean up that broken lamp.”
“Uh… Elder Kettle, what do you think that is?” Cuphead pointed towards the Devil.
“He’s a cat of course!”
The girls looked to each other, both noticing that the woman didn’t have her glasses on.
“That ain’t a cat.” Cuphead shook her head.
“Now girls, I may not be able to find my glasses, but I know a cat when I see one.” Elder Kettle placed a hand on her hip before heading to get the dust pan.
The door opened, the girls turning their attention to it.
“Heya fellas!” Chalice stood in the doorway. “There’s a double double feature playin at the Inkwell Theatre, you Ding-Dongs wanna go?”
“Hey, whaddya know, our lie came true!”
“Last one there buys the popcorn!”
The sisters ran to catch up with Chalice, Mugma’am stopping in the doorway and pulling Cuphead back by the collar.
“Wait, we can’t just leave Elder Kettle alone here with the Devil!” Mugs whispered.
“Hey Kettle! Why don’t you come with us to see the picture show?!” Cuphead called out to the woman.
“No, no, you girls run along.” Elder Kettle stopped halfway through cleaning up the broken glass. “I’ve gotta stay here and deal with this naughty thing.” She glared over at the Devil, still enjoying the ball of yarn.
Exchanging glances, the girls shrugged and went on with their day. After all, if the Devil was out to hurt Elder Kettle, she would’ve definitely done so by now.
“Now then, mister!” Elder Kettle finished cleaning and loomed over the Devil, scowling her. “You’re in hot water now!”
The woman pursed her lips before sighing. Elder Kettle smiled, scratching the demon’s chin.
“I just can’t stay mad at you, Mr. Meow-Meow.” The Devil purred at her touch. “Now you just wait right there, I’m going to whip up a special treat for you!~”
The Devil blinked, her tail twitching as she looked at the yarn ball she had been playing with rather than getting that bratty girl’s soul.
“What am I doing?! Pretending to be a cat?” She tossed the yarn ball as if it were poison. “I’m the Devil! Ugh!” She ripped off the pink ribbon, throwing it to the ground and kicking it. “Forget the girl’s soul! Any soul will do! I just need one soul!”
Her ear twitched at the sound of pots and pans and the old lady humming a tune. An evil giggle came from the Devil as she came up with a new plan.
“I’ll just get that old woman’s soul. This’ll be too easy!”
Sneaking into the kitchen and ready to strike and take Elder Kettle’s soul for herself, her heeled footsteps caught the old lady’s attention. Falling down on all fours just in time as the Kettle turned around- As if she was still pretending to be a cat. Looking around, the woman’s eyes fell on the Devil.
“I wuv you Mr. Meow-Meow~!” The woman turned back to the stove.
Feeling just a spark of empathy, the demon sneaked back out of the room. Once out of eye shot, she stood up, leaning against the wall.
“I can’t do it.” She drooped her ears, groaning. She slicked her hair back, just for her bangs to fall back over her eyes. “She was so kind to me, it isn’t warranted. I’ll just have to get someone else’s soul.”
She marched to the door, swinging it open. Only to be stopped by a short woman about to knock on the door.
“Oh- Pretty lady- Uhm- Hello! I’m selling brushes door to door! Interested?” She asked.
The Devil blinked, her answer right in front of her.
“Sure!” Her lips formed into a sinister smile. “But first you seem like a gambling freak to me. How about a friendly little game of tick-tack-toe?”
“Ooo! Tick-Tack-Toe! Yay!” The woman heedlessly followed the Devil wherever she was heading to.
Back in the cottage, Elder Kettle finished up her little treat she made for her cat.
“Here Kitty, Kitty!” She called out, finding the living room empty. “Mr. Meow-Meow?” Noticing the door was left open, she dropped the dish, collapsing into her seat. “He’s gone…? Now everyone’s gone and left Old Elder Kettle alone...”
Her gaze fell to the ground, finally noticing her glasses on their chain. Hearing footsteps and seeing a familiar shadow, she slipped on her glasses hopefully.
“Mr. Meow-Meow?”
Her eyes adjusting, she only saw the goat on the doorway. Frowning and riding her eyebrows, her and the host exchanged glances.
🧶 🧶 🧶
Checking her watch, Stickler sighed, as there was only a little less than a half an hour left before everything was permanently sealed. Walking down the rest of the steps with a soul, the Devil went straight to the other demon, shoving the soul in her mouth.
“There’s your soul. Happy now?”
“Quota satisfied.”
Though nothing happened. Angrily, the Devil frowned down at Stickler, the imp barely reacting.
“I said,” Stickler cleared her throat, turning to the Devil’s throne. “Quota Satisfied!”
The Devil herself turned to her throne, which happened to be un-bubbled. Anger struck her as she saw Asmodeus sitting at her throne, filing her nails.
“Quota satisfied!” Stickler snapped, finally getting the Sin’s attention.
“I heard you the first time!” Asmodeus snapped her fingers, the bubbles popping.
Henchwoman, asleep in her own bubble, awoke when she suddenly started falling, the Devil catching her.
“D’aww! Thanks Boss!”
“Did you get more donuts?!” The Devil’s tail wagged.
“Duh…” Henchwoman looked around nervously. “I was in the bubble.”
Her smile vanishing, the Devil dropped the imp and marched to her throne, looming over Asmodeus, still filing her nails. Catching her attention, the sin smirked.
“Hey there Luci, baby, have you lost weight?~”
“Alright girly.” Asmodeus stood up from the throne. “You still single? Cuz you know I- “
“Alright, sheesh.” Asmodeus walked off, winking at Stickler as she walked past. “Call me~” She whispered.
“I’d rather not.” Stickler was busy helping Henchwoman up from the ground.
Asmodeus huffed, heading to the elevator.
The Devil sat at her throne, sighing after a long day.
“Alright, you to, get out. I have very important things to attend to.”
Henchwoman and Stickler looked at each other shrugging, but doing as they were told. The Devil followed the two out with only her gaze. Setting her trident aside, she looked around before taking a yarn ball out from behind her back. She then began playing with the yarn, while giggling to herself.
🫧 🫧 🫧
Elder Kettle sat in her chair, half asleep while listening to her radio. She sleepily pet the goat that was atop of her lap. She sighed happily, sleep slowly claiming her for the evening.
🐐 🐐 🐐
Queen Dice stared out into the setting sun, slowly starting fall asleep. She accepted her fate of staying in this indestructible bubble. It wasn’t exactly an uncomfortable situation, it was roomy. It apparently was able to give her enough oxygen to breathe.
Since she lost everything, she might as well just stay in the bubble for the rest of her life-
The bubble popped, immediately dropping Dice out of the sky. With no idea of how far she was up in the air, it wouldn’t be a soft landing.
Landing face first, she felt the concrete crack below her. Or maybe it was her face. Both. Probably both.
How she survived the fell was beyond her, but a miracle.
Though she did survive it… It still hurt.
Making a sound between a groan and a cry, she stayed with her face in the concrete for a bit, unwilling- and possibly unable- to move.
“This is just peachy.”
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elm-writes-stories · 9 months
Cuphead: Isle of Memories (Rewrite!)
*Hey guys! I'm back with another episode of the rewrite of Cuphead: Isle of Memories! This is published on August 26, 2023. If you guys like this episode, don't be afraid to heart it, reblog, and comment! That would be greatly appreciated! Enjoy!*
Episode Two: Moonshine Night
It had been a few nights since the group stayed in the Howling Aces base. Ribby and Croaks had been going out to find a job to sustain them while Brineybeard ventured off through the island to explore it.
Mugman had his own room along with Cuphead, Chalice, and Canteen. Murray shared the room with Elder Kettle and Porkrind shared a room with Dice and Jerry. The Howling Aces had their own room where they slept in a dog pile.
Mugman was tossing and turning in his bed, groaning uncomfortably. He clenched his jaw with a whimper while his veins glowed blue.
He could see the Devil on his throne, laughing like a maniac in front of him. If Mugman didn’t know any better, he would’ve thought that maybe his mind was replaying the Devil capturing him again…but this was different. He watched the Devil’s veins glowed orange from Tremaine infecting him. Or should Mugman say empowering Devil?
Devil had his pitchfork and pointed towards Mugman, causing him to scream in pain. Mugman clenched his teeth, kneeled on the ground, and watched orange veins coming back through his body. But he was cured of Tremaine…why would he be having it back inside of him again? He blinked and saw that he was kneeling on the rough ocean waters, watching Devil smirking evilly and letting his pitchfork touch the ocean waters. The waters soon became infected with Tremaine, letting it spread across the world. The waters entered the drains, infecting the Inkwell Isle City…but also Inkwell Village.
Mugman turned around and saw everyone in the city and the village becoming infected with Tremaine and turning them into demons with shells of their former selves.
Mugman breathed heavily, gripping the sheets of the bed. He tossed and turned on the bed more and tried to wake himself up from this dream.
Mugman could see the battlefield once again. It seemed clearer than it was before with the kingdom of people that were not infected with Tremaine and the army of those infected with Tremaine. He saw his own family and friends in the kingdom that wasn’t infected with Tremaine, getting their weapons out and their armors equipped. Mugman could see many more people, but he couldn’t recognize them for a moment.
“You caused this!”
Mugman blinked and turned around to find Hunter stumbling over to him, his foot missing and his stomach emptied of all the guts. His fur was shredded, exposing fleshy skin under him with a broken jaw.
“W-What?” Mugman cried.
“You caused this, you little animal!” Hunter growled while lunging at Mugman.
Mugman screamed awake with his vision blue when he opened his eyes. He gripped the sheets of the bed, looking around the room to find that he was still in the Howling Aces base with the blue in his vision fading instantly.
Mugman took a few deep breaths and sighed in relief when he realized he was safe. It was then he could feel his back sting in pain. He clenched his teeth and rubbed on his mid-back until…he could feel something moving in two spots next to each other. Confused as to what it was, he felt something pushed against his fingers. He breathed heavily while whimpering in pain.
It was then he felt it pushed out of his back and ripped through his skin in a quick manner like someone ripping off a band-aid. Was this another nightmare…vision? Mugman yelped in pain and fell off the bed. He could feel something covering him that was strangely soft and comfortable. His vision was blurry for second until he blinked to find blue feathers in front of his face. Mugman watched the feathers pushed back. Wait…did he just…were these…wings?
“What the—?” Mugman questioned while trying to figure out how in the world did wings just attached to his back. “Whoa, that’s actually kind of cool.”
He flapped his wings a little, causing him to hover in the air with a little smile. He giggled and lifted off the air, hitting against the ceiling with a groan.
“Ow…” He rubbed the back of his head. Grinning excitedly, he looked at his blue wings. “Wow! This is so cool! But…how in the world did I even get these? Are they part of the powers we have? Wait…can Cuphead get wings?”
Mugman smiled a bit more in consideration of it. “I wonder if they’re retractable.” He took a deep breath, hoping that maybe it was a way to retract his wings. His wings retracted into his back, which stung him momentarily before sighing. “Wow…that’s pretty easy. I wonder how I can bring them back out.” He tried to get his wings out, but he couldn’t. “Huh. Okay. I should get back to sleep before I wake the others up.”
Mugman laid back down to bed and sighed. He closed his eyes to fall back asleep before—
Mugman yelped awake, his wings extended from hearing Hunter’s voice again. The blue mug glanced up at his blue feather wings, trying to calm down. He heard footsteps walking over to the room, which was revealed to be King Dice peeking into the room with a tired curious look on his face before widening his eyes to see the blue wings.
Mugman broadened his eyes and breathed in, retracting his wings into his back awkwardly.
King Dice looked at the pot of coffee he had been carrying all night and then back at Mugman. He shook his head at himself and continued walking. “Geez, I really need to get some sleep.”
Mugman watched King Dice walk away from him with a sigh in relief. He wasn’t sure if he was ready to tell the others about it, especially the adults. However, he really wanted to share this with Cuphead, Canteen, and Chalice. He laid back down on his bed and fluttered his eyes closed with a plan on what to do in the morning. 
In the morning, Mugman traveled through the woods with Cuphead, Chalice, and Canteen towards the cliff where they were rescued.
“Sooo, you have something to show us?” Chalice asked with a brow raised.
“Yeah…I know that it’s going to sound nuts, but it just happened last night…and it’s freaky. I don’t think the adults should know about this…yet,” Mugman replied while approaching the cliff.
“Is it in the submarine?” Cuphead asked.
“No. No, it has nothing to do with the submarine. Watch,” Mugman instructed while approaching the cliff. He looked to realize how high he was about to jump off. He shook his head for a moment and took one step back from the cliff.
“Uh…what are you doing?” Canteen uttered uncomfortably.
“Hold on. Hold on,” Mugman replied with deep breaths, his toes resting on the edge of the cliff.
“Mugman, what are you even—?”
Mugman took a leap of faith off the cliff.
“DING DONG!” Chalice shouted while the three kids approached the cliff.
Mugman screamed before his wings spread out, helping him glide towards the ocean waters. However, the high winds shoved Mugman against the wall with his wings in tact.
“Ow!” Mugman yelped while flapping his wings up back to the cliff with his friends watching in awe and wonder.
He flew towards them, tumbling onto the ground and crashing against the tree behind them. They turned to look to see blue feathers covering his face as he got up and dusted himself off. He looked to see his brother and his two friends widened their eyes in shock.
“Sooo, what do you guys think?” Mugman asked nervously.
“That—is so cool! How in the world did you even get wings?! I didn’t know we can get wings!” Cuphead replied excitedly, going off on a tangent with questions. “Wait! How did you even get these?! Were these part of our powers?! Does that mean I’ll get them?!”
Chalice was too quiet.
However, Canteen walked over to Mugman’s wing and studied it by pulling it down gently to not hurt the mug and examining it thoroughly.
“The feathers looks like it belongs to a bird. Like a caladrius’ wings or something.”
“A what?” Mugman questioned.
“A caladrius. Do you know what those birds are?”
Mugman shook his head.
“Oh, they’re basically mythical birds. So, according to Ancient times, the bird itself was to represent prophecy in some form. Like say someone is sick in bed, if a caladrius looks straight at the person, it meant that the person is going to live…but if the caladrius looked away, that person will die. It’s weird, I know. I looked up mythologies all the time and this is probably one of the weirdest ones I’ve come across to,” Canteen responded. “Anyway, your wings look like those caladrius wings I’ve seen in books. How did your wings came out exactly?”
Mugman began to tremble a bit. “I-I don’t know. I mean, last night…I had some weird dream of a battlefield and Tremaine spreading everywhere. The weird thing is…I’ve seen that battlefield twice now.”
“That’s freaky,” Chalice uttered timidly.
“I saw it in the submarine and at the Howling Aces base. Do you guys think that this is some sort of a vision?” Mugman uttered.
Cuphead pondered about it. “Probably. Or it’s just a coincidence that you dreamed it twice in a row.”
“Hopefully, a coincidence,” Chalice responded.
“Why hopefully?” Canteen asked.
Chalice took a deep breath. “If he saw a battlefield twice and it turned out to be true, then something big is ahead of us. Maybe that’s why his wings were out…wait…where did you two ding dongs get these new powers? I’ve been meaning to ask for a while…but I don’t think it’s from the chemical that your father made for you both when you’re little.”
“Uh…The Eternal’s Orb,” Mugman answered.
“Wait, really?” Cuphead asked.
“Yeah,” Mugman responded.
“OH!” Canteen said with his head perked up. “The Eternals Orb was two gifts mixed together. One of prophecy and one of bravery…oh…so, that’s why you might have future vision, Mugman.”
“That’s actually kind of cool!” Cuphead chirped in excitement.
“Not really when you can’t sleep because of it,” Mugman said shyly.
Chalice softened her gaze and frowned.
“Anyway,” Mugman continued. “That’s, uh, all I got to show you.”
“Aw, I wanna have wings!” Cuphead groaned and looked over the cliff with a smirk.
“Cuphead, you better not be thinking about it—”
Mugman’s sentence was interrupted when Cuphead rushed off the cliff.
“CUPHEAD!!!” Everyone shouted his name.
Mugman leaped off of the cliff to dive down after his brother with his wings.
“Ugh, guys,” Chalice said while turning into a ghost and flew down after the boys.
Canteen arched a brow and attempted to climb down to meet up with his friends until he slipped and lost his grip on the rocks, falling down with a scream.
Cuphead was close to hitting the submarine until he was lifted up in the air. He brightly smiled. “HEY! I GOT WINGS TOO!”
“No, Cuphead, it’s just me,” Mugman said with a deadpan tone, holding his brother by his waist.
“Are you kidding me?!” Cuphead complained.
They heard Canteen’s scream suddenly before Mugman looked up and felt a sudden weight on his back. Canteen, Mugman, and Cuphead fell onto the submarine with a crash.
“S-Sorry,” Canteen groaned in pain, recovering his bandaged ankle.
Chalice landed on the ground in her ghost form, transforming back to her physical form. “You guys okay?”
“Ugh, we’re fine,” Mugman groaned, his wing accidentally flapping against Canteen’s face. “Oh, sorry—” His other wing almost knocked Cuphead off-balance from the submarine. “Sorry. Sorry.” Mugman inhaled, retracting his wings.
“Fascinating…” Canteen uttered after witnessing Mugman’s wings going into his back.
Chalice sighed and looked down into the abandoned submarine they were once in, noticing something lurking in the water. “Hey, what’s that?”
The boys joined Chalice to look at some weird substance lurking in the water.
“You got me,” Cuphead responded.
“Wait a minute…it’s orange—kind of,” Canteen observed.
Mugman gasped in horror. “No…it can’t be.”
“You don’t think—?” Chalice widened her eyes in realization.
“Oh no,” Cuphead replied.
“Wait! Look, there’s a trail!” Canteen pointed at orange color within the ocean waters making a trail from somewhere.
“You guys stay here,” Chalice replied and turned into a ghost. She flew off and followed the trail, finding it leading to the sewers under the island…a few blocks away from the casino known as Moonshine Casino. She also realized that the opening to the sewers were barred, which wouldn’t fit anyone through it except for Chalice.
She gasped and flew back to the boys. “Guys! It’s coming from sewers under the Moonshine Casino!”
“We got to stop it or it’ll spread into the ocean!” Mugman shouted in panic.
“The sewers are barred and you guys won’t fit through. I can phase through bars, but you three need to find a way to get in,” Chalice informed the boys while hurrying back to the sewers and phasing through the bars.
Mugman, Cuphead, and Canteen looked back up at the cliff.
“So…how are we going back up there?” Canteen questioned.
“Huh, I’ve never really thought about that…usually my wings would come out if I get startled—”
“BOO!” Cuphead shouted.
Mugman yelped, his wings spread back out. He took a couple of deep breaths and sighed in discouragement. 
After Mugman managed to fly and carry both Canteen and Cuphead over by the bushes in front of the tall casino building with neon signs called ‘Moonshine Casino’, Mugman retracted his wings and looked up with Canteen and Cuphead.
“Okay, how do we get in exactly?” Canteen asked with a brow raised. “Usually, they don’t let people in who are younger than 21.”
“Pfft, I’m sure they ain’t strict with the ages,” Cuphead responded while marching towards the entrance of the casino. Mugman and Canteen followed Cuphead and noticed the gray spider in a teal suit and hat standing by the entrance.
The spider cocked a brow. “You boys need something.”
“We would like to enter the casino,” Cuphead requested.
“You boys are not even over 21 here. You oughta be 21 or older to enter the casino,” the spider informed.
Cuphead lost his confident grin.
“Now get lost before things get messy,” the spider growled, causing the cups and a canteen to back away from the casino, hiding behind the bushes.
“Okay, change of plans then,” Cuphead determined.
It was then Cuphead shape-shifted himself, his brother, and his friend as adults and walked towards the casino to fool the spider.
However, the spider looked at them with a deadpan stare. “That would be a sixty bucks.”
“Oh, we don’t have that kind of money,” Cuphead, disguised as an adult cup, said with a nervous grin.
“Well, then I guess you ain’t gettin’ in,” the spider said while smoking a cigar. “Now beat it!”
The three adults frowned and headed away from the spider, transforming back to their original selves.
“Great, where are we going to get that kind of money?” Mugman grumbled.
An idea struck Cuphead.
“I know where!” Cuphead determined and rushed towards the Ruth Bakery.
“Wait, Cuphead!” Mugman called while running after his brother. Canteen joined the chase, hoping that the cops wouldn’t notice him following the cup brothers.
They reached to the Ruth Bakery as Cuphead snuck around the back and peeked through the window, watching Natalie with a bandage on the side of her head sitting on the couch with a book in front of her face. She appeared to be bored when she yawned. Tabitha was doing Natalie’s hair.
“Ugh, your hair is taking forever to clean out,” Tabitha grumbled. “At least your sister’s hair is easier to clean than yours.”
Natalie sighed. “Why can’t you let me have some fun?”
“That fun almost got you and your sister killed,” Tabitha answered with a growl. “Besides, you shouldn’t even be friends with that peasant and his rabid dog of a brother along with that half-ghost freak.”
“You mean Cuphead, Mugman, and Chalice?”
“They don’t have any better names than that. I guess their parents don’t love their kids as they like to claim they do,” Tabitha said with a sigh.
“Mommy, why are you mean to our friends?” Aurora asked holding her stuffed bear.
“I’m not being mean. It’s what they are, dear,” Tabitha responded. “Just like how Cassidy is a burden to society, they are freaks and peasants. They don’t deserve our attention.”
“But Mugsy says Cassi is like an angel, so I think Cassi is like an angel too,” Aurora replied innocently.
“We don’t believe words from a rabid dog, Aurora,” Tabitha said with a scoff.
“It was one time Mugman acted like that in front of you,” Natalie responded defensively. “In his defense, he has Tremaine inside of him—”
“Honey, he killed people. And they still love him? I’m surprised that they didn’t just leave him in Hell where he belongs,” Tabitha said. “Again, that piece of burden has them all under some crazy demonic spell. And we know better not to fall for it.”
Mugman frowned when overhearing the conversation while Cuphead’s eyes turned red in anger. Canteen clenched his jaw.
Aurora’s lips wobbled and she held her teddy bear close. “Cassi isn’t a piece of burden.”
“See? Since you’ve befriended that burden, your sister is under this demonic spell. You need to break it for her,” Tabitha replied to Natalie. “Oh, Natalie, you have to better than that. Your father wouldn’t have left if you have been better than you were before.”
Natalie tried to fight the tears, which Cuphead noticed and caused him to grew more angry. However, before he was about to react out of anger, he noticed a picture of Natalie with some cup man with hair that he couldn’t tell since it was a black and white photo doing Natalie’s make-up up on the high shelf behind Tabitha. An idea struck Cuphead and he transformed into the guy that would do Natalie’s make-up.
Cuphead walked into the back door before Mugman and Canteen could even stop him. Cuphead entered the bakery, earning shocked looks from Natalie and Aurora. Tabitha didn’t seem surprise that he came in, which was a good sign that he was fooling her.
“Oh good. Richard, you showed up,” Tabitha responded with her arms crossed. “I need you to watch over Natalie and Aurora tonight.”
“Uh, sure,” Cuphead, summoning Richard’s voice, replied with a nervous smile.
“And Natalie, don’t disappoint him,” Tabitha replied, referring to Richard. She took out alcohol out of the cabinet and headed outside of the bakery.
Cuphead arched a brow while looking down to see Natalie nervously standing in front of him.
“Uh, what does she mean by not disappointing him?” Cuphead asked finally.
Natalie arched a brow. “What?”
Cuphead appeared with a small nervous smile.
“CUPPY!” Aurora called with a gasp.
“CUPS!” Natalie exclaimed and leaped towards him to hug him. Cuphead blushed and hugged her back slowly.
“What are you doing here? Wait a minute.” She pulled away from the hug with a blush. “You’re not supposed to be here. If my mom catches you here, she’ll lose it.”
“Eh, I ain’t too worried about it,” Cuphead responded with a soft smile. “But what does she mean by not disappointing that guy?”
“Oh…uh…it’s…um…weird to talk about,” Natalie uttered.
“Oh, okay,” Cuphead replied with a shrug. “So, are you up for another adventure?”
Natalie clenched her jaw. “Well—”
“YEAH!” Aurora chirped excitedly. “Please, sissy!”
Mugman and Canteen entered the bakery from behind Cuphead.
“Cuphead, what are you doing?” Mugman questioned.
“Mugsy!” Aurora chirped.
“Uh…hey, guys.” Natalie waved to them nervously.
“Long time, no see,” Canteen greeted.
Mugman didn’t respond. He just frowned and glanced at Cuphead. “You know, we should get money somewhere else.”
“You guys came here for money?” Natalie asked with a brow arched.
Cuphead clenched his teeth. “I was actually going to ask if you have sixty bucks. If you don’t, we’ll look somewhere else.”
“I do,” Natalie said while rubbing her arm. “But what are you trying to do?”
“There is Tremaine under the Moonshine Casino,” Cuphead explained. “But we can’t get in unless we’re adults and have sixty bucks. I can shapeshift us into adults…but I can’t get us in without the sixty bucks.”
Natalie rubbed her chin. “Moonshine Casino, you say?”
“Yeah, why?” Cuphead questioned with his head tilted to the side.
Natalie clenched her teeth. “I know a way we can get in there for free."
Charlie Left-Legs, the infamous spider boss of the Moonshine Mob and the head of Moonshine Casino, smoked a cigar and enjoyed the fresh air. He kept an eye out for anyone who would want to enter the casino until he saw a set of familiar faces approaching him. He cornered a smile.
“Tabitha Ruth, come to gamble again?” Charlie asked Tabitha, who was approaching him with three of her male friends.
“Of course, can’t lose like last time,” Tabitha said with a smirk.
“Come on in and try your luck, Ms. Ruth,” Charlie said while opening the door for Tabitha and her friends. The group walked into the casino to find it full of light and color. It could make anyone feel dizzy from all the smells of alcohol, the sights of drunken patrons gambling and laughing, and the loud bouncy music lingering in the air. The waiters and waitresses served their customers drinks and tend to the gambling games to make sure no one will cheat.
Tabitha and her friends walked through the casino, searching for an entrance near to the sewers until bumped into the familiar frogs.
“Hey, watch it!” Ribby, now a waiter at the Moonshine Casino, shouted at Tabitha before recognizing her with a groan. “Oh, great, it’s you again. Shouldn’t you be home taking care of your daughters instead of comin’ here to gamble?”
“Wait, Ribby, Croaks, it’s us,” Tabitha replied innocently.
The disguises were revealed to be Natalie, Cuphead, Mugman, and Canteen. Ribby and Croaks gasped and pulled them into the empty hallway near the bathrooms.
“Youse kids ain’t supposed to be here,” Croaks whispered harshly. “You better get outta here before things get messy.”
“Look, we can explain,” Cuphead said while stepping into the conversation. “There’s Tremaine in the sewers under the Moonshine Casino. We need to stop it before it spreads into the ocean.”
Ribby and Croaks widened their eyes in shock.
“Tremaine…I thought it’s back down in the Underworld,” Ribby uttered.
“You ain’t pulling our legs, are you?” Croaks asked.
“We wouldn’t be lying about something like this,” Mugman explained.
The frog brothers took a moment to ponder.
“Are you sure it’s Tremaine?” Ribby questioned. “It could be something completely different.”
“We won’t know unless we go down there,” Canteen determined in a whisper.
Ribby and Croaks exchanged glances at each other and then back at the kids.
“There’s the door to the cellar, which should lead you kids into the sewers. You might want to be careful…there’s a big ole anteater down there…and he ain’t one to mess with,” Ribby replied.
“In fact, the Moonshine Mob ain’t one to mess with,” Croaks responded. “They like to play rough and dirty. Just be careful around them.”
“Hey! I saw you enter already!” Charlie’s voice shouted.
Ribby and Croaks peeked out of the hallway along with the kids. They saw the real Tabitha and her friends entering the casino with Charlie scanning the area.
Ribby glanced at the kids. “We’ll cause a distraction. The cellar through a trapdoor in the kitchen, can’t miss it.”
“Be careful out there, kids,” Croaks replied while both of the frogs walked out of the empty hallway, laughing boisterously.
“You see how I beat that guy at the poker table?!” Ribby replied with a laugh.
“You saying you’re better at poker than me?!” Croaks responded with sudden anger.
“So what if I am?!” Ribby yelled. An imaginary bell rang and both of the frogs punched each other, distracting everyone in the casino.
“HEY!” Charlie shouted at Ribby and Croaks fighting in the crowd. He hurried over to the frogs while the kids were sneaking through the crowds, making sure they weren’t spotted until—
Everyone froze and looked to see Tabitha spotting them through the crowd. Aurora rose from Natalie’s cup head, peaking through her bubbly brown hair.
“Mommy looks mad,” Aurora uttered.
“Run,” Natalie whispered to her friends as they hurried over to the kitchen.
“HEY!” Charlie shouted, noticing the kids entering through the kitchen doors.
“Hurry,” Mugman urged the group.
Cuphead ran ahead of them and opened the cellar door in the middle of the kitchen.
Natalie climbed down into the cellar with Aurora in her bubbly brown hair. Mugman let Canteen climb down next and then hurried down after them. Cuphead watched Charlie busting through the kitchen doors and hopped into the cellar.
The kids raced down through the cellar, hearing multiple footsteps that appeared like multiple people were chasing them. They didn’t care to look back as they entered through the dark caverns after they rushed through the wooden door leading them out of the cellar. They were going down further and further into the darkness, hoping to reach the sewer before they were caught.
 Cuphead felt a fire on his head, lighting the way for them to go down further into the darkness. With a bright smile on his face, he went ahead of the group and led them through the dark tunnels until they reached the bridge that was being worked on by the bug thugs.
The thugs noticed them coming this way and stood in the way, causing Cuphead to stop and scoop Natalie and Aurora in his arms. He looked over to find another bridge to jump down on. So, he jumped down on the bridge with Natalie and Aurora in his arms. Mugman picked Canteen up in his arms and hopped down on the lower bridge with Cuphead. They hopped down to the last bridge before running to the other side before the bug cops showed up with their batons.
“That’s the canteen that blew up the padi-wagon a few days ago!” one of the cops pointed at Canteen Hughes.
“Oh come on, guys! You’re still hung up over that?!” Canteen responded.
“Get him!” the bug cop ordered.
Charlie showed up with Light Bug, Lenny the Caterpillar, and the rest of the bug thugs on the top bridge from where the kids entered from.
“Oh come on! You again?!” Charlie shouted at the cops. “I told you, Prohibition is over three years ago! We have the right to sell alcohol here!”
“You still sell illegal drugs here though!” the lead cop pointed out.
“Oh, really, like what?!” Charlie growled at the cops.
“Like Tremaine!” Mugman pointed out accusingly.
“Like Marijuana—wait, what?” the lead cop questioned.
“What’s Tremaine? Is it a new drug?” one of the cops uttered.
“That buff pirate guy said something about Night Stalkers and Tremaine a few days ago…I thought he was insane,” the other cop whispered.
Charlie arched a brow. “Like what?!”
“Yeah, we saw Tremaine oozing out of the sewers right under your casino!” Cuphead shouted at the spider.
“It’s an orangish-brown liquid!” Canteen described. “Care to explain that?!”
One of the fly thugs gasped and hurried by Charlie to whisper something to him.
Charlie blinked a couple of seconds before shouting at the kids, “THAT WAS SPILLED BOOZE, YOU DUM-DUMS!” He turned to the thug. “Go clean that mess up!”
The fly thug nodded his head and hurried over, summoning the thugs like him to come with and clean up the sewers.
Charlie shifted his attention to the kids. “You ain’t got a warrant to investigate down the sewers anyway!”
“We got a warrant to search the sewers under your casino—” one of the cops showed the warrant in a piece of paper.
“I ain’t talkin’ to you!” Charlie responded to the cops and then looked back at the kids. “You ain’t supposed to be here! But since you kids wanna act tough, I want to see how tough you really are after we pummel you!” With that said, Charlie took out a remote with a big red button and pressed it, lowering down webs that had black round bombs with a skull painted on it.
One of the bombs brushed against Cuphead’s back, causing it to blow up and knock the cup into the group. The spider laughed and stuck his forked tongue out, charging through the top bridge.
Cuphead recovered while popping his shoulders. “Alright, that’s it! It’s on!”
Charlie charged through the second bridge to approach the kids while carrying Lenny. “Break them, Lenny!”
“Wait, Charlie, I’m not ready—”
“Too bad!” Charlie responded while kicking the caterpillar. The caterpillar spun forward, forming a wheel that bounced all around the kids and running over the cops trying to approach the kids.
The caterpillar screamed while bumping onto the ground, almost hitting the kids each time.
Charlie came back around and charged towards the kids. Cuphead rushed to the spider to defend his friends and threw a punch at Charlie’s face. The spider mobster took the impact, his cheek swollen and bruised from Cuphead’s powerful punch. Charlie grew angry and snatched Cuphead’s ankle, throwing him over the spider’s head like a rag doll.
Mugman watched his brother getting slammed against the ground left and right and narrowed his brows in determination. The mug flew up to the second bridge with his wings and dove towards the spider hurting his brother. Mugman kicked Charlie off the bridge, causing him scream.
Mugman helped Cuphead up on his feet. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Cuphead said while spitting out one loose teeth.
Meanwhile, Canteen attempted to guide Natalie and Aurora to safety until a cop showed up with his baton.
“Hey, you kids ain’t going anywhere—” He was interrupted when his pupils turned blue for a moment and the cop smacked himself with a baton. Chalice, as a ghost, popped out of the cop with a cocky grin on her face.
Canteen and Natalie sighed in relief to see Chalice.
“Chalice!” Aurora chirped happily.
“So…is it really spilled booze down there?” Canteen replied.
“Yep. I was gonna tell you guys that, but you already entered the casino by the time I got to the surface,” Chalice explained and transformed back to her physical form.
Mugman and Cuphead noticed Chalice before hearing someone climbing up the walls to get to the bridge the kids were on. They looked to see Charlie coming back up with a growl on his face and a web rope in his yellow gloves. He pulled on it, lowering the phonograph in the middle of the second bridge with Light Bug on it.
“Make ‘em dance, honey,” Charlie replied with a mischievous smirk.
Light Bug exchanged a smirk back to her husband and danced on the second bridge distracting the kids while Charlie ran off into the darkness.
“Uh…She’s not fighting us?” Canteen questioned the tactics.
Before any of the kids could question what Light Bug was doing, Light Bug aimed the phonograph at Canteen and Natalie and the red beam with the music notes entangled in it shot at Canteen and Natalie. The red beam hit them, but it didn’t do any damage to them.
“What was that—?!” Natalie’s sentence was interrupted when her legs and her hips started to dance to the rhythm of Light Bug’s movements. “What the heck?!”
Canteen picked up the same rhythm, struggling to fight for control.
Cuphead glanced up at the phonograph. “We gotta destroy that thing!” With his fists glowing red, he charged towards the phonograph. Light Bug managed to aim the phonograph at Cuphead and shot a red beam at him. Cuphead’s feet immediately hit the ground and danced in rhythm like Natalie and Canteen.
Cuphead bumped into Natalie, dancing with her. They both blushed when they were forced to dance together.
“Whoa, you’re a great dancer,” Cuphead complimented.
“Cuphead, they’re not even my own moves!” Natalie uttered in panic.
Chalice drew her brows together and turned into a ghost. She zoomed towards the phonograph, however, the red beam hit her surprisingly. Chalice was turned into her physical form and her feet wasn’t dancing.
“HA! I’ll have you know that I’m immune—” Chalice’s sentence was interrupted once she noticed her feet dancing to the rhythm. “Oh come on!”
Mugman was the last one standing on the lower bridge, trembling nervously.
“Hey! Mean lady!”
Light Bug glanced over to find Aurora standing on the second bridge with her small fists on her hips.
“Don’d mess widh my fwiends!” Aurora shouted while running towards the phonograph and started to pound on it with her little fists. Light Bug tilted her head in confusion since Aurora wasn’t doing much damage to the phonograph.
“Aurora!” Tabitha’s stern voice echoed the room.
Light Bug glanced up to see Tabitha, Ribby, and Croaks approaching the entrance where they all came from on the top bridge.
“Momma! Help me! Da mean lady is messing widh sissy an ouw fwiends!” Aurora cried out.
Light Bug gently picked Aurora up and flew up towards Tabitha to give Aurora back to her. While Light Bug was distracted by taking Aurora back to Tabitha, Mugman’s hands glowed blue suddenly as he glanced down and saw electricity sparking in his hands. He didn’t hesitate to aimed his hands at the phonograph, shooting electricity at it.
The electricity hit the phonograph, causing it to explode behind Light Bug. Mugman’s brother and friends didn’t dance to the rhythm anymore with sighs of relief.
“Good job, Mugsy!” Chalice cheered.
Cuphead and Natalie held hands still, which caused both of them to blush and let go immediately.
“Sorry,” Natalie uttered.
“It’s fine,” Cuphead replied.
Light Bug hurried back over to the phonograph and held onto the rope connected to the phonograph. She talked in her walkie-talkie. “Send in the big guns.”
The rope lifted her and the destroyed phonograph. Light Bug bid the kids farewell with a smirk on her face.
“The big guns?” Canteen questioned.
It was sudden that they felt shaking all around them, like an earthquake.
“Oh no!” Ribby shouted while looking at the kids. “GET OUT OF HERE! BEAT IT BEFORE—!!”
The kids saw paws gripping the lower bridge, trapping them from escaping. They watched a large reddish-brown animal pushed his head through the two bridges, restricting Ribby, Croaks, Tabitha, and Aurora to cross the two bridges to get to the kids. Natalie held Cuphead’s hand again, hiding behind him in fear.
Canteen covered his mouth while Chalice stepped in front of him.
Mugman breathed heavily, his body trembling to see a large anteater standing in front of them.
“The Anteater,” Croaks uttered in horror.
 The Anteater stood tall in front of the kids with two mouths, one at the end of his trunk and the other on his face. He grinned wickedly when looking at the kids.
“Well, well, look at what we have here,” The Anteater replied with a smirk. “Ah, youse cups are gonna be easy to deal with.”
“Wait! They’re just kids!” Ribby shouted at the Anteater.
“Yeah!” Croaks added.
Anteater took none of the frogs’ pleas and slammed his trunk towards the kids. Cuphead picked up Natalie and rushed out of the way with Chalice possessing Canteen to move out of the way. Mugman jumped out of the way just in time before the trunk slammed into the lower bridge.
Mugman shot lightning bolts from his fingertips, electrocuting Anteater.
Anteater growled and shook off the electricity. “Youse gotta lot of nerve to do that!”
Ribby and Croaks hopped onto Anteater’s face, punching his eyes.
“Don’t you hurt the kids!” Ribby barked.
“Yeah!” Croaks added.
“GET OFF!” Anteater growled and used his trunk to throw Ribby off of him.
“RIBBY!” Croaks cried out for his brother.
Ribby screamed while falling.
Croaks was soon knocked off by Anteater’s trunk, causing him to fall with a loud scream.
Mugman saw this unfold and dove after the frog brothers, his blue wings spread. He first grabbed Croaks by the back of the suit, gliding towards Ribby.
Croaks no longer screamed and looked down to see he was floating. “Ribby! I’m floating!”
Mugman grabbed the back of Ribby’s collar, letting Ribby open his eyes and look down.
“HEY! Me too!” Ribby replied.
“You sayin’ you better at floatin’ than me?!” Croaks shouted.
“So what if I am?!” Ribby argued back.
“GUYS! NOT THE GOOD TIME TO FIGHT!” Mugman shouted at the frog brothers, trying to lift them up but they were too heavy for him.
The frog brothers glanced up to see Mugman having wings.
“WHOA! MUGMAN, YOU GOT WINGS!” Croaks gasped in shock.
“HOW IN THE HECK DID YOU GET WINGS?!” Ribby questioned loudly.
“Guys—!” Mugman was smacked by Anteater’s hands, causing the three of them to fly into the anthill.
The kids noticed this while watching Anteater slamming his trunk back down, aiming at Natalie.
Cuphead rushed and picked her up in his arms, not feeling something pushing out of his back and shielding them from the impact. The cups were smacked against the wall, causing concern from Chalice and Canteen.
“Are you guys alright?!” Chalice shouted while her eyes widened to see something lit up in the dust. It was soon revealed that Cuphead’s orange wings were out and shielding Natalie and him from the impact.
Cuphead blinked his eyes open and gasped to notice that now he had wings of a phoenix. “Whoa!” Then he shifted his glance down at Natalie, who groaned to recover from the impact and realized that she was cradled in his arms with orange burning wings extended around them.
“Are you okay?” Cuphead asked with a blush.
Natalie nodded her head. “Yeah…uh, you got something on your back.”
“I know,” Cuphead said with a small smile. He faced the Anteater with a newfound determination. He used his wings to take off from the ground and light himself up on fire, creating a fireball to charge at Anteater’s forehead. With brute strength, Cuphead was able to knock Anteater out, causing Anteater to tumble back and fall onto the anthills near Mugman, Ribby, and Croak.
Cuphead flew down towards the ground with Chalice, Canteen, and Natalie running downstairs to meet him at the ground.
Mugman blinked his eyes open and retracted his wings. Ribby and Croaks groaned to gain consciousness. Mugman glanced over to find spilled booze trickling from the barrel and into the water that would lead out into the ocean. 
Before Mugman could get up and investigate it further, he felt a grip on his throat. His mind immediately took him back to when he was in the lab in Hell and Hunter was gripping his throat. Mugman breathed heavily in fear, his eyes glowing blue.
Charlie was the one gripping Mugman’s throat with a growl at the rest of the kids. “You kids got a lot nerve to show up here like you own the place!”
The kids noticed Mugman’s veins glowing bright blue.
“Wait, let go of Mugman!” Cuphead warned.
“Oh no, you kids better have a good explanation as to why you think you can just waltz in here to do whatever you want!” Charlie snarled at Cuphead.
Mugman clenched his teeth. “Let go of me, Hunter!”
Charlie glanced up at Mugman in confusion. “Who?!”
Before the kids could warn Charlie again to let go of Mugman, a burst of electricity lunged at Charlie and electrocuting the spider. The electricity spread towards the Moonshine Mob and even at Ribby and Croaks. Cuphead pulled Natalie under his fiery wings to protect her from the electricity with Chalice and Canteen jumping behind the large boulder. Tabitha witnessed everything from above with Aurora in her arms.
Mugman screamed in pain, his vision becoming blue. However, strangely, Chalice and Canteen witnessed everyone’s eyes turning blue except for Cuphead and Natalie. The electricity bounced off of Cuphead’s wings while he was protecting Natalie from the electricity.
Then Mugman started to speak in some weird Latin language again.
“Exi de ténebris et intret in lucem.”
Strangely, Ribby, Croaks, and The Moonshine Mob repeated the Latin phrase Mugman was saying.
“Exi de ténebris et intret in lucem.”
“Exi de ténebris et intret in lucem.”
“Exi de ténebris et intret in lucem.”
“Exi de ténebris et intret in lucem.”
The electricity ended with everyone falling over unconscious, including Mugman. Cuphead and Natalie were the last ones standing and peeked above his wings, letting Natalie go.
“What the heck?” Cuphead questioned.
Canteen and Chalice peeked out from behind the boulder.
“What was that?” Canteen uttered in shock.
Tabitha reached down to the bottom and took Natalie by the hand, pulling her away from her friends. “You freaks! Don’t you ever go near my daughters again!” Tabitha growled and walked away with Natalie.
“Mom, wait!” Natalie shouted while being pulled away. “Please, they’re my friends!”
“Not anymore. For now on, you will not see them ever again. You hear me?” Tabitha responded. “Those freaks are not your friends anymore. Come on. Wouldn’t want to be a further disappointment now would we?”
Natalie frowned and let her mother pull her along.
She turned to see Cuphead, tilting his head and his wings flinching a bit. Natalie looked away with a sniffle and walked alongside her mother. 
Cuphead frowned and watched her walk away.
Everyone gained consciousness and groaned in pain from what happened. Cuphead turned to notice that Ribby and Croaks had their veins bright blue without them even noticing it. The Moonshine Mob also had blue veins glowing, but they had no idea it was even there.
“Ow, what just happened?” Charlie groaned.
Cuphead looked and watched Mugman breathing heavily as if he was having a nightmare. “Mugman?”
Mugman’s veins were glowing blue still as Cuphead picked his brother up in his arms.
“We gotta go,” Cuphead whispered to the rest of the kids.
Chalice and Canteen nodded their heads as the kids hurried to exit out of the underground sewers as quickly as possible with Cuphead carrying Mugman in his arms. 
To Be Continued...
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weirdgirl92 · 2 years
Mugman in a depressed voice, as he’s about to open the door to his new bedroom in Hell: Leave me alone…
The Devil: Get back over here before I rip out your soul!
Mugman: You’ll get your soul when you FIX THIS DAMN DOOR!
Bowlboy: *Shows off some of his bicycle tricks to Cuphead*
Mugman: *Appears out of nowhere and pushes Bowlboy off his bike*
Mugman: See ya’ chump! ——————————————-
Cuphead: Elder Kettle loves us!
Mugman: No…he despises you. He says I’m his favorite.
Cuphead: *Visible shock and confusion*
Mugman: Look at Kettle Jr! Gonna cry?
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creonininkwell · 1 year
I honestly wondered how Creon would have reacted mugman's insanity with the ice cream man all in all trying to Kill him and with his mental breakdown? I would imagine it being super hilarious and heartwarming at the same time
Creon was actually aware of Mugman’s attempt to play sick just to have the day to himself. So she volunteered to stay home and watch over Mugman while Elder Kettle and Cuphead went off on errands. While doing some chores, she heard the Ice-cream truck jingle. Then she heard it the second time after a few minutes. Which was puzzling. And then after the third time, it was starting to get annoying.
When she came out to investigate, she only caught the sight of the ice cream truck driving away, with a more sombre jingle. After hearing about Mugman's confrontation, I'd imagine a conversation similar to this:
Mugman: "....um Creon? Was I too harsh?" Creon: "Yes." Mugman: *looks absolutely wrecked*
Creon actually follows Mugman to help him apologize to the ice cream man. When they found him, there was no truck chase. Creon happened to recognize the guy and from there, they traded small talk. Creon frequently sees the guy when she's out in the city. Unfortunately, the guy still spoiled the book ending.
Creon had to rip a feral Mugman off of the confused man. She carried an angry, sobbing Mugman back home. Lots of consoling was needed, and about 4 cups of hot cocoa. Mugman exhausted himself to sleep from all of the crying, screaming, and emotional damage of having his day ruined.
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angelofstarlight · 1 year
Cuphead supernatural au
Despite what the title says no this is not a au about the show Supernatural. I mean supernatural like vampires, werewolves, witches and stuff like that. Everyone is also humanized but has their normal names and the Cupbros are twenty two.
The au has all of the characters already knowing each other too.
It was midday on Inkwell Isles and Cuphead was out for a walk. It was the only time he didn't mind being out since the night was much more dangerous. He did run into some family friends while out.
"HI Cuphead. Finally wearing the dress Chalice got you I see." Bonbon the candy witch said noticing the dress under his cape.
Cuphead nodded. Despite being male he enjoyed wearing dresses or skirts. He did have pants to wear too and no one really got bothered by it.
"How have you been?" Beppi asked.
"Good. Grandfather didn't want me to leave the house until my neck heal." Cuphead said.
Bonbon scowled while Djimmi and Beppi winced. They along with everyone on the Isles knew King Dice, the vampire King, became interested in Cuphead and no one close to the young male was happy. His brother and grandfather the most.
"I'm not surprised. Perhaps I could convince Kettle to let me teach you magic. That way you can defend yourself." Bonbon said.
"Really? I understand grandfather not wanting me to learn to fight because of how frail I am due to the illness I had as a child. But magic is different." Cuphead said.
"You bet it is." Djimmi said.
Cuphead chatted with them for a little longer before he continued on his walk. The young adult wondered around the city for a little longer before he began walking home.
However once Cuphead reached the beginning of the woods the sun had set and barely any rays of light were there. He pulled his cape closer to him before quickly walking through the woods.
The last thing Cuphead wanted was to run into King Dice. That vampire was infuriating and cunning. When he got half way through Cuphead heard the leaves in the trees rustling.
He looked around not seeing any and shaking his head. Cuphead felt he was being paranoid. However a voice behind him literally said otherwise.
"Well well looks like I found a lost little Princess."
Cuphead yelped and turned around to see King Dice smirking down at him. How he hated his height.
"I'm not a princess." Cuphead said quickly turning his head away to avoid being hypnotized again.
"Yet you look like one." The vampire said walking closer to the small male.
Cuphead flushed bright red at his comment before turning around to continue walking home but Dice wrapped arm arm around his waist.
"And where do you think you are going my pretty little prey." He said.
"Home. Now let go of me." Cuphead said struggling to get free but Dice's grip was too strong for him.
Dice smirked amused before spinning Cuphead around to face him. The smaller male continued to struggle before Dice gently but tightly grabbed Cuphead's chin. The vampire king tilted his head up and managed to hypnotize the mortal before he could close his eyes.
"That's better my dear." King Dice said as Cuphead went slightly limp in him arms.
"Hmm." came from Cuphead's mouth.
The vampire chuckled before he cupped the back of the smaller male's head and tilted it back. He then lowered his head to Cuphead's neck and bit the soft flesh. Cuphead gasped from the pain.
After a moment or two Dice released Cuphead's neck and licked the puncture wound to heal it. He chuckled at the other's dazed and loopy expression.
"Such a pretty look." Dice said nuzzling Cuphead.
However before the vampire could take Cuphead away to his castle Dice was shot with a arrow to the shoulder. He growled in rage when Cuphead is ripped out of his arms by his brother after he stabbed him.
Elder Kettle glared at the vampire while holding a crossbow while Mugman helped Cuphead who was no longer hypnotized.
"Stay away from my grandson Dice. He isn't some plaything for you." He said.
"Of course he isn't. He is much more than that. I will get him eventually old man." Dice growled before leaving.
Once he was gone Elder Kettle lowered his weapon as he looked at his grandchildren. Mugman was holding Cuphead's cheeks as he groaned.
"I'm sorry. I mistimed my outting." Cuphead said.
"We know Cuppy. Can you stand?" Mugman said.
"No everything is spinning and fuzzy." He replied.
Mugman looked at Elder Kettle before he handed the young man his crossbow and carefully picked up Cuphead. They soon walked to their home.
As they walked Mugman looked at his younger twin and wished he never suffered this fate. But he did know he could try to protect his brother. Once inside their home Elder Kettle took Cuphead to his room while Mugman put the crossbow away.
He then went upstairs to head to Cuphead's room. Mugman wasn't leaving his brother's side for a while.
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boogeyboyrules · 8 months
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Name: Cinnamon Latte
Alias(es) : "Evil One", Demon Cupmonster
Age: 18
Species: Cup-person (formerly), Demon Cup-person (currently)
Gender: Male
Alignment: Evil
Nationality: American
Relatives: Jugman (uncle) Sip (Aunt, killed)
Relationship: None
Friends: The Devil, those demonized
Enemies : Cuphead, Mugman, Ms. Chalice, Elder Kettle, Baroness Von Bon Bon, Cala Maria, Djimmi, Everyone in Inkwell that's not demonized
Location: Wizard's Castle, Monster Realm 4
Level: A Hell of a Fight!
Role: Servant of the Devil, Warlock, Ruler of the Monster Realm
Skills: demonic abilities, transform cape into tentacles that can be used to strike, shoot dark projectiles, or transform beings into demons, incredible strength, Create his own Giant Ghost Intimidation, dark magic, teleportation, purple energy blasts
Hobbies: killing anything holy, torturing and hurting his enemies, transforming any being into demons like him, plotting to demonize the world, causing despair, ruling the monster realm, Assisting and serving the Devil
Dislikes: angels, anything holy, The Devil being defeated, Cuphead and Mugman stopping him, peaceful lands, debtors being saved
Appearance :
Cinnamon looks similar to Cuphead but has light greyish green skin with a green diamond shaped nose and brown hair which has some light brown on it as well as hair shaping some horns a little, a straw with a skull on it and his handle is on the side of his head, his eyes are yellow with red shine on the pupils (due to being demonized) and has sharp demonic teeth, he also wears a black hood with a cape that has purple flames on it, he also wears black gloves and black boots as well as grey pants with rips on the bottom.
After becoming a Demon, he became horrific, heartless, chaotic, violent, and malevolent due to his Demonic and evil nature, but he also follows the orders he is given without question from the Devil himself. He tends to always smile whenever he's causing genocide on Angels and the realms they live in and feels no remorse to every evil act he has done over the years, he also tends to get vengeful towards anyone who stands in the way of the Devil as he plans to massacre them or sometimes assimilate them into Demons like him and taking away their free will. He also takes a liking to his demon form a lot to the point where he refuses to be saved and prefers anyone to become demonic like him and build a new world full of darkness and evil for the Devil, he does allow some demons from Hell/made by the Devil to work alongside him to either kill, torture or turn his enemies into demons like him. He can also be very cunning as he'll offer to make a deal to his enemies to lower their weapons or give the weapons to him so he can have a talk with them, only to use his cape to attack/kill or transform his enemies into demons or throw away/destroy their weapons and then use his cape to attack/ kill or transform his enemies into demons.
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The Dad Character of the Day is:
Elder Kettle from Cuphead
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props to elder kettle for not reacting at all when cuphead immediately rips the equivalent of his ear off so he could get a manhandle which was a story he made up on the spot to stop his other son from worrying about his ear having been broken off
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hey-imma-fangirl · 1 year
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The Episode ‘Roadkill’ except it’s in the Welcome Back to the Casino AU Part II
For @flufflepops
“C’mon hurry! Let’s go!”
“Right on your tail, sister!”
“Wait girls!” Elder Kettle ran after them as fast as she could catch up with their quick little legs.
The goat stood in the middle of the path to their front porch, enjoying a mouthful of grass from the front yard. Nearly tripping over it, the woman huffed as she picked the goat up to move it aside.
“Outta the way, goat.” She scowled at the animal before turning back to the girls. “When will you two be back from the movies?!” She called out after them.
Cuphead and Mugma’am stopped dead in their tracks just before the gate, giving each other awkward- even slightly annoyed- glances.
“How ‘bout when she stops bein so clingy?” Cuphead muttered.
“Don’t be rude.” Mugma’am hissed.
“Uhm,” She turned to Elder Kettle, thinking of an excuse. “We’ll be gone for a while. It’s a… A double feature!”
“Actually Mugma’am, it’s a DOUBLE double feature!”
“Oh, right! I remember!”
They both smiled sheepishly at the old woman, Elder Kettle blinking at them for a moment, before her concern turned to delight.
“Oh, then I’ll give you a lift! Wait right there, just gotta get my keys!” Elder Kettle turned back around to the cottage, hurrying back in.
The sisters took a glance at each other, and took that moment to run off.
“Girls! I got the keys!” The woman ran back out, only to find the girls weren’t where she last saw them. In fact, they weren’t any where to be found!
“Oh, they must’ve gotten a head start!”
Getting in her car, and starting it with a huff, she didn’t realize it was in reverse until she hit the gas. Ramping into the fence, she growled and scoffed;
“Ffffffff- “ Elder Kettle resisted the urge to curse.
As she drove off to catch up with the girls, the goat looked around at the mess of the broken fence and began dragging wooden planks and paint over to the sight.
🐐 🐐 🐐
The Devil climbed the last few steps, heaving great deep breaths. Walking wasn’t her normal form of transportation- But it was the only way she could get to the soul she needed to take. Brushing herself off and tidying up her hair, she looked around.
“Now, where is that stupid cottage!” She looked around, rather annoyed.
If she hadn’t been so distracted, she would’ve seen the sharp rock she was approaching. Such a sharp rock, in fact that it cut its way through the sole of her heeled boots and pierced her skin.
“Y-OUCH! FUCK!” She held onto her foot, jumping back a few times from the unbearable pain, unaware of the appending cliff behind her.
Barely catching herself, she swung her arms around in an effort to keep her balance, she fell over the cliff. It was certainly a long fall, and thought she’d definitely survive the fall; it did happen to be cushioned by a large bush.
Full of thorns.
Fighting with the vines to get free, she tried to walk off, getting her foot caught on a vine. The vines tightening, she lost her balance and fell to the ground, hitting her chin.
“You stupid, fucking- Ugh!” She grunted as she tried to get free, a small movement catching her attention. A small bunny came into view, likely coming to check what all the commotion was all about. Its little nose twitched as it cocked its head to one side. Embarrassed, the Devil smiled sheepishly and got all flustered;
“Heh… A little help?”
The bunny hopped a little closer, presumably to assist the poor demon in the clenches of the vines-
Only to bite her in the nose.
“Y-OUCH!!” The pain struck, making her arms flail and get loose of the vines. Getting a good grip of the bunny, she ripped it off her nose. Massaging her nose, she growled at the now trembling creature.
“You… Nightmare of a rabbit!” She grumbled. (Eh? See what I did there @nightmaretherabbit ? Eh? Ok I’ll leave now, I’m sorry- )
“Come on, hurry, she’s gaining on us!”
Recognizing that voice, the Devil dropped the small animal, now able to escape Satan’s wrath.
“That’s the Cup!” She hurried through the forest, towards the sound.
Poking her head out of the tree line, she watched the two brats run past her- But failed to notice the vehicle coming in their direction. Jumping out of the brush and ready to run after the bratty girls, an unknown force hit her and threw her back. Landing face first onto the dirt road, this time the fall knocked her out.
🐰 🐰 🐰
Elder Kettle slammed on the breaks, her glasses flying off and swinging down, still connected to the chain; she breathed heavily, gripping the steering wheel.
She had hit something.
What? She had no idea.
Something good size though, and most likely an animal.
Adjusting her side rear-view mirror, she saw something lying in the road. Some big black blob it looked like- Without her glasses.
Opening the door, she rushed over to the animal. Not running away, her mind immediately went to… Not alive.
And that this black blob was most likely a large house cat.
Feeling around for a stick in the tree line, she found a branch and poked at the animal.
It didn’t move.
Placing a hesitant hand on its back, she heaved a sigh of relief to feel the animal still breathing. Though it was likely injured- especially with how fast she was going.
Looking down the road towards where the girls had went, she knew she had other priorities to attend to.
“They know the way there and back.” She told herself, throwing down the stick and opening the trunk before leaning down and picking up the poor animal off the ground.
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elm-writes-stories · 10 months
Cuphead: Isle of Shadows (Rewrite)
*Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter/episode of Cuphead: Isle of Shadows Rewrite! This is a bit of a filler episode with a lot of fluff. No angst till the next episode. This episode is published on August 3, 2023. If you guys like this episode, don't be afraid to heart, reblog, and comment! That would be wonderful and appreciated! I'm so sorry for the long episode. Enjoy!*
Episode Eight: Love In The Air
In the rough storm, the ship rocked side to side from the waves hitting them continuously. Captain Brineybeard steered the wheel of the ship, clenching his jaw in fear.
“This ship is going to sink!” the captain cried. “Furl the sails!”
The crew that consisted of Elder Kettle, Cuphead, Chalice, Canteen, Aurora, and Natalie did as they were told to keep the ship steady throughout the storm.
“There’s one coming for us!” Cuphead shouted while pointing at the rogue wave coming toward them.
“Where’s me first mate?!” Captain Brineybeard shouted. “Mugbeard! We need yer help!”
The little pirate mug with the tiny mustache and beard swung in beside the captain. “Aye, captain?!”
“Lower the boats! This ship be goin’ t’ sink!” Captain Brineybeard ordered urgently.
“Aye, Aye, Captain!” Mugbeard shouted as he jumped onto the desk and hurried over to the side of the ship, urging the other crew members to get inside the row boats. The crew hurried onto the boats as Mugbeard looked back to see Captain Brineybeard still steering the ship.
“Captain! The crew is in the row boats! You gotta join them!”
“Nay! I’ll face this storm alone, mate! Get in with the others!”
Mugbeard hurried over to the steering wheel by his captain, pushing the captain aside while the boat tumbled. The captain fell onto the other rowboat by accident. The boats fell from the ship, landing in the water and floating away from the ship. Mugbeard tried to control the ship until the final wave crashed into the ship.
“MUGBEARD!!!” his captain and his crew cried out in fear.
The waters flipped the wood off the ship and tore through the deck, ripping it from the inside out. Mugbeard was knocked into the water, blacking out from the impact. He drifted into the deep blue sea with the debris falling with him. There seemed to be a lack of hope that he will ever reach back to the surface. It was then, he felt someone lifting him up through the water. Was it an angel?
The next morning, he could’ve sworn he heard someone talking, caressing his porcelain cheek. He fought to open his eyelids. In his blurry vision, he could see a silhouette of a beautiful sea creature. Before he could get a good look at her, she heard the men shouting and jumped back away from him.
“Mugbeard!” The familiar voice shouted. Mugbeard was helped up to his feet by Captain Brineybeard and his crew. “Are ye alright? Wha’ happened?”
Mugbeard rubbed his head. “Aye, I’m fine. I, uh--” He looked onward to find the sea creature that saved his life. He saw it though, way out into the open ocean and on the rock near the shore, there was the creature. He stood in awe of her beauty.
The moment he saw her, he felt his heart skip a beat. This sea creature had cat-like ears, her fur as red as his blushing face. Her raven hair gleamed in the sunlight. Her tail had no scales and her ray-fin flashed a burgundy color in the light. Her whiskers flinched when she smiled at him.
“Wha’ are ye lookin’ at, lad?” Brineybeard asked and looked to where Mugbeard was looking. Once the captain looked, the mer-cat disappeared without a trace.
It was at this moment, Mugbeard fell in love with the sea creature. Every night, Mugbeard would venture out of the village and to the shore. Normally, he’ll let his crew come with him on his rendezvous, but on this trip, this was something that he knew, they will never understand.
Mugbeard snuck through the village and towards the wooden port. He sat at the edge and looked around, waiting for her to make her appearance. The bubbles surfaced and the mer-cat popped out of the water with a bright smile.
“Wow,” Mugbeard uttered while she brushed the water droplets out of her black short hair. She perched on the edge of the port, looking at him with sparkling eyes. “Oh, sea creature, your eyes are like starlight. Your voice is a symphony. Your fur and hair soft as a pillow.”
The mer-cat giggled at the pirate. “I have a name, silly. You can call me Cassi.”
“Cassi~” Mugbeard repeated with a lovesick smile. “Beautiful~.” They leaned in to share a kiss until--
Mugman jumped when he heard his name being called.
He realized that he was just reading the book…but he wasn’t really reading it. Instead, he went off on his own little world and forgot where he left off. He also realized that he was in the kitchen in the Ruth Mansion with Elder Kettle and Cuphead staring at him in confusion.
“You were reading your book upside down,” Cuphead pointed out.
Cuphead was right, Mugman was reading the book upside down.
Mugman turned it right side up. “There…heh…I don’t know what came over me.”
Cuphead and Elder Kettle exchanged glances at each other and then back at Mugman.
“You would never read a book upside down before,” Cuphead said suspiciously.
“I’m just having an off-day, alright?” Mugman said while trying to read the book.
“You’ve been acting weird since last night,” Elder Kettle replied. “We’re just concern is all. No need to get defensive.”
Cuphead arched a brow. “I mean, you and Cassi were alone for a while…” He looked at his brother with a smirk to find Mugman was blushing. “Oooooh….”
“Y-Yeah, we were, but we didn’t do anything,” Mugman said nervously, his face in the book.
Elder Kettle smirked at Mugman. “Aww, Mugman, you don’t have to keep hiding your feelings anymore. We know you like Cassidy as more than a friend.”
Mugman raised his head up with his face red. “What?! No…No, it’s not…”
Cuphead and Elder Kettle arched their brows higher with smirks.
Finally, Mugman groaned. “Fine. I like Cassidy more than a friend.”
“Finally!” Cuphead blurted out.
“Don’t say it out loud!” Mugman scolded his brother.
“Finally, you admitted to liking Cassi. It took you long enough,” Cuphead said with his fists on his hips.
“Soooo….what are you going to do with those feelings?” Elder Kettle asked Mugman.
“Uh…stuff it down?” Mugman answered.
Elder Kettle shook his head. “Don’t do that. Tell her how you feel.”
“How? I mean…I don’t know…what if she regrets kissing me on the cheek last night and says that she never meant it?”
“Wait, what?!” Cuphead gasped in shock.
Mugman glanced at them. “Oh…yeah…she did that last night.”
“Oooh~” Cuphead said with a smirk. “She likes you back.”
“Well…what happened after she kissed your cheek?” Elder Kettle questioned in curiosity.
Mugman covered his face in embarrassment. “I almost kissed her in the lips.”
“WHAT?!?” Cuphead and Elder Kettle shouted simultaneously.
The mug’s face turned brighter red with a groan.
“I knew I should’ve told Natalie to be quiet,” Cuphead replied with a groan.
“Wait, wait, wait, did she almost kissed you back on the lips?” Elder Kettle inquired.
“Uh…yeah…” Mugman answered shyly.
Both Elder Kettle and Cuphead gasped.
“She likes you back!” Cuphead replied happily.
“Nah…it might not be—”
“Mugman, how could it not be the fact that she likes you back?” Elder Kettle said with his fists on his hips. “When she consented to kissing you back, that means she likes you back.”
Mugman rubbed his arm nervously. “Eh…maybe…”
“Just ask her out on the date,” Cuphead encouraged.
“But…how?” Mugman uttered. “I’m going to mess it up.”
“Nonsense,” Elder Kettle said with a reassuring smile. “The worst she can say is no.”
Mugman’s lips trembled a bit.
“Hey, it’s better to ask than not ask at all,” Elder Kettle encouraged.
“O-Okay. But if she were to say yes…where would the date be and when? I’m not sure we can do it during the Night Stalker situation. What if they come in today or tonight and try to kill us?”
“Well, I can’t see why not do it before they get here. We are wasting time by waiting for the Night Stalkers to show up and kill us. So…why not make time to do things before we get found by them? I mean, maybe they died down and hadn’t done much killing in the city. So, why not ask her out on the date? Better now than never, right?” Elder Kettle encouraged.
“Yeah…I guess,” Mugman uttered.
Cassidy was groaning and covering her face in utter embarrassment, concerning both Jerry and Porkrind in the bedroom.
Porkrind was the first to approach his daughter by sitting next to her on the bed. “What’s going on, hun?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong?” Jerry asked while sitting next to Porkrind.
Cassidy uncovered her face to reveal that she had been blushing. “I did something stupid last night.”
“What kind of stupid?” Porkrind uttered.
“I-I don’t know…I, um, I can’t believe I did it last night. Now he’s going to think I’m a burden.”
“Who’s going to think you’re a burden?” Jerry questioned.
“Mugman?” Porkrind repeated. “What did you do that would make Mugman think you’re a burden…?”
“I-I—” Cassidy took a deep breath and looked up at Porkrind and Jerry. “I kissed his cheek.”
“You did what?” Porkrind asked with a brow raised.
“I kissed his cheek…I don’t know what came over me. I…I thought he was such a loveable goofball and kissed him on the cheek without even thinking about it. I-I—I can’t believe I did that—”
“Hey, hey, calm down,” Jerry soothed the red feline. “I’m sure he didn’t think anything of it.”
“Do you know what’s worse? He almost kissed me on the lips last night and I almost kissed him back,” Cassidy said with a groan.
“I’m sorry, he did what now?” Porkrind said with a growl.
“Wait, he almost kissed you on the lips last night?” Jerry questioned. “And you almost kissed him back?”
“Yes!” Cassidy cried while covering her face. “I have feelings for him and I don’t want him to hate me for that.”
“Aww, Cassi, it’s okay. Knowing Mugman so far, I doubt he would hate you for it. I mean, if he was the first to initiate kissing…well, it means that he has feelings for you too. Ain’t that right, Porkrind—? Porkrind, put down the knife!”
Porkrind was seen holding up a knife slowly while breathing heavily in anger until Jerry told him to put down the knife. “What? I’m using it on Mugman.”
“What? No! Put it down! She has feelings for him too,” Jerry explained while lowering Porkrind’s hand that held the knife.
Porkrind grumbled and lowered the knife. With a sigh, he looked at his daughter. “Honey, I’m not criticizing your taste in guys, but…what do you even see in Mugman?”
Cassidy uncovered her face and rubbed her arm shyly. “He makes me laugh.”
There was a brief silence as Porkrind nodded his head.
“I guess that’s valid—”
“And he’s just so adorable and sweet and kind and goofy and protective over me. Like, he nearly attacked a couple of kids when they said that I shouldn’t even be born,” Cassidy replied sheepishly.
“I would’ve nearly attack a couple of kids too if I was there,” Jerry said with a growl.
“Same,” Porkrind agreed with Jerry. “Although, with Tremaine inside of him, he oughta be more careful with it.”
“Yeah…” Cassidy uttered and looked away. “Should I ask him out?”
Jerry and Porkrind exchanged glances at each other.
“What do you mean no?” Jerry questioned Porkrind.
“What do you mean yes?” Porkrind argued back.
“I’m asking you first,” Jerry replied.
“I meant what I said. No.”
“Why not?”
“Because I said so.”
“Not a good enough answer.”
Cassidy sighed and cuddled her father’s side with a purr, getting Porkrind’s attention.
Porkrind rubbed his daughter’s shoulder with a sigh. “Honey, I want you well and happy…I just…don’t know…I guess I’m a little worried about ya.”
“I know, Dad. I know,” Cassidy replied.
Mugman paced back and forth in front of Elder Kettle and Cuphead, who were joined in watching Mugman pacing by Natalie, Canteen, Chalice, and Aurora.
“C’mon, Mugsy, asking her out ain’t gonna be that hard,” Chalice reassured her friend.
“I’m trying to think of something cool to say to her,” Mugman uttered, pacing back and forth.
“Don’t overthink it,” Elder Kettle advised. “Just practice. As I always say, practice and you’ll get good. But don’t practice, and you won’t.”
“You don’t always say that,” Mugman said.
Chalice rolled her eyes and pushed Cuphead towards his brother. “Here, just pretend Cuphead is Cassidy.”
“But that’s my brother!” Mugman replied disgusted.
“Ew, no, you’re not asking your brother out. You’re asking Cassi out,” Chalice said while gesturing to Cuphead. “Cuphead, try your best to imitate Cassidy.”
“Okay, okay,” Cuphead said while taking a deep breath. When he was about to imitate Cassidy by rubbing his arm, he suddenly shape-shifted into Cassidy without even realizing it.
“Sooo, you wanna ask me somethin’, Mugsy?” Cuphead’s voice changed into Cassidy’s voice, much to the shock of everyone around him. “What are you weirdos lookin’ at?” Cassidy looked at her paws and gasped excitedly, the disguise disappeared and revealed to be Cuphead looking at his own hands. “Holy cow! I didn’t think I can do that!”
“I didn’t think the potion can give you the ability to shape-shift,” Elder Kettle muttered to himself in shock.
Cuphead turned to Mugman and smirked. Once he started to imitate Cassidy rubbing her shoulder, Cuphead soon transformed into Cassidy, earning a blush from his brother.
“Soooo, you wanna ask me something, Mugsy?” the fake Cassidy said with a cheeky grin.
Mugman groaned and rubbed his face. “Uh…okay…um…Cassidy Cat, would you—uh—like to go out on a date with me?”
“Uuuuuuuhhhh…no,” the fake Cassidy said with a smirk.
Mugman gave the fake Cassidy a deadpan stare. “You know, you’re not helping.”
“He’s just preparing you for the worse case scenario, I guess,” Canteen answered while scratching the back of his head.
“Ask again,” Chalice suggested.
Mugman sighed and looked his brother disguised as Cassidy. “Okay.” He tried to do a cool stance by leaning on his elbow on the table and do the suave voice. “Hey, baby, how about you and I go on a date?”
“Hm, let me think about it. Uuuuuhhh, no,” Cuphead as Cassidy answered with mischievous smile.
Natalie tried not to laugh at what was happening.
“Yeah, you kind of deserve that no,” Natalie said.
Mugman stopped acting cool and rubbed his arm. “Okay. Uh, Cassi, um, I know that we are in a sticky situation with the Night Stalkers and all, but I couldn’t help but have feelings for you—”
The gang looked to the side and gasped in shock at what they saw, even Cassidy’s doppelganger.
Mugman rambled on. “—I mean, I know that maybe you might not feel the same and it’s totally fine if you don’t. I just can’t hold them in any longer. You’re smart, beautiful, cute, adorable, and you are an awesome fighter. I mean…I know it sounds weird to say…but you’re like an angel. The most beautiful cat angel I’ve ever met—”
Cassidy blushed at his words.
“—so I wanna ask now because it may be never if I keep putting off, but, um, uh…would you like to go on a date with me? Not like a friend date but maybe…like a more-than-a-friend date?” Mugman asked nervously.
Cassidy giggled. “Sure.”
“Oh…just like that, Cuphead?”
Cassidy arched a brow. “I’m not Cuphead.”
“Wait, what?!” Mugman gasped in shock and looked over her shoulder to see Cuphead shape-shifting back to his old self with a smirk behind the real Cassidy.
“I guess Cuphead…um, switched places with me while you were talking,” Cassidy said nervously.
“Oh…uh…date?” Mugman asked with a nervous sweat and a smile.
She giggled. “Y-Yeah. I was actually just about to ask you the same question.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah. I, um, also have feelings for you too.”
He blushed. “O-Oh? Uh…well, I guess, um…I guess we have a date then…uh, tonight?”
“Sure. What time?”
“I, uh, honestly, I didn’t think I was going to get this far,” he said, earning a giggle from her. “Um…maybe 6:30?”
“Sounds good,” she responded with a giddy smile.
“I’ll find us a place to, uh…eat at,” he replied, relaxing his body a bit more but his face was still red.
“Yeah,” she said. “I’ll see you tonight.”
“I’ll see ya tonight,” he repeated with a smile.
She walked away with Chalice, Aurora, and Natalie following Cassidy.
“Do you have any dresses?” Chalice asked Cassidy.
“Um…no,” Cassidy uttered nervously.
“Ooh! I got a bunch of dresses to try on!” Natalie exclaimed excitedly to her best friend.
Canteen, Cuphead, and Elder Kettle stayed behind with Mugman.
Elder Kettle noticed a love-sick smile on Mugman’s face. The old tea kettle sighed wistfully. “Ah, young love. Anyways, might need to find a place for your date.”
“Right, right,” Mugman snapped out of his thoughts. He hurried out the door.
“Mugsy, wait up!” Cuphead shouted while Canteen followed after Cuphead.
Elder Kettle glanced to the side to find Porkrind and Jerry standing in the shadows, watching the entire scene unfold.
“You know, that’s kind of creepy for you guys to be standing in the shadows like that,” Elder Kettle pointed out.
“So?” Porkrind asked with his arms crossed.
“Nevermind,” Elder Kettle said with a sigh and walked out of the house to find the boys.
“Maybe we should keep the girls safe,” Jerry suggested to Porkrind.
There was silence until Porkrind nodded his head in agreement.
“We should.” With that said, Porkrind and Jerry kept an eye on the girls in the mansion. 
Mugman’s hands fidgeted together, sweating nervously while trying to find a place to eat at in the coastal a few blocks from Natalie’s house. Cuphead and Canteen side by side with Mugman.
“Relax, Mugsy, the date is going to be fine,” Cuphead reassured Mugman.
“What if it doesn’t go well? What if—I didn’t even think about this—Tremaine? Tremaine is still inside of me. What if the potion wore off tonight and I become a monster? What if I end up hurtin’ Cassidy?” Mugman started to sob a bit. “I don’t wanna hurt Cassidy.”
“The potion is a lot stronger than what I give it credit for,” Elder Kettle spoke behind them. “Maybe it won’t wear off tonight.”
“Just don’t get angry,” Canteen responded with clenched teeth.
“Yeah, don’t do that,” Cuphead added.
“Yeah, yeah, won’t do it,” Mugman said while taking a deep breath. “We just need to find a place where both Cassi and I can eat.”
Elder Kettle looked at the restaurant that had salmon as its sign. “How about this place?”
Mugman gasped happily. “Perfect! Cassi loves salmon!”
Before they could go inside and get reservations, they noticed sign that had a drawing of a red cat and red circle around it. The red slash was over the red cat’s drawing as if to say that red cats were not allowed.
“Wait, why have the sign up? The red cats were extinct,” Elder Kettle said more to the sign than to the kids.
“Except for Cassi,” Mugman uttered sadly.
Canteen peeked through the windows to find more cats dining, but they weren’t all red cats. “I can see the cats dining in there. Waaaait! Why are the red cats the only cat kind that is getting hated? Like I get that they ‘caused’ some Tremaine outbreak all of those years ago, but…shouldn’t they get over that kind of hate or…?”
“Honestly, I have no idea,” Elder Kettle said sadly. “I thought Tremaine was extinct along with the red cats and—you know what, let’s not focus on that. This is about a date between Mugman and Cassidy. We can talk about that later.”
Cuphead turned his head and gasped in shock. “Wait, is that what I think it is?!”
Mugman, Canteen, and Elder Kettle glanced at what Cuphead was looking at and gasped to see a familiar ferry boat docked by the shore with two familiar frogs standing in front of it.
“Step right on in, folks!” Ribby, the shorter frog in a green suit, encouraged the passengers into the boat. “The boat will be leaving tonight for a little cruise.”
Elder Kettle, Cuphead, Mugman, and Canteen approached Ribby and his taller brother in a blue suit, Croaks.
Ribby noticed them and nudged Croak’s chest. “Hey, hey, look who shows up!”
Croaks grinned. “Well if it ain’t the cup brothers!”
Cuphead and Mugman waved nervously.
“Uh…h-hi…wait, you ain’t mad at us?” Cuphead questioned the frogs.
“Mad at you for what?” Ribby inquired.
“For destroying the ferry boat,” Mugman clarified.
“What?! Psst! Youse two didn’t do any damage,” Ribby responded. “Ain’t that right, Croaks?”
“Right! That was our own doing,” Croaks replied. “Not once have we blame youse two for it.”
“Oh?” Mugman uttered.
“Yeah, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again,” Ribby replied. “It’s all water under the bridge.”
“Oh!” both Cuphead and Mugman exclaimed.
“We didn’t hear that part since we were sinking,” Mugman stated.
“Oh, right,” Ribby replied. “Well, youse two got a beautiful brotherly love that Croaks and I were trying to model it to the best we can.”
“Doesn’t mean that we got it perfect though.”
“All it matters is we keep trying. By the way, we got the ferry boat repaired and everything.”
“Just don’t go in without paying to get inside,” Croaks answered.
Elder Kettle smiled softly. “Well, I’m glad you all got along in the end. But I don’t see any signs that says that red cats are not allowed.”
“Yeah, businesses put those signs everywhere,” Ribby explained while pointing at the other businesses.
“So, you can let us in!” Mugman said excitedly.
Ribby arched a brow. “What are we letting you in for?”
The group turned to Mugman, who blushed.
“U-Uh, a date,” Mugman uttered shyly.
“Ooh, hear that, Croaks? A date,” Ribby said with a sly smirk.
“With who?” Croaks asked with a grin.
“Her name is Cassidy. She’s a red cat and—”
“Wait, Cassi?!” Ribby exclaimed with a bright grin.
“Y-Yeah, wait, do you know her?”
“Yeah, since she’s a little kitten,” Croaks explained.
“Yeah, she’s like a little sister to us,” Ribby replied happily. “Hey, she should come visit us sometime when we ain’t so busy. It’s been a while since we’ve seen her.”
“Like two weeks ago?” Croaks questioned.
“Yeah, that’s about right,” Ribby responded. “Normally, though, we don’t let her in the Fly Trap. Nothing against her at all, but it’s bad for business to punch people that say mean things about her. On top of that, we don’t want her to get hurt by people who had more of a, uh, violent tendencies against her kind if you know what I’m saying. But, since this is a fancy date for her, we can squeeze in the reservation in a secluded area in the VIPs.”
“Ooh, that would be wonderful!” Mugman exclaimed excitedly.
“Wait, Mugman,” Elder Kettle said while taking out his wallet. “How much?”
Ribby shook his head. “Oh, it’s free.”
“Usually we charge sixty dollars for eating at the VIPs,” Croaks replied. “But since it’s Cassi’s first date, we can make it free.”
“Oh, okay…I didn’t have that kind of money anyway,” Elder Kettle responded bashfully.
“This is only one time though,” Ribby reassured them and turned to Mugman. “We can squeeze in youse two in about 6:45 tonight. How does that sound?”
“Sounds wonderful!” Mugman replied with a smile.
“Oh, and Mugman,” Croaks added while drawing his brows together and showing his boxer gloves. “Break Cassi’s heart in any way and we’ll pound ya!”
“Easy there, Croaks,” Ribby replied. “He’s a good kid. I’m sure tonight will go along just fine.” Then he turned to Mugman with a threatening stare. “But if you dare break her heart, we’ll both pound ya in yer sleep. Got it?”
Mugman, terrified, nodded his head rapidly.
“Good,” Ribby replied, losing his threatening stare. “We’ll get it all set up for tonight. You need to find something nice to wear.”
“That’s right,” Elder Kettle said while watching Ribby and Croaks entering the ferry boat. “Thank you!”
Cuphead wrapped his arm around Mugman. “Well, Mugsy, looks like we oughta find something nice for ya to wear for your date.”
Mugman blushed at the thought of the date. “Right. Right.”
“Hey, I think we walked past a place where there were suits for the dates. We can check there,” Canteen suggested.
“That’s a great idea,” Elder Kettle replied. “Let’s do it.” 
The jazzy music played in the streets of the coastal town while Elder Kettle looked through the tailor shop for suits that would fit Mugman. Cuphead and Canteen helped picked the suits from the racks.
Mugman had tried on a few of the suits, which Mugman didn’t like so far. Elder Kettle picked out a few suits that included turquoise, blue, and purple. The only suit Mugman liked so far was the dark blue suit. Elder Kettle paid for the suit with a smile on his face when Mugman decided to go with the blue suit for the date.
Canteen and Cuphead planned on watching over Mugman’s date with Cassidy and looked for suits themselves with Canteen mostly wearing a bowtie and Cuphead liking the bright red suit. Elder Kettle decided to not to wear any suits, but he did pay for both Cuphead and Canteen despite Canteen saying that he got it covered.
Once they went out a tailor shop, Mugman wanted to look through the shops to get something for Cassidy on the date. Elder Kettle suggested jewelry like a pearl necklace or something along those lines. Cuphead and Canteen wanted to help Mugman pick a gift for Cassidy, hoping that whatever Mugman will get for Cassidy will be great. However, Canteen decided to get a gift on his own, but he was too embarrassed to say who it was for. Cuphead thought of getting a gift, and did get it with Elder Kettle paying for both of the brothers’ gifts and Canteen buying his gift with his own money.
Meanwhile, back at Natalie’s house, Porkrind and Jerry watched over the girls to find Cassidy trying out Natalie’s dresses. Porkrind smiled at Cassidy’s excitement to try on the dresses. Natalie wasn’t wearing them as much anymore, so Natalie offered them to Cassidy to keep if she was going to go on future dates with Mugman.
After Cassidy was offered dresses, Chalice decided to show her how to dance with a jazzy music turned on. Cassidy was a bit clumsy at it at first until she started to get the steps Chalice taught her.
To join in the fun, Aurora wanted to dance with Natalie. Natalie smiled and giggled while dancing with her little sister by holding her little sister’s hands. Chalice and Cassidy were having fun dancing with each other until she passed Cassidy off to dance on her own. Jerry caught Cassidy and danced with her with a bright grin behind his scarf.
Porkrind huffed up a laugh watching his daughter dance with Jerry. Jerry noticed Porkrind sitting out and gestured for him to dance with Cassidy. Cassidy gave a pleading look in her eyes to her father, who sighed with a smile and got up from his seat. Porkrind danced with Cassidy, although he was just as clumsy as Cassidy was. However, once he got the hang of it, he started to watch his daughter laugh in joy, which was something that he hadn’t seen in a while.
Although, once he let go of his daughter’s paws, he saw her twirling around towards her friends. However, Cassidy tripped and fell on Chalice. They both laughed at the predicament while Porkrind watched with a fond smile at Cassidy. But there was something else. Something that felt soft and familiar. Porkrind didn’t need to turn around to know whose presence was right beside him.
The instant tear fell from his eye. He didn’t know why he was crying or what the tears were for. He couldn’t help, but smile until he heard the voice.
“Thank you, Po.”
Porkrind nodded his head, clenching his jaw. “I miss you, Shay.”
“Huh?” Jerry said while turning around to see Porkrind. He noticed Porkrind wiping tears away from his face. With a softened gaze, Jerry placed a hand on the pig’s shoulder to comfort him while watching the girls laughing and having a good time.
 It was reaching towards night past six o’clock.
The guys went back to the mansion with Elder Kettle helping dress Mugman up for his date. Mugman tried to calm himself since he was sweating nervously.
“Take deep breaths, Mugsy,” Cuphead reassured his brother, putting on his red suit and slacks. “It’ll be fine.”
“Man, I feel like I’m going to mess this date up,” Mugman said nervously.
“Now, Mugman,” Elder Kettle replied, straightening Mugman’s tie. “You’re not going to mess it up. Just be yourself.”
“Be myself? Since when has that ever worked?” Mugman questioned.
“Well, Cassidy wanted to go out with you and you’re yourself,” Elder Kettle answered. “Just don’t get too crazy when going out on the date. You and Cassi might get this bubbly feeling and…well, let’s just say that you both might end up with consequences if taken too far.”
“Take what too far?” Mugman asked with a brow raised.
“I’ll tell you later,” Elder Kettle responded. “And there! Now, you’re ready for your date.”
Mugman picked up the bundle of red roses, clutching the stems tightly with a deep breath. “Okay…I think I’m ready.”
Cuphead smiled while stuffing his gift he got from the gift shop in his suit pocket. Canteen straightened his bowtie for the last time and they both followed Mugman out of the bedroom door.
Mugman walked to the living room and waited for the girls.
Meanwhile, Cuphead knocked on the door the girls were at.
The door opened to reveal Natalie in a dark pink feathery dress and white gloves on.
“You’re going to have a little while longer, Mug—oh, Cups,” Natalie said with a surprised tone when she noticed Cuphead standing outside.
“Cups? No shorty or peasant?” Cuphead asked with a raised brow.
“Well, you’re still a shorty and a peasant, but since you’re part of the friend group, I figured I picked another nickname for ya,” she said with a shy smile.
He smirked. “Not for any other reason?”
“Well, other than the fact that you’re more than just a shorty and a peasant, there ain’t other reason.”
“Sissy wikes Cuppy!” Aurora replied with a happy grin from in the room.
She blushed. “As a friend.”
“Of course,” he said with a blush as well. “Well…uh…I went by a gift shop earlier and I thought of you when I got this.” the cup took out a small box and opened it to show a pearl necklace.
She looked at it, puzzled.
“I know it ain’t that fancy, but it’s a bit cheaper…I probably shouldn’t have said that,” he uttered bashfully. “I’ve never seen you wear a necklace before…so I thought I would get you one.”
She received the box and examined it.
“Yeah, I know it’s simple. You can give it to Aurora when she gets older if you don’t like it,” he replied.
“Hm? Oh, um, Aurora doesn’t like jewelry. Mom tried to put jewelry on Aurora and she threw a hissy fit one time,” she stated. “I’ll be honest that the necklace isn’t as fancy as the ones Mom forced me to wear, but…I actually like it.”
He widened his eyes. “You do?”
“Yeah…you don’t mind if I keep this, right?”
“Well, I got it for you…”
She smiled softly and put it on. Once she successfully put it on, she showed it. “Um…do I look okay?”
He tilted his head. “I’m not exactly an expert on fashion, but you do look nice.”
She smiled. “Thanks. Well…it’ll be another five minutes till we put on make-up on Cassidy. Once Mugs sees Cassi, she will knock his socks off.”
“Oh, I’m countin’ on it,” he said with a grin.
She gave him one last smile before closing the door. Cuphead felt the warmth on his cheeks while he couldn’t stop smiling from interacting with Natalie. He walked away and waited in the living room with Mugman, Canteen, and Elder Kettle with nothing but a warm smile.
Five minutes later, Chalice, Natalie, and Aurora came out with Jerry and Porkrind behind them.
“Alright, Mugsy! Your date is ready!” Chalice said with a wink at the mug.
Before Mugman could go and see Cassidy, Cassidy came out nervously towards him. Cassidy’s ebony hair was shiny and silky, glistening under the light. She had a light pink blush on her red furry cheeks and her eyelashes darkened from the mascara. She had a bright red dress without shoulder straps and white gloves that went up to her elbows.
“I am not sure if I picked the wrong dress or—”
“Beautiful,” Mugman uttered without hesitation.
She looked up and noticed his stare at her. His face soon turned red and pulled up a red roses.
“U-Uh, here ya go. Um…I found this while going out, uh, today and I thought of you,” Mugman stuttered.
She smiled at him and sniffed the red roses with a purr. “Thanks.”
His heart fluttered when she received the roses and placed in an empty vase next to her. He couldn’t stop staring at her no matter how hard he tried not to. When she looked back at him with innocent looking eyes, his hands felt sweaty in his gloves.
“Mugman,” Elder Kettle’s voice snapped Mugman out of his trance.
“Uh, right! Ahem…shall we?” Mugman said while holding his arm out for her.
She blushed and nodded her head. She wrapped her arm around his and they both walked out of the door.
The other kids soon followed with Elder Kettle standing by Porkrind and Jerry in the shadows.
“Ah…the kids are growing up so fast,” Elder Kettle said with a soft grin.
“Yeah,” Porkrind agreed, his voice cracked.
“Maybe we should spy on them,” Jerry suggested.
“Great idea,” Elder Kettle said.
“Yep,” Porkrind responded.
The adults went out of the house to make sure the kids were alright. 
Mugman and Cassidy arrived at the Fly Trap at 6:45 pm with the other kids not far behind them.
Ribby and Croaks waited outside for them and smiled once they saw Cassidy coming towards the frogs.
“Cassi!” Ribby and Croaks called while running towards them.
“Ribby! Croaks!” Cassidy recognized with a bright smile.
Ribby and Croaks lifted Cassidy up in their arms as she giggled.
“Aw! We miss you so much!” Ribby explained.
“I was hoping you guys made it out of the city alive!” Cassidy replied happily.
“We did. We did,” Croaks confirmed.
“Darn lucky too. Those Night Stalkers would’ve set our ferry on fire if we hadn’t escaped with the people just in time,” Ribby added while the frog brothers put Cassidy down next to Mugman. “Well, since your ‘boyfriend’ made reservations, we’ve made a perfect secluded spot for youse two in the VIPs.”
“Oh, really?” Cassidy said with a blush.
“Of course. We want ya to have a good time,” Ribby reassured Cassidy.
“Ugh, what a burden.”
Ribby and Croaks looked at one of the fancy rich lady with a sneer.
“Say it again and I’ll pound ya!” Croaks growled, scaring the rich lady away from the ferry boat.
Ribby nervously smiled at Cassidy and Mugman. “That’s why we made the spot secluded. I’ll show ya!”
Ribby showed Cassidy and Mugman a secluded spot in the VIPs the frogs mentioned while the other kids were following them in until Croaks stopped them.
“No! You didn’t get a reservation!” Croaks said with his arms crossed.
“Oh come on, we’re with them! You know, just to make sure everything went smoothly,” Cuphead explained.
“Well, you ain’t gettin’ in the ferry without paying sixty dollars for each pair—”
Croaks suddenly noticed hundred and twenty dollars given to him by Natalie, who had a small pink purse. Croaks picked up the money and sighed. “Alright, you can get in.”
The kids brightly smiled and walked into the ferry with Cuphead being a little more impressed with Natalie.
Once the kids were inside, Ribby and Croaks closed the doors to the ferry boat restaurant and let the ferry cruised off the shore. Elder Kettle, Porkrind, and Jerry arrived too late to find the ferry boat cruising out into the gentle waters.
“Great, we’re too late,” Porkrind grumbled.
“Well, at least the kids are safe now,” Elder Kettle said with a shrug.
Jerry nodded his head. “Yeah. Hopefully.”
Back to the Fly Trap, Ribby didn’t lie when he said that he had prepared a secluded place for Cassidy and Mugman away from everyone. It was outside with the small stage fit for two frogs only. The night was cool while Cassidy and Mugman sat across from each other awkwardly.
“Uh…so,” Mugman began. “What do you want to talk about?”
“Um…well, I’m not sure. I guess I’m still processing that we’re dating right now.”
“Me too.” Mugman rubbed his shoulder nervously. “So…what’s your favorite color?”
Cassidy smiled at him. “Green. What about you?”
“Red,” Mugman blurted out.
“Red, huh? Is it because it’s your brother’s color?”
“Well, red used to not be my favorite color till I met you…soooo….yeah.”
Meanwhile, Cuphead, Natalie, Chalice, Aurora, and Canteen spied on Mugman and Cassidy.
“It seems to be going well,” Canteen said with a proud smile at Mugman.
“You don’t say,” Cuphead replied happily. “I’m happy for ‘em.”
Chalice looked to the side to see someone enter the deck with her brow raised. “Who are they?”
The group looked and saw two dogs walking into the deck, one a golden retriever and the other a labrador. They were both laughing and joking, making Cassidy hide behind her menu. Mugman looked at them in confusion while the others tilted their heads in curiosity.
“Oh no,” Natalie groaned.
“Big bad doggies,” Aurora said with her brows furrowed.
“What?” Cuphead questioned both Natalie and Aurora.
“Jimmy and Jamie. They’re the worse bullies that Cassidy had,” Natalie said with a growl.
“Worse bullies? But…would not allowing her into restaurants, saying that she should never be born, and making sneer comments considered worse bullying?” Canteen asked with a brow raised.
“Of course. But it’s not as merely as bad as, you know, throwing Cassidy into the lake, locking her in a closet, riling students up to bully her, throwing her into the hollow tree, and almost throwing her into the fire pit,” Natalie listed with a growl.
“Did they do all that?” Cuphead asked with his eyes widened in shock.
Natalie nodded her head. “Cassidy only swiped at Jimmy one time when he was about to throw her into the fire pit and the teachers punished her instead of them.”
The group had their eyes broadened in horror and looked at the two dogs, who noticed Cassidy trying to hide herself behind the menu.
“Oh look here, Jamie,” Jimmy, the golden retriever, snickered while going up to the couple on a date. “It’s the piece of burden cat on a date with…whoever he is.”
“It’s Mugman,” Mugman said with his brows drawn.
Cuphead could tell his brother was about to become angry. “I’m debating on whether I should let Mugsy attack them with Tremaine inside of him or we should do something about it.”
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did let Mugsy attack them,” Canteen responded. “After hearing all of that, who knows what they’re going to do to her next.”
“But then Tremaine will break through sooner than later,” Chalice replied to Canteen.
“I wanna kick them,” Natalie said with a growl. “But I’m too small to do it.”
“Ooh, Mugman. What a stupid name,” Jimmy cackled at Mugman.
Cassidy started to snarl at Jimmy when he was bullying her date.
“Oh, there she is, the aggressor. The cause of all of our problems,” Jamie pointed out to Cassidy. He leaned in to show Cassidy his face, which had claw marks. “Remember what you did, piece of burden? You clawed me up. It’s a good thing that the teacher punish you. You deserve it.”
“Say that again,” Mugman growled, his eyes turning yellow with red irises and his teeth sharpening.
Cuphead gasped. “Wait, Jimmy? He’s the guy who stole my lunch money when I was little. Jamie also beat me up for my lunch money too.”
“They stole your lunch money?” Chalice gasped. She glared at the dogs. “That’s it. They’re going down.”
Before Chalice could turn into a ghost and possess them, Cuphead stopped her.
“Wait, I have a better idea,” Cuphead replied and looked at Natalie. “You said you wanna kick them, right?”
“Yeah…? Why?”
Cuphead whispered something to Natalie, with her gasping in shock.
“Can you do that?” Natalie asked.
“Let’s see,” Cuphead responded. 
Mugman glared at Jimmy and Jamie, trying to resist every urge to let Tremaine take over and attack them. Once Cassidy was cornered by the two dogs, Mugman put down his menu and was getting ready to attack them until—
The dogs turned to see Ribby and Croaks standing there with their fists clenched. With relief, Mugman’s yellow eyes went away and his teeth were no longer sharpened.
“Youse two didn’t pay your way in here,” Ribby pointed out to Jimmy and Jamie.
“Yeah!” Croaks agreed with a growl.
Jimmy and Jamie instantly became terrified.
“W-We did pay our way in. D-Don’t you remember?” Jimmy stuttered.
“Your money is fake money!” Croaks growled.
“Yeah,” Ribby agreed. “Youse two better have a good explanation for sneaking into the ferry boat.”
Jamie looked at Cassidy. “She’s not supposed to be here, right? Businesses usually have no red cats allowed. She’s a burden to our society and you should throw her out!”
“Nice try, buddy,” Ribby said with a snarl. “Unlucky for you, we don’t have that sign that said red cats are not allowed.”
“But what we don’t allow in our boat is bullying and harassment. And youse two just broke those rules,” Croaks growled.
“Do you know what bullying and harassment could get ya?”
Croaks picked up Jimmy and Ribby picked up Jamie by the scruffs of their necks and walked over to the edge of the ferry boat.
“A kick in your pants!” Croaks answered.
Both of the frogs kicked the dogs out of the ferry boat, letting them fly into the water. Luckily, they were near the shore.
Ribby and Croaks smiled until Croaks looked at his hands.
“OOOH! I’VE BEEN WANTIN’ DO THAT IN FOREVER!!!” Croaks shouted. With a poof, they were transformed into Natalie and Cuphead, indicating that Cuphead shape-shifted both himself and other people.
“Whoa, what happened?” Natalie questioned.
“I think it stopped workin’ once we get out of character,” Cuphead said. “Neat! I can shape-shift and shape-shift other people! That’s cool!”
They looked to see Mugman and Cassidy widened their eyes in shock. And they turned to see the real Ribby and Croaks standing by the doorway with the sizzling hot meals for the date. They might have seen the whole thing.
“What in the heck?” Ribby uttered with his brow raised.
Cuphead nervously laughed.
“Hey, you paid for your tables,” Croaks stated.
“Yeah, hows about you all take a seat at the other tables. Ya know, as dates!” Ribby suggested.
The kids in the group blushed except for Aurora, who giggled at Ribby’s suggestion.
“Sissy wikes Cuppy!” Aurora said with a giggle.
“Shh, no one needs to know that,” Natalie whispered to her little sister.
“Yeah, you paid to be here. Why not?” Croaks responded.
Mugman couldn’t help but trying to hold in a chuckle at his friends since they had been teasing him about his crush on Cassidy.
“It’ll only be a friend date though,” Cuphead replied nervously with a blush cheek.
“Yeah,” Natalie agreed.
Chalice and Canteen nodded their heads with ‘yep’.
Ribby showed Natalie and Cuphead their seats with Aurora sticking with her big sister. Croaks showed Chalice and Canteen to their seats.
“While you folks are settled down, why don’t we sing a little song?” Ribby responded with a bright smile. Ribby and Croaks looked at the small band up on the small stage and Ribby snapped his fingers for them to start to play.
Ribby and Croaks stood up on stage, looking at everyone once the jazzy music began softly.
Ribby was the first one to sing.
“Here you are, standing under the limelight.
No words can describe this kind of night.
No one can ever take away this euphoric moment.
How could they ever judge the love in the air?”
Cassidy blushed at Ribby and Croaks singing along with Mugman.
“I’m not expecting this,” Cassidy whispered to Mugman.
“Me neither,” Mugman said with a shrug.
Ribby continued to sing while the music began to pick up a bit.
“You are here now,
Laughing in the tragedy.
A good time that will end soon.
You know what to do next!”
Natalie glanced over at Cuphead, who just shrugged his shoulders.
That was when the music started to pick up at the chorus and Croaks joined Ribby in singing. Both of the frog brothers danced on stage with bright smiles on their faces.
“Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Let this love flow in the air!”
Chalice brightly smiled at the frog brothers while tapping her foot to the beat of the music, drawing Canteen’s attention. She got up to dance and grabbed Canteen by the hand.
“Care to dance?” Chalice said with a smirk on her face.
Canteen blushed madly. “O-Oh no, not at all.”
“Good.” Chalice pulled him onto the dance floor, dancing with Canteen. Canteen was a bit clumsy on his steps, but once he started to follow Chalice’s lead, he started to get the steps down.
Mugman grinned at Chalice and Canteen and got up from his seat. He held his hand out for Cassidy. “Wanna dance with me?”
Cassidy smiled and nodded her head. She took his hand as he pulled her off of her seat and danced with her. She was a bit clumsy, but was so Mugman. So…they were both clumsy together, exchanging small laughter and whispers.
Natalie watched Cassidy smiling and couldn’t help but smiled for her best friend. However, she frowned a bit. She wished she could find someone to love like that.
“Wanna dance?”
Natalie glanced up at Cuphead, who softly smiled at her.
“Pwease, sissy?” Aurora begged.
Natalie rolled her eyes playfully at her little sister. “Fine. I’ll embarrass myself for this one night.”
Cuphead chuckled and watched her take his hand.
“If I step on your toes, I’m sorry in advance,” Natalie said while including Aurora in the dance.
“I ain’t too worried about it,” Cuphead replied softly.
Natalie smiled at him while they started to dance.
Croaks started the second verse with glee.
“Here you are, dancing to the jazz.
Your hearts synced together.
The world fades from all around you.
Don’t let other’s judgments scare you.
Tonight might be the last night
That you’ll ever have peace.
So, why not focus on tonight?
You know what to do next.”
Ribby and Croaks crooned together in the chorus.
“Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Let this love flow in the air!”
The band approached the bridge while the kids were dancing and laughing together as if it was their final night of being at peace and joy.
Ribby and Croaks sang together in a harmonizing melody with passion on the bridge with Ribby singing his first part.
“Now’s your chance.
Now’s your chance, whoa!
Sweep her off her feet!
Dance with him under the moonlight!”
Croaks sang his part with his eyes closed.
“The daylight is comin’, don’t waste time now.
Tonight might be the last night
We will live without the Night Stalkers.”
Both Ribby and Croaks repeated the bridge together.
“Now’s your chance.
Now’s your chance, whoa!
Sweep her off her feet!
Dance with him under the moonlight!
The daylight is comin’, don’t waste time now.
Tonight might be the last night
We will live without the Night Stalkers.”
Natalie stepped on Cuphead’s toes by accident, who didn’t feel it strangely…although it wasn’t like he cared whether he felt it or not. Chalice and Canteen were having a great time dancing while Mugman held Cassidy close to him.
Ribby and Croaks sang the final verse.
“Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Make a move!
You know you love each other.
Let this night last forever.
Let this love flow in the air!”
As the music was dying down while Ribby and Croaks continued the chorus until the jazz softened. Chalice and Canteen were chatting to each other about how fun the dance was. Natalie and Cuphead tried not to look at each other while blushing around each other, which earned a giggle from Aurora.
Meanwhile, Mugman held Cassidy close to where he could whisper in her ears.
“How was that for our first date?” Mugman whispered to her.
“It was perfect,” Cassidy said while leaning away from him.
Cassidy and Mugman stared at each other, the world around them fading around them. The moonlight shined down on them while the stars twinkled and reflected on the water. Cassidy smiled at him warmly and kissed his big blue nose. Mugman shivered from the kiss, feeling his heart racing from her kissing his nose. He giggled when she pressed her head against his forehead with a purr.
Mugman blushed and hugged Cassidy close to him, swearing to himself silently that he would never let her go.
The ferry boat arrived back on shore with Elder Kettle, Porkrind, and Jerry waiting by the shoreline to pick up the kids.
The kids got out of the ferry boat after the passengers left already, bidding Ribby and Croaks farewell and thanking them for a wonderful night. The ferry boat took off to park at the shore near the dark forest between the big city and the coastal town.
Cassidy and Mugman held hands and their shoulders were more closer than before.
Natalie, Cuphead, Canteen, and Chalice walked out of the ferry boat with blushes around each other while Aurora was holding Natalie’s hand.
“Sooo, how did you guys like your date?” Elder Kettle asked.
Mugman and Cassidy sighed dreamily with a love-sick smiles.
“I guess it went well,” Jerry responded. “You can put down the knife now, Porkrind.”
Porkrind lowered his knife with a grumble. “He’s lucky that the date went well.”
Jerry patted the pig’s shoulder. “I know. I know.”
“Let’s go home,” Elder Kettle suggested.
The kids nodded their heads in agreement and walked with the adults back to the mansion with their hearts warm and their smiles never-ending.
Unbeknownst to them, Ribby and Croaks were knocked out and carried out of the ferry boat by a couple of hooded assassins. 
To Be Continued...
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invalid-prongs · 3 years
Everything’s irritating me and so I’m not going to cry but instead I’m going to project onto James and Regulus like the good person I am </3
CW: big fucking meltdown :D I don't know what it's called (is it just a me issue?)
“Turn it up.”
Regulus looks up from his book and frowns slightly. “Did you say something, love?”
“The tv,” James grits his teeth and shuts his eyes. “Can you turn it up for me?”
The younger lad hums softly, moving to reach the coffee table and grabbing the tv remote. He messes around with it for a moment. “I think it needs new batteries or something,” he shrugs and pulls himself up out of his seat, disappearing out of the room.
James’s eyes flicker from his laptop to the tv and he glares at it. The music keeps playing, not understanding his irritation. He wills himself to move, to turn it down using the buttons on the side, but he can’t.
He can’t move until it’s turned down but he can’t turn it down until he can move, but he can’t move until he can turn—
“Where’s the batteries?” Regulus calls from the kitchen. “Do we even have any? Did Sirius nick them for some stupid robot toy again, or something?”
James feels his fingers drum against the keyboard, typing random letters into his document that he doesn’t want. And then his shoulders twitch and his ankles kick and he mentally groans.
Just turn down. Turn down. Get up and turn the tv down, alright? It isn’t difficult. It’s not difficult. You’re not struggling. Just get the fuck up and turn it the fuck down.
Regulus steps into the living room just as James lets out a startled cry and flings his laptop across the room. It lands against the tv, both devices crashing to the floor is a mix of glass and plastic. The younger lad flinches, gasping loudly, and James inhales sharply.
Now look what you’ve done. You’re mad. You’ve scared Regulus. You’re fucking pathetic. Why didn’t you just get up and turn it down?
The silence echoes throughout the room; the tv no longer has a screen, and so the music has shut off. His laptop’s near snapped in two, and the fan’s no longer whirring away.
James pulls himself to his feet suddenly and moves to the other side of the room, away from his boyfriend. He rips open the conservatory doors and storms out to the patio, knocking things over as he goes.
“Jamie, wait! You’re going to get hurt!”
The snow sticking to the ground outside burns the bottom of his bare feet but he just keeps moving. His hair feels too long and his hands fly to his head, tugging at the roots, as if he can pull it out. His clothes are too tight and too baggy and a scream rips from his throat.
Make some fucking noise to fill the fucking silence.
Regulus scrambles back into the house, leaving James to collapse into the snow, face-first. He doesn’t care if he gets sick, he doesn’t care if he dies, he just wants everything to feel right.
Why does everything suddenly feel wrong?
He’s not sure how long he lies there in the snow, coughing and yelling and tugging at his hair and scratching his nails down his skin until it burns. But it feels like it won’t stop.
“Jamie!” Regulus’s voice calls from inside the house. “Jamie, hey, James, I’m on my way, alright, love?”
He can’t do anything but let out a choked sob in reply.
But then there’s the sound of the glass doors sliding open, and Regulus dropping down to the ground beside his boyfriend. “James, it’s me, it’s Regulus. I just want to help you, okay? Can I touch you?”
He nods, screwing his eyes shut as Regulus rests a hand on James’s shoulder. And then he slides the elder’s headset over his ears, pressing play on his phone, and James releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding because there’s noise; we’re alright now because there’s noise.
Regulus pulls James up by his shoulders, balancing him to bring him back into the house. He takes him through the living room, using his own body to hide the mess in the corner where the tv and laptop are, and pulling him into the kitchen.
James just hums softly along to the music, unable to hear himself but able to feel the vibrations in his throat, as Regulus slowly glides his finger from James’s shoulder blades up to his head.
When he reaches the bottom of his hairline, James rolls his shoulders and nods softly. Regulus smiles, keeping his hand there as he pulls some scissors from his pocket and slowly begins to cut away at his boyfriend’s hair.
“Thank you,” James feels himself mumble after a moment. “I’m sorry.”
Regulus just presses a kiss to his head in return and continues to cut his hair. When he finishes, James slides his headset down so it hangs around his shoulders and leans his head back against his boyfriend’s chest.
“Sorry ‘m difficult. ’M not tryna be,,” he sighs softly, closing his eyes. “I don’t... I don’t know what happened.”
“I don’t either,” Regulus admits, running a hand through James’s newly-cut hair. “But that’s alright. You don’t have anything to be sorry for, tesoro, alright? Come on, you should shower to get the loose hair off you.”
James chuckles softly and pulls himself out of the chair, brushing off his shirt. “Thank you.”
Regulus just shrugs in response, as if saying, "what else would I do?”, and moves to fill the kettle. James slowly moves his way through the house until he reaches the bathroom upstairs, turning on the light before shutting the door and stripping off his clothes.
He still feels slightly jumpy as he steps under the warm water, but turns up the temperature slightly to soothe himself. And it seems to work. His muscles relax, his breathing evens out, and a pair of arms worm around his waist.
“I’ve got you,” Regulus reaches on his tiptoes to brush his lips next to James’s hair. “I’ve got you, I love you.”
James spins around in his boyfriend’s arms and presses a loving kiss to his cheek. “I love you too,” his eyes sparkle as he glances down between them. “They’ll lose their colour.”
Regulus turns his eyes down to his legs and shrugs, dropping his head against his boyfriend’s bare chest. “I’ll buy more then. Skinny jeans aren’t that expensive.”
“You’re weird. I love you.”
“I love you too, weirdo,” he looks up and smiles. “Can we get tea out? Have a date night? If you’re up to it.”
James chuckles softly and shakes his head. “Whatever you want, mon chéri.”
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cozycryptidcorner · 3 years
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 Werewolf/Reader, lemon, heat cycles, consensual aphrodisiacs
Every six months I release a short from my $5 patreon tier to the general public, and someone’s favorite word was coincidently the title of this piece. Please enjoy this little slice of madness beneath a full moon.   
The moon hangs heavy overhead, a pale, watchful face gazing down at the ritual laid out at her feet. You kneel, washed in her gentle light, your eyes on the fire as a clan elder carefully places an ingredient within a kettle. Crickets scream and wail in the surrounding woods, but you barely pay them any mind as your lover places a pale hand on your knee, rubbing a circle with his thumb as he bites at his lip. You try not to acknowledge his worrying much, if he hadn’t paid any attention to your reassurances earlier, he won’t now.
The potion that the elder boils down smells sickly sweet, like a peppermint cough syrup, but with a stinging bite that sends bright little pricks through your nostrils as you breathe it in. Already without drinking it, you can feel a vibrant thrumming begin to pulse in your blood, a spark of warmth filling your veins. It doesn’t take much longer for her to finish the spell, a soft humming emanating from your lover’s fellow clansman resounding as the elder pours it into a carved wooden chalice.
Then, with one last kiss, your lover stands, moving to the opposite side of the fire where the elder is and spits into the cup. The elder gives you the benefit of mixing the concoction further, singing in a familiar but incomprehensible language. Shivers run down your spine as she and her apprentice approach, their full ceremonial clothing jingling with their steps as they come to stand before you. In a sort of perversion of Catholic communion, the elder holds the chalice in your direction, and you gingerly grasp it as though it were made from impossibly thin glass.
You carefully ignore any sort of inhibitions you might have about the potion itself, drinking it down fast enough to not taste anything that might cause you to vomit it back up. With little respect, you carefully swallow the last gulp, trying to seal up your throat, so you’re not even tempted to give in to any sort of acid reflux, then allow yourself to breathe. At first, you don’t seem any different, but there’s a hard, boiling heat that suddenly wisps out from your stomach and right to your heart, and you think- you feel-
Your lover takes a step back into the forest, the shadows working to obscure him from your vision. Where- where is he going? Why was he leaving? You need him. With a flailing step, chalice dropping from your fingers and completely forgotten, you try to follow, but something fucking drags you back down to the ground. Pissed, you puff out hot, angry breathes, trying to wriggle your way out from the many people working to keep you from your lover, your mate, but it’s many against one, and they don’t let up.
Warm and soft soil cushions your shoulder and face as you fall violently forward, suddenly released, but you can’t fucking see him anymore and it’s killing you. Your heels dig into the earth as you wrench yourself up, choking back panicking tears as you bolt in the direction you saw him leave. The night sharpens as the world breathes in a deep inhale, the sky itself holding still in order to witness the carnal desperation you scream with.
You can smell him, his scent so much like the forest itself, of woodsmoke, of evergreen, a musky kind of fragrance that stands out in the acidic night air. And so you run towards it, faster than you’ve ever moved before in your life, ignoring the way the branches of the brush and trees scratch at your bare arms and the awkward sharpness of the ground as you ignore what your bare feet might be running over. An owl screams in the distance, but you are so keen on your prey that you ignore the call.
Instinct demands that you stop, so you do, skidding on the fallen leaves so sharply that your feet fly out from under you, landing on your hip hard enough to bruise. You feel no pain, only rancid frustration at the inconvenience gravity hinders you with, and you scramble back to a stand, growling with every breath. Where is he? Desperately trying to cling to your last strand of lucid sanity, you try to think, smelling the air once more, trying to find that same taste of male hormones that he had emanated so thickly before he fucking abandoned you.
You hear the water before you even realize you started moving again, a rush of wind caressing your face like the earth herself is aiding your hunt, as though she approves of this union. There, you can just make out the fading scent of your lover, though it grows fainter with every second wasted on thought. A brook runs its course, water slowly wearing millions of oddly shaped rocks down, several making for good stepping stones as you hop across, the splash of cold water managing to draw a bit of the feverish heat down.
Abruptly, you slow down, closing your eyes to smell and to listen. You think you have his direction, but the idea to ambush him as punishment for abandonment fills your body with the simmering ghost of pleasure. You go low immediately, staying close to the trunks of the trees as you quietly circle around the edge of a clearing. And you see him.
Everything inside your body goes full alert, sirens screaming in your head, heat filling your core, muscles tense. You bolt forward, so fast he doesn’t even have a moment to react before you’re on him, the force of your body ramming against him not only sufficient enough to knock him off his feet, but also enough to tip him over the edge of the hill he must have been thinking about going down.
The entire universe spins as you roll against him, grass, leaves, and twigs catching in your beaded embroidered dress, hair, even managing to knick at your skin. You don’t care, gods below you don’t, because as you slow to a stop at the bottom of the clearing, you have him beneath you, gasping for air, his dewy blue eyes glimmering beneath the stars as he regards you with a kind of emotion you don’t bother to process.
You kiss him so hard that your mouth hurts, teeth clacking together, and you’re thriving. Enraged growls snarl from your throat, and you would have ripped his clothes away if he didn’t painstakingly strip then and there. Touching his skin just barely aides in your desperately heated core from exploding, but there is so, so much more you want from him. You need to melt into him, to seep into every pore of his body, to claw his chest open and crawl inside, and he seems to take your furious affection in stride.
His skin is salty as you bite down in the crook of his shoulder, and by the way he keens at the pain, he seems to enjoy it. You press your teeth down closer to his neck if only to show him that he’s yours, and he won’t be running from you again. His hand rises to pet your hair back from your face when you finally deem him worthy of release. Even though you still see red after he tried to fucking abandon you, you’re not so angry that you don’t give those bite marks peppering kisses to make them better.
“I know,” he rasps, stroking the nape of your neck as you whine, “I know it hurts, I’m sorry I ran.”
You forgive him instantly, pressing your mouth and tongue against his in a desperate, heated kiss. Your lover knows immediately what to do, fingers reaching for the strings holding your ceremonial dress in place. It’s an easy thing to strip away, its sole purpose of being beautiful and easy to remove from heated bodies, and you are suddenly delightfully bare underneath the moon and stars. As you bend back down to ravage his chest and collarbone in a myriad of bites and kisses, you find with no small amount of delight that an erection begins to rise up against your thigh.
His hands press up gently to your breast, feeling you out as he has many times before, but you both would agree that this is… different. Better, even, despite the misery you feel because he’s not inside you yet. You kiss him again, gasping for breath on his mouth, as a hot, pinching need flitters through your body like the touch of a red-hot brand. That desire, that instinct swirling in your chest demands he must feel pleasure before you ride him like a goddamn stallion, so you are quick to get to work.
You begin to make a trail of purple and red hickies all along his stomach, sometimes biting hard enough for him to bruise just for the sensation of his flesh between your teeth. After a few moments of teasing him, you barely had the mind to do much more, you finally fall back to the pulsing member you crave so terribly. It takes you a few seconds to take it in, the contours and highlights curving along in the moonlight, long, thick, yours. After briefly contemplating where to start, you begin at the very tip.
He breathes out a shuddering gasp when you roll your tongue over the top of his cock, his fingers tangling in your hair. You feel a shuddering sense of satisfaction at his body’s response, then move down to the base. Up and down, you try to lick and kiss and give tiny sucks all across it as rhythmically and as pleasurably as you can, going deep and low just for the sake of watching him squirm pathetically. It doesn’t take him too long to be drawn to the edge, or perhaps it’s been an eternity, you don’t know, but he rides out his first orgasm in your mouth.
You come back up, mouth still lingering with the taste of his pleasure, and press your mouth against his in a lazier kiss. There’s a kind of mingling desperation boiling in your stomach, but the beast within you is satiated for a few moments at the sight of him becoming undone by your tongue. Your hand snakes back down to check on his steadily stiffening cock, just to see if he’s ready to take you yet. He still needs some more gentle teasing, so you settle down and offer up as many leisurely kisses as he needs to warm back up, while you’re just barely getting started.
He slides into you so effortlessly, your pussy is so wet that it engulfs him like a sheath specially made for him. And oh, god, or fuck, he feels so goddamn good that you start crying. Tears spring into your eyes, and he sits up to cradle you, whispering in your ear that you’re doing such a good job, that he’s so proud you’ve made it this far without cracking. That seasoned warriors do so much less, and you’re so fucking beautiful, wild, and unstoppable.
You suck in your breath, trying not to feel like you’re disappointing your lover, your mate at the show of such soft and fragile emotion, and you begin to grind. The feral need to be fucked slowly begins to disintegrate your sanity, what’s left of your lucidness drip, drip, dripping down into your core and burning into ash by the heat. You roll your neck around, gasping, whimpering, begging, screaming praises to him because he’s perfect, you’re mate is so fucking perfect, you want him inside you forever so you can spend eternity knowing this bliss.
And when your orgasm finally reaches its peak?
It feels like the sky itself shatters into a thousand pieces, raining down the stars, moon, and planets, your body almost evaporating into light as you cry out. Waves and rolls of fiercely bright pleasure curl through your body; you have to wrap yourself around your mate, or else you’re afraid you might break apart. He holds you, he whispers such sweet, soft things in your ears, coaching you through the orgasm to end all others, like he knows how perfect and majestic this one is.
You don’t even feel it when he cums, because the aftershocks are still clenching through your body as you try desperately to recover. He still remains strong, though, anchoring you to the earth as you almost sob with relief, even though he must be feeling that same kind of high you’re on. When it’s all over, he lays beside you, on the dewy grass that glitters in the moonlight, stroking your face until your fever finally breaks.
The next round of kisses are far more gentle and lovely than before, the unbearable hotness inside your core slowly evaporating away now that the spell ran its course. He holds you in his arms so tightly that you don’t think any force the earth mother can throw in your direction will break his grip.
“I love you,” he whispers, “so much. Thank you for experiencing this.”
“Is- is that what it’s like for you? Such madness, every time?” You ask, almost scared of the answer.
“Yes,” he confesses, “with you being the only thing on my mind.”
“That’s terrifying,” you whisper, stroking some of the pale hair from his eyes, “how do you manage?”
He gives you another kiss. “I have you.”
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hello-everyfandom · 4 years
“Sirius loves all the attention,”
Warnings: Mentions of violence, angst
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Words: 1.7k
Summary: James Potter’s sister, Y/N, opens the front door to find Sirius Black covered in blood and bruises.
Part Two “Everything between us is a moment”
(Angst! Send in requests please!!!)
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“Y/N, dear, set the table, will you?” your mother called from the kitchen door, you groaned and stood up from the living room couch. 
“Why does James never have to set the table?” you whined,
“The answer is obvious,” James smirked as you looked at him with annoyance in your eyes, “I’m the favorite,” your brother shrugged innocently. You thumped him on the back of the head with your book earning an “Oi” in response.
“More like a big baby,” you huffed and began to set the table with four plates.
“Dinner is ready, dear!” your mother rang to your father who folded his newspaper and placed a kiss on your mother’s plump cheek.
“Gross,” James complained as he plopped down in the dining room chair. 
“Just because you don’t understand the circumstances and actuality of love and are too dimwitted to treat Lily Evans like a human doesn’t mean you can judge other’s on how they express affection,” you teased,
“Just because you don’t understand the circumstances of blah-di-blah-di blah,” James mimicked you in a high pitched, overdramatized voice.
“Will you stop acting like a child?” you hissed, 
“Will you stop acting like a child?” James mimicked back. You turned to your mother exasperated,
“Mum, can you please tell James to stop making fun of me,”
“Mum, can you please tell James to stop making fun of me, boo-boo blah blah- blah.” 
Your father rubbed his forehead and your mother rolled her eyes and smiled at her children,
“James, I swear to merlin if you don’t stop,”
“James, I swear to merlin if you don’t stop,”
You mimicked his voice back, creasing your eyebrows and pouting your lips, “I’m James Potter, I’m a right prat who can never get a girlfriend because I’m too in love with my own face,”
James leaned towards you and flipped his nonexistent long hair, “I’m Y/N, I love to correct people and take the fun out of everything because I’m a lonely know-it-all and nothing else brings me joy,”
The two of you sneered at each other and turned to your helpless mother again, “Mum!” you begged her to be on your side of the argument,
“Ah yes, Fleamont, ‘let’s have children, better yet, let’s have two,’” your mother sighed and shook her head comically, placing her hand on her husband’s shoulder to hold.
“I never said it would be easy, darling,” he replied.
“Stop it, James, shove off!” You pushed his forearm so you could make room for yourself,
“Stop it, James!” He mimicked again, 
“I mean it, you nitwit, stop it.”
“Stop it!” James heightened his voice. In the distance, beyond your anger and annoyance for James, you heard a thump at the door. No one else seemed to notice it. Your mother had just poured herself a glass of water and your father was asking what was for supper. But, you heard the soft knock at the door.
“Is someone...? Seriously James, stop it.” you shoved him again,
“Seriously, James, stop it,” you attempted to listen for the knock again, concentrating and narrowing your eyes. 
“Mum, are we expecting anyon- James!” you growled and slapped James’ bicep, “shut up!” you focused on the sound,
“Shut up!” James whined, 
“No, seriously James. Shut the hell up!” Your mother was about to scold you when the entire Potter family heard the loud fist-sized thumps at the door. You stood up, sending James a glare for being a bloody idiot and paced towards the door. You flung open the front door expecting to see perhaps a mailman or your neighbor who had lost her kitten once again. You, however, did not expect to see Sirius Black, bloodied and bruised, and nearly unconscious leaning on your front door frame. You gasped loudly and quickly placed yourself under his armpit to support him,
“James!” you called, “Mum, grab the plasters, James, come help me.” James turned quickly at your gasp and sprung up making his chair fall back.
“Sirius!” he yelled, racing towards you and helping you carry Sirius in from the evening rain. The two of you laid your best friend on the living room couch, searching for his wounds, not minding the blood on your hands. Your father retrieved his wand and began to attempt to heal Sirius’ deep wounds resulting in him shutting his eyes and wincing. His eyes were squeezed shut and he bit his lip as his forehead creased in pain. His shirt was ripped and you could make out the scratches and burns on his side.
“What do we do?” you asked James, you could see your elder brother was scared but he squeezed your hand tightly and turned his eyes towards Sirius,
“He’ll be okay,” James’ hoped. Sirius’ eyes flung open and stared at the Potter family. He began stuttering, frightened and out of control,
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to- I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright. ‘m boy, calm down,” your father tried to reassure him, placing a hand on his shoulder, “lay still, the wounds are still deep,”
“Is he alright?” Your mother hurried in, bandages in one hand and her wand in the other as well as a towel, she put a loving hand on his forehead and rubbed the towel in order to gain some warmth into him. You’ve never seen Sirius so distraught, so vulnerable. His eyes were terrified and he continued to fidget on the couch. Your chest dropped, seeing him like this made you want to throw plates and glass at the wall.
“I’m sorry-” Sirius cried in pain and embarrassment, “I- he, James, James said if it were ever too much, to- to come here, but I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, but I-” Sirius cried out again making you grip James’ arm.
Your father glanced worriedly at your mother and said, “Son, calm down. It’s quite alright, we’re glad you’re here where you’re safe.” he turned to his two children and said, “children, quickly, leave us be with Sirius. Your mother and I must ask him some questions. Run the kettle,” and hurried you two out of the living room and into the kitchen.
“What happened to him?” you asked your brother, attempting to shake the fear from your face and placing the kettle on the stove.
“I-” James began, combing his fingers through his messy hair, “It was his god-awful family, I presume.”
You gasped and shook your head, “they did that to him?” you said, angrily.
“I believe so.”
“And you told him he could come here if it-”
James nodded, “If it ever became too much.”
The two of you peeked out from the kitchen door to see your father sitting next to Sirius, a solemn and serious look on his face. Your mother stood, a tear down her face as Sirius whispered to him what had happened to him at Grimmauld Place. 
“I want to kill them,”
“Me too,” James agreed.
“I’m scared,” you admitted to your older brother, he turned and wrapped his brotherly arms around you. The pair of you instantly forgot your insignificant quarrel from earlier and focused solely on Sirius. 
“Me too. But for Sirius’ sake, we need to be brave,” 
Your father approached the kitchen whilst your mother tended to Sirius on the couch, he looked at the two of his beloved children and said, “Sirius is to stay here for the remainder of the summer. He will not be going back to his home. I will send a letter to his mother at once, but there is no way in hell that boy is going back.” James hugged his father instantly before opening the kitchen door and disappearing to see his best friend. You looked at your father, who removed his glasses and rubbed his eyes,
“What happened, dad?” your voice was quiet, afraid to know the answer.
Fleamont Potter shook his head and placed his glasses back on, he pulled you in for a close hug and kissed the top of your head. He was thankful to have you and James in such healthy conditions. “Let’s not talk about it, child. Everything will be okay. Go on and be with your friend,” you kissed your father on the cheek before sneaking into the living room. Your mother saw you as she was leaving and placed a kind hand on your arm before retreating into the kitchen, most likely to talk to your father.
You watched James pull up a chair next to Sirius, two brothers with a stronger bond known to man. 
“Y’know, mate, if you wanted to see me this bad, you didn’t have to have such the dramatic entrance,” James’ joked making Sirius grin,
“You think I wanted to come here? Blimey, no. The inn across town wouldn’t take me, so I thought I’d come to the Potters.” James laughed and shoved Sirius,
“I’m glad you’re alright,” James said seriously,
“Don’t go all sappy on me, Prongs. Only a couple cuts and bruises,”
“Yes, James, don’t go all sappy on him.” You emerged from the shadows and sat on the edge of the couch Sirius was lying on, “Sirius loves all the attention,” 
“Only from you,” even though Sirius was in immense emotional and physical pain, he still found the energy to make you blush.
“Mate, you’ve only been here for a minute and you’re already acting dodgy towards my sister.” The three of you laughed,
“James, can you help bring the tea in?” your mother asked from the kitchen, James stood with no argument and left for the kitchen. Sirius closed his eyes and leaned his head on the back of the couch. You couldn’t help but stare, his face, though had a bruise and a split lip, was still as handsome as the day you first saw him. 
“I can feel you staring at me, darling,” Sirius opened one eye to peer at you,
“How could I not, you look like shit,” you shot back. Sirius’ eyes were amused before taking hold of your hand in his,
“I’m alright, y’know,”
“I know.” you placed a smile on your face that quickly faded away, “but unfortunately, you have to room with James and we both know he snores.”
Sirius shrugged, “if I can live with him at Hogwarts, I can live with him here,” Sirius squeezed your hand again before kissing your knuckles, “and I certainly don’t mind living with you,”
“I’ll only say it once this summer,” James warned whilst carrying out a tray of tea and biscuits, “hands off my sister.” 
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