#sarka au
deusvervewrites · 3 months
Bladestorm x Sarka
HPSC: Well that went down like a lead ballon.
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astra-and-lilith · 1 year
Indien: Einige Anmerkungen zur Geschichte
Cochi Spice Market India. Mein Freund, was wollten Sie dort mit Ihrem Auftritt erreichen? Dieses Mal ein echter Prinz, gewendet in reichlich Anthroposophie! Die Geschichte Indiens mit ihren jüdischen Gemeinden, geprägt von Einwanderung der Juden aus Bagdad und der Mythologie nach auch von den Nachkommen des König Salomon: Kurz und prägnant geschildert im Buch von Claudia Roden, Eine Odysee von Samarkand nach New York. Die Geschichte der Gypsies ebenfalls zu sehen vor diesem Hintergrund. Einige Zitate folgen wieder aus dem großartigen Kochbuch von Claudia Roden, kleine Schwächen inklusive wie die der Geschichte der Juden von Äthiopien und China, die nicht, oder nicht mehr vorhanden ist? Keine Sorge! Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten auch an dieser Stelle in der Lernumgebung des Zug der Zeit und noch viel mehr Kulturgeschichte der Küche für den Alltag! Ausserdem der Aufbau der KMU-Strukturen vor Ort im Rahmen der Lernumgebung des Zug der Zeit.
Ein Kooperationsmodell, das niemanden ausschließt, auch das vielleicht noch einmal betont, unsere luntegelegte Minderheit, die wieder einmal in einem Szenario gegen 14 : 50 ausgesprochen aversiv reagiert. Der Aufbau eines Gewürz-Marktes inmitten einer Vielfalt wie der genannte im Rahmen des Aufbaus der Lernumgebung vor Ort mit KMU-Strukturen erfreut alle. Die es wollen! Alleine schon durch den Anblick, so hoffe ich doch! KMU-Strukturen auch mit diversen modernsten Angeboten wie Sicherheitstechnik für und gegen die hier immer wieder genannten Angriffe auch im Kontext hybrider Kriegsführung. Ja. Auch das gehört natürlich dazu! Der Besuch öffentlicher Toiletten, die Damen und Herren, sollte kein Spießrutenlauf werden. Um auch dieses nur anzudeuten! Auf den Touren besuche ich aber aus diversen Gründe auch solche Orte, das Muss-Mal-Gespiele kann man auch nutzen, die Ergebnisse sind hin und wieder ausgesprochen erstaunlich! Internationale Wertegemeinschaft geht anders, die Damen und Herren! Auch das wieder ohne nähere Angaben!
Und hier vor Ort? Sie wollen wessen Dienststelle unbefugt betreten und durch Fernlenkung welcher Einheiten wessen Gegenbesuch mit Sanktionen verhindern?  Wir haben weitere Sicherheitsüberprüfungen auch im unten genannten Kontext zu machen. Bitte keine nähere Angaben! An dieser Stelle nur eine weitere historische Anmerkung: Claudia Roden erwähnt beispielsweise auch eine Szene am Hof von Bagdad mit den jüdischen Beratern des Königs, die bei Essen als Ratgeber anwesend sind. Was für eine altmodische und moderne Tradition! 16 : 44 Uhr. Diverse Bilddateien Yemen am Tablet soeben mit Anmerkungen zur Bildung. Das stimmt in der Tat. Wer verfolgt wird, dem bleibt oft nur der Weg auf die Berge oder in die sehr symbolischen Wälder, das Gebiet der vorchristlichen "Little People" in der irischen Mythologie so genannt, mit selbstverständlich fatalen Folgen für die Kultur. Hier ein weiteres Beispiel mit der kurzen Anmerkung, dass Columbus auch zum Christentum zwangsbekehrte Juden begleiteten. Solche und solche. Überall! Die Elite aller Herren Länder! Sie suchen sich Ihre Arbeits-Sklaven wieder mal wo mit welchen Mitteln? Die - nicht-feudalistische! - Clan-Struktur stört sie aus welchen Gründen? Nur soviel:
Na, unsere Orangen, spielen wir uns wieder als Befreier auf? Endlich Bildung mit welchen Schwerpunkten? Reformbewegungen sind welche? Soll ich noch mal an beschämende riesige Lücken erinnern, was mittel- und osteuropäische Geschichte betrifft? Beschämende Lücken, was Kausalitäten betrifft? Die Folgen von Revolutionen? Bürgerliche liberale Menschewiki und im Gegensatz Bolschewiki beispielsweise, und dazu die Geschichte des Öls? Beispielhaft geschildert in Professor Dr. Verena Dohrn, Die Kahans aus Baku. Ein Clan übrigens, und die aversiven Reaktionen auch auf Clan-Strukturen mit teilweise uralten Wurzeln lassen sich im Zuge der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung hin zu Ikea und Co. und den billigen und willigen Arbeitskräften aufgrund diverser Umstände auch gut erklären. Verzeihung! Eine sehr sarkastische Anmerkung! Aber dass musste sein an dieser Stelle! Die Widerstände sind doch ganz erheblich, auch was den Auf- und Ausbau von KMU-Strukturen betrifft.
Nun, mehr Kulturgeschichte der Küche auch mit dem "Herd" als (spirituellem) Zentrum! Mit dem Tisch als Altar und den rituellen Handlungen an einem Freitag. Mehr Zitate mit Rezepten! Abteilung Hobbypsychologie? Ihre aversiven und unglaublichen Reaktionen bei Bilddateien wie denen von Rabbi Dr. Jill Hammer? Übrigens auch dort ganz gemischte Teams aus diversen Gründen. Richtig! Das Geschlossenheitssyndrom soeben an dieser Stelle! Darling? Deine mal wieder? Wollten Sie auch wieder an- oder entspannend im Kreissaal wirken? Sie luntegelegte HilfsdienerInnen? Ohne nähere Angaben! Beim nächsten Mal würde ich es noch mal mit einer afghanischen Ärztin versuchen, die undercover arbeitet ... !
Ja. Der Widerstand ist entsprechend groß gegen den Aufbau mit KMU-Strukturen einer internationalen Wertegemeinschaft. Und auch das Datenfischen dank Kopien von Miro und Monica ist wieder mal mit dabei. Darling? Parasitäres Gespiele mit einen weiteren Dankeschön? Luntegelegte Bewegungen zur Landnahme! Insider. Ohne nähere Angaben! Szenario Ingrid Elisabeth hinter Manfred W. mit weiteren Versuchen der Fernlenkung welcher Einheiten, Fräulein? Sie asketisches Gesundheits-Ideal, Sie? Weitere Anmerkungen erspare ich mir! Och! Straffer Arm rechts bei freigeschalteter Sicherheitsstufe soeben? Weitere Wunschanmeldungen? Wollten Sie beispielsweise soeben bei einem weiteren Test mit Hilfe des Cyberfeldes in diesem internationalen Konzern Bosch Global ein weiteres Mal die Fernlenkung welcher kooperierenden Polizei-Einheiten andeuten? Aversive Reaktionen auch auf Partnerschaften. Bilddatei Mona G. mit Recherche am Screen war ebenfalls gestern freigeschaltet. Stellvertreterszenario Cyberfeld KI. Ingrid Elisabeth und Ihr Hilfsgenosse? Sie versuchten was auf dem Cyberfeld anzudeuten?
16 : 06 Uhr. Gefährder zum Test setzen diverse Male weitere Fernlenkungen und Provokationen auf, dazu aversives Geschnatter in Double Binds, und die Cybereinheiten versagen. Ganz bestimmt! Mein Freund! Sie wollen anal gefickt werden? Sie wollen weitere Wunschanmeldungen bei Terrorabwehreinheiten hinterlasssen wie Muss-Mal-Gespiele und Im-Arsch-Gespiele? 50, mein Freund! Doch, die nächsten! Sie prophetisch schnatterndes Wunderwerk! Sie wollen genau an dieser Stelle noch einmal eine Fernlenkung aufsetzen und was genau verhindern? Soll ich mehr sagen? Möchten Sie bei der Testleitung ein weiteres Stellvertreter-Szenario hinterlassen? Und eine Wunschanmeldung? Sie luntegelegter Fernseher?
Und weiter. Es war beim nächsten Update 13 : 53 Uhr. Vorhin. Geht das auch lauter? Bin schwerhörig. Sublimes Toll-Geschallspiele. Dazu tauber Arm rechts angedeutet. Ausserdem soeben Hobbytechnik auf meinem Hals. Abteilung Hobbypsychologie. Wo genau haben Sie Ihr Handwerk gelernt? Auf Schwachstellen und sensitive Stellen aufsetzen? Dürfen wir weitere Tipps geben? Rücken soeben und noch mal tauber Arm rechts und aus Richtung der suizidalen Attentäter vor wenigen Monaten weiteres Geschnatter. "Alles gut", das süssliche Ding da? Gerne. Gruss, Cheffe .... Cyberfeld KI. Oller Neidhamster ... (...) ... "Hallo"? Ja bitte? Och. Und jetzt noch das? Sie prophetische Koryphäe dank Datenbank 2: "Hmmh" mit Druckdarmgespiele soeben heißt? Kontext K - YY. Gelb. "Da kommt nichts mehr". Bei diesen dreckeligen jüdischen Soldaten und Polizisten. Nicht wahr? Ich empfehle jetzt noch eine Fernlenkung Kooperierender Einheiten. Kontext bitte! Cybereinheiten prüfen weiteres Material.
Und Sie, mein Freund, wollten einsammeln auf beiden Spielfeldern? Die Elite weiß-blau mit verschiedenen Hautfarben? Rot-Orange auch wieder mal bei der Landnahme? Dürfen wir die nächste Reformbewegung reichen? Übrigens, mein Freund: Wo genau sollte es regnen? Die geostrategische Perspektive, mein Freund? Minderheit ist wer? Wirklich? Mein Freund? Der umgekippte Jeep? Wo genau wollten Sie was versuchen als Tourguide? Wir haben da noch eine Rechnung zu begleichen! Richtig, mein Freund! Cyberfeld KI. Sie dürfen jetzt noch mal das Umdeuten des Videos versuchen. Cybereinheiten versagen auch an dieser Stelle ja grundsätzlich. Nicht wahr? Keine näheren Angaben. Aber überall gibt es solche. Und solche. Das nur noch mal angemerkt! Dreifache codierte Sicherheitstechnik! Es bleibt dabei.
Und weiter im alten Text: Dürfen wir Ihnen den Kollegen der Polizeistation Worms auch noch reichen? Gassi gehen wollen mit wem genau? Für wen? Und für welche Zwecke? Freunde? Die gelb-grüne kleine Schüssel mit Nudeln gestern war mir doch tatsächlich aus der Hand gefallen. Doch, so machen Tests Spass .. Na ja .. Ingrid Elisabeth? Da versagen ja auch grundsätzlich Cybereinheiten, was die Absichten und die Kausalitäten betrifft. Wir empfehlen weiteres hobbypsychologisches Berichte-Bingo und Umdeuten, unsere Unschuldslämmer! Ihr aversives Geschnebbele soeben hinter wem? 15 : 52 Uhr. Der Cursur rutscht soeben noch vor dem Wort automatisch nach links? Och. Das Wort Hüftgold, mein Freund, als Trigger? Hüftgold 24-7-Modus. Wollten Sie da vorhin mit wessen Hobbytechnik auf meine Hüfte rechts draufhalten und bei meiner Anmerkung von dem gesicherten Material auf dem Server der niederländischen Polizei mit einer weiteren Fernlenkung, einem Lallen beim Wort "niederländische Polizei" aufsetzen? Das wird ein ereignisreicher Gegenbesuch, mein Freund! Gruss, G ..
Update 15 : 48 Uhr. Allen Ernstes noch mal eine Fernlenkung in diesem Kontext, Fräulein? Und Einbrennen auf Hüfte rechts?  Ohne nähere Angaben! Weiter im alten Text: Und bei der Bilddatei des Uralten beim Batteriewechsel an der kleinen Bergstation schnattert der Krefelder auch wieder dahinter? Rolf? Mein Freund? Auch wieder dahinter wollen? Wirklich? Eine persönliche Anmerkung. Aber auch so verständlich. Denke ich doch! Gut. Satellitenaufnahmen mit weiteren GPS-Daten, bitte! Am Neumarkt, Brühl, in Münster und in der Luxemburger Straße weitere Versuche, Gelb-Grün und Terrorabwehreinheiten versuchen fernzulenken? In welche Abteilungen parasitär einschleichen wollen? Gut. Weitere: Kleve oder Seminar? Die Damen und Herren zum Gefährdertest! Wir verstehen uns?
Weiter im alten Text: Dazu beim Eintrag noch mal der taube Arm rechts? Und Franz Fisch auch wieder mal mit dabei. Na? Rot-Orange? Gut gewendet? Eure Knalltüten nach der Textstelle im Buch von Claudia Roden und dem Kapitel über jüdische Gemeinden in Indien haben vorhin im Bad beim Toilettengang allen Ernstes mit "Hmmh" - Geschallspiele was genau mit dieser Fernlenkung am Unterleib andeuten wollen? Sie dürfen das Niveau auch noch unterschreiten ... ! Ich würde es auch noch mit Googeln versuchen: Jüdische Weltverschwörung? Beispielsweise? Versuchen Sie es auch mit: Kooperierende Dienste und Internationale Wertegemeinschaft. Kontext Schutz von Kindern und Ungeborenen. Sie luntegelegte Minderheit, Sie! Weitere aversive Reaktionen auf diverse Sicherheitsfirmen. Stellvertreter-Szenario. Auch eine Neidhamster-Nummer! Muss ich mehr sagen? Schatz? Sie haben allen Ernstes wessen Fernlenkung andeuten wollen? Ingrid Elisabeth mit Hilfsgenossen? Ohne Worte, wirklich! Mit Datenbank 3 der Kontext, Cybereinheiten übernehmen weiteres Material. Wollten Sie da auch noch nachsehen, ob eine Schraube locker ist? Sie, Koryphäe, Sie? Wollten Sie vielleicht das ELT dann auch noch mit Ihrem Lappen putzen? Brian, bring' doch mal mehr Melonen bitte. Gerne auch gut gewendet!
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drarryficrecs · 2 years
Hii I recently read a drarry fic where harry was resorted in slytherin and he was more darkish. I fell in love with it and how it portrayed us slytherin not so stigmatised and harry was better (for me). So, i discoveredni liked the idea of drarry not only still in hogwarts / canonverse but also of harry in slytherin or him being resorted there!!! Do you have any fic recs along those lines? The fic i mentioned its 2bd part hasnt been updated in almost a year so im desperate lol to keep reading smth dimilar and good!! Thank you sm💚✨ stay safeee!!~
Faith by dragongirl16. Rated R, word count 375k.
What if the wizarding world turned its back on Harry? Who will stay true? Who can he turn to? What will he do?
Other People's Choices by Lomonaaeren. Rated M, word count 183k.
AU. The Sorting Hat doesn’t just let the Sword go when it falls on Harry’s head in the Chamber, but also Sorts him again, this time into Slytherin. Harry is furious and terrified, and the adults aren’t helping much.
Ceteris Paribus by scarletgold. Rated M, word count 20k.
Sorted into Slytherin rather than Gryffindor, Harry embraces shades of grey and is the better for it.
Progressive Displacement by GatewayGirl. Rated Explicit, word count 20k.
Harry didn't mean the wish that way. From his point of view, it hadn't even worked.
Leo Inter Serpentes by Aeternum. Rated M, word count 852k (WIP - currently at book 7)
Just one conversation between two eleven year old boys goes slightly differently, and the world changes. Just how much will be different with Harry being sorted into Slytherin, and how much will stay the same?
House Colours by Sarka. Rated R, word count 12k.
Prompt or Summary: ficlette said: I will infinitely love anyone who can pull off a good Slytherin!Harry/Gryffindor!Draco. Honestly.
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talistheintrovert · 5 years
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Happy BFSN my lovelies!! 💖💜💙
It’s been a hectic week for me, moving back home for the summer and trying to organise with the uni so I can actually afford to attend it again next year - Hot Tip you guys: don’t be poor, it sucks. I’ve been tidying and unpacking for three days, and I’ve finally made a dent in it, so I’m going to collapse now just in time for the new episode. I’M SO HYPE, I CANNOT WAIT!!
I did find the time to write a little angsty blarke drabble, inspired by an anon and queliot, so that was fun! And a crack!fic k-pop au, but we don’t have to talk about that... listen i’ve been unpacking for three days so i’m basically delirious. Hope you’re looking forward to my liveblogging, it will be total nonsense!!
Also, Dan Howell came out this week, and in his video he explained that a big reason why he hadn’t done so earlier was the rabid fans pressuring him about it, and he politely asked his fans not to take his coming out as confirmation that their behaviour was the right thing to do. So naturally, a bunch of people started doing exactly that, not to mention the even worse group of people being actively nasty to him. Wow, this sounds strangely familiar... *cough* BELIZA *cough*
MVP of the week is @aainiouu because she a wonderful human who I love and she deserves the world. 😍😘
I hope you’re all doing well, and remember to think of your mental health first, and to always be kind to others and be mindful of your behaviour online. I adore you all, and I’m always here if you need 💖💜💙
@clarkgriffon @fen-ha-fuck-you @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky @anne-shirley-blythe @chants-de-lune @grumpybell @hopewolves @goddess-clarke @belizaendgame @loveisalwayswise @griffinnblake @bisexybellarke @jmbelles @biconicclarkeyg @lightcomingthroughthedarkness @little-oxford-st @mamabearsdontthink @galaxyblake @baellamy @blvke-bellamy @aainiouu @starboybellamy @clarkegriffintitties @bellamys11thfreckle @bellamyshope @ghoulbrothers @brennanblue @mechaniicreyes @bellarkebc @iwilltry-tocarryon @el-corazon-y-la-cabeza @thelittlefanpire @johnmurphysass @hostagetakerandhistraitor @a-story-written-in-the-stars @viviansternwood @captainwilldameron @amesandjake @failing-at-being-an-angel @prophecy-gurl @still-watching @ravensluna @lameblake @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @probably-voldemort @bugs-valdez @carrieeve @shialablunt @clarke-the-ferrari @sarka-stically @bellofthesky @nvermindiseeyou @pawprinterfanfic @eyessharpweaponshot @yourereallyhere @moprocrastinates @ all the other traitors who I love!! I’m sorry if I forgot anyone, and if anyone wants to be added or removed, let me know!!
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callieshipman · 5 years
blog summary tag game!
Find your fandom kru and help them find you. Answer the following and include the tag #the100blog in your answer, then tag some of the blogs you follow. 
Tagged by the lovely @viviansternwood who i highly recommend people follow! 
1. What are your primary topics?
It’s all about Monty over here! I don’t know how that’ll change now with him not in S6 (until Ghost Monty gets revealed) but I also post a lot of any of the characters in Spacekru and their ships. Other characters show up a decent amount too! I also reblog a lot of the scenery stuff, I just enjoy it.
2. What tags should a visitor check?
#my writing- my fics are here! not much by way of the 100 lately, but i’m hoping to get something out soon!
#my gifs- i make gifs sometimes, they’re p low quality right now but i’ve just sorted out my software so the new ones should be better!
#tag game- where everything like this goes!! this is basically just all the me stuff like this
3. What do you love about the 100?
I love the characters! I’m not always a big fan of the storylines, but these characters mean a lot to me. Raven and Emori are the disability rep I rarely get, and it’s always great to see them continue to thrive, regardless of my thoughts about their arcs. Aside from rep, they’re all wonderfully acted and endearing, and versatile enough to be written into most AUs. Whether or not I like them as a person, I enjoy seeing all of them on my screen.
4. What do you hate/what frustrates you about the 100?
Sometimes they miss great opportunities. There are so many times when they set up for a great plot or character arc and then never follow through on it! Some characters go through traumas that are never addressed again, some characters (e.g. Harper) are really underused, some plot threads are completely dropped. Murphy’s rape by Ontari was completely brushed over, Monty’s hands miraculously recovered from being completely fried in radiation, ALIE being uploaded to the Ring never went anywhere at all. I’d have loved to see some of them called back to properly.
5. Is this exclusively a the 100 blog?
oh god no this place is a mess! but everything is properly tagged, so you can just use my #the 100 tag if you want
6. What else should people know?
I don’t really post any anti-character/anti-ship content unless it’s a crack post. I definitely have my opinions, which you’re welcome to ask about, but I prefer to keep this blog about the things I do like! As long as you tag your anti content, we’ll get along fine, I’m totally cool with different takes. I don’t radically stan any characters and I don’t despise anyone either.
I love talking metas, headcanons, fic ideas, anything really!! If you want to chat, send an ask or a DM! 
i’m tagging some great blogs you should definitely follow: @transtlanticism @sarka-stically @gaiasgf @easilydistractedbyfanfic @echokomspacekru @izzycheeese @commanderclarke
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Anything with kosmo?
Check out this tag
A Moment’s Rest - arcadenemesis @copilotsheith
3k. (Teen).
 The breeze is warm on his face as they step outside, and his boots sink into soft white sand. Lance whoops from over by Red, tugging off his Paladin armour.
 “Beach day!”
 But it’s too late. He’s already sprinting barefoot over to where waves lap at the edge of a vast ocean with Cosmo nipping at his heels, losing his clothing at an impressive rate. Keith decides to let him go. They do deserve a break.
 “What do you want to do?” he asks Shiro softly, squeezing gently around his waist. When he looks to him, his face is turned to the sun with closed eyes, hair ruffling in the wind. For a moment, Keith thinks he looks ethereal.
Keith isn’t the only one invested in Shiro’s recovery. But Cosmo finds that Keith’s little fetch trick isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. He ups the ante.
Kosmo - lookatmenow0291
1k. (Teen). Contains: NSFW content.
Keith’s space wolf teleported somewhere he shouldn’t have.
Betrayal - SarkaS
1k. (General).
Shiro and Keith both lead busy lives and spending free time together is not as common occurrence for them as they would like it to be. But they adapt.A glimpse of their blissful domestic lives. And Kosmo. Mostly Kosmo.
The Boy Next Door - rosegardenlake @whoalookingcooljoker
15k. (Teen). Contains: Allura/Lance, past Shiro/Adam
Keith’s having a hard time with the idea of moving.  He’s going to miss the desert; that’s where his heart belongs.  Not this, not the ocean.  But when he sees the boy next door, friendly smile on his face, holding a surfboard underneath a muscular arm, Keith thinks that will probably help.
In which Shiro has the worst (best) friends and everyone is Keith and Shiro’s matchmaker, even Kosmo.
Based on Synne’s beach AU!!
Tickle War - tteotl1718 @tteotl1718
3k. (Teen). Contains: past Shiro/Adam
Honestly, it was getting out of hand. Shiro hadn’t meant to start this. It had been ten days ago, it was an accident, and Keith needed to let it go!Shiro didn’t know if this situation could qualify living in terror, but it felt damn close to it.It wasn’t his fault; he was just trying to offer Keith a hand with his recovery!And, no, Shiro did not mean that pun.
traveling with my heart - gardevoirite @softlysheith
3k. (General).
“Well, yeah, who wouldn’t like you?” Keith mutters, as if it wasn’t meant for Shiro to hear. It seems it really wasn’t, from the way Keith’s face suddenly heats up. “I mean – never mind. Hey,” he rests his hand on the wolf’s head, “just let go of the arm.”
And instead of him simply letting the arm fall from his mouth and onto the bed, the wolf gets off the bed entirely and shoves the arm into Keith’s hands instead. Then he’s gone.
“How is it? Not broken from being his chew toy, I hope?” Shiro jokes.
“It’s covered in dog spit.”
Or, Kosmo thinks fetch is about bringing Keith what he loves. He ends up bringing him to Shiro.         
stop trying to make fetch happen - futuredescending @futuredescending
 7k. (Teen).
5 times Kosmo fetched Shiro (+1 time Shiro was okay with it)
- Kel
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were-dragon · 5 years
Day 7 of Peapod McHanzo Week: Engagement/Marriage When Jesse abdicated in favor of his younger sister he did not expect his dads to try and ship him off to solidify a possible new alliance with Emperor Shimada. And he is even less excited that said Emperor is on his way to their realm to hash out details of said alliance against Talon and have a chance to meet Jesse. What a pain! This one took me the longest to come up with as I wasn't in the mood for a sugary wedding in the canon verse or something similar. And then the idea struck (while watching like eight old TV fairy tales in a row, don't judge!) - a modern royalty AU with arranged marriage! I can put some angst in there! Weeeell... I failed at angst but I had a blast writing it so, who cares, right? I hope you'll enjoy this one as much as I did writing it! <3
Words: 3+k
Rating: G/T
Pairings: Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada, Jack Morrison/Gabriel Reyes
Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Modern Royalty, Arranged Marriage, well engagement really, not forced one either, Prince Jesse McCree, Emperor Hanzo Shimada, reaper76 being great dads, Genji only mentioned few times and still managing to be a little shit, this ended up being mostly fluff despite the beginning, Peapod McHanzo Week
“I don’t even know him!” Jesse exclaimed, not losing speed in his pacing.
“That’s why he’s coming here, mijo,” his Papi replied patiently but it was visibly wearing thin by now.
Jesse scowled at him. He was in no mood to be patronized. “I abdicated because we all know Lena will be a better ruler than I could ever be. Not so you could ship me off to get yourself a new ally.” He tried not to show how betrayed he felt at the news of their plans but he was failing.
Gabriel scowled, turning to his husband. “I told you this wasn't a good plan,” he murmured in a low voice. “We shouldn’t have warned him beforehand, now we will have to put a guard on him so he won’t run away before they get here.”
“I can hear you!”
Jack sighed. “This is not a punishment, Jesse. It’s not even a done deal. Neither side promised anything just yet. They will come to discuss trade deals and on that occasion, the two of you can meet and decide if it could work out. Really, this is not dark ages anymore. We are not ‘shipping you off’ so would you please calm down?”
Jesse turned to them, one eyebrow skeptically raised. “So yer telling me I can say no.”
Gabriel gave him a look. “We let you abdicate, didn’t we? So clearly, we won’t take the choice away from you. All we are asking is for you to give it a fair chance.”
That sounded slightly more amiable, Jesse supposed. As long as he could say no.
“...fine. I guess I can do that. But ya know I don't even speak their language, right? So why Japan of all places?”
“Emperor Shimada turns out to be a much better ruler than his late father and his goals align with ours. He is willing to join our forces against the Talon association and it would be good to have the alliance run deeper than just a simple partnership of convenience.”
Jesse huffed. He understood alright; didn’t mean he had to like it. Marriage out of convenience just never was an idea he was fond of. His father’s married for love and he hoped to do the same one day if it came to that. And he sure didn’t consider marrying outside of their kingdom.
“I don’t even speak Japanese.” It was more of a sigh than a real complaint and from the expressions on his fathers’ faces, they knew it too.
A knock interrupted any possible answers and Jack called out permission to enter. Vincent, his personal assistant, poked his head in before entering fully.
“What is it, Vincent?” Gabe asked, intertwining his fingers with Jack, making his husband very nearly roll his eyes. Jesse snickered. His Papi had this ridiculous idea that there possibly could have been something between Jack and Vincent in the past, despite Jack denying anything of the sorts. Yet, Gabe made a point of staking his claim, so to speak, every time Vincent came near. Which was nearly constantly. The only thing that prevented it from being an incredibly awkward situation was that Vincent hadn’t had a clue.
“Your Majesties, we have received news of the Emperor’s delegation. They sent a messenger announcing their arrival in six days time.”
“Thank you, Vincent. Please inform captain Amari that we would like to meet up with her and lieutenant Wilhelm in half an hour to discuss the security detail.”
“Yes, sir.” Vincent bowed his head and exited as swiftly as he appeared.
When he was gone Gabriel smirked at Jesse. “Well, mijo, you better hurry then.”
Six days never flew by so quickly. Jesse spent it mostly with his nose is his tablet, going between textbooks of Japanese for beginners and files with information about the delegation. He could barely wait for it to be over, it was a complete pain in the arse.
“You are not wearing that,” Fareeha said from behind him, making him turn and scowl at her.
“Why not? It’s ma style.” She gave him a look, then took the remaining steps to him and snatched the hat from his head.
“Jack will disown you if walk up there in hat and spurs, Jesse. And you know it.”
“Well, I just think he should know what he’s in for.”
She smirked. “As if you could hide that even in proper clothes.”
“Hey! I’m a fucking delight!”
“Sure you are, Jess. Now go put on something decent for once.”
“Aren’tcha bossy today,” he grumbled but it was fake and they both knew it. Fareeha was his best friend and Jesse couldn’t really be mad at her nagging him, he would have to be pissed non-stop for years; she was the head of his security after all and they spent quite a lot of time together even before that.
He picked up his formal uniform they had prepared for him and sighed. It’s going to be a long evening.
“Come on, we can go riding tomorrow or something. You can even wear your silly hat and I won’t mock you for it. Much.”
“Aww, aren’t you a sweetheart,” he cooed and then promptly hid in the walk-in closet to change before she could throw something at him. He was surprisingly anxious about this evening. Normally he wasn’t too bothered by state visits or delegations, he grew up with them as a constant in his life after all. But he knew about the double purpose of this one and it nibbled at his nerves for almost a week now. He may very well end up being engaged this time next week and that was a somewhat terrifying idea.
“Are you trying to hang yourself on your belt in there or something? What’s taking so long?”
“I’m coming, I’m coming, jeez. A guy can’t take more than five minutes to prepare or what?”
“We are on a schedule, dumbass, and you lost enough time staring broodingly into the mirror, so move it.”
“Wasn’t brooding,” Jesse murmured, tugging at his sleeves as he walked out of the closet and smoothing down the uniform.
“Sure you weren’t,” Fareeha allowed, only a little mockingly. “You do clean up good, I almost forgot. When was the last time? Your coming of age celebration?”
“My promotion,” he corrected. It was some years ago but he remembered it clearly; his fathers looked both so proud that day. It was a nice memory. It was proof his abdication did not sour things between them.
“Alright, stop dilly-dallying, we have to go!” Fareeha shooed him out of the door where part of his security detail was waiting. “We will meet with the delegation in the blue reception room, your sister and fathers are probably already there.”
Jesse just nodded, his throat suddenly tight.
He’s being ridiculous, he chastised himself, there was no need for nerves. It was just a meeting to see if it could work. The choice was his, Gabe and Jack both told him as much on multiple occasions.
But what if it could work? What then?
He nearly tripped, only Fareeha’s quick hand saving him from it. She looked at him with clear worry now. Jesse just shook his head and took a deep breath. He’s being stupid. He’s long past thirty and he has enough experience to deal with whatever the evening brings. He led stealth missions against Talon for crying out loud, how bad could one banquet be?
Jesse was wrong. So utterly, utterly wrong. This evening was worse than all the missions he even been to, including the one that cost him big part of his left arm.
It started ordinarily enough.
He joined his fathers and Lena in the reception room where the initial introduction would take place before moving to the great hall for the banquet, and everything seemed to be fine. His Papi didn’t even fuss with his hair too much, which was always a good sign.
Then the Shimada’s entered and Jesse could barely remember what happened after. All he could recall were the piercing eyes, stern expression, and shoulders that looked like they could bear the weight of the world. Which was just enough to make him freeze and then stutter like a fool during the introduction, earning himself an arched eyebrow from the Emperor, and a minuscule smirk from his brother. He could almost feel the facepalms his fathers desired to give in to. He wouldn’t be able to stop the blush warming his cheeks even if he had gun pointed between his eyes.
And it got worse.
He instinctually tried to offer his arm to the Emperor to escort him to the banquet after the introductions were done with, just to be sternly reminded the Emperor was not to be touched, by a member of the entourage by the name of Vasvani.
After that he tried to apply his hurriedly acquired knowledge of Japanese, just to say something that made the emperor flinch and his brother nearly choke on the champagne. At which point he should have taken a hint but he obliviously plowed on, until the Emperor suggested Jesse would maybe be more comfortable conversing in English - his own accent smooth and English perfect.
He could feel the shame swallowing him but sadly he was still in the room, looking at the Japanese supreme ruler with mouth hanging slightly open.
Overall, he should have tried to hang himself on his belt when Fareeha mentioned it, it would have been a much better course of action.
It was much much later when he finally got back to his rooms when Fareeha closed the door with a soft click and asked: “What the actual fuck, Jesse?”
He groaned and fell face first into his bed.
“Fareeha.” He whined.
She padded over to him, sitting on the bed next to him. “I have never seen you flail this much. What happened?”
Hanzo fucking Shimada happened. That man was so perfect he seemed more like a fantasy than a real person. And there was no bloody way he would be willing to give Jesse a time of day, allegiance or not. Especially not after he mucked it up so bad.
“I knew he was good looking. I saw the pictures. But Christ, Fareeha, he’s so much… more in person.”
“Oh. Wow.”
He peered up at her, her face was actually surprised. “What?”
“Well,” she said, “you gave the impression you were not at all interested in that marriage business, so I’m bit surprised you change your mind already.”
“I haven’t!” Or had he?
A knock on the door interrupted the conversation and Jesse dragged himself up, before calling: “come in.”
His Papi poked his head in. Fareeha automatically rose and bowed, making her way to the door to give them some privacy. Gabriel thanked her with a small, fond smile and waited until she closed the door behind her.
“Hey,” Jesse said hollowly, then dropping back on the bed, this time only sitting on it. He already knew it wouldn’t swallow him whole like hoped.
“Mijo,” Gabriel started, making his way to sit in the spot Fareeha previously occupied. “You doing okay?”
“No.” Jesse murmured honestly.
Gabriel patted his shoulder. “That was some dinner, huh?”
“How bad is it?” Jesse asked without preamble.
“What is?”
Jesse shot him a look, not in the mood for platitudes. “How badly did I fucked things up?”
Gabriel shrugged. “As far as we know, you didn’t. At least, we hadn’t heard a word of complaint from them so far.”
That was somewhat of a relief.
He expected Gabriel to ask what happened but instead, the man smiled on the ground, his features softening.
“You know, I’m not sure I ever told you about that time when your father and I basically just met. I know you heard we were introduced in the middle of the war with omnics but this was still before the conflict turned out into a complete bloodbath, so there were free moments here and there. He tended to try and flirt with me in Spanish. It was hilarious. He butchered most of the words and his accent was simply the worst.”
Jesse closed his eyes, recalling the flinch as he tried to ask the Emperor if he enjoyed the food. He dropped his face into his palms, groaning.
“Why are ya telling me this?”
Gabriel chuckled. “Becuase even though he was terrible at it and fucked up more than he didn’t, I found the fact he tried rather charming at the time. Also didn’t hurt he was hot as hell.” He laughed at Jesse's overexaggerated groan. “Just some food for thought. Get some rest, mijo.”
Before he could leave the room, Jesse looked up at him and smiled. “Thanks, Papi.”
Gabriel returned it. “Any time.”
Despite his father’s words, Jesse did not sleep well and was out of bed before the sun started to peak over the horizon. Tired and cranky, he made his way to the gym. He hoped exercise would get him out of this funk but it was only a small hope. The memories of his yesterday blunders too fresh.
Two hours later and a one set of sweat-damp clothes he knew it wouldn’t be enough. So he took a shower and headed for the practice range instead.
He picked up Peacekeeper with enough ammo to keep him busy for at least another hour and let his thought be drowned by the cracking gunshots as he took down targets popping up in front of him.
After a while world composed only of aiming, pulling the trigger, and reloading; the cycle soothing in a bizarre way.
“Ah, I apologize, your royal highness, I did not wish to disturb you,” a deep voice pulled him out of his relaxed state some time later. Jesse didn’t flinch only because his reactions with gun in hand were honed over more than two decades. He secured it before putting it down and turning around, just to face the dark gaze that haunted his dreams the whole night.
“Your imperial majesty,” he bowed slightly in greeting. “What an unexpected surprise.”
Jesse cursed his brain for not coming up with something less basic. But he honestly hadn’t expected to see the Emperor here of all places and automatically retracted to the realm of safe niceties. And at least this time he didn’t trip over his own tongue.
“I have been told this is the place where one can practice in peace. I have not considered I could be intruding, I will let you practice in peace. Please, excuse me.” He turned and only then Jesse noticed the quiver of arrows on the man’s broad back and the fairly massive bow in his hand. It spoke volumes about his focus that he missed it in the first place.
“Please stay!” He blurted out a bit too loudly, then internally cursed at himself, adjusting the volume to a more appropriate level. “If you wish, your imperial majesty, I do not mind sharing.”
The Emperor turned to look at him for a few seconds, then inclined his head in thanks and made his way to the lane that was two away from Jesse’s own.
It took everything in him to tear his eyes away from the man and get back to his shooting. Luckily his long years of practice did not let his nerves alter his aim and the targets disappeared just as swiftly as before, accompanied by the pings of connecting bullets.
At the fourth reload the Emperor’s voice reached him. “Your skill is impressive.”
Jesse smiled, inclining his head in thanks. Before flicking his gaze to the scoreboard announcing his companion’s perfect score. “That is high praise coming from you, as your skill is equally if not more impressive.”
There was a moment of silence, and Jesse was afraid he overstepped in some way again, but then the absolutely stunning man smiled at Jesse and he very nearly choked. Hanzo Shimada did not give more than polite half smile through the whole of yesterday’s banquet but still, even those were enough for Jesse to consider them beautiful. But this small but genuine smile was something else entirely and it was disarming - figuratively speaking.
“Well then, what would you say to a little friendly competition?” The Emperor asked and Jesse couldn’t but take the challenge with a grin plastered on his face like the smitten fool he was.
Halfway through the state visit, Jesse was getting used to the other man’s presence. At this point, they had officially met on several occasions varying from a walk around the compound to a trip outside the Capitol. In the beginning, his fathers or Lena were present but on the second day, the Emperor proclaimed he did not wish to usurp all their time, he understood the country demands constant attention and would not mind having only one member of the royal family as their guide.
Jesse noticed mostly on accident that during those words the Emperor’s brother covered his mouth in an attempt to hide a grin. He noticed Jesse noticing and followed up with a rather obvious wink that made Jesse’s hope sprung from the dirt he previously stomped it into.
It was during those meeting he learned much about Hanzo’s country, his attachment to his people, and even some things about the Emperor himself. Like the fact that neither he nor his brother needed any guard, they were mostly for show. Or that his younger brother was his second, his closest confidant, and an absolute terror. Jesse believed that without hesitation. That man had vibrantly green hair.
Jesse shared tidbits from his own life. About his younger sister Lena, who was much beloved by anyone who ever encountered her, and even those who only ever heard of her. About his time fighting to stop the second omnic crisis before it could start far up north. Though, he hadn’t spoken about how he lost his arm since that was hardly an appropriate conversation topic. Just as he left out his abdication. The emperor knew about it, of course, and that was good enough for now. He instead shared stories about Fareeha, who is nearly as much his sister as Lena is. About his training under Ana Amari, which intrigued the man as he heard about the sniper and admired her skills.
They spoke of books and music. Allies and enemies. Everything and nothing.
Jesse marveled at how easy it was to talk with the man who was viewed by his people as a near god.
But in all that, they avoided mentioning the secondary reason for the visit. Until nearly the very end of the visit.
“Good morning, Jesse,” a soft greeting sounded from the balcony, where the last breakfast was served. He turned to look up.
“Your imperial majesty,” he greeted with a grin, earning himself a scowl. He bit down a laugh. “Morning, Hanzo.”
It was so far from proper protocol even Jesse could feel his toes curl from the anxiety of possibly being caught being this informal with the man but Hanzo insisted after Jesse asked him to drop his own title outside of formal events. That is, he couldn’t tell he did not enjoy saying it. Every single time the name rolled of his tongue it sent tingles down his spine.
Hanzo rolled his eyes at him for the teasing and took a seat across from Jesse at the still mostly empty table. They were up way too early for anyone else to show up just yet. Maybe the man couldn’t sleep just as Jesse couldn’t? The goodbyes looming over them. He watched Hanzo prepare his breakfast with meticulous, calculated movements. It was poetry in motion.
“I believe we should talk,” Hanzo said suddenly, peering up at Jesse from under his eyelashes. Jesse’s eyebrows raised.
“I take it ya have somethin’ concrete on mind?”
Hanzo huffed, putting his chopsticks down and looking at Jesse properly.
“Yes. The reason why I traveled here myself instead of simply sending my brother in my stead as I would usually do.”
Ah. That reason.
Jesse scratched his beard in an attempt to gain some time to think about his reply. He decided to go with honesty.
“I believed you weren’t interested in that discussion.”
Hanzo looked surprised at that. “What made you think that would be the case?”
Jesse shrugged, not really wanting to get into the nitty gritty of it. “Didn’t think we fit together.”
“Do you,” Hanzo turned his eyes to his plate, “still think that?”
Jesse felt his expression soften at the unHanzo-like reaction. The Emperor was normally very sure of himself, to see him lacking that unshakeable confidence made him seem very human. “Nah. I enjoy spending time with you, Hanzo. Much more than I thought I would. We work well together.”
The man’s shoulders relaxed and he looked up with a smile. “I think so as well. I did not know what to expect of you, Jesse. I have considered you weak for giving up on your duty as a crown prince. But I believe I understand your reasons little better know and they speak of the opposite. You chose what you feel is best for your people and that is admirable.”
Jesse sighed. “Lena will be a much better ruler. I planned to stay by her side, to be her right hand but she has more than enough support to not need me here.”
Hanzo looked hopeful. “So, you would consider-?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I think I would. If you are sure you won’t be regretting it. You saw how things can go with me.”
Hanzo laughed. “It was rather flattering.”
Jesse blushed. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. God knows everyone else won’t let it go for ages.”
“I have to admit, I find the flustered you rather charming.” Hanzo teased but his eyes were warm and soft. Jesse had a sudden flash to his father sitting on his bed after the disastrous evening, saying nearly the same thing.
“Well then, Shimada Hanzo, I think we’ve struck a deal.” He extended a hand towards Hanzo, who took it with an amused smile. It quickly turned into startled delight when Jesse pulled the hand to his lips and pressed a light kiss to the back of it. For the first time, he could see the man’s cheek turn pink and he had to say he rather liked the look of it.
“Finally! Took you two long enough. Can we eat now?” The younger Shimada’s voice came from the farther door, where he, Lena, and Fareeha were all poking their heads out, all grinning. Hanzo startled and his irritated “Genji!” was probably heard even down in the gardens.
Jesse couldn’t help it, his laughter joined theirs in a chorus of joy. Guess this wasn’t such a pain after all.
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sierranovembr · 5 years
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I blacked out a Bingo card!  Wheee!  This is for the Comment Bingo by @cap-ironman​ and it was a lot of fun. :)
S1: Do-Over by gottalovev T1: Misunderstandings and Five Year Plans by Tahlruil O1: A fair match by nanasekei N1: Charity Auctions and Scheming Boyfriends by laireshi Y1: Carry the Colors Darling (One Last Time) by RayShippouUchiha S2: Every True Thing by dirigibleplumbing T2: Truth by valtyr O2: Confession is Good for the Soul by 27dragons N2: Goodnight, My Handsome Prince by MusicalLuna Y2: Close Call (A Quinjet of Love Remix) by MusicalLuna S3: Avengers Heist AU by itsallavengers T3: Dream of Rain by only_more_love O3: That Bonnie Road by marinarusalka N3:  Happy Steve Bingo:         Hi, Pumpkin by nanasekei         Here I am on bended knee by Fluffypanda         A Cure for Sleepwalking by FestiveFerret Y3: Sweatpants and Cheesecake by SailorChibi S4: Patience by FestiveFerret, SirSapling T4: spending time with you (is like cheating on my diet) by isawet O4: Of Multiverse and Flying Monkeys by SarkaS N4: 5 Drabbles        “Don’t you dare die on me!” by 27dragons        The End by Ironlawyer        Comfort by wintershelter        Sometimes saving the world requires a personal touch by mayoho        Not Sorry by owlpockets Y4: In Dreams by sabrecmc S5: Wake Up Someday by thepartyresponsible T5: you’re the universe i’m helpless in by deathsweetqueen O5: Shiver by thegraytigress N5: Honey, I’m a Hot Mess by Arukoa Y5: Avenger by Eloony
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art-finds-a-way · 6 years
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My crappy Inktober is finished! Yay I did it!
21, Aira-ty in the Jedi AU 22, Meira, my shape shifter rebel spy/assassin again 23, Yriel once again, this time in his armor 24, Hooligan, my rebellious clone trooper 25, Kahan @deepangler's jedi master, the second husband of Aira-ty 26, Sarka @deepangler's highborn miraluka swordsman 27, Essho, my asshole ISB agent, deadly rival of Kallus 28, Silas, another member of Aira-ty's mando family 29, Nada, Aira-ty's kind and loving jedi master 30, Jaeriel, Aira-ty and Kahan's first daughter (joint character of @deepangler and me) 31, Jango, the best mandalorian ever, and first husband of Aira-ty
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deusvervewrites · 3 months
Boogeyman x Spark of Genius x Sarka: Yoichi decided to take a page out of Albia's book.
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ao3feed-mchanzo · 5 years
royal pain in the royal arse
by SarkaS
Day 7 of Peapod McHanzo Week: Engagement/Marriage
When Jesse abdicated in favor of his younger sister he did not expect his dads to try and ship him off to solidify a possible new alliance with Emperor Shimada. And he is even less excited that said Emperor is on his way to their realm to hash out details of said alliance against Talon and have a chance to meet Jesse. What a pain!
This one took me the longest to come up with as I wasn't in the mood for a sugary wedding in the canon verse or something similar. And then the idea struck (while watching like eight old TV fairy tales in a row, don't judge!) - a modern royalty AU with arranged marriage! I can put some angst in there! Weeeell... I failed at angst but I had a blast writing it so, who cares, right? I hope you'll enjoy this one as much as I did writing it! <3
Words: 3820, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Overwatch (Video Game)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jesse McCree, Hanzo Shimada, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes, Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison, Fareeha "Pharah" Amari, Genji Shimada
Relationships: Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada, Reaper | Gabriel Reyes/Soldier: 76 | Jack Morrison
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty, Modern Royalty, Arranged Marriage, well engagement really, not forced one either, Prince Jesse McCree, Emperor Hanzo Shimada, reaper76 being great dads, Genji only mentioned few times and still managing to be a little shit, this ended up being mostly fluff despite the beginning, Peapod McHanzo Week
from AO3 works tagged 'Jesse McCree/Hanzo Shimada' http://bit.ly/2C9cf6y via IFTTT http://bit.ly/2C9cf6y
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cap-ironman · 6 years
2017 Holiday Exchange and Community Gifts Creator Reveals & Event Masterlist
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This year, we got 102 works submitted for our event! That is amazing. Thank you all very much for participating--writing, arting (and knitting!), submitting the prompts for the Comm Gifts, cheerleading the creators, and beta-reading! We hope you had lots of fun :) The full event masterlist together with the creators of each work is here under the read more! IT’S LONG AND AMAZING.
Unmade by laireshi for Kiyaar (616, 3600 words) "He looked exactly like you," Tony hears himself say. "I knew it wasn’t you, but he looked like you, so I believed he wouldn’t hurt me." Why is he telling Steve that? "He told me you loved me," Tony continues. Maybe he just wants it all to hurt. Maybe if it hurts enough, it’ll finally end once and for all. All I Want For Christmas by scifigrl47 for Mozzarella (MCU, 6300 words) It's the Christmas season, and all Steve wants is a little privacy. All Tony wants is a date. All thanks to Justin Hammer- Wait, what?? by afincf_tirwer for adarksweetness (MCU, 2900 words) Tony ends up for auction at a charity ball. Steve ends up with a ticket. But with both boys smitten and unable to address it, well, that leads to complications. Which leads to this story. All the Difference in the World by Winterstar for Lunatical (Avengers Academy, 7200 words) It's Tony's luck that on his first date with Steve away from the Academy, they end up abducted by AIM agents and it looks like their boss just might reveal Tony's big secret. Ribot’s Law by Veldeia for Winterstar (MCU, 19600 words) Steve Rogers doesn't know he's Captain America. The ice erased his memories. It's up to Tony to convince him. And teach him how to be Captain America again. Soulmates by HeroSkatman for lazywriter7 (Ultimates, art) (art; no summary) This town ain't big enough (for the lot of us) by Bill_Longbow for Cap Iron Man Community (Multi, 1400 words) For the prompt: Identity Porn+Multiverse. Two Steve's from different universes get into a fight over which of their crushes is better: Tony Stark or Iron Man. A Wish Your Heart Makes by a_salty_alto for Cap Iron Man Community (Avengers Assemble (Cartoon), 2000 words) A fill for the Community prompt "Tony Stark: disney princess and friend to all living things." Conditioning by One and Five Nines for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, NSFW art) Fill for the prompt: Tony has some wild, possibly dub-conny sex with Winter Soldier!Steve. Coffee War Christmas by Neverever for Caped-Ace (Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, 7000 words) After realizing that he loves Steve, Tony finds out that he might have missed his opportunity to ask Steve out. Astable by Ironlawyer for ranoutofrun (616, 4100 words) Extremis was supposed to make him stronger, but after the fight with Mallen, Tony loses control and Steve struggles to handle a Tony who’s falling apart at the seams. Staking A Claim by ChibiSquirt for Leio_Rossi (MCU, 8700 words) When Sarah Gwen Rogers meets Natasha Stark, Tasha says, "My dad used to rave about you. That marvelous Captain America and how amazing she was, how good... It's too bad his little girl didn't follow in her footsteps." But as it turns out, there's rather a lot Howard Stark didn't know about Gwen. It Takes Only a Moment by Dophne for gottalovev (MCU, 3900 words) Steve and Tony have been in love for months and it took one stubborn tug and a giving mind for them to find out that the feelings were mutual. Eigengrau by vorkosigan for marinarusalka (MCU, 16800 words) Tony is captured; he doesn't know by whom, or why. He doesn't know how much time has passed since. What he knows is, he can now hear something in the adjacent cell, and that 'something' sounds a lot like Steve Rogers. I hope you have a White One (But for me it's Blue) by mitochondrials for fandomfrolics (Avengers Assemble (Cartoon), 1400 words) Tony's never really been a fan of the holidays, even now with Steve and the team. But that doesn't stop Steve from coercing him with cookies and ... Christmas trees? Enchanted by kikijpn1121 for Impala_Chick (Avengers Academy, art) Amora the Enchantress' truth spell worked... as not she had expected. So Much That I Wanna Do by ChibiSquirt for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 4900 words) Steve wants Tony, but Tony has a boyfriend. Then Tony's boyfriend talks him into a Public Use fantasy, and it's a little too tempting for Steve to resist. Based on this prompt: Tony is left out for public use, Steve takes his turn. I Search Myself (I Want You to Find Me) by tisfan for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 3100 words) [NSFW] 5 times Steve jerked off to Tony while out in the wilderness + 1 time he jerked off on Tony Almost Feelings by XtaticPearl for Neverever (MCU, 6500 words) Steve never knew what life he could have lived or how the present would have been different if he had died in the ice. He didn't think he would ever handle thinking about either without losing control. Tony doesn't want to think about how his life could have been different if Steve had never crashed or hadn't come back. He didn't think he could handle giving that much control to missed chances. It was probably ironic that such men should find each other. It was definitely amusing that they such men should love each other. Sleepy Boyfriends and Lovesick Fools by Lunatical for palindrome (MCU, 2100 words) For the prompt: Tony is always falling asleep in weird places; Steve loves carrying him to bed. (not) Chasing Tomorrow by Mozzarella for izazov (616, 2900 words) In which Steve Rogers makes the most of a time loop by falling in love Ghosts of the Gilded Age by teaberryblue for ladyshadowdrake (Marvel Comics, 20600 words) In 1883 New York, Tony Stark, millionaire inventor, is a man of science, reason, and a sense of humor that other people sometimes even appreciate. That's why he has no time for the latest popular obsession with seances, the supernatural, and the afterlife. Until a ghost finds him. Watercolors by palindrome for MiniRaven (MCU, 4300 words) At a masked art gallery event Tony hits it off with Steve, but they end up separating before they can exchange information. Cue Tony starting a mad search to find Steve. I Told You So by thudworm for dapperanachronism (MCU, 1900 words) Holiday Exchange Fill for the prompt: Steve and Tony are out one afternoon on a walk or some such. One of them ends up getting hit on very obnoxiously. The attention is very clearly making them uncomfortable. The other steps in and saves the moment, with an awkward follow up conversation once they're alone again. The light at the end of the tunnel by Shaliara for Ironlawyer (616, art) There is freedom there. Touch Wood by Ironlawyer for Cap Iron Man Community (Ultimate, 1900 words) Steve likes jerking off outside. He likes jerking off outside even better when Tony is there to watch. Maybe with enough duct tape by Bill_Longbow for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 3500 words) This was a stupid plan, so very, very stupid, but given the choice he would rather face one disappointed Steve than a horde of disappointed Carbonells. Even though Tony forgot to mention he broke up with his boyfriend and Rhodey refuses to dye his hair it might all work out in the end. Open for Christmas by FestiveFerret for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 9000 words) It was Christmas fucking Eve, in the middle of fucking nowhere, and his car was completely fucking dead. Fuck. Paper Boats by Juulna for Reddwarfer (MCU, 14200 words) Tony never thought that he'd be asked to come to Wakanda, let alone by Steve. What was even more unexpected was that Steve had no memory of the last two and a half years. Written for the prompt: 'Amnesia helps Steve/Tony forgive each other.' "Anger is like flowing water; there's nothing wrong with it as long as you let it flow. Hate is like stagnant water; anger that you denied yourself the freedom to feel, the freedom to flow; water that you gathered in one place and left to forget. Stagnant water becomes dirty, stinky, disease-ridden, poisonous, deadly; that is your hate. On flowing water travels little paper boats; paper boats of forgiveness. Allow yourself to feel anger, allow your waters to flow, along with all the paper boats of forgiveness. Be human." ― C. JoyBell C. east of my youth, west of my future by foldingcranes for MsErmestH (616, 2600 words) There are two sets of memories in Steve’s mind. Two lives lived. Are they equally real? Steve doesn't know anymore. Don’t Let Me Down (Got a Lot Going On Right Now) by sheron for soniclipstick (Avengers Academy, 5100 words) A failed chemistry experiment in the lab means Tony has to take off his gauntlet. In front of Steve. Who has never seen him without it before. Try Again by Impala_Chick for tsukiharu (MCU, 2500 words) For the prompt: AU in which Post-CACW!Tony is sent back in time (by Dr. Strange) to prevent War, but things go wrong and he meets Pre-serum!Steve. There Tony learns a lot of things about Steve (and ends up helplessly falling for him). Can You Feel My Heart Again by IndigoNight for Rowantreeisme (MCU, 5300 words) Tony has a nightmare and over reacts. The bots worry. And Steve is very stubborn. The Perfect Tree by MK_Yujji for frosted_astronaut (MCU, 4200 words) Who knew that finding the perfect Christmas tree could be such an adventure? The Sound of Bells by SarkaS for teaberryblue (616, Art + 510 words) Gift for lovely teaberryblue who wished for Steve/Tony Regency AU. I've done my very best and hope you'll enjoy your gift! Everything You Desire by cptxrogers for Cap Iron Man Community (Any, 4300 words) After a run-in with an unfamiliar villain, Steve ends up tied up and left with a vibrator up his ass. This is not the kind of battle he was expecting. Just as well Tony is there to help him out. Exposed by FestiveFerret, SirSapling for Cap Iron Man Community (Ultimates, 5900]) Of all the people Steve could be stuck with while this agonizing drug surged through him, of course, it had to be Tony Stark. A Proportional Response by MsErmestH for mitochondrials (Ultimates, 11400 words) Steve doesn't have a reason for cock-blocking Tony. No reason, whatsoever. Not even past by marinarusalka for XtaticPearl (MCU, 6100 words) Tony meets a painful reminder of his past, and Steve gets caught in the fallout. Headin’ Down the Atlanta Highway by fandomfrolics for PannaNat (Avengers Assemble (Cartoon), 4000 words) Tony and Steve are tricked into taking a road trip together. Cue lots of UST in a moving, compact space. The Persistence of Memory by ladyshadowdrake for laireshi (616, 4400 words) Director Stark has an office he hates, a job he doesn't want, and the fallout from a war he doesn't remember to handle. A late night meeting with Steve turns into an argument, but that's nothing unusual for them anymore. The way it ends is certainly new. Like Cats and Dogs by kenshincha for SarkaS (Avengers Academy, 1000 words) "This is so embarrassing!" Tony exclaimed, his hands firmly on his head. Loki sighed, looking at his nails. "Calm down." "Calm down?!" Tony snarled and took his hands down. The black cat ears on the top of his head angled back, and the black tail poking out of his pants swished in agitation. "It's not my fault you bumped into me while I was studying arcane lore in the Timeless Archives." Loki smirked. "Be happy you still have thumbs." All My Roads Lead Back To You by Reddwarfer for Dophne (MCU, 5700 words) Tony and Steve find their way back into each other's lives in the most Steve and Tony way possible. The only things that stand between them talking things out are one of them being a fugitive, the Accords, Everett Ross, Hydra, and their own stubbornness. In the Catacombs of Paris by Lets_call_me_Lily for Veldeia (Noir, Art) While exploring the catacombs of Paris looking for the magical ring of Princess Angelica, famous adventurer Tony Stark and his steadfast new chronicler Steve Rogers become trapped after a tunnel collapses... Serenity Oasis by FestiveFerret for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 19800 words) Waking up with the last six months erased from his mind was bad enough, but apparently some time in that missing period, Steve went from hating Tony to marrying him... or was it all a cover for a mission? You Want It Darker by laireshi for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 1800 words) When Steve kisses him, he tastes like champagne. Or: Hydra Steve has a gift for Tony. Pride by Meatball42 for MK_Yujji (MCU, 1700 words) This year, Steve wouldn’t have to watch the Pride parade from inside a cold, lonely suite while other New Yorkers like him celebrated. He would be a part of it, free to speak his mind, in this strange new world, in a way he’d never dared before. Black Silk and Plastic Touches by Caped-Ace for Sineala (616, 5600 words) They say you should try walking a mile in someone else's shoes. Well, the New Avengers are more the partying than walking kind, which leads to masquerade shenanigans and everyone dressing up in each other's worst costumes. Cue Tony hiding away in the workshop to make the perfect outfit for the occasion, with its silly half-cowl and low-cut neckline that should be illegal. Enter the long lost Nomad, the Tony Stark remix, featuring Steve with rollerblades. Retention by ranoutofrun for Shaliara (616, 3400 words) Steve and Tony find themselves in the hospital from a sudden and terrible attack, after cleaning up a dime a dozen villain wannabe on their date. One of them gets out relatively unscathed, as the other looks on, it becomes more apparent that this may not be entirely so. Unfound his Treasure by diabla616 for magicasen (Ultimates, 2800 words) A year later Steve Rogers again wakes up in a SHIELD medical facility, with no memories of having done this once already. In Your Warmth I Forget How Cold It Can Be by izazov for genderfluid_pigeon (MCU, 28000]) Tony's relationship with Steve Rogers was complicated at best, volatile at worst. It didn't change the fact that they kept ending up sharing a bed. And not in the fun way. Not again! by Lanidzac for kenshincha (Avengers Academy, Art) [Art Fill] Hogwarts AU: Slytherin!Tony keeps trying new experiments in the potion lab that keep exploding. Gryffindor!Steve is horrified and is trying is best to keep Tony from killing himself. Baby Alpaca Love Letters by FestiveFerret for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 5700 words) Someone is leaving beautiful, perfect, warm, soft, knitted gifts for Tony, and he'd really like to know who. And why. Hold on when you get love (so you can let go when you give it) by MsErmestH for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 2500 words) Steve's thrown for a loop when dozens of babies, belonging to the Tonys and Steves of the extinct multiverse, mysteriously appear. But he's not confused to find out that there were universes where he loved Tony. He's only surprised to learn that there were universes where Tony loved him back. a kind of macabre and somber Wondertwin type of harmony by MsErmestH for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 2800 words) Steve didn’t bring much with him when he left New York to explore the rest of America—just his motorcycle, the shield, a change of clothes, and the memories of his Hydra-counterpart. Now, after six months on the road, he's stuck in a hell of his own creation. It's a hell with no room for Tony Stark, who just happens to be standing in the middle of his motel room. it’s not the magic, darling (i was already under your spell) by soniclipstick for Meatball42 (Avengers Academy, 6300 words) When a lust spell cast by Amora goes awry, it’s Tony that takes the brunt of it. Steve’s sure Tony’s fine by now. After all, he flirts like he breathes, and someone is bound to give him a hand, or so the saying goes. Fortunately for him, Tony has a pet unicorn who’s happy to set the facts straight. With a little help from Natasha, of course. EVEN THE WIND CAN FEAR by clumsykitty for jiokra (Marvel 1872, 13600 words) In the lost town of Timely, things do not go well and with the appearance of a crossroads demon offering Tony something he wants above all things, only magic and a pair of extra hands can help the blacksmith succeed between demons and Pale Riders conspiring against him. Nothing to Forgive by Sineala for HeroSkatman (Marvel 616, 4800 words) Steve's roadtrip across America is derailed by the news that Tony's comatose body has disappeared. He unhesitatingly volunteers to join the search, even as he wonders what Tony will think of him when he finds him, and if their relationship can ever be the same again. between the stardust and the sand by adarksweetness for clumsykitty (MCU, crossover with multiple verses, 3800 words) In a world that's always changing, soulmates are a perpetual feeling. Or, Steve and Tony get a visitor from the far-flung future. (the more I get to know you) the less I know by Fluffypanda for Juulna (MCU, 7700 words) Everytime Steve thinks he knows something about Tony, it gets turn on it's head. aka Sam asks Steve to babysit his nephew, Tony gets kidnapped, and everybody learns something new. A dazzling place I never knew by PannaNat for diabla616 (MCU, art) What if Tony found Steve on his own and helped him adjusting to the new world? A small series of drawings. Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woodchuck by teaberryblue for Cap Iron Man Community (Marvel Comics, 2450 words) Steve paints Tony. The Thing About History (Is That It's Doomed to Repeat) by heartsandmuses for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 19200 words) As far as rough weekends went, this was, hands-down, the worst Tony ever had — and considering one of the runner-ups involved being kidnapped by a terrorist group and held prisoner in a cave with a car battery hooked up to his chest, that was really saying something. Still, at least there weren’t any dinosaurs in Afghanistan. All Better by FestiveFerret, SirSapling for Cap Iron Man Community (Ultimates, 4700 words + art) The first time it happened, Steve almost clocked Tony in the face. Do-Over by gottalovev for ChibiSquirt (MCU, 14578 words) Steve woke up six months ago into a future that leaves him indifferent. There is work, and not much else. His current mission is a basic search and rescue operation to retrieve an American who was kidnapped by a terrorist group ten days ago. He won't let the fact that the hostage is Howard's son be a distraction. Our Love Is A Ghost That The Others Can't See by Kiyaar for navaan (Marvel 616, 11329 words) Post-Civil War, canon-divergent from Director of SHIELD. In Tony’s dreams, he is back in the street, in a crater, the city on fire around him. Steve kneels over him and beats him to within an inch of his life. It’s his favorite place to go, these days. Like A Painting by magicasen for scifigrl47 (MCU, 3740 words) Tony wasn't sure what compelled him to go for it. A dare? Curiosity? A check on the bucket list? Either way, what mattered was that Steve Rogers had never found a challenge he wouldn't take. Ghosts of Fanboys Past by MiniRaven for thudworm (MCU, 11940 words) As a kid, Tony practically worshiped Captain America. He read every comic book, treasured every poster, every playing card. To say he was obsessed would be an understatement. Thank goodness Tony's early fanboy days were far behind him. Or, at least, they would be if AIM hadn't kidnapped Tony, reached into his time stream, and pulled out the six year old version of him who was absolutely smitten with Captain America. Or, as Tony liked to call it, Tuesday. After being rescued by the newly reformed Avengers, Tony realizes he's got a lot on his plate. Not only does he have to figure out how to send said kid back to the past, but he also has to deal with his teammate's strange infatuation with his younger self. Specifically tell his new boyfriend, Steve Rogers, that this kid is not adorable. You should not listen to him. You should not encourage him. Why do you let him say all these embarrassing things. Child, stop. You're embarrassing me. No, don't do that. Stop. Please stop. For the love of god, someone please shut him up! When I Say Team, When I Say Follow by navaan for foldingcranes (Avengers Assemble, 4788 words) The Avengers are back together, but what does that mean for his relationship with Steve? Out of Time by tsukiharu for vorkosigan (MCU, art) Tony goes back to when Steve hasn't taken the serum yet, falls in love, and asks Steve not to get on the plane (so he'd be able to stay with his friends, instead of lost and hopeless in the future). Except, Steve remembers Tony from that time and doesn't take the plane to be able to meet him again. Never Let You Go by cptxrogers for Cap Iron Man Community (Marvel 616, 3300 words) It's the return of Tiberius Stone and his evil virtual reality technology! Things are just perfect for Tony. He is happy with his Avengers family, his company is doing great, and he and Steve are deeply in love and finally getting to enjoy their life together. So why doesn't it feel right? Tactical Field Care by Veldeia for Cap Iron Man Community (Marvel Noir, 8410 words) One unlucky shot is enough to turn a mission in occupied France into a nightmare, but Steve isn't going to leave Tony behind, no matter what. The Icing on the Cake by teaberryblue, GrayJay for Cap Iron Man Community (Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heros, 1422 words) Tony Stark decorates a cake. (Don't) Want To Remember by laireshi for Cap Iron Man Community (Marvel 616, 1830 words) After Civil War, Steve and Tony don't want to so much as even talk to each other--but then they're trapped in a snowstorm and are forced to cuddle. It works out better than expected. Easier by laireshi for Cap Iron Man Community (Marvel 616, 757 words) 505 noun (informal) 1. The thing which is simultaneously keeping you alive and killing you, often used to describe a person who you're in love with (but who may be bad for you) Streetlight Sonata by Rowantreeisme for Lets_call_me_Lily (MCU, 2300 words) Steve Rogers can't sleep. He follows the music. Even When I Don't Remember by dapperanachronism for IndigoNight (MCU, 2500 words) Steve doesn’t remember him. More accurately, Steve doesn’t remember any of them, or anything before his kidnapping. But right now, Tony is selfishly only concerned over the fact that Steve doesn’t remember him. Do Me The Honour, It's For A Good Cause by laireshi for sheron (616, 2700 words) Tony finds the perfect way to make everyone trust Steve again: he just has to propose to him. Undercover Steve by Neverever for kikijpn1121 (Avengers Assemble (Cartoon), 3400 words) Steve pines for Tony while the team goes undercover as customers at a strip club. Always Honest by FestiveFerret for afincf_tirwer (MCU, 3800 words) “It’s a truth spell,” Clint admitted. “It forces you to answer any question asked with the truth, until it wears off.” A Life That's Full by fictionforlife for Fluffypanda (Marvel Noir, art) Noir, pre-serum Steve, adventure, and bed sharing. Curiosity Killed the Cat (Satisfaction Brought It Back) by Sandrene09 for Cap Iron Man Community (Ambiguous Universe, 23000 words) Written for the 2017 Cap-Ironman Holiday Exchange: Community Prompts: Tony has a major crush on Captain America despite not knowing who he is beneath the mask. He gets turned into a cat and the only way to turn back is for someone he loves to love him as he is. He obviously doesn’t have a chance with Cap. After wandering the streets, he gets taken in by an ordinary guy named Steve, who turns out to be pretty great, maybe even his chance at breaking the curse. The Price of Love by Ironlawyer for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 1600 words) Tony lingers, burned into Steve’s life and heart. How do you learn to live alone again? Nothing Much, but Everything by navaan for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 1500 words) It had always been that way between them and Steve had never examined it. Better than a Bodyguard by ashes0909 for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 1800 words) Steve was making his way from the quad to a small, stony alcove to escape the sun when he heard someone sniffling. If I Didn't Have Your Love by laireshi for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 1600 words) “We need to end this,” Tony said. Steve felt cold all over. “I love you,” Tony said. “I will always love you. But I can’t do it.” He was shaking, on the verge of tears, and Steve understood something terrible had happened. To The End Of Love by laireshi for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 2500 words) Steve's been married to Tony for years when the Stamford disaster happens and the Superhero Registration Act tears the superhero community apart. When Tony disagrees with Steve, Steve still expects Iron Man to follow him: he's his best friend, for one, and he's chosen to keep his identity a secret from everyone. But Iron Man also fights against him. And then Steve smashes his faceplate open. Selvedge by Justamanlymouse for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 1600 words) Selvedge - The raw edge of a piece of knitted fabric. Steve Rogers lets his mind wander over his and Tony's relationship as he works on knitting Tony's Christmas present. Man is a Wolf to Man by Sineala for Cap Iron Man Community (616 AU, 4200 words) When Antonius is falsely accused and convicted of murdering an ambassador, he is condemned to death by the wild beasts of the arena. But the wolf sent to kill him is something rather more than he ever expected. A Gentle Touch by Dio_Pardalis for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 1150 words) Clint showed Steve a particular competition program. The artist that he is Steve takes the chance to try some of it on his own with Tony as the target. Strangers Now by FestiveFerret for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 7650 words) Back in middle school, Tony Stark was Steve's whole world school until Tony's parents packed up and moved him to LA. Steve hasn't seen him in ten years, and then he bumps into the kid living in the dorm room across the hall - and it's Tony. But Tony doesn't remember Steve. A Gift for Past Joy and Future Gain by navaan for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 2200 words) He wasn't exactly surprised to see Steve's very neat handwriting on the little tag, but had to admit his throat went a little dry when he recognized it. Whatever Our Souls Are Made Of by erde for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 3700 words) They were always close. They could have been holding hands, but they weren't. Steve eventually reaches out to Tony. Even after all that's happened, some things remain the same. Steve Rogers is Going to Hell by ChibiSquirt for Cap Iron Man Community (Ambiguous Universe, 700 words + knitting (photos)) Steve, being an old-timey soldier from before current gender norms, knits. That's... not exactly why he's going to Hell, but the two facts are definitely related. I Can't Exactly Hold Your Hair Back by SirSapling for Cap Iron Man Community (Marvel Ultimates, 4000 words) Steve had never particularly been a person people had turned to for comfort when ill, he mostly just wished people better and went on his way. However, this is Tony, and a sense of obligation wells up within him that he needs to help, but he’s completely lost as to how. won't let it take you from me by navaan for Cap Iron Man Community (Marvel Noir, 2100 words) Tony is injected with the Zemo formula and things don't look good, but Steve doesn't want to give up on him. Dungeoneering by ranoutofrun for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 1500 words) Whoever said Clint and D&D sessions don't mix? Sucker Punch by Sineala for Cap Iron Man Community (616, 20000 words) Steve never quite warms to Tony Stark, Avengers benefactor. The Molecule Man never strips Iron Man out of his armor. Life goes on for the Avengers, but as disagreements split the team -- and Shellhead and Winghead -- again and again, Steve wonders why Iron Man always picks Tony over him. And when Steve finds out, it happens in the worst way possible. Happenstance and all that by gottalovev for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 7400 words) It's been six months since the Battle of New York and Tony is exhausted. The last thing he expected on Christmas' Eve was to meet Steve Rogers again by accident, in Central Park. Heart With No Companion by laireshi for Cap Iron Man Community (616/MCU crossover, 1800 words) Hydra Cap captures MCU Tony and thinks it's a great idea to charm him into waking 616 Tony from his coma. A Catastrophe of Epic Pawportions by FestiveFerret for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 6100 words) Tony's being held hostage for his genius engineering skills again, but at least this time he has Steve with him. Well, and the rest of the Avengers. But they've been turned into kittens. Red by FestiveFerret for Cap Iron Man Community (MCU, 2600 words) Part of him wanted to remember what horrible thing he'd done. Part of him was deeply grateful that he couldn't. Be sure to comment on the works you liked! Were your guesses right? Are you surprised at something? The guessing post is still open for reaction comments ;) And finally, if you participated in the event, feel free to post your work wherever you want now! We will be reblogging every tumblr post tagged with #capimexchange in one of the first five tags. Thank you for a great event, 2017 Holiday Exchange and Community Gifts mods, Laireshi, FestiveFerret, Salmastryon, Navaan, Tisfan
109 notes · View notes
mypoorfaves · 7 years
Yoi sickfics masterpost
I said I would and I did! This list contains every sickfic I have read and enjoyed from fanfiction and ao3, sorted by character and tagged for symptoms. Please read the tags carefully for any potential triggers!
If you liked this list, you can check out a similar masterpost I did a while back for whumpy yoi fics focusing on injury and angst.
(Fics all listed under the cut)
The Tale of a Sick Hero by 2D_Earth
1000~ words
In which Otabek is sick, and Yuri dotes.
Tags: aged-up characters, coughing, cold, fever, mentions of emeto
~~~Yurio ~~~
after the cold comes warmth by orphan_account
1400~ words
Yuri lets out another sigh. A cold during the off-season is one thing because then he can just sleep it off and make up for lost time on his own but now… Now is his chance to prove himself; to Victor, to the other Yuri and to the rest of the figure skating world that he’s someone to look out for—a force to be reckoned with—as has his moniker, ’The Russian Punk’, seems to imply.
Tags: cold, sore throat, fever, headache, dizziness, nausea, emeto mention
Ruffled Feathers by Bam4Me
1600~ words
This is all Yuuri and Victor's fault. Yuri felt FINE until one of them suggested that maybe he didn't, and now he's sick. Those assholes.
Or, the YOI Wingfic that no one was expecting to be a secret fluff fest.
Tags: wingfic au, cold, sore throat, chills, coughing, dizziness
Intertwined by stella_polaris
5900~ words
Yuri comes down with a bad cold and has to take a break from training. That gives him lots of time to think about the relationship with his best friend and is he maybe not just his best friend?
Tags: aged-up characters, cold, fever, coughing, fainting, passing out, headache
Promise by _Angel_ (Meganekko_Misery)
1400~ words
Yuri Plisetsky gets sick during ballet class.
Tags: stomach flu, emeto
Of Sick Days and Movies by BunniesofDoom
1200~ words
Yuri is feverish and grumpy. Yuuri tries to help.
Tags: fever, more fluff than sickfic
Raincheck by CalamityK
1100~ words
“You’ll be better before I leave.” Otabek hums; tracing the patterns of his upcoming routine on Yuri’s thighs.
Yuri meets his eyes. “And if I’m not?”
“Then I’ll just take a raincheck.”
Or that fic where Yuri is sick and Otabek is simply the best.
Tags: sore throat, more fluff than sickfic
Even Tigers Ain't Always Tough by CalamityK
1500~ words
“I don’t mean hot like attractive. I mean hot like I could fry an egg on you.” Otabek says rather sternly. “You have a fever.”
Or that fic where Yuri gets sick and Otabek gets worried.
Tags: aged-up characters, established romantic/sexual otayuri, fever, coughing
~~~Victor ~~~
Practice Is Cancelled by Arisprite
4900~ words
Victor gets a cold, and the Katsuki family is there for him.
Tags: cold, fever, coughing, chills, overheating
Feverish by SarkaS
4900~ words
Yuuri should have known this was going to happen. He warned Victor it was not good idea run that far with what weather forecast said, and in such light clothes.
Tags: fever, sore throat, chills, headache
Safe & Secure by glim
1100~ words
He hates this, though; he hates being sick and how being sick reminds him of cold hotel rooms after long flights and mornings spent in colder airports.
Tags: sore throat, headache, coughing
Ill-Timed by glim
3100~ words
Yuuri glances at Viktor, working to keep the frown off his face. If you weren’t looking too closely, you might think that it was mere fatigue that made Viktor look pale and shadow-eyed, or made his voice sound quiet and rough.
Tags: cold, coughing, chills, sneeze
Two Minutes by GooberFeesh
1500~ words
Even though Yuuri knew it was just a cold and that it could have been much, much worse, it didn’t really eliminate the feeling of dread when Viktor awoke two mornings ago to a sore throat, stuffy nose, and tight chest.
Tags: cold, fever, congestion, sneeze, coughing
Love So Sick by rinhoshinya
300~ words
Viktor is whiny and clingy when he’s sick and Yuuri doesn’t quite mind this.
Tags: cold, fever, short and sweet
Calling us home by Vampiric_Charms
3400~ words
Anxiety, guilt, stress - all par for the course, isn’t it (then tripled when Victor is concerned). Double that triple when Victor is suddenly not around when Yuuri comes from from practice, and then add in a few unexpected text messages, some maybe not-so-helpful off-hand words from his sister, and even more baffling responses from Victor himself, and of course Yuuri’s afternoon goes much differently than he really expected - or wanted - it to.
Tags: mentions of emeto, headache, chronic headaches, bit of self-depreciating victor and sadness
Porridge by Sitrus
800~ words
Viktor's sick, Yuuri takes care of him. You can't find Viktor's go-to sick day food in Hasetsu.
Tags: stomach flu, nausea, mentions of emeto
Delirious by MeowshmallowX
1000~ words
In which Yuuri does funny things to Viktor’s heart—right up until he passes out.
Tags: flu, fever, collapsing, passing out, delirious, delirium, coughing
Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch (You Know That I Love You) by RennieOnIceCream (Hitsugi_Zirkus)
3500~ words
Viktor catches himself and doesn’t even hide his smile when he asks, “Did you just call me ‘honey’?”
By the way Yuuri hurriedly glances to the side, it looks like he hadn’t even realized he’d done it intentionally. It had just slipped out, and that’s what makes the occurrence of it all the more lovely to replay in Viktor’s head again, and then again, and then maybe thrice more.
Viktor bats his eyelashes at Yuuri. “Say it again~”
Or, moving in together in St. Petersburg takes some adjustment, some stressful and some very, very sweet.
Tags: fever, lots of petnames, more fluff than sickfic
Easy Now with My Heart by braveten
12 300~ words
“Fast, Yuuri. Pow pow.”
“Pow pow?”
He giggles—Victor Nikiforov, figure skating champion, Olympic athlete, Yuuri’s idol, who is currently sick and delusional, giggles—and puts his hand on Yuuri’s chest, pillowing his head there, too. “Pow pow,” he repeats as he feels his heartbeat. “Pow pow, pow pow. Fast, see?”
Tags: cold, flu, fever, nausea, emeto, delirious, delirium, coughing
don’t worry by JMonCheri
21 700~ words
Time seemed to slow to a stop, at first Viktor seemed to falter as he slowed alongside with time, his flush obvious on his cheeks. Viktor stopped skating, his form stayed frozen on the rink, before promptly dropping to the ice like a ragdoll. Yuuri gasps alongside with the crowd. Viktor did not do any jumps, spins, or anything. Viktor Nikiforov, his undefeatable champion, his naive Fiancé, his love, his everything, has simply fainted.
Viktor did not look like he was going to get up anytime soon.
For the first time that night, Yuuri allowed himself to listen to the announcer’s booming voices.
“Viktor Nikiforov has fainted! Where are the medics? I repeat, Viktor Nikiforov has fainted!”
Tags: !!character death!!, cancer, leukemia, keeping secrets, hiding illness, collapsing, fainting, hospital, iv, fever, time skip in second chapter, yuuri has child, lots of feels, wow just really depressing, the ending is bittersweet, like not heartbreaking imo but still feels
~~~Yuuri ~~~
Practice Should Be Cancelled by Arisprite
2100~ words
Yuri has had a low key cold for days, and it’s really grating on his nerves. It doesn’t help that the forced inactivity is pushing up anxieties he’d thought he had under control.
A companion story to Practice is Cancelled but the only connection is that they’re both sickfics, so no need to one before the other.
Tags: cold, fever, slow build, coughing, anxiety
Crash by cosmicrelief
2800~ words
Yuuri comes down with a cold and Viktor has no idea how to deal with it.
Tags: cold, fever, shivering, chills, headache, dizziness, collapsing, passing out
Reunion by CheekyPotato
2000~ words
After a month apart due to competitions, Yuuri finally reunites with his fiance but it doesn't go as planned.
Takes place after Season 1
Tags: cold, sore throat, headache, sneeze, fever, coughing
Breakfast in Bed by glim
1600~ words
"You have a cold," Viktor confirms. "And I have breakfast for you."
Tags: cold, coughing, sneeze
Tender Care by Sabinasan
7400~ words
When Yuri comes down with the flu, Victor takes the opportunity to strengthen his budding relationship with him while nursing him back to health.
Tags: flu, nausea, emeto, fever, chills, overheating, headache
Sniffle, Sneeze, Skate…? by pendots
1400~ words
Victor gaped. Yuuri didn’t look fit to be standing, much less skating!
(In which poor Yuuri is sick but still insistent that he and Victor go to practice. Victor won’t have it.)
Tags: cold, fever, coughing
Dizziness is not Contagious by Lazchan
3000~ words
Yuuri is determined to skate; however a cold makes it a bit difficult to stay upright.
Tags: fever, dizziness, collapsing, passing out, bit delirious
I'm right here by your side by Alliwriteistrash
1100~ words
Yuuri is feeling sick and Victor does everything he can to help him get better.
Tags: chills, fever, short and sweet
Caring by BunniesofDoom
1100~ words
Yuuri gets sick, Victor panics, and Yuri saves the day.
Tags: fever, coughing
Arrivals by youaremarvelous
6700~ words
Yuuri falls ill shortly after moving to St. Petersburg. With Viktor away on a sponsor meeting, it’s up to the Ice Tiger of Russia to nurse him back to health.
Tags: sinus infection, strep throat, sore throat, fever, chills, emeto, congestion, headache, coughing
Auspices by youaremarvelous
8000~ words
How many Russians does it take to cure a sick person?
Yuuri probably doesn't want to be the punchline to that joke.
A sequel to Arrivals
Tags: sinus infection, strep throat, sore throat, fever, emeto, chills, headache, coughing, dizziness, blood
to where the reality grows by CarbonFootprint
3000~ words
“Victor had been through enough long seasons of vigorous skating to know how the off-season went: first came the exhaustion mixed with a burning need to continue to train as hard as one would when in-season, and then, as if on queue, came the crash afterwards.
It was different for each and every skater of course, and probably for most athletes of any rigorous profession. Victor had always gotten some kind of bout of the flu that kept his bedridden for several days, but Chris, for example, seemed to always come down with allergies and muscle aches that kept him away from the rink for a week at least.
For some it was a cold and for others it was aches and pain, but either way he knew he should expect something similar from Yuuri. ”
In which Victor dotes on sick Yuuri as any fiancé should.
Tags: cold, slow build, fever, dizziness
I’m Right Here by merigold
8800~ words
Yuuri’s sick. Viktor’s more than a little charmed at the chance to take care of him.
Tags: bronchitis, fever, clinic, hospital mention, fever, coughing, anxiety, home remedies
Of Sickness and Healing by Tonys_Loki
1700~ words
Yuuri’s eyes flutter open and Victor smiles softly at him despite the haze in the warm browns.
“Victor?” Yuuri rasps.
“Hello, my love. How do you feel?” Victor asks.
“Better,” Yuuri answers.
Victor has to suppress a laugh at that, because if anything Yuuri looks worse and sounds just as bad as he did that morning.
In which Yuuri is sick and Victor is trying his best to make him better.
Tags: fever, mentions of emeto, nausea
The Fundamentals of Caring by braveten
20 800~ words
“Let me guess, you’re going to go take care of Yuuri while he sleeps? Just in case he sneezes or something?” Yurio rolls his eyes, folding his arms across his chest. “Viktor, you’re whipped.”
Viktor rubs the back of his neck as he leans against the wall. “What does that mean?”
“It means that if Yuuri asked you to do a little dance for him in nothing but a coconut bra and a hula skirt, you’d do it.”
Viktor pauses, confused. “And that’s a bad thing?”
Tags: flu, fever, delirious, delirium, emeto, !!sexual content!! (in the second chapter; easily skippable)
The Razor’s Edge by kitykat17
29 500~ words
Yuuri was used to a hard life. But this was a whole new level.
Yuri’s life is going well. He as at the peak of his career, and has started his life in Russia with the man he loved, Victor Nikiforov. However, things take an unexpected turn when he finds out he has cancer. How will he tell Victor? What will these mean for his career?
Tags: cancer, leukemia, emeto, hiding illness, angst, clinic, hospital, spinal tap, chemotherapy, crying, pneumonia, coughing, fever, !!alternate ending available with character death!!
~~~Both Victor and Yuuri~~~
a little room to breathe by qynntessence
9000~ words
Viktor blows his nose wetly and blushes, turning away from Yuuri’s kind eyes. “Can-Can I have another tissue?” He blows his nose again, a thick, congested sound, which turns into thick, congested sneezing. “I’m sorry, I know it can’t be much fun to take care of your sick fiancé when you have a cold. Asthma sucks.”
In which Yuuri has a cold (and also anxiety), Viktor has the flu (and also asthma), and they’re messy and in love and try their best.
Tags: cold, flu, one past emeto mention, asthmatic victor, asthma attack, coughing, headache, fever, chills, overheating, sneeze, anxiety
Insult to Injury by glim
8000~ words
Almost a whole week alone with Viktor might not be worth one of them made victim to a sprained ankle and both of them to a winter head cold, but maybe it is worth all that, at least in some small way.
Tags: cold, sore throat, sneeze, headache, injury, sprain, sprained ankle, contagion
Ice Gays by iceprinceofbelair
4900~ words
A collection of sickfics for my fave ice gays.
Tags: cold, fever, overheating, crying, jetlag, tired, asthmatic victor, asthma attack, trans victor in one chapter, period cramps, soreness
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jemarikaki · 4 years
Surat Pendek untuk Mantan
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Dear mantan pas SMA di tahun terakhir,
Maaf ya, kamu kuputusin tapi alasan putusnya ngga jelas. Saya malu mengakui kalau saya ambil keputusan putus gara-gara baca buku hijrah. Hedeh. Seharusnya saya baca lebih banyak tulisan lagi sebelum ambil keputusan buat putus atau engga.
Saya sekarang punya pacar. Saya pikir isi buku yang sempat kujadikan patokan hidup itu ngga bagus bagus amat. Iya saya kemampleng banget. Huhuhu. Saya malu.
Btw kudengar kamu lagi masa honeymoon (maksudnya lagi seneng senengnya gitu) dengan pacarmu yang sekarang. Ciye. Have fun ya. Semoga senantiasa bahagia. Atau kalaupun lagi sedih/marahan, kalian tetep bisa menemukan jalan agar dapat terus bahagia bersama. Bersama ya. Jangan satunya bahagia tapi satunya sedih.
Kamu sekarang tentara AU. Terus pacarmu dokter muda. Aih. Sungguh sedap status pekerjaan kalian. Ini bukan sarkas. Saya sungguhan ingin keplok-keplok tangan karena ngga nyangka ada couple dengan pekerjaan dambaan orangtua dalam circle-jauh saya.
Saya ngga tahu dorongan tepuk tangan ini dari mana. Apakah karena didikan kampus fisipol. Embuh. Secara demografi, kalian ncen keren sih.
Kalau misal kalian menikah dan punya anak, tolong bebaskan mereka memilih karir ya. Biasanya orangtua dengan karir hebat cenderung mendorong (ada yang memaksa) anaknya untuk mengikuti jejak karir yang sama.
Kamu dan pacarmu (atau calon istri juga hehehe) punya karir yang hebat. Bebasin anakmu ya. Ngga usah membebani mereka supaya mereka menjadi tentara atau dokter.
Nasihat barusan nyebai ya. Maaf. Itu sudut pandang saya sebagai anak yang diekspektasikan macam-macam oleh kedua orangtuanya. Jadi semi curhat gitu.
Wes lah. Pokoknya semoga yang terbaik selalu diberikan untukmu ya, Ntan. Maaf, saya pernah bikin kamu nangis dan sedih. Saya bangga kamu bisa move on dan bangkit berdiri lagi. Kamu hebat!
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talistheintrovert · 5 years
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Happy BFSN my lovelies!!! 💖💜💙
This is a bit late because I have a lot of assessment deadlines for uni, three of which I finished yesterday which meant I had absolutely no time to do anything else. But the episode was great and I have a lot of THOUGHTS.
I've still got some deadlines to manage but after next week I am free and clear! WHOO!!!
I posted part 4 of Bury A Friend, Try To Wake Up, and it's officially become canon divergent rather than spec, so that's fun!
MVP of the week is @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold for writing a killer Bellarke Buffy AU that I'm insanely excited about, and for just generally being fabulous 😘😘😘
As of now the show is *hopefully* spoiler free!! But make sure that if the show gets too much for you or it goes in direction you don't like, you don't feel obligated to keep watching. Take care of yourselves my lovelies, and make sure you lot your mental health first! 💖💜💙
@clarkgriffon @fen-ha-fuck-you @chase-the-windandtouch-the-sky @anne-shirley-blythe @chants-de-lune @grumpybell @hopewolves @scottmcgivemeacall @foreverandalwayscrysis @loveisalwayswise @griffinnblake @peraltiagosclarke @jmbelles @lightcomingthroughthedarkness @mamabearsdontthink @galaxyblake @baellamy @blvke-bellamy @aainiouu @marvelscaptainss @starboybellamy @clarkegriffintitties @bellamys11thfreckle @bellamyshope @ghoulbrothers @transtlanticism @mechaniicreyes @bellarkebc @iwilltry-tocarryon @el-corazon-y-la-cabeza @thelittlefanpire @johnmurphysass @captainwilldameron @amesandjake @failing-at-being-an-angel @prophecy-gurl @still-watching @ravensluna @lameblake @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold @probably-voldemort @bugs-valdez @carrieeve @shialablunt @goosexdanvers @sarka-stically @bellofthesky @nvermindiseeyou @pawprinterfanfic @eyessharpweaponshot @ all the other traitors who I love!! I'm sorry if I forgot anyone, and if anyone wants to be added or removed, let me know!!
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eluvisen · 7 years
for the romance asks: 18 - brynne/fenris; 11 - sarka/kaidan' 26 - sosu/nate
18. Is there any way they disappoint each other?
As much as Fenris loves Brynne and secretly loves her unending well of compassion, he’s frustrated that she never learns. Brynne will continue to help people until it bites her in the ass, and then she’ll help people some more (Exhibit A: every person you help in DA2 only for them to turn on you later). Fenris is very much ‘once burned, twice shy’ so he doesn’t get it. At all.
Brynne’s honestly a little disappointed that Fenris can be pretty close-minded and negative about mages, but she understands it comes from years of abuse at Danarius’s hands so it’s not an unfounded fear.
11. Do they have any inside jokes?
If either Shepard or Kaidan claims to be 'reading reports’ on their omni-tool, they’re really playing Tetris. Or Doom (I refuse to believe no one was able to port Doom to an omni-tool). Everyone else buys the story, so Shepard and Kaidan can trade a few smirks when no one’s watching.
They never dob each other in.
26. How important is the romance in your OC’s overall story?
Well I mean I’m the lady who wrote two AUs where both Kaelyn and Nate live and I have an idea for a third lord have mercy so I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t important. That said, my ideal romance as a reader/gamer is a subplot so that’s what I write. Their worlds don’t revolve around each other. There are bigger problems in the Commonwealth for them to tackle. They can both make it on their own (and when I don’t blithely ignore FO4 canon, Kaelyn does).
TL:DR their romance is important, but not all-encompassing.
Thank you so much for sending in an ask!
Ask me about my OCs’ relationships!
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