#screw you 😠
cursingtoji · 8 months
Jjk men reacting to me appearing at their window at 3am
in order:
toji, gojo, nanami and geto
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I wasn't prepared for that even knowing it was coming😭😭😭poor Riko😭😭😭😭😭 i need the next episode now!!! And GETOOOOO HIS FACEEEE WHEN HE SAID GOJO WAS DEAD😭😭😭😭😭 and its just gonna get worst
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Pointless post is done now guys
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alchemiclee · 1 year
casual hu tao cosplay test 🤩👻
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butmakeitgayblog · 1 year
I hope you eventually work up the courage to watch Bly Manor because you really are missing out on a beautiful lesbian love story. Maybe watch it with someone so you don’t get scared (and so they can hold you when you inevitably cry)?
Anyway I voted Lexa because she is the blueprint lmao sorry Dani bby
No no, sweet angel, here's the thing. The problem isn't being scared in the moment, I don't mind that about horror movies in general and love like slasher flicks and all that. I do like horror. The problem with ghosty horror stuff specifically is that it's like a gd ticking timebomb which my brain will then use to torture me for days, weeks, sometimes years to come. I will start inventing creepy shit in my head to go along with whatever I saw, but not in a cool fun storytelling kind of way. No, it'll be in the "pst hey Andi 👀... wouldn't it be super fucked up and terrifying if xyz happened right now?"
For example, I'll be brushing my teeth and then just think "hah how scary would it be if you bent down to spit and then stood up and there was someone's reflection standing behind you?" Or if I'm going into a dark room, "what if there was figure standing in the dark corner?" What if I know I'm alone and randomly hear a voice? What if I walk past something and see a flash of something that disappears? What if I look in a tight space and see eyes looking back? These are tame but believe me I come up with some wild shit in the moment
I know it doesn't sound scary in writing but in my head my brain is actually visually playing out the scenarios in real time and that then kicks in my adrenaline and fight or flight response because oh great now I'm paranoid and like ah fUck did I just see a shadow out of the corner if my eye AND THEN I START FEELING CRAZY BECAUSE THAT IS CRAZY
So 😌
I have just learned that I am not made to fuck with ghosty stuff 😌
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emmyrosee · 3 months
could I be a bit greedy and make another teeny tiny request?? you don’t have to feel obligated to do it AT ALL if you don’t want to!!! I’ve just been having an interesting time lately and you do comfort so well ☹️
genuinely all I’ve wanted all week is to be babied a bit/taken care of/pampered/absolutely smothered with soft gentle affection by atsumu when he starts to notice I’m getting overwhelmed or burnt out :(
I think he’d be good at catching it before it gets too out of control and keeping me sane. he wouldn’t let me lift a finger and he’d be so over the top with his physical affection cuz he knows I love that 😕
I feel so bad bc I feel like I’ve been bugging you a lot lately so pls pls pls don’t feel like you have to!!! I completely understand, there’s no pressure 🫶🏻🫶🏻
anon <3
he catches it pretty much immediately, with how you were clinging to him a little bit more than usual last night, brows seemingly forever pinched in the middle of your head and your fingers fisting the collar of his night shirt. he didn't say anything, but he definitely makes a note to keep an eye on it.
especially when, the next morning, you turn to your side to let him get ready for practice, and you hike the blankets higher and screw your eyes shut to try and tune him out.
he sees this, and crawls his body back into bed, mind now only focusing on taking care of you before you drown.
"peepee-poopoo," he whispers, hanging his head upside down to look at you, his blonde hair hanging shaggily. "where's my fighty baby this morning, hmm?"
you shrug and avoid his eyes, and pulls his head back to take this more seriously, "c'mere. come talk to me."
"you have to go-"
"i don't have to do a thing," he assures. he's quick to take out his phone and text coach that he's not going to make it, but he doesn't tell you that because the last thing you need is worrying about him missing a day to care for you.
which is one of his favorite things to do- but you fight him on it constantly. and he hopes today you're compliant enough to let him be here for you.
"do you want to talk about it?" he asks, gently rubbing his knuckles over your shoulder, and when you shake your head, he leans over your body again to kiss your cheek. "okay," he whispers, lingering for a minute before pulling back to head to the kitchen to make you breakfast.
breakfast, that was supposed to be in bed, but you worked up the courage to wade into the kitchen not long after him. "hey-" you begin, but you're cut off by the yelp from his lips and the dropping of an egg square to the floor, which you both look at blankly.
he starts to snicker, "whups."
he clicks his tongue, "shut up- come get a kiss," he says, stepping over the egg and pulling you into a hug, and his shoulders relax when you loosen in his arms. he sponges kisses to the crown of your head, "don't ever be sorry for something i did. it wasnt your fault."
you immediately tense back up, and atsumu knows his hit the nail on the head with it, and you burrow your face deeper into his chest and he tightens his grip on you to keep you grounded. "go back to bed," he soothes. "im with you today-"
"i dont want to be so far from you," you say, and he smiles as you dont put up an argument, dont scold him for staying, but his heart sinks slightly at the idea that youre so in your head all you can think about is him right now. "not today. can i stay?"
"id be bummed if you didn't," he says. he smirks and scoops you in his massive arms, relishing in the giggles you let you as he carries you and sets you on the counter, where he then feeds you slices of fruit while your eggs sear on the oven. he feeds you breakfast bite for bite, placing a straw in some water for you to drink before carrying you to the bathroom, where he tells you to brush your teeth.
you get shy, "can... do you think... maybe-"
"yeah," he smiles. "open up, babe."
he brushes your teeth, sure to get all the areas the dentist warns him about, before pulling back with a happy sigh and holding out his hand.
you quirk a brow, "what?"
"spit it into my hand."
"ew!" you laugh, and god it truly is his favorite sound, and you turn your head to spit the froth in the sink. "youre nasty."
"and you picked me first. too late to question your choice."
"yet i do every day."
"little fucker," he snickers, and when he makes a move to tickle you, you dart away, laughter ringing in the air as he barrels down after you, down the hall and into the bedroom, where he tackles you onto the bed. "i made you breakfast and this is the thanks i get?" he sighs, playfully punching your tummy, successfully dodging your hands to try and still his barely touching fists.
"l-learn from osamu," you manage, and his jaw slacks at your audacity while you giggle more in anticipation.
"you're annoying," he snorts, leaning down to nibble your ear and neck while his fingers spider up your sides, you shriek and shove his shoulders weakly. he stops and kisses the rest of the giggles from your lips, and he hums when you wrap your arms around his neck. when he pulls away, you mewl and tug him closer. he shushes you easily, "not going anywhere babydoll, i promise."
and he doesn't. he doesn't go anywhere, merely rolling you both onto your sides where he cradles you close, cupping the back of your head protectively as you burrow into him.
every now and then, he feels your shoulders tense up and quiver, as if you're fighting tears, but he doesn't make you say anything. not until you're ready to.
and when you are, he's there, his thumb gently stroking the back of your head while your tears soak into his shirt. he shushes you softly when your cries turn to sobs, or your breathing picks up too much for his comfort.
he reminds you he's not going anywhere, ever, he's got your back no matter what, and if it takes one day or fifteen, he's more than happy to stay in that bed, brush your teeth, feed you food, anything to keep you from drowning in your own anxieties and thoughts.
"thank you for telling me," he whispers every now and again. "im so proud of you."
"im so tired, atsumu... i don't know what to do anymore."
he screws his eyes shut as your voice cracks, "you're doing great, angel. keep doing what you're doing, because its your best, and its more than enough. and i'm sorry the world hasn't let you think it has been.
"you're more than enough. please keep going for me, okay?"
"I love you."
"I love you too atsu..."
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scented-morker · 11 months
Enha when 8th member s/o has a stage accident
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8th member au, gn reader (mentions a dress in hee’s part), mentions of electrocution in jw + rk’s, requested!!, 1345 words not proofread
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He was internally screaming as soon as he saw you getting ready
You guys always like to give each other fashion shows of your outfits before performing
Like "babe look!" And then strut strut strut pose "slay me!!" 😆😆
But he knew immediately that you did not feel very slayful in your outfit
You were literally yanking it down after every step you took because it was already short and just kept riding up
You give him a "What do you think? 😕"
And he's like "I think you would look really good in a pair of pants 😁"
But the stylists don't have anything else so you have to go out in it
He keeps giving you nervous looks from across the stage
Anytime he crosses in front of you or anything he tries to cover you up or block the camera so you can readjust
Literally texts THE FREAKING CEO like "I'm concerned about the outfits given to yn, she can't perform her best while being so clearly uncomfortable"
"I'm concerned about the entire world realizing you're in love with her, but I guess I can talk to the styling staff 🤷🏻‍♀️"
But you never get an uncomfortably short outfit again... Heelift indeed 😌
Someone did not think this through 😭
You're doing your killing part in one of the songs on music bank
So obviously the camera guy gets closer to zoom in on you (werk👏👏)
BUT THEN he immediately moves to camera above your head to find Sunghoon and just WALKS INTO YOUR FACE
Ik y'all have seen that wonyo fancam... that's what I'm talking about
You literally make the most horrified face bc THIS MANS CROCH IS IN YOUR FACE
Screw professionalism, you're traumatized 😀
But man jays face is WORSE 😭😭
He's SO MAD like angry eyebrows and everything bc YOU JUST GOT VIOLATED ON LIVE TELEVISION
Walks up to you in the middle of the performance and checks on you
"Are you okay? 🥺"
You're like "yeah, talk after" and go back to performing
At the end when you drop down to a similar pose he goes in front of you 😭😭
It's fine because it wasn't your ending fairy but everyone is on Twitter like "he protects them so well 😭"
He rly does 🫶🫶 and starts a petition to at least get female camera operators next time
You guys were performing at a festival in the rain (wow so safe)
And everyone has talked before hand about being extra careful so you didn't slip
But it was such a big crowd!!! And it was your favorite song!!!
So you maybe went a little bit harder than you should have 🫣
... and fell on your face mid performance
I'm sorry but he laughs 😭😭
Like he sees you down out of the corner of his eye
Just 💃🕳 and then nothing
You give him such a dirty look when he laughs bc "YOURE SUPPOSED TO LOVE ME STOP LAUGHING!!"
So ofc he runs over after and helps you up + gives you a big hug ❤️❤️
"I'm sorry, you just looked so funny!!"
So you smack him again of course because "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I LOOK FUNNY" 😠
But he kisses your boo boo scraped knees (which of course everyone LOSES IT watching) and looks up at you with a smirk 😫😫
I CANT 😵‍💫
You pretty much always had to wear heels to perform because you were so much shorter than the boys
But today man you had some BIG STOMPERS ON
Like platforms and big heels, the whole thing
And at first Hoon just laughs at you 😭😭
"You really need all that extra height?" Then he stands next to you and realizes you're still not as tall as him "and it doesn't even work!!" 😆😆
He's having the time of his life until you smack him (except he makes you kiss him after so still a win for him honestly)
But then once you guys are performing he notices that you're not moving your legs as freely as usual 🤔 (we love an observant partner <33)
He gives you a 🤷🏻‍♀️ from across the stage and you mouth back "heavy... and too big"
It's a concert and not a like show performance so he just walks over and TAKES YOUR SHOES OFF 😭😭
Like, bends down, unlaces them, takes them off and sets them by the side of the stage
You're like wow he's so sweet omg 😆 but then he goes "now you're short again" with the biggest smile and then runs away
So much for that... enjoy your sock performance 😻
Honestly it was really bad for you but kinda good for him 😭
You guys were performing at a fan meeting and they were gonna shoot like fireworks out at the end !!
And everyone knew it, but you were in the bathroom when they told everyone the specifics 🫣
So you were out just like casually performing, not really doing all of the choreo
More so just singing and running back and forth on the stage to say hi to everyone 🫶
But then the fireworks shootout 😭 and you were literally RIGHT NEXT TO THEM
And you’re so freaked out and they were so close and loud and you fall on your butt 😁
And the boys don’t realize it at first because they’re interacting with fans
But when you fall the whole crowd gasps 😭😭 and they’re like ????
And then Sunoo sees you on the floor half crawling away from the fireworks THAT ARE STILL SHOOTING OUT
He feels bad but he also thinks it’s really cute (😒)
But of course he helps you up 😁
And then he drags you around with him for the rest of the time
Like no you aren’t allowed to go anywhere by yourself anymore, he is holding your hand and you are going TOGETHER
Listen he is MAD
Like Leader Won was on high alert all day because it's been storming on and off
He was worried someone was gonna slip
But it was 10x worse 😭
You had turned your head to do a part of the choreo and some of the rain water got into your in ear
It's giving Benjamin Franklin sunbaenim 😻😻
You were center for that part so all of the boys just saw you jump from the shock and then fall into a crouch covering your ears
He is IMMEDIATELY on it, running up to you and taking them out of your ears and escorting you off stage
He lowkey yells at the staff (🫣) bc "the performance should have been cancelled and now Yn's hurt!"
He doesn't want to leave you, but he has to go finish the rest of the performance
But once you're back home, he's not leaving your side
Chilling in a dark room with soft music playing so your ears don't hurt 🫶🫶
He's trending for like a week because of how scary he was 😭
Riki is the opposite of Jungwon 😭
Like he was having the time of his life performing and then he sees you drop and goes through all five stages of grief at the same time
Runs over "are you okay?!"
Except he yelled and you just got YOUR EARS ELECTROCUTED so you clutch your ears tighter bc it hurt
Once he sees you crying ITS OVER
Literally picks you up and takes you backstage, yelling to any staff in a thirty foot radius that he needs help ☹️
They lay you down in a stretcher and take you out to make sure you don't have like permanent ear drum damage or anything and he's just standing there like 😨
He has no idea what to do with himself
"Can I go with them? Please please please?"
So they let him of course bc he's cute and he WILL NOT let go of your hand for the entire time you're being treated until you're back in the dorms laid on his bed 🥹
He’s so clingy for like a week after because he was just so scared and he never wants to be away from you ☹️
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newkatzkafe2023 · 5 months
Monkey Queen meets Male Y/N, she is constantly flirting and teasing him and they did the do and a few months later she comes back to male Y/N with a very noticeable belly bump.
If you're screwed and you'll know what clap your hands😨😨😨
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(Lmk Wukong) You were a male celestial monkey who territories in a jungle biom And you were relaxing. Until the great sage equal to have been showed up, the monkey queens been flirting with you for months. You didn't understand why but she just had a very unique interest in you and will not leave you be. She once again came to your jungle island to Woo. You once again and that's when you finally had enough. Yup, you decided to throw the immortal monkey a bone and spend a day with her. And one thing led to another apparently your mate's now, according to her. But after the day do you went back to your island hopefully she'll leave you alone now that you gave her what she wanted.
But in a few months later, you weren't suspecting. Mk and the gang came barging onto your island demanding to see you. You came out of your tree house home to see what the commotion was Until you finally see the group It's Glaring at you with Anger and disbelief Even what appears to be a female Macaque is their.
Monkey (M/N) I'm sorry who are you and what are you doing in my territory
Female Mk: Forget your territory we need you to look at what you did!😠😠😠
Mk moved out of the way to See a blushing monkey queen With a belly that was not big like that before. Well aren't you screwed😂😂😂
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(Mk Reborn Wukong) It all started when you were challenged into a fight. The monkey Queen had apparently felt inferior to you and came to you and challenge you to a battle. Of course you guys fought And totally kicked her ass. This enraged her to the max and she came every other day to challenge you to a rematch. You're wondering what's the point of any of this before you saw how she would move her body a Certain way. Or how she would wear nicer clothes or the blush on her face That's when it hits you like a freight train. She is in to you, she wants you And dare you say she is in love with you. Don't get it twisted. She is attractive herself, but you didn't think she would ever give you a second thought. And so finally neither if you couldn't take it anymore and release your passion, Rage, and desires in a very explosive but enjoyable way.
A few months later, as you were hunting for food. You came across a rather familiar monk and a group of pilgrims. The monk gave you a stern expression as the pilgrims looked at you dumbfounded.
Mistress tang: Excuse me are you (M/N) The boy any chance🙇‍♀️
Monkey (Y/N) That's me what can I do for you
Mistress Tang: Well my disciple has something to tell you or rather Show him Wukong 🤨😮‍💨
Sunny Wukong The great sage equal to heaven approaches you with a five Months pregnant belly bump. Oh what a world
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(HIB Wukong) Okay so this time you approached her. You notice how clearly lost her and the little girl named Liuer.She's with so you thought you would give the two some directions. While you were leading the two out of your jungle territory, you chatted up with the monkey queen and fell when you have some similar interest with her. When you both got Got them through you said that they can call me. Visit you anytime and that's exactly what they did. One day the Wukong came by herself Ask you a very personal question. If you can help her throw her a heat. Because apparently she's been struck with it and And the only one that can help her was you. You were shocked as she trust you with this A hundred percent so you had no problem helping her.
A few months later after the defeat of Dun Hun And his demon army the Wukong and Liuer Came to visit you again. Apparently the little girl had some exciting news to share with you.
Liuer: Monkey queen has a monkey baby in her tummy!!!🤩
Your jaw touched the floor as you look towards the monkey. Queen with a very noticeable belly bump and a rather light blush on her face. Well this is interesting
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(NR Wukong) Okay this woman is a whole new different breed of Whore. You always have a Blush and a look of horror on your face whenever she shows up. She spotted you in your Jungle territory and she would not leave you with a hell alone ever since. From very x-rated pick up lines to very inappropriate hand gestures You obviously know what she wants from you, but you Still avoid her like a plague. But she keeps coming back Like a girl scout or worse covid. One night she came over with alcohol To share with you and you're like you know what whatever because well You happen to like Bourban. You really wish you could take back the last few hours back because the next morning You woke up in her bed. And you speed it out of there like a bat out of hell.
A few months later There was loud banging on the door of your home. And when you open that you came face to face with a human girl??? Well, you think she's a human with? Because the ribbon on her wrist looks very familiar. She then introduced herself as Li And she said that somebody owes you an apology and an explanation. Being mad confused, you listened to what she had to say before she Dragged the monkey queen In your home and put her right in front of you. It would be even more confused if it wasn't for Belly bump And it hit you like a truck. Your immortal life just got a whole lot more scarier.
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(Netflix Wukong) She was so innocent. She is innocent cute naive you name it. And very very young At least to you. You didn't mind having Her around your territory just as long she doesn't break anything. She came every day just a attempt to rizz you up or something Like that but her cheesy pick up lines just make you laugh like crazy. She's also pretty curious and has asked you some pretty bizarre questions. But other than all of that you genuinely enjoy her company. And over the time of being together, she shared some rather heartbreaking news to you. She feels that she's always gonna be alone and stuff. But you didn't want her to think that because she's got you. That's when you shared your guys's first kiss And then she told you that she trusts you with her first time as well. You discussed a little more But she claims that she's ready so you decided to give it a go.
You haven't seen her in a few months. And you're really beginning to miss her. Then again, she has told you about all the demon attacks in her village. So she's probably caught up with that. It's not far fetched to you so you just went back to your business. One morning there was a loud banging on your cottage door and apparently You came face to face with a little boy. The boy introduced himself as lynn And he says that he's friends with the monkey queen. You wonder what brought him here and then he calls over Wukong. The little monkey girl approached you shy leave While hiding something behind her armor. When Lynn told her to remove the armor you both saw a unusually big Bumping her mid section. Well that is Explains almost everything.🫥
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loveforbobandeliza · 2 years
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wildpip_morley: Flash back to flat packs, 😠🦆 Just when you think you've got it done, you end up with a couple of extra screws that you know belong somewhere!
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doodlegirl1998 · 7 months
The reason why I can't behind any of the characters or things they do is that they're made into hypocrites.
You got Mina and Eijirou who're against bullies yet are friends with Bakugou don't do anything when he gets onto All Might.
Hawks who had a past with an abusive father and when Endeavor is exposed as one, he doesn't react or say anything about it.
Izuku with his quirkless past yet doesn't offer any sympathy towards those like him, like how he tried to make Nighteye laugh or Aoyama.
And then there's Aizawa... the guy's a walking hypocrite so I don't feel like going into any of the things he did.
All this makes it difficult to really get behind and like these characters when they contradict their characteristics this much all to make the worse characters look good.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
Exactly this. Hori's characters act how HE wants them to to service the plot rather than what would fit their characters. So we have situations like this where they become hypocrites and bad things are implied about them. We have talked about Aizawa before so I'll focus on Izuku, Kirishima, Mina and Hawks.
Izuku - was quirkless, was horrifically abused by Bakugou for this as well as daring to try to help him out a river once.
Also Izuku - is NOT allowed once to reflect on the similarities between Aoyama and himself. Is NOT allowed to think one bit on his quirkless past or the horrific bullying (abuse) he went through. Does not seek to change the status quo now that he is a part of it. Or think about how HE could change how quirkless are being treated. This in my most charitable interpretation could be Izuku's self hatred coming out full force, he doesn't want to think about when he was quirkless so he doesn't. But this could also be construed as arrogance, stupidity and narrow minded-ness.
Izuku - knows in graphic detail the Todofam situation, is best friends with Todoroki Shoto and confronted Endeav for being a POS when he first met him.
Also Izuku - Acts like a fanboy of Endeavor in the agency arc and defends Endeavor to Dabi's face (another of Endeavor's victims.) - This puts a sour taste in my mouth not going to lie, this reads as Izuku thinking, 'because he's nice to me and he says he's going to change all is good now!' Also (unlike defending Shoto) defending Endeav just isn't necessary here. No one is denying Endeavor's mentorship or heroism skills. Dabi is saying he is an abuser and a shit dad which - you know - he is. Izuku reads as a naive, narrow-minded teenager at best here. There are better ways Hori could have worded Izuku stepping in - this wasn't it.
Mina and Kirishima: 'We hate bullies!' 😠 Very vocally anti bully, their heroism stories each center on it.
Also Mina and Kirishima: look on as Bakugou acts like the BIGGEST bully for all of the academic year and decide to become his besties. - This can be read as them being too thick to work out Bakugou is a bully at best. At worst... They read as cowards and hypocrites. The 'It's ok as long as he's not picking on me or my friends,' type.
Hawks: has an abusive father that was taken into custody by Endeav before being taken by the HPSC and enduring more intense training (likely abuse.)
Also Hawks: Despite his past abuse as an adult licks the boots of another abusive father, Endeav (Endeav's boots must be super shiny.) - Are we still pretending Hawks is an actual character at this point? All he is now is an Endeav Simp with some 'I killed Twice' angst sprinkled in. But I will save the major pieces of salt regarding Hawks for the ask I have about him. Least charitable interpretation - Hawks has LOW empathy thanks to his abusive childhood and latches on hard to a select few (Endeav) who he will protect, screw everyone else. Hawks doesn't care about Endeav's past child abuse, spousal abuse and literal crimes just what he means to him. Most Charitable - Hawks is an abused messed up person who never grew up past his idealisation of Endeav and clung to anything that meant he could keep the 'hero Endeav' in his mind intact.
With all of these deductions in mind, characters we are meant to root for feel flat, hypocritical, OOC and just downright bizarre at times.
Why? Because Hori bends characters to his script rather than writing the script for what works for the characters.
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aleksanderscult · 4 months
Hello! I loved your post about Baghra and how she is a glorified egoist and super toxic!!!
I would like to know your opinion about Ana Kuya, the terrible woman who screwed and oppressed Alina when she was still a child!!!
⚠️TW!: Domestic violence and abuse!⚠️
Thanks, anon!
Apparently that's a similarity that they share, the Darkling and Alina. They both had shitty, abusive mothers. And in Ana Kuya's case it's pretty much the same. She was physically abusive and Alina and Mal remember her fondly. And that's the problem. Instead of having the characters admit that she was a horrible mother figure, we have them look back on her punishments as something...worth to be remembered fondly??
Let's dive in her most fucked-up moments.
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Talking shit about the children she's assigned to look after. Alina and Mal both heard her but she's still an icon in their eyes! 😍
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No 'cause imagine comparing your mother figure to some blood-thirsty creatures with sharp claws and teeth that live and thrive in darkness.
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Excerpt No. 1, in which the protagonists talk about Ana Kuya's physically abusive behaviour.
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Girl, if I were you I would say adiós and never look back. What letter are you talking about?? 😭
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Ana Kuya being responsible of Alina's shame for wanting to get it on with a man. This woman and her morals are imprinted in her mind.
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Imagine having to spend your last day with your love and choosing to talk about her. And the memory is again toxic 🥹
Other couples: "Let's talk about our happy memories"
Malina: "Let's talk about how our mother abused us"
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They have literally zero good memories from her. Only shouting and beatings.
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Now that's a woman to admire!!
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Do you hear that Alina?? You must kiss their shoes otherwise you would be like that poor girl on the road! 😠
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Excerpt No. 2, in which the protagonists talk about Ana Kuya's physically abusive behaviour.
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Excerpt No. 3, in which the protagonists talk about Ana Kuya's physically abusive behaviour.
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Excerpt No. 4, in which the protagonists talk about Ana Kuya's physically abusive behaviour.
If a child refuses to eat a food, beat it!
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Aha! So she does acknowledge it, huh? But what does it matter? We forgive her in this house😍❤️
(also can we talk about how they wanted one of their friends to meet her? Like guys whyy??😭)
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Thank the heavens actually.
In my opinion, children need mostly love and understanding. But they also need discipline, yes. But NOT through physical violence. NOT through constant screaming. This is wrong but it's very possible that in Ravka it's accepted and forgiven? Because I also remember reading somewhere that when Nikolai was a child and misbehaved, they were punishing his best friend physically (I haven't read the duology so please correct me if I'm wrong). So even the royal family found it normal.
But having the characters look back to it as something that was okay? And they adored her?
I'm sorry but I didn't shed one tear when she died. Botkin's death affected me more than hers ever did.
Alina when she died: "Oh my God!"
Me when she died: "Oh thank God!"
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thegreymoon · 4 months
The Story of Minglan
So, she's still alive, smh.
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The ONE thing I was asking for from this rebellion and they couldn't even give me that 😠
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Didn't your actual WIFE die yesterday? Aren't you supposed to be in mourning, for appearance's sake at least?
I thought we were done with him and his nonsense but apparently not.
She was only PRETENDING?
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Why won't this drama let me have good things 😭😭
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Baby is here to take back his home! He is now best buddies with the new Emperor, evil stepmom can seethe 🤣🤣
Are you kidding me?
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I thought she would have more dignity and be openly hostile, not fawn over him so blatantly.
As if he would fall for her act twice.
Their faces, LMAO 🤣🤣
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Adult!Gu Tingye never really made it onto my list of favourite characters but I absolutely love how Feng Shaofeng plays him 🤣🤣 He's so smooth and charming, an absolute rascal! He smiles and I smile, no matter whether it's genuine or not!
Well, in my view, with all their money and lack of boundaries, these wastrel young masters could be doing much worse, such as raping and murdering (like the gentlemen from the Fourth and Fifth Gu house did in their time).
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Third Brother is at least only out supporting the economy by frequenting brothels and hopefully paying the sex workers well. The Song Empire should send him an Imperial decree expressing its gratitude.
This is the full irony of her evildoing.
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And even if he did not yield the title, what could she have possibly wanted that he would not have given?? She and her incompetent son had it made! But no. Nothing is enough when you're born too greedy for your own good.
Eh... not quite, but almost.
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I am fascinated by these people. "We have spent your whole life hating you and ruining your life for no good reason, but how dare you not love us in return?"
Even Lin Qinshuang had more shame.
I live for beautiful scenery in c-dramas 💚
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I'm more invested in him passing this exam than I am in me passing any of mine, which is obvious from the amount of time I spent watching his shenanigans instead of studying 😕
Cackling 🤣🤣
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He's always so outraged by the lack of propriety 🤣🤣
I love the two of them, they are such a good pair! One is so proper and the other so improper!
LMAO, yes, panic 🤣🤣
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It's episode 36, you loser! How long do you expect the girl to wait for you? You had better hurry!
God, this is nice 😭😭
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I wish I had the skill to turn this into art! 💚
Oh, yes, it is the Old Madam you are eager to visit 🙄
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IDK why, but he gives me the ick.
He hasn't really done anything wrong but he's always so nice and kind and sweet and subservient, plus he's not the OTP. All the alarm bells in my head are RINING!!
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I knew there was something shady about him, smh.
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Where do all these cockroaches come from?? Are there no single men in China to marry and you must go after someone who already has a wife??
LMAO, he at least has the decency to be shocked.
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So, he is not on board this nonsense. Good. But is that what happens to screw up his marriage to Minglan? His family insists on him marrying this woman?
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stellaluna33 · 6 months
Listen. Back in my day, when you got popcorn in an assortment of flavors, it came with a cardboard divider to make sure that NONE OF THE DIFFERENT FLAVORS WERE TOUCHING! If you wanted to mix different flavors together, you could do that in your OWN bowl and that was your own business! But now? It's all mixed together! And do you think that "cheese" flavored powder isn't going to stick to the caramel popcorn?! Of course it does! And if you happen to ONLY like the caramel popcorn and not the cheese flavor? TOO BAD! YOU'RE SCREWED! The entire batch is contaminated now! This is an abomination! 😠
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TOLKIEN: I know, babe, I know
TOLKIEN: That was just
TOLKIEN: God I don't know
CRAIG: My ears are ringing right now because of you, Clyde
CLYDE: Cool!
TOLKIEN: Did you forget to take your binder off?
CLYDE: ……uhhhhh
CLYDE: ….No?
CRAIG: Woahhh
CRAIG: You’re trans?
CRAIG: Slayyy momentttt
CRAIG: I'm a huge ally of the LGTV community
CLYDE: No you're not
CLYDE: You call us faggots and queers all the time
CRAIG: To show my support ♥️ 
TOLKIEN: Stop saying emojis out loud
TOLKIEN: It’s annoying
TOLKIEN: ....What
CLYDE: He’s speaking in hieroglyphics
CLYDE: We gotta put him down
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TWEEK: Is he…. okay?
TOLKIEN: Depends on your definition of “okay”
TWEEK: Like…
TWEEK: Is he….
TWEEK: Mentally all there? TOLKIEN: No
TOLKIEN: Not in the slightest
TOLKIEN: I think that whole
TOLKIEN: ….Encounter
TOLKIEN: Broke him? TOLKIEN: Like 
TOLKIEN: More than before???
TWEEK: We should try turning him off and on again
TWEEK: Isn’t that what you guys usually do with stuff like this?
TOLKIEN: What do you mean by “you guys” ?
TWEEK: Ugh…. lemme just….
CRAIG: Huh what…?
CRAIG: What…?
CRAIG: Where….
CRAIG: Where am I right now…?
CRAIG: This isn’t my greenscreen?
CRAIG: ….What is happening right now? CLYDE: Holy shit that actually worked?????
CRAIG: Did I like
CRAIG: Go into the TikTok rabbit hole again? CRAIG: What is going on right now?
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CRAIG: Y'know
CRAIG: I need to throw my phone in the river
CRAIG: This is unhealthy
TOLKIEN: That has to be the smartest thing you’ve ever said
CLYDE: We support your journey, dude
TWEEK: I don't
CRAIG: Goddamnit faggot
CRAIG: C'mon, let's go to Stark's pond 
CRAIG: I need to get rid of this damn thing
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CLYDE: So dude
CLYDE: Tweek
CLYDE: Do you want me to show you my nightcore playlist?
TWEEK: Your what now?
CLYDE: My nightcore playlist
CLYDE: I was talking to you about nightcore earlier
CLYDE: Remember?
TWEEK: To be honest, I was zoning out
CLYDE: Oh dude…
CLYDE: We gotta get you on that nightcore train
TWEEK: Okay?????????
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CRAIG: Alright…. We’re here
CRAIG: Ggggggod
CRAIG: I need to like
CRAIG: Lay down
CRAIG: For like
CRAIG: A year
CLYDE: Not that we like
CLYDE: But are you okay?
TOLKIEN: Yeah, you're acting normal for once
TOLKIEN: And that's not normal 
TOLKIEN: For you, at least
CRAIG: Screw you
CRAIG: I'm leaving
CRAIG: I’ll meet back up with you guys when I finish throwing my phone into the river
TOLKIEN: Al… right then?
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TOLKIEN: Guys, was that like
CLYDE: Hey never shame someone on their road to recovery
CLYDE: They could relapse that way
TOLKIEN: No no no I'm not trying to…
TOLKIEN: The way he was acting kinda…
TOLKIEN: Rubbed me the wrong way?
TOLKIEN: I don't know
TOLKIEN: It just felt weird
CLYDE: Maybe he's conflicted about all this?
CLYDE: I know I am
TWEEK: Should we check on him? TWEEK: I mean
TWEEK: I don't like him but still
TWEEK: I'm kinda worried
CLYDE: He’ll probably be fine (Edits made by @pissblanket)
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mischievouschan4 · 7 months
Fic Tag Game
Thanks for tagging me, @starwalkertales!!! I've had my eye on this one for a while, and now I have the push to do it haha
Here we go~
How many works do you have on ao3?
For both my handles: 19, but technically 20 if you count the one I abandoned............oopsie 😅 Specifically for Star Wars: 17
2. What's your ao3 word count?
Amazingly, it's a nice even number right now?! 126,000 😲
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Main fandom: Star Wars (Obikin, QuiObiAni) Previous fandoms: Hocky RPF, MDZS, Promare
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
1) WorldBigFlameUp with 620 kudos; this is for the Promare movie, GaloxLio with (dirty) domestic fluff post canon 2) Transference with 471 kudos; my current QuiObiAni golden child; Obi-Wan time travels to save the galaxy and receive aaalllll the love he should have gotten the first time around 3) Wisdom Teeth Woes with 260 kudos; really really cute SFW Obikin, the obligatory post wisdom teeth removal amnesia fic 4) How Anakin Got his Groove Back with 161 kudos; switch Obikin, I fondly refer to this one as "BDSM fic" 😌 she's filfthy, she's fun(ny) - maybe?, she's got BSE (big switch energy) from Obi-Wan LOL 5) I Know You Love Me with 150 kudos; HockeyRPF, my Toews/Kane (bottom Jonny) fic from the Chicago Blackhawks glory days *big sigh* **tears up** And the honorable mention abandoned fic (Thorki) at 718 kudos LOL (no judgment, okay?? I was a practically a bebe when I wrote it 😅)
5. Do you respond to comments?
................................I need to be better about this. I definitely do for Transference every time I update with a new chapter, but I find it hard to keep up for some of my other fics (EVEN THOUGH I CHERISH EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!!)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
nOnE oF mY fIcS hAvE aNgStY eNdInGs 👀 (like actually)
7. What's the fic your write with the happiest ending?
I swear they're all happy! But I think the sugary-est fic overall has to be How to Fall in Love with a Lawyer, you can't say no to Obikin engagement! But also, I think The Kenobi-Skywalker Family Goes Viral is also quite adorable (not that I'm biased or anything ha)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have been lucky! No hate so far, just some very astute fans of canon that have pointed out inconsistencies haha (which is 100% acceptable)
9. Do you write smut? What kind?
HA... YES! I do lots and lots and lots of smut! But almost all of it is MxM I think!
10. Do you write cross-overs?
Historically, no. Would I be open to it? ...I think I could be convinced...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yesssss!!!! And it is such an honor?!?! My QuiObi fic Seasons of Love was translated by the amazing @cakushi into Russian😭💓💓💓
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
NOT YET!!! BUT SOON!!! I'm looking at you, @dark--whisperings 💖
14. What's your all time favourite ship?
QuiObi probably? 🥰 It's definitely my comfort ship.
15. What's your WIP you like to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Oh goodness, welp, I have a WIP called Love and Devotion (MDZS/The Untamed fandom) which is a pseudo-Regency AU for Lan Zhan/Wei Ying that's just sitting there 3/maybe 6 ish chapters in........... I really do want to finish it, but I need to get my head out of Star Wars first....
16. What are your writing strengths?
Visualizing situations to translate them into words
Writing in a way that's comfortable for me to read out loud
Extensive research (both for smut and non-smut content hehe 😼)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
GRAMMAR (I switch between present and past depending on the fic and it screws with my brain so much)
Pacing 😠 (How much detail is too much detail?? IDK)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Select lines yes, I have for Love and Devotion since the original content is in Chinese and that's my second language, but entire chunks? Definitely not. I usually just do italics to signify another language haha.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I'm honestly not super sure LMAO back in my fanfiction.net days I wrote for both Death Note and Alex Rider hahaha
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Probably Transference haha when you put that much effort into a long-fic, it's hard to not put it on a pedestal.
Thank you so much for tagging me!!! Had lots of fun thinking about these.
Apologies if you've been tagged already, and apologies if I missed you! Anyone can pick this up if you find it interesting!!
@dark--whisperings @thesilverqueenlady @dreaminghour @briliantlymad @anakinsthot @cakushi @to-proudly-go (Omg I’m sorry I left you off!)
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mira-gaia · 2 years
Cale: yeah I live in the body of a trash, and it is kind nice so I'll keep it that way.
Kim rock soo: I made a deal so that I could live with my reincarnated mother, it's better but trauma follows like a dog follows peanut butter.
Og!cale: I am trash, and I know that I am unlovable, it is a curse to be near me and I could never do anything good with my life.
Kim rock soo:...
Og!cale: I want to die.
Kim rock soo: I feel y buddy but there is a better future.
Cale: screw it, your coming with me now, your my new little brother, fuck your world it doesn't deserve you! 😠
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yandere-romanticaa · 4 months
I didn't know you still play ikepri? I thought you forgot abt Gilbert 😭
I'm merely taking a break ✨
Lots of games to play my dear, but there just isn't enough time!! 😩 College is getting ROUGH™ and a bunch of other hard shit is going on for me in the background such as looking for a job with a more stable income because my family and I are low key screwed money wise. I'm honestly surprised that I managed to get myself in the 2nd college semester, thank you mum and dad! 🙏
Where's an ultra rich yandere boyfriend who'll fall for my goofy ahh shoujo knock off personality when I need him? 😠
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