#seriously what is wrong with you bethesda
med-ex · 1 month
feelin rlly idk HAPPY?? over this franchise as a whole✨
I wasn't even alive for Fallout 1 & 2 - but upon entering the world 3 years after they were released, would grow up hearing its name constantly... never did i think it would take GTA's place as my favourite video game series. Like literally never thought the weird little isometric game talked about by my older cousins would be the one.
I played Fallout 3 at the worst period of my life- it became a pure escape from graduating high school, becoming a severe alcoholic and moving off my mountain into my province's capital city. I was in love with it to the point that when I came home to my family home to visit, I would haul my xbox 360 in my backpack and strap my little tv to my back with a rope- ✨that's✨ how addicted I was to it.
It resonated with me in a way no other game series has. No, I obviously didn't grow up in the same standards as the wastes, but could resonate with foraging for food, no clean water & mess, destruction and despair everywhere you turned.
Fast forward a year or so, and I try Fallout: New Vegas. This is where it finally became my favorite series ever. I could list all the reasons, but they're similar to what you'll see all over the net; it's just amazing. I already was all "fuck the government" since I was a child but it made me think- think about the rule of authority, think about perseverance, weigh out what "right" and "wrong" truly means and the blurred line between the two.
By the time I was 21, I tried Fallout 4. It took some getting used to in the terms of its modern graphics, but I really loved how I got to experience conversations that felt like I was actually having them. I loved building the world back up and when I was brave enough to try mods- then shit got real interesting. I was already obsessed with Fallout 3 & NV but we can thank Fallout 4 for getting me into the community as a whole.
I was one of the ones to make fun of FO76- the launch was a huge part of that, but I just didn't understand how it could ever truly fit into the Fallout series. I played it for the first time when I was 2022, and now after 2 years I wholeheartedly regret shitting on it so hard. There are so many cool quests/stories and though some of them are silly seeing as it's online-based and they need to cater to that and though it's a bit strange at first, it feels so cool to be around other players adventuring the wastes + actually having to persist to build your own base, feed yourself and survive- as console commands don't exist in the same realm they used to with the earlier titles.
Now, we arrive at the airing of the first Fallout television show. I seriously thought it was gonna be shit- I just couldn't imagine them being able to do a good job but as we can see, here we are. The show is amazing and I didn't even know it was something I wanted so badly. The only real-life renditions of Fallout I've seen is that one live action trailer for 76 + cosplay- so seeing it in film, is seriously so fucking cool.
Idk guess im just gettin a little ✨sentimental✨ towards a series that has given me so many lessons, so much ability to cope with my own shit + gotten me into such a fun community filled with funny jokes, amazing art, discussions and rich lore that maybe one day could leave the video game + TV screen and become even a book.
Ty to the crew of original artists who started this back in the 90s, and thank you to the crew of artists at Bethesda in this current century who kept this game going💖
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bluiex · 2 months
Everyone so mad at the Fallout TV show.. Listen
I'm beyond the point of caring, what's canon, what's not. This franchise has multiple games. With many different endings and outcomes. How are you going to sit here and say Bethesda is retconning FNV when, honestly, the last shot doesn't even look blown up at all. The years shouldn't matter, think for yourself. Maybe they get the years wrong because vault tech is a manipulative company, or maybe it's because it's been two decades and decades of war, that they get dates wrong. THE TV SHOW SHOULD NOT BE SEEN AS CANON AT THE END OF THE DAY.
I'm a huge FNV fan. It's the best game out of the franchise. But I'm not gonna sit here and dog on Bethesda or the creators of the show because of a two second shot and some weird times. Think for a moment that games with multiple endings don't have a real canon. And a TV show adeptation sure as hell isn't canon either. It's just set in the world of Fallout. You'll be so much happier not taking "Canon" and "lore events" so seriously.
[Points at Star Wars for frame of reference]
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That anon asking about not getting paid for writing, honestly makes me concerned about their ideals behind work.
I'm an artist who works for a company, so I get paid hourly. I love my job, but I would never do it for free. Some people would call me a sell out, because I create designs for mass production, but there is nothing wrong with making money.
Just because you enjoy something, doesn't mean you shouldn't recognize the value of your time and energy. It just means you have found a good job, one you love. It should be what we all are searching for in one way or another.
Of course, having a job you love is a luxury not everyone can afford, but why try to put others down who have found it?
Anyways, sorry for the novel, that just ground my gears
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But it's not free lmao
Also, anon, you are NOT a sell-out. That's some of the dumbest shit I've ever heard! I wholeheartedly support your decision to get paid for doing what you love. Seriously, that's like getting mad at a Game Developer for working at Bethesda instead of being an indie developer. Like, WHAT?! That could be their dream! So don't worry anon:
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I just really hope other people realize those in the creative fields struggle immensely to get paid for doing what they love. It's hard. Some artists get shafted by dipshits who think "Ur hur, credit is enough, my business will bring them more attention!" Or those that feel like one drawing or illustration isn't worth the price tag. You arent paying for just that picture though. Youre paying for the uncountable hours the artist put into their craft to hone it enough to make it look so good.
Anyways, thats enough from me. To everyone else who're in my inbox talking about the same thing, agreeing with me and this anon, thank you. I love you guys! I'll have to stop talking about this because it's not about Kingdoms and Empires lol, just know I see you, support you, and love you!
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asklittlepip · 2 years
Ok, I’m gonna go to bat for Fallout 4 on something, so be warned.
Kid in the Fridge
People like to use this quest as an example, no, THE example of ways in which Fallout 4 is the worst thing since Satan. Todd Howard personally came to their house and kicked their dog, salted their fields and put a plague upon their home, all because of this!
How about.. no? It’s a Wild Wasteland encounter. That’s it. New Vegas is loaded with those, and you don’t see anyone throwing a fit about the alien ambush or the completely mood-inappropriate Monty Python joke in Cottonwood Cove, or goddamn Indiana Jones IN A FRIDGE, just down the road from Goodsprings!
It is a moment of levity. It’s not meant to be taken seriously. Questions about what a ghoul can be sustained on have come up in prior games, both 2D and 3D. This does not answer it, but it wasn’t intending to. It was a reference to something that was a common issue with refridgerators, especially the 1950′s variety you see in the game world, and it was making a joke about it.
If you do not like it, do not do it. It does not mean the end of the world; that already happened. It does not mean that the lore is shredded either. It’s a wink and a nod at the player, which clearly missed since some people lack a sense of humor. Does Fallout 4 have it’s problems? Yes. The Nexus wouldn’t have nearly a BILLION mod downloads for it if that was not the case.
And if you’re gonna argue with me about how this would NEVER have happened in prior games, especially before Bethesda purchased the franchise, then I ask you.. who are you that does not know your history? ‘Cause you’re wrong. Fallout has always had moments like this, and, hopefully, always will.
Oh, and if you’re gonna tell me things would be better if Interplay had never lost the brand, then I point you to not only Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, but what kind of horrendous further damage would have been done by Fallout Extreme.
tl;dr: Fallout 4 has it’s issues, but one very minor quest isn’t one of ‘em.
P.S. Fallout 4 was meant to include traits, as the framework & code is present, but like so many other things, such as the Combat Zone, it got cut for time. So this is what they meant to do, and indeed, are bringing traits back verbatim for Starfield, so calm down. The aforementioned mods exist so you can have your game exactly the way you want it on a playing level, too. There are more important things to be upset about, especially now...
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vanilladaises-rp · 11 months
So with both the Playstation and Xbox showcases having wrapped, along with a few others, I thought that I should share some gaming news:
Star Wars Outlaws
I seriously did not expect this game at all. And it looks phenomenal! I'm thrilled that they're turning away from the usual Rebellion-Empire, Jedi storylines that we've seen recently and are going towards a gunslinger, smuggler point of view this time around. And from the gameplay shown, this is basically Red Dead Redemption 2 in Star Wars form. The only concern is that this is developed by Ubisoft, which has a reputation for downgrading their games after post-production and hasn't done a lot of innovation in their latest games.
I know there is a lot riding on this game, especially for the current Xbox generation. But this game isn't going to make me buy a new Xbox any time soon, mainly because this game looks and feels generic at best. And it has the same game mechanics as No Man's Sky, a game that you could get for 50% when it goes on sale frequently. Or if you just want a Space RPG, then just get The Outer Worlds for $20.
I honestly don't know why people preordering this game in droves, particularly because Bethesda has released really buggy games while also having absurd microtransactions. But since Microsoft owns them now, I'm also having my doubts since one of Microsoft's studios just released perhaps one of the worst disastrous launches in gaming history a little over a month ago. Also, it's locked at 30 frames per second, so if I get a Series X, it's not going to take advantage of the hardware. So, I'll wait until the reviews come in, or at the very least, it goes on sale.
Xbox Series S Carbon Black
It's simply the Series S, just in black. However, it has 1TB of storage instead of 512GB. And it only costs $350. So $50 more for an extra 500GB? This is a really great budget deal in my opinion if you want to upgrade to the current generation of consoles without breaking the bank.
CRKD Nitro Deck
So this is a Switch accessory, but if you want to make your Switch look like a Steam Deck, this is it. However, you don't have to worry about stick drift, it has reprogrammable back buttons, and you can customize the joysticks.
Also, it comes in a limited edition Gamecube colorway, which is really nostalgic for Nintendo fans.
Im gonna be honest i don’t know either game so i hade to research lol 😂 but they both do look really cool I’ve only every played Star Wars Fallen Order but outlaws looks pretty fun, i would definitely like to check it out. Star Field looks sick!! Omg the graphics, but from the trailer it looks like a shooting game am i wrong? I don’t play games like that anymore i used to play stuff like gta san andres or cod in high school but i wasn’t v good tbh 😂. Auto aim is my bestie is all I’ll say haha. I don’t know much about game mechanics or frame rates so i can’t say much there sorry. You can educate me if you want lol. Also I’ve heard of a steam deck and seen it idk what it does? I looked up the nitro deck and i love the gamecube skin, i still have my gamecube and controls 🥹 once i know what it is ill think about purchasing it lol
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skenpiel · 3 years
if theyre gonna keep updating fallout 4 they better fucking make nick valentine romanceable. or else
#so fucking pissed why isnt he romanceable why isnt he romanceable what is this this is bullshit#bethesda pshhooo woom woop zzt beep beep pew im sending you psychic brainwaves to update it and make him romanceable#pshoooo zoop zoop pop kttht zap bing bing ploink do it do it now add it update the game#i dont care about all the bugs anymore console commands can fix most of em im begging you zoop zoop ring ring add it update the game#make him romanceable right now hes the best character by far and you already had all the other love confessions be super weird#like flirting with preston after he admits to contemplating suicide or when caith tells you about her addiction and being a sex slave#why in the actual fuck would you flirt with someone in ANY of those situations im begging you bethesda stop being weird give us nick#give him to me right now ill fucking kill you doyou hear me ill murder you#ask to tag#seriously what is wrong with you bethesda#i know nick probably likes irma who fucking cares shes nothing she is nothing it doesnt exist cause i said so#plus it makes me jealous to think about#make nick romanceable make him romanceable NOW#whew. anyway#on a side note though curie is so so cute i got to max affinity with her so we are indeed dating#shes the second best companion.#though the gap is like a mile wide so its not really a fair comparison#no character in this game could ever surpass nick shes just also very good#her voice is the cutest seriously hearing her say all those sweet things made me melt i hardly even care for her#cause like every second im with a companion who ISNT nick i can only think about how pissed i am that nick isnt with me HILGLIGIORRHEGSRR#i love nick. oh god hes so good what the fuck
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Reasons I dismiss the Fo4 companions
Because I'm trying to get max affinity with someone else.
yeah that's really it. he's my go to comfort companion
my ride or die if you will
If I'm going to vault 81 or the prydwen. Mans doesn't need that kinda negativity in his life
or if he keeps stepping in front of my gun.
He does that a lot.....
Tight hall? in front of me
Slim doorframe? in front of me.
I usually rage quit send her home. Sorry, not sorry Cait
To have fun.
Also he keeps giving me his damn affinity talk because I refuse to romance him and its lowkey embarrassing at this point.
When I need to do railroad stuff. Or if I'm around ghouls/ synths pre bb. They don't need the kind of self projecting negativity.
Don't get me wrong I love Danse, but he's a much better person post bb
also to have fun
I really only get her to max affinity and then make her a cute little house at one of my settlements and check in on her once a week?
Shes not my go to companion, but I do love the little synthy girl
Game glitched and he's been in his undies for days.
Mans making me uncomfortable with them tighty-whities.... If he's not romancable why's he keeping getting naked in front of me Bethesda?
Or he keeps falling off of high places and I'm low on stimpacks
Also if I have to do BOS missions to get Danse to max affinity I usually leave him at home out of respect
Also one of my main companions
Like Curie I max affinity and the dip
I love her, but she's just not my fav companion? Like she's great and wonderful and amazing I just still prefer Deacon, Nick and Mac
Also if I have to steal stuff.
Who am I kidding I never have to steal stuff. When I want to steal stuff. Sometimes people got cool stuff.... and morally you shouldn't take it I know, but... that hat looks sick Piper what was I supposed to do?
Sorry not sorry Piper
I swap him Deacon and Mac off all the time depending on the mission
Another one of my preferred companions
Love this metal man so much.
When I'm sick and fucking tired of hearing about the "sEtTleMenT tHaT nEeDs oUr heLp"
Seriously though he gets in my way like Cait and Hancock combined
I give it 30 minutes before he's sent back home
Love him though, just wish the writers would have made his settlement or minuteman dialog only come up if I bring it up first... ya know?
Doing anything fun
Also doing railroad mission
Or BOS missions
Or ya know when I get sick of him referring to all my friends, my home and the things I've worked really hard for as vile. Like bro... come on now
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sonicasura · 3 years
Seriously Square Enix?
I was strolling through Youtube to look for something to watch and look what popped up in my recommended in less than two bloody seconds.
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Seriously Square? Now only are you just confirming the absolute bullshit that you put Balan Wonderworld, Balan Company and Yuji Naka but the reason being your signature cash cow?!
If you guys don't know, I suggest you go to these links first then come back.
What the bloody f*ck is wrong with you? Are you scared that your popular emo boys, jibberish words and confusing drama was going to be overthrown by a colorful game for children?!
That's not even the worst part. I have a subscription for Gamespot and guess what?
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You only see one thing for Balan Wonderworld and the rest is for bloody Final Fantasy.
To willfully destroy and sabotage a game, the FIRST GAME FOR A BRAND NEW SMALL COMPANY, and one of the genius minds behind freaking NIGHTS: INTO DREAMS AND SONIC THE HEDGEHOG, because you don't want anything to stand up to your prized franchise that should've died from how much ya milk from it like a dying cow?!
Congratulations! You made it at the top of my sh*t list. Are you actually scared that an innocent game made out of a man's dream and heartfelt inspiration was a threat to you? That it could wreck your entire empire of pretty traumatized to hell boys, usually bad plot and sorry excuse for game expansions?
Or that you have to be so greedy and squash what you don't deem necessary like a boot to anthill?
It's official. You guys have become the new EA and New Konami. I thought Bethesda or Blizzard would've got there but your pettiness beat them there.
To all my fellow writers and artists...
Normally a boycott would be the ample way to handle such piss poor management but I've got a better idea. Let's do what the Blizzard Fans did when Blizzard decided to do something stupid involving a particular Hearthstone Tournament, Free Hong Kong and Blitzchuung.
Let's use their pretty little Final Fantasy characters against them. Write some stories, make fanart and spread the word!
Draw Cloud Strife with a Fuck Square Enix shirt and a Go Balan Company Hat, put Sora in a Balan outfit, just go nuts and make sure these bloody pigs realize just how stupid they are being!
#Fuck Square Enix #Balan Company's Innocent
And the new one...
#Save Balan Wonderworld
Spread the word folks! Until next time guys!
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repentantsky · 3 years
5 Companies That Have Too Much Hype Around Them
Look, we all love our favorite games with a passion, and to an extent that’s fine, but when that passion becomes obsession and that obsession becomes forgetting our own moral compass for the sake of entertainment, it does feel like it’s gone too far. It’s one thing to love what a company releases, it’s completely another to ignore every problem they’ve ever had. Not all of the companies on this list have done horribly un-ethical things, but they’ve at least been anti-consumer, and the fact that people don’t question that enough has led to them sometimes, making horrible mistakes. I am RepentantSky, I love making lists that trash on things that are popular, and these are 5 companies, that have too much hype around them.
5. Nintendo
Already I can hear people getting angry, and in a way I get it. Nintendo is for many people the place where they either begin to play games, or the place they go to keep on playing them when everything else let’s them down, and of course, they put an end to the flipping video game crash of 1983, and no one else will ever be able to claim that from them. That’s all wonderful, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be critical of them. I’ve talked about a number of things they’ve done wrong before, so let me quickly run down the list of some of their anti-consumer practices. They, charge too much for remasters and ports, they don’t drop prices in games, they used to charge for fixing Joy-Cons and now completely deny it’s a problem for legal reasons, despite everyone pretty much having experienced drift, they haven’t been good at getting stock for their items in at least 20 years, and oh yeah, they sell all the content for a remake for $115 on the 3DS, the system and the fans that helped them get by while the Wii U was massively underperforming, all while handing owners of the, at the time, unproven Switch, free content. Nintendo has a tendency to still think like a toy company, and they even used that idea to present the Nintendo Entertainment System as a toy instead of a console when they first game to the West with it, but they aren’t a toy company, their a gaming company that also sells toys, just like everyone else. I get they’ve done amazing things, I own over 150 physical handheld games from them, and a ton of digital games besides, but when they start charging twice what they are worth for SD cards, while releasing games that absolutely won’t fit on the limited space of the Switch, and they simply don’t care when costumers complain, it’s time to at least question their motives.  
4. Bethesda
Boy I used to really rip on this company back when I posted lists on Facebook, but I haven’t done it in a while, so let’s do it again. Bethesda has absolutely spent at least the last 10 years lying to people, Todd Howard, has become famous for it, but I think I might have been the only person who wasn’t shocked when Fallout 76 was the disaster that it was. There were so many things wrong with that game, that I don’t even have time to go over every little thing, but lying, you know the thing that will get another company on this list very soon, was a big thing they did with the game. They promised at one point that they weren’t ever going to charge for items in the game that gave in-game benefits, and they did, allowing ammo and other items to be bought with real money for a time, they promised new, specialized servers if you paid for a yearly service that was way too expensive, and that wasn’t true because people found proof of things missing from what would have been a freshly made, private server, and there’s no excuse for that, games in early access do that correctly, and they aren’t, at least supposedly, even finished yet. I wish I could say that’s all they’ve done, but they also bullied an indie developer over their game Prey, a game they may have bullied the original developer for so they could get cheaper, but we’ll never know because they refused to comment on that when asked, they also refused to update their outdated game engine for years, which caused something they spent over a decade fixing, games releasing with glitches, some of them game breaking. Yet somehow, they have such a fan base that those who love their games will claim the glitches are just part of the charm. That kind of fierce loyalty led to Fallout 76, and even though we make jokes about it even now, the horse DLC from way back in the day, was an indication of everything they’ve done, including trying to charge for mods made for free, meant to be consumed for free, twice. Bethesda is a bad company and they do not care. 
3. Activision/Blizzard
You know one of the worst things Nintendo does that I didn’t really mention directly in the first entry, is limit the amount of time a product is available, instead of just letting it be there for consumption as long as it’s selling (that was what the toy company reference was about if it wasn’t clear). However, Activision/Blizzard are the Kings of doing this, as they not only limited things while they were in control of Destiny 2 to the point where you pretty much had to use real money to get everything, and never mind everything else they did to it, because we’d be here all day going through it all, but they also don’t support games as a service titles long enough for dedicated fans. Crash Team Racing Nitro fueled, is a prime example of this. People weren’t done with that game, and when fans thought for even a split second that an update was going to come to fix an issue, their hype (mine to) was so explosive, it was almost like we were getting a new game, but then nothing happened, because they didn’t care. A lot of companies that do yearly release titles as a service have this problem and nothing exemplified that more for Activision, than Skylanders, a series originally made off the back of Spyro, who didn’t even wait for a year to release new games, as technically between October 21st and November 20th of the year the first game came out, they released three of them, and I’m not even kidding. Two of them, were mobile games! You might have thought I was going to go after Call of Duty, for this, but that horse has been beaten to ground, somehow, more than Skylanders was. They also, for whatever reason, released each expansion on different generations console generations, at different months throughout Fall, like somehow the season of Fall, they needed a release every month, if not two, and so off they went. I didn’t even get into Blizzard, but all I need to say is “Blitzchung” and all the memories will likely come flooding back. There’s also the fact that in two separate years, after gaining massive profits, they dropped hundreds of employees, and hired more than they’d let go, but I guess that doesn’t really matter to some of you, because when they did it this year, with so little warning, most employees found out via the news articles about it, but we all made such a little stink this time around, it didn’t create any media buzz, so I guess that doesn’t matter, you’d all rather play flipping World of Warcraft, like better MMO’s don’t exist. 
2. CD Projekt Red
I know this one comes off a little more fresh in the mind, and they technically only lied about one game, but man, what a series of lies it was. Also, let’s be honest, one major game, does not a great developer always make. CDPR’s previous two Witcher games did exactly what the author of the books thought they would, and that was almost nothing in terms of making a serious impact, and the reason is, they are kind of bad. They aren’t the worst games out there, but there is a good reason why The Witcher 1 and 2 haven’t been ported and/or remastered, despite how important they are to the story of Witcher 3, and that’s because they both suck. Cyperpunk 2077, was in a lot of ways, them just going back to being the developer they were before, the BIG ONE happened. They lied about nearly everything in regards to the game, including how the main platforms where consumers were going to buy it, were actually running well. I made those references to Witcher 1 and  2 for a reason, although if I’m being honest, they actually look better than Cyberpunk did on day 0, and that’s completely unacceptable. The budget for CDPR was basically nothing for Witcher 1 and 2 combined to what Cyberpunk got, but they were so focused on the PC versions because PC ran the game better, somehow (like maybe because they didn’t try with consoles) and they missed glitches that were so bad, the game felt like it was still in beta, if not alpha upon release. The fact that they’ve only released eleven games in twenty-three years, and only two of them didn’t have The Witcher on them, should have told us all we need to know, and yet the game, even after returns, which was another massive screw-job that led to Cyberpunk being removed from the PlayStation store, still sold Sixteen million units, all because of hype, and because apparently, some people don’t care if they’re lied to. Do you want to know what the other game they released is besides a Witcher title? It was flipping Saints Row 2, a fun game, but also one that’s too goofy for it’s own good, and yet suddenly makes Cyberpunk’s release, make sense, because it was all a massive joke, and a parody of good, well running, open world games. CDPR needs to seriously do something, anything different, and never release a game in this poor of a state ever again.
1. Ubisoft
I put Ubisoft at number one for a damn good reason, and that reason is, that everyone seems to hate the company, but loves their games, and I don’t know why. They haven’t been the overall worst company on this list, although they are pretty bad, but the major problem they have, and have had for at least a decade is that none of their games have any identity, they are literally all the same game, with different coats of paint. Sure, an occasional gem sneaks through like Assassin’s Creed IV, but all of the rest of their games have the same visual style (although ACII does seem to be the base for which they create their art let’s be honest), the shooting mechanics they have in all the games that have guns, all feel exactly the same, which is something even Call of Duty manages to avoid most years (guess I took a shot at them anyways) and yet somehow, someway, I keep seeing people getting excited for their releases, and it doesn’t make any sense. Sure, they throw a celebrity actor in from time to time, and the artistic style they use does look pretty cool, but everything is always the same with them, every single time, no matter what it is, and they still keep making money. It doesn’t really make sense either, because a lot of developers do make games that are very similar feeling, see the Life is Strange team or much as well all loved them, Telltale Games, but at least those titles told extremely interesting stories, and developed their mechanics at least a little, which is something most companies do just on principal, but not Ubisoft. They throw out a few Tom Clancy games every time they talk about what their releasing, the Trials and AC games are still mostly a yearly experience, and I’ll say it again, their entire list of releases since at least 2013, the year the previous generation kicked off, have pretty much all been the same. It would be nice if they made more games like Child of Light, but despite the fact that their games will likely never be as popular as Call of Duty, they keep churning out same-y shooters hoping that one day, maybe just one day, they’ll create their own CoD, and it’s just not gonna happen. The saddest part of all is that when they announce something different, something fans have wanted for years, we get The Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time Remake, which was literally delayed because fans said they wouldn’t buy it unless some actual effort was put into making it, why is this company so popular that it can keep doing this, someone please explain it to me. 
And that’s my list, can you think of any other companies that are too hyped? Let me know in the notes below, hit me up with a follow if you like my content, and give me a reblog, I’d really appreciate it. Have a wonderful life!  
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gold-and-rubies · 4 years
Fallout’s Use of Dead Wives For Companions
So this isn’t a full on essay, but I want to take a look at the dead wife trope in Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4, I haven’t played the others so I won’t make a comment on them. These are my opinions on it. I am not a professional at analysis, I just want to clear out my head. I will be talking about Boone, MacCready, Deacon, Valentine, and Longfellow. I thought about talking about Doc Mitchell, but I don’t really see people bring him up. Probably because it’s just used to explain why he has a female vault suit. I’m not going to talk about M!Sole Survivor, because in my opinion that is a different conversation. I talk more about Boone and MacCready, since I am explaining why it works for them. I don’t think many would argue with me that the others could use some alternatives though. Anyway, everything is below the cut.
So let’s start with Boone. He definitely is not the first, but he is the big one. If Bethesda did not overuse this trope in Fallout 4, I don’t think people would go off on him as much, but then again I am relatively new to the fandom. Overall, I think he is the best execution for two different reasons. 
I already made a small post about it, but I want to expand on it. When people talk about how focused he is on Carla’s death, I don’t think most people realize that it was recent. It happened while they were living in Novac, and when you meet him he says he has been living there for a year. Meaning that at the most she’s been dead for a little over eleven months, but I think it is way less than that. I think if it had been that long, Boone would have already figured out who was responsible. He’d probably be long, long gone. I wouldn’t be surprised if it is as recent as a little over a week. Not only is it recent, but he’s the one who did the deed. And he hates himself for it. He knows what he did was wrong, but it was that or let her and their unborn child become slaves. That’s another thing I don’t think a lot of people know. Carla was pregnant, and I’m pretty sure they were planning on keeping the child. He was given a choice that consisted of two very dark shades of grey, and he had to figure out which one was just a little better. Not only is it very recent, and tragic, but it genuinely has a very deep affect on him. It is apparent from the beginning that it isn’t just something that is supposed to make the player feel bad for him, it is an important part of his character.
The second reason is that this isn’t the only thing affecting him deeply, though he is the slightest bit more open about what happened to Carla. His participation in what happened at Bittersprings, and how that affected his relationships and how he views Carla’s death make him a deeper character. It serves to show the horrors of war, how willing people are to turn on each other when afraid, and it makes Boone a deeply traumatized character. Unlike other things, it isn’t just some cheap grab at pain. It’s made clear that he isn’t getting over her anytime soon, or maybe he might not at all. 
Let’s look at MacCready next, shall we? I think he is the second best execution of this in this group, and by far the best one in Fallout 4. 
I think this is because while Lucy’s death was incredibly sad, and affected him deeply the focus is more on Duncan and how he mirrors the Sole Survivor. A parent with a dead spouse who desperately wants to save their child? They’re practically twins. But jokes aside, unlike the others in Fallout 4, Lucy’s death provides substance and cannot be easily switched out for another person. 
While twenty-six is a young age to have experienced all that Boone has, twenty-two is even younger. MacCready lost Lucy in a horrific way and became a single parent at quite a young age. We know that he met Lucy after leaving Little Lamplight, and she obviously died after Duncan was born. We know she’s been dead for a least two years because MacCready says she’s been gone for a few years. That means he lost his wife, the person he trusted the most and became a single parent when he was likely still a teenager. And despite this he has arguably the healthiest relationship with the death. He still blames himself for it, but he has come to terms with it the best he can.
It serves as the reason as to why he is a single parent, which I think has more of an affect on him as a character than her actual death does. Growing up in Little Lamplight, and being in charge of it for a bit likely forced him to grow up faster than is healthy, but having a child at such a young age with no one to lean on but your partner who died sent that into overdrive. 
Yes, the final affinity talk is about Lucy, but given this is when you are able to pursue a romantic relationship with him, it makes sense. But here is why I think it makes sense that she died, and didn’t walk out on him, which could be seen as an alternative. He says that he never got the chance to tell her who he really was. She died believing he was a soldier and not a mercenary, which seriously messed him up. Part of him feels like she might have not loved him if he had told her the truth. It not only adds to the grief he feels, but also the joy he feels when Sole tells him they love him, because they truly do know him for who he is. 
They could have gone in about a million different ways with his character in Fallout 4, but with the way they went what happened makes sense.
Then there’s Deacon, who I have mixed feelings about. Him being violently against synths before joining the Railroad makes for an interesting story, and a good reason as to why he is the way he is, but I’m not fond of how Barbara fits into the story. I understand that there would have to be some sort of redemption in order for him to join the Railroad, but I don’t think Barbara’s death was the best choice.I mean a death of someone he is close to makes sense, but it didn’t have to be his wife. Unlike Boone and MacCready where it makes sense for them specifically to be dead, it doesn’t for Deacon. Her death is just seen as retribution for the pain he caused. They could have very easily have just made it a close friend. While it makes sense for him to have such a dark history, they could have gone with anything, as the specifics of what happened don’t play a large role in who he is as a person.
Now, Valentine. Yes, Jenny was his fiancée not his wife, but close enough. Unlike Deacon, where they could have done anything for his background, it makes sense that someone had to die to make sure Nick was well and truly invested. The thing here is that it absolutely did not not have to be his fiancée, his professional partner dying could have achieved the same effect for him. Now, what’s different here is that her death isn’t really the sad or important part, it’s his identity crisis and justice that are. It is the Original Nick’s memories that spur him on, but justice for her death specifically isn’t the takeaway. It is the desire to do the right thing, and your actions being your own are.
Finally, we have Old Longfellow. This one is going to be super short. Old Longfellow is old by human wastelander standards. While I understand they want to provide a proper explanation as to why he dislikes the Children of Atom, him just being around for a long time and seeing and hearing everything would be reason enough. Hannah, that was her name if you didn’t know, I had to look it up, dying does the opposite of what the writer’s want. Instead of gaining sympathy for him it pushes players away, making her death the most unimportant one. You can’t even tell that that’s what is affecting him. They should have just focused on the thing with Shipbreaker. That would fit both his character, and the whole aesthetic of Far Harbor very well.
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Okay but let’s talk about the opening of Fallout 4
And I’m not talking about the part where you gotta pantomime your way through a half-hour of BS at least before you’re actually allowed to step out into the world and get shite started [seriously Bethesda, if you’re gonna keep making openings like this, please include a ‘get to the point’ option and stop making modders do it for you. First time it’s interesting, second time it’s mind-numbing.] I’m talking about when you roll up on the museum and have to help out Preston and the gang-- and I’m just gonna rant for a few paragraphs here so here’s a read-more cut so I don’t clog up dashes too badly. 
Fallout 4 never gives you the chance to value human life. 
Fallout 3 had this issue as well, but it’s even more glaring in 4 because in 3 an order came down for your death. When you aren’t given a choice, what you’re doing can at least be penciled in as self-defense. 4 expects you to devalue raiders and treat them as unreasonable threats, to see them as a shooting gallery and nothing else... but there’s a serious problem with the framing.
You made me pantomime being a normal person for the first 30 min to hour of your experience, and now you’re telling me a normal person can just pick up a gun and start popping people with no moral issues. 
This is required to even get close enough to talk to Preston. He might take out all the raiders if you’re willing to wait 20 minutes, but when you put yourself into the role play head space of a character, what kind of person ducks behind the sandbags and waits for the dude with the laser to pick everyone off? And there is no force preventing you from simply running away, this is true-- but doing so simply removes your ability to interact with what is a core mechanic of the game a-la the minutemen and establishing settlements. So if you wanna keep the game experience intact, and follow along with the mission? Murder is required, without any time taken out to consider the value of human life or if that murder is justified, or if your character is capable of that kind of violence. 
To say I dislike this headspace in shooters, that whomever the denoted ‘bad’ group is are just okay to treat as squishy playthings, more so in shooters that try to integrate choice and morality, is a massive understatement. There are plenty of other things in the commonwealth that could threaten a group of settlers that aren’t people, and framing us as a normal person [PARTICULARLY IF YOU PLAY AS ‘NORA’ WHO WAS NOT A MILITARY MEMBER] who is just immediately ready for this is ASSUMPTIVE BULLSHIT. More so when you remember that if you played as ‘Nate’ this dissonance would be less-- it assumes a male audience who would choose the male protagonist, and his military service makes this opening a lot smoother. But when you don’t? It becomes batshit insane. Your average lawyer is not ready to just pick up a gun and wreck people, even when there are innocents on the line. 
So, if ya like, I’m gonna propose an ‘alternate’ idea for what this mission could have been that would have kept all the same elements. The raiders, the power armor, the deathclaw-- but not forced the player character directly into murder. 
Step 1: Finding Dogmeat. 
When we find Dogmeat, he appears to be just... wandering the gas station? And yeah, he’s in our path, but Mama Murphy appears to think that Dogmeat went and found you, so let’s take that a step further. Let’s say Dogmeat actually ran and found you-- that he spawns into the world when you get past the footbridge, and no matter where you go from there Dogmeat will find and bark at you. That no matter how you treat him, Dogmeat will try to lead you to Concord and ruin your stealth by running in circles around you and barking if you try to go the wrong way. That this pupper is trying to find someone to help his group, he found you. 
Step 2: The approach.
So say we follow Dogmeat, who leads us to where the raiders and Preston’s group are in standoff. And yeah, sure, we pass the main road where they’re all sandbagged up, but Dogmeat leads us around back to a rear entrance the raiders have not yet realized exists. Possibly a fire escape that has a ladder that could be released from above that was pulled up when Preston and co hunkered down. While, yes, the player could choose to engage the raiders at this point, deciding they’ve seen enough and take on the museum from the front? Going around, Dogmeat barking, and Mama appearing to let the ladder down because she probably knew you were coming gives you a non-violent in. Why haven’t the group left? There’s too many of them to just sneak out, Mama is old and slow, and Jun is nearly catatonic. No changes have to be made to the group to make that path out non-viable, it’s simply a way for you to get in, speak to Preston, and understand what the fuck we’re dealing with here without the one and only solution being kill everyone-- though the power armor is posited as something that might be helpful in a show of force to get the raiders to fuck the fuck off. 
Step 3: The Raiders.
Banditry is not something ‘bad people’ do. It is an act of desperation. The idea that all the raiders are just the most repugnant people on the planet, and there appears to be no fuckin’ end to them is the same flavor of bullshit that’s used in all that war on drugs propaganda 50′s politicians were so high on. The idea of ‘Oh, the raiders are just bad people, so it’s okay to shoot at them’ ignores that they are people. People with lives. People with motivations. People who had their own path that led to where they are and what they’re doing. And what motivates a person to this kind of violence?
Starvation, usually. And I’ll be the first to say I don’t make great decisions when I’m hungry, either, but let’s dig a little deeper on this. Let’s step into the role of the leader of a raider group for a few seconds, get into this head space, and think about what’s going down with Preston’s group. 
Imagine that I am a leader of a raider band. Let’s imagine that it started as me and a friend getting forced out of Diamond city, possibly given exile, because we couldn’t find work and decided to steal some food. The lack of work was no fault of our own; me and my friend may not have known the right people, or had the right skill sets, or been willing to take work that risked our lives as if we were worth nothing. Maybe we survived on good will for a while, but after so many hungry days got desperate, held up the Dugout for all the caps they had, or stole food from the general store, and tried to run with the take before we got caught. Whether we were caught, stripped of our gains, and then thrown out, or we got away-- we now have a place we can’t go anymore, and are at the mercy of the outside world. Are we bad? Are we bad because we were starving to death and desperate? Am I bad for coming up with a not great plan but at least trying to take action rather than just quietly dying in a gutter? I just wanted to eat. So now me and my friend are drifters, and we stick together because we’re all we got. And maybe we meet another drifter here, and another one there, and on some hungry night someone gets the idea that hey, if we all jump out from the side of the road and threaten a trader, maybe they’ll drop some of their stock without a fight?
We don’t want caps. We want food. We can’t spend the caps, and we don’t wanna get into a fight because none of us can get treatment-- we’re exiles and criminals. We don’t want blood, we want to eat.
So we threaten a trader, and that goes well-- we got supplies! But those supplies don’t erase our records. We still need to live, and this food is only gonna last so long. The traders know about us now, they talk-- even if we got money, who the hell would trust us? No one, that’s who. Even better, sounds like our little hold-up horned in on some other group’s territory that we didn’t even know about, and they ain’t happy with us. We all have guns, but none of us have ever killed anyone. None of us want to. We just wanted to eat.
So did the other group. They just wanted to eat, too, but they saw us horning in on their territory. Their take. Those supplies belonged to them. They have mouths to feed. More than us, probably. We stole from them, and all we wanted was to eat. 
Whatever happens next is desperate, and it’s a baptism in blood. It’s a process of alienation. While there may be a select few who are actually out of their gourd and enjoy the violence, the majority of people who engage in banditry are desperate and hungry. 
So what the hell does this have to do with the group holding up Preston’s group?
By all rights, Preston’s group does not have anything a gang of raiders wants. Even if they’re far enough along that caps have value to them again, able to do trade with their own network, injuries are expensive and often lead to permanent disability because these groups lack consistent access to medical supplies and knowledge, and fatalities means your crew is down an important and useful member. SO WHAT THE FUCK DO THEY WANT? 
In the canon encounter, what they want is nothing. They want to wipe out Preston’s group because the game said so [I think there’s a terminal entry about it later, like they’re getting paid or something, but no payment is worth getting wiped out the way they did, and you don’t run a group that big on blind arrogance alone. Gristle woulda been displaced by then. All the caps in the world aren’t worth your life; you can’t feed dead crew members, and greed is useless when you’re blacklisted from all the settlements with any sense of luxury] They exist to shoot at. But when we ascribe motivation to them, what the fuck do they want? 
The power armor. 
It’s a tool; something that would change the balance of power in the area, make other groups think twice and lower the chance of losses when trying to gain supplies. Screw wiping these morons out, there’s only five of them left-- hold them at stand-off for a day or so until someone breaks and asks to negotiate, make them drop everything they’ve got as the toll for getting out, and then the group steps in to take the prize. There’s no need for anyone to get shot, just gotta starve ‘em out a little and then let them run with their lives. 
Step 4: The Death Claw
So we have a stand-off situation that could... probably be pretty easily negotiated through without major loss of life. Your player character is a third party, after all. Opens up some non-lethal ways of doing things if you wanna convince Preston and co to give up all their stuff if it means getting out with their lives. Likewise, a high speech character could possibly go to Gristle and convince him that you’ve seen the power armor and it’s wrecked, no worth the effort he’s spending on bottling this crew up, and the men he’s probably already lost in the process. Or maybe a character with high intelligence could work with Sturges to sabotage the power armor, handing it over to the raiders knowing that in a day or two it’ll fall apart. All of these make for some interesting shades-of-gray choices...
Then the deathclaw shows up. In the middle of negotiation. Everyone gets forced up to the upper floor; no time to kill each other, there’s a giant murder machine prowling around the lobby and it is only a matter of time before it climbs up to the second floor and starts ripping out walls and doors to get at people.
This could have served to make the situation even more interesting-- if you’d gone aggro in the beginning and started killing raiders in the streets, you have less people to deal with a massive threat that could kill the fuck out of you. If you’d been in the middle of convincing the raiders to take a sabotaged set of power armor, you’d have to explain to them why the power armor isn’t gonna help you... or let Gristle take it and get murdered when it freezes up and leaves him stranded to get ripped out of the can and munched. Is that murder? How’s the player feel about that? Meanwhile, if you hadn’t killed anyone and were in the middle of negotiating a bloodless solution, you might have a chance of unifying everyone to take down the deathclaw-- possibly with a future bonus that Gristle and his crew wanna go straight and giving you the choice to set them up within your settlement system, or becoming yet another ‘civilized’ system that won’t work with them because they’re too far gone. 
...................... I may have to write another fic just to explore these ideas in a modified canon. 
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My URL for the meme :0
                  You want some love? I'll give you love ♡
My Opinion on…
🟊 Character in general: I’ve been enjoying the way you write Bethesda immensely especially with her and Mammon who honestly, I didn’t think he would hit it off with anyone else besides Fizz so I’m digging it. And not just with this muse, but with Ari and your various others as well! There’s a good mixture here and you give these females such dramatics that are-- Awesome. Just. Awesome. Really I can’t get enough and even though they’re not in the show or have yet to be, I don’t think they would hold a candle to how you do it, you know?
🟊 How they play them: agjenejn honestly Vix is just tackling these muses left and right and doing so well. Not an easy feat to manage I’d think, but regardless she gives such interesting and profound takes on these characters that I personally, can’t get enough of! And like I told her, we need more female muses! Not that there’s anything wrong with males of course, but every one, regardless of gender identity or what have you should get some loving like seriously.
🟊 The Mun: Vix has been a delight to speak to OOC because not only will she sit with you and talk to you about various HCs she manages to create with her muses, but she involves yours as well and offers ideas / suggestions that are like, awesome really. Like that’s how we manage to think up of Bethesda and Mammon because we sat down and went back and forth with each other and I like that! I like getting to know the people behind the screen, but also engaging with their muses and forming a story with them! That sort of stuff just FLOORS me to create and think of stuff of my own and share as well, which she’ll eat up just as much as I will eat up.
Do I…
🟊 RP with them: Of course! Both here and on Discord and let me tell you it has been a ride. One I don’t want to get off of! DX Of course I’ve only interacted with Beth here, but I have interacted with Ari and her on Discord and .////. HOO BOY! Get me a life preserve I may be drowning! Look I’m a dork, that’s just how it be.
🟊 Want to RP with them: DUH! Don’t you be asking me this because the answer will always be YES! 100 times YES! I will write with you for as long as you can stand me!
What is my…
🟊 Overall Opinion: Vix is awesome. She may say things in a blunt manner, but I dig that. Like I told her, I’m not a fan of false praising or stuff like that so if she or I say something-- We mean it. You want well developed characters that are clearly loved and cherished with vast amounts of lore attached to them? Vix got you covered.
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You know with my comments saying Bioshock Rebirth seems to be something like if ID Software(The developers behind the Doom series), or Infinity Ward and Treyarch(Developers for the Call Of Duty series) were tasked with handling the Bioshock series.
Despite it’s funny imagining that. Unless I’m wrong. But if that ever happened. I don’t know if those developers would have the same kind of passion I seem to have in this AU. Which sounds honestly stupid. Because this is just stupid fan fiction.
But it’s interesting well...ID Software is great. But Bethesda isn’t the best and they have done some shitty stuff. Mainly I keep thinking about the shit going on with the Fallout series and Todd Howard. Then you have Infinity Ward and Treyarch would are under Activision. So the scary idea is that Activision would make something....less Bioshockish.
Such as that joke of Bioshock Battle Royale(Which I should make another joke about that again). Including how about season passes? Yet will admit it’s surprising to see recent COD’s aren’t doing this anymore with Modern Warfare 2019. Along with the new that Black Ops Cold War isn’t gonna be that either. 
Yet there’s other details of what the Hell those three would do with a Bioshock game. But despite what I’m saying. The way I wrote about Bioshock Rebirth is still very much Bioshock. But there are things you would notice and I’m gonna type something funny now.
Bioshock fans: I don’t understand GeekGem’s weird saying that this would be Bioshock if it was made by ID Software, or Infinity Ward, or even Treyarch? This is strangely a love letter to the Bioshock series. It’s so intricate and other things. He really went in hard making this. He thought of so many things. There’s clearly passion put into this.
*When they understand the inspirations behind the double twist of Jack/Archie. That I took the saying of Jack being a certified badass like Master Chief and Doomguy and took it seriously. Including that Jack is some unstoppable force of nature. Along with some other things I thought about.*
Bioshock fans:....ah yes I see it now. Now I understand why he says that....but I still like it.
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It’s a Fallout76/Bethesda rant
Bethesda just released Fallout 1st, a horseshit pay-to-win subscription system for their absolute cum-bubble of a game, and while it’s getting the flack it deserves there are people already putting on their kneepads so they can gobble down Todd Howards entire turgid cock, and as someone who likes rpg’s way too much this irked me, so have a massive and barely coherent rant i took off the discord because why not.
I want to start off with this:  Every good thing about current fallout comes from the fanbase. The stories people tell, the headcanons, the fanfics, the art, everything fans do for it is made with more love, and more thought, than anything Bethesda’s writing and games design team has done in the last 10 years
Now first of all, I haven’t bought or played 76. People are gonna stop me right there and go ”well you haven’t bought it how would you know its bad!!” yeah, I’ve never eaten dog shit either but I can pretty well guess that I ain’t gonna fucking like it.
I knew the second he said "there are no npcs" with actual enthusiasm that this game was gonna be shit. And if you give me 2 seconds to gloat, I never bought the game and I knew this was gonna happen and I was RIGHT so suck my fat hairy nuts all those fanboys who pre-order things mindlessly just because there's a brand name attached to it. If there is anything you take from this its DO NOT PREORDER. BRAND LOYALTY IS FOR BOOMERS AND BOOTLICKERS. FOR FUCKS SAKE BE SMART WITH YOUR MONEY.
Games like this are fucking 80-90 dollars or more in Australia so I actually have to think about whether this momentary distraction is worth almost an entire days paycheck, and I’m still looking for employment which means I actually haven’t bought shit in a while (side note, anyone wants to commission me for 10 dollars I’ll draw damn near anything. God I need to make rent)
Every executive at Bethesda seems to be playing catch-up to EA's monetisation scheme. Beth has abandoned their model of single-player rpg's in favour of a "games as a service" model. Fallout 76 seems to me like its a weird experiment for just how far they can stretch this and still make money. It actually makes me wonder if they are 
 a) just completely unaware of fanbase response [no idea HOW]
b) are running into financial problems and are doing this out of desperation
 c) todd howard is still mad that obsidian made a better fallout than he ever could and he's doing this out of spite 
  Games as a whole has become much like the movie industry where publishers will throw big buckets of cash around to development teams, and those teams have CEO's and higher ups that throw lavish meet n greets and have nice fancy suits and cars and then treat their development teams like shit, overworking them to the point of exhaustion, because the product has to be on time for release dates that are scheduled to be the most profitable (christmas is a notable one). 
And those products are consistently bland, shitty, shallow experiences. Narrative cum-dumpsters that are purposefully made to toe the line as safely as possible, to be open to as wide as an audience as possible so they can make the most money, and Bethesda is a huge offender. Skyrim was fun, sure, but it was watered down to fuck, it had shitty dialogue, it had bland one-note characters, it had a simplified skill system. It was impossible to lose. Seriously, try and fail a fucking quest in skyrim, other than one or two, it's a hand-holder of an rpg, but it has a huge community of fans that put in monumental effort, for free, because they like the Elder Scrolls, and they like the world bethesda made. 
  Then Bethesda goes "hey, that watered down thing we made got huge! lets release it about 12 more fucking times, with some of the SAME bugs, with the SAME content, with the SAME limitations and Yes, we absolutely expect you to pay for it, again. Then they release the remastered edition which, to their credit, is free to anyone who already bought the legendary edition (on PC), and does actually have updated 64bit capability and some graphical enhancements (that aren't anywhere near what some goober in his basement cooked up in his spare time, but whatever). Then, seeing that Skyrim was so popular, with kids especially, and made money, they turn their sights to fallout 4, a game that was so anticipated that someone made a fake countdown and caused a small meltdown on tumblr/social media when it was revealed to be fake (i was part of that fiasco, i remember the hype, i was there goddamnit)
So Fallout, a franchise that literally has its theme as its FUCKING TAGLINE, an ADULT game that is equal parts crude, gory and humorous. A game that satirises the cold war era of american my-country-tis-of-thee blind loyalty and openly mocks the way war was idealised, and shows that not even the literal end of the world could either stop humanity's lust for blood or its desire for conquest. Games that showed you the growth of the world - from shady sands to the NCR, from the vault dweller to arroyo, shit actually happened in the games, the world didn't just stop turning when the bombs dropped. A game where you you become a porn star for fucks sake, and it's funny. 
So Bethesda sees that, makes something like it (fallout 3) which is good, but a little rough around the edges when you look at it too hard. But the way they suck you into the vault, the way they build a relationship with your dad and your way of life is immersive as fuck, so when you leave the place you actually feel like you're leaving something important, not just finishing the tutorial
then they outsource a Fallout game to obsidian, because hey, we saved your franchise by buying it off you, but if you can make an entire game in one year and get a metacritic score of 85 we'll even throw in a bonus. And fuck me sideways and in the ear, if the obsidian devs didn't work themselves harder than a 4-armed hooker. And they made a game that on release was a clusterfuck of bugs, because they were given an unrealistic time limit and missed the metacritic score by ONE POINT so bethesda goes "nhey heh sucks to suck" and fucks them off the franchise forever. EXCEPT (and I admit I'm biased here) the game is good. The game is actually really good when you remove those bugs, and people start forming attachments to it, and mentioning how bad fallout 3's writing is by extension. 
  So Todd and Co. in his infinite wisdom, decide that the only thing a fallout rpg needs is 50s aesthetic and fuck all else, and he releases a game so watered down it can't even be called an rpg. And its not. There are no skills. There are barely any dialogue checks. Instead of dialogue, Nate/Nora is a flat, samrish individual that is either "yes sir right away sir may i have another", "yes but i'm gonna make an unfunny quip about it" "this option pretends to say no but its gonna give you the quest marker anyway". 
The game drops any pretence of difficulty by giving you a deathclaw, a minigun and some power armour in the first 10 minutes, allowing you to effectively reach late-game power levels with some minor scavenging for ammo or cores. Then the game ropes you into some inter-faction war that realistically you wouldn't give a shit about, because some spud in a cowboy hat fucking deputizes you into a military general because you shot like 4 raiders from a rooftop (with a minigun. in power armour. making you nigh-invulnerable to bullets). You're sad about your son about 3 times the whole game and then you're on your merry way to mowing down humans left right and center without a care in the world. God fallout 4's writing is so stupid it gives me an aneurysm.
 Remember the part about resources wars and america only having the veneer of a strong country while riots, inflation, and resource shortages tore it apart from within? Bethesda doesn't, have an eerily stepford pastel coloured glimpse at a world that was totally fine, nothing wrong here, shame it got nuked oh well moving on
Your spouse? yeah you love them, they're said 2 whole sentences to you then they died, be sad because you totally loved them and it is totally sad that they are dead. Your weird play-dough son shaun, you love him so much, you even tickled him on the chin once, okay he's gone off you go to chase him - woah now, don't chase him too hard we have all these side quests for you to do! What would be the narrative reasoning for a supposedly distraught parent to fuck around boston instead of finding their goddamn child? fuck knows! just go pick up some goddamn wood and get to base building sonny-jim! 
Companions? yeah, they're fun, we gave them a romance questline and it's thus: if you pick enough locks and pass a minor charisma check maccready will be ready and willing to tell you about his sick child, and then he'll ride you like a stallion. Talk to him like, 4 times, and he will be your bosom buddy for life in about 3-5 days if you just pick locks like a fucking madman, because character growth is hard and counting beans is easy.
 Also your son is a part of the faction we were talking about! something about synths, remember that one questline from rivet city that barely anyone actually remembers and was an interesting time waster at best? Well get ready to do that same quest but about! 15! more! times! because we could not think of anything else to write about synthetically produced humans that assume peoples identities other than having them as a hamfisted metaphor for slavery. Why do they take over people's identies? Well because the institute needs them to aasdkfjdh kshshshsh t9oe of course. 
Speaking of hamfisted metaphors, here's the underground railroad, named after the underground railroad that actually mattered, except this time its the same thing but synths. They are so top secret that the only way to find them is to follow the only bright red line in a street that is exclusively green-brown otherwise, and then enter their super secret password, which is "password"
They are then, like every other faction, absolutely willing to trust you, at face value, no questions asked, because have to actually do something or require a skill check might make this hard for people under the age of 12 to play. Then you go do whatever fuckin shit you do, I stopped playing at this point, and then you find out your son is actually 60, you guys have a tearful, 10 sentence reunion, then he diesthe whole reason you were out here in the first place dies, and you react appropriately, which is to say you say his name really sadly, and then go back to mowing down raiders with reckless abandon
And then 76 gets released, bethesda drops all pretense of fallout still being an rpg. You want a story? Fuck you, pay up. Its retro future and thats all that makes falloutSatirizing war mongering? You can nuke things in this game and its totally fine, its actually the goal, because fallout has nukes in it right? Pay us 10 dollars and you get army olive drab spraypaint because hurrgh war is fun and great, wasnt that the tagline from the first game?The more i rant the more angry i am because people put their heart and soul into writing this. The lore and dialogue is actual work that someone researched and loved and felt proud of and now  it's becoming a hilariously meta parody of itself. 
Honestly FUCK bethesda and and fuck todd howard for his pisspoor cash grab. Not even worth calling it a video game anymore
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felassanis · 5 years
My favourite Fallout NPC’S (Fallout 3,NV and 4!)
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Raul Tejada (Fallout: New Vegas) AKA my snarky Abuelo who puts up with all my bullshit and complains about his knees and eats all my sweets. 
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ED-E (Fallout: New Vegas) My sweet spherical boi who I would die for. And who I keep calling E-dee not Eddie despite the game telling me numerous times it’s pronounced Eddie. 
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Deacon (Fallout 4) This motherfucker who Bethesda wouldn't me put a ring on. Funny, doesn’t take anything seriously and rocks the sunglasses. A very complicated and mysterious dude who keeps lying to my sorry face and makes me have a meltdown over a stupid note all for his own entertainment. He’s an asshole but I love it. My favourite dude in FO4
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Three Dog (Fallout 3) Cool. Just the embodiment of cool. Says cool shit. Has cool ideas. Cool goals and a cool voice. If there was three dog merch in the wasteland I would buy everything. Even overpriced mugs.
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Ulysses (Fallout: New Vegas) This ray of fucking sunshine. Nice voice and I am one of the few individuals who thirst for this mailman. Constantly hinted about throughout the game and the DLC’s which is kinda spooky but very intriguing. Talks waaaay too much but I actually like the way he broodily talks.
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Jonas (Fallout 3) VIP of the did not deserve it club. I was enraged when he died and beat Alphonse with a baseball bat. I liked this geezer cuz he was kind and clearly held affection for the LW, wish we got more of him but he’s on this list because I have a tendency to sometimes get attached to minor characters too quickly.
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Cait (Fallout 4) She could stab me and I’d still worship the ground she stood on. Mad woman who’s got the biggest balls in the Commonwealth and I have huge respect for her. 
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Charon (Fallout 3) One tall motherfucker, knew he was something special when after I got his contract by killing an old precious lady he straight up whipped out a shotgun and blasted his former boss to oblivion and then turned to me as if nothing happened...
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MacCready (Fallout 4) Swearing toddler becomes a greasy weasel who can’t swear. MacCready beats Danse all the way sorry folks, I love my sniper with the bad teenager attitude more than the rigid soldier who’s mean to Nick, Hancock and Deacon. Also nice hat.
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Benny (Fallout: New Vegas) I sped halfway across the Mojave desert looking for Chandler from friends and I wasn’t disappointed. If he took off the damn suit I wouldn’t have found him which just sums up his priorities...
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Arcade Gannon (Fallout: New Vegas) ayyyy my bro, the guy who does 99.9% of the work. Seriously, I’d be dead without him and I think he fucking knows it the smarty smug bugger.
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Moira (Fallout 3) I am very conflicted towards her. On one hand, I wanna body slam her into the bomb at Megaton, but on the other, I also do a disgruntled grunt as I treck across the wasteland fetching her material for her book.
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Butch Deloria (Fallout 3) ohh boy. The fallout heartthrob in my opinion. deffo enemies to lovers trope if you’re into him. I mean, he’s immature and obnoxious but that kind of attitude is entertaining when you’ve got a mean old merc named jericho, a 7 foot ghoul named Charon who doesn’t talk much and a brainwashed slave girl named Clover. and more lovelies. Plus, he’s a greaser and they’re hot so...
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Dean Domino (Fallout: New Vegas/Dead Money) I hate this asshole. I love this asshole. He’s done bad bad BAD things but he’s so charismatic so I don’t care lmao. Also, kinda tragic in a way. He couldn’t let go so he stayed in the streets under the Sierra Madre for over 200 years...
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Christine Royce (Fallout: New Vegas/Dead Money)  I am ngl I had the hots for her during the elevator scene. Also, unique and I like how she tied into Ulysses and Veronica. I like her story too, tragic hero and all that.
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Muggy (Fallout: New Vegas/ Old World Blues) Muggy fucking cracks me up and if you haven’t met this guy lemme tell you, that gif? whatever you’re thinking about how he sounds or what he is like YOU’RE FUCKING WRONG.
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murfeelee · 4 years
Video Games Pt3: Video Game Challenge
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I saw this list on Pinterest out of nowhere, and what better way to ring in the new year than with another questionnaire, about my favorite pastime! This is the spiritual successor to Part 1 and Part 2.
Day 1 - Very first video game: Pacman and/or Mortal Kombat and/or Samurai Shodown on arcade machines (way back in the day when laundromats had arcade machines and gumball machines and such in them--good times, good times U_U); Tetris on computers; and a buttload of PS1 titles (again: back in the good ole days when consoles came with promo demo discs--I had Frogger, Need for Speed, Medieval, and a bunch of others).
Day 2 - Your favorite character: Here’s my Top 10 Males post and Top 10 Females post.
Day 3 - A game that is underrated: I will preach the greatness of PS1′s Legend of Dragoon till my dying day. It was doomed to dwell in Final Fantasy 7′s shadow, which came out earlier that same year, and it’s a real shame, cuz LoD was E V E R Y T H I N G.
My favorite aspects of the game are:
Its lore and worldbuilding. On top of the fact that the premise of the game is could be an anime series in its own right, you just get SO EXCITED to visit each new location, and uncover more about the world’s history, and see the different architecture, technologies, cultures and different races (I LOVE the Winglies, of course). It’s actually a gorgeous game for its time.
The combat -- I STILL have some of the Addition patterns memorized to this very day! They get progressively harder as you level up, but once you get used to the timing you feel so dang good. Die, More and More!
The soundtrack and cutscenes. The NOSTALGIA? O_O Bruh. The story is just really good, and was the very first video game to make me cry when certain...events...happened. Play the game and find out for yourself!
Day 4 - Your guilty pleasure game: The Sims, Dragon Age...any and all EA games. Effing ashamed of myself every time I give that nest of corporate demons at Electronic Farts money. “Surprise mechanics” my arse. 
Day 5 - Game character you feel you are most like (or wish you were): Has Jar Jar Binks been in a video game yet? Then that’s me. XD But I wish I was most like Lara Croft, as explained in my Top 10 Females post.
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Day 6 - Most annoying character: For females it’s Lightning from Final Fantasy 13, and for males it’s Vaan, from Final Fantasy 12. I don’t mind as much when supporting characters are effing annoying (Vanille, Hope, etc), but when it’s the MAIN protagonist?! WHY, Square Enix? WHY.
Lightning was just a negative nancy debbie downer. I wish they had swapped Serah and Lightning, I seriously do. I just couldn’t stand her dry and soulless personality. She wasn’t being edgy or bada** or cool or sexy or FANG or anything; she was just a bitter jaded unhappy wench.
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And with Vaan I just effing hate that dude. Why was he even there? They tried so hard to make this pushy entitled kid relevant, but I was like no, the story could’ve easily been told without him, and I wish it had been; he’s a effing idiot.
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Day 7 - Favorite game couple: Yuna and Tidus from FFX (hardest I ever cried playing a video game -- THE FEELS I TELL YOU).
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Day 8 - Best soundtrack: I used to think it was Skyrim, but nope, it’s Witcher 1, 2 and 3. Just listen to ALL of the songs CDPR ever produced for the entire franchise, including all the unreleased tracks, and enjoy the eargasm.
Day 9 - Saddest game scene: Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice had me legit depressed for a good week. Get your tissues and holy water ready; it’s seriously effed up. The entire game is the saddest I ever played, jfc.
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Day 10 - Best gameplay: Witcher 3, duh. Main quests, side quests, combat, dialogue, plot, graphics, worldbuilding, creatures, bosses, soundtrack, characters, Gwent, NEED I GO ON.
Day 11 - Gaming system of choice: Playstation for life. But the Nintendo Switch is effing brilliant, ngl; once they put Skyrim & The Witcher on it I was like SOLD.
Day 12 - A game everyone should play: At least ONE Final Fantasy game. There’s 15+, and Dissidia and Kingdom Hearts. It’s not just a game, it’s an experience.
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As much as I rag on FF13 and FF15, they’re still admittedly LEAGUES better than a lot of other crap out there. I just happen to feel that Square Enix is out of its frikkin mind lately, and tbh I’ve been rapidly losing my hype for the FF7 Remake. I was never much of a FF7 fan to begin with, aside from being a rabid Sephiroth fangirl and watching Advent Children a billion times. But Square’s gotta be drunk as a skunk if they think I’m paying all that money for god knows how many of these effing “episodes” they’re gonna piecemeal us to dangit death with. HAYUL no. I’d rather not get too attached.
Day 13 - A game you’ve played more than five times:
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Day 14 - Current (or most recent) gaming wallpaper: Huh?
Day 15 - What game are you playing right now: Speak of the devil, I’m replaying God of War for the zillionth time already.
Day 16 - Game with the best cut scenes: In terms of graphics and story impact IMO might be Red Dead Redemption 2. That game was frikkin gorgeous, and the story was SO DANG GOOD. Braithwaite Manor!? O_O
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Day 17 - Favorite antagonist: For females it’s either Edea from FF8, or Yunalesca from FFX. For dudes it’s Sephiroth, from FF7. That man needs some serious counseling.
Day 18 - Favorite protagonist: Yuna from FFX for the ladies, and TW3′s Geralt of Rivia for the dudes. 
Day 19 - A game world you would like to live in: The more Middle Eastern-inspired scifi/steampunki-medievalesque world of Ivalice from FF12, or the medieval French/Swiss Toussaint from The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine.
Day 20 - Favorite genre: RPGs and JRPGs, and pretty much action-adventure games with swords and sorcery.
Day 21 - Game with the best story: Red Dead Redemption, which is a good thing and a bad thing. A lot of the time I felt I was watching a movie, rather than playing a game. But it was still an Oscar worthy movie. XD
Day 22 - A game sequel which disappointed you: Technically it hasn’t come out yet, but from what we’ve seen of the Nioh 2 beta release, omfg what’s going on? U_U Now, don’t get me wrong! Nioh 2 looks AMAZING. But....that’s cuz it looks exactly like Nioh 1, just with new yokai gameplay thrown in. o_O Uh...is this a DLC expansion pack or what? Cuz it sure ain't lookin like a full-fledged sequel! :P Dare I call it an asset flip. Come on, don’t do this; do MORE. Unless this is actually an expansion you’ll sell for half the price. ;)
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Day 23 - Game you think had the best graphics or art style: For graphics it’s RDR2, but for most unique art style it’s always been Okami for me. <3
Day 24 - Favorite classic game: Spyro the Dragon. Their reboot for PS4 was AMAZING.
Day 25 - A game you plan on playing: Cyberpunk 2077. I’m so bummed, knowing the game’s been delayed to September 2020 instead of April, but oh well. As long as CDPR gives us that master-class level of Polish we all know and love from The Witcher 3, then take as much time as you need, I guess. At least they’re not like effing EA or Bethesda. XD
Day 26 - Best voice acting: BOY. Freaking iconic, Kratos. :P
Day 27 - Most epic scene ever: Ciri beating the absolute tastebuds outta Caranthir in TW3, not once but twice. Most OP Witcher EVER, girl; WERK.
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Day 28 - Favorite game developer: Though I effing hate them, I’m still a Square Enix fangirl at heart. It’s just saddening to see this weird turn they’ve been making recently, with garbage like the Quiet Man, and especially with Final Fantasy, my favorite game series of all time. U_U I’m not looking forward to the FF7 Remake anymore, tbh. I just hope FF16 is more of a return to form.
Day 29 - A game you thought you wouldn't like, but ended up loving: Skyrim. I was never a big fan of Elder Scrolls games, and when Skyrim came out I was very meh at first. But then the mods started coming out for it and I was like wow. O_O
Day 30 - Your Favorite game of all time: Legend of Dragoon on PS1, Final Fantasy X on PS2, Skyrim on PS3/PC, The Witcher 3 on PS4, and The Sims on PC.
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Thanks for reading!
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