#she is not homophobic.....
puhpandas · 5 months
I've always wondered if Vanessa is accepting of the LGBT community?
it's the 2030s and she grew up as a teen in the 2020s + she was probably a 2020s scene revival kid she 100% is or even LGBT herself
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nymph1e · 6 months
On Discomfort and Morality
My father finds gay men uncomfortable.
He's told me before that it's like a knee-jerk for him. Something he doesn't consciously control. He sees two men behaving romantically, and his body reacts with mild discomfort.
In the 1960s, when he was in high school, most of the boys in his form thought he was gay on the simple fact that he wasn't homophobic. He wouldn't participate in insulting queer people, he didn't care if someone was gay, he wouldn't have a problem hanging out with gay people. So people thought he was gay. That's how prevalent homophobia was in his formative years.
When I was 10, my dad told me very seriously that Holmes and Watson were gay. That it was obvious from the literature and the time period that they were meant to be a gay couple. When I was 14 and I came out to my parents as bi, when my mum was upset my dad ripped into her for it. Told her that she was being stupid, that it was my life to live how I wanted to and that she needed to get over herself.
My dad formed my views on censorship: that being that it was completely ridiculous and thoroughly evil. He didn't believe in censorship of any kind. If I asked him a question about sex, he answered it honestly. When I was 12 and I asked him about homosexuality, still young and uncertain, he told me that there was nothing wrong with it. That it was just how some people were. That there was likely an evolutionary reason for it. And that for some people it was uncomfortable on an instinctual level.
He taught me that just because you're uncomfortable with something, doesn't make it wrong. He also taught me that most people don't understand this.
I see a lot of this on the internet as of the last few years. The anti shipping movement, the terf movement, the anti ace movement. It all stems from discomfort that people have crossed wires into believing means wrong. Really every -ism and -phobia out there stems from this same fundamental aspect of humanity.
The next time you see something and you automatically think it's disgusting, or wrong, or immoral, I invite you to ask yourself: is this actually wrong or does this just make me uncomfortable?
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onesidedradiostatic · 1 month
concept of katie killjoy having sold her soul to vox because she thought he was an honourable Straight Man and low-key had a thing for him but then later found out he was one of the QUEERS but it was already too late by then
she thinks valentino turned him gay (only because he's more openly queer and it was more obvious with him than vox)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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I know what you are.
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latenightsundayblues · 7 months
I got bored lol
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kath-trashh · 2 months
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that one quote about the left and right hand
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filmnoirsbian · 8 months
If homophobic weirdos don't stop ruining the absolute beauty and solidarity of love and friendship between gay men and lesbians by pushing for us to fuck each other as if that isn't what cishet homophobes have been pushing for since the dawn of time I'm gonna start car bombing
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iaminsideyourwalls · 1 year
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I wanted to design Medic's parents because I think someone as weird as his ass would have some weird ass parents. I'm pretty sure his dad was a supervillain.
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deep-space-lines · 3 months
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Did I hit a raw nerve? Have I got a soft touch?
fuck it. lesbian mindflayers
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fairyrona · 3 months
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alex is fully to blame for this one !!! [ byler mówią, że jebią to wszystko i jadą w Bieszczady (kuszetką)]
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kenneduck · 3 months
I love the HC that Yona is Aro/Ace and she is 100% for Sidon being with Link cause she is very happy that if she is to be arranged in a marriage, it's one that's perfectly platonic, where Sidon too is happy.
And just Dorephan like... pestering about grandpups... and Yona like "Oh no... I am not pregnant... again... shucks. Damn. This is crazy. Shits crazy. Wow. Did not see that outcome. Insane."
Once the old man kicks the bucket Sidon is totally making it clear he's wed to Link and changing the dumb betrothal laws so Yona doesn't get screwed over either.
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ink-the-artist · 3 months
forgive me if you've been asked this before or if its annoying, but how did you learn to use colored pencils like that? your art is so special to me.
ty :) I took an art class for a few years where our teacher had us buy prismacolor pencils as one of the art supplies and had us use them kinda like paints, pressing down hard right away and blending the colors together. its not how youre supposed to use them she was just trying to teach us to use color and ig this was more to the point. I picked them up again years after i stopped going to that class just bc they were there and i wanted to play around w them a bit and ended up actually enjoying it when doing it on my own terms lol
#it was a weird class#it was just this russian lady doing private lessons in her house that my mom learned about somehow#I did NOT like those classes all we did was still life and they were hours long which is esp rough when im in high school and busy#and she wanted us to stand while working the whole time bc tradition i guess?#she did allow me to work sitting but thought i was lazy for it. idk dude i dont want to exhaust myself fast for no reason#standing is a lot more tiring than walking#i def did still benefit from those classes just from learning to accurately draw from life#did not like the teacher tho#on one hand shed paid for the art supplies for kids whos families were too poor to (and these are nice expensive supplies)#which is very nice#but on the other she was very homophobic and open about it#like when they legalized gay marriage she went on a rant about how horrible it is that they can adopt kids now#and also kind of racist#she was telling me how she got blocked from a facebook group bc she made a post asking if she could speak to a white person#and she didnt realize she was posting that publicly she thought it was a private message to the group owner#im honestly still not sure i heard/understood her correctly bc it was so bizzare and the only time i ever remember her being racist#she talked abt it like she genuienly was unaware it was racist#she described it as a misunderstanding bc she accidentally posted it publicly instead of privately#like it wouldnt have been racist to ask that at all#also one time she talked about how she saw demons in her home once#also she doesnt vaccinate her kids bc of microchips#she was like a walking russian stereotype lol#anyway heres some ink the artist lore
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ms-revived-frogs · 1 year
Some guy at my school made a pornographic deepfake of one of our teachers and she might be getting fired for this... The hellworld has come ladies, any man can turn us into pornography and have us punished for it
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paintedkinzy-88 · 4 months
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Art trade piece with @hitwiththetmnt !! Cuz we dragon AU fanatics gotta stick together frfr. Absolutely check them out, and their Spitfire AU— they are very underrated.
Had a blast making these glow stick babies, thank you very much for the opportunity! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
ALSO small bonus Dragon Pile doodle:
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kyyuis · 11 months
hobie and noir get along not only because they share the same interest of killing nazis but also because noir comes from the 20's-30's, which means a more outdated way of talking, while hobie is a "be proud of being a faggot" kind of person. noir says "why would i have a problem with some pansies?" when someone asks if hes homophobic and hobie's nodding in the background, thinking 'reclaiming slurs from the big guys...i applaud you.'
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martisno · 6 days
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Fucked up yuri
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