#she must've lost like. a good amount of blood
miss-phamtom-1 · 1 year
You know that first crystal that appeared in Harumis' hand? It came from her blood :).
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brokebrakes · 2 years
'breakfast's ready!' i heard sanji yell at the top of his lungs. i sighed, closing my book and putting it on the side table, remembering to mark my page with a dog ear.
'mm.. food?' luffy muttered while being half awake, floating cartoonishly into the kitchen. i giggled, following his lead. robin tapped my shoulder, catching my attention.
'did you need something?' she looked at me with worried eyes, and a suspicious aura. 'you okay? you don't seem like yourself today. usually, you'd be floating right beside luffy.'
'oh.. i'm fine! no need to worry about me. thanks for the concern, rob.' she nodded, taking a seat at the table. but i could tell i didn't convince her at all. truth be told, i got lost in a book robin recommended to me, and pulled an all nighter. so i was super groggy come morning.
sanji whirled over to nami and placed a cup on the table. 'here you go, nami-swan!' she grabbed the glass, taking a refreshed sip. 'thanks, sanji!'
he then whirled over to robin the same manner, holding the plate with a well crafted sandwich very carefully. 'enjoy, robin-chan!' she chuckled, watching as the cook zoomed off to where i was sitting.
i rocked in my seat, beside brook and chopper, ready for my meal. 'i made this just for you, y/n-chan!' he exclaimed, placing my plate of f/m in front of me.
'thank you, sanji!' i replied with the same energy, reaching for a bite. sanji stared at me, a slight frown on his face. 'so? how is it?' he questioned, clutching the tray in his hand. while chewing obnoxiously, i put a threw him a thumbs up, a smile on my face.
the clattering came to a stop, and everyone turned to face me, shocked. i fidgeted awkwardly, a cold sweat forming.
'why're you guys staring at me all of sudden..?' i uttered, swallowing the food in my mouth. 'that's it? a thumbs up?' the blond haired chef clenched his fists, and dropped to his knees.
'tell me what i did wrong.. please! was it flavorless? was it too dry? too watery? too salty?!'
'a thumbs up means it was good!' i tried assuring him, kneeling down beside him. 'no.. there were no endless compliments.. you didn't even call me sanji-kun! i must've done something wrong!'
'you don't seem like your super self, y/n. did something happen?' franky asked, already finishing his meal. i shook my head, letting him know i was alright.
'can i have your food?' luffy was already extending his arm, aiming for my plate. i shrugged, but sanji wasn't having any of it.
'hands off, bonehead!' he shouted, deflecting his arm with a kick. 'rude..' luffy pouted, stuffing his face with zoros meal instead.
'where did i go wrong?!' sanji asked once again, tears forming in his eyes. i squeezed his hand, causing a bit of blood to drip from his nose. 'sanji-kun, it's perfect. just the way i like it. my handsome little chef could never go wrong.' i wiped the tears spilling from his eyes, and engulfed him in a hug.
'y/n-chan.. i'm your handsome little chef?' he sniffled, hearts beginning to form in his eyes as more blood gushed out of his nose. i nodded, tracing what i hoped were soothing circles down his spine. 'better yet, the sexiest chef in the world.' i whispered in his ear, kissing his earlobe.
'i love you, y/n-chan!' he flew back, an absurd amount of blood shooting out of his nose. i gasped, turning to chopper for help as everyone else laughed.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 now: https://youtu.be/bWiW4Rp8vF0?feature=shared
The American Climate Leadership Awards 2024 broadcast recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by active climate leaders. Watch to find out which finalist received the $50,000 grand prize! Hosted by Vanessa Hauc and featuring Bill McKibben and Katharine Hayhoe!
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pantherlover · 9 months
An Artificial Nigh Re-Read: Part 6
Hello again! Onto the next part:
Chapter Twenty-Four:
I think Toby's gotten better at keeping hold of her weapons during a fight; here she lost her knife in like two seconds.
Is it couples bonding if Tybalt and Toby both frequently end up with bloody clothing? I feel like it's couples bonding.
'"The Luidaeg called me," [Tybalt] said.' How did Luidaeg call him? I'm pretty sure the Court of Cats doesn't have a phone. Did she call Marcia and get her to find Tybalt like Toby did in the last book? Did Luidaeg insist that she needed to get in contact with Tybalt and something in his vicinity started working as a phone?
Moving Day reference! As far as I remember, this is the first of three times that Moving Day has come up in the books: here, in The Unkindest Tides when Luidaeg calls in Toby's debt, and now Sleep No More (and presumably The Innocent Sleep) are set around it. Given that (I'm pretty sure?) it represents the changing of the Queen's Courts, I bet that there are certain types of magics/rituals associated with it. We'll have to see how relevant the Day is!
The way the Shadow Roads work is fascinating to me. So in this book, I'm guessing that some combination of the distance and the fact that the Roads are pretty hostile to Toby is enough to kill Tybalt. Fast forward to Be the Serpent, and Toby is able to handle the Shadow Roads *by herself*, both while Tybalt's unconscious and when he's not on the Roads with her at all. Partly this is because Toby's gotten stronger, and partly it's because she's learned to trust Tybalt to keep her safe. I wonder if it's also a form of, like, spousal privileges? Like Tybalt choosing Toby as a partner means that the Shadow Roads aren't as harsh to her?
Chapter Twenty-Five:
Tybalt's been a King of Cats multiple times. Does the amount of lives he has resets every time he becomes a King of Cats again, or is he still working with the same amount of lives he had the first time he was a King?
Luna said that this is the second time that Blind Michael has ridden since she escaped, so Amandine must've refused to do anything the last time. I wonder if August was alive then? Maybe she'd was already missing by then?
Chapter Twenty-Six:
"You let me take your skin. I found... I know how the Selkies did it. Let me be Kitsune. Let me go free." First: I don't think I fully understood the implications of what Luna did when she took Hoshibara's skin until we learned more about what happened to the Roane. Eira had the mortals skin them so that the night-haunts wouldn't be able to find them. So Hoshibara's not just dead, she's *gone* - no peace, no living on through the night-haunts, nothing. I understand why Luna did it, but that's a lot to just sweep under the rug and pretend never happened. Second: how did she find out what happened to the Selkies? Who did she find it out from? My first thought was Eira, but why would she do it?
"Because your existence offends me, daughter of Amandine." I just realized that this is probably a reference to Janet. Toby's actually pretty likely that Luidaeg likes her so much, isn't she?
"Our word has always been our bond, and [BlindMichael's] blood was older than mine. His word would be more binding." I don't know, Toby, Titania and Eira seem like they're really good at going against their word.
Chapter Twenty-Seven:
"Once, when I sang a song about a woman named Janet and the white horse her lover rode, He started hitting me and almost didn't stop." I think this is the first overt reference to Tam Lin and Janet we got in the series.
It ended up being a good thing that Acacia didn't escape with Toby, but it's still a little sad that she did such a brave thing and came out with nothing.
Chapter Twenty-Eight:
Has Seanan McGuire ever mentioned which version of the Ballad of Tam Lin she used? I have a version that I really love, but it doesn't have a Ride or Maeve in it.
Luidaeg went from wanting to keep Toby from May for as long as possible to letting May not only have a claim on Toby when they broke the Ride, but also let her be the one to hold onto her. What *happened* in the two months Toby was gone?
'Someone screamed, and I heard Cassandra chanting, "I am not afraid of snakes I am not afraid of - oh God, I think she's poisonous - snakes -" Cassandra might be my favourite Brown kid. I love her so muuuuuuuuch
'May removed her cloak and threw it over me, pulling me further into the circle as she stood.' May was definitely the most useful one for remembering to actually bring some clothes with them.
I don't have a lot of love for Luna anymore, but I love Acacia and I hope they've managed to repair their relationship now.
That's it for now! I will hopefully have the last five chapters up either later today or tomorrow. Just in time for the new book! As always, please come and discuss things with me. Until next time!
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draiochtoaksacademyrp · 8 months
Post MoonFall
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Thunder bunny Amber reporting in…
Under the Hunter's Moon Eerie orange glow the final attack of Moonfall was held. 12 Students: Verity, Steve,Otha,Celsa,Honey,Sen,Nisa,Kylona,Azel,Vanie,Ryker and Rowan were all taken in the middle of the night. Last seen walking into the forest under a daze.
Not for a lack of trying, Every adult that attempted to follow were placed under a nightmarish illusion of madness. What could they do but watch as a group of their students play hero and follow them through the barrier. The "Hero" Party consisted of 8 students that were desperate enough to go after their loved ones and friends. Myself, Gora,Aurora,Sara,Karenos,Lorelay,Krul and Ryo set our sights for our friends only to be met with a ghastly sight.
Not so soon after we entered the forest were we hit with the atrocious scent and the full view of the previously missing and pressumed dead students strung up on a tree and completely charred. Urgrad, Sylvana, Dagormith, Theo, Cerana, Nar Hadia and Sleazius. But with everyone focused on the mission, only Karenos could look in horror and pain. I couldn't leave them up there like halloween decor so i had my Familiars Ginger and Rouge take them down and cover them til the mission was over. But since that sight… Karenos looked lost.
After traveling deeper into the forest we finally saw them! But they were all in a trance, markings binding them to a circle, so even if we wanted to we couldn't grab and dip. According to the others there were four figures ready to fight them. But thanks to the fact illusions never affected me. I could see the villain for who they truly were… Sienna Graves. Once she revealed herself to the others i couldn't help but noticed the newest student, Gora, seemed shocked and out of sorts. Even Ryo who was normally always ready seemed a mess. He really just wanted my sister Honey safe.
Seeing that i could see her clear as day i struck her with a lightning bolt, as it hit Sienna yelled to me that it was a cheap shot. Ill admit it. It was. Gora stood aimlessly as she looked at the wisp. Dammit why wasnt she moving?? Aurora tried but seemed to see something unknown and hit that instead. Fuck. Sienna then turned to the captives and hurt that star kid. Why??? But shortly after she tried to hit sara but it only grazed her. What was strange was that blood slowly trickled down her nose… then Sienna started to cough… what was going on? Sara, while Sienna was coughing attacked her with her axe. Making a good amount of damage. Karenos, still shaken from the sight previously tried to attack sienna but made no contact. It was ….pitiful. Upperclassman Lorelay also let her emotions get the best of her, not that i can really blame her, but slipping on a pebble was…. damn. Krul finally arrived and threw his prefects door at her and missed…. was … was he taking this seriously??? Sienna then tried to attack me, it made sense but again… i could see so i just. Moved to the side. She on the other hand started to cough blood. Was she dying? Ryo kept clawing at the illusions, i could feel his rage, and desperation to save my sister, granted he tried to wake Gora from her daze soon after. During this…. Bunny Houses Prefect Vanie died…. apparently Sienna poisoned her to keep her weakened. It just followed due course… Saras cries must've been heard, because kylonas controlled body began to cry. After being attacked i tried to hit back but she was a wisp and remembered she could poof out of the way. Gora seemed to fall apart and did nothing as she fell into darkness. Did sienna feel for her? Seeing Kylona cry set something off in Aurora, she ended up slugging Sienna in the throat. Ouch. Krul ended up going super saiyan when he realized Vanie died… she must've been well liked. Irritated, Sienna tried murdering Steve but Lorelay said no and shielded him with her body. I don't think she will make it. In fact, i don't know how much longer sienna will last either, She looked like shit. Good for us, bad for her. After hitting Loreley Sienna aimed at the Naga. Fuck is he okay??? Seeing Sienna aim for Steve set Sara off as she literally bashed Sienna's skull. The wisps blood was everywhere. Damn. Karenos still attacked at nothingness. Why cant he snap out of this?? I can see Lorelay laying down. She's not getting up any time soon. Despite that head reeling from the recent bashing, her illusions saved her from Krul's wrath it seemed. Lore spoke to the concerned sara. But i cant focus too much there. My ears were filled with Ryo trying to knock some sense into Gora. We need help. We were dumb to come with just 8 people. Sara spoke through tears while sienna attempted to attack Aurora which failed. Ryo finally got up to fight but he missed because of her swaying. Dammit.
Soon i could see that the phoenix gave out. Like Vanie she succumb to death. I tried to attack sienna but she poofed away. HOW?!?! Gora just stared into the nothing. There's no way she fell that hard in like….24 hours!! I can hear Sara screaming out for the phoenix. Lore was dead. Aurora, her anger was palpable. She …hugged? Sienna and engulfed her in the flames of hell til sienna finally died. I think we all know she's with sun now… I felt her magic spells break as we were all freed. But at the cost of two of our own…. Lorelay Polly and Vanessa …well i don't really know her so i'm not sure. Hearing My sisters voice was sweet music. But she wanted Ryo… so i stayed back. Only the gods know what will happen now… Now that the Moon finally fell…..
Art belongs to @monstermarquis of their character Sienna Graves
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mable-stitchpunk · 2 years
I cannot believe this, but would you believe that there is actually a line of Twisted Ones action figures? Shocking, I know! It was an amazing find. It's both based off of the book Twisted Ones.
There's six glorious figures to the series. Let me show them to you.
The first figure would be of Twisted Freddy:
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Just like his book counterpart, Freddy has numerous rows of teeth, a giant anus on his belly, and is growing Christmas bulbs off his right side. I'm not quite sure what is supposed to plug into his groin- that might be where he is supposed to charge.
Here's how he looks without his face:
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They even added the detail of his aluminum foil endo.
All things considered, very close to the book representation. I'm afraid to say that not all of the figures have this much accuracy, but a very strong start.
Next we have Twisted Bonnie:
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Just like in the book, Bonnie is made out of refitted speaker equipment, and you can see half of what looks like a spongey lung fit into his chest. This was explained in book as being Bonnie's Blood Sponge, so that's a shocking amount of accuracy.
Without his face he looks very similar to Freddy, so I won't show it.
All in all, a rather good showing!
The next figure up would be Chica:
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This is where I have some problems.
See, as you remember from the book, Chica was an animatronic comprised of marshmallow who chases after the teens after they sneak into Big Bird's Burgers and Baked Goods. The figure has her default coloring. HOWVER, it also has her cupcake smooshed on her face. Chica's cupcake didn't get melted onto her face until the toasting scene, so she should be brown and crispy, not this color.
I do appreciate the added detail of the chocolate swirl eyes. I really wished this was the Toasted Chica variant when the chocolate melts and leaks down like tears. Not sure why they didn't go with that one.
Anyway, here's her without the face:
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While I do appreciate the Big Bird themes- if you don't know, Twisted Ones included a promotional crossover with Sesame Street that was ironed out by Scholastic to promote their new "Count the Nights with Freddy" books- as mentioned earlier, Chica is supposed to be filled with chocolate, so the endoskeleton is inaccurate.
While close to her book counterpart, there's just some bizarre changes that I cannot understand.
Onto the next one, Foxy the Pirate:
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Now, surprisingly, Foxy's accuracy is back on track. He even has the brown on his legs from the chase through the sewer scene and the oversized head matches when his suit absorbed all that water.
However, I'm not sure why his internal Birch is green instead of the typical white, and the clogged clump of refuse around his hook should be brown, not orange.
Foxy looks like Freddy and Bonnie under his mask, so I won't provide the picture here. Just know that as Foxy never lost his face in the book, and it was never described, I can't tell you if this is book accurate or not, but it seems close.
All in all, a decent showing. Just some coloring issues.
Now onto the big bad villain himself, William Afton, or Springtrap:
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Springtrap looks fairly accurate, what with his AV cables hanging out and his gold clown nose. This must've been during the scene where he calls forth all the animatronics with his echolocation powers, explaining the gaping mouths.
Here's what he looks out without the mask:
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Surprisingly, William himself looks pretty close to his book description-
"Charlie looked up to see a round, bald head looming over hers. Unblinking red eyes stared so intensely that she could nearly feel the gaze burning on her skin. Upon seeing her look back, his mouth spread into a wide grin, with the gaps between his teeth showing a yellowed void marred by years of ingesting paint. It was Uncle Will."
So, it has that going for it.
The last character is the most interesting though, because through it I realized something I had totally missed during my readings of Twisted Ones.
It is none other than the security guard himself, Jeremy:
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Now, on first glance this seemed to be on-point enough. I remembered the book saying he had dark hair, but not much other than that. In my defense, I hadn't read the book in a long time, so I didn't realize something was off until I remembered the packaging.
I haven't showed you the full packaging of this figures on purpose, I was saving it until now, because there's actually a picture of a night guard on the label. It was only until I opened the Jeremy action figure and remembered his role in the book that I realized that it had to be Jeremy on the label.
But there's one big difference to his action figure counterpart.
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Jeremy is a completely different ethnicity!
Confused, I went and reread the introduction of Jeremy, and I came to a startling realization. I missed something huge.
"The man who had fought off the rancid bear revealed that he was the weekend security guard at the robotics factory. His name was Jeremy Fitzgerald. Jeremy was black."
Jeremy's black! 😲 I had no idea! That's a pretty neat find.
But that means that this is the most inaccurate figure of the bunch. I'm not sure why they accidentally made Jeremy white, though it's possible that they mixed him up with Mike- explaining the blue eyes.
Well, that's the full set! All in all, it's a mixed bag... but a pretty neat find for collectors of Anime Five Nights Game Pizzeria Simulator memorabilia. If you want to get one for yourself, I'll leave the link to Amazon here:
I warn you though, the whole set's a little pricey. Maybe just pick and choose the ones you want. Anyway, hope you found this as interesting as I did!
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one-piece-aus · 3 years
Whumptober Day 28
Kaku x Reader (Part 2)
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Read [Part 1] before continuing
Your eyes slowly opened, looking toward the ceiling. A yawn escaped from your mouth, you were still tired, and you had a throbbing pain in the back of your neck. With how dark your surroundings were, you figured it was midnight which means you should try to get more sleep. You turned to your side, sinking your head into the pillow and pulling the blankets up. The surface you rested on felt soft almost as if it was a cloud, you never felt such comfort in your life.
Wait... your couch wasn't this comfy.
Your eyes shot open and you sat up, glancing down to see not a couch but a bed you never recognized before. You threw the sheets off of you and you scrambled out of the bed and onto the floor, standing up and glancing around. The room you were in may have been dark but you knew this wasn't in your home. Was this another fever dream you were having?
A door opened, light peering in and a figure standing there, identity hidden by the shadows.
"Oh, good. You're finally awake."
The lights in the room were switched on, you had to shield your eyes from the sudden brightness so you could adjust more slowly. You heard the door close and footsteps walking toward you. Not caring if your eyes had fully adjusted or not, you brought down your arms to see who the approacher is, your breath hitched. It was Kaku.
"That sleep medicine must've helped your body get back the amount of sleep you lost, you were out for 52 hours," he told you as if this was a normal conversation. Come to think of it, you did feel refreshed. "Your tummy must be rumbling, how 'bout we scurry over to the kitchen and I'll whip up something for you to eat."
You were feeling hungry, probably since you were asleep for so long. Kaku held out his hand for you, his signature bright smile on his face, it eased you and warmed your heart. You took his hand in yours, your fingers lacing together, and he held you out of what you now believed to be the bedroom.
This seemed like a magical dream that you never wanted to wake up from but it was real, so you didn't have to worry about that.
But Galley-La did.
"[Y/n]?" Paulie called from your front door. He had been there for ten minutes and you still haven't answered the door, and he knew it couldn't be because you were still sleeping. You normally were awake by 2-2:30pm if you managed to fall asleep, it was 3pm now. You also told him you'd fall asleep on the couch the previous day, so it wouldn't take much to wake up you from outside, and he has been knocking on your door. "Maybe she's finally getting out of the house."
Paulie turned to walk away but notice the window to your living room was open, you never had it open since Kaku left. Cautiously, he wandered over to the frame and peeked inside. To his horror, your place was splashed with blood and objects were knocked over. It seemed like some amateur murder broke in your house.
Paulie alerted the authorities, they investigated your house but your body wasn't found. They interrogated many people but no one committed the crime or knew who did. Galley-La didn't know where you were, they didn't know you were alive, and they didn't know you were with Kaku. They thought you were missing or dead, and that brought them great pain.
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ecoamerica · 2 months
Watch the 2024 American Climate Leadership Awards for High School Students now: https://youtu.be/5C-bb9PoRLc
The recording is now available on ecoAmerica's YouTube channel for viewers to be inspired by student climate leaders! Join Aishah-Nyeta Brown & Jerome Foster II and be inspired by student climate leaders as we recognize the High School Student finalists. Watch now to find out which student received the $25,000 grand prize and top recognition!
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Summary: Injured, Jigen makes his escape to the readers apartment, little does the reader know, she's in for a scare.
Warning: Blood, gunshot wound, mentioned death, slight angst?
My AO3
One of your later nights, watching the news for any sign of your thieving gunman and his crew. Jigen could protect himself nonetheless, but you were still worried, with a world of possibilities out there, anything could have happened.
Your phone lights up on the cushion beside you, the caller ID on the screen making your heart stutter. Fumbling the phone at first, you steady your hand and pick up.
"I'm on my way, I'll be there shortly." Jigen's gruff voice barks at you. "Jigen, wait-"
The phone beeps in your ear, indicating that the call has ended. letting out a frustrated sigh, you drop your phone back down on the cushion.
Jigen would most likely be coming in with some sort of injury, saying that he's hurt. Jigen always did that. Standing, you collected all of the tools you may need and promptly plopped down on the futon. Anxiously your knee bounced, a number of things might have happened, you preferred not think about it though.
Snapped out of your daze, sirens wailed past, the screeching of tires braking hard on pavement moving you to throw open your window and peer out. Your heart thumped lowly in your ears, eyes searching for your boyfriend's hat among the sidewalk, stomach beginning to churn only moments before a door opened behind you.
"Jigen," you addressed him, closing the window and turning your attention to the lanky gunman, who stumbled towards your couch.
"Good to see you too," Jigen groaned. Sitting down finally, he takes his jacket off in the process. You grab it from his hands, resting it on the table beside your medical supplies.
"What happened?" You asked as you leaned down on your knees before him.
Jigen began to unbutton his shirt, the bright red against the baby blue fabric making you grimace.
"Bullet wound. I didn't move in time." Jigen answered bluntly. He laid his head back, mouth agape trying to catch his breath still.
"I'm getting too old for this." He mused. Looking up at him unamused, you spoke. "You're not even in your thirties."
Jigen didn't speak from there, allowing you to work as quickly as you could. You were all but okay during that time, the amount of blood that had to be cleaned up was almost sickening. It worried you that he was losing so much, it might cause him to be put in the hospital. As much as Jigen would have liked to say that he was okay, he knew he was far from, he would only be lying then. Having already lost so much blood, he was beginning to feel dizzy, his breathing becoming rapid.
"Jigen? Are you okay?" Your hand firmly shook his shoulder, snapping him from his daze. Surely he would have passed out if not for you, he didn't want to scare you anyways.
"I'll be fine." Jigen waved off your concern. Laying his head back once more, closing his eyes.
You watched him wearily, looking up as often as your steady working hands would allow, Jigen looked as though he had seen a ghost. He was so pale. You finally finished with everything, so focused on just getting his wound treated, that you never noticed him drift off to sleep. At first you nudged him lightly, calling his name with no response. You waited, allowing enough time for him to have responded.
"Jigen." You said sternly, nudging his shoulder. You waited again, your heart beginning to beat lowly in your ears. The thought of him having died in that time without you noticing, scared you to death. Grabbing his shoulders rather roughly, you shook him.
"Daisuke!" You yelled.
Jigen awoke with a start, his hat falling off, and his hand instinctively reaching for his gun. His eyes scanned the room before they landed on you, your eyes wide and just beginning to water. Confused, Jigen reached forward, grasping your hands and holding them gently.
"What's wrong?" He asked
You sat beside him, removing your hands from his, wiping the tears from your face. Reaching out, you slapped the gunman on the chest, the fear from before now turning into mild anger.
"What was that for?" Jigen whined. You crossed your arms.
"Asshole. I thought you died!" You fussed. Jigen paused, processing what you said, then leaned back against the couch. He flinched lightly, having moved roughly when he first awoke must've strained the wound. Heaving a sigh, he spoke. "Well, I'm okay."
Deciding not to say anything else, you huffed and leaned against his shoulder. After a few minutes he nudged you, asking you to lean forward; you complied. He draped his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him and laying his head atop of yours. You closed your eyes, from weeks of late nights spent worrying, and little to no sleep, it was starting to catch up to you; That or it was because Jigen was finally home, and okay. Nonetheless you were happy and content right where you were, close to falling asleep against him.
"Are you not going to clean up?" Jigen pondered.
Cracking open your eyes and shutting them again, you shifted against him. "I'll do it in the morning." You responded groggily.
Jigen hummed, knowing that he would have his clothes washed and your supplies cleaned before you woke, and then he would be gone again. As much as he hated to leave you waking up alone, he had a job to do. When the time would allow, he would stay for as long as possible, and maybe once you're ready he'll take you with him; But that was a lifetime away. He would just enjoy this while he could.
You woke the next morning in your bed, the sun shining through the curtains and the sound of shuffling outside your door. Sitting up with a yawn, you took the moment to gather your thoughts and get up. Moving towards your door and stepping out into the hallway, you were greeted by Jigen pulling his previously bloody clothes out of the dryer.
"You're up a bit early. Don't you think so?" He asked as he threw his jacket on the couch and began to pull on his shirt. You shook your head, stepping closer behind him, slipping your hands around his waist you nuzzled into his warm back.
Jigen glanced back at you, a small smile on his face.
"So Daisuke, huh?" He teased lovingly.
Letting go of his waist and moving to see his face clearly, you remembered the events from last night and the scare that followed.
"What? You like that or something?" You mused, settling down on the cushion beside his jacket. You snatched up his jacked and held it close.
He raised a brow at you, grasping at his jacket and trying to tug it away from you, only for you to roll away. "No, I just think it's cute." He admitted. Towering over you from behind in an attempt to grab his jacket, you giggled at his failed attempt.
"C'mon give it up." He urged, tickling at your sides. You wiggled and squirmed underneath Jigen, smiling up at him, your grasp on his jacket still strong.
"Stop!" You squeaked. He prevailed with a smile much like your own. "Not until you give me my jacket." He stated.
Seconds of tickling passed by before you gave up, claiming. "White flag, I give up!"
"Finally," Jigen smiled lightly, taking his jacket from your arms and pulling it on. "About time." He teased you. Sitting up and crossing your arms, you pouted.
"Please stay, just a few more minutes." You begged.
Jigen stopped what he was doing to look at you, his smile dropping and his eyes dimming. Sighing, he knelt down in front of you.
"Y/n, you know I have too. We both don't want me to leave, but I have no choice." He explained.
You avoided his gaze, your bright eyes saddening with the thought of him leaving, again.
"Here," Jigen suddenly said. "Keep this." Placing his hat over your face and pulling it down just below your eyes, he placed a chaste kiss against your lips. He didn't linger there for more than a few seconds, the barking of tires outside requesting his company.
As he pulled away, you lifted the hat from your gaze, stumbling to race him towards the window. Grasping his arm tightly just before he was about to jump onto the fire escape, you pulled him back in. Moving your hand to his cheek, you placed a quick kiss on his lips.
"For good luck." You said.
"C'mon Jigen! Hurry up!" Lupin shouted from the street below.
Jigen hastily turned his head to the window, "I'll be there in just a moment." He yelled. Once he had his attention back on you for the moment being, you gave him a hug.
"Please be safe." You said.
Hugging you back softly, he smiled. "Of course."
"Pops is on his way!" Lupin yelled again.
Letting him go, he slipped out onto the fire escape, jumping into the yellow car below. You leaned out the window, "I love you!" You shouted. You could see him look up at you with a bright smile on his face, and a small wave before they raced off around the corner.
You stepped back into your apartment, closing the window and pulling the hat from your head. It was special to him, it surprised you that he even handed it to you. Thankful, you were glad he trusted you with it. The weeks ahead would be boring, draining, and lonely, but soon enough he would be back; in which you would be able to take him up on the offer of joining him. Until then you would wait for him, like you always did.
The wind brushed through Jigen's hair, and he sank into the seat. It wouldn't be too much longer before he would be coming back for that hat, and hopefully if you agreed, he would be coming back for you too. Either way he would be happy to see you again.
Lupin glanced at his partner, a smile on his face.
"Down bad huh?" Lupin teased. Jigen's peace of mind was shattered, bringing on his usual scowl.
"Don't act like you're not down bad too you womanizer." He fussed.
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tswiftownsmyheart · 3 years
(A kanej fanfic)
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The hall buzzed with voices. This amount of kruge must've put Kaz in a good mood for today, thought Inej. She walked through the gambling parlor, on her way to Kaz's room. She would've slid through his window as she always did, but she had some stirring news. Why not this, she had said to herself. She was looking forward to tonight. Even for her, it was one of the best nights she could think of. Outside the Slat, the crowd moved on as usual. She waited by the bar for Kaz to come out. He'd asked her to meet him out there once she had gotten hold of the much-awaited news. "Another shot Kalem," a voice said.
"Did not spend the night at a gambling parlor, Jesper? This day has surely been pulled out of the year," Inej smirked.
"What do you think this is my love?" Jesper retorted in his usual charming manner. She quickly gulped down the shot before he could even reach the table. "Hey! That's mine"
"Well go ahead, take it back," Inej grinned. "Another one for me, Kalem," he said. Looking back at her he asked, "So, what's the Wraith doing here? Anything you need my guns for?"
"I've been waiting for Kaz here, who should've been here a long time ago." Saying this she hopped off the table and walked to Kaz's door. She would've knocked but she'd learned better than that over the years. As she closed the door behind her, she felt something by her feet. A fedora. Kaz's fedora. She walked to his bedroom, but she wished she'd thought against it. What she saw would stay with her for all her days. Something she would've never dreamt of. There, by the window tumbled in a heap was a body. His cane was protruding from somewhere below his chest. The crow's head hung there, dripping with blood. His hair was over his face, disheveled. She couldn't look straight at his face. His gloves were still on but they looked like they'd been through a sleepless night. She heard a gentle plop as the fedora fell from her hands. She wanted to run to the body, hug it tight and mourn. The girl who'd survived the Barrel wanted to find the soul who'd dared to enter the place he would regret in his dreams and stab him with every knife she could hold. She wanted to end the life of the bastard who'd dared to take away Kaz from her. His life from him. A life he survived being the worst demjin you could dream of, she thought. The Bastard of the Barrel, Dirtyhands, the boy who had been through too much, was no more. Rage shone brightly in her eyes. Her fury knew no bounds. She left the sad, mourning girl in the dark corner of her heart which hadn't been visited in long. She would deal with her later. Right now, the barrel would see the wrath of Inej Ghafa. That's when she saw what she should've long ago. A note. It laid on Kaz's table which was covered in papers and maps. She picked it up and dropped it just as quick. She drew her knives and jumped out the window. The golden lion on the paper shimmered as the light in his room flickered.
"The killing was the best part of it," said one voice.
"I'd never thought it would stay the same but it did. It was so fun seeing the color fade from his eyes. Boss would've never allowed us in if he weren't sure of it," said another.
"I'm sure this means a raise. Oh the plans I have to spend it," said a third as all of them started laughing. More like cackling. In an evil undertone.
She would've pounced from the shadows and killed them and then and there, but she knew better. Her real aim lay in the room across her. She just had to find a way to get there. Brick by brick, she told herself. But how? She could've handled the two, but three? Plus there'd be more in the hall. She couldn't risk being seen. She wanted to finish Pekka Rollins. Make his worst wish come true. And she would. She then saw it. The vent in the roof. It was approachable from where she stood. She just needed a distraction to get there. Before she could think about anything, the distraction walked right through the door as if to serve her. As the man walked down the hall, people all around cheered. Loud and crowded. Just what she needed. She used the small dents along the wall to quickly climb the wall, and she was in the vents in no time. She wiggled through the vents trying to find an opening. They were too small, even for her. She felt them closing in with every breath she took. She heard a noise and lurched ahead just to find a grill. An opening. She moved towards it and pulled open the cover from the hinges holding them with one hand. Not all vent covers were connected to the vent. She'd learned that the hard way. She gracefully slid down into a dark void that seemed endless. No light, no sounds, nothing. She tried to find a wall, possibly a lamp or a door. She thought she felt a window. "Not that quick, Inej, is it?" a voice behind her asked. She jerked behind with a knife in each hand but all she could see was the dark. "You walked right into my trap didn't you little lynx?" She lost grip on reality for a second when she heard that name. Little lynx. Tante Heleen. The Menagerie. It all came flowing back to her. "Who are you? Step forward," she demanded. But that one second was all they needed. All around her she could feel the presence. She was about to slash her knives ahead of her but a number of hands caught her. She struggled, fought, tried to wriggle out, but they were too many. The knives were still in her hands. She tried moving her wrists when something, someone grabbed them out of her hands as if the blades didn't hurt the flesh it touched at all. She felt betrayed. They called her the Wraith, and she felt a tug in her gut when the shadows had chosen someone else to shelter. "Come on out you hellhound. Show me your face if you were raised in the Barrel."
That's when the lights filled the room. Every corner of it. No shadows spared. She looked at him right in the face. He grinned at her. Creepily. It felt familiar. The face, the voice. "What business? Who are you?" she barked.
"Oh, not a bad man at all. You're very polite though I see. I'm just here to talk to you." "I am not here to talk. Leave me alone. I want a meeting with Pekka Rollins. I need to even some scores" "Oh, you think he did that?" The hands holding her started laughing. She recognized some of them. They were from the halls.
"What do you mean, think? And what do you know about my business?"
"If your business is about Mr. Brekker and his cane, I know all about it my dear. I had a hand in it too"
"But the dim-"
"Oh, the note? Ha! that was easy to counterfeit. It lead you straight to us didn't it?"
"You mean-"
"Yes yes, I killed him. Very well now that we have got that out of our paths let's-" "WHY DID YOU DO IT? YOU HURT KAZ-"
"Oh no, I never laid a finger on your Mr.Brekker. He is quite safe. Asleep though. It's you I intend to talk to."
"I don't understand," Inej muttered after a pause. Then almost as if the epiphany struck her, she glared at him and exclaimed, "You faked it! That wasn't Kaz! You tailored him. That's what they were talking about."
"Yes you're quite smart indeed little lynx," at which Inej growled, but he ignored it and went on, "Now, if you want him to awake from the sleep he is in, we have some matters at hand. You worked in the menagerie before you became Brekker's spider didn't you?"
"I was slaved there, I did not work there"
"Yeah, whatever. Well, I need some work done. I need you to go back there and collect some information for me. It seems Heleen van Houden has been taking away my customers."
"And why do you think I am going to listen to a coward like you who couldn't fight me himself"
"Because if you don't, I kill Brekker and throw him in the harbor where no one will ever find him." She flinched at that. "Didn't he flee the room you kept him in? I head your guys talking"
"Did he now?" he said pulling away and glancing at his boys. That was all she needed. She elbowed one guy in his gut and he gave away. She lurched forward and broke his nose with her forehead. He doubled over. She picked up her knife and slashed two of them. Two more came but she used the boss, jumped over him, and attacked the other two. The guy on her right had risen, but one swift movement, and she had hit him in the shoulder and numb his arms. She then gashed at another's calf and he fell down. Someone got on her back, but she doubled over, pulled him above, and threw him down, then with a smooth kick, knocked him unconscious. She saw the boss scrawling towards the door and hissed, "Not so soon little guy." She pulled him back, made a rapid motion, and saw drops of blood on his shirt. "That's just a warning," she said holding a blade dangerously near his neck. "Now the business. Who are you? And where is Kaz?"
"I-I own the new pleasure house on the West Stave. Heleen had started taking away my customers hers so I-I needed someone to find me secrets. Leave me, ple-please."
She stared at him for a while examining his features. Something she knew. Something at the back of her mind. She was rummaging through her memories. That's when her eyes narrowed. "What did you say your name was?"
"Ajendro," he stammered. She saw sweat glistening on his forehead.
"You used to come to the menagerie didn't you?" "Some-sometimes..." With one unhesitating motion of her blade, she let the dead soul fall onto the ground, and she joined her home, her shadows. She scaled the walls as easily as you slide on marble. In a quick scan, she found the room Kaz was in. It had the smallest hole in the wall that could be taken as a window but it was all she needed. She quietly slipped inside just to find another dark room. Why they hated lights, she had no idea. This time the moonlight shone through the room illuminating it enough for her to see him though. He lay there motionless. His gloves are still on, she noticed. He had some blood on his face, which meant he had tried fighting his way out. Seeing him like that sent a shiver down her spine. She briskly moved towards him and whispered, Kaz. When he did not seem to respond, she called him again. She called him out a third time and his eyes flickered. "Inej," he murmured. He glanced around the room as if to get a hold of the present. She helped him stand up. "How did they get the Bastard?"
He ignored her and limped to get his cane which was carefully kept in a corner of the room. "How did you get here?"
"It was quite easy. They drugged you right?" Still no response.
"We need to get out now though. There are a lot of people outside." He slightly nodded. She could see he was still hurting. As he walked across the room, she could see his limp had worsened. "Can we take them?"
"Among the two of us, no. I might have a plan though. How's your leg?"
"Good enough to get us out of here"
She opened the door with the slightest click and looked outside. The noise had quietened but the crowd remained. She quietly slipped out and returned in a moment. She looked at him and a mutual understanding passed. Follow me. They slipped out, walking into corridors. He stopped her with her cane when they'd gotten a little far away. "Footsteps," he muttered. They slipped into an empty room in the hall. A huge open window lay open as beams of moonlight entered the room. The sky was clear for once. His hair glistened with sweat and his eyes were like the color of the sky when a storm is brewing. With Kaz, there always is, she thought to herself. She walked towards the window and glanced down. "How good are you with leaps?" she asked him, with a slight smile. He walked to her, looked down, and said "Good enough."
She took out a blade just in case and held out her hand. Hold it, you'll need it. He looked into her moonlit face and reluctantly took it. With that, they both sprung from the second floor of the mansion and into the darkness below.
She wasn't ever going to have a perfect prince. But when she looked into his eyes when they got below, she knew that her fairytale didn't need one.
Cover page fanart- @eerna
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morbid-n-macabre · 5 years
This case is very reminiscent of a 70's horror movie. It's interesting, to say the least!
Toledo, Ohio-
Father Gerald Robinson was a Catholic priest who tended to the sick and dying at Mercy Hospital, meeting their spiritual needs in times when a priest is needed most. Or, that's what he was supposed to be doing; today many believe that Father Robinson may have been hiding a dark side.
So, we will begin our story on Saturday, April 5th of 1980; it was Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. It's fair to say that this holiday is a big deal for most Christians, and that's especially true for Catholics. When an unsuspecting Sister Phyllis Ann came to help decorate the hospital chapel for the upcoming festivities, she received the shock of her life: the much respected 71 year old Sister Margaret Ann Pahl's corpse was discovered laying in a pool of blood.
So, Sister Margaret had devoted her entire life to her faith and helping others. She had taken her vows as a teenager, and later became a registered nurse who did her best to serve those around her. It's said that, while caring, the sister could be difficult to please; she was a perfectionist who expected everyone to give their 100% all the time, just as she always had.
Sister Margaret had been tortured, stabbed dozens of times, and strangled. This killer had placed an altar cloth over the nun and stabbed her 9 times in the chest; together these particular wounds made the shape of an upside down (inverted) cross. Then the attacker had stabbed her over and over again in the face and neck; all together the sister sufferered 31 stab wounds, to be precise. It appeared that at some point Sister Margaret had been given her last rites, except her head had been anointed with her own blood instead of oil! Still, the worst part may have been the sexual assault, it is rumored that she'd been violated with a crucifix. Think of how awful this must've been for Sister Margaret, who had joined the convent at the tender age of 19; it's safe to assume that she had been a virgin. At some point Sister Margaret was taken to a special room called the sacristy; this is the place in which the Holy Eucharist is kept in the days prior to Easter Sunday. Considering Catholics believe that the Eucharist is the embodiment of Christ, it's likely this killer believed he was killing the good sister in the physical presence of her savior. Another thing which should be noted: this particular room would've been kept shut, likely even locked in the days before the holiday; this killer knew what he was doing. In this sacred room the killer posed Sister Margaret with her arms and legs straight; the poor nun's underwear had been pulled all the way down, and her dress pulled way up. It was as if the murderer had tried his best not only to kill this woman, but to utterly destroy her; it's possible he believed he was sending her soul to the lake of fire. But who in the hell would do this to a helpless elderly nun, in a hospital chapel, on the day before Easter?
Back to Father Gerald Robinson again. It quickly came to light that the Father and Sister hadn't exactly gotten along, which had been no secret around the hospital. Matter of fact, a day or so before the murder these two had had a tiff in front of many witnesses. Father Robinson had significantly shortened a Mass, which had thoroughly ticked the "old school" nun off so badly that she challenged his authority, right there in front of God and everybody! Father Robinson, who quickly became investigators best suspect, was brought in and questioned. A sharp letter opener shaped as a sword was found among the priest's belongings, and it appeared to have blood up underneath it. Police took this into evidence, but nothing ever came of any of this at the time; the priest was simply reassigned elsewhere, the case went cold, and life went on.
The horrific murder of Sister Margaret may still be considered unsolved today if not for a seemingly rather outlandish story. In 2003 an unnamed woman filed a lawsuit claiming that she'd recently recalled some trauma from her childhood. She remembered having been placed in a coffin filled with cockroaches, penetrated with a snake, forced to consume a human eyeball, and that she witnessed not only the torture of animals but also the murder of a toddler. Really gruesome stuff. The 41 year old claimed that she'd experienced all of this and more in various basements at the hands of Catholic priests; but not just any old priest stuck out in her mind, Father Robinson had been one of her abusers! The accuser now thought it only fair that the church pay for her therapy bill, a total of $50,000. A few other women came forward, and they claimed to have also experienced similar abuse; the matter was investigated but, considering how much time had passed, nothing ever came of this. Well, nothing except it brought the cold case of Sister Margaret front and center once again to a new batch of investigators.
Come to find out, the original investigation had been suspect from the beginning. The initial interrogation of Father Robinson had been cut short by Deputy Police Chief Ray Vetter, a devout Catholic. Reports which had been ordered turned in to Vetter had been "lost"; other investigators who had worked the case remember being outraged by the facade, and many were still fuming over it all of these years later! Finally given the chance to properly investigate this murder, police spoke to multiple witnesses who could place the priest at the scene of the crime, and Sister Margaret's corpse was exhumed. It was determined with a decent amount of certainty that the letter opener found among the priest's possessions had been the murder weapon, and police were finally able to arrest him.
During trial the prosecution claimed it would've been unlikely that anyone besides a priest, nun, or a seminarian would have possessed the knowledge to pull commit this crime. Also the woman with the repressed memories was brought up, it appears that she may have even testified against the priest. Buzz words/phrases such as "human sacrifice", "satanic cult", and "Satanic Ritual Abuse" were used; it was as if the 80's called and wanted their Satanic Panic back - it was very reminiscent of what happened with the McMartin Preschool. Anyways, on May 11th of 2006 a jury found Father Robinson guilty of murder; the priest was sent off to prison for a 15 years to life sentence.
Seems pretty open and shut, right? Well, not quite; many were not satisfied with the verdict. While much of the evidence, be it circumstantial, does point directly at Father Robinson, it appears that the prosecution withheld some important things from the jury. This included unknown male DNA found beneath the Nun's fingernails, and a report written by a FBI trained profiler named Dr. Harley Stock. According to this report, an experienced killer such as Coral Eugene Watts was likely to be the culprit, probably not a priest with an axe to grind. DNA tests were run on multiple suspects, including another priest and the aforementioned serial killer, but none were a match. When you add the missing, lost, and/or destroyed evidence, many believe that the priest caught an unfair shake; plus a lot of people don't believe that repressed memories should've been heard. The prosecutor has been accused of misconduct, and there was even some talk of granting the priest a new trial.
Father Robinson didn't last too long behind bars, he passed away on the 4th of July in 2014; a heart attack took him out at the age of 76. He received a priest's funeral service in which more than 200 people, including dozens of nuns, were in attendance. While some are still trying to clear the priest's tarnished reputation to this very day, others are adamant that he was guilty of killing Sister Margaret. It's all up for debate.
Do you think that repressed memories should be permitted at trial? Do you think the priest was guilty, innocent, or maybe he had a partner in crime?
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To my Satanic Followers,
Before I am bombarded with comments and messages from you fine folks, please understand that I have researched your beliefs as I find all religions fascinating. I am very much aware that the Satanism does not call for human (be it adult or child) sacrifice, nor does it condone mistreatment of a child. I get it, I'm just telling you about this particular case. I'm very much Christian, but I do not judge anyone on their beliefs.
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