#she’s literally just a product of her upbringing
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yuikomorii · 4 months
I don't think Yui is dumb I think that's just a product of being sheltered
By her father
Before the sakamaki brothers ruined her
// The thing is, she WASN’T necessarily sheltered. At least, I wouldn’t call it like that. She used to go to a normal school, in MB she mentioned that she used to hang out with her former friends, Seiji bought her a new phone, he allowed her to buy magazines for teens and any book she wanted (including Vampire ones). While it’s true that her father was strict, he still gave her freedom. To sum it up, she had a normal upbringing.
A sheltered character is one who is compelled by their parents to stay inside, not allowed to talk to or do anything they want, and limited to the content provided by their parents. Then, sure, I understand why those characters end up being so foolish, naive, delusional, ignorant, and incapable of working with others.
But, idk, here for example, the fact she really thought the Mukamis would only own a knee-deep pool and decided to jump with CLOTHES ON, then almost drowned… yeah, she’s an idiot for sure, haha. Literally even children are aware of the illusion that causes objects to appear larger or closer underwater than they are.
The Diaboys are definitely NOT to blame for her lack of intelligence. xD
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some-pers0n · 1 month
Back on my Peril ramblings again guys
Peril is a character with a lot of polarizing opinions. You've got some people who love her to death, while others who, well, don't. The people who dislike her will go about how she's obsessive. Too clingy and relies far too much on Clay. That or go on about how she's just rude, mean, dangerous, and overall kind of a bad person. I...couldn't disagree more if I'll be blunt.
For starters, Peril is in a difficult situation. She was molded and shaped by her childhood. What she is now is a product of being raised as a living weapon. She was seen as being dangerous and a blight on dragon society. A hazard that, at any moment, could kill somebody. She is danger. She is peril.
Scarlet took hold of that. Scarlet manipulated this tiny dragonet that she stole away from her mother and raised her, feeding her lies in order to keep her docile and dependent. She was never alone. Never to act on her own accord. Anything she did was first of all approved by Scarlet, somebody she trusted and loved in a way. All Peril ever knew was hate and fear, so a dragon showing her any other emotions felt like love.
Peril is...unstable to say the very least. Like I just said, she's got a warped sense of relationships due to her upbringing. She has literally nobody outside the walls of the SkyWing palace. She clings to those she deems as friends and loved ones as she knows nothing else. She craves that feeling of love and especially touch. She has never known the love of a mother's hug. She has never felt the wings of a friend comforting her in a time of crisis. She only wants to be held and loved, but she cannot. She was born wrong. She is unlovable in her eyes. That's what everyone tells her at least.
It's when Clay comes along that things change. For once, she's seeing a dragon who, while still kinda scared of her...is respectful. He holds conversations with her. He's nice, friendly, and when she hears that he tried killing his troop, she immediately relates. It's one of those things that I feel Sick about, where in Clay and Peril both are deemed to be monsters since the moment they hatched when in reality they weren't at fault for anything. Clay and Peril are so good when you actually treat them like characters.
The point is that Peril sees herself in Clay. For the first time ever, she finds a dragon like her. A dragon that at the very least tolerates her. After years of abuse and being shunned and seen as nothing more than a monster, it's basically like Clay is giving her a boquete of roses and confessing his undying love.
She becomes obsessed, even more so when she's eventually free from Scarlet, but that comes later. She holds him to such high regards and views him as a dragon she wants to be around. She's easily jealous when other dragons talk to him. She's protective and constantly wants to be near him. She adores him.
Yada yada, the whole fight scene happens between her and Clay. Scarlet notices that Peril is rather fond of Clay and is using her emotions to manipulate her further. Again, Scarlet is extremely manipulative of Peril. She's the one who molded her into this. She's the one who was responsible for this. She's the one who made Peril feel as though all she could ever be in life was a murder machine, and that Scarlet was doing her a favour by letting that be her existence as opposed to killing her. Scarlet made Peril dependent on her.
So when she's gone...Peril feels lost. She feels like she's the blame for one of the very, very few dragons in her life that at least cared about her being gone. Now she's alone and seen once again as a creep. A weirdo. She doesn't belong here, not in the Sky Kingdom. Osprey is dead (another example of Scarlet toying with Peril's emotions cause the one time she acts out she has to suffer for it) and she's just tossed into the world without warning.
She in turn seeks out Scarlet, eventually finding her. Despite all of the abuse and suffering that Scarlet has put her through, she has nobody else. Scarlet's twisted and distorted love is the only thing she knows. She feels guilty for everything that happened to her.
I think it's easy for people to not really understand Peril if they don't really get her situation. What I lay it out, it sounds pretty easy to understand. Peril is a deeply traumatized and abused character who is shaped by her trauma and struggles to exist in this world as she only knows to kill. She's trying to unlearn all of this. She wants to be better. She's trying to be better.
That's what Escaping Peril is all about: Peril's recovery.
Escaping Peril is the conclusion to Peril's arc, with her coming to grips and terms with her trauma and by the end realizing that she is her own person. Over the course of the book, she struggles a lot. She goes back and forth on her feelings with Scarlet, conflicted on whether she loves her or wants to kill her. Perhaps both at the same time. It's messy and she feels lost and hopeless.
The only real thing that seems to be a beacon of light in her life is Clay, whom is basically not even in this book. Clay is her moral compass here. Anything she does has to be something she believes Clay would approve of. She's doing the exact same thing that she's done for years with Scarlet because, yet again, it's literally the only thing she knows. She is a deeply hurt character who struggles with the whole morality thing because ever since she was a dragonet she's been a child solider. She's trying to unlearn it all.
Which is helped significantly with her friends, namely Turtle. She isn't alone. She has a group of dragons who care for her and like her the way she is. Again, the themes of friendship and togetherness is a very strong one in this arc. The Jade Winglet learn how to be themselves and how they don't need to pretend to be somebody they aren't with a group of dragons who love them for who they are.
Peril...learns. She learns. She grows. I cannot emphasize this enough since some of you guys still don't get that part. Her character shifts and changes and develops over the course of this book. She learns that she doesn't need to depend on somebody for her own actions. Hell, by the end of the book, she burns the scroll of her own volition, knowing fully well that Clay would've hated that. She's acting of her own accord. She learns that she's not a monster and doesn't need to have her flamescales be repressed to be liked.
She's a deeply traumatized character who is trying to get better. She has been getting better, and she will only get better with time. She's happy now. She's happy with her friends and loved ones. Everything will be okay.
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giac222 · 4 months
It’s so funny to see people on Twitter get so worked up over TCOAAL. It’s like they go out of their way to talk about how much they hate the game. They will literally go to the accounts of people who post fan art/content of the game and act like a dick in the replies 🤦🏻‍♀️. It’s like omg get a damn life, if you hate the game so much why are you going out of your way to interact with people who like it???
Also, people getting this angry over a fictional animated horror game is so incredibly unserious to me, mind you there’s literally nothing super graphic in the game either. This is a prime example of a 1st world problem. I remember hearing about the controversy through a YouTube video and I was like wtf? Let me see what’s going on lol. Then I watched a play through on YouTube and I thought to myself “This is what people are so upset over??” I’ve never seen such fake moral outrage in my life 💀.
That’s actually how I became a fan of the game, I’ve been a fan of horror stuff for quite some time now and I love weirdo horror computer games, so I was glad to find something new! After watching the play through I bought the game and played it myself. Andrew and Ashley Graves have now wormed their way into my heart 🙄✋🏻 lmao. Seriously though, once you look deeper into their characters you see how they weren’t born evil, they’re just a product of their god awful environment and how their parents failed them. I’ve talked about this before so I’ll keep it brief, but ESPECIALLY Ashley, that girl had a terrible childhood and Andrew was the only one she could rely on, so of course she’s terrified of losing him. Not making excuses for her, but that explains why she goes to extreme measures to keep him around, because she thinks that’s the only way he’ll stay with her, she doesn’t think that someone could love her without her doing all that. Even though we know he’s equally obsessed with her and would stay no matter what, Ashley doesn’t know that yet. That’s why it’s frustrating for me to see people completely ignore that Ashley is a victim too. She was quite literally treated as disposable by everyone except for Andrew.
I have such a soft spot for both Ashley and Andrew as characters, because even though they’re flawed individuals, they both had a shitty upbringing and the world they live in is trash + it hates them. That’s why I want them to have a happy ending, after everything, they deserve some happiness for once. 🥲 🥲
Anyway, I also think these people have a hard time differentiating fiction from reality and that’s actually concerning to me. I’ve seen this type of behavior before but now it seems worse than ever, not just with TCOAAL but other forms of fictional media too. An example I can think of is when people will ship two costars in real life because they played lovers in a movie or TV show, to the point where they even talk shit about the actors real life partners. It’s so embarrassing to see. I also would not be shocked if one day people started saying we can’t make slasher films anymore because they “glorify” murder. The way some of these people act, they make it sound like if anything bad is portrayed in media that means it’s automatically being glorified or encouraged. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Now don’t get it twisted, I understand if someone simply isn’t a fan of the game, it’s not for everyone and I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. I respect that. I just think it’s stupid af to go and harass fans of the game just because YOU don’t like it. Not to mention people attempting to dox Nemlei causing her to nuke all of her social media presence. I don’t blame her though because doxxing is scary. I’ve seen people say she deserved the attempted dox just because she created the game, so.. you’re angry over a fictional psychological horror game with fictional characters because it portrays bad things, but you support the attempted doxxing of a real person? Which could have been really dangerous for them… Alright. Lmao, like ok, yeah, you’re soooo morally superior to everyone else 😍. I do not understand their thought process.
Let me just share what I saw someone post about TCOAAL on Twitter tonight. This is what they said:
“its literally ashley manipulating andrew into just agreeing with the incestuous relationship that shes forcing onto him. if i remember correctly they literally have sex in the game.”
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. If someone has a take which involves Ashley solely being the problem and that Andrew is just a softy who can do no wrong and was forced to do everything he’s done, I discard their opinion because they don’t know what they’re talking about and are just seeing what they want to see 🤷🏻‍♀️. Mind you, Andrew is the one who has sexual feelings for Ashley, not the other way around. We know Ashley loves Andrew, but sex isn’t a big deal to her and if they never slept together she wouldn’t care. The way they haven’t even had sex in the game either, people love to say that lmao, it’s a vision and we don’t even see anything explicit, we just know what happened.
Not only do we have haters of the game blame Ashley for everything, but other fans of the game (Reddit community) do the exact same thing. It’s rough out here y’all. 😭 I need them to stop speaking about her immediately. 😂
Another reason I don’t take them seriously is because I can guarantee you they didn’t keep the same energy for Game of Thrones, House of the Dragons, or Flowers in the Attic. I’m sure there’s more, but those are the main examples I can think of. That’s another reason why I didn’t understand the controversy, they act like it’s the first time incest has ever been portrayed in fictional media??? Regardless though, I just don’t understand why people would get this worked up over something that’s not real. Andrew and Ashley are literally pixels on a screen, they aren’t real people. 💀
But the worst of all, I’ve seen people call TCOAAL pedophilic???????? Words used to mean things! I have no idea how someone could even get that from the game, Ashley is 20 and Andrew is 22, so? People just say anything.
Adding this in here even though this has been posted already, but now people are saying that Ashley groomed Andrew on Tik Tok….. I am tiredddd. 💀 These people will jump through literal hoops to try and prove that Andrew isn’t as bad as Ashley I cannot.
At the end of the day, anyone with common sense can differentiate fiction from reality and knows that what the game portrays is wrong in real life. I mean it’s a psychological horror game. Psychological horror focuses on mental, emotional, and psychological states to disturb and unsettle the viewers. I just feel like the hate for the game is so forced at this point.
Me when I see yet another god awful take about TCOAAL:
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I decided to make a post on this because I’ve had these opinions for a while and I wanted to talk about it.
Thanks for reading. ❤️
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blues-valentine · 10 months
I understood where Gina’s mom was coming from, how difficult it is to be a single mom (as far as we can assume since no father had been mentioned in Gina’s life) and to also have a steady and successful job and that Terri wants that for her own daughter but it was done all types of wrong. She lost me simply by the fact that she was not doing anything at all because of her daughters own interests and happiness. She was doing all of that because it’d benefit her and would give Gina status she craves for herself. Gina’s mom was giving all types of controlling manager mother. And did not even for one second stopped to think if her daughter was happy or comfortable. There’s a lot of things wrong with their relationship. Miss me with whatever speech some of you have on her.
A lot of the reason Gina felt the need to act the way she did when we meet her at the start of the series is because of her mom and how little attention, nurturing and care went into her upbringing. The reason Gina had so many identity issues comes from her own home. Her mom was straight up telling her 16 year old daughter that it isn’t worth doing anything is she’s not #1. And that was on Season 1. And not wonder a lot of Gina’s personality was shaped by the desire to win and impress her. Gina’s mom has never shown up for her to any of her important moments in her new school, literally only showed up for her last day on the movie set because “it’s Hollywood”. Like, I really don’t care if it’s her mom. She’s not a good mother.
Teenagers deserve respect and also put their own boundaries and they should not blindly “respect their parents” simply because of whatever “sacrifices” they do for them. As if it is a shore that demands loyalty. Parents should not push their kids to be a copy of themselves but encourage space for individuality. Your job as a parent is to give your kid love and attention not just a roof over their head. If you think kids own everything to their parents even when there’s a clear disconnect in their bond. Don’t have kids. There’s a reason Gina considers the people she found on drama club and Miss Jenn to be more her family than her own mother. I really couldn’t care less if it was disrespectful that Ricky clocked her for being an unavailable parent with that opening night comment. It was deserved. Her mom was probably not thinking of going herself if it wasn’t for that comment. Ricky also had an unavailable mother like a year ago until Lynne Bowen came to the light and remembered co-parenting is a thing.
Like, I get that any mother would worry about her teenager daughter sneaking around with her boyfriend – who doesn’t have a set future yet. But her argument completely falls void when she’s trying to get her daughter to date her co-star simply because it pushes her career. Straight up viewing her daughter as a product.
The only mom that deserves praise in the show is Kourtney’s mom that cares for her daughters needs and wants equally and gives her space.
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sageandred · 3 months
The "Real" Message of The Show
No matter what, people will be determined to classify someone as "bad" when a new series drops. like people can't be viewed through the lens of being "neutral" or "good people who make bad decisions"...despite that typically being how people are???
When I watched season one, I only really paid attention to Wille and Simon, but when I did a rewatch, I really saw all the moving parts and how much YR was a super cohesive story with intertwining of all of the character's experiences. At the center this show deals with different societal classes, upbringings, etc and we do actually see how that affects who these people are and what they do as the show goes on, and it's not meaningless/out of the blue.
Because no matter how much people want to act like it's not as impacting as it is: People are a product of their experiences.
Wille- If we're being real we saw him for a very small portion at the beginning of the show before everything blew up-him being super adorable, sweet, and awkward. Since being under his strict lifestyle and pressure, he's been going on this downward spiral-he has literally been becoming more and more in the image of his royal family since season 1 (and season 2 he was a lot of the same as 3, it just gets glossed over by his thoughtful decision at the end).
Since I first watched the show, it was clear to me how all of the backstory with August's character was not throwaway information. Tbh, what we know of him in season 1 was never enough to make sense of where his bad decision came from (I guess his insecurity..). But this season, they just gave so much more. And it's strange to me how strongly people react for either argument- of August being actually evil, or having to identify him as a good person [tbf I never thought he was a "bad" person per say, which is my whole point of writing this because for every character of a series (look at the reaction to Wilhelm this szn) people immediately have to sort them into good and bad columns on the judgement of morality and not just take story for what it is: story]. Again, with August his backstory has always added reason to why he is the way he is, but now knowing what we know with Erik, and being 1? 2? years older than Wille, his experience does make sense of what he did (when it's almost exactly the same thing with Wilmon). Because hurt people hurt people.
And with Sara, it's never been warranted the amount of hate she gets that insinuate she is evil. The show tells you very early on what her arc is gonna be: she places value on external things-she wants expensive clothes and to live in the fancy school and will try to impress to fit in with her new group of girl friends. And the irony is she lost it all after everything came out at the shooting range. She wanted what she never had and made decisions, because she thought that was what was important. She's a product of her experiences and it's also her experience-because she was bullied-that August's letter means even more to her and results in her kissing him.
Simon- has literally done nothing wrong (we're not talking about his decision to sell, because that's not really a choice that badly affects ppl other than mostly only himself).
Felice- has literally done nothing wrong; had the biggest positive transformation between seasons 1 and 2, because she stopped caring about external accolades (and that is also a representation of her being a product of her environment because of her mother).
And, to be clear I'm not saying people can't change how they are. Because, yeah Felice is a good example. August has surprised many people this season. Maybe August continues to change; maybe he doesn't. Wille has surprised people in his own way. Maybe we'll get more shocks in the final act. This show has always dealt with the subtext of personal experiences that lead to how people react.
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neednottoneed · 9 months
"Die neue Mrs de Winter" - Translation of Danny's part
SO in the new London production they cut Danny's part of "Die neue Mrs de Winter," which I'm frankly annoyed by because I like that moment for her character--it's the musical version of the Hitchcock camera zoom onto her. So with that in mind I thought I'd try my hand at translating her part in the German into English, with some explanation for why I made the choices I did.
The original German lyrics are below, as well as a literal word-for-word English translation, and then my translation after that. I'll put my thoughts under the cut as I'm afraid it'll get really long otherwise.
Selbst wenn sie eine Fürstin wär' Was will sie hier in Manderley? Für mich gibt es auf dieser Welt nur eine Mrs. de Winter Denn ruht dein Körper auch im Grab Dein Geist ist noch in Manderley Und keine nimmt dir deinen Platz Niemals!
Literal English:
Even if she were a princess What does she want in Manderley? For me there's only one Mrs de Winter in this world Your body rests then in the grave Your ghost is still in Manderley And no one can take your place Never!
My translation:
No matter how well bred she is She has no place in Manderley I know there can only be One true Mrs de Winter They say you’re lying in your grave, But you’re still here in Manderley And nobody can take your place Ever
Explanation of choices under the cut!
SO right off the bat I've never been huge fan of the "princess" line though it works in German (and Fürstin has a nice old-fashioned nobility connotation) but I wanted something that still got that meaning across, and between that and "she has no place" I wanted to get across the point of what Ich believes is Danvers' disdain for Ich's lower-class upbringing (something Ich obsesses over in the novel), as well as make it clear her feelings on someone replacing Rebecca.
I could've stuck with "For me there can only be" instead of "I know there can only be" but I thought "I know" sounded nicer. "One true Mrs de Winter" - same effect.
"They say you're lying in your grave" - I wanted to set up the echo of this line we get in "She's invincible" and go ahead and get that across, plus there's my favorite detail in the German where Danny addresses Rebecca here (and throughout) with the informal "you," something she only does a few other times--to Ich, when she's mad at her or terrorizing her (Nur ein Schritt/Mrs de Winter bin Ich.) I wanted to keep that direct address, so this works here.
"But you're still here in Manderley" a little less subtle than "Your spirit/ghost is still in Manderley."
"And nobody can take your place / ever" - I toyed between "never" and "ever" as Never would be more a direct translation, but "Nobody would ever take your place" flows if this were just a sentence spoken in English, where never does not, so I went with that.
If you made it this far, congrats! I find all of this extremely interesting and fun and love talking/thinking about translation choices.
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ekingston · 8 months
Other than supercorp, would there have been any other kara romantic pairing you wouldn't have minded
lol anon that’s tricky again, because i honestly don’t trust the show would have handled any of them well! for a production that went to such lengths to pair off their characters, they really didn’t do so good with romantic arcs (it’s why i’m actually glad supercorp didn’t become canon don’t tell anyone)
i liked James, during season one (though i’m not a fan of love triangles unless they’re a leadup to a triad situation), but clearly the new showrunners did not. 
i could have liked Mon-El, if they had stuck with him being the comedic relief foundling from a conflicting culture rather than the immoral prince who needed to tear Kara down in order to feel better about himself. i remember rambling to a friend about how much more interesting it could have been if Daxam had turned out not to be the hellscape Kara’s parents had led her to believe it was—if it had been just another lie Kara took for objective truth, Kryptonian propaganda regarding a planet they were at odds with. it would have been another chance for the show to portray Kara coming to terms with the fact that her parents weren't perfect, paving the way for her to acknowledge that she doesn't need to be, either; but even better, it could have showed her dealing with cultural differences in a way that wouldn’t have been too heavy handed or on the nose for american audiences. it also would likely have made Mon-El come off as much less of an asshole, which, you know. bonus, if they wanted us to buy them as a romantic match, and to mourn along with Kara when she had to send him away.
(William was a mistake from the start. he literally feels like a guy shoved on stage during the final scene of the play with no instruction given beyond ‘you’re the romantic interest now, stand there and look pretty!’)
and, you know. this could easily be misconstrued as a vindictive sort of ‘if i can’t have supercorp i don’t want Kara dating anyone at all’, but honestly, i’m genuinely attached to the idea of possibly alloromantic, definitely asexual Kara Zor-El. 
i know it’s even less likely that the cw would have gone with an ace main character than it would have been for them to make supercorp canon, but yeah, in my mind—and this is absolutely shaped by what they actually showed in canon—both of those scenarios would have made the most sense. and—again, completely out of the scope of any cw show—how interesting would it have been to at least explore Kara’s attitudes toward the emphasis most human cultures place on sexuality vs her Kryptonian upbringing (not to mention her alien DNA)?
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blueopinions49 · 6 months
Enneagram 4 Wanda Maximoff is Whack
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Hello so, this typing...I've talked about it before a bit on my misunderstanding of enneagram 4 however I wanted to go a bit more in-depth as to why I find it odd. It's been very common for Wanda to be typed as an E4 ever since her introduction to the MCU (same with her comic counter part). Even tho to me it doesn't make allot of sense. So Im gonna analyze the problems with this typing in this post. If you disagree thats ok we can discuss it.
Why Not Enneagram
E4 structure
The enneagram 4s core desire is Depth. Similar to everyone in the heart triad they look to full fill a desired image. In order to do so they create a persona of sort. The 4 creates an image of depth and brokenness. One important key aspect to distinguish with the 4 is the image (pseudo depression) vs real life depression. The part where it might get confusing is that the image of brokenness of the 4 can be a product, real or just made up.
Expressing Pain
I think one of the most interesting aspect of this typing is where is the line of sharing pain when it comes to enneagram 4 vs every other type. While the pseudo depressive aspects of four are usually in high display there is another key element that these arguments forget. The enneagram 4 expresses this sadness in order to be seen as deep ,authentic and special. They are frustration type after all, their dilemma is the need to be seen as deep while struggling to the reality that its an image they upheld.
They are an image type
Ive noticed this a constant when it comes to allot of mistypes that have come up as of recently (Nancy Downs SX4, Cassie Howard SX3 and Asuka Langley SX2). Image types are (imo at least) easier to understand but ive noticed there Is a constant misunderstanding of what the image is vs what the individual is. The Image types have these ideals they have in their head and go about life trying to imitate them in the closest way possible.
Enneagram 4 Wanda...
After this brief overview of the structure of 4, how does it apply to Wanda? When it comes to the core desires of 4 I don't see how it applies to Wanda. She never seems to look for depth in her self or others. And she doesn't seem to portray an image of uniqueness either. Most of her "reactions come from her upbringing in life rather than a need to express brokenness and uniqueness through experience. In simpler terms: she's just depressed and is traumatized, she doesn't use her trauma as a marketing tool. Im gonna go through every subtype in E4 since I've seen her typed ass all of them at least once.
4w5 so/sx The social 4 looks to relate to others through their 'brokenness' and have to share it with others. The SO type In general has this belief of a place of belonging in the world so most of them spent their lives looking to be listened and heard. This doesn't apply to Wanda at all. I dont believe Wanda is a SO type at all she doesn't look for a grand place where she can share her sadness and uniqueness with others.
4w5 sp/sx I don't think SP4 is as bad of a typing for Wanda however the SP4 subverts the 4s attitudes allot through a need of difference they aren't as angry and expressive. I think this typing is mostly superficial. Since the "sad girl" archetype is usually attached to it.
4w5 sx/sp This is definitely directed at her anger in MoM. I think most people focused on the anger part rather than why that anger is there to begin with. Also the SX4 is the most Envious of all 3 subtypes In the E4. Wanda doesn't ever express or even gets close to show the envy of the 4. Further more how does Wanda represent the envy of 4?.
The Envy of 4
Their envy is represent through this belief that they are inherently more deep and authentic than other people so "what is that others have that I don't" its a metaphysical question not literal one. Which is why I ask myself how does Wanda get constantly typed as a 4 if she has nothing other being sad that points to her being a 4.
Other Typings to Consider
To be positive here are some typings that I think fit her more.
6w5 sp/sx
In my personal opinion SP6 Wanda makes allot of sense. The idea that Wanda is a frustration type never made much sense to me either. Her being an attachment type and looking for emotional safety through interpersonal connections makes sense. I think the idea that she is an unhealthy 6 that has fully disintegrated to her 9 could also be a solid argument for her.
9w8 sp/sx
Personally this is my preferred typing for Wanda (Positive+Attachment+Withdrawn) she is clearly looking for emotional satisfaction and bliss in life. In WandaVision we see her overindulging in this. Also the SP subtype in general suits her well. Her needs are always related to her self and those around her rather than the outer world.
9w8 sx/sp I used to type her as an SX9 however Ive changed my mind a bit. I still think it's plausible for her to be an SX9 however she doesn't seem to fuse her own personal desires with others and ignore life through interpersonal connections. However I do see some traits of the SX9 such as a need for attachment.
I personally think ive settled for SP9 Wanda however im still open to having conversation if you disagree.
PS the next zodiac is Aries
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thesovereignsring-if · 8 months
There's no excuses for what Shitrick did, but oh well he's protected by the plot and author and not forced to be incompetent like mc with a bunch of shit excuses for why mc is the most useless character in the game. It doesn't even make any damn sense people mc's age are skilled lol
Oh no, baby is a little pressed aren’t we?
Eirik is not protected by the plot. He’s literally framed as the main antagonist, it’ll take plot armor to keep him alive and the goes the same for a lot of people in the cast. All he’s got going for him is a lot of money and family blood. Anything else beyond that was Eirik’s own hard work.
He’s also five years older than the MC, who is only eighteen. Think a little about how much a person and learn and grow in that time.
In fact let’s put it into a more modern example so its more clear. Within four to five years, someone can go to a post secondary institution and develop all the skills they need for their career, get an internship and or continue it. It’s like comparing someone with a full bachelor degree versus the a person who just fresh out of high school. That feels unfair doesn’t it?
Now, the only characters truly around the MC’s age we’ve met so far are Finny and Thea. And they are don’t compare to the literal veterans in their fields either. You really think Finny can take on Sieg and survive? Ha. Wait until you meet him. Yes Thea, is talented, yes she had a jump start at magic, but that’s because she’s a product of her environment, just like the MC is and Thea is VERY aware of how powerless she really is. If she went up against someone like Medea or Rothbart in battle, she’s dead. End of story.
Since you referenced my replies in previous asks,(very old asks now that I think about it) I can assume you’ve must have read a lot of what I’ve written, so i am astounded at your ability to not comprehend the kind of story this is…or you do, but still choose to follow and be upset when it remains to be exactly what I say it’s going to be.
How many times do I have to say it without saying it directly that the MC is the underdog? Their biggest disadvantage is that this succession crisis begins right at the beginning of their adult life? The audience for this game is 18+ surely you have enough media literacy to understand this.
If you cannot accept these fact then I will kindly ask you and your power tripping kind to leave. The story is written in a fashion that there is a lot of grey and nuance between the characters and their upbringing and the conflict. Eirik is an antagonist, but his flaws are rooted in his backstory that is written to be sympathetic and human, because he IS human. But god, if you cannot handle Eirik, you’ll barely be able to handle the rest of the cast.
If you cannot understand or have sympathy for a boy who’s lashing out because people are trying to forget his father was brutally murdered in a civil war by his own family, then everything else is going to fly over your head and your going to have a bad time- and honestly look stupid when you come crying into my inbox. Step outside and talk to some people, you could gain some emotional intelligence, it’ll do you some good.
This is not a power fantasy. You’re not going to get all powerful and trample over people to get your way. No, you’re going to have to make alliances, understand the MC is only one person in an conflict involving an Empire. The MC is going to be feeling a lot of negative feelings because their human like everyone else who has flaws and weakness.
I will never change my story to appease you so you’re talking to a wall. If you can’t handle that, you’ll be happier if you leave, unfollow, rate the game no stars.
This is the last time I’ll be replying to a comment like this because honestly, you and I have better things to do.
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lonelyroommp3 · 2 months
also the post that's going around making fun of the 'asylum where they raised me' because taylor had a comfortable upbringing. it's apparently much easier to believe that she's either stupid and thinks that she had the worst childhood ever or thinks we're too stupid to look on the early life section of her wikipedia page than it is to think that, maybe, a) this isn't a completely autobiographical song or b) she isn't literally factually talking about her childhood on the christmas tree farm, but like, her being raised by fame or something idk.
oh yeah for sure. like again kind of related to the last post but i do think the issue with that lyric is that she doesn't really have the edge* to pull it off entirely successfully yknow. or she COULD! i think who's afraid of little old me is, lyrically and production-wise, one of the stronger songs on the album and i think the horror imagery does a really good job of heightening what's basically a "struggles of fame" song, which (although a perfectly worthy topic to write about bc god celebrity culture can be EVIL) is something that's inherently difficult to get your audience to relate to unless you have taylor swift levels of unhinged parasocial adoration for everything you do, into something more emotionally striking for an average person. until she hits the lawsuit line bc that one lyric completely breaks the otherwise strong lyrical immersion and makes you think ohhhh yeah. a billionaire is singing this. and it just recontextualises everything else in the song for the worse, including the asylum line
*inb4 "lol at how she literally acknowledges this on clara bow" haha
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lunarsilkscreen · 3 months
Food Wars! - Transforming Furikake Rice
Why did Erina fail Sohma outright, and Why did her Grandfather overturn that ruling?
The show portrays this as simply being "so unfathomably delicious, there was no choice.
...And Erina is just a stuck-up lying b*".
The characters in the show are being portrayed as being chefs with cooking experience equivalent to their character's age. So we must understand that each one has the ability to differentiate exactly how a dish was prepared, and what ingredients were used.
So why did Nakiri fail Yukihira on the spot?
First; we must remember that she went into the test as an agent to fail every potential transfer student with absolutely no way of changing her mind. Second; we must understand that she was so used to tasting some of the best dishes the world has to offer, that her standards may have been too high to proctor this test. That's not her fault; it's a product of her upbringing. And her parents didn't exactly work to help teach her that, just sort of figuring she would learn it herself. (Which she eventually does.)
Third, she literally spent the duration of the test before Yukihira showed up eating dishes that she described as Tasting "like being hit in the head with a jukebox." And "like bathing with a Westland Gorilla". Remember she had been doing this all day, and the students just now arriving also know that their entire career may be over if somebody with her clout cancels them.
And up comes this random a* chef with no clout, the first person to not recognize her in as long as she can remember. And what she feels is pity; she's worried for *him* because she's probably ruined many chef's careers and family owned diners and businesses.
She's probably seen it happen. What she doesn't want; is to keep doing that. But her she is; forced to protect her image and Tohtski Academy's image. And she has no choice but to ruin this man's whole career.
Poor guy.
And after all that, he prepared a rudimentary dish of Scrambled Eggs over Rice. He could've taken all the time in the world, and prepared *any* dish he wanted. *PLUS* IT'S NOT EVEN MORNING. WHO MAKES BREAKFAST THIS LATE IN THE DAY!?
To her; he wasn't even taking the entrance exam seriously. This demeanor told her what she needed to know; if he can't muster up enough enthusiasm to take *this* seriously, why would he take an education at Tohtski seriously?
And then she tasted his dish after being stuck in that negative mindset, and the dish Yukihira assaulted her senses exactly like the aforementioned dishes. But with that "Yukihira Signature Flair".
There wasn't even time for her to take in the smells of the food being prepared; he was so fast at preparing this dish, she didn't even see the amount of work he had put into it.
It takes gelatin 2-4 hours to set. This a*h* prepared a flavorful bone broth and turned it into jello in less than 30 minutes? As far as she knew; he pulled some random shit out of his back pocket.
In her mind; this was a defense mechanism. There's literally*NO WAY* that she knew of to prepare such a flavorful dish in such a short period of time. ESPECIALLY NOT A UMAMI SAVORY GELATO FROM SCRATCH.
He must've cheated. There's no other way. It was good, but this kid's demeanor, the time spent, everything didn't quite add up in a way that, even her experience could understand.
Remember; she literally knows thousands of dishes and preparation methods she had been training since she was born. AND THIS F* DID SOMETHING SO FAR OFF-META SHE COULDNT UNDERSTAND WHAT WAS HAPPENING.
He did cheat; by the way. But in a legal way. This is why Erina's Grandfather was watching the test take place. Just for something, anything that she could have overlooked.
Her grading and analysis were spot on by ANY STANDARD SHE OR THE ACADEMY KNEW OF.
But her Grandfather was watching Soma from behind, and watched exactly what he did and how he prepared everything. And seeing that, he tasted the dish and understood two things;
Why Erina failed him, AND why Soma deserved entry into Tohtski Academy.
The dish literally defied logic.
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ystrike1 · 2 years
I Became the Villain's Mother - By Yulji (8/10)
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Oh boy. Oooohhhh boy. This is a weird one. I think I may have done a short review or a post about it before, but now it has a season two, and it's much weirder. It is not going how I expected it to go. We start out with something unique, but now we're heading towards a well deserved but boring happy ending.
Roselia is a Duchess in a loveless marriage, and she also knows she's in a novel, on the losing side. The Chade Ducal family has always been evil. Her husband Cassis is a brutal, cold killer. The heir, Ein, drinks poison to build up his immunity. He also trains day and night despite his young age. They have alot of enemies. Roselia is the miserable step mother that dies. Cassis is the cold father that dies. Ein is the ultimate villain in this story. He kills both of his parents, and he turns into a yandere because he never received any love in his life. He falls in love with the prince's finance purely because he wants to have love, not because he loves her. In the end he dies to and the prince marries the girl Ein tried to steal from him. They live happily ever after.
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That does not happen this time. Roselia wants to live and she's not a child abuser. She doesn't hit Ein or ignore him. She actually thinks her stepson is adorable, and she thinks he can be saved with love. He's just a small child, and he was clearly the product of his upbringing. She defends him. She tells Cassis to stop feeding him poison, and she plays with the boy. He trains all day like a robot and she thinks that's not right. Children should play, and eat dessert.
She asserts herself and becomes his protector. Cassis feels like the villain in the beginning.
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The Chade family is ultra merciless. Roselia almost dies about a billion times. Her son, and then her cold husband, start protecting her behind the scenes. Her motherly efforts haven't changed much. Ein is still training. He's just hiding it from her, but he does love her. The Duke also wants some of that love now. He eventually starts to believe that Roselia is sincere. He can see her love for her son is true. She's not faking loving the child to get power. The Duke starts wanting um...cuddles and headpats. Also things like sex happen later on with consent which is nice.
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Duke Cassis is a yandere that builds gradually. He does not fall for Roselia because of her beauty. His second wife has always been just a pawn. He also didn't give half a shit about his first wife. It takes about thirty chapters for him to romantically pursue Roselia, and that's great. His growing obsession with her protection makes sense...but god the plot his weird.
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Ein and Cassis unite to protect Roselia, and she catches them. She watches them torture two men with poison as a team. Ein is a child in this scene. Just like in the original novel he's naturally evil, and on the way to being stronger than his father. It should be weird seeing a child kill, but it makes sense with Ein. It's what he was born for, but Roselia cannot accept it. She has a breakdown, and both of them have to leave her alone with her thoughts for a few weeks.
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Duke Cassis literally poisions every noble in court. He doesn't kill them. He infects them with something that makes them cough up blood. It's extremely painful but the victims only suffer. He makes everybody who tried to assassinate Roselia suffer, and also he's frustrated because she wont speak to them. He's convinced that she's going to demand a divorce because....yeah...you poison people with your son as a team. Ein gets sick from stress, because he thinks the only person who ever showed him love will leave him.
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Roselia says she still loves them both, but they have to be honest now. She doesn't want to abandon Ein and she's already in love with and married to Cassis. She's kinda stuck, and so seven peaceful years go by. Ein and Cassis do less evil shit, but they are still the most villainous family by a wide margin. Ein grows into a giant, happy mamas boy. Cassis wants a child with Roselia, but she's wary. Raising a child in the Chade family is dangerous, and they still have to get through the main plot of the novel.
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This is the prince and princess. They are both stupid. I haven't mentioned this yet, but the men of the Chade family have magical powers. Ein in particular has brainwashing powers. The Chade family is an invaluable ally, no matter how amoral they are. The Emperor knows the Empire wouldn't be standing without Duke Chade. The Emperor treats them all with respect. His son is an idealistic moron who thinks everyone needs to be pure and just. When all of the asshole nobles got punished for trying to poison Roselia he got pissy. He told the Emperor Duke Chade shouldn't be so harsh...but...uh...they banded together and tried to kill his wife??? Of course he was mad? Duh? So from then on the prince hated the Chade family... because the Duke dared to punish the people who brought poison into his home. By the way they targeted Roselia specifically because they knew he loved her.
His fiance is even worse at first, but she may be redeemed later. I can feel a very stereotypical happy end on the horizon.
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This is Karina. Obviously, she is Ein's future wife. They become friends because Karina is friends with Roselia. Roselia is really unpopular in court because her husband is an insane madman who gave everyone the plauge after they tried to kill her. So that makes parties awkward. She bonds with Karina because they both like cats. Karina is a lonely girl. She'd love to join a warm family and have a mother like Roselia.
Hint. Hint.
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Cassis softens up for Roselias sake. Ein glares at everybody who disrespects her. Karina fawns over her. The future princess stops acting like a snooty bitch, and hopefully the incredibly stupid prince learns how to think logically by the end.
This was a very enjoyable read, but the art is janky sometimes. Also I didn't want or expect a stereotypical ending. Also Cassis doesn't get much screentime in season two. There isn't that many yandere moments in S2 because everybody is too happy. All of Roselia's scenes with him in S2 are about her being too nervous to have a child, which is understandable. I just wish there was more brainwashing- villain-that-has-the-ability-to-cast-plauges-romance.
I feel like that was glossed over a little too quickly.
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highlifeboat · 1 year
Its ironic how people treat Eveline as the spawn of Satan when she literally exists in the same universe as Albert fucking Wesker
See, I dunno a lot about Wesker, but I do know a lot about Eveline, and I think what some people don't get is that Eveline is quite literally a product of her upbringing.
To save everyone from a long winded ramble, Eveline definitely put Mia and the Baker Family through some horrific things, but I don't think it was ever really out of malice.
She was brought up in isolation, constantly experimented on and poked and prodded, the only people who might have been nice to her would have been Mia and Alan out of obligation. She clearly knew what a family was (or at least the basics of one), of course she was going to crave that kind of thing. Yes everything happened because Eveline was unstable, but clearly she was craving this stuff before if it was enough for her to crash a fucking 71 000 ton ship.
And even in Shadows of Rose, she's just... sad. When she can't beat Rose she goes to just crying on the ground and basically calling herself a failure and like.... SHE'S TEN YEARS OLD. She's a BABY. She shouldn't feel that way about herself. (And don't get me started on the fact after all that time and getting a "family" she just winds up alone again. Like... assuming she never found the Bakers in the Megamycete she was just alone in there until Village and even then nobody wanted anything to do with her. Like give her a break.)
Also it's bold to call Evie the spawn of Satan in a world where a cult leader literally manipulated and then later committed genocide on an entire fucking village of innocent people on the OFF CHANCE a baby that she kidnapped would bring back her kid who's been dead for a century.
Like idk. I dunno about other games but Eveline's not really that bad of a villain.
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year
Your ouran thoughts are so *chef's kiss* thank you for pointing out the whole haruhi gender thing bc as a trans person myself it always rubbed me the wrong way too how it got treated
🥹🥹🥹THANK U FOR READING MY OURAN THOUGHTS... this is 1 of the first animes ive ever watched so its rly formative/influential for me and ive rewatched it several times over the yrs and noticed more things and watched my opinions of the show and charas grow and change... Haruhi is 1 of my first encounters(actually i think the first) w a nonbinary chara in media and I love everything about their chara and the way they were written (and I love the whole concept of them being the protag of a shoujo harem anime despite being nonbinary and very aro/ace... a host who woos girls at that)... I especially love the way she doesnt change herself for anyone, keeps being authentically herself the entire anime in a way that touches and changes the rest of the cast too... like 1 little detail that symbolizes this well is the personal pronouns they use in jp... Altho they tried using "ore" a few times causing tamaki to freak out (HE SHOULDVE LET HER😒).. the main personal pronoun they use is "jibun"(lit: self, oneself), and it's a gender neutral pronoun... and importantly, they consistently use "jibun", whether it's before becoming a host(in middle school, when passing/being seen as a "girl"), as a host(while passing/being seen as a "boy"), and just out in daily life... Just as she doesnt change herself or act differently in all those contexts, and is just authentically herself, regardless of how people see her... and consistent with her belief that gender and outward appearance doesn't matter, it's one's personality/who they are underneath that does...
Haruhi and Tamaki form strong narrative parallels to each other because they both suddenly came into the lives of all the other host club members, were able to see them for who they really are (and not just the facade they put on for others), and just by being their genuine selves, touch and impact them deeply, even alter the course of their lives (some more than others, like tamaki for kyouya and haruhi being the first 1 to be able to differentiate the twins)..... And this is why I think it's... unfortunate that Tamaki was written the way he was, as so close-minded in his views on gender(and sexuality), bc 1 of the core traits of his character is being otherwise open minded and extremely empathetic... the dichotomy of his chara is despite being a "vain idiot" obsessed w looks and himself, he still shows this surprising depth and ability to read others... And of course I don't think it's surprising at all for him to have these transphobic and homophobic views, given he's a teen with a rich sheltered upbringing and all, so it was prob just. Sigh. ingrained in him bc thats how he was raised but.... narratively, with the way his character is otherwise so open (and bro is literally bi too😭) it really is unfortunate... Like his openmindedness is 1 of the strongpoints of his character (like how he wasn't put off at all when he saw Kyouya's "true face"...) And I think it goes against his nature, so I hope that once he gets older he starts to listen to the trans/nb/gnc ppl in his life and change his views... LIKE HARUHI... WHICH IS WHY ITS SO STRANGE. That he never once listens to them abt their gender the entire series... and he cares abt her sm YET doesnt listen and repeatedly, stubbornly tells her shes wrong and that she needs to be more feminine.... ugh. Yeah it's painful... And then with the way the manga ends with haruhi marrying tamaki and having babies and growing her hair out and becoming more feminine, as if it was all just a phase... *Agonized* ...Tbh I really do think. That this is the product of the (presumably cis) author not knowing enough abt the trans(/queer/lgbt) experience to know what to do with the amazing, nonconforming characters they created... I really do feel like if Ouran was an anime made today, and the author was more informed about LGBT issues and experiences, Tamaki could've been written differently and maybe more accepting and open toward's Haruhi's views on gender... Sigh... Anyway rip. Tfw a work so virulently transphobic and homophobic and a product of its time can also have some of the most compelling trans and gay characters and have sm poignant scenes that stand the test of time... Ouran my problematic beloved 🥲🥹
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saintrocklee · 1 year
itachi uchiha is a drenched feral sewer rat and if you disagree that’s fine but you’re wrong. he just looks like that naturally and speaks in complete sentences; and those aspects of him are literally just thanks to his physical uchiha genes and his upbringing. like continuous etiquette classes and being forced to hang out with people like twice your age will do that to you, plus do you think mikoto is letting any of her sons use 3 in 1 shampoo? fugaku brought some home one time to try and save money and she beat him with a wooden spoon and then make him clean it so she could use it to cook dinner. the two things that make people believe he’s smarter than he is aren’t even really him. he can’t help that he’s pretty and he can’t help that he knows how to talk without sounding stupid. he was screwed from the start; imagine being told your whole life that you’re a genius. any time he opens his mouth he thinks he’s speaking for god himself because no ones ever told him otherwise. by the time someone tries to collect him it’s just some washed up snake nin with split ends that itachi can see without the sharingan. the next person to come for him is a washed up barbie wannabe that explodes shit for fun; itachi is a product of his own environment that should have never left the shelf. his vision is so bad he can’t see the mistakes he’s making and continues to traumatize everyone around him because it’s his idea and since when have any of his ideas been wrong? he also trusts the wrong adults and loves his country which is so cringe, imagine killing your whole family, third cousins included, because joe biden told you to cause they were planning to invade texas. dude is so fucking embarrassing and we all love him anyway cause he’s hot and his eyes are pretty. we’re just as stupid and blind as he is and if you disagree with me that’s fine just know you’re about to walk into 2023 being wrong.
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