#she's a pirate raised by pirates since she was 5 years old what do you expect?
deconstructthesoup · 3 months
Personal Ranking of the Fantasy High Moms, From Worst to Best:
Arianwen Abernant: -19999/10. She's not as bad as Angwyn, since she's convinced herself she's a good mother, but her "I just want the best for you" shtick isn't any better, and the fact that she's ignorant about how horrible she is doesn't make up for years of neglect. And she also attempted to rope her daughters into raising a being of pure nightmares because she lost her status, so.
Donna Applebees: 0/10. Conservative, racist, judgmental, only loves her kids conditionally... you get the gist. Also, she's absolutely a Karen.
Hallariel Seacaster: 3/10. Yes, I know, she's a MILF, she's got such an iconic vibe, she's a badass with a sword, but none of that excuses years of being emotionally absent from your son's life. She's not a bad person, but she unfortunately doesn't know how to be a mom. Sorry, Hallariel. I wish I could rank you higher.
The Last Phoenix: 5/10. Bird. She's a bird. We don't know enough about her except for the fact that she is the last phoenix, she started out as a "haha Arthur Aguefort is a crazy motherfucker" gag, and she gave us the incredible gift that is Ayda. I cannot rank her fairly, but given that she is Ayda's mom, she goes on the list.
Roz Last-Name-Unknown: 6/10. Same deal with Gorbag---we don't know enough about her for me to properly rank her, but we do know that she was a teen mom, and she's made the choice to reconnect with her son and be in his life. Props for that.
Sandralynn Faeth: 7.5/10. I am ranking her realistically, but let it be known that I love her so much. She is such a beautiful example of a flawed person who consistently tries to be better, and even though she does relapse into old behaviors, she's still growing---and outside of the serial cheating (that is a response to trauma, by the way) and occasional lapses in social skills, she's a pretty damn good mom, all things considered.
Cathilda Ceili: 8/10. She's the parent that Fabian needed, even if he didn't always realize it. She's sweet, she's caring, and if anybody hurts her boy, she will fucking rock your shit. (Also, the reveal of Cathilda being an incredibly fearsome and ruthless pirate outside of Solace was one of my favorites.)
Wilma Thistlespring: 9/10. She's a caring and supportive mom who writes songs, is sex-positive, and loves her son! Again, she does need to recognize when she's embarrassing Gorgug, and she needs to recognize that he's gotta learn how to be angry, but still! We all love her!
Lydia Barkrock: 9.6/10. While she doesn't quite get the full score due to the fact that her son was briefly an ass, it clearly was not her fault, and from what we've seen of her, she is a fantastic mom. She's a badass disabled powerhouse who cooks incredible spreads and cares about her son and his friends a lot. I love her a lot. She's amazing.
Sklonda Gukgak: 10/10. She took that spot in her very first scene, where she poured water in her cereal so Riz could have milk in his, and she's been holding it up ever since. Despite the fact that she's constantly swamped with work, Sklonda is literally one of the best moms you could ever ask for. She deserves the world and it's a constant injustice that she's not getting it.
Bonus: Garthy O'Brien, while having transcended gender and therefore not being able to fit into either of the "mom/dad" rankings, is an 11/10 parent---not just to Ayda, but to everyone younger than them who they've essentially adopted. Words cannot express my adoration for this person.
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fanaticsnail · 1 month
Daughter of the Sea: Chapter 1
Masterlist Here, Header Masterlist Here
Word Count: 4,500+
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Synopsis: As personal assistant to the newly titled ‘world's greatest swordsman,’ you were privy to the acquaintances your boss kept. Over the years, a young redheaded man continued to visit Kuraigana sporadically over time with his crew. But this trip felt different, something felt off. What were they hiding? And why did the entire crew all look exhausted?
Notes: Benn Beckman x f!reader, platonic!Mihawk x f!reader, platonic!Shanks x f!reader, slight mention of MiShanks ship, Beginning: Shanks is 19, Mihawk is 23, Beckman is 30, f!reader is 22, Uta is 2 months old for the sake of the plot (canonically she's 2 years old). The f!reader is suggested to be native to Kuraigana with her mannerisms and language.
Tag List: @sordidmusings @i-am-vita @since-im-already-here @mfreedomstuff @gingernut1314 @feral-artistry @writingmysanity @indydonuts
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
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A deep sigh fell from the parted lips of the dark-haired Kuraigana native as you handed him his cup of scolding black coffee. He twitched his lip up in gratitude as he removed the ceramic dish from the saucer. 
“Thank you, dear,” the cool baritone of his voice expressed his gratitude to you. 
“You're most welcome, lord Dracule,” you nodded a small confirmation, placing down the saucer in front of him and beginning to ready the itinerary over your catalogical journal. 
“My dear,” he winced out after taking a quick gulp of coffee, “There really is no need for that title coming from you. We were friends before all this, remember?”
“It's a little too early in the morning for jokes, sir,” you retorted with a soft smirk, “If my memory serves correct, we were enemies first.”
He hummed with a soft smile, glaring at you as you returned to focus on the pages you dictated earlier. You clicked your tongue, noticing a peculiarity in the timetable. 
“Something the matter? Something come true of your small espionage, spymistress?” Mihawk queried with his brow arched. He attempted to not pay you heed to the disdain written on your face at your earlier title, but did enjoy the twitch in your shoulders and snarl draw up on your lips. 
“I work for you now, sir,” you scorn him with your monotonous recoil, eyes rolling, “And, if you must know, I received a transponder message earlier from the red-hair pirates. They requested passage and resupply at our port, but-...” you drew off, approaching Mihawk’s side once more, “...-I don't understand what this says.”
Mihawk looked on with intrigue, cocking his head to decipher his old associate's handwriting. 
“Did the first-mate send you a follow up, or was that all?” Mihawk asked, twitching his eyes up to meet your confused expression, “It doesn't quite make sense.”
“Haven't needen sleepens an’ booze like this b’fore,” you read aloud, attempting to decipher the world's audibly, “Perhaps it’s a drunken confession like last time?”
“Perhaps, but Beckman usually sends a follow-up to Shanks’ messages to belay it, or decipher it,” Mihawk nodded, drawing his hand down to reclaim the coffee cup and raise it to his lips, “When they arrive here, do what you do best.”
“Aye, sir,” your practiced response had another soft smile painted itself on Mihawk's lips, “I'll seek out what they're hiding, consider my words marked.”
“That's my pretty spymistress,” he narrowed his eyes, his lips tight and taunting. 
“Not your spymistress, sir,” you retorted, turning on your boot heel and calling over your head, “Your secretary.”
Waiting at port, the familiar jolly roger drew over the gloomy horizon line at the port of Kuraigana. The sea breeze whipped through your restrained hair, your formal uniform floating in the wind as the Red Force docked at port. 
The merriment you had come to expect was not the one that welcomed you. The crew were more disheveled than usual, their attire worn and unchanged, the straw hat atop the young captain's head splitting and fraying - but Shanks' smile never faltered. In fact, the whole crew seemed to be brimming with joy. 
“Oi, eyes on the starboard bow! Mihawk's hot secretary coming out to meet us at the docks!” Shanks' booming call drew a loud cheer from the crew aboard the ship, prompting you to shake your head at his welcome introduction. 
“Captain,” you uttered with a curt nod, watching as his boyish charm carried his overemphatic steps towards you. Upon stepping closer and meeting your gaze, he immediately opened his arms and snuck them beneath your own. 
“I missed you, pretty lady,” he uttered, raising you off your feet and twirling you in place. Shock swelled at your eyes at his glee, you only having a moment to react to the spin by hastily perching your hands over his shoulders and holding him firmly. 
“Enough, Shanks,” you tapped his left shoulder, “Put me down and help me decipher your-...” your sentence was lost to you when you saw the sunken hazelnut eyes of the redhead captain. 
You snapped your eyes over to meet with several other members of the crew: all with the same sunken eyes and jolly smiles. 
“My what, pretty lady? Hm?” Shanks smiled a wolfy grin, all teeth and charm, “Decipher what?” You took a moment to reassess the situation as Shanks planted your feet back onto the wooden dock. 
Glancing at the crew, you ensured you took your time studying them all, noticing a single member missing. 
“Your competent first mate,” you mentioned, attempting to pry yourself from the teenage captain, “Where is he?” Shanks' smile deflated into a soft pout, grasping his wrist behind your back and holding your body firmly against his chest in a vice-like grip. 
“Your first thoughts after all that is big ol’ burly Beckman?” his pout intensified, “Are you really not going to say hello properly? Not even for old time's sake?” 
Rolling your eyes, you grant the redhead a small peck on his cheek. A gleeful laugh exhales through his cherry-red lips as he finally releases you from his embrace. 
“Okay, take me up to see the world's greatest swordsman,” he ordered you, turning you and circling your right arm with his left, “I have some news you're not going to believe.”
“If it's got anything to do with ‘Haven't needen sleepens an’ booze like this b’fore’,” you mocked his incoherent message in a deep voice, “I'm all ears.”
Shanks’ laughter echoed all the way towards the Kuraigana highkeep. His complimenting words to your appearance, and abilities to prepare for them a place to stay, had your small smile growing wide, but eyes remaining narrowed and cautious. Each time you would attempt to peel your eyes away from the young man, he would call your attention back to him by offering you more praise and distraction. 
As the shadow of the new lord of Kuraigana cast the two of you within his gloomy silhouette, you were get to get a single glance to the crew behind you. 
“Red-Hair,” Mihawk uttered, crossing his arms with a subtle glare. 
“Gloomy prick,” Shanks laughed affectionately, releasing you from his arm and extending his right hand outwards to clasp around his former rivals’.
As Shanks finally became distracted, you stole a moment to reassess all of the red-hair crew. All crew was accounted for: Hongo seeming to guard the turned figure of Benn Beckman with a glance over the tall man’s shoulder. 
“I have to show you my latest find, Hawk-Eyes,” Shanks sighed, placing his left hand on Mihawk's right shoulder, “You're not gonna believe it.”
“I care not for your trinkets, I have enough wealth of my own,” Mihawk retorted. Shanks smiled broadly, but you were too distracted by the dark-haired first-mate's cloak shrouding his shoulder. 
They were hiding something far greater than meager treasure, this you were certain of. The subtle bounce of Beckman's hips and sway of his shoulders intrigued you, as did the soft baritone melody he was humming through his nose. What perplexed you the most was not the unusual mannerisms he was displaying, but rather what he was not. 
Beckman was not smoking a cigarette. 
Your eyes never left Beckman's back, your gaze unblinking and intense. This did not escape the notice of Mihawk, who darted his honey-coloured eyes behind Shanks to see your gaze locked on the first-mate. 
“What have you got hidden over there, Benn?” Mihawk’s purred taunt cut through the air like Yoru into the wooden hull of a fleet of ships. 
Silence. Uncomfortable silence. A silence so tense you could audibly hear the muffled grind of several sets of teeth behind tight lips. 
Until the silence was broken with a soft sound that grew louder and louder. Whimpers, grizzles and finally a lengthy whine that immediately swelled into a loud cry drew you all in immediately. 
“Wh-What have you-...” Mihawk's words were lost to him as Beckman turned. His eyes were glassy as his sockets lay bruised and sunken against his face. The look of absolute sleep depravity was written on his face, exhaustion and exasperation in every step. 
Within his arms lay a small form, topped with pale pearl and dark ruby hair split right down the middle. Their face was contorted as they squealed out a shrill cry. Within Beckman's large arms lay-.
“-A baby!” you exclaimed in absolute glee. Your breathy sigh only has your smile raise further against your lips as you swoop towards Benn Beckman, “You have a baby!” All air of caution blew away with the wind as you reached the first mate, pressing your hand against his forearm as you glanced at the child in his arms. 
The child was dressed in pastel pink with white frills, their body revealed as they struggled to remain contained in a soft swaddle. 
“A little girl?” you asked him. Beckman nodded, sighing out a soft, “Yes.” You looked down in awe at the infant, her eyes scrunched tightly shut as she continued to wail. 
“May I hold her?” you asked him, eyes filled with excitement. It had been so long since you had the pleasure of entertaining new life and soothing their cries. Beckman was so exhausted, all he could do was nod in response. You down turned your lip in an empathetic smile, your eyes softening as he handed over the small child. 
“Oh, come to aunty, sweet pea,” you cooed at her, immediately beginning to walk with her in your arms in a pacing fashion, “Such a pretty girl! Oh, you are gorgeous.” Beckman's eyes never left you, watching you as your stoic face melted as soon as the baby was passed to you. 
The child continued to wail, her legs scrunching up to her chest and growling out in discomfort. Your questions flew out of your mouth faster than you could halt them. 
“When was the last time she was fed? Has she had a bottle? She is far too young for solids, what have you been feeding her?” The first mate’s head was spinning from the rapidity of your line of questioning, but it was a welcome change to the cries he had been dealing with for the past few hours, “Has she been changed? Is it her nap time? Has she got colic? When was the last time she was bathed? Where is she at in her daily routine? What is her name-?”
“-Her name is Uta,” Shanks’ voice softly called to you, breaking you out of your rapid-fire questions, “She's been having milk from a bladder every two to three hours, last time was about fifteen minutes ago, wasn't it big man?”
“Aye, Captain,” Beckman confirmed with a curt nod, “Changed her soon thereafter.”
“She'll be due for a nap in a minute, probably why she's gotten so grumpy,” Shanks laughed heartily, clapping his hand over Mihawk's shoulder, “Just like you, hey?” Mihawk remained silent, eyeing the child in your arms with caution. 
“Uta,” you fawned down at the infant, gently placing her chest over your shoulder left and supporting her neck with your right hand, “Oh, little song. Such a beautiful name!” 
The child stirred within your arms as you walked away from the red-hair crew and towards the high-keep. Mihawk glared at you cautiously as you smiled up at him, gently rocking the child and now patting her back. A large, guttural sound emitted from Uta’s lips, her legs softly falling away from their scrunched position in relief to the stomach pressure. 
“Oh, Uta. I bet that feels better,” you giggled at the child, walking past Mihawk towards the keep, “Clever girl. Come with aunty, let's get to work while your uncles and daddy rest, hm?”
“Just where do you think you're going, dear?” Mihawk’s disinterested tone called over to you. You halted in your steps, turning to face the large crowd of pirates. You glared down at your boss, pursing your lips as the large pack stared up at you. 
“Us ladies are going to tend to my duties for the day, and get to know each other better. Girl time,” you inform them with a stirn voice, “And you all are going to make yourselves comfortable in guest quarters and rest up. Is that understood?”
Nods frantically bobbed in affirmation amongst the Red-Hair pirates, but a firm cross of arms and scowl almost had you halt your plans. 
“Under whose authority?” Mihawk spat at you. Shanks widened his eyes in shock Mihawk's sudden animosity. You sighed, huffing out a breath while continuing to pat the child. 
“My lord Mihawk, self-made man of myth and legend,” you bowed, supporting Uta's neck as you did so, “World's Greatest Swordsman and ruler of high-keep Kuraigana. Master of the blade, keeper of secrets, loyal confidant and expert-.”
“-Alright, fine,” Mihawk caved, a small blush almost peeking through his pale complexion, ��You may stay for a night to restock and rest.”
“A week would be better, sir,” you continued to hold your head low, refusing to look up until he allowed himself to be swayed by your words. It didn't take too long, uttering a curt, “A week, and you will all clean up after yourselves, am I clear?” as he did so. 
The red-hairs all uttered an “Aye, sir,” in unison, the relief adamant in their voices. 
Rising from your low stoop, you smiled at your boss first before looking at Beckman. His eyes lay half-lidded, his lips down turning only slightly as his expression remained unreadable. The man was past the point of exhaustion, you deduced from your hasty assessment. 
“Alright, do we have a changing bag, or shall I send for supplies immediately?” you asked Shanks, who grabbed at the scruff of his neck with a sheepish grin. 
“We're fresh out, unfortunately,” Shanks confessed. Beckman sighed, shaking his head at his captain’s quick response and adding one of his own. 
“We have two fresh clouts and some strips of fabric,” Beckman relayed to you, “Unfortunately, all her clothes are soiled and they'll be needin’ a good wash.” He made his way up the hill beside you, walking in step as you opened the doors to the keep. 
The Red-Hair crew remained behind with Shanks, no longer viewing you as a threat to their wellbeing the longer you braced Uta against you. 
“Thank you, Benn,” you smiled at him as he held open the door for you. He returned a small smile at you as you passed him with Uta still remaining in your arms. 
He couldn't help but notice the fluttering beat in his heart as he watched you cradle the young baby. Although Uta was not his biologically, nor were you by all means with him romantically: your flirtatious past together, your soft smile, and the way you immediately took to caring for the child had Beckman’s mind running away with him. 
You chose to follow Mihawk in his ambitions, rather than join with Shanks in his. A spymistress and master of your trade from your early years, he had many run-ins with you over his checkered past. No kiss was ever shared, nor a passionate night together - but he was always left with a sense of longing after you'd smile at him. 
It never did take you long to pry truth from his lips, and he was well aware of this factor. He was a pirate with the heart of an honest sailor; and that honesty meant he could never have a lie uttered in your presence. He adored you, and would see you spirited away from high-keep Kuraigana with him should you ever ask. 
There was a part of him that wishes he could sweep you off your feet, romance you and dote on you in a coupling that could rival Roger and Rouge, but he may be just seeing what he wants to see in your smile. 
To Beckman, you were the one that got away. The one who would reciprocate his flirtations, only to leave before anything more could occur. He adored you. He could even go as far as to say that, at one point in time, he loved you. And now, as you cradled young Uta against your shoulder and uttered sweet praise into her ear, those feelings came flooding back. 
As you moved around your desk, you readjusted the infant in your arms. You cradled her in the crook of your left elbow while you sat: going through a variety of paperwork and ledgers drawn up for Mihawk to sign. 
Beckman placed Uta’s lackluster satchel of supplies on the desk beside the papers as he noticed a small twitch in your expression. You looked hyper focussed on your work as you rocked the child gently to sleep, scowling at a line of ink drawn on a ledger. 
“You can leave, Benn,” your nose twitched as you narrowed your eyes on the paper, “No harm will come to her,” you looked up at him above your paper, “Honestly, it's a little heartbreaking you didn't disclose this in your letters. After all this time knowing one another, I would assume you would inform me you had a daughter.”
Beckman sharply sucked in a breath, eyes widening with shock. 
“Uta’s-...” Beckman began, halting as he thought about his words. Should he confess the child was found in a chest, abandoned and discarded? Should he inform you that Shanks had claimed her as his own? Should he see how your mind fell immediately to that conclusion, and should he see where this conclusion would lead you both?
You looked down at the sleeping child, taking Beckman's silence as confirmation that the girl was indeed his. 
“She is beautiful,” you sighed down at her before snapping your eyes back up towards him, “Go and join the others. Enjoy an uninterrupted cigarette, Daddy,” you added for Uta’s benefit, “And when you return after a good rest,” you smiled a melancholy grin, “Tell me more about her, okay?” 
Beckman's heart swelled for you, his spirit soaring as he watched you continue in your duties for Mihawk with Uta. His feet remained cemented in place as he willed this moment to be branded into his memory. He never wanted you more than this very moment, but remained silent in his yearning. 
“Something else, Benn?” you asked him, staring down at the baby in your arms. The girl blindly began mouthing at her clenched fists in her sleep, seeking them out to gnaw on for comfort. 
“Uta’s Shanks' daughter,” he blurted out in a low and cautious cadence, “Found in a shipwreck amongst booze and plunder. She’s not ours biologically, she’s a daughter of the sea.” 
You snapped your eyes up to him, lips parting briefly before your gaze softened at him. “Thank you for your honesty, Benn. I appreciate your candor, as always,” you immediately halted your train of thought, thinking of your earlier interaction with him, “I would also like to apologize for calling you ‘Daddy’ earlier. I meant no disrespect, and I only did it for her sake.”
“No need for an apology,” he smirked with a soft nod, “And I never could never lie to you. You always get the truth outta’ me, one way or another.”
Humming in response, you easily slotted your index finger within Uta's and watched as she tested her strength in her vice-like grip. You hung in comfortable silence for a moment longer, both eyes meeting with the tiny life cradled in your arms. 
“You should have named her Umi,” you informed him, “Beautiful child of the sea, rather than ‘song’.”
“She’s named ‘Uta’ because even her cries are like melodies to the crew,” Beckman continued, “And Shanks sang to her when he first met her.”
“Oh, how beautiful,” you commented with a soft smile. Beckman swooned at your expression, his body unconsciously leaning towards you. You narrowed your eyes while smirking up at him. 
“Go and join your crew, Benn-,” you began, the first-mate's baritone voice oozing over you like warm honey to halt your thoughts in their place. 
“-Beckman, Darlin’,” he whispered, “You don't call Mihawk ‘Dracule’, nor do you call Shanks ‘red hair’,” he leant over your desk and affectionately pinched your chin, “Call me by my name, or give me a term of endearment,” he shot you a sly wink with a winning grin, “Even if it's ‘Daddy’.”
Face swelling with a fresh rush of blood, you attempted to control your fluster. You swooned as his thumb caressed your chin, heart calling to your teenage crush you thought you long-since snuffed out. 
“Go, Becks,” you smiled up at him, his expression mirroring your own as he continued looking at you, “Go rest, replenish and relax. Uta is with her aunty, and her aunty is more than capable to care for her for a few hours.” 
“Aye, that she is,” Beckman gave your chin a gentle tap, his closed-lip smile and half-lidded eyes still holding to you as he retracted his hand, “And, what a pretty aunty she has.” He turned on his heel, walking back over to the door and hovering in the threshold for a moment. 
“Go away, Becks,” you laughed at him, shooting him with the paper in your hand, “And tell your crew to bathe while they're here, they all stink,” you called as he left the doorway. His chuckle reverberated in the hall, a song you did not know your soul yearned for. 
Looking down at Uta, now properly settled in your arms, you sighed in contentment. “Back to work for us, princess,” you smiled as you returned to your duties, “But first, let's see about getting you some more supplies. Maybe a medical examination, birthdate assessment and a good look to ensure you're alright.”
Setting quickly to work: you organized several deliveries for the Red-Force to resupply the vessel, called out a medical professional for Uta, gathered supplies to meet the needs for a child - including developmental appropriate dried milk powders for lengthy trips. 
After two hours of work, Uta woke from her rest and became restless as she searched for food with her mouth parting and hovering over her balled fists. You hastily withdrew supplies from her satchel, readying and feeding her from a fresh bottle, changed her clout and burped her, before seeing if she needed more milk. 
A small smile fell from her lips as her eyelids fluttered, her body drunk on the swell of warmth in her belly and content in her cleanliness. Soon thereafter, she was back to sleep in no time. 
In the following few hours, several deliveries were made to your office. New clothes, clouts, a bathing basin, a collapsible crib and sheets to match, bottles, a woven wrap for baby carrying, a bassinet with two anchored wheels, and a soft velvetine hawk with weighted wings were amongst the gifts you had purchased with your own Berry for your new niece. 
Uta stirred in your arms, enjoying following a similar routine from earlier, but instead of falling back to sleep, she remained wide awake and staring up at you. 
“Oh, pretty girl,” you cooed down at her, watching as she stared with a vacant, unreadable expression back towards you, “Eyes with wisdom far beyond her years.” You set down your papers, pressing a steel paperweight down atop the pages. 
“You know all the secrets, don't you,” your words held no truth to them, only speaking in melodic jest, “They will all be at your mercy one day, won't they?” You stood, walking with her while holding her at eye height. Supporting her neck and propping her upright, you continued to hold a one-sided conversation with the small child. 
“You've got all your uncles wrapped around your finger,” your sing-song voice carried down the hallway, “You’re gonna get to your uncle Hawk too, one day. He's going to be the one that loves you the most.”
Ears pricking up in the hall beyond the door, three men halted their eager footsteps as they eavesdropped on your conversation with Uta. Mihawk attempted to feign disinterest, but was highly intrigued by what you were relaying to the child. Shanks felt his heart swell at the bonding moment between his two favorite ladies. And Beckman? 
Beckman didn't know what to think. Especially with sweet praises falling from your lips onto his newfound niece. All he knew was the soft call of his heart, his soul yearning for a woman he knew he could never have. 
After what felt like a small blink for you, but several eternities for Mihawk; a week had soon passed you all. The Red-Force was freshly stocked and resupplied, and you enlisted Yassop to pile the gifts for Uta onto the ship. 
As Shanks stepped on board the planked barrier, he extended his arms out to claim the small infant from you. You wanted to hesitate, to offer Uta a solid place to call home: but with Mihawk commissioned to claim bounties and enact horrid acts of war, you felt Uta would be far safer with Shanks. 
“Please keep me updated on my beautiful niece, Shanks,” you warned him with a soft scold, handing him his daughter, “And any other children you find within your care. I would hate to see them going unspoiled by their favorite aunty.”
“Hah!” Shanks laughed at the notion, “If I find another baby in a treasure chest, you'll be the first one to know. Of that, I'm certain.”
You waved Shanks off, a bittersweet look on your face as you mourned the loss of warmth in your arms. Beckman was the last to board, turning on his heel and extending his left hand out to claim your right. 
Without further word, he stopped down and pressed a gentle kiss atop your knuckles. He held his lips against your hand for a fair while longer than he intended, truly depicting his gratitude in getting a reprieve from both uncle and captain-watching duties. 
“If Shanks doesn't keep you updated, I will Darlin’,” he uttered against your skin, removing his lips and looking up at you through his dark eyelashes, “Every milestone, if you truly want.”
“Please,” you smiled at the tall man as he elevated himself back up to standing height, “I would not want to miss a thing, especially if it’s coming from you.” 
“Alright, pretty lady,” Shanks called down at you, sporting Uta in the woven wrap against his chest, “Give me back my first-mate. We gotta make waves.” 
“Aye, sir,” you uttered, glancing down at where Beckman's hands still held yours. He followed your gaze, cheeks dusting with a subtle pink as he realized he was the one still grasping your hand. You giggled as he carefully retracted his hand from your own, his fingers gently brushing yours. 
As the Red-Force glided over the swell of waves, you couldn't help but feel a piece of your heart left with them. The question was who held that piece: was it the young child you had carved for, or was it the dark-haired first mate. 
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rorywritesjunk · 4 months
The stars in their courses will run and bring their hearts earthward to hear her.
Buggy brings his son in to the bakery to get a treat for his birthday. You like decorating cakes. Rating: PG-13ish. Warning: Fast paced in a way. Six month time skip. Pregnancy. Buggy's a little insistent and sulky. Talk of child abandonment. A/N: Now that Birdie has a name I think of her a lot tbh.
Title comes from “Girl in the Garden” by S.J. Tucker.
Chapter 1 + Chapter 2 + Chapter 3 + Chapter 4 + Chapter 5 + Chapter 6
Chapter 4
Six months had passed by when he walked into the bakery. You grimaced when you saw him, shaking your head as he tried not to make eye contact, looking everywhere but at you. You didn’t remember his name after meeting him those few times, but he remembered you by the small smile he gave you as he placed an order for a cake.
“Who’s birthday is it?” You asked as you wrote down the order. “And what’s a name for pickup?”
“It’s for Darby’s birthday.” Cabaji said quickly; you looked up and raised an eyebrow.
“So, his half birthday then?” You said as you straightened up a bit. “Since his birthday was six months ago, which is when I met him and his dad.”
“It’s… the Captain’s birthday?” 
“For a pirate, you’re really bad at lying.” You pointed out as you ripped the order off the pad and tore it up. “I thought pirates were good at it.” You sighed and rubbed your face. “Look, just buy a dozen cupcakes and call it good, okay? I don’t know why you’re here with your terrible lies but I don’t have time for it.”
“R-Right.” He took the box he was given of assorted cupcakes and gave you some berry before leaving, but not before looking back at you once more before he stepped out the door. Why he had to come check on you and not the Captain himself was something Cabaji was curious about. Darby spent the last six months talking about you, asking when you’d come and cook pancakes again, and to his credit, Buggy was patient and kind with the kid with all the questions but he took the frustrations of the situation out on his crew.
Buggy wasn’t handling it well, the way things ended between you two and Cabaji had seen it firsthand. He knew his Captain had a big heart, one that often opened up when he thought he’d found a kindred soul, someone he could fall in love with and sail the seas together, but when you walked out after breakfast that morning, he was shattered, even if he didn’t tell it to anyone, but Cabaji saw it. 
When Buggy saw they would be near your town again, he sent Cabaji out to check in on you. And boy, Cabaji had news to share and he wasn’t sure how the captain was going to take it.
Once he delivered the cupcakes to the kitchen, he sought out Buggy. He was in Darby’s room, brushing his son’s hair out while trying to figure out how to style it for the day. The three year old hated sitting still but Buggy had given him some blocks to distract himself with while he worked. Cabaji knocked on the door and cleared his throat; Buggy looked up and glared at him.
“I saw her, sir.” 
“She’s… changed.” Cabaji trailed off and Buggy rolled his eyes.
“How? She get a haircut, grow shorter, or is she missing some limbs? I don’t really care, I was just curious.” He said as he began to braid Darby’s hair. 
“She’s pregnant, Captain Buggy.”
Buggy stopped what he was doing and slowly looked over at Cabaji. “She’s what now?”
“Pregnant.” He said hesitantly. “I didn’t… ask how far along she was.”
“Did she have a ring?”
“I didn’t see one.”
Buggy nodded slowly and turned back to his son. “You can go.”
“I said go.” His hand flew at Cabaji, pushing him out of the room before yanking the door shut. So, you were pregnant. You must have found a man shortly after Buggy which didn’t sit well with him. It wasn’t as if you belonged to him or that he was the jealous type, he just… wanted to know what you’d been up to since you left the ship during breakfast and broke his son’s little heart. It wasn’t that Buggy cared about you, no, he just didn’t like seeing his son so sad. You two weren’t in any sort of relationship after two days, but maybe he needed to pay you a visit, just to say hi, check in with you, that sort of thing.
When you walked up to the bakery the next day, you noticed someone was waiting outside. That wasn’t too unusual, often someone was waiting for the place to open so they could grab a breakfast pastry and coffee, completely normal, but it was just that when you got closer and saw who it was, you paused for a moment. He hadn’t changed in six months, still had his blue hair hidden, his makeup was still smeared, and his nose just as red.
“Uh… hi.” You weren’t really sure what to say. You didn’t expect to see him. “Bakery opens in an hour.”
“The donuts were tasty, Darby wanted more.” Buggy said with a shrug. “Wanted to be first in line to get the best ones.”
“Those were cupcakes.”
Buggy paused for a moment before shrugging again. “Same thing.”
You sighed and unlocked the door, gesturing for him to follow you in. This was a dumb idea, why were you doing this? Why were you letting him into your place of work while you tried to get ready for the day? You locked the door behind him and went to make him a cup of coffee.
“Why are you here?” You asked with a frown. “Is Darby okay?”
His gaze softened just a bit at you asking about his son. He nodded as he took a seat. “He's fine. Growing like seaweed.”
You didn't correct him as you brought him his coffee. He grabbed your wrist gently before you could pull away, looking up at you, eyes briefly flickering to your growing stomach.
“So, find some hot guy to make an honest woman outta ya?”
“Not exactly.” You said; his eyes narrowed and you sighed, removing yourself from his grasp and putting his hand on your stomach. “I was pretty shocked, the two times I wasn't careful and some goofy pirate knocked me up.”
“Yep.” You stepped away from him and headed to the kitchen. He got up to follow, leaving the coffee behind. “Six months along. Kinda getting tired of being on my feet all day.” 
“Why are you still working then?”
It was hard not to snap an answer back at him. Admittedly, you found the fool to be handsome, it was hard not to in some ways, but he was certainly dumb sometimes. You bit back a retort as you started to bend down to get something but Buggy’s hands were there to help you. You pointed out what you needed and they grabbed them, putting them up on the counter for you.
“I can't not work, Buggy. I need money, especially with this little one on the way.” You sighed. “And then once the baby is born, I'll be coming to work with them because… I don't have anyone to help me.”
“I still have an open position on my ship.” Buggy said without missing a beat. “I… still want someone to help with Darby.”
“What, like a nanny?” You asked. Before, the idea was crazy to you. But now, with the baby growing inside you, it didn't sound half bad. Keeping up with the running of the bakery was driving you crazy. You’d come home exhausted, achy, feet sore and swollen. It was hard to want to get out of bed some mornings to do it all over again. You didn’t know how to pace yourself, barely even giving yourself a day off most of the time, and as you reflected on that for a moment, the invite did sound enticing. Maybe it was the changing hormones and emotions, but you ended up nodding. “Do I get my own room, or…”
“Own room, you take care of Darby, I'll pay you, it's quite the life, y’know.” Buggy shrugged. “He'd love to have you around.”
“Is he the only one?” You asked as you tapped one of his hands, pointing to a large mixing bowl that was up high. “Look, I didn't mean to leave the way I did, I just… was concerned with what you said. I really liked those two days with you, and I loved spending time with Darby.”
Buggy just shrugged. “He loved spending time with you and having you on the ship.”
You smiled softly and looked at him. “I just… need a few days to take care of some things.”
The way Darby's eyes lit up when he saw you at breakfast one morning made you think the decision to come aboard was the right one. He completely ignored Buggy in favor of hurrying over to you and holding his arms up to be picked up, which you did, pulling him into your lap, which was just a little uncomfortable with your stomach being in the way, but he didn't seem to mind. He was just happy to see you.
“Clearly you're the favorite.” Buggy sighed as he fixed Darby’s plate for him. You had arrived the night before after Darby went to bed. Buggy gave you the Grand Tour of the ship, finishing off where your room was, the small storage room that was between Buggy's and Darby's room and it was perfect. He had it converted pretty quickly and you appreciated it, even though you ended up sleeping with Buggy that night.
“I can't help it.” You chuckled as you hugged Darby, kissing him on the forehead as he made himself comfortable on your lap. “I missed you, Darby. I'm excited to spend time with you!”
“With me?” He looked up at you with a frown. “Why?”
“She's going to stay with us for a bit, sweetheart.” Buggy told him as he set Darby's plate down in front of you, as well as your own. “She's going to live with us! That's great, right?”
“Really?” The little boy's eyes lit up as he looked at you. The smile on his face tugged at your heart and oh, you couldn't believe that you were going to do this, live on a pirate ship while pregnant, helping the captain raise this adorable child. 
“Oh, he's precious.” You chuckled as you hugged him. “Really! I'll get to play with you, we can cook and do whatever you want, Darby.”
Buggy wasn't sure he could handle the scene in front of him. Darby had the biggest smile on his face as he looked up at you while you had one arm around him while you used the other to start feeding yourself. It was apparent what kind of person you were with how attached his son was to you already, even after meeting you the first time and wandering off to see you the next day. Darby still didn't even go near most of the crew and they knew him since he was a baby.
It was a little too sweet and Buggy finally managed to look away, focusing on his own food while you answered Darby’s questions between bites while also encouraging the three year old to eat as well. Was this going to work out? It had been Buggy and Darby for the kid's entire life and now here you were, pregnant with Darby’s sibling, joining the family in some way. 
Buggy realized there was going to need to be some conversations happening.
“Can Darby call you mom?”
It was just before lunchtime the day you arrived. Darby was down for a nap while you were in the kitchen, preparing lunch for the three of you. You knew the two of you would need to talk, lay down rules, expectations and boundaries, things like that, but you just didn't expect that question out of the blue like that.
“Do you want him to?” You asked, looking up from the cheese sandwiches you were currently toasting. “I mean, I think it would be confusing if this new baby comes and we are saying ‘mommy and daddy’ around it, and he just calls you daddy…”
“I want him to be able to.” Buggy said a little too quickly. You frowned as he went to grab plates for the three of you. He hesitated for a second before looking at you. “Look, Darby’s mom didn't want him. We… we had a fling, I didn't know she was pregnant, and when I came to visit her, she told me either I take the kid or he goes to an orphanage.” He took a moment, cleared his throat, before adding, “He was a little baby, y’know. He was just a few weeks old and that bitch wanted to leave him at an orphanage.”
“Oh, Buggy…” You swallowed the lump in your throat and rubbed your eyes, trying to ignore the tears threatening to well up. “That's horrible.”
“I wasn't going to put my son through that. And… and he is my son, it's pretty obvious, and it hasn't been easy but I love that kid.” Buggy continued, no longer looking at you as he set the table. “Y’know, never thought I'd be a dad. Didn't think it was a possibility, but… here I am, raising one kid with another on the way.”
You lowered the heat on the stove before walking over to Buggy and touching his arm to get his attention. He glanced over at you and you took his hand, placing it on your swollen belly.
“We both know this isn't going to be perfect, we're probably going to fight and have other issues, but I'm fine if Darby wants to call me mom.” You told him as he sat down on a chair and leaned into you, resting his cheek on your stomach. “But I don't want to force it, let it happen naturally, okay?”
“Yea…” He trailed off, eyes closed as he made himself comfortable against you. You didn't move for a moment, rubbing his shoulder gently. 
“Are you sleepy?” You asked; he nodded. “Okay, I think it's time for you to take a nap after lunch. I'll take care of Darby so you can get some rest.”
“I'm too old for naps.” He mumbled in response.
“I feel like I had this conversation already today.” You chuckled as your fingers moved from his shoulder to the back of his neck. He shuddered, leaning into you further, and you kept it up for a few more minutes. “Okay, I need to get Darby up for lunch. After you eat, you take your nap.”
Buggy tilted his head up to scowl at you but you weren't bothered by it. You already saw that scowl on a three year old when you put him down for his nap a few hours ago. You just patted Buggy on the cheek before pulling away to plate the sandwiches before going off to collect Darby.
This was all either going to work out or explode into millions of pieces.
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Little bunny 2
Yandere William Afton/Steve Raglan x reader
Dead dove do not eat! - you will get exactly what's in the tags!
Tags: FNAF, mature themes, William Afton(That guy is a warning himself)
Note: This chapter is really only fluff, nothing else except William watching you.
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The next day you got ready for your night shift at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. You've heard of the place before, you even knew what Animatronics there were. When you arrived you unlocked the entrance, stepped inside and looked around for a bit. The place was dusty, evidence of break ins are visible, and the place was spooky. As you walked to the office located in the middle of the building, you flipped the switch and the power turned on. You walked back to the dining area, wondering if the Animatronics are still there. There was a red button on the wall near Pirate Cove and you pushed it, the curtains of the stage were driven back, the three main Animatronics, Freddy, Bonnie and Chica were performing, then Pirate Cove's curtains were driven back and Foxy emerged, performing too.
"Cute." You giggled to yourself and pushed the button again, the Animatronics stopped performing and everything went silent once again. You then walked back into the office, you finished the 'welcome' tape and watched the security cameras.
unbeknown to you, you were being watched through a secret camera in the office.
William Afton watched you on his laptop at his home, just like he watched everyone else who had worked there.
After a while of watching the cameras, you began to get bored. Lucky for you, the chair you're sitting on is a spinny chair, so you spinned around a couple of times but that began to bore you too. Meanwhile William was expecting you to just sleep on your job just like the other night guards before you. But you stood up and walked around the building, you got curious and you walked up to the main stage, pushed the curtains back and looked at the three mains.
"Awh, she's getting curious. Sweet." William chuckled to himself as he continued to watch you.
You tapped Freddy's shoulder out of curiousness, then booped his snoot. You moved over to Bonnie and flicked a finger over his quitar, then moved over to Chica and patted her cupcake.
"Oh goddamn, what am I doing? I am behaving like a 5 year old." You laughed to yourself and slowly made your way back to the Office.
You rummaged around in your small backbag and got your sketchbook out. You started to draw the three main Animatronics.
William was kind of surprised that you were actually starting to draw instead of just sleeping like he expected you to be.
"Perhaps you really are different after all, bunny." he chuckled to himself again.
After you finished drawing, you looked at it, proud of yourself as you used every little ounce of silence there was to sink into your creativity to create this drawing of yours. But then you heard something...
You jumped, peeking out carefully from the office door, you saw nothing. You checked every security camera, nothing. The entrance is still locked up, no one would have made it inside unless unlocked.
Meanwhile William grinned from ear to ear at seeing how spooked you've got. "Now it's getting to entertainment..." he wished he could have been there to scare you himself...
You sighed, "Not on my watch."
Instead of following the dumb horror movie cliché, you simply closed the door again, pulling your phone out and reading something, not noticing how Freddy walked to the window beside the door, staring at you.
You looked over, nearly jumping out of the chair as you saw Freddy Fazbear looking straight at you.
"What the...fuck...?" You held a hand to your chest, trying to calm yourself down. "Freddy?" At hearing his name, Freddy raised his eyebrows and tilting his head slightly to the side. You walked closer to the window, but not too close since you knew he could bash the window in and grab you, "What are you doing here?" You ask, thinking how stupid you might look like talking to a robot like a little child. Freddy then moved his hand to his face and booped his snoot with his index finger, just like you did a few minutes ago when you got bored. "How do you know I did that?" You asked, wondering if the Animatronics developed over time like a goddamn AI.
Freddy wiggled with his ears and made a laughing motion with his mouth, making you laugh a little bit. Then an Idea came into your mind.
You grabbed the drawing you made and showed it to Freddy, holding it close to his face. Freddy wiggled his hears even more and made his laughing motion again, closing his eyes then opening them again.
You were blushing at his movements, "Are...are you friendly?" You asked and Freddy nodded his head a little.
You turned around to the other door of the office and saw Bonnie standing there just like Freddy was, staring at you through the glas. Bonnie tilted his head and wiggled his ears too just like Freddy did.
You walked over to Bonnie and showed him the drawing too, making him wiggle his ears again and close his eyes with the laughing motion too.
Everything went dark.
The lights went out, and you heard the doors automatically open again.
You realized the power went out, but you quickly went to the switch and flipped it again.
The lights went on again, but this time the doors were open, and Bonnie and Freddy were now inside your office!
You gasped at seeing them in the office. But they didn't make any sudden moves, instead both of them tilted their heads again and wiggled their ears a little, wondering if you were scared of them.
"Are you going to hurt me?" you asked them, and both of them shook their heads. No.
Then you saw Chica appear behind Freddy, who was standing in the door way just like Bonnie was. She raised her cupcake and patted it just like you did when you were at the stage.
"Dum, dum, dum, dum"
You got scared, it sounded like a robot singing, and then you noticed Foxy standing at the glas beside Bonnie in the door way. Foxy's mouth hanged open a little bit, like being surprised to see a guest here.
'Are they all going to rip me apart now?' You thought.
You walked a little closer to Foxy, but remembering you only drawed Freddy, Bonnie and Chica and not Foxy.
"I forgot to draw you Foxy." You said in a sad tone, seeing Foxy lower his hears and head slightly, as if being sad.
"But if you want I can do that." You suggested and Foxy instantly made a happier expression.
So you grabbed your sketchbook again and started drawing Foxy in the Pirate Cove while all the Animatronics were standing behind you and watched you drawing. After you were done you showed it to Foxy and he made the same ear wiggling, laughing motion and closed eye motion like Freddy and Bonnie.
Bonnie then extended his arms towards you, motioning a hug while looking at you. You knew he wanted to hug you. You hugged him.
Chica made the same, and so did you. You hugged her, then Freddy and then Foxy. You glanced at the clock on the wall,
The rest of the night shift went by fast, the Animatronics keeping you company and you drawing them.
Soon it was 6AM and you hugged all the Animatronics again and saying goodbye to them. You got out and locked the entrance and made your way home.
William who watched everything on his laptop smiled, but it wasn't a friendly smile,
"Do you really think being friends with the Animatronics will save you now?" He chuckled,
"Think again, bunny... tomorrow will be a different show..
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Christmas Reruns 2023 Day 13: Santa Claus is Coming to Town
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Merry Christmas if you celebrate it and happy holidays if you don’t!  One of the things I love about Christmas is watching reruns of all the old classic Christmas movies–Christmas is a big time for nostalgia.  A few years ago, I decided to incorporate that tradition into my fandom life and post my CS holiday reruns.  So here you go!  Enough holiday (mostly) fluff to get you to New Year’s Day. (With a new story posting on Christmas Day.)
Rating: G
Word Count: 2807
Other chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Today’s story was originally written as part of my Fluffy Friday’s collection. It was written just after 5a aired, and is now more of a post 5b canon divergence. Disappointed that no one seems to be in the Christmas spirit, Henry inadvertently casts a curse that will either spread Christmas cheer…or drive everyone nuts.
CS genre: future fic (post 5b)
The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.
                                                                           ~Buddy the Elf~
Emma woke abruptly, hand going immediately to her racing heart.  It had been six months since their return from the Underworld, but she still had the dream with frightening regularity:  She had to watch Killian die again, sacrificing himself for all of them.  They made it to the Underworld, but just as they were about to reach Killian, he slipped from her grasp, falling farther and farther away from her until he was lost to her for good.
She swiveled her head to the side and then sighed in relief. He lay there beside her, sleeping peacefully, the ghost of a smile on his lips.  She still felt the tears gather at the thought that the reality had been far from her nightmare.  She had found Killian; she’d brought him home.  They’d married as soon as it could be arranged; neither wanting to wait another second to make the vows that would join them together as one forever.
Emma smoothed the unruly hair away from her husband’s face, and then bent down to kiss him, needing to reassure herself that he was alive and well and here with her.  She’d meant it to be just a quick kiss, a peck, but the moment her lips met his, the familiar fire that was ever-present between them fanned into flame.
He groaned deep in his chest and breathed her name, hand coming to tangle in her hair, mouth slanting to meet hers, to deepen the kiss, before he was even fully awake.  The kiss went on for long moments, becoming more all-consuming with each passing moment, but finally Killian pulled away, breathing heavily.
“That was quite the pleasant way to wake, my love,” he said, his voice still gravely from sleep.  “To what do I owe this show of affection?”
She stroked his face, smiling down at him, not wanting to mar the moment with talk of her dream.  She shrugged.  “Merry Christmas, Killian.”
He gave her a searching look, his brow furrowing in obvious concern.  “It was the dream again, wasn’t it, Swan?”
She flopped back onto her side of the bed with a sigh.  The man was too perceptive for his own good.  “Yeah.  Six months back home and safe and everything, and I still have the dream.  I just, I don’t know, I needed to reassure myself that you’re here and safe and all of that.”
He raised up on one elbow, looking down at her, running his fingers through her messy curls.  After a moment he turned from concerned husband to dashing rapscallion.  “I assure you I am, Emma.  If you, however, need to be convinced, I’ve more than a few thoughts on how to put your mind at ease.”
Emma felt the desire coil deep within at the heated look in his eyes and she smiled up at him before bringing his mouth back to hers.  “Yeah, I think I could use a little convincing, pirate.”
This kiss was all heat and white hot passion from the start.  Emma felt Killian’s hand move to the buttons on her pajama top, and things were about to get really interesting, when suddenly their bedroom door slammed open.
“We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas, and a happy New Year,” came Leroy’s loud voice.  A moment later, the man himself—along with his usual grumpy scowl—came into view.
“What the hell?” Killian growled as he rolled off of Emma and shot the dwarf a look that could kill.
Emma hastily re-buttoned her pajama top and then sat up, looking at the people pouring into her bedroom—the dwarfs, Regina and Robin, Granny and Ruby, her parents, Henry—the latter three looking extremely uncomfortable at the scene they’d burst in upon.  “You guys ever think about, I don’t know, knocking before you barge into a person’s house? And their bedroom?”
“No time, sister,” Grumpy said with a scowl.  “Seems like we’ve been cursed again and we’re gonna need the savior.”
“Wait,” Emma said, holding up a hand and looking at her family and friends now surrounding her booth at Granny’s.  “You’re telling me that Santa, Santa Claus is real too?  And that he cursed us?  How does this even happen?”
Ruby walked past singing “Santa baby”, while in the far corner Archie and Marco began a rousing chorus of “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the year.”  Henry joined Emma and Killian in their booth.
“Yeah…” he said, glancing aside.  “I, um…I think this is my fault.  I kind of wrote a letter to Santa and, well, this happened.”
“You…you wrote a letter to Santa asking him to curse us so that we all break out into Christmas songs every few moments?” Emma asked, rolling her eyes as the rest of the dwarfs surrounded Leroy and started singing “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch.”
“Kid, this’s got to be the most annoying curse ever.”
“You’re telling me,” Granny groused, stopping by their booth on the way to serve a couple in the back who’d just begun serenading each other with Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas, and looking very displeased about it.  “If I have to hear Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer one more time, the blue-plate special might start coming with a side of poison.”
“Oh please,” Regina said with an eye roll worthy of a queen, “you think that’s bad?  Roland’s been singing The Twelve Days of Christmas more or less non-stop for the past twenty-four hours.  I’m about to go all Evil Queen on everyone.”
“Well, lad,” Killian said, fixing Henry with a stern, fatherly look, “your mother asked you a question.  What have you to say for yourself?  Why did you go to this ‘Santa’ fellow and request a curse?”
Henry sighed deeply.  “I didn’t request a curse,” he said.  “I just.  I don’t know, I wanted everyone to get a little Christmas spirit, you know, after you all decided to skip Christmas and everything.  I didn’t want Santa to curse you!  I just thought we needed all the peace and love and joy and family and all that holiday stuff we could get after what we’ve been through.  I asked Santa to help me think of a way to make everyone see that we need Christmas more than ever this year.”
“The holly and the ivy, when they are both full grown, of all the trees that are in the wood, the holly bears the crown,” Ashley and Thomas sang—in perfect harmony—as they stopped by the table.  “Emma!  You’ve got to help us stop this!”
“Alright everybody,” Emma said, bringing her hands to her temples.  “Just…let me think for a minute.”
It was true what Henry said; they had made a town-wide decision to skip Christmas this year.  It had been decided that after everything everyone had been through lately—between Zelena and the Queens of Darkness and then both Killian and her becoming Dark Ones and then Rumple’s renewed betrayal, and then going through hell to bring Killian back—that they deserved a break, a chance to just catch their breath and renew their strength before the next villain showed up (or Rumple found a way back from the Underworld where they’d left him).  There was no doubt the new year would bring a new curse or villain or crisis of some type.  Last thing they all needed was the hustle and bustle and stress of the Christmas season.
Henry had been disappointed, of course, but she’d promised to make it up to him.  He’d seemed to accept it graciously enough after that, and Emma had hoped he accepted the town’s decision.
Guess not, if he was writing letters to Santa requesting Yuletide backup.
“Not to state the obvious,” Killian said, settling his arm around Emma’s waist, “but there is a tried and true method for breaking curses.  Has anyone thought to try True Love’s Kiss?”
“Couldn’t hurt,” David said turning toward Mary Margaret. 
Emma watched as her father bent toward her mother, as Robin took Regina in his arms, and then felt her own true love nudge her with his hook.  “Shall we do our part as well, love?”
“Yeah, I think we’d better,” Emma said, smiling up at him.  She took his face into her hands and pulled him down to her.  This kiss was warm and sweet as ever, sending a rush of her true love magic rushing through her system—but no pulse of electricity; no waves of rainbow-tinted light.
As the strains of Mulan singing Do You Hear What I Hear filled the otherwise quiet diner, Emma came to realize they were dealing with a foe more formidable than any of them had expected.
It was a rather demoralized group that trudged back into Granny’s a couple hours later.  Sleepy sang “Deck the Halls” in between yawns, but otherwise silence reigned.  They’d yet to find a cure for their musical malady.
This “Christmas” was an odd custom, Killian thought to himself as he slid into a booth and then promptly laced his fingers with his wife’s.  It was purported to be a happy time, full of magic and merriment, but the residents of Storybrooke regarded it nearly as drudgery.
Then there was this “Santa Claus” fellow.  Per Swan, he was said to be the very embodiment of the Christmas spirit—both jolly and benevolent.
Having just met the man, he could vouch for the jolly part, but benevolent…that was far more up for debate.
They’d no more than determined True Love’s Kiss was not a solution to this particular curse than Belle had burst into the diner, book in hand (singing “Jingle Bell Rock” under her breath—an odd song, that).
“I think I know who Santa is in Storybrooke!” she’d announced.  “You know that guy, Kris who runs the North Pole Ice Rink?  It’s got to be him!  Think about it, he’s got a long white beard, his laugh sounds like ‘ho, ho, ho’ and he’s always warning trouble-makers that he’s keeping a list and checking it twice.”
“That does sound like Santa,” Henry agreed.
“Now that we’ve presumably found our villain, what do we propose to do about the situation?” Killian asked, idly caressing Emma’s hand with his thumb.
“I don’t think he’s a villain, exactly,” Belle said, brow furrowed.  “Maybe…if we just, I don’t know, asked him nicely he’ll lift the curse for us.”
Regina tutted and rolled her eyes.  “Yeah, I’m sure jolly old St. Nick’s just going to do what we want because we asked nicely.”
Emma sighed deeply.  “Well it’s worth a shot.  Don’t hear anyone else coming up with a better solution.”
And so they’d walked to the ice rink and discovered that Kris Kringle was indeed the Santa fellow they were in search of.  They’d walked in the door of the establishment to be greeted by a large number of very small men—elves, Swan had called them—all singing “Here Comes Santa Claus” as a man with a long white beard, rosy cheeks, a rotund belly and a permanent look of good humor came forward to greet them.
Most unfortunately, the Evil Queen had been quite correct.  While Santa had laughed merrily, he’d flat out refused to accede to their request, insisting the terms of the curse were quite absolute.  The compulsive singing would only come to an end when the town had achieved sufficient Christmas spirit and come to accept and embrace the holiday at hand.
And so, thwarted again, they’d returned to the diner to plot a new strategy.
“Hark the herald angels sing,” the fairies began from the other side of Granny’s.
“Not to state the obvious,” Leroy began, “but True Love’s Kiss didn’t work; confronting Santa didn’t work; we’re about to strike out.”
“How about you keep your unhelpful comments to yourself, dwarf?” Regina snarled.
“Watch it sister,” Leroy returned, “you can take your attitude and shove it up your…”
Emma slashed the air with her hand; just in time, it would seem.  The queen seemed on the point of forming a fireball.  “Not helping guys.”
Killian wrapped an arm around Emma’s shoulders, and she slumped against him with a sigh.  “Perhaps we didn’t get the result we hoped from our confrontation with Santa Claus, but it is possible that we obtained a solution to our problem nonetheless.”
Emma turned toward him.  “What do you mean?”
“Well,” he answered, smiling down at her.  “Santa did offer us a way to break the curse.  We simply need to embrace the spirit of this Christmas.  Perhaps it wasn’t what we planned, but it would seem the choice is simple: either we follow the demands of the curse, or we learn to live with the constant barrage of musical offerings from this town’s citizens.”
“Just a little to the left, David” Mary Margaret said, stepping back and tilting her head to the side.  “No, back to the right, but just a tiny bit…there!  Perfect.”
“Okay folks,” Leroy said, grin on his face, “ready to light it up?”
A chorus of cheers greeted him as he put the plug into the socket.
Emma grinned as she heard the delighted gasp of her pirate husband who was holding her close to him on their couch.  “Swan!” he breathed.  “You’ve the daftest customs in your land; who would think to bring a tree inside and decorate it?  I must admit, however, that draped with the baubles and festive lights it’s a wonder to behold.”
She leaned over and kissed his cheek before settling back with her head on his shoulder.  “Yeah, it certainly is.”
It had been decided that Killian’s idea was the only real solution to the town’s problem.  Regina and Leroy had objected at first, insisting that it set a bad precedent, bowing to Yuletide terrorists, but in the end, they’d been overruled.
Henry had been so excited, he’d immediately started planning, calling the new mission “Operation Reindeer”.  How could Emma deny her son when he was so enthusiastic?  And really, what was so bad about Christmas anyway?  Why had they all been so insistent not to so much as put up a string of Christmas lights?
In the end, getting into the Christmas spirit herself, Emma had offered the Swan-Jones house as a meeting place and begun planning a Christmas party, the likes of which Storybrooke had never seen.
Emma smiled, burrowing deeper into her husband’s side as her mom and Regina put the last touches on the tree.  She had to admit, this was kind of…nice.  There’d been a spirit of joy and anticipation that had settled over the whole town as everyone pitched in to show Christmas that when they invited someone in and held a party in its honor, they did a proper job of it.
As the talking, laughing and merry-making continued long into the night, Emma suddenly realized something.  “Killian, I haven’t heard a single person sing a carol in about three hours!”
He kissed her softly. “It would appear you’ve broken yet another curse, love, though I’d never doubt you.  There’s not a curse in any realm that’s a match for you.”
“Not me,” Emma said, looking around at her family and friends, “us.  All of us.”
“Be that as it may,” Killian said, affixing a sprig of mistletoe onto his hook and holding it above them.  “You’re still bloody brilliant.  Now, if I’m to understand correctly, there is a tradition in this realm related to the weed on my hook.  In the spirit of Christmas, I believe we really must comply.”
“Oh, you think so, do you?”
“Most assuredly.”
She laughed, reaching up with both arms and pulling him down to her.  He came more than willingly, his lips curved into a delighted smile as she thoroughly and enthusiastically fulfilled the requirements of standing beneath the mistletoe.
“So, pirate,” she whispered, lips still against his.  “If I remember right, we were in the middle of something when the town burst in on us this morning.  What do you say we wrap this party up and get back to that?”
His smile turned decidedly wicked.  “I’d say of all the brilliant ideas you’ve had today, that is most definitely your best.”
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I've seen dark before But not like this This is cold This is empty This is numb
Jacob had always known that he and his wife would die. He just never thought his wife would go first... giving birth to his second daughter... and leaving him alone in this cold world.
He felt empty and numb.... and it was so hard to get up in the morning...
He would wake up and expect his wife to be there, for her eyes t be looking into his as she smiled, her brown wavy hair covering the pillow below her.
And now when he woke up and felt the other side of the bed for his wife, all he felt was the emptiness.
The life I knew is over The lights are out Hello, darkness I'm ready to succumb
One morning he got out of bed to see his eldest daughter, ella, looking into her sister's crib.
"Hello little baby! Papa hasn't given you a name yet, but I know it'll be something strong! Mama would've loved you!" Ella whisper shouted as she looked into her little sisters crib.
Jacob walked throught he halls of the castle, looking at the pictures on the wall of his family, of the life that he knew. The life that was over.
He walked to the library. The dark library that smelt of his wife's perfume.
He sunk to his knees in front of her favorite spot, as if he was ready to succumb to the darkness he was slowly being consumed by.
I follow you around I always have But you've gone to a place I cannot find
His wife was practically his map in life. Ever since he had met her on the docks all those years ago.
He had followed her once to a place that she went to regularly, and he hahadn'stopped following her since. Until now.
Now she was gone.
And he'd never be able to find her again.
This grief has a gravity It pulls me down But a tiny voice whispers in my mind "You are lost, hope is gone But you must go on And do the next right thing"
Jacob was laying numbly in his bed one morning.
He doesn't know if it was a trick of his ears, but he could've sworn he heard his wife calling out to him.
He eagerly got up and went to find where the voice was coming from, only to see his 5 year old daughter, Mia, and his 7 year old daughter Ella playing pirates together.
They seemed so happy, so full of hope.
And the voice in his head told him to do the next right thing.
He knew he couldn't act like this anymore. He knew he had to raise his daughters.
Can there be a day beyond this night? I don't know anymore what is true I can't find my direction, I'm all alone The only star that guided me was you How to rise from the floor When it's not you I'm rising for?
The road to recovery was so hard.
It was as if Jacob was on a ship and the star that had been guiding him had just disappeared.
How was he supposed to function normally? How could he be a good father?
Especially after selling his eldest's freedom to love who she chooses.
Just do the next right thing Take a step, step again It is all that I came to do The next right thing
Jacob slowly got out of bed.
Just one foot in front of the other.
Thats what he told himself.
It got better however when his daughters ran into his room, smiles on their faces.
"Papa papa! Alistar is coming over today!" Ella shouted as she and Mia ran in.
Jacob took a breath and smiled.
Just do the next right thing.
I won't look too far ahead It's too much for me to take But break it down to this next breath This next step This next choice is one that I can make
Jacob was in the kitchen.
It was the anniversary of her death.
He promised himself he'd try. He promised her that he'd try.
Carolyn was coming over today as well to grieve with him and help with the kids. She was bringing her son.
Jacob inhaled deeply. Taking a deep breath to calm his depression.
The only thing he could do was try his best today.
So I'll walk through this night Stumbling blindly toward the light And do the next right thing And with the dawn, what comes then When it's clear that everything will never be the same again?
After the kids were put to sleep, he and Carolyn stumbled outside to Clarissa's grave.
The two stayed out there until dawn.
They dddidn'want to leave her alone.
"Nothing is going to be the same, is it?" Jacob asked quietly.
"No.... but with time there'll be a new normal. what is grief if not love preserving?" Carilyn replied.
Jacob nodded solemnly.
Then I'll make the choice To hear that voice And do the next right thing
Jacob went into his daughter's room that morning, waking them up just so they could all cuddle together.
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A Year Without (9/10)
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Summary: After the curse returns Killian to the Enchanted Forest, he struggles to acclimate to his old life and his old ways. When a bird with a letter and memory potion arrives on his ship, he accepts the challenge to find Emma and help her save her family. Getting to Emma won't be easy and will cost him dearly, but what choice does he have when he cannot go a day without memories of her haunting him?
A03 | CH  1  |   2  |   3  |  4  |  5  |  6  |  7  |  8  |  9  |  10  | CUTS
Day 325
A white bird landed on the letters he’d scratched into the ship to teach a young Bealfire the nautical terms he’d need to sail. The bird cocked his head as if it were trying to decide that it had the correct pirate captain.
Perhaps, I’ve overindulged, Hook looked at his flask with an air of suspicion. Although, rum had never before made him consider the intentions of fowl landing on his ship. Then again, when had a bird last landed on his ship and stared at him for five minutes?
He shooed it with a sweep of his hook, the bird jumped up, chirped at him, landed once more, and continued to stare almost haughtily at him.
Hook raised his eyebrow curiously back at the bird, this was genuinely odd bird behaviour. Since he was actually observing the bird now, he noticed the scroll and small vial tied to its leg. “My apologies,” he said to the bird, removing the items from the creature. Once unburdened, the bird flew off as though annoyed by the entire enterprise. Hook couldn’t blame it, he hadn’t sailed under the command of another since he’d escaped his time in Pan’s service. Get this memory potion to Emma. Everyone she loves is in danger. She is the only one who can break the curse. She has to save them.
Day 330
Of all the cursed pirates to be in possession of a bean, Hook watched as Blackbeard held court in the middle of the tavern - apparently, even the sharks hadn’t found him appealing. He held himself in higher regard than the actual royalty that Hook was trying to find his way back to. Hook held back the distaste he had for the pompous pirate laughing heartily in the midst of his crew and stepped up to Blackbeard’s table.
“Fancy a wager, mate?” Hook challenged with a smirk.
Blackbeard studied Hook’s face, clearly trying to avoid sailing into the path of disaster. A broad, open smile broke out across Blackbeard’s face, “aye, and what do you imagine that you have that I would want?”
Hook lifted his eyebrow, and leaned in as if he were about to part with his deepest secret, “why, the Jolly Roger, of course!”
Blackbeard smiled, hungry to return to the deck of Hook’s most prized possession. A possession Hook was determined to leave behind for a magical bean.
Day 365
She’d been here all year. He’d travelled the realms, trying to find a place that he wanted to be, but there was nowhere he desired more than this threshold. He assumed Swan was at the other side of the door, the compass was pointing furiously at the thing.
He thought that he may never see her again, but they’d been brought together once more. He could not shake the feeling stirring that they’d always find a way to come together again. He felt so drawn to her as he entered this realm, that he was certain that true love wasn’t something he’d shared with Milah because it was this awful, wonderful thing that he shared with Emma.
Wasn’t that why it had been so easy to keep the promise in those last words he’d spoken a year ago? He’d seen her everywhere, dreamt of her often, and replayed their every exchange desperate to keep a tight grip on what they shared because whatever it was they shared was intoxicating and impossible for him to surrender now that he’d had a taste. What was that, if not something deeper than the love he’d experienced before? Love he’d spent centuries seeking revenge for once it was taken from him. What was this with Emma, other than that elusive, magical true love?
After a year of trying to live without her, Swan was on the other side of that threshold. Suddenly, it occurred to him that the curse may have impacted her somehow, whatever this new threat was may have come to prevent her from stopping the new curse. He rapt on the door urgently, panic having seized his heart, he desperately needed to see she was unharmed.
After a moment as long as the one he’d spent watching the yellow vessel drive off as the curse swept them apart, the door was yanked open and Swan was there.
The sunlight poured in around her blonde waves, giving a surreal effect to the moment. “Swan?” Her name tore from him, “at last.” The need to touch her, know that she was real and not a mirage from too long apart, not an image pulled from his dreams overcame him, and he reached for her.
She yanked back, eyes narrowed.
True love's kiss would break the curse.
His heart sped up as he considered the possibility that he could break this curse at this moment. He pulled her to him to test the possibility and leaned in to kiss her after all this time apart, but his action was cut short as a sharp pain radiated from his groin, doubling him over as she threw him into the corridor wall.
He was a fool for believing that some part of her might recall whatever might have been forming between them in Neverland. Too many nights considering Ariel’s words had made him believe in the impossibility that she may have returned his affections.
As the door slammed in his face, he realised that getting Swan back was going to require a bit more finesse than that awful exchange. He shouldn’t have been surprised, she always demanded the best of him and now he just had to figure out how to deliver when she only remembered him as the stranger.
And, if he knew anything about Swan, it was that her trust did not come easily. 
TAG: @kazoosandfannypacks @kmomof4@cosette141
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Vampire Canons | familia aut mors
Dimos • 2345 years old • Sire of familia aut mors 20 Points | Suggested face claim is Alvaro Morte
A prominent philosopher in ancient Greece, he had garnered a large following because of his unique perspectives. They were encouraged and later seduced by Pestilence, who saw potential in their thoughts, but he was dying of an unknown disease, watching their life slip away. Pestilence came to him with an offer, a way to continue on without dying. Turned into a vampire at 46s years old, he had no idea what he was in for. With a thirst for blood, he took to the world with a new zeal. Deeply intellectual, they have spent centuries at the cutting edge of education. Have developed an addiction to Pestilence’s blood, which gives him cryptic visions. He is currently trying to figure out what the Franchise is and how to transcend his current predicament of vampirism.
Played By: OPEN!!
Koide Eho • 787 Years Old • Primary Second of familia aut mors 15 Points | Suggested face claim is Karen Fukuhara
Unlike most vampires, Eho doesn’t hold reverence for the time she’s walked this Earth. She prefers to live in the current age and for that hasn’t fallen prey to morose pining for a past she hated. Only her sire and her lover know the path that she’s walked, turning at the age of 29, and why she doesn’t like to talk about it. She’s a big believer in vampire superiority, believing by focusing on the future and anything beyond cooperation that the world will ultimately be a better place. Determined, focused and reverent to her sire, she's the one that keeps the Family together, unafraid of being disciplinary, but she usually leaves that for the other second. Her relationship with Sofia is being kept a secret because of Sinan Kizil, if he knew that they were involved there would be hell to pay.
Played By: OPEN!!
Sakina Kincaid • 310 Years Old • Second of familia aut mors 15 Points | Suggested face claim is Zazie Beetz
Opposite to Eho, Sakina is proud of where she’s come from, and is willing and able to brag about what she’s survived to any willing to listen. Born and raised in Jamaica she lived the life of a pirate, and ran across Dimos on a stormy night, changing her at the age of 23. Instead of finding her fate at the end of the hangman’s noose, she found eternal life and she’s been capitalizing on it since. She feels that she is better fit to be the primary to Dimos, and is actively looking to usurp Eho, citing the disrespectful behavior that the older vampire shows.
Played By: OPEN!!
Adalgisa • 487 Years Old • Member of familia aut mors 10 Points | Suggested face claim is Andreja Pejic
Once hailed as one of the best painters of her time, Adalgisa wasn’t always known by that name. In fact it wasn’t until 200 years after her transformation at the age of 33 that she came to be true to her inner self. An unfortunate favorite of Dimos’ to sit and talk about philosophy, Adalgisa’s heart is in her art. She owns and operates an art house just outside of Baltimore and often partners with the Franchise Owner there to put on high art shows that attract a wide range of clientele. She detests the schemes of the rest of her family and would prefer to be left to her art in peace.
Played By: OPEN!!
Lucas Green • 52 Years Old • Member of familia aut mors 5 Points | Suggested face claim is Tom Holland
The youngest member of familia aut mors and turned at the age of 23, and the one with the political dreams, Lucas has always lived a life of privilege. From a long line of politically minded farmers (and further back plantation owners), Lucas hails from Savannah and is proud of the men in his history. He fell in with Dimos at a function shortly after the Revelation, and it was the young man’s spirit that led the old philosopher to give him a chance to chase his dream eternally. Lucas is currently spearheading the vampires in senate movement, campaigning that age limits do not apply if you are undead, and stands on the platforms of his family. There’s no secret that it’s Dimos that writes the scripts to Lucas’ speeches.
Played By: OPEN!!
Unlike Eclipse's End, familia aut mors is a coven with desires to be respected and feared in a way that even their prey will understand. As the public face of many vampire movements, they know what it's like to tip toe around publicity and hide their true selves. Formidable in their greed, we would love to have all of the canons from familia aut mors on site!
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bloodshotyuri · 1 year
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I posted 768 times in 2022
238 posts created (31%)
530 posts reblogged (69%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 412 of my posts in 2022
Only 46% of my posts had no tags
#jrwi spoilers - 52 posts
#jrwi - 46 posts
#jrwilb - 34 posts
#jrwi liveblog spoilers - 20 posts
#jrwi liveblog - 17 posts
#double life spoilers - 13 posts
#jay ferin - 12 posts
#dsmp spoilers - 7 posts
#jrwi apotheosis - 6 posts
#dream smp spoilers - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#this is to say my first ever thought abt charlie slimecicle (a man who’s work i admire so much) was “oh he’s like an offbrand joe hills”
My Top Posts in 2022:
i’m actually inconsolable about chip by the way. it’s way too late at night to analyse but he fucking thinks he shouldn’t have been born and that he can’t be who arlin would have raised and is unable to value himself by his own terms when he stopped coasting on denial he himself only half believed he just fucking crumpled
33 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
no ok lizzies ending is like. getting me. because she’s lived a full life in the ocean kingdom, she had a brother and a husband and she made things and she discovered herself and she made enemies and allies and she had plans and then the ocean washed away & everything about her that made her the ocean queen dried up and then she was just. lizzie. and she left having no idea who and what she left behind
57 notes - Posted January 30, 2022
big fan of the fact that we’re gonna have a horny old man on the ship again. it’s what the riptide pirates need
77 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
i really do love how for the last two seasons, scott and cleo have wanted to team so badly, but both times fate and circumstance have pulled them apart - then this time when fate explicitly says ”no, you two aren’t meant to be together“ they actively turn their back on it.
84 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i love how purpled and slimecicle both have an open sort of end to their stories:
slime obviously takes his revenge on both purpled and quackity because they took advantage of his nature and hoped he wouldn’t catch on, but overlayed as he does is “is it ever worth it/no” from when quackity tells him about revenge, so you don’t know how he feels about either afterwards, what sort of guilt he carries now, and he remains an entirely changed person due to both experiences. and clearly he goes on to live as himself but what he does as himself is a mystery since we never truly saw him independent
- and purpled does what he’s done before, he has an agenda and as much as he wants to complete it alone he agrees under duress to try and achieve it with someone else, but this time his attempt to manipulate someone falls through and he reaches the exact same fate as quackity, the very person he was trying to get revenge upon. and he’s not permadead after that, it wasn’t his last canon death but where does he possibly go now? it’s unlikely dream has any use for him and he’s proved useless to purpled actually achieving his goals, and now he’s got no legacy no revenge nothing to even plot in his cave. maybe he tries to be himself this time? maybe he leaves the server entirely? maybe he gets pulled into someone else’s scheme again and meets the same fate he has before.
you don’t know, because it’s quackity’s story, so all you get that is their futures don’t have him in it.
94 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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ajoraverse · 5 years
Hello followers <3! I’m sure you’re sick of this now, but Faris is my favorite character ever and I never get tired of writing her. So, here’s a series focusing on her life pre-game that’s... honestly mostly ventfic. Can probably be read by people who aren’t familiar with the canon, if you’re still following from SU fandom. Just a warning: because the Age of Sail/Golden Age of Piracy was my thing in my childhood, there’s a bit of jargon. Hopefully it all makes sense in context.
How Quaint the Ways of Paradox 1: Arson: On AO3 // ff.net.
Summary: It turns out that a pirate captain was chosen as the Light Warrior of Fire. Faris thinks there might have been a mistake.
Chapter summary: At seventeen, Faris has a well-defined sense of justice. She simply prefers to take matters into her own hands.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
The troubles of parenting as a pirate;
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Summary; here is a snippet of Captain James Hook's struggle as a father to his five kids-- Ginny Gothel, Harriet Hook, Harry Hook, CJ Hook, and Hannah Hook.
Trigger warning; fire and brief mention of child injury.
"THE FIRE BLOODY WELL DIDN'T START ITSELF! SO, WHICH ONE OF YOU DID?!" Was a sentence 47 year old, Captain James Bartholomew Hook never thought he'd be saying at 2am to anyone-- let alone his own kids.
Yet here he was in the kitchen of his ship in his robe, arms crossed, staring down his 5 young children. Waiting for an answer that would likely not come easily, knowing his kids. And it seemed he was right because all he was met with in that moment was silence. Pure, blissful silence that he would have loved to have any other moment of the day that was not now.
His eldest two (who didn't know they were sisters) sat side by side, mirroring his stance. Arms crossed, blue eyes meeting his own-- faces showing no emotion at all. The bottoms of their night gowns singed and their slippers covered in ash. It was just his luck both of his eldest daughters (Harriet and Ginny) had inherited his stubbornness and ability to keep a tight lip about things, despite the fact that he hadn't even raised one of them. Teenagers.
A quick glance at his remaining three told him that they weren't going to be much help in figuring out what exactly had transpired either. Harry was glaring at his banaged feet, sulking and no longer howling in pain. The bottoms of his trouser legs having long since burned away. His night shirt and hands, which were gripping his knees, covered in ash and soot.
Little 8 year old Calista was the messiest of the five. Covered head to toe in soot and ash. Her clothes would definitely need to be cleaned or thrown out all together. Her hair charred black at the bottom and calling out for a hair cut. Hands burned and bandaged. Not meeting his eyes. She defines wouldn't be cooperating. All 4 of them seemed to be guilty.
The only one who seemed to not be at fault was his youngest -- little 7 year old Hannah who wasn't wearing her goggles or hearing aid. She was facing the wrong way and her hair was frizzing up everywhere, into every direction. Feet bare and not a speck of ash on her. This was the last thing he wanted to be dealing with at 2am while his wife was bedridden. But it wasn't like he could drop it without punishing one of them. Especially since whoever did has hurt Harry and Cj, and could have killed them or someone else or put them out of a home.
James sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Cj, please get Hannah's attention for me, Monkey". Cj kicked Hannah, causing the youngest girl to jump and spin around. Getting her to finally face him. He made a mental note to reprimand her as soon as Hannah was out of the room. But first..
'Hannah bug, you can go to bed. You obviously had nothing to do with this' he signed carefully, making sure she had enough time to read it without her goggles. This earned him a big smile from Hannah who swiftly left the room-- bumping into the door frame as she did so.
Cj started laughing while his oldest three all started to protest. Which was the usual for these situations.
"Oh come on!"
"That's not fair--"
James could feel a headache coming on. One that he knew would only worsen before the night was over. As he pinched the bridge of his nose once again, all he could think was 'Have kids, they said. It will be rewarding, they said...'
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missmungoe · 2 years
I just need you to know, that ever since I read that last chapter of Moon and her Maiden I have been worrying about Makino. Like, I'm just sitting doing a something unrelated and randomly go 'oh man, I hope Makino will be okay :(('. Truly good writing on your part!
It’s been almost a year since I updated this story, and I’m so sorry for leaving you hanging like that! But I’m working on the next chapter as we speak, and just to assure you that help is on the way:
(From Moon and Her Maiden chapter 5, to be posted soon-ish)
A log cabin had appeared between the trees. If he hadn’t been looking for it, Shanks thought might have missed it, shrouded as though by some spell of the forest, the shadows under the turf roof deeper than they should be, but he only spared it a passing thought. The witching hour had a way of making even the mundane seem uncanny, but like the forest shadows, the glamour would fade with the sunrise.
But despite being the middle of the night, the light within suggested whoever lived there was awake, further corroborated by the smoke rising from the brick chimney. He could sense a whole group inside, but didn’t reach for Gryphon yet, and didn’t wait for the others to catch up, striding up the hard-packed path to slam his fist against the door, three times in rapid succession, demanding rather than requesting attention, but then he didn’t have time to be polite.
A long beat passed, and he was just about to consider breaking down the door when it suddenly opened, only to find no one there, until he looked down to see a kid squinting up at him warily. He looked maybe ten years old, heavily freckled, and with an impressive frown marring his small features.
Something about his face made him pause, but before Shanks could wonder who he reminded him of―
“Who the hell are you?” the kid asked.
Well. That wasn’t what he’d expected. “Nice manners,” Shanks said. “Can I talk to an adult, please? Or someone over three feet?”
The kid’s eyes narrowed, making a vein protrude in his brow. Shanks had never seen someone so small look so serious, as he crossed his twiggy arms and shot back, “Say why you’re here first.”
“Shouldn’t you be in your jammies?” Shanks asked, aware that his temper was getting the better of him, but he didn’t have time for this. “And I’m still looking for an adult.”
Glaring up at him, the kid called over his shoulder. “Dadan! There’s a weirdo who wants to talk to you.”
“Rude,” Shanks muttered.
“He’s not wrong,” Ben said, and had the situation been different, Shanks would have called him unhelpful, but he was too on edge even for his own inappropriate humour. Because while they were wasting time here, Makino and Luffy were―
“You better hurry up,” the kid called into the cabin, with a sidelong look at Shanks. “I think he’s a pervert.”
Gaping, he was momentarily distracted by this frankly brutal assessment. And from such a little kid. “Okay but who raised you? Because I’d like to file a complaint.”
Just then, a towering shape appeared in the doorway behind the kid, and looking up saw that it was a woman, so tall she even had a few inches on him, and built like a woodsman, with hair the colour of burnished rowanberries, tumbling in a wild bramble around her wide shoulders. She brought the forest with her, in the smell of woodsmoke and damp moss, and she had a cigarette bit between her teeth.
She also had an axe in her hand.
“Who’re you?” she asked, as narrowed eyes shifted from Shanks to the pirates behind him.
He eyed the axe warily, before meeting her eyes. “Shanks,” he said. “I take it you’re Dadan?”
Her expression had all the hospitality of tree bark. “Depends who’s asking.”
“It’s her,” the kid said, and didn’t flinch when she rounded on him, spluttering.
“Don’t just go giving away my identity like that!” When he showed no remorse, she muttered, “The pervert’s right, who raised you?”
“You did,” the kid shot back. If he hadn’t been so preoccupied, Shanks would have appreciated the little shit for his cheek.
Dadan bent down her considerable height, a finger levelled at him. “Now listen here, you...!”
As she turned, his eyes seized on something behind her.
From the bottom of her spine protruded what was unmistakably a cow’s tail.
The furrow of Yasopp’s brow confirmed it wasn’t just his mind playing tricks. Even Ben looked like he hadn’t expected that.
Wary for an entirely different reason now, Shanks touched his fingers to the pommel of his sword.
He’d heard of her kind. Not unlike selkies, the huldra, except they preferred drowning men in forest ponds to larger bodies of water.
And this one looked like she wouldn’t even bother seducing them first.
Having caught his hand going to his sword, Dadan turned to him with a glare. She said nothing, but the tighter grip around the haft of her axe told him what awaited if he got any ideas.
And he knew then that it wasn’t just the witching hour that had cast a glamour over her cottage, but that the protective spells weaved from these shadows were hers.
He was tempted to ask if the whole island was filled with their kind, but because there was something more pressing he needed answered, “I’m looking for a group of bandits,” he said. “They took someone from the village.”
Her brows drew together. “Who?” she asked. She had a gruff voice, laced with a smoker’s rasp, but not unkind.
“The girl who owns the bar,” Shanks said, and saw her eyes rounding. “And a little boy.”
“A boy?” she asked. Her voice was pitched differently now. “You don’t mean Garp’s boy?”
Shanks frowned. That she’d heard of Garp wasn’t unusual, when he had family in the village, but the way she spoke suggested they knew each other.
If he hadn’t been in such a hurry, he might have asked. “The mayor said they were from around here,” he said instead, although wondered if it was the wrong thing to say, when her expression darkened.
“Ain’t none of mine that would harm that girl,” she rasped.
“Do you know her?” Shanks asked. It would make sense, given what he now knew, only he distinctly remembered the selkie saying she was the only one of her kind on the island.
Makino. Not the selkie―it had been Makino.
He was still having trouble wrapping his head around it, that all along it had been her, so many moments from the past few weeks coming back to him―that first kiss on the docks, and her dark eyes under the brim of his straw hat; the small, feminine figure he’d mapped with his hands in the dark, and the moment she’d jumped from the docks into his arms, unafraid of the water―all of them bleeding together, until it was all he could do to keep his thoughts straight.
He had to find her.
But Dadan shook her head. “My family doesn’t go into the village,” she said, although after a beat, she added, with a look, “But I know who she is.”
Frowning, Shanks wondered if that last part suggested what he thought it did. But then if Dadan knew her secret, he doubted she’d share it with him unprompted.
“So those bandits aren’t with you?” Yasopp asked.
Her head snapped towards him, as she snarled, “We’re not associated with that ilk!”
“But you know who they are?” Shanks pressed, unconcerned by her aggression, but then all he needed was the confirmation that it hadn’t been at her orders that they’d taken her.
He lifted his hand from Gryphon, although saw how her eyes tracked the movement. “Do you know where they might have gone?” he asked. “A hideout, or somewhere they might have taken them?”
She didn’t answer right away. He could tell she didn’t trust him, and that she was weighing the wisdom of helping him.
“Other than the boy,” Dadan said then. Her voice sounded suddenly rougher. “Did they take anything else?”
Their eyes held. Shanks waited a beat, before he said, “A sealskin.”
From the tightening at the corners of her eyes, he didn’t have to wonder if she knew its significance, which answered his earlier question. And he saw from the furrow of her brows that she knew he did, too, and wondered then if she would tell him anything, if she believed he wasn’t any better than the bandits who’d taken her.
But he wasn’t above begging. Not for her, or Luffy, and if it meant finding out where they were―
“There’s a place.”
The voice drew all their eyes down to the kid with the frown. At their sudden attention, he shifted his weight. “In the city,” he said. He was looking at Shanks, and he wondered what he’d deduced to make him give up the information. “People go there when they want to sell stuff they can’t sell anywhere else.”
His heart stilled.
“A black market?” Ben asked, the anger in his voice so vivid, if Shanks hadn’t known the cause, he might have been caught off guard.
“Shit,” Yasopp cursed.
A cuff to the back of his head had the kid cursing, as Dadan snapped, “The hell are you two doing going to places like that in the city? I’ll tell Garp the next time he’s here!”
His glare faltered a bit, before the kid shot back, only a little wavering, “I’m not scared of gramps!”
Shanks frowned, watching him rubbing the spot on his crown. Garp had more than one grandson? Luffy hadn’t mentioned a brother, or a cousin, but the hair at least suggested they were related, even if there wasn’t a lot of Garp in this one.
He’d save the questions for later. If the kid was right, they had to hurry.
Unbidden, the memory found him, of that night in the moonlit cove, and the tiny figure that had guided him through the underwater shadows to her hidden place, even knowing the risk. How lovely she’d been in her innocence, and her curiosity about human pleasure, and how happy he’d been that her life had never given her reason to feel otherwise, when he’d seen with his own eyes what humans did to rare and beautiful things they didn’t understand.
She’d been untouched by that world, before this. Before him.
They were taking her to a black market.
Dragging his thoughts back before he could remember how she’d looked at him earlier in front of Party’s, Shanks turned to the kid. “Can you show me where it is?”
The boy considered him. “You’re a pirate?” he asked.
“I am.”
“Are you evil?”
He frowned, then said, “I make it a point not to be.”
“But you’re a criminal,” the kid parried.
Yep, he was Garp’s grandson alright. “Sure,” Shanks said. “But those things aren’t synonymous. You can be a nice criminal. See? I’m very nice. But also in kind of a hurry, if you don’t mind.”
His serious expression didn’t budge. Shanks couldn’t remember the last time he’d been subjected to this kind of judgement.
“People say pirates are evil,” the kid said then, and this time there was something other than suspicion in his eyes, and once again, Shanks was arrested by a sense of familiarity, although couldn’t put his finger on what it was about him.
But as far as that assumption went, his own stance was pretty clear. “I don’t care what people say about me,” Shanks said. “I know who I am. And I know evil. Evil requires deliberate action; you can’t just be evil because someone decides you are.”
Then, because he starting to get desperate, “Please,” he said, and hoped his sincerity transferred, if nothing else. “I need to find them.”
The kid considered him, but his serious frown had eased a bit, as though something he’d said had surprised him, but he was too distracted to wonder what it had been.
He was about to say to hell with it and find the place himself, when the boy firmed his lips.
“I’ll show you,” he said, and without another word, walked past them.
Despite her earlier warning of going to the city, Dadan didn’t protest, although before Shanks could follow, her voice stopped him.
“Do you know what happens to her kind when they lose their sealskin?”
Turning, Shanks took her in, axe in hand and her cow’s tail looped through her belt, as though it was no stranger than any of her other features. Unafraid, although he saw from the wary glint in her eyes that she had paid a price for it.
He thought of Makino, her obsession with the shutters in her bar, and her careful concealment of her identity.
It’s dangerous.
Her voice found him, the memory like the still water in the cove, watching the moonlight, the gentle press of her small back to his speaking louder than anything.
Brown eyes flashed in his memory, that moment on the gravel in front of Party’s. The first time he’d seen her afraid of him.
“I’ll find her,” he said, turning on his heel, his cloak flaring. It smelled of her, from where she’d worn it against her skin.
Ben and Yasopp fell in behind him, Lucky following suit, their silence saying more than they did.
At the mouth of the clearing, the kid was waiting for them. Reaching him, Shanks didn’t waste any time.
“Show me where it is.”
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rose-wild · 3 years
heroes of olympus ranked by the saddest/worst childhoods:
(my opinion. you don’t have to agree, that’s okay).
1. HAZEL - i think this is self explanatory. black girl in southern america in the 30s, bullied badly. then watched her mother get possessed by the earth mother, father didn’t care, forced to move on her thirteenth birthday to alaska. was repeatedly told she was a bad, sick child. then was forced to do unspeakable things by marie/gaea, used her powers to make a body for a giant, then had no other choice but to kill herself and her mother to stop gaea from rising. THEN gave up elysium so her mother wouldn’t get the field of punishment. in the Son of Neptune, during one of her backstories, Hazel says, “Hazel felt as if she were expanding to the breaking point, just like that spire in the pit. Her misery would soon become to great to hold inside, and her skin would shatter.” excuse me while i go and sob 😭
2. Reyna - girl her backstory is so fucking sad. watched her dad become insane and paranoid. her dad collected weapons and turned their house into a fortress, and locked her in her room, and when she and her sister would sneak out and get caught, he would throw furniture and yell at them. then he becomes convinced that reyna and hylla are the enemy. ghosts of her ancestors would watch reyna from afar (creepy af). then julian becomes a mania and after they snuck out one day, reyna was TEN, julian got so angry he started glowing, ripping up their house and threw a chair at hylla. reyna then thought her sister was dead as it knocked her unconscious, then had no choice but to kill her own father. a ghost appeared before her and taunted her, telling her she would never flee her crime and never forget her past, calling her a murderer and traitor. then she went to circe’s island and that got destroyed by yours truly percy jackson and annabeth chase, then she was kidnapped by the pirates (who did gods knows what to her) for months and then managed to escape. then she and her sister parted ways after all those years together where they had no one but each other. okay, maybe reyna should be number one.
3. Nico - lots of people would think he needs to be 1, but i don’t think so, and i’m talking about backstories only. he saw his mother walk into a hotel and then watched it explode after it got struck by lightning. then he got his memory wiped and then they were left with a bank trust and a lawyer would come in to check them every once in a while. oh, and then he got stuck in the lotus hotel for seventy years, which they only thought was a month. then westover hall. then bianca dies. yeah.
4. Jason - ugh this boy. his mother left him at the wolf house and told him that she’d be back, but never was. so jason, a little two year old boy, was left crying in the ruins and yelling for his mom and thalia. he was then taken in by wolves (can you imagine how scary that must’ve been for a little boy?) and was raised and trained like a roman soldier. there was no weakness. he wasn’t allowed to, or else he would be eaten alive. yeah. then he made it to camp jupiter and was offered first cohort for being a son of jupiter but denied it. he befriended the least popular kids and went on the least glamorous quests, but was still considered a prince and had everyone’s eyes on him from such a young age. he spent twelve years in the legion and was always the leader. then he led the assault on mount othrys and defeated the titan krios with hand to hand combat, and toppled kronos’s throne. this isn’t tragic, but what is tragic is that he and the legion never got a thanks from the gods.
5. Leo - his fucking nanny tia callida laid him in an actual fire pit and sang him lullabies like some sort of psychopath. and tia callida gave him knives when he was three. she told him to poke a rattlesnake in the grass with a stick (oh that’s super smart for a four year old boy to do). his cousin raphael bullied him. his aunt rosa made him eat with dead people. then, when trying to hurt gaea, she made him angry and made his hands catch on fire. leo fell into a rage and tried to save himself and his mother, but accidentally killed his mother and burned her alive. and then his aunt rosa turned his entire family against him (called him the devil) and told the social care workers to take him away and stuffed him into foster care. he was bullied badly and would run away from his foster care homes and, when he was in between foster homes, would sleep under an actual bridge.
6. Annabeth - since she was a demigod, annabeth was a target for monsters which caused constant fighting between her dad and her stepmother who felt like she was putting everyone (as in her two twin stepsiblings) in danger. she was assaulted by spiders, her worst fear, for three days each night as a seven year old girl. she would scream for her father but he was never there and her stepmother didn’t believe her. as a seven year old girl, she believed her family hates her, so she ran away and smashed monsters with a hammer with the guidance of her immortal mother for MONTHS. then she was taken in by luke and thalia and they became her family. then they found grover and were chased by monsters sent from hades, who was looking to kill thalia for revenge. grover took wrong turns and led them into a cyclops lair on accident. then the cyclops lured everyone except annabeth, who stabbed one of the cyclops in the foot. the group was chased by a pack of hellhounds and all three furies on their way to half-blood hill. she was forced to watch thalia be overran by monsters and killed and dragged away by luke. she heard the great prophecy when she was ten and had nightmares about it because chiron told her she “would have a big part to play”, and that brings us to tlt. damn.
7. Percy - strangled a snake at a day care center when he was two (this is pretty traumatic). was bullied and abused by his stepfather from a very young age and had to watch his mother be in an awful relationship. was bullied badly by other people. he was in military academies where they believed “paddling is good for the soul.” he was stalked by a cyclops in the third grade.
8. Frank - his mother died in a military accident and was then raised by his grandmother. he was then told, at his mother’s funeral, that his whole entire life depends on this little piece of fire wood that if burned, he would literally fall over dead. then, that same evening, he was told he was going to be shipped off to wolves and then to camp jupiter (if he survived its trials ofc).
9. Piper - she fell off a horse when she was six and drove past a meat processing place that made her sick 😭 (this is a joke). but for real, her rich super star dad avoided her and didn’t pay any attention to her, which caused her to act out. she was bullied for being cherokee. and then she finds out months of her life was just a trick of the mist and that her boyfriend doesn’t actually like her at all? sad man.
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pirate-au · 3 years
A Pirate's Life for a Prince (Part 5)
Summary: Roman was a dashing Captain, content with his exciting life out at sea, diving head first into adventure both on and off land. He wouldn't give up his life for anything, and yet he found himself...lacking something. He was never sure what.
When he meets Virgil, a seemingly common traveler in an old tavern, that lacking feeling in his chest goes away for the first time in a long while. So surely there's no harm in offering the stranger and his friend a ride, right?
Notes: TW for Remus being Remus, threats of violence
thank you again to @cheshirevalentine for editing! Check out their spinoff @actorau it's going to be so cool
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 6
The throne room was quiet, the guards stationed around the golden walls silent and motionless, the air just as heavy as it had been since news of the missing Prince had made it to the King.
Janus’s eyes were on the blue skies outside glass stained windows, the guards around him staring straight ahead, backs straight, unmoving for hours.
He leaned against the back of the throne with a sigh. The golden throne was grand and elegant, but also old and uncomfortable. It was honestly more for show than for furniture, and his back always protested the hours upon hours he spent in the throne room. He was always staring at the door, waiting for the same boring pointless people to come in with their same boring pointless demands.
It had been a bit more frantic since Virgil had disappeared along with his advisor, but with over a week of no new leads, no way to track down the missing Prince, things had settled back into routine, just coupled with a rising sense of uncertainty and dread.
Janus could barely even remember the last time he’d had a proper conversation with Virgil. They saw each other in meetings, Virgil quiet and nervous, out of place in a room full of adult royals, but that was about it.
He’d stopped by to congratulate the young Prince on achieving adulthood on his 18th birthday, as well as to praise Patton for his success, but that had been almost a year ago now, and they’d barely said a word to each other since.
Janus had never bothered to get to know the boy- too many bad memories, too much responsibility on top of the crown that had been thrust upon him after the death of the Queen.
He’d been given the throne to the kingdom he was never meant to rule, expected to ignore his own grief and confusion in favor of piecing things back together. He couldn’t raise a child on top of that.
Virgil had his mother’s mismatched eyes. Janus still couldn’t bring himself to look at the Prince without a simple glance being accompanied by waves of unwanted memories.
Patton had raised him well in place of any real family, and Janus had paid him enough to support the young advisor for decades.
And now both Virgil and Patton were gone, vanished without a trace in the middle of the night, and Janus didn’t know what to do.
Virgil was the only heir, set to be King in less than a year’s time now. The boy was a wreck. Anxious, timid, unprepared, and unsociable. So Janus had managed to push back the crowning until he was twenty, rather than eighteen like originally planned.
Patton had done his best, but he and Janus both knew that boy wasn’t fit to be King. Not yet, at least. Probably not for a long while.
But there was nothing Janus could do about that. He was never meant to be King, he was simply a placeholder until the late Queen’s son came of age.
He'd been able to keep Virgil from being crowned as an unprepared teenager like Janus had been, but he couldn't keep the crown off his head forever.
But now the late Queen’s son was gone, and Janus was still on the throne, his back still protesting the long, uneventful hours.
He’d been King for nearly a decade. He’d built his kingdom, built a reputation, placed his spies, made sure he had eyes and ears on every corner. The people knew him, respected him (more out of fear than anything, he suspected). The King was always the first to hear anything.
And yet there hadn’t been a word about the missing Prince. Nobody was sure when he left, if he was still in the city, if he’d left on a ship or was just hiding right under their noses. Nobody knew if he’d left willingly or if someone had stolen him.
It had been over a week, and still nothing.
Janus was pulled from his thoughts when the double doors at the end of the hall swung open without any warning or announcement, loud heels clicking against the floor, the guards startling to attention.
“Hell of a place you got here,” the intruder called, weaving around the two guards stationed at the door, expertly avoiding their grasps. “Did you decorate in puke yellow on purpose?”
Janus leaned forward, watching with his one good eye as the man pushed his way into the throne room, grinning as he surveyed the area, avoiding the apparently incompetent guards.
Janus raised a hand, stopping the rest of his men from rushing forward, weapons raised. The day had been never ending and dull, he might as well see how this played out.
Janus kept his eye on the intruder, eyebrow raised. “And who might you be?”
“That’s not important right now,” the man said, finally spinning around to face the throne. “What is important is… holy shit. What happened to your face? It looks like it was on fire and someone tried to put it out with a fork! Like, in a good way. It works.”
He sounded almost awestruck, staring shamelessly at the marred side of Janus’s face, and for the first time in years the King felt uneasy up on his throne, tensing under the gaze.
Nobody looked at his scar. It was common courtesy to pretend it wasn’t there, an unspoken agreement among the people.
“Tell me who you are and what you want before I have you arrested.”
The man gave a dramatic, woeful sigh, crossing his arms over his chest. “You have a kid, yeah? Short, big mop of black hair, crown prince and heir to the throne of Naither?”
That piqued Janus’s interest much more than the bizarre show the nameless man seemed intent on putting on. “My nephew is the heir, and the city is aware there is a reward for his return. If you have information you should have scheduled an appointment.”
“Appointments aren’t really my thing,” he said, looking up with a bright, crooked grin, one hand moving up to brush over his mustache. “The point is, I know where your kid is.”
“Wonderful,” Janus said. “Where?”
The man merely shrugged. “That depends. How much are you paying?”
He kept his voice disinterested and bored, picking at chipped, painted nails. Well, two could play that game.
Janus leaned back in the throne and examined his gloves, black and gold rings glittering in what little sunlight managed to filter in. He saw the man’s gaze fall on the jewels, his eyes brightening hungrily. “I’m sure we could get you a handsome reward for helping to bring the Prince home. If your information is authentic.”
“Well I’m not offering information,” he said, tilting his head to look at Janus. “I’m offering to collect him myself. There are very few people you could trust with the job, you know. You can’t just pick up any rando’ off the streets.”
“I have plenty of people who are more than capable of bringing the heir back home. You’re expecting me to entrust his return to a stranger?”
The man shrugged again. “I won’t share the information with just anyone.”
“You’ll share the information if there’s a knife to your throat.”
The man actually grinned at that, brown eyes brightening dangerously. There was a scar across the left side of his face, that eye a bit glossy, parallel to Janus’s own injury. “Any fool willing to attack the ship he’s on will die. I can guarantee that. Except myself, of course!”
“Is that so?” Janus drawled. “Care to explain why?”
Remus hummed, rocking forward onto the balls of his feet, smug grin only growing. “You’ve not heard of the Calypso? She’s mighty notorious, especially about these parts. And I’d simply not let anyone near her. There’s precious cargo on that ship, you know.”
Janus had heard of the ship, but only vaguely. He tended to ignore rumors of pirates, busying himself with more important things than following those stories. Especially when such stories didn’t often involve the land he was ruling.
Well, he couldn’t exactly ignore the pirates when they were kidnapping the kingdom’s only heir, could he?
“How do I know you’re right about Virgil being aboard?”
“Why, I have written proof from the Captain, of course!” The man bounced a bit on the balls of his feet, leaning forward. “He’s been on board for… nearly two weeks now? They’ll stop in Gladena in about a day's time, and from there be off to Deigh. You can check any record you please, the first mate is absolutely meticulous about it all.”
Janus drummed his fingers along the throne, studying the intruder carefully. He should have this man arrested for daring to barge into the throne room, whether he was telling the truth or not.
He could send someone he trusted after Virgil, but… the Prince and his advisor would be on the lookout for someone they recognized. And despite himself, Janus was achingly curious. "And how long would it take you to get my heir back to me?"
“Well, considering it took the Captain two weeks to get to Gladena,” the man mused, dropping his arms to fold his hands behind his back, swaying slightly. “I could cut them off at Deigh and be back in less than two months.”
It wasn’t… ideal. The kingdom needed it’s Prince back as soon as possible, especially when he was so close to taking the throne. Janus couldn’t keep the fear and uncertainty at bay forever.
But Deigh was a decent way away. Assuming this man would actually do what he said he would, two months was the best they could hope for. It wasn’t a bad offer.
“Very well,” Janus relented with a heavy sigh. “Every day over two months you’re gone, I reduce your pay. I expect Virgil to be returned unharmed.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re no fun.”
“And I’ll need your name,” Janus said. “I’d like to know who I’m trusting my nephew’s safe return with.”
The man brightened, toothy grin spreading across his face as he put a hand to his chest and bent forward in a mock bow.
“Remus of Lucoria. At your service, your majesty.”
Janus sighed, and some of the guards at the foot of the throne shifted anxiously, no doubt waiting for the order to attack.
As it turned out, there was one pirate Janus couldn’t ignore the rumors about. No one could, with how they seemed to spread with viscosity like no other.
“Ah,” Janus said. He wondered briefly how Remus had managed to dock without word getting to the King, making a mental note to fire his head naval officer. “Wonderful.”
“There we go.” Remus straightened, his grin never faltering. “Now you know who you’re dealing with.”
“And now I trust you to deliver Virgil safely even less.”
“Oh come off it,” Remus said, rolling his eyes. “It���s not like I’m incompetent.”
“You do have a reputation,” Janus pointed out. “And I’d like my nephew back. Not his corpse.”
“I’m ruthless, not stupid. He’ll be alive.”
“He needs to be unharmed.”
“Unharmed is… such a big request these days,” Remus said, turning back to examining his nails. “Should I kiss his booboo if he gets a splinter?”
Janus set his jaw, staring down at Remus from his vantage point up on the throne. He couldn’t remember the last time someone had talked back to him like this, especially in his own throne room. “You should deliver the Crown Prince without injuring him. He’s royalty.”
“Yes, and as am I,” Remus said. “He’s not special.”
“You’re not royalty anymore.”
Remus rolled his eyes once again, turning back to Janus with a smile. “It’s a mindset.”
“Of course it is,” Janus drawled, leaning forward in his throne. “Royalty is power. If I wanted you dead today, your head would be at my feet in seconds.”
Remus laughed then, the sound short and humorless. “I had no problem getting in here, did I? If I wanted you dead today, you would be.”
“Not if you wanted to escape with your life,” Janus said. “But you’re welcome to try.”
“I did say if, sweetheart. I’m not here for that today.”
“Good,” Janus said, keeping his voice cold and sharp. “I still need the Prince back in one piece.”
“Yeah yeah,” Remus agreed, waving him off. “I heard you.”
“Completely unharmed, Remus.”
“Yes,” Remus growled. “I heard you. I’ll kiss all his booboos.”
“Good,” the King said again. “And I trust you’re aware of the reward for Virgil’s return?”
“Oh, I am,” Remus said. “And it’s not enough. I want 3,000. To start.”
Janus scoffed, raising an eyebrow. “To start, huh?”
“I’ve got to be compensated for my time, don’t I?”
“Sure,” Janus agreed. “But I’ll remind you I do have an army at my disposal. I don’t need you for one job. You’ve given me all the information I need to send my own men.”
“The Calypso’s Captain won’t let him go so easily,” Remus said. “And much less to anyone but me. So either I go get him, or he makes it to Deigh and is never heard from again. Your choice.” He said with another infuriating shrug.
There were countless eyes on Janus, the guards watching and waiting, ready to move at the King’s word. Remus was smiling, smug and knowing, and Janus took a steadying, resigned breath.
“Fine,” Janus relented. “I’ll give you 1,500 before you depart, and 1,500 when you return with Virgil.”
“Plus the pre-existing reward.”
The King sighed. He’d pay just about anything to get Remus out of his castle. “Fine. 3,000 on top of the reward.”
Remus smiled again, giving one more fake, flashy bow before sending the King a wink Janus would have anyone else killed for.
He started towards the double doors before pausing and turning back to the King. “How ‘bout a kiss, too?”
“Get out of my throne room.”
Remus cackled, striding past the bewildered guards and pushing past the double doors, the clicking of his heels echoing against the walls. He disappeared and the doors closed behind him, leaving Janus perched on his throne in silence like nothing had even happened.
@i-really-like-dragons @stitches-system @poettheythem @remy-the-lemon-berry @shrubs-and-bushes @i-sexually-identify-as-a-mistake @wordsmithandworm @the-dead-and-the-decaying @hope340 @winterwynd @thomas-sanders-tothe-standers @angstysunshine @sunshineandteddybears @pixelated-pineapple @fire-and-ash67 @blues-clues-oh-wait @shinekittenace @marrymebishop @all-panic-nodisco @ravenclawunicorn1 @someoneiwasnt @listenherebuddypal @aroace-energy
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Finale - Rewrite - POYW - Harry Hook x reader - part 5 - the ember
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*Mals transformation (skull is the symbol on her back)
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Hadie and Celia
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Uma (for her first appearance, she's wearing her canon dress)
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The vks finally arrived at the closest shore facing the isle, Mal taking a deep breath and lifting her goggles to look at Celia. They didn’t want to draw too much attention to themselves on the isle so they would get off and on with the spell that Mal had used years back. “you remember what I said?” Mal asked Celia, Celia nodded, slightly unsure this would even work but Mal was sure Celia could use magic, and therefore cast the spell.
Celia took a deep breath and face the isle, picturing all five motor-bikes in her head as she spoke the incantation “Noble steeds/proud and fair, you shall take us/anywhere” the bikes all glowed a reddish-purple, matching Celia’s hair, and Mal nodded, knowing the spell had worked.
Mal put her goggles back down and revved the engine of her bike, leading the others onto the ocean. Hadie looked down at the water in awe as the bikes easily rode on the water as if it was solid ground, he whistled then looked back up to see the isle coming closer and closer. Celia laughed, feeling giddy as it sunk in, she used her magic, she had done it! She couldn’t wait to tell her dad!
After a few minutes the bikes passed through the barrier, both Hadie and Celia winced at the feeling of magical being forced back underneath their skin, and soon they rolled onto land, Mal taking a few turns towards Faciliers arcade that rested right next to curl up and dye. They passed through the wharf marketplace and through the alleyway where their old hideout was (which had been emptied and claimed by someone else)
Mal turned one last corner and parked her bike right in front of the place that used to be Hades Greek restaurant (he used to be there a lot, but at one point he stopped coming completely and left it in the hands of his hires and son, who ‘sold’ it and it was turned into a regular shop with furniture and decor)
The others parked next to Mal and turned off their bikes, taking off their helmets and leaving them on the seats as (y/n), Hadie, and Celia continued to carry theirs. Mal brought a lock of her hair in front of her and sighed, nope, still brown. She had a small hope that the barrier would reverse the spell that Audrey had cast but Mal supposed she was out of luck on that one. “Come on” Mal muttered, Celia leading the way to the arcade as the vks and (y/n) followed her to the arcade door.
Celia placed her helmet onto the fortune reading table for safekeeping (I mean, who would dare steal from the daughter of the shadow man?) (y/n) and Hadie doing the same, and walked up to a multicolored door with the words ‘Do Not Disturb’ in French painted on it.
Celia grinned at the vks and turned back to the door, excited to show off the arcade. She made a few quick beats with her fist, dancing as someone knocked back in a different beat. She did it once more and bounced in excitement as the door unlocked and slid open, the bouncer inside stepping aside as Celia gestured for everyone to follow her. (y/n), Mal, and Evie shared a proud grin and followed after her, Carlos and Jay looking around as they hadn’t been to the arcade in years, and the surrounding area had changed since the last time they were there.
Celia rushed through the entrance, gasping in delight as she saw the back of her father's head, she practically jumped down the steps and grinned widely as her father turned and smiled. “Hey!” he turned and threw his cane to one of his workers who caught it and turned back to a card reading table. Facilier turned back to his daughter and held his arms out “there she is!”
“Daddy~!!” Celia squealed as she ran towards him and slammed into his arms, laughing as he lifted her into the air and set her down on his other side. The two engaged in a little dance that had obviously been done time and time again, created years ago and they had decided to keep it up. Mal didn’t stop the smile from blooming on her face, while they were on a time crunch and the worlds impending doom was on its way, it warmed her heart to see good parents on the isle, it was rare to see one of the adults not seer at their kids, it was a wonder to see them be fully affectionate.
Plus Facilier had always been one of those adults the kids went to if they needed help, he was “nice” like that. Facilier tapped his cheek, expecting a kiss from Celia but the girl cheekily tapped his hat instead and started to run, squealing with laughter as he caught her and pulled her into his side. Mal and Evie grinned at each other, their delight at seeing the father-daughter relationship slightly dimmed by their lack of one.
The vks loosely followed the two Facilier’s as (y/n) explored the arcade, whistling a bit as she looked around at the extravagant displays and games surrounding her. She had heard Harry and Gil talk about this place before but she had never had the opportunity to visit it when it was active.
Celia grinned as her dad leaned down next to her ear “so what kinda hustle do you got goin’ on with them, shiny people?” Celia just grinned and pulled a small purple velvet drawstring bag out of her shoulder bag, plopping it in his hand and kipping over to the wall of signs next to her dad’s card reading table and grabbing the skull-shaped key then looping it around her neck.
Her father looked at her with pride as he held the piles of coins in his hands, all from the Auradon people she had read cards for in the last day. “Cher” her dad whispered, pride clear in his voice as he carefully poured the coins back into the pouch and tossed it back to his daughter “look at my little girl go, already conning half of Auradon~” Celia just grinned, perking up as Carlos called everyone over to a static tv that was connected to the Auradon network.
The reporter on screen stood at Auradon prep, next to the statue of Adam, as the camera followed him as he walked “Alerts of a sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads across Auradon, sources say the daughter of Aurora, Audrey, is responsible for this spell; were trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil” the man stopped and held his finger up to his earpiece, his face paling in fear “it’s what? it's heading this way, cut it-cut it! we have to run!” the screen cut to static and the vks looked at each other in terror.
“We have to go get the ember” Mal rushed out, Hadie leading the way as you waited for Facilier to release his daughter's shoulder as he stared at the screen in fear for his daughter.
“I’ll protect her,” you said with a smile, holding out your hand to the girl as Facilier nodded and let Celia go.
“You better” he muttered, crossing his arms as you and Celia raced out after the others.
“Rookie mistake” Carlos grumbled as he spotted some of Umas crew members on top of their bikes as they rounded the corner of the alleyway. You sighed, looking over Jay’s shoulder to see Jonas on Jay’s bike, grinning wildly.
“Get off my bike!” Jay yelled out, leaping forward in an attempt to grab Jonas’ jacket as the pirate laughed. Jay just missed as Jonas and his four other pirate cohorts all raced off on your bikes, and you could recognize Bonnie on top of yours. “Over the roofs!” Jay yelled out, Evie and Carlos nodding and running off as Jay turned to you “cut them off” you looked back at Mal and nodded, climbing the buildings and running after the sound of the bike engines.
Celia went to follow but Hadie and Mal grabbed her arms, preventing her from joining the case “Hey, hey hey! They got this, we need to get the ember ASAP” Mal stated, nodding as Celia sighed in slight disappointment.
“Good timing too” Hadie muttered, checking his watch “right about his nap time” Mal raised her brow but followed her fellow vks as they quickly walked towards the other end of the isle where the mines were.
‘he takes naps?’ Mal thought, looking behind her and seeing you dropping down into an alleyway a few buildings away. She turned back to Hadie and Celia then quickly caught up to them as they had walked faster than she thought they would.
After a few minutes of (almost running) rushed walking, the three vks arrived at the mines, guarded by an intimidating metal gate with Hades symbol, made out of wooden planks and old tires, on the front, with multiple keep out and warning signs plastered around. “Hey” Mal interrupted Celia, who was unlocking the door. Hadie and Celia stopped to look at her confused, Hadie halfway wondering if she was backing out of the plan “how big is that dog?” Mal nodded that sign behind Celia and she turned, Celia sighed and shook her head as Hadie snorted at a joke that wasn’t there.
“You’ll see” Celia muttered as Hadie snorted again, pulling the gate open and leading the two girls inside. Celia gasped quietly and turned back on Mal, holding her finger up to her lips “Okay, you have to stay quiet it echoes like crazy in here” even as Celia whispered it reverberated against the old rocky walls of the isle mines. Mal nodded and glanced around at the multiple record speakers that hung off the walls, following Celia as Hadie stood by the railway that led towards his father's lair.
Mal jumped at the sudden sound of multiple dogs barking and grabbed onto Hadie, who laughed quietly and pointed at the speakers “not here” Hadie whispered, waving Celia off the bike turned-makeshift minecart hybrid “too loud, if we’re stealing the ember, we need to be quiet as possible, we walk. It’s not too far” Mal nodded and kept her grip on Hadie’s arm, tensing up each time the guardian of the underworld's barks echoed around her. Hadie glanced at her but said nothing, letting her use him as a crutch as the three vks walked down the dark and damp tunnels of the abandoned mineshafts.
Hadie took a few twists and turns, apparently a shortcut to his room (which was also a back way towards Hades main area of his lair), and soon the three stepped out into a pretty large room with a queen-sized bed with a dark grey and blue bedspread. Hadie grabbed a bass from his wall and carried it, nodding out towards the curtain door “an excuse, case he wakes up as we walk out” Hadie whispered, Celia went first as they stepped through the curtain.
Mal stopped as her eyes locked onto the back of the god of the underworld's head, his hair was a dim dark blue, the side effect of his hair unable to light ablaze. Mal sighed in relief as the god snored loudly…very loudly, it reminded Mal of when Ben’s dad had fallen asleep during a late-night hangout back when Mal was still in school at Auradon prep.
As the three crept closer, the sounds of dogs barking started to loop, and Mal looked around confused before Hadie pointed at an old record player, it had hit a scratch on the disc and was now looping on a singular bark. Mal breathed a quiet sigh of relief, that meant no dog to be fed to if Hades caught them.
Mal walked heel to toe as she snuck over to Hades, while Hadie and Celia slowly made their way around the other way. Just as Mal got close, Celia got fed up with the record and lifted the needle, sending a loud screeching noise through the cave. Mal and Hadie glared at Celia, as the rash decision had made Hades wake up. He lifted his head slightly and look directly at his son and Celia “What are you doing here?” he grumbled in a tired tone, yawning a bit as Hadie raised his bass in the air.
“Forgot my bass” Hadie simply said as Celia took out a can of corn and a packaged blue rock candy.
“I noticed, you were out, of canned corn” she tossed the candy and can to the god and he caught them with one hand. Mal by then had lifted the ember out of the dish it was sitting in and was bringing it to her chest, screaming lightly as Hades suddenly grabbed her hand, stopping her from crouching out of sight.
Hades turned to look at her, his yellow eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. Mal harshly swallowed and released the ember as he took it from her, moving to rest his head on his arm. He and Mal stared at each other for a moment, Hadie and Celia standing awkwardly near the old wooden stairs that lead back up to the tunnels. “um-“ Mal started in a meek voice, watching his eyes as he looked at her newly brown hair and eyes “-can I have that?” her usual confidence was gone, she was powerless and in front of a god who could pick her up with one hand and chuck her across the room even without his powers.
Hades raised his brow and turned his head to look at the ember, which was black as coal, in his hand. Then he looked back at her. “And why should I give it to you?” Hades asked coolly, taking off his glasses and tossing them to the side, leaning back in his minecart turned chair, lofting his boots up next to Mal’s face. “uh-“ Mal clearly hadn't expected him to ask that, she had expected him to get angry and throw her out of his lair. Quick mal, come up with an excuse or something! “I need it?”…nice one Mal, top-notch, he’ll for sure give you the ember now.
Hades rolled his eyes and looked to Hadie, who just shrugged. “Auradon is in danger and we need the ember” Hadie answered dryly, watching Mal carefully as she stepped in front of Hades and held out her hand, his father's yellow eyes staring down at Mal carelessly.
“Please?” Mal asked in a much firmer tone, her eyes looking directly into Hades. Hades huffed and lifted up the ember, waving the black gem around a bit.
“You’re only half Hades, the ember won't do everything for you that it does for me” Mal clicked her jaw and gestured to Hadie, not really paying attention to what Hades had just said.
“Hadie’s gonna be the one to use it anyway, I just wanted-to…” Mal’s brain caught up to the words that had just come out of Hades mouth and she looked back up at him with wide eyes, Celia’s jaw had dropped as she realized what he had meant “IM HALF WHAT?!” now Hades looked confused, looking at Mal as if she was crazy.
“you-you didn’t know?” Hades has lost his confidence, his brow raising in confusion, then he looked to Hadie “she doesn’t know?”
Hadie just pinched his brow and sat down on the wooden steps, ignoring his father and (newly announced) half-sister as the Mal started to squabble about her mother and Hades. “fuckin-what?!” Mal screeched, running her hands through her hair and starting to pace around the lair, Celia looking concerned as Mal tugged at her brown locks “you?! My dad?! That’s-that’s not right?! My mom said he was human, a full-on human!? It can’t be you it-“ Mal started to hyperventilate and Hades took her hands, bringing her closer to him and looking into her eyes. “Kid, calm down, you’re having a panic attack, breathe with me, okay?” Mal knew she had to listen or she would pass out so she followed Hades lead. When she got control of her breath again, she pushed him away, wiping away the tears that had gathered in her eyes “she never told you?”
“I guess fucking not” Mal assumed he meant her mother never telling her about her true father “and-also HOW?!” Hades just gave her a knowing look “NOT LIKE THAT-“ Mal did NOT want to think about her mother and Hades doing the do “-I mean-how did” Mal gestured to herself then Hades “this! Happen?? I thought you were loyal to Persephone!?” “Mom knows about this by the way” Hadie interrupted, motioning between his father and sister “and she’s pissed the fuck off, so whenever you see her again dad, you have millennia of making up to do” Hades winced at the thought of his wife being very mad at him, but it wasn’t unwarranted, but he had another matter to attend to.
Hades sighed and turned back to Mal, rubbing his stubble “I got drunk, very drunk, I don’t remember much but I woke up next to your mother and eleven months later you were dropped off for me to babysit” Mal’s jaw dropped in shock and slight disgust “I didn’t know about you until you were already two months old, and then I took care of you for about three months before your mother took you back, something about an heir of darkness.” Hades waved off the notion of Maleficent abandoning Mal on his doorstep and continued on as Mal gawked at him. “and before you ask-I do know I am really your dad because your hair was blueish-purple when she dropped you off and it was almost completely blue when she took you away, I think your magic reacted to whomever you were around the most-“ Mal shook her head, she didn’t have time for this!
“Okay, whatever, I don’t care. I don’t have time for all this” Mal waved her hands around in frustration(noticeably in the same way Hades did but no one commented on it) and held out her hand again “but! If you wanna make up for being a lousy dad” Hades frowned at that “gimme the ember” he stared down at her for a moment before gently placing the ember into Mal's palm, Mal closing her hand around it and nodding “thank you, it’ll be returned after we save Auradon”
“It won’t work for you completely, you are still only half Hades” Hades warned as Mal pocketed the ember into her thigh bag, raising his brow as she glared up at him. “So what? I’m not the one using it, dad” Mal hissed the last word, as if it was poison in her mouth. She didn’t fully believe him, after all, if her mother had lied to her for years about her father, who's to say he wasn’t lying to her now?
Mal pushed past him and up the steps, Celia quickly following her as Hadie set down his bass and looked back at his dad.
“Did she really never tell her?” Hades asked  quietly, looking up at the stairs after Mal, an upset look on his face. “all this time, almost 19 years of standing by, she didn’t even know?”
Hadie sighed and crossed his arms “You really think Maleficent would have told Mal about her true parentage? If Mal had known you were her dad, she would have never listened to Maleficent, she manipulated Mal…I have to go, kingdom to save n all” Hades nodded, watching his son walk out after his daughter and sighing. So much for respecting Mal’s wishes.
Celia looked up at Mal, pressing her lips together as the awkward silence pierced the air. “I guess that’s why he was always asking about you” Celia murmured, stopping in front of the front gate as Mal paused, looking directly at the ground.
Mal then shook her head, lifting it up to stare straight ahead “let's go, we’re wasting time” Mal continued forward towards the main area of the isle again, Hadie and Celia giving each other a look before following after her. Mal was right, there were more important things to get to than her parentage.
Ben was back at his desk, talking on his phone with one of the captains of the royal guard “No. no, I want the royal guard handing out gas masks!” Ben said in a stressed tone, tapping through his tablet as more reports of the sleeping spell came through. Ben growled a bit as the captain on the other side muttered something about the spell “Well not everyone's asleep!” Ben hung up and tossed his phone on his desk, looking up and pointing at the servant standing at his door “Find out if anyone has seen Audrey, and see if she has a list of demands!” the servant nodded and turned out the door.
Ben sighed and unzipped his jacket, flopping back on his chair and running his hand through his hair as he tried to calm down. Why had this happened? What had happened with Audrey that caused Maleficent to possess her?
Mal had texted him earlier that the spell used the victim's emotions against them, so whoever had taken the scepter was feeling very intense emotions, enough for her mother to feed on that. So what had Audrey been feeling when Maleficent took control?
Ben had a sinking feeling it had to do with one very bitter grandmother.
“just one~” Ben yelped and stood from his chair as he spun around, eyes widening as he locked into Audrey’s eyes, which were swimming with green. “I demand my life back”
Ben looked behind him at his door, mentally cursing as all his guards had left to go help the people. “I have a proposition for you~” he turned back to Audrey and watched as he pointed behind her towards the rest of the kingdom “I’ll wake everybody up right now, under one, itty bitty condition” she stepped closer to him, her eyes flashing green. “make me queen”
‘queen?’ Ben thought confused, why would Audrey want to be queen? Why would Maleficent want to be queen? Then Ben remembered when he overheard one of Leah’s bullshit rants about Audrey’s right to the crown. Audrey was just doing exactly what her grandmother wanted, just in a twisted way…that’s why Leah had been turned to stone that morning.
And Maleficent was just going along with Audrey’s ‘desires’ so she wouldn’t be detected by the young princess, she was waiting for the opportune moment to take over completely. “Audrey” Ben started softly, taking her hand and bringing it towards him. Audrey looked confused, her eyes flickering with magenta and green. “someone spelled you, you have to let me help you-“Audrey's eyes turned fully green and she ripped away from Ben, and Ben knew Maleficent was in control now.
“Pathetic” Audrey hissed in a cold tone, her face morphing into a sneer as the scepter glowed bright green in her hand “so kind, so trusting, you won't even strike your precious little friend down just when you had the chance” Ben glared at Maleficent, hand drawing behind him to the hidden dagger that (y/n) had stashed a couple of months ago. “just like your mother…” Audrey’s eyes turned bright green and then she grinned cruelly “but so afraid of being like your father~” Ben froze in fear, realizing what she was talking about. No, she wouldn’t “let's see how you like being a beast~” Ben raced forward in an attempt to snatch the scepter from Audrey but he was blown back as it flashed green and his body was overtaken in a green flash.
Ben screamed out in pain, but It only came out as a monstrous roar, his teeth becoming fangs as his nails pushed out and sharpened, fur erupting from his entire body and everything just became so loud.
He let out another painful roar, Audrey cackling in the background as the scepter flashed magenta and Ben swore he heard someone screaming then everything went silent.
Ben blacked out from the pain and when he woke up a few moments later, Audrey was gone, the only thing left was a few wisps of smoke. Ben crawled over to his balcony and looked down, a whimper slipping through his new snout as he saw many of the servants now turned to stone. Ben turned on his heels and ran through the castle, looking for anybody who could help him, his claws ripped and scratched at the walls as he raced through them, he ended up at the hall of armor and ripped open the doors, claws digging into the frame and Ben ended up with a large splinter in his palm.
He roared in pain again and ran out the other side of the hall, crashing through the doors and running into the forest, he couldn’t let anybody see him like this, he had to find a way to turn back into a human before he hurt someone.
Mal, Hadie, and Celia walked back into the arcade, Celia racing towards her dad as Mal walked over to her friends who were playing some odd combo of foosball and pool. “M!” Evie called, relieved her friend was okay as Mal trotted over to her and wrapped her arms around Evie’s arm. Evie grabbed Mal’s shoulder with her free hand and looked at her “do you have it?” Mal nodded and dug into her thigh bag, taking out the black as coal ember. “Good, let's get off this rock”
Mal nodded, turning to jay to ask him where the bikes were but he interrupted her “how’d you get it? I assume he either gave to Hadie or you snatched it?” Mal winced at the reminder of how she had gotten the ember.
Welp, no better time to tell them then now, eh? “uh, yeah about that” Mal muttered, looking down at the ember in her hand “uh, he just-gave it to me?” it sounded more like a question than anything else. Mal was unsure if Hades really was her dad, but she would spill details about the entire thing later, right now the short and sweet answer was best.
“He just” Carlos started, furrowing his brows in confusion and glancing to Hadie “gave it to you? And not Hadie?”
“Yeah well, there's a reason behind it which is-guess whomst the fuckiest my dad is?” Mal laughed, giving her friends a tilted smile as they looked at her strangely, why bring up her dad at a time like this?
“Oh no fucking way” it hit Carlos first, his eyes widening “no fucking way but you said-“ Mal laughed again, sounding strangled.
“I know! I know! I thought so too! But I guess it's just another thing my mother lied to me about” Jay looked a little miffed at not understanding what Carlos and Mal were talking about, Evie looking lost as well “Remember how I said my dad was human? For the last 19 fucking years?” Jay and Evie nodded, (y/n) cleaning up the table behind them before freezing as realization dawned on her.
“Oh, no fucking way” (y/n) groaned, looking to Mal with an exasperated look “your dad is-that means-what the actual fuck” Evie finally had enough and turned to Mal with her brow raised.
“Okay spill before I stab you”
“Apparently, my dad is fucking Hades” Mal hissed quietly, leaning closer to Jay and Evie as their eyes went wide in shock “Yep, my mother lied, again, about my dad. Told me he was human to keep me in check and shit.”
“I-“ Jay stuttered, unable to get anything out as his mouth opened and closed. “are you sure?” At this Mal shook her head, no she wasn’t sure, but this was helping them in their favor, Hades had given Mal the ember willingly under the pretense she was his kid.
“no im not, and I don’t want to know how or why, but we can do all this processing shit later when Auradon or Audrey aren’t in danger, let’s go. You got our bikes back, right?” Mal asked the boys, wincing as (y/n) glared darkly. She would take that as a no then.
“Nope, they got away” Carlos muttered, crossing his arms.
“The only way back to Auradon is the bridge” Mal sighed, smiling as Evie clicked her heels on the dusty arcade floor.
“Glad I wore my comfortable heels then” Jay grabbed Evie's arm before the two could leave.
“Yeah, we need the remote, and I left it at the house” Mal and Evie shared a horrified look, what were they going to do? Auradon was in danger and they were stuck on the isle with no way off.
“I lifted it off of you” the group turned to Celia, who was holding the golden remote to the barrier “I thought it would be useful and it is” Evie smiled, stepping towards Celia and leaning on a support beam.
“Good job” Celia smiled and Jay took the remote, pressing his lips together in an impressed smirk.
“Sweet” Celia turned to hug her father one last time as everyone grabbed their bags and started to make their way out of the arcade, she kissed him on the cheek and ran after (y/n), meeting (y/n)’s stride as she patted Celia’s back.
“Good job kid” Celia beamed again, happy her thieving skills were being appreciated. “also Mal!” Mal turned her head to show she was listening “After this shit is over, we're coming back here and getting those damn bikes back, that thing is too damn expensive to lose to a fucking isle goon” Mal snorted and nodded.
“Noted” honestly Mal wanted her bike back anyway, Carlos had spent several months making and modifying their bikes to fit them perfectly, she wasn’t about to let them be stripped.
The group of vks, and one dimension traveling girl, finally arrived at the bridge, Jay taking out the remote and pressing the bottom button opening the barrier. “Come on” Mal mumbled, nodding her head towards the opening. The others followed her lead and stepped over the barrier line.
Just as the ember crossed over the line, it ignited in a strong flash of light and heat, Mal felt fire shoot up her hand holding the ember and cover her entire body. Mal gasped in slight pain as the flash of energy flooded through her and filled her with a brand-new feeling of power and magic she had never felt before.
Mal let out the shuddering breath she had been holding and shook her head, the fire that had been drained by Audrey had been returned at full force…but it felt…different from her normal fire. Mal opened her eyes and looked down at her hands, gasping as she realized her entire outfit had changed. Gone were the purples and greens of her maleficent-themed outfit, replaced by the cool blues and dark greys of Hades, blue flames licking up her jacket-turned-vest and boots.
…guess Hades wasn’t lying then, Mal frowned, looking at herself a bit more as she realized she had transformed into ‘the daughter of Hades’. She had no other explanation for why the ember had done what it did otherwise.
“Holy shit” Carlos muttered, grabbing Mal's arm to stabilize her as she wobbled on her feet slightly “What happened?”
“I don’t know” Mal muttered slightly grumpy as she twisted the ember in her eyes, it had ignited in a strong blue “It might have to do something with the ‘Hades being my dad’ thing? Hadie?” Mal looked to Hadie, frowning as he looked just as confused as she felt. “shit, okay, um-ya know what? We’re gonna ignore this for now and figure out what the fuck happened when all this shit is over with okay? Okay.” Evie picked up a lock of Mal's hair, bringing it in front of Mal's face “Evie-my hairs blue….my hair is fucking blue it was brown two seconds ago and now it's blue”
“To be fair your hair was purple three hours ago, and it's also purple at the top.” Jay supplied, pulling back a bit as Mal whirled around to glare at him. “uh-yellow eyes too” Mal scrunched her nose at Jay and huffed.
“Not helping Jay” Mal hissed, she turned back towards Auradon and closed her eyes “Okay, we-let’s just go, we’re wasting-HEY!” just as Mal was handing the ember to Hadie, Evie lifted her arm to push a lock of hair behind her ear and bumped Mal's hand, sending the ember flying. “no!” Mal screamed in panic, running towards the edge and about to jump for the ember when a very familiar tentacle sprung from the eater and grabbed the ember “wha-“
Uma rose from the water, looking absolutely ethereal in her golden shell crown and teal dress, her turquoise locs pulled back halfway as the rest framed her shoulders. Uma grinned and raised her arms, the tentacle holding the ember following them “drop something~?”
“It can't get wet!” Mal yelled in a pleading tone, gesturing for Uma to get onto the bridge “give it back before it goes out!” Mal could see the ember sparking and flickering in Uma’s hold. Uma just laughed and her tentacle curled around the ember, sealing it airtight between two suckers. her eyes turned to you, who was grinning down at her from the bridge.
“Uma~!” you yelled in excitement, bouncing on your heels as she gave you a little wave.
“That’s my name~” she purred, giving one last smirk to Mal then she sunk into the water, the ember still tight in her grip.
“Wait!” Mal called desperately, she couldn’t lose the ember, it was their only hope! Mal took a step back in fear as from where Uma had sunk a large tunnel of water began to rise until it burst, soaking everyone but you.
“Ah!” Mal yelled, pausing as she noticed the water starting to evaporate almost immediately, off her body, especially her hair. “I wha-“ nope, nope nope nope, not important right now. She noticed the same was happening to Hadie, and the two were the first dry out of everyone else.
Mal looked back down at the water, searching for Uma “Behind you~” Mal gasped and spun around, seeing Uma in a dark teal button-up, dark blue leather pants, and brown boots, her golden shell necklace sitting proudly on her neck.
Before anyone else could say anything, Mal spoke up, lifting her arms into the air in exasperation “Where the hell have you been?!”
Uma looked genuinely surprised that those were the words that had come out of Mal’s mouth instead of just accusing her of villainy and trying to steal the ember back “We’ve been looking for you for three fucking years!! Do you know how much Harry and Gil bugged Ben and I because you wouldn’t show your damn face?!” Mal screeched, rubbing her face in exhaustion at the reminder of when Harry and Gil had straight up annoyed her and Ben back when the search for Uma was fresh. “Do you even know you were pardoned two years ago? You could've surfaced at any point and you would have been fine!!”
“That’s what I said to-….her” you covered your mouth as Mal slowly turned to look at you with wide eyes, Uma face palming as you winced “uh-“
“…(y/n) did you harbor a criminal?” Mal asked dryly, raising her brow as you shrugged.
“Technically no, I just, brought her food n all that…I honestly have no idea where she stayed, but we had a meeting place?” Mal sighed and shook her head, turning to look back at Uma who stiffened up in a defensive stance. “Also, Ex-criminal” you stated, shrugging as Mal just gave you an exasperated look “jus’ sayin”
“Whatever, Uma, I need that” Mal held her hand out towards Uma, looking at the ember in the sea-witches hand. “to break a spell”
“Cast by maleficent, proxied by Audrey, sleeping beauty’s daughter” Carlos explained, eyes locked onto the ember in Uma’s hand.
“So-the good guys the bad guy-“ Uma furrowed her brows as she tried to figure out how Maleficent cast the spell through Audrey. “well, I might not give it back, see what happens” your smile dropped and you stepped closer to Uma, taking her shoulder.
“Uma no, Harry and Gil are still in Auradon and we need the ember to save them if anything has happened to them, neither of them answered my calls and I don’t want to risk anything” Uma just pursed her lips, looking between you and the pleading Mal, who looked more worried as time went on.
“Guarantee me, that any single villain kid that wants to, can get off the isle” Mal pressed her lips together at Uma’s demand, wanting to agree but the deal she had made with Beast prodded the back of her mind.
“I-I can’t do that” Mal stuttered, clenching her hands by her sides, watching the ember carefully as Uma rolled her eyes and walked to the edge of the bridge. “Can't do that” Uma muttered, turning and holding the ember over the water “Well how bout now?!”
“Deal!” Mal screamed desperately, not bothering to hide the panic on her face as she held her hands out towards Uma “Deal, deal! I promise every kid will come off, but please!...Please.” Uma looked at Mal carefully, looking for any deception before she relented.
“Fine” Uma muttered, sliding the ember into her jacket “but I’m keeping it, because if you think I trust you to save Auradon on your own” she laughed a bit, giving Mal a once over “Think again” Mal closed her eyes and sighed, at least the ember would be on their side.
“Okay fine, this is fine, we need to go now though, Jay!” he nodded and pressed the bridge button, the magic extending from the broken bits they were standing on towards Auradon. “let’s go, we have no time to lose!” Mal jogged forward, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Celia, and Hadie following close behind, leaving you with Uma.
“When we find the boys, I’m blaming the entire ‘hiding you for 3 years and never telling them’ thing on you, since it was your idea and I would like to stay in Harry’s good graces” you joked, booping Uma’s nose and grabbing her hand to drag her along to follow the others down the bridge.
Uma rolled her eyes and hurried her pace, realizing that things were a lot more serious than she had thought, Mal hadn't even tried to start an argument, only focused on saving Auradon.
-end of p5-
part 5 yall!!!! the vks got the ember and mal discovered something new~!!! her dad! yeah in this Mal legit had no idea who her dad was, all she knew was that he was human and he was banished by her mother for his human weaknesses. so Mal thought her dad was a completely different person due to her mothers lies and just now found out it was a lie an all that. yeah bunch of shit XD so Ben is now a beast and Uma is here~!!!! hope yall enjoyed~!!
@queer-cosette​ @sephiralorange​ @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​    @random-thoughts-003​ ​
@remembered-license​ @rintheemolion​ @imtryingthisout​
@thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​ @verboetoperee​
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@harriyanna​ @disneyfan50​​
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Hello, I search plenty of ideas for you.
Can I have a scenario about Marco discovering that female reader was hurt during the battle when he see her being heal by another doctor discretely?
Thank you, love your work.
A/N hello hello :) I'm so glad you do hehe anymore ideas im willing to do them! I hope you enjoy this with this lovely man <3
Marco x fem reader : Injury
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The Moby Dick was docked on a island grabbing supplies when there was a altercation between rival pirates crew that were on the same island. You could hold your own when it came to battle. But when a rival pirates play dirty and gives you a cheap shot he kicks you in the your side you felt the cracking sensation. You felt the pain instantly. Holding in the pain until they gave up. "you okay?" Ace asked you
"Im fine just a cheap shot. The man kicked like a 5 year old." You said you were talking shallow breathes every time you took a breath you could feel the sharp pain. Pushing the pain aside.
He furrowed his brows at you "That wasn't soft kick ____"
"if I was in pain I wouldn't have been able to kick his ass after being kicked right?" Letting out a small laugh then another sharp pain.
"okay." Ace unsure if he could trust your response. "Lets find the others make sure they are okay."
Walking back to the rest of the crew who were scatter around the island. You met up with Marco at the plaza. Some of the crew informed him on the altercation with the rival pirates. "I heard what happened yoi you okay little bird?" he asked you his hand sliding down your arm.
"I'm fine im a big girl I can handle myself." You said.
"I know you can. I have to remind myself sometimes." He small smile on his face.
The ship was docked on a island for a few days the pain starting to get worse. Looking in the mirror as you seen the large bruise on your side. Slight touching the area you twinged in pain. Someone knocked on the door. Quickly putting your shirt down. " come in." you called out.
"Hey you busy yoi?" Marco came in.
"No not at all." you said.
"I was thinking since its been a while since we had a proper date I wanted to take you out tonight." He said. Marco would see you around the ship you looked a bit down he would ask you if you were okay and you tell him every single time you were fine. You were tried to hide the injury as best as you can. If you would tell him now about the injury he would be disappointed in you for not telling him sooner. You hated disappointing him. "So what would you say yoi?" he asked
"Sounds like a date.." you said forcing a smile on your face. Marco sensed something odd with your smile.
"Little bird are you sure your okay?" he asked.
"Marco stop worrying okay I'm fine I'm just a little tired. I have to go into town for a while I have to pick up some items." you said.
"I can join you if you like?" he asked.
"No." you said quickly. He raised his brow at your quick response. " I mean its a girl shop and I will most likely be there for a while I don't want you to be there bored I will only be a few hours." you smiled.
"If you say so." he had a hand on his hip looking down at you. Something was going on and you weren't tell him. You kissed him goodbye and left the ship.
Marco watch you from the deck as you disappeared on the path to the plaza. Ace appeared next to him. "Something is up with her she is not telling me yoi." Marco said. "Really distant."
"You going to follow here huh." ace said.
Marco did he watch from a distances as you ask around for something he couldn't make out of what you were asking due to the distance. A lady pointed to a certain direction where you began to head to walking into a building . He waited a few mins before entering Marco didn't seen a banner or a sign on the building .This didn't look like a girl shop at all. Now this was suspicious. He made his way into the building there was a few doors. He seen a lady walking out. "Excuse me Miss did you happen to see a girl enter in about this tall." Marco asked showing the height.
"Oh yes she went into see the island Doctor. His office is right over there." she point to the room down the hall.
Marco entered the room. A small lobby where no one was in there. Marco spoke to the receptionist she let him in the back to the room where you were.
On the other side of the door the Doctor sat you up raising your shirt. "you were injured a few days ago and you feel the sharp pain when breath unable to bend and twist. Why are you barley coming now ?" he asked furrowing his brows. "I know your in a lot of pain"
"Im not sure I don't have an answer." you looked down "it just hurts bad."
"Do you want the good new or the bad new first." The doctor said.
A knock on the door. "Sorry to disturb you sir but she has a visitor here your husband wanted to come in with you." she said. Marco appearing in the room. You turned white as a ghost.
"Ahh sir welcome. I was just going to give your wife's her x ray results."
"X-rays results you say yoi." Marco looked at you then at the Doctor he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Bad news is she does have some fracture ribs my concern with her pain level hoping she didn't puncture any organs when this happened and luckily this time no organs were damaged. It will take some weeks for her to recover. I can prescribe some meds for her to take for the pain but the main thing is rest, ice and avoiding deep breaths right now we don't want her catch pneumonia." he said.
"Thank you sir do you mind giving us a moment I need a word with my wife." Marco looked at you.
"Of course." he left the room.
"You come to a Doctor on a island instead of coming to me." his arms were still crossed. "Let me see."
"I'm sorry." you could manage to say as he raised your shirt seeing the large bruise . He had a frown on his face.
The blue flame appeared on his hand as he gently placed it on your injured area. you winced at the pain. "You have been walking around in immense pain for days. Why again didn't you tell me yoi.?" he said in a calming tone looked at you waiting for you answer. Marco was hurt that you didn't come to him with this injury.
"I..I didn't want you to worry about me." you said. "I didn't want to upset you either if I would have came now with this injury." your eyes were closed.
"Of course I would be upset _____ you're injured. You didn't bother to tell me you were in pain keeping it to yourself as you struggled with the pain for days. Like I told you in the beginning even before we gotten together I want you to come to me about anything yoi. You are never a bother understand." he said. A few mins of silence filled the room he placed your shirt down. He kissed your temple intertwining his fingers with yours.
"Im sorry Marco.... I really am."
"let this be a lesson to you little bird. Come to me with any issue not matter how big or how small I will always have the time for you, you are very dear to me yoi."
One thing hit as you both left the office. They call him your husband You both weren't even married. "did you tell the lady you were my husband?" asking him
"They wouldn't let me in the back unless I was your husband. You enjoyed me calling you my wife yoi?." the corner of his mouth curled. "Giving you ideas?"
"I feel like we are already married but it does sound nice. When the day comes if you want to." you began to imagine that day in your mind.
"Lets see what the future holds for us first yoi."
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