#sir what are you doing here
arodeku · 18 days
He's asking for submissions on TUMBLR???? scarey,,,,,
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ccassettetape · 3 months
now why in the fuck did i get like over a hundred notifications from. blitzo. ??
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anemou · 25 days
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archer booooooys
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karmaphone · 10 months
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me skulking around the office at 7pm thing I'm alone: 😈
My supervisor also skulking around the office thinking he was alone: 👀
Me: 👀👀
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pinkandparker · 1 year
Hiii! I'm a big fan of your reposts and an even bigger fan of you! I had a question for you if it's not too much trouble... How in the world did you get to be such a good girl? It's honestly an inspiration and I'm in awe.
oh, fuck.
hello, TOTAL STRANGER, kinda a weird question to ask someone, but I am a very good girl, just ask my master!
I am exceptionally good for him, I’m sure if you ask him, he’d tell you alllll about it!
…isn’t that right, sir?
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crustyfloor · 2 months
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(it kills me because Till probably thought ivan was gonna give him one last out or something hence why he closed his eyes in what i feel like is acceptance)
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granteddrop · 6 months
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And I, I thought I was a scholar Withdrawn from love Why would I even bother?
[image description in alt text]
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tls123 · 6 months
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wei wuxian smiling at his shidis yunmeng jiang disciples as they rush to and swarm around jiang cheng THE UNTAMED (2019) — episode fifty
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hawkinsbnbg · 3 months
Dragon!Steve and mercenary!Eddie.
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Steve Harrington was a dragon.
Once upon a time, he would kidnap a princess, imprison her in his tower, guard the said tower, and await his doom delivered by a knight in shining armor.
But this wasn't that kind of fairy tale. No, in this story, Steve and the princess were friends. Her lover was a fae who was his platonic soulmate, and the knight in shining armor was his brother in arms.
Still, no one, even Steve himself, foreseen it when a handsome mercenary arrived at his tower and stole his heart.
Steve never felt so adored in his long and boring life, but Edwyn "Eddie" Munson managed to do the impossible.
The man was good with his words, even better with his fingers when he scratched the itchy spots beneath Steve's scales and drew runes of protection and love on Steve's human body.
Eddie was also an attentive lover who brought Steve sparkly gifts every time he visited the tower.
In turn, Steve let the mercenary ride on his back in their adventures, let the man guide him to wherever he was pleased, and let himself be consumed in the amorous looks Eddie would give him when the man thought he didn't notice.
Robin, Nancy, and Jonathan had been suspicious at first about Eddie's true motive. They worried that the mercenary would betray Steve because, despite his peaceful nature, Steve was the most powerful of his kind. And frankly, many had hunted him throughout his life given that even a piece of his scales cost a fortune in black markets.
Their concern was warranted, Steve supposed, but he trusted Eddie to not do him harm. Yet, sometimes, when Steve couldn't sleep at night, he would think about the worst and decide that if Eddie asked, he would give the man everything.
After all, Eddie already had his heart.
In the end, Eddie only asked of him a vial of his blood to cure Wayne's illness.
The day the truth came out was when Eddie approached him and stated that his uncle couldn't wait any longer.
Steve could see the desperation and hope in those chocolate eyes that he so loved, and knew for certain that Eddie wouldn't fight him but would be on his knees and beg until he agreed to help.
Before things could go any worse, Steve decided to take the matter into his own hands. Literally.
"So you had approached me because of my blood," Steve smiled wryly at the sting of the betrayal as he let Eddie dress the gash on his forearm. They both knew the cut would heal in a few minutes, but Steve didn't turn down Eddie's help. Couldn't.
"You should know that I didn't only have your blood in mind," Eddie fastened the bandage's knot securely.
"What? Are you asking for my organs next?" Steve huffed out a bitter laugh. "I heard they're quite useful ingredients for rituals and potions."
"No," Eddie met his eyes calmly and guided Steve's hand to rest on his chest. "Please listen to the song of my heart and do know that it is never a lie when I say this: I've been wanting all of you for myself since I first laid eyes on you."
Steve blinked rapidly in bewilderment and awe. Every dragon had an innate talent, and Steve's was the ability to see only the truth.
Thus, when Eddie opened himself up so freely like that, Steve could also see the man's deepest desire. And what he saw made him blush terribly. This man was truly hopeless.
"You never do anything in half, do you?" Steve snorted.
"Once Uncle Wayne gets better, I will return to the tower and never leave your side again," Eddie held his hand tightly as if fearing he would take it back and peppered feathery kisses on his knuckles.
Those words sung true to Steve's heart. Yet, he also sensed the wordless yearning from his lover. There was only one way, wasn't it?
"I'll go with you, then. I think it's time for you to introduce me to your family."
"Are you sure?"
Looking at Eddie's hopeful eyes, Steve leaned in to kiss the love of his life soundly.
"As sure as gold."
They both chuckled fondly at the memory together. After all, the first thing Eddie had given him upon their meeting was a sparkling bar of gold.
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jangmi-latte · 1 year
lilia ain’t all that (FUCK)
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🎶And I sang, "Oh, what do I do?"🎶 (Woke up new, The Mountain Goats)
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brightwanderer · 10 months
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I am so sorry, I had to.
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chiropteracupola · 2 months
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granby + iskierka + keynes
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alumirp · 1 month
The Smallest Sugar Daddy in Town
we always see law as the sugar daddy its time to turn tables and change things, luffy as the sugar daddy BUT not dilf luffy but just regular luffy right
the catch its: he doesnt know he has that sugar daddy behavior. everyone else knows ofc but he doesnt. hes the son of a very rich senator and a even richer diplomat, real old money, and he has this...thing, going on with one of his friends, law
law, it's your really broke med student who is kind of a genius, but he's an orphan with little to no family who has to work really hard to be able to pay his tuition since he had a drug problem some months ago and couldn't get a good scholarship
they met at a bar where law works and law was nice to luffy who couldnt choose a drink back then, law helped him pick something fruity and sweet but with little alcohol so hes friends would pick on him for drinking straight up juice at a fucking bar and then Luffy kept coming back and soon they became friends, much to law's irritation bc the boy its just clingy and annoying and also has that really pretty smile that he uses everytime he wants law to go out with him and he knows law cant say no to that smile
next thing everyone knew was that law has a better job at a really good company where he did very little work and got a really good paycheck and that was..strange, bc law had no qualification to work at such company nor conections to just get the job so easyly or so they think, but they soon discover that the company is owned by... Luffyt. actually no, it's one of his father's investments, but the shares are all in Luffy's name for some reason so he just demanded they hired law and that what they did
and then law gets an apartment in which the rent it's just ridiculous cheap for a place that good, its big, clean, close from both work and school and also belongs to...luffy. and then comes the car, a gift this time, and then luffy is also the one paying law tuition
and law gets red like a tomato everytime his friend point out those things, when they call luffy his sugar daddy and make fun of him bc well, luffys younger than him. but he doesnt deny none of this bc well luffy is some sort of sugar daddy
of course law had tried to say no to all those gifts and everyting else (not for the job tho, he would never say no to such a good job) he like REALLY tried but theres monkey d luffy that cant take a no, its a lost battle so law just...aceppts it with red ears and cheeks and a heart beating so fast he thinks hes going to die bc hes been in love with luffy for a long time now, even before it all, the sugar daddy thing, had started.
they pretty much had kissed some times and touched each other but nothing more than that and law its starting to get anxious bc god knows he has the hots for luffy and hes about to die is he doesnt get dicked down reall good real soon so the day Luffy shows up at the company to visit Law, all happy and loud as ever, Law is quick to push that boy into the chair and sink to his knees, ready to spend rest of the day with a dick down his throat or else his name its not trafalgar d water law
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