#so instead of that or any of my actual work i'm just drawing somebody's oc for their bday coming up bc it's always such a good excuse to
cerbreus · 1 year
that artist feeling where you have so many other things you SHOULD be doing and so many other things of your own that you really, really wish you had the motivation to work on but all that gets you going is just... other ppl’s ocs.....
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kinmokusei-stars · 6 months
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This is Kouko's scene of properly confessing to Inuyasha after they finally established and admitted that they have mutual feelings for each other, after a month of ridiculous mutual pining.
(Long Description, be warned!)
Getting this done within 6 days is such a huge achievement for me LMAO Especially when I got sick at the very end of it's production! Yeesh. (╥_╥) I originally planned to put this out as a single drawing with a written story in the description, but I always feel so awkward writing things like that, so of course I go all in instead. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ Oops...
Did this wear me out? Absolutely. Was it worth it? ...I mean, I definitely think so! I had a blast! It's monochrome currently, but I might go back and color it properly in the future. Either way, it's finally here!
Emotional explanation under the cut -v- Feel free to ignore if you don't want paragraphs about my OC x Canon pairing and would just like the comic LMAO
Kouko's an extremely selfless lover. She loves intense, but so so softly. Really, she just wants the person she loves to be happy and fulfilled, whether that means they'll be together in the long run or not.
She feels no competition or malice towards Kagome, and even though deep down she doesn't think him and Kagome fit well together in a romantic manner, she wants Inuyasha to have the freedom to be with whoever he wants. She understands she hasn't been there for the entire journey to see the buildup to where they are now and why they've developed some degree of feelings for eachother. Though she loves Inuyasha, she feels guilty for not only potentially hurting Kagome, but possibly making him feel as though he's obligated to be with her due to their shared, now out in the open feelings. She knows their love is mutual, but she also knows that his love life is extremely complicated at the moment with her, Kagome, and his (to him) fresh loss of Kikyo. That he needs time. Time to process, time to figure things out.
She doesn't want to put any pressure on him, because no matter what, whether he spends his days with her or somebody else, she'll still love him.
And he does actually choose to be with Kouko a little bit later on after this! And really? Neither could be happier with the arrangement. They're lovebugs, even if they don't show it publicly often. And their deep connection that they forged over time, really only makes their love more true, there's a reason they end up genuinely happily married years later! They're the epitome of the phrase "Love takes time, and love takes work"
I'm such a sucker for these two LMAO
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dexmckinnery · 1 year
Let's continue the small talk we're having with asks like the old days, haha! I enjoyed asks blogs a lot, it was a blast! Tho at least in the Homestuck fandom things where kinda segregated from fancharacters and canon ones (I come form ages where having OCs interacting with canon was like a sin and let alone self inserts like I do myself, we were seen as lesser creative people...) Giacomo's name in Japanese is literally the word for pineapple in Spanish, Piña (I'm from Mexico, I lost my mind to see some of the characters are named after food in Japan lol). And I see now about the references you took for him, I always wondered how people rip the 3D models, still I like the lil flab on him uwu (I'm a overweight gal and finding characters to relate is hard ;w; )
Haha, sure thing! XD
Yeah, ask blogs were great, it’s a shame people aren’t really doing them any more because something I enjoyed a lot was interacting with other ask blogs... the upside is that I can make Giacomo a side blog and not have to worry about not being able to send out asks as him XD;; It’s a bit easier...
It’s interesting, the OC interacting with canon thing... the only fandom I did that for really was Bokumono (Harvest Moon) and it was generally accepted, so I haven’t experienced people being seriously against OCs as such... but with Bokumono, you’re expected to have OCs I suppose! Especially now the games have character creators...
Yeah, hahaha! XD I love they just went all in on food names this time. Like Rika is Chilli... and is basically an anthro chilli pepper (that hair), I think it’s charming. ¦D I can see they’ve tried to translate the names faithfully... but it’s a shame some has been lost in translation. Giacomo really is a pineapple when you think about it... the yellow stocky body with spiky hair on top... spiky exterior, sweet interior... checks out, huh?
I mean, you CAN see it in the game, you don’t need to have the models XD You can see it in his pose when you battle him and it pauses the cam on him holding out the ball at you.
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You can see it when he first comes in sitting on top of the Starmobile
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And you can see it at least when he talks and gestures
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In any case, that’s the inspiration, regardless. XD Here’s the funny “stumbling on the Starmobile” one people can never see up close as a bonus
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The more you know, hahaha
On how to rip them... I’m not sure how people get the files out of the games, but the raw files were shared on the forum of model resource... I had to convert the model using a script somebody had written so it could be opened in Blender, then use... Switch Toolbox I think... to convert his textures to PNG so Blender could read them... I don’t actually have a Windows OS new enough to be able to import the models fully textured (a Python incompatibility =() and when I do, the model loses it’s rigging... so I had to tell this file where to find what texture, which is why it’s not perfect... I then had to use Switch Toolbox to take the model’s armature and convert all the animations for it into something that Blender could see with a plug in... it’s all very hit and miss thrown together, but it works well enough that I can see the animations on the model and turn them around in 3D, which was good enough as reference for making plush and drawing for the ask blog... I really hope somebody rips him properly soon though. XD
Here’s Team Star lined up with each other! Eri is SERIOUSLY tall... she’s taller than Larry and Larry is TALL so... If you consider Mela and Penny to be 5′02″, it makes Giacomo 6′00″, Larry something like 6′03″ by that scale, standing up straight instead of slouched, if I remember right... Ortega 4′07″ and Eri a whopping 6′06″! I’m not sure they considered what their heights would be when scaling them in game, hahaha XD
(Fair note, these numbers are speculation and worked out by laying a height chart over them and trying to be reasonable to Ortega, they’re in no way canon since I’m pretty sure we don’t have a reference point number to base it on!)
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wigglepiggle · 11 months
Are there any fun facts about Magic Book your able to share?
edit from me after writing all of this: holy fuck ik you only asked for fun facts sorry the autism activated oopsy I hope this is even coherent
woooahh somebody asked about my GIRL!!!!
oops this started as fun facts and then it was just book lore infodumo so I'm gonna paste the actual fun facts up here and just leave the rest under the cut because I spent a long time typing it and I don't wanna delete it have fun with that ig
she doesn't have siblings but she's really close to her cousin paper circle and they lived with each other since they were around 6 ish
no reason for them to not just be siblings instead in fact they used to be when magic book was first thought of (all the way back in like. 2019 holy shit) I made them cousins because I felt like it and also bc I've experienced this type of thing with my younger cousin and I now need to throw that on my ocs /silly
oh she's most likely gonna be queer not sure in what way yet but yeah 👍 was thinking aspec (she's already automatically ace along with every object in this universe I just remembered, but she can aro too possibly)
she likes try to draw but she's not very good at it so her artist bestie (shell) tries to help her draw
she writes sometimes and she just gives off the vibes of those ao3 notes where it's like "hey guys I'm sorry this chapter took so long and it's so short I was fighting a monster that jumped my friend and we almost died DDDD:"
the pages inside her do kind of explain the things she can do with her magic, but they're limited to what she currently knows so there's blanks everywhere
technically other objects could use that information somehow but she really doesn't like being opened so it's really hard for anyone to read her
oh yeah she has the potential to do a lot of things with magic but she doesn't know how to do it and doesn't really want to know she even draws on blanks sometimes bc she doesn't think they'll ever be filled. this was my way to not make her super op lmao
she hosts an object show which (aoste)is probably one of the worst things she could be doing for reasons I don't know if I should explain yet bc I do want to make that a thing eventually (the dilemma of wanting to spoil everything but also I can't do that grgrgrg)
this part of her was actually inspired by an artfight attack I got from scribbruh but basically I've decided that potions exist where she's from but she cannot comprehend how to make them she keeps trying though she'll get it eventually maybe that is the only magic she doesn't hate doing I don't have an explanation she just likes potions ig
she's from a different place dimension thing than the majority of objects in the show
there's a contestant in that show named origami that despises her and literally every bad thing it does to the other contestants(includes terrorizing them and also knocking one of them into a pool being used for a challenge, which since the object that got launched was electronic electrocuted everyone and they all died) or when they fuck up challenges on purpose are literally just to spite mb. I can't explain why yet but ori has it's reasons to hate mb
other than that another contestant that (spoliers) her contestants generally like her
and in there there's these monster object things that I don't really know how to explain how they exist yet I'm working on that but anyways they're kind of killing all of the normal objects in that place so the objects evolved to have magic to fight them off, but the monsters keep getting stronger and it's a huge problem
oh yeah back to the magic thing fuck it im just gonna explain it it's probably gonna just be blasted all at once if I were to actually make the show anyways which I probably won't bc I never have the ability to make anything ever andways she doesn't like using magic due to some things that happened when she was younger
basically she only exists because her family needed better defense for their village so they collaborated to create a bunch of really powerful objects to help, and then literally every single one failed at what they were created for and/or died or actually escaped in the case of mb and paper circle (her cousin). they literally did this years before too and they didn't learn from their mistakes smh
they trained her every day for one battle which she tried fighting in but she tried using magic that small children really shouldn't be using and she almost died but her aunt saved her and they came to the dimension where aoste takes place where the monster things don't live (or maybe some do. just maybe)
but now her most of her family hates her she knows
these are becoming less of fun facts and more like trauma oops/hj
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jamil-s-wifey · 2 years
Would you look at that, rules! Of course, by the law of the Queen of Hearts, one must follow the rules listed below. Any and every violation shall be punished by suspension of magic and flamingo-feeding, and cleaning duty for a month.
1. For headcanons/short scenarios you can request up to 7 characters (e.g. dorm leaders, 1st years, 2nd years etc)
2. For full-blown fics/long scenarios I'd say 2 characters.
3. I do not write for Ortho altogether!
4. Vice-dorm leaders' requesting includes Ruggie!
5. NSFW is welcomed! (What is and isn't allowed I've written a tad further down)
With how butthurt our generation has become, people are forgetting that this is all fiction and these characters are just that - drawings without any emotion, or a beating heart. They are drawings. So, I will accept requests for the 1st years, but I will age them up. Whoever has a problem with it, save it. I'm not here to argue for the millionth time, that instead of attacking innocent tumblr blogs that just want to write content for the fandom, you could instead go donate money to actual charity organizations that deal with child abuse. There are actual predators out there. Your local fandom writer, who barely has their life together isn't. If someone is writing creepy shit about these characters, you'd know, believe me.
6. AUs are allowed and welcomed!
7. Reader inserts and ships are both allowed, although I've mostly written reader inserts thus far.
8. Reader will be as gender-neutral as possible, unless a gender (or lack thereof) is specified.
9. I won't be writing about anybody's OCs besides possibly my own. OCs are very complicated characters, reflecting their creators. Successfully writing somebody else's OC is very difficult.
10. No matchups for now, but perhaps in the future.
11. The more characters you request, the longer it will take to write!
12. ALWAYS check whether requests are open or not!
13. Do NOT repost any of my work! Plagiarism is a crime, y'all.
14. Be respectful and kind! Treat others the way you wish to be treated! If you come on here attacking anybody, insta block. I'm not even going to try and respond. Instant.Block. Spread positivity, not self-righteousness and cyber bullying.
15. Even though I often forget to check my DMs, you are free to text me whenever! I don't bite ~
16. Posting will be slow and arduous. I'm a university student with a part time job and a so-called social life! There might be long periods of absence, especially during exam month. Eventually your ask will be answered. Patience is virtue.
Assult of any kind, be it sexual, physical etc. With that in mind, yandere is also off the table. Dub-con is FINE, but even that is a stretch.
Suicide, mental illness (it takes a lot of research to write and it's overall a delicate topic). I've been down that road, I'd rather not go down it again.
Eating disorders. Big trigger. Totally off.
Incest, beastiality, pedophilia of any kind and other such taboo topics. (Obviously)
Any kink involving bodily fluids other than cum, blood and saliva. (Tears? Does that count? Lets add that too. And tears. Tears are totes fine!) Anything else I'm not comfortable with. (So scat and golden showers are off)
Pregnancy and labor. At some point it gets a tad too repetitive.
So far, that is all I believe~ Enjoy your stay and simp away.
-Sincerely, Alice.
( ◜‿◝ )♡
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creepypocky · 2 years
Hello there! Could I request a romantic matchup? (Thank you for your trouble ( ⌒▽⌒))
I am a Pansexual with no real preference and my pronouns are any, though they/them is greatly appreciated. I have a height of 5'8 and have short-ish brown hair. A little tanned because I go places atleast once a week.
My zodiac sign is a May Gemini! My personality kind of intertwines with my zodiac, which I do believe in. I have major ambivert personality. When I am with people I'm comfortable with I am extremely outgoing and will help them talk to others if they're too shy to go and ask another person. (Not in a pushy way, I generally wait until they mention it first.) However, If they are strangers or relatives I have never met before I tend to be almost scarily silent. Talking to new people without friends is hard haha.
I have what I call my main three. By that, I mean interests. My most major intrest is in anime + manga. I used to read a lot and very quickly. So I use that skill for when I'm watching subbed anime. I usually watch dub due to the fact I can have my headphones on and know whats going on without watching the screen the entire time. I may or may not get distracted easily.
My second major intrest is in Art, I really love drawing and often draw my favourite anime, book or video game character on either paper or a drawing app. Yes, I did draw a creepypasta OC when I was 12, like most of us here.
Third and Last one! Video games, I get hyperfixated on video games or activities. My current hyper fixation is a game, genshin impact, my last one was cooking. Ah, the wonders of my mind.
Onto love language!
My kind of love language is someone who starts smiling when you come into the room. Someone you could tease about doing something for you, then they actually do it. Not in an oblivious way but a "Get me a snack," "No do it yourself lol" kind of way. My final touch of love language is being able to watch a show and rant together about it together later.
Also if they're sad just let me hug them thats all i need in life, giving someone happiness 😎
Thank you for reading, I hope you have a great day/night/evening! Make sure to drink water and have food!
-☁️ anon
Helloooo, yes of course you can have a matchup hon. Sorry, I took a break but I will do this for you now. :) And it's not trouble at all! I love doing these.
|| I match you with: Ticci Toby! ||
Now, I went over many people to match you with because I was trying to think of someone that was interested in the same things you were interested in, but then I thought, do they have to have the same hobbies? Would the relationship really be interesting if the two of you just did the same things? So instead I decided to choose somebody that would just be genuinely happy to be with you and wouldn't mind watching you do the things you love.
He understands being an ambivert, and he's kind of the same way. Plus with his line of work he has to talk to people sometimes, being Slendermans right hand requires him to lead people to the Slenderman. But he also has his days where he just doesn't want to talk to people, especially people he doesn't know. But that's normal for many people. He really admires you being a good person and helping shy people to make friends and thinks that sometimes you're a bit too good for him, but you'll just have to reassure him that your love for him is unconditional. He would help you make friends with the other creepypastas if you asked him to, or if he thought you were lonely.
He's not very into anime, but he's a huge comic book nerd and also likes manga. He would lend you his manga if you took interest or if he thought you would like one of the series' he has, and don't worry, he also gets distracted pretty easily, probably more so often because he can be pretty spontaneous and excitable when he's feeling comfortable with himself and the environment he's in.
He likes art, but he isn't very good at it. He likes to watch you draw and he thinks your art style is very nice and interesting. He would definitely ask you to draw his favorite characters from the manga he has and would love to see what kind of personal touch to bring to them.
He used to play video games often but Ben made him rage so much in those games he stopped. I feel like he gets spasms of rage when he watches you play games because Ben is that much of an asshole LMAO. But if it's chill games then he doesn't mind watching and playing with you, but he gets burnt out pretty quickly and would want to do other fun things with you. Please cook for this man he's terrible at cooking. He starts toaster fires.
He will DEFINITELY smile when he sees you walk into the room. Especially since sometimes he feels out of place with the other creepypastas even though he is the lead proxy, he still just wants someone around who makes them feel comfortable and you're usually that person for him. He doesn't mind at all doing things for you and getting you things, even if you're teasing him, he just wants to see you smiling and enjoying yourself. He lovvvesssss ranting about shows he watches with you, whether he enjoys them or not, because he just loves talking to you in general and likes to relax and just have a conversation with you. It's simple things like talking normally that make him happy, it brings some kind of normality to his life that he always finds to be absent.
And yes please, he would love hugs when he's sad. He's not very good at expressing his emotions verbally especially since he has anger issues and doesn't want to accidentally say something mean to you, but he very much appreciates physical affection and reassurance, and he would do the exact same for you if you were sad.
I hope you liked this! Again, sorry for the late response. I hope you're having a great day/night.
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