#so utterly exhausted
axelthewonderer · 25 days
Heya! I'm still here (kinda). Might post some more fire emblem related stuff. Might drop some art too.
Life be lifeing maaaan
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wu-does-art · 3 months
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coming out as a "Will snores obnoxiously loud" and "Nico breaths so quietly you can barely tell hes alive" truther
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fellowfights · 6 months
I'm gonna be so honest with y'all. I don't take you seriously if you complain about the casting of the Percy Jackson show because the poc actors aren't "book accurate."
Because here's the deal. I remember when the internet threw a fit when Rue, a black character, was played by a black person. It didn't matter that it was book accurate, y'all didn't want to see a black person on screen.
For some of y'all, it's not that you are against adaptations straying from the source material- you are simply anti black.
If you are about to argue with me, I want you to ask yourself something. Did you not mind the race change of Grover, but you are against the casting of Annabeth? If that's true, maybe try to address that. Acknowledge it and try to deconstruct your anti-black biases.
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keyslox · 5 months
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c!jack in the year 2024
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snarkspawn · 17 days
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light of kshahrewar ✨
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Persephone: *just came home from spring and is passed out on the bed, snoring loudly and drooling in her sleep*
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echodrops · 2 months
I started the last post with "I'm so tired" too, but it just gets more true every day.
My last post was about how my real life sucks, but man, I can't even come to the internet as an escape from the intellectual collapse of academia anymore.
I'm just trying to browse in peace without being bombarded with people virtue signalling, advocating for media to be sanitized, and arguing over whether it's morally responsible to ship a character who is a literal murderer with someone that he said something mean to once.
Like, is this where we're at?
Is this really where we're at?
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papa-evershed · 1 year
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RJC + laughter (requested by: anonymous)
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hjartasalt · 10 months
Living in Iceland is great if you're looking for a good workout because today I had the special treat of cycling against the wind both to and from work
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famewolf · 2 months
speaking of ocd, I think I'm realizing that I truly don't have anxiety and it's literally just my ocd. im not anxious about anything until it involves me and suddenly I'm spiraling
#[static]#it's hard to describe succinctly but the anxiety I deal with nowadays is directly related to my ocd and autism#some anxiety is so easy to brush off but the ones stemming from my ocd are extremely difficult to get out from under#i'll spiral for weeks about one specific thing and ruminate on it and mentally worry and pick at it forever#it's utterly exhausting jfkdghdf some days are easier than others#and often that one thing I ruminate on becomes multiple things all stemming from the first thing#like recently it's been my car ... the thing is totally fine ... runs fine drives fine but ive been freaked out by it for the last 3 weeks#every time i go into the shop theyre like ... everything is good in fact its in good condition for its age and they'll mention like#one thing that will need to be replaced to keep it in tip top condition and then my brain will fixate on it and imagine all the ways#something horrific will happen if that doesnt get changed and then that leads to all the other things in the car suddenly freaking me out#i defs used to have general anxiety and depression but those went away literally the day i got top surgery#poof instantly gone it was wild and i kept waiting for the other shoe to drop#never did but now my ocd has been really bad the last 6 months cuz of all the extra horrifying things going on#so i thought it was just my anxiety coming back but this week i realized it was my ocd and have been treating it accordingly#and ive seen some relief but i definitely need to go back to therapy once i get my insurance again#its the only way to get a hold on it and my last therapist ended up moving states so we didnt get to work on tools for it very much#im yapping at this point i just needed to vent for a second about how truly yucky ocd makes me feel
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atlas-affogato · 9 months
Almost done with Stone Butch Blues
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kenobihater · 28 days
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"Down to Gehenna or up to the Throne, he travels the fastest who travels alone."
1917 (2019), dir. sam mendes
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Dude this is so me fr
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sunnibits · 2 months
FINALLY fucking home but at what cost
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yukipri · 10 months
Okay I FINALLY got through (enough of) work-work.
It is past 7 AM. I worked all frickin' night.
I have a meeting in less than 4 hours. Do I try to sleep, or do I know I'm only gonna get like 2 hours of sleep and need an afternoon nap anyway, so I should just stay up and try to finish Ahsoka art...
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wyrdle · 1 year
Summary: Clavell and Tyme head to Geeta’s office to discuss what to do after the events of Area Zero, and Clavell finds support, comfort and space to grieve.
Clavell POV, Clavell centric fic.
Characters: Clavell, Geeta, Tyme. Bonus Poppy briefly.
CW: angstttttttt, major character death, discussions of grief, neglect and therapy
Wordcount: about 2k ( i got carried away and am not very good at writing anything concise lol)
AN: There’s *some* hints of Clavell/Turo/Sada or Zerotrioshipping, but you can read that as them being closer friends than they were in canon and breaking apart. Maybe some hints of Stemshipping. This story works with my idea on mashing the scarlet and violet stories together, events being largely the same end results despite 2 professors and 2 ai versions of them. Also very liberal changes/tweaks to things in canon, just to be able to explain how so much oversight occurred.
Some inspo from both @k-chips heart wrenching art and @ameftowriter‘s painfully cathartic fic which you should totally check out!!!!!!!!!!! Anway, enjoyyyyy I hope lol
"Director, Tyme, good morning." The chairwoman greets them with a smile from her desk, clean and tidy despite the immense workload Clavell knows she has. She waves them both in to sit, and Clavell has to hide a wince from how his back ached more than usual even in the comfortable chairs.
It has been a really long week.
"Boss! I got you cookies from Cortondo!" A child's voice almost sing songs, followed by the impatient rap on the door. 
"Come in." Geeta's gaze softens, to Clavell's mild amusement. He watches the little girl totter past himself and Tyme to place a tray of cookies and tea on the Chairwoman's desk. 
"Thank you, Poppy, that's sweet of you. Tell Rika I said hello and will chat with her after this."
"Okay boss! Be sure to have the ones shaped like Smoliv first, they're still warm from the oven!" She chirps, watching the chairwoman grab one before nodding in satisfaction. Poppy's gaze on both himself and Tyme prompted them both to follow suit, the too sweet treat raising his spirits just a bit. Pleased, Poppy left, a skip in her step. Clavell couldn't help the brief smile on his lips as the door clicked shut.
How curious that Miss Poppy was so adorable with the chairwoman, yet so notoriously terrifying in the battle arena.
"Thank you for coming,"Geeta says, taking off her work glasses to give Clavell and Tyme her full attention. "There is much to update."
Right. Clavell clenches his jaw, expression serious, more on edge than he has ever been in meetings with his superior. Typically, he could reciprocate the Top Champion's professional courtesy and kindness easily, but the topic of their meeting this time was one he dreaded.
"Firstly, the Area Zero expedition." Geeta starts, shutting her eyes to breathe in before continuing. To those that didn't know her as well as those she worked closely with, the gesture gave her the air of authority. To Clavell, it was a rare sign of tiredness from La Primera. 
"The league has so far contained about 95% of the ‘Paradox’ Pokemon, with transfer of them to the temporary League containment facility going smoothly. Hassel reports that they'll be done in just a few more days. According to Larry however… clearing out the professor's notes and labs will take a bit longer."
It had been a week since four children stumbled into Clavell’s office, reporting about strange future and past Pokemon, the Miraidons and Koraidons, as well as… The two professor's deaths. 
Clavell felt his heart tighten, clenching his fists in his lap.
"Did you… find his body?" He could feel more than see Tyme's look of concern from beside him. 
"No. Apparently the AIs had Professor Turo's body cremated and contained into a 3D printed urn. Larry should be directing for it to be sent here by the evening. The other however…"
It was Clavell's turn to sigh tiredly, pushing up his glasses in habit.
"My condolences, Director."
He had yet to process properly, how two of his dearest friends and ex-colleagues had died to a folly of a dream.
First was professor Sada, just a year before the first appearance of Miraidon and Koraidon. Killed by the very machine she created in a miscalculation, according to the children's stories. 
Next, was her husband, driven mad by grief and ambition, seeking to complete the dream he shared with his dead wife… only to be slaughtered by the very Pokemon he sought to find. 
Paldea's greatest minds, killed by their own devotion to their dreams.
All this, because of stories from some books.
Bitterly and with well contained anger, Clavell regrets not stepping in sooner, and checking in on the two professors to, pardon his language, smack sense into them. 
Combined with the heartache of losing not one, but two of his once close friends, almost family, once upon a time. 
The wounds never quite healed when he had split from the group, their disagreement on the Paradise project creating an unmendable rift. Taking Arven in had soothed it, and time had given him other things to focus on, but he felt it torn asunder, pulled wider and bleeding more profusely than ever before.
Idiots, both of them. And he knew, because between the trio he was the one who spared his heart and concern for two professors of fiery mind and spirit. The caution and concern was thrown to the wind for Paradise, along with his disapproval of their new proposed project.
"Isn't the Tera Orb enough?" He had asked once, voice deceptively level and contained, belaying the anger and hurt that seethed underneath. To suggest that he didn't understand, to believe him weak to his compassion, to think him dispensable for their pet project— that hurt most of all. 
Clavell wasn’t needed for their time machine project, but so were a lot of things. The duo hadn’t required corporate funding anymore, not that they would get any despite their notoriety. The Scarlet and Violet books were fairy tales, afterall. 
Everything, even their own son, was less important than Paradise.
Arven and him found each other, after both being abandoned by the professors, albeit in slightly different circumstances.
“I’m sorry, Director, for this oversight.” Blinking out of his thoughts, Clavell saw the Chairwoman level him with a sympathetic gaze, while Tyme’s warm hand patted his arm.
“When the professors approached me years ago, when I had first accepted this position, I had given them the approval for their studies.” Geeta sighed, leaning forward on her desk to clasp her fingers and rest her forehead on them. 
“I was given barebones details of their Paradise project, a study of the fauna in Area Zero was the lie they told me, but the mistake of not looking closer is mine.” Geeta explains. “I had relied on their reputation, and as the new league chairperson inheriting a position after the Tera Orb discoveries, I admit to wanting to see what else they could offer Paldea.”
Turo and Sada’s project had been entirely self-funded for lack of a corporate sponsor, giving them free reign of the labs in Area Zero and little to no scrutiny of their work. It was why they had no staff, relying later on additional AI help. The Academy/League funded labs were going to go unused after the Tera Orbs, and were going to be considered a write off paid for by them. 
There wasn’t anything left to dig into in Area Zero, if the brilliant professors of Paldea thought otherwise and were willing to pursue it themselves, why not? All that was left was some formal approval.
“I saw little issue in allowing them to continue within the facilities that would be solely maintained by them, neglecting the ramifications of under regulated research.” Geeta searched her pockets for her pokeball, gazing at it thoughtfully. From the special purple and red bands on its casing, it was her signature Glimmora, a pokemon that had become the symbol of Area Zero and the success of Paldea’s brightest. “Like most Paldeans, their reputation blinded me to their faults.”
“What’s important now is resolving all of this.” Tyme chimed in, who had been quiet for the most part, but listening intently. 
Geeta smiled at her appreciatively, sharing a look with the older woman. The two had known each other for longer than Clavell and her, afterall. 
“Correct. I thank you both sincerely for your help and support. This tragedy is not without its heroes.” 
Tyme huffed, in the familiar way Clavell knew and found oddly soothing, diffusing the tension of the room. 
“I’m just the Academy’s Deputy Director, boss.” She was much more than that, Clavell thought with a small smile.
“Now then, what of the children?” Geeta asked.
Clavell swallowed. He could not allow himself to be wrapped up in his anger and grief, not when children depended on him. Not when there was so much work to be done to prevent such trauma from his precious students.
“Each of their guardians have been alerted about having them go for therapy, and all teaching staff have been advised to provide additional support. For the long term, we’ve hired additional staff for on-campus counselling, and student support services will be expanding on their services in the coming semester.” Clavell reported, ticking off his long mental checklist of things to do.
Even if he was grieving, even if he was exhausted mentally and physically, his student’s care came first.
Even if the fault was not his whatsoever as the chairwoman had so explained, he couldn’t help the guilt.  
I should check on each of the four personally, after this. He noted to himself.
“Good, we’ll have a discussion on further budget changes soon to improve student wellbeing. Please propose any solutions you think will be of benefit, I will do my best to accommodate and support.” Geeta nodded, a sign of the meeting coming to an end. “If there is nothing else, I hope you two have a good day ahead.”
“Thank you, La Primera.” Clavell replied, mind already racing to the first of many tasks he had as he stood. Before he could leave however, the chairwoman directed her piercing gaze at him.
“Ah, there is one more thing, Director. Please take some time for yourself, as well.” 
Clavell’s eyes widened, straightening his back as he stared back in befuddlement.
“As your boss, I should not overstep my bounds to push or lecture, but I do think given the… events…” Deaths, Clavell’s mind whispered cruelly, Turo and Sada are both dead. Dead and his last attempt to reach them for Arven’s sake had been pitiful, in his eyes. “I want to emphasise that care for your students should not mean neglecting your own wellbeing. If not for your sake, then theirs.”
If he had tried harder, if he had insisted more, could they both have still been alive? Could Arven have had his mother, and his true father instead? 
Would things have gone differently, had he stayed with them in Area Zero?
“You’ve done exceptionally well as the Academy’s director, and I have no doubt you will continue to excel. Where the previous director made mistakes he did not mend, your perseverance to fix and improve things for your students is admirable.” 
Clavell flushes slightly at the reminder that Tyme had informed Geeta of his Clive disguise to help Team Star, who had smiled and nodded, even praised him for his efforts. 
“To have someone who treasures the students and trainers of Paldea as much as I do, I am thankful.” Geeta smiled sadly but sincerely, dropping her usual business facade to empathise with him. 
“What I’m saying is, if you need to, do take the time off. I’m sure the Academy’s staff, even the League, will be there to support you. A lot has happened, and I believe, both as your superior and acquaintance, that no one would fault you for needing time.”
Clavell stilled, blinking at the chairwoman for a bit before Tyme’s grasp on his arm pulled him out of his shock.
“I- Thank you, La Primera.” He said, making sure his voice didn’t waver too much and the tears that pricked his eyes did not fall. Tyme’s presence by his side was a helpful steadying one. “Take care, Clavell, Tyme.”
“She’s right, you know.” Tyme said nonchalantly, when they exited the League together and breathed in the fresh Paldean air.
Clavell turned to her, about to retort about the large amount of things that were left to do.
“Uhp.” She lifted a finger to shut him up, huffing with exasperation at the man whose compassion and kindness was both a point of endearment and frustration. “You heard the boss.”
He understood, of course. Had given the same advice to other students and staff, even. 
Applying it to himself was just difficult.
Maybe it was because it was easier to help with other’s hurts than address his own. Turo and Sada hurt many, including himself, but paying attention to others’ wounds was easier than looking back at his own painful memories.
Of late night lab sessions, shared coffee, even jokes and jabs made in fatigue. Small and big wins celebrated between them, disappointments divided and beared by all of them. Together, they were unstoppable.
But he had misjudged his role and importance in their lives.
Once he was the heart of their group, the one that tempered their fiery passion and energy, mediated how completely opposite the two professors were. Wedged between them, or the bridge between them, an essential part of the team.
Abandoned, all the same. 
And now? After all that?
There was never going to be a chance to mend.
Clavell doesn’t realise he’s crying until Tyme hugs him, rubbing soothing circles into his back as he quietly sobs, dampening the fabric at her shoulder. The deputy director cooed some comforting words, pulling Clavell close as he fell apart in her arms.
“You matter too, Clavell.” Tyme whispered, letting him expel some of the complicated emotions he had been withholding for everyone’s sake. Even when Arven had cried into his shoulder, he had held back for the boy’s sake, not wanting a child to bear the brunt of his grief.
Clasping his hand gently and with kindness Clavell himself had run dry of, Tyme held him. She waited patiently for him to compose himself, breath shaky but better than the pitiful noises he was making before. 
“You’ll be alright.”
Shutting his eyes and focusing on the warmth beside him, Clavell hoped he would be someday, too.
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