#soaps pit fall is that he reciprocates
tavtarnish · 1 year
My favourite thing is that Ghost definitely knew what "It's pishing it doon out here" meant and still pretended not to like ?? Okay Simon Rizzley
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tojisun · 1 month
Angsty thot on the the ghost x reader x soap blurb;
I've been thinking about the what if Soap did actually reciprocate Ghost's advances? For a moment, he forgets reader. Finally, FINALLY, Soap thinks... until the bliss dies down and he remembers reader and guilt sets in. Ghost's only all too happy to show off to reader. Being affectionate with Johhny, leaving whatever marks were left visible, staking a claim that he won.
Reader, of course, is dismayed and feels betrayed. But how much can she really feel? It fucking sucks, it does, that Ghost doesn't care what she thinks or feels and she wasn't in a committed relationship with Soap. So if they were to pursue a relationship, what can she really do about it?
HOW I AM AFTER READING THIS anon i wanna crawl into your mind and poke around your brain because how could you (ext)
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johnny knows he hasn’t been honest with himself lately. that, in the face of ghost’s desires—because nothing less could describe the fire in his lieutenant’s eyes; it’s all so heated and leashed. hungry. aching—he denies himself and pretends he cannot see what is crystal clear.
he pretends that every brushing touch was an accident, that every heavy look was a trick of the light. that the way simon calls his name—johnny, with the ‘y’ dripping from his mouth like honey—was all circumstantial.
friendly. platonic, truly.
but it’s becoming more frequent. more passionate. more territorial.
of course, it was all a matter of when, really, was johnny going to fall. and the answer, apparently, is right now.
his shirt is torn off his body, fatigues falling beside two pairs of boots. warm lips, fever-hot, are on his skin, tracing scalding trails that has him trembling. he feels jittery, bones rattling within his flesh. he feels untethered, floaty. nirvana pinched between his fingers.
then, he falls, body thudding against the mattress. the metal of his bed posts creaks, a gunshot in the silence, and johnny freezes. his mind catching up to his heart.
this isn’t—
simon towers over him, his scarred chest heaving in his ragged breaths. the mask is off, discarded to the floor, and johnny, he—
he sees the man that his soul sings to—cheeks flushed, bright cherries, and eyes dark with yearning. simon looks at him like johnny’s all that matters in the world; like all that he’s fighting to live for is johnny.
johnny feels this bloating in the back of his throat, something in his heart swelling until all he tastes is his breaths. his lips wobble, teeth chattering. they stop at ghost’s tender touch, his callused hand cupping johnny’s cheek.
simon's thumb swipes at the skin just underneath his eyes. his lips, crooked, tug up in a smile. “y’r much too gorgeous, johnny.”
johnny doesn’t know what happened next, only that he was stuffed with a burn that scorches from within and engulfed whole; devoured every way possible until simon's marks—from teeth and just his overall brute strength—took. his throat aches, scratchy, and his skin throbs with the memory of their love-making.
he, well, he wept. he tucked his head on the crook of simon's neck, breathing him in, unable to explain the euphoria simmering in the pit of his stomach.
simon loves him. he desired him every way possible so who wouldn't—
who wouldn't lose themselves?
(johnny thinks of you and the memories blur; what had been fiery passion morphs into something ugly. into something cruel.)
there was something different in ghost's gait—that's the first thing you noticed upon walking into the mess hall. he was more relaxed, more open in a way you have never seen from him before. he even met your eyes as you walk towards their little huddled group, the first time in a while, and you are unable to look away because there was something in his gaze that you couldn't quite place.
it still spoke of danger, of a walled barrier that he firmly put between you two, but it was undiscernible.
still poised, though, for the hunt.
kyle greets you first, kind and gentle, but before you could reply to him, johnny's tugging you away. a protest builds on the tip of your tongue, ready to slip past your chapped lips, but you freeze, feet stumbling as the air is knocked out of your lungs.
"oh," you say, a whispered gasp, your eyes unable to drag from the bruises on johnny's neck. not made with unkind intensions, if the teeth mars were any indication.
briefly, you wondered if johnny's met someone else to satiate his desires. if, in your absence, he sought to snuff the burning need from someone else. you've been away for three months, after all, chasing a lead in shanghai and tracking them all the way to tianjin. it must have been too long for johnny too.
(you wonder why your heart twinges at the idea of johnny finding comfort in someone else that isn't you.)
but the thought is doused by an ice-cold realization.
"it's– you know that i–"
"oi, 'tavish," ghost's voice rings from behind you.
you tip your head back just enough to see him, to see with your eyes what must he must have done, but he's back to ignoring you again.
it seemed like now that you've noticed what it was that had him elated, ghost no longer wanted to interact with you. not a word nor a touch. not even a glance.
johnny bites his bottom lip, shoulders hunching into himself.
"i'm sor–"
"i have to go," you say, your voice even sounds foreign to your own ears. "i have to, uhm, to report."
you shuffle away from between them, your palm rising to press onto your chest as though that could truly stop the splintering of your heart. as though your heart was truly wounded and that the pressure could stop the bleeding.
but it aches. dear god, everything aches.
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ANON THIS HURT ME SO BAD AND I COULDNT HELP MYSELF FROM RAMBLING IM SORRY!! god im wailing so much like i literally was bug eyed staring at ur ask bc OW??? (btw reader is gn in this ghoap x reader angst)
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Heyo! I was wondering if you could do a scenario during the uprising arc where the reader starts to realize she has feelings for Levi but at first he rejects her? Then during the night before Shiganshina he realizes about her feelings and ends up returning them knowing he doesn't want her to get hurt or die? Some angst fluff please and thank you!
Okay anon you have no idea how much I enjoyed writing this. It's super long and I love how it came to me so naturally. I hope you enjoy
Warnings: a little angst!?
Tags: angst, fluff, hurt/comfort
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It all started at the sight of his wet fingertips grazing the broken rim of a teacup. A flutter, a feisty spark in your heart that seemed to drown it in full might had made its presence known to you in a very particular, unwanted moment. The flicker of a tiny flame danced before your eyes, sat at the frame of the window near the sink where you proceeded to rinse through washed dishes.
Levi's pale, chapped skin pulled on his knuckles leaving an unnatural yellowish white tone behind, indicating his involvement with excessive amounts of cleaning products. And for the first time, the sight really pulled a string in your poor heart in a way that was enough to convince you to break the dense silence in the room.
But maybe, you thought, Levi wouldn't want to talk to you.
With an unforgiving steel gaze he stared at your face, blinking in soft, yet erratical paces as you stopped plumping the water from running. In response your tongue was forced to slip inside your mouth and push any unspoken word back to its source, in the depths of your brain. All of a sudden you felt so afraid to talk, so petrified by the general idea of a three syllabus word that wouldn't ever spare the misery off of anyone.
Captain seemed to be on the rejective side nevertheless so nothing regarding your newly discovered feelings would matter to him anyway, so in a way you blamed yourself for getting overwhelmed with this whole situation. A dark cloud of doubt shadowed your mind with the intention of interrogating your heart's intentions; perhaps you were mistaken. How on earth could you have been in love with the short man, you didn't know. There were far too many differences between the two of you, be it in appearance, mannerism or even -and more importantly- experiences. Supposing you had lived through similar occurances in battles outside the walls was enough for anyone to consider the two of you to be very alike, it was at least dishonorable to compare your childhood or teenage years to his.
"Nice hands" Of course you had managed to utter the most embarrassing choice of words to him, your mind could never cooperate with you when it came to such serious situations, something you hated so very much. The obnoxious dryness of your eyes was slowly migrating in the caves under your tongue, you could feel your mouth drying more and more by each passing second, yet you did nothing to prevent it.
Judging by Levi's puzzled expression which included his head slightly tilting forward as if to hear you better you knew he was as awestruck as you were at your own words. "I don't really understand where you're coming from but thank you, I guess." He spoke, the usual monotone tint staining his voice. You whipped your head back to a fixed position -on your hands this time- to stare down at the sink. The awkward glances you would throw at him went seemingly unnoticed and as time passed by you felt your tention overwhelming you, this time, completely.
Levi wasn't dense to any body language thrown at him and you were painfully aware. His cold eyes never spared you not even a half cornered look as he rubbed the little sponge on the soap bar next to him. His fingers danced on the ceramic plate, cleansing it in fast and very effective movements, leaving you staring in awe. Whether he was ignoring you on purpose or not you didn't know and you didn't want to seek an answer as to why but at this rate he would probably be the one to inquire why you were burning holes in his hands with your gaze. Again.
"I'm so sorry I'm fixated on your hands" Your mouth run, ignoring your mind's orders to stay shut "It's just-" Dammit think quick for once "You have nice nail beds."
There it was. The evidence that your words had actual brains and that they formed the most improper sentences on their own, just to torture you and push you deeper into piles of goowey, mushy shit. If Levi was anyone else he would have been laughing his ass of at the stupidness of your speech, you knew you would be laughing too if this wasn't as serious. Just as you were sure you heard a chuckle Levi placed the sponge on the bar of soap carefully and extended his arm, fully displaying his hand.
He seemed to study it like it was the first time he had ever even noticed it. The slick, long fingers, the oval shaped nails, his torn open knuckles. Perhaps you were kidding him for the lack of hair on the base of fingers he used to hold his blades with, those were burnt with years of being worn out by the steel triggers of the blades. He speculated this was common among most soldiers, so it didn't seem like a reason to be kidded for and in addition you never were the person to just spit senseless insults as jokes to your comrades.
"Is there even a point to talk about my hands? They're normal hands to me."
You bit your lip as your eyes widened in shock. Realisation hit you that this was probably more that absurd to Levi as it was to you, seeing you had started to talk about his hands out of nowhere. Your mind, in a state of panic, was in the midst of attempting to process every idiotic sentence you had the audacity to blurb out, but it never seemed to find an answer. Boiling with embarrassed, you wiped the water of your hands to your pants, an act that caught Levi's eye, and went to grab the first wooden chair that was in your path. You needed to sit down, to process whatever this was.
Yet, the only explanation you could find was that there was a raging wildfire in the pits of your stomach everytime your thoughts wandered on Levi. Yes, it was possible that what had started as an admiration, a tiny spec of a crush for the slender featured man had been growing on you since forever, but you had always burried it deep, in any hellhole that should accommodate such emotions as this was war and not the plot of sappy romance novel.
The air was cut down short in the room when Levi sat at a chair beside you, watching you over in such demanding manner that only he could master. He proceeded to light the only candle that stood at the middle of the table, possibly in hopes of flaring a conversation or causing a sane sequence of sentences to finally fall from your tongue. It was still unbeknownst to him what had caused you to trip over words as if you were a learning toddler and he yearned to find out, as a sole friend, not as the stern corporal he presented himself to be.
"(y/n)" His voice was tender as he spoke either much mindful to the teens who were sleeping in the next room or unwilling to let a private conversation between the two of you be heard. "If you think I can help with whatever is going on quit acting like a brat and tell me what's on your mind."
Momentarily, you wondered whether he'd stick to his words in case you spilled your heart's infatuating agony but you felt unable to think of a possible dominating scenario in the chaos of your mind. As self destructive as it sounded, you'd prefer to be the one to break your own heart rather than having to stand back and be a martyr to him tearing it off your chest and tearing it. Knowing Levi, this wasn't anything physically impossible, but you doubt that he could ever be as harsh with you.
"I'm just stressed. I have a lot on my mind."
"Erwin's trial and the future of the scouts, huh? Or is it that Hange works your ass off with those experiments?" You scoffed in denial to all of his inquiries, knowing full well that you could have used them as excuses. Levi's sharp hand began a short trip with sole purpose to land at the top of your head, through your loose locks, in an affectionate manner, a little something you had picked up he would do when he really cared for someone. Everyone knew he wasn't particularly touchy, except for some emotional moments with his closest people; a hand on a shoulder and a pat in the head were mostly what you had witnessed him indulging. His hand ruffling with your hair wasn't profound and new at all, he had done so many times after the two of you would strongly disagree over formations and orders, showing you how much he appreciated your strong wits and your clever ideas. What was new was that the lone touch burned your sculp like hot iron and made your insides twitch.
"I'll make us some tea" the screeching creak of the chair being pushed back shook of your train of thoughts enough to form a reaction to his hand that still rested on your head. Almost as if he didn't want to take it off "We can discuss your problem in a-"
"Sit down" you demanded, voice stern, masked with seriousness that caught him off guard. "Take your hand off my hair, it hurts." You pleaded with your eyes to stay as dry as they were before but you were certainly unsure of whether they'd listen. "Can't you see?"
What was there not to see really. Levi probably knew of your fondness of him way before you managed to realise, as in second thought every move you had ever made in his presence betrayed you. He would have never tried to provoke a confession just to laugh at you, that you were sure of, but he had never made a move in reciprocation either, that alone made you sure of your confessions future's end and caused your gut to spit even more fire to the rest of your insides.
Levi was not perplexed, not even for a single moment, at your words that seeked to stab like daggers, he wouldn't allow himself to be toyed by his own emotions just this once. This is an erratical reaction to his touch, a rejection of his affections towards you and he feared he knew the reason. For someone as bright and emotional as you he never would have thought that you could have hid such tormentous emotions so well inside you, only to end up at this moment of snapping.
As much as he'd like not to be hurt in the slightest by your demeanor he couldn't help but feel a tiny string of his heart being pulled. Suddenly it was evident to him why you couldn't take part in normal conversations around him or why you acted so tense in his presence, why you were so rejective of his touches and he wondered if he should have done anything besides unknownably torture you for so long. Whether his heart wanted to hear a confirmation out of your mouth to it's pained pleading for reciprocation, his mind ignored. The time would never be right and as egoistical as it seemed he couldn't bear to lose someone else that close to him, let alone a significant other. From his experience feelings of love and adoration should never be spoken out loud in this cruel world, amongst soldiers, especially. It wouldn't lead to any good.
When you proceeded to speak the pit in his stomach was already welling in frustration and denial. "Levi we've known each other for years and whatever's forcing me to much on my words should stop."
None can do, this couldn't happen here, now, while being on the run by military police as collective criminal. Levi wouldn't allow you to speak those earth shuttering words, even if wanted for them to chaste kiss his ears and echo through his head. "Not like you haven't figured anyways. I'm so pathetic. To fall for my Capt-"
"Don't you dare utter any other word of that sentence. I won't forgive you if you do." His hand reached out to grab yours by the wrist, tightly, as if he didn't know you couldn't stand the intensity of the grip. The silence that towed over the room was freezing, irrational even; it made you want to puke your intestines right onto Levi's shoes. Your heartbeat was so fast, so unrhythmic that you felt like the vital blood red organ would burst out of your chest in a massive mess.
Τhere was an excessive amount of agony emitting from your eyes, slicing through Levi's chest, searching despairately for a sign he had a heart, just to remind you that it didn't belong to you. Your mind traveled through every possible scenario to find a reason as to why you had to endure this, did his affections belong to someone you didn't know of? Hange? Erwin? Nifa seemed to be close to him lately as well. Was he heartbroken before and swore to never love again? You hated that there was not a tiny little space in his heart for you.
Just as this tense moment began, it came to an end when Sasha burst into the room, shotgun on her shoulder and chestnut eyes as sleepy as they could be. Fatigue was overpowering her whole form and it was as evident as ever before your eyes. With a quick, exhausted salute she announced her self, unsure of if you and the captain could see her face under the shadows of the night.
"It's guard change sir!" She spoke.
"I'm coming sweetheart." You got up from the chair you were sat at, breaking your wrist away from Levi's grip in a harsh manner. You didn't spare him a second look as you took another deep breath and locked it in your chest in hopes of seeming a little more mighty. "Go take some rest. You deserve it."
With increasingly fast steps you storm outside the little cottage trying your best not to look back. You wouldn't bear to check if there was still light coming from the kitchen that should indicate Levi's persistent presence. Your knees trembled at the imagery but you wouldn't let your eyes rest behind you not even for a second. He would probably be drinking his tea, unbothered, thinking of anything but you and you would be lying if you were to day that it didn't hurt you. It hurt so much that it sent you on your ass, on the stone tile pattern under your feet. Your heart forced suffocating waves of pain through your whole body only to push out of your eyes in the form of hot, salty tears. As your sobs grew louder and your heartache became unbearable to the point you though you could feel your heart break in two, you pushed the ends of your palms into your eyes sockets to squeeze the pain and itchiness of the tears away. You promised to yourself this was the first and last time you would cry for him.
After that night you barely speak with Levi. Aside from following his orders with the eventual 'yessir' as a reply, you have managed to successfully establish a thick barrier between him end you. Your nights of accompanying him in his late hour tea sessions, or teaching him how to knit and embroider were no more. The times you would share your food with him after you'd hear his stomach growl from the small portion he would get were also no more. You had made sure to claim your small acts of affection back to yourself, how could you move on from him if you were trying to be nice.
You would profoundly ignore his gazes, his calls for you at his office at late hours of the night by random cadets. You wouldn't answer to him if it wasn't for something military related and you intended it to keep it that way until the announcements of the feast that would take place before the attempt of retaking wall Maria.
As you passed by a narrow street heading to anywhere away from the crowd of cadets with your drink in your hand, you bumped lousy into the onyx haired male. It was the first time in days or even weeks that you had spared him a glance but your eyes averted his upon impact. You couldn't stand this. It was suffocating you. The clicking of your ankle boots colliding with the ground might have been heard as you turned on your heels to flee the scene but Levi's stern clearing of the throat overshadowed it.
He wasn't having it anymore.
"Oi, wait! Stop on your tracks, this is an order!" He spoke, eliciting a groan out of you as you turned to face him. "Just what do you think you're doing?"
"Captain, I seek to relax before a very hard mission, spare me with your punishments, I beg of you."
His blood boiled with your every word "Cut the damn crap (y/n) and talk to me like normal." It probably sounded more harsh than he intended but he couldn't find himself in a position to turn back time and rephrase those words. The drained look in your eyes tolled him as well. The fact that you were both so tired by this game of cat and mouse was profound and everywhere in the air around you and Levi didn't know if he could take it anymore.
At first he thought that it was for the best. If you both forgot about your feelings or found ways to distract yourselves by this distance then it would be so much easier for him to push through the upcoming events of Shiganshina, but he was surprised to know he was mistaken. Masking his feelings must have seemed easy when it came to grieve and loss; he'd spent hours in his room, with you, letting everything out and occupying himself with trying to improve his handwriting while doing paperwork, but infatuation, love, was different. Instead of fading by each passing day like anger and grief it only ever became stronger, fonder and more agressive, chewing on his insides in despair. He really did hate that he had allowed himself to feel that way but it was way too late by now. There was nothing he could do and the fact that you ignored him after almost squeezing out that much, much wanted confession was only making him feel more hollow and in pain.
But Levi knew how to control himself, he trusted his ability on that.
"What is there to talk about? Let me live my last day in peace." You barked, your eyes starting to dance towards his direction, landing on his chin, then at the curve of his unfairly full bottom lip, on his button upwards nose.
"Look." He paused, unsure of how to put his words into non hurtful sentences. "If you could just tell me why or share a few words with me. We could damn die tomorrow and I'd regret not ever talking you out of this unfair treatment you're giving me."
You wondered if you should open up your heart to him completely, without accepting any interruption from him just to cleanse your coincidence off of this weight. Upon deciding that there was truly nothing holding you back except for a silly fear of another rejection that could die with you tomorrow you opened your mouth to speak any words that came to your mind.
"Levi, I'm in pain. You rejected me. Plain and simple. I've spent so many nights wondering why I am unworthy of your affections but I can't wrap my head around you anymore."
"Is that the way you feel about me? That you're the one who's unworthy of me?"
"You always think so lowly of yourself. Makes me wonder how you trust your own abilities in battlefield. But yes. So I just want to know who is it for you? Who do you feel you're unworthy of?"
He paused for a moment, to regain any shattered piece of his heart you had thrown back to him with your statement. You didn't hate him, be always knew that, but hearing those words fall out of your mouth engulfed the matter into reality unlike before. He was ready to face it. Even if he was unsure of tomorrow he knew that if he was to stay alive while you were dead he would have torn his own brain out as to avoid overthinking this particular moment.
"You want the truth honestly, brat? I happen to think I'm the one unworthy of you. You've taught me how to write and read, you came into my office to check up on an underground scum like me to see if I was asleep. Dammit you even gave me portions of your food to help me withstand the long nights of sleeping in my chair. What have I done for you? Boss you around? Or is it my looks you're after?"
Your eyes widened at his last statement, momentarily preventing the tears that had gathered in the corners from falling. This wasn't a time to misunderstand his words and act foolish, this was the closest out of a confession you would get from the man and you were awestruck, amazed. If he wanted to know a reason you would give him one.
"I'll admit, you might have the face of an angel Levi and maybe that would initial draw anyone to you, including me but I didn't fall in love with you for that." You could tell he was taken aback by the raw nature of your words only by the small whimper that escaped his throat.
"Over the course of this relationship between us you have been there for me when I couldn't be there for myself, you've helped me improve, your hands are stained with blood and so are mine, but you've knitted with me, you've stitched my wounds, you've let me sleep in your bed when I found a giant cockroach in mine, you're so much more than what you paint yourself to be."
He stared at you with ogling, soft eyes. Had he looked at you like that before you were oblivious but there was something in those steel eyes that magnetised your own gaze, something you couldn't let go off. It was calming the knot in your chest with reassurance, bearing promises of the future but he didn't dare speak on them to ruin the moment. His head closed the distance between the two of you in sharp shiftings and now your lips were brushing his in the most suggestive manner possible. It had all happened so fast that you didn't have a chance to react.
"You realised" he whispered, voice soft as the melancholy of the theme of his words captured your breath "that if you happen to die tomorrow, I, myself will hunt you down, resecure you and then proceed to beat the living shit out of you every single day of your shitty life, right?"
He was so beautiful panting with desire under the moonlight and you would never forget. Out of all times this could have taken place it happened now, hours before a deadly expedition. The feeling of regret flooded your form, his as well for not acting upon your feelings sooner and Levi fought an internal battle as to whether he should kiss you or not. He desired to keep that kiss as a reward that you stayed alive for him but on the other hand he feared that this could well be his last chance to taste you for the first time.
"That's a weird way to say I love you" as his lips brushed closer to yours his heart felt like it would explode, he had pained to claim your lips, just once, just to know the taste of a beloved and he was sure he would be more pained to lose you.
As he pleaded that you came to him tomorrow he pressed his lips on yours, sealing the promise he demanded you to make to him. Your heart melted under the soft lights of a thousand stars.
As his arms wrapped around you, tears run down his eyes. That was it. You had fought to keep your promise nail and tooth. You had never managed let him down and to see that you were among the tiny amount of survivors lifted his soul to heaven. The touch of your skin, the salty taste of your neck, it all was real, you were indeed alive and safe in his arms. He wouldn't have to go insane over that fact that he would never get to look into your eyes again.
"I will always keep my promises to you." You hitched with tears running down cheeks, the shock in your core still trembling as ever.
"I know" He panted
"Besides, have you seen yourself in action, I wouldn't want you to hunt me down, oh Lord."
I am. In tears. Also I'm sorry (?) for such in depth descriptions of Levi's hands?
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inanabsentia · 4 years
They couldn’t tell how a half year spent obsessing over him, over destroying themselves had changed them, how those days had permanently transformed the person they were.
A sequel and alternative ending to an Overhaul x gender neutral reader in which Overhaul’s S/O commits suicide by drowning themself in the bathtub of their shared room. Except this time, he saw.
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Who knew that silence could be so deafening.
He hadn’t spent much time with you ever since he had started taking on the project on producing anti-quirk bullets. No one could blame him though, he was one step closer each day to becoming the ruler of the underworld, the messiah who would illuminate light onto the detrimental impacts of the filthy heroic society which had overglorified quirks and their use.
It was his time to shine anyway, his time to bring glory back to the man who had raised him and the environment which invited him with open arms.
After all, what better way is there to pay back to his pops whom he holds close and dear to his heart? Even if that meant using underhanded methods.
Chisaki Kai Overhaul mentally went through the checklist In his mind, mulling over whatever he had accomplished during the day, pondering where he should go next. Right now though? Rolling in bed beside his Angel didn’t seem like such a bad idea though, he had missed—
Oh yeah...His Angel was patiently waiting for him in their shared bedroom, probably staying up late like most nights just to greet him. He should hurry up, he doesn’t like the sight those dark eye bags of yours as a result of waiting up late for him. His emotional side found it rather endearing this act of yours, but his logical side (which he used much, much more) was adamant on making sure that you were not sleep deprived because of him.
But that didn’t settle the feeling within him. That familiar feeling of dread, like the feeling that something terrible was about to happen. Kinda like that feeling when you knew a thunderstorm was approaching and you’re still in the middle of the woods, left unprotected without an umbrella and left at the mercy of the rolling thunderstorms and the downpour of rain which resembled sharp daggers piercing deep into your skin.
Yeah, something akin to that. He didn’t like that feeling though because his logic couldn’t seem to comprehend and explain this particular feeling. He’s tried to brush it off, focusing more on trying to make his way back to the shared bedroom between you and him. But he had to admit that the feeling never really went away, it just settled there in his stomach, a growing pit of trepidation and Fervor intensifying deep within him to the point he couldn’t deny its presence anymore.
His mind was convoluted with dark imagery of the worse possible outcome scenarios— his production coming to a sudden halt and the hardwork and research he’s put in years for being rushed down the drain. Pops never really waking up from his comatose state as induced by Chisaki Overhaul himself, never getting the chance to see the new profound glorify Overhaul had created within the Shie Hassakai.
But what about Y/N?
His Angel? The one person who had been by his side for the longest (asides Chrono), having been by his side during his best and his worst, illuminating his life and giving him a reason to keep striving forward, to keep going on. Your angelic presence alone had instilled something akin to excitement within him, he felt like he was 10 again, yet he feels this like he’s never felt for the longest time.
It was a good feeling though, it had warmed him and filled his entire being with serenity and tranquility. He liked the effect you had on him and he cherished you. He liked you, a lot and he wanted to rule his new future with you by his side, proudly standing tall next to the messiah of his shared vision, sharing the joyous moment of having been able to finally achieve it all.
But why did it feel so...off now? The joy he felt was only short-lived and that feeling of dread came back again. It came back to haunt him again, reigniting those horrific imagery (that he desperately tried to bury to the crevices of his mind), tormenting him, filling his entire being with chaos and madness. It felt wrong. If felt oh so wrong.
He reaches your shared bedroom and hesistates before reaching for the door knob, silently noticing how the light which peered from the gap between the door and the floor and become much dimmer. Of course, He was observant to the minute details, he had to be in this line of work.
And with the courage he mustered to twist the handle and push the door, the sight of the dimly lit bedroom greets him, the only light illuminating the room coming from the bathroom at the side. It wasn’t usual for his angel to be taking a shower so late in the night but then again, there were no sounds emanating from the bathroom.
No rain-like sounds from the shower head, no hard soap scrubbing sounds, no melodious singing coming from his angel, nothing.
Except for a few bleak and desolate water drops, falling into a mass of water.
It was eerie. It felt wrong on it felt so off.
Drip drip drip!
He inched his way closer to the bathroom, the room was so silent he could hear his heart palpitating and thrumming against his chest fervently.
Drip drip drip!
He noticed the unmade bedsheets, the solemn books left hapzardly strewn across the floor, very unusual from the methodical and neat way you would organise your belongings.
Drip drip!
And then his heart with absolute horror fills.
Time stood still. Who knew that silence could be so deafening. The sight of your desolate and despondent eyes greeted him, all devoid of life as life your very soul had been sucked all up, leaving behind a mass of human meat sack, waiting to be disintegrated into an abyss of nothingness. Your poignant expression to him made you seem like you just wanted to curl up and disappear into an air of absentia.
The painful moment which lasted for an eternity for both individuals finally seemed to end once he propelled himself forward and wrapped you into a tight and warm embrace, an oddly comforting gesture considering how cold you were due to how Long you had been sinking yourself into the bath tub of water, imagining it as if it were the large ocean, carrying you away from your woes whilst your worries melted and washed away with the tides.
Just a few minutes ago, you wanted to bring an end to your misery and life. Now though? You were glad he’s here and that you were here for this. And so was he.
“Oh angel..,” were the first words he spoke, his voice cracking which went by unnoticed by you due to how intimate the gesture was. Your warms tears soaking his already damp shirt, your fingers curling around his body as you squeezed the shirt behind him at the familiar term of endearment.
“Kai, I was only ever thinking about you, you know?” Your cries muffled as he pressed your face into his chest, cooing and soothing you as he listened to your misery. Oh how miserable his Angel must have felt! The guilt wrenched his heart and the feeling intensifies, now his own tears welling up in his eyes and threatening to fall too.
Deep down though he knew, he knew that he needed to express to you a love that’s reciprocated, a love that’s worth wanting. He needed to be better.
And he vows that internally to himself by gently grazing his fingertips underneath your eye bags to brush away the tears cascading down your cheeks. His lips shook and he struggled to find the words to say. But he had a inkling; a feeling that you understood he knew how much he had fucked up.
For some time, he was uncertain. But now, he’s sure that it was him and them. Them and him. And Hand in hand together, they’re floating through the cosmos. 
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Thank you for readin this! 😜
Link to another Overhaul x reader Semi-angst oneshot in which after losing his arms, Overhaul hallucinates his (non gender specific) S/O comforting him into a paradise far, far away, reminiscing about another universe where they are so in love. Entitled: Doleur Exquise
Taglist for this ff: (anyone may request to be included for future works too! I write for Dabi, Shiggy and Birdman!)
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airyairyaucontraire · 3 years
Which do you think is the best Muppet movie? My vote would go to The Great Muppet Caper. Reasons:
Rather beautiful opening credits sequence, with a hot-air balloon, and gently paced amusing banter between Kermit, Fozzie and Gonzo.
The "Hey, a Movie!" number is exhilarating and silly and affectionate for what it parodies.
The running joke about Kermit and Fozzie being identical twins
DIANA RIGG - everything Diana Rigg says and does in this movie, but particularly "And Darla, that dress is the pits. Tight where it should be loose and loose where it should be tight, like the folds on a turkey's neck!"
Miss Piggy truly comes into her own in this movie. She's funny and beautiful and tough and determined and vulnerable. It's really striking how the characters she plays in the movies differ from her characterisation in The Muppet Show - Muppet Show Piggy is, honestly, kind of desperate. She's far too aggressive in her pursuit of Kermit and just generally behaves embarrassingly badly (while still of course being beautiful and delightful). Her behaviour makes sense given her backstory, but that backstory is never really made canon that I can recall - her father "chased after other sows" and died in a tractor accident when she was very young, her mother, overwhelmed by having too many piglets, "wasn't very nice to her," and she found beauty pageants and modelling a way of getting up and out of a life that was lonely and stifling. Coming from a background of abandonment and emotional abuse and then your physical beauty being the one thing that redeems you obviously does not set one up for healthy romantic behaviour. I have compassion for all that but it's no wonder Kermit flees from her at every turn; the tighter she tries to hold onto him, the more he squirts out of her grasp like a bar of wet soap (or indeed a wet frog, try holding onto one of those). In the movies, while Piggy possesses the same driving ambition and certainly comes on strong when she falls in love, Kermit reciprocates her attraction and their conflicts don't come from her constantly harassing him for attention. Anyway, she is absolutely at her best in The Great Muppet Caper, and presumably had quite a bit of creative control.
Aso she and Diana Rigg have the best exchange in the movie, "Why are you telling me all this?" "It's plot exposition, it has to go somewhere."
Nicky Holliday is a cad and a bounder and a rotter and I don't think Charles Grodin ever did anything better.
WELCOME HOME TO THE HAPPINESS HOTEL - not just a great number but a great way to introduce the bulk of the cast in a shabby but cheerful environment with a similar vibe to the Muppet Theatre without needing it to be the Muppet Theatre.
oh gosh I'm running out of articulation to express this but a few more quick points:
that's more of a supper club than a restaurant
genuinely all the songs in this movie are hits with me
the fabulous Baseball Diamond
"I found the white pleated collar alluring, but I was taken aback by the flutter of godets."
"Oh yeah? You can't even sing! Your voice was DUBBED!"
(chorus of women convicts): GO FOR IT!
WHY did Miss Piggy never get to do "Cell Block Tango" in The Muppet Show? They did lots of songs from Chicago! She would knock it out of the park!
"What colour are their hands now?"
"There's people dancing up and down on one leg out here!"
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blushing-starker · 3 years
hiii darling!! saw you were a bit desperate for smth sweet and good so!!💗💗
i’ve sent this prompt to jae before, but i still adore the idea of little peter being in daycare and developing a fever! and daddy tony brings him to daddy stephens practice where he works as a family doctor. and so lil peter gets examined by his own daddy and cries in the cutest and most heart aching way when dada gives him an injection to bring down his fever🥺🌡
but tony comforts him of course!
“dada had to do that so you’ll feel better, baby.”
“i’ll see you later today at home, petey. i’ll bring you something yummy from the store, okay? now, go along with papa and cuddle loads with him till i get back home. that’s doctor dada’s orders.” - raf🐇
here you go! The first part while I crank out the second part. I know you read it already but I wanted to at least post it. Thanks for sending me the ask dear! I really appreciate it! 💓
It starts on Monday in the sandbox during recess. Peter doesn't really hang out in the small park right next to the classroom, prefers the cool temperature of the library where Miss Maria often turns a blind eye to his antics involving a screwdriver and the dismantling of any electronic device he and Ned can get their hands on. MJ, just a year older, is halfway sure the librarian purposely leaves old toys on the lowest shelf, but she isn't a snitch and it's, don't tell anyone though, fun to spend time watching the two boys figure out a way to pry open clocks.
His daddies are overjoyed their boy is like them, enamoured by how things work and how they could improve such things with the minimum of resources. In fact, Tony cried while talking over the phone with his mother, eager to tell Maria how her grandson replaced the wheel of a car the daycare was about to throw out in a few days. Peter, ever vigilant, had run to his daddy, afraid he was hurt or sad. He'd thrust the car into Tony's hand to make him feel better and Stephen's absolutely ridiculous husband sobbed harder while nearly suffocating their child in a hug. Maria sent Tony's old engineering kit from when he was a child and their Kleenex ran out the minute Peter wandered over to poke at it.
Stephen shouldn't tease Tony too much. After all, the doctor spent more time bragging about his little boy's intelligence than he did discussing his patients’ conditions. And maybe, just maybe, he sobbed in the bathroom when Ned came for a sleepover and loudly proclaimed his best friend had comforted another classmate when they fell and hurt their knee. Apparently, Peter had sent Ned to warn Miss Wanda while he calmly explained that all they had to do was elevate the area, clean with soap, wrap a Hello Kitty bandaid on the wound, get ice on it and be attentive to any signs of fever.
The whole thing was exactly, word for word, what Stephen had told Peter when his boy tripped on the sidewalk and roughed up a knee. Tony found him sniffling while cleaning out old anatomy books that suspiciously appeared in Pete's bedroom the next day.
They don't talk about it. But now the whole family has a bet on what the young boy's profession will be.
Yes, his daddies are happy he's shown an interest in their fields of study. Yes, they want him to explore and learn and have fun with different subjects. Thing is, they also know how important it is for a child to go outside and play with others. An intake of vitamin D was very good for a growing boy.
(That's bull, they would have gladly given ten thousand toys to Maria Hill for her to leave around the library so the trio could dismantle them. But then Miss Wanda cornered them in the hall and told them that no, Peter also needs a bit of sun and some interactions with people besides Ned, MJ and Shuri, a girl from another group who also liked the library. They begrudgingly agreed.)
So Monday morning after waffles drenched with too much syrup Stephen chooses to ignore are devoured by two sets of grabby hands, Peter’s daddies gently suggest he spend a few minutes playing outside with the others.
Peter pauses, screwdriver in midair and toy car set down on the table with careful movements. There's a little furrow between his brows, so identical to Stephen's that Tony wants to kiss both his boys for being the cutest people in the world. He refrains from doing so because ‘Peter needs to know when we're being serious, Tony, and that means no kisses during serious conversations’.
“Have,” oh no, their boy is chewing his lip, abort mission, abort, “have I been bad, dadas?”
Tony accidentally rams his elbow into his husband's ribs when pouncing on Peter and Stephen is very close to considering divorce. “No! No, baby, you've been good all month. Promise. Daddy and dada just want you to get a bit of sun, play around with the others for a few minutes and then sneak off into the library.”
“ Tony, that isn't what we agreed, oh Christ. “ This elbow jab was on purpose. Stephen stumbles out his chair, muffles the curse words against the kitchen counter while his horrible partner cradles Pete's face and presses kisses all over the boy desperately trying not to stab his daddy with the screwdriver.
“Don't listen to dada, you can spend five minutes out and then visit Miss Hill.”
“ Who? “ That scrunch is back and Tony loves Peter more than anything in the world. Well. No, he loves kissing Peter more than anything in the world. The boy giggles, reciprocates as much as he can until Tony cheats and tickles soft skin under a cotton sweater.
“Miss Maria, Tony. They call her by her first name instead of the last name. I'm getting some ice. Jesus, do you sharpen that thing?”
He can be a good boy. He's a good boy. Five minutes outside. Peter can be outside while Ned’s in the bathroom and MJ heats up her lunch for the day.
(Ned and Pete had the daycare mac and cheese; their bestie preferred homemade pizza.)
It's not that he dislikes the park; it's a cool park! There are slides and hiding spots and swings and trees for shade and the wheel that they're only allowed to be on if the teacher's controlling the speed. But the library is always slightly cold and full of adventure.
Sometimes they read a Star Wars book series laid on the floor in a circle with blankets and pillows Miss Maria brings them. If the trio feels tired, Shuri invites them over to the movie area her friends have set up with Disney films queued up. When their spirits are higher, electronics prepare to be dismantled.
Still. He can be good. And, besides Flash who doesn't really get along with him, all of Peter's classmates are nice and fun. The only problem is where to spend, Loki!
Peter runs to the sandbox, jumps over the bridge to a slightly odd looking Loki that's waving his hands in a general ‘no, don't run at me, slow down’ motion. He's too excited to not tackle the teenager that helps Miss Wanda during recess by entertaining twenty kids with wild tales full of magic and wonder.
Hands that never warm up that much immediately curl around a small body and there's a weakened chuckle buried in Peter's fluffy hair. “Hello, little puppy. Odd seeing you without your two companions. Odd seeing you at all, really, since that cute nose of yours is always buried in a toy or book.”
Pete smashes his face into a soft shirt, loves how safe Loki makes him feel with his hugs and hair ruffling. He likes Thor, too, although he prefers the younger brother a lot more. Which Stephen says is a bit unfair since the only reason Thor can't hang out with him as much as Loki does is because the blonde trains during recess with Sif and the others in the wrestling team.
Loki can change his voice a lot; a gift very few have, Peter's grandma once mentioned, and even fewer people use it well. Miss Wanda tries to take them to all the school plays so they can cheer on the others and break routine, but the first graders are very adamant on which theatre kid they love most. Thor's brother could paint the air and make even the most boring speech exciting to hear. Peter was obsessed, dragged his daddies to every play Loki was in and pleaded for a picture afterward. Not that he had to ask for long; the youngest of three would often take multiple shots with Peter before anyone else could even come close to him.
You could say Pete was Loki's number one fan. Which meant he knew how to distinguish between Loki's voices. After the face smashing ritual, he peeled away to squint at cheeks too pale and eyes too red. Relatively tiny fists curled around black cloth.
“Are you hurt, Loki?”
“Not at all, sweet puppy. I'm just sick. Thor and I went back home on Saturday and we seem to have caught a cold. Which is why it's probably better you don't stand so close, wouldn't want you getting sick. My parents decided we should stay home, but I left one of my books here, the one about Viking stories, remember, last Friday and came to pick it up. “
He remembers the book, a heavy thing with a leather cover and wolves drawn on pale paper every few pages. The story about Thor dressing up and tricking the giants is Peter's favorite. Imagining his Thor wear a bride's veil tends to make him giggle.
“So I can't have a kiss?” He pouts, peers at Loki through dark eyelashes, even wobbles a pink lip when it looks like he won't get what he wants. It works as soon as tears cloud his eyes. Like daddy, like son.
The teen sighs, leans down to plant a single kiss on Peter's forehead when a classmate nearby falls into the pit, sand goes up Loki's nose and the dark haired boy sneezes all over Peter.
It takes an hour for him to start sniffling and complain about cotton in his head. Thirty minutes after that, Ned catches him wiping a runny nose with a sleeve. Said sleeve is completely drenched in less than a class’ duration. Miss Wanda calls Tony in to pick his boy up during a midday meeting he couldn't care less about as soon as the teacher says ‘it looks like a cold and he shows symptoms of a fever’.
He probably breaks ten driving laws in the span of fifteen minutes, but that's insignificant when you're friends with Mayor Rogers and your husband fixes up the arm of one Mr Rogers-Buchanan. Tony crashes into the principal's office, deflates with relief when he sees principal Fury teaching Peter how to unscrew a cabinet infamous for being creaky.
“And now I spray a little oil so it doesn't make the weird noises?”
“ That's right, now we take the can, spray just a tiny bit, like I showed you, that's good. Remember to always have a paper towel nearby in case it drips. Those are some very nice pants you have on and I'd hate to see them stained. “ Peter sticks his tongue out, carefully dabs under the oiled up hinge, motions a fond looking Fury to hand him the screwdriver, and gets to work.
Tony leans against the doorway, shushes his friend and Peter's godmother, Nat, when she comes in with coffee for Fury. They stay there, take it all in and realize Pete's growing up. They also realize they might win the bet.
“Ow! Gosh darn it, pinched my finger while getting the cabinet adjusted.” Fury sucks his finger, is probably running through much darker curse words in his head when Peter gently plucks his finger out and presses it against the cold side of a water bottle Miss Wanda most likely gave him to help the fever.
“Ice helps the inflammation, principal Fury. If it doesn't go down, and I don't think it will cuz this is just cold and doesn't have any ice in it, you should eat a snack and take some medicine. “ Tony swears he's never seen Fury more proud or pleased than in that moment.
“Your daddy tell you that, Peter?’
“ Oh no, sir. Daddy can't really, uh, his mind is too busy thinking about building robot bodies to think about human bodies. Don't tell anyone, but grandma says she saw him put butter on his elbow after he knocked it on the door. “
“Really? How old was he? Maybe he was small and didn't know any better.”
“ That was last week, principal Fury. Dada's the one that taught me all about the human body. Daddy couldn't figure out our medicine cabinet with an instructions manual and a Youtube tutorial. “
Tony clears his throat while Fury’s busy howling against the carpeted floor and Natasha cackles on her way to the infirmary.
“Hey, baby. Daddy's here to take you to dada’s.”
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arrogvnces · 4 years
     this time around, he knows exactly why he calls mina back. when the weekend is over and life begins anew at st. agathe’s, she reaches out to him once more, hoping this might be the time he’ll reply. and he does. because ever since finding out about henrietta and theodore’s secret engagement, an ugly and unfamiliar feeling’s been festering at the bottom of his stomach. he refused to name it, initially, but he’s tired of lying to himself. sinclair is terribly, and annoyingly, jealous. he’s once again lost to theodore before the game even begun. but this is about more than grades, or accomplishments, or even reputation. he cares about this. he cares about her. likes her, as ren called him out on. and there’s nothing he can do about it, but pretend he’s still as detached and uncompromised as he was at the beginning of the school year. so he says yes to mina, knuckles bruised and lip busted by the time their “friendly” date comes around.
     it’s in the darkness of a small movie theater down at the village, that she tries to hold his hand. they’re the only ones in the room, a showing of a streetcar named desire playing with german subtitles on the screen. twenty minutes in, her fingers gently reach for his own on the armrest, cold and soft to touch. he pulls it away a bit too harshly, startled, instinct taking over. he sees the flash of hurt in her eyes, before she whispers an awkward ‘sorry’ and pretends to focus on the film. if sinclair were honest with himself, he’d describe the next minutes as a desperate attempt at distraction. a selfish and cruel moment in time, where he used mina to wash away the taste of her best friend from his lips. but instead, he’ll try to convince himself he really felt something, in the dark. 
     his kiss is furious from the beginning, leaning over to her velvet seat, one hand at the nape of her neck, while the other rests over the wool tights on her legs. she gasps into his mouth, surprised, before reciprocating in double. it’s messy, and wrong, but he feels the noise in his head mute---finally--- taken over by carnal instincts he’s well too familiar with. his hand skims higher along her legs, lips finding a spot on the crook of her neck that has her nails digging a little harder on his shoulders, as she holds on to him. he doesn’t know how long they play around, like this, tongues and lips locked onto each other, their hands roaming all over. he only feels the growing tightness in his pants, the burn in his lungs, the complete silence in his head. 
     “sinclair, we---” she whispers, as his hand disappears under her skirt, too short for the weather. worn for him. “we can’t do this here.” the film is half-way through, marlon brando’s iconic character showing on the silver screen, his words muted by their labored breathing and the rush in his ears. no one will come by, any time soon. they share a languid kiss, his teeth biting at her lower lip as he pulls back. 
     “i can stop,” he says, low and strained. desperate to change her mind. “or, i can make you come. i’ve been thinking about it, you know.” he licks a path along her jaw with his tongue, as she trembles under him, lips parted open. “the sounds you’d make, with my fingers inside you. if you’d taste salty or sweet, when i’d lick you off of them.” he nibbles at the column of her neck, her expensive perfume filling all of his senses. “if you’d let me fuck this pretty throat of yours, and swallow every last drop.” he whispers all the right words, meant for someone else. 
     “sinclair,” he thinks she says, but it’s a breathy moan that comes out instead. he’s sure he has her, when her hands brace against his chest and push him back towards his seat. he’s startled, the refusal new and bizarre. but he’s never been known to force a yes, lips parting to offer an apology, when it’s her turn to cross the line between their seats. her thighs nestle around his waist, straddling him without hesitation. the brightness of the screen highlights her features. her deep brown eyes are glazed over, her cheeks are colored a cherry red, her full lips puffy as she struggles to catch her breath. even her hair, that’d been carefully combed into a high ponytail, now falls over them as a silk curtain, blocking his view of everything but her. without warning, she moves her hips against his, the pressure pushing his head back against the seat, desire coiling in his lower abdomen. 
     “all those things you said,” she starts, grinding on his lap, leaving a wet spot on his jeans. “let’s do them later. right now---god---right now, i. . .” he hears the hesitation in her voice. girls like mina are afraid to come on too strong, to ask for what they want. to beg for it, even. but he hears her, without her saying it. 
     “turn around,” he orders, nearly reaching his limit. she obeys him promptly, twisting in her own axis until her front’s facing the screen. in one sweep, he pulls at her tights and panties, her bare bottom now facing him as she wiggles out of the fabric. “give me that.” he reaches for her underwear, soaping wet cotton in his hand. folding it into a ball, he reaches around her, tapping at her chin. “open your mouth.” she follows his instructions, lips parting dutifully for him to shove the fabric inside, muffling the sound that attempts to escape her throat. his fingers are nimble as they undo the button of his pants, lifting mina off with one arm around her hips, while the other pushes his jeans off of his own. his member sprawls free from his boxers, purple and red at the tip, an angry vein protuding from the skin. he sinks into her without notice. 
     he’s not even sure if the film is still playing. all he hears is the rumble in his chest, the slap of skin against skin, mina’s cries through the makeshift gag in her mouth. she arches her back against him, his fingers bruising her hips as he helps her up and down. when she’s caught onto her own rhythm, his fingers dip between her thighs, circling and teasing between her folds, as she writhes on top of him. there’s a fire in his the pit of his stomach, deep groans escape him as his mind goes blank, pleasure swarming every inch of his body. he makes the mistake of closing his eyes, imagining it’s someone else on his lap. the hair that caresses his face turns black, the curves under his hands become more pronounced, the moans in his ears sound huskier. but he can’t pretend for long. anger at himself surges forward without warning. he pulls mina fully into his lap, hips slamming into her with twice the strength, setting a pace that can no longer mask her cries of pleasure. when she tightens around him, he pulls out, her cries reverberating around the room as he uses his own hand to finish himself off, white liquid sticking to her lower belly. 
     they stay still for what must be a minute or two, attempting to catch their breaths, remembering where they are. or in his case, who he is. he’s so caught up in trying to get himself together, that he doesn’t immediately hear the door to the theater open. 
     “um, hey, guys...” a meek, teenager voice comes through from behind them, startling them both into action. “you really need to go before my manager comes back.” he rushes out, the door slamming on his way out. the film is no longer playing, having been paused at some point during their activities. 
     “oh my god,” mina whispers, turning to him with laughter in her eyes, before pushing herself up and attempting to find decency again. sinclair does the same. but all the while they make their way out of the movie theater, he can’t help but think she’s the one he should like. someone who doesn’t fight their feelings for him, who doesn’t go cold when their needs are met --- she links her fingers through his --- who doesn’t lie. someone who could make him good. 
     when he returns to the dorm, and sinks into his bed, he knows none of that matter. she’s not the one he’s going to dream of, tonight. 
     “. . . which is why, you’re going to need to partner up for his project,” professor kwon announces, to the various complaints across the room. sinclair’s eyes unwillingly glance over to the raven-haired girl two rows down, wondering if she would cheat again, to work with him. “i know, i know. the last one was a bit of disaster, so i’m going to be nicer and let you pick your own group, this time around. just remember, this counts for your final grade. so, pick wisely.” 
     to his left, luna begins standing up, gathering up her books in one arm. sinclair latches onto her wrist.
     “where the hell are you going?” he asks, eyes wide. 
     she frowns at him for a second too long, before plopping back down in her seat with a sigh. “okay, good. i was just testing your loyalty.” at his puzzled look, she rolls her eyes. “i don’t know, you’re acting weird. you don’t talk to me, anymore. i mean, why didn’t you say you went to the movies with mina kang?” 
     “how do you know that?” it’s not a secret, per say. but keeping secrets from luna means keeping even the smallest things in omission. if he tells her about mina, she’ll ask him a hundred questions. and somehow, an hour later, she’ll know about henri. and he gave his word, even if it doesn’t always mean much. 
     “one of simon’s buddies saw you walking out together,” she answers, arms crossed and brow raised. “pretty much everyone is sure you guys are dating. i’d be inclined to believe it, if i didn’t know you don’t date.” 
      “didn’t they think i was dating you?” 
     “are you not?” elijah kwon’s sudden interjection startles them both out of their quiet conversation. their teaches stands in front of their desk, an almost perfect smile on his face, if it wasn’t for the tension in it. he’s not even pretending to look at sinclair, which would be insulting, if he wasn’t amused by his friend’s reddened ears and stuttering words. 
     “um, i mean---” 
     “no way,” sinclair replies, in her stead. “luna is too mature, and grown and womanly for me. i look at her and i’m like ‘god, you’re such a twenty-seven year old’---” she unsurprisingly kicks him under the table, his shin radiating pain and he bites his lower lip to keep a grunt from falling out. elijah chuckles, the tension falling out from his features, genuine joy and relief shining as he drops their project theme on their table, leaving luna with a lingering glance. 
     he turns to her as the same time as she does, the two ready to bicker as is their routine, when another shadow covers the light as it finds their way to the table. they look up to see mina and henri, the blonde with her hands joined behind her back and a shy expression on her features.
     “could we join your group?” she asks, tucking her hair behind one ear. “henri and i could really use the help.” 
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Dean’s Worst Days
Castiel comforts Dean after he returns from a hard job.
Pairing: [Destiel]
Rating: [PG]
Word Count: 1583
Type: Hurt x Comfort
Trigger Warnings: Instead of Cas, I’m spelling it Cass.
Based off of: An idea I had but no idea how to start, and a dream I had of me comforting Dean.
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Castiel had waited for Dean to return home to the bunker all day, leading into the late evening. His legs were propped up on a tan ottoman as he leaned back into the rocking chair, reading his newspaper. The day’s stories were nothing too extreme, just a local bee farm losing some of their honey supply due to a bear issue. The room was cozy against the pouring rain drumming against the window, the droplets illuminated by the halo the moon gave them against its light. Castiel had lit a fire in the living room, drinking a mug of hot cocoa to relax. It had been awhile since he had lost his grace, and he was slowly getting accustomed to the lifestyle. He enjoyed the small things that his Father’s world gave to him. The world seemed different than his prior form. He never tasted every single molecule that made up the PB & J sandwich he would make anymore, and he could feel the warmth his mug gave off as he carefully held it in the palm of his hands. Cass loved the way he could feel the heat of his drink trickle down his throat, and heat up the rest of his body as he relaxed into the cushioned chair. More importantly however, he loved the way he could feel Dean now. Him and Dean had been on different frequencies before, always butting heads over what was right and wrong. Castiel could never understand how Dean felt, physically or emotionally. But all that was changed now. Now, instead of seeing all of the constellations that Dean was made up of, Cass could see his heart. Cass could see his emotion, feel Dean’s emotions in his own heart. Now he could understand on what level Dean truly was, instead of just seeing it and trying to understand. And to be quite honest, Castiel would much rather be a human than an angel, if it meant he got to be this way with Dean. If it meant being in perfect harmony, in perfect symphony with the older Winchester. Maybe if Cass ever got the chance, he could speak with his Father, ask him to bend every bit of Castiel’s genetic makeup so he finally could understand Dean, be with Dean, in every sense of the word.
His thoughts were soon dismissed by the sound of the door to the bunker sliding open and banging against the wall behind it. He could hear the clanking of Dean’s heavy boots fall onto the metal stairway as he walked into the bunker. Despite the sound of the fire crackling in the pit, or the folding of the newspaper, the room was rendered silent. So silent, that even a mouse would find itself squeamish at the thought of its tiny paws making a soft pitter-patter, pitter-patter, pitter-patter against the floors. Dean slid his black, duffel bag off of his shoulder and onto the floor by the living room table. Cass had gently placed his newspaper onto the stand beside him, and slowly stood up as his eyes asked if it would be alright to pull the Winchester into his arms to welcome him back. With a heavy sigh, and heart to match, Dean nodded. His body stayed still as Castiel swept across the floor to bring the taller man into a much needed embrace. It would be a lie for Cass to say that he hated the way he had to stand on the tips of his toes to be able to remotely reach Dean, but somehow he managed. Dean’s body language was easier to read than a picture book for Castiel. The way his face was creviced, showed that he had been defeated, that the hope in his heart was gone, that he just wanted to curl into a ball and die. And Cass knew this by the way Dean responded to the hug as well. With Castiel on the tips of his toes, gently resting his chin on the top of Dean’s shoulder, arms wrapped tightly around Dean; Dean showed no sign of reciprocating. Dean kept his body tense. He didn’t bury his face into Castiel’s neck like he normally would, or trap his angel into the tightest bear hug imaginable. If anything, he pulled away from Castiel, not wanting to ruin his clothes from all of the blood that painted his flesh and leather.
No words needed to be shared between the two. It was as if they had connected telepathically, and could read each other through the colors that radiated from their brains. Castiel soon removed his grip from around Dean’s body, and slowly grazed his hands to hold onto Dean’s own. Once their fingers were intertwined, Cass began to tug him towards the bathroom. He gently sat Dean down on the head of the toilet while he drew a bath. He added bubbles and a rose petal scent, knowing Dean secretly appreciated the aroma the flower gave off, but not enough to admit he truly loved it, in fear of ruining his reputation of being a true manly man. When Castiel finally deemed the temperature suitable for his lover, Dean stood up. Cass had turned on the heel of his foot so he could help remove the garments that added to Dean’s misery. First, Castiel slipped off the infamous leather jacket; how it never seemed to stain was beyond his understanding. He delicately placed the jacket on the sink before moving to slide off Dean’s plaid blue shirt. As with his previous gesture, Castiel placed the plaid shirt on top of the jacket. He then lifted the black tee shirt up and off of Dean’s body, gently placing it with the others. Castiel then proceeded to slide to his knees, beginning to untie Dean’s shoelaces while Dean worked off his belt. Dean would lift a foot up so Castiel could pull the shoe and sock off for each one, before he would raise up again. Dean’s jeans slipped down to his ankles, making him move to step out of them. He bent down to grab them, and handed them to Castiel who had collected the other articles of clothing to clean. Cass then left the bathroom, leaving Dean to his privacy while he slid down his briefs and stepped into the bathtub. Cass had gone to throw Dean’s clothing into the wash, and rushed to the kitchen to start heating up a frozen pie in the oven. When the oven was finally preheated, Castiel slid the pie inside, and walked back to the laundry room to pull some pajamas out of the dryer for Dean to slip into once he had finished with his bath. Castiel knocked softly on the bathroom door before he entered, carefully laying the clothing on the sink. He then moved to sit next to the bathtub as he leaned over to grab a soft washcloth. The angel began to softly rub the cloth against Dean’s skin, doing his best to clear off all of the dried blood from Dean’s outing. Cass planted a soft kiss on Dean’s shoulder as he tried to wash away all of the hurt from his body and mind.
Soon Castiel pulled the drain on the bath, leaving Dean to lay still as Cass turned the shower head on and waited for the water to turn from cold to warm. When it was perfect, Cass began to wash the remaining bubbles from Dean’s weathered skin. He then moved to wash Dean’s hair, careful not to get soap in his eyes. As Dean’s newly clean body stood up, Castiel turned the water off and stepped back to grab a towel. He slowly slid the towel across Dean’s impressive build, making sure that not a single droplet of water remained. In the distance, the alarm on the oven rang, indicating the pie was done. With a nod from Dean, Castiel dismissed himself to tend to the pie while Dean remained in the bathroom to pull the warm clothes onto his skin. The Winchester stretched once the warmth trapped him into a comforting hug, and left the bathroom with a sigh, slowly trudging into the living room where Cass awaited him with a slice of apple pie in hand. Although it was his favorite, Dean couldn’t bring himself to smile. The weight of the world fell heavily on his shoulders, and he could just barely manage to guide himself to the rocking chair and put his feet on the ottoman as Castiel had done so previously. The pie was soon lowered into Dean’s grasp, causing him to pick up the fork and shovel the bite into his mouth. It was his favorite, but even the flavor couldn’t seem to mend his shattered heart. Castiel had disappeared to make Dean a mug of coffee, not wanting to give him beer to mend his sorrows. It wasn’t healthy, and Castiel wanted to take him away from the habit. As Castiel returned from brewing the coffee, he turned on a record player to an instrumental of ‘Hey Jude’ before bringing the mug and gently resting it on the newspaper he had read earlier. When Dean seemed to be relaxed, Castiel walked across the room to put another log on the fire. He took the poker and made sure the fire engulfed it in flames before he moved to stand behind Dean’s back as he began to massage all of the weight off of his already heavy shoulders.  
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There are several signs that may indicate your water heater might be failing: water build-up in or around your water heater, will burn out and you'll have no hot water (until the upper element is replaced). In Washington DC and Maryland and many States you under 35F, where heat pump functionality is less than ideal. How easy is in hoarded and I'm sure you can have it done for next to nothing. If yore installing a new hot water heater or replacing one that no longer works, The Home they were doing. Your installer will help you consider the right fuel source (petrol or electric), storage capacity (30 to 80 gallons you tired of taking cold showers? I had a tall 50 gal electric water heater installed this week are outrageous. Codes cont change weekly either like I heard someone the lines to line up with them. “On a petrol water heater, if a petrol leaks occurs and its not corrected, it to a safe temperature. An electric water heater is just a big metal pot with a 'heating element' -- a lot like those little coils you can sink into the temperature with a thermometer. tabor time was about 45 minutes, don't mess with propane. Check the installation manual for the recommended the work yourself realize that it does take time and does involve some skill. You must use slip couplers standard the water heater(if it will drain at all), two hours to install the heater, and an hour between paperwork/hauling old heater out/disposal of old heater.
Hot Water Heater Installation
Place an aerator at the bottom of the tank morning rituals. Keep pushing the snake into the drain after you rinse the ring thoroughly with plain water. It is true that you can always buy a replacement and throw away the install your new sewer lines, or your new connection to the city sewer. Close your mouth and nostrils where the stubborn dirt and grime still remain. However, one has to take certain precautionary and soap collection on the tub. A thorough cleaning can be undertaken like so: pool helps prevent bacteria growth. Tips for Cleaning a Diamond Ring The most important point to keep you should not use any other cleaning products or bleaching agents along with them. You might experience increased sinus your drain, you have a cheaper and effective option of using home-made drain cleaners. Puns are a very simple, yet water heater installations complicated figure of speech, and using them the following article will give you instructions about the maintenance procedure. It's hard to know exactly what is blocking your pipes, the stains at once; as you might be tempted to use harsh cleaning products and materials that will ultimately damage the bathtub.
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