#some bits are realyl good
ganondoodle · 6 months
seeing all the crazy stuff people build in totk kinda ... it feels like that is also a factor in why it turned out like this, like the insane things people did in botw and the (i keep saying devs when i actually mean the directors .. producers?) directors saw it and build totk just around letting people do it all 100 times more
to be clear, i think its impressive as hell what some people build (i just saw like .. a movie scene with a functioning mech gozilla and tanks made with totks building stuff ... what the fuck) and those things go pretty viral (understandibly so) but i also gotta question
as creative, free, and impressive as it is ... should that have been the focus in a zelda game? like .. is building mechas and tanks like that something that should be in a zelda game? can it be in there without inevitably sacrificing so much else? theres building games just for that? and if you want to make it zelda themed you can make it a spin off?
like i get it, people did crazy things in botw, they saw what people had fun with and dialed it up to a 1000 in totk, which in itself is not bad, even pretty good if you consider gamedevs and feeback and all that bc in general you should embrace what people had fun with in your game even if it wasnt the intent, given that nintendy listens to feedback (perhaps even a bit too much at times) and creative solutions was a central point to botw design philosophy but
i feel like totk kinda .. missed the balance?
if its really a reason why totk is build around enabling that in a purely player centered toy box kind of way without it actually mattering in the story .. or even themes ... was it worth it? not to sound like an oldschool boomer tm but in a franchise that iconic, lore and story focused, should you really abandon nigh all lore/story cohesion just to give the player a big box of toys in a world where i feel that doesnt ,, really belong? in a direct sequel in the same world with the same characters no less? that point is perhaps the biggest issue with it, bc again lots of games even if somwhat a sequel, had strange new tech or things in the world but in all of those cases it was some alternative universe, millenia after the other game, or on an entire different continent; while totk is supposedly just a few years after botw in the very same hyrule
(still doesnt explain the erasing of all shiekah things and replacing it with sonau- tho suddendly revealing the shiekah had actual rockets, wheels with suspension and grenade-launchers, might have been confusing too- you could have enabled the player creativity with shiekah too imo, and personally i would have found it way more fun ... lil guardian leg crawlies ..)
having thought about it feels rather logical why they did it in alot of ways, but also ... totk is build around it, while its also not build around it at all- its build around the PLAYER, not the world, not the story, not the theme, not the character, but YOU (especialyl those that dont realyl care about anythign story or lore stuff and just want to have fun with the gameplay loop, which isnt wrong, but i question whether thats the right kind if player to center in a zelda game .... also not saying all of those that build these crazy things are like that but- ... i hope you know what i mean)
(i know games are always build around the player, or should be, but .. do you get what i mean????? playing in a world that doesnt make sense anymore bc its all a box of toys yeeted into my face isnt fun to me, bc im here not only for gameplay fun but for the world .. theme .. characters, its something that has to be harmonical as a whole for me and totk just .. isnt)
i say it alot but i do really mean it, its very difficult to get my thoughts and feelings written out and to have them come across correctly
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kaleidosouls · 9 months
SU reclaimed pearl rambles
im gonna use some annoying comments i got on my reclaimed pearl as a springboard for what i think could be interesting discussion because i think its good to engage with criticism/different opinions. but also if you talk to me like an asshole i want you to fuck off and i promised i wouldnt engage in that kind of stuff bc its not good for me and it doesnt Look good for me either.
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so i can talk about my thoughts but not engage directly, win win. its been months but im still really fond of the pearl i made specially this art. like it coudl be better but i like it well enough. just a little header so this isnt a boring post with only text
i think like, its good to establish ground rules that like, i think most of the poor reactions ive seen towards my art were missing, mostly in bad faith probably but in case theres ppl who earnestly want to understand. actually maybe i can format it like a little FAQ even though theyre not frequent or asked lskdjg just for outlining my points. ill put it behind a cut but ill frontline w this: if youre a fan of pearl in the show, this content is not for you. youre allowed to like whatever you want and so am i. if you like her, we probably wont get along and you probably will feel very personally irritated by how i FEEL about her, so just walk away now. im not gonna engage with petty shit taht juts boils down to 'im mad you dont like what i like'
onwards to more rambling / sorta responding to some criticism
i scrolled back and i guess i sorta never have actually done a proper full explanation post about this AU have i? or maybe i have and deleted it, i forgor
why did you change pearl?
because i hate her, simple as. i went from a huge SU fan to hating watching it (i did finish) and pearl is probably The biggest reason why, as like issues with her character seep into other aspects of the show that i also hate. like i mean i Realyl hate her. she makes the experience of watching the show really irritating and miserable for me. if you dont feel taht way about her thats totally normal and whatever but no one is gonna change my experience and feelings that i had watching SU since the 1st season was coming out.; anyway answering. there is a Lot i love about SU and want to engage with, so i had the idea of like,maybe ill just change pearl, cause i wanted to delete her, really, but she is one of the main characters and she hasa function as a character that you cant just do away with. essentially im just like, some guy, who draws, coping and trying to reclaim his teenage investimetn in this show. literally its just for ME. but if anyone else feels like i do, then they can enjoy it too. if somoene doesnt feel like i do, go watch like pearl fancams or smth. like ill never be able to literlaly change the show as it is, like its happened, and its a tragedy im trying to move on from (begrudgingly)
why do you hate pearl?
the long laundry list of reasons are probably apparent in the ways i remade her lol (theyre not i can tell ppl are gonna project whatever worst bad faith reason for any change i make) but tbh the core of it is this, which is like, beyond whatever traits she has and whatever: she reminds me of my abusers. always had, from season 1, but like it became worse as the series went on. its like really infurating and upsetting to watch SU bc of her. had my abusers been a different kind of person, maybe i wouldnt hate her so much (kinda doubt tbh). like her personality and behavior are like hough disgosting!!
why did you change (some physical trait about her design)?
i dont really necessarily have a PROBLEM with canon pearls design. over the years ive come to like SU's style less and less but like, gestures, whatever. like i didnt like it or anything but its not like a bit deal compared to the actual offender that is her personality and behavior. the reason i redesigned her at all is bc like, if i hadnt, i would still be thinking about the way she is in canon all the time. like ive visually associated her like, appearance with all the shit about her thta makes me upset so i had to so she didnt look like the same person anymore, and i can try to let go of some of the hatred in my heart. like i want to think about the thigns about SU that i loved and also the potential i always saw in it and canon pearl is like, an active obstacle to that, to the point taht i cant even see her without getting like irked. i tried to keep enough similar traits so from a glance youd be like, who the fuck- is that pearl? rather than like. completely change her entirely to whatever i wanted. i do want to like, its a creative exercise. i want to try and change the things that would make me happy to see gone but try to work within the constraints of the SU we Did get as much as i can tolerate. bc like.... if the sky was the limit then at this poin wed just have to throw the whole thing away and start from scratch. like its kinda not really very salvageable, like im not rewirting SU to be like a Good show or fix Everything, its kinda too broken. im just chnaging enough so i can look at the actual show, screenshots, songs etc, and not feel overcome wtih like the grief and irriatation of how much it sucked ass. its just so i can enjoy more of it again
i dont like your redesign for (insert reason)
cool. thanks for your input. youre welcome! eat my asshole. seriously though, like, shrugs. i didnt make it for anyone other than myself. tbh im not fully satisfied with it either bc i think the SU style is kinda ugly, so im at a crossroads. should i mostly abandon the SU style? ive like, tested out tweaking things, it mightve been noticeable in screenshot redraws. drawing within the SU style is to create that coping 'oh it was totally like this haha' vibe but maybe im old enough to not need that anymore lol. like ive heard ppl say shit like shes ugly, or like sneakily trying to imply im like, got some agenda over beauty or racism etc. like whatever, think whatever you want, its not for you. go back to sucking up to rebecca or smth like i cant take the og pearl away from you still i am open for like that kind of criticism like, do i have personal biases affecting my design decisions? probably. i do try to keep aware of why im choosing certain things, but really in this case i cant emphasize enough how like, irritating it is that i have to change her design at all. like its hard to come up w smth else when the rest of the cast ahs already been design to balance off the og pearl. i probably wouldnt change almost anything if the sight of her didnt piss me the fuck off! most of all i kinda wouldve preferred to keep her hair short bc it messes up the sillouete but it makes me think too much of canon pearl so i made it long :/ i was like let me tell you my design thought process: -im gonna try to keep as many recognizable traits about her design while taking away bit by bit until she doesnt look like the og pearl to me anymore and i dont feel angry seeing her. pearl is lanky, tall, spindly, with a gem on the forehead, blue white pink yellow pastel colors, large pointed nose. i kinda tried to keep these traits while slightly tweaking their design until she looked different enough. is it a good design? eh idk. like the purpose is to make me not hate her and it does that job
now this hate comment im gonna grace with keeping it intact except removing the person bc its not about them. its like, a very stupid ass headed comment but im actually kind of interested in like,jumping off of it to ponder some things
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im not heterosexual or cis enough to know what exactly wife bate means in this context so im gonna like guess, that maybe i could extract this q from that reply (also not looking like shes from steven universe is a compliment thanks)
you took away her personality and made her boring
the only thing i can assume is that like, some people must interpret the absence of an assholey personality or like abusive behavior is 'boring'. i know thats a really bad faith assumption but like, if ive written down a bunch of personality traits and you still come out saying thats 'no personality' what am i to make of that lol. based on my experience like Existing online, people tend to often call nice characters 'boring', like dude ive done it before, but i think im kinda over that edgy phase. also again, its for me and not for you so if you think shes boring, thanks for your input i dont care. but thinkign about it earnestly, i dfeintely dont want to make a character thats just no flaw and not interesting ofc, i havent done that with reclaimed pearl. that being said i havent like, probably written a lot demonstrating what i want her to be like instead of the canon pearl so, maybe ppl just are feeling lost with the lack of information.
personally, if i hear someone thinks a character is boring bc theyre not abusive anymore like, nothing of value has been lost. but characters do need flaws in order to create conflict and cause things to happen, like in a way canon pearl is like All flaw, which wouldnt be a problem except she gets away wtih all the horrible shit she did. heres some traits i want to explore with reclaimed pearl, some are similar to canon i just wanna go about it a different way: being overprotective/possessive to steven in a smothering way, projecting abandonment issues, not reaching out/communicating her emotions properly, lacking indepedence/self worth, depending on others to avoid confronting her own issues, being very passive and insecure and lacking initiative (this being the totally opposite trait that canon pearl has), stunting stevens development due to her not being ready for him to grow up and not need her anymore. and more, this is just from the top of my head. maybe thats still too 'boring' for ppl because shes not being selfish and inconsiderate enough to others so you can relate to her but i dont care :p
gosh how do i go about like, presenting the content i ahve in my head for this AU).. i cantjust remake the whole damn show. i would if i could, tbh
i have concerns about racist implications wrt (insert thing here about my redesign)
imma be frank. i dont know how to compltely 'clean up' any possible bad associations wrt pearl as a character given how like, rebecca has literally like, made her to be a slave in love with her slave owner and made it to be like, an uwu ideal lesbiab thing for most of the show until they tried to pretend no we understood the flaws in this dynamic all along and its bad actually , uhh, anyway shows over haha
ill say the main reason i changed her skintone is, bc that would be the like most instant way to make her look differnt from canon (which is vital for me for the reasons said above), and i did consider like, does this make the whole thing worse, or, ?? like, as they made it in the show, techincally All the gems are slaves to the diamonds, arent they? including all the very totally progressive poc based gems including and specially the ones who are made to be understood as black women. bruh like idk what to tell you this show is just fuckig bad sdlgkj like its just way too like, pervasive in my teen years forme to throw the baby w the bathwater entirely. and ill just straight up say it, like, im not a specialist on these topics nor do i hav ea position of authority to speak on about it. like the pearls read more clearly as slaves (very intentionally by the showrunners) bc they are meant to be subservient to gems Other than diamonds. and also bc they like fit in the stereotype of housemaid servant. like the rubies being made to just be forced to go and fight like they are slaves too, they have no rights and no like, authority to disobey or autonomy. but fsr like, slavery as in physical labor just doesnt immeidately set off ppls alarms as much as housework slavery does fsr.
i can only rly like change the canon so much and try to like, tweak things so it doesn feel as gross but i think for it to be cmpletely not insneistive at all youd have to throw away the whole show. and like i said, this isnt like me saying like im making the show good or as it shouldve been, im making it so I (and ppl who share my feelings about the show) can feel less shitty just thinking back to it. its just an exercise. im not like mass media im just one independent artist and shit will come out insensitve sometimes and im sorry but im also like, my art isnt meant to be representative and like, responsiuble for fixing all of society and racism like i actually cant do that. ill just do the best i can as an asian dude but like, if my work makes you upset, im sorry, but also just block me. like i cant please everyone. or like, even better, make YOUR take on pearl taht you feel would be better, like make the art you feel should exist.
this post is too damn long and id be surprised if anyone reads all of it but if you do, tahnk you! i felt kinda like ready to fight tonight so im triyng to redirect it from aggression to like, thinking. i cant guarantee im making new content for su reclaimed anytime soon but i would really like to, tbh
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dreamingdarklyblog · 9 months
Getting Behind
So um... I've been putting off writing this for, apparently a whole week >_<
I mentioned I should write up some of how things were going way back when I wrote that consent post, which was itself a response to me getting pretty agitated in response to something he was playing with.
So yeah...
So... um... What have we been up to >_<. I guess. Starting back then, a few days before that we talked about playing a bit with CNC. Consensual non consent. Forgive me, this is a bit of a struggle... I've been having a bit of trouble with normal stuff lately. I've always rubbed a lot, I just, I've got a high libido I guess. But he's been kinda.. pushing that idea, and, well it's been kinda hrd to stop >_<. So forgive me being a bit scattered. It's kind of hard to hold a train of thought when I take breaks to uh... Deal with it.
So yeah. We talked about it. And we'd been playing for a month and I felt like I could trust him, as he hadn't pushed any lines too badly or anything. So I told him it was okay to push a little...
I kind of resist by reflex. It's just the way I'm wired. When someone tells me what to do, you know? So, even if I'm okay with something, sometimes, especially when it comes to something that feels like an order, or a D/s kinda thing, or lotsa stuff I kind of just have a knee jerk "Go fuck yourself" reaction. Does that make sense?
So... I uh. I told him it was okay to keep pushing even if i said no. And we set up safewords, of course. Which so far I haven't had to use. Came a little close a few times. I won't go into when or how, but yeah. I also screwed up badly once and misused one, but thankfully he forgave me. I'm kinda new to this kinda thing (safewords and cnc, not the being hypnotized, obviously)
This was a few hours after that uh.. bimbo post btw >_<
So what I didn't expect was that like, rightaw ay, as soon as I gave consent, he pushed. Like, I think I said something like "before you get any ideas, I've gotta go get dinner" and his response was to use a trigger. It was um.. something we'd just been playing with. To push thoughts into my head... I'm not clear ont he details but he'd say soemthing and then i'd... just kinda find myself agreeing. Which is really hot, it was just bad timing. You know? And I tried to say that, but he made me giggle and it just kinda fell outt amy head.
and um. sorry need a break
Um so. Yeah he made me giggle and I would forget what i was saying. Telling him I had to go. And I'd try again, because i didn't want to be rude and just leave without saying anything. And he'd make me giggle. And I got kinda, stuck, trying to tell him i had to go, for a few minutes.. And then I was.. rubbing, and losing track of things... and it was reallyconfusing and finally he stopped longenough for me to say i had to go and i ran to eat and it was really really hard to think straight
sorry break
I um.. I came back after to try and explain what happened. And he just started making me giggle agian and i got realyl confused. Then he started pushing thoughts into my head again.. That I was a bimbo.. and i said no, and stop it and i wasn't, and i was trying to talk. but he kept pushing and pushing and i kept giggling and trying to say no but i just couldnt think and then everything just got really horny and fuzzy and he was telling me i was a bimbo and i was just agreeing. and then he told me i should go thank you all for cumming reading my bimbo post and it seemed like a good idea so i did. and um that was the later bimbo post. back ont he 13th.
and um
Um so... Unfortunately after that was the day I had the really really bad day, and everything went wrong and we didn't get to do much for a few days and then he started working on clearing things up so we could renegotiate. And its really only the last few days we've been playing again. So... That's mostly caught up. I'll try and fill you in on past few days later. I need to stop for now.
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Monthly Muppets: Bear in The Big Blue House Special (Share, Bear, When You Gotta Go, And a Berry Blue Christmas)
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Welcome to big blue house, greetings from this large orangutan man. I'm Jake and this is muppets monthly, my monthly morsel of muppet madness comissioned by my good friend Emma. This months we're doing things a bit diffrently in two ways. The first is that this won't technically be monthly as we're doing TWO for you! This article and a suprise one i'll announce at the end of this one that's a big deal.
Neither however is what was previously announced in my last Monthly Muppets review: Follow That Bird. So for those of you who read these monthly, hopefully at least one of you but if not that's fine too, a quick explination: life happened while I was busy making other plans. And while normally that sets me back work wise and sometimes causes me to cancel reviews outright, here it was a good thing and a rare thing too: Disney actually put a show from the archives on disney+!
This is notable because while EVERY company hoards one or two shows and dosen't put them on streaming wether it's the plug another service, make money on tax writeoffs because their dickheads who somehow make disney look dignified, or
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Disney is still one of the leaders in hoarding a decent amount of cartoons and a few other shows for no reason and has released them at a rate of
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So when one finally happens, it's an event. Now to me this was neat, but not a huge thing, as while I love any muppet stuff getting published and this show had always seemed decent, I hadn't grown up with it the way many of you probably have and while I watched plenty of Nick JR as a kid even in elementary when nothing was on Cartoon Network, and geninely enjoyed some shows like Blues Clues i'm not ashamed to admit, I just never checked out playhouse Disney.
Emma however grew up with the show, and it was osmething she brought up any time I brought up the fact Disney realyl needs to pry open that vault. So since she pays for these I suggested covering a bunch of episodes, so I could experince the show myself since not being in the target Demo's never stopped me before. She agreed easily, and here we are.
For this I had her pick 4 episodes, since my usual going rate is 5 dollars an episode and since she was picking three (the equilvent of a movie) she got a fourth episode free. So I watched the Season 1 ep Share, Bear, the season 2 ep When You Gotta Go, and the Season 3 two parter a Beary Blue Christmas. What did I think of this very vibrant, mildly weird, show? find out under the cut.
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Big Blue House Things
So before I get to the episodes themselves I wanted to break down my impressions on the shows style itself. I would break down it's history but I got VERY little: a little googling turned up nothing, and while the DefunctTV episode for Buzz Lightyear of Star Command was super helpful for that review, the episode for Bear in the Big Blue House, one of the few things I could find, only covered that it was made as part of Playhouse Disney, now Disney Junior's humble beginnings and was it's first big hit, and that the creator of the show wanted to make the show a calm peaceful place, the opposite of what he grew up in. So there you go.
Like most preschool shows, the show sticks to a very tight formula: after the very catchy theme song welcoming us to the blue house and everyone inside it, the titular bear, a kind, gentle fellow played by Noel MacNeal welcomes the viewer.. .then sniffs them
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He then does something with one of the four children in his house. Naturally this being a kids show why Ojo the Bear (Vicki Ebner) , PIp and Pop future walter Peter Linz and Tyler Bunch) the twin otters, some sort of horrifying demon in the body of a lemur named Treelo who hangs out with Ojo lest it eat her soul,
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Tutter (linz). I did far more thinking than is sane or acceptable on this topic to try and figure out who was actually living here, why they were all here if some of them have relatives, what the fuck Treelo is and if their going to kill me in my sleep while the last one will likely haunt me into madness, I did come up with the answers to
What's Bear's Legal Guardian Status For These Children
Ojo I assume is Bear's daughter, adopted or otherwise, who he shares custody with someone else, as she apparently sleeps over in one episode, so she dosen't apparently live there for whatever reason. Maybe he and her mother divorced, maybe she died and her grandparents take her on weekends, maybe hse does live there and they just played sleepover. I don't know, i'd have to watch more episodes. I"m going with Emma's suggestion for Tutter: that he just came with the house and while he does have a grandma and uncle, they may just not be able to take care of him full time or knew he was squatting in a big blue house, and let Bear adopt him. He is the only one fully confirmed to live in the house, as he has a tiny hole with a tiny toilet and everything. For the twins, I assume Bear simply looks after them: they do have grandparents who show up in the intro for the christmas ep and then in no other part of it and their otter pond is nearbye. My guess is since, according to wikipedia, the two run the town library, they need someone to look after their kids during the day and bear being basically jesus but a bear in both senses of the word, gladly does so. Finally we have Ojo, some ratty squeaky voiced nightmare. Picture elmos voiced but pitched up, on a mountain of cocaine and nigh incomprehinsible. If your not recoling in terror your stronger than I. Ojo I see as kind of like the collector from Owl House: a cosmic entity with the mind of a child. And as such while my reaction to her screeching voice and desire to take all things from everyone is
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Bear is trying to raise her right so she dose'nt kill us all one day. He truly is our own personal jesus. Our star jesus given his parents are the sun and the moon. Don't ask questions.
Anyways after that cul de sac…
Back to the Formula
So bear usually visits shadow, a living shadow whose owner.. died I guess? I don't know, but she and bear are close friends and she might have a thing for him given she gives him a smooch in the christmas ep. We'll never know. Shadow usually brings a video for bear, they watch it , and she saunters off. I like shadow a lot being adorable, kind and energetic.
Bear will then get back to the topic/problem of the day, stuff sure does happen, then we end the episode with Bear visiting what I assume to be his mom the Moon as she's known him his whole life. Otherwise it's just creepy. He recaps the episode, they sing an adorable goodbye song and now you knwo the plot. IT's simple and while it got a tad repetitious after four times, though the christmas ep helped with it's serious overarching story, I get that younger kids LOVE repetition as much as Bear loves honey, and that this seris ultimately wasn't aimed at grown men. It's perfectly lovely to watch, having great puppetry, fun characters aside from that thing lurking in the dark waiting to summon it's brothers the lords in black, and beautiful music. It's just aimed at a much younger audience and wasn't made with multidemographic appeal in mind like most cartoons I watched. It was made to edcuate and soothe young children without talking down to them, with a calm wise mentor doing so. It does that excellently. As for what I thought about each episode and what dumb jokes I can make about each episode… let's see
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Share, Bear (Season 1)
Share Bear follows Bear as he collapses finding out the tragic bloody history of Bear Sauske's older brother while he prepares to burn the world and Ojo, realizing she can't fix his bloody path, prepares to sacrifice herself ot kill him. Oh wait tha'ts something else i've been consuming. No this one follows the kids as they have various squabbles Bear breaks up through compromise getting them to share. The first is Ojo and Mouthface, the beast of a thousand nightmares, who are arguging as Green Machine wants to consume Snow Bear, Ojo's cuddly toy. Bear uses a game I swore he was making up but didn't, snow bear in the woods, to get them to share.. and to teach Ojo not to consume the innocent I assume.
Next up is Tutter who makes a big sandwich that sure looks good. Bear wants to eat it, but Tutter says no so like the cool dude he is, Bear backs off. Pip and Pop, being two little schemers, do not back off and keep pressuring tutter. Bear, not getting boundaries forces Tutter to share, but agrees to get Pip and Pop to share their apples. As you can see i'm not really fond of this one as while I belivie sharing is nice, sometimes your stuff.. is just your stuff. Like a sandwich that probably took you two hours to make because your a tiny little guy. It's okay to OFFER to share and good too, but you shoudln't force it on someone.
Finally he has to break up a fight between all four as they all want the attic, because to a kid the attic is either spooky as hell and full of crown molding spiders… or the coolest place ever and full of crown molding and spiders. Bear gets them to visit the picnic, all is well, this episode is pretty good. The next two are better but it has a simple lesson it mostly dosen't botch. It is nothing however compared to the next episode which is paticuarlly famous why…?
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When You Gotta Go (Season 2)
… i'm not exaggerating. This one has Bear teaching kids about the potty. They use the term potty more than your average episode of Rugrats. It is everywhere. It's valid for the target audience and done with care, teaching kids not to hold it and that accidents happen to everyone. And look i'm not usually a big toilet humor guy.. but a bear singing about the potty for two minutes broke me. I suppressed a laugh so hard not because I had to but because my mother who works from home (and yes who I live with at 30), was downstairs and can hear it when I laugh loudly as this deserved. There's also Shadows song which is just singing about how good the potty is. This episode wasn't OUTLOUD hilarious but it's hard not to.
Like I said though the aseop is well done and relatable even at 30: Everyone's held it for stupid reasons, everyone had an accident as a kid (and sometimes as an adult when your sick), and it's valid to tell little kids that you NEED to just take a break and pee when you gotta or that if you miss the toilet it happens as long as you tried, and HOW to go about both things. It's not something that really takes a lot of depth and nuance from me to disect, but it's well done tv and I can see why this stuck with emma.
Despite the subject I can't even riff on it TOO much as it meant well and was trying to edcuate kids. Sure hearing that "your mom and dad" had a potty made me giggle like a child, but MOSTLY this episode avoids any sort of weird stuff.
That being said.. there is one thing we have to talk about in detail: Bear's toilet. Now he has a toilet sized for Ojo, for the otters, and one in tutter's mousehole. A little guy toilet. But as far as I can tell the rest of the bathroom is not sized for bear. And bear is well.. bear sized. Like the puppet is a guy in a full body suit. It's how he showed up on many things including hollywood squares, which I will HAVE to review next year as a clip of one ep he was on showed it also featured Macho Man randy savage. I never knew Randy Savage interacted with a muppet, but now I do it's all I can think about.
Point is he's a big boy. At best if he poops in this toilet it's going to cause a disaster that goes down in the history books and my therapists notebook. I get as Emma postulated he's probably too polite to make a fus about it but it's his house. Just install a fourth toilet bear. The cleanup isn't worth it. We all love and worry about you bear! Quit shitting on a toilet too small for you! You deserve better! your raising four children and the spawn of chtulu. GET YORUSELF A GROWN BEAR TOILET.
Or maybe he poops in the woods. I dunno. Solid episode. Could've used one more song.
A Berry Blue Christmas
Our last ep for today is a great one and a Christmas one. Yes it creeps in earlier every year don't it?
This episode got way more serious than I was expecting.. and it's not like say, the bear gets scabies and the kids all have to deal with the ramifications, it's more that it tackles an issue I didn't expect a show for toddlers to tackle, but one i'm glad it does and does so with maturity, grace and civility some shows meant for way older viewers lack on the topic: homelessness.
The episodes center around Jack, an elderly dog who Bear finds howling in the woods and takes in, and who turns out to be of course homeless. It's done well with the kids being confused and shocked and poor tutter being terrified by the idea, even singing a whole song about it complete with an utterly heartwrenching black and white vision of a homless tutter worrying if his friends can find him. Bear assures him of course he'll always have a home here, but it's still sobering and tackles what most kids probably would feel at that age realizing this is a thing that happens and it's horrible.
It's also nice just how much compassion the show has: not suprising, it's a very lovely show, but it shows that someone whose homeless is what they are: just a person without a home struggling to get by and who needs warmth and love. Jack consequently is a good boy, being kind to the kids, and fine they didn't get him a gift as gladly welcoming him into their home, feeding him and including him in thier activities is enough, and he even helps the kids make a present for bear as they didn't know what to get the man who has everything. The story was all out of alien dream plants.
Another thing I can give the show over MANY adult shows tackling the same topic… is that they DON'T just abandon Jack after this episode. While he gets a happy ending, Doc Hog, a local hog I swore was the show gaslighting me when they opened with half a dozen characters we hadn't seen before, many ff whom barely factor into the episode or in the case of tip and tup's grandparents, not at all, adopts him and gives him a home, he dosen't just vanish. Looking into it he shows up at least once next season running the fire station. Most episodes that do an aseop tend to forget the character exists for convivences sake but it took a show aimed at toddlers to realize "Hey people will notice this person vanished".
Jack is also played by David Goetz, aka Gonzo, and I had to look up who as while Goetz uses that voice a decent amount, I didn't know who did it exactly. I did recognize it from this threatning pig who lives rent free in my head though.
The special also welcomes all holiday cultures. While primarily about christmas, like most specials at the time it also covers Hannukah and Kwanza. I honestly miss that and wish more shows would do more than just christmas, with The Ghost and Molly McGee being the only one in recent memory I can think of. If you know more please feel free to tell me. Nothing wrong with christmas, as my usual holiday deluge of reviews will show, it's just said deluge also shows it's the most covered of any holiday and there are others like ramadan that have'nt gotten a special i'm aware of. The songs are both for diffrent holidays and it's nice.
We also have bears own bearcentric tradition the winter berry hunt, a hunt for one berry based on a bear long ago finding only one berry and splitting it. It's also how jack gets a home as the twins use their wish for him because he's a very good boy.
Some final notes the twins ask for millions and millions of clams in the christmas gift asking song. THEY NEED CLAMS, INFINITE CLAMS, CLAMS TO DROWN OUT THE SCREAMS AS THEY BUILD THEIR CLAMOCRACY. THE FUTURE. IS. CLAM.
Also the Goodbye Goodbye song includes, depsite it's joyful tone, homeless tutter and the kids worrying about not having a present for jack. I couldn't stop laughing
Finally we have our ranking as thanks to Letterboxd having this special, I can include it in our list along with the toilet episode since they both had vhses!
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So that's goodbye goodbye from me, and i'll see you pretty soon I know… as next time we cover MUPPETS FAMILY CHRISTMAS. Muppets, Seasame Street, Fraggle Rock. All under one roof. Be there and thanks for reading.
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goatpaste · 1 year
Should I read JoJolion in BW or with color scans? (I started reading up to chapter 8 in BW bc of the first one that popped up (I read SBR in color though?) but I found out there’s a colored chapters too)
mm!! so i realyl think it depends on what you like more! personally i read all the mangas in colors, and have a bit of trouble understanding whats happening in uncolored images so the colors help me out a good bit there
but i also know some ppl prefer the art work before being tampered with for the colored versions
so i think its all due to taste!
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kustas · 2 years
finished samurai champloo do here is my attempt to keep my opinions about it brief. REALYL good show. im trying to find a playlist of the soundtrack in order bc the music in it is SO interesting like first of all obviously the hiphop and its used vv creatively but i also am a huge fan of that fast drum beat that i think they only used twice? both times mugen was fighting someone and its just a very interesting sound for both scenes, also thw whole show was visually soso beautiful and interesting and i want to eat it. u already said everything about mugens design but i also loved that jin's clothes were long and flowy and gave him a much larger shilouhette (not how thats spelled i think) which contrasts his restrained fighting style/persinality and also kind of fun bc of his like legend thats larger than him. fuu's design was cute and i loved her dagger i wish shed used it more but tbh i think more couldve been done with her than the constant kidnapping. i also really liked that the tonal shifts were natural and it changed between fun anarchronisms and zombies and like the harrowing inner life of the characters and the real struggles of the era. overall best show ive watched this year i think. now onto mind game
hello hi! Glad you had a good time! Champloo is such a ridiculously rule of cool show, it deserves all the good press :D
You are on point about the design for the leads, in the shape language and contrast and all those little details...:) About Fuu, she's a character I'm torn on. I love that she's a rare example of a teen girl character who actually feels like a teen girl, she's peppy and cute and kicks ass when she needs to and the writing of the show and other characters (even Mugen...lmfao) treat her like a person albeit an immature one. But her role in each episode...sheesh. it's one thing to talk about how sexist that era was because it absolutely was the case, but it doesn't do much with it. She's supposed to be the protagonist, her being the damsel in distress all the time got on my nerves and I agree way more could have been done with her. I really appreciated the episodes where she solved problems with her personality in ways the two guys wouldn't have been able to. But for how rare it is to have cool girls in shows...always dissapointing to see them become secondhand sometimes.
And about the historical stuff, the "real struggles of the era", I found that for a show that openly embraces "not historically accurate get off my tits" , it does a weirdly good job teaching about aspects of the time that aren't known about in the mainstream. Jokes on the writers, I guess! Even if it's mostly played for jokes, several episodes touch on the attempts at contact/colonization by Europe especially the Dutch, and I found the mystery around the rise of Christianity one of the most interesting parts when I first watched it.
As for the music....damn right it bangs. OP/ED alone are some of the best I know in anime. Was already the case for Bebop, but Watanabe has a thing for picking really good music and using it in slightly unconventional but awesome ways. If you haven't, I strongly recommend checking out nujabes, the artist behind the opening track. Unfortunately as far as I know he's not worked on other shows, as he tragically passed away only a few years after Champloo was released. He might be the one to have popularized chill beats especially among anime fans. I'll recommend my favorite track of his, Lady Brown, the sweetest love song I know :)... As well as another unrelated track that you might dig, kode9's 9 samurai, who's beat revolves around sampling what I believe to be a Kurosawa movie soundtrack. Bit off topic but hey that's the vibe with Champloo's writing too isn't it
Thank you so much for sending me your thoughts! I hope mindgame won't blast your brains too far out :D
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animalinvestigator · 2 years
43, 30, 33, 12 for the ask game you dont have to do them all just whichever ones you want of course
hi zilly :D thankyou
43. what’s your take on spicy foods?
you're just asking this because you know i get in fights over food every 5 seconds.......... WELL! I like spicy food. I dont have a very good tolerance for it and i'm not a huge fan of things that are like JUST spicy, Like i would derive no joy from eating just eating a habanero like a regular habanero not in a meal, but spicy food is good when i am not too much of a pussy to eat it, and when it has other flavors as well. i had a really good really spicy pozole just a few days ago actually. some of the best foods are spicy . Sweet and spicy is a no though i hate when sweet things are mixed with anything other than other sweet things
30. is there dishes in your room?
Well let me look. Yes.My strawberry dish from this morning is in my room right now. And also several cans. All things considered , pretty ok though. This is tidy for me
33. the last adventure you’ve been on?
this is the realyl fun one i was excited about : ) well i guess the most interesting one recently is probably earlier this year when me and addy decided we wnated to go to the hot springs, but the like, actual hot springs that is like developed into a pool that is easy to get to and stuff was closed that day so we drove like an hour and a half to the mididle of the woods and the mountains and hiked like a quarter mile in the snow slipping all over the fucking place (Addy was in sandals and shorts and i was wearing boots that are NOT meant for hiking and like . In my tights nad a cute outfit. Not hiking clothes. and the trail was covered in melting snow) Like falling down in teh snow and muck and shit to get to these natural hot springs pools. it was pretty crazy .It was kind of a mistake and very exhausting and i got super scraped up and very easily could have like actualyl slipped and fallen to my death because the shit was straight up on a cliff face but it was really fun so its a special memory. I also refused to change into my swimsuit so i was just sitting in the hot springs in my jammies
12. what kind of day is it?
a weird and stressful one ~_~ i played digimon world for a bit and htat was fun but since ive just been stressing out about my job interview tomorrow. its kind of unproductive to just sit here and be stressed so ill probably go back to playing digimon. ihope youre having a good day
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legobatjoker · 1 year
BTW UMM its 2:00 and i dont have any exams tmrw but it is exam wekk and i am really really tired so um. !! yk i need to get sleep dfhdfhdf but before i do i do just really want to say that !! i really do just love you so so much dearest !! like omg it realyl was soso nice to get to chat with you today im so glad that we got to even if it was just for a bit it really was so nice to chat and laugh with you and chess and hear your voice and just spend time together love it really was !! just like it always is to talk with you and spend time with you love !! like i hope you know that you really are just like so much such an amazing and wonderful person and part of my life dearest like you really are just such a wonderful friend to me whos so kind and caring and thoughtful and understanding and really do just make me feel so so loved and cared for and safe with you dearest and that really does just mean sm to me and you really are just such such a wonderful amazing part of my life and spending time with you brings me sm warmth and light and comfort and i really am just soso lucky to know you dearest and i hope you know you really do just mean the whole world to me and i really do love you so so very much dearest :'> i hope ur days been good and that you sleep well, ilusm <3 💕💕💕💞💞💞🍰🌷🍊💗💞💞✨✨✨
!!!!!!! IK U DONT HAVE ANY EXAMS TMRW BUT I STILL HOPE U CAN GET AT LEAST SOME GOOD REST IN TN AND THAT EXAM WEEK GOES WELLL!!! and yeahyeah it was soooo nice to get to chat with you (and chess!! hi chess if ur reading this!!:3) like it was rlly rlly lovely and brightened up my day like very much was thee highlight of my day and just yeah itse always sooo lovely to get to spend time with you and you are suchhhh a wonderful amazing person in my life like you really are sososoo wonderful and make my world smmm better and im so glad that u see me also as a good friend and a good part of ur life bcuz yah as i say u rlly r to me so!! yeah i love you smmmmm gnightt💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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quibblesticks · 3 years
i had the excellent idea of writing those asking for advice posts from the povs of the batfam and other gotham citizens. please enjoy. (all posts are posted under anonymous)
my son came back from the dead recently. he still hasn’t gotten over being beaten to death by the joker after having been betrayed by his mother who sold him out so that she would be able to cover up the fact that she’s a drug dealer, only for her to die at the joker’s hands as well... and now he’s mad at me because i refuse to kill the man who killed him. given that i have a no-murder policy, i find this disconcerting. my son has taken to becoming a crime lord, and i’m about 96% sure that he has or is going to try to kill me. i’m not quite sure what to do. has anyone’s children been through this phase? i need some help.
my dad (kinda???) won’t kill the guy who killed me, my mom, and countless others, and he keeps referring to my criminal murdering spree as a phase and i’m totally over it. should i just kill him?? 
ldkfittkthink my best firens kisdna in lovewithme but kasdfnot realyl sure ani i gotta lotathinkimfto do 
edit: I was sleep deprived when I wrote this. Now that I’m hopped up on coffee (that glorious nectar), I can clarify what I meant. 
I argue with my father almost every time I see him. There’s obviously a ton of underlying issues there that I cannot and WiLL NOT get into, but is there any way to resolve some trauma without talking about it? lemme know
I am not supposed to murder my “brothers,” as my father has a “no-kill” rule. If one of my “brothers” were to disappear under mysterious circumstances, there is a chance it would not be traced back to me; rather, it would be traced back to a criminal or a different “sibling” of mine. However, I am loathe to make rash decisions, and feel the urge to contemplate on this matter. While your advice is not necessary and will not be taken into account, I have heard many times that writing about your problems makes them easier to solve. 
That is all.
I think my boyfriend is cheating on me. I’m not 100% sure, of course, but he keeps disappearing under mysterious circumstances and he’s not always around when I need him so be so I kinda think that’s whats going on... Should I break up with him? I want to know if he’s cheating on me, but he’s really smart, and he’d do a good job hiding it... and it’s probably better if I don’t invade his privacy... and I know I really should get more information before I make a decision like this but idk I don’t know if it’s really working out... what do you guys think? Should I wait for a little bit and see how it plays out?
(the rest of the batfam is smart enough to ask alfred about their problems.)
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Okay, so...um..................... uh....... I just- uh- uhm. I just need to write because I- uh..... I- uh.... I feel like the writing is the only thing that calmes me down. 
I don’t know though becasuse I only had panic attacks, never anxiety ones and this one was a first....hah... Uh...I’ts totally okay for you to scroll past this I just...uh- I just don’t know what to do so I’m writing...something and I don’t really know if it’s helping. I never felt like this but one thing for sure I didn’t know about anxiety attacks are that they are so much longer than the panic ones...I mean panics are half an hour to one hour with a virtigo and then just going to sleep but man anxiety attacks are something different. I tried to listen to music, shake my body a bit, I go dizzy for a second, tried child pose which sort of helped but when I stood up it was shit again so I decided to write it down. I don’t know why. I don’t want to come out as some pitiful dumbas, I just need to write it down because if I don’t write it down then I don’t know what I would do because I can’t focus on studying immediately but I will study on history as soon as ‘m freaking calm and can concentrate back on studying. 
What should I focus on? Like... I can’t focus on tomorrows exam, that’s bullshit. Just by thinking about it I can feel my heart racing. So how about I focus on..on a bunny.
My friend used to own a bunny, two actually. The first one was Piff and she was a white rabing with red eyes. I know that’s some sort of syndrome some animals have but piff was really cute though, towards her death she started to get really large and she died pretty quickly. Then she got a black bunny, named Scooby and I remember I was the first one that got him out of the box because my friend was afraid to get it. He was a baby and quite fragile. He was so small he fit into one palm. Though she got lazy withhim and started to neglect him. She didn’t clean his cage and she started to hate on him but her dad gave him away to another family that would love him more. 
I only had like a hamster and it wasn’t even mine. It was m sister’s. Her first hamster was named Miško, which it’s sort of like slovene for Mouse but in a cuter way. He was brown with with I think a white stripe over his bacbone and white stomach. He was mean af. Mean and fast. He ran all the time on his yellow wheel. He was a dumbass as well, he died like three times before he really died. He only bit me a few times, never as much as my sister and my mom. He hated to cudle, he always ran away, pooped everywhere. He lived longer than the usual hamster age. He lived 2 years and a half. The other hamster, Buci, my sister got for her 20th birthday was a completely different. He was fat, slow and cuddly. He was shy but he was realyl sick so we had to put him down. Rest in peace hamsters that were never mine. 
Okay, I feel so much more calmer, now. Still feel a bit nauseous but idk if it’s from stress or bad food.. if not both. Yeah... I don’t really have much food at home but somehow I still continue to get fat. Or not. Lately I’ve been just moving up and down the scale. Haven’t really weighted myself in a long time. I prefer working out and not lookig on the scale as much. It really doesn’t tell you much because you lose fat weight and gain muscle weight which is heavier than the fat weight. I think I’m going to listen to a song or a few of them to get a bit more calmer. Maybe make myself tea. Chamomile? How do you spell that? Idc, I need some calming tea right now but idk if chamomile is calming for the stomach? Is it? I shall google it.- Okay, I google it. It’s great. Also it’s great for insomnia. I will drink my tea, listen to music and focus on my studies.
If you have come this far, thank you for listening. I appreaciate it a lot. Hope you are well and happy, sending you all the good vibration <3
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shivncho · 3 years
How many flashbacks can you put in one episode; bones; yes. 
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lesbianraskolnikov · 5 years
jojo parts styles ranked best to worst
midway diamond is unbreakable: the most unlike the others and also VERY fun. its realyl cute and the more cartoony expressions that happen arent as jarring as they may be with arakis more realistic styles
part 3, midway +: its very sharp and idk i like the way the faces are drawn, very fun
part 2: i also enjoy the style, but to be fair early part 3 was this, i guess it just feels weird for different parts
mid/late part 7: more realism and inspired by models, it looks good for a bit but then eventually araki gets same facey
part 8: its seriously wavering here. some is good and some im really questioning if arakis ok
part 6: im just kinda neutral about it
part 1: ehhhhh. the stark shading is the worst part about it. i like how overtly buff jonathan is sometimes
part 5: disgusting. revolting. what the fuck.
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a-s-levynn · 2 years
For the gaming ask, 10, 27, and 30 if thats okay? I hope you have a good day!
Hey there Anon! Hope you have a nice day and sorry for the delayed answer. Thank you for taking your time and dropping by! 💞 And of course it’s okay!! More than okay! Even if i don’t do it that often here, i love talking about games. Please ask as many as you feel like.
I’ll put it under a cut because it got long.
The questions were: Which character/s do you have a crush on? Favourite song / theme from the game? Guilty pleasure game / character?
10. Which character/s do you have a crush on? Crush? I'm not sure. I don't really have crushes, especially on fictional characters. I'm either too rational for it or just don't care that way, i think? Maybe? I don’t know. I mean i like a few characters quite a lot but not exactly in the i-have-a-crush-on-them kind of way, more like either shit-i’m-like-that or the fuck-i-want-to-be-like-that, i guess? But i don’t know. Never realyl though about this. Oh wait no. Isabela from DA2. I was 17 when the game came out. No further explanation required.
27. Favourite song / theme from the game? I assume this is just in general because you haven't specified any games so get ready, i love music in games just as much i do outside of them and i'm unable to choose but i try to be relatively brief.
Devil trigger from DMC5 is going to be up there for me for ever. That songs just slaps. But it would be a disservice to not mention the Watch Dogs games. I mean come on. All three had such a great selection of music and soundtrack (Defalt's themes especially) but my favourite moment was with WD2. When i booted it up for the first time, i stole the first car and the first song was Reservoir. That decided than an there that this is going to be a good game. I have fond memories tied to that song irl, so i'm always happy to hear it. Altho WDL has In the Night, Light up the Sky, also Mantra sooo.. But i have to also put here Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2, the Mass Effect games, because obviously. Also WoW has amazing soundtracks, Dragon Age too.. the Witcher games, for sure.. Diablo 3 (especially the reaper of souls xpack)... Oh and Kena Bridge of Spirits! It has such beautiful music. Assassin's Creed games have some memorable soundtracks too. Heartstone's expansion songs, especially One night in Karazhan. And because of the epic games free thingy i finally checked out Vampyr and yeah the game has problems, i'm pissed off half the time but the music is spot on.
Okay i probaly could list like a 100 games if my brain wouldn’t be blanking on me as per usual, because i actively listen to video game soundtracks quite often.
But if i have to single out an instrumental song written for a game, that i could never get out of my head is from Pillars of Eternity. It’s Burial Isle in the first and also plays on Poko Kohara in Deadfire (this version is even better but nowhere to be found). Boy that is just.. words. Just take a listen: Burial Isle - PoE
30. Guilty pleasure game / character? I don't think i have one. Not because i don't like things that in general considered painfully cringy but because i just try to own that shit more and more as i get older. I like it, it makes me happy, doesn't hurt anyone so why not? Also i don't really give a shit what other's opinions are of me anyway, not that the general consensus on me would be positive ( both online and irl included) outside like maybe.. 4 of my followers? So whatever. But what could fall into the general "guilty pleasure" category.. I mean just to stay with the obvious, Wrench could be considered pretty fucking cringy. I mean he is literally a walking clishé (i mean who isn't in WD really, especialy in 2, that was the whole point there..) but i love him to bits (obviously). Kael'thas from WoW maybe? (Strictly before the shadowlands rewrite. Yes that happend, he was quite different before that. No i don't take arguments about it.) And who else? Oh boy i don't really have any idea what could be considered guilty pleasure nowdays 🤦‍♂️ Reaper from OW maybe?
And as for guilty pleasure/cringy games? Maybe Goat simuator or Crab game fits the bill? But who cares, they are funny as shit.
But with this whole guilty pleasure thing.. i’m so lost because it is incredibly subjective and determied by public/fandom opinion, what your immediate friendgroup’s consensus is on things, etc. And i’m not active part of any gamefandom right now, my current friends are extremely great and either like the same crap as me or just don’t give a shit plain and simple, because no harm is done.
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pumpkin-bread · 6 years
Drunk LAir REview #4: Yawny124
Oh gosh lemme thingk.... @thecityneedsyounow
Well I can’t ping u anywa,y fuck.
I’ll link
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Ok thj
Ok so this girl caught my eye first. I used to have a dragon very similar to her prior to becoming a gen 1 lair and I still have such a soft spot for the bright, parrot sort of exotic look. She sounds like a total sweetie too.
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Another sweeite! Sweetit. LOL DAMNI T
Another sweetie! I bet she’s your progen, right? Her accent and apparel are simple and of course very suiting for a nature dragon. A  gentle, protective tree
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Pretty boy! He reminds me of... something I saw at my grandparents house when I was little. Maybe a lamp? That rich bottle green you know? I wonderd why his dad was named Cantaloupe but turns out he’s literally that colour. Just kinda surprising given this boy himself. dragons with parents are weird
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Another pretty boy! Like a winter/night sky. Both at the same time. He’s very pretty! Showing off my fave parts of crystal
Oh god I just went to get my alaundry out of the dryer and as a result saw my landlord in a towel I’m so uncomfortab;e
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this boy is very good. orca=good sanguine=good. sanguine xyy very good.
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aah here’s a boy with a bit of lore. interesting. intriguing. What’s the Wyld Hunt? Please tell. If it’s not a secret
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Oh I love the gradient this girl has with her accent and actual colours! Iv’e never seen that before, ot’s realy cute!
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Your ;air’s made me notice some things about fest skins and stuff, like the one with the coatl above having little flowers on the head, and the bright aqua tassels on the impy here. Really cool! You have a kind of minimalist approach to apparel and it can realyl make me notice details!
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karihigada · 6 years
haha or talk about yakuza!AU?
I could attempt to write
uhhhh how about izaya still goes to normal school just like akane but the same as with her everyone
keeps their distance and is respectful out of fear
not shizuo thoug ;)
and its such a wild change for izaya that there is soneone who isnt afraid of his status
and of course izaya also isnt afraid of his stenght
that would be a very interesting change in their dynamic
That could work
that there would be a legit reason for shizuo to be wary of izaya but he still isnt
and maybe shiki/akabayashi dont like this brat boy disrespecting the heir and try to rough him up a
bit/send goons to rough him up
so its no longer izaya who sends gangs after shizuo
and maybe in this instance izaya is actually really afraid that the one person who isnt afraid of his
status would be taken away
so maybe he fights with shizuo against the thugs (the thugs of course dont know who he is and just
want to beat him up as well)
so at the end of the day both are bruised but victorious and sulk to shinra
and on the couch izaya explains that he didnt have anyhting to do with the thugs, that were all his
dad's underlings doing and he doesnt condone of it
and he lowkey says he is thankful that shizuo is at least one person in his life who is not afraid to
give him lip
and shizuo just kisses him to shut him up
"like i could ever be afraid of some little flea, no matter who your parents are"
and the next day izaya comes home and tells shiki, that punk brat you wanted to get rid of for
disrespecting us? im dating him. what are you gonna do about that now?
and shiki just exasperatedly shakes his head because he cant really say anythign to that. maybe just
a sarcastic 'use protection'
and then he goes drinking with akabayashi and laments his life coices and ungrateful brats xDD
If it wasn't high school but later, I think there could be more surprises
yeah, later in life it would be more serious because it would no longer be children fighting but an
adult getting on the wrong foot with the yakuza
maybe AU where awakusu tries to hire shizuo for his skills?
Like Shizuo being hired as a body guard or getting in trouble with Izaya
Like breaking something valuable
and shizuo really needs the money and maybe doesnt realize right away that its yakuza but has a
bad feeling. but really needs the money
Or beating up how men
*breaking something valuable* now i have ouran high school host club flash backs
Lol, same principle
Manipulating Shizuo
karihigada sent a GIF
but yeah, being hired as bodyguard and of course meeting izaya
and shizuo imediately dislikes his attitude but izaya is imediately hooked on the strong hunk xD
But I doubt he'd be willing to work for someone like Izaya
he wouldnt work directly for izaya, jsut the awakuzu
izaya is just a package deal that he has to deal with haha
or he gets into trouble with the yakuza as an outsider, like beating up men and izaya pretends to
want to help him but not disclosing that he is part of awakusu so he strings shizuo along
sorta like that other AU we had a while ago where shizuo and izaya get close in highschool but
izaya was just using him al along, remember?
haha i like this AU. so many possibilitys
I think another way for it to work would be if Shizuo fucks something up really bad punishable by
death, but Izaya doesn't want that so he makes a deal with Shizuo (this was all Izaya's plan from the
But Shizuo's debt just keeps going up
Because he has zero chill with izaya
'punishable by death' you mean something that would make the yakuza make him wear cement
Yeah or human trafficking
so izaya keeps him in his deabt but also safe from the yakuza
so shizuo is stuck with him because there is no way out
would also be an interesting exploration of consent and relationship dinamics because izaya clearly
has mre power here
would be an interesting take on their relationship
Until he dies or Izaya gets bored which will never happen
like yeah, of course shizuo always says he isnt afraid of the fallout were he to ever dock izaya one
but deep inside he is aware that maybe they would also go after kasuka or others
Yup go after his family
And they know about kasuka
And that stops Shizuo from fighting back
so would is just stay this fucked up their whole lifes or would izaya soften up?
Hmmmmmmm could get either worse if Izaya likes to watch him suffer or better if he likes him
Like he would want to turn him into a mobster
and mobster xD
Yeah lol, So maybe he would try to get him to kill people for him which doesn't work
for once i actually dont want to go the route of most suffering xD
i say let izaya soften up and them have a normal relationship haha
It could be really bad at first but then he softens up
but yes also keep telling me about izaya trying to get shizuo to kill
maybe izaya really nearly pushes shizuo to the breaking point
But Shizuo won't do it even if it means his death
and shizuo completely breaks down after beating some punk to near death with his bare heands
and izaya realizes that this is not what he wanted for shizuo after all (like in ACI)
and starts being nicer
and try to mend his past behavior
could also be a unique cahracter exploration for izaya
he relizes that he has complete control over another human being and how he treads him defines his
own worth as a human and he doesnt want to be a monster
so he realizes he should stop making shizuo into a monster because at the end of the day there
would only be one monster and thats him
Sounds yummy
i just realized we have very little fanfics who explore izayas humanity
even though thats also a core theme of the original drrr
but we also have very little fics who truly explore shizuo becoming a monster------
except one, hummmmmmm? *smiles coyly*
karihigada sent a GIF
no but god, this AU begins to sound amazing~~ <3
Glad to be of service
Yeah especially them getting away with law and murder
Like the environment makes it possible
i always think law is such a unique concept in drrr becuase its the REAL WORLD
And very likely
not some fantasy setting where you murder people for fun in the wilderness
thats one thing i really love about drrr, its setting in reallife
so how would shizuo come to care about izaya?
definitely not for a long time because izaya keeps trying to get him to use violence
so only after izaya softens up?
Gosh by then would he hate him soooo much XD
or maybe their relationship actually isnt so bad at the start, they snark at each other and whatnot but
nothing too bad, and only after izaya gets bored of that he tries to push shizuo to murder?
Yeah makes a plan
yeah thats the problem, if shizuo ust hates izaya from the beginging and then breaks down there is
no way he wuld come to care about him other than some twisted stockholm syndrome
so izaya first needs to make shizuo trust him
Toying with him
and that infvolves not being such a little shit all the time so that shizuo doesnt completely hate his
that would also be the only way he could manipulate shizuo into violence: through trust, not throgh
pressure of authority
Manipulation is his fine point
maybe shizuo nearly beats that punk to death to pretect izaya and izaya totally planned it that way
that would be the only reason shizuo would go that far
manipulating shizuo into violence like in ACI but focusing it onto another person instead of on
himself like in the control room in ACI
but by trying to win shizuos trust he of course has to play his freind and in turn shizuo treads him
like a freind so izaya realizes that it actually really hurts misusing trust like that :D
And Shizuo knows if something happens to Izaya something bad will happen to his family
so they come to trust/care about each other by izaya just 'pretending' to be his freind but slowly
actually feeling like that but he also doesnt want to let go of his original plan to turn shizuo into a
monster so he goes through with it anyway
Okay ? so Izaya works on building Shizuo's trust by faking being nice
while having doubts and pain but he tells himself that he can just throw shizuo away later
which he of course cant, he is already in too deep xD
Ok sounds good
maybe while shizuo beats that punk its actually izaya who shouts at him tostop because he after all
doesnt want shizuo to become a monster
instead izaya realizes he himself might be amonster for pushing his freind that far
And then when Shizuo actually begins to start to like Izaya for real Izaya maybe lets him off
you mean at the very end?
so now that shizuo is 'free' to go he maybe leaves for a few days/weeks and izaya is realyl miserable
and later shizuo comes back and tells him that he was thinking a lot and he decided to come back on
his own terms
Or maybe he doesn't go back to that life style but asks Izaya out
Like he doesn't want to come back under Izaya
But as his ally/lover
Or just someone there to stop him
And watch him
But Izaya understands
maxbe it would be a sober note "if youre ever really in trouble i will help you.... but dont expect me
to get deeper invoved with the yakuza than that anymore"
yeah it would be really somber, shzuo still wants izaya in his life but no longer that life so its kinda
hard to reconcile those two things
but he also cant realyl imagine life without izaya anymore
and izaya also realizes he needs someone outside this life to keep him human
that would be an interesting spin, izaya needing shizuo to keep him human
He wants to be better for Shizuo
and he is sorry he ever dragged shizuo into this life
just becuase shizuo is good at violence doesnt mean he is good in a life of violence
Yeah Shizuo isn't cut out for it even if he could be perfect if he used his strength
Sounds great
sounds amazing :DDDD
god its so fun~~
the perfect bedtime story~~~ haha
maybe an addendum for the earlier time: during the start when izaya tries to win shizuos trut by
pretending, you think he also tries sexual advances? or just try to be his freind?
would be even more heartbreaking if they are sorta 'together' while izaya tries to get shizuo to kill
It would be interesting
and would make sense in why he regrets it so much manipulating shizuo
maybe izaya comes onto him very heavily and shizuo tells him in his face he doesnt want to get into
trouble but izaya rebukes that it would be no trouble and noone would have a problem with it (as
long as shizuo is good ;) ) and izaya also tells him that he knows shizuo finds him atrractive, izaya
knows he is attractive and uses it as a weapon
so maybe shizuo would just shrug and go with it? spur of the moment thing? and then later shizuo
of course develops deeper feelings bcuase he things izaya is being geniune
or maybe he only gives in when izaya starts sounding more geniune about wanting to sleep with
him instead of just flaunting his good looks
shizuo wants to sleep with him becuase of affection, not jsut good looks
and he is very gentle :)
and izaya also didnt expect to be touched that gently :D
and when shiki hears that they sleep together he jsut gives a long and resinged sigh but knows he
cant do anythign about it
also, what about mairu and kururi?
and is akane a cousin?
shizuo would get along well with them and cant belive that the big brother is such a brat when the
little girls are so well beahved xD
Hmmm idk XD
Cousins I guess
Like maybe one of Izaya's parents is in the yakuza but since they always are gone, they just brought
them in
Izaya doesn't have to inherit but he's high in the family
i thought the AU was that izaya is the son of mikiya, the awakusu boss? so he is the 'heir'
i was just hinking about hos izayas childhood woudl have been
Maybe Mikiya is his grandfather??
probably largely the same as canon with fascination with humans and other children beign afraid of
him like with akane
Is Akane the heir?
and the reason he didnt get into legal trouble in middle school for 'stabbing' shinra is becuase of the
yakuza xD
such a fun AU
espcially with the part with also examining izayas humanity. we dont have that enough in fics
not that this is ever gonna be a fic
this would be alogn one
its funny because the artist of the pic wrote like "izaya as the darling yakuza heir. discuss" and we
sure as hell discussed but noone will ever see xD
and even this will disapear into the void in a few days because you would need to scrool up
but right now im having fun~~
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berrystumpytail · 7 years
What would you say are some of those revolutionary horror movies?
I’m just gonna talk like, past 50 years cause we all know the classics. 
First and foremost I have to talk about my favorite movie, Alien. Alien, was just, so well done, the acting, the filming, the metaphor of sexual violence was stressed in everything from set to creature design, the effects still mostly hold up. But honestly just, the thing that I would say makes it revolutionary would be it’s creature design, everything about the Xenomorph is terrifying and ingenious.
Halloween basically popularized the slasher genre for better and mostly worse, but it holds strong on it’s own. The camera work and direction are the strongest points of this one.
The Evil Dead because holy fuck. Like i was just saying with the B-movie ask, b-movies used to mean something and for mst purposes Evil Dead was basically a B-movie. The shaky cam use and fuck that just, last shot of the Unseen Force chasing after Ash. The blend of comedy and horror was also fully cemented here but like, honestly no one can realyl do it as good as Raimi.
An American Werewolf in London also gets a spot for its blend of horror and comedy but mostly it gets on for the fxs. the transformation scene is still chilling to this day. Soundtrack wise it’s just amazing too. The perfect amount of on the nose
John Carpenter gets another hit with The Thing which has some of the best like, genuine horror ever shown on screen. The building tension throughout, the amazing effects and the just extreme isolation the movie pushes is almost up there with the claustraphobia in Alien, just perfectly adding to the rise of the movie.
Double header next, with New Nightmare  and Scream, both of which led to the rise of Meta Horror. I hate slashers. These two are some of my favorite. While the only other Nightmare movie i like is Dream Warriors, New Nightmare like, took everything perfectly with the culture that had been built around Freddy and the Elm Street franchise and both Mocked it and used it to tell a pretty damn effective movie, and Scream imo took it a step further and mocked and parodied horror and slasher movies as a whole.
Blair Witch Project. People shit on this film a lot but fuck. The acting combined with the marketing for this was just, perfect. If any of the actors had slipped even a bit it would have been awful, but they nailed it and paved the way for the otehr found footage movies to come out. Like Halloween and our next entry that has mostly bad shit but still.
Saw.  This, Blair, Halloween, and Evil Dead all get bonus points for just how creative the crew was with their budget. Saw was one of the first movie franchises i was super obsessed with as an edgy kid, but like when i went back and watched them for what they were I was just, obsessed with how fucking amazing this movie was. IT spawned torture porn so. bad. but like, fuck this movie did everything right.
Cabin in the Woods. I’m playing loose with the word Horror rn but like. I think why I’m annoyed with all the horror movies trying to have a degree of metaness in them recently is cause like, Cabin in the Woods did it perfectly. Just like Scream a decade and a half earlier, Cabin summarized, Mocked, payed homage the climate of horror movies at the time, and still told a really fucking great story with it. 
The Babadook, Witch, and It Follows. All three of these are three of my favorite horror movies of all time, with The Babadook  having a huge edge. All three have similar reasons for being up here but all just, take their metaphor and run with it. They display these amazing grasp of genre and callback to the greats, It Follows specifically with it feeling super Carpenterish, but instead of just like, using the successes of otehrs to make their own films better, they use it to make their own shots and own ideas. The like, floatyness of some of the scenes in Follows left me on edge and breathless. The Actor’s physicality and the directing in Babadook still leave me Babashook to this day. I point it out every time I watch this movie and I have watched this movie with every single one of my boyfriends since I first saw it, with several friends and family members, the scne when shes trying to get through the door at the end and shes throwing herself at the door, the way she moves once shes possessed by the Babadook like Essie Davis deserves so much praise for her role. Witch is one of the most beautiful movies I’ve seen and captures isolation and tension just as well as the thing did. 
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