#stay daijoubu
stariikis · 2 months
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maybe i lost myself (i don't think i'm okay...)
desc ; inspired by jake's cover song, 'i don't think i'm okay', i wrote this drabble about jake comforting you when all hope is lost.
pairing ; idol!simjaeyun x fem!reader genre ; hurt/comfort, fluff, established rs wc ; 571 warnings ; written in lapslock! probably pretty depressive but at least jake's here for you?
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“i don’t think i’m okay…”
you press your nose against the window, raindrops trickling down the other side as you do so. like a curious, wide-eyed puppy, jake scoots up to you on the bed and joins you to look down at the bustling streets of seoul. he’s been so busy the past few days, with their upcoming albums and being ambassadors for so many companies. he’s tried to call you for nights, but when you didn’t pick up, he took it upon himself to visit you at your loft apartment. 
your apartment a complete mess of unfolded, crumpled clothes, textbooks, worksheets.. when you opened the door and saw jake, you weren’t surprised, but he was. he gasped and pulled you into his arms. he didn’t care about your disheveled appearance. he didn’t care that your hands were trembling from forcing yourself to stay awake. he took them in his and squeezed them so hard you swore they were going to break off. 
with tired eyes, you invited him in without a word said. you figured he didn’t need words. 
and he really didn’t. 
when he finally coaxed an explanation out of you, a reason as to why you wouldn’t answer his calls, you couldn’t bear the awkwardness and turned towards the window that stretched all the way from one edge of the wall to the next. it was raining, soft rumbles of thunder rolling around as you and jake spoke in the dim light of your lamp.
you sweep translucent curtains to the side, praying the scenery provides you some respite. any form of peace, to get away from the craziness you’ve been dipping your toes in recently. the hustle and bustle of life that never seems to end, no matter how many tears you shed, hairs you pull out, and all-nighters you pull. it never seems to get better, and you’re losing yourself. 
a blurry image of yourself flits into view as jake gently pulls away from the window, and you look down. onto the rumpled covers of your bed, unwashed and unclean because how could you ever have the time to do house chores? you don’t even have time to touch up on your personal hygiene, evident in the reflection you can’t bear to look at. 
“i don’t think you’re okay…” 
“it’s going too fast. everything is.” 
sweetly, jake pulls you into an embrace that dulls your sense of hearing. his words fade into an oddly calming hum in your ears. your mind starts to whisper again, a spark of inspiration ignited from his mere presence. 
“gwaenchanhayo. daijoubu. you’re okay.” 
for the first time, you just don’t have the energy to cry. you just fall into jake’s arms and let him pluck away your worries one by one. he’s the only one who gets to see this side of you, vulnerable and broken. you don’t want anybody to see you like this but him. 
jake, who knows exactly what you’re going through because he’s experienced just the same. jake, who only needs to be around for a moment for you to feel worlds better than you used to. jake, who would follow your head into the clouds, would follow you even if you’re floating off to space. he doesn’t let go, and it feels like he never will. for a second, you wish he never would. 
“you’re not okay.” 
he pauses to kiss your cheek. 
“and that’s okay.”
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pikahlua · 6 months
MHA Chapter 410 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 あと少し進むだけだ あとすこしすすむだけだ ato sukoshi susumu dake da Just advance a little farther.
2 僕の"個性"を弔に譲渡するんだ ぼくの"こせい"をとむらにじょうとするんだ boku no "kosei" wo Tomura ni jouto surunda I will transfer my quirk to Tomura.
3 呑まれたであろう"向こうの僕"を強化しあの最凶の心と体を再び支配する のまれたであろう"むこうのぼく"をきょうかしあのさいきょうのこころとからだをふたたびしはいする nomareta de arou "mukou no boku" wo kyouka shi ano saikyou no kokoro to karada wo futatabi shihai suru Strengthen the me on the other side who would have been swallowed up and again take control of that heart and body of ultimate evil.
4 弔の様子からして"向こうの僕"はあの切札を切る事なくやられたに違いない とむらのようすからして"むこうのぼく"はあのカードをきることなくやられたにちがいない Tomura no yousu kara shite "mukou no boku" wa ano KAADO (kanji: kirifuda) wo kiru koto naku yarareta ni chigainai From Tomura's appearance, the me on the other side must have been defeated without playing that trump card.
5 まだ勝機はある まだしょうきはある mada shouki wa aru There's still a chance to win.
6 弔の支配できればOFAを"奪える" とむらのしはいできればワン・フォー・オールを"うばえる" Tomura no shihai dekireba WAN FOO OORU wo "ubaeru" If I can take control of Tomura, I can steal One For All.
7 お前がいなきゃだめなんだよ おまえがいなきゃだめなんだよ omae ga inakya dame nanda yo I need you.
8 嫌な事のほうがずうっと覚えているだろう? いやなことのほうがずうっとおぼえているだろう? iya na koto no hou ga zuutoo oboete iru darou? The things you hate you always remember better, right?
9 だから人の未来を阻むんだ だからひとのみらいをはばむんだ dakara hito no mirai wo habamunda That's why I obstructed people's futures.
10 与一 よいち Yoichi Yoichi,
11 僕は ぼくは boku wa I
12 皆に みんなに minna ni [want] everyone
13 ずうっと zuutto to keep
14 見ていてほしいんだ みていてほしいんだ mite ite hoshiinda watching [me].
tagline AFOその目的の為に… オール・フォー・ワンそのもくてきのために… OORU FOO WAN sono mokuteki no tame ni... All For One, for that purpose...
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1 あと少しー… あとすこしー… ato sukoshi-... Just a little farther-...
tagline No.410 さらば!オール・フィー・ワン 堀越耕平 ナンバー410 さらば!オール・フィー・ワン ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 410  saraba! OORU FOO WAN   Horikoshi Kouhei No. 410 Farewell! All For One  Kouhei Horikoshi
2 まだ… mada... "You still..."
3 消えねーのかよ… きえねーのかよ… kienee no ka yo... "haven't disappeared yet, huh..."
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1 ガボッ GABO "Bwagh!"
2 寒ィ…! さみィ…! samiI...! It's cold...!
3 力が入ンねぇ…! ちからがはいンねぇ…! chikara ga haiNnee...! I don't have any strength...!
4-5 立ってらんねえ たってらんねえ tatterannee I can't stand.
6 どけ‼︎ doke!! Out of the way!!
7 あアアアア!!! aAAAA!!! "Aaaaah!!!"
8 もう言葉すら失ってる もうことばすらうしなってる mou kotoba sura ushinatteru You've already lost words even.
9 生まれたてだ 死にかけだ shi ni kake da (kanji: umaretate) da You're about to die (read as: You're newly born).
10 大丈夫だ… だいじょうぶだ… daijoubu da... It's all right...
11 放っておいても消える ほうっておいてもきえる houtte oitemo kieru Even if I leave you alone, you'll disappear.
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1 倒れねーってのはクソ強ェだろ たおれねーってのはクソつえェだろ taorenee tte no wa KUSO tsueE daro Those who don't fall over are damn strong.
2 っぶねぇ……! bbunee......! "Close one......!"
3 完全に勝たねーと かんぜんにかたねーと kanzen ni katanee to "Must have a complete victory,"
4 なァ⁉︎ naA!? "right!?"
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1 ホギャア(来るな‼︎) ホギャア(くるな‼︎) HOGYAA (kuruna!!) "Uwagh (Stay back!!)"
2 オネンネの時間だAFO オネンネのじかんだオール・フォー・ワン ONENNE no jikan da OORU FOO WAN "It's time for beddy-bye, All For One."
3 嫌だ いやだ iya da No.
4 感情に支配されていたんだ かんじょうにしはいされていたんだ kanjou ni shihai sarete itanda I was controlled by my emotions.
5 こんなの僕じゃない…‼︎ こんなのぼくじゃない…‼︎ konna no boku ja nai...!! This isn't like me...!!
6 嫌だ いやだ iya da No.
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1 嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ嫌だ いやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだいやだ iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da iya da NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
2 憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い憎い にくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくいにくい nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui nikui HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE
3 奪われた因子が うばわれたいんしが ubawareta inshi ga The stolen factors
4 持ち主の元へ戻るーー… もちぬしのもとへもどるーー… mochinushi no moto e modoru--... return to their owners--...
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1 ーーなんてサービス --nante SAABISU --that would be nice. (Note: The word "SAABISU (service)" here is a generic word for an extra service done for a customer. For example: a free dessert on the house at a restaurant.)
2 あるわけないか aru wake nai ka That isn't possible though.
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1 ああ aa Ah.
2 くっそ kusso Crap.
3-4 オールマイトのスタンディングしたかったのに OORU MAITO no SUTANDINGU shitakatta noni [And here] I wanted to do All Might's standing [pose].
5 出久 いずく Izuku Izuku,
6 頑張れよ がんばれよ ganbare yo do your best. (Note: This can also mean "good luck," but I went with "do your best" because of what Izuku says to Katsuki about how his "Deku" means "ganbare" in Deku vs Kacchan, Part 1.)
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1 開戦数日前 かいせんすうじつまえ kaisen suujitsumae A few days before the start of the battle...
2 死柄木は必ず雄英敷地内で討つ しがらきはかならずゆうえいしきちないでうつ Shigaraki wa kanarazu yuuei shikichinai de utsu "We must defeat Shigaraki within the UA grounds."
3 決して地上にダテ落ちさせてはならん けっしてちじょうにダテおちさせてはならん kesshite chijou ni DATEochi sasete wa naran "We must never let him fall from grace* to the ground." (*Note: Jeanist is using a word that means something to the effect of "elegant fall" for which I cannot think of an English word.)
4 地上だと蛇腔戦のように我々が圧倒的不利だからですよね… ちじょうだとじゃくうせんのようにわれわれがあっとうてきふりだからですよね… chijou da to jakuu sen no you ni wareware ga attouteki furi dakara desu yo ne... "Because if we're on the ground, we'll be at a huge disadvantage like at the Jakuu battle, right..."
small text in bubble 何回も聞きました なんかいもききました nankai mo kikimashita "I heard that many times."
small text out of bubble ぜってージーパン言葉だろ「ダテ落ち」 ぜってージーパンことばだろ「ダテおち」 zettee JIIPAN kotoba daro 「DATEochi」 "That's definitely a Denim Face* word, 'fall from grace.'" (*Note: Literally the nickname Katsuki uses here is "Jii-Pan" for "jeans-pants." "Denim Face" is one of the official translations of this nickname.)
5 いや意思統一の話だ いやいしとういつのはなしだ iya ishi touitsu no hanashi da "No, this conversation is about our unity of will,"
6 "何を守るか"という事 "なにをまもるか"ということ "nani wo mamoru ka" to iu koto "about what we will protect."
7 一帯の避難は徹底してるよ建物を守ろうってこと? いったいのひなんはてっていしてるよたてものをまもろうってこと? ittai no hinan wa tettei shiteru yo tatemono wo mamorou tte koto? "The whole area is thoroughly evacuated, so is this about protecting the buildings?"
8 建造物の損壊は最早考慮している余裕はない けんぞうぶつのそんかいはもはやこうりょしているよゆうはない kenzoubutsu no sonkai wa mohaya kouryo shite iru yoyuu wa nai "We no longer can afford to consider damage to the buildings."
9 神野区を荼毘戦に設定した時点で度外視していると言っていい カミノくをだびせんにせっていしたじてんでどがいししているといっていい KAMINO-ku wo Dabi sen ni settei shita jiten de dogaishi shite iru to itte ii "At the moment they set the Dabi battle at Kamino Ward, one could say to disregard [such concerns]."
10 我々は人命を未来を第一に行動する われわれはじんめいをみらいをだいいちにこうどうする wareware wa jinmen wo mirai wo daiichi ni koudou suru "We will act with human life and the future put first."
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1 前置きいいから! まえおきいいから! maeoki ii kara! "We get it! [So then what?]"
2 死柄木の人格的混乱が問題だ…AFO寄りならまだ良い しがらきのじんかくてきこんらんがもんだいだ…オール・フォー・ワンよりならまだいい Shigaraki no jinkakuteki konran ga mondai da...OORU FOO WAN yori nara mada ii "Shigaraki's confused personality is the problem... It would still be better if [his personality] was closer to All For One's,"
3 支配は被支配者あってのものだからな しはいはひしはいしゃあってのものだからな shihai wa hishihaisha atte no mono dakara na "because control is a thing that only exists if there is a controlled person."
4 だから死柄木寄りの場合…それだけに留まらないのではないか だからしがらきよりのばあい…それだけにとどまらないのではないか dakara Shigaraki yori no baai...sore dake ni todomaranai node wa nai ka "So in the case where [his personality] is close to Shigaraki's...it might not stay as just that."
5-6 力と憎悪が醸成された今奴の破壊願望が土地そのものに向かう可能性がある ちからとぞうおがじょうせいされたいまやつのはかいがんぼうがとちそのものにむかうかのうせいがある chikara to zouo ga jousei sareta ima yatsu no hakai ganbou ga tochi sono mono ni mukau kanousei ga aru "Now that his power and hatred have been cultivated, there's a possibility that his desire for destruction will turn towards the land itself."
7 勝った先の話 かったさきのはなし katta saki no hanashi "This is a conversation about after we've won."
8 踏ん張るにも ふんばるにも funbaru ni mo "No matter how we persist,
9 這い上がるにも はいあがるにも haiagaru ni mo "no matter what we overcome,"
10 土台なくして成り立たない どだいなくしてなりたたない dodai naku shite naritatanai "we cannot stand without a foundation."
11 我々が守るものはーーー われわれがまもるものはーーー wareware ga mamoru mono wa--- "What we will protect is---"
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1 避難所 ひなんじょ hinan-jo Evacuation shelter
2 ああ…家が ああ…いえが aa...ie ga "Ah...our house,"
3 ジィさんの代から継いできた畑が… ジィさんのだいからついできたはたけが… JII-san no dai kara tsuide kita hatake ga... "the farmland we came to inherit since Grandfather's generation..."
4 出久… いずく… Izuku... "Izuku..."
5 「崩壊」を"面"じゃなく 「ほうかい」を"めん"じゃなく 「houkai wo」 "men" ja naku "I'll [direct] Decay not to the 'surface'"
6 "深さ"に向かわせる "ふかさ"にむかわせる "fukasa" ni mukawaseru "but to the 'depths.'"
7 すると静岡の一部が一瞬でなくなっちまうワケだ するとしずおかのいちぶがいっしゅんでなくなっちまうワケだ suru to Shizuoka no ichibu ga isshun de nakunacchimau WAKE da "Then part of Shizuoka will disappear in an instant."
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1 国土約37万8000km² こくどやく37まん8000km² kokudo yaku 37man 8000km² "The territory is approximately 378,000 km²."
2 今の俺なら一週間もありゃ水平線に変えられる いまのおれならいっしゅうかんもありゃすいへいせんにかえられる ima no ore nara isshuukan mo arya suiheisen ni kaerareru "If it were me as of now, I could turn it into a watery horizon in a week's time."
3 再興の芽も残さない さいこうのめものこさない saikou no me mo nokosanai "I wouldn't leave behind even a bud for revival."
4 「全ての崩壊」ってのァ…そういうことさ 「すべてのほうかい」ってのァ…そういうことさ 「subete no houkai」 tte noA...sou iu koto sa "The decay of everything... That's what it would mean."
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1 「変速」と「発勁」「危機感知」を併用すればさっきまでと違って攻勢に出られる…!早く止める糸口を… 「2nd」と「3rd」「4th」をへいようすればさっきまでとちがってこうせいにでられる…!はやくとめるいとぐちを… 「2nd (kanji: hensoku)」 to 「3rd (kanji: hakkei)」 「4th (kanji: kiki kanchi)」 wo heiyou sureba sakki made to chigatte kousei ni derareru...! hayaku tomeru itoguchi wo... If I use the 2nd (read as: Gear Shift), 3rd (read as: Fa Jin), and 4th (read as: Danger Sense) together, I can go on the offensive unlike before...! [Find] a clue to stop him quickly...
2 ……先生が死んだな ……せんせいがしんだな ......sensei ga shinda na "......Master died, huh."
3 …ちゃんと壊さなかったからだよ全く… …ちゃんとこわさなかったからだよまったく… ...chanto kowasanakatta kara da yo mattaku... "...Indeed, it's because I didn't destroy him* properly..." (*Note: "Him" refers to Katsuki.)
4 でも…なんだかんだ感謝はしてるな でも…なんだかんだかんしゃはしてるな demo...nandakanda kansha wa shiteru na "But...for some reason I'm grateful."
5 俺を強くしてくれた おれをつよくしてくれた ore wo tsuyoku shite kureta "He did make me stronger."
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1 こいつのスピードにも慣れるぐらいには こいつのスピードにもなれるぐらいには koitsu no SUPIIDO ni mo nareru gurai ni wa I'm just getting used to this guy's speed.
2 タッチの差で指をなぎ払うか タッチのさでゆびをなぎはらうか TACCHI no sa de yubi wo nagiharau ka "You'll slash away my fingers in the gap before my touch, huh?"
3 けどーーー kedo--- "But---"
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1 小僧‼︎ こぞう‼︎ kozou!! "Boy!!"
2 4代目が…! 四ノ森さんが…! Shinomori-san (kanji: yondaime) ga...! "Mr. Shinomori (read as: The Fourth) is...!"
3 "危機感知"が "4th"が "4th (kanji: kiki kanchi)" ga The 4th (read as: Danger Sense) [was]...
4 いつまで itsumade "How long"
5 もつのかね motsu no ka ne "will you last, I wonder."
tagline 万死一生‼︎しかし奪われた"危機感知"‼︎ ばんしいっせい‼︎しかしうばわれた"4th"‼︎ banshi issei!! shikashi ubawareta "4th (kanji: kiki kanchi)"!! A narrow escape from death!! However, the 4th (read as: Danger Sense) was stolen!!
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atsullia · 10 months
It's been a while since I requested from you and because I spent half of my evening being teased for being short here's something </3
Can you write something about Raichi (lovingly) bullying his tiny s/o for being small and then they tease him back for something else out of nowhere and Raichi's just like "Where did that come from?" because he didn't know his s/o could ever say something even slightly mean HSBFNDNKDND
𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 (𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐲)
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Pairing(s): Raichi Jingo, Reo Mikage, and Rin Itoshi x gn!reader (separately)
Author Note: This fanfic has been rotting in my drafts for days💀 Nah because fucking kids be making fun of me for being short😔😔 Life is not daijoubu🫠 the other two is kind of different from Raichi's but it still fits the title :)
Warning: swearing. And maybe one dirty joke? Eh. The reader is short.
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 ꒰‧₊˚RAICHI JINGO☆༉‧₊˚.
In all honesty, it wouldn't be Raichi Jingo if he didn't tease you about your height. He would literally bully you about your height in any chance he gets, and sometimes it's not even related about how short you are!
He would always rest his arm on your head, making you an armrest for him as he chuckled in such a smug way you wanted to punch him.
This time was no exception as Raichi and you were walking down the sidewalk after eating lunch, he puts his hand on your head as he squished you down to make you shorter.
"You're so short, y'know-" Raichi chuckles as he ruffles your hair with a smug look on his face, "You're like the same height of a 7th grader! So smol and tiny."
The tone of his voice was baby-ish as he did it to rile you up on purpose. You stick your tongue at him and remove his hand from your head, "Raichi."
He perks up hearing his name, "Hm?" Your boyfriend looks down on you as he saw you smiled, which pique his interest.
"Y'know what else is small?" You looked up at your dear boyfriend as a smile turned into a smirk. Raichi blinked repeatedly at you, not knowing what's the answer, "wha-"
You snort a laughter and cut him off, "your dic-" And suddenly you felt your boyfriend elbow you on the side, not letting you finish.
"What the fuck!" Raichi blushed as he bonked your head and pouts, "Where the hell did that come from?!" You could only snicker at his reaction while coughing a bit from being elbowed.
"C'monn didja really have to elbow me that hard?" You huffed as you two continued to walk down the sidewalk- Raichi rolled his eyes at your question, "You deserve it. Plus, I didn't hit you that hard."
You stick your tongue out at him, neither of you two decide to continue the conversation, making the walk silent- until a few minutes, you wanted to lighten the mood a bit by making a joke.
"Hey, do you know what else is har-"
Raichi bonked you on the head as he stopped holding your hand and walked faster.
"Jin! Jingo!" You called his name and started walking slightly faster, trying to catch up with your boyfriend, "C'monn dudee!! It's was a joke!"
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꒰‧₊˚MIKAGE REO☆༉‧₊˚.
Reo loves how short you are. He would sometimes tease you and call you pocket-sized or fun sized. He says it in such an endearing way that you can't stay mad at him- even if you wanted to.
You were about to get something out of the cupboard and tiptoed to get something, then you felt arms wrapped around you and someone resting their chin on your head, and chuckled.
"Do you need help with getting something, shortie?" Reo teased as he squeezed you in his arms, "Oh, sorry- ahem, I mean vErTicaLly cHAlLeNgeD~"
"I don't need your help, lamppost."
This is what you said before, but after three minutes of suffering and tiptoeing, you reluctantly requested Reo's assistance. He was smug as he added salt to the wound by mocking you, "I thought you didn't need from a lamppost."
Embarrassed and ashamed, you opened the cupboard again and accidentally struck Reo in the face with the door. Though it was an asshole move, you couldn't help but laugh. "Wow, Reo, you're so tall that the cupboard door hits you!"
While you laughed at him and hurt his ego, he still helped you get a cup from the cupboard, like a good boyfriend he is.
"Thank you, lamppost~♡" You winked at him. While you were taking Reo's cup, your laughter died down a bit. "Tsk- your welcome, shrimpy," Reo rolled his eyes as he pouted, humbled by the damn cupboard.
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 ꒰‧₊˚ITOSHI RIN☆༉‧₊˚.
Rin usually doesn't tease you about your height, but that doesn't mean he won't do it at some point. But there are times when he can't help it. You'll be in the same room as each other, and he'll give you a little smirk before asking, "Hey [name], can you get the English dictionary from the shelf?"
And of course, it was on a part of the shelf you couldn't reach. You couldn't even get it if you tiptoed.
"Hmm? What's wrong? Can't you reach it?" Rin asked. The tone in his voice was smug and condescending. You couldn't help but feel a little bit irritated by his tone and the way he asked the question.
"Shut up." You muttered, sitting on Rin's bed, doing schoolwork.
In response to your reaction, Rin snickers as he looks back at what he was doing before. "Y'know you're so short? Like very short," He commented out of nowhere, while you two were doing schoolwork.
"Honestly, I can't imagine being short like you," Rin smirked. He was really adding more fuel into the fire.
You narrowed your eyes as you stared daggers at him. That little shit- you could feel yourself getting more irritated as he talks even more.
"Hey Rinnie?"
"Hm?" He stopped at what he was doing and looked at you, "Y'know what's my favorite thing about being short?" You smiled as you watched his reaction, seeing how hard he thought, but couldn't come up with anything.
"I like being eye leveled at your mom chest~"
Rin took a long ass time to process what you said.. but when it finally clicked, he instantly blushed red.
"Y-you!" Rin stuttered as he threw a book at you, dodging it before he could hit your face. His flustered reaction makes it very amusing and funny to you.
You couldn't help but snicker at the tall boy's reaction- now you're the one with a smirk, enjoying every second of his reaction.
After a few minutes of you trying to dodge Rin's throws and not get hit, his mother entered the room, causing you to stop in your tracks. Resulting in your face being hit with a pillow. "Ow."
"Rin," His mother crossed her arms, sounding like she was about to scold him. She glanced at you, who was sitting on the floor, touching the place where the pillow hit you. "How could you do that?!" She sighed as she helped you up from the ground. Rin looked slightly disappointed but not ashamed of his actions.
"That must've hurt, sweetie," Rin's mother smiled in reassurance, "do you need a hug?"
You looked at her with a grin and were about to say yes before you got pulled by the collar of your shirt by Rin, "Oh hell nah!"
Rin glares down at you. After the comment you made, he ain't trusting you near his ma.
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demonslayedher · 1 year
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Things that went through my head while watching this episode:
--This is so much more enjoyable when I already love and care for Inosuke.
--This is also hurts so much more to watch when I already love and care for Inosuke.
--But!! At the very start of the episode we get Giyuu and Shinobu. Giyuu is giving us nothing. Shinobu is observing with a smile that the Corp members they've found are all dead. It makes her seem callous. What with Giyuu's "pssh, no," response to her playful suggestion that they get along, which feels really inappropriate after having just found a bunch of dead colleagues, it gave me the distinct impression that the Pillars are all terrible people, and possibly even enemies Tanjiro will eventually have to overcome (in some sense, yes?). I saw Giyuu as cold-hearted and couldn't interpret his introducing Tanjiro to Urokodaki as kindness, and Shinobu was... well, I just assumed she was going to be the overly cheerful healer.
--It was, however, very inappropriate timing, Shinobu!!! She at least had the decency to ask if Giyuu had friends among them before going into her "welp, everyone else around here may as well be dead anyway, it's probably just you and me, so let's get along!" chirping. OF COURSE GIYUU WAS NOT IN THE MOOD TO HEAR THIS. Those guys are dead and could have lived if only he had gotten there sooner. Giyuu cares.
--Not that the Kimetsu Academy shorts thus far have done Giyuu's image any favors.
--The "moshi moshi, daijoubu desu ka?" entrance is still classic. Also, I love Shinobu's theme music.
--Tanjiro really does have so much ability to think on his feet in battle, cutting down the tree was a great idea, and he's got the composure to stay focused on what a battle needs. It was satisfying to see Inosuke so impressed, and it puts on full display how Inosuke is a frog in a well who knows not the sea, a big fish in a small pond, a king of the forest who just hasn't encountered any humans stronger than him so he naturally assumes he is the strongest. This is but one step in the great humbling of the boar; deeply realizing that Tanjiro has battle skills which Inosuke personally lacks. A harsh realization, when battle skills are your thing.
--And then Tanjiro proceeds to spend the rest of the episode engaged in a playground fight.
--Fun fact, for whatever reason, the Corp Member who gets diced to bits was trending for a time in the Japanese fandom, he was affectionately referred to like diced steak and was the butt of jokes. I don't recall any at the moment, whenever I see him I'm like, "oh, it's that guy who goes to show Kaigaku isn't the only asshole in this Corp and who brazenly states his sinister plans for making himself look good so he can get more money and who then wound up the butt of diced steak jokes."
--So anyway, Inosuke. He got really close to dying, guys, we really could had lost him, hot dang, that was dangerous and Inosuke sure knew it and knowing that sure affected him
--But dang was it satisfying to see Inosuke's energy knocked down so many notches over the course of this night as he's forced over and over and face that this showing off his strength isn't all that fun if it means human people are dying anyway and you have someone named Tantaro starting to get under your skill and make you face your own mortality with how concerned he is for you
--But, for as much as this night is shaking Inosuke to his never-before-so-greatly-challenged core, it's so Inosuke to see him catch himself and be like, "Hhr? This isn't like me, dang Kentaro infected me with fluffy germs. Time to go be the best, as usual!"
--Inosuke and Zenitsu both display a deep commitment to not giving up. Inosuke keeps trying and trying, even with broken swords and hardly any strength left in his arms, that's so sad when he twitches and starts going limp with no more strength, this was truly Inosuke at his limit. Had Giyuu not come, he absolutely for sure had been dead, dead, very dead, but not for lack of having tried.
--Instead, for lack of being as powerful as he thinks himself.
--Again, what great juxtaposition to Zenitsu's triumphant battle, they make sure great foils to each other that it drives me crazy. That said, Inosuke was the one who came away from Nt. Natagumo having learned a lesson.
--Oh hey, Douma-influenced flashback #1
--Again, the Mt. Natagumo arc and setting is so good because the sense of danger runs so deep. Tanjiro can hardly focus on his playground battle because he has mortal fear for Inosuke and what he's up against.
--If Rui gets tried of childish playground arguing so fast, he probably would have had trouble making friends even if he did have the health to keep up with them. He seems like the child who is years more mature than everyone around him in his grade level and therefore he closes himself off from the idiots.
--But who needs idiotic friends (Tanjiro, evidently) when you can have F~A~M~I~L~Y. Blood bonds are strongest, after all, especially you have physically reformed them with your own personal blood. Even though it could had been translated as "A Fake Bond" I wonder if the official English title of this episode was "A Forged Bond" because of the potential double-meaning.
--Poor Rui, though, thinking that family naturally includes abuse as part of its normal affairs. To be fair, his father did attempt to kill him, but where in the world did Rui pick up the idea that fathers physically punish mothers, brothers physically punish sisters?
--And does he realize that mother spiders eat father spiders???
--I used to headcanon that the reason spiders became Rui's thing was because when he was sick in his room, he had no one for company but a spider up in the corner to observe, but what hits me now is that the inspiration may come from the webs. What Rui really desires is the entanglement of family relations. He wants the comfort of a web to be snared up, to be valuable enough not to be let go of.
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
explaining exactly how i want the wxs pierrot (by KEI) cover to sound. first i'm just gonna do all the lyrics color coded n then i'll EXPLAIN also orange tsukasa purple rui green nene pink emu blue miku. yellow when they're all together and red when it's a certain pair (i'll add that dw)
daijoubu daijoubu odokete miseru boku wa chiisana saakasu no na mo naki piero
manmarui otsukisama mitai na booru no ue baransu o totte hade ni korondari shichatte warawareru no ga boku no shigoto
kyakuseki ni naite'ru kimi o mitsuketa sonna kanashii kao wa shinaide yo [Emu&Rui] papa mo mama mo shiranai kimi no namida ni boku wa kizuita nugutte agenakucha
"daijoubu, daijoubu itaku mo kayuku mo nai n da yo kimi ga waratte kureru nara" [Miku&Tsukasa] daijoubu, daijoubu buzama ni korobu boku wa [Emu&Miku] chiisana saakasu no tamanori piero
nakiyamanai kimi ga iu n da "anata no uso ga kanashii no" tte "uso nante hitotsu mo tsuite'nai yo" sono kotoba ni mata nakidashita
"kyakuseki ni misenai kamen no shita no [Nene&Rui] anata ga kakushita sugao o misete kega shita toki itai tte tsurai toki wa wameite [Nene&Emu] hazukashii koto wa nai n da kara [Everyone-Tsukasa]
daijoubu, daijoubu umaku waraenakute ii n da yo mou nido to uso o tsukenai you ni daijoubu, daijoubu koraetari shinakute ii n da yo watashi mo issho ni naite ageru" [Everyone-Tsukasa]
daijoubu daijoubu kimi ga mitsukete kureta wasurekakete'ta boku no kao [Miku&Tsukasa]"daijoubu, daijoubu" sore wa marude mahou no you da hora usotsuki piero wa mou kiete inaku natta
stanza one lines 1+2 - "It's okay, it's okay. I, playing the fool,/am merely a nameless clown in this small circus." setting up tsukasa as a fucking CLOWN amirite but yeah. tsukadayadayada
stanza 2 lines 1+2 - emu a silly little clown who balances on silly beach balls. also i think she had a ball in her mr showtime card ??
stanza 2 lines 3+4 - "It is simply my job" RUI LINE RUI LINE also he used to get laughed at :(
stanza 3 line 1 - nene + miku line. nene used to stay in the audience and cry and wxs helped her on stage. yeah i kind of made that poetic what you gonna do ab it.
stanza 3 line 2 - emu and rui striving to see people smile :(
stanza 3 line 3 - we know rui's parents aren't around a lot so him singing the part about being unknown to his parents kind of felt right. and nene as an onlooking knowing that his parents know nothing of the bullying n stuff he used to go through like damn
stanza 3 line 4 - i wanted to have tsukasa absolutely absent other than the beginning verse until this part because he doesn't tell his troupe about the pain he's going through unlike everyone else, who at least somewhat know each other's pain !! instead he tries to comfort everyone else
stanza 4 line 1 - tsukasa reassuring everyone that he doesn't hurt but he DOES and he doesnt want to screw up again
stanza 4 line 2 - miku coming in at the part where tsukasa insists HE wants to see people smile bc miku is like ... personification of what he wants and she also wants to see people happy
don't have much for lines 3 + 4 just though they would sound good
stanza 5 - this is really just rui calling tsukasa out on his bullshit + a refrence to the main story where rui gets mad at tsukasa for lying
stanza 6 - just wxs being supportive. specifically in the last line though miku states the part about possibly being embarrassed and that he shouldn't feel that way so yeah
stanza 7 line one - i think emu would also be a good fit for the smile part but she also gets a fuck ton of lines so. also rui mentioning smiles and that tsukasa doesn't have to focus on everyone else all the time !!
stanza 7 line 2 - smile of a dreamer what can i say
stanza 7 line 3 - nene reminding tsukasa that just as wxs didn't leave her alone, they wno't leave him alone !!!
stanza 7 line 4 - EVERYONE reminding tsukasa they're there for him <333 my lovelies
stanza 8 line 1 - i wanted miku to sing that verse kind of like reassuring tsukasa. and tsukasa thnaking them for finding him
stanza 8 line 2 - miku is kind of like tsukasa's reflection so i think them both singing that is nice
stanza 8 line 3 + 4 - they saved tsukasa YASS !!!
also i'm probably going to find covers that kind of match wxs and make a mock-up music video because i need that in my life.
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whatifwewerebothgirls · 5 months
another day another trans girl being told she's a disgusting pervert by a TME trans person for having an incest kink.
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Daijoubu daijoubu, you can vent to kaede-neechan if you need 🩵 I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm sure you don't need to be told this, but you're not hurting anyone by having a kink. You're fine as you are. Stay strong, love
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talentbloomed · 1 year
FROM HERE — ☆ @multianime​​
He had never really considered himself hanging out with someone like Tooru. Only because the two of them had come from different teams. Meaning it was like they were from two different worlds as well. But after hanging out with the other some more and getting to know him, Ennoshita was starting to become fond of Tooru. The only reason he had come here originally was to give back something to Tooru that he had let Ennoshita borrow.
But as he was about to leave the rain started to pour and there were big claps of thunder that made Ennoshita jump. That was something that he wasn't fond of was storms. So, when Tooru told him that he could stay his eyes lit up. Grateful that Tooru wasn't making him go back out in that mess. Of course he knew at this age storms shouldn't frighten him, but unfortunately they do.
His bottom lip was trembling as a loud clap of thunder was sounded through the air. Making him jump again as he landed toward Tooru this time. "Sorry. I just don't like storms." Ennoshita admits to the other male.
Tooru’s attention when it comes to rival teams is mostly on the starting players. Not that he forgoes the players on the bench, but it makes sense where his main focus lies. So the two are as unlikely friends as it can get, but Tooru does hold deep respect for Ennoshita for being able to lead the Karasuno team brilliantly after Sawamura had been injured and swapped out. Gaze flickering to the dark rumbling sky, Tooru knows he can’t send Ennoshita back out there when it’s already pouring so heavily. It’s the right thing to do to let him stay until the storm passes. As he leads them towards the kitchen, it isn’t difficult to tell that the storm is bothering Ennoshita. Tooru’s eyes soften with sympathy.
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“Daijoubu, it’s nothing to apologize for. Mm, how about I get you something to drink ? Tea ? Hot cocoa ?”
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mizuiro-usagi · 1 year
哀 /しゅーず - lyric and english translation
Song title: 哀 / Ai - Sorrow Music: Kanon69 Vocal: Shoose
This song is the continuation to U, from the male character perspective. I really like U and never imagined it’d get a sequel after all these years...
kimi wo nosete yuku kaeri no densha wa, mou jikan doori ni kuru rashii. utsumuita kimi no, “tsugi ni itsu aeru?” furuete, demo warai nagara.
sono shunkan ni kizuite shimatta. boku no hontou no kokoro ni. fui ni ukanda, kimi ga kanashimu higeki no kotoba wo kitto, mitometakunai dake nandarou. boku wa.
itsu datte “aishiteru” de ureshisou na sono egao ni, ichido datte “sayonara” wo ieru wakenai yo. tamerai ga tsudzuku hodo, kimi wo ai iro ni someru. kono michi wo, fumi kirenai de irunda yo.
hakidaseba sore de owaru hito koto ga, tada nodo no oku ni tsumatteiru. sore wo matte iru kimi wo,  konna boku ni mou shibaritakunai kara.
koibito de iru rasuto go byou wa, fumi kiri wataru temae da. kimi mo hontou wa hikitometai no ni, iki wo koraete made, kitto shizuka ni matterunda. “sayonara” wo.
kyou ga kitto endinggu tte, kizuiteita you ni iki wo tsuku. itsumo yori kirei na kutsu wa, aruki dasu tame ni. arigatou. tanoshikatta. sore dake wa, gomakasenai.
sou ka boku wa, mada “suki” no mama de itakattanda.
nando datte “daijoubu” tte, tsuyogari na kimi wa warau. sono egao ga, itsumo boku wo shimetsukete itai yo. kaisatsu wo sugita nara, boku wa mou furikaeranai. ai iro no kimi wo minai you ni. mou iinda yo. kanashii nara, kyou wa.
egao de inakute mo…
English translation:
It seems that the train that carries you home is going to arrive on time again. Your downcast face asked, “When can we meet again?” You were trembling, but still smiling all the while.
I realized it at that moment. My true feelings. It suddenly comes to mind, surely, I just don’t want to admit the words of tragedy that will sadden you. I–
I can’t possibly say “farewell” even once to your happy smile that always seems to say “I love you”. The longer I hesitate, the more you’re dyed in the color of sorrow. I can’t seem to step over this line.
The words that I just need to say and be over with it, seem to be stuck at the back of my throat. Still, you’re waiting for me. I don’t want to bind you to someone like me.
The last 5 seconds we stayed as lovers, is the moment before crossing over the railway. Even though you actually wanted to stop me, you’re just waiting silently, to the point of holding your breath. Waiting for our “farewell”.
You let out a sigh as if you realized, today must be the ending for us. Your shoes, looking prettier than usual, are so you can walk forward. Thanks. It was fun. Only that, I can’t seem to bluff it.
I see now, I still wanted to have my feelings for you.
Your strong self said “It’s alright” over and over again with a smile. That smile on your face always suffocated and pained me. Once I pass the ticket gate, I won’t look back anymore. So that I won’t see you in the color of sorrow. It’s okay, if you’re sad, just for today-
You don’t have to smile…
*Feedback and correction are welcome! *Please tell me or credit me when using this translation
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goingtothebeds · 2 years
Tsumiki Kuzushi
English translation of Tsumiki Kuzushi (Breaking Building Blocks) by LYSM from their album Love You So Much (romaji color coded lyrics + original lyrics below!)
Lyrics + Composition: SACHIKO, Arrangement: Umeda Takayuki
Tsumiki Kuzushi
It’s late, 11pm, impatient, embracing this feeling I ran away Accompanied by the last train The time has come and gone since the scab peeled and fell off The phone doesn’t ring, “you idiot” I fail to get plain and simple answers Even if we try to pull away from our bad habits time and time again I dived deeper and deeper to get to you, so you could laugh and say “it’s okay” Even after I terribly wept, you’d say “the space next to me is open” So I could always come back Arguing over if it happened or didn’t (I want to try, I want to try) I want us to stay together as two who don’t know what’s ahead Making scabs is a performance I want you to see through my brave face Figuring out answers depends on intuition, time and time again it’s just us playing Even if I end up getting hurt, I just hold onto my wavering, wavering heart Constant things like ‘someday’ are deceiving, aren’t they? So before that happens Destroying, rebuilding, destroying… I want to be having fun I fail to get plain and simple answers Even if we try to pull away from our bad habits time and time again I dived deeper and deeper to get to you, so you could laugh and say “it’s okay” Even after I terribly wept, you’d say “the space next to me is open” So I could always come back
Romaji (Key: Maria, Akari, Emma, Rinka, Seina, All)
Shinya nijuusanji, hagayukute kono kimochi wo daite tobi dashita Saishuu densha tsuretette Kasabuta ga hagare ochita kara jikou da Naranai keitai “baka mitai” Tanjunmeikai na kotae ni aritsukenai (M+A+S) Bokura no warui kuse ga nandomo hikihanasou toshitemo (M+A+S) Fukaku fukaku moguri buretemiseru kara “daijoubu da” tte waraeta nda (M+A+S) Sanzan naita ato demo iu no “tonari wa aketete yo” (M+A+S) Boku ga itsudemo kaereru youni ne (M+A+S) Aru nai no hanashi de kenka (shitemitai no shitemitai no) Saki no yomenai futari de itai Kasabuta ga dekite shimau no wa yokyou da Tsuyogaru seikaku minuite hoshikute Chokkan shidai de kotae wo mitsuke dashite bokura dake no asobi de nandomo (M+A+S) Kizutsuite shimattemo yureru yureru kokoro dake wa tsukande (M+A+S) Kawaranai mono nante itsuka wa itsuwaru desho Dakara sou naru mae ni Kowashite naoshite kowashite… asondeitai Tanjunmeikai na kotae ni aritsukenai (M+A+S) Bokura no warui kuse ga nandomo hikihanasou toshitemo (M+A+S) Fukaku fukaku moguri buretemiseru kara “daijoubu da” tte waraeta nda (M+A+S) Sanzan naita ato demo iu no “tonari wa aketete yo” (M+A+S) Boku ga itsudemo kaereru youni ne (M+A+S)
深夜23時、歯がゆくて この気持ちを抱いて飛び出した 最終電車連れてって 瘡蓋が剥がれ落ちたから時効だ 鳴らない携帯「バカみたい」 単純明快な答えにありつけない 僕らの悪い癖が何度も引き離そうとしても 深く深く潜り触れてみせるから「大丈夫だ」って笑えたんだ 散々泣いたあとでも言うの「隣は空けててよ」 僕がいつでも帰れる様にね あるないの話で喧嘩 (してみたいのしてみたいの) 先の読めないふたりで居たい 瘡蓋が出来てしまうのは余興だ 強がる性格 見抜いて欲しくて 直感次第で答えを見つけ出して僕らだけの遊びで何度も 傷ついてしまっても揺れる揺れる心だけは掴んで 変わらないものなんていつかは偽るでしょ だからそうなる前に 壊して直して壊して…遊んでいたい 単純明快な答えにありつけない 僕らの悪い癖が何度も引き離そうとしても 深く深く潜り触れてみせるから「大丈夫だ」って笑ったんだ 散々泣いたあとでも言うの「隣は空けててよ」 僕がいつでも帰れる様にね
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Chapter 08. ペレグリナて (Peregrinate)
Venice. A city built on water whose land is separated by canals. As far as the eye can see, the old building with boats milling about as the main means of transportation.It was the greatest seaport in late medieval Europe and the continent’s commercial and cultural link to Asia. Venice is unique environmentally, architecturally, and historically, and in its days as a republic the city was styled la serenissima known as “the most serene” or “sublime”.
Kichiko, Mikazuki, Kongou, and Fou, are now in Venice by the help of the Book of Paracosm that teleported the four of them this morning. While searching for the second book's page Book of Paracosm, they ride on a gondola. Kichiko did use that magic book to summon their own gondola boat, she worried if humans like herself could be shocked to see a fiction appear in the real world. “Gomene, Kichiko-san. It's okay if I paddle this boat for you.” Mikazuki feels worried when see Kichiko who paddles on this gondola boat by herself.
“It's alright, I'll paddle while you, Kongou-chan, and Fou-kun try to figure out how to find the second book's pages in here.” Kichiko assured him. Mikazuki and Kongou are supposed to help her, but Kichiko insists they both enjoy this moment since they're in the real world. Usually a servant like them must follow what master orders, but Kichiko is so different from how other players treat their servants. “Uwaa, this place is so beautiful! So different from our place. I want to take my friends and sisters to come visit here. But only if Kichiko-chan guides us here.” Kongou says while paddling the water next to the rim of the gondola boat.
“Hehe, I agree more. It is such a shame that if we stay here for a longer time, the humans will panic and see fictions like us appear in their world.” Mikazuki replied while smiling watching the people enjoying their activities here. He waved at the little boy who's waving at them as they passed under the bridge. ‘Fou-Fou!’ Fou tells Kichiko that the Book of Paracosm already shows a clue to them.
“Hm? The Book of Paracosm finally shows us the clue.” Mikazuki ponders after Kichiko stops the paddle to see it too along Kongou, so they can read it together. The Book of Paracosm told them to find the second page of the book in Mona Lisa's art. It doesn't tell them where it is located, but it gives them the first clue that they need to find the key somewhere around Venice. The key inside the puzzle scroll, they're first off to Rialto Bridge in The Grand Canal.
“Daijoubu! I will push you and direct us to that location.” Kongou summons her battleship equipment weapon before hops from a gondola boat then goes behind it. “After all, I am the fastest ships in universes (。•̀ᴗ-)✧.” Kongou shows her pride at Kichiko. It can't be helped since there's no time to lose. Kongou's battleship weapon starts the engine and pushes their gondola boat by following Kichiko's direction. Fou seems to enjoy the air because of Kongou's drive speed like a jet boat.
“People here are sure to have a nice neighborhood. Can we visit a unique place after this mission? Me and Kongou-san were wondering about the real world of your homeworld.” Mikazuki said and helped Kongou in the paddle direction that Kichiko told them. “Oh sure! There are plenty of places we can visit. I'll show you the recommendation after this.” Kichiko accepts their request once they're made it to the Rialto Bridge in Grand Canal place.
“Get the book, and the rest of it is yours…don't fail me like White Rock Shooter's group.” Ghirahim tells his so-called 'demon' friend group, it's Naraku from Inuyasha. “I know and I dislike you ordering me by reminding me what to do…the child is still searching for the missing page right now, along with the two people who are here.” Naraku murmurs unhappy if anyone orders him like a lowlife mortal, even himself as an immortal selfish spider-demon. Ghirahim bit a rage mark along eyes twitching at Naraku's selfishness. “Be grateful that I control my temper. You know what will happen if I lose my 'Demise' form, righ~? My glorious form could SLASH you alive in five seconds~.” Ghirahim flips his hair bangs to control his temper and reflects a hologram call at Naraku.
“Do as you wish…don't forget I'm immortal too. There's no way a pathetic human like that child could defeat me.” Naraku replied coldly before Ghirahim said 'good luck' to him and turned off the hologram call. Naraku's eyes focus on the tourist family passing to the bridge where Kichiko and others now. Smirk devilishly by planning to use these harmless people as bait.
“Darling-chan~! I found the scroll puzzle! (人 •͈ᴗ•͈).” Kongou shouts to Kichiko and runs to her. Holding the scroll puzzle in her hands with excited, since the four of them inside the Rialto Bridge. “Oya? A puzzle scroll? How about the key word?” Mikazuki ponders. “The Book of Paracosm says, 'One of the famous food in Italy beside spaghetti', it also Da Vinci's favorite food.” Kichiko replied when she's reading the magic book and it return into her bracelet pendant again.
“Look out!” Mikazuki took out his katana when he saw the tentacles head towards Kichiko. A flash swinging katana to cut the tentacles to protect Kichiko. ‘Oh, how unfortunate. I thought it was easy to capture the child from your guards.’ Naraku echoes taunt to Mikazuki and Kongou surrounds the bridge walls.
Slowly the Grand Canal, covered with dark purple smoke, makes all sky scenery into a mist. “Oh no! The people!” Kongou shock saw the tourist and citizen screaming when Naraku's tentacles spread everywhere, one of the monster demon Naraku summoned it and also captured one of the citizens in Italy. “Not on my watch!” Kongou hops from the bridge after summoning her battleship armor to dash and rescue the people. Shooting those monsters with her rocket battleship as long it won't hurt the people.
Kichiko turns into her Cyborg form along Fou hops on Mikazuki when they help Kongou to rescue the innocent tourist who's being trapped by Naraku's tentacles. ‘Let's play a tag game, find me where I am now.’ Naraku chuckles evilly out of nowhere, this is really hard to find him since he is invisible now. Much worse is he keeps summoning his demon minions to attack the three of them. “I will rescue the people, you guys handle those demons!” Kichiko commands Mikazuki and Kongou before her both cyborg arms summon twin laser Blade to slash each demon that blocks her way. Fou stays on Mikazuki's shoulder to help him as his guide, good thing Kichiko summons an ice bridge to let Mikazuki run freely while focusing on slashing the demons and tentacles, like ice skating.
Kongou sped up her battleship armor and zig-zag to dodge her tentacles and sea demon's attacked her, shooting each of the creatures without a single slip. Summons her aircraft, only few of it, to help the tourist find a safe place by guiding them and attacking flying demons. “This is a natural horror show.” Kongou mumbles before sliding through each boat like she's skateboarding on it, so she can easily shoot Naraku's tentacles. She raises her hands to send four torpedoes to the water and activates her machine gun battleship armor to attack her target. “Yeah! Feel the LOVE of the Great Kongou~!”
‘Fou-Fou!’ Fou shouts and tells Mikazuki to watch his back, the moon swordsman twirls his body to summon a cherry blossom hurricane to wipe up all demons and tentacles around him with Fou with a charming smile as always. “Yare-Yare, Naraku-san surely wanted to 'play' with us. Unfortunately my 'age' isn't fit for this game.” Mikazuki commented with a smile. Ready his aim position for his next skills, “Goami Flash!” His katana is covered with a shiny light and slashing speed like a swift crescent moon. One slash swift can eliminate 10 demons each time he attacks by dashing through on Kichiko's ice bridge.
As for Kichiko, she flies at speed and slashing flying demons like a jet plane. Catching the tourists one by one then put them to a safe place. She tries to figure out where Naraku is hiding, he is the mastermind after all from all episodes 'Inuyasha'. That's why she needs to watch her back while eliminating the tentacles and demons. “Mama!” Kichiko turns around and shock sees Naraku capture one of the tourist's children in his grasping spider tentacles to his chest. “Please! Somebody help my son!” the mother of the child cries and begging to rescue her child.
Even Kongou and Mikazuki stop fighting after they eliminate all demons.
“You dirty spider…” Kichiko mutters in anger as she flies in front of Naraku. Naraku chuckles and satisfied to see his plans are working, keeping the child in his grasping spider tentacles right in front of Kichiko. “I am impressed by your skills and two of your friends dealing with my demons…but you failed to keep an eye on these child mortals.” Naraku taunting Kichiko. “Mama…I'm scared.” The child sniffles.
“Let the child go!” Kichiko shouts while pointing her two laser blades at him with anger.
“I will…if you do what I say, give me the book and I'll free this harmless mortal to his mother…a second thought…I wanted to swallow you up along with the book.” Naraku seems to prefer to keep that magic book for himself, same as Starscream and other villains that Kichiko's encounter with Artoria. Never thought all this antagonist is so crazy for books power.
“No, Kichiko-chan! There's always another way but if you do, he becomes unstoppable!” Kongou shouted and was serious. Kichiko is silent for a moment, between her or the child's life…a big dangerous decision she must choose. Kichiko also can feel the crystal Vad is inside Naraku's right shoulder, could it be he is also being corrupt too, same like Karasu and Ouja Knight.
But, Kichiko did see Fou is missing, she spotted Fou is on top of a building behind Naraku. Seems this little beast got a plan to pounce on him, it gaves Kichiko an idea. The girl raises her Cyborg arms like surrender and plays the act she's defeated. Kongou and Mikazuki also notice it, only smiling mysteriously as they both also ready aim too from Fou.
“Ho? So you finally surrender with mercy? Foolish mortals are always easy to surrender to someone they love.” Naraku mocking before he let go of the child, the mother so relieved can unite with her son but worried too for Kichiko.
“Oh dear me…how bad luck I am. I guess I'll let you swallow me, since I know the book won't let go of me.” Kichiko says to make fake dramatic acts at Naraku. Fou ready his aim by gathering his magic energy spark around him quietly.
Kichiko sees Naraku's tentacles start towards her to wrap her right away. “But you forgot something…FOU NOW!” Kichiko shouts at Cath Palug causing Naraku to surprise and turn around. ‘Fou-Fou, Kyou! (Translation: Take this, loser!)’, Fou dash like lightning zig-zag and tackle to Naraku's stomach until his body paralyzes. Naraku groans so hard in pain because of electric magic from Fou too strong.
Mikazuki and Kichiko are ready to make a final attack when the crystal Vad appears from Naraku's right shoulder. “Elegant Crescent Moon!” Mikazuki swings his katana along the wind and cherry blossoms, and covers his weapon to slash Naraku's body with light Crescent Moon swift. As for Kichiko, do a front flip to destroy the crystal Vad until it shatters.
“Ahh!!!” Naraku screams in pain and all his body around him slowly disappears into dark mist, finally three of them defeat him.
All tourist is cheering Fou and three of them for savings everyone in Venice, like a heroes. Without notice, White Rock Shooter is watching the scenery battle from above the top building theater. She seems to underestimate Kichiko's ability because of the book and she cooperates well with Mikazuki and Kongou. “Seems it's my time to handle her, Ah…I knew it, she is 'me', Howaito (White)...I can feel her power is the same as I am.” White Rock Shooter chuckles like a predator who's already found a match to fight.
A mysterious long black hair lady appeared, looking like a vampire with her right eye scar. “You call me, Lady Sing Love?...” The vampire lady answers. White Rock Shooter turns around with a smile, “Ah, Mizuki-san, you're here…I am thinking of letting you test her once I'm ready to neblade her inside of me in one body alive. Could you do that to me? I know you're supposed to follow Terumi-san orders, at least you can grant my wish…'Kill Contract'.”
Mizuki Hotaru is part of the outcasted (OC) fiction anime 'Hellsing'. “...As you wish.” Mizuki responds and bows down. Although she is also interested in fighting against Kichiko soon.
Kichiko, Fou, Mikazuki, and Kongou finally open the scroll puzzle. The keyword is 'Ravioli'. The scroll paper shows them the second page is hidden at museum Galleria degli Uffizi, somewhere in a picture art of Pisa tower. Good this place there's no full guest even it's already evening, Kichiko raise Book of Paracosm to scanning the art picture Pisa Tower until it flows, slowly appear the second page came out from frame art then unite to the book.
“Mission accomplished!” Kichiko says before high five to Kongou, Mikazuki, and Fou. “Phew, I never felt this tired before in my life…this mission is so much hard than I usually play role in my own game story ( ̄ヘ ̄;).” Kongou said before resting her head on top of Kichiko's head like a child. “Oya, Oya, seems Kongou-san already exhausted.” Mikazuki teases Kongou while they walk through the gallery museum to the balcony to see the view of Venice. “It's not easy to reload torpedo and aircraft you know, it cause my lose my strength every minutes (눈‸눈).” Kongou huffed at Mikazuki.
Then again, the four of them take a break for a while by watching fireworks in Balcony Galleria degli Uffizi. Guess this mission always brings Kichiko good luck, enjoy the moment with random fictions. On the contrary, Kichiko seems already used to living by herself as OC Fiction. Especially hanging out with these guys. Mikazuki and Kongou also enjoy the fireworks show in the night sky. Fou nuzzle Kichiko lovingly, wanting affection from her. “Your journey still has a long way to go, Kichiko-san. But, when you need help, we are always ready.” Mikazuki patted her head like his own little sister.
“Do you mean?...” Kichiko looks at Mikazuki with surprise. Kongou giggled and hugged Kichiko closely with grins. “We're thinking of working in your Theater Hall Venue! Just like Artoria-chan!” Kongou answers before giving her a kiss on Kichiko's cheek. Fou huffed by slamming his paws at Kongou's head, like it was jealous. “Itta— stop it you beast of disaster! (>∆<#) it's not fair you are always clingy to her!” Kongou whines at Fou. Mikazuki and Kichiko chuckles as they both fight with each other like children.
But we won't know if Kichiko is ready to face the high ranking enemy, White Rock Shooter soon…
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delcat177 · 2 years
Every time one of these kids in The Promised Neverland says daijoubu it underlines the certainty of how not daijoubu shit is
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pikahlua · 2 years
MHA Chapter 367 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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tagline 彼方に見えるは… かなたにみえるは… kanata ni mieru wa... What he spotted...
1 あれは…‼︎ are wa...! "That's...!"
2 迷子の味方通学バスのお出ましだぜ まいごのみかたスクールバスのおでましだぜ maigo no mikata SUKUURU BASU no odemashi da ze "My lost ally, the school bus is here!"
3 掴まれ小僧ォ‼︎ つかまれこぞうォ‼︎ tsukamare kozouO!! "Grab on, kid!!"
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1 ありがとうございます! arigatou gozaimasu! "Thank you!"
2 まったく! mattaku! "Jeez!"
3 本来なら雄英の対空警護についてなきゃいけねぇってのに… ほんらいならゆうえいのたいくうけいごについてなきゃいけねぇってのに… honrai nara yuuei no taikuu keigo ni tsuitenakya ikenee tte no ni... "Originally I should have gone with UA's anti-aircraft guard..."
4 すみません! sumimasen! "I'm sorry!"
5 頼むぜ! たのむぜ! tanomu ze...! "[We're] counting on you...!"
6 俺たちゃそもそも撤退命令をブッチし続けて日本に駐留してる おれたちゃそもそもてったいめいれいをブッチしつづけてにほんにちゅうりゅうしてる ore-tacha somosomo tettai meirei wo BUCCHI shi tsudzukete nihon ni chuuryuu shiteru "We're ignoring our orders to retreat in the first place by continuing to stay in Japan."
7 何故だかわかる⁉︎ なぜだかわかる⁉︎ naze da ka wakaru ka!? "Do you know why!?"
8 妹が いもうとが imouto ga "Because our little sister" (Note: He means Star.)
9 おまえらに賭けたからだ おまえらにかけたからだ omaera ni kaketa kara da "bet on you guys."
10 おまえがオールマイトの力を受け継ぐ者ってンなら おまえがオールマイトのちからをうけつぐものってンなら omae ga OORU MAITO no chikara wo uke tsugu mono tteN nara "If you're the one who inherited All Might's power,"
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1 行け いけ ike "then go!"
2 俺たちを伝って おれたちをつたって ore-tachi wo tsutatte "Follow us,"
3-4 あの史上最悪の敵を倒せ! あのしじょうさいあくのヴィランをたおせ! ano shijou saiaku no VIRAN wo taose! "and defeat that worst villain in history!"
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1 緑谷 みどりや Midoriya "Midoriya"
2 出久‼︎ いずく‼︎ Izuku!! "Izuku!!"
3 前より強くなっている…⁉︎ まえよりつよくなっている…⁉︎ mae yori tsuyoku natte iru...!? He's getting stronger than before...!?
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1 あの発光エネルギー… あのはっこうエネルギー… ano hakkou ENERUGII... That luminous energy...
2 あいつの… It's his...
3 っし! sshi! "Done!"
4 緑谷格納完了! みどりやかくのうかんりょう! Midoriya kakunou kanryou! "Midoriya's entrance* complete!" (Note: Literally the word here is "storage" for Izuku getting stored in the box/coffin with everyone.)
5 遅れてすみません! おくれてすみません! okurete sumimasen! "Sorry I'm late!"
6 皆 みんな minna "Is everyone"
7 無事ーー ぶじーー buji--- "okay---"
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1 遅刻の… ちこくの… chikoku no... "For being late..."
2 言い訳はいいのか? いいわけはいいのか? ii wake wa ii no ka? "do you have a good excuse?"
3 トガあたりの…しわざだろ? TOGA atari no...shiwaza daro? "It was Toga's doing, right?"
4 緑谷出久 みどりやいずく Midoriya Izuku "Izuku Midoriya"
5 言ったらどうだ…? いったらどうだ…? ittara dou da...? "How about you say...?"
6 「仕方なかったんだ」 「しかたなかったんだ」 「shikata nakattanda」 "'I couldn't help it.'"
7 「僕も予想外だったんだ」って! 「ぼくもよそうがいだったんだ」って! 「boku mo yosougai dattanda」 tte! "'I also didn't expect it!'"
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1 そうやって sou yatte "If you do that,"
2 「奴等」と同じように 「やつら」とおなじように 「yatsura」 to onaji you ni "won't you be the same as 'them'" (Note: I think "them" means all the heroes ShigAFO hates, like those who didn't save Tenko, and even those present on the field that failed to save Katsuki.)
3 責任から逃れたらどうだ⁉︎ せきにんからのがれたらどうだ⁉︎ sekinin kara nogaretara dou da!?" "runing away from responsibility!?”
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1 怒れば彼は おこればかれは okoreba kare wa When he's angry,
2 極めて短絡的な動きになる きわめてたんらくてきなうごきになる kiwamete tanrakuteki na ugoki ni naru his movements become extremely short-sighted.
3 カウンターで脊椎を壊す! カウンターでせきついをこわす! KAUNTAA de sekitsui wo kowasu! I'll break his spine when I counter!
4 さぁ来い! さぁこい! saa koi! Now come [at me]!
5 プレゼントは喜んでもらえたかな? プレゼントはよろこんでもらえたかな? PUREZENTO wa yorokonde moraeta ka na? "Were you happy with your present?"
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1 大丈夫だ だいじょうぶだ daijoubu da “It’s all right”
2 デク‼︎ DEKU!! “Deku!!”
3 あいつ… aitsu... "That guy..."
4 自分が許せないんだろ⁉︎ ああわかるぜ じぶんがゆるせないんだろ⁉︎ ああわかるぜ jibun ga yurusenaindaro!? aa wakaru ze "You can't forgive yourself, right!? Yeah, I get it!"
5 でも それは敵の思う壺だ‼︎ でも それはヴィランのおもうつぼだ‼︎ demo sore wa BIRAN no omou tsubo da!! "But that's just what the villain wants!" (Note: This is an idiom that literally means, "That's the villain’s thought pot.")
6 大丈夫!環たちまだ息してた! だいじょうぶ!たまきたちまだいきしてた! daijoubu! Tamaki-tachi mada iki shiteta! "It's all right! Tamaki and the others are still breathing!"
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1 今エッジショットが いまエッジショットが ima EJJISHOTTO ga "Right now, Edgeshot"
2 爆豪くんの救命措置にあたってる‼︎ ばくごうくんのきゅうめいそちにあたってる‼︎ Bakugou-kun no kyuumei sochi ni atatteru!! "is taking life-saving measures for Bakugou-kun!!"
3 彼は絶対に成功させる! かれはぜったいにせいこうさせる! kare wa zettai ni seikou saseru! "He will definitely be successful!"
4 その前提で戦ってる‼︎ そのぜんていでたたかってる‼︎ sono zentei de tatakatteru!! "We're fighting [based on] that premise!!"
5 俺たちはまだ何一つ失っちゃいない! おれたちはまだなにひとつうしなっちゃいない! ore-tachi wa mada nani hitotsu ushinaccha inai! "We haven't lost anything yet!"
6 諦めちゃいない あきらめちゃいない akiramecha inai! "We aren't giving up!"
7 きれい事ばかり並べ立てる事を きれいごとばかりならべたてることを kirei goto bakari narabe tateru koto wo "Just spouting off lip service like that"
8 現実逃避というんだ げんじつとうひというんだ genjitsu touhi to iunda "is called escaping reality."
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1 俺たちはヒーローだ…‼︎ おれたちはヒーローだ…‼︎ ore-tachi wa HIIROO da...!! "We are heroes...!!"
2 ヒーローがきれい事並べ立てないで ヒーローがきれいごとならべたてないで HIIROO ga kirei goto narabe tatenaide "If the heroes don't spout out lip service,"
3 誰が理想を現実にするんだ⁉︎ だれがりそうをげんじつにするんだ⁉︎ dare ga risou wo genjitsu ni surunda!? "who will make the ideal into a reality!?"
4 きれい事⁉︎上等さ‼︎ きれいごと⁉︎じょうとうさ‼︎ kirei goto!? joutou sa!! "Lip service!? Bring it on!!"
5 命を賭してきれい事実践するお仕事だ‼︎ いのちをとしてきれいごとじっせんするおしごとだ‼︎ inochi wo toshite kirei goto jissen suru oshigoto da!! "It's part of the job to bet my life and put that lip service into practice!!"
6 妹がおまえらに賭けたからだ いもうとがおまえらにかけたからだ imouto ga omaera ni kaketa kara da Because our little sister bet on you guys.
7 怒るのは良い いかるのはいい ikaru no wa ii It's fine to get mad,
8 肝心なのは かんじんなのは kanjin na no wa but in the end
9-10 心を制する事さ こころをせいすることさ kokoro wo sei suru koto sa you gotta control your heart.
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1 ごめんなさい… gomen nasai... “I’m sorry...”
2 ルミリオン RUMIRION “Lemillion”
3 謝るのは勝ってからだヒーロー あやまるのはかってからだヒーロー ayamaru no wa katte kara da HIIROO “Apologize after we win, Hero”
4 ……
5 AFO… オール・フォー・ワン… OORU FOO WAN... “All For One...”
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1-2 まだそこに死柄木はいるのか? まだそこにしがらきはいるのか? mada soko ni Shigaraki wa iru no ka? "Is Shigaraki still in there?"
tagline 1 怒りを制してーー いかりをせいしてーー ikari wo sei shite-- Controlling his anger--
tagline 2 次号、2号連続カラー第2弾!センターカラー! じごう、2ごうれんぞくカラーだい2だん!センターカラー! jigou, 2gou renzoku KARAA dai2dan! SENTAA KARAA! Next issue, 2nd consecutive color [page]! Center color!
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mythiccheroacademia · 3 years
How does it feel to be an irl y/n? 😌✨
i’m stressed asf
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cheesomaru · 2 years
Not Gonna Lie, even though the conflict resolution wasn't my favorite, this episode was really sweet. I just loved how they went about things.
I know some people have been disappointed in how Towa and Setsuna question Sesshoumaru's intentions, but to me it was perfect. They SHOULD question him! Its their right, heck its literally their birthright to know! It would have been strange if they just accepted everything. We the audience know Sesshoumaru had his hands tied and was working for Kirinmaru and Zero while trying to keep his family alive, but the girls don't really get it. And that's fine. As long as they're together now, they can begin to work on that relationship.
And honestly, like a lot of people have said, Sesshoumaru is Sesshoumaru. He isn't human, he doesn't feel or care the way a lot of demons do. He really does live on another plane of existence, and its only been extremely recently that he's become more emotional and has bonded with people. Rin is literally the first person he really gave a shit about, and now its his daughters. Like, it makes sense to me. Even though I complained that they should have shown him hugging his family -- I get it. Sesshoumaru gets a huge has prize for putting up with ridiculous odds for the past 14 years, but now, he has to start doing Normal Dad Stuff, and its going to be tough. At the end of the day though, its all going to be Daijoubu.
I loved the twins conversation with Rin. It was so pure and adorable. I loved how Rin made the decision to give them the kimonos and you could hear the excitment in her voice that she couldn't wait to see them wear it! I like that the twins knew immediately that it was expensive. Also, I love how Rin told them she experienced death. In a way, Tenseiga helped form this family, since they all share a bond with it.
Re: shipping and stuff: I really like Riku and Towa's reunion! I do think I would have preferred if he stayed dead, I feel like it would have been more realistic, but I enjoyed how Towa scared Riku shitless. LOL.
With Hisui and Setsuna, I could take it or leave it, but I appreciate the open endedness of it. I'm glad in general they didn't try to shove in the romance and let Yashahime be more about family and sisterhood. Also I enjoy men being the ones fawning over their love interests!!
Overall, a very cute and adorable finale. I'm gonna miss this show!!
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Hi! I love everything that you write and heh I am a fan! 😄 tbh this is my first time requesting something on Tumblr! If you don't mind and if I am not being a bother...can you write about how the guys would react If MC suddenly starts making meme references? I don't know how I got the idea but I am REALLY curious. And love you! :D
Hiya! Tyvm for the kind words, and apologies that this took a while! I hope you have the chance to enjoy it regardless ❤️❤️❤️ Love you too, sweet pea! I promise to get to the next request you’ve sent ASAP~
Aight but this would be hilarious because the range of the reactions is just ungodly. I will be putting this under a cut after Napoleon so I don’t clog up everyone’s dash, but all the suitors are included below otherwise! 
Comte is the one that recognizes a few, but didn’t really stay in modern times long enough to be as well-versed as a Gen Z kid might. Regardless he finds the wittiness and absolute chaotic fuckery to be delightful, and will 100% support the harmless nonsense. It never fails to get a laugh out of him
Mozart that first day be like: “Buzz off MC I hate you” MC, because she likes swinging bats at wasps’ nests: “Well that’s not very cash money of you” Mozart: ?????????? Comte, giggling in the bg like the secret fae he is This one’s just because I’m petty, but after the events of Comte rt I just imagine them encountering Vlad again and MC��s just “I lived bitch.” while Comte is flipping him off behind her lkjahgkjhdsg
Comte @ Leo when he finds the latter under his desk: Had it not been for the laws of this land, I would have slaughtered you.  MC: wheezing from the hallway as she’s about to give him his letters
MC: So how was your day, honey? Comte: Good, good--briefly had to go beastmode upon the punk that pilfered my lint roller MC, biting her lip to keep from laughing: So does Leo still have his kneecaps? Comte: for now.
Comte, @ literally anyone upsetting the MC: I won’t hesitate, bitch
Comte: Be careful with my emotional baggage, it’s designer
MC: What if I was evil and ran towards you at very fast speeds Comte: My arms are strong, I would catch and hug you
Leo and Dazai are the ones that don’t have a single reference point but are filled with so much dumbass chaos energy that they just. Understand immediately???? Nobody knows how or why, but they just catch on so fast--adapt the language in a matter of weeks. Never underestimate the power of combined boredom, depression, and humor
I swear to god I just see MC taking them their Blanc/Rouge and being like “here you go sir, one enslaved moisture” and they just go fucking hog wild from day one. MC starts impersonating Theo when he leaves the room around Dazai, like fake deep voice “you all only hate me because you do not like me and I am mean to you. grow up.” Or like the MC meets a baby on her travels with Leo around town and she holds them and says v seriously and sagely “So you are Baby? I have heard tales of your exploits.” and Leo about loses his shit right there. They both think MC is the funniest person alive--they’ve never been more eager to throw a ring at someone in their entire life.
Also a bonus for my beloved Dazai:  MC, facing even the slightest inconvenience (like dropping her fork) in the most dramtic voice possible: Life is not daijoubu. Dazai: wheezing
MC, after watching Theo turn down a woman at the bar in the meanest way possible: bro quit letting the darkness consume you u r scaring the hoes Dazai, literally rolling around on the ground, half-drunk and dying:
MC, walking alongside Dazai and stopping to stare at her reflection in the River Seine. Dazai’s expecting some sad or twisted shit, since people often feel comfortable talking about those things around him, but instead she just: “Oh, it’s you. The source of all my problems.” And he about falls into the river from shock HAHAHA
At this point don’t be surprised if his next book is about an absolute madlad woman similar to MC
Napoleon finds it to be a delightful quirk more than anything? He doesn’t really understand it, but he finds it funny when they change their voice for effect or speak in exaggerated tones. If it’s just comprehensible enough for an outsider to understand--or Sebas gives him context--chances are it’ll send him into a laughing fit
For this one I just imagine MC singing that Ratatouille meme song obnoxiously bad while cooking, and Napoleon and Comte are just so wildly amused by it bc it makes zero sense and it’s only vaguely French at this point
MC @ Napoleon while they’re cooking brunch: Can I offer you a nice egg in these trying times?
MC, conflicted because she’s tired and wanted to sleep in but also got to see Napo’s cute sleeping face for a few hours: For my next stunt, I’ll wake up at 5AM on the day I can sleep in. Sebas: Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy, and wise MC: early to bed and early to rise makes me a massive bitch Napoleon: laughing in agreement
Isaac is the type to be bewildered and concerned at first (especially when he hears the more nihilistic ones hoOOOoooOO BOY) but eventually begins to understand it’s some bizarre attempt at humor (that hurts Zack baby). While some part of him laments that it reminds him of Dazai and he’s secretly jealous of how she and Dazai bond over it, he will sometimes join in the chaos when the mood strikes him and he’s feeling mischievous
Isaac: How are you feeling? MC: Oh, I’m not Isaac: seconds from dialing 911 Isaac: Are you okay? MC: Oh yeah dw I just suffer from that syndrome where your neutral expression makes you look like you’re an angry serial killer Isaac: say sike rn
Isaac, tutoring MC and correcting something:  MC, muttering while redoing it: The risk I took was calculated, but man am I bad at math. Isaac: unable to help a laugh
One time MC was avoiding Isaac for fear of hurting his feelings and he just confronts her like: Isaac: back by unpopular demand, me! What’s wrong, MC pls MC was so hecking proud of him
Isaac, telling MC about a recent discovery he learned at uni from another professor: bones typically heal stronger after they’ve been broken--so long as they’re set properly, of course MC, looking him dead in the eyes: So what you’re saying is that I should break every bone in my body until I become superhumanly powerful? Isaac: please do not, no
Mozart and Jeanne are just. Totally lost. Why are you talking like that??? Why are you making “crab hands”???? They don’t understand. Maybe never will. They reach a point where they just kind of laugh and shake their heads, endeared by the oddity after they’re used to it and have determined it isn’t a threat/insult. 
MC: It’s a cold and it’s a brooooken, Waluigi. Waaaaluigiiiii...waaaahluigi..... Mozart: surprised, then starts snickering and playing along on the piano
Arthur, asking MC very personal questions out loud because he is an idiot sometimes: Soooo MC, are you a top or a bottom? MC: I’m a threat. (If he asks a second time, the response will be “Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy.”) Jeanne, fighting a smile:
MC, about to punch an asshole: Your free trial of being alive has ended Jeanne, seconds from laughing for the first time in 100 years:
Also, because I genuinely can’t help myself. You know that knight meme like “Parry this you fucking casual.” I cannot stress enough that it is literally the personification of Jeanne’s entire character. I’m not even joking.
Arthur and Shakespeare are utterly fascinated by the rapid evolution of wordplay and the sheer hilarity. They will ask all about these so-called “memes” and ask for examples of them if MC can show them (either somehow accessing her phone or drawing them). MC draws Arthur the knife cat meme and he about a s c e n d s at the hilarity of it all, points and yells THEO IS HOLDING THE KNIFE. He is correct. They will be delighted and follow along eagerly, and--god forbid--will make their own based on late 19th century struggles.
Is this where Shakespeare got the idea for “What, you egg? stabs him” and “You are a saucy boy.”? I’m too scared to ask. Don’t even get me started on “The Fool jingled miserably across the floor.” That one is just too on the nose...
I can’t even imagine what would happen to Shakespeare if MC like translated vines and memes into Ye Olde English around him. Imagine she’s at one of those noble balls and hears rumors of these two guys living together and they’re so obviously gay and he says “And those gents w’re roommates.” And in the most false surprised tone ever MC just replies “oh mine own god, those gents w’re roommates.” Imagine having a wife that’s just as hilarious as you are and hits you with all the force of a bag of wet mice every time you speak in retaliation, he’s going into palpitations.
Every time Arthur does smth stupid MC just: “I Pretend I Do Not See It.”
Vincent is tickled pink by MC’s penchant for finding joy and/or amusement in nearly everything they do, and he smiles gently when he sees them muttering and laughing to themselves. He wants to be able to join them in what they love, but he has a harder time following along and understanding the darker humor sometimes. Mostly gets confused??? Please give him the easier ones to mimic and laugh when he tries--or just include him in your jokes MC. He’s babie your honor...
But he also. Will not. Stand any kind of self-deprecation or borderline verbal self-harm. He’s usually very easygoing and calm, but for whatever reason that stuff makes him go deathly quiet and upset.
MC, after something goes horribly wrong, hugging Vincent: Oh Vince, we really in it now Vincent: giggling a little despite his worries, relaxing
MC: Theo stop simping for Vincent that’s my job
MC, when Theo leaves the room and she gets Vincent all to herself: The evil is defeated.
MC: And this is where I would put my will to live...if I h a d one! Vincent: ;-; MC: oh shit, oh fuck, I was only kidding Vincent wait (MC was subsequently lectured and loved on for many hours)
Theo is conflicted because on the one hand, he loves to see you smiling and having fun. On the other, you’re clowning as hard as Dazai and Arthur and he can only handle so many monkeys in his circus. Most of the time he will roll his eyes and be the straight man of this comedy, but you might find him cracking a smile--or accidentally letting a chuckle slip past his lips now and again.
MC, after meeting Theo: I’m a nice person, but I’m about to start throwing rocks at people.
Theo, those first days: Oh? You’re approaching me? Instead of running away, you’re coming right to me? MC: I can’t beat the shit out of you without getting closer.
Theo: Every time I ask MC to explain “vibe check” to me she hits me with some kind of improvised weapon
MC, after the “incident” (you know the one): This year, I lost my dear lover Theo Theo, in the distance: QUIT TELLING EVERYONE I’M DEAD! MC: ;-; sometimes I can still hear his voice...
Sebastian is last because oh boy. OH BOYYYYY I LOVE HIM. Okay so the way I see this happening with Sebastian is just. So wild. Because at first he’s t r y i n g so hard to be the proper butler man. He does not meme. But then he starts to drift closer to what Niles from The Nanny was, where he’ll quip and joke in private or when the situation is just beyond the amount of absurdity he can handle without making a snarky comment. Everyone in the house can’t fathom how Sebas and MC got so close so fast, but there are points where they’re just “Are they even speaking English anymore???” It’s 11 times funnier than normal because Sebas almost never smiles or laughs when memeing, the deadpan quality of his playing along sends MC every time
Has ABSOLUTELY said “HEY. PANINI HEAD. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???” jokingly when MC made a mistake in the kitchen. They laugh about it for y e a r s
MC: I can’t date someone who keeps a lamb as a pet, that’s so weird Sebas, brushing Lotte in front of MC: MC: MC: Okay, I will make an exception because she looks very polite
MC and Sebas, fully aware of the fame some of the men will reach in modern times: We will watch your career with great interest.  (I s2g that’s like half of Sebas’ rt right there I’m crying)
Sebas rt with Lotte be like that 500 dollar Mareep meme: “sometimes a family can be just a boy, his gf, and their 500 dollar two foot tall Lotte”
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yutahoes · 3 years
(Part Twelve)
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One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven -  Eight - Nine - Ten - Eleven - Twelve
genre : Chaptered, Fluff
pairing : childhood friends: soccer player! Nakamoto Yuta x single mom! Y/N
word count : 3.4k words (Oh my God, I’m so sorry 🙈)
You’ll always be his Sakura.
@ailoveyuta @loona-4-eva @aiforyuu @2-3-t-i @cosmiclatte28 @url-lindo-sexy @nuoyipeach @aaasteroidsky  @readers-posts @delightfultacobread @bby-kji9​
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“I’m still finishing up things here. I’m sorry you had to babysit them always.” Y/N said on the phone. Because of a TV Show, the restaurant she’s working at became famous that they’re required to work extra hours. That means she cannot pick up the kids at school which Yuta volunteered to do. If he has practice or a game, he would ask Mark to do it and he’ll spend the whole day with them. He can’t make her stop working so helping her out is just a simple thing that he knew he can do. 
Yuta smiled. If Jae were to hear her, he’ll get mad. He doesn’t like being called a baby. “Jae is already sleeping though. Can you just stay the night?” He asked cutely that made Cherry, who was sitting beside him, look in surprise. “And Cherry isn’t finished with her Conan marathon.” He lightly glanced at the girl who was drinking her milk. “Please stay the night, Y/N.” When she agreed, Yuta just laughed. “I’ll prepare your room. Message me if you’re near, I’ll wait for you by the entrance.” Y/N revolted that he doesn’t need to but he insisted. “Take care, hmm?” She nodded. “I love you.” 
He had always told her those words but he never pressured her for a reply. The important thing for him is that she knows his feelings. Cherry was grinning at him when he hung up the phone. “Did she reply?” Yuta shook his head while smiling. “Daijoubu, appa. She’ll tell you she loves you soon.” Is she speaking Japanese now? He totally underestimated Cherry’s intelligence. 
Lately, the young girl has been hooked to another detective that she would spend hours watching the anime that he once watched when he was a kid. Detective Conan. Like her mom and her obsession with Sakura, Cherry might have caught it with Conan Edogawa as well. “You have to finish that episode and get to bed. Your mom will scold us both if she sees you watching.” 
“It’s the summer break. Can I at least watch another episode? Onegaishimasu.” Yuta chuckled then shook his head, making her whine. Cherry is so cute. 
Yuta carried Jae to his room. Maybe he’ll ask Y/N to sleep beside him and Cherry can take the other vacant room. “Appa, where is eomma?” The younger boy asked in a sleepy state, arms reaching for his neck to hug him. “Is she going home?” 
“She’s still at work but she said she’ll head here when she’s done.” He whispered. “Go to sleep now, buddy. You must be tired from playing soccer all day.” Jae whispered a ‘Goodnight, appa’ before hugging the pillow that he put next to him. The butterflies. They’re back. 
The anime’s closing song can be heard when he went out of the room. “Cherry, you’re done. Go to sleep now, it’s already late,” he said in a calm voice. The younger closed the TV, pouting at him. “You can watch it tomorrow.” He said while ruffling her hair. “I’ll save all the remaining episodes on my iPad and you can watch it.”  
Cherry nodded, smiling at him. “Oyasumi, appa.” She said with a bow that made Yuta laugh, bowing back at her. Isn’t she so adorable? She really did change so much. He remembered how expressionless she was before, how wary she is of his presence. Now, she's closer to him. Like a bestfriend. Like a real daughter. 
He started picking up the mugs they used for their milk then putting them in the sink to wash. What should he make for breakfast tomorrow? They don't have classes since it's the summer break and if Y/N has work, they'll probably spend time with him. Should he make a nutritious breakfast tomorrow? Something that would energize them. Does he even have milk or chocolate for them? Maybe he should start stocking up with kid-friendly ingredients, maybe cereals and some fruits. He'll just go grocery shopping with them tomorrow. 
The thought made him stop. It's so domestic. A family thing. He can't believe that he's going to experience these things like this. But it feels nice. A family man. Maybe he had been yearning for this all along. 
Should he change the interior of his apartment? Maybe make it child-friendly and not like a bachelor's pad especially if they're going to spend a lot of time here. He should order a bed for both Cherry and Jae. A bunk bed? Or separate ones? Should he look for a bigger house where they have rooms of their own? 
Yuta chuckled to himself. Before, he would just think of what to drink before going to bed, wine or beer. Now, he was thinking of buying a new house. How weird. But thrilling. 
A knock on the door disturbed him from scanning available children's beds on a shopping website. He opened it to see Y/N, standing outside his door. "Hi." She greeted. "Are the kids asleep?" 
"Come in." He said, giving her space to enter the apartment. "I told you to message me so I can pick you up."
She chuckled at him. "It's fine. I'm already here." Yuta sighed. "Where are they?"
"Are you really going home? They're already asleep. It's bad to wake them up." Y/N just smiled, saying that maybe they'll just stay the night. "They're in separate rooms. You can choose where to sleep, I'll sleep on the couch tonight." 
She gave him a disapproving look. "I'll sleep next to Cherry. You can sleep with Jae. We're crashing your house, it's not right to let you sleep on the couch." Yuta only nodded, that's just plausible. "Is it tiring to be with them?" 
He shook his head, sitting on the couch next to her. "It's fun, honestly. Even Mark adores them both, coach too." A nervous chuckle escaped his lips. "Oh, I wanted to talk to you about something. You can decline if you want to." She gave him a curious look. "The team is having a match in Japan two weeks from now and I wanted Jae to be my player escort." 
"In Japan? You're bringing Jae to Japan?" 
Yuta took a heavy breath. This is tougher than when he's thinking of it. "I was hoping to bring Cherry along. She might feel bad that Jae will come, she's been studying a lot of Japanese lately." Please say yes. Please say yes. "I'll take care of everything. I just needed your consent and their passports." 
Y/N sighed. "I guess it's alright but can you handle the two of them?" 
He shook his head. "Can you come with us?" She reasoned out her job and he sighed, "I'll talk to Chef Moon so you can take a leave. We'll stay for a week then go back on the first flight." She chuckled at that, nodding. "We can go to Japan?" He repeated and she nodded once again that made him grin widely. "I'm going to book tickets now." 
"Wait…" Y/N called. "Are we staying in Osaka?" 
Yuta shook his head. "Tokyo." He wondered why she breathed hard at that. "But okaasan and otousan are coming to watch the game." Maybe it was a wrong statement for he saw the fright in her eyes. Why? Is she scared to see his parents? But they're even excited to see her. 
The question was answered when they were at Haneda International Airport, two days before the big game. He and Mark were getting their luggage when Y/N excused herself to the bathroom. "Can we really not call you appa here in Japan?" Jae asked that surprised him, even Mark. Why? 
He turned to Cherry who breathed heavily at that. "Eomma said not to call you appa so your parents wouldn't misunderstand." 
Yuta sighed. “Call me appa. Don’t worry about your mom.” he said while ruffling both their hairs. 
The mentioned parents came to welcome them, even driving from Osaka that made Yuta smile. They gave him a warm hug, it's been years since he came home. They even hugged Mark as if their own child. "Y/N." His mom greeted that made the girl smile awkwardly, accepting her hug. "You haven't changed a bit." 
"Mata oai dekite ureshii desu  (It’s nice to see you again), okaasan." Yuta saw how Jae looked at his mom in awe at the Japanese she just said. "These are my children, Cherry and Jae." 
Yuta gave Cherry a knowing look before she bowed. "Ni aete ureshii desu. (Nice to meet you)" She started with a smile. "Watashi wa Cherry Seo kochirawa otouto, Jae Seo desu. (I am Cherry Seo and this is my younger brother, Jae Seo)" The younger boy bowed at the two at the mention of his name. 
"You're just like your mom when she was young." His mom cooed at her. "And aren't you cute, Jae?" 
"You can call us obaasan and oujisan while you're here in Japan." Yuta's dad claimed that made Y/N surprised but Cherry was already repeating those two words while Jae asked what that meant. Y/N was supposed to stop her but Yuta just held her hand, shaking his head. "Come on Jae, let's eat lots of delicious Japanese foods." The oldest man held the youngest boy's hand while his wife held Cherry's hand, Mark following the four of them. 
"Yuta, you can't possibly be okay with this." 
"What's wrong? My parents wanted to have grandchildren and they love them." 
Y/N rolled her eyes at that. "You should have dated a single girl and have kids with her." 
He chuckled, pulling her closer by the waist. "Lucky me, the girl I want already has two adorable angels." She glared at him but Yuta kissed the side of her head. "Don't worry. It's a vacation. You should enjoy yourself." He chuckled when she nodded, pulling her closer in a hug. A family. This is what he wanted. 
His parents were accommodating of the two kids and showing them Japan. Cherry was so amazed at the Detective Conan merchandise in one store that Yuta’s dad bought everything she wants much to Y/N’s revolt. Jae kept on eating with gusto, a total first. They’re adjusting well here in Japan, it’s cute.  
They were settled in a hotel near the stadium. Yuta and Mark in one room, his parents in another, then the three of them in another room. He just finished tucking Jae to sleep, quietly going out of the room to see Y/N seated on the couch. “They seemed so tired,” he commented, amazed at how they slept automatically when they went to their room. 
Yuta sat beside her and she scooted closer to him that made him smile. She’s clingy. Is it Japan air? “Thank you, Yuta. For this trip.” He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her closer. “Are you going to practice tomorrow?” He nodded. 
He needed to get conditioned for the game so he needed to practice with his team. “I think okaasan wanted to tour the kids around Tokyo tomorrow. Will you be joining them?" She nodded claiming that she doesn't have anything to do. "How is your painting?" 
Y/N smiled. "I already started with the base paint." 
"Don't pressure yourself. You're already doing your best in picking up the paintbrush." He then kissed her forehead that made her stare at him. A deep stare as if she's memorizing his face. "What is it?" 
Y/N shook her head. "You're just…" she started as he held his breath. "Really handsome." 
A giggle escaped his lips, head lolling back to avoid her in seeing how much he blushed at that. "Are you falling in love with me now?" But she shrugged and that made him smile. When can she tell him what she's feeling? It must be her who is truly expressionless, not her daughter. 
"I was thinking." She said unconsciously, leaning closer to him. "What if I didn't go to Chicago with my mom, do you think we would be dating?" That was a simple question yet he was thinking so hard about it. They're probably married by now. With their own kids. A life without Cherry and Jae. But why can't he even imagine it? 
"You still went to Chicago and we're dating now. Don't you think this is really meant to be?" 
"Then what if I didn't broke up with Johnny?" 
Yuta chuckled. "I'm probably practicing now or still playing soccer in Spain." He smiled to himself. "Maybe I'll be a priest or a monk." She stared at him while laughing. "Obaasan will kill me but that's a possibility." 
Y/N shook her head. "That's impossible." 
"It's you or nothing." He said while staring at the coffee table in front of them. "So yeah, that's a possibility." 
"Why me?" That took Yuta's attention. He stared at her. Her eyes were questioning him. "I'm a divorced woman with two kids who had different fathers. I don't deserve you. You would look better with a single girl…" she stopped when he leaned in to kiss her.  
"You're so talkative." Yuta kissed her again then smiled. "You're an amazing woman with two lovable children. What more could I ask for?" But she just stared at him. "Seriously Y/N, I should be worried. I don't even know if I'm worthy of you. If I deserve to be loved by both Cherry and Jae." Her eyes shifted in expression, from worry to something he can’t pinpoint. Is she relieved? Amused? 
She slipped her hands around his waist, hugging him. “I’m sorry.” What for? Her head was leaning on his chest. “I shouldn’t have gone to Chicago. I should have listened to your mom when she asked me to stay.” This is news. He didn’t know that they talked to each other. “She told me that I can stay with your family while mom is in Chicago just so we won’t get separated.” She stopped then sighed. “But you weren’t even looking at me when we’re leaving so I thought you really want me to go.” Wait, what? 
“I guess it was Taeyong’s fault for repeatedly saying that you liked me so I had my hopes up.” He does like her. But why is he finding out about this now? “When I came to Chicago, it was so hard for me that I always cried to eomma just to send me back to Korea. When I told you that in the letter, you only said that I should meet some friends that would help me.” He did say those things to her. He wanted her to have a nice life in a new country so he said those things.  “Taeyong said you’re a jerk and that I should just fall in love with someone in Chicago.” 
Yuta rolled his eyes at that, his hand caressing her back as she said those words. Lee Taeyong. He might just strangle him to death. But wait, “You were talking to Taeyong?” Y/N nodded, saying that she has Taeyong’s phone number and he’ll call her every weekend. “And you haven’t called me once?” 
“If I did, I’m going to hear your voice.” Obviously. “I’ll hate myself more for choosing to come with eomma.” His heart kept thumping against his chest. A wild beating that he’s sure she’ll probably hear it. “I regret the things I did in Chicago, a lot.” 
He shook his head. “You shouldn’t. Because of that you had Cherry and Jae. They're the best thing that happened to both our lives.” A laugh erupted from Yuta that made the girl look at him in confusion. “Why are we so stupid? We should have talked about this before.” He then smiled. He’s now sure, this is the one thing that he truly wanted in his life. To be with her. To be with them. A family man. He badly liked that. 
“Then, Y/N…” Yuta started, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. “Should we…?”
“Eomma.” The door to the room opened that made Y/N sit properly. Yuta sighed. Jae climbed on her lap, resting his head on her chest. “I can’t sleep without you.” He whined. 
Yuta smiled then stood up. “Get some sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
"Yuta." She called softly that made him turn to her. "I love you." 
A wide grin escaped his lips when she said those three words that he had been longing to hear from her. “I love you, too.” he answered before closing the door behind him. 
He leaned on the door, hands covering his face as he bit his lip to avoid smiling so much. Why does he feel so happy? Even his heartbeat isn’t right and his face is so hot that he’s scared he might explode. “Hyung,” Mark called that made him lightly cough, breathing hard to calm himself. “Are you alright?” He gave him a confused look but Yuta just shook his head, entering their room coolly. He can’t let Mark know that she just looked like a deranged schoolgirl in the hallways of the hotel. 
But he cannot hide how happy he felt especially when he looked so happy before the soccer match. Mark was right. He should have mixed feelings about this match, he was playing against his home country. But he decided not to play for any team today but for himself. He wanted to show Jae that he's truly cool. 
Although he had watched him play one time and all the practices, this is the first international match that Jae is watching. And he doesn't want to disappoint Y/N when she agreed to let her son be his player escort. He also wants to see the pride in his parent's faces when he scores a goal. Another thing, Cherry promised to grant a wish if he goals today. 
The players were asked to line up and Yuta picked up Jae from his mother's arms. "Are you ready, buddy?" Jae nodded, grinning at the older and asking him to be put down. Y/N kissed his cheek muttering ‘good luck’ then he started running to the other player escorts which made them laugh. "Last call Cherry. Do you want to join me and Jae?" 
Cherry shook her head then asked him to crouch down. The girl gave him a hug, arms wrapped around his neck. "I know you'll do well but please don't get hurt, appa." 
Yuta held the back of her head, smiling widely. "I won't, my Cherry." She smiled at him. “Can you wait for Jae on that exit when he’s done?” She nodded and the older ruffled her hair, “That’s my girl.” 
His gaze fell on Y/N who was only looking at him in adoration. After the first night in Japan, they didn’t have the chance to talk about each other again because of his practice. But he felt closer to her when she told him her feelings. Even skinship with her isn’t that awkward now. “Can’t I get a good luck kiss, eomma?” He said with a cheeky smile that made Cherry giggle. 
Y/N leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. "You know you don't need it." 
But Yuta gave her a small peck on her lips. "I still want a kiss though." He said with a grin then kissed her once again. "I love you, Y/N." 
"And I love you too, Yuta." A gasp can be heard and they both stared at Cherry who was looking at them with a surprised expression. "Now go. Jae is looking for you." 
He kissed her again before kissing the top of Cherry's head then headed to his position, holding Jae's hand. Their team was called to the stadium and the audience erupted with cheers as their team came in view. Jae's eyes were filled with happiness, twinkling like his mom's at what is happening. They sang both countries’ national anthems before saying goodbye to the player escorts. 
Yuta kneeled to reach Jae's height, hugging him. "Thank you for doing this for me, Jae. I appreciate it." 
The younger shook his head. "Thank you appa. I hope we can do this again next time." He grinned and Yuta nodded, ruffling his head. The older watched as the little kids exited the field, Cherry waving at him while holding Jae's hand who was imitating his sister. 
A real family man. That's what he was feeling now. And he loved it. If every day will be like this, he'll be the happiest person ever. 
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