#stay single
heterorealism · 6 months
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freckled-radfem · 10 months
'Recently, I started a weekly ritual. I walk from my office to the movie theater, where I slip into a back row and slouch down in the darkness. Afterward, I walk the hour and a half home, mulling over the film and daydreaming on my way across the Brooklyn Bridge. I don’t need to formulate a coherent take—or tell anyone my thoughts at all. It’s just me and the occasional passerby and the skyline melting into the water. The night is a perfect bite of quasi-solitude: I get the quiet of my own mind but also the sputter of cars, the swell of the movie soundtrack, the energy of strangers. I’m part of the world, and I’m alone.'
The Atlantic article 'Take Yourself on a Date,' Faith Hill (2022)
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blackfawnx · 4 months
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mittenwonders · 3 months
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ALL OF THIS. Stay single ladies. It’s just not worth it anymore. I’ve been content for 6 years with no one, learning about myself and figuring out who I am as a person. I deeply hold myself in high regard. I have my moments of setback and I have insecurities like anyone else that I am continuously working on. It’s not me being conceded or egotistical, it’s me knowing my value and worth. I stick to my values and integrity dearly. I live by them. I continue to be a ray of sunshine and rainbows in the world without taking shit from anyone at the same time. I won’t stop being soft but I also will not let someone take advantage of me.
But the reality of today’s world is guys are worst more than ever. All the good ones are already taken and married for a reason. In my experience, if a guy has to try to verbally try to persuade you they’re a “nice guy” then they are in fact not. Actions speak louder than words always. Are you left hanging? Do they disappear? Are you always the one putting in the effort? I’ve had my share on the dating apps and man is it a cesspool. All guys value is sex. That has not changed over the decades. And some angry messages I have gotten, wow boy is it scarier than ever. I don’t like putting all men in one generic box but it’s becoming harder and harder to separate. I am not anyone’s mother. I understand flaws & how society has taught men toxic masculinity. I don’t want to fix anyone but simply be by their side to support because that’s just what you do when you care for someone. But even that is shoved away time and time again. Then they cry that no one is there for them. Like…hello?
Be content in your own company and space. Learn about yourself and work on yourself. When someone worthy comes along, you’ll know but until then, don’t give men the time of day. You all deserve better. You are gorgeous, you’re a priority, you’re smart and you don’t need someone who brings you down. The right one will help you value yourself and adjust your crown when you misstep. You won’t question yourself or not know where you stand with them ever. There will be absolutely no room for confusion.
I would love to be married and have that family dream but I am learning to accept that will not happen at this rate. This isn’t a woe is me statement, it’s reality and acceptance. Science proves there is a time clock on women. Can people have kids later in life? Yes but it comes with risk and complications. I already have health issues, and I doubt I’ll find someone who understands that or will really be there to support someone like me through that. It’s a lot to ask and take on. Just throw away the idea of kids altogether, my health alone is a lot to ask someone to take on. I’d need a fricken selfless angel at that point. I’ve learned what works for me over the years and doesn’t. Asking someone to slightly adjust to my lifestyle and limitations is a lot. In my experience of dating, there’s no right way of bringing this up either because when you say “that’s sounds fun but literally I can’t do that,” they scoff and get tired of dealing with you.
Anyway, stay single. It’ll help your mental health because you know how to love yourself best and where you stand with yourself. You will never let yourself down.
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mattsmemes · 1 year
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quietyearning · 1 year
Being single doesn't mean you're unlovable, it means you're taking the time to love and discover yourself before finding the right person to share your life with. It's a journey worth taking.
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yeesiine · 2 years
Best advice ever : stay single and flirt with everyone you like 😌
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kickdrumheart68 · 2 years
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happymooncomputer · 2 months
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ibtisams · 2 months
The global reaction to Aaron Bushnell’s self immolation has been very jarring. I understand how powerful and scary it is to witness such a young man set himself on fire while screaming for a free Palestine, but to now see comments like “his death will not be in vain” and “the video will haunt me forever” is very strange considering the depravity of the videos we have been seeing coming out of Gaza for 4 months. It seems like people are now using Aaron as the “perfect martyr” of Palestine that we can put all of our efforts into celebrating as if there has not been 30,000+ Palestinian martyrs that we have been begging you to acknowledge
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melancholysmiiles · 6 months
me when they do the bare fucking minimum: 💞🥰💍🤭
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erdameikeyana-blog · 7 months
Menemukan Diri yang Hilang
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Terkadang kita terlalu sibuk mencari kebahagiaan di luar, mencari cinta yang belum tentu menjadi takdir hidup ini, sampai-sampai kehilangan diri sendiri. Kita menerima diperlakukan tidak layak, menerima bahwa perlakuan ini yang memang semestinya kita terima.
Hilang, dan semakin hilang diri ini.
Kita seakan terlupa akan cinta yang telah diberikan oleh keluarga dan sahabat, cinta yang amat penuh itu tidak dapat lagi kita rasakan hangatnya. Kita lupa akan cinta yang telah dilimpahkan oleh manusia terbaik di muka bumi, Rasulullah Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam dan yang terparah kita lupa akan sebenar-benarnya cinta dari Sang Maha Cinta, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala.
Semua cinta di dalam kehidupan ini tertutup butanya cinta kepada seonggok manusia. Cinta semu, begitulah seharusnya kita menyebutnya.
Kenikmatan semu yang didapatkan dari kepalsuan cinta itu niscaya segera terkuak. Ketika semua tanda-tanda seakan menyuruhmu untuk meninggalkannya namun hati masih saja menolak tanda-tanda yang telah jelas ditampakkan, percayalah Allah yang akan turun tangan dengan menampakkan segala hal yang tidak kita ketahui.
Tersentak, hancur, sesakit itu ternyata akibat dari mengagungkan selain-Nya.
Sekarang, tinggal pelajaran yang tersisa dari semua peristiwa itu. Sekarang, saatnya mencintai diri sendiri, menghargai diri sendiri, menemukan kembali diri yang hilang. Diri ini terlalu berharga, jangan biarkan ia berlama-lama merasakan sakit.
Sembuhlah wahai jiwa-jiwa yang pernah hancur. Kembalilah pada-Nya. We deserve much better!
Tangerang, 21 September 2023
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ojosespanola · 10 months
65% failure rate of second marriage.
Third marriage? 75% chance of divorce.
Fourth marriage? YOU ARE doomed to divorce with a 100% failure rate!!!
Thank God I'm single!!!!!!
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natsglorifiedsimp · 11 months
Isa na lang gyud mo do
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calmdownandlistenn · 11 months
Can someone please tell me what is the lesson I was suppose to learn from the movie ‘Brown Sugar’?
Because all I got is never let get with a man who has a female best friend because he is definitely in love with her and you need to be extra caution because someone could be settling for you. And that men are happy to move on from you but you do it to them, that’s when it’s a issue.
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quietyearning · 1 year
Some guys are a No when it comes to romantic relationships, and this isn’t because they are not cute or nice. But rather because they love to stay single.
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