#the fact it's so debated is kinda strange to me tbh
layla-carstairs · 2 months
when I was going down the demi Julian rabbit hole the other day, I came across a poll of asking whether or not he was demi (which, he canonically is! hope that helps <3) and basically every single comment under it was people saying they originally thought so but then saw on the wiki that he had a crush on Isabelle & changed their mind or was now unsure. (side note: the fact that's the first thing listed in Julian's trivia section is always a jumpscare lol)
I get where the confusion might come from if you're not aspec yourself or have limited knowledge about aspec experiences. As someone who is however, theres actually a very simple explanation for this; Julian made it up! faking crushes is a very common phenomenon among aspecs as a way to fit in with their peers. I could do an entire breakdown on how this applies to Julian with textual evidence however I am tired so. trust me bro. I will say the fact Julian brings up this crush on Isabelle one time(!!) and it's in a conversation with Emma from her pov where they're talking about love/romance/relationships etc. really tells you everything you need to know lmao
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myrddin-wylt · 1 year
Oh wow!! I wasn't aware there were so many fights in the US Congress - I am suprised they kept the mace, as in the UK it has always represented the monarch's presence in the debate, does it have any representative power for the President or is it decoration?
I cant think of any fights specifically, in Parliament the last 'scuffle' was in 2019, though there is a myth (I'm not entirely certain of its factual weight) that the red lines painted on the floor are supposed to remind the MP's to solve disagreements peacefully as it is rumoured that they used to bring swords and other weaponry and persuade (threaten) their arguments with reasoning (force) though it is illegal to die in the houses of Parliament which is a strange law that had to come from somewhere.
Wikipedia has a list of 'instances of grave disorder' I was reading through them and hoping for a proper punch up - but they all seem rather tame - refusing to hear arguments, the speaker has the power and obligation to adjourn Parliament before things get too out of hand though ): and they only go to the start of the 20th century
One of the things thats a point of interest is that a lot of these fights in the US Congress haven't occured during a filibuster?
The Bible without the magic bits is also really interesting - I don't know if this is relevant but I've noticed particularly in book burnings and banning (quite an extreme example and not representative of wider society - please do correct me if this is too convoluted of a link) in the US there seemed to be a particular penchant for suspicion of witchcraft and dark magic in some religious circles at one point (this again could be entirely wrong and I hope isn't an offensive statement) , the one that made it as news over here ages ago was when the Harry Potter books were banned/ burned in some areas for 'promoting witchcraft' - when America was a colony, did the Witch trials in Europe have particular cultural influences on the US that could have impacted this- or have I completely missed the mark and this could also be something introduced a time after independence?
The US political system is absolutely fascinating - Congress especially- particularly since it was adapted from trying to avoid all the religious discourse of 18th century europe - such as the having of no state religion and the general separation of church and state!
I hope I haven't gone too far off track - this is just really interesting :)
the Mace is specifically for the House of Representatives, and apparently symbolizes the legislative power of the House and by extension, the Speaker of the House and the Sergeant at Arms of the House. I'd never heard of it prior to the last ask and I've literally been in the Capitol building lol. for the most part it seems to just have two functions: 1) indicate that the House is in session or committee, 2) glorified gavel, in that when the mace is presented, all the Representatives have to shut up and sit down or be arrested. I have some questions about this mace tbh, but mostly I'm distracted by my current mental image of Kevin McCarthy using it to take a swing at Matt Gaetz. imo if no one has used the mace to stop any of the multiple incidents of violence, why even have it? why bother? just make it gavel, not a 46" mace. kinda cool that it's been in active use since 1842 though. ya Brits destroyed the first one in 1814.
the 'bringing swords into Parliament so you gotta stand two swords' length apart' rule? makes perfect sense and is something I would expect from a medieval institution (I know the UK was 1707 but both England and Scotland were 13th century so it still counts imo). but um. it's illegal to die in Parliament? how-- hold on. hold on.
........ okay so apparently it's a myth but the fact that it's a plausible, frequently believed myth is sending me. wha-- wh. ?????? I'm starting to come to the conclusion that no one in Britain actually writes down the laws and that everyone just memorizes King Alfred's law codex.
One of the things thats a point of interest is that a lot of these fights in the US Congress haven't occurred during a filibuster?
filibusters can only happen in the Senate and only during debates, and most of the violent incidents in Congress happened in the House or rotunda. maybe the Senators just weren't patient enough to let the speech continue into a filibuster? I have no idea there. I don't think filibusters are actually particularly common but also I do not understand the inner workings of Congress very well tbh.
I do admit that the US government structure is really, really fascinating, especially when you keep in mind that it was largely unprecedented in its form. any time someone complains about Congress running inefficiently I sorta laugh because yes, it is, it's supposed to be; like it was designed to be as inefficient as possible. that's not a bug, it's a feature, at least to the designers. of course, I don't think any of them expected the country to get this big and powerful, either.
The Bible without the magic bits is also really interesting - I don't know if this is relevant but I've noticed particularly in book burnings and banning (quite an extreme example and not representative of wider society - please do correct me if this is too convoluted of a link) in the US there seemed to be a particular penchant for suspicion of witchcraft and dark magic
the Bible without the supernatural elements is just part of Jefferson being a deist during the Enlightenment. it's not... directly connected but also not-unconnected to American fascination with witchcraft.
in the US there seemed to be a particular penchant for suspicion of witchcraft and dark magic in some religious circles at one point (this again could be entirely wrong and I hope isn't an offensive statement) , the one that made it as news over here ages ago was when the Harry Potter books were banned/ burned in some areas for 'promoting witchcraft' - when America was a colony, did the Witch trials in Europe have particular cultural influences on the US that could have impacted this- or have I completely missed the mark and this could also be something introduced a time after independence?
okay so you mention a few things that would take a long time to clarify, but the most basic, on-topic tldr answer is that America's cultural fascination with witches came from the witch-hunts of Early Modern Europe (roughly 1560s-1750s), particularly from the Puritan-led witch-hunts in England during the English Civil War. to my knowledge, there were more witch-hunts in England than in New England (and very few in Virginia), but I guess they made a stronger impression in the memories of the colonists. I'm not sure if that's because the Puritans had a much more significant impact on the history and culture of the US than England, or if the English in England were too busy with the civil war to notice a few hundred vigilante arrests and executions, or what.
as far as modern suppression of witchcraft in the US, it's the same phenomenon as moral panics re: Satanism; a relatively small number of complete fucking fundamentalist loons saw something get popular and apparently became possessed by the ghosts of their Puritan ancestors, and news outlets spent way too much attention on it which only resulted in more loons until eventually yall heard about it on the other side of the Atlantic. I'm not super knowledgeable about modern moral panics except that the one we're currently dealing with is led by JK Rowling, so that's ironic.
if you want to see examples of this witchcraft in American cultural memory and if you like horror movies, you should check out Robert Eggers's The Witch because it really nails the vibe of hysteria and just... everything, really. the tagline is even "A New England Folktale." be aware though, it's a fairly intense and disturbing horror movie, so you know, viewer discretion and check advisory warnings and whatnot. but the vibes are perfect.
Sorry this took so long to answer! and this is after I cut the book banning out lol; that'll have to be its own topic.
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c1028h · 11 months
fighting games thoughts
so im writing this waiting for my bus to go to work but I just don't really have anyone to dump my current obsessions so I'm just gonna write here instead. a few months ago I stumbled upon a tiktok video of the game guilty gear strive, but I didn't pay much attention except the fact that the game had some really interesting characters. now, fighting games were always a part of my life, it was a way of connecting with my father since he really enjoyed them too, a few that really stood out in my childhood were killer instinct, mortal kombat (a bunch of them, but mainly the ps3 one),
street fighter, the teen titans game on the cartoon network website, anyway, I loved them. but sometime in my life I stopped playing them and forgot about it, I always saw people playing mortal kombat when the 10 released, and then when the 11 released, but it never sparkled the joy in my to play again (also this thing was expensive as fuck). a few weeks ago I stumbled upon guilty gear strive again on my tiktok, but this time since I'm working I actually have the founds to afford a game on steam lol. I looked it up about some fighting games and got interested in a few of them.. guitly gear strive, tekken 7 and street fighter 5 or 6. now, even though street fighter has some characters I really loved like chunli, cammy, menat, juri, vega, it didn't really sparked anything in me.. tekken at the time was a little strange to me since the game is in 3d and the characters kinda looked like the sims ngl, so the option i had was guilty gear strive, it had some characters I thought it looked cool like bridget, testament, i-no, axl, anji, zato-1, may, anyway, you get the point, the game was also in 2d, which was a little more comfortable to me since all the experience I had was in 2d games, it had a big community of people that could teach me and play with me, so I bought that, the expanded editions to be fancy~. the game is really fun, it has some really cool machanics and its making me see fighting games in a way I never did before, all I did before was smash as much buttons as I could and hope my opponent didn't smashed the buttons before me, but now I'm starting to understand the fundamentals.. blocking, punishing, countering, frame data and all of that, I'm not good by any means, actually I started the online part at floor 6 and now im in floor 3, but thats part of the process I guess.. the problem is, I didn't stopped searching about other fighting games, and that made me regret a bit not buying tekken 7, the community was a lot bigger, it had characters that looked cool but not in a supernatural way, in a normal fighting way, like xiaoyu, lili, leo, katarina, asuka, eddy, hwoarang, lee, zafina, anyway, the list was gigantic, so after a week of debating if I should buy tekken or not I bought it, yesterday.. I didn't had any time at all to play since im in the end of my semester and working everyday on the afternoon (I'm fucking exhausted).. (I did a pause on writing, this is two nights after I started), so.. like I said I bought tekken 7 to try out since the idea of playing was really cool, and it is really cool, but like I said I don't have any fucking time ri3848u83.. but my semester is now ending and im a little free, so I'm using this time that I have to play Yakuza 0 and guilty gear strive, today I started playing with milia rage and I'm kinda obsessed.. a woman that can fight with her hair? that's peak pop diva queer icon to me.. she's like madonna of fighting games tbh.. I'm now really invested in playing more games, I bought the Yakuza collection on gog cause it was extremely cheap and mortal kombat x + 11 at 90% discount, gotta make the pennies I got as a salary count, after that I wanna play resident evil, I used to play re4 with my cousin he was kinda obsessed so we would play a whole weekend of re4 and tony hawk's lol.. I also wanna play devil may cry which is I game I used to own but never played.. anyway I just wanted to dump all these ideas somewhere and thought maybe this is the most appropriate place? I guess..
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one last question-
The sky is falling, our world as we know it is crumbling at your feet- two people stand before you. only one of them you can alert to the issue and save. The first is a man, he wears a dark trench coat and leather satchel bag. His eyes are hazel, complimenting curly back hair and a mocha skin tone perfectly. A tattoo traces down what you can see of this man's neck- music notes cascading out of view. There is sheet music poking out of his bag too, as you see upon further inspection. He has a kind smile but sad eyes, good posture and an infuriating cowlick. He loves his hand slowly and you notice the rings he carries as they clack together noisily, one on each finger. Different sizes and shapes, each one unique and alien to the next. The second is of undeterminable gender, their hair is short and choppy; as if cut blindfolded in the dark, and dyed an unfortunately bright shade of blue. Freckles and sea green eyes meet your gaze in a manner that would almost be cold if not for the fact that they are smiling brightly with so much joy that it borders on infectious. Piercings litter their pale face, nose, eyebrow, snake bite. Somehow, this person makes the metal fixtures look downright endearing. A scar runs down their neck, a remnant of a burn if you aren't mistaken, it disappears beneath the collar of their shirt and you forget the menacing demeanour in which it stood out instantly. Beneath a denim jacket adorned with many different pins and colourful badges, this person wears only brown corduroy trousers and an oversized sweater. That, too, seems strangely endearing.
(I did my best to sound like an NPC giving you a choice, okay?)
(also, yeah, person two is enby they/them I just didn't know how to put it)
sorry for the late answer, tbh i had to debate what i'm answering haha. yeah, i still don't know...
i would say that i'd just shout it out loud so that both of them hear it but i know that's not how this works. in reality i'd probably think about it too long (i can never make choices right away, especially not important ones) so that we'd all die together lmao. however, in theory, i kinda havevto choose. see, i usually don't have a huge problem with these 'moral dilemma' type of questions like for example the one with the train tracks where you can either save one person or 5 or something, because there i just always choose to save the most lives but here? it's one person or one other. damn, that sucks. also, i'm basically just sharing my thought process now bcs i don't know what to do haha
to skip me having the same thoughts over and over again, and to make it short: i believe if i HAD to choose one of the people to be saved, it's likely that i'd choose the first person. this is actually not an active choice and more of a 'what i know would happen' thing tho, bcs i'd find that person more attractive than the other and that's pretty much how the human brain works. psychology student here hehe. so yeah, basically that's the choice i would make without wanting to make a choice if that makes sense?
(also you did a great job, don't worry)
(haha don't worry about it, you expressed that in an understandable enough way)
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metvmorqhoses · 2 years
Thank you for your take on the Darkling! I absolutely loved reading it. (I might read it a second time tbh). He truly is complicated and it kinda bothers me that people oversimplify him, especially the book version. Could things have been better? A 1000% Yes! But I don't see how people can read TDiW and not see his perspective on life or at least feel sorry for him. Btw are you going to read the graphic novel on TDiW when it comes out? Do you think LB is using him to simply make more money? It's hard to tell if she actually cares about him as a character.
You cannot imagine how glad I am to see so many people sharing my thoughts and frustrations regarding such a deserving and yet so poorly treated character. Every time it feels genuinely like a small victory.
One thing can surely be said, this fandom gave the Darkling the consideration and depth the original novels denied him. What he deserved as a character, he certainly found here thanks to some very stubborn few.
As for your question, I am actually still debating if buying Demon in the Wood, even while of course knowing more or less its general content.
If I have to be completely honest with you, I am quite fed up with how Bardugo uses and abuses the Darkling, a character she probably conjured by chance while taking here and there from ancient folklore and other better works, a character far larger than her own imaginings, a character that quite obviously escaped her own narrative and just stubbornly refuses to fit in every single little box she tries and fails to relegate him in, and to the point of discovering myself discouraged at the idea of reading something I'm deeply interested in because of the tragic logics of its own creator.
I absolutely find this occurrence deeply bizarre myself. It had never happened to me before, to like something so much while completely disagreeing in every single way with the person who is supposed to be in charge of it. I've always been fiercely loyal to every artist's absolute right of kingship over their own creations, but I find this particular case just hardly excusable.
As a reader, I cannot really help but feeling toyed with and cheated when it comes to this series.
The general writing is plain and mediocre aside for a few lines here and there. The plot doesn't make any thematic sense. The story doesn't follow its own logic but the absolute strange one of an author lurking behind every corner, an author that doesn’t allow her readers to actually have their own opinions about anything. The majority of the characters are "heavily inspired" by some other greater source. The rhyme and reason of the one poetically and mythologically interesting personality in there completely escapes its creator, whose only piece of understanding seems to revolve around the fact that, for some reason, this very character is the one thing that makes her books sell.
Therefore everything she writes constantly hints at and promises a big meaningful part for him in the narrative, while in truth he is just strategically always put one time in the beginning, one time in the middle and one time at the end of every single book just to serve as a page-turner and to make at the same time plain and over-sentionalistic turning points work, without ever gaining any real role, development or actual depth, while the other characters seem always frozen in their own opinion no matter the evidence they are presented with, eternally unable to change their (the author’s) static idiotic narrative about him.
That LB puts the Darkling in her books to make them sell it's by now evident common knowledge. That she uses our collective interest in him for her own gain, all the while judging us harshly for it, it’s something that truly drives me up a wall. And quite frankly I am rather uninterested in following the appalling and nonsensical literary whirling she constructs with this poor character as the main bait in order to quite literally exploit our ability to recognize artistic worth.
I actually noticed she always tries to deal with him as little as possible in every novel, probably afraid to find herself in the need to really start to characterize him.
It's really quite sad.
The Darkling is literally killed and brought back to life to sell copies. The Darkling is what makes Netflix shows happen. And now prequels about him are coming out in different forms just for a capitalistic kind of sake.
I'm not a big fan of any of this. If the writing was at least good, getting idealistically mad would make some sort of sense, but alas this is not even that much the case.
I hope I didn't sound too harsh, but I really was in absolute disbelief while reading those novels.
I’d much prefer reading again some true masterpieces written by beyond talented authors on ao3 (stories that actually feel way more real and deserving than the actual original books) and leaving LB to her own, very sad, literary choices.
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squat-lobster · 3 years
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ARIADOL Shadow Puppet Pokémon
Ht: 4’ 8” - Wt: 80 lb
In ancient times, Ariadol were thought of as capricious forest spirits to be placated and appeased. If travellers did not provide a small offering to them, Ariadol would delight in stalking them through the woods and causing them great mischief on their journey.
Ariadol’s movements seem to be controlled by strange, intangible strings that manifest and disappear as needed, as if this Pokémon were being controlled by an extradimensional puppeteer. 
Sample Moves: Leech Life, Gunk Shot, Trick Room, Rock Blast, Glare, Knock Off, U-Turn, Phantom Force, First Impression, Trick, Copycat, Grassy Glide, Forest’s Curse
CLAYDOS Sand Trap Pokémon
Ht: 5’ 1” - Wt: 250 lb
Claydos’ constantly spinning abdomen holds the quicksand it uses to ensnare its prey. It can psychically control the sand even after it has left its body, hardening it in an instant to immobilize its prey so that it can feed on their thoughts and dreams.
People in ancient times would enlist the help of Claydos to create beautiful sandstone and earthenware sculptures, entering a trance state to mind-meld with Claydos so that the sculptor could make use of its abilities to manipulate the sand and clay. 
Sample Moves: Psycho Cut, Drill Run, Stone Edge, Hone Claws, Shadow Sneak, Psychic Fangs, Sucker Punch, Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Teleport, Scorching Sands
Claydol & Ariados evolve into Claydos and Ariadol when traded with one another.
(Design notes under the cut)
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When I was a kid playing Ruby/Sapphire, I always thought Claydol was a spider. Like, I read it’s nipples as eyes and just thought its actual eyes were just red things or whatever. I eventually understood it properly, and I still love Claydol as it actually is, but part of me will always prefer that misread psychic spider. 
So that’s what inspired this line of thinking for these guys. Since the Ariados line’s gimmick is that they have a face on their butts, this seemed like a pretty appropriate way to go about getting my clay spider.
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Ariados’s butt-face thing isn’t super obvious in its design, it kind of looks like a weird rabbit or something from the back.
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The face thing is much clearer in its lost beta sprite, so I tried to take some elements of this precursor into Ariadol’s design.
Similarly to how Karrablast and Shelmet trade with one another to evolve into Escavalier and Accelgor, and swap some shit in the process, these guys trade and swap some traits too.
Chiefly, they swap which is end is their top and which their bottom. Claydos also gets spiderness from Ariados, and Ariadol gets “thingness” from Claydol. 
I feel like these guys also theme together well when you consider the Johto region ecologically and anthropologically. The idea would be like, the dudes who made the Ruins of Alph way back in the day, who were all associated with Unown worship, would have also been people who would have carved and created Baltoys and Claydols, who are also weird eye-themed psychic fellas, and are based off ancient japanese Dogū figurines. Add to this the fact that Spinarak and Ariados are so everpresent in the region, it makes a kind of sense that there could be some evolutionary interaction between these two.
Typing-wise I really debated for a while having them switch secondary typings, or getting entirely new ones, but I couldn’t do it in a way that felt like a “fair trade” between the two of them, if you know what I mean. Plus, I didn’t want to like entirely revamp their movesets, which are both already suited to their original typings so yeah.
Just made them switch abilities more or less, if claydol was able to have more abilities than just levitate I would have given claydos some more interesting stuff, but theres a bit of a niche as a trick room sniper sweeper with the moves it gets. 
Ariadol would be used as a trick room sweeper as well basically, I wanted to differentiate it from scolipede by having it gain bulk rather than getting fast, and merciless seemed like a cool way to do that, say after setting up a toxic spike at the start of the battle. Prankster toxic thread and glare and stuff with u-turn could turn it into a cool utility mon as well.
If you’re familliar with it, this dude’s look is pretty clearly based off of the Flatwoods Monster, which I thought was fun cuz i wanted it to be like a weird creepy forest cryptid. The string stuff comes from it being a spider and having webs, which through gaining some of Claydol’s psychic traits are now weird psychic puppet strings. I also felt like it lended it some creepy haunted puppet flavour. The design ended up looking a bit like mismagius, so I thought it might be some lore to have it like earn protection from predators from playing up that mimicry. 
Also theres some inspiration from real life spiders, like peacock jumping spiders and ornate harvestmen.
Finally I wanted the drooping legs and the design of the face to evoke some similarities with a leyak or penanggalan, which are spirits in indonesia and malaysia that take the form of like severed heads flying around with all the guts hanging out. 
Uhh so even though this whole idea was inspired by making a Claydol into a spider, this guy took a really long time to get to something I was happy with, and I still kinda like Ariadol better tbh. 
The main thrust of the design besides being a weird hovering spider is for the abdomen to look like a cement mixer, which I thought was a good way also to get that part of its body to spin, which I always thought Claydol’s should have done in the games. The end of it having a little cap was supposed to be a little shout out to trap door spiders. 
Tried to make the patterning make it obvious that the top isn’t the head anymore without changing the nipple eyes very much because I like them as they are. Theres a hint of spiderweb in there but making it too overt made it look too busy. 
I considered arranging the dots as a spider’s eyes are, but that was hard to make it obviously spinny as well and it was like well that part ISN’T the head anymore so. Then I was like ohh i could make the once-eyes into like little spiderlings that crowd around onto the abdomen like wolf spiders do, or even hover around like little Unown, but I really couldn’t get it to look right at all, even though i really liked that idea. 
Anyway that’s about it! sorry for rambling for so long in this section. Really happy with these guys.
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lvlyhao · 3 years
『wayv’s ideal type』
headcanons, WayV
A/N: i love yangyang. send tweet.
today’s theme is... um... none. no braincells for an aesthetic
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮𝓼: fluff (♡)...?
𝓦𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼: i think like 2 swear words and as usual, my tough love for the neos. don’t be offended.
word count: 1.6K
pairing: wayv members x reader (includes kun, ten, winwin, lucas, hendery, xiaojun, yangyang)
disclaimer: the characters in the story below do not reflect real people or present real facts. this is purely fictional, and you may not copy, change, translate or repost my work in any way. all rights reserved © cherry-hyejin 2021.
*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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Kun, similarly to Taeil, would most likely fall for someone very mature and responsible. My dude is already the father of 7 children (I'm counting Chenle); the last thing he needs is one more. 
Very closely related to that is what I think would be another of his priorities: whoever they are and however they are, they've got to get along with the rest of WayV—but it's even better if NCT as a whole likes them. As much as he'd love his s/o, I can't say that if it ever came down to choosing them or his members, he'd pick his partner. The guys are his family and a BIG part of his work, which takes over most of his life, so there's really no escaping it. Befriend the boys or bye-bye.
Once the boys approve of his crush, I think his interest would grow if they've got many pastimes or hobbies. I mean, c'mon, Kun can fly a plane on the same day as he sings his lungs out on Inkigayo and then goes home to cook some fancy-ass dinner. He doesn't need them to be on his level, though. Small, silly passions are the ones the loves the most. He'd listen to them talk about ANYTHING for like 3 hours straight, even if it's why their favourite type of constrictors are pythons. No, that is totally not about me. Shut up.
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Y'all remember that one WayV live where a fan asks for dating advice? Yes, I'm taking a lot from it. If you've seen it, it's not hard to come to the conclusion that Ten likes honest and straightforward people. He values himself way too much to lose his time with someone who's playing games, making him chase them and things of the sort. It's simple, really. If you like him, great, he'll give you the stars if you ask, but if not, great too, he'll live.
I can see that either he'd get with a person as extra as him or someone on Jaehyun's level of unbothered. Not many options here. You either become his partner in crime and bring hell on Earth with him, or you accept it well. Just don't be judgy or ask him to tone it down. That's the way he is, so why should he, you know?
Speaking of that, AUTHENTICITY, FOLKS. Being authentic is a big deal here. Ten is very true to himself and is always encouraging us to be, as well. Anyone he even considers dating will be nothing short of unique and unapologetically so. Being confident is just so attractive for him, I can't even—and yes, even if they're a bit strange. His partner might be a weirdo, but they're HIS weirdo, and he'll fight anyone that disagrees.
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I think while other members might fall for someone as bright as the Sun, he'd love a person as calming as the Moon. You know that aesthetic? The gentleness, introspectiveness, wisdom, the tranquillity... yeah, fam. That's it for my boy Winwin.
Allow me to elaborate: all of those traits would make him very comfortable with the thought of being in a relationship. I can see Sicheng as having some trust issues, aside from not being very touchy or loud when it comes to affection. Having that peaceful aura would really help him grow closer to his partner because he knows they'll be patient with him and respect his boundaries.
He wouldn't mind if they're more on the talkative side, but he needs a person that can appreciate silence too. Something I see a lot for him is having loud thoughts that are hard to get rid of. Dating him would mean having nights when he's tired out of his mind and just doesn't have the strength to talk. His partner will have to understand that and stay by his side until his inner world is a bit less chaotic, just holding his hand and letting him take his time. I think allowing him to have his space and peace in the relationship is how he feels loved the most. 
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Yukhei would not mind one bit having a more childish, carefree partner. He's a big baby, c'mon, being around another baby would probably make him the happiest. I also think he meant it when he said he doesn't care about age (that one V-Live from years ago). Younger than him, older than him, my boy doesn't give a fuck. He really just wants someone to be silly with and smile a lot.
Having said that, I really can't see anything pushing him away from getting to know someone. Lucas is very lighthearted and loves people, so I think he'd have his fun getting to know anyone—and tbh, he would be hooked if they're a bit mysterious too. His interest would probably get the best of him, and he wouldn't stop whining about it to the other boys until he learns something about them. Very random, yes, but I can 100% see him complaining to WayV during dinner, LMAO.
One thing he wouldn't enjoy too much? A partner that can't take compliments or doesn't like being spoiled. Yukhei's affection is LOUD, and he really thrives off praise, cute pet names and giving gifts. He'd most likely be heartbroken if he finds out they don't like any of it, almost like they're shutting down his love itself.
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Ah, my dear Dejun. The middle child of WayV. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, just look up "Xiaojun's middle child problems" on YouTube and go from there.  If you don't feel like it, lemme break it down to you: he's an angel, but the boys mostly accuse him of everything and anything and will throw him under the bus for fun. It's very entertaining. At this point, my boy doesn't have a fight or flight response; more like fight or fight (shhhh, I'll get into the headcanon now).
I think since he's used to being so defensive around his members, he'd appreciate a person that makes him feel both understood and safe. They'd share similar tastes (mint-choco ice cream, cough cough) and interests, but they'd most likely have a fiercer presence than him. Kind of intimidating, tbh. Very nice. I can definitely see that his partner wouldn't let WayV's chaos get to them and would, undoubtedly, be as much of a savage as the boys are.
He'd probably like it if they (playfully) fight his members and defend him from whatever-the-fuck they're blaming him for atm, so, yes, a bit protective. I think Dejun would simply find it cute and admirable, you know, their braveness. Would 10/10 brag about it when they're alone.
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Kunhang is the ultimate crackhead, but a sweet one at that. Being a Libra (yes, I'm going there), I think he can actually be very sentimental around the people he trusts the most and needs to feel like he belongs. That leads me to point 1: his partner would also be a crackhead. That's REALLY not up for debate. Kunhang wouldn't even think about dating someone that's not as much of a weirdo as he is. 
Point 2: he probably wouldn't like to be with a person that's too vain or superficial, whether that goes towards others or themselves. He's said before he hopes the fans can see him as more than a pretty face, and I can imagine that goes for his s/o too. He'd simply not feel connected to someone who's always dolled up or dressed to impress. Would definitely prefer a more casual style and personality.
I guess point 3 is kinda random, but it makes sense to me, so here we go. Kunhang would really like someone who's just in love with human nature. For him, it's the tiniest things: the way they laugh, how they drink their tea, which side of the bed they'd prefer... it all adds up to a person, and I think he'd feel over the Moon to be with someone who sees the same things as him. Comment on a small habit of his he thinks no one else would notice, and I swear he's yours.
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He is a spoiled brat, and I say that with all the love in the world. We've all heard WayV say how he basically tries to exploit them (mainly Hyung-line) at every opportunity he gets, which makes me think Yangyang might be a bit lazy, yes, but also that he'd do great with someone whose love language is acts of service.
Now, I'm not saying he'd tyrannize them or anything of the sort, but things would work very well if that is how his partner expresses their love. They wouldn't mind fetching him a drink, cooking something—or ordering out, if they can't... you know, stuff like that. It would make him feel very validated and cared for. I see that, for him, that's the ultimate type of devotion.
The last thing I can imagine he'd consider is whether they can take his teasing and antics or not. Yangyang's affection is really not shown through super heartfelt, sugar-coated moments; quite the opposite, actually. If he feels happy around someone, his way of showing it is that playful banter, insults and teasing, you know? He really wouldn't know what to do if the person takes everything he says to heart, like—Yangyang.exe has stopped working. So, yeah. A thick skin and elastic heart are a great combo for my boy.
Bonus: he'd lowkey cry if they get super hyped with his work as an artist. PLEASE praise his dancing, rapping, visuals and all. I don't think many people do, and even if he denies it, the compliments make him all fuzzy inside. #appreciateyangyang2021, he's underrated af.
final notes: head empty, no thoughts, just 90′s love yangyang
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todomitoukei · 3 years
thank you @haleigh-sloth for the tag and the shoutout ♥♥!!!
1. How do you begin writing your analysis: do you start writing about the first thing that strikes you; or do you step back and look at the narrative structure first; or something else?
Hmm depends. I mean a lot of my metas are answers to asks about specific topics/scenes that I receive, so I already have the topic for the meta and then usually just start writing my response however it comes to my mind, only stopping if I have to look stuff up if I don't fully remember scenes/lines that I'm talking about. Once that's done I go over it a couple of times to edit/rearrange/format, etc. When I do my translation comparison posts I just write down the translation first and then do the analysis (I kinda go back and forth all the time when doing this because sometimes I don't feel like doing the translation part anymore and sometimes I don't know how to phrase my thoughts for the analysis part so it's just kinda chaotic and unstructured, but slowly turning into a continuous text)
2. What do you like to keep in mind while writing your analysis/meta?
I like to include sources so that people don't just read my takes and run with them, but are able to check out the references for themselves, too, and draw their own conclusions from them while also getting more details from the sources. That includes referencing the manga by either quoting it or including panels when it comes to what characters have said/done within the story, as well as including sources to back up the conclusions I draw/takes I share (i.e. when talking about anything mental health-related)
3. Do you try to keep your value judgments separate from your analysis?
Kind of? I mean, my main focus is usually the original Japanese text, which is just pretty factual, however, if there is an opportunity to shit on Endvr, well...... :-*
4. Do you prefer analyzing characters, or arcs, or both?
Characters! I always prefer to focus on the psychology/philosophy of things and prefer to treat the story as being part of the characters to further understand who they are as people, rather than the other way around. That being said, society shapes people so I find focusing on the setting of the story very enlightening, too, so if a story has an arc that focuses a bit more on the society/world in the story, then I guess that is also worth analyzing.
5. Do you think receiving feedbacks/responses on your analysis/meta help improve your critical skills?
Nah, most of the criticism/"feedback" on here is from people who lack any kind of reading comprehension so I'm good lol. Writing meta helps me sort my own thoughts so I don't care too much tbh, I kinda prefer reading people's own separate metas in that case because I feel like I usually try to say everything I've wanted to say before pressing post. I do like to see people adding actual valuable insights/correct me when I was genuinely wrong or providing more resources, though, so don't be afraid to add anything to my posts (unless you're just gonna be rude and misinterpret everything I said)
6. Do you consciously decide which media you want to write analysis on or does it naturally come to you?
I mean... this is my bnha side blog so I'm just writing about that, and only because Dabi/the lov/the Todofam live in my head rent-free anyway :) and I honestly wouldn't even know what else to write about? The only other thing that I am absolutely obsessed with is Life is Strange, but it's just my comfort game/series so I don't really care about writing or reading about it.
7. Do you prefer writing long or short metas? Which ones do you prefer to read?
Long metas, both for reading and writing. But good formatting and panels also help to make it easy to read and not get lost in the text, so if the format is shit then short ones. Overall, though, long ones usually mean there are more points brought up and more references made, which means more details to better support the point that is being made. Also, I am unable to keep myself short so I think my posts usually end up being kinda lengthy even when I try to make them short? I definitely always end up debating with myself whether or not I should add a read more somewhere or if it's short enough that it won't piss people off when it appears on their dash, so if I've ever pissed you off... sorry lol.
8. Which are your favourite analysis/criticism/meta blogs?
@transhawks @redphlox @haleigh-sloth @hamliet @thyandrawrites are all incredible blogs that really make being in the fandom fun and I love their insights!
9. Which shows/movies/media do you think deserve to have more analysis done on them?
Hmmm, to be honest, I don't really interact with other fandoms, I usually just consume media and form my own opinions without looking into the fandom's overall take, so I don't know which fandoms don't have a lot of metas. As for which ones I overall think deserve to be analyzed a lot, I think Psycho-Pass, similar to bnha, has a lot of potential for talking at length about the ethics behind their society and how governments often mask their crimes as being for the greater good etc etc. Also, stories like Tokyo Ghoul, Violet Evergarden, and Angels of Death might be really good for metas, too....
10. According to you, what are some prerequisites for good quality analysis?
Providing resources - no one wants to have to fact-check everything on their own, so provide at least some sources for what you talk about. Good formatting is also important. No one wants to read a 10k single paragraph or have to reread a sentence several times because it stretches across a whole paragraph (this is @ Kant and @ me). Additionally, it's really helpful to bold/italicize words/phrases to make reading easier and more accessible.
Tagging: @transhawks @redphlox (I know haleigh tagged you too, but I'm a rebel >:])
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gilf-grievous · 3 years
Okay so @thecyndimistuff got me thinking about Tag and Bink again and what their being canon means exactly. Like- their comic is clearly a comedic and satirical take on Star Wars that retcons a lot of stuff.
And to my best understanding of how lucasfilm/Disney decides on canonicity just because the stories are now canon doesn’t mean everything in them is(or needs to be). We kinda see this with how TCW season 7 and the Ahsoka book are both equally considered canon despite contradicting about the siege of Mandalore, the parts of the Ahsoka book that are “wrong” are just sorta ignored for TCWs take. Tbh I just really wanna talk about/info dump on some of the strange and likely non canon details of Tag and Binks adventures so here we go.
There are some elements of Tag and Binks story that in canon probably are superseded by other canon (and for the better tbh?) like Manny Both-Hanz.
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While there’s no “official” stance on this, I’m certain that in canon Manny has likely had his story changed or doesn’t exist. Maybe he’s simply a rebellion operative with a bad sense of humor or awful naming capabilities?
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The reason I even found out about this comic was because Jango Fett, my favorite Star Wars character, is in it and his Dad Vibes™️ are so strong. I think the canonicity of Jango responding to Order 66 is debatable- the Kaminoans probably would have no issue messing with Jango like that but I don’t think he’d react well to finding out a slave chip was in him. There’d probably have to be a lot of explanation for why Jango wouldn’t take torch the cloning facility and take Boba to a doctor after this. Like sure you can just handwave and say he never followed up on it but I don’t see a universe where a man who fought his way out of slavery let’s something overtaking his will just be forgotten. Now there is a reason given within the story:
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But I don’t buy that he just forgets and moves on either- he’s a bounty hunter. He’s not going to just let the fact that he forgot time and “woke up” somewhere else just go. Again, I’m aware this all could be forgiven with a bit of hand waving and saying he doesn’t care but I like to overthink things okay? You will never convince me Jango Fett, famous bounty hunter and ex-slave, can lose memories and then when he investigates find out that he lost control of himself and tried to kill two kids that seconds before he said he liked and then didn’t follow up on it. Therefore I propose- Jango investigates and finds out about the chips (and that he and Boba have them) and panics. That’s why a man who have killed multiple jedi- six with his bare hands!- is so bad at keeping secrets and dealing with Kenobi on Kamino.
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As evidence for the fact that not everything within their story is canon I give you Tag and Bink on Endor as force ghosts! The creator of the comic has said now that the sequel trilogy exists their death is simply non canon. It’s part of the story that can simply be ignored- like most of the more silly or comedic elements clearly tossed in as a goof (see above where Buzz Lightyear is at Dex’s).
Star Wars has canonified and decanonified so many details and regulated so much good content to legends while keeping contradictory stuff canon but at the end of the day it’s all in persuit of whoever’s-in-charge’s idea of what a good story is. In conclusion, it doesn’t matter how silly that comic or how much is probably retconed Tag and Bink are canon and I’m very happy becuase of it. They deserve more love and to be treated as real characters within the Star Wars universe becuase the are!
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thedreadvampy · 3 years
Tbf on the Martin thing while i know that's not what you meant the reason alot of people got pussy was cause it was right about the time they'd been an issue with acephobia in the greater fandom already and the way you phrased it tbh did really feel like you were equating ace!Martin and Martin being infantilised in a post about martin being infantilised being bad. Basically it kinda sounded like you didn't want people hc-ing Martin as ace because it was infantilising (which also then linked back to some shit that happened with ace discourse) and the post blew up a bit and that mixed with you Knowing Jonny and you coming off pretty aggro or not wanting to give a straight answer on what you meant (or that's what people felt you were doing) yeah that's why that went that way.
Tbf I'm not really interested in relitigating who was right and who was wrong in that particular argument, I feel the way I feel and other people feel differently and I think everything's pretty much already been said like six months ago. I asked because I couldn't remember what happened not because I was longing for the days of pointless arguing.
however because I can't resist digging myself deeper Ever I'll relitigate it anyway under the cut
I have little to no involvement with the wider fandom so I'm not sure how their acephobia was on me in any way
I could have worded the post better but I maintain it takes a pretty bad faith reading of the post to think that my problem is with ace Martin hcs when I specifically said both in the post and the tags and further clarifications that I was talking about the way that people desexualise fat, queer and abused people OUTSIDE of ace hcs
I have said about a zillion times that me knowing Jonny doesn't mean I know shit about TMA and that we've literally never talked about it. which being the case it is pure wild that people think it's a reasonable reason to treat me like some sort of voice of authority.
I have also said about a billion times and will say again that people aren't in fact entitled to demand a full accounting of a stranger's opinions out of the blue. like it is, in fact, confusing and surprising to me the degree to which people took personally the idea that a stranger could be annoyed or disinterested in discussing something that they wanted them to talk about. that's why I keep thinking there must be more to the anger about me from certain users. but like nah apparently 90% of the reason people get pissed off at me is either a) Using The Wrong Tone To Talk To Myself On My Personal Blog which they interpret as attacking them personally or b) Not Being Constantly Available On Demand To Answer And Reanswer Questions That Shouldn't Even Be Questions In The Full Knowledge That Any Poor Wording Will Be Treated As Malice. Sorry, my tone's getting a tad aggro again, I do recognise that, but I find it really frustrating to have it consistently treated as deeply inherently suspicious and/or malicious to not immediately rattle off a perfect answer to "questions" which are fairly thinly veiled traps. like there is no good answer to "what's your opinion on ace people." "ace people exist" is not a matter of opinion and I could just say "ace people are valid and good and fine uwu" which is like. True. but also utterly trite and validates the idea that point in a random stranger's inbox to grill them about Which Minorities Are Valid Uwu is in any way an acceptable or boundaried way to behave. Which I don't believe it is, and treating it as if it's a totally normal and fine thing to do just to get people to leave me alone would be pretty unprincipled imo.
Like I say I've said all this before, I'm just retreading old ground. But in terms of the Why Did This Blow Up, yeah I hear what you're saying but even trying to step back from my own experience and view this from outside, I'm still pretty surprised that a kind of shittily worded post at a bad time (from a blog that was pretty detached from the wider TMA fandom) followed by an Insufficient Disavowal of extremely nebulous accusations of acephobia, ended up being such a big thing.
Like literally. the majority of the messages I was getting were i n c r e d i b l y broad and vague. they said things like "what's your opinion on ace people" and "are you an aphobe" and I repeatedly answered them saying "I mean ace people exist and are my friends and comrades, what's the question?"
And I hope that when people raised specific issues about my actual conduct I answered them. I certainly tried to, to the best of my abilities - like I got a bit defensive initially but I agreed that my wording in the Martin post was poor and I did my best to clarify my intention (which had been to say "IF WE ASSUME THAT Martin isn't aroace," which I thought was a fair assumption when from context I was talking about a Martin being written in sexual or romantic relationships, but which I phrased as "Martin isn't [list of items including aroace]" bc as with most of my posts I wrote it in one go without reading it back). I kept saying that if people were specific about what was wrong with my conduct specifically, what they wanted explained and what they wanted me to change, I was happy to discuss that, but I wasn't happy to give some sort of Simple Definitive Answer to broad questions that were not mine to speak authoritatively on and which I often was like "I can't even begin to tell you my opinions on the answer until we unpick the question a LOT" (like. yes I could say honestly that I believe that ace/aro people are queer as a topline answer but if we go any deeper than that then we need to unpick what queerness is, what aro/aceness is, what context we're talking in, what is meant by queer spaces, etc etc and it's not something I would feel honest giving a yes/no answer to when a lot of people mean a lot of different things by the question, some of which I agree with and some of which I don't.) And it's not helped by the fact that when I have tried to answer questions in a way which feels honest, which inevitably gets long and ramble bc that's how my brain works, people have repeatedly got really hostile not because of what I say but because I've written an answer longer than "yes I fully agree with every possible permission of your point." like literally I have had people rant about how I'm being defensive or dodging the question when a) they haven't actually read my answer by their own admission and b) I'm literally. answering the question. it's fundamentally baffling to me that giving a short unnuanced answer with the intent of getting someone off your back is seen as less "dodging the question" than giving a paragraphs-long thoughtful and inconclusive answer. like this isn't a fucking debate. I'm not here to win an argument. I'm here to think about what I believe and why, and sometimes an honest answer is neither simple or conclusive.
idk man this post is actively unhelpful to everyone but me, but while I don't WANT to relitigate this every time I mention it I DO want to be absolutely clear that I have thought about all these things at length. some things were my fuckup, some things I stand by, but I still think it ended up with a response wildly disproportionate to the actual mistakes I made.
(which were there. evidently. but it seems like a very strange and spiralling way to react to "person who words things ambiguously and doesn't always give immediate clear responses to broad questions about complex issues")
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astrovagant · 4 years
Warm Bodies
Title: Warm Bodies Fandom: The Owl House Genre: Found Family / Gen Rating: Kid-friendly Summary: Luz and her friends have a sleepover. A house is not animated this time around. There may be cuddle piles. Notes: Written for a friend’s prompt! :3 Just a cute little fic, probably the cutest thing I’ve ever written TBH.
“I need to run an errand. I’ll be back in a few hours. Luz,” Eda looks down at the aforementioned teenager sitting cross-legged on the living room floor and bouncing in place exuberantly as her fingers tap against her legs, “Can I trust you to not turn Hooty into something even more horrifying than he already is this time?”
“Trust me, Eda! Amity is here this time. And she’s the picture of responsibility. Right Amity?”
The Blight girl blinks as if surprised before humming in agreement, eyes trained on her hands placed primly in her lap in an attempt to avoid eye contact.
“Don’t worry, Eda! We will be on our best behavior,” Willow asserts, nudging the boy who Luz lovingly renamed “Gus” to get his attention. He plasters on a cheesy grin and gives Eda a thumbs-up.
“Well, I guess that’s good enough. Don’t make too much noise, Lilith is sleeping upstairs and does not enjoy being interrupted.”
All four kids nod, varying degrees of seriousness on display at the warning.
“Be safe!” Luz calls as Eda closes the front door with a slam. 
“Keep an eye on them, Hooty,” Eda orders. As she mounts her staff and flies away, she can’t seem to erase the fond smile on her face brought on by the warmth in her chest.
Disregarding the rough way Eda closes the door, Luz looks around at her friends expectantly.
“What do you want to do first? Tell ghost stories? Bake cookies? I have a few things on my sleepover to-do list. Though,” Luz pauses, “Are ghost stories just … normal stories here? I mean everything is supernatural. Hm…”
Willow giggles, “Of course we have ghost stories! Amity, remember that one Emira told us when we were little? You were so scared that night you didn’t sleep a wink!”
Amity flushes, “Willow, we were five. I wouldn’t even tell that story to Gus.”
“Hey,” Gus interjects, “I take offense to that. I’ve heard plenty of ghost stories.”
“Yeah, Amity. Gus isn’t just some little kid. He’s super smart and brave and a great friend. Plus we took on the Bat Queen together. That was some serious business.”
Amity blanches, looking stricken, “Oh no, I didn’t mean it like that, I-”
“It’s okay, Amity,” Luz says, voice soft.
“Yeah,” adds Gus, “I’m not actually mad. Though I don’t appreciate the implication that I’m a baby, so maybe don’t do that in the future?”
“Ah, yes. I understand the struggle of being infantilized,” King says sagely.
“I didn’t mean to say anything rude,” Amity mutters, once again staring down at her lap, “I guess I’m still working on being nicer.”
“Well, you did hang around Boscha and her crowd for a long time. It makes sense to mess up sometimes,” Willow adds.
An awkward silence engulfs the room.
Luz clears her throat, eager to break it, “So… cookies?” 
“What are… cookies?”
“Oh, Amity, you sweet summer child…”
Two hours later, an empty plate of what was once chocolate chip cookies rests on the living room table. 
Willow stifles a small yawn, “Luz, I know you said you wanted to party all night, but I’m getting kinda tired. Are we going to actually sleep at some point?”
“Oh yeah, of course. Let’s take this party upstairs!”
And that’s how the group finds themselves laying on the floor, sleeping bags arranged in a circle so that they can still talk.
“Seriously Luz, when is Eda going to get you an actual bed?”
Luz frowns, “I don’t know. I asked her a few weeks after I started staying here, but then the whole thing with Belos happened and we kind of got a teensy bit distracted. I wish I had a bed like Eda’s sometimes, though, it’s like this huge nest. It looks cozy, but the sticks might be kind of pokey so I don’t know if it actually is.”
“Why don’t we test it out?” Gus asks, eyes wide, a picture of innocence.
“Uh, I’m not sure if that’s such a good idea,” Luz says, “Eda gets kind of possessive about her belongings.”
“C’mon Luz! It’ll be fun. We’ll be in and out. She’ll never know!”
Luz looks around at her friends. Gus is giving her puppy dog eyes, Willow is wisely staying out of the debate but clearly interested, and even Amity looks a bit like she wants to see Eda the Owl Lady’s fabled nest. For science.
Luz caves.
“Okay,” she says, “But only if we make sure we leave before she comes back. Maybe we can read a book. Amity, did you bring the Azura books? I can read the first one and we can just relax a bit.”
Amity nods, pulling the first book out of her bag.
Clearly excited, it doesn’t take any coaxing at all for everyone to file out of the room, blankets in tow.
Luz opens the door quietly. It lets out a small squeak speaking of a need for oiled hinges. Luz stares reverently down at the nest placed in the far left corner of the room. Tinsel is placed inside of it strategically, making it sparkle just a bit in the moonlight. There are fewer blankets than she would have guessed on the nest, but a few hang onto the edges, snagged on the brambles. Bones and various human wares are tangled in the sticks as well. 
“Shall we?” Luz asks before carefully climbing into the nest. It’s roomy enough for Eda’s owl form to fit comfortably, meaning that it’s the perfect size for four teenagers and a smaller-than-average demon.
Eventually, everyone settles down. It’s surprisingly comfortable given the hardness of the sticks and bones interwoven throughout. One large unfolded sleeping bag is placed beneath the teenagers to form a barrier between the sharp objects and their bodies. Gus, Willow, and Luz are all wedged together, while Amity sits a bit farther away, not quite ready to join the cuddle pile. Luz opens up the book and begins to read.
Slowly, her friends begin to drop off. King is first, laid across her chest, then Gus. Willow falls asleep shortly after. Cautious as Luz was to enter Eda’s room without permission, the softness of Willow’s body against hers and the weight of Gus’ head on her lap is making her drowsy. She barely notices when Amity pulls the book away from her and decides to read aloud in her place. 
She quickly succumbs to sleep, lulled by Amity’s soft voice and the warm feeling of being surrounded by the first real friends she’s ever had.
Eda has to admit that she’s surprised when she walks into a quiet living room. It’s well past the witching hour, but Luz had said something about “partying until the sun comes up” and Eda would’ve been inclined to believe her. Taking her cloak off, she tiptoes up the stairs, stopping by Luz’s room. She tries to brush off the concern that she feels when she finds it empty. Where could they be? Then she notices the sound of snoring. 
She tilts her head. Is that coming from her room?
Eda’s brief annoyance at the idea of a bunch of teenagers sleeping in her room is dwarfed by the relief that she feels at the fact that she doesn’t have to worry about four half-trained teenagers either having been captured by Belos or roaming the woods in the middle of the night.
Making sure her steps are soft despite her high-heeled boots, she slowly makes her way to her room. The door is open. A strange feeling envelops her when she opens the door and finds Luz and her friends sleeping in her nest. The possessive feeling that she would have expected from seeing someone other than herself sleeping there is nowhere to be found, instead replaced by that warmth from earlier. It heats her bones, still chilled from the outdoors.
The Blight girl jumps from where she was dozing when Eda quietly shuts the door, looking at her warily. Eda gives her a little smirk, nodding towards where Luz, Augustus, Willow, and King lay tangled together.
Slowly, she relaxes as Eda makes her way towards the nest. 
“Room for one more?” Eda whispers. Amity nods, eyes still somewhat wary but weighed down by sleepiness. 
Eda lays down in her nest, surrounded by the warmth of small bodies and the light sound of snoring, and closes her eyes. At least tonight, she can gladly say that everyone she cares about is safe.
And strange as it sounds, she does care about these kids, despite not knowing them for long. And now that she knows what she’s missing, she guesses she can never go back to how tings were before.
She doesn’t think she wants to.
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gamerwoo · 4 years
Pentagon headcanons: Pentagon as Disney Characters’ Kids
a/n: you can thank my cousin forcing me to listen to the descendants soundtrack for this. may or may not do oneshots for these at some point so uh,,,,,,we’ll see
Hui, son of Dr. Facilier
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while hui never wanted to take on ‘the family business’, he feared his father so he did it anyway
and now he has debts that he has to pay
but he really does want to be a good person and he tries to avoid doing bad things as much as he can
he tried going to jinho to see if he could help lighten his problem a little bit, and that’s how they initially became friends
he doesn’t come across as creepy like his dad, but rather tries to read the person he’s trying to scam
so sometimes he uses his cuteness to his advantage, sometimes his sexiness
he does his best to target bad people to scam rather than just anybody off the street
he still can’t help but feel somewhat guilty no matter what though
Jinho, son of Hades
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like his dad, he’s sarcastic and short-tempered
but jinho knows how to mask his anger pretty well
and then he’ll get his revenge later
he’s not really the greatest at making friends so he just kind of hangs out with hui and yuto
hongseok gives him the benefit of the doubt too
he really can be a good person but when your dad is hades,,,,,
despite how much alike they are, jinho and his dad don’t get along very well, so jinho often spends his time away from the underworld
Hongseok, son of Gaston and Belle 
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you read that right kids, he’s the son of gaston and belle
not saying she had an affair but might be implying it
he’s basically got the bodystrength and cockiness of his dad, but the kindness and braincells of his mom
no one's slick as hongseok no one's quick as hongseok no one's neck's as incredibly thick as hongseok’s 
he’s basically gaston but he’s not an asshole and he drinks his respect women juice
he feels really bad for his dad so he still talks to him but he wants him to change his ways and actively tries to get him to do so
loves to play with the kids in town and will often buy them snacks and stuff from the stands
there’s a lot of debate in the kingdom as to whether he’s even a prince but he still has girls lining up to marry him lmao
Hyojong, son of the Mad Hatter
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nobody is really sure why hyojong is the way he is
but really who was sure why his dad is the way he is either
likes to do literally whatever he wants and does not give a shit what anybody thinks
which is why he doesn’t have many friends
even hui doesn’t try to mess with him
his only friend is basically wooseok because everyone else either thinks he’s crazy or just thinks he’s obnoxious
but he’s actually a really sweet person, but nobody actually gets to know him except those curious enough to find out
but he does still pull really dumb pranks on literally anyone
he’ll even go for jinho if he’s around
he’s here for a good time not a long time ok
Shinwon, son of Genie
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uses his power to do whatever he wants in possibly the dumbest ways possible
he’ll literally just turn into a toaster and pop some toast out of himself like he just does things that doesn’t make sense
but he thinks it’s funny and entertaining so whatever
despite having his freedom, the keeper of his lamp is hyunggu because his mom wanted to study it and shinwon was fine with it
he doesn’t technically have to live in his lamp anymore but he just prefers it
“you should see my gaming setup in there”
he’s friends with pretty much everyone
the only exception is yuto just because his dad is wary of him
Changgu, son of Hercules and Megara
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obviously hercules is known for being yknow a god
but he gave that up to be with meg and thus changgu was born
an absolute sweetheart who just wants to help people
wants to be just like his dad so he works out a fuck ton
tbh,,,,,,,,really wants to be a god because his dad was so he feels like he’s kind of in his shadow
people will be like “wow changgy is just like his dad BUT he’s not a god”
thinks he can’t become one so he basically tries to be one just without yknow the magic and immortality and stuff
but he lives in a fairytale works so i mean cmon anything is possible
wink wink
Yanan, son of Cinderella and Prince Charming
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the Perfect Son TM
well, in front of people at least
his parents are super iconic obviously but he’s kind of sick of everyone’s expectations of him tbh
he looks like such a sweet beautiful prince and he is but god he kinda wishes he could just not be a prince for a little while
everyone expects him to be as fantastic as his parents and he hates it
but he won’t voice it directly he’ll just be lowkey passive aggressive lmao
he’s not always like that tho he’s still a polite boi
hates going on dates with suitresses 
at first it was because he was really shy but now it’s just because he finds them all to be kind of the same
despite his feelings toward everyone’s expectations, he does want to be king and he wants to be good at it
but he wants to make his own name for himself
Yuto, son of Jafar
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other than his powers, he’s nothing like his dad lmao
okay well other than the powers and the animal sidekick
his best friend is a fennec fox named adi who can’t talk like iago could but she’s much less sassy anyway
well, usually
everyone in town assumes he’s mean and scary because he looks pretty intimidating but he’s literally the sweetest and kindest person ever
he tries to give things to the poor kids but nobody will take anything from him
he has a staff very similar to his father’s which is how he uses most of his magic, so he basically hardly uses the thing lmao
jafar expects his son to basically fuck over aladdin and jasmine’s kid since he failed
and despite being forced into this giant scheme, yuto wants nothing to do with it
but he fears his dad way too much to tell him no
Hyunggu, son of Honey Lemon
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The Sweetest Boy TM
considering who his mother is, you know he chugs his respect women juice
the biggest smarty pants but he’s not a showoff about it
he’s not like that one annoying kid in class who answers all the questions, he just sometimes will randomly spit out lil facts and stuff
he’s exactly like his mom personality-wise
super sweet, very outgoing, loves learning new things and making new friends
manages to see the good in everybody
one of the only people who are nice to the villains (other than hongseok) even though his mom is still lowkey kind of wary of them
but she still always says “their kids are not them, so we can’t assume”
honestly thinks his mom is the coolest person on the planet
close second is baymax lmao
honestly if baymax were a human it would be hyunggu just like,,,,,,less puffy lmao
Wooseok, son of Alice
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super duper curious about everything
he’s a little tiny bit strange but nothing close to hyojong
always has very vivid dreams and tbh he can’t ever remember if they’re dreams or old memories
typically pretty quiet but sometimes he just,,,,,,,,gets very loud and strange
usually brought out when he’s with hyojong
sometimes he hangs out with hongseok just because belle used to babysit him and read him all kinds of stories
so wooseok is more friends with hongseok’s mom than hongseok lmao
he hasn’t really done anything bad but the town is still kinda wary about him
but they’re nice to his face they just talk about him behind his back
he’s usually too lost in his own little world to notice tho
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progamerton · 3 years
Thoughts on my portrayal
I've been meaning to get more active on this account as soon as I can scrounge up enough will to do so. But I wanted to explain my thought process as to why certain aspects are the way they are for the... 10(?) people who actually care lmao.
My Proton is heavily inspired by his appearance in the HGSS manga. Tbh I'm not a huge fan of PokeSpe, but when you've got such slim pickings with the in-game canon material, anything that can be taken into consideration should at least be at least looked at. I found the idea that he was Team Rocket's stoic, quiet, Computer Tech Guy a fresh take. As a result, I combined them -- Proton IS indeed their stoic, quiet Computer Tech / Social Media Guy, but he's ALSO a ruthless sadistic asshole, who's only quiet because he can't stand talking to other people.
When you look at his portrayal as a combination between the games and PokeSpe, things start to make a lot more sense. He is an incredibly capable, computer-savvy internet nerd, but he makes himself so unavailable (emotionally or otherwise) that he's got a weird amount of mystique about him. Girls in the organization tend to simp for him because, as sparse as he makes himself, he's still the most visible Executive in the organization, and he's got a pretty face to boot. They will usually try to prove how much they adore him by savagely targeting anything he deems stupid like the most toxic Stans in the history of anything. But ultimately, all of that is for naught. Proton is just too fucking misanthropic to ever give a damn about other people, and in truth, he probably hates his Stans the most out of anybody. But he accepts the chaos they wreak as the only "good" thing to come out of the situation.
Now about his accent: There's a fair amount of debate about whether or not Sinnoh should be treated as just another part of Japan, as was intended, or Russia. Tbh I go with the former hc more than the latter, but I decided to give Proton a Slavic-ish accent anyways because 1) It's kinda funny 2) Chicks dig guys with foreign accents 3) Proton can be obtuse on purpose and no one could be able to tell.
He does have genuine difficulties with speaking Japanese, but is generally much better at writing it. This is mostly because he talks a lot faster than he writes. When you're documenting a report or something, you can go slow or proofread it as you see fit. Talking doesn't work like that. He's personally the type of guy who would hate having a conversation with someone where they pause every 5 seconds and spend an eternity searching for the right word, so he made the conscious decision to sacrifice accuracy for speed with the assumption of, "Meh, they'll figure out what I really meant." (This also comes into play during internet / IM conversations where speed is more important.) Just call his ability Hustle I guess, lmao.
Despite his deep, pathological hatred for just about Everything in the world, Proton is super devoted to Team Rocket as a whole, and instills the same measure of respect into those serving directly under him. That's because he felt like Team Rocket was the first organization that really GOT him and appreciated him for who he was (a terrible, sadistic douchebag) instead of trying to change him for the "better". In fact, they promoted him for it. That's special to him, so his feelings in general about returning to a more "civilized" career fills him with dread. He'd quite literally fight for Team Rocket to the death if need-be.
Team Rocket also gave him his first, most significant friend in Petrel, who is the cool headed one in their red/blue dynamic. Despite that, you'll hear him constantly insult Petrel and downplay his importance, often calling him degrading stuff like "Rattata Man". In a very strange way, that could be considered a compliment from him, since he calls basically everyone (including himself) "maggots". Being a Rattata among maggots doesn't sound too bad, does it? In addition, he calls Giovanni p much exclusively "Boss". That's the most respect he'll ever show anyone tbh.
So it should be no surprise why Proton tends to hate Silver so much -- he respects Giovanni more than anyone in the world, and here comes this whiny little brat, mooching off of him. He knows now that Silver is SUPPOSED to be Giovanni's kid, but tbh he thinks it's a lie and considers Giovanni dumb as fuck for not seeing it for himself. In Proton's eyes, Giovanni and Silver look NOTHING alike. So don't expect him to show you any high regards if you're a Silver mun. He'll disrespect you in front of anyone -- including your own damn father, if need-be. No fear.
That's about all I have in terms of HCs for this guy. Please feel free to shoot me any questions about him if you have them.
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years
ZEP: Max & Zoey -  Thoughts 1
Here’s my take... on some of the storylines/scenes/lines: 
Again.. super long post. SPOILERS up to 1x10, and possibly hints at what is coming. Hence...SPOILER WARNING. 
Analyzing the M/Z storylines from the perspective of “things that fans don’t understand or like about Max’s character behaviour”. And possibly providing a different perspective to look at some of the things/behaviour...
Mentions of Z/S relationship/storylines. 
In the Pilot Max was encouraging Zoey to go after Simon, cause he knew she’s interested in the new guy... but that changed...at about the time she/he/they found out the guy is taken/engaged. That’s the moment when his “best friend mode” kicked in & tried to not let Zoey make her past mistake again with overly complicated, exhausting for everyone & not good relationship choices...
The one & only reason I can’t be Team Simon. 
I cannot ever consider Team Simon for one simple reason - the writers had the character be in a relationship/engaged...when his emotional affair with Zoey started. IF he would have been single, I could talk about choosing sides/teams, but this single fact takes Simon out of the equation. No matter how good looking, cool, hot, or compatible he might be with Zoey. No matter if their relationship grows in the future... Their first moments were cheating (on Jessica), and no matter how “human” and “real”, that is the line for me that shan’t be crossed. And the fact that the relationship ended does not change what happened before - they kissed while he was still engaged. You can’t take that back. IF the writers would have made him single..since start...I could debate which Team I’m on, but the fact he was engaged eliminates him for me. But none of their cute moments or shared grief bond... or hot dances change the simple fact that he cheated on Jessica. 
Sidenote: if we’re talking cast, then I'm both Team Skylar AND Team John C. Those two gents are both great AND they can both sing!
Yes, unless Max knows something we don’t know about Zoey (that she, just like her dad, actually, secretly loves big gestures and moments) his choice for how he professed his love seems to be wrong way to declare his love for this specific lady. Because according to what we know Zoey is not into music (but then again...the use of a flash mob was a plot twist device by the writers... who just decided to use that surprise for Max/Zoey, when it could’ve been any other character... but this was simply done so that the show could mess with Zoey’s powers and give her character “oh, this isn’t in my head, this is real” moment.) But... that’s just a possible bad choice by the character, not anything horrible. And that’s the way he knows how to say it, even if a small, personal, reveal seems more Zoeys style. 
But... are we actually correct in assuming this? After the flashmob she never once mentioned anything about it being “too much of a public declaration for her taste”. She even called it “an amazing gesture”, which tells us that while she might be uncomfortable with “big moments” in general (public speaking...), she is comfortable with them with people she’s closed to (her dad, her best friend...) And we saw her talk about it with Max & with Mo. Her only worry was related to him telling her, in reality (not just in her mind...via heart song) that he has feelings for her. She has not shown any worry regarding it being done via “grand gesture”. So... is it possible that it actually isn’t so “not her” as we assume? 
Just as perhaps Max from 1x09 is not as “passive” and “not interested in promotion” as Max from 1x01? Perhaps time & peer reviews, and everything else...has changed him? And he’s actually interested in climbing the career ladder.,.. as opposed to the Max in the Pilot, who told Zoey that he does not want any of that...
Maybe Zoey is her fathers daughter, and actually (secretly) loves big moments & grand gestures? Because her dad is all about “big moments”. And maybe it’s actually really appropriate for Max to tell Zoey about his feelings this way, in “big moments/grand gesture” style flash mob? To honor her dad...in a way. Cause Mitch loves these kind of moments & Mitch is No 1 in Zoey’s life, so...  maybe we’re all wrong in assuming it was “not Zoey’s style”? 
From Max’s POV this is what’s going on with Zoey/his relationship with Zoey: 
She ends their regular movie nights...with no explanation. Something that they’ve done...forever...since they are best friends. (He probably thinks it’s because of her dad’s health and that she’s focused on..that... after her promotion he even asks if her “weidness” is because of “her dad” and/or her now being his boss) 
She starts acting strangely...around him, and general...and she doesn’t talk to him anymore (it’s been implied that they’re BFF and talk about everything... but she hasn’t told him what’s up with her). He wonders if it’s because of her dad’s health and everything related to it (but he doesn’t know if its only because of that, or if there’s something more/else, too) 
He has feelings for her, but he doesn’t tell her (she only finds out cause she can hear his heart songs). Finding out that her BF has deeper feelings for her freaks her out, even though he himself does not pressure her or anything like that..yet. She is the one who assumes their “discussion” at work is presumed as “lovers quarrel” & she is the one who presumes that “is it a date” means he considers a meal together as date...when all he means is “are you free to go” (to the new place which they both wanted to go to..as friends) Up until the flash mob there is zero “pushing” from him. 
He only sings love songs to her when he’s single - during the time he’s dating someone else (Autumn) he stops singing to her, because he’s not a cheater. When he’s with someone, he’s with that someone, and devoted to that person..only. So he stops for a while. 
He sees & hears her say that the thing she had for/with Simon is over (1x06) & that she’s not doing any of that anymore. Since she doesn’t talk about any of it with him, this is all he knows so he assumes she meant it, and she’s done chasing the engaged man. This is also probably the only inside info she has on the whole Z/S situation - what he sees/hears during the “burnt roses” moment. (So... it is not a nice surprise when he learns in 1x08 that after everything her words were not true, cause it’s not all over/done with S...)
Why he doesnt believe her right away when she tells him of her powers: As a rational person he has a hard time believing her claims about superpowers at first. Also... it seems like such a “lie” to change the subject, and simply avoid giving him an honest answer (yes OR no) But after hearing some more facts he starts believing. And by the time she “glitches” he has no doubt that she’s going through all this...
Both Zoey and Max are emotionally challenged. (tbh, just like Max I believed Autumn when she said that all is cool when they broke up during their morning jog. I’m emotionally challenged, too. I honestly did not know that what she said and what she thought/felt were different, so I get why it came as a surprise to him to learn she wasn’t cool about it) The whole Autumn/Max break-up tells us that Max doesn’t get the subtle clues, and needs to hear the words to know the truth. Hence he believes what Zoey tells him... at first. 
He misreads her signals in 1x05 - 1x06 - 1x07 (”I need more Max”, reinstating their movie nights, touching his bicep, commenting she needs more Max in her life, checking him out when he’s shirtless, etc), and based on that confesses his love for her via flashmob. What surprises him is not so much that she doesn’t respond with the same, but that she doesn’t give him an answer...at all. (Mo explained it best to Zoey...later; the boy deserved an answer... even if it’s “I don’t know...yet”. Also... we’ve never heard her say that she didn’t appreciate it because it was a big gesture...so she might not be as uncomfortable with the gesture as we think) Instead she runs, and then she avoids giving him an answer, kinda changing the subject, and telling him about her powers. Instead of telling him the truth right away, cause truth might hurt, but it’s better than avoidance/ignoring. 
This is shown later in the episode, when after Zoey finally gives him her...messy & selfish answer... he’s hurt, but content. She tells him that the reasons why she isn’t ready to go from friends to more is because her focus has to be on her dad for now & because she’s afraid that “they” won’t work out & she’ll lose her best ftiend...for good... and she can’t risk that... at this time. This is not the answer he hoped for, but as Mo predicted...this is the answer he accepts. That can be seen in the elevator scene with Simon. He’s OK with waiting & this not being the right time (cause she needs to focus on her dad at the moment). He also doesn’t say they’re done, he asks what she asked - pressing pause on their traditional friends activities like movie nights. 
During the 1x07 end elevator convo he also learns that the totally engaged man has been “keeping tabs” on Zoey & Z/M. Which concerns him. Cause why is an engaged man looking at other women & paying attention to whom they socialize with (when his focus should only be on his fiancee)? Like Mo, he probably thinks “the guy is a player” after this convo. And again... he, as Zoey’s friend, is not in the wrong, when he thinks he should “protect” her from the morally questionable guy. 
Then in the “very next day basically” he learns that she wasn’t completely honest with him. And since she promised 100% honesty to him, he’s hurt that she as his friend isn’t being honest. She sings him a love song (it is possible that she wasn’t aware of her deep feelings for him...but after this she definitely is...100%)...but then tries to take back the honesty and claim that the truth she spoke is not the truth. But what really hurts him is how her “honesty” from their last convo turns out to be a lie (and we know it is, because we’ve seen Zoey tell her mom & Mo about her real feelings, not the cleaned up version she told Max at the end of 1x07) - and he voices why he’s upset. It’s not because she doesn’t return his feelings, it’s because she wasn’t honest with her best friend. Because through her heart songs he knows for a fact that she has feelings for him - that she loves him, too. So he’s not upset that she doesn’t love him back. He even says it during their bathroom convo - the best reason to be “mad” at her is that she told him she loves him/she’s his, when she didnt mean to tell him this (the truth). Meaning: she thinks it’s “unfair” he’s upset that “she sang him a heart song, when she didn’t mean to”... or in other words: she thinks it’s fair to keep the truth a secret from him...and this rigth after she promised 100% honesty to him... and he doesn’t agree with the secret-keeping. 
We saw Max’s feelings progression since Pilot: in 1x01 he THINKS he’s in love with her, in 1x02 he’s a SUCKER for her & by 1x07 he fully admits he LOVES her. With Zoey the timeline is..kinda... starting in 1x06... The “500 miles” moment is her “I think I love you” moment & her heart song to him in 1x08 is basically her “I love you” moment. 
She claims she isn’t ready for a relationship because she needs to focus on her dad right now, when in reality she really is torn between two men - and she wants Max to be her emotional support and shoulder to lean on (knowing he loves her, and knowing that he knows that she knows he loves her), while she herself is pursuing another man, Simon. An engaged man she’s obsessed with cause she “finds his body hot & has a grief bond with”. (in reality: her role has mostly been being his grief therapist - and she’s not really told him about her dad that much...so it’s pretty much one-sided anyway) But just as she didn’t want to be the other woman, he doesn’t want to be the other man/third wheel... and that’s understandable. 
Then when Max gets the job offer he goes to his best friend for support. And while I personally read the scene as him saying “no, that was not the right answer, but it gave me mine (I’m taking the job)” being a response to her asking “was this the right answer?” because this meant she wasn’t still being honest with him, and instead of giving her her true answer she gave him the answer she thought he wanted to hear... I am willing to accept that what the writers meant was that he wanted her to give a more personal answer and/or ask him to stay because he is a valuable member of the team. 
Her reply was as his boss, and co-worker/friend. She only focused on their work relationship, not their personal friendship. She’ll miss sitting across from him... not that she’ll miss him outside work (and  yes...it’s only two floors up, and working in different departments does not mean they can’t hang out oustide work...) but still her answer did not include her role as best friend/possible future romantic partner....even when he asked her to specify the “I’m Your’s Zoey’s” answer - she only focused on the work related part when replying...to that.  This gave him the clarity needed - she’s not into him, so he did the right thing & put space between them. Since she didn’t include the “I’m Yours Zoey” that meant to him that she’d choosen Simon...and  just as it’s very human to grieve and cheat...it's also very human to feel hurt/heartbroken. And he should not have to subject himself to seeing her with someone else (when he knows she has feelings for both) - making the same mistakes over again she’s made before with her relationships. So his choice was the right one...for both. They need time apart, time to grow as individuals, time to reflect... 
Yes his speech in 1x10 was directed mostly to her, but he was adressing the whole 4th floor/Team, really. Cause no-one stood up to give him a “good luck” hug when he came to collect his things. And his best friend didn’t even have any encouraging words to him...on the day he moved to the 6th floor.... and even admitted she didn’t get to get him a “good luck gift” (which he could just assume is because she’s busy with her dad, but we know that while she had 4 days to buy that pen/mouse...and didn’t, she managed to get a plant as housewarming gift for the other man in like 4 hours. And we also know that she voiced no concerns about losing her best friend and a good team member at work...while talking to Mo... yet she had lots of things to say about “the man who just broke up, and whom I said I would not chase anymore, but now that he’s been single for 4 seconds, we can make out and it’s not cheating this time anymore”... so she’s showing no signs of caring about his best friends life changes, while caring a lot about the other mans life changes) 
So of course he feels underappreciated on the 4th floor. The peer reviews, the boss, the team manager, the job offer... it all plays a part in his decision. And the D*rk Point boss knows exactly what to say...to make him feel appreciated...something he didn’t feel he got on the 6th floor... but he didn’t realize until he heard Ava point out his good work..with the maze, with the chirp pitch...and though he may not realize that Ava, too, has her own agenda, hearing that he is appreciated...as a worker & as a human...made him feel good  (we saw how important positive feedback is for everyone during the peer reviews plot), and he realized he didn’t get any of that, really, on the 4th floor. And once again... while he may have secretly wanted to hear her say “stay”, what he actually really wanted/needed was for her to encourage him, and show genuine happiness for him, and for her to be completely honest with him. And he didn’t feel like that’s something she could be right now. To put it in her own terms: “everyone is so nice & polite, and no one is giving me the raw & honest feedback”...cause her reply to him when asked about the job offer was “polished” & “nice”, not “honest & raw”. (and I think we all agree that her telling him to take it  & him taking it was the right move...for all... cause they both need space & to grow individually)
In the Pilot we learn that Max thinks he’s not management material & he’s not looking for career opportunity. So to Zoey's knowledge this is not in character for him? So whether or not he’s changed during the time between then & now, to Max’s knowledge she knows that he likes being just a coder. So for her to not know him...and not remember that he’s told her this, could be disappointing. So her reply: That’s a great career opportunity MIGHT tell him that she doesn’t know him and what he wants. (this is the flashmob argument: we, fans, think that a flashmob is “not Zoeys style” & we, fans, think that promotion is “not Max’s style”. We might be wrong, cause we don’t know everything about the characters + they can change...over time...)
Another thing she says to him when he asks advice regarding the job offer is “I would never stop you from going after what you want”. When they both know that what he really wants is her - he’s made it clear. And yet... here she is saying she’d not stop him, when she is “stopping him” from doing just that. And at the same time...as pointed out in the last part... is a promotion what Max really wants? Cause it is not the case for “1x01 Max”...and we & Zoey haven’t been made aware that he’s changed his mind. So... does his best friend not know him? (or does she known him better...and know he’s changed his POV on promotions)
Max & Zoey have been best friends & colleagues...for 5 years...since the first day on the job. From Max’s POV...something changed..suddenly...a few months ago. For a while he didn’t know why and what, but now he knows why.  And just like it took time for Zoey to adjust to her “power”, same applies to Max (adjusting to her powers). 
From Max’s POV...his best friend is dishonest with him, she avoids him, she has changed, she comes to him when she needs him... but she herself doesn’t offer anything back (yes, he is aware she’s grieving, and he understands it, but his best friend is not letting her friends help her during the time she needs to lean on family/friends). We have rarely seen her talk to him about anything else than office gossip...or her powers related stuff...recently. And it’s heavily implied they used to talk...all the time... about everything. His best friend also set him up with another woman...just to avoid him after she learned that he has feelings for her. His best friend claims her focus has to be her dad, and she can’t do more than friendship at this time, but at the same time she continues pursing another man. And this after she promised to be 100% honest with him. And she betrayes that trust the “very next day”. So he has every right to be upset, and hurt. 
Zoey has every right to be upset about the fact that she thinks Max is “pushing her to have feelings for him” (when they both know... for a fact..after her heart song that she does have feelings for him), but in this case Max has every right to be upset about the fact that he thinks “she is avoiding him”. She has the right to grieve, so does he. If she has the right to be upset that Simon doesn’t return her feelings... then Max has the right to be upset that she doesn’t return his feelings. The same rules have to apply to all, not just main character. And if you look at the storylines closely, you’ll see the parallels... the things that Zoey is upset about (fans are upset about) regarding Simon’s behaviour (when pursuing him) are the same exact things that Max is upset about regarding Zoey (his pursuit of her). The same way that some fans point out Max is “obsessed with Zoey” there’s a parallel story with Zoey is “obsessed with Simon”. All Max wanted from Zoey was what Zoey wanted from Simon - clarity. For her/him to have clarity. And just as she felt the other man didn’t have it, he felt that she didn’t have it. 
Because we, the audience, know that Zoey (thinks she has) has feelings for both men - her behaviour in past episodes (especially 1x06 - 1x07) and her heart song confirm that she has feelings for Max, and because he knows her secret, he knows that that’s a fact. So he has every right to be upset that she  “doesn’t like him back/doesn’t want to be with him”, when he knows that she does love him back, while claiming the opposite. And she won’t talk to him about it... 
From his POV it is as follows: they both have admitted they love each other. She claims she needs time to deal with her grief and can’t risk their friendship. She tells him she loves him...and the very next minute goes to another mans arms - that’s the part that upsets him. He’s not upset that she’s not returning his feelings/not wanting to date him, nope. He’s “upset” because he, as her best friend who knows her & her past relationships, knows that her thing with the engaged man will not end well for her.  And yes, he is not wrong in saying that in a case when she has feelings for two men it’s a better option to choose the best friend, who has always been there for her (she’s said this herself) than the totally engaged (until just recently) & morally questionable, emotionally unavailable grieving hot guy.                       
While Max choices have been just “mistakes” (perhaps not the best idea to confess your feelings via flash mob to a girl who only listens to podcasts?), then Simon’s choices have been actual “bad decisions” - cheating. And though both Simons & Zoey’s bad choices have been rooted in their grief/depression, they cannot “excuse” it with being a mess due to grief. Instead of continuing the downward spiral they should own their mistakes, acknowledge them as not good choices. It’s one thing to use the wrong gesture to confess your love to somone, and completely another thing to cheat on your fiancee (and blame it on being a mess cause of grief). Those two things should not be comparable. 
I can’t believe how some people see Max response to her “no one understand why you got the promotion” (translation: you didn’t deserve it) as harsh. Like her cruel words were “justified” because she’s grieving..or just because...even though she was not right to say them, but his behaviour has been “unacceptable”. Yes, his comments to Zoey are not the friendliest (when he’s telling why he chooses 6th floor over 4th... after the “The Boy is Mine” sing-off, but they are nothing compared to Zoey’s “you don’t deserve this promotion & you are selfish for not being there for me whenever I need something from you”. 
We can all see & understand that each character has flaws & makes mistakes & says some things they shouldn’t. But some of these things are “worse” than the others. And his reply to her rude-fuled-by-her-anger-phase-of-grieving comment to him was tame. He was actually quite calm & cool during his response to her (you’re calling me selfish?). And he directed the coded message at Zoey on the 6th floor directly at her because he knows she’s emotionally challenged, so she needed to undrerstand that it was directed at her, too...so she’d start understanding that she hurt him with her words/behaviour too. He wanted her to get that message, cause he had seen that until now she had no idea how her actions/inactions affect him. 
He may seem like being “upset” with her... but it’s also understandable, because she kinda broke his heart, and just as she’s allowed to not return his feelings, he’s allowed to feel sad that she doesn’t. To put it in “fairytale terms”. But he’s in no way pressuring her to return his feelings & start a relationship now. All he wants/needs from her is honesty & clarity. 
And mostly... when will Zoey finally give Simon the advice he needs - go see a professional therapist! What the man needs is professional help not a mind-reader, who is a mess herself. And is Zoey doesn’t stop keeping it all in and won’t talk to her family/friends about her grief, then she, too, will soon need professional help... (therapist). 
Through all of this Max’s there for her:  he supports her when she’s interested in the new guy..(until he finds out the man is taken); he supports her to go after the promotion; he brings her dad... his “closest thing to a dad he’s had” soft food...that he can eat, he goes to support her when she gets a call about her dad’s health & he finds a way to get her to her dad..fast; he saves her “glitch song” and turns it into a pitch for the CEO; he goes to check on her, & gives her her mom’s message..even when he’s hurt by her (and on top of that he gives her good friend advice about her dad). And she does acknowledge this..on several occasions. So...this “social distancing” (physical distance between them during work & off work) is needed to make her/them start to see things from different perspective, and realize some truths... that only distance/change could give them. 
There is a real inconsistancy between what she really feels & thinks...and  what she says/acknowledges she feels & thinks. 
ETA: And it all won’t start moving forward & she won’t start character development until she’ll truly embrace her powers. Cause she still seems to view them as “burden” instead of “helpful tool”. Sure... she has started to realize the good she can do with having this ability (in general Howie/Abigail situation was the first time she really used her ability to really improve the situation & first time she really emphatized), but until she fully embraces it all, she’ll remain “lost”. The turning point will be actually losing her dad...for real. 
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alrightbookreviews · 3 years
Shadow and Bone
by Leigh Bardugo
book: 7/10
show: 9/10
Alright so i’m assuming most of y’all have heard of this book after the Netflix series came out like a week ago and are like “damn i shoulda read the book” or maybe not. but if not then idk why ur even on my blog but whatever. i read this book like a month or two ago before i even knew about the show so it was a strange coincidence for me but i was excited for the show bc the book was pretty decent. so i sat down to watch the show w pretty low expectations bc the movies are never better than the books (duh) but i ended up liking the show WAY more than the book and here’s why.
So basically, the plot of the book is this chick named alina who draws maps i guess has this friend named mal (who she grew up at an orphanage with) and she has been high key in love w him basically her whole life and he is so fucking clueless so he doesn’t pick up on it at all. but they get sent on a boat across this big black cloud thing called the “shadow fold” w spooky monsters in it. so you’re probably thinking “oh okay since they took a boat, the shadow fold must be over water” wrong. it’s over some crusty ass sand and instead of getting something with wheels they drag this big ass boat across dry land which makes 0 sense to me but okay. also i should probably mention that there are people w like magic powers or some shit but i’ll get to that later. anyways, so alina and her bestie end up on this boat goin across the big spooky cloud with some other rando people. another design flaw of the boat that really bothers me is the fact that there are EVIL FLYING MOSTERS up in this dark ass cloud and instead of like putting everyone below deck or whatever, they jus have everyone vibing out in the open for the monsters to snatch. so of course, the monsters start snatching bitches. and mal gets snatched and alina is like omg no and then she passes the fuck out. very wild stuff. so they make it out of the shadow fold somehow and alina wakes up and these guard dudes are draggin her to the fancy magic people tent. i think now is a good time to explain the magic people so ima do that. so basically there are all these people with magic powers called “grisha” which is kinda confusing bc it sounds a lot like geisha but whatever. there’s like a bunch of different powers and they all have wacky names that i can never remember so i just call them the wind people, the water people, the fire people, the heart people, the healing people, and the builder people. the names are pretty self explanatory. but then there’s this one guy called “the darkling” which is the dumbest name to ever exist omfg i laughed over it for a WHILE. so y’all can probably guess what his power is based off of his stupid name. he makes the shadows move oooo spooky. and he can also use the shadows to chop people in half. i guess. so back to the story, they drag alina to the darklings tent and he’s like “bitch u got powers” and she’s like “nah fam” and he’s like “yeah watch” and he cuts her w a knife and she lights up. like she turns into a human lightbulb. and she’s like “damn okay so like that’s what happened on the boat when i passed the fuck out” so they take her to the palace bc i guess she’s the first person to ever have that power and it’s important bc it can get rid of the shadow fold or whateva. and basically the rest of the book is her trying to figure out her powers and the darkling trying to find this deer whose antlers will amplify her power and alina complaining about living in a castle blah blah blah.
so here’s why the show is better than the book:
her friend/guy she’s in love with is so fucking toxic in the book. he’s such a bitch to her and she’s just like lol okay ily and i’m like wtf? why do u like this piece of shit? he’s just rude man. and in the show i actually liked him. he tried his hardest to get to the palace and find her after they took her away unlike in the book when he didn’t do shit and when she finally saw him again he was mad at her for some reason idk i was like bro u gotta chill. so i’m glad he was chill in the show.
the darkling’s name in the show is “general kirigan” which is also pretty lame but SO much better than the darkling. no debate.
leigh bardugo has 7 books total taking place in this little universe (the shadow and bone trilogy, six of crows duology, and the king of scars duology) and they threw some of the characters from six of crows into the show for some reason. i was a little skeptical of how that was gonna go before the show came out bc shadow and bone and six of crows take place at different times and also i haven’t read six of crows yet but omg. i loved them. it’s this little squad of this ninja bitch, some guy w a cane who is hot af and (my favorite) this gay dude who mostly just talks about a goat. they were baddies and i was so happy they made a lil plot for them and put them in the show.
and those are really the only reasons. idk. i’d recommend both the book and the show but definitely the show a lil bit more.
now it’s time to talk some shit about everyone. (SPOILERS!!)
jesper: okay something important i need to say that my mom mentioned as we were watching the show: wouldn’t it have stank like shit when jesper fucked that one guy in the stables??? like dude no. literally do it ANYWHERE but there pls and thank u.
kaz: jesus fuck make a move you goddamn pussy holy shit
inej: okay first of all the actress who played her was GORGEOUS and she’s such a badass. kaz and jesper can’t do SHIT compared to her.
alina: she lowkey annoyed me a lil bit in the show. she ended up being the one who was a dick to mal instead of the other way around and it kinda made me sad but whatever. also the antlers in her skin omfg i gagged every time i saw it it was fucking disgusting.
mal: dear book mal, go fuck yourself. dear netflix mal, ily boo <3
the darkling/general kirigan: they chose an old ass dude to play him in the show. like in the book even though he’s like hundreds of years old, he’s only supposed to look like 20 and the homeboy who played him in the show is 39. mmm no. poor little 25 year old jessie who had to make out with this grandpa motherfucker.
genya: wtf was that tall ass collar she was wearing?? made the bitch look like she had no neck.
david: 🧍‍♂️. also you traitor motherfucker.
baghra: we needed more of her. i love that crusty bitch. kinda upset that she attacked mal in the show but whatever he was fine i guess? idk i liked her a lot more in the book lol.
nina: idk who tf this bitch was bc she aint in the book. her lil plot was boring tbh.
milo: queen milo i live for you.
and that’s it. thank u for reading.
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seijorhi · 4 years
asks :)
my inbox has once piled up, so to avoid spamming y’all there’s some asks below the cut 💕 - general & fic questions (but no drabbles)
Me re-reading the atsumu bit over and over again getting suspicious of the way he's acting : 👁️👄👁️
Y’all: can Rhi write Atsumu without making him obsessed with the reader?
Magic 8 ball: answer uncertain, try again later 👀
I re-read the new piece and I know it was not your intention, but Bokuto, Hinata and Sakusa's behaviour also strikes me as suspicious 👀(if you know what I mean) just lighter👀 just wanted to let you know 😅
This made me laugh. Look, I say with all of my fics - a lot of it is up for interpretation, read into stuff how you want to, but it wasn’t intentional haha
Bro your like my favourite yandere writer ever, so please don't feel pressured to fulfill requests if you wanna do your own writing then please do anything you write is literally gold and I'll always read your stuff (even if it's for a fandom I'm not even in your that good) 💖
I cannot tell you how many fandoms I got into because I started reading fics from amazing writers without having watched the source material, so this is super sweet! Thank you, bby!!
i just read your fic "like nobody else" and the related drabbles (the post supply closet scene and the noya/tanaka version) and i must say you are an amazing writer! the word "lovely" came to mind to describe your work but it somehow feels wrong considering the nature of the content. even so, i really liked how you made it feel like the reader may have had a chance to escape, yet it was all futile in the end. definitely going to read your entire masterlist and patiently wait for your new works. - @glaringlights
Ahh thank you so much!!! I’m a bit of a sucker for yandere team ups and soulmate au’s so it’s always gonna be something I’m happy to write for!  
Hey bby! 🥺 Sorry for bothering u, but i was wondering what happens after "Honey, make this easy"? Do you think Kageyama finds out that it's Suga that took away his s/o?
Oh Kageyama will definitely figure it out real quick. He realises that she’s gone probably only a few minutes after Suga takes her - of course he can’t go into a full freak out, especially around the others, but he knows she just wouldn’t leave. Don’t forget that despite the yandere tendencies and the abuse - their relationship is still ‘normal’ on the surface - she’s not locked away, he’s not forcing her to be with him (well, he is, but not in the traditional sense). He knows she’s not actively looking for an escape, so someone has to have taken her. And what do you know, there’s only one other person who’s missing from the reunion - strange that Suga left without saying goodbye.
pls stop being a good writer I can't take it 😔👊
Next fic, I promise bby 😌
Hello! I just finished reading all of your stories on Ao3 and i claim i have officially become a hoe for your manager au fic.I love so much team dynamic!!I hope you will write more:).
Team manager fics were not something I really intended on doing as much on, but it’s strangely addictive, and so fun to play with all the dynamics within a team. And yeah, Inarizaki manager au will be out in the next few days, and I’m debating about doing either a Nekoma, MSBY or Karasuno one as well... Maybe.Thank you!!
🅱️lease tell us what atsumu said in reply to reader at the end that ticked kuroo off so much (honestly i know it was prob mostly innocuous but pLeAsE)
also, that ᵗᶦⁿʸ bit of softness from sakusa toward reader? I MELTED 😭😭
I’m assuming these were both sent by the same anon? 
It’s not so much what he says, at least not his immediate reply, but scrolling back through the text conversation reveals a number of messages that piss him off (and the fact you’re messaging him at all tbh)
But for the record - Have I ever let ya down?
Also, Sakusa is one of those characters I was kinda ehh about initially. Like he’s pretty but didn’t really do much for me. Now however, I am a certified Sakusa Simp™ and I could not resist dropping a slightly soft Kiyoomi 😌
And then there were two was so good it cleared my headache with one read 💖💖
THANK YOU!! Also I hope you’re feeling better, anon!
Yan! Terushima has been living in my head rent free since you released your Run, Rabbit. How would he proceed after they get home? Would he force her to be his girlfriend?
Oh yeah. You’re such a meek, shy little thing, so easy to manipulate. You twwo had had sex, you didn’t say no, he made you cum (so many times) - of course you’re together. After all, you wouldn’t sleep with somebody you weren’t in a relationship with, right? Only desperate whores do that. Besides, it not like he gives you a chance to deny it - not when Bobata and your friend return to find the two of you naked and in bed together 👀
IT WAS SO GOOD. THE KUROO X MANAGER UGHH. Like I can imagine after Kuroo kissed the s/o and get into 18+ acts. He would call Atsumu to let him know that he did the deed. I'm sorry, it's just really good. You're one good author.
Ahh thank you so much, bby! I don’t necessarily think he’d call Atsumu, because to him Atsumu’s a cocky piece of shit not worth bothering about, but he’d definitely take a whole lotta joy out of dropping you off at training the next morning, covered in love bites and hickeys, legs still a little shaky with that beautiful glazed over look in your eyes, and watching his reaction.
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