#the lone cyberman
sessa23 · 9 months
The Master: Do you want to know how I actually hurt my wrist?
The Doctor: Yes.
The Master: I was hula hooping. Ashad and I attend a class for fitness and for fun.
The Doctor: Oh, my God.
The Master: I've mastered all the moves. *Shows photos on device* The pizza toss, the tornado, the scorpion, the oopsie-doodle.
The Doctor: Why are you telling me this?
The Master Because no one will ever believe you.
*The Master Deletes photos from device*
The Doctor: You sick son of a bitch.
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evviejo · 10 months
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characters in the thirteenth doctor’s era: ashad (a.k.a. the lone cyberman) both you and humanity will be destroyed, and i shall bring the cyber race to its greatest ever glory.
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thirteens-pocket-watch · 10 months
If/when the Cybermen show up in RTD2, I hope he takes a cue from the Lone Cyberman. Cybermen aren't scary when they're perfect shiny robots, lean into the body horror side.
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acorpsecalledcorva · 6 months
You just know that if The Haunting of Villa Diodati was written for the 10th Doctor then not only would The Lone Cyberman been the inspiration for Adam but The Doctor would have become the inspiration for Dr. Frankenstein and as amazing an episode we got, I'm salty af that we didn't get that.
How easy would it be? Percy Shelley, having been infected by the cyberium is being killed by it, maybe even taken over by it. The Doctor needs to get the cyberium out of Shelley even if it kills him in the process. He hooks himself and Shelley up to a lightning rod ala Evolution of the Daleks using the storm to kick the cyberium out of Shelley and into himself.
This stops Shelley's heart but The Doctor is distracted by his showdown with The Lone Cyberman filled with rage and fury blinded to his surroundings. The Doctor is bested and TLC leaves, and realises the damage left in his wake. Using the static charge left in the lightning rod he resuscitates Shelley and we get a lovely cheesy af moment where he screams "HE'S ALIVE!" and at the end of the episode Mary Shelley scolds the Doctor for playing God with people's lives
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sillytilly09 · 2 years
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gallifriendly · 1 year
doctor who spin-off: pinky and the brain but it’s ashad and the master
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I was just driving behind a car with a license plate that read "Ashad."
The Lone Cyberman may be evil, but IMO he has good taste in cars.
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divinedeathbed · 2 years
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This episode is a 10/10 for me! Rewatched it last night and had a blast! (Of course I cried at the end)
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jackmcspringheel · 2 years
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A Moodboard of Dhawan!Master & Gallifrey
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Ashad, the Lone Cyberman
Artist: Eric Wilkerson TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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a-wartime-paradox · 8 months
Paradox of the Thirteenth, or "There's a surprising amount of Faction Paradox in Series 11-13"
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Despite not being many fan's top choice, the Thirteenth Doctor's era shared concepts with the Faction Paradox series surprisingly often. Some of these were explicit, such as The Paradox Moon featuring Siblings Same and Different (although these Siblings' Faction is otherwise unrelated to the FP Faction, as of 2023), whilst others are simply similarities in creative choices, again varying in how obvious they are, from the "Ashad" (Series 12 - The Timeless Children) resembling FP's technosapiens, to Time Lords "binding" time in Once, Upon Time (part of Series 13/Flux)
So, here I will attempt to list every possible connection between the Thirteenth Doctor/Chris Chibnal's era of Doctor Who and the Faction Paradox mythology
Firstly, an explanation as to why this is all happening...
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Explanation as to why the Thirteen Doctor is meeting Faction Paradox-esque entities.
The War has been ended for a long time, and the Great Houses have finally, actually, fallen (see The Timeless Children) leaving no one to hold up their imposed metastructure of history. Why didn't anyone invade in Series 1-7, before the Time Lords returned?, you ask. Well, it's not because The Day of the Doctor is a bootstrap, as I don't believe in perfect bootstraps, but rather because well... They did. During Series 1, the Reapers arrived, explicitly due to the lack of Time Lords (Father's Day), and so did a lone Dalek (Dalek), and finally the original Dalek Emperor's last Time War fleet (The Parting of the Ways). Then in Series 2, the Cult of Skaro arrived (Army of Ghosts/Doomsday), followed by Davros (The Stolen Earth/Journey's End)- who along with the Supreme Dalek, somehow survived the Crucible's fall (The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar)- and then the New Dalek Paradigm emerged, from survivors of the War (Victory of the Daleks). All this interference from War-time participants is what's preventing pre-Anchoring entities entering the Third Universe, as it echoes the status quo which was so hostile to their very existence.
Oh, and "Dvapara Yuga" means "the Dark Times, as understood to not be an early period of universal history, but rather the state of history metatemporally predating Rassilon's anchoring of the thread"
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She is born out of an interaction with a past Doctor (Twice Upon a Time) - if it wasn't for acausal (and unintentionally) intervention of the First Doctor, the Thirteenth Doctor never would have existed. This is a bit of a stretch, as interference forwards in a timeline is much less paradoxical than the reverse, but this is her first appearance so...
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The Solitract, from It Takes You Away, is an intelligent & conscious universe, exiled from the main universe in order to allow for it's creation. "Creation" here probably refers to Event One/The Big Bang, but, if one is on the train of "the universe before the Anchoring of the Thread didn't have a beginning, and the Big Bang was retroactively added by Urizen [Rassilon]", then this is very easily re-interpreted as a mention of the early Sun Builders (a.k.a Time Lords) cleaning up their area of spacetime in preparation for imposing rationality on it. To be even more bold, I may suggest that this isn't a universe at all, but instead an intercreational, a class of being first mentioned in The Book of the War, although one type was first mentioned in the BBC Eighth Doctor Adventures novel The Taking of Planet 5, as a "Swimmer". I propose that the Solitract is not a Swimmer, or a Leviathan, but rather a smaller intercreational, perhaps growing out of the Third Universe (the main DW/FP universe), before being banished by the Great Houses. See Explanation as to why the Thirteen Doctor is meeting Faction Paradox-esque entities at the top of this post.
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The Ux, from The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, are clearly some gods from the Dvapara Yuga.
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Orphan 55 features a future version of Earth which deviates heavily from most other depictions of it. Speculatively, this means the Thirteenth Doctor travelled to an aberrant timeline, or that the Ghost Point has somehow worsened since the degradation of the Great Houses's imposed metastructure, rather than healing.
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During Fugitive of the Judoon, the Doctor interacts with Gallifrey's distant past. I can't really explain this even by the standard explanation at the top of this post. However, one thing interesting to note is that the ancient Time Lord "Gat" considered "Mutter's Spiral" to be a "tiny galaxy". This is notable because Gallifrey is basically always said to be in the centre of Mutter's Spiral - that is, the Milky Way - and naming a galaxy as "tiny" kind of implies that you aren't from it. Maybe Gallifrey wasn't always in Mutter's Spiral, and got moved? Or maybe Gat and the Division come from some alternative Gallifrey? I don't know, just interesting to note.
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The novel At Childhood's End (written by Sophie Aldred, actor for Ace) featured Ace meeting the Thirteenth Doctor, and descriptions of the former's fractured timelines. Notably, the next time Ace and the Doctor met (in The Power of the Doctor), neither one of them mentioned this, almost as if the timeline in which it happened had fractured...
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Rakaya and Zellin from Can You Hear Me? are clearly some kind of pre-anchoring gods like the Ux. In Time Lord Victorious short story The Guide to the Dark Times, it was confirmed that they were, specifically, Eternals (not the MCU kind), and another Time Lord Victorious text, a novel called The Knight, the Fool, and the Dead, claimed that Eternals were among the other inhabitants of the Dark Times, the "Old Ones". Interestingly, multiple Eternals do indeed appear in the "classic" series of Doctor Who, implying that the Anchoring did not fully remove them, but as they didn't appear in NuWho until now, I feel safe in speculating that the War somehow barred them from it - perhaps they'd joined the conflict, on the side of both the Time Lords, Daleks, the Enemy, and others, "helping out" wherever it benefited them?
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Ashad, first appearing in The Haunting of Villo Diodati, and then in the following serial Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children, is an "emotional Cyberman". Any readers of Faction Paradox could immediately draw the connection between this and Faction Paradox's "technosapiens", named as such partially to avoid infringing on the BBC's trademark, but also because The Book of the War showed that many sects of posthumanity had become cyborgs, but many were not emotionless and evil like the Cybermen.
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The Timeless Child, first appearing in The Timeless Children, is vaguely reminiscent of the idea hinted upon in The Book of the War that the Great Houses stole the power of regeneration from another species, in The Book of the War being the Great Vampires, and in The Timeless Children being the titular Timeless Child. This note of continuity was expanded upon by the writer @aristidetwain in his short story Out of the Box introduced the "Child-That-Was-Taken", intended to be a member of the Yssgaroth species, and to be the Timeless Child itself. Additionally, this Child was the motivator for the Great Vampires' war with the Great Houses, the Eternal War (a.k.a First War in Heaven).
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In The Timeless Children, Tecteun is shown alongside Rassilon and Omega. Previously, the figure alongside Rassilon and Omega was the Other, a version of the Doctor from before he was the Doctor. My personal fix for this, which I admittedly took from @/aristidetwain, is that there were many Others, assisting Rassilon and Omega at different points in time. Other Others may be the human Dr. Who from the novel Human Nature, the Eleventh Doctor "Cheesemaker" (The Lost Dimension), Osiris (in his car future), and the Sixth Doctor (The Scrolls of Rassilon)
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In Shadow in the Mirror, the Thirteenth Doctor released Aphasia / Daughter of Mine from her mirror of entrapment, despite the fact that Aphasia mentioned a "ginger haired doctor" who "believed himself to be the last" (likely Muldwych/Merlin), meaning that the Doctor had been interacting with Aphasia out-of-order, which is... Reasonably dangerous.
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Throughout Flux, the villains "Swarm" and "Azure" attempt to remove the Mouri from the planet Time, effectively de-anchoring the thread. They're method, strangely, is to try to destroy the entire universe using "the flux".
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Village of the Angels features the first instance of Weeping Angels being shown to posses proper intelligence, as they ally themselves with Tecteun, presumably in exchange for something, and even more interestingly, they have a rogue member, suggesting power structures in their ranks. This isn't particularly Faction Paradox -related, but it feels like it is, and I hope Faction Paradox writers use Weeping Angel - analogues to continue to explore this.
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Eve of the Daleks features the Doctor "resetting" the TARDIS, causing a localised time loop. However, perhaps more notably, the Daleks which appear in this episode are "Dalek Executioners", which make their debut in Time Lord Victorious.
The Power of the Doctor won't be mentioned here, perhaps I'll grant it a full post going over all of its batshit-insanity (affectionate?) some other time.
This post was made after I saw @familyparadox remark at the high amount of Faction/Thirteen content
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cloysterbell · 6 months
So I'm an RTD girlie who gave up on doctor who somewhere in the moffat era before chibnall even took over and so I've missed all of thirteen's tenure. I don't have it in me to watch all of her seasons at this moment in time but I LOVE Jodie and your gifs look so compelling.
Would you be able to recommend your top 5 episodes with 13 or something so I can rectify the error of my ways, at least a little bit?
Hmmmmmmm I would say that for a complete Thirteen novice you should watch:
The Woman Who Fell to Earth
It Takes You Away
Spyfall pts 1 & 2
The Haunting of Villa Diodati
And probably Fugitive of the Judoon and The Timeless Children just because those are very important series lore episodes that are important to watch even if you very much disagree with most of the choices that Chibnall made
Also probably The Power of the Doctor so you can watch Thirteen's full regeneration episode (and Jacob Anderson <3)
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the-succubabe · 1 year
imma let ashad/lone cyberman hit it raw and for free besties IMMA DO IT imma let him
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dougielombax · 1 year
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Seeing Patterns in Things that Aren’t There.
Part 11
Hallways, Death Angels, and Lone Cybermen.
“That…thing. In the hallway, while we were trying to get off the Profundity. It killed at least a dozen of my men, cut them down like they were nothing. Blasters had no effect, it just kept on coming, kept on killing. It was like…like a nightmare. I’ve never seen anything like it, like some kind of death angel.” - Toshma Jefkin. - Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View (2017).
1. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016)
2.Doctor Who: The Power of the Doctor (2022)
3. Amphibia. (2019-2022)
Seriously what is it with hallway scenes today.
I’d say Rogue One boosted the popularity of such things.
I just find it a bit odd.
I’m not complaining btw.
I’ll admit, from what little I’ve seen of the show, the Amphibia hallway scene was definitely a deliberate homage to Star Wars.
Whereas the Doctor Who one seems like more of a coincidence. At least it does to me.
Make of that what you will.
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wincheskka · 2 years
Ashad Poster
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