#the losers club hcs
kyutepups · 6 months
Losers club Halloween special!! (I forgot to post this yesterday…)
Stan and Patty decided to host the party this year, since Bev and Ben hosted the 4th of July party
Stan and Patty are matching, dressed as Fred and Daphne because Patty forced him to
Richie and Eddie are matching, dressed as Jedediah and Octavius (Eddie as Jedediah and Richie as Octavius ofc)
Bev and Ben are matching, dressed as Sandy Dee and Danny Zuko because they watched Grease for the first time the week before and they are obsessed.
Since Mike and Bill knew everyone else would match, they did too. They pulled up in the best Batman and Robin costumes anyones ever seen (Mike as Batman and Bill as Robin)
Patty was handing out candy to all the trick or treaters while everyone was getting crunk in the backyard
Towards the middle of the party, Ben’s costume was already ripped off and he was in his plain undies.
Richie and Eddie fought like the warriors they are and ended up breaking Stan’s grill. Stan didn’t realize and they sure as hell weren’t gonna tell him.
Mike faceplanted trying to dance to “Thriller” like in the music video
Bev climbed over the fence to the neighbors house cause she smelt cigarettes and wanted to smoke with them (it surprisingly worked)
Bill passed out for 15 minutes after he attempted to do a backflip because he’s an old man and he was tired.
Stan joined Patty in the front and found her devouring the candy because all the trick or treaters had left.
Everyone ended up leaving at around 3am.
Stan and Patty woke up at 8am to clean up, and in common fashion, found Bill passed out on their stove cause no one wanted to take him home.
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elliee-doodles · 2 years
(some) Loser club HCs
(this was something I started when I was really into IT, but never finished. But I had worked hard on these at the time and I figured why not post them? I only got to 5/7 losers (the last two theres really barely anything- I was writting them down over time, thought dumping basically.
Do keep in mind though, these are pretty old- and I'm not really in the fandom anymore)
Trigger warnings: All of the Losers have trauma, mentions of canon and non canon abuse, mentions of selfharm and suicide (nothing graphic), brief mention of an ED
continue at your own risk
Note: First of all, please keep in mind I only read half the book. So most of what I know is from the (new) movies and the fandom. Most if not all of these are kid/teen losers. Also a lot of this is based around my personal views of the characters, which is why I'm so anxious to post. I may read into the characters totally different than everyone else, but hopefully you'll like some of these. Any of the interactions between Losers can be seen as platonic or romantic as I ship Poly Losers. Whatever you prefer.
-Like I said all the Losers have trauma, from pennywise and bullying/abuse, so they all have some form of PTSD. I won't repeat that for every Loser
-Bill also has mild anxiety, even before the whole Georgie situation, and depression
-His stutter makes it hard for him to make any connection with most people in Derry, even adults. They are either impatient or write him off as stupid.
-He is often non verbal when not around the losers
-After the whole Georgie situation his parents neglect him.
-He ends up very skinny because while there is food in the house, it's barely anything. A couple cans of soup, oatmeal, a box of crackers. Maybe some other things but not much.
-He steals his dad’s old clothes. They are too big on him but it's one of the only ways he gets new clothes.
-The other is getting clothes from the Losers or eventually when he gets a job, buying them from cheap places.
-That's also why he wears jorts, he has to cut his own jeans for shorts
-Ok so you know that old lady in the first movie that has the cat and is the last person to see Georgie alive? Yeah Bill goes to visit her
-At first it was to try and get more answers
-But when she has none he gets upset and she invites him in for tea or something
-And then he starts to visit her more- as he is always welcome.
-Eventually he ends up watering her plants or taking care of her cat for a little money. These are things the woman could definitely do on her own, but she know how Bill’s parents are and knows he won't take money without “earning” it
-After a while Bill meets Mike, He ends up helping on his farm.
-He doesn't come around nearly as often, but every so often he’ll surprise her with a visit. Sometimes he’ll even bring Mike.
-Yes I created this whole ass story for a character who doesn't have a name and has like a minute of screen time.. Anyway-
-Bill’s favorite thing to do on the farm is feed the animals. More specifically the chickens.
-He had an incident where he was going to feed the pigs, holding their giant thing of food, when he tripped into the pen. (you know he clumsy)
-He opened his eyes to a bunch of pig snouts that were way too close. He doesn't feed the pigs anymore. Boy is traumatized
-There is one cow that is way sweeter than the others, and so gentle. This cow is Bill’s favorite. He calls him Mike when Mike isn't around. Bill doesn't know that Mike knows
-Bill hates rain
-Drizzles aren't so bad but the harder it rains the worse it is
-Sometimes the Losers come over to comfort him, sometimes he’ll push them away feeling he doesn't deserve it
-He goes bird watching with Stan but ends up falling asleep. Every. Single. Time.
-Stan can't really get mad, everyone knows Bill needs any sleep he can get
-And yeah he has terrible eye bags
-Oh and yes. Every Loser simps for Bill
-When Bill finishes a story he goes to Ben first for spelling or grammar errors or anything that improves the writing that he didnt think of
-Then he goes to mike to read the story and give feedback
-And lastly he’ll go to the other losers to see if the story is actually interesting (because as much as he loves Ben and Mike, they are book nerds and he wants the opinions of people who don't read everyday)
-Depressed. Hides behind jokes.
-Often doesn't think about what he says, which is why he made the mistake of making a joke about Eddie's mom. He only did it once and still regrets it.
-Like for real sometimes he’ll close his eyes and just see Eddie’s face after he made the joke and,, yeah
-His parents are also neglectful. (yes yes I know I'm sorry but I'm projecting here) His dad never wanted kids and his mom wanted a girl. Neither got what they wanted
-He learned to pick the machines at the arcade so he always has change on him.
-Tries to get Stan to wear more than simple button ups. He got Stan in one of his shirts ONE time. Stan still hates him for it
-Steals pieces of everyone's food. The losers kind of just let him because one, he won't stop even if they tell him to and two, they know that the boy needs to eat
-He and Bev sneak out often at night. Sometimes they'll do something crazy and illegal and sometimes they’ll just lay on the grass and talk
-Sometimes he and Bev will look for bones in the woods. They have two bird skeletons, one single bird skull, and half a squirrel skeleton so far
-I'd say in modern day he definitely does theatre. He acts
-The rest of the losers do crew
-Until richie can get eddie to try out for a role (that he gets and totally nails)
-I could write a whole separate thing for them doing theatre honestly... Anyways
-Richie is always trying to do impressions of the losers. Eventually he gets it and the Losers have to refrain from murdering him
-Ok this boy is kinda suicidal
-He had self harmed once but Eddie and Stan put a stop to that real quick
-He has abandonment issues and sometimes he can't convince himself that the losers are NOT gonna leave him
-Sometimes when he is alone he dessociates
-I love the hc that when the losers outgrow the clubhouse they move into the attic of Mike’s barn, so a lot of the times the losers are on the farm
-Richie loves the pigs and cows
-One morning Mike went out after a sleepover and found Richie talking and telling jokes to the cows. He didn't say anything.
-Believe it or not, Richie can't be and isn't high energy all the time. Sometimes when he just needs to chill or everything is too much he’ll walk in the woods or, more often than not, go bird watching with Stan
-Although those bird watching sessions never last more than an hour unless Richie falls asleep.
-Sometimes Richie doesn't realize when he is being an asshole, but a lot of the time he does it on purpose because he thinks it's funny. 
-Sometimes it is, but Richie doesn't always know how to read the mood 
-He hates when someone calls him by his full name. Even if they sound playful
-Oh you know my boy feeds the rats, mice and racoons. He feels connected to them
-Should probably cut his hair. Eddie keeps telling him to cut his damn hair
-Gets ben and Bev into graphic novels
-Eddie and Stan read them too, but only with Richie
-Oh please let this loser play ukulele 
-Let him write songs for the other Losers that they never get to hear
-Except maybe when he writes songs with bev, who plays keyboard, late at night
-They're not very good but don't tell them that
-I know a lot of people love punk Richie and I do too but,,, I also love pastel and/or soft Rich
-Maybe he alternates, or he's like me and can't settle on just one
Oh boy
Ok if you know me at all you know I project heavily onto this boy, so a lot of these are based around my life :,)
-Ok first of all anxiety. He’s full of it
-And he also has depression and is suicidal even as a kid
-And has OCD
-His dad wants him to be this perfect little jewish boy, no flaws.
-His mom doesn't fight his dad but she isn't like him
-He feels like he doesnt fit in anywhere, not even with the losers sometimes.
-Sometimes he’ll go days without eating. The reason for this depends but is usually because of the sense of control it brings
-Let him and Bev have a friendship you COWARDS
-If things go wrong, or everything is too much he has panic attacks which usually leads to him self harming
Ok on to something more light
-The losers (minus Eddie)bring Stan bird feathers they find randomly so he can tell them what kind of bird it came from
-Eddie doesn't like this because, “do you rEALIZE HOW MANY DISEASES-”
-He and Mike and sometimes Bev go on walks through the barrens. Stan to watch birds, Mike to enjoy nature and Bev to explore
-Yes he has assigned types of birds to the different Losers. He doesn't tell them though
-He likes to sit with Ben because he can be quiet for a long time and he just genuinely likes his company
-He and Eddie play baseball. Sometimes Bill joins
-He also helps Mike on the farm and, of course, loves the chickens
-Its really cute because the chickens get excited when they see him and Bill is lowkey jealous
-His favorite song is The king of rock ‘N’ roll and you can pry that from my cold dead hands 
-Richie is so pleasantly surprised when he finds out
-One year for his birthday Richie gives Stan a button up shirt with a pattern of birds on it and he both loves and hates it.
-Will stay locked up in the house for far too long. The Losers make sure to visit if they haven't seen him.
-Although sometimes he shuts them and everyone else out. He won't answer the door. He keeps his blinds shut. Sometimes it's because he just needs that time or sometimes it's because of his depression. Either way the Losers worry.
-Ok but you know this boy has a pet bird. Maybe not when he lives with his parents but most certainly sometime in his life. I like to think he has a small bird, not one of those big boys like a macaw, but maybe a lovebird.
-Does Not like a lot of noise. He has sensory overloads
-Stims but is embarrassed by it
-Has that head bob stim
-Can't stand when his different food touches on his plate
-Richie bought him one of those plates that have dividers as a joke but stan actually uses it all the time
-Every once and a while he loves to just listen to one of the Losers ramble about things they love.
-He most definitely helps any bird he sees that is in even the tiniest bit of trouble
-He, Richie and eventually Eddie paint their nails together. I mean the whole group will at sleepovers and stuff but those three do it most often
-He plays piano. Not by choice but he does kinda enjoy it
-He sits as still as he can in the park where he bird watches, and ends up earning the trust of a few of the birds. They eat from his hand
-Photographs birds!! Has a polaroid (sometimes he photographs the losers too)
-Scrapbooks ! often ends up doing it with another loser
-Makes a scrapbook of the losers, each of them added their own things and comments in different color pens
-Collects stamps with birds and nature on them
-When the Losers go to the quarry Richie always throws his clothes off and onto the ground randomly and Stan always picks them up after him and folds them neatly. He has given up on yelling at Richie for this. Instead he just sighs and does his thing.
-The other losers respect his wish not to just throw their clothes everywhere
-Organizes the others’ stuff when he comes over
-Has had a couple suicide attempts, The losers take turns visiting him in the hospital, He hates them seeing him like that (do i want to write a comfort fic about this?,,perhaps)
-Has Misphobis (when certain sounds trigger someone in ways other may not understand, like chewing)
-Starts a tradition where the losers will write letters to each other (even though they all live close together)
-Does Not actually have asthma, just really bad anxiety, panic attacks and ADHD
-Was the one who helped Bill fix and paint silver when he first got it. They were both around ten
-The first time bill rides down the street without silver breaking or anything going wrong Eddie cries
-Both because he's so happy it finally worked and because “oh god Bill is gonna kill himself on that thing and i helped him fix it oh god-”
-But that aside Eddie likes fixing the other losers bikes too. They come to him first when something is wrong.
-Eddie really loves to go on carnival rides, it's getting him on the ride thats the hard part
-One time the losers went on a trip and Richie would not stop talking about this rollercoaster. He was so excited
-Then they got there and everyone got on, but Eddie was stopped. Turns out he was too short. So Richie stays with him while the others go. They get food <3
-Eddie would honestly do anything for any of the losers let's be honest
-He steals their clothes. All.The. Time.
-Richie sees Eddie taking Stan’s clothes one day and asks if he could do the same to which Stan says,“fuck no”
-He's always leaning on one of the losers or touching them in some way. Like they be chilling at the quarry after a swim and he full on curls up in Mikes lap
-,,praise kink. Just saying
-When he was younger he wasn't allowed in Stan’s house (and Stan wasnt allowed in his) because Stan is jewish
-Leans on Bev and watches as she sews
-Hates when anyone touches her outside of the losers
-Even sometimes the losers touching her is too much, they always ask before they do
-No one is allowed to touch her hair
-She keeps it short and panics when it grows long again, only after she gets over her trauma does she let it grow out
-Don't call her Bevvie for the love of god
-Has a hard time actually being in love. Crushes are a bit different
Smells like strawberries and smoke
-Steals all the losers clothes all the time (wears them better too)
-After meeting Mike she becomes vegetarian :)
and there you have it- I didnt edit this, so some of these could be completely stupid I have no idea. I just said I long while ago I’d post them and why not? otherwise theyre just sitting in my google drive abandoned 
hope you got some joy out of them heh
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peachtozier · 1 month
the losers club being mildly telepathic is sososo good of an idea. sometimes they don't even need to talk they just look at each other and Understand. occasionally they just burst out in laughter at nothing. they just kind of. know. where the others are. freaky lil creeps
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marcomilkie · 8 months
love how we all collectively decided that stan was the first person richie ever came out to
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reddje · 2 months
losers fic writers what are ur losers middle names since they don’t have canonical last names 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
i’ve been writing losers club / it fics for seven years so i’ve had plenty of time to perfect their middle names so here they are
eddie’s middle name when i write him is always isaiah. it’s biblical, it’s pretty, and i just think eddie’s mom is very much about pretty perfect things and edward isaiah kaspbrak is just a pretty little name
alwaysssss wentworth! always! richard wentworth tozier is so ingrained into my mind that it’s almost canon to me. i just think wentworth and maggie are the type to name their kids after themselves and when richie was born they were like okay cute, little boy, dads name as his middle name.
i think stanley asher is so cute and it’s also a popular name in hebrew and it goes well with his last name so i do love it. truth be told i did do a little digging when i was 14 and needing a middle name for stan and asher was one of the names that kept showing up on popular jewish names websites so it kinda just stuck w me. stanley asher uris ur so famous to me <3
william henry 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ william henry denbrough 🤷‍♀️ and georgie’s middle name is james, even though he’s the only one with a canonical middle name 😭
mikes middle name is william bc it’s his dads name , but i also think he could’ve been named “michael leroy hanlon” after his grandfather. i tend to go with william though !
benjamin alexander!!! so so cutie pie just like he is.
beverly grace just screams at me idk. i just feel like her dad would’ve picked it, and she hates it, but richie found out about it and calls her by it all the time and it’s grown on her hearing him call her it. (bc they’re bffs)
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chosenhanlon · 8 months
headcanon is that eddie would ALWAYS be wearing socks. you would NEVER catch that man being bare foot. it makes him feel obnoxious without them on. therefore richie would ALWAYS make sure to buy a huge pack of socks for his eddie every christmas ever since they’ve met. thereupon eddie’s love for richie continues to grow even stronger as the years go by.
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t4tozier · 15 days
okay guys you’ve forced my hand
losers club fursonas
richie - brown bear. duh. or a hyena :)
eddie - stoat! little guys with too much energy. have y’all seen that video of the stoat on the trampoline? that’s eddie
bev - i’m picturing glamrock chica from fnaf but that doesn’t count so. sabertooth tiger. i think she deserves it
bill - grey wolf. pack leader <3 or a golden retriever
mike - clouded leopard. that’s the one that’s very paws right? idk it’s just vibes
ooh or a stag. i think i like that better
ben - otter or beaver :)
stan - possum. get it. ‘cause they p. ‘cause they play dead
or an african grey parrot
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byler-is-endgame7 · 2 years
stan DEFINITELY corrects everyone with “actually,” whenever they say something wrong 
and richie DEFINITELY mocks him all the time for it 
“this is gonna cost us $3.00 we won’t have enough guys” 
“actually, stan,” *pushing up glasses* “it’s $2.99 so-”
“richie sHUT UP”
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you've heard of selectively mute Bill now get ready for nonverbal Stan
anon. anon. ANON. I LOVE YOU.
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the losers do powerpoint night
stan goes first, his presentation is titled ‘the losers as bird species’. they’re all really niche species and nobody really understands what he’s saying, but his reasons are really accurate and he finds himself pretty funny.
bill is next, his is short but sweet and simply describes his ideas for the losers’ next days out. everybody gets excited discussing plans, dates, similar alternatives, and eventually all of the ideas he puts forward do happen (and they all enjoy them very much).
ben and eddie have collaborated on theirs to create ‘the losers as disney characters’. unbeknownst to them until now, ben has spent painstaking hours photoshopping each of the losers’ faces onto each of their assigned characters, which everybody finds incredibly funny. it’s also highly obvious that ben was the one to assign ariel to bev, whilst it was eddie who chose vanellope von schweetz for richie.
mike presents his top five derry conspiracy theories, which isn’t actually as boring as you’d expect from the title. he presents each and every point with genuine detail and has clearly done his research, but the theories themselves are so ridiculous you can’t help but laugh. he’s fully aware of this and makes it clear that of course he doesn’t seriously believe in them (okay, maybe one or two of them).
bev and richie’s joint project finishes the night (after having begged everybody to let them go last, convinced that theirs is a high note to end on). the duo present ‘the losers as our favourite memes’, and proceed to spam their eyes with the most chaotic tik toks, textposts and cursed images. they both claim they worked very very hard on this and that they should be taken completely seriously, but their powerpoint actually takes the longest to present since they can’t help but crease up laughing for a full minute every time they change the slide.
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sunshinereddie · 7 months
i think it would be very funny to imagine a losers sitcom of sorts where the events of ch2 proceed as canon (but imagine that stan didn't die and joined them for the fight), except afterwards the losers decide to fuck it and perform some kind of ritual to try and bring eddie back to life. it works, except he is a zombie. a literal zombie, except he still has his old personality and memories and everything. he's the same old eddie kaspbrak, except now he always looks like he just crawled out of his grave (he did) and now he has acquired the taste of human brains- but he's the same old eddie!
so then, in sitcom style, the losers decide to just carry on with their lives.... while also trying to help eddie adjust to his new life as a zombie, while also not even trying to hide the fact that he's a zombie. he goes out with grey and rotting skin and richie tells people that eddie's just really into halloween. imagine the losers all having a nice dinner together, everyone sharing a meal, and then it pans over to eddie's plate, which has a single brain on it. jump to zombie eddie back at work, wearing a suit and sitting at his desk while he types away on his computer.
i just think...... zombie eddie sitcom. yeah.
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kyutepups · 8 months
If IT was a sitcom Stan is definitely the character that can hear the laughtrack and break the 4th wall
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birdblorbo · 1 year
If you sit there and try to tell me every single one of the losers didn’t have a crush on Bill, you are wrong. Objectively and subjectively you are wrong.
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peachtozier · 11 days
niche au i will never get around to writing: entomologist richie tozier
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embodyingchaos · 8 months
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❥ hi rachel(@user40724432sworld)! thank you for my first richie tozier request! i hope this is to your liking! i apologise for taking too long!
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yandere richie tozier headcanons warnings: yandere tingz, implications of murder, stalker behaviour, mean richie, mentions of cuts and bruises, possessiveness, manipulation
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okay, so, tozier is a real asshole yk? he’d be an asshole if he liked you, let alone obsessed with you!!!
i feel like a yandere-esque richie wouldn’t be very obvious until the moment he decides to show it
he definitely takes note of your every move and every action, like the way you part your hair or wear your clothes, he’d be extremely observant only when it comes to you
he’s extra mean to you too, wanting to insult you in every way for a moment before being a-okay with you the next
if someone shows the slightest interest in you, he would immediately strike
first warning would be him threatening that person for even talking to you and thinking they even had a chance with someone as amazing and heaven-sent as you
second would be at least a few cuts and bruises here and there inflicted on the person who flirted with you
third would be death, quite literally
richie is very possessive as yanderes are, and if you’re even a second late to a group meeting he’ll be asking you a thousand questions of your whereabouts
he hates it when you say no to him, he absolutely fucking hates it and sometimes he feels like slapping you across the face but remembers to control himself if not he’ll scare you away
you’re very confused of his weird behaviour, one second he hates you and the next he seems to care about your “safety” 
of course you don’t realise he’s lied about all those times he said that there were guys that were trying to take advantage of your kindness, when he was actually the one who was taking advantage of it
you’re slowly manipulated by his so-called compassion and chivalry, and fall for him, and he gets exactly what he wants: your devoted love.
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spageds · 2 months
headcanon 3 (crazy right) richie genuinely enjoys a lot of weird food combos, anything abysmal you can think of, he likely eats it. he's the reason stanley refuses to sit anywhere near him at lunch, and the reason eddie nearly throws up every time they go to a fast food chain
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