#i forgot how to tag its been a minute
elliee-doodles · 2 years
(some) Loser club HCs
(this was something I started when I was really into IT, but never finished. But I had worked hard on these at the time and I figured why not post them? I only got to 5/7 losers (the last two theres really barely anything- I was writting them down over time, thought dumping basically.
Do keep in mind though, these are pretty old- and I'm not really in the fandom anymore)
Trigger warnings: All of the Losers have trauma, mentions of canon and non canon abuse, mentions of selfharm and suicide (nothing graphic), brief mention of an ED
continue at your own risk
Note: First of all, please keep in mind I only read half the book. So most of what I know is from the (new) movies and the fandom. Most if not all of these are kid/teen losers. Also a lot of this is based around my personal views of the characters, which is why I'm so anxious to post. I may read into the characters totally different than everyone else, but hopefully you'll like some of these. Any of the interactions between Losers can be seen as platonic or romantic as I ship Poly Losers. Whatever you prefer.
-Like I said all the Losers have trauma, from pennywise and bullying/abuse, so they all have some form of PTSD. I won't repeat that for every Loser
-Bill also has mild anxiety, even before the whole Georgie situation, and depression
-His stutter makes it hard for him to make any connection with most people in Derry, even adults. They are either impatient or write him off as stupid.
-He is often non verbal when not around the losers
-After the whole Georgie situation his parents neglect him.
-He ends up very skinny because while there is food in the house, it's barely anything. A couple cans of soup, oatmeal, a box of crackers. Maybe some other things but not much.
-He steals his dad’s old clothes. They are too big on him but it's one of the only ways he gets new clothes.
-The other is getting clothes from the Losers or eventually when he gets a job, buying them from cheap places.
-That's also why he wears jorts, he has to cut his own jeans for shorts
-Ok so you know that old lady in the first movie that has the cat and is the last person to see Georgie alive? Yeah Bill goes to visit her
-At first it was to try and get more answers
-But when she has none he gets upset and she invites him in for tea or something
-And then he starts to visit her more- as he is always welcome.
-Eventually he ends up watering her plants or taking care of her cat for a little money. These are things the woman could definitely do on her own, but she know how Bill’s parents are and knows he won't take money without “earning” it
-After a while Bill meets Mike, He ends up helping on his farm.
-He doesn't come around nearly as often, but every so often he’ll surprise her with a visit. Sometimes he’ll even bring Mike.
-Yes I created this whole ass story for a character who doesn't have a name and has like a minute of screen time.. Anyway-
-Bill’s favorite thing to do on the farm is feed the animals. More specifically the chickens.
-He had an incident where he was going to feed the pigs, holding their giant thing of food, when he tripped into the pen. (you know he clumsy)
-He opened his eyes to a bunch of pig snouts that were way too close. He doesn't feed the pigs anymore. Boy is traumatized
-There is one cow that is way sweeter than the others, and so gentle. This cow is Bill’s favorite. He calls him Mike when Mike isn't around. Bill doesn't know that Mike knows
-Bill hates rain
-Drizzles aren't so bad but the harder it rains the worse it is
-Sometimes the Losers come over to comfort him, sometimes he’ll push them away feeling he doesn't deserve it
-He goes bird watching with Stan but ends up falling asleep. Every. Single. Time.
-Stan can't really get mad, everyone knows Bill needs any sleep he can get
-And yeah he has terrible eye bags
-Oh and yes. Every Loser simps for Bill
-When Bill finishes a story he goes to Ben first for spelling or grammar errors or anything that improves the writing that he didnt think of
-Then he goes to mike to read the story and give feedback
-And lastly he’ll go to the other losers to see if the story is actually interesting (because as much as he loves Ben and Mike, they are book nerds and he wants the opinions of people who don't read everyday)
-Depressed. Hides behind jokes.
-Often doesn't think about what he says, which is why he made the mistake of making a joke about Eddie's mom. He only did it once and still regrets it.
-Like for real sometimes he’ll close his eyes and just see Eddie’s face after he made the joke and,, yeah
-His parents are also neglectful. (yes yes I know I'm sorry but I'm projecting here) His dad never wanted kids and his mom wanted a girl. Neither got what they wanted
-He learned to pick the machines at the arcade so he always has change on him.
-Tries to get Stan to wear more than simple button ups. He got Stan in one of his shirts ONE time. Stan still hates him for it
-Steals pieces of everyone's food. The losers kind of just let him because one, he won't stop even if they tell him to and two, they know that the boy needs to eat
-He and Bev sneak out often at night. Sometimes they'll do something crazy and illegal and sometimes they’ll just lay on the grass and talk
-Sometimes he and Bev will look for bones in the woods. They have two bird skeletons, one single bird skull, and half a squirrel skeleton so far
-I'd say in modern day he definitely does theatre. He acts
-The rest of the losers do crew
-Until richie can get eddie to try out for a role (that he gets and totally nails)
-I could write a whole separate thing for them doing theatre honestly... Anyways
-Richie is always trying to do impressions of the losers. Eventually he gets it and the Losers have to refrain from murdering him
-Ok this boy is kinda suicidal
-He had self harmed once but Eddie and Stan put a stop to that real quick
-He has abandonment issues and sometimes he can't convince himself that the losers are NOT gonna leave him
-Sometimes when he is alone he dessociates
-I love the hc that when the losers outgrow the clubhouse they move into the attic of Mike’s barn, so a lot of the times the losers are on the farm
-Richie loves the pigs and cows
-One morning Mike went out after a sleepover and found Richie talking and telling jokes to the cows. He didn't say anything.
-Believe it or not, Richie can't be and isn't high energy all the time. Sometimes when he just needs to chill or everything is too much he’ll walk in the woods or, more often than not, go bird watching with Stan
-Although those bird watching sessions never last more than an hour unless Richie falls asleep.
-Sometimes Richie doesn't realize when he is being an asshole, but a lot of the time he does it on purpose because he thinks it's funny. 
-Sometimes it is, but Richie doesn't always know how to read the mood 
-He hates when someone calls him by his full name. Even if they sound playful
-Oh you know my boy feeds the rats, mice and racoons. He feels connected to them
-Should probably cut his hair. Eddie keeps telling him to cut his damn hair
-Gets ben and Bev into graphic novels
-Eddie and Stan read them too, but only with Richie
-Oh please let this loser play ukulele 
-Let him write songs for the other Losers that they never get to hear
-Except maybe when he writes songs with bev, who plays keyboard, late at night
-They're not very good but don't tell them that
-I know a lot of people love punk Richie and I do too but,,, I also love pastel and/or soft Rich
-Maybe he alternates, or he's like me and can't settle on just one
Oh boy
Ok if you know me at all you know I project heavily onto this boy, so a lot of these are based around my life :,)
-Ok first of all anxiety. He’s full of it
-And he also has depression and is suicidal even as a kid
-And has OCD
-His dad wants him to be this perfect little jewish boy, no flaws.
-His mom doesn't fight his dad but she isn't like him
-He feels like he doesnt fit in anywhere, not even with the losers sometimes.
-Sometimes he’ll go days without eating. The reason for this depends but is usually because of the sense of control it brings
-Let him and Bev have a friendship you COWARDS
-If things go wrong, or everything is too much he has panic attacks which usually leads to him self harming
Ok on to something more light
-The losers (minus Eddie)bring Stan bird feathers they find randomly so he can tell them what kind of bird it came from
-Eddie doesn't like this because, “do you rEALIZE HOW MANY DISEASES-”
-He and Mike and sometimes Bev go on walks through the barrens. Stan to watch birds, Mike to enjoy nature and Bev to explore
-Yes he has assigned types of birds to the different Losers. He doesn't tell them though
-He likes to sit with Ben because he can be quiet for a long time and he just genuinely likes his company
-He and Eddie play baseball. Sometimes Bill joins
-He also helps Mike on the farm and, of course, loves the chickens
-Its really cute because the chickens get excited when they see him and Bill is lowkey jealous
-His favorite song is The king of rock ‘N’ roll and you can pry that from my cold dead hands 
-Richie is so pleasantly surprised when he finds out
-One year for his birthday Richie gives Stan a button up shirt with a pattern of birds on it and he both loves and hates it.
-Will stay locked up in the house for far too long. The Losers make sure to visit if they haven't seen him.
-Although sometimes he shuts them and everyone else out. He won't answer the door. He keeps his blinds shut. Sometimes it's because he just needs that time or sometimes it's because of his depression. Either way the Losers worry.
-Ok but you know this boy has a pet bird. Maybe not when he lives with his parents but most certainly sometime in his life. I like to think he has a small bird, not one of those big boys like a macaw, but maybe a lovebird.
-Does Not like a lot of noise. He has sensory overloads
-Stims but is embarrassed by it
-Has that head bob stim
-Can't stand when his different food touches on his plate
-Richie bought him one of those plates that have dividers as a joke but stan actually uses it all the time
-Every once and a while he loves to just listen to one of the Losers ramble about things they love.
-He most definitely helps any bird he sees that is in even the tiniest bit of trouble
-He, Richie and eventually Eddie paint their nails together. I mean the whole group will at sleepovers and stuff but those three do it most often
-He plays piano. Not by choice but he does kinda enjoy it
-He sits as still as he can in the park where he bird watches, and ends up earning the trust of a few of the birds. They eat from his hand
-Photographs birds!! Has a polaroid (sometimes he photographs the losers too)
-Scrapbooks ! often ends up doing it with another loser
-Makes a scrapbook of the losers, each of them added their own things and comments in different color pens
-Collects stamps with birds and nature on them
-When the Losers go to the quarry Richie always throws his clothes off and onto the ground randomly and Stan always picks them up after him and folds them neatly. He has given up on yelling at Richie for this. Instead he just sighs and does his thing.
-The other losers respect his wish not to just throw their clothes everywhere
-Organizes the others’ stuff when he comes over
-Has had a couple suicide attempts, The losers take turns visiting him in the hospital, He hates them seeing him like that (do i want to write a comfort fic about this?,,perhaps)
-Has Misphobis (when certain sounds trigger someone in ways other may not understand, like chewing)
-Starts a tradition where the losers will write letters to each other (even though they all live close together)
-Does Not actually have asthma, just really bad anxiety, panic attacks and ADHD
-Was the one who helped Bill fix and paint silver when he first got it. They were both around ten
-The first time bill rides down the street without silver breaking or anything going wrong Eddie cries
-Both because he's so happy it finally worked and because “oh god Bill is gonna kill himself on that thing and i helped him fix it oh god-”
-But that aside Eddie likes fixing the other losers bikes too. They come to him first when something is wrong.
-Eddie really loves to go on carnival rides, it's getting him on the ride thats the hard part
-One time the losers went on a trip and Richie would not stop talking about this rollercoaster. He was so excited
-Then they got there and everyone got on, but Eddie was stopped. Turns out he was too short. So Richie stays with him while the others go. They get food <3
-Eddie would honestly do anything for any of the losers let's be honest
-He steals their clothes. All.The. Time.
-Richie sees Eddie taking Stan’s clothes one day and asks if he could do the same to which Stan says,“fuck no”
-He's always leaning on one of the losers or touching them in some way. Like they be chilling at the quarry after a swim and he full on curls up in Mikes lap
-,,praise kink. Just saying
-When he was younger he wasn't allowed in Stan’s house (and Stan wasnt allowed in his) because Stan is jewish
-Leans on Bev and watches as she sews
-Hates when anyone touches her outside of the losers
-Even sometimes the losers touching her is too much, they always ask before they do
-No one is allowed to touch her hair
-She keeps it short and panics when it grows long again, only after she gets over her trauma does she let it grow out
-Don't call her Bevvie for the love of god
-Has a hard time actually being in love. Crushes are a bit different
Smells like strawberries and smoke
-Steals all the losers clothes all the time (wears them better too)
-After meeting Mike she becomes vegetarian :)
and there you have it- I didnt edit this, so some of these could be completely stupid I have no idea. I just said I long while ago I’d post them and why not? otherwise theyre just sitting in my google drive abandoned 
hope you got some joy out of them heh
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jamiesite777 · 8 months
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ive been so inactive on my tumblr . layz doodle from friday
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benchtrioupdates · 2 years
Ranboo duetted himself on TikTok!
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winterlilyarts · 5 months
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More Hermit Mizuki pictures!
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lyssa-ohno · 2 years
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~ Getting philosophical ~
Thoughtful Zombie by FICUSEL
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smoliboops · 2 years
before i go to bed, for some reason I didnt get a notification from tumblr like i usually do (i guess they forgot lol) but today’s the 10 year anniversary of me being on tumblr!
originally I started out over on @smolidraws as a little superwholock/multifandom blog, and then roughly 3 years later i created this blog originally as a markiplier/jse sideblog but now it’s the one i’ve been on the longest and the one im (kinda??) the most known for haha.
from mishpocalypse to antipocalypse, almost going to dashcon to getting to meeting people ive come to know online at pax east, to getting more comfortable posting my art, theories, shitposts etc, it’s been fun ride ^^.
admittedly i dont get as personal here as i used to be, but i guess ill use this little post to thank ya guys for being here for however long you’ve been around ^-^. it’s honestly really nice and tbh really, really cool to get to interact with the communities im in (especially the jse community) through sharing my long rambles and the things i’ve create. 
and while im a bit of a shyish person still, i really appreciate the couple of people ive been able to get to talk to and know over the years cos of this website. i have a lot of fond memories spending time in discord servers together, dming and reblogging during exciting ego times, having someone to lend an ear to when needed (especially when college was driving me mad) and vice versa, and im really happy that i had a chance to do so with yall :)
ill probably make a better post next year when this blog specifically hits 8 years and when im not sleep deprived lol, but 10 is a doozy to be on this dumpster fire of a site (/lh), so might as well celebrate a tiny bit ^-^. love you guys <3
p.s.  for the few people who are somehow still here from the very, very beginning (if there are any still out there i think like 2/3 of the 900ish people on my old blog are either spam or long deactivated lol) i definitely really appreciate yall for sticking around for so long and hope you stick along for more too :).
#personal#also im sorry for all the fandoms ive gone thru over the years lol#but yea literally first joined this site to talk about doctor who#and now i still ramble about doctor who but thru jse theories lmao#also i will get back into art soon irl stuff has just been busy since graduating#but i have couple ideas at least including possibly my halloween costume#but we'lll see <-<#it'll be work and i may run late again but we'll seeee#also im burying this in the tags but actually ive been looking back on the last couple of years esp cos of ego happenings recently#and man there's so many cool memories with people that i almost forgot about#and like ill be a little soft for a minute and say that its kinda cool how looking back at october 2016#and realizing i didnt do much at that time cos actually i was so stressed out and depressed from college#and remember watching say goodbye alone on the bus at school and trying to manage my excitement throughout the day#as i studied on my own for my darn engineering midterm that day and basically spent halloween on campus like that#but the online community really helped me feel less alone during that time#and then detention happened and things exploded a little bit lol#and now 6 years later i get to chat with friends about teasers and theories and i even spruced up my icon for halloween for once#and even starting getting into voice chats more a little bit recently#and while things arent perfect irl tbh#it's kinda cool to see how things have changed a bit for the better#in myself and the memories ive gotten the chance to make with you guys along the way#ok soft time over#if anyone sees these tags no you didnt *throws smokebomb*#<3
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arieslost · 24 days
talk | op81
summary: oscar loves to talk your ear off.
word count: 1,276
masterlist — join my tag list here!
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everyone who had told you that oscar piastri wasn’t much of a talker was a bold-faced liar.
that, or maybe they just never got to see that side of him.
before you started dating oscar, you totally believed it. the first few interactions the two of you had were awkward and brief, usually ending in you thinking that he actually hated you and only engaged in small talk to be nice.
the oscar you know now is nothing like the oscar you first met, and even though you’ve been with him for the better part of two years, his ability to talk for hours is still as shocking to you as it was in the beginning.
it started out innocently enough. the first time you hadn’t been able to attend a race, oscar called you the moment he was back in his hotel room. you’d only been dating for five months at that point, and you vividly remember your shock when you accepted the facetime call and he started talking at a mile a minute. you’d barely gotten out a “hello” before he started recapping his entire day in precise detail. he didn’t even stop to take a drink of water in his enthusiasm.
that turned into the two of you developing a routine. every time you couldn’t make it to a race, oscar would call you at the end of the day and tell you everything he’d been dying to tell you.
“you could text me some of this stuff, you know,” you told him once, and he had wrinkled his nose cutely.
“why would i text it to you when i can just tell you about it on the phone?” he’d responded, like your suggestion was completely outlandish.
it’s endearing, really, the way he’s always so excited every time you pick up the phone. like he is right now.
“hi, honey!” he says brightly the moment the call connects and you can see each other’s faces.
“hey, oz,” you smile, your mood immediately lifting at the sound of his voice. “how was your day?”
“oh, i have so much to tell you,” he leans forward, his hair obscuring the camera for a moment before he leans back with a piece of paper in his hand.
“what is that?” you ask, watching as he unfolds it.
“this, my love, is my list.” he says, turning it around so you can see the way the page is full of his writing, not only on the lines but in the margins, too. “if i can read my own handwriting.”
“busy day?” you pull the hood of your sweatshirt further over your head so it covers more of your screen.
“you have no idea. i don’t even know where to start.” he sighs, eyes scanning the paper before he looks back up at the camera. “but i want to hear about your day first.”
“ah, it was okay. boring. i got so used to traveling around with you that i don’t know what to do now that i’m home all by myself.” it’s a lie, of course.
you wouldn’t miss oscar’s birthday for the world, and that was why you’d been so believable when you told him that you were so sorry, but you couldn’t make it to japan for the next race. even thinking about not being with him for his birthday was enough to upset you, so he bought it easily. conspiring with mark and lando, you’d gotten your hands on a plane ticket and formed a plan to get to the hotel with oscar being none the wiser.
which is how you’re here, at the end of the hallway on his hotel floor, waiting for the perfect time to interject.
“oh, i have to tell you about how free practice went, the second session, not the first,” he’s saying, squinting a little at the paper. “i wrote it over something else and i can’t see what it says. whatever. anyway, it’s raining here, and, like, half the cars didn’t end up going out for the second session. i was just trying to do my best for the session but i ended up setting the fastest lap! i didn’t even know until i got out of the car. did you watch? i don’t know if you did, i forgot to ask you, but i think it was a 1:34 or something like that. i could’ve been faster, obviously, but it was raining. its still raining right now actually which kind of sucks. i wouldn’t mind if you were here, but it’s just miserable and cold.” he pauses to take a breath. “wait, where are you?”
well that you weren’t expecting. “at home… where else would i be?” you reply, hoping that your confusion looks genuine.
“your background looks… i dunno.” he presses his lips together. “doesn’t look the same.”
“well, i’m at home,” you repeat, trying to come up with something on the fly. “pretending that i’m talking to you face to face instead of through the phone, like always.”
“ah, yeah. i do that all the time,” he admits, giving up on his scrutinization of what little he can see behind your hood.
“i miss you,” he says then, and its absolute hell knowing you can’t knock on his door just yet.
“i miss you too, oz.” you whisper. “keep telling me about your day?”
“sure, honey.” he gives you a soft smile, once again consulting his piece of paper. “so after the second session, i went and got dinner— oh wait, i forgot to tell you what happened earlier! i left the hotel room—”
you were hoping to let him tire himself out a bit from talking so much before approaching the door, but with every little detail of his day he shares you wish more and more that he was saying it directly to you and not through the phone, so you give up on being patient and knock three times.
“hold on, baby. someone’s at the door.” he says on the other end of the call, getting up from where he’s sitting on the bed and leaving his phone behind, so you end the call to free both of your hands.
the look on his face when he opens the door is priceless. “you’re joking.”
“i figured you should tell me the rest in person,” you say. “besides, i’d be damned if i missed your birthday.”
“you’re joking,” he repeats, pulling you and your suitcase into the room and wrapping you into a tight hug. “you’re actually here.”
“of course i’m here.” you laugh, kissing his shoulder through the loose material of his worn out t-shirt. “i don’t want to be anywhere else but here.”
“i’m so happy,” is all your enthusiastic, talkative boyfriend says before kissing you, smiling against your lips the whole time.
“you hung up on me?” its the first thing he says once the two of you are cuddled up in bed, and your jaw drops.
“seriously? i’m right here, and you’re gonna come for me for hanging up on you?”
“i would never hang up on you, but whatever,” he rolls his eyes, but cuddles you closer all the same. “okay, you have to know what lando told me last night about this one thing he did over winter break. it doesn’t sound bad at first, but i promise you it gets so much worse.”
you sigh in content, happier than anything to be in oscar’s arms and listening to him talk your ear off for the foreseeable future. you would never lie about it— you don’t want to be anywhere else but here, with him.
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note: happy oscar dayyy!! wishing my fellow aries the best birthday ever and i hope you all enjoyed this 🫶🏼 i low key hate it but hopefully that’s just me lolz
my inbox is always open for comments, criticism, and conversation! feel free to pop in!
reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
tags: @venusacrossthestars @67-angelofthelordme-67 @emails-i-can-send @nelly187 @cixrosie @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @imheretoread @mellowarcadefun @yourbane @monsieurbacteria6 @c-losur3 @papayatori @ssprayberrythings @namgification @maih23 @evlkking @witchycarmen @ilovethispookie @maxverstappenfan79 @sya-skies @sweatrevenge5436-blog @kimis-gloves @mia-rrrs @decafmickey @customsbyjcg-blog @bigheartsthings @tania2748 @scuderiadevils @iloveyou3000morgan @ctrlyomomma @hiireadstuff @daemyratwst @arian-directioner @evelyn-ny @avg-golden-retriever @likedbygaslyy @lightsoutletsgo
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nullapophenia · 1 year
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guess what got speedran this year a few days ago!
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shegatsby · 1 month
Love Thy Enemy
Summary; Y/N Atreides had always been a stranger to the entire galaxy, her bed wasn’t her bed, her home wasn’t her home due to the fact that she was sent to accompany and be sisters with Irulan. She had limited access to her actual family and over the years they grew distant. She thought she would be like Reverend Mother, alone, yet powerful, and soon she would realize that there was no need of being alone when a wild creature had his eyes on her for a long time.
A/N; HI!!! Its been a long time since I wrote a series but i cannot resist Feyd. English isn''t my first language so go easy on me. There will be smut in the future chapters. TAG LIST IS OPEN!!!!!! (Reader has a lover and Feyd's going to find out lol 😉😉😉)
Warnings; None. Female Bene Gesserit Reader x Feyd-Rautha, enemies to lovers! reader is reffered to as she/her.
Words; 1.520K
Chapter 2
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Chapter One – ‘’Meeting in flesh and blood’’
‘’Right behind you!’’ Irulan screamed as she was riding her horse to match Y/N’s. Y/N was a skilled rider, the wind in her long hair, she laughed at Irulan’s attempt of winning the race and focused on the finish line. Planet Kaitian which was the second Capital of the Corrino Empire had so many opportunities for Padishah Emperor Shaddam’s daughter Irulan and his beloved Y/N. The planet had forests, lakes and rivers so Y/N didn’t miss much of her home planet Caladan, she sometimes tossed and turned in her bed thinking of her family members but she was taken to Kaitain years ago. Irulan and Y/N were the same age and when Shaddam couldn’t have more children he asked Duke Leto Atreides to bring his first born daughter to be sisters with Irulan. Leto tried to find so many ways to refuse Padishah Emperor yet he was the ultimate power in the entire galaxy and Leto had no choice but to give his daughter Y/N. She was one years old when the arrangements were made. She could see her family at political events or celebrations, she had been in Caladan few times yet she felt stranger to the planet and she felt stranger to Kaitain as well. She has always wondered if, by any chance one day she would feel the sensation of ‘’being at home’’ nowhere and no one was her home. Maybe this was her fate.
When she finished the race her horse calmed down, Irulan followed behind. ‘’I swear you’re cheating and I am going to find out.’’ She was joking of course, Irulan and Y/N had a close relationship yet Y/N never forgot that she was a princess and there for needed to be treated more cautiously than the other lords and ladies of the galaxy. Together they hopped off of their horses, ‘’Walk with me.’’ Irulan’s  voice was soft yet direct. Her short blonde hair got messy, hem of her white long dress covered in mud, she was carefree when she was with Y/N.
Y/N had the color of her house Atreides. Green. Her green dress felt so light, they were walking on the grass for few minutes in silence., Y/N knew that Irulan wanted to say something.
Palace’s gardens were evergreen, gardeners achieved perfection. Gardens smelled of flowers at any time of the year. Irulan stopped in her tracks, they turned to soak in the scenery before their eyes, the entire planet was under their feet. Servants’ chatters could be heard, no matter what they were never alone. ‘’Soon my father will throw a ball for me.’’ She looked distant, Padishah Emperor Shaddam never had parties without a solid reason, it must be political. Before Y/N could ask Irulan explained simply, ‘’I will meet the man I have to marry.’’ Y/N knew one day that she had to marry someone in order to protect the power they had over the galaxy but she never thought the date would come this quick. Y/N had already a lover, only Irulan knew because he was from a lower house. She had a childish hope that one day she would marry him.
Irulan laughed in sarcasm, ‘’How I wish to be you, sister!’’ it was obvious that Irulan dreaded the situation.
There were no arrangements for Y/N and she was free for a long time or so she thought.
‘’I trust in Emperor’s decision. He won’t wed you to someone unworthy.’’ She tried to encourage her dear friend but Irulan stood there like a stone. ‘’Let’s head back.’’ Y/N said. A hollow silence followed them to the dining hall. Emperor couldn’t attend because he was dealing with preparations of the ball. The white marble fire place was lit and orange colors danced in the room, the dining hall was adorned with lavish furniture and a long wooden table. The wood came from Giedi Prime, it was called Pilingitam.
 Irulan seemed troubled, ‘’What’s on your mind sister?’’ Y/N asked. She was concerned for her, if she knew that she had to be concerned for herself…
She watched Irulan’s palm slithering on the Pilingitam table,’’ Majority of the houses will be at the ball,’’ she looked up to meet Y/N’s curious eyes, ‘’The Harkonnens will be too.’’ Y/N’s blood ran cold, she remembered the times where Emperor used to take them to Giedi Prime for political reasons. They had to sit and watch the games in the black and white arena. Gladiators killing each other…
She remembered a boy with pure blue eyes and full lips, ‘’I will fight there too when I’m old enogh.’’ He was sitting next to Y/N in his black outfit. He closed the tiny gap between him and Y/N, and he spoke quietly, ‘’Will you come and watch me?’’ he was speaking as if killing was a normal act. His knee touching Y/N’s, she remembered distinctly that the boy interlaced his little finger with hers. They were ten and yet Y/N could see Baron Vladimir’s influence on his poor nephew.
Y/N didn’t need to go back in her memories to detest the Harkonnens. Their families were in and out of war for centuries. Thankfully for a long time peace was kept. ‘’I will manage.’’ She insured Irulan with a genuine smile yet it wasn’t enough. Y/N brushed it off, after dinner she had mental training anyways.
Until the day of the ball she corresponded with her lover, Pyramus
He was a tall man with dark curls and jet black eyes. His beard always tickled her face.
She spent her days training and accompanying Irulan. Irulan grew restless as the they approached.
One by one the ships started to arrive, one could look up to the busy blue sky and see. Y/N’s family arrived early to see her and spend time with her. Lady Jessica, her mother, immediately questioned her about Y/N’s Bene Gesserit training, Duke Leto was happy to see her daughter once again. Paul, her one year younger brother gave her a tight hug.
They were united once more, she escorted them to their quarters in the palace and retrieved to get ready for the event. She wore a green dress with emeralds on her chest and waist, her maid braided her hair in Atreides style. She also wore an emerald tiara. Paul Atreides knocked on her door to escort her to the ball room, he looked sharp in his dark green suit. ‘’You seem nervous.’’ He questioned, -Y/N knew that her mother was teaching Bene Gesserit ways to her brother,- yes she was nervous because she was going to be reunited with her lover. ‘’Too many people.’’ She responded. Servants were running with food and wine on the corridors, music could be heard from a distance. Members of houses were having conversations about spice, politics, etc.
The doors of the room were open, inside was lit by the yellow warm lights coming from glowglobes, guests laughing and drinking. Tallest member was Baron Vladimir due to hanging in the air, eating like a mad man but she ignored him.
Her eyes searching for her lover, so blind to an outsider who got her under his radar.
Paul and Y/N walked to the table of their house, ‘’You look lovely my girl.’’ Duke Leto kissed her daughter’s forehead, it didn’t go unnoticed by a certain someone. He was a snake, silently slithering close to his prey.
Padishah Emperor Shaddam and his daughter Princess Irulan were announced and slowly entered the room, everyone bowed. They took their seats and Emperor greeted everyone, thanked them for coming to his feast and he also announced that he would choose the life partner of his daughter among his unmarried male guests. Duke Leto found himself watching his daughter with sad eyes, he wondered if he could see her wedding one day. Would she be happy and fortunate like him? Only time would tell but he prayed quietly.
It was time to dance, couples held each others’ hands and marched to the dance floor, Paul excused himself and went to ask the princess to dance with him. Leto happily asked Jessica to dance with him, Y/N wished that they were officially married but to keep his position as a powerful bachelor, other houses worked for him hoping that one day Duke Leto would marry one of their daughters. It was a well played game of chess on Atreides’s part. Y/N watched Irulan and Paul talking silently and dancing.
Soon Pyramus came with a huge smile. He kissed her hand and winked at her, ‘’My beautiful lady, would you be so kind and accompany me on the dance floor?’’ she tried so hard not to grin, ‘’Of course my lord.’’ He was in his house’s color, yellow. Hand in hand they mingled among the other couples, ‘’I’ve missed you.’’ He whispered. ‘’Not here.’’ She used the voice on him and his mouth closed in a second. Only their eyes talked.
They heard a rough cough and turned to face the intruder, Y/N had no idea that she would meet him in flesh and blood, ‘’Feyd…’’
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iikatsukii · 1 year
the lost sully
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synopsis: there was one rule…
pairings: sully family x sibling!reader 
warnings: angst no comfort
word count: 1.3k
a/n: i'm taking a hiatus. Idk for how long but i will not be posting or responding to anyone or anything unless we are mutuals and i’ve told you what happened. Please don't pry all i will say is someone very close to me died today. this will be the last thing i post for a while so sorry if its halfassed.
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"now they'll never find me," you said as you laughed, feeling the rush of the wind blowing on your face. you had broken the only rule you and your siblings had when playing hide and seek.
no ikrans
you figured it wouldn't be a problem because you knew the forests like the back of your hand and weren't going far anyway. you spotted a clearing near high camp where neteyam was counting, giving you guys 20 seconds to hide around the nearby area. you, on the other hand, were feeling daring today. you hadn't won a hide-and-seek game in years, and your siblings continuously rubbed it in your face. 
of course, as you guys grew up, you had less and less time to play games, but recently, with you finally completing your rites, you were able to hang out with your siblings more. you would find yourself tagging along with lo'ak, kiri, and neteyam when they went to hang out with other na'vi your age. 
thinking about your siblings made you laugh as you finally settled into your hiding spot. you were hiding inside a log in the clearing you had found earlier, waiting for your eldest brother to find you. you placed your palms flat on each other, facing the ground, and rested your face on your hands, allowing them to act as a pillow as you drifted off to sleep, knowing you would be the last one found. a little victory nap wouldn't hurt.
you would rest here amongst the flora and fauna of your home. a little fan lizard scampered into the log, snuggling up to you, seemingly joining your nap. then you felt another running up the back of your leg, coming up to cuddle into the small of your back. you giggled as a few more gathered around you, packing into your little hiding spot. you loved moments like this. moments that you could share with the fauna that eywa has blessed your home with. 
much like kiri, you were very in touch with the great mother, but while kiri leaned more toward the flora, you were more in tune with the animals of pandora. always being able to steer away an angry mama palulukan rather than having to fight. you sighed as you felt sleep consume you. who knew sleeping in a log would be so comfortable? was the last thought to cross your mind before you allowed your dreams to consume you. 
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waking at the sound of an ikrans screech was startling, to say the least. unfortunately, you forgot where you fell asleep, so when you jumped up, you hit your head pretty hard against the top of the log. 
"OW- ow. oh my god, ow…." you whimpered out, being in so much pain that the only thing you could do was just sit there and process what the actual fuck was happening. so much was happening so fast that you didn't have a moment to collect yourself. your blood was rushing thanks to your little alarm clock, so you slipped your body halfway out the log, looking up at your ikran, txep, with a glare. he returned your look with a mischievous glare of his own.
"oh, you think it's funny." you sneered at your companion. he screeched in response as if he was antagonizing you. 
"well, i'm glad you do because now we're both gonna have a headache while flying back, you skxawng." you groaned as you pulled the rest of your body out the log, wincing as you stretched. you brought your hand to the back of your head, which was now a dull pain. you decided to sit down for a second to give yourself a minute to gather. 
and then everything came back to you, the hide and seek game, your ikran ride, your "victory nap"...
you looked to the sky, wincing as you noticed it's been eclipse for a while now. 
mom and dad are gonna kill me…
you were honestly scared. you were never one to get into huge trouble like your brother lo'ak, but you knew that you would definitely be getting into huge trouble when you got home. you sighed as you stood and looked over at your ikran, still coddling the back of your head. 
"come on. let's go home," you said as you made tsaheylu and mounted your saddle. txep made soft noises of uncomfortability as he now felt the effects of your pain through the bond.
"sorry, buddy, but you can only blame yourself here." you managed a laugh in times of grave fear. taking off in the direction of home, you knew you were only 5 minutes away from the scolding of a lifetime. at least, you thought you were until 5 minutes turned into 20. then suddenly, 20 minutes became 40, and 40 minutes became an hour. you felt like you were flying in circles. you couldn't find high camp, your headache worsened, and your vision blurred. txep could barely fly straight.
you decided it would be best to land somewhere to avoid getting hurt while flying around with an injury like this. the time between when you were in the air and landed on the ground was a blur. but as soon as your feet touched the ground, you passed out. the exhaustion and pain was too much.
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as you awoke again, you heard strange sounds disrupting your sleep. you groaned, assuming it was your brothers messing with you, but once you opened your eyes, you saw a roof above your head. but the architecture isn't that of the omatikaya, and the air smelled of salt water and sea life. you shielded your eyes as you were met with the sun gazing through a… window?
"oh, thank eywa, you are awake. my mother began worrying when you had not woken up after a week."
A WEEK?!?!
she noticed the panicked look on your face and quickly settled beside you, rubbing your shoulders as a comfort method. 
"do not worry. you are safe. your ikran is safe. you had a head injury and were passed out on an island just outside the reefs. i am going to ask you some questions. is that okay?" the girl asked. she had teal skin, and her arm, legs, and tail were thicker than your own. 
"what is your name?" she spoke softly like she didn't want to scare you. 
"y/n," you replied, barely above a whisper. you didn't even feel your mouth move.
"hi, y/n. my name is tsireya. how old are you?"
"i'm 13. i just got my ikran… i just completed my rites… i–" your voice was shaking. 
"hey, y/n, it is okay. i just have one more question for you," she said as she continued to comfort you. you sighed, not wanting to speak anymore as your reality came crashing down on you. 
you don't know where you are.
you had broken the only hide-and-seek rule you guys had, and now you're lost. stranded on the islands of pandora, not knowing how to get home
"do you know where you are?" you didn't respond as you felt your tears escape the corners of your eyes. whimpers and sobs creep out of your throat as you shake your head in response to her question. she sighed, her ears pinned to her head as she could only feel sad for you. 
she decided to lay down, holding you in her embrace until she felt your breathing even out. she wigged herself out of the cot you were lying on as she left the pod. tsireya assumed that you had fallen asleep, but she was wrong. the second she left, your tears returned tenfold, but you managed to hold in your sobs. your thoughts were loud in your mind, but one sentence silenced them all. 
one sentence that had intensified your cries, now having to use the cushion under your head to muffle your cries.
now they'll never find me.
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asakamasanobu · 2 years
my insane person thought of the day is what if the asaka i fell in love with is completely mischaracterised bc of how mistranslated this series is .. and my rational person counterbalance is that there is no way that is possible bc the mistranslations aren’t even THAT bad and you’ve already read a few asaka parts in japanese and he sounds pretty much the same but like imagine .......
#this was originally going to be a hashtag funny tweet but i realised i have so much to say about this matter#and i love talking in the tags as it has been established countless times#like there are certain junctures were the translations are just so lazy like 草色 as grass green instead of dark green but LIKE#in general they are not so bad ..... they just translate it directly and it works for some things but then it doesn’t work for others#there’s no way they could’ve butchered something into sad and beautiful but it would be so funny#how do you explain that your fave character only exists in a shoddily translated english version and you’ve projected everything onto him#i would cry#this yaking session has been brought to you mainly by the mistranslation of yuichi’s words in the student council room confrontation scene#like the translated bit of i’m gonna put you first now is cute too ig but like#THE EMOTIONAL WEIGHT OF SAYING HE WANTED TO HAVE THE UPPER HAND OVER WATARU FOR ONCE ...... BC HE THOUGHT HE WAS LOSING OUT#BC CMON HES ALWAYS BEEN PUTTING WATARU FIRST AND ITS PRECISELY BC HE THINKS HES LOSING OUT BEING THE ONE MORE IN LOVE WITH WATARU THAN WA#THAN WATARU WITH HIM I RAN OUT OF CHARACTER LIMIT JUST SCREAMINGG#literally my favourite dynamic esp for bitch boy who never lets anyone see his clingier vulnerable side .... god#i sat there for 5 minutes just pondering on life and omfg sekakoi op1 just came on shuffle as i was typing IRRELEVANT BUT HIIII#ok anyway rereading vol 1 just reminded me that actually ...... i do like bitches apart from asaka too#oh ya i realised i forgot to say i finished vol 1 yesterday but i did it was gr8#the first time i read the series i loved all of them until asaka suddenly crept up and stole all my braincells and now when i reread I just#only read the asaka parts so i end up not gaf about everyone else but they’re good too ...... wataru and yuichi y’all got me fucked up#ok the end i have been talking for SO LONG and will probably tell all of this to oomf who i’m meeting soon to lend vol 1 to anyway ^_^
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faegutz · 1 year
Hmmmm cuz I have a headache rn, what about the 141( + Konig and Los vaqueros) helping a gn reader with a migrane?
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migraines and how they help ☆ pairing: 141 + los vaqueros + konig × gn! reader
authors note: i barely have migraines but when i do it hurts so much. Im gonna be honest and say im not too proud of these and i had no idea what to write sometimes- But hope you feel better soon anon and i hope you enjoy! :)
tags: migraine, hurt comfort?, domestic, probably ooc, medicine mentions, soft cod men
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- dad mode activated !
- has a whole cabinet specifically full of medicine, some thermometers, etc.
- gives you some aspirin and water
- the type to make you go to bed and nap and will refuse to let you get out of bed or do anything yourself
- just tell him what you need and he'll get it!! no need to get up
- will lay down with you and caress your face, occassionaly giving you soft kisses on the forehead
- will always take care of you when you dont feel good and make sure you feel better before he stops
"Let me take care of you,"
- kinda confused on how hes supposed to help you but hes trying okay
- will go to the store and get you something that will help you with the pain
- hes never really taken care of someone before so hes a little awkward
- he wants you to lay down and get some rest but he also doesnt want to baby you
- so he just kinda stands there while you do your thing, watching and waiting in case you need his help with anything
- if you ask him to lay down with you, he will and he'll make sure to hold you close
- "It's okay, love,"
- i feel like he gets sick maybe once a year so he has no clue how to even help with a migraine
- will stand in the medicine aisle at the store, staring at every single thing thats on the shelf and having no clue what to grab
- doesnt want to call you and bother you because youre in pain, so he ends up asking someone else in the aisle what the hell youre supposed to get for a migraine
- gets home about 5 minutes later than he should because he took so long just standing in the store with a confused look on his face
- will make you soup or something warm because that usually helped him when he was sick or in pain
- he almost started a fire because he forgot he was even making you food since he was more distracted by worrying over you and making sure you were comfortable !! how fun
- "Uh, the soup is burnt.."
- he definitely gets sick often, and hes almost an expert on how to help you
- makes sure you drink water regularly and occasionally take an aspirin
- most of the migraines hes ever gotten was because he was stressed
- so he practically gives you a therapy session and asks you what gave you the headache and if you were stressed
- lets you just talk it out if you were stressed
- keeps a close eye on you and makes sure you drink enough water and that you eat
- "Tell me whats been bothering you,"
- immediately notices that youre in pain when he sees you wince or squint your eyes
- is ready with pain medication and some water
- he offers to give you a back massage and hes very skilled with his hands so it feels amazing
- he makes sure to close all the blinds or curtains so its darker inside so the pain is less for you
- whispers in your ear about how much he loves you just so you feel relaxed and comfortable
- gives you kisses on the top of your head and soothingly rubs your back in circles
- "Te amo mucho,"
- out of all the characters on this list, I have a feeling he would definitely be the best caretaker for you
- makes sure you get sleep and drink water, will literally hold you down if he has to
- he holds you against his chest while you sleep, staying by your side the whole time
- will cook meals for you and basically do everything for you
- suggests turning on some soothing noises or guided meditation sounds on the TV that will help you relax
- he also will brush your hair/do your hair for you if you find it relaxing
- "Solo relájate, cariño."
- ohh hes so sorry that youre in pain and he tries his best to comfort you in any way he can
- hes not sure what to do himself but if you ask anything of him he will get right on it
- frequently asks if youre comfortable or if you need him to do anything
- it almost gets annoying, but he just wants to make sure youre taken care of and that you feel better soon
- he has no clue how to cook most things so he does the next best thing and goes to the store and buys all your favorite snacks for you
- "Do you need anything else, meine liebe?"
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myfictionaldreams · 8 months
Omg, could you do a challenge like reader see's a challenge on tiktok ,, no kissing" and she doesn't kiss and avoids kissing Steve. Steve gets annoyed and ask her whats wrong and at the end of the day they do cuddles and fluff and smut
This started as a drabble and ended up taking a life of its own.
tags: 18+ readers only, smut, slight angst, teasing, begging, sad boy steve, overstimulation, edging, crying because of mean!dom steve, aftercare
You thought it would be easy not being able to kiss Steve for a few hours and it was only a silly little TikTok challenge that had you laughing as you scrolled through the tag on the app watching other people's attempts.
You even contemplated involving Bucky but then it would be too much work so you just kept it to yourself, deciding to start whilst at the office. It didn’t help matters that you were wearing Steve’s favourite dress so his eyes seemed to be constantly glued to your exposed legs and pushed-up breasts. Ok, maybe you were playing up to the challenge and wanting to look as irresistible as possible to the mafia boss but then he always explained that you could be wearing a plastic bag and he would still find you captivating.
Sitting in your little lounger to the side of the office, you hide your phone camera and wait. Like clockwork, two minutes of glances was all it took for Steve to stand tall from his desk and walk over, squatting in front of you and taking the book you were pretending to read from your grasp. His face inched towards yours and you almost forgot about the challenge as you craved to meet him in the middle but in the last second, you turned your head.
“I was reading that”, you say innocently, plucking the book back and beginning to read. Steve frowned, trying to think back to the thousands of times the two of you had kissed and if you’d ever avoided him and came up empty. Maybe you were just distracted he decided and kissed your temple and moved back to his seat looking like a puppy with his tail between his legs.
He wasn’t the only one who was suspicious as you caught eye contact with Bucky who was squinting his eyes at you in confusion. You shrugged your shoulders and continued reading.
This all happened once more half an hour later as you stood and approached Steve, arms around his shoulders and nuzzling into his neck to take his attention from the screen. Immediately his hands settled on your waste as he pulled you onto his lap. Steve dipped his face towards your lips and you turned in the last moment so he kissed your cheek.
“Why are you doing that?” he asked, trying not to sound hurt or annoyed, he wanted to feel your lips against his, why were you denying him? Had he done something wrong, he thought.
“Doing what?”, was your nonchalant response as you continued to act as normal.
Steve leaned in again, his hand on your chin to try and keep you in place and now the only way you could escape was by standing and announcing that you were going to the toilet. However, on your way past Steve, he grabbed your arm, his fingers on your chin just like Steve’s and you didn’t shy away from the kiss which only made him more confused as you walked off. You actually did have to use the bathroom so you weren’t lying. As you exited though, you were greeted by your other boyfriend, standing with his arms crossed and a frown on his face.
“You sent me this TikTok two weeks ago, I know your little game”, he informed you, your rouse already up.
“Please don’t say anything to Steve, I want to see how far I can take him before he snaps”.
Bucky stepped forward, towering over you as he contemplated for a moment. “You know he’s going crazy in there right? I don’t think it’s getting the desired effect you were hoping for, he looks more upset than anything. He thinks he’s done something to upset you”.
A sinking feeling came over your heart as you felt bad that he felt like he’d done something wrong. Maybe you would go and tell him about the trend but then again… it had only been an hour, you could always make it up to him later.
“I won’t do it for much longer, I promise just please go along with it Buckaroo”, you begged, fluttering your eyelashes up at him until he succumbed and pecked your lips.
Back in the room, Steve’s eyes followed you as you now sat at the main desk with your book, flicking through the pages and feeling his eyes burn a hole into your body.
30 seconds. 30 whole seconds ticked by and Steve was out of his chair, dropping to his knees as he moved yours back until you were looking down at him.
“What did I do? Please talk to me, what can I do to fix it?” Steve begged sincerely. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you reached to cup his cheek, instincts taking over to care for him.
“Nothing Steve, you’ve done nothing wrong, I promise”, you tried to reassure him.
“Then kiss me baby”, he implored, his hands settling on the outside of your thighs.
You leaned forward and kissed his cheek and moved back again to see him frown.
It was Bucky who spoke next as he sat opposite you at the table, “For the love of God, please can you tell him what you’re doing, he’s breaking my heart, Mama”.
Steve’s frown deepend until there was a deep line in between as he looked between you and Bucky. Sighing you stood and picked up your phone, stopping the recording. “It’s a TikTok trend, ‘no kissing on the lips’, I was seeing how long we could go but we only got… just under an hour”.
Whilst you explained, you didn’t see the calculating, predatory gaze Steve was giving you. There he was, frightened he’d hurt his best girl and there you were teasing and laughing at him. He stood, taking swift large steps towards you before halting, taking your phone and throwing it onto the lounger.
You stared up at him with wide eyes, swallowing audibly as he tilted his head and looked up and down with a hungry gaze. “My funny, sweet girl with your fun little games”, he mumbled, lifting his finger and stroking over the tops of your breasts causing you to shiver at the rough feeling of his calloused fingertips. “I guess then you won’t mind if I play some of my own?”
Steve’s game was not as fun as yours, in fact, you could safely say it was anything but fun to be edged for hours on end. All office work was cancelled for the day and given to Sam and Natasha to do as Steve had Bucky hold your hands on the table, your dress ripped from your body as his face between your legs, then his fingers, then his cock. Each stroke, thrust, and lick had you whimpering and begging for more but Steve would always pause, letting the pleasure feelings disperse before starting again.
It got to the point where you were crying and shaking for him to let you cum, repeatedly apologising for teasing him but he just continued until you were so overstimulated that he stopped altogether. You were in Bucky’s arms, his strong hands under your legs to keep you upright as Steve was pumping his cock into you when he finally decided that you’d had enough.
Stroking away the sea of tears dripping down your cheeks, Steve carefully lifted your face more towards him, “I love you”, you said without needing any prompting, pouting out your lips to get him to kiss you.
“I love you too, you’ve done so well for me, Honey”, he kissed your lips slowly, moaning into it and then began to provide aftercare, taking you from Bucky, cleaning your body of the sweat and juices, making sure you had a glass of water and a little snack before dressing again and preparing to go home.
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temis-de-leon · 2 months
Love potion and Obey Me - Intro
So, I have finals in a few days, but I had to write this because: 1. Otherwise I would've forgot about it and 2. I wanted to give you a lil something until I can write the actual parts next week.
Characters: Solomon x reader
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3
CW: this will be all fluff and light. The intro has Solomon x reader tags because they're the only characters here, but they have no romantic interactions. All the cast (minus Mephisto, Raphael and Thirteen, I'm afraid) will appear in the next 3 parts, just like in the pick me girls series
There was mischief in Solomon's eyes when he offered to teach you how to brew a love potion, which made you stare at him in silence, waiting for a convincing explanation, but he just smiled and looked at you like the only thing he wanted was your education's improvement.
"Why a love potion?"
He tsked in faked disapproval, leaning backwards on the table before taking a vial from one of the cabinets. The liquid was transparent, yet iridescent, and the shimmer inside it danced towards you the moment you took it from Solomon's gentle grasp.
"Love is one of the strongest feelings in all the realms, if not the strongest. Healthy or not, what wouldn't you do for love?"
The vial was warm between your fingers and you briefly wondered what the potion tasted like.
"How does it work?"
He retrieved the potion with a strange look in his face, nostalgia and fondness. Was it memories of his past experiences? The way he had loved? The way he had been loved?
"It depends on the process" he finally said, smiling at your curious gaze. "Think of this as a base: you can get different endings, but the beginning will always be the same"
"What kind of endings?"
"You can strengthen the love between your partner and you or you could make someone fall in love with you, which is... the most popular use"
Yeah, you could imagine that. It felt filthy and lowly, but you could understand the desperation.
"For the first one, you add something that belongs to both parts of the couple, and for the second one..."
"I only add something that belongs to me"
"Very well, MC"
Solomon smiled with pride and you with giddiness.
"To make it stronger, of course you need a stimulant. Young witches use cinnamon, vanilla or paprika and the most experienced ones use infused blood"
"Infused in what?"
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves"
You looked at him in exasperation, but he just smiled like the asshole he was. After returning the vial back to its original place, he walked towards a bookshelf in the opposite wall and started searching for something.
"You'll be learning how to brew the base; it may come handy in the future".
After some minutes he gave you a single parchment, edges burnt and writing kinda smudged, but still legible.
"And what if I only want the base?"
Solomon scratched his neck, as if he'd never thought about that option (something you deeply doubted).
"Then it will show only love. Love as it is, no influence"
"Come on, MC, I can't teach you everything!"
"You're literally my teacher"
He hugged you for a short moment before walking you to the door, ignoring every single one of your questions as well as the incompetence of his incomplete answers.
Hours later, alone in your room, you stared at the cauldron on the table.
It didn't look like a liquid; the consistency was... something unique. The smell, however? You could stay in that same spot forever, dunking your face in the cauldron before standing up to cleanse your nostrils and bending down again.
It smelled like him.
What would happen if you drank it? If your skin came in contact with the mixture?
Curiosity became too much for you to handle, so, although begrudgingly, you walked out of your room to wander the halls and clear your mind.
Moments later, someone else showed up at your door.
@hello-gloomy @the-sassiest-toaster @hero-nii-blog @yourlocalyin @elaemae @eliciria @darkflowerav @zarakem @yuuvis32
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sehodreams · 3 months
ok listen to me. sub! anton who is extremely sensitive and that's why he begs several times and cries slyly when you decide to give him a blowjob as a gift due to his win of 119.. "i can't take it anymore..." – cries – "please let me cum..." – he cries slyly. — "there's so much to come...please...let me cum, please..."
Sub!Anton awakes something inside me istg
I'm sorry I don't know what the hell is this, I fastly wrote it, and that means, again, no proof read.
Tw and Tags: sexual content, MDNI, oral sex, sub!Anton x dom!reader, established relationship.
WC: 1.4K
He had been busy for weeks, first filming the MV in Japan and then overworked with his schedule, so he didn't have enough time to sleep even less have an orgasm, everything accumulating inside him for days until he finally had a free day to do whatever he wanted, with no manager following him behind and no other guy beside him all the time, he could go out alone, and he couldn't waste such opportunity.
You were immediately called when he received the news, "I'll drop by this Friday" he invited himself before asking if you were free, of course you'd make some time for your cute boyfriend, but you still teased him, "okay, please water my cactus, I'll be gone until next week".
Yeah, he spammed you with crying faces until you said it was a joke.
The minute he saw you behind that door after so many weeks not seeing each other he wrapped you with his arms, and lifting you from the floor, he smelled your hair and murmured how much he missed you.
You knew each other, you knew you would fuck, but first you had to make up for the lost time.
You talked for some time, he was watching you in his seat while you tried to cook some pasta to have lunch, it came out decent, and he focused on watching the curve of your back being shown with the tied apron.
You ate and talked about what happened in those past days, laughing at incidents and gossiping about other people's lives too. Then, when you were satisfied with catching on, you lazily dropped to the sofa to rot together for a while. The afternoon had become night, and the lights were off, having your tv like the only source of light in your apartment.
Anton had a way to feel comfortable with you that sometimes surprised you. He liked to leave his arm behind you and nuzzle his nose in your hair or neck, sometimes almost falling asleep of how comfy he was feeling, but this time you could feel him uneasy, like something was bothering him and he couldn't freely say what, which was unusual since he always said what he wanted without problem.
You tried to guess what that was, and soon you found your answer.
His eyes weren't on you, attention supposedly directed to the tv in front of you two, but you could see him moving his hips trying to find a position that didn’t reveal much his cock, covering it with his long shirt. However, it was impossible to not notice how hard he was, he was so big that you could clearly see the outline of it under his clothes, and you thought about teasing him a little, but his eyes were so sad, and he had been so stressed those days without you that you decided to not push him so much. ‘’Oh, I almost forgot, congratulations for your win’’ you interrupted the silent moment.
He nodded and smile, eyes dropping to the floor and fingers playing with the hem of his shirt.
‘’Should I give you your prize now?’’
Just that sentenced changed the whole air. The coziness changed to lust in seconds and before you even touch him, he had already pushed down his pants and his underwear only enough to free his cock from its prison.
The tip was so red you felt the need to caress it, not jerk it, caress it with your palm until it leaked. A little drop was already peeping, and your heart clenched, poor boy had endured it so much you couldn’t just leave him like that, you knew that it didn’t matter what you did, he would cry that night.
You didn’t drop to your knees, you knew how he liked you to suck it, he liked to be under you all the time, so you pushed his chest until he was lying over the couch, one leg beside you and another giving to the floor, and after playing with it a little bit and hearing his breath get hard, you licked the whole length, from the tip to the base, to then devour him.
With the little spit you used to make it wet you lubricated it to easily slide and touch the back of your throat, and not even the first sucking motion you gave he was already a mess.
His hips were jolting after being so untouched those days, not being able to even touch himself properly, and the velvet walls of your mouth were too much for him, not sure how much he would be able to hold himself.
Your eyes were on his and it somehow made him more vulnerable, making his cock pulse more precum inside your mouth.
Some of your saliva was sliding on the border of your mouth and when he saw that, even with his moans making his mind dizzy, by instinct it went to clean it, he wasn’t think it at all, but his body was in automatic motion ready to be useful for you.
‘’Thank you, sweetheart’’ you said when you decided to take a little break. He looked so cute under you with his teary eyes and red lips of how much he had bit them to not moan loud, but it didn’t matter what he tried, his voice would come out his throat in painful whimpers. ‘’You want to cum?’’ You asked him with a sly smile. You knew he wanted, but you wanted to hear it too.
‘’Yes…’’ he immediately answered.
‘’Uhmm, a little fast don’t you think?’’ you laughed. His blush started to creep his pierced ears, a little silver earing reflecting the light of the tv and distracting you from how pretty he looked, but a single tear falling down his cheek made you lost interest on it.
‘’I’m sorry, I can’t take it anymore’’ he started, ‘’I missed you so much, and I didn’t cum all those days. I swear, I didn’t touch myself, I thought about it, but I never had the opportunity, and when once I tried to do it, it wasn’t the same, I missed you so much I couldn’t even get close to it.’’
His confession made you happy, your pretty boy was unable to cum without you, you had worked so hard for that, he deserved it.
He deserved it, but not so fast.
‘’Well done, good boy’’ you said, and his cock throbbed in your grip while a proud smile appeared on his face.
You continued doing your previous job, sucking him to the base and testing your gag reflex with the massive member he had, so happy that you were the only one able to make it cum, it was yours and only yours, not even his, yours, and you would take care of it like you should.
‘’Please let me cum’’ he cried, eyes on yours, hands on fists not daring to touch you without permission and toes already curling. ‘’there's so much to come...please...let me cum, please..."
The tv had changed the program to a commercial the minute he asked for it and you knew between the various adds it would take at least three minutes before the show appeared again.
‘’Until the commercial break ends, okay?’’ You ordered with an amiable tone.
He accepted, saying a breathy yes, and closing his eyes with force to muster all the strength he had.
Your hand went to his balls, groping them and loving the way he was almost convulsing under you, fighting the urge to cum inside your mouth.
You continued like that, sucking and choking on his cock until you heard the fourth commercial, that would be the last one, and a bubbly laugh formed inside your throat when you saw him and his members promoting some kind of chocolate.
The sweat difference between the boy in the screen and the one under you brought you so much joy, you decided it was enough.
‘’It’s okay now, pretty boy.’’
A guttural moan left his mouth, and his left fist punched the back of the sofa while the other covered his eyes shut that stopped a long trail of tears from coming out.
His cock started to twitch inside your mouth and thick drops of cum flowed your mouth, making you drip inside your panties with the confirmation that his statement had been truth.
You gulped, loving the way his semen was thicker and hotter than usual, pleased with the view under you, his shirt over his tummy, his cock still twitching when you pulled it out, his red face shining with a thin layer of sweat and lost teary eyes looking at you with admiration.
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mariofyuu · 3 months
𝐓𝐨 𝐃𝐫𝐲 𝐑𝐚𝐢𝐧 [𝐘𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐎𝐤𝐤𝐨𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐗 𝐅𝐞𝐦!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]
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"Don't cry little one, for the sun will come and dry your tears."
✰Tags: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Unrequited Love, Established Relationship, One-Shot
✰Summary: Yuta Okkotsu is afraid of two things; thunderstorms, and losing you.
✰W/C: 1.2k
✰C/W: Mentions of Trauma, nightmares, and thunderstorms
✰A/N: A quick one shot that I thought of during a thunderstorm.
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The sound of pouring rain in a midnight storm filled the tiny cramped area of a dorm room. A huddled body shivered beneath a bundle of covers, the size being almost comedic considering the childlike action. He wasn't always afraid of the dark. It was just on nights like this, after a particularly scary mission, when the abyss seemed to pull him in.
Chest heaving and sweat forming on his brow, Yuta Okkotsu, a special grade sorcerer, slowly came to the acceptance that he was still afraid of thunderstorms. Small hiccups could be heard underneath the sheets, now becoming stained with the tears flowing heavily down his jaw and onto the bed below.
She'd often asked him, "Why do you always look so sleepy?". He'd give her a reply with an awkward half smile, saying "I just end up thinking so much, it keeps me up."
Which was partially true. He'd be thinking about her, her eyes. The way they sparkled when they'd grace his with a prolonged gaze, when she'd eat something she likes, or when she'd listen to her favorite song.
But soon her golden sunshine-like glance would turn into a downpour of bloody rain, the light fading into a series of traumatic memories that plagued him. He was sure they'd follow him to his grave, if he'd ever find the peace of one.
Then the worrying would start. The what if's of their job, of their life's purpose filling his mind like a poison that never fully worked its way out of his system. Those piling thoughts of 'what if' would mostly continue with the word 'she'. Even in his deepest, most terrifying memories, they only remained scary because they could repeat again. They could repeat with her.
And that's why in the sound of a rain storm, that reminded him so much of that day, did Yuta sob her name quietly into his pillow. Except it wasn't as quiet as he'd thought it was.
Suddenly the pitter patter of water on his window was replaced with quick footsteps. Oh so familiar footsteps.
Slamming the door open she came in like a whirlwind, even under his blankets he could imagine her expression. The same one she'd wear whenever he was injured in battle, or whenever he'd burn his tongue on his tea because he sipped without thinking. That adorable, worried, brow furrowed face would be the death of him.
Her usually chipper voice was tinged with concern. His body freezing in place. How utterly humiliating.
"H-Here.." He mumbled out, lifting the bedding from over his head and sitting up. Yuta was correct of course, her brows were furrowed and her lips turned down. Her eyes widening as she noticed the tears still trickling down his cheeks.
"So you were crying" The sentence came out just above a whisper. That pretty gaze fixed totally on him, but its sparkle was replaced with worry. It sent a ripple of guilt through his body, akin to the lightning going off outside, the feeling making his stomach drop. God forgive him if he were to ever make her sad.
No use in denying it, but he couldn't help but wonder how she got up there from the second floor so fast. Or maybe he'd been crying longer than he realized. His mind was foggy with sleep deprivation and the need to flinch at the thunder claps sounding every few minutes. Still, Yuta tried to give her a sleepy smile to ease both the awkwardness and his own nerves.
"I had a nightmare, I'm sorry I woke you. I completely forgot your room is right under mine" He was lying through his teeth like it was second nature. Anything to make her stop looking at him like that.
Luckily for him, she was never the type to push in unless he allowed it. Always respecting boundaries and letting him come to her. Maybe that's why he fell in love with her to begin with.
Instead of asking him more questions, she merely sat beside him. Turning to face him in her usual criss-cross sitting fashion. That sparkle returned, her hands suddenly going to cup his cheeks. Well, maybe she wasn't good with all boundaries..
"Eh?" It was practically a squeak as her delicate hands pressed to his face.
"Don't cry little one, for I am here to stay. Don't cry little one, the rain will go away. The thunder will sleep and the lightning will disappear. Don't cry little one, for the sun will come and dry your tears."
Her voice was soothing, like a pure river flowing to cover his entire body. Except instead of cool water, she covered him in warmth. Hands moving away from his face and sliding down to wrap her arms around his back. The sorcerer felt himself relax all at once, tears building again in the corners of his eyes. Like a dam that was about to burst.
One that'd been built over 10 years ago and was finally cracking because of her. He tried to hold himself together, worrying the overflow would drown out her light. But as soon as her head laid on his shoulder, and she started to whisper that everything would be okay, Yuta found himself pouring it all out to her.
He pulled her into his chest tightly, his face pressed into her hair as he breathed her in. Long, heavy sobs escaping him as the waves of grief he'd been holding back washed down his features. His usually quiet, gentle voice turning raspy and strained.
It did shake her, how this often soft spoken, selfless man was breaking to bits in her arms. Not because she judged him, not because she was afraid. But because of how so lonely he must have been. How many nights did Yuta cry himself to sleep here, all alone? How many mornings did he awake more tired than he was before he'd gone to bed? Just how much had he suffered without her fully grasping it?
"It's okay.. I'm here, it'll be okay"
Is all that she could mutter to him between her own tiny sobs. Hands tight in his nightshirt as the two took the brunt of his pain together.
It was almost like for a small moment, he wasn't a Jujutsu sorcerer anymore. He was just him, in her arms, raw and bare before her. She'd stripped any sort of armor he'd covered his heart in, crossed any distance in a single stride. With a single touch of her hand.
It put him in awe as he slowly regained his composure, sniffling and bringing the back of his hand to wipe his eyes. All the weight in his chest from before seemed to diminish while he held onto her. He let out a long sigh before finally, be it reluctantly, letting her go and falling onto his back. His tired eyes looked up at her from below.
She gave him her award winning grin, her eyes meeting her cheeks before closing. He lifted his hand to swipe a tear off her cheek with his thumb, genuinely smiling back at her this time.
"I guess the sun did dry my tears."
He laughed as more drops fell from his dull blue eyes; of which for the first time in years had a glimmer of hope. Sunlight always comes after rainfall, after all.
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