#the olympus
cherriielle · 4 months
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itty bitty ghost king 👑💀
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hpandcarbs · 5 months
Things Percy Jackson remembers in Son of Neptune:
Annabeth exists
I met Annabeth at a camp
Annabeth and I kiss sometimes
Fuck Ares
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lilislegacy · 4 months
imagine being someone at new rome university and not knowing percy is the same guy as “percy jackson, son of poseidon, two-time hero of olympus, former praetor” because the thought doesn’t even cross your mind. like… he’s percy. he’s a total frat boy. on a normal night, he walks into a party, refers to everyone as bro or dude, socializes with every living (and not-living) person in the room, makes at least 50 sarcastic comments, plays 12 rounds of beer pong, drinks way too much, and then skates around campus on his skateboard yelling “I LOVE NEW YORK” (which makes no sense, because they’re in california) until someone calls his girlfriend to come get him.
and then one day there’s an attack, and frat boy percy is all of a sudden a fighting machine. he’s yelling battle cries alongside the praetors frank zhang and hazel levesque as they lead everyone into battle. (why is he with the praetors? and why…. why in the world do the praetors seem to be following his lead?) his sword slashes through armies of monsters faster than you’ve ever seen. he’s controlling the entire river surrounding the camp, creating huge waves as tall as skyscrapers that crash down all around him, wiping out monsters and causing mass destruction to his enemies’ ranks. the sky is suddenly dark above you, ice-cold water droplets are slashing through the air, and the wind is blowing so aggressively that it’s making it hard to stand up steadily. because he’s somehow created a hurricane.
and he looks terrifying. you can feel the power radiating off of him. he’s like a god. or maybe a monster. it’s hard to tell. you’re a little scared of him, to be honest. but also in total awe, because it’s extraordinary. he’s extraordinary.
frat boy percy is not who you thought he was.
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i’ve been thinking about riordanverse demigods and their mommy issues.
annabeth, piper, alex fierro: my mom is an absent goddess who’s kind of a bitch to me and my loved ones
jason, thalia, hazel: my mom was a messed up person when she was alive
nico, leo, frank, magnus chase: my mom died years ago but she was a wonderful person and i miss her every day
percy jackson and will solace: MY MOM 🤱 is my BEST 🤩 FRIEND 👯 she is so LOVELY 🥰 and KIND 💕 and COOL 😎 and i’m having DINNER 🍽️ WITH HER ON SATURDAY 🥳💫🤪
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Which percabeth do you prefer?
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my-chemical-mermaid · 2 months
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Underrated Percabeth moment. A reminder that Annabeth doesn't just tolerate Percy's humor, she loves him for it. At their most desperate, when they're close to death, when everything seems hopeless, he can still make her laugh.
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tangerine-brooks · 2 months
remember when nico told jason "yeah i had a crush on percy back then, but i was young and impressionable, i already got over it"? brother in christ you're still, like, thirteen, why are you talking about your elementary school crush like he's your ex-wife whose betrayal made you vow to never love again
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wisebeth · 3 months
One thing which genuinely bothers me is Annabeth's perception in the fandom. How she's seen as this cold, stoic, emotionless, reserved and intimidating girl. When in reality, she's a character full of love.
Annabeth, who immediately cried and felt attached to Cerberus after playing with him for a few minutes because she wouldn't get to play with him again.
Annabeth, whose deepest desire, which the Sirens lured her with, is saving Luke and having a good relationship with both her parents.
Annabeth, who believed in Luke's goodness, even after all the countless terrible things he did simply because she had faith in his humanity.
Annabeth, who cried in Percy's arms before entering the labyrinth and refused to reveal the last line of the prophecy because it said to lose a love worse than death and the idea of losing any of her friends is too painful, heartbreaking and worse than dying.
Annabeth, who kissed Percy before parting with him in St. Helens because if he's going to die, she at least wants him to die knowing she loved him.
Annabeth, who took a poisoned knife for Percy during the war because she'd rather die herself than let him die.
Annabeth, who convinced Luke to switch sides by reminding him of the promise of family he gave her. Which in turn, influenced Luke's decision to end himself to destroy Kronos. Hello, she saved the world with the power of love.
Annabeth, who spent months after months losing sleep and searching desperately for Percy when he went missing.
Annabeth, who kissed Percy to eternity in public at their reunion, not caring what anyone is going to say or think. An asteroid could've hit the earth, and she wouldn't have cared.
Annabeth, who told Percy “I love you” when falling in Tartarus because if she was going to die, she wanted them to be her last words.
Annabeth Chase is a sweetheart, who has always felt things deeply and she's so full of love. And I think it's time we let go of the “cold-hearted annabeth” headcanon because it's not true, that's not her.
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half-gone · 3 months
If Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were to fight CHB would win. This is based solely on the fact that they actually know how to think outside the box.
They’re also crazy.
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mediumgayitalian · 1 month
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@mothmanavenue you ate this one little thing
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littlestarbeam · 3 months
Camp Jupiter kids are private school kids and Camp Half-Blood kids are public school.
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bananacatmeow · 3 months
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ah yes, even at 12 percy still messes with frank in spirit.
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lxvesick-stars · 2 months
I just think it's funny how Rick Riordan must have done SO MUCH research about different cultures and communities, doing his best to be respectful in his representations.
Yet couldn't be bothered to pull up Google Maps to see how far away the St. Louis Arch is from the water
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lilislegacy · 3 months
percy’s view of himself: i’m so stupid and ugly and useless. i’m such a lame demigod
literally everyone else’s view of percy:
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wtaffy · 3 months
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dorcasmckinnonn · 3 months
“'Are you kidding?' He grinned at Annabeth.
'A chance to do quests, just the three of us? Like old times? The Three Musketeers!'
'The Powerpuff Girls,' Annabeth suggested.
'Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey,' I said.
'Wait a minute,' Grover said."
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frostbite studios on insta
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