#the only ‘normal’ advice was to avoid large amounts of fat
toxtricity-v · 10 months
I know posts aren’t written with a universal audience in mind and that when people make posts like this they are probably not talking to me but
I HATE posts that are phrased to talk to everyone and say shit like “you NEED to be eating X”
shut up! you do not know a persons needs. just saw one that even went so far as to say they didn’t care if a person has a condition that makes it hard. shut up shut up! things that are healthy for most people are not necessarily good for everyone! like. my body does not tolerate cellulose. it makes me throw up. I can only tolerate vegetables in very specific circumstances, and I’m even then I will, not might, WILL, throw up part of the meal. I also receive premade meals in the mail as a disability accommodation. These meals are inevitably designed to cater to the Healthy Diet For Everyone. and as a result, I can’t eat like half of every single one because it’s steamed vegetables that will make me sick. nothing I can even do about it. it’s not possible to receive medical meals for MY medical needs. not to mention all the other stuff they send me that is prohibited for me (whole grain bread —I’m on a low fiber diet. milk —lactose intolerant. pineapple fruit/juice —allergic. tomatoes…allergic again.)
idk man it is an active problem in my life that everything presumes there is only one way to be healthy. I’m so sick of dealing with it. I DONT want to see it on tumblr too! leave nutrition advice to people’s doctors!!!
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homochadensistm · 2 months
Saw the bodypic on your sideblog and hot DAMN! Any workout+nutrition tips for us peasants to get like that?? I'm a hardgainer myself so I would appreciate the advice!
lmao shouldve sent the ask there then :(
important disclaimer: I look Like That largely thanks to good lighting and the fact that I had a mad pump. I dont look like that 24/7, nobody does. If you remove me from that specific spot under the gym lights and wait 10mins for my pump to disappear Id look entirely Normal.
As for hardgaining, youre not gonna like the answer but - just eat more. We like to think we eat a lot already (because it feels like that, because most of us have tiny stomachs) but if u actually took 1 week to record everything u eat, including its nutritional values (mainly macros - carbs, protein, fats, etc), youd see youre probably lacking and/or eating exactly at maintenance (i.e., maintaining your current weight, nothing less and nothing more). The best way I found for myself to eat more is to split my meals, so instead of eating 3 big meals a day, I eat 5-6 smaller ones, and I make sure each meal contains a decent amount of protein (at least 10g). And yeah I wasnt kidding - record what u eat for just 1 week, itll help u see where/what ur lacking.
As for protein - I dont use powders. I find their texture disgusting and most of them give me stomach issues. Personally I view health and fitness as something I should enjoy so Im not gonna do things that actively make me feel like Im suffering or forcing myself, hence, no powders. You dont even need powder to eat a lot of protein, too. Lots of idiots will tell you you need to eat 1gr of protein per 1lb of bodyweight to get larger, but thats protein powder marketing bs (unless ur like, an olympic athlete). Normal people need around 1.2-1.5g of protein per kg of bodyweight to grow muscle mass, according to almost all studies on the subject (again, unless ur an olympic athlete), so for me, weighing around 55kg, thatd be between 66-85g of protein per day. As I mentioned before, I structure my meals so that each contains at least 10g of protein, so right off the bat I start at 50-60g on avg. My lunch (meal 3 usually) is around 40g on its own (blessed Pork steak & greenbeans), so I easily get to 85g of protein a day, and maybe a lil more. Meat shouldnt be your only source of protein, theres a variety of foods to choose from and if u enjoy cooking then ur gonna have a great time! The price of not using any icky powders is learning how to cook lol. If you still want to use powders thats fine, theres nothing wrong with them, but just so u know that eating more protein wont necessarily help u grow, cause ur body has a natural cap on how much it needs/wants to use of the general amount u give it, the rest itll shit out. So, if eating more is difficult to u, I suggest avoiding the powders and just restructuring ur meals to fit you.
As for working out - if youre a woman focus more on volume (higher reps, lower weight), if youre a dude then the opposite. If youre doing more reps at a lower weight make sure that the weight is still somewhat challenging to you though. The distinction between male and female here is important because our bodies respond differently to training so if ur purpose is building the big mooskles and ur a girl - lighter weights will get u there faster. If you want to maximize strength gain as well - dedicate 1 day a week to heavy weights (so less reps but increasingly challenging weight). Im not gonna delve into the types of exercises or workouts u should do cause idk u or what ur experience is but theres enough content online abt that.
The most important thing about the eating and working out is the consistency. ur muscles grow because they respond to stimuli, they adapt to the pressure ur putting on them. theyre not gonna adapt if this stimulation is momentary. Try to work out 3-4 times a week, even just for 30mins each. Get in those reps per muscle group, train each group about twice a week and ur good. Youll see longterm results once eating+working out becomes a habit.
Last thing I wanna touch on is cardio. Theres this weird belief that, if u wanna gain muscle mass, you shouldnt work on cardio. Idk which lazy cunt invented that but its not true! Cardio is important for ur heart, health and ur ability to lift heavier loads! You dont have to run for cardio, theres many activities you can pick from: swimming, boxing, jump rope, dancing etc. Hell, even walking is really good cardio (and is actually better for you than running, longterm) and you can easily do that if you got 1hr to spare twice a week. Developing your cardio will not only make you feel better and healthier, its also detrimental to your strength gaining journey, to avoiding plateaus.
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rottenhumangarbage · 2 years
tw: descriptive ed behaviours
i know recovery is really hard, and not everyone is ready for it. that said, here is some harm reduction advice for eds
- laxatives generally take a while to work and your food will already have been mostly digested by then. they only remove waste material and can really mess up your electrolyte levels when abused. better to eat smaller meals after binging than abusing laxatives.
- purging by vomiting is similar to laxative abuse in the way that your food has often already had a lot of the calories absorbed, your teeth, nails, and of course your esophagus can be severely damaged and your electrolytes can also be thrown out of balance. again, better to follow up binges with smaller meals rather than purging.
- after an extended period of fasting, youre at risk of refeeding syndrome which is extremely dangerous. eat small things in small amounts and avoid salty or processed carbs. try fruit or veg with a lot of water such as melon or cucumber, or small amounts of high fat, phosphate containing food like cheese or yogurt, maybe with a multivitamin. reintroduce food slowly and do not let yourself binge after an extended fast.
- dont go straight from a large binge to a heavy restriction. go from binge to normal eating first or a binge-restrict cycle will be easier to fall into and harder to break.
- ideally you shouldnt eat less than 1200 calories a day, your brain needs 500 just to function and youll still lose weight on 1200. diets telling you to eat 200 a day long term are very unsustainable and put you at risk. eating 200 calories a day for maybe a day or two definitely wont kill you, but you should aim for a few days a week where you eat 1200 or above - or all days a week, but i understand that may be a scary concept for people who are struggling with restriction.
- dont fast for more than 72 hours. if i cant stop you from doing so, then please make sure you check your general wellbeing, vital signs, and blood pressure if possible.
- make sure you drink more water than you usually would than on normal eating days when/if fasting. try not to drink more than 4L on any day, and especially not in a short time period (drinking 4L in 1-3 hours puts your brain at risk) "Overhydration can lead to water intoxication. This occurs when the amount of salt and other electrolytes in your body become too diluted" Source: healthline
- after youve lost maybe more than 10lb, use tape measures rather than scales because water fluctuation is going to make more of a difference which may not make you feel that good.
- light exercise is good to retain muscle and keep your metabolism from dropping too much - doesnt have to be hard workouts, but a good walk or even laughter can help.
- try to eat more protein, fibre and healthy fats than you do carbs, however on an average day you do need a little carbs. keto diets only prevent water retention long term.
- caffeine is an appetite suppressant but also increases heart rate, blood pressure and anxiety. feel free to drink it but know your limits.
- artificial sweeteners may make you hungrier. doesnt mean you cant enjoy them on occasion though !! "Inconsistent coupling between sweet taste and caloric content can lead to compensatory overeating and positive energy balance." Source: ncbi
- GET ENOUGH SLEEP. lack of sleep significantly increases hunger and can reduce metabolism, making you feel worse throughout the day. "Laboratory studies have clearly shown that sleep deprivation can alter the glucose metabolism and hormones involved in regulating metabolism, that is, decreased leptin levels and increased ghrelin levels." Source: ncbi
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Coming off your fast safely
While I don't encourage undereating nor fasting, I do believe in harm reduction. After coming off a long fast (especially longer than 36 hours) your body is particularly sensitive to the food you eat which can result in gaining back that weight (only on the scale not in fat), which can be distressing or can cause other physical symptoms like breakouts. The general advice is to avoid carbs and heavy food on day 1 and 2 but as a fussy eater that is also vegetarian I struggled to find foods that fit this criteria.
So I have found a couple of foods that are low carb (fruit isn't low carb but is perfect after a fast, not all carbs should be avoided!) and really easy and yummy to make. Try not to overeat after a fast and instead choose slightly higher calorie foods than usual that will keep you from wanting to binge. I generally like to start on a very light meal high in protein and nutrients and then throughout the day introduce carbs back into my diet slowly. By day two I will start similarly, low crab and light but now introduce more carbs later in the day. By day three I have found I can go back to my usual diet.
I know that it can be scary incorporating more fat (and potentially calories) into your diet for a day or two but trust me, it helps you not gain back the weight and is good for your body! You will not gain anything on 1300 calories and it is good for your metabolism!! I also used it as an opportunity to satisfy my cravings for cheese and dark chocolate :)
Here is an example of my diet the last two days after coming off a 60 hour fast and didn't gain any weight back:
Day 1:
Cucumber salad (340)
Green Tea with fresh ginger and basil (3)
Grated carrot and apple (130)
Sweetened Low Fat Yogurt (100)
Scrambled Eggs with onion (310)
Cheese (220)
Tea with milk (20)
2 Tablespoons of Peanut butter (135)
Total Calories: 1258
Day 2:
Cucumber Salad (340)
Green tea with fresh ginger and basil (3)
Grated Carrot and Apple (115)
Low Fat Sweetened Yogurt (100)
40g Bran Flakes (100)
1/3 cup Sweetened Almond Milk (15)
40g Dark Chocolate (210)
Total Calories: 883
Day 3: 
Eat as you normally would :)
Cucumber salad:
If this is too scary you can also halve it and spread it over two meals, but it will benefit your post fast weight loss far more than low calorie, refined carb options)
My new favourite recipe at the moment. Kind of high calorie but keeps you full is amazing after a fast as it is high fat and protein. Also really tasty!
1/2 a cucumber
1 Round of FULL FAT Feta (this is important after a fast)
1/8 cup raw sunflower seeds 
1/8 cup raw pumpkin seeds 
On a dry pan toss in your pumpkin and sunflower seeds and toast them on a medium heat for a few minutes,  tossing them gently to evenly toast both sides until they begin to crackle and pop and look golden brown. These taste amazing and are honestly really good by themselves if you are low on protein (which prevents hair loss). Put them aside in a bowl to cool.
While they cool chop your cucumber into rounds then quarters and crumble your feta. Next mix all your ingredients and enjoy a really healthy delicious salad!
Grated Carrot and Apple:
This was a childhood favourite of mine and I have recently rediscovered it to be honestly a really yummy, crunchy and sweet salad that tastes like a dessert :)
Not to mention it is probably the simplest meal ever!
1 large Apple (Sweet apples work best here)
2 medium carrots
All you do it peel your carrots, grate both the apple and carrots and mix them together in a bowl and enjoy!
Amazing Scrambled eggs:
This is just how I make scrambled eggs and is perfect for people who like me, like to mask the flavour of egg a bit. This is quite high calorie but will satisfy you completely and is an excuse to finally treat yourself to some cheese.
This is high fat and protein and very low carb which is perfect for a post fast meal and will prevent you from gaining the weight back again. :)
2 tsp Butter + 1tsp more (Scary I know but fat is essential for you and will aid in your weightless in moderation. Can be replaced with flavourless coconut oil with some salt added))
2 Eggs
1/4 Milk
1/2 White onion
1 Clove Garlic
Fresh or dried herbs (I like basil, rosemary and orgegano)
125g Cheese (I had a lot of calories left over for the day and went a bit mad, feel free to use your own amount)
Chop your herbs if they are fresh and lightly fry them in a dray pan before putting them aside.
Next chop your onions and garlic finely and mix with herbs. Sautee these at medium heat till caramelised in 2tsp butter.
Beat two eggs and milk together and add pepper.
Mix your onion mixture into the egg and fry in remaining 1sp butter.
Enjoy and add cheese if you want because it is yummy and you deserve it :)
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Hi I read in the faq your answer to someone about top surgery for fat ppl and I just want to ask for a bit more info... do you think i should wait until I lose weight first? Like I’m worried that even if I get surgery... I’m still going to be fat and then I’ll just have breasts still? Thank u! Sorry if this is a dumb question!
Lee says:
As long as you don’t have any serious health complications because of your weight, you can get top surgery.
Fat folk are probably going to have to get double incision top surgery, since their chest would be too large for a keyhole or periareolar, but they can get just as flat as anyone else with double incision.
It’s more likely you’ll get “dog ears” at the end of your scars towards your armpits, but that can be dealt with by getting a revision which is often free. Make sure you ask your top surgeon what their policy on revisions are, and what fees you’d have to pay if you needed one.
There can be some fatphobia when you’re looking for a top surgeon- there can be some increased risks for overweight people going under anesthesia, and some top surgeons use that as an excuse to turn down a patient even when it is possible for them to get surgery safely.
You may have to “surgeon shop” a bit to find a surgeon who is competent, capable and willing, but it’s possible and achievable! I have two fat trans guy friends who got top surgery in the past year, and they’re totally happy with their results.
Cancer-related mastectomies remove all of the tissue, while top surgery only removes like 90-95% of the breast/fat tissue and the last bit is used to create a “masculine” contour. So a complete mastectomy for cancer would result in a very flat, almost concave chest. You can see some examples of what “going flat” after a breast cancer related mastectomy looks like here.
There are some fat folks who choose to leave in a little more fat in their chest because they feel like the extra fullness fits their body type because some fat men have “moobs” but that’s a personal aesthetic choice and not required or something, and it’s possible to get a flat chest with top surgery if you tell the surgeon to make you flat. I do think the majority of folks choose to go fully flat, but there’s nothing wrong with choosing otherwise.
Because a typical trans double mastectomy leaves about 10% of the tissue in for contour, and a few fat folks opt for even more (although this isn’t common), it’s still possible for post-top surgery folks to get cancer in that tissue. That means top surgery may decrease the risk of breast cancer, but it won’t prevent breast cancer.
So you should still get mammograms if you are the age to start getting mammograms, or you should at least do self-checks. This is something you’ll have to talk to your doctor about, and see what they recommend!
On the website of one top surgeon, they said they took off enough tissue it was unlikely you’d get breast cancer, but another top surgeon’s website said that it’s still possible.
“Is top surgery the equivalent to a mastectomy? In short, NO. At least 10-20% of normal breast tissue is preserved in most patients, especially behind the central pedicle (by necessity), and peripherally by design, to avoid unnatural contour irregularities. In addition, the female genotype is generally still at play, and there is no evidence in the literature that the use of testosterone is protective against breast cancer. Therefore, we uniformly advise that all patients engage in self-breast exams (generally easier with less overall tissue remaining) and start getting mammograms when they would otherwise be recommended (generally starting at age 40), especially (and occasionally earlier) in patients with a strong family history of breast cancer, or positive genetic testing. If a breast cancer were to develop, this would likely be managed (by a surgical oncologist) as it would in any smaller-breasted patient.” -Source
I think it depends on what procedure you’re getting as well, like how an inverted-t incision might be a bit fuller than a double incision with grafts. This article says you might also want to be tested for BRCA gene mutations to help decide what kind of surgery you’ll get if there has been breast cancer in your family.
If you’re worried about getting breast cancer because you’ve tested positive for BRCA gene mutations or family members have gotten cancer, you may want a cancer preventative mastectomy where they take out all the tissue instead of a cosmetic mastectomy like they do for top surgery. If you don’t like that look, you may be able to get silicone pectoral implants once you’re fully healed. But the procedure and your options should be discussed with your treatment team, and this whole thing really only applies to folks who are at a high-risk for cancer so it’s something you could talk to your surgeon about at your consultation. 
Anyway, that’s a lil tangent. Top surgery (via double mastectomy) is pretty customizable in the amount of fat you choose to keep, so you can choose if you want a very flat chest, a more contoured chest, a breast reduction or “moob-like” chest because they’re doing large incisions which means they have lots of room to work with when it comes to excising the fat and using liposuction.
If you gain a lot of weight after top surgery your chest may get a little larger, but it won’t regrow to whatever your pre-surgery size was because the breast tissue has been removed.
You can see an example of a larger fellow who got a flat chest here, and another example here. It’s definitely possible for fat folks to get flat chests after top surgery if that’s what they want from the procedure! 
Trans Bucket has a ton of pics of this, but right now folks say the website seems to be acting up so your mileage may vary with getting an account.
The Facebook groups Top Surgery Support (removal/reduction) and Non-Binary Top Surgery both have a ton of pictures uploaded as well, but you can’t see any “before” pictures there because of Facebook’s NSFW ban. They’re still worth checking out though for the personal experiences, community, support, and post-op pics.
There are a lot of folks who find it really hard to lose weight even if you’re eating healthy and exercising and all that because the body really doesn’t want to lose weight, so waiting until you’ve lost a significant amount of weight might not be an ideal timeframe for getting surgery because you might find it really difficult to lose weight which means you’ll keep pushing back the process of getting surgery until an undetermined date in the future, and not having surgery or an idea of when you’ll be getting surgery can be bad for your mental health if you have a lot of dysphoria. 
And it may also be easier to start getting active when you’re healed from top surgery because you don’t have to worry about wearing sports bras or hiding your chest while in the gym and stuff.
Personally, my advice would be to start the process of getting surgery now if you know that it’s what you need. So that means finding a surgeon, getting your WPATH-compliant letter or whatever else your surgeon/insurance needs to perform/cover the procedure, and schedule a consultation. 
If your surgeon tells you at the consult that they are requiring you to lose weight before you get a surgery date, at least you’ll have an idea of how much weight you have to lose which can help direct your goal and keep you motivated. 
And you may also want to consider getting a second opinion with another surgeon too, which would be my recommendation if the first surgeon has a weight-loss condition before they’ll operate and you don’t think that goal is possible within a reasonable timeframe, because the second surgeon may be more comfortable with the risk and say that you can get surgery with them without losing weight.
Anyway, what you choose to do is up to you, but I’d try to get a consult ASAP and go ahead with surgery because if you don’t get completely flat after top surgery and you end up with dog ears or something, you can always get a revision.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to lose weight at the same time (in a healthy way with the guidance of your doctor) if it’s something you want to do, and trying to get started on both goals simultaneously is possible, but even if you don’t lose weight you can still get great top surgery results.
So you definitely can get a flat chest after top surgery even if you weigh a lot pre-op and have a big chest- I’ve seen it myself a ton of times!
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openisrael60 · 3 years
Max Amount of Ibuprofen Daily
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Ibuprofen is a pain reliever medication that is taken to relieve pain caused by arthritis, gout, tendonitis, bursitis and carpal tunnel syndrome. It is also used to relieve pain caused by other conditions such as toothaches, fever, migraine headaches, menstrual pain and jaw pain. If you need to know the effects of taking ibuprofen, then read on.
It has many different possible side effects. One of its side effects is that it can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies and have sensitive skin, you must be careful about the ibuprofen you take. You should talk to your doctor if you think that you are allergic to ibuprofen.
Ibuprofen can also lead to ulcers in the stomach. This can occur when the drug is not taken properly. Patients must be aware that this can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
One of the possible ibuprofen side effects is that it can cause changes in the normal functioning of the liver. The liver is the main organ that produces bile acids. Bile acids help break down fat. If too much ibuprofen is used for a long time, it can damage the liver. People who have liver disease or people who have cancer should avoid taking ibuprofen. They should go to their doctors immediately.
It can also affect the kidney. If the kidneys are damaged by ibuprofen, it can lead to serious problems. Patients should get medical attention if this happens.
Some of the side effects of ibuprofen can be dangerous. These include hallucinations, seizures, coma and even death. Such reactions may happen after long-term use. Patients should immediately contact their doctors if they experience such symptoms.
There are some precautions that patients should follow when using ibuprofen. It may be harmful if ibuprofen is not taken properly. Patients should never mix ibuprofen with other drugs. Ibuprofen should be used only once a day.
Maximizing the effectiveness of ibuprofen is not easy. It is important to follow the instructions on the label carefully. It is not advisable to overuse ibuprofen as it can lead to adverse side effects. Ibuprofen should be used as directed for its intended purpose only.
Some patients experience stomach cramps when they take ibuprofen. This may be due to the large amount of ibuprofen being used. The stomach muscles should not be strained when taking ibuprofen. Overuse may result in gastrointestinal side effects.
Patients must also exercise caution when using ibuprofen. The pain relievers treat the pain, but it can also do harm to the liver. People who have a history of liver problems should not take ibuprofen. If possible, ask for medical advice before taking ibuprofen. Consult your doctor if you have kidney or heart disease.
One of the most common side effects of ibuprofen is a dull pain at the point of application. Sometimes, the pain becomes so bad that patients cannot get through their day. This pain usually goes away within 24 hours. Pain from the medication may also be increased when you exercise or do physical activities such as lifting weights.
Other adverse effects of ibuprofen are diarrhea, headache, and nasal inflammation. If you experience these symptoms, contact your physician immediately. It is important to report this symptom to your doctor if you notice it on a regular basis. Ibuprofen can also cause upset stomach and ulcers in those with acid reflux.
To reduce the amount of pain that is produced by the ibuprofen, you can take ibuprofen with food, especially late at night before bedtime. Ibuprofen is also available in oral form. Ibuprofen does not mix well with alcoholic beverages. You should not take ibuprofen with other medications that are also taken orally such as aspirin or acetaminophen. When Ibuprofen is taken with food, it will not be tolerated very well by the body.
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firstbase-skincare · 3 years
Vitamin C Serum
In the most simplest form, a vitamin C serum is a topical infused with high concentrations of vitamin c along with other active ingredients to promote skin care and health.
Vitamin C Serums attempt to accomplish two things: make your skin biologically healthier and make your skin look aesthetically better.
Different serums attempt to achieve this through different means, and thus not every vitamin c serum is equal.
FirstBase Skincare Vitamin C Serum Benefits
It has a function that prevents your skin from producing melanin, which causes skin yellowing, black spots, and hyperpigmentation. Vitamin C, if used regularly, may help to prevent dark spots from forming in the first place. It's a fantastic skin-lightening agent that works to eliminate brown spots without harming normal skin color.
That stated, FirstBase Skincare acknowledge that the absolute best style of vitamin C skin-care item to utilize is cream, since serums are extra effective than lotions or even cartridge and toners. Sheer ascorbic acid has actually constantly been proven to be the very most efficient at passing through the skin layer obstacle.
As a basic rule, lotions must be split below your cream. If you are actually brand new to using the substance on your skin layer. It is actually potent stuff, thus you merely need to have a couple of decreases for each request. It is actually ideal to begin along with a reduced concentration as well as operate your means up as your skin increases much more accustomed to the component. 5% serums are actually commonly gentle good enough for delicate skin, and you can copulate around 20%, which will certainly operate much more promptly to brighten and also boost skin layer pigmentation.
If you have sensitive skin, we advise starting with a reduced amount of attention and also attempting an examination area first to ensure that no allergy symptoms exist. Take a look at our list of the best vitamin C creams for additional information on the potent active ingredient.
Vitamin C Serum Ultimate Guide
If you have your crown in the skin layer care video game, you've very likely heard of vitamin C lotions. You're most likely acquiring vitamin C in your diet, there is actually no method to promise that it's going right to your skin.
Review on to discover why you should incorporate vitamin C product to your schedule, exactly how to launch a new product, and even more. Vitamin C has an exceptional.
Vitamin C to handle a large selection of inflamed skin problem. Lessening inflammation can easily create a more also complexion. These products can easily assist smooth out fine lines by plumping and also moistening the under-eye region. Although vitamin C is actually even more effective at decreasing overall soreness, some individuals state that it can easily aid reduce staining related to under-eye circles (FirstBase Skincare how to use vitamin c serum).
Vitamin C cream is normally applied the moment or even two times every time. A good policy of finger is actually to purify, tone, relate vitamin C lotion, as well as after that hydrate.
Vitamin C Serum Benefits Can Be Fun For Anyone
We have developed an overview that supplies advice on the formulas of Vitamin C provided under The Common variety. It likewise supplies education and learning on Vitamin C itself and on the differences in between formulations of Vitamin C at huge. Note: The layout of this formula is a suspension of really fine L-Ascorbic Acid powder as well as, therefore, offers one of the most straight exposure of exceptionally high concentrations of Vitamin C topically.
If wanted, this formula can be watered down in a cream base per application to enable the skin to construct tolerance in time. Different items on the marketplace offer suspensions of Vitamin C in water-free solutions in a silicone base to prevent the "fine-grained" feeling of the suspension. These solutions do keep the Vitamin C stable yet they are usually used in heavier silicone bases that hinder efficient exposure of the whole Vitamin C content to the skin (the silicone entraps the Vitamin C).
This serum is terrific for both sensitive as well as acne-prone skin! The advised percent for effectiveness without irritability is various for various forms of vitamin C, as well as therefore they can not be compared just on a percentage basis. Our product would certainly approach a 15-20% L-ascorbic acid product. We make use of a combination of vitamin C, vitamin E and also ferulic acid as this triad of components has been shown to supply a worsening antioxidant effect - timeless vitamin c serum 2021.
How To Use Vitamin C Serum - The Facts
The item is still safe to utilize, it no longer lugs the very same benefits. This is actually the only method to identify exactly how your skin will definitely respond to the serum.
Some people administer it in the early morning to make the most of its own UV-protectant residential or commercial properties, while others locate that it functions most effectively as a night serum. Terminate use if you begin to experience inflammation or pain (vitamin c serum).
Any individual managing these skin layer concerns might intend to consider including a vitamin C cream to their skin care program. Yet it is actually a good idea to begin regardless of whether these issues haven't approached but. While it is actually usually offered as an anti-aging substance, the very best time to avoid aging is before it develops.
The price of these creams may differ greatly, from concerning $10 to $250 for 1 oz. Pay interest to the vitamin C focus amounts.
Things about FirstBase Skincare Vitamin C Serum Do
It possesses some advantages along with sunlight direct exposure so it assists to administer in the early morning as the very first level of defense. Lotions are actually much better than incorporating decreases of vitamin C "enhancers" to your emollient.
When vitamin C is actually used past its own rack lifestyle, it may really have damaging results. Vitamin C is a secure as well as usually well-tolerated element.
The only exception is actually those along with sensitive skin layer. The 2015 research study posted in Professional, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology found that 6 percent of research study individuals experienced itching, which the analysts claimed was actually probably due to the level of acidity of vitamin C. Folks with really delicate skin should seek advice from a skin specialist prior to make use of given that potent types of vitamin C may sometimes aggravate vulnerable skin.
About FirstBase Skincare How To Use Vitamin C Serum
I have actually constantly had ok skin, few breakouts however out of no where I was experiencing grown-up acne, hyperpigmentation, lethargy, dry and so on. After being placed on retinol to aid fix a few of what I was experiencing, I chose to incorporate the CE Ferulic to my routine. After I clean my skin in the morning along with a gentle cleanser, I use this as well as level on the Hydrating b5 gel and hydrate along with the Three-way Fat Restore.
With a regular dose of pure vitamin C on your skin, you will definitely discover a radical remodeling in your growing old indications. This is actually the main reason why numerous maturing skin care products contain well-balanced amounts of vitamin C. 3. Repair work Skin An additional terrific benefit that vitamin C skincare supplies is skin layer fixing.
Cheer up the Skin Vitamin C is the best organic skin layer lightener. It hinders the creation of melanin and vanishes obstinate hyper-pigmentation from one of the most internal layers of the skin. People who consistently eat Vitamin C either orally or even topically have discovered an extra even skin layer hue and also brighter complexion.
Vitamin C lessens the opportunities of transepidermal water loss. The finest method to maintain your skin hydrated and plump is to apply a great vitamin C emollient.
Vitamin C Serum Benefits
Both are a really good beginning indicate locate the most effective vitamin C product for you. This cream delivers centered advantages of vitamin C, which is actually known to lessen fine line creases, minimize uneven skin tone, as well as give your skin layer an out-of-this-world glow.
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dndaddyissues · 4 years
im new to DMing, and while i seem to have gotten the hang of most things well, im super confused when it comes to running battles (especially when theyre my own monsters) how do i balance a battle? how do i tell how many enemies/how much health per enemy = fair for certain amounts of players? is there a chart or resource somewhere you know of, or is it all intuition? (bonus question: how long should normal and boss encounters last irl time wise?) thanks so much!
thanks for sending me this question! this answer is particularly huge… you have been warned. 
as usual, here’s the tl;dr:
- for an easy to moderate challenge, have the same (or fewer) number of enemies as there are players;
- for an advanced challenge, outnumber the players;
- lower your enemies’ AC to something that your players can hit 60-70% of the time;
- in exchange, buff your enemies’ HP;
- feel free to fudge hit points whenever you want;
- utilize the “minions” mechanic from 4th edition;
- for boss battles, introduce special bonus actions, reactions, and villain actions;
- combat usually lasts 3-4 rounds: plan accordingly;
- ask yourself: why is this combat happening? what narrative/dramatic and character stakes can i introduce?;
- and have fun!
i want to preface my answer by saying that i don’t enjoy easy combat – unless played for laughs/comedy, or used to foreshadow something plotwise (like a goblin scout’s death alerting the goblin horde at large), i hardly ever throw an easy combat encounter at my party.
so, the following advice is given with challenging the players in mind – either moderately, immensely, or impossibly. i guess i’m just a big sucker for jim murphy/matt colville-style DO OR DIE challenges. otherwise, what’s the point?
another preface: this answer is given in the spirit of avoiding the “slog” – the combat encounter where it feels like baddies and PCs are just stepping up to the plate, whacking at each other, and stepping back down. that’s boring. and boring combat is the worst. sometimes it’s unavoidable – we all have our off days, nothing wrong about that – but the less that it happens, the more fun that everyone has! right?
now, on to the answer itself!
first of all, i’ve already written an answer to an ask a little while back about combat that might be useful to you. click here to read about how to make more action-oriented monsters, especially for boss battles and random encounters that you want to feel significant and deadly.
second of all, here’s the 5e CR encounter calculator i used to use all the time. it’s extremely intuitive and has toggles for number of players, level of players, monster CR/EXP, and how difficult encounters would be rated (easy, medium, hard, deadly). 
third of all, i never use that calculator anymore.
over the course of the 2.5 years i’ve spent DMing 5th edition, there are three main things i’ve learned that can drastically increase, or decrease, the difficulty of a combat encounter. they are: # of baddies, armor class, and # of hit points.
regarding # of baddies. due to how the action economy in 5e plays out, the more creatures there are on either side of a combat, the bigger the advantage that side has. it’s just kind of how it works. so, an easy way to bump up the difficulty: throw more monsters at the players than there are players.
the one soft exception is boss battles. personally, i fucking LOVE having just ONE, super badass, super hard to kill, hardcore boss that the party gets to face down during crucial turning points in the campaign. it makes me feel like i’m running fucking Dracula in Netflix’s Castlevania against some lovable and deadly dumbasses. it’s great. it’s fun. it’s thrilling. to make bosses as challenging (and therefore rewarding) as possible, i highly recommend reading the ask i linked earlier in this reply. (click here for the link again.)
now, i say it’s a soft exception because i like giving my bosses minions. i basically utilize the 4th edition (i think?) “minion” mechanic where the AC, bonus to hit, and damage of all minion creatures are the same as regular versions of the creature. the only difference is, they have 1 HP. 
this can give the PCs the awesome feeling of wading through waves and waves of minions – say, dozens of zombies, as an evil lich cackles upon their raised stone dais 80 feet away. i don’t utilize this too often because then it can feel tiring to the party. but done sparingly, and with narrative stakes, it can be quite thrilling! (that maxim is also true for basically any kind of combat encounter in D&D.)
regarding armor class. obviously, the higher the armor class, the harder the challenge. if you can’t hit the damn thing obviously you can’t kill it. i personally like to pitch the AC of my enemies a liiittle bit lower, to increase my PCs’ probability of hitting. the exact number of the armor class will depend on your players’ level.
as a super general guide for players at level 3, 10-13 is easy, 14-15 is moderate, 16-17 is challenging (heavily favoring 17), and 18+ is very challenging/almost impossible. 
just so you know, i generally set my enemies’ ACs for a level 3 party to be 13 for less important creatures, and 14 for more important creatures. i’d probably set the AC to be 15 or 16 for a mini-boss, and 16 or 17 (if i’m feeling cruel lol) for a boss.
obviously, this scales as your party levels up, finds magical items, and gains special features and boons. i would scale the difficulty by 1 when they hit level 4 and get an ability score improvement, and then by 1 every 2 levels or so.
in other words, at level 4, i’d consider an AC of 11-14 to be easy, 15-16 as moderate, 17-18 as challenging (heavily favoring 18), and 19+ as very challenging/almost impossible. and by the time your party is levels 12-16, AC can often feel like it doesn’t freaking matter anymore because they’ll be able to hit, like, fucking everything. anyway.
there’s some nitty gritty mathematics about this if you like to get granular. this is a good video about dice math, armor class, and calculating advantage mathematically if that sort of thing interests you.
regarding # of hit points. honestly, i fudge this most times. because i like to scale my AC on the lower end, in exchange, i make my creatures fucking FAT. like, i’ll look at their stat block in the monster manual, and add 30-50% to what they already have. sometimes i’ll straight up double or even triple it.
for example, the spectator normally has 39 hit points, but i gave my spectator ~100, because it was a miniboss. i did, however, keep its armor class at 14 because that meant my players, at 3rd level, would be able to hit it 60-70% of the time. this strategy of mine tends to work out, because my players are usually able to dish out a LOT of damage per round. (we have a barb, a fighter, and a warlock in the party lol.)
something i did in the spectator fight, that i wish i didn’t do, was stay faithful to the number of hit points it had. the barbarian ended up killing it with a rather anticlimactic attack. i know for certain that my warlock, which was next in the initiative order, had this SUPER cool and character-relevant attack planned. what i would do differently, is keep the spectator alive just long enough for my warlock to do their cool fucking move, and have that move kill the monster.
and now for the big takeaway. combat, for me, is all about giving my players a chance to shine, be badass, utilize their class abilities, and be creative. just like any other aspect of d&d, such as roleplaying and exploration, combat is an exercise in collaborative storytelling (for me, at least).
i rarely introduce combat that doesn’t tie into an A plot, a B plot, or a side quest that the PCs are chasing. i don’t have anything against random encounters – in fact, i ran some RE’s in the second-most recent session – but what makes combat fun for me as a DM is the fact that it advances story, and potentially deepens the players’ understanding of their character.
so, before you throw your players into a combat situation, ask yourself: why? how can i make this narratively dramatic – and not just a slogfest?
bonus answer: most combat encounters will struggle to last beyond three, maybe four, rounds. especially if there are an equal or fewer baddies to the player characters. however, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. in fact, if combat went on for five, six, seven rounds, it can begin to feel like… well.. a slog.
so make the most out of your three, four rounds, and make each combat encounter unique! how about an environmental challenge? slippery ground, swinging axes, pools of lava, a sudden earthquake, a portcullis dividing the party, water filling the room.
or roleplay/plot-related challenges? maybe there’s a circle of mages attempting to summon a demon that are protected by enchanted suits of armor that the PCs need to hack through. maybe there are hostages. maybe there’s a powerful magical artifact that the baddies and PCs both want, and the challenge in the combat lies in who can most deftly and efficiently maneuver through the clockwork maze protecting the raised dais the item resides upon.
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fivestarglam · 3 years
Note- This content only presents overviews of hair loss prevention research for educational purposes and does not replace medical advice from a professional physician.
The best start to preventing hair loss is understanding the basics of hair: what it is, how it grows, what system malfunctions can cause it to stop growing.
Most common hair loss comes under what has been commonly known as Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Although referred to as MPB, females suffer a similar syndrome, so it is more properly called androgenetic alopecia. Although hair loss is not life or health threatening, it can cause serious problems with a personâEUR(TM)s psyche and self-confidence. There has been no absolute cure found for hair loss, and many factors of hair loss are hereditary, however there are several preventative measures one can take to maintain healthy hair and scalp.
Although both men and women can suffer significant hair loss, over 50% of men will suffer with Male Pattern Baldness (MPB), also known as androgenetic alopecia, at some point in their lives. The reason behind hair loss is a genetically inherited sensitivity to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and 5-alpha-reductase. The enzyme 5-alpha-reductase converts testosterone, a male hormone, to DHT, the substance identified as the end-cause for hair loss.
Hair loss has been noticed and studied throughout the ages, and some interesting discoveries were made in ancient times. For one it was noticed that eunuchs: those males without genitals-never went bald. Men who were castrated as a result of accidents in battle also never went bald. This was the first indication that testosterone had something to do with hair loss. It has also been found that the more recessive the hair gene, the more propensity toward baldness one has.
Some common myths have arisen concerning hair loss. Because of medical advancements many of these myths are being addressed and corrected. For starters, although androgenetic alopecia or pattern baldness is genetic and therefore can be hereditary, it is not passed down through only your motherâEUR(TM)s side of the family. Either side of the family can pass down the genetic disposition toward baldness. Also, contrary to old family tales, wearing hats does not cause baldness either.
Beyond the genetic propensity of certain people toward hair loss, there seems to be various dietary triggers that activate the process, a notion that is promising since this can be controlled.
The effects of high-fat diets and the increase of DHT (Dihydrotestosterone), a chemical produced by the body found to cause hair loss, is not conclusive at this time. However, there does seem to be a connection; as societies that consumed relatively low-fat diets such as pre-World War II Japan experienced almost no pattern baldness, whereas in post-World War II Japan there is an increase in pattern baldness as their society consumes a higher fat diet. In fact, Asian and African men in their native countries traditionally suffer very little Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). Although when the same peoples come to North America, they begin to develop MPB.
Because people of all races and ethnicities tend to develop MPB or androgenetic alopecia, yet do not exhibit these tendencies before moving to America, changes in diet may be a leading contributing factor. Diets high in fat do increase testosterone, which is the main component in DHT. More research needs to be done on this topic to reach conclusive evidence, although it certainly could not hurt to lower oneâEUR(TM)s fat intake.
There are a number of foods and substances to avoid and limit the intake of. Substances such as alcohol, caffeine, sugar and nicotine can deplete the body of nutrients and raise adrenal levels, which will cause a chain reaction of producing more androgen and causing hair loss. High levels of saturated fat and cholesterol rich foods are also linked to increased DHT levels and their consumption should be limited. Additionally, common table salt has been linked to hair loss. And the average diet provides the recommended amount of sodium intake; therefore, salt should never be added to food. However, when using salt for seasoning during cooking, be sure to use salt with Iodine being that it is a nutrient that is vital to hair growth as well, unless you are a regular consumer of seafood, which contains high levels of Iodine.
Although hair loss can be caused by many other variables, lack of proper nutrition will assuredly cause hair loss in many people. Fortunately, adopting a proper diet that includes the proper nutrients can reverse hair loss caused by malnutrition. One thing for certain, regardless of whether your hair loss was caused by malnutrition or not, adopting a healthier diet will help the function of other areas of the body.
There are some methods that have been used that prevent hair loss on some people, in addition to the dietary improvements, there are some naturopathic remedy suggestions. Massage and aromatherapy have been used with some success. In minor cases of temporary hair loss, hair growth can be stimulated by massage, since blood and oxygen flow to the scalp must be healthy in order for hair to grow. A blend of six drops each of lavender and bay essential oils in a base of four ounces of either almond, soybean or sesame oil massaged into the scalp and allowed to sit for 20 minutes has been used by aroma therapists to stimulate the scalp. Once the mixture is in the scalp for 20 minutes, wash your hair and scalp with your normal shampoo mixed with three drops of bay essential oil. Massaging the scalp in general for a couple of minutes a day can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and in mild cases stimulate some hair growth. Of course, one must be careful to be gentle when massaging and not tug at the hair or use the fingernails when massaging the scalp. If one is concerned about fingernails getting in the way due to extra long fingernails, there are several options. One is a flat-handed massage, which while not as effective as the finger massage can provide some circulatory benefits and results.
There are several electric massagers on the market that have an attachment for scalp massaging as well. An oriental method called Qi Gong (pronounced Chi Kung) has been used to increase circulation to the scalp and face also. The fingers should be placed at the center of the skull base and then begin to tap approximately 30 times. Work your way outward toward the ears continuing to tap gently. After reaching the ears go back to the center of the skull a little higher up and work your way around to the ear region. Keep going up about eight levels, each time repeating the process.
There is a definite connection between the prostate and hair loss for men, and therefore a connection between breakthroughs in BPH treatments developed and their effectiveness in restoring hair growth. There have been some herbalists that have experimented with the herb Saw Palmetto in order to block the production of DHT in treating BPH. Although most studies of Saw Palmetto have been for the treatment of prostatic disease, more recent studies have been conducted on its effectiveness in treating loss. The herb has been found to work in fighting benign prostatic disease by lowering levels of DHT, which is a known cause of androgenetic alopecia. Studies have shown Saw Palmetto extract is an effective anti-androgen and therefore there is promise for its effectiveness as an effective treatment for hair loss prevention.
Rosemary and sage are two herbs that have shown benefit traditionally when used externally. It is suggested that to promote a clean scalp, stimulation of the hair root, and thickening hair one should boil together in water rosemary, sage, peach leaf, nettle and burdock. Then strain the loose herbs from the liquid and use the liquid to wash the hair daily. Also recommended is steeping one ounce of ground rosemary, two ounces of ground sage, and a half ounce of ground nettles in one pint of ethyl alcohol for a week, straining the solution and adding one ounce of castor oil and one ounce of water to the liquid. This is said to make a great hair lotion to apply at night before bed or just before shampooing.
Hair is a living protein, and as with any living part of our bodies we must be sure to maintain proper health to optimize our chances of maintaining a healthy head of hair. Proper nutrition is vital to maintaining healthy hair, since the hair is a living and growing part of the bodyâEUR(TM)s system. Viewing it in this manner can help us to treat our bodies different and raise expectations through proper care. A healthy balanced diet, occasionally with the help of vitamin and mineral supplements and exercise are all key components to a healthy regimen of maintaining healthy hair.
There is an obvious link to hair loss and prostatic health and this only increases the pace of hair loss discoveries. Most treatments for prostatic diseases such as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) also have the pleasant side affect of growing hair on the heads of those taking it. With the pace of research and discoveries today, there is a great deal of optimism in the field of hair loss prevention and treatment. Hair is an important part of our dress and appearance, therefore a large part of our self-esteem. It is likely that there are answers for your situation presently or coming in the near future.
Remember, the restoration of hair growth is not an overnight process. The process takes time regardless of the method chosen. Be patient and follow as much of the advice given by professionals as possible. Keep in mind that the body is a system, and it is the abuse of this system by food intake and environmental causes that lead to most common hair loss.
Already suffering from hair loss? Get a free Hair Loss Analysis at [http://www.your-health-guide.com/freehairanalysis.php] to determine if you qualify for our Hair Restoration Package.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7520
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gearruth68 · 3 years
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The additional sessions are indicated to aid the lady attain the feeling and look they desire. Typically, the physician will set up the treatment sessions as though they get to happen between 4 and six weeks apart. The fact that this treatment does not have any type of downtime is among things that makes it appealing to numerous women. As holds true with several clinical procedures, it's not unusual for clients to have inquiries on the therapy. You will also require to participate in a consultation session with the aesthetician. The truth that ladies tend to have different physique requires the aesthetician to prepare all patients differently.
Reporter Lisa Fogarty tried the treatmentand wrote about her experience in Redbook magazine online, keeping in mind a reduction in her requirement to urinate when working out and also an increase in sexual pleasure. She found that the treatment made her feeling more amorous as she 'd taken time out to treat herself to a treatment made to enhance her sex-related satisfaction. Fringe benefits of the therapy will consist of removing or decreasing urinary stress and anxiety urinary incontinence, an usual issue recognized to affect women that might remain in various life phases. The ultrasound technology being used here is an innovation that has actually currently been tried, examined, as well as proven to function successfully.
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It is best to prevent penetrative sex and also making use of tampons for the initial 3 days following the therapy to give the location an opportunity to recover. This is one of the most crucial Vaginal Tightening up FAQ. The skin in the vaginal area can end up being loose, just like skin on other locations of the body.
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Here with us at Pro-Moi every little thing that is gone over throughout your examination will be purely confidential. The HIFU technology that we use is licensed, as well as the treatment is risk-free and non-surgical. Mason added that the business has "strict methods that we enforce on training and management of these procedures as well as we have never undergone any kind of malpractices or anything that has actually harmed any of our customers". When this is truly utilized, it creates efficient thermal heating system to the interior finishings of tissues. The honesty of the feature permits extensive management over the activity as well as additionally stamina of the ultrasound exam to see to it excellent advantage for each individual. FemiWand Vaginal Firm is truly a 30-minute treatment that may be in fact applied on your lunch possibility remainder. Before having any kind of FemiLift therapy you will certainly need to have an up to date Pap smear result.
Following your Appointment with our expert you will be suggested 2 or even more treatments as indicated. At LBPS our expert medical team are trained to provide you with the absolute best care with security as a concern.
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Which's the important things-- these clinics desire our money, as well as up until appropriate laws are introduced for non-surgical treatments in the UK, they're mosting likely to maintain marketing. FemiWand ® is in fact a High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound therapy that uses effective ultrasound test electrical energy. The number of treatments that are needed for every person will differ. Most people require simply 2 treatments to accomplish durable enhancement in both feeling and also urinary incontinence. If you have serious laxity you may need 3 or 4 treatments every 6 weeks to attain the optimal result.
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La-Lipo for coolsculpting Reading unanticipated adverse effects of Femilift treatment for several ladies isincreased self-confidence as well as sex appealthat originates from hanging out caring for this extremely personal area of the body. For others, finding an option to an awkward trouble and also merely no more having to put on urinary incontinence pads or fret about dripping urine can havea large result on a woman's self-esteem as well as self-confidence. For lots of women the results of Femilift therapy can be life altering. Bianca, among our patients at Health and wellness & Aesthetic appeal, said that the outcomes of the treatment meanher life-long incapacitating urinary incontinence trouble has actually been 85-90% cured.
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A good expert will provide you a complete pelvic evaluation as well as take your case history before suggesting the most effective choice of therapy. This may mean that they do not advise Femilift if they believe it won't aid your signs. It is very important to note that every person is various as well as the amount as well as regularity of your therapies will depend upon your individual conditions. If you have less treatments after that you might find that the issue you're dealing with will certainly come back, whereas having the complete course of therapy, with regular top ups, need to keep problems away for numerous years. Some women notice an enhancement in their signs and symptoms after the initial therapy, but it maytake a complete training course of treatment to experience the very best results.
Our personnel will certainly lead as well as sustain you with your FemiLift Laser Vaginal Tightening Up Treatment from Examination and Treatment, to Adhere To Up Treatment. Our experienced Nurses will additionally be at hand to support you any time on our devoted 24/7 individual telephone number. Is not painful-- ladies who have had the treatment record only a tingle of warmth yet no pain. Since the genital wall surface consists of collagen fibers, with time these can stretch as well as trigger the genital wall surface to shed flexibility. This can trigger a decrease in enjoyment of sexual relations. In addition to a normal component of aging, this decrease in flexibility can be enhanced after kid birth.
This will additionally be the time to ask any kind of burning inquiries that might be troubling you regarding the treatment. FemiWand treatment is likewise thought of as being perfect for women who don't wish to undergo any type of kind of medical therapy. It's upon you to carry out your study prior to picking a facility to manage the treatment. HIFU innovation targets the dermal and also SMAS layer of the skin, for both superficial and muscular tightening; generation brand-new collagen, causing the skin to tighten up, tone as well as lift. Ensure that you avoid warm settings such as sunbeds and saunas for seventy two hrs after the treatment. Furthermore, do not have hot baths or showers during this amount of time, as this may create you pain since the skin is really delicate.
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The location is intense, modern-day and tidy producing a welcoming and loosening up experience. The option right here is plentiful wedding catering for differing needs, enjoy a relaxing Swedish massage therapy, polish your skin with a body exfoliation or deal with a continuous skin condition. Easily situated by means of bus as well as just a 10-minute stroll from Cathays terminal, this rejuvenating clinic combines art as well as medication to produce innovative treatments. At City Skin Physician in Cardiff, you will locate one of the most sophisticated treatments to improve your skin appearances, creases, and unwanted hair.
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Can a facelift help smokers lines?
Unfortunately, a facelift is not effective at treating those all too common lines around the mouth (smoker's lines). Even patients who do not smoke can develop these lines, sometimes fairly deep. To correct those, a resurfacing procedure needs to be performed.
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Another effect of the loss of elasticity in the vagina can be repeat vaginal infections which are crippling and also stressful. Expect friendly and expert service from start to finish as you're made to feel welcome by the enthusiastic as well as educated team. Constantly as much as day with the most recent techniques and fads, these gifted therapists are fully certified and customize each therapy to match your demands.
Using ultrasound cartridge sticks as opposed to relying on intrusive surgical needles suggests that the person will certainly not experience any type of downtime or discomfort. You will have the ability to go right back to function after undergoing a session at your favored center. But as stated above, you ought to wait a minimum of twenty-four hrs before making love or resuming your health and fitness tasks. Aside from being a pain-free procedure, it should not take more than twenty minutes, half an hour at most to finish it. Treatments are scheduled at 4 or 6 weeks periods and most clients see a great renovation after 2 sessions. This therapy has come to be an innovative medical option to standard vaginoplasty. All our practitioners recognize this is not a subject everyone really feels comfortable discussing.
Is 60 too old for rhinoplasty?
Average Age of Rhinoplasty Patient In my experience, most people seeing a rhinoplasty are between young and middle adulthood (ie 20 to 50's). Occasionally, a teenager will be serious enough to get a nose job, and if they meet criteria, a rhinoplasty is very safe. Also less common are the much older patients.
Do not stress-- there are some signs which might help you to identify whether Vaginal Tightening up will certainly profit you. As an example, you may be experiencing less sensation during intercourse, as well as loss of control over urination. If you are unclear, after that arrange a consultation at Harley Ultrasound where we can assist you determine whether or not Vaginal Tightening is ideal for you.
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Their vast array of treatments are constantly developed, making certain the most up to date in skin care innovation and strategies are available for all their customers. Concentrated on supplying a comfortable, safe and secure and reliable experience, Bellezza Facility assures to leave you with glowing, glowing skin with every check out. A short walk from London's world-famous Harrods Shop, Bellezza Clinic London in Knightsbridge is a professional skin clinic supplying an effective option to invasive treatments. To acquire the very best results, you will certainly need to have two to three therapies, spaced four to six weeks apart and afterwards an additional therapy each as well as a fifty percent to 2 years to maintain the outcomes. The treatments are spaced apart to allow time for the collagen, elastin and also brand-new tissue to establish, which reinforces the vagina wall surfaces and also for that reason improves symptoms. A 2018report released by RealSelf, the leading online resource for individuals considering cosmetic therapies, stated that 94% of ladies who have actually had Femilift therapy ranked it as 'worth it' on the website. Genital laser firm has been featured on Today, where design Danielle Lloyd claimed theprocedure changed her life as a treatment for urinary incontinence.
Can Botox lift sagging jowls?
lose stomach weight . Tighten jowls. If your jawline has become less defined, a little Botox along the muscles of the jawbone can pull the skin up for a crisp, defined effect. 6.
In some cases, you might experience identifying or watery discharge a day after the therapy. Yet the medical professional doing the treatment should take you with what to anticipate before your session can begin. What's even more, is that it has been around for more than 5 years.
Are mini facelifts worth it?
If a patient is still in the earlier stages of aging, and primarily concerned with jowling, a mini facelift might just be the ideal cosmetic treatment for them. One of the most appealing aspects of the mini facelift is that it's very effective at treating early aging in a minimally invasive fashion.
This is more likely to occur with age, if you are obese, as well as if you have delivered. At Harley Ultrasound we understand this is an area that is not conveniently accessible for evaluation, and also tough to talk about.
Offering every little thing from waxing and facials to manicures and also brow colors, Clapham's EGP Appearances has all the appeal treatments you require under one roof. The group of professional therapists integrate their comprehensive expertise with the most up to date brands and innovation to supply top quality therapies tailored to match your beauty requirements. In 2018 a research study by the International Continence Societylooked right into the result of Femilift on females with anxiety urinary system incontinence. The study found that 81.8% of females reported renovation at their 3 month follow-up consultation, after having three session of Femilift therapy.
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This is the subject on everyone’s lips, at home, at work, and at the beach. And although it is important to accept oneself as one is and to love one’s own body. Even if it is different from the image of “perfect” bodies presented on TV or in magazines. It is perfectly normal to want to lose those few pounds that bother us.
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To do so, the first advice of nutritionists is to pay attention to his diet. In fact, to lose weight, and maintain a healthy lifestyle for a healthy body. It is very important to monitor your diet and bring in all the nutrients and vitamins your body needs. However, nowadays, foods are often of lower quality than before, and it can be complicated to fill up with vitamins that our body needs. It is for this reason that ProVen exists: to help you to consume these essential vitamins to the good functioning of your organism. This miracle product will allow you to lose weight effectively, in no time, without harming your health, allowing you a regular and lasting weight loss. Find out more about this miracle cure in this article, namely its effects, forum reviews, price, and where to buy it, you will not be disappointed!
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Introduction to ProVen:
ProVen is very beneficial to our body. It is even recommended by doctors to help with weight loss. It is an ally in all circumstances to lose those few extra pounds, without damaging your body with toxic substances harmful to the body. For this reason, we can expect that prices are higher than average, and it is not so. ProVen was developed by specialists who sought above all to help the greatest number, to make them benefit from the exceptional advantages of the product. Thus, its price is very reasonable and will be accessible to all budgets. In addition, via the official website of the brand ProVen, You can benefit from preferential offers, advantageous rates, and discounts when ordering. So you can refuel this magic remedy without breaking the bank!
In this way, ProVen is very different from other supplements that promise to make us lose weight. Indeed, instead of tiring our body by limiting its energy intake, ProVen nourishes the nutrients necessary for its proper functioning, which allows to keep it healthy throughout the diet. 
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In the same way, this product helps us to restore our food, by bringing to it the nutrients of which it misses. These nutrients and vitamins are themselves directly related to weight loss, since they act on the body by accelerating its metabolism, to quickly eliminate fat that could accumulate and turn into pounds too much. Similarly, they produce a feeling of satiety faster when you eat, allowing you to reduce the size of your meals, and avoid nibbling between them. You will be able to notice a significant and lasting loss of weight thanks to ProVen.
100% Natural Ingredients:
A natural composition that allows excellent efficiency, to ensure you have unparalleled efficiency, ProVen researchers have developed a product that uses only natural ingredients. It is very important when ingesting a tablet daily, to take into account the list of ingredients and to be certain that they are of natural origin. In this way, we ensure better effects on our health, as well as the prevention of side effects. Discover these natural components:
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Garcinia Cambogia: This plant is native to Southeast Asia and West Africa. She is known for her healing powers of many ailments, including Edema, constipation, and rheumatism. In addition to these effects, it also contains hydroxycitric acid, which helps lower cholesterol, helping to eliminate saturated fats faster. It is, therefore, a very interesting ingredient for weight loss because it helps to turn fat into energy to prevent it from accumulating in the body, and it also helps to give a feeling of satiety faster. In this way, you will need to eat less to feel full, and so you will stop snacking or nighttime cravings that can often be high in sugar.
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Ascophyllum Nodosum: This plant is also called black seaweed. It is highly appreciated for its extremely rich contributions it provides to the body, namely a large amount of fiber, minerals, and trace elements in their most natural form possible. Helps the body to fill the nutrients essential to its proper functioning and the elimination of fat. It is, therefore, a very effective plant to lose weight while taking care of his health.
Guarana Seeds: In turn, this plant is also very appreciated for the beneficial effects it has on our body. Indeed, it has a very interesting stimulating effect that speeds up the metabolism, in order to evacuate waste faster and thus prevent fat from accumulating. This is a very important effect to help with weight loss, the results of which are proven by many studies and used in many existing drugs such as ProVen.
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ProVen effects on your Body?
As you can see, the ingredients used in the composition of ProVen are excellent for your health and guarantee you lose weight while taking care of your body, thanks to their natural origin. Being careful to choose natural ingredients, ProVen effects will surprise you with their speed on your body. As you know, when you consume foods high in sugar or saturated fats, your body responds very poorly to these foods and fats are stored to impede the arteries, forming cholesterol that can be very dangerous for our body but doesn’t worry Thrive Society Keto also help you. It’s the same for sugar, which can be responsible for diabetes, another very harmful condition to our body. To be healthy, it is, therefore, more than necessary to pay attention to our diet.
Testimonials of ProVen
To get a better idea of ​​the effects of ProVen on your weight loss. The opinions of ProVen forum are a very good indicator. Let’s discover together their opinions on ProVen. What do consumers think? Let’s see below:
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After my pregnancy, I had a hard time losing the pounds taken for 9 months. I let myself go thinking that I will lose everything after pregnancy. However, this was not the case and I had a hard time accepting this new image of my body. I wanted to die without having to deprive myself and damage my body. It is for this reason that I turned to ProVen, reading the advice that advised him to lose weight smoothly. I am not disappointed with my purchase!! Almost I lost three pounds since I started the cure, and as far as I’m in good health and I do not miss anything. I recommend it!
Marie Weller, 36 Years Old
By force of excess, I had to undergo a heart intervention 3 years ago because of cholesterol impeding my arteries. As a result of this operation, I had to completely review my diet to reduce fats and sugar consumption. It’s not easy. To help me lose weight and get plenty of nutrients, my doctors recommended that I take ProVen. It’s been a few years since I consume very regularly, and I could not notice any side effects. Quite the contrary, I see only positive, and this is also the case of my doctors! My metabolism is faster, this helps me to eliminate harmful foods faster in my body and I’m also full of essential vitamins. It’s a real find that works every day!
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Richard Gilbert, 42 Years Old
I had a cumbersome weight for a few years now. Always had a few extra pounds, and I got used to my appearance, so after the holidays. I took a lot more weight than usual and I very badly priced this change of my body. I eat rather well, but I often have a very large hunger. Which tends to make me eat more than I normally need. It is for this reason that I was very intrigued by the satiating effects touted by the consumption of ProVen. After a few weeks of taking regular, I already see significant changes in my diet! I eat much less than before, I manage to regulate my hunger and my appetite, which is a real change. I don’t question the viability of this product.
Clifford Coleman, 27 Years Old
Where to buy?
All that remains for you now is to place an order to start using ProVen as soon as possible. To do so, many consumers ask themselves the same question, namely, “I dream of testing ProVen, Where to buy it? What is the best way to get one? “. To answer this question, we must first advise against placing your order on Amazon. Indeed, it is on this site that you can very easily get ripped off and receive a product of very poor quality. It is therefore very important to go through the official website of ProVen. On which you will also find many offers on the product. It is on this site that you will guarantee the authenticity of the product. Its lowest price, excellent customer service, and very fast delivery. All you have to do is order!
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In addition to these great effects, you can get ProVen cheaply on the official website of the product. You can benefit from the lowest prices and fill up with supplements to multiply its effects over time. Remember that to lose weight, the answer often comes from the diet, and ProVen will help you to improve it. This is one of the best supplements available on the market today. Do not hesitate, ProVen is for you!
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Final Verdict:
As we have seen, ProVen is a supplement that will have many positive effects on your health in your search for weight loss. At first, it is good to remember that this is not a product that will lose weight in a very short time. Because ProVen respects the metabolism of your body and does not damage it. Its natural composition allows exceptional effects. Which ensure its effectiveness over time, allowing you to not regain weight when your cure ends.
You will notice its satiating effects that will allow you to reduce the size of your meals. And avoid nibbling between them, these unnecessary snacks are often very rich in fat and sugar. ProVen will help you set up a healthy and balanced diet for every day. So you can lose weight smoothly and avoid side effects on your body. Your metabolism will also be stimulated and accelerated. Allowing you to eliminate waste faster so that they do not remain stagnant in your body.
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