freakova · 6 months
So how was the FNAF movie?
PTOOOOOOO I didn't see this? Sorry about that.
To answer your question
+ Stays true to the FNAF universe but doesn't complicate the lore like the games do. Keeps the basics of FNAF such as the themes, characters and concepts and doesn't make them any deeper than they need to be. Intro especially could not be been better.
+ You can tell A LOT of love went into the movie. Like a lot. Everyone that worked on it clearly had fun and seeing even the smaller roles and staff talk about their experience is super great.
+Gorgeous soundtrack I NEED it on CD STAT.
+Perfect casting
+Really amazing practicals, the animatronics look incredible
-The middle was a bit wobbly. NOT BAD but it was like they forgot that this is the FNAF movie where fans will pick at everything so it ended up being kinda...idk generic. (I.e. all these suddenly dead characters and noone seems to care. Kinda sad we didn't get more of the Aunt, felt like she needed more build considering she was one of the first confirmed roles for the movie.
-Painfully lacked more Matthew Lillard ohhhhh he was a treat
-I know people make fun of the whole "haha people wanted the movie to be 6 hours of being in an office" but I do kinda wish they did that for a little segment (Just like....5 minutes)... like have a character watching the cameras, run out of power like in the games etc...
-Golden Freddy was horribly introduced and hardly explained like YEAH he's mysterious but c'mon
ALL IN ALL--Very good movie. Super fun to watch with others, enjoyed it a lot more on the 2nd watch, defo check it out if you wanna check out fnaf without being bombarded with lore lol
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seagull-scribbles · 1 year
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Never been a huge fan of enemies to lovers but it was nice to combine my love for Buntoine and Pirate AU’s to get this- shoutout to @the-fourth-knower for the Navy man concept for Antoine 💕
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bowlerhatwearer · 10 months
🔺Do you know the secrets of the muffin man (for any oc)
Greetings Knower :-.)
I honestly don't think that any of my OC's know the secrets of the muffin man.
And honestly, I have to admit, neither do I, this is the very first time that I have heard about this.
If I remember correctly, "The Muffin Man" is a nursery rime, right?
Yours sincerely
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aquillis-main · 4 months
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This is the only Pikmin gif I could find on Tumblr's gif search.
This is a sign - we need more Pikmin gifs.
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desiprincess111 · 2 years
Hey I hope this doesn't sound weird or anything. I just noticed the AUM symbol in your description. Can I ask you some questions....? Is law of assumption compatible with Hinduism? Can you show some examples or verses....?
Consciousness and the void in Hindu scriptures
I will be focusing on the concepts of consciousness and the world only, also there are some stuff about the void state here.( Yes, the concept of void is thousands of years old, in eastern spiritual traditions)
1) Adwayaraka upanishad-
(2) Always realizing "I am of the nature of Consciousness (cit)," with eyes completely shut or else with eyes somewhat open, by looking inward above the eyebrows - he, beholding the Absolute, the Supreme, in the form of a multitude of fires of Being Consciousness Bliss, assumes the appearance of luminosity.
2) Mandukya Upanishad
(6)The experiencer of these states of consciousness is the Lord of all. This one is all-knowing; this one directs everything from within. This one is the womb of all. All things originate from and dissolve into this.
As you know there are three states- waking, dreaming and sleeping state. Now there is a fourth- called turiya( this is my Tumblr name lmao) TURIYA is not state, but the experiencer of all! Turiya is what experiences the world in waking state, creates a new world in dreaming state and is still present in the sleeping state.
"When one experiences all the states of consciousness, then he establishes himself in his essential nature-Pure Consciousness and realizes that he is the all-knower. Then he acquires the knowledge that the Pure Consciousness flows on various degrees and grades, termed waking, dreaming, and sleeping. These states or modes of consciousness have arisen from their source, turiya, and finally dissolve in it. Yet the nature of Pure Consciousness, which is self-existent, never changes. It is everlasting, infinite, and changeless. "( From enlightenment without god-manduya upanishad)
(7)Turiya is the fourth state. In this state, consciousness is not turned inward nor outward nor both. tis undifferentiated; it is beyond the spheres of cognition and non-cognition. This state cannot be experienced through the senses or known by comparison or inference; it is incomprehensible, unthinkable, and indescribable. This is Pure Consciousness. This is the real Self. It is the cessation of all phenomena; it is tranquil, all-blissful, and one without second. This real Self is to be realized.
3) kashmiri shaivism
Consciousness of lord Shiva is not overshadowed by this created world. The world cannot obscure consciousness. On the contrary, consciousness gives rise to the existence of this world.
( swami lakshmanju)
When there is no sensation, only the supreme existence of God consciousness, that is the hightest state (parā).It is without sensation, because sensation remains only there where the sensation is felt by the feeler. God consciousness is not felt; it is your own Self.
( swami lakshmanju)
something very interesting about the void~
One should meditate on the void in one’s own body on all sides simultaneously. When the mind has become free from thoughts, one experiences everything as the Void.
(VERSE 43)
Therefore, before starting the practice of dharana on the internal space, you should first define the directions. within yourself and then mentally conceptualize those directions as nothing but empty space or void. By doing so you will find that gradually the mind ceases to identify with the gross body. Then, as the experience intensifies, the mind and body are separated and the thoughts cease. Having transcended the body and mind, the awareness identifies with the vast expanse of consciousness, which pervades the space all around it.
( This sound very similar to the void state right? It's a spritual practice from Vijanana bhairava tantra, a particular scripture for kashmiri shaivism. Yes, the translations are actually THE VOID, the void is translated from the word shunya in Sanskrit. From the concept of shunya, concept of zero was developed in India)
If one contemplates simultaneously that one’s entire body or the world consists of nothing but Consciousness, then the mind becomes free from thoughts and the supreme awakening occurs.
(VERSE 63) vijnana bhairava tantra
O great Goddess, one should concentrate on this universe as nothing but void. Dissolving the mind also like this, one then experiences the state of laya, or total dissolution.
Translation (58)
Laya means the state of dissolution'. Here, as in the previous dharanas, the universe is first dissolved into the void through a process of annihilation of everything that is contained within it. Thus the concept of the universe is transformed into nothing but the void of consciousness. When the universe is nothing but void, or shoonya, the mind is dissolved in the same way. By focusing the awareness on the void or empty space, the mind, which acts as a barrier to the higher experience on account of its continuous movement into the past, present and future, begins to lose its support and also dissolves. This leads to a totally new dimension of awareness, known as shoonya, which is all pervading stillness.
Commentary( 58)
Beyond reckoning in space or time; without direction or locality; impossible to represent; ultimately indescribable; Blissful with the experience of that which is inmost; a field of awareness free of mental constructs: that state of overflowing fullness is Bhairavī, the essence of Bhairava. It is that essence which is ultimately real & fundamental; it is that which ought to be known & experienced; it is that which is inherently pure, and it is that which pervades everything.
(Translated from Christopher wallis, Vijanana bhairava tantra)
4) Advaita vedanta
Our minds are just waves on the ocean of consciousness. As waves, they come and go. As ocean, they are infinite and eternal. Know yourself as the ocean of being, the womb of all existence.
-Nisargadatta Maharaj
"Give up identification with this mass of flesh as well as with what thinks it a mass. Both are intellectual imaginations. Recognize your true self as undifferentiated awareness, unaffected by time, past, present or future, and enter peace."
Adi Shankaracharya
One should not think ‘I am this – I am not that’. To say ‘this or that’ is wrong. They are also limitations. Only ‘I am’ is the truth. Silence is ‘I’. If one thinks ‘I am this’, another thinks ‘I am this’ and so on, there is a clash of thoughts and so many religions are the result. The truth remains as it is, not affected by any statements, conflicting or otherwise.
(Source: Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, Talk 248)
5) Ashtavakra gita
In me, the shoreless ocean,the ark of the universe,moves here and there, driven by the wind of its own mind(universalmind).I am not impatient.
O Marvellous! Iam really pure Consciousness.The world is like a magic show.Hence,how and where can there be any notion of rejection or acceptance in Me.
You are the endless sea In whom all the worlds like waves Naturally rise and fall. You have nothing to win, Nothing to lose.( 15.11)
You are in whatever you see. You alone. Just as bracelets and bangles And dancing anklets Are all of the same gold. (15.14)
The universe is but a thought in Consciousness. In Reality it is nothing. One who sees the true nature of existence and non-existence never ceases to exist. The Self--which is absolute, effortless, timeless, immaculate--is without limits and at no distance from you. You are forever It.
Beside all this you must have heard of this statement right?
Aham bhrahmasmi
which means I'm the ultimate reality. Here, the I is one's individual consciousness.
tat tvam asi
Which means you are the true essence or root or origin of everything which exists.
I can't cover everything in one go, so I only covered stuff which I have read about. I hope I have cleared your doubts. If you have any other questions, DM me.
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asma-al-husna · 2 months
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Allah calls Himself Al-‘Allaam— The Most Knowing, the All-Knowing— on four occasions in the Quran. He is the one with the highest level of knowledge. Al-‘Allaam is both All-Knowing and Most-Knowing; His knowledge is complete, perfect, encompasses all of creation, and is far above any other knowledge!
The Most Knowing, the All-and-Ever-Knowing
‘Allaam comes from the root ‘ayn-laam-meem, which points to four main meanings. The first main meaning is to have knowledge and be aware and certain, and the second is to gather information. The third main meaning is to have deep knowledge of minute details, and the fourth main meaning is to act according to knowledge.
This root appears 854 times in the Quran in 14 derived forms. Examples of these forms are ‘aleemun (“All-Knowing”), ‘ilm (knowledge), ‘alima (to know), ‘allama (to teach), and ‘aalemeen (the worlds).
Linguistically, ‘aleem is the intense form of ‘aalim (one who knows) and ‘allaam is the most emphatic form of the word.
Al-‘Allaam therefore refers to the highest form of knowledge of all things, past, present and future, an attribute which only belongs to Allah ‘azza wa jall.

Al-‘Allaam Himself says: You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen [Quran, 5:116] . . . Say, ‘Indeed, my Lord projects the truth. Knower of the unseen.’[Quran, 34:48]
The Knower of the Unseen
All four times Allah’s name Al-‘Allaam occurs in the Quran, it comes in the same combination: ‘Allaam-ul-ghuyoob – Knower of the unseen. His attribute of being most knowledgable, All- and Ever Knowing is linked to the unseen as this is an ultimate example of how human knowledge fails, regardless of all our technology and scientific discoveries.
However, there are also those who falsely claim to have knowledge of the unseen. Related to this issue ‘Aa’ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, said: Whoever tells you that he knows what will happen tomorrow is lying. Then she recited, “No person knows what he will earn tomorrow [Al-Bukhaaree]
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi beautifully explained: … And with Him are the keys of the Ghayb (all that is hidden), none knows them but He…[Quranm 6:59] by referring to five things mentioned in Surah Luqmaan:  Verily, Allaah, with Him (Alone) is the knowledge of the Hour, He sends down the rain, and knows that which is in the wombs. No person knows what he will earn tomorrow, and no person knows in what land he will die. Verily, Allah is All‑Knower, All‑Aware (of things. [Quran, 31:34]  
How Can You Live by This Name?
1. Strive for the best of knowledge.
There are different types and branches of knowledge; one example that of things created by Allah, of which some are beneficial and others are not. Knowing all about the life of a certain pop star is an example of knowledge of no benefit to your life in this world and the next. Whereas knowledge of certain skills can be of benefit in this life to be able to practice a certain career. Another example of knowledge, which is the most honourable knowledge with most benefit, is the knowledge of the Creator Himself. So study His names and attributes with the intention to transform your life by them!
2. Realize the virtue of seeking (beneficial) knowledge.
هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ – Are those with knowledge equal to those without knowledge? [Quran, 39:9] To which group do you want to belong? And the Prophet said: Whoever travels a path in search of knowledge, Allah makes easy for him a path to Paradise [Muslim] Keep reminding yourself of the importance of daily seeking Islamic knowledg, instill this eagerness in your children and start by asking Al-‘Allaam to increase you in knowledge which will benefit you in this life and the next by memorizing this beautiful Quranic supplication:
رَّبِّ زِدْنِى عِلْمًا (rabbee zidnee ‘ilma) -O my Lord! Advance me in Knowledge [Quran, 20:114].
3. Convey knowledge.
The Prophet salallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: Convey from me even a single verse…[Al-Bukhaaree] and mentioned an amazing fact: By Allah, were Allah to guide a single man through you would be better for you than a herd of red camels [Abu Dawood, saheeh] Make it a mission to share a piece of Islamic knowledge with someone every day inshaa’Allah!
4. Be comforted and motivated.
Let the all-encompassing knowledge of Al-‘Allaam of not only each leaf that falls, but also each of your thoughts and feelings comfort you and tell yourself in times of hardship: Allah knows. At the same time, realize Al-‘Allaam knows of every move you make, even when no other human being is aware, and let this motivate you to not only watch your actions, but strive to show Him the best of you, each and every day He gives you.
5. Leave a legacy of knowledge.
The Prophet said: When the human being dies, his deeds come to an end except for three: ongoing charity, beneficial knowledge, or a righteous child who prays for him [Muslim]. When you die, you cannot do a single good deed anymore and you never know when the angel of death comes for you. Out of His mercy Al-‘Allaam taught you above three deeds which will keep counting for you, even when you die. An example is printing a leaflet with Islamic knowledge, think of a project to leave a legacy of knowledge and ask Al-‘Allaam to give you the ability to make it happen!
O Allah, Al-‘Allaam, we know that Your knowledge is above any other knowledge. Guide us to beneficial knowledge, increase our knowledge of Yourself and accept our efforts to gain knowledge. Aid us in conveying the best of knowledge and adorn us with true awareness of Your knowledge so it instills a feeling of comfort in us and motivates us to do that which pleases You most, ameen!
Wallahu ta’alaa ‘alem.
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A woodblock illumination of the fourth day of creation, by Michael Wolgemut and Wilhelm Pleydenwurff, from the Nuremberg Chronicle, fifteenth century
* * * *
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
There was a day when a human hand first wrote those words. This sentence is a masterpiece of compression. It approximates as closely as words allow the instantaneous realization of an intent, the bringing into being of the diversity of things that make up the world of fundamental human experience. It describes an act and characterizes the Actor.
The Babylonian epic the Enuma Elish begins with an account of the gods in their generations not creating but emerging, through a kind of parturition, into a preexisting state of unbeing. Hesiod’s Theogony, a much later work that had authority as an inspired text among the ancient Greeks, also begins with the begetting of gods, though without the interesting Babylonian pause over the question of what preceded them. In the Hebrew narrative, Creation is unified by the recurrent phrase “and it was so,” evoking the sense of the instantaneous efficacy of God’s will, a sense of the marvelous particularity of each enrichment of the living world, and also a kind of reverent amazement on the part of the unimaginable knower, in effect the observer, of this emergence of being out of the void. It is the world we know—the sun giving light to the earth, sea creatures swarming, birds in flight across the heavens—seen in all their wondrous singularity, yet made one in the seven iterations of the word good. The goodness of God and His works, central to the whole of Scripture, are established together in a lovely catalogue of the things of this world.
[And It Was So :: Creation in Genesis] :: HARPERS magazine]
by Marilynne Robinson
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freakova · 2 years
the two reactions so far I've been seeing of Mario Movie
"It's great until i have to hear Chris Prat :C"
LISSIN I will 100000% agree that it is really disappointing to hear Mario doesn't have a strong Italian or Brooklyn accent but Mario looks adorable and anyone hating on him and only caring for Bowser can suck my butt cause
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Look at that face
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seagull-scribbles · 2 years
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Saturday Mornings 📺
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bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
What do you like bout Happy Tree Friends?
Greetings Knower ^^
I guess it's the possibilities that are there with Happy Tree Friends, the show itself gives you a few bits and pieces, which gives the opportunity to explore so much.
A popular example would be "The War", not a lot is known about it, just that the character, Flippy was involved in it, that he had experienced a lot of terrible things, and at one point participated in a special operation to assassinate the "Tiger General".
We don't know why the war began, or we don't know why the Tiger General planned to take over the world, we can't even say for sure, how the war ended / was concluded and which side "won" (although usually it's assumed that the side and army Flippy was part of, won.)
And I think that is so beautiful about HTF, because there is so much room for own interpretations.
Is there a curse? Is the city cursed? Are the characters cursed? Are they maybe in hell? Is the cursed idol involved in all of this? Etc. etc. there are so many theories and opportunities to explore all of this and I love reading about all the different interpretation people have been making.
I guess, it's that, what I like on Happy Three Friends so much :-.)
Yours sincerely
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how do you rate my rankings of Sanic chest sizes XD
Easy 9/10.
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sitraachranovel · 5 months
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An excerpt from the book; A History of the World After & Its Denizens by Noctua Quill
"(Pages from an untitled codex of illustrations recovered from the late Zagan Era, circa 4795, Epoch 341934.) The illuminated lettering around the edges of the pages reads as follows starting from left to right:
[left most vertical] The Abyssal Eden
[bottom horizontal] Mother/Cradle of Sitra Achra
[top and right vertical] The Dreaming Garden of Shaa Edan
Opposing page
[left vertical] The Abyssal Nightmare
[bottom] Edenblight
[right vertical] The Dream of Eden
In the heart of the Eternal City of Shaa Edan, lies the gate to the Dreaming One known as 'Eden', birthmother of our place of darkness, origin point of All That We Know.
When the Fallen found themselves wandering in defeat in the black depths of the Abyss, they knew it would not be long before the corrosive presence of the Slumbering Ones would begin to erode their very being. And so, Lucifer, The First Soul, proved to all why he had been favored so by The Creator, and did bravely besiege unto the Abyssal, Eden, a new world. Eden, who took Its shape of that of a magnificent Garden, was the very one to ask, for its Dreams are composed of the structures of earth and the trees on which it grows. Other Abyssals soon joined Eden's Dream, and together, a new universe sprang forth The First Soul christened "Sitra Achra", the place of darkness, a gesture to defy the place of light, "Korsia". But here were Nine worlds, all different in their personalities and their offerings and their needs, each a result of the collaboration of the somnolent gods. And the Fallen saw that all among the Fallen were disorganized and chaotic, and so the wisest and the most powerful came together to build a hierarchy, one to mock the Heavenly Chorus of the Creator, and prove to them that they were greater for having forsaken the Light of Ein Sof and Its Collective. Thus the Nine Kings crowned themselves to rule over the Nine Circles, starting with King Bael, Master of Things Unseen, Knower of Unknowledge, Ruler of the Lands of Darkness, and Second of the First Be'souled; then there was the Second, King Paimon, the Merchant and Trader of Wants, the Great Shopkeep, and Goldtaker; then the Third King Beleth, Scholar of All Things, Great Lioness of War, Truthsayer and Oracle; The Fourth, King Purson, General Tactician and Cartographer, the Vanguard Explorer, Wayfinder, Hornbearer; The Fifth, King Asmodeus, Engineer of Torment, Devourer of Souls, Chaosforger; The Sixth, King Vine, Ruler of the Blind Depths, Great Navigator of the Void, Stormmaster; The Seventh, King Balam, Antecedent of Alchemy, Librarian of the Forbidden, Lorekeeper; The Eighth, King Zagan; Sovereign of Silence, Ruler of the Glacial and of the Pale Storm, Soundkeeper; and finally the Ninth, the Forgotten One, King Belial, the Invisible, Guardian of the Lost, Outlander. Beneath them were appointed offices of rule; Prince, Duke, Marquis, Earl, Knight, all have their place among the Infernal Court, who govern all Souls of Sitra Achra by birthright, being their founders and custodians.
Alas, these sovereigns are now silenced in no thanks to the Many-Tailed Traitor, their destinies rewritten in the Akashic Terminus, Book of Fate. The thunderous sound of King Purson's Horn unsettled the Slumbering Ones, causing them to stir in their sleep, which affected their Dream of the World After. Whole Verses were overwritten, alterations made to the course of The Great Story. Kings turned on each other like animals, obstreperously bickering over resources and preparations on what was to come. Their Knights fell in defense of them, and soon thereafter, others of their courts. And so it seemed that, one by one, each of the 72 were dismissed from their seats of rule, until only a handful remain, those who now cling to the favor of the False King Joro like burrs. The False King whom I shall not grace with titles of reverence, only those of condemnation as such she is deserving; Usurper, Imposter, Betrayer, Parasite.
In a series of events now known as the Akashic Purge, the first of the Slumbering Ones to stir brought forth a corrupted Dream, and thus sprang the first roots of the plague known as Edenblight, the Nightmare of Eden. The atrocity manifests in the bodies of mortals and the Wild Children, twisting their shape into that which Eden most identifies; trees, tall and alien and not unlike those of the Gates in their size and presence. Formerly, it spread through their Song, the Illusion of Beauty to lure in unsuspecting prey, and through that impregnation of the brain, a Seed will grow and infect the host with feelings of lethargy and false promises of peaceful repose. Once inert, the body will root itself to whatever surface it finds itself on, and henceforth, become one with Eden's Nightmare. The transformation is complete within six Moons, sooner if the infected are left to grasp one another in their despair and their ecstasy, in which they will merge and become one or many, a forest in a perverse Garden of Eden. Not but the Light of Angels and the Touch of a King can halt the spread of the Blight, but the Angel must become as a fixture of the land, and the King must remain diligent in their fight. With Angels in short supply and all Kings absent, the Blight has spread and spreads wider still with conviction anew in the form of Spores, which manifest as a Song in the minds of a host, ever repeating until sung unto others.
Goetia are not immune to the Nightmare. Although more tenacious in their resilience, enough exposure can weaken one's entitled defenses. But once the Song is inside, eventually they will succumb. The touch of a King is said to impede the process, but the world is in desperate need of those to Rule, let alone to Purify."
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aquillis-main · 6 months
who's giving digimon guns
You'd be surprised that Digimon is all fine with being given weapons like that. There's even a whole group who are just all guns, including Gundramon.
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the-fourth-knower · 5 months
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Because I've come up with LORE for this, I will now add it.
The Sonic Underground were chatting up the mercenary lizard Ophelia, and she revealed to them the existence of Bouncer's Funtime Palace! A place that, contrary to the name, was anything BUT fun. In fact it was a grueling obstacle course, sometimes veering on torture with how rough it was to make it halfway, let alone to the end!
OF course, this was Ophelia talking about it. And well, she's prone to exaggerating the truth. So off a group of them went - Sonic, Amy, Ovi, Nebula, Manic, Yuki, Sonia, Erco, Wesser, and Arura. It'd be pretty simple. Just get through the seven rooms, or was it floors, and make it to the end for a grand prize. Easy!
The first two floors were a joke. Easy for the group to get through.
Then came the Ball Pit. As in, a room with that was a giant pit, ringed with devices that fired out balls. Hard hitting balls, strong enough enough to knock someone senseless. Several of the party went down before the trick to the room was figured out. Things only got worse from there.
Finally the group made it before the entrance to the last room. What grand prize awaited, and what gruelling struggle lay before them?
As it turned out, a giant bowling ball. That bowled right into them, scattering them back down the hall way. If that wasn't enough to turn the lights out for them, then the sleeping gas that followed after did them in. Leaving their battered, worn out bodies strewn about the hall in slumber. At least until the clean up crew arrived.
In short order, the Underground troop was loaded up into a Body Removal Crate - really, a repurposed dumpster - and left outside for pick up. Lucky for them, they had a good friend on stand by to get them.
Ophelia passed by the Underground wanted posters (crudely drawn ones at that) and strolled right up to the BRC. Leaning against the dumpster with one arm resting on its top, she couldn't help the wide smirk that decorated her face.
"So! Bouncer's Palace sure is a barrel of laughs, isn't it? Guess it was too much fun for you lot to handle. But hey, next time you'll think twice when I warn you and end up having the last laugh!"
The group could only offer a tired groan of protest, though it may be fairer to say that one or two of them moved in their sleep at that time. With a low chuckle to herself, Ophelia slid her guitar out from its case. A few strums later, and off the dumpster went, pushed along by Ophelia's magic.
She was so going to rub this into their faces later.
Pack AU, Ginger the Blue Jay, Yuki Tomoe, Ovi Kintobor, and Nebula the Space Dragoness, Erco/Edge the Sharp, Arura Tomes, and Wesser the Sea Turtle belong to @aquillis-main.
Ophelia the Monitor Lizard belongs to @the-fourth-knower aka MEEEEE
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broomsick · 1 year
"Gangleri began his questioning thus: 'Who is foremost, or oldest, of all the gods?' Hárr answered: 'He is called in our speech Allfather, but in the Elder Ásgard he had twelve names: one is Allfather; the second is Lord, or Lord of Hosts; the third is Nikarr, or Spear-Lord; the fourth is Nikudr, or Striker; the fifth is Knower of Many Things; the sixth, Fulfiller of Wishes; the seventh, Far-Speaking One; the eighth, The Shaker, or He that Putteth the Armies to Flight; the ninth, The Burner; the tenth, The Destroyer; the eleventh, The Protector; the twelfth, Gelding.'"
Gylfaginning, §: Concerning the Allfather, foremost of the gods (Snorri’s Prose Edda)
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🍃🕊🍃 The Acceptable Characteristics
The Holy Prophet (S) said:
“Shall I not introduce 'a believer' to you? A believer is the one whom other believers trust with their souls and wealth. Shall I not introduce 'a Muslim' to you? A Muslim is the one from whose hand and tongue other Muslims are safe.... It is unlawful (Haram) for a believer to do wrong against another believer, or leave him/her in a lurch, or backbite against him/her, or suddenly reject him/her."
🍃 Al-Kafi 🍃
🍃 (vol. 2, p. 235) 🍃
Imam al-Sadiq (as) said:
“A Muslim believer must not attend a meeting wherein Allah laws are being disobeyed and the one is not in a position to stop it."
🍃 Usul al-Kafi 🍃
🍃 (vol. 2, p. 374) 🍃
Imam al-Sadiq (as) said:
“He who habitually tells the truth, his deeds are purified; Allah increases the sustenance of the one whose intention is good; and he who treats his family members well, Allah prolongs the length of his life."
🍃 Khisal by Saduq 🍃
🍃 (vol. 1 p. 88) 🍃
Imam Ali (as) said:
“A man came to the Prophet (S) and asked him to teach him an action so that both Allah, the Exalted, and people would love him, his wealth would increase, his body would be healthy, his life time would last long, and he would be raised with him (the Prophet). Then, he (S) said: 'These are six traits which need six qualities:
1. If you want Allah to love you, be afraid of
Him and guard yourself against sin.
2. If you want people to love you, be
benevolent to them and decline what
they have in their hands.
3. If you want Allah to increase your wealth,
then give its alms tax.
4. If you want Allah to make your body
healthy, pay charity more frequently.
5. If you want Allah to prolong your lifetime,
then have regard for your kinship.
6. And, if you want Allah to raise you with
me, then do prolong your prostrations
before Allah, the One, the Dominator.'"
🍃 Safinat ul-Bihar 🍃
🍃 (vol. 1, p. 599) 🍃
Imam al-Ridha (as) said:
“A Muslim believer is not a true believer unless there are three virtues in him: the manner of his lord, the manner of his Prophet, and the manner of his Imam. Then, the manner of his Lord is: concealing his secrets; hence Allah, to Whom belong Might and Majesty, said: 'The Knower of the Unseen! So He does not reveal His secrets to any, except to him whom He chooses as an apostle,...'1
Then, the manner of his Prophet is compliance with people, when surely, Allah, Almighty and Glorious, commissioned His prophet to favour people and He has said: 'Practice forgiveness and enjoin good and turn away from the ignorant.’2
Then the manner of his Imam is (to be firm and) being patient on good days and bad days, when, verily, Allah to whom belong Might and Majesty, says: 'And (they) are patient in distress and affliction'."3
🍃 Uyun ul-Akhbar al-Ridha (as) 🍃
🍃 (vol. 1, p. 256) 🍃
Imam Muhammad ibn Ali, the ninth (as) said:
“A Muslim believer should obtain these three virtues: success granted by Allah, be an admonisher of his self, and find approval from the one who advises him."
🍃 Muntah al-Amal 🍃
🍃 (page 229) 🍃
Ali ibn Hussain (as) the fourth Imam, was once asked how he, the son of the Messenger of Allah began each morning, and he (as) replied:
“I begin each morning while I am demanded of eight virtues:
Allah, the Exalted, demands of me the obligatory; the Prophet (S) demands of me his tradition (Sunnah); family dependents demand of me food (material); the self looks for desires; Satan demands me (to commit) sin; the two protective angels demand of me virtuousness, the angel of death demands of me the spirit and, the grave demands of me my body.
Therefore, I am, surrounded by these traits, demanded."
🍃 Bihar al-Anwar 🍃
🍃 (vol. 76, p. 15) 🍃
Imam al-Sadiq (as) said:
“Verily everything is intimidated by a believer because the religion of Allah causes him to be powerful, and he is not intimidated by anything, which (epithet) is the characteristic of any believer."
🍃 Bihar al-Anwar 🍃
🍃 (vol. 67, p. 305) 🍃
🍃🕊🍃 Source 🍃🕊🍃
1. Sura al-Jinn, (no. 72, verses, 26-27)
2. Space
3. Sura al-Baqarah, (no. 2, verse, 177)
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