#there are not actually sibling dynamics because found family does not have to fall into nuclear family roles etc etc etc
soft-spooks · 1 year
i LOVE the potential dynamic between max and livio because like. max was there first. he doesnt know exactly how old he is but he considers himself older simply because he was there first. livios like their best friend slash little brother. fast forward 20+ years and livio/razlo are huge and muscular and imposing and max is still a short little twink in front of him like "he asked for no pickles >:|"
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novelconcepts · 5 months
Another year, another absurd amount of books read (296, because if I wasn't reading or writing this year, my brain was on fire). I was asked again for my top books of the year, so here we go: 2023's top 10, in no particular order.
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This was the first book I read of the year--literally, vacated the hangout with my wife and sibling-in-laws to sit on their couch upstairs and eat through it. Do you love The Fall of the House of Usher, but wish for a nonbinary protagonist and a lot more mushrooms? This is the book for you! (T. Kingfisher is fucking rad, I made a concerted effort to only list ONE of her books on here, but honorable mention goes to The Twisted Ones for fucking me upppp.)
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A gay, post-apocolyptic Pinocchio retelling involving copious robots, found family elements, and a cool-ass treehouse. Klune always hits for me with his unrepentant queer family dynamics and sense of humor. Honorable mention to the first two in the Green Creek series (although that's got a lot more...adult elements in among the werewolves, you've been warned).
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I thiiiink I found this through The Homo Schedule podcast (PSA: if you missed out on Jasmin Savoy Brown and Liv Hewson doing a podcast together, now you know better), and it wrecked my shit. Tons of trigger warnings, as this is a memoir about abuse within a queer relationship, but it's so beautifully written. I personally suggest listening to the audiobook first, then standing anxiously behind someone at a book warehouse sale, hoping they'll set down the only paperback copy so you can swipe it.
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A fantastical-historical reimagining in which the KKK is filled with literal monsters, and Black women are resistance fighters armed to take them out. Visceral and intense, and truly an excellent horror story.
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Just. Such a soft time travel story about a daughter and her father and cherishing the time you get with loved ones. I was thoroughly unprepared for how lovely I found this one. It's very kind.
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Spooky house, take-no-shit redhead, protective sibling elements, bisexual recluse with a sword who really just needs a nap. I haven't found a Harrow book yet I haven't slapped five stars on. She's so good at character and atmosphere, and I'm always surprised at how fast her stories race by.
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The whole Daevabad trilogy (of which this is the first book) is just magical. A girl from the mortal world finds herself embroiled with the centuries-long prejudices and wars of djinn in a fantastical city. It's one of the rare stories of its kind that does have a love triangle, but doesn't feel like a love triangle; it's far less interested in the insufferable "who gets picked" than it is in the actual horrors these people are both perpetrating and coping with. It's an intoxicating ride.
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Fuck You, TERFS: the book. Given that fact, there's obviously quite a lot of transphobia to deal with, but it's very clear that those people are wrong, and it's a super-engaging (and super-oh-god-what-comes-next) witchy time populated with queer, protective, interesting characters I'm excited to see again in the follow-up.
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Have you ever wanted a haunted house story with visceral imagery and a rather lovely twist? Gailey has you covered. As much as I enjoyed The Echo Wife, I think I actually loved this one more, and it makes me so excited to see what else they've got up their sleeve.
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One of my final reads for the year, when I was just churning through hardcovers at the speed of sound. I love this book. I recognize it won't be for everyone, but it takes so much of what I love about IT (one of my all-time favorite books, despite its flaws) and twists it through the lens of an author who escaped the Mormon church. It's horrific, it's fantastically abstract in places, it explores childhood and memory, imagination and abuse, and almost every character is queer. It's a great "I simply cannot sleep until I've finished" read.
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thelaurenshippen · 7 months
Hi there! I started relistening to the bright sessions (as one does) and had a random question come up. When did you know that Mark/Sam wasn't going to be endgame (romantically)? I know in s4 they both fall apart separately and together, but even in Safehouse pt 2 (my absolute beloved) they argue about their coping mechanisms. Did you know then that they weren't going to end up together? How did you come to that conclusion?
hey!! this is a great question - I definitely did start the show thinking they were endgame and that's mostly what I was thinking at the time of safehouse too, despite their issues. I think it was really in writing Season 4 actually, when I realized that I was no longer telling a story about two people in love working through their issues, but was instead telling a story about two people who were in love but realized they shouldn't be together in that way. I started to feel those tension points in Season 3 (I would say the safehouse episodes were a true attempt for them to learn to work through their issues), but it wasn't until planning S4 that I really made the decision.
there are a lot of things that led to this that I'll try to articulate, because the honest, simplest answer as to why the plans changed was "because it felt like they should". but if I were think back and pinpoint a few reasons for that...
there was never supposed to be a love triangle. Mark was always bisexual but he and Damien were never supposed to develop feelings for one another. but the first time we got Andrew and Charlie into a room and read through their first episode together it was like "oh, OH-kay" (which, sidebar: clearly I was writing something between them subtextually because it wasn't like Andrew and Charlie were strangers to each other - I'd watched them act ALL sorts of scenes together in acting class but the romantic chemistry popped OUT with Mark/Damien. pretty much from the second motel episode on, I was writing leaning into that dynamic). that threw a lot of spanners into the works because while I never had plans to put Mark and Damien together, I hadn't anticipated Mark grappling with feelings for someone else.
similarly, I'd underestimated just how flawed Sam was. Sam is not a bad person, but she sometimes doesn't really know how to be a person who cares about other people. when you add that to the dynamics of Damien and Joan kind of, like, hovering over Mark in various unproductive ways (for Damien, it's destructive and invasive; for Joan, she's just a too-involved older sister sometimes), Sam becomes another person who is kind of, like...controlling Mark, or trying to, because she loves him and doesn't know how to (I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm just regurgitating actual lines I wrote lol). this is not to say that her flaws make her unable to be in a relationship (Mark is also deeply flawed!) but just that their flaws clashed against each other in ways I hadn't planned.
finally: Joan and found family. in my mind, there was something grand and romantic about Sam meeting Dr. Bright so that she could be led to Mark - like they were somehow always fated to meet. in actuality, it's not that at all - instead, the bond that Sam and Joan have is just as important as the one she has with Mark, albeit different. I don't believe in soulmates personally, but I've always liked the idea that you have people out there. soulmates in a more general sense - people you click with, have a connection with. it can be romantic, familial, friendship, work or creative partnerships, whatever. I think the Bryant siblings and Sam have that. I think Sam and Mark are meant for each other but in a non-exclusive way and in a...maybe not non-romantic way, but a way that doesn't have romance at the forefront. they love each other deeply and they fit, but a romantic partnership might not be the best way forward for them. and Joan and Sam are the whole heart of the show to me in some senses. as I was writing the finale, I very intentionally ended with the two of them - both because the final appearance of every character is in order of when they first appeared, but in reverse and also because the show starts with both of them in dark, destructive places and while there's broken trust between them throughout, they ultimately help each other get better. I thought Sam's story was about finding love and it was, but that love looked differently than I had planned.
okay, god, this has gotten waaaaaay too long and rambly. I hope this answers your question? one of my favorite things/the thing I miss most about making a show like TBS is being able to shift things based on chemistry/what the actors bring/etc. so often now, I'm writing entire seasons of things and then handing them off to production, in which anything can happen! the flexibility of recording episode by episode in TBS is something I took full advantage of.
thanks for listening and relistening!!
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apompkwrites · 2 years
OMG BLACK SBEEP EXPANSION PACK 👁 how about romantic relationship hcs for draconia!name with silver or leona (bc i think im funny) like who realised their feelings first/how they got together/first date kinda stuff?
feel the love once upon a dream || black sheep expansion pack
masterlist characters: silver, leona genre: fluff contains: childhood crushes <3, affection :D summary: the royal (name) draconia finds love in unlikely places. one possibility being their childhood knight and another being their brother's school rival. notes: finally moving away from angst (but i will be back). i am very much projecting my touch-starved feelings into these hcs :)) also yayyy first post for 2k special!!! event: [black sheep expansion pack]
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childhood friends to lovers!!!!!!!!
lilia wanted silver to have friends and oh! would you look at that? the youngest draconia is looking for a friend? perfect!
silver + puppy love? i think so
he asks lilia to train him so that he can protect draconia!(name) when they're older :O
i think between the two, (name) would have realized their feelings first but silver acts on them first
he doesn't actually realize his feelings are real until... honestly probably a bit before they enter NRC
like they're preparing for school and all that but silver falls asleep, as per usual
but when he wakes up?
BOOM (name)'s there sleeping with him :)
nothing cuddly just a sort of "oh silver's here! i'll protect him until he wakes up! zzzzzz"
basically they fell asleep on accident
but silver waking up to see them beside him?
he's like "oh, this is nice. i wonder if i can always wake up like this.... waiT A MINUTE"
he doesn't say anything at first because he has to be "professional" with a member of the royal draconia family
but then lilia urges him to say something
and he'll go along with it because he trusts lilia (to an extent)
he does a sort of weird professional confession to (name)?
sort of "forgive me for indulging myself but i seem to have fallen for you" type of thing because he feels like their relationship is forbidden?
and then (name) just smooch because they aren't really concerned about that :)
i like to think the two of them make their anniversary the day they arrived at NRC just because it's an easy date to remember :))
but first date would just be really simple! probably like a walk through the garden and then napping under a tree
they've been around each other for so long that they're already a part of the other's life
so their relationship doesn't change all too much when they get together
they just are a lot more cuddly, mainly on (name)'s part
but it's not like silver is stand-offish about it
he just likes (name) to initiate it because it tells him that they're okay with it
so he just sort of melts into their embrace
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opposites attract type of dynamic
they would definitely meet when (name) enters NRC and it would not be good
like he's all annoyed at them simply because they are malleus' sibling
until he ends up stuck with them
you know how he likes to nap in the botanical gardens?
he officially gets to know (name) there when they're fascinated by the different types of colorful plants :D
they don't actually talk at first
(name) just sort of mutters to themselves until eventually, their voice gets louder and louder with each visit
leona tells them to be quiet after a few days
and they oblige because they're a royal and they're used to needing to follow orders to preserve the draconia name
but... surprisingly leona sort of misses their voice? it was comforting to fall asleep to when they were a bit quieter
so he asks them to continue in a very leona way
by telling them to keep it down or else he'll tear their horns out
lucky for him, they understood his words as consent for them to continue talking
leona definitely realizes his feelings first but would never ever confess to them first
that's (name)'s job
so he's relieved when they realize their feelings fairly quickly and confess to him using flowers they found in the garden, arranging them in a bouquet
he'll roll his eyes when they give it to him and pull them down on the ground, wrapping his arms around them as he closes his eyes
oops they're his pillow now, they agreed to it when they fell for him
i think their first date would just be in leona's room taking a nap as per usual
except when leona wakes up, he'll stay in bed with them, showing his affection through action rather than words
his favorite thing to do is press his nose against the base of their horns, pressing light kisses there when they least expect it
although, he would expect them to return the favor by doing the same to his ears :))
bonus: he'll definitely rub it in malleus' face that he has a better relationship with (name) than he does if the two draconia siblings have not bonded yet
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @minteaspoon @kitty-chan33 @hornehlittleweeblet2 @letskeepitsimpleshallwe
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stranger-rants · 1 year
Woof okay I saw a post pointing out that Max basically controls Billy's life in a sense (it was part of a bigger point) but now I can't stop thinking about it bc its true?? Like even if Max doesn't know Neil hits Billy, she for sure knows Billy gets in trouble bc of her and knows Billy always gets lumped with looking after her, taking her places, being responsible for her, ect. Like if she says 'I want to stay after school for club' you sure as shit know Billy is 'on call' until then and can't do anything until his responsibility to cart her around is complete.
And she knows she gets Billy in trouble sneaking out n doing stuff n being late for curfews like and she still does it and she's a kid and probably doesn't connect/care about that but at the same time it also makes perfect sense why Billy's always so annoyed with her, because she's someone who could have been his friend, could have been on the same level as him, but Neil took that away by putting Max above Billy. Neil made it so Billy literally has nobody in his life he's not submissive to in the sense that they control his life and I'm 😩
(And I don't like Max but it is also really sad that Max probably just thinks Billy gets grounded and she's a kid so she's probably like 'well he's an asshole so who cares if he can't go out on the weekend' but we know what actually happens. We know its not what she thinks and I do think if she found out the full extent she'd think about all the times she's gotten Billy in trouble and it'd be so horrible for her :( )
The dynamic between Billy and Max is informed by Neil’s abuse. He has intentionally created an environment where both Billy and Max can’t trust each other - Max, because Billy threatens her when she falls out of line and Billy, because he’s beaten when Max falls out of line. That said, it’s important to not lose the nuance of that situation. Both Billy and Max try to regain control over their lives in different ways but ultimately they’re powerless when it comes to the chokehold Neil has over the family.
While Runaway Max isn’t canon canon, it does indicate that Max knows Billy is being abused. The “problem” is that Billy pushes her away when she tries to help and Max is traumatized by the fact that her mother seems to be pretending it’s not happening. That’s still within the realm of possibility for TV canon. Max is a child. She’s growing up in a home where violence is normalized, especially punishment for behavior and Billy has certainly done a lot “wrong.” Even if she knew, she could rationalize it because that’s what the adults do.
I’m not saying this to villainize Max, either. It’s possible Billy doesn’t fully comprehend that the way his dad treats him is wrong. He has all of this trauma, though, that he’s not handling well and he’s taken some of that out on Max, which he may rationalize as okay because that’s how the adults around him handle their anger. This isn’t to say either Max or Billy are like their parents or doomed to turn into them, but rather they are trapped in this unhealthy, antagonistic environment where their parents model what not to do on a daily basis.
It’s why even if Billy had the chance to recover, I think it would be helpful for Billy and Max to spend time apart during that recovery period until they were both in a better place to work on their sibling relationship and if they chose not to be in each other’s lives instead, I would not fault them for it. Abuse is disorienting. It’s hard for either of them to act in a rational manner, even if they know their behavior will lead to harm. I can’t fault them for trying to take a little bit of power back even if they know it hurts the other, though I can expect better.
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hisokas-toybox · 11 months
Headcanons series: The Zoldyck children and their sibling dynamics. Part 3 Killua
Illumi - I could easily write a whole essay on this, so I'll try to keep it short. We know that Illumi was responsible for raising and training Killua when he was younger. I think as a kid Killua found this annoying and probably rebelled/didn't listen. I think that maybe one day he took it too far though, maybe putting himself in danger? And so Illumi punished him. Hard. (I imagine Illumi would delegate most of Killua's punishments to Milluki, since he was too fond of Killua to hurt him, but when he did punish him himself he was always careful to hold back). I think that once Illumi did snap and punish Killua severely, Killua realised how truly strong his eldest brother was and how terrifying he could be. The sass stopped. Killua became afraid of Illumi, more than anyone else he'd ever faced. Even now, having learned nen and without Illumi manipulating him with a needle, Killua still fears Illumi. He resents him for the way he treats Alluka and for all the controlling BS he says/does. But when it comes to facing him Killua would rather run away than fight. I doubt Killua would ever try to defeat Illumi, partly out of fear, but also because he knows his family's rules. If he killed Illumi his family would ALL turn against him and want him dead. In some ways he also knows that he is protected from Illumi by the same rules. If Illumi were to be killed by someone outside the family though? (Hisoka maybe?) I'm not sure how Killua would feel. Relieved? Grief? It would be very complicated.
Milluki - Even though I headcanon Milluki as being the one to punish Killua most often, I actually don't think Killua feels any worse towards Milluki for it. I think Killua feels pretty ambivalent towards Milluki overall. Killua knows they're maybe about equal in strength right now, and that he has a lot more potential than Milluki in the long term. I think Killua finds Milluki a little pathetic. He can see that Milluki is jealous of him and that Milluki overestimates himself, so I think Killua enjoys winding him up and rubbing his own "favourite child" status in Milluki's face. However, he is careful not to overdo it, because ultimately he has a give/take relationship with Milluki, and if they were to ever seriously fall out he'd lose some pretty sweet benefits. E.g. occasionally if Milluki gets bored of a game/console/really cool weapon he'll pass it down to Killua. In return, Killua acts as a lookout/covers up for Milluki when their parents start snooping (sending him discreet warnings if he sees/hears any signs of a room sweep/hiding things Milluki doesn't want their parents to know about and providing distractions etc)
Alluka - Adores her. Would die for her in a heartbeat and spoils her rotten! She was his first younger sibling, and so the first taste of responsibility for another person he got was having her around (he was too young to be responsible for her the way Illumi was with him, but damn if he didn't try to be the best big brother ever!) Because she's younger too, she was the first one who he could actually be a child around, getting some freedom to play with her like a regular child. Those are some of his fondest memories. He's so protective of her, there is a slight chance he could accidentally end up becoming toxic with his efforts to keep her safe as she gets older and more independent (he did learn mostly from Illumi and they are related so it's not too much of a stretch) but hopefully he'll know better than to go too far. He's the only Zoldyck who sees Alluka as not just a girl, or sister, but as a person and it makes him SO MAD when any of the other Zoldycks refer to her as "it" or as their "brother." Kalluto - Like Milluki, Killua doesn't really trust Kalluto. He doesn't find him "creepy" the way Milluki does but he's aware of how close to their mother Kalluto is and seeing as he really doesn't like his mother, he also tries to avoid Kalluto as he seems to just be her little pet. Killua was a little older when Kalluto was born. Killua was starting to question his loyalty and interest in his family's business so he was cautious not to get too attached to the new arrival in case his parents tried to use it to control him and force him into being a babysitter. Plus, with how badly his family treated Alluka to that point he was afraid that if he got too attached to this kid, he might "lose" him too. I really hope that as he gets older, Killua will realise that Kalluto is just as much a child and a victim of his parents (and Illumi's) influence as both he and Alluka were, and I hope he'll make some kind of effort to "save" and protect Kalluto the same way he is with Alluka. He'd have a lot of work to do to gain Kalluto's trust and establish a relationship with him though, but I really hope to see it happen because Kalluto is just too precious!
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A follow up to my rewrite of It's in his kiss
Just a little expansion of my previous post
Mary Winthrop
In my rewrite Mary Winthrop is disabled/has a health condition. Her father believes that she will not be able to secure a future for herself which is why he has set up such a large dowry and set up an arranged marriage to Gareth.
Gareth and Mary bonded due to their loss Gareth loses his brother at 14 and Mary loses her mother almost at the same time as Henry's death at 6.
Gareth noticed the grieving child and was the first person to bring a smile to her face since her mother's death despite his own sadness, Mary repaid him in kind in the way a child can which also made him cry (he usually holds all his emotions in) which kickstarted their friendship/found family dynamic.
Whilst her father loves her he constantly treats her like an invalid because of her condition/the loss of his wife and Gareth becomes her source of support and encouragement. Gareth is well aware of how emotionally intelligent and smart Mary is and knows that whilst her disability makes some things more complicated she's brilliant and he reminds her about it all the time.
Gareth is consistently berated by his father, feeling survivors guilt in the wake of his brother's death and like an imposter in polite society - his bond with Mary somewhat saves him. She was a child who needs him and appreciates him for who he is so he flexs his big brother muscles and plays with her/spends time with her much like Henry once played with him despite their age gap.
There's a sort of disconnect from the way he fights in Mary's corner about how her father/society is wrong about her and how he's internalised his father's abuse even though the 2 people in his life that he loves (Mary and his grandmother) both tell him he's their favourite person and his father is wrong about him.
When he's 19-20 he goes to stay more permanently at Lady Danbury's but makes frequent enough visits to Mary Winthrop bringing gifts or to hang out for tea. The two of them consider each other as siblings.
Hyacinth actually starts to fall for him because of how he treats his family. Hyacinth's brothers didn't spend so much time making sure her or her sisters thoroughly enjoyed their debuts and whilst she's close to her brothers (especially Gregory) none of her brothers are as sweet to her as Gareth is to Mary.
Mary falls for an equally sweet guy who she meets as her escort (Gareth) had a meltdown after running into his father at her debutante ball. Then when Hyacinth abandons her to find Gareth she spends the evening with him.
The two have an instant bond that grows into a stronger attraction as Gareth promenades with Mary and Hyacinth acts as accompaniment. Mary then leaves her chaperones to their flirtation/heist planning and spends time with the guy from the ball.
The suitor does have to battle his family as they didnt expect him to bring a girl like Mary home and Mary has to deal with her father not trusting her to find her own happiness. But at the end they find happiness together.
Gareth's motivations for sleeping with Hyacinth out of wedlock
In the original Gareth entraps Hyacinth after she accepts his proposal before he's sure that he loves her because he's worried her learning about him being a bastard would cause her to break the proposal.
I found this kind of squicky and it messed with my portrayal of Gareth as plagued by imposter syndrome and overly responsible as a trauma response to his birth circumstances.
He doesn't want to sire a bastard child so he's a flirt but not the type to bed women, he seeks out women for company but doesn't want to burden others by pursuing a serious relationship because he's a bastard etc.
My version of Gareth and Hyacinth are frenemies with clashing personalities- Gareth is responsible, insecure, flirtatious, self sacrificing, not booksmart, silver tongued etc. Hyacinth is reckless, self assured, a horrible flirt and horrible at dealing with flirts, kind of selfish/spoiled, very much a nerd, blunt etc.
In this version of the story Gareth wrestles with his feelings for Hyacinth and him feeling unworthy of her. He kept pushing her away but when she starts listing her flaws he's thinking this spitfire should never have insecurities because she's so valuable to him so he kisses her and then stops and realises he's got to propose because its the 3rd time he's kissed her and he needs to stop messing around. (The first kiss he did because it was the first time he found Hyacinth attractive after she saved him from his father then he got drunk enough that he didn't control it and he regretted his slip making sure to come by the next day to apologise. The second kiss she kissed him to hide and they both got way too into a fake kiss- he got upset with her for being reckless and kissing him risking her reputation/ruination but he was also upset with himself for losing control again which is why he tries to keep his distance. For the 3rd kiss he's resigned to this being a vice he cannot control so he has to take responsibility but he also knows that Hyacinth won't marry him if she thinks he's only doing it out of responsibility so he hesitates to say that to her. He also just wants her and wants to be around her). So he proposes but has mentally decided he'll be worthy of her when he gets the diamonds. He keeps her in the dark about the arranged marriage, his family's debts, the circumstances of his birth because he doesn't want her to realise how unworthy he is.
When he came to her at night it was the anxiety of the looming marriage to Mary that made him come over (he's kind of tipsy) to find out her progress but talking with Hyacinth calms him, they start flirting and then kissing, then one thing led to another...
I would like it noted that at somepoint half realising the danger Gareth tells Hyacinth to stop him and Hyacinth is like "don't stop I want this I want you".
He's silently telling her he loves her the whole time he's making love to her.
He wakes up the next morning in bed with Hyacinth somewhat hungover and he's upset with himself for being so irresponsible. He proposed to take responsibility, he wanted Hyacinth to have the ability to back out of the engagement if the whole finding the diamonds thing falls through he doesn't want Hyacinth to be dragged down with him all ruined because he couldn't control himself.
When Hyacinth learns about his family's debts and believes he entraps her he tells her that he wouldn't tell a soul about what happened and she's free to break the engagement which makes her more angry.
Finding the diamonds
In the original the diamonds are found several years later by Hyacinth's daughter. It was lame ending in my opinion so in my rewrite the diamonds are found. I'm also stretching the value of the diamonds from just a bracelet to a collection from Grandma Isabella plus money left by Gareth's bio father.
In the original the rumor of the diamonds is discovered by Hyacinth. I changed it to Gareth knowing about the diamonds because Isabella told him she'd hidden a fortune he could use when he's older. Unfortunately she died before he was 18 when she planned to tell him where the diamonds where. Grandma Isabella had been forced to hide her collection because between her husband and eldest son there was no way to ensure her fortune would pass to her grandchildren as she intended and if her eldest son got his hands on the fortune he would have squandered it.
Gareth views the diamonds as his way of finding his place in life- with the fortune his status as a bastard wouldn't matter so much and he could use the money to travel. When he falls for Hyacinth he again places his worth on having those diamonds.
In my rewrite they find the diamonds after they are comitted to marrying each other no matter what. Disproving Gareths belief that he needed the diamonds to be worthy of Hyacinth.
Mary's father won't back down from the arranged marriage without compensation and he knows that Gareth can't afford it. With the diamonds found Gareth has the compensation but it's Mary's time to shine and accept the "compensation" and break the engagement on her father's behalf. She choses a token gift precisely because she didn't actually compensation she just wanted the engagement over so her brother and her can marry the people they love.
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frostcorpsclub · 3 months
I saw you mention that Belial is the reason his twin brother lost an eye. Could you explain more about how that happened? Also, how is their relationship now? Does Birsha resent him for the loss of his eye or does he not really care? They both sound like they have a near total disregard for others even though they present in very different ways
I love you so much bestie thank you, I don’t have a lot on the grandkids rn but it means the world to me that you want to see them developed more! I’m starting with this one because I think it’s the simplest to answer but also a dynamic I really love.
So first thing to consider is that Belial and Birsha are only half winterbeing, we see that Santa can be temporarily dispatched and elves can be permanently dispatched so I imagine hybridization means injuries for fleshy ones like Birsha are more likely to be permanent. Growing up in the Frost house injuring your siblings is just a right of passage, now combine that with being part DEMON and you can see the series of events that follows.
It happened when they were very young, Belial was testing his trap skills and seeing who he could catch up with some marbles. He planned for whatever frostbitten, elf, etc. came down the steps of Nana and Pop Pops house to trip on the marbles and impale themselves on the ass, in the spikes. Just a “””flesh wound”””
What he didn’t account for was for it being his twin brother, always book in hand and not particularly paying attention to his surroundings. Birsha slipped on the marbles but dropping his book and slipping on that too made him fall forward instead of backwards. One of the spikes went right through his right eye and a chunk of his brain.
He was in the hospital at the North Pole for some time while different doctors and satanic priests studied his condition. Their grandparents weren’t very concerned but their parents and some of their aunts and uncles were. Birsha would be fine but they had no way of knowing what “fine” would entail exactly.
Belial didn’t feel guilty about it but he did miss his brother, those few weeks felt like forever. He chose to remove one of his coals and replace it with part of a sigil wall decoration. Showing his brother solidarity in a few ways. Plus, it was rather cute and distracted the adults.
Birsha, for his part in it, actually wasn’t as upset as one would expect. Belial got the “mostly negative” emotion apathy but Birsha got the “mostly neutral” apathy, he sees things consistently and logically. Besides the fact that it wasn’t a surprising event in their family, Birsha and Belial both feel like they need each other.
Even more so after this, believe it or not.
Impacted worst of all was Birsha’s creative faculties. Just like all of his aunts, uncles, siblings, and cousins (on the Frost side) he was required to take on some different hobbies for the sake of becoming a cultured young gentleman. He dabbled in an instrument, but after the accident he could no longer carry a tune. Not only that, but he found that while he could expand on and improve ideas he struggled to create them. These were both things that Belial excelled at.
(Yes Suzy loves dressing up Belial in little suits and making him practice violin for her it’s precious, that’s for another day)
They were going to need each other in the long run if either wanted to get anywhere without their hubris getting the best of them. The way Birsha sees it Belial is the necessary devil on his shoulder who he doesn’t want to get rid of. Think Jafar from Aladdin and that fuckass evil bird always whispering in his ear.
Ok this ended up being not simple at all I’m sorry lol
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imagobin · 10 months
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Most of my fan-fictions are on Wattpad because I like the format better, but I figured I might as well compile the things I've written & am proud of here as well.
List of Fandoms
Fionna and Cake (4)
Hunter x Hunter (6)
Markiplier-verse/Egos (5)
Monkey King 2023 (9)
Spider-verse (4)
Steven Universe (1)
Super Mario Bros (1)
Fionna and Cake
Winter King
Headcanons ❄️Taking Care of You When You're Sick | GN!Reader❄️ Desc: Headcanons of Winter King taking care of his sick bodyguard whom he secretly has feelings for.
Headcanons ❄️Playing Hero | GN!Reader❄️ Desc: Headcanons of Winter King trying to play hero to woo you and convince you to fall for him, only for things to backfire. Little angst maybe? Idk
Headcanons (Request) ❄️Tending to the Gunters | GN!Reader❄️ Desc: Headcanons of you and Winter King trying to have a cozy snowed-in day, but having to change their plans when penguins show up at your doorstep.
Winter King x GN!Reader (Slice of Life) One Shot (Request) ❄️Icy Daughter❄️ Desc: Winter King keeps a lot of secrets from (y/n), but today he's ready to reveal one of them... he actually has a daughter?!
Hunter x Hunter
Zoldyck Family
Headcanons 🔯General Family Dynamics🔯 Desc: Speculations on how each Zoldyck family member sees the others, with a bigger focus on the less-explored relationships.
Headcanons 🔯Zoldyck Siblings see you're hurt | GN!Reader🔯 Desc: Headcanons for the Zoldyck siblings and how they'd react if you came back to them injured after a fight.
Headcanons (Request) 🔯Being Zoldyck's middle child | GN!Reader🔯 Desc: Headcanons for a Zoldyck middle child reader who's both a talented assassin and loves taking care and spending time with their siblings.
Headcanons (Request) 📍Big Brother Illumi | Fem!Reader📍 Desc: Headcanons for what it'd be like to be Illumi's younger sister, from the day you were born to the current year according to the timeline.
Ramble 🎮Small thought about Milluki Zoldyck🎮 Desc: My personal theory on why Milluki acts the way he does.
Leorio Paradinight
Headcanons (Request) 🩵Friendship! | GN!Reader🩵 Desc: Headcanons for how you and Leorio met and what kind of friend he is.
Alise T. Vermont (OC) Pentalogy
DA!OC Insert Book Who Killed Markiplier? | Wattpad Desc: Alise is an assertive and confident district attorney who works alongside their lifelong friend, Damien, the mayor. Things suddenly break her routine upon receiving a strange invitation from a friend she hadn't heard from in months, Mark! But what was supposed to be a fun night amongst friends, quickly turned into a nightmare when Mark was found dead and strange things kept happening inside Markiplier Manor. Will Alise and the others manage to catch the murderer... or will they fall into darkness as well? Captain!OC Insert Book ɪɴ ꜱᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴀʀᴋɪᴘʟɪᴇʀ (ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1) | Wattpad Desc: Captain Alise has finally boarded the Invincible II to bring colonists to a new planet. However, things quickly take a turn for the worst when the spaceship gets trapped in a wormhole and Alise is requested to fix an apparent paradox alongside the ship's head engineer, Mark. Will they complete their mission, or will they be stuck there forever? Only one way to find out. Captain!OC Insert Book ɪɴ ꜱᴘᴀᴄᴇ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴀʀᴋɪᴘʟɪᴇʀ (ᴘᴀʀᴛ 2) | Wattpad Desc: The universe has been rebooted and Captain Alise now has to fix things once and for all, but how will they do that when the multiverse itself seems to be against them? Actor!Mark x DA!OC (Platonic) Book A Heist with Markiplier | Wattpad Desc: Alise has now reunited with Mark in the void, where the Actor can finally start putting his plan into motion, however... the ghosts of their past are always ready to come hunting them again, and what was meant to be some harmless fun becomes much more as Alise starts discovering what happened in the outside world while she was stuck in the void. Actor!Mark x DA!OC (Platonic) Book A Date with Markiplier | Wattpad Desc: With the artifact now lost, Mark and Alise have decided to sit back for a while and go on a date, but things never go as planned...
Monkey King 2023
Dragon King/Ao Guang
Headcanons 🌊Childhood Friends | GN!Merefolk!Reader🌊 Desc: Headcanons for Ao Guang and Reader being childhood friends and growing up together.
Headcanons (Request) 🌊Kaiju!Dragon King | GN!Merefolk!Reader🌊 Desc: After the battle against Monkey King, the Dragon King was rendered powerless, but also got stuck in his Kaiju form? And now he needs to work around that to salvage his relationship with Reader.
Headcanons (Request) 🌊Raising a child | GN!Merefolk!Reader🌊 Desc: Headcanons for you and Ao Guang adopting and taking care of an abandoned child.
Headcanons (Request) 🌊Kaiju!Dragon King Fluff!🌊 Desc: Another batch of Kaiju!Dragon King HCs, but this time it's extra fluffy!
Headcanons (Request) 🌊Protecting the child | GN!Merefolk!Reader🌊 Desc: Headcanons of you and Ao Guang being protective of your adopted child.
Headcanons (Request) 🌊Dating | GN!Nine Tailed Fox!Reader🌊 Desc: Headcanons of you and Ao Guang meeting and dating, but with a twist! You're a shapeshifting Nine Tailed Fox!
Headcanons (Request) 🌊Comforting his Child🌊 Desc: Headcanons for how Dragon King would comfort his kid when they're struggling with something.
Dragon King x GN!Reader (Fluff) One Shot 🌊𝒮𝑒𝒶𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓁𝓁𝓈🌊 Desc: After his defeat, the Dragon King decided to lay low and slowly regain his powers deep down in the sea, that was until he spotted (y/n), who drastically changed his goals in way he'd never thought of before.
Dragon King x GN!Reader (Action) One Shot (Request) 🌊𝓜𝔂 𝓕𝓪𝓶𝓲𝓵𝔂🌊 Desc: Despite being stuck as a Kaiju, Dragon King managed to build a family, finding a spouse and even adopting a child, but what happens when a new danger arises, and the people he loves the most are put in danger?
Johnathon Ohnn/The Spot
Headcanons ⚪Platonic Relationship | GN!Reader⚫ Desc: Headcanons for The Spot and Reader being roommates, pre and post-collider. Headcanons ⚪Rivals to Friends | GN!Reader⚫ Desc: Headcanons for Johnathon Ohnn and Reader being college classmates and rivals. Headcanons ⚪Being a Father | GN!Child!Reader⚫ Desc: Headcanons for Johnathon Ohnn/The Spot being your dad (totally not self indulgent).
The Spot x Artist!OC (Platonic) Book Behind the Eight Ball | Wattpad Desc: Being behind the eight ball |To be in a difficult position, from which it is unlikely one can escape, out of luck.| That's how Johnathon Ohnn felt after the Alchemax Collider exploded. He'd lost everything: his job, his family's love... his face. Until he met someone who was genuinely willing to help him... but would that be enough?
Steven Universe
Jasper x Human/Gem hybrid!OC (Romantic) Book 𝐎𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝 | Wattpad Desc: Emma had always believed she was the only Human/Gem hybrid on earth, however, her world is turned upside down once she learns of the existence of Steven, and embarks on a journey to Beach City to meet him. Unfortunately, he's already left months ago, and it looks like Emma will have to keep searching, but not without a certain orange gem forcing herself into the picture.
Super Mario Bros
Bowser x Dryad!OC (Romantic) Book The Dryad's Loyalty | Wattpad Desc: Hazel is a lone dryad who's lived in complete isolation their entire life... what happens then, when a Koopa King comes crashing down in their forest and forces them to become part of his Koopa Troop?
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high-dragon-bait · 2 years
My Hawke’s canon romance is Fenris BUT I do have her canonically be in a semi-serious relationship with Anders for the first couple of years she’s in Kirkwall because the game sorta pretends that’s the case if you flirted with him at all in act 1 and I’m a messy bitch who lives for drama so naturally I just rolled with it
And I am UTTERLY obsessed with the dynamic this creates but it is DRASTICALLY different depending on whose point of view you’re looking from
If you’re looking at it from my Hawke’s perspective, she falls in love with the first person in Kirkwall she feels she has nothing to hide from. She doesn’t have to hide her apostate sibling, he knows what it’s like to run from something, he knows what it’s like to lose everything, she can talk to him, she can trust him. He is, honestly, the first person outside of family she can just trust since she lost her home. Of course she loves him.
And then, she watches as he changes, as his cause consumes more and more of him. Once, she could trust him with her struggles, with everything she had to deal with, not anymore. There isn’t time for that anymore. Now she has to watch what she says or does because if she does or says anything that he even interprets as “disagreeing” he gets angry. Or he gets so terrified of losing her he starts to get suffocating. She finds herself scared of him, scared for him, always scared. So, she runs, she leaves but still keeps him close because she does still love him, she just can’t be romantically involved with him anywhere because he was drowning her.
And once she leaves she starts to rethink how she was living, how much of how she was living was just ensuring she kept Anders happy. She doesn’t have to do that anymore, so she starts to branch out, starts to relax, starts to talk to people she hadn’t been talking to before. Namely Fenris, who she thought she didn’t like, maybe even hated, Anders hated him, but she... doesn’t know him.
So that’s what she does. She gets closer to the rest of her “merry band of misfits” she’s found herself collecting, and that includes Fenris. Who she starts to learn is good company, actually. He’s amused by her shitty humor, and will even play off it sometimes. More than that, he’s a good listener. She can talk to him about the pressures of being a Fereldan climbing the ranks in Kirkwall, how strained her relationship is with her mother, who she still thinks blames her for her siblings being either dead or gone, how Aveline keeps putting more and more pressure on her and how even the Viscount seems to think of her as some sort of go-to problem solver, even though she never asked for more than a house and a place to keep her family safe.
All of that she thinks would be laughable to Fenris, but it isn’t. He listens, and when he can he gives his advice. When he starts to confide in her, she’s somehow shocked by just how much she understands him. When he tells her about his time with the Fog Warriors she’s a little honored he feels he can trust her with it. They’ve gotten so open so quickly. Even when they disagree Fenris is patient, calm, and their debates are adult, reasonable. Avis never feels like she has to walk on eggshells.
Her feelings for Fenris come on fast. She’s still only halfway through processing them when it all boils over, they spend the night together, and he breaks her heart. But she forgives him in an instant and waits for him. She doesn’t realize that’s what she’s doing consciously, but she waits for him. Takes that time to fully process those feelings and deal with everything around her and decides he’s worth it. She works on herself, and she waits. When he’s ready and comes back she’s happy, so happy. She feels like she can have a life with him, a family, a future, Fenris can give that to her.
All the while she still tries with Anders, but he seems to just keep pulling away. She gives him every chance she can, every opportunity, and he squanders them all. When she tries to reach out he snaps back, when she tries to help him he lies to her, and finally after everything he uses her to destroy the chantry. That’s when she’s had enough, no more chances now, that’s enough “I never want to see you again.”
Now take all that, which is more than I intended to write but we’ve come this far and I can’t stop now, and switch it around.
Anders sees it as the woman he loved, the woman he trusted, one person in Kirkwall he could feel safe around and had nothing to hide from- leaving him. She left with no warning, without ever even telling him what he did wrong. She’s just gone. He’s alone.
And then she goes and pursues the man that openly hates him. That would turn him into the gallows without a second thought. She does this after they’ve been broken up for less than a year, maybe even as little as six months. What’s he supposed to think?
That same man then leaves her, breaks her heart, Anders is right there and comforts her, but she instead waits for him. Waits for Fenris. Who in Anders’ eyes has done nothing to deserve her.
He watches her spend years pining for a man who does not want her, who cannot love her, and then watches her give everything to him the moment he changes his mind. When he has still done nothing to earn it.
Think about this: My Hawke marries Fenris and has his child in a smaller timeframe than she and Anders were together.
(Note: They wouldn’t see it that way, as I imagine that “will they won’t they” period had some uh, “will they” very close calls and they were carrying on a strong flirtationship for awhile before all that drama. Once they became official they felt ready to p much go all in. But Anders doesn’t know that. In his eyes this is like LIGHTNING)
Anders’ overall response to my Hawke’s decisions is still very Not Cool but all that... that’s gotta sting. There’s not a person alive who wouldn’t be hurt by that
So how’s he supposed to accept her help? How’s he supposed to talk to her, after she can can do this to him? How is he supposed to BELIEVE HER when she says she cares for him? How? He has completely and utterly, lost all the trust in her he could have.
“I never want to see you again” maybe, by then, that sentiment is painfully mutual. 
Anyways, I’ve rambled long enough, but hopefully that gives you an idea for why I’m so obsessed with this huge mess. Varric is salivating at the sight of it. Isabela is bashing her head against a wall. Merrill is hoping for a happy ending. Aveline is Just Tired
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invertedfate · 2 years
What are your thoughts on a Frisk/Lilac pairing? Are you opposed to the idea?
Frisk and Lilac iiiis an interesting case of being murky in terms of how I feel about it. I personally see them as a bit more sibling-like, but also there was an undeniable toxicity/codependency that was never quite resolved- honestly, they kinda wound up being a parallel to the way Chara and Asriel's dynamic pre-death, right down to Frisk pushing Lilac into a plan she was uncomfortable with and her getting hurt in the process.
So in my mind, them being romantic is shaky because when it's come to hashing out backstory details with them, it was always a case of like, "Are they basically found family type sibling dynamic, or is it a childhood besties/possible first crush scenario?" At this point, I lean the former, but since the comic only has so much in terms of content for them right now (that being Frisk's flashback, the two secret pages with Lilac, and recent stuff), I'm definitely not gonna scold or yell at anyone who thought the idea of them is cute. Y’all aren’t mind readers, and I don’t like the aggression that stuff can bring anyway.
I'd say it's iffy for me in the same way Charisk is uncomfortable for a lot of people in the fandom due to how many people prefer Frisk as part of the Dreemurr fam, whereas I personally feel like that should be taken on a work-by-work basis due to the existence of places to go and other in-game choices. Ftr, I totally get why folks feel this way, though in IF's case, Frisk and Chara did not form a sibling bond, and Frisk is going to end up staying with Papyrus, which certainly helps avoid some awkward shit (tho may not please everyone in that area). And despite me not going in with ships in mind, they ended up having a really cute dynamic that appealed to tons of my readers and got my neurodivergent brain goin' "this is now a cute, G-rated comfort thing. >:|" Only in the context of this AU- please, please don't ship Charisk in AUs that do have 'em as siblings. That's a big nope. D:
But also, I'm the kinda person who doesn't expect people to like all the things I do, and hell. My favorite Kingdom Hearts ship is Riku and Kairi. Antipode ships Ringabel from Bravely Default with Aqua completely on accident despite BD characters never being in the actual KH games, and Ven and Sora ended up with accidental chemistry there too. :P I'd be a huge hypocrite if I said people can only like the canon or accidentally shipteased stuff in Inverted Fate.
Frisk and Lilac just sits in a place where I just dunno, y'know? And I dunno how I should feel when for over two years, the specificity of their dynamic has been left kinda vague. Though I will say, if there is one IF Frisk ship outside of the usual suspects (e.g. Fr*ns and shit) that I'm really not comfortable with, iiit's Frisk and Asriel. Not keen on the idea of Frisk falling for someone who manipulated and traumatized them, plus the murkiness of Flowey's mental age. Like w/ Charisk, this applies specifically to IF- I'm not trying to attack it in other non-sibling contexts, even if it's not my thing.
But yeah. I just dunno when it comes to Frisk and Lilac. It probably doesn't help that the chapters where she interacts with Frisk aren't out yet, so there's a lot you guys have yet to see. Plus with Lilac being adopted into a whole different family, it's also just "what do we classify them as???" Does it count as inc*st vibes at that point? Genuine question here. :( Especially as a csa/inc*st survivor I don't wanna seem insensitive, y'know? I don’t like shipping adoptive siblings, and Ch*sriel is a big nope for me, and since Frisk and Lilac feel parallel to that in some respects, it’s just ???.
Also, apparently some people crackship IF Berdly and Frisk. And also Berdly and Lilac. This amuses me immensely.
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yuisdad · 1 year
Piofiore but better
I’ve been having different ideas on how Piofiore could be different (better) and I wanted to share them.
Have the mafia families…not be a mafia. Have the Falzone and Visconti families be organizations who help Burlone, but the Falzone’s work for the church while the Viscontis are more of a vigilante group. The Laoshu’s name would be changed to Azalea because Laoshu means “mouse”…and the group is Chinese…Otomate why. The Azalea organization exist to stir up trouble in Burlone for fun. Yang would be a fun antagonist who tries to stop the Falzone and Visconti organizations because he’s a jerk. That’s it. All of the organizations are against the police too. That’s why Roberto hates them.
The Falzone family and the Key Maiden usually need to be sacrificed for the holy relics to activate so they can protect Burlone from falling to hell. A Falzone family member dies (what happened to Dante’s father) while the Key Maiden’s dead body would be encased in stone to make the relics’ power stronger. The church are also antagonists and use the Falzones and the next Key Maiden for their plans.
The setting would take place in modern times, 2025-2026, but it has a 20s aesthetic and technology due to the city not advancing with the rest of the world (mostly due to the church not advancing how to protect Burlone since the 20s). The sequel would have them slowly getting accustomed to new technology and education.
Liliana: Would start off as passive, but would become proactive depending on which organization she interacts with. She wants to protect Burlone as well, so she tries to find a different way to protect it that doesn’t involve a sacrifice. Uses kitchen utensils as her weapon of choice.
Dante: Would come off as a cold-hearted leader, but is actually a dork who has no idea what he’s doing, causing Nicola to do most of the work for him. A complete disaster man. He’s similar to Shenhe from Genshin Impact in that regard. His route would be the true route and it’s main theme would be defying destiny and choosing your own. His route also involves fighting demons.
Gilbert: Is pretty much the same from his game counterpart. His route would also be the same, except it has a more found family vibe to it. Gilbert and Oliver are boyfriends in the true end. His route is also self-contained and has nothing to do with the overall plot.
Yang: He’s a fun antagonist who likes to cause trouble for the lolz. Liliana decides to join in on the fun. Is Lan and Fei’s guardian and will literally kill anyone who hurts them. Yang’s route is just pure fun and has nothing to do with the overall plot.
Orlok: Him and Liliana have more of a sibling dynamic. Is tasked with making sure she’s safe from the church’s grasp…but is unknowingly working for an organization that wants to destroy Burlone and rebuild it in their image. Orlok ends up choosing a better family in Lili and goes against his father’s wishes towards the end of his route. Is a little more involved with the overall plot.
Nicola: Doesn’t have a route of his own, but does share one with Dante and has endings of his own. Nicola does most of Dante’s work for him, making him the unofficial leader of the Falzone group. He seems like a sleazebag who flirts with anyone he sees, but he’s actually rather sweet. He only flirts with willing participants. Likes to mess with Roberto a lot. Nicola works with Lili to try and convince Dante to not sacrifice himself for Burlone. Has his own route in the sequel.
Emilio: The holy relic that protects Burlone. He’s an angel who’s been saving Burlone form falling to hell. He looks like a child and is a child. The church has been using him ever since he’s helped them in 1925, and is essentially a prisoner. They only allow him to eat the souls of a Falzone member and the Key Maiden, causing the poor boy to starve. He longs for either death or to become human. In the true end, he sacrifices himself for Burlone, finally giving himself and Burlone peace. He reincarnates into a newborn baby, becoming a human.
Direttore: A main character in Gilbert’s and Dante’s routes. His real name is Ritton “Henri” Lambert, and his family owns the Casino in Bulone. His older sister, Chloe, was going to be the next owner of the casino, but she was a Key Maiden, resulting in her and Dante’s father, Silvio, to be sacrificed for Burlone. He saw his sister being killed by Emilio when he was young, so he vowed his vengeance to the church and the Falzone family. In Gilbert’s route, he tries to help Gilbert clear his name from a false claim of him using counterfeit bills. In Dante’s route, he realizes that the Falzone family are also victims to the church’s practices, so he kills the church heads that kept Emilio a prisoner and who turned his sister’s dead body into stone.
True end: Dante’s route. Now that Emilio and the chruch heads are gone, Burlone finally has peace. The Key Maidens are free from their stone prisons and are given proper burials. Dante becomes better at his job, and Nicola starts a life outside of Dante. Gilbert and Oliver end up in a relationship together. Yang is still up to no good, but acts more like friends to the Falzone and Visconti groups. Orlok works at the church with Lili. The casino is owned by a different family, and Henri lives a quite life as the head of an orphanage. He finds a newborn baby (Emilio) and ends up raising the baby as his own child.
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zhongrin · 1 year
ok so this isn't really selfshippy but can i just say that i love xingqiu with my whole heart /p?? he is so "sworn sibling"/"twin" coded for me. he was one of my first four stars and was part of the team that i refused to switch out/change all the way til i reached inazuma (where i was violently humbled by the raiden shogun and got kokomi to carry me through the whole thing lol). he's one of the ogs of my acc (alongside kaeya, beidou, and aether) so he is very precious to me
i gave him his own room in my teapot (and one of his fave sets too!) and sometimes, when i have nothing to do or i want to read smth on my phone but dont want to close the game, i pull him up on the character screen and just chill there with him while he does his idles and i do whatever. i like to imagine that whenever i do end up reading a little longer than i thought, hes peeking over my shoulder and trying to see if whatever im reading is something he can use to tease me or something we can read together while he sits beside me.
i dont have any siblings close to me in age, but if in some universe i did get lucky enough to get a twin, id want them to be like xingqiu. i love that guhua geek. i will put carrots in his bowl during family dinners so i can barter with him (ill take his carrots but he also has to give me either more slices of meat or take my fish fillets). i will go with him to qingce village so i can dig through his warehouse of novels for something to read, and write all of my thoughts and comments on a separate sheet of paper for him to read too, when he wants. i think hed make fun of the annotations i put into my own personal collection of books, because theyre almost never actually anything of substance and read more like wattpad comments lmao but i think hed like reading them bc it gives him a better insight to how i think and why i act the way i act (and i think hed also start to look forward to finishing chapters of the books ive annotated bc most of the time, theres usually a separate sheet of paper that ive stuck into it detailing my more coherent thoughts and analyses of things i found interesting in the chapter). id love to go adventuring with him and chongyun (and xiangling too, when shes able to leave their restaurant!) and get into heated, but playful arguments about whether or not his actions still fall under chivalry or "unwanted meddling" haha
ok sorry for the long ask, i just have a lot of Emotions about he so tl;dr my bro xingqiu, i very much admire and love him, even when hes being a brat and an annoying brother
a platonic/familial f/o! i consider that selfship too, just not the romantic kind! and i think it's perfectly normal!! just as valid and fun as the romantic ones <3
that is utterly, earth-shatteringly adorable omg??? i don't think i can even add to this bc your dynamic is already so adorable and wholesome wahhhh you even gave him a room in your teapot... i'm sure he's overjoyed to have a special home where he can read in peace and 'escape' to every now and then hehe
twins and siblings huh... i am. thinking. if it comes to a character in genshin, honestly... i might get along with diluc as a sibling??? he is literally my brother irl that i'm closest to (minus the whole batman thing ofc) lmaoooo but... the whole stoic and aloof demeanor, the stubborn unwavering belief he has in his values, likes to do things his own way to a fault, the whole 'it's not like i don't like you; i just never express it and prefer to protect & watch you from afar in my own way' schtick.... omg their personalities are so similar it's almost scary help-
also when are brothers not annoying cmon now lol 
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corruptedsilence · 1 year
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I just finished watching the Puss in Boots the last wish and wow
no spoilers but: I agree with the reviews, it is really good, I’d watch it if you can. The animation is gorgeous and it really shows at least to me the animators and artists had fun with it. There’s so many dynamic shots and visuals that I was in awe for majority of the fight scenes spoilers below
Okay but like. I really liked it??? The movie itself didn’t feel as long as it did maybe because I was having a lot of fun with it and it is really interesting
i do like the idea of Death as a personification and holding a grudge to cats who are given 9 lives, the idea that a cat just frivolously living their 9 lives as if rubbing it in death’s face is really fun to me.
Legit the scene where Puss is having a panic attack in the woods game *me* anxiety because it lowkey just felt, really real. Like, I think they did a really good job showing what it is that a panic attack does to people, and how anxiety especially can just destroy someone’s life or hurt the people around them. I’m always going to be “meh” about the idea of ‘oh yeah the anxiety was cured by the end of the movie’ stuff because that’s not how deep seeded anxiety goes but it’s a kid’s movie and i cant exactly expect them to like go too deep into it already when i think they did a pretty good job expressing the anxiety throughout the movie already
because it is really good to have that looming threat, to have the character experience that anxiety throughout the film, not just once but that it follows them. No matter where they go, or who they’re with, the anxiety doesn’t just go away necessarily (except ya know the ending)
One thing I do love, and I’m almost *sad* that we couldnt’ get a movie or something about them; but Goldi and the three bears. This is purely self indulgent but rarely, and i mean RARELY do we get a storyline that revolves around orphans and adoption. We always get the “found family” and stuff but it never really goes into the idea of adopted kids and their struggles dealing with their adopted family. I legit love the representation as someone who has been adopted and has questioned my place in my family before.
I think, while it does seem trivial from an outsider perspective how “easy” the choice is for people to like “just stay with the people who raised you!”, it really isnt’ as simple as that. This might like, fall short on people who weren’t adopted or weren’t like experiencing that desire to “fit in”. Because we see through the movie that Goldi, in some ways, is reminded she isn’t a bear. Especially during the scene where they kidnap perrito and baby and her are fighting. When it’s pointed out “you aren’t [insert here]” it drives home the idea that yo udon’t belong. Which does hurt a lot more than you think. It’s stated a few times through the movie actually going back and looking the “shes not my sister” and stuff, it really does show that Goldi isn’t thinking of this from nothing, that a constant reminder like that may push her to think she doesnt belong and she isn’t one of them. Even with the support from mama and papa, it’s still a struggle especially since goldi is well hfewjk a human, and they’re bears
And kids, and adults like me, who have been adopted do have that fear that everything would be fine without you, because you don’t belong, because you “broke into” someone’s house and “took” their things. I really like this idea of goldi and the 3 bears because it does show how a lot of kids can feel like they had just invaded someone’s house and don’t belong and then end up stealing the other sibling’s (who might or might not be biological to the parents) things.
And while the ending I know rushes Goldi’s arch a bit I really do wish i could see more of them. Not like a whole movie, but I want them to be characters in future films, or maybe have a “to DVD” short movie or something about their lives cuz it’s also fun that they’re a crime family fhewjkhk and im just trying to think of like what they did before Goldi came along
If it isn’t obvious I did like the side story almost more than the main story since the main story felt pretty--- eh predictable? But I enjoyed more the way they showed the “realism” in the fear of death, and the anxiety someone might have over it. It might be the same predictable story, you know no one will get the wish, and they’ll learn to cherish the one life they have, blah blah blah but you don’t expect them to go into the character’s actual struggle with that fear. The song Death whistles and how it plays as a “trigger” for Puss gets his fur standing on edge, panicked, wide eyed, it does such a good job showing these small things that a lot of movies or shows wouldnt bother with.
I’d definitely recommend it, I didn’t go into it but it’s just fun? I really didnt’ care for big jack horner or whatever his name was cuz he was just played as the “im evil and irredeemable” but he plays the part well enough. He’s fun when he’s around and stuff so there is that. I enjoy the fact he’s just evil for evil sake but yeah I just was more roped in with the other people and just saw jack less as a threatening villain and more there for comedic villainy.
over all I hope dreamworks continues this way? Because this actually makes me more excited to see movies from them if they’re going to be this fun and this “real” and relatable however odd that might sound for a puss in boots movie lmao
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innerangeltoadlover · 2 months
13. I find myself becoming ever more wary of these people because I feel like I’m being goose-stepped down a road which will find my sister innocent and I will be lost within my illness. It’s also disrespectful to my parents who were stoic in treating their children without bias whatever our personal issues may have been. Whitewashing my sister’s behaviour towards my parents by emphasising my illness is abhorrent to me and though my writing has cynicism I am not writing to win friends. I also know that psychiatrists are very aware of the stigma that surrounds this illness but appear to be reticent to admit that people of status can treat others like shit . There is also the fact that admitting my sister was abusive involves the house of cards upon which my diagnosis was built falling about their ears- admitting wrong doing is not a possibility. If she cannot admit the crappy elements that exist within her own class is she treating me or offloading the same shit that I have always endured and as such is she really part of the problem? She wants to keep these sessions so tightly bound that they are reflective of my travel through the world and not others. She does not want to explore my sisters abuse because doing so raises questions that may travel to her world however attempting to clean up the mess left by a previous psychiatrist by ignoring it may be good for her peers but not for me. I am still carrying a load which isn’t mine.
The dynamics of family life is another under explored area by psychiatrists. Having shared a bedroom with my sister for 18 years I believe I knew my sister quite well however this knowledge is again diminished by the diagnosis. As my sister was operating in the world in a manner which is characteristic of the norm, psychiatry wrote off my protests as part of my illness. My sister would arrive on her broomstick at my parents' abode which was a 2 hour drive (I say this because making the 1 hour drive to our mothers death bed was “too far” her words to the nurse who rang her 3 times ) with her children in tow as though motherhood had somehow transformed her into a human being. My father would wonder why she actually bothered to visit when she would spend her time in chaos mode. This decade of my sister's visits were without doubt the worst years of my life. I was sick, drugged to the eyeballs , suffering from poor sleep , and my sister would regularly enjoy yelling at anything I did she didn’t like or in fact did like because it never made sense. That was the thing about her abuse - I existed and was therefore her emotional punching bag. This was not however an experience i was unused to - sharing a bedroom with my sister involved being continuously verbally abused and advice on splitting up with a teenage boyfriend because as i later found out from my brother she would scream about in jealous tantrums - apparently it was ok if she had a boyfriend but not me. When I began to grow boobs my sister would find it fun to punch me in this very tender area. After Dad died there was a flurry of emails between the siblings and we informed my sister that her abuse had not gone unnoticed by any of the family and we weren’t going to put up with it any longer. We got an email from my sister which was obviously written by her husband - who by the way is behind much of this mess - saying that my brother and I were trying to change history ie family history. As a person with a history degree my eyes popped when I saw it. I realised that I was dealing with 2 people who were revisionists and that even in our own family, history is written by the victors. These 2 snakes that had slithered up the status ladder had no intention of telling the truth and those who believe status indicates worthiness would stand with them.
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anonofseasons · 10 months
What do your characters look for in a partner romantically? Personality/looks if they have a specific type?
Thank you for the ask! This is a fun and interesting question. :)
I’m not entirely sure which characters you want to hear about most, so I’ll focus on the Liddell kids. I have trouble with tumblr refusing to post anything long (not an issue I had in the past on tumblr, since I’d post chapters of stories on here), so if anyone wants to hear about other characters, I’ll do them in separate posts/asks. ^^
For all of the kids, however, someone “not like Vivian” is important in a partner! ahahaha Answers below cut ;)
I’ll start with Sophie, since she’s actually had romantic partners. She’s been in several relationships, even if Brielle and Rhett are the only two times she’s ever been married. As far as personality, she seeks those who are kind and make her laugh. People she can relax around. Those who enjoy a bit of mystery and things that are whimsical, if only because she’s anxious that revealing she’s a spirit could total the relationship.
For looks, she tends to be one of those “fall in love with the person and start seeing all the beauty of their features even more” people, but she does like pretty eyes and a kind smile to attract her attention first. :)
I’ve mentioned Shannon is aroace before, in that he’s never experienced any sort of arousal or romantic attraction to people. This has nothing to do with his upbringing, although that does affect him having any partners. He might thrive in a queerplatonic polyship someday. For now, I’ll just be grateful he’s warming to his siblings and understanding that Phineas’s other kids are also his found family.
Shannon would require that partners not be anything like Vivian and Graham. That extends to more than personality. Maybe he needs a quiet dork of a partner who enjoys reading by the windows on rainy days, the curtains open wide to let in all the natural light despite the weather. :’)
Shannon will not date humans.
Howie finds “liking nature” attractive. (I feel like spirits in general will gravitate toward those who love nature, who knew? But I bet he dates a lot of people whose favorite season is autumn “coincidentally”.) He does have a preference for redheads. He loves having someone to compete with on racing or climbing, someone who’ll join him on hikes.
As he wants kids eventually, he will seek partners who feel the same about parenting as he does, given his traumatic background. It’s not a spoiler because this takes place well beyond the epilogue, but Howie does have a family and ends up being like… Best Dad Ever.
Howie will date humans, but for long-term partners, he’ll hold preference for fellow spirits.
Bee… has a partner in the epilogue, and saying too much about what he wants is a bit of a spoiler. I’ll just let that relationship speak for itself, and if anyone has further questions, feel free to ask them. I plan to keep asks open for a while after I finish the series, although I’m sure it’ll eventually taper off and just be around for reference to new readers, if I have any. xD
Okay, so El.
El… is attracted more to fictional characters. Particularly monsters. Scales and horns are sexually attractive. I answered another ask about sexualities and briefly mentioned this, but I was a bit self-conscious about going into it at the time. He’s probably aro, but he loves the idea of romance and courtship—at least to make it a significant part of his reading!
And while I’ve been too chickenshit to actually wonder this out loud before, I’ve honestly thought that based on how unhealthy El and Howie’s dynamic is, how many readers have ended up shipping them. No judgment here, obviously it crossed my mind. It has that taboo ripeness for the picking, that’s all? It’s not canon, but I also don’t mind people shipping characters. (I’m old, and some of my earliest fandoms included Clamp works and Spiral Suiri no Kizuna soooo…yeah.)
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