#there's just so much
carionto · 3 months
When does what count?
The pursuit for the truth in criminal cases is... messy at the best of times. If the criminals are from different species you gotta deal with multiple jurisdictions at minimum. Then throw in a Human in the mix? Good luck figuring anything out, you'll need it.
Not that Humans are the best liars, or masters of not leaving evidence, or the ultimate manipulators. There's not even close to a standard way of dealing with them.
The guidelines Human authorities provided help, yes, but all of them come with caveats and exceptions and warning signs to look out for.
Every individual is different. Some species might have lesser deviations than others, but there are only a handful of hive-mind like ones where you can objectively and easily determine what is normal and what needs certain kinds of apprehension or treatment methods.
Human deviations are all over the place.
Some will confess right away upon being questioned by law enforcement. This is the best case scenario, but even then there are some cases where you might have wished they had tried to be deceptive. There are few things more terrifying in the Galaxy than a Human confessing, without batting an eye or stuttering their words, to some of the most brutal acts of senseless violence, unprovoked I might add, and calmly stating they felt nothing. That is fear personified.
Many will try to make your life miserable. They will employ every legal avenue, exploit the tiniest questionable details, get as many other people involved as possible to muddy the waters, even plan an escape if they manage to find or create an opportunity. You will have to work overtime, sifting through countless documents, piece together a puzzle without any known pieces. The worst is when you have a Human who is guilty, but not for the crime you are pursuing them for, and all that work has to start all over in pursuit of an individual you might now have to track across half the Galaxy on a cold trail. This is the embodiment of frustration.
A few will give you the longest, most intense and dangerous days of your life. They will run. They will fight. They will not submit. They will want to go down rather than face justice. They will endanger others along the way. They will destroy anything in their path to freedom. They are fury incarnate.
Now, of course, the vast majority will not be such extreme cases. You can reason with them. You can persuade, strike a deal. Punish and rehabilitate.
But every case will be different, should you ever encounter a Human. And there is always a chance, no matter how slim, barring extreme limitations of course, that any Human could go to a further end than any logic would dictate. A minor inspection may become a murder in a split second, and an unknown killer may just give up at the slightest inconvenience and confess a dozen cold cases just like that.
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stars-n-spice · 4 days
Here the thing is-
Episode 15 better fucking be 3 hours long or some shit because what the FUCK!
And if it's not, it better end with like the fucking "The Bad Batch will return" title card shit they have at the end of Marvel movies with there being an announcement for a new series that is a continuation of the Bad Batch but it maybe called something else because it doesn't only relate to the Bad Batch.
I see people saying let's get a "Tales of the Clones" and that would be great, amazing even, but seeing as the last two "Tales of the [thing]" were series comprised of two stories focused on two characters (and backstories at that) I don't really see it working out well in tying things up in Bad Batch.
If anything, maybe it'll work, but if they do a "Tales of the Clones" I do hope it follows Rex leading some kind of clone rebellion or something and then also Cody and seeing him go to Tatooine to find Obi-Wan.
Even better? We get "Tales of the Clones" AND an additional other clone show that ties up everything in the Bad Batch.
Hahaha....right? Not like Star Wars would let us down, right? They totally would give the fans what they want instead of what they think they want, right? Right?
I say all of this as I put on my clown wig, nose, and shoes.
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asleepinawell · 3 months
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since i tempted a decent handful of my followers into fallen london i decided as recompense to make a guide/hints/tips thing to a few early on things that might not be as easy to pick up on. the first couple may be a little more obvious but some of the later ones are more obscure. enjoy, delicious friends!
1) Use Plans!!!! That little bookmark icon on the top right of an action will save it to your plans page so you can easily reference if you can't complete it now. great for remembering what you were doing and how many items you need. extremely good for ambitions
2) Use Your Opportunity Deck. It's easy to get caught up in the making your name stuff, but there's a lot of good and important things in your opportunity deck you can miss out on. Bronze cards often help open little stories even if it's not immediately obvious. You get a ten free actions card once a week in there too
3) Look Through the Social Activities. There's a lot of stuff buried in social activities, some of it not in the most logical places. You can resign from your current profession under send a message to a contact. If a friend sent you a letter to let you boost a skill you have to use it under epistolary matters -> sort through incoming mail. And more.
4) Training Professions. Enquirer, Minor Poet, Pickpocket, Tough. You don't have to do anything with these, they just give you a weekly boost in the associated stat when time the healer rolls around. Once you hit 70 on a stat the profession will no longer boost it and you can resign and pick up a new one for free. After you are a person of some importance you can look into getting a fancier job with more perks.
5) Favourable Circumstances. You may have noticed you get something called favourable circumstances every week with time the healer. This is an item in your inventory under curiosity. Its primary use is to force draw a specific opportunity card. When you're just starting out the best use may be to arrange a meeting with your contacts, which lets you draw a connected card of your choice (like urchins, hell, etc). This lets you get a favor right away so it's good to use it every week.
6) DON'T GO TO POLYTHREME. Look, I know the option is right there in the docks but it is a very confusing area and not that useful at low levels. I got stuck there once early on and may be slightly traumatized. Definitely go there later, maybe when you have your own ship and get the map for it.
7) Mrs Chapmans Boarding House. This is in Spite. The options there all give you a few of a resource that's often a pain in the ass to grind other ways. The amount scales with your base watchful. It is just a nice little free way to get some resources. The items available change every week on a four week rotation. See the season in soup guide on the wiki for more info.
8) Mr Chimes Grand Clearing Out Activities. This was an event that happened in the past but left behind a few activities that are unparalleled ways to gain some resources. These are: Descend to the Underclay Quarter in Spite, The Spider Symposium (head into the cellars) in the Singing Mandrake, Seeking Documents in the Sunken Embassy in Moloch Street, Hunt Bees in the University, Brawl with Dockers in the Blind Helmsman (not sure if the was part of mr chimes but the mechanics are similar), and LB Industries in the Blind Helmsman. They all work by gathering a certain amount of some item through the storylets and then handing it in for a resource reward. You generally get one nice reward and the rest is paid out in a low level resource, making it a decent grind for echoes as well (i use moloch st for that).
9) Expedition Supplies for your base camp. Descend to the Underclay Quarter mentioned in the point above is a fast way to get strong backed labor to cash in for supplies during your watchful making your name (and after). Go there, work with unfinished men, get 50 convincing falsehoods (the second option gives you 25 a pop) and send an unfinished man to spite for labor x3. This makes watchful myk so so much easier.
10) Buy Gear. All resources have a use so don't go spending them all like crazy, but it really is worth spending some to buy gear, yes, even +2 gear because if you have +2 in every slot that is a nice boost at a low level. Holiday events are also a great way to get a ton of very good free gear.
11) CP. Change points, basically XP. You need as much CP as the next level to reach that level. So you need 3CP to get to level 3, 4CP for level 4, etc (this caps at 70). You get more CP for succeeding in things that you have a lower chance of success for. 60-90% chances are a nice range to aim for. Also! You get CP for failing which also scales with your percentage chance of success. So if you have a 0% chance of success you may get way more CP than succeeding on something you had a high chance of success for (example: a 90% success gives you 2CP, a 0% failure gives you 4CP... this is why the weasel of woe is good).
12) What are the Bizarre/Dreaded/Respectable stats on gear used for? So you may have noticed that you sometimes get points of Making Waves. Once you become a person of some importance you have the ability to cash in making waves to get a stat called Notability. Notability can be used for getting advanced professions, upgraded lodgings, and more. BDR gear lowers the amount of making waves you need per level of notability. They're also used in checks later on much the way your base stats are and they have uses at the bone market when you get there. Basically, grab gear with them if you can but don't worry too much about how it all works now. It will make more sense when you get there.
13) Cross-Conversion Carousel. This is a slightly more advanced thing that you don't need to know about yet but can be very very useful even at low levels. You know how you can click on most resources in your inventory and combine a lot of low level ones into a few high level ones? There's a bunch you can also cross convert, meaning convert to a different category of item of the same level. These are: brilliant souls, tales of terror, compromising documents, memories of light, zee ztories, strangling willow absinthe, whisper-satin scrap, journal of infamy, correspondence plaques, mysteries of the elder continent, incendiary gossip, and memories of distant shores. You need 50 of one to convert it and you get 51 of the item you convert it to.
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What this means is if you have 50 of ANY of these, you can turn it into 50 of any other by converting it around the loop until you get the one you need. This often saves you from having to grind items that can be annoying to get (mrs chapman gives several of these too to help you get the initial amount). ALSO if you notice some of the conversions give making waves which can be a decent way to grind them. See the wiki page here for more info.
14) Last but definitely not least: the wiki is your best friend. It has guides for everything. It tells you what every single action does. It tells you where to find resources. It has terrifying math graphs. Use it. Love it.
And there is also the fifth city wiki which has lore on it. It contains MASSIVE spoilers, but the lore of fallen london is obscure and spread out across multiple games now so sometimes you just wanna know wtf everyone is talking about.
15) Don't Look In Wells!!!!!!! Just. Do not. (Hunters Keep well is an exception. It is a very nice well).
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I could talk about Slay the Princess for hours by now. But I just have to talk about this one moment that had my media analysis heart go WILD. In "The Moment of Clarity" when you try to grab the blade and it just ... gets swallowed into this giant pit and is gone for good. That was the moment I realised where this is going. Immediately confirmed by the following lines from the narrator: "You lean over the hole and gaze into the abyss. It is so very deep." and "Deep in the bowels of the earth, you see something staring back at you. It fills you with dread." This is so good. I already wanted to write an analysis essay on this game. But then you throw a direct and unmissable Friedrich Nietzsche at me? Thank you.
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iboatedhere · 4 months
How it feels every Sunday and Wednesday when I see all the things the RWRB fandom is cookin' up
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I can't keep up.
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jade-muffins · 6 months
Trying to wrap my head around the DC universes and comics and animated movies and the histories of characters and the characters themselves is actually making my brain sizzle and fry like an egg on a pan that had been left on too long
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Grey Asmo here again!
Who do you think is the nightbringer? (Goes by many names) im thinking its barb but that does not make sense
Hello again, anon!
Okay. Here's the thing. I think whether or not Nightbringer is Barbatos depends on whether or not they are actively trying to misdirect us.
The evidence for Barbatos being Nightbringer is overwhelming, so at the very least, they want us to think it's him. They could be deliberately making it seem incredibly obvious so that we won't see it coming when they do something twisty.
Now, even if they do some kind of unexpected twist, it might not be about Nightbringer's identity. For instance, they reveal that Nightbringer is Barbatos as we all thought, but it's Barbatos from a different timeline. That's not really a surprising twist, but it's just an example.
When the game first came out, I thought for sure Nightbringer was Barbatos. They were making it so obvious. And this game isn't exactly known for having a lot of really surprising things happen. Dramatic stuff, sure, but nothing on the level of making us think Barbatos is Nightbringer just to reveal it's actually someone else.
But recent events in the game have made me think they're more likely to do something like that after all.
SPOILERS for HARD LESSON 20 just in case:
I never in a million years would have guessed that Raphael was actually Michael in disguise. That twist came out of nowhere for me. I'm usually pretty good at picking up on these things, but yeah I did not see that one coming at all. This makes me think that it's perfectly possible that they're planning some kind of misdirection.
Now, if they are trying to deceive us, I think Nightbringer would have to be someone we haven't met yet or an alternate timeline version of someone we have. Nothing else makes sense to me.
The big thing with Barbatos, in my opinion, is motivation. Right now we really don't know what would motivate him to do the things that Nightbringer is doing. But there's a lot we don't know about Barb. So it could be that they're going to fill in that missing information and that it will explain how Barbatos went from being the father of all demons to a butler. If he is indeed Nightbringer, they will have to explain that.
One other thing that I think is interesting is Lesson 10-A. Solomon talks to Nightbringer, but there's actually no indication that he's aware of Nightbringer's identity. He seems to know Nightbringer as Nightbringer. He even says he has an agreement with "him" in quotes like that. Which is interesting if Nightbringer is Barbatos. Why would Barbatos present himself to Solomon that way? Especially when Solomon already trusts him as Barbatos?
Whether or not Nightbringer is Barbatos, I very much believe that both Barbatos and Solomon are deeply connected to him in some way. I think we need to know what happened when Barbatos brought Solomon to the Fountain of Knowledge. I think we need to know who Solomon's friend was when he was telling us that story he couldn't finish. And I think we need to know why Barbatos became Diavolo's butler.
All of this is to say that at this time, I think it's possible that Nightbringer is Barbatos, but I also think it's possible that he isn't. And if he isn't, then I don't know for sure who he could be. Someone we haven't met yet? Michael? An alternate version of one of the other characters? Maybe even the reveal that it's been one of the characters we've known all along?? They could really make us lose it by revealing that it was somehow MC?!?! Okay, I don't think that's the case, but man that'd be insane.
Anyway, I apologize for this long response, but there's just so much to consider when it comes to Nightbringer's identity. They keep giving us little bits but none of the pieces fit together.
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Arguably, the most consistent quality of any Trump cabinet nominee is that they're all uniquely vile in different ways.
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decompose1 · 7 months
love how you can read scp content for years and then someone will offhandedly mention some scp or tale and you've never heard of it in your life
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sylksheeeee-a · 7 months
good morning , sea stars. i miss you <3
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grntaire · 9 months
re: The Essay
okay so i read The Essay at 3am and while for the most part i see what the author was saying.
i disagree with the use of "bad writing" bc that seems... condescending. i know they meant it in a teasing way, but i still think the wording makes a difference. i'd leave it as "intentional loose ends" bc that's what it is.
my counterargument to this is that maybe it's just camp, lmao. like one thing about the good omensverse is that it's literally so fucking camp. it's whimsical and silly and sometimes things are there just to be silly and fun. i see what they were saying with gaiman's attention to detail and chekov's guns (of which i definitely think there are several) but i don't think that every single piece of everything has to have some deeper meaning all of the time. somethings things just... are. like yeah, they didn't *need* to have the zombies and furfur could have just done the surveying himself. but it's fun and silly to have zombies, so why not? (again, i wouldn't be surprised if they did find a way to make this significant, especially w the third season seemingly being about the second coming this could be planting the seeds that zombies canonically exist in-universe)
i also take an umbrage with the score being "overwrought." i'm a singer, conductor, arranger, and composer (not for film, admittedly but enough to know about the process of scoring for media), and the score met the plot and the beats of the scenes perfectly. i think the point that the score seems "overwrought" in moments where they think the metatron is interfering with things is an interesting one, but i disagree with it. the score is extra and whimsical bc the show inherently is, too. it matches the vibe perfectly.
HOWEVER: as a whole, i agree with the author. there's so much there that especially in retrospect seems off. the weird refusals of alcohol are very ooc for aziraphale and the point they made abt maggie not drinking felt weird too, especially the "no judgement" thing... seems like an oddly pious thing to say imo? not a single sober person i know would ever say something like that. i definitely think there was some meddling along the way from the metatron.
but i think it's okay to remember that like, media can be silly, it can be aloof and whimsical all while being rooted in very real feelings and experiences. it's what made me love good omens in the first place.
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secretmellowblog · 2 years
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Jean Valjean replied, and the sound of his voice appeared to rouse Javert:
“It is with regard to him that I desire to speak to you. Dispose of me as you see fit; but first help me to carry him home. That is all that I ask of you.”
Javert’s face contracted as was always the case when any one seemed to think him capable of making a concession. Nevertheless, he did not say “no.”
Again he bent over, drew from his pocket a handkerchief which he moistened in the water and with which he then wiped Marius’ blood-stained brow.
“This man was at the barricade,” said he in a low voice and as though speaking to himself. “He is the one they called Marius.”
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clarabosswald · 1 year
i'm gonna be honest and say that australia's song feels really underappreciated
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didiwaffles · 5 months
im going to be honest, i know nothing about the oc world that you have. so i have no idea who and what you were talking about. but id be interested to hear if youre willing to tell more! from the post it sounded very interesting
Well you gotta tell me where to start
Cause I can start from the very beginning and go on and on but then idk how about you but I will be here for two years and then some and I already fell into that trap once I'm not doing that again
But I can lay out some basic stuff
This is my main OC, Devi.
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She's the main victim of my unhinged thoughts. Been through a lot of shit over the millions years she existed. If I start listing... We'll be here for a while XD
Eva is her eldest daughter. Aside from the most recent picture of her I drew, I have this one to show off.
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Eva's been through some shit too, some of which Devi's been blaming herself for for a very long time. I could get into it...
Aside from Eva, Devi also has twins Paul and Pete. While they were indistinguishable as kids, they grew up to be the most different people. Pete went on to be an incredibly popular singer, while Paul decided to stay by his sister's side.
That is not to list several more biological, non-biological, adopted, or otherwise people who consider Devi as their mother for one reason or another.
That aside, Devi also has a husband, and hoo boy do they have a rich history of terrible stuff between them. I don't have a picture of him, sadly, cause I've never been satisfied with how I draw him. That being said those two's relationship is the least straight thing that can exist.
That's about it if I lay out the essence of it in a few words. Of course there's like 10 different topics already that i can get into from here. From Devi's backstory, to her and Riam's relationship, to various trauma I inflicted on her, to Eva, to everyone else I vaguely mentioned, or just in general the worldbuilding...
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aetherixs · 2 years
finished s1 of The Penumbra Podcast which i started out thinking was ridiculous and fun and i still think that but i care SO MUCH about this stupid PI
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unclekaz · 4 months
thinking about how springtrap's first sentence to nolan was 'you're not michael' and nolan now having severe parallels and allegories with william afton. i should absolutely make an allusions to that point because of how apollo gave me the gift of prophecy
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