#theres no anon on for now bc of that sorry :[
ihatebnha · 2 years
Me again, “wym we aren’t just here to be nice to each other” ME THOUGH!!! Like I get that other people have different kinks and I’m genuinely not here to shame in any way I promise, but I just can’t see the appeal in being mean or hurtful to a partner in any way, whether it’s physically, emotionally, or both, or a partner acting in such a way towards me. Like, it makes me feel bad just thinking about it, so of course I want them to be nice to me in a “traditional” sense :(
And I agree that when your whole job is fighting people, it makes sense that lots of characters in this universe wouldn’t want to bring that home! I never thought about that before but it makes so much sense! And I think some characters also have specific traumas that would make them averse to heavier stuff (though I know arguments have also been made to the contrary of that lol).
Again, I hope this doesn’t sound kinkshamey, I promise it’s not meant to be! I just wish there was more content that didn’t focus on heavy stuff and was more tame and vanilla sometimes lmao
sjdfkasdjk gonna try to not stress and keep this brief bc i actually spent a long time talking about some of these exact issues when the whole conversation of degradation came up a couple weeks ago... but also i am mad bc i don't think i properly tagged all my responses so now i can't find them to refer to u...
i really honestly don't even think it's an issue with like... kink shaming specifically (though u never now) but rather like... how soooo many people do not provide enough context when they write kinks to really... make them palatable to people outside of those specifically interested.
and it's. this whole dangerous thing (see: HERE)... but also it's really funny (in an annoying way) bc at the same time, it's been extremely popularized to the point of now, not being able to find ANYTHING vanilla anywhere.
so not all the time but a lot of it... either u get this weird, super shitty hard smut... or pretty much nothing else LOOOOL.
but that's just to say that I AGREE WITH U and also... don't think u should feel bad because it's NOT shaming others for their interests, it's recognizing the the faults of what's currently being put out. honestly, i'd say i'm even of the opinion that people who ARE into rough stuff are probably being disappointed by whats being put out rn too lmfaooooo skiddly bee boop da DAY!
anyway... LOL i was gonna talk more about hero work affecting this/trauma (WHICH SOOO TRUE BESTIE) but i have totally lost my train of thought and have probably kept you here long enough adsfkjajd...
but your honesty is both appreciated and recognized and i crave more vanilla stuff TOO! bye.
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I too sometimes just say huh??? relatable tbh
i mean that is my default state tbh
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soft-spooks · 6 months
who is your fav f/o? i want to give you a doodle!!!!
OHHHH HI HI HELLO. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO DRAW ME ANYTHING I PROMISE <3 although i will in fact be using this ask to gush so prepare yourself.
SO. THIS IS KIND OF A LOADED QUESTION FOR ME i have had a less than stellar experience with both fandom and self shipping so im still very very very shy and afraid 2 talk about my f/os too much so please be niceys thank u <3 putting this under a cut just in case it gets really long LMAO
so. i have multiple f/os that i consider my mains, but my longest term one is actually antisepticeye !!!! i cannot help it i was so deep in youtuber fandom in 2016 and my brain latched onto him like a baby duckling and now he lives here forever . however i do not associate myself with that fandom at all anymore so he has basically become like an oc to me LMAO. i had a reallt specific fanon version of him that i used to draw all the time and a backstory that i had basically written out entirely and then when my bad fandom stuff happened i decided "nvm you guys cant have him anymore hes mine now" i have been shipping with him sinceeee i believe late 2016/early 2017 ?? yea!!! hes my fucked up little guy forever i love him so much. hardcore comfort character do not mind the fact that he is covered in blood ans has probably murdered people. hes silly <3 my tag for him on this blog is the knife emoji (🔪) and i dont really have an s/i i just ship him with. Myself.
HOWEVER I AM SELF AWARE and i understand that youtuber characters are on a lot of peoples dnis and theyre not everyone's cup of tea exactly. so i will give you options here :] my OTHER mains are !!!! sun and moon from fnaf (☀️ and 🌙 respectively) who i started shipping with early last year !
AND SPEAKING OF SELF AWARE some of my other beloveds are gordon and benrey from hlvrai (☢️ and 🎮) WHO I HAVE CREATED A SELF INSERT FOR AND THEY ARE ONE OF MY FAVORITE OCS EVER. oh my god. their name is mickey and i have managed to fit them so very seamlessly into hlvrai's story im so proud of how well they fit into canon and ive given them the chef kiss perfect amount of angst and silliness !!! a lot of my lore for them was on my old blog which got deleted in late 2021 and i havent been on a huge hlvrai kick since then so they dont have a whole lot of content on the current iteration of mac softspooks dot com but their tag is "🧟 mickey" i believe. (ill add all the character tags to this ask in case u wanna look at them :])
OH YEAH ALSO. BECAUSE IVE BEEN SHIPPING WITH ANTI FOR SO LONG i have naturally made. so many aus for him. i have like 20 different aus for my ship w him (as i said. basically an oc. mine now) my favorite of which is called hunting haunting which is a buzzfeed unsolved inspired au where we hunt ghosts together but with a dramatic twist ofc because im weak for human/monster love stories. so u will see me talk about hunting haunting a lot here thats what it is hehe
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cubedmango · 1 year
Naina I just wanted you to know that your comic was so unbelievably beautiful I’m literally sat in my bed with tears rolling down my cheeks I can’t believe I only saw it now I. This is what I imagine being ran over with a sixteen wheeler truck feels like my god… my heart was almost wrenched out of my chest just thinking about how kurosawa probably felt like the world had fallen out from beneath him and that he’d lost his chance to tell adachi everything when he called his phone and it didn’t go through after the accident like I can’t even function?:£: Like he really did struggle so badly with that worry if ‘am I being too clingy?’ Or ‘ will he interpret my worry as me not believing in him enough?’ And it just made the accident moment all that much more world stopping because knowing there were so many words left unsaid… the distance between them physically and verbally at the time like OUGHHH I could punch a wall you wrote it out so perfectly depicted it all so amazingly my heart feels healed with the reunion hug I soooo badly wanted to see I owe you my life💔 it was like I couldn’t have stopped the tears if I tried I could talk about it forever ah you’re just. So cool and talented and woah I need to lay down and never get up again cause i’m gonna be thinking about this for the rest of time thank you endlessly (sorry this is all over the place you broke me into a million tiny kurodachi crazed pieces)
ANONNNNN 🥹🥹🥹 IM SORRY ABT THE TRUCK OF PAIN BUT THANK UU !!! 💖💖 i did a full Proper cm rewatch last month and seeing the nagasaki parts again made me so crazy i had to try putting my emotions for it in one place 😔 everything u said tho like u got the emotions!!!!!! all of kurosawas assumptions that adachi can and will leave him willingly if he's even a Little out of line or too much but never realizing that sometimes circumstances just Happen and any day he could lose that chance to be truly honest bc he was too afraid and its like . .hhrhrhHHRHHjjh and that leading him to finally telling adachi he wasnt ok For The First Ever Time !!! digs a hole sits in it cries weeps throws up . i have so many more thoughts about it i wanna write a fic for the whole thing so bad i just. . words refuse to happen rn but one day i swear to god. all my insane thoughts abt kurosawa Will become real!!!!!!!!
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seongclb · 1 year
— enhypen when there’s a scandal about their s/o dating another idol !
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idol!enhypen x idol!reader, fluff, established relationship au, no warnings!
req. by anon -> i merged the last two requests !
♫ pink+white by frank ocean
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𖠗 이희승 | lee heeseung.
omds when he finds out
prepare to be met by the sulkiest baby you’ve ever met
like this guy is 6ft and counting but has a POUT on his lips when you see him
just shoves his phone that has the news article on it of accusations that you and taehyun from txt are dating
since you’re all in the same entertainment, it’s easy to be rumoured with either enhypen or txt
and due to your groups comeback along with txts comeback being at the same time, fans are talking about how cute you and taehyun would be after the tiktoks you had made together
“is he a better dancer than me?”
“no, heeseung.”
“is he a better singer than me?”
“no, heeseung.”
this isn’t enough to make him feel better though, so you must avenge his heart with kisses or else.
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𖠗 박종성 | park jongseong.
when he sees the article that says you and another member of enhypen are dating, he just raises a brow as he frowns
waits for you to get home and shows you the article, “jagii, look at what they’re saying”
he subtly whines about it for the whole day, even sending death stares to jake every once in a while
but you tell him that fans just like doing these things for fun, and they always make the most extreme theories
like so what if you and jake were being friendly at the awards?
little do they know that it’s only because you and jay are dating
jay knows this so he feels better but not completely great
so you may do something sly with your stylist and ask her to subtly match yours and jays outfit for the next event
which fans catch on to, definitely making your boyfriend bubble with happiness that jakes article is long forgotten
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𖠗 심재윤 | sim jaeyun.
very whiny baby
doesn’t wait for you to get home but instead just texts you the article with a sad face
you’re expectant of a sad and pouty jaeyun when you get home
but this time, showering him with affection and love doesn’t help completely get rid of the pout on his lips
“loveee, theres nothing going on with beomgyu and i,” you tell him. “i think my stylist and his stylist just accidentally gave us the same shirt”
is still pouty but understands
“why can’t we wear the same shirt” jake nuzzles into your shirt
he says things like, “i hope dispatch expose us this year”
little do you know he’s actually considering giving dispatch the okay sign to expose you two 😭
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𖠗 박성훈 | park sunghoon.
when you come home he’s like, “well hello cheater” and you just sigh
“so, you and soobin huh? i’m a better mc than him anyway” and ur like ???
all u did smile at him a few times at the awards thing and now this?
doesn’t hesitate to show how much better he is than soobin (poor soobin i love u)
u just let him say but bc u know he’s reassuring himself with it
then he gets sulky, “do you think he’s attractive?”
“no sunghoon you’re the most attractive in the world”
smiles at this
threatens your stylist and everyone else to coincidentally make it seem like u and him are dating
acts surprised when there’s billions of articles about you two now
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𖠗 김선우 | kim sunoo.
he literally scoffs when he sees all the comments under ur tiktok
guys this is so random but i feel like he would make a secret account and somewhat hate on u and whoever ur being shipped with
would comment stuff like “what? no they don’t look good together” or replies to people and starts mini arguments
he’s still doing this even when you come home
so when you hear him constantly scoffing at his phone and aggressively typing
you ask him what he’s doing and he’s like, “don’t worry”
but this continues for too long so you check and see and you’re like, “kim sunoo????”
then he realises and he’s like :0 “sorry, but but seeing people ship you two was so annoying”
you just hug him and remind him how fans can be
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𖠗 양정원 | yang jungwon.
is high-key so sad when he sees the stuff coming up about you and another idol
he tries to hide it bc he thinks he’s overreacting but eventually
he just tells you how he’s feeling
and then just rants about how silly fans are
another one who does something sneaky like asking his managers to do content with your group and his group
which works and he makes so many attempts at videos that fans can edit and say you guys would make a good couple to
“you did this on purpose didn’t you?” you’d ask bc ur not DUMB
and he would just smirk like “what makes you say that, baby???”
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𖠗 西村力 | nishimura riki.
he’s like sunghoon and heeseung a bit
hes sulky but hes also like “they’re not better than me, babe”
i think niki would be continuously watching stuff about you and the other idol
to the point where you’d have to take his phone away and cuddle him
he just melts in your cuddles bc he’s quite sad that this stuff is going to be around him all the time
and since he’s so young, the instructions he’s given are to stay out of this stuff for as long as possible
so he does as he’s told even though it’s hurtful
but when you get opportunities with enha, you make it obvious that it’s niki you want to spend the most time with
it’s not long before fans start shipping you two which makes riki so so happy
he probably suspects u do this to make him happy which only makes him love u more
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satoruhour · 9 months
this with satoru. omgomgom—
a/n: fem!reader, discussions of unprotected sex, oral f! receiving, finger sucking, creampie & breeding, cum eating, jealous gojo. link to post here also anon ur mind >>>>>
oh OH OH .. OKAYYYYYY ok to start off he’s clingy as fuck to begin with so im not even sure why youd dare to flirt with gojo satoru’s girl … erm! but anyway theres prob this kyoto teacher slash sorcerer who was just posted to the region and hes nice and all …. utahime says hes leagues above gojo but also bc she just rlly fuckin hates him LMFAO. paired with the fact that gojo has an affinity to fuck at public events just cause u look so damn good in that black dress he picked out for you. but oh boy that sorcerer has insanity coming just by talking to gojo satoru’s girl !!!!
ur bf also is … possessive as hell. youve tried to tell him to not scare off random guys (or girls) who come up to you and ask you for ur number but he just . likes to scare them off. usually you’d be there to calm the situation down too cause if u were not that man will go CRAZY. ok but anyway! you already know whats in store when gojo saunters up to the two of you with drink in hand (apple cider) in hand and a hand curls around your waist and hes just like “sorry, can i steal your conversation partner”
you thought it was bc of the black dress but it’s the jealousy and suddenly everything makes sense and youre teasing him all the way to the bathroom. altho it’s futile cause the moment the lock clicks and you’re turned around and pushed up against the counter. good luck holding onto the installed racks of the sink bc he goes to his knees and eats you out like no other. gojo uses his jealousy and the lust he has for you and puts it all into his tongue
“he wishes he could taste my sweet pussy,” he basically makes out with your cunt as youre trying to keep your voice down, “what he doesnt know is that my girl gets wet for me and me only” WHEEEEW hes angry and he makes sure your pussy gets all the heat. makes you cum one, two, three times and hes sure the event’s at their dessert course right now while he still has you moaning and grinding into his mouth. now youre up on the sink’s counter, and him on his knees but he stops your orgasm just as you were reaching your high and he has to fuck you now or else he’ll die. gojo isnt even sure how he manages to survive with his throbbing cock
and it’s rough when he slams into you from behind the first time that ur moans echo in the bathroom teehee, gojo only grins, “that good, huh? not so eager to talk to other guys now, are you?” and you want to protest but he doesnt let you, shoving two fingers into your mouth and you whimper around it, basically grabbing at his wrist to suck on his fingers like u would to his cock. 
hes torn between being rough and soft to you when youre so clueless about the effect u have on people. gojo holds onto your shoulders and just speeds up making you limp over the bathroom counter and you dont seem to care about the moans any more. his dirty talk is crazy as always
“yeah… hear that? fucking slut dripping all over my cock”, “who’s making you feel this way, hm? who’s fucking you so deep?”, “pretty baby looks so stunnin’ in her black dress talking to some sorcerer … but she looks better stuffed.”
you giggled a little at that one but you have no time to catch ur breath bc hes cumming deep in you and oh my god you arent sure if hes just fuelled by adrenaline or WHAT but he cums so so much in u it gets you dizzy. as with satoru.
“fuck… made to take my cum, yeah?” and he makes sure you know it bc he is immediately hooked when he removes his cock and you’re trying to keep it in yet there’s globs of cum that leave ur pussy and drips to the floor HAHREBW gojo fucking loses it and has to fuck you again until you’re full of his cum.
“look at me in the mirror as i breed you, sweetheart.”, “feel that? got s’much cum jus’ for you”, “ wanna feel this pussy ‘round me until i can’t any more. don’t think little mr. kyoto over there could fuck you this well, right?” he. is. gross. 
snaps pics of ur cum filled cunt after. youre spent, leaning over the counter and exhausted and catching your breath and your eyes widen in panic when gojo gets to his knees again and latches his mouth onto your soaking pussy ….. and eats the cum right outta you! disgusting filthy man oh i need him to do that to me.
the higher ups told u not to come to the next gala dinner LMAOOO
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you know i've been thinking about the consequences of malleus's actions in book 7 and i realized how much he's fucked everyone over including his grandma. bc like other than the fact that he ob'd (which literally has NEGATIVE connotations one of which being is idk ""UNSTABLE"" which isnt necessarily a good look for a crown prince is all im saying) he's literally causing terrorism (??? can you call it that idk how else to call it) which is going to setback his grandma's efforts (and lilia's and baul's, and every supporter of his and his family) in keeping peace in their kingdom and the favor of the humans towards the fae. Like. i feel so bad for grandmother draconia rn i can only imagine the stress and pressure she's under.
Then theres also aside from PHYSCIALLY compromising everyone's healths in sage island (BECAUSE THE MAJORITY ARE HUMANS OR AT LEAST THEY DONT LIVE AS LONG AS THE FAE). He's also fucked everyone mentally twice over!!!! By booting them straight into a world where none of their problems exist. Now that wouldnt sound bad if it weren't for the fact that dreams have to end, and life isnt kind. It rarely ever is, and i can only imagine how distraught i would be if i were to say, hypothetically lost someone a year before and the wound is so fresh and raw and, in my dreams, they never died and everything is okay, then i wake up and realize that it was just that. A dream, they are still gone and i wish i never woke up which would be a LITERAL DEATH SENTENCE. This isnt just an event that takes place in NRC either BUT THE WHOLE ISLAND and that domain is GROWING, GROWING. I can't imagine just how many would be so emotionally ruined after this. Like.....
If Malleus does not suffer the consequences of his actions istg i will be so pissed, at least REMOVE HIM FROM THE PREMISE OR SOMETHING GODDDDDDD this cannot be remedied with a slap on the hand!!!!!
(Note: Sorry for the long rant. I felt the need to get this out of my chest bc i dont mind malleus's archetype actually nor do i actually hate him, bc i enjoy him interacting w other characters a lot (my fave ever vigenette is him giving deuce the equivalent of minecraft diamon for fixing a retrobit gaming toy) BUT GOD DOES HE MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL)
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Yeah, I do feel like the scale of Malleus's actions cannot be understated. I know it's kind of a fandom joke that the OB boys are left off with a slap on the wrist + maybe some social ramifications at school, but this is the ONE time in the main story where things are getting super big and the effects could be cripplingly long-lasting.
I don't know if TWST will seriously address the consequences after book 7, but I sure hope they do!! There is a lot of interesting ground to cover (many points which this anon has already brought up) in a follow-up main story arc or the next book.
For example:
Malleus obviously has to regain the trust of his peers and staff. He didn’t really have it before but now has to work twice as hard to make connections since he just took a drastic action that confirmed the rumors some were already spreading about how he’s a monster.
He’s the sole heir to the throne and has just betrayed the trust of the people of Briar Valley. How are they feeling about him now? Do they still trust him to lead them?
How does this impact their relations with other countries (since Malleus himself stresses how he represents Briar Valley)? This is a problem visible on a global scale, and surely this would damage their rep with other nations, particularly the predominantly human ones. It’s setting back what is hundreds of years of trying to fix the broken trust between their races.
Malleus’s UM potentially puts his victims in physical harm; in book 7, Ortho suggests that since everyone is sleeping, their bodies are not getting the food or water they need. As a result, they may physically waste away and then perish. (We have seen that there are sleep blessings that keep people sleeping for hundreds of years without detriment to the blessed though, such as the one cast on Silver—so we cannot be entirely sure if Ortho’s theory is correct or not.)
There is the possibility that Malleus’s dreams may traumatize or retraumatize his victims, particularly those with deep rooted troubles. An example of this is Idia, who had suffered the loss of his brother when he was like… 8 years old??? But then in his dream, Idia is living a happy false reality that Ortho never died. When he finally comes to this realization, he has to relive the trauma of the discovery all over again and breaks down sobbing. We also see in the most recent book 7 update that Vil had to face the evilest aspects of himself and a dark reality; Rook became very emotional upon waking himself. Admittedly, Idia and co. coped with it well enough—this is proof of their character development and the strength of the new friendships they’ve formed. However, all the people on Sage’s Island/Twisted Wonderland may not react so positively or be so accepting of their cruel realities.
Again, just the overall moral dilemma of one person robbing all of Sage’s Island (and soon all of Twisted Wonderland) of their autonomy.
Potential extra work for STYX and whichever countries Malleus’s magic manages to spread to (repairing any physical damage caused by the thorns + mental damage done to those that fell asleep). That’s money, time, and resources that aren’t going toward other everyday endeavors.
How will Malleus himself mentally and emotionally cope with what he has done? Is he going to show remorse and shame? How does he plan on rectifying his actions, if at all?
Will this change how his dorm members + family view him? For example, will Sebek become disillusioned with his liege/realize Malleus is not as perfect as he seems? Will Maleficia blame herself for not being there for Malleus? Will Lilia feel guilty for not teaching Malleus right from wrong? Etc, etc, etc.
I’d honestly love to read all of these! 🤔 It would add a lot to the lore and history of Twisted Wonderland, as well as serve as motivators for Malleus to change, “be better”, and actually earn the respect he’s so used to being handed by default. This would be huge for him, especially seeing as he has not really faced significant backlash or consequences for any other missteps he was responsible for or involved in. (I know I bring this one up a lot, but Endless Halloween Night is one such major example.)
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saintforan · 2 months
Well now that you made it MLB I have to chant this, LOVE SQUARE LOVE SQUARE LOVE SQUARE. You know, for the extra brain rot. The fun dynamic of getting to draw two idiots pining and blushing around their crush in different scenarios without ever knowing.
ur so real for that anon, i won't lie, the love square is the main thing that got me HOOKED into MLB LMAOO so yea have it for sure that theres a love square here, and it takes the same direction as the series, although their dynamics are a lil bit different from it: made this chart to explain it better LOL
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Down here is a bit of story about how they crushed on each other ir you are interested:
(im sorry for the amount of rambling that ur about to read here)
dogday crushed on catnap the day they met, nap joined the same hs dogday was in as a new student and dogday recognized him as this famous and rich engineer's (prototype cof cof) son, said son was well known to be the face of said engineer's company, and also was an insanely gifted and smart teenager. Well, another one of his atributes, although shadowed by his brain, was his very handsome and elegant appearance, so lets just say he was VERY attractive to dogday, and that made him interested, but it wasnt a full crush, yet.
Later on the day they both stayed late at hs for different reasons (long story short, dogday was on a club, catnap was finishing his admission process) and came out of it at the same time, catnap was waiting for someone to pick him up and dogday took it as oportunity to talk to him, cause catnaps cold robot-like personality was characteristic of him, but he wondered what his actual personality was like, so it's worth the try!
He went over to him and engaged into conversation, during this talk they realized they were unintentionally matching necklaces and well, that made them become friends easily, after this they became really good friends as they, although didn't have a lot in common, understood each other very well, and well after actually talking to him dogday developed a very big fat crush on catnap as he got to know he was actually really sweet when talking to a friend. From there on they became really really close, eventually they became best friends and dogdays crush on catnap got bigger the more he got to know him.
As for catnap, dogday was his first friend ever, all his life he was homeschooled because of his father wanting a child as smart as him that could inherit his company, and therefore never got to make any friends as he got basically forced to became insanely smart, he got sent to highschool because his father realized that his child didn't have any good social skills (not that his father considered that important, but he wanted his successor to be able to be a leader and without social skills thats impossible lol) and therefore sent him to study people lol.
When dogday came to him and they became friends he became very attached to him emotionally (sadly not in a romantic way) and therefore became best friends.
Now going into them as heroes! (If you read all the way here, I'm sorry for this amount of lore)
im going to refer to them as BC Catnap and LB dogday as i still dont know what their hero names should be lol (BC for black cat and LB for ladybug)
BC Catnap's crush on LB dogday is very much the same as the og chat noir and ladybug dynamic, but in this case BC Catnap crushed WAY harder than chat noir, to not make this post any longer, basically BC Catnap liked LB dogday on their first mission, he became attracted to the way LB dogday's hability as hero was, he admired him very much and that admiration evolved into romance bc at one point on their first mission, BC catnap got into a pretty dangerous situation and LB dogday saved him risking his own life, and after the mission was done LB dogday was pretty concerned for his well-being and handled him very carefully, and well, in poor catnaps life no one had cared for him that much before, so he fell for LB dogday's soft caring personality + the admiration he had for him before, he basically became LB dogday's N1 fanboy lmao.
From there on he became very flirty with LB dogday (the plagg effect strikes again, making his holders become sassier and flirtier) and he was very obvious with his feelings, LB dogday found the constant flirting annoying and therefore only considers BC catnap his work buddy cause he finds him way too annoying to be his friend, although with time they do became closer, and they start telling each other a bit about their personal lives without revealing their identities (Ex: LB dogday telling BC catnap about how hes crushed with his best friend ever since they met but although he pursues him romantically he doesn't want to push anything so he doesnt ruin their friendship, no, BC catnap doesnt mind that LB dogday is crushed on someone else, for him LB dogday is the crush he will love with all his heart no matter what bc he alr knows his feelings arent reciprocated, and hes alr with that but he keeps the flirting cause thats how he likes to be with his crush lol)
theres a lot more to this but this post is already REALLY LONG so i'll just keep till here
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comet-forgot-you · 5 months
heyy idk if you're taking requests, but could you write River x reader where she's more dominant?? and maybe reader is more feminine?? I'm obsessed with River...
ofc bae, kinda hard to write for fem reader bc im more masc, so if this is bad im so sorry :[
dealer!river x fem!reader
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summary: river loves leaving you hanging, but she just thinks you’re so hot :(
warnings: 18+ pls, smut, strap use, top!river, orgasm denial, marijuana use, fingering, oral, teasing, river takes a picture, rivers a lil mean. like a lot a little. lots of cursing idk, lmk if theres more! do not repost this work as your own.
a/n: this took me so long to write lol, im sorry anon 😭. i kinda dont like this, i tried im sorry. anyway i kept accidentally writing amber instead of river and i literally don’t know why. enjoy :D
the air of river’s room was humid, the sounds of you panting being the only thing heard over the blaring music of the ongoing party outside of the room was the sounds of your pants and river’s endless remarks.
“gonna cum? already? we haven’t even been here that long,” her strap is bottomed out in you as she whispers the words mockingly in your ear. you whine against her jaw, hips struggling to keep up with the quick pace river had set.
"m' sorry," your words are slurred, thoughts jumbled together, the only thing the actually makes sense in the moment is river.
river chuckles, pulling back to get a better look at you. "what? my cock making you feels so good you can't even speak properly?" she asks mockingly, rolling your nipples between her fingers.
“riv.. please lemme,” your sentence is cut off by a shaky exhale. “lemme cum. please, riv.” a knock comes from the door and you hold back the cry that threatens to escape as river halts her movements and pushes herself off of you.
“what?” she yells, head snapping to the door. she glances down at you, your eyes brimming with tears, hips trying to grind down on the strap still nestled inside of you.
“you have a client,” a voice yells from the other side. river holds your hips down, your head shaking “no”
you knew how this would play out. river would be a huge fucking tease all night, hands crawling up the skirt she picked out, whispering dirty words in your ears, kisses on all the spots she knew drove you insane. you knew that if you didnt cum now, you wouldn’t until everyone left.
“please, river, don’t- fuck,” river’s thrust into you, your own moan cuts your words off.
“i’ll be right there,” she yells back. your eyes widen and river’s lips curl up into a mocking smile. “be a good girl, yeah? get dressed and join the party,” she mumbles. she pulls out of you and you whimper out at the emptiness.
“riv,” you whine her name, hoping to draw her back in. her eyes never leave yours, that stupid smile doesnt leave as she tucks the strap back into her pants.
she leans down, pressing kisses from your thighs to your jaw. “cmon, baby, dont wanna make the customer wait forever now, do we?” she pulls back slightly, her face so close to yours, you want nothing more than to kiss her. she grabs something off of her bed, and once she starts strapping it to your thigh, you know what shes about to ask you. “hold this for me, hmm?” its not really a question, though. you know she’ll tuck the lighter into the thigh garter whether or not you say yes or no.
shes off of you in seconds, heading to the door and looking back at you with that stupid smile. you groan. god was it going to be a long night.
river’s endless teasing and “innocent” words had you dripping. the cotton covering your cunt was stuck to your folds. you hated how much of a tease she was. every single movement she made had your head spinning with want.
even now as you sat on the couch, room filled with guards that were there solely to make sure things didnt go south, your legs draped across river’s thighs, she was still teasing you. hands trailing against the soft fat of your thighs, that pit in your stomach had yet to cool down, there was no way you could wait until the end of the night for her to fuck you.
river reaches into her pocket, taking out a small cigarette case she put joints in instead. she looks at you for what feels like the first time since you left her room. “you got a light, baby?” its a dumb question, really. she knew you had one, after all, she was the one who had tucked it into the thigh garter. you nod and river wastes no time sneaking her hand under your skirt to fish the lighter out.
she acts as if there werent eyes on her at all times. she brushes against your clothed cunt and it takes everything in you not to whimper at the feeling. she quickly grabs the lighter before removing her hand and lighting the joint hanging loosely from her lips.
you cant focus on the words she says to the client, only on the movements she makes. the way her jaw flexes as she clenches when the man makes a stupid remark, the way she stares him down like hes nothing, like he cant do anything. everything about her radiates so much power and confidence.
as soon as the guy leaves, you press yourself up against river, hand on her thigh as you lean in to whisper in her ear. “need you s’ bad, mamas. need you t’ fill me up again. please? i’ll be so good i promise.” your words are filthy, but every word was the truth. you knew exactly what buttons to push to make river fold. you knew that if you kissed her jaw, or left marks across her neck, she’d do anything you asked of her. so you did exactly that. holding her jaw with your free hand, you leave a cluster of red marks that would soon bloom to a shade of purple. river grips your thigh, a rush of hear spreading throughout both of your bodies.
“god, y’know just how to rile me up, dont you. so fuckin’ needy.” you smile against her neck.
“cant help it, mamas,” you mumble. the name makes her close her mouth to prevent the groan that threatens to escape. but you feel the vibrations against your lips. she stands, guiding you out of the room, leading you through the crowded hallways to her room.
your back is against the door in an instant, her lips against yours as she tries to undo the belt around her waist with one hand, her other eagerly groping at your tit. you whine at her neediness, it matches your own and your hands fly to the belt to try and help her. your kisses are so messy and hungry, its hard to think about much of anything else. you manage to unbuckle the belt and slide her pants off. she makes quick work of undressing you, guiding the two of you to her bed. her strap pressed against your clothed cunt and your moaning against her lips.
“fuck, river please just,” you groan, arching up into her as her lips attach to your nipple, “jus’ fuck me, mamas please. need you t’ fill me up,” you a whining mess. amber pulls your soaked panties down your legs before parting your legs to look at the mess between your thighs.
“fuck, you’re so fucking wet, y/n. were you that fucking needy for me?” you whine, trying to close your legs, but her hands keep them spread. “nuh-uh, you don’t get to hide it now. not when you begged me to fuck you in front of my guys,” she sounds so mean, you swallow thickly, worried you had genuinely upset her. but the way she wraps her lips around your throbbing clit, you know its not genuine. your moans echo off of the walls, you slap a hand over your mouth to muffle your sounds, hyperaware of the crowd of people just outside of the doors.
two of her fingers sink into your cunt, her other hand pulling your hand away from your mouth. “don’t do that, let them all hear how good im fucking you. let em know you’re mine.” she laces her fingers with yours, her lips returning to wrap around your clit. her fingers curl up into your cunt and your fingers lace into her hair.
“fuck, river!” your hips are bucking up into her her warm mouth. “gon’ cum, you feel so good.” she squeezes your hand, and your gushing around her fingers. she’s quick to lap up your juices before standing to tower over you. she presses her fingers against your lips and you take them in your mouth to suck your juices off of them. shes rolling your nipples between her fingers, her strap prodding at your entrance. you buck against it, your cunt sensitive after the orgasm river had just given you.
“need you to fill me up river,” her voice is mocking your previous words. “need you so bad, god im just such a fucking slut i just cant wait for you to fill me up,” her words cause tears to prickle in your eyes. did you really sound like that? were you really that needy? her strap pushes into you, her lips wrapping around the plush of your tits to leave marks that she’d be taking so many pictures of later. the familiar stretch of your cunt has any thoughts of insecurity rushing out of your mind in an instant.
“riv,” you whine out at her slow pace.
“riv,” she mocks in a high pitched voice. “what is it baby? not enough for your needy cunt? need me to be pounding into just to be satisfied?” your eyes roll back as she bottoms out. a tear slides down your face. you cant tell if its from the pleasure or from her words. river had never been this.. mean before. you didnt mind, the pit in your stomach growing with every word.
river’s movements speed up. her strap fills you up so good, hitting spots inside of you that have you seeing stars. her mouth feels so good against your body, her hands keeping your thighs parted. “so fucking pretty,” she groans against your jaw, her breathing heavy against your skin.
“feels s’ good mamas, fuck,” your thighs shake against her hands, the coil in your stomach getting tighter and tighter with every single move river makes.
“yeah? gonna cum again? so fuckin,” she shudders when your fingers brush against her nipples, “fuck, so fucking needy. this cunt is practically sucking me in, shit,” she exhales sharply against your skin. you can tell she’s close to hitting her own high with the way her thrusts get sloppier and her breathing gets shakier
“fuck, river,” your moans are loud.
“c’mon, cum for me, go on,” your high hits just as river’s does. her strap stuffed so deep inside of you, “did s’ good,” she mumbles against your ear. “so fuckin good, shit,” shes rolling her hips against yours, trying to make both of your highs last a little longer. she lifts herself off of you, admiring the sight beneath her. “fuck,” she groans lowly.
she reaches for her phone off of the night stand, snapping a picture of you in your fucked out state. “so fuckin’ hot, baby.”
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I’m back with more request for dad!tan. Well… pre-dad!tan. How would he react to us telling him we were pregnant? Even more drama, tan gets a call in the middle of the events of the bullet train and it’s us saying that we wanted to wait until he got home but we can’t keep the secret - we’re pregnant.
Also I know I request dad!Tan a lot, could I be 🍼anon? I feel like it’s appropriate
hii!! love love it!! been thinking of you as daddy anon, so the emoji is better😭😭😭 hope you like it💌 love dad tan sm!!!
got an idea but it'll mess with the plot of the movie, but that's a good thing as that means he won't die so yay
— maybe you text him beforehand to see what he's up to and he tells you he's about to get on the train and if all goes well he should be home midday the next day. he's been away on work for the last several days, and you found out you were pregnant yesterday. usually, you tell tan everything, and since he's away, you can't. maybe it was eating you up, and since this was such big news, you NEEDED to tell him
— you start it small. trying to find out more about how long he'll be, and what time he lands. you're trying to scope out how much longer you have to contain the news for. and bc of your questioning, he gets suspicious and he'd send back "you alright? missing me too much or something?" and then you reply "yeah, miss you loads! need to tell you something but I'll wait" then he says "tell me now love. what is it?" and then you say "rather tell you in person. be safe and I'll see you when you're back" but he's not having it, so he calls you
— they'd be in their seats on the train now, so tan would leave lem with the son while he calls you
— maybe you debate declining the call, but you know tan, and you know he would just keep calling and calling til you answer. so you answer and bc you're actually speaking to him you get all emotional and teary?? you bounce around with the way you say it, seeing how this wasn't how you envisioned and he's miles and miles away. so after a little bit of his gentle pushing and his reassurance you tell him you're pregnant. he'd go quiet and you'd be saying his name, and apologise for telling him like this, and sorry for messing up his mission
— he'd tell you how that's not true and he loves you. he's just a little speechless. all he wants now is to see you and hug you, and the distance is messing with his head (he's not able to do what he wants to do, and you're at home on your own and he's in japan) says how he'll be home soon, and how happy he is about the news, but says he'll call you again later bc now theres things he needs to do
— he'd go up to lemon and tell him how they need to cut the mission short. they'd threaten and scare the son into staying on the train "you don't get off til kyoto. hear me? or we'll (idk, imagine something threatening)”
— lemon is obvs VERY happy with the news and understands why tan needs to get back
— it's late when he gets home (but it's way way earlier than planned so it's a cute surprise) he has like 5 bouquets of flowers in his arms and places them on the nightstand next to you and kneels beside the bed and gently nudges you awake, calling your name sweetly, telling you he's home
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greg-montgomery · 1 year
Okay so absolutely loving your writing sm <3
So I had this idea while, of course, scrolling down the aaron x reader tag so like you dont have to write it if you dont want to but i wanna throw this out here bc otherwise itll stay stuck in my brain
But like reader who is just,, incredibly shy? Like in social situations they put up a front and you would never expect them to be shy because theyre very present and speak up often despite almost blending in the background when quiet. But its a whole other story at home and such?
Like, Aaron notices and first thinks theyre uncomfortable with him but he slowly realizes that this is like, their love language ig and showing vulnerability? Quiet time, acts of service and such yk? Like, they always put up a front and to drop that (not entirely ofc but a decent amount of it) is just the highest form of trust bc theyve been ridiculed for being shy? And the shyness is much more present in the bedroom, especially when he praises them they just get even more shy and hes just so so gentle :(( like asking if theyre okay, going slowly and asking to see them when they hide their face but never forcing them to and just like praising them when they do and the praise kink of them just sticks its head up and its just the purest form of being together? Like, its not rough but gentle and its soft and theres really no other word than making love for it and its all just :(( and the aftercare the man would provide is just AHHH😭❤️
Oh dear im so sorry but i got sucked into the fandom and got obsessed by hotch and then your writing so- this is so long so imma shut up now but i just needed to throw it out there tbh before id explode from all the hotch ideas i have in my mind that im not writing myself or giving to any writer bc what if they think the ideas are weird or too long like rn- but anyway imma shut up have a nice day/night and hydrate <3 (also you might see more of me if you dont mind long ass rants in the middle of it like this one- if you do mind just tell me to shut up im not gonna be mad or anything <3/srs)
my sweet sweet 🧽 anon <33 this took me a while to write i'm sorry!! i hope you've been well!! i think about you a lot and i haven't forgotten the kind words you had sent to me <3 i hope you enjoy this!! (and ofc i don’t mind long rants i LOVE talking about aaron <3333)
nsfw - minors dni
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
“Can I, honey?” you heard Aaron’s words as he wrapped his hands around your wrists.
You had been covering your face as you usually did when your boyfriend went down on you. After making you finish, Aaron had made his way up again, urging you nicely to look at him.
With a nod of your head, you gave him permission to gently remove your hands from your face.
“There you are.” He smiled at you.
“Hi,” you said, softly, unable to keep yourself from smiling a little.
“Hi,” he answered, just as softly. “Do you wanna taste yourself, baby?”
“Mhm…” You nodded, staring at his chin instead of his eyes.
Your own eyes closed involuntarily, as he lowered himself and his lips touched yours. You opened your mouth, allowing his tongue to touch yours. Knowing where that tongue had been before it was inside your mouth, made you even more excited for what was coming next.
Aaron placed his hand on your hip, giving it a squeeze and then moved it down your thigh, wrapping your leg around his body. “Open them wider, sweetheart.”
Only a few moments later, Aaron was inside you, rocking his body against yours, in a pace slow enough to be considered both romantic and tormenting.
“Good?” he breathed heavily on your mouth.
“So good…”
“I love you,” he moaned, his face now buried in the crook of your neck. He left open mouthed kisses on your sensitive skin after every little whine of yours. “I love your body. I love the sounds you make. I love the way you take me like you were made for me.”
“I was,” you sighed, because you really were. There was no man in the world you’d let yourself be this vulnerable around, other than Aaron. Your Aaron.
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alloydia · 7 months
I love your art so much <3 I love how realistic it is but still embodies everybodys personality perfectly! It's so gorgeous. I especially love the PruIta and GerIta ones. Im living for how you can tell that theres more going on under the surface based on just their body language and expressions alone. Do you have any thoughts on the Feliciano's, Ludwig's and Gilbert's dynamic ? Seems theres a lot of tension between them. Also I love your Feliciano! He's still his cute canon self but seems a little more I guess aware of whats going on and what his role is? I'd love to hear your opinions on him if you dont mind sharing!
Anon it's insane how you got everything right just by looking at my contextless drawings. Yes there is more going on under the surface. Yes there is a lot of tension between them. Yes Feli is aware of what's going on.
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Though I must warn you, I don't portray Gilbert as a good person.
Here's the big picture :
Feli "I can fix Gilbert"
Gilbert "I cannot be fixed"
And Ludwig "Feliciano deserves someone better than my brother (me)"
Now of course Gilbert likes Feliciano, but sometimes he likes to control him, convincing him to do stuff, bc to him seeing Feliciano struggling is kinda "cute". I guess I made him arrogant. Meanwhile Feliciano is convinced that he could fix Gilbert.
There is a lot more going on even outside these three. But I'll leave it here for now.
I'm sorry Gilbert fans. But I like him a bit questionable. I posted my drawings contextless so everyone could fill in the gap however they want, but at the end I decided to talk about this a little bit.
Anyway thank you anon for asking. I'm so happy someone is curious about my Hetalia setting, and I am honestly surprised that you caught their hidden dynamic from expression/body language alone.
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narwhalandchill · 2 months
how are we feeling about this project amber update
assuming this is in relation to childe bc who the fuck else JWDJWJKDJKW anon im so sorry if not. also so so sorry for how out of hand this got. i am simply unwell about him.
But! Well. there certainly are thoughts
(obviously 4.6 datamine of arle SQ and her voicelines; This Will Not Spoil Anything Abt The Main SQ Plot, i only discuss the relevant parts. also some p Heavy negativity towards fanon ooc at the start youve been warned dont @ me)
(i mean i didnt even read anything of the SQ but The scene w childe so idek the main plot of the quest rly either lmao. tho go at ur own risk if u wanna check the dialogue out; its the 2nd quest log but it does hint at the greater story)
TLDR: how i feel abt his appearance in a vaccuum? quite solid despite the briefness, actually. accounting for the way fanon is 100% likely going to be reading into this and turning it into the Lets Infantilize Ajax Even More 2024 championship? conflicted.
in other words; a certified labyrinth warriors moment - theyve expanded on childes character in a very interesting and quite a compelling way and while i Do like the potential in what im seeing from hoyos end theyve also done it so that its going to be misinterpreted to hell and back by fanon so i kinda have an immediate jaded love-hate moment going on JJWJDKJDKJWJDWKJ
its literally just labyrinth warriors flashbacks - that event has some of my ALL TIME favorite insights into who ajax is and how he views the world and himself but when the event came out all everyone cared abt was to warp it into baby boy stuck in scawwy paper boy dungeon dehumanizes himself by calling himself a weapon and doesnt love himself he is such a sad trauma meowkitten 🥺🥺so yeah
bc like lets look at this properly for a bit; okay he went back to fontaine to look for skirk still somewhat injured and waa waa my 286 month infant baby cannot Make decisions like that!!!!!11! which is to say. i am tired of him getting this shit every time.
is it smart of him to get on the move immediately with just the bare minimum of rest? no. do i like that hes straining himself before proper recovery? not particularly no. do i feel the particular need to psychoanalyze this grown man and feared warrior whos 100% survived Way Worse in Way More Extreme Situations for it? hell fucking no.
while not at all the course of action a medical professional would approve of. from childes POV its perfectly logical hes priorizing going back for skirk when its literally the FIRST TIME shes showed up in like. a Decade. when hes been looking for her all this time are you kidding me 😭😭😭 but fanon must keep fanoning for their widdle baby girl so what does a hater like me know
anyway. seething and venting over im gonna try to avoid bringing up how much i hate this kinda infantilization of ajax now im sorry for bringing it up so much on ur innocent ask anon KJWDJKWKJDJDKWJKD. neutral discussion moment. i Promise
so it seems that theyre going for the pulcinella-is-shady-about-ajax (and prolly his family) angle for good and like. personally for me as long as the only real source of that claim was scara (a cynical edgelord who doesnt believe in non-exploitative human relationships, mind you) i was rather skeptical towards just instantly drawing that conclusion, but well. with the scene in arles AQ it appears to be sth theyre building towards
i actually really fucking loved that scene bc while theres outsider perspectives (scara obvi; and even arles line for him has that vibe. and ppl still take that shit face value 💀💀) and a lot of fandom assuming childes like. completely clueless and naive and ignorant towards the potential risks involved with trusting pulcinella. this is actually a very clever demonstration of quite the opposite? and showcasing how despite his aversion towards schemes and lies hes still intelligent and knows the kind of people hes dealing with when it comes to his fellow harbingers
like. childe has a negative opinion of arle based on what pulcinella has told him about her because at face value many of her deeds are in heavy conflict with his values of loyalty and family. and because he does not have the further context behind her actions and what the HotH under her is really like. Obviously hed hold a very hostile and wary view towards arlecchino
(ESPECIALLY when with all this biased intel hes still going to run into kids from the house!!! and then hes going wtf? these are good kids. what the hell is that knave doing with them??? blink twice if you need help i will start a civil war for yall like thats how he is with kids!!!!)
so YES. pulcinella has given him if not false then at least misleading intel based on the political tension between himself and arlecchino and the wider HotH. and childes taken that at face value! sure! he is close with pulcinella of course he would!
BUT. THEN. he returns to fontaine and seeks arlecchinos help looking for skirk. and observes her behavior and modus operandi for himself as well as the kids. does he go "nah she must be just hiding the crazy evil shit i would never distrust pulcinella" and leave it at that when reality doesnt completely match his expectations?
NO. because when offered the opportunity through the traveler asking about the HotH childe immediately capitalizes on the opportunity to prod for answers and see if pulcinella is lying to him!!!!
and hes so fucking smart with the way he does it too???? i LOVE his intelligence. the entire thing is so simple yet elegant; it Completely relies on his reputation as the kinda gullible harbinger whod Never scheme or hide Anything to indirectly affirm or deny his suspicions. he doesnt Need to Pretend to care about the possibility of arle betraying the kids bc he genuinely does!! and when she pushes back against the accusation he doesnt Need to fake admitting to her that well, actually, its all just rumors so he could be completely wrong. and so on. like he navigates the entire thing so effortlessly. and whats the end result?
childe has Confirmation of pulcinellas possible ulterior motives in action AND that arlecchino is a much more reliable ally than he initially assumed. all the while appearing as just The Straightforward 11th. like obviously id need to hear it voiced first to be sure but in text it v much gives the impression hes almost kinda just. playing up the threats towards arle and being "dumb" on Purpose?? to get the answers he wanted out of arle without appearing like hes fishing for anything particular. and i just hhhhhhhhhhh
i love when he does this so muchhhh!!!!!! 😭😭 he doesnt need to become some machiavellian schemer to be able to strategize !!!!!! he avoids scheming bc he Dislikes it not bc hes incapable of it like this has Always been the case Since Liyue AQ and i love whenever they show that side of himm . my Beloved
so anyway. while i do still think the like "pulcinella is bad and has his family hostage" is still kind of a generic plotline and i hope the writing regarding the whole thing wont ultimately turn out to be sth That simplified and black and white. its p clear theyre doing Something with pulcinellas motivations and as they are. im Really glad theyre letting it show that childes not just some completely passive party being manipulated in this all. he Is thinking abt this stuff and his position among the harbingers. ig we shall see where it goes - not the greatest fan of the concept still, but canon text supports it becoming a thing way more than when it was just scaras word we had for it. hope theyll surprise me positively w how they go about it!
then briefly for the rest uhh
also loved arle and childe just shittalking the rest of the harbingers it was amazing. i wasnt expecting this kinda dynamic between them at all but its great lmao. also i wanna see childe hang out w the HotH kids
as for project stuzha; so we dont really get anything solid on it other than being summoned back to snezhnaya for it is apparently a Big Deal. but still very interested. let my man have his endgame significance Trust
childes appearance was obviously v brief ultimately but that was clear from his leaked linecount to begin with - i am pretty satisfied with what they seem to have done w him. like its not The Best but also i wasnt expecting his lore to get some massive expansion in another harbingers SQ . the worst i feared was that it was just going to be a flashback of arle returning his vision which did Not happen so massive W. i am super hyped to hear this scene voice acted proper and happy to see him again, i really hope he gets to appear at least once more in an interlude or dains quest or something before going on hiatus again but idk if thats too much to ask LKKWJDJWDJWD
also: i am never changing my namecard after this patch drops. oh my godddddddd its So Fucking Beautiful 😭😭😭😭
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But. Yeah. lots of good stuff. unfortunately lots of it will get misinterpreted and fanon will get obnoxious about it. but i still love getting to see him again and i am speedrunning that namecard day fucking one mutuals and/or followers in EU please add me (UID 711090267) ill need coop buddies for the world bosses
thank youuuuuuu for the ask i hope this monstrosity of a monologue doesnt scare u off 💀💀💀
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willowser · 1 year
willow!! same anon as before but im in love w step dad touya i swear!!! his understanding - or lack really - of a parent/child relationship 😭 so he says love you to baby girl and shes beaming and hes looking at you bc theres so much love in your house and he doesnt know what to do tbh! hes never had that! and you're beaming too, looking just like your baby!! omg the thought of him squishing baby girl's cheeks i adore him! 🥹 and the swell of love makes him message fuyumi late at night, nothing much to begin with, just a simple 'hey how are you?' but its enough!! bc even though someone else's kid is so so different from one's own siblings, you and your daughter are showing touya that yes he does know how to love and care!! and he'll pass it onto his siblings bc there's a silly thought that he can redeem himself if he can prove it to them too <3 ee so sorry for the long rambly asks!!
him. messaging fuyumi. dead and dying.
i'm imagining touya and baby-girl on the couch watching some kid movie, just him at your house because you've taken a much needed night out with your friends. and touya really tried to put her to bed earlier, but — he's a goddamn pushover; all it took was a little pleading, a little promising, and then they were splitting a grilled cheese and some juice.
hey, he thinks, at least he didn't give her all of it.
but then comes the time when she's finally passed out, head lolled back, mouth all open as she snores. and touya is beyond ready to lay down in your bed, so the minute he can, he's hopping up from the couch and scooping the kid up in his arms, adjusting her so she's not flinging around everywhere.
and she's seven. not too young, not a baby, but when he enters her quiet room — with her purple curtains and mermaid night-light; her flower rug and massive doll playhouse — he feels a bit serene. he's hugging her to his chest so her head doesn't hang and she's instinctively turned her face into his shirt, and — it's just them.
touya, who never would have dreamed himself in this position, didn't think he wanted it, and now he's being trusted to watch your kid, your everything. now he's holding her carefully and tucking her into her bed and now he's watching as she blinks softly at him.
"love you dabi," she whispers, and she doesn't even care if he answers back; she just says it, because she does, and then she yawns and turns over in her bed.
touya sits on the couch in silence for a long time after that, watching the princess movie play out, and when it's over, he calls his sister without hesitation.
of course she picks up all worried, at this time of night. "touya? is everything okay? are you okay?"
and he rolls his eyes at her, because she's so dramatic. "everything's fine, calm down. a guy can't call his sister every now and then?"
"...touya, you never call me out of the blue."
"well," he shrugs even though she can't see it, "how's it goin'?"
and they talk for a little while, about this and that. catch up on her job and how his sobriety is going, if he's talked to their dad lately, if he's going to. how mom's doing, when natsuo is coming home next, what their plans are as a family for the next holiday.
how his relationship is going.
he's trying to think of how to explain it to her. there's something he wants to ask, but he doesn't even know what it is, how to word it. what he wants to know. he just feels — lost, when it comes to you and your baby-girl and all the love you both have. he's missing something, he thinks, and he needs his sister to explain it to him because she's a goddamn know-it-all.
but headlights flash across the windows and the front door opens slowly, revealing a only-slightly disheveled you. touya snorts at the sight, how you're sort of swaying on your feet, the excitement on your face at seeing he's still awake.
"it's goin' good," he tells her, grinning as you kick of your shoes and loudly whisper 'honey, i'm home!'. "it's goin' really good, fuyumi."
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yongislong · 2 years
intimate moments + 127
wc/genre: 2,010k... fluff, domestic, angsty?? suggestive? mayhaphs. established relationships with nonidol!127. not proofread oof
cw/note: no cws i dont think but lmk! ty for requesting anon! requests are always open btw hehe! but YUUPP yknow what time it is my first 127 headcannons muahaha so here we go :> mark and haechan are in the dreamies post. i used and and like a lot im SORRY LMFAO but tysm for the support :") i was surprised people liked my other stuff sm! im quite insecure about the way i wrote bc.. i write how i talk haha, its kind of a mess. i wish i could make my posts a lot cuter and stuff but school is tiring, i appreciate all of your love lately though, this was all for myself and first bc i was going through it but im glad people enjoy it! sorry this is so long i just wanted to let yall know a bit more abt me! :D
taeil… cooking: GOD im having taeil brainrot bc he was on that baby show, and him ripping that crab with his bare hands.... sickening. bc UGH he is such husband material. imagining you both in the kitchen cooking and he's genuinely such a menace and you cant hear the music you suggested to play, anymore bc his smooching noises are so LOUD and suddenly the homemade pho you were both attempting to make while wearing matching aprons is on the verge of being forgotten lol. you finally give in after much name calling from him and let him press your cheeks together to give you a wet, loud smooch on your forehead. theres something about cooking to taeil thats so personal and adult-y to him. like oh my god here you both are, sitting in your VERY cute shared apartment, sharing a very nice bowl of noodles as the roses he planted now lay in a small mint green vase on your tiny dining room table. its something about the domesticity of working on something together, enjoying yourselves while doing it AND getting to eat the end product of said hard work, that he finds incredibly fullfilling. sitting across the love of his life. another thing he likes to do is prop his feet next to your right thigh on your chair and you do the same. you guys have your legs resting on each others chairs under the table. sometimes he pulls on the skin of your calf and when you complain you haven't shaven he rolls his eyes and seems to swat your words out of the air in front of him. long story short he just watches you ramble on about your day at work, until he stares for too long and hasn't realized you're practically shaking the life out of him because he never answered your questions about whether or not he gave brina and brita their fish food
johnny... sharing a book: johnny pegs me as someone who's super patient! maybe he's not bc... parasocial relationships LOL but in his interactions with everyone else, like that one jcc where mark doesn't want frozen yogurt and he was so nice abt it! but similarly to renjun, its nice to share something in bed but also both be consuming the same content yknow? he also seems to me like the type of guy who, likes to finish something before moving on to the next big thing WHICH means.... you spending about 5 months going through the entire percy jackson series PFTT. but its SOO GOOD and you both get so into it and after you finish the first two books you immediately both skip lectures or work the next day just to watch the movies and you both lose your minds at how bad they are TT. but yes its such a nice time to unwind! he loves having you lay between his legs, head on his collarbone as his arms circle around your torso to lay the book on your hipbone. he always waits for you to finish before he turns the page ofc! he also bought a little reading light that can be clipped on the the binding of the outside of the book and illuminate the pages in case reading went on a lot longer than expected. the bookmark that holds your place in the story was a polaroid picture of you sleeping HOWEVER it got replaced to a picture of you looking thru a glass of wine and it makes your face look all warped and funny lol. johnny always smiles when he sees it so its a good way to begin reading time hehe. kinda obvious but his body heat + his room + the smell of his lingering cologne on his sheets is chefs kiss, extra points if the apartment still smells like coffee from this morning OR the bottle of red wine he opened that sits on the nightstand </3
taeyong... customizing clothes together: GODDDD ya'll would be the most well dressed couple ever dude. yong is so creative, and i sense that he would want his partner to share his same taste at least when it comes to clothes and art! this isn't something you both do often bc... life lol but it started when you were cleaning out your shared closet. both sprawled on the floor, as you begin complaining about how you've both found pieces of clothing that you felt guilty about throwing away. then! yong suggests going to the craft/vintage store to see if theres any way to up-cycle what you've found. so thats how you spend the summer weekend. sat on the plush fuchsia rug in your living room, surrounded by denim, fabric squares, 80s brooches, lace, ribbon, etc etc as you spend the humid and sticky afternoon binging nana while you both sit in creative/comfortable silence, gluing and pining and sewing things to various articles of clothing. its SO cozy, funk music plays from the mini speaker you guys co-own and at the end of the task, you give each other a private fashion show styling your new clothes! he adores watching you pretend to model and eggs you on sm "y/n you need to consider doing this for real, everything looks good on you its not fair," this day is something that you both remember for a while. there were shared childhood stories, insecurities, dreams and you both were so much more vulnerable because there was something to distract yourselves with. the night ends in an absolute destruction of your living room floor, but accompanied with a cuddle session in his bed, the sounds from the ceiling fan and his heart beat almost make you sleepy, almost missing his whispered compliments and soft neck kisses.
yuta... hair: ok i know this is super vague but as a fellow scorpio who loves doing things to their hair, theres nothing more i want in life than someone to be able to do those things with! like ugh late night hair salon time with yuta, yup. this goes along so well with trust as well. i mean he's letting you cut, dye and style his hair and vice versa. i feel like he'd be with someone who's more edgy and this would be such a raw moment for you as a couple LIKE you're changing each other's appearances and its a time of patience. listening is extremely important as well and whenever you go through a new hair phase, sitting down at the sink and soaking up what the other has to say and practically baring their souls out while the bleach is very much stinging the top of his scalp is really fascinating LMAO, needless to say you guys aren't the typical couple, but it works. the amount of understanding and empathy you've both adopted for one another is lovely! and not to mention is super cute when yuta crinkles his nose, his teeth peeking out just a bit from the opening of his lips, because he absolutely needed a blonde wolf cut and hair is very much getting all over his face. in moments like this he doesn't think he would trade your adorable and super hot according to him concentration face. ALSOOO angsy, hot, jrock inspired couple photos are a must and yes, everyone on campus is jealous.
doyoung... driving: CORNYY BOOO yes ik, but guys? him driving, in that domestic ass button up and black thick rimmed glasses. he needs to be in jail bc he absolutely would be that bf to throw rocks at your window even though, yes you live together and yes its an apartment complex but, he wants you to feel that super giddy like, puppy bunny love again and he almost brought a boombox to play to play head over heels by tears for fears but... too much according to jaehyun lol. so anyways he loves late night drives with you. or any drives really! his favorites are a combination of picking you up late night from work and getting to hear all the drama whilst you guys eay in-n-out in the parking lot. and listen, im not trying to push the doyoung medical student agenda but... i 100% am and his reasoning for these late nights is because he's soooo busy! he feels guilty he doesn't take you out to nicer places and you always have to reassure him that anywhere he goes with you, is automatically a win in your books. its moments like these where he really grasps how lucky he is. oh wow.... you really do love him and it FREAKS him out in the best way. every night always ends sappy bc he's so GROSS geez. he's such a romantic in a way you would never expect. he's not cheesy or arrogant about loving you, and he never considers it something he has to do either. he just fully, truly and honestly wants to worship the ground you walk on. DON'T even get me started on drive-in movies omg. basically his cherry red car is your safe space lol </3
jaehyun... record swapping: tha music man muahaha. my heart tells me you both met in a vintage record store AHH, he saw you and his heart physically ached like when you see a pretty person in public, yeah but x 100 like he got the wind knocked out of him and he fucking drops, the stack of chet baker records he had on hand and his ears look like red bell peppers and he wants to crawl away until you rush over not like run but brisk walking? lol as you help him pick up all the vinyls he dropped.you noticed in between the pile of 50s music he had a limited edition vinyl of on of your favorite bands and that had you whipping your head up and noticing how soft he looked all flushed and dimples peaking out from the thin line on his lips. definition of he fell first but you fell harder ESPECIALLY on ya'll's second/third date. he invited you over to his house and requested you to bring your best albums. AND GODDDD the date was... truly when you fell harder for him. you spent the night swapping albums aka baring your souls and sitting on his kitchen counter as he paces back and forth in front of you as he goes on a tangent about his favorite artist. its like the world slows down and you both leave that date with a new record from the other and a notion that you were definitely falling in love with each other
jungwoo... bubble baths: GAAHHH TT. tell me, that jungwoo wouldn't adore relaxing with a full on bubble bath with you. and i'm talking like bubblegum flavored soap, bath bombs, dried flowers, candles, mood lighting???? its too good. after the first couple of times you've done it, he learns your habits and favorite smells as well as the right way to position you in the tub bc he takes up sm of it LOL. and if you're both tall... you make it work! hehe. but DUDE once he learns how to juggle this intimate activity LMFAO he buys stuff specifically for your sunday reset bubble baths OMG, like that board that stands across the tub just so he can set his laptop on it. yes its just bc he wants to watch disney movies and real house wives while unwinding haha. he's so sweet though, being all pretty with his skin a little glowy because of the steam coming from the water, his eyebrows brush up from when he swiped water on his eyes and his eyes twinkling once he stacks a bunch of bubbles on your head in a makeshift crown. he likes to give u bubbly shoulder kisses BOOOOOOO yes im jealous bc he's perfect and OFC he picks out the perfect pjs and warms them up in the dryer and sits you on the bathroom counter just so he can do your skincare for you </3
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antiendovents · 27 days
// vent, medical ableism
tldr; my fucking DOCTOR is pro-endo and her source is a dumbass paper that proves nothing and now my healthcare is at risk!!
just had my appointment with my gender wellness doctor. she asked how i've been and i mentioned finding a 2nd therapist for specific stuff. she asked what and i said dissociative disorders. i wanted to be vague but she pressed me to talk about it and reluctantly i talked about having alters and answered her questions bc i struggle with saying no.
i told her i was ok with doing an adverse childhood experiences scale but that i had stuff i wanted to talk about (like my hrt not being at the pharmacy for months) she said "we'll get to it".
after the assessment she asked abt it causing distress and she was talking about how in the office they use the term "plural identities" i said that was fine but that its still a disorder. she was like "disorder is negative" and compared it to how it used to be called gender identity disorder (comparing the two as if she has any place to talk on it, being cis and a singlet) but its better to use "plural identities"
i was like "thats fine as long as its still seen as a disorder and caused by trauma" and she was like "no its not always caused by trauma" and i straight up said "do you have a source for that?" and she was like "google my husbands name" and i did and THEN she moved on to my actual issues with struggling to get hrt for months.
the whole time after i had to mask how i was feeling so i could get basic healthcare. after she hung up i burst into tears. its been like 10 min and im still crying and feel sick. ive had doctors say they dont know what DID/OSDD-1 is before. ive had them say DID is a personality disorder. ive never had anything like this before and i feel unsafe. the fucking endo community IS affecting healthcare. i dont feel like i can ever talk to a doctor about this stuff again. she completely talked over me and then moved on like it was nothing
btw this is the stupid study her husband worked on. read it and its not even PROVING ANY OF WHAT SHE SAID. its just "oh well some people THINK theyre plural and of course disordered people have to be miserable so if you like ur alters they must be magically there!" and was from the plural association. its fucking disgusting this is being used as fact when theres nothing but subjective opinion.
i genuinely think im going to go to planned parenthood from now on. i cant work with her anymore. its been 2? maybe more years of working with her but im done. im sorry to ramble so much. im still having a breakdown over this.
-arachnid anon
im really sorry about that arachnid anon. That sucks and if you can we hope you manage to get a new doctor because she is clearly causing you distress. This really sucks, I feel like endos don't always realise how dangerous this stuff can be for actual systems. If doctors don't see it as a disorder then they won't treat it as such, meaning you won't get the help you need and you won't feel safe with her (as you said), which like,, isn't good. She's not a specialist meaning if anything she shouldn't really be saying stuff about DID/OSDD at all, because that's not her job or her place ((I understand you brought it up, but still. She should keep her opinions out of her damn job))
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