#this happens in the span of one episode to lmao
harapeveco · 1 month
It’s funny to think that January 2024 was the wildest month ever in the utaite community like wym that in just a month (and the very first month of the year even) we got two crimes, everyone collectively thinking a man went missing and the divorce of a marriage no one knew anything about
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genericpuff · 4 months
Lore Olympus Episode 265 Betrays the Series' Own Messages of Consent
I've been keeping it on the down low lately with new episodes of LO, both for the sake of my mental health and because LO itself has just become so... pointless and boring. There's only so much to say when nothing is happening, and in that regard, I will preface this with a "congratulations" towards Rachel, because she's finally found a way to best the "haters" - make the comic so boring that there's nothing worth talking about to begin with.
At first glance I thought this was going to be another one of those episodes. Good job, Rachel, you managed to pad out another episode with pointless fluff to get you closer to that looming end date. Just keep dragging, just keep dragging, just keep dragging-
But the longer I sat on it, and read the comments and posts about it in discussion circles, the more I've realized that this episode in particular has a load of issues that I don't feel good just sitting on and not talking about. Primarily because, over the course of about 90% of this episode's length, we see Lore Olympus - and Rachel - slyly undo everything that ever mattered in its subtext about consent, healthy relationships, and strong communication.
Granted, Lore Olympus has never exactly been the poster child for those things, but it's trying to be, so we're going to dissect it with an equal amount of scrutiny. It wants to be taken seriously, so I'm going to take it seriously and criticize it seriously.
Episode 265 opens with an attempt at plot progression, returning to Morpheus who, last we checked, had been targeted by Kronos as the cliffhanger for Episode 259 before being shoved aside entirely for multiple episodes worth of Demophoon, pool-fucking, and a vision from Hera.
Honestly, I won't waste my 30 image limit on the episode's opening sequence because it accomplishes absolutely nothing. And by the time it starts to try and state what that goal is, it transitions away, because Rachel has the attention span of a squirrel on meth and having Morpheus state what her plan is would just be too much dedicated writing for her at this point, she needs another week at least to figure it out.
So instead we get exactly what was promised in the FastPass previews - the entire episode is spent, yet again, on Hades and Persephone, with the exact same topics, conclusions, and terrible sex as the pool scene.
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Seriously, this might be a nitpick, but I'm so tired of Persephone not being allowed to swear. We've seen other characters swear. We've even had Kronos call her a "dumb fucking bitch". But this "girlboss" character who we're supposed to believe has "agency" can't be allowed to swear even when they're in an ACTUALLY STRESSFUL SITUATION? You know purity culture isn't exclusive to sex, right, Rachel? If you're gonna deconstruct it, maybe don't have the poster child of that deconstruction be relegated to a church girl? She's literally the Queen of the Underworld - adjacent to the ruler of Hell - let her fucking swear LMAO
Anyways, we see very quickly that Persephone is still feeling the ill effects of her anxiety that she was feeling in the last episode. Anxiety that, by the way, caused her to pass out. Please keep that in mind, don't let it escape.
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And what is she stressing over? The genocide? The fact that they still don't have an actual solution to the ongoing "plague"?
Nah. The sleep dive. She's stressing over her husband doing the sleep dive again and - like last time - turning into a dad-possessed monster.
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As always, the fear and anxiety is in no way linked to the actual devastation happening outside - it's just concern for the main male lead, because that's all Persephone's character and thoughts and opinions and "agency" can revolve around.
But uh. Remember that scene where Hades got possessed by Kronos and literally strangled her? Remember that scene I just asked you to keep in your brain about her panic attacks getting so bad she's been passing out?
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Hello? No? Okay. Next.
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I hate, I loathe, I detest this dialogue. Not because it's cliche as fuck - it is - but because the whole "I trust you, it's just xyz I don't trust" shit has been overplayed and debunked as a plausible response in relationship communication for years now.
We talked about this back during our discussion of Leuce - how it shouldn't matter if Persephone doesn't trust Leuce because ultimately Leuce can't do anything to her or Hades' relationship if it's built on as much "trust" as she claims it is, trusting Hades is all that should matter full stop - and it repeats itself here, albeit with Hades' dad instead of his canon first wife. This is a copout. Relationships actually built on trust can definitely still be worried about the issues posed by other people, but if you trust your partner, if you truly trust your partner, that's it. That's where the sentence ends. No shit you don't trust Kronos, we've been over this song and dance multiple times before and while he's definitely a bigger real threat than Leuce, your distrust for Kronos has nothing to do with how you're communicating with your partner who knows there's likely no other way and a solution has to be found. Nothing's being accomplished at this point from Persephone moping around and having sex with her husband, and he's showing 10x more initiative in actually finding a solution - even if it means putting his own safety at risk - than Persephone.
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I didn't edit any of that, those are the legit real panels. Literally what the fuck is this dialogue, my tinfoil hat theory about LO being written by ChatGPT is becoming more and more plausible and I hate that, my crackpot theories shouldn't actually become reality.
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Is there an owl in here?
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LO is just spinning its wheels over the exact same conversation and points that have already been made. Nothing is being accomplished here, it's just more moping and going over the same problems - the centre of which being "what about H x P's relationship?? :(((("
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All of that repetitive meandering and moping for "okay fine but if anything feels weird, get out" "okay". It, again, accomplishes nothing that couldn't have been accomplished during the pool scene.
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And now we get this line. "I experienced greed in that way, and you do not possess it." Don't be alarmed if you were confused, I was confused too, as were many people in the discussion circles. Thanks to the ULO Discord, I realized she was talking about Apollo. She's literally comparing him to Apollo.
"After all this time, I can't comprehend you causing me harm. I've been at the receiving end of harm so I would know" is literally all she's trying to say. And even with it translated... I don't really like the implications of it at all. This has been a problem since S1, but there's always been this subtext in LO that because Hades didn't rape her, that somehow makes him less abusive or a better partner for Persephone than Apollo, that's all the SA has really been trying to achieve.
But Hades is abusive. He's intentionally pursued women who are in a crisis. He's trapped women in financial dependency. He's sabotaged women from having power and status on the same level as him.
And now, we're about to see actual abuse from Hades - the subtle kind that demands co-dependency, but is still abuse, full stop - but it's being framed as "romantic".
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"Being an Originals creator was my big chance to prove myself, and I flopped"- wait sorry I misread. We're talking about Persephone failing at being Queen. Yeah, she definitely flopped. And it goes to show her true intentions in wanting to be Queen, now that she's hit rock bottom and isn't putting on a brave PR face - she wanted to become Queen not to make the Underworld a better place, not to be an example of being a better ruler among a gallery of scumbags, but to "prove" that she could belong and be one of the big guys, that she could be more than just a cereal box mascot.
Don't get me wrong, I can absolutely get wanting to rise above the odds and "prove" to everyone that you can be more than people's perceptions of you, but becoming the literal ruler of a realm that you then go on to destroy due to your own hubris, just to whine and cry about it and have your husband and your colleagues and your friends carry the burden of that destruction on your behalf... therapy would have been a better first step to overcoming those insecurities, not taking control over the lives of innocent people.
Especially when Persephone DID have status and power before becoming Queen, it just wasn't the specific kind of status and power she wanted. She was only a trust fund child with a huge net worth, a full-ride scholarship, and everything she could ever need provided to her with little struggle to get it - but she didn't have control over other people so it just wasn't good enough.
This is the perspective and attitude of a 19 year old who never matured. Who never could mature because she transitioned from her mother's control into Hades'. There were far better ways to prove herself, ways that we had seen her try to do, only to drop so she could pursue her co-dependent relationship with Hades - she gave up her schooling, gave up her apartment (which we only see her use maybe 2-3 times), gave up so many of her connections and support so she could be with Hades.
This is the result of 5 years of real-time grooming that we're seeing play out.
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No, you are just saying them because she's your wife. You'd be saying it to Minthe, or Leuce, or Hera, or any other woman in Persephone's position because it's not about taking accountability, it's about keeping these women in a position of submissiveness and co-dependency, by giving them reassurance that nothing they ever do is wrong and that he's the only one that can give them that freedom from consequences.
And then we get the reinforcement.
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I'm gonna spare you all the cringe of the actual sex scene (and yes, they do straight up go into having onscreen sex and it's... not hot at all), but here's some of the dialogue spoken by Hades during the entire sequence:
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Again, let's remember the actual situation that led up to this and the position Persephone is currently in. For the third time Persephone has "accidentally" killed thousands of people. Over the past few episodes we've seen her try to realize how so many of these problems have been her fault and she clearly doesn't know how to make things right (and Rachel has made it obvious how much she doesn't want you to agree with this kind of self-awareness because much of it is being said through the mouthpiece of a rapist). And now we have Hades, reinforcing the thought patterns that would prevent her from growing and learning and changing. In this, a comic that's supposed to be "feminist", a comic that's trying to preach the importance of consent, a comic that's trying to make us believe this is a healthy, consenting relationship with strong communication skills.
These are literally grooming tactics. Hades is reinforcing the same thought patterns that will prevent Persephone from acknowledging her errors and mistakes. People are dying and Hades is telling her that if anyone has anything to say about it, they deserve to die anyways. The same man who literally rewarded her with sex for vandalizing a nymph's home is now telling her that she's not cruel, but kind:
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Hades might not be Apollo, but he literally choked her out less than a week ago while possessed by his dad, and for the last SEVERAL episodes he's had the starry skin making him resemble who? Oh yeah, his dad.
Hades is literally holding Persephone in the same position Kronos did, while she's experiencing a literal meltdown that she's trying to stuff deep down - in fact, exhibiting a LOT of symptoms of mania - and initiating sex.
Doesn't this feel a little familiar?
Oh right, but he asks her if she's "still okay" mid sex only AFTER initiating chokehold sex with her without her consent and love-bombing her, so it's fine, clearly.
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I remember being 17 years old and reading Fifty Shades of Grey for the first time, and even then understanding fully how toxic their relationship was. I can only hope the teenagers in Rachel's comment section can realize that as well, but judging by the comment section, I'm not holding out hope. This is literally "fifty shades of fucked up" material, and what's worse is that I can't tell if Rachel genuinely thinks this is healthy, or just doesn't realize how unhealthy it's coming across as. Even beyond how "cringe" this sequence is, it enters into the realm of being deeply uncomfortable and unsettling, and it needs to be talked about, Rachel can't be let off the hook for this especially when this is supposed to be, again, a comic that's intending to "deconstruct purity culture" and teach young girls about consent and boundaries.
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And that's it, that's the end of the episode. It reads like the manifesto of a villain in the making at the hands of a predator, like Anakin being manipulated by Palpatine - "so long as you're with me, you'll have all the power, all the glory, and everyone else will be crushed underneath your heel."
Is that really the message we really want to come away from LO from? That it's fine for husbands to initiate sex with their wives through trauma-bonding and reinforcement of toxic thought patterns rooted in grooming because... they're married? That being a "girlboss" means sabotaging and abusing anyone who you perceive as a threat?
Is Hades really that much different from Apollo? Because so far, the line between his actions and Apollo's are seriously starting to blur. The parallels between Persephone and his past partners - Minthe and Hera - have always been clear, but they've never been quite so loud as last night's episode.
This is Hades' play, the play of a groomer and an abuser who depends on making their victims dependent on them - taking advantage of women while they're in a crisis.
For Minthe, it was financial - she had lost her job, blamed it on him, and he found a way to "solve her problem" that strategically put her into a position where she had to continue to financially depend on him for what's assumed to at least be a year or longer, through her apartment, her bills, and her job.
For Hera, it was emotional - she had chosen Zeus over him, and instead of addressing her marital concerns within the marriage, she participated in an affair with Hades in an attempt to have what she could have had if she had chosen Hades instead, a man who resembles her own abuser. Not only did this put her into a much more vulnerable position than him - if the affair was found out, Hera would have suffered the consequences far more than Hades - but it's also manifested itself into Persephone, who Hera has been using as a stand-in for herself, even going so far as to manipulate Persephone's image and how she goes about her decision-making, from intentionally pulling the strings to get Persephone a job with Hades so she could get closer to him as a "test" for Hades, to forcing Persephone to wear a wedding dress she wanted her to wear over the one Persephone had actually picked out herself.
And now there's Persephone, the newest addition to the cycle of abuse and untreated trauma, the true culmination of Hades' years trapping and manipulating women - financially dependent on him, emotionally dependent on him, and only where she is because she's made her entire identity revolve around him.
I'm not going to psychoanalyze Rachel in any way, I don't want anyone to think that this is permission to do so because Rachel's personal life is her own and I want to examine the material rather than the person. But so much of LO gives me such a gross impression that Rachel herself never matured past middle school, that she never grew beyond the mindset of being a 13 year old girl who felt like the entire world was against her and that no one could understand her, that she never gained the perspective most adults do by the time they're 25 at minimum after they've entered the "real world" and had the lived experiences that make you realize "wow, that girl I hated in high school for stealing my crush from me probably wasn't as bad as I thought she was and we were all just teenagers trying to navigate the hellscape that is adolescence."
And instead of actually analyzing those thought patterns and mindsets, Rachel is instead reinforcing it in her own audience of 13 year old girls and teenagers who will only hopefully maybe outgrow it and not just repeat the cycle themselves.
And this isn't entirely on Rachel's shoulders. It's on the shoulders of E.L. James, of Stephanie Meyer, of Colleen Hoover, of every "young adult" romance author who's peddled this strictly heteronormative "submission culture but not like the 1950's kind I swear" crap, that women should only aspire to find the richest man they can bag in their pursuit for power and after that everything in the world is owed to them and any problem they have can be solved by riding dick. Trauma? Solved. Genocide? Solved. The very real consequences of your own actions that affect others to such a degree that it will be felt for decades? Solved. Just ride that dick and get that money, girlboss.
Just like 50 Shades of Grey, if Lore Olympus was any other story, it would be a tragedy. It would be a masterclass in understanding and showcasing the signs of emotional abuse, financial abuse, grooming, trauma-bonding, love-bombing, and enforcing co-dependent habits for the sake of trapping people. It would be a precautionary tale to young girls to stay alert and be wary of older men, that men like Hades are depending on girls to fall for their tricks, their praise, their affirmations that they're so mature for their age, that they're not like other girls, that they would just be so set for life if they spent all their time and attention with them, so that they can "have it all".
I can only hope that even a third of the young girls who read LO naturally grow up, gain perspective, and learn that LO isn't the pillar of healthy relationships and consent that it tries to be. It's certainly a common thing to see these days, for people to join the UnpopularLoreOlympus / #antiloreolympus community with sentiments that they started reading it at age 14 and then (thankfully) learned that what LO was preaching wasn't healthy.
But for every other girl who doesn't realize this, it's reinforcement of the same cycles - the cycle of women being only objects for sex, pitting themselves against one another, confusing gender empowerment with abuse towards others, and making their entire identity revolve around a man and justifying it as healthy so long as it makes them rich and powerful.
Even if Rachel some day gets her own head out of her ass and realizes what damage she's causing in her audience, like Persephone committing genocide, no amount of self-awareness will undo the consequences. She'll still have the awards, the money, the accolades, everything she's gained off the backs of Greek myth, feminism, and good faith from an immature audience who doesn't know any better and isn't being given the tools to understand.
Even if she realizes that, that's something she's going to have to live with for the rest of her career.
And it's a fucking tragedy.
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saltpepperbeard · 7 months
It's the entitlement that really frustrates me. David didn't create this show to fix all problems with representation, he didn't even know what queerbaiting was, bless his heart.
People keep saying "we were promised xyz, we were baited, he betrayed us" ( I wish I was joking about the last once.
He literally promised none of that. And he ows us nothing. Whether people want want to admit it or not, OFMD is his story. This happens a lot nowadays, someone makes something, the response is "well its not what I want ,therefore it's trash".
I dunno, I'm just angry at this point
HONESTLY. And I feel like that's becoming such a large issue that spans across numerous forms of media too. Like, from tv shows to youtube to fanfiction, the audience thinks they're "owed" something. "Owed" something simply for being there and consuming the thing. And it's like??? No??? You are just there on your own volition to consume the thing that's being provided to you???
*hands you a cupcake* "i don't like this cupcake >:(" THEN DON'T EAT IT???
And yeah, as you said, this is very much David's story. This has always been his story. He was passionate to tell it even before it got such a large following. He was surprised it got such a large following!
It seems like he's had a lot of things in mind since the very beginning, and a rather clear direction in which he's wanted to steer the story. And, based on his recent interviews and also very interesting meta pieces I've seen, the whole [redacted] was probably a long time coming too.
That's just the thing. I also feel like everyone just gets so caught up in their own interpretations and their own headcanons and their own versions of the story that it leads to almost inevitable disappointment and/or upset. Hell, even I'm a bit guilty of that; I looked too hard into that one article that described Stede's beach reunion dream, and thought we were going to get a makeout in the waves. And then when we didn't, I was like "oh lol 😀." Same with the little brief snippet of Stede pushing Ed against the wall that we got before episodes 6 and 7 dropped; I went in with preconceived notions which didn't end up getting met.
BUT LIKE, THE THING IS, THAT WAS ENTIRELY ON ME LMAO??? NOT THE FAULT OF ANYONE INVOLVED IN THE SHOW???? And it seems like people are disregarding that very fact! Like, oh I'm upset with how this went, so it's YOUR fault. I'm not responsible for how I'm reacting to this; it's YOU. YOU were supposed to bend exactly to MY wants.
And that's just,,,not! the case!
I'm over here piloting my safe spaceship, but what I've been seeing in my peripherals is making me sad too. Like, just the blatant disregard for everything else this show has given us, and the vitriol being slung towards the cast and crew, and all the negativity around what was supposed to be a hopeful sendoff...
People can be upset. People are absolutely allowed to be disappointed, or sad, or even angry. People can definitely dislike a narrative or character choice. Hell, I'd definitely feel some kind of way if Ed or Stede died, and I've gotten angry over narrative directions in other fandoms before. But just...the lines that have been crossed are just so so disheartening to see. You can be angry without being ugly about it, without pulling so many people down with you.
If people are that upset, I really encourage them to just step back, take a breath, and focus on other outlets. Because the entitlement and accusatory bits are certainly not it.
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mores0 · 7 months
So, I just rewatched season 1 episode 14 of Psych/the poker episode last night, and I have so many thoughts lmao.
First of all, Henry recommend Psych to one of his buddies, he wouldn’t admit to it, sure, but he did that. And that seemed to mean a lot to Shawn, it was kind of sweet honestly. And then Henry told Shawn to tone down the psychic crap, so for the rest of the episode, Shawn acted 100x more unhinged which is so real of him honestly. Love him for that. And then at the end of the episode, he literally impulse gambled their payment for the case and lost it in the span of about one minute- which hurt me a little bit inside lmao. I felt Gus’ pain in that moment, haha.
And Shawn had a really cool ‘oh, he’s actually really fucking smart’ moment in this episode- which I’m always go feral for. So like- he finds this random business card for lawns right? And instead of just thinking it’s junk or something, he just says “why would the guy have this? He’s in debt and lives in apartment, he has no lawn and even if he did, his priority would not be his lawn,” or something around those lines. And on the back of the card there a was a random combination of R’s and L’s, which would’ve been gibberish to anyone else- but later on- he goes to the gardening place yeah? And he follows a suspicious guy around for a bit before losing him and realized that the letters in the back of the card were directions and discovered a whole ass underground/illegal gambling ring- what the actual hell lmao! Things like this only ever happens to Shawn, I swear.
But, no, for real. He was so smart for actually figuring that out, I don’t know who else would’ve.
Anyways, in a different post I already talked about how Shawn has a terrible sleep schedule, which is also seen in this episode because Shawn was sleeping in like, the middle of the day and only woke up because his dad told him something came up in the case. Henry- let him sleep, omg.
Also, Juliet’s part of the episode was gold. So, it’s Lassiter’s birthday and she wants to throw a party for him. And, it’s crazy how different their relationship is in this episode, because Juliet talked about how he never talks to her, and sometimes he asks to drive in silence, which I literally can’t imagine happening later on in the series. Anyways— to find out more about what he likes, she calls his mom who is exactly like Lassiter lmao! His mom at first thought that she was trying to steal her information, and that she was now recording their call, and then Juliet accidentally slipped out that he was separated which his mom did not know, and so she immediately hung up, Juliet was now regretting her entire life, and then you see Lassiter picking up his phone because his mom wants her ring back lmao! And then she goes through his notebook and invited all the people on it to his house, and apparently they were all just repeated crinimals that he checks up on, but they were so nice honestly. Instead of doing anything bad, they all just showed up and stood around, and one of them even brought him a gift.
And then Gus and Shawn ran away as if their lives depended on it, which was hilarious, but, like, why?? Lmao, they weren’t the ones who invited them, why are they running for??
And, yes, this post is for @pineapple-psychic, I hope that you like it even though it’s more incoherent than usual lmao.
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iknowshocker · 12 days
The downfall to kai was he was more popular than damon if he was a matt or Enzo type they would have kept him around redeemed him and let him date bonnie
you're right and you should say it louder 👏🏼
it sucks because i do like both damon and enzo, but so much of s7/8 became hypocritical around how we're made to feel about them compared to how they expected/wanted us to feel about kai and it's just silly.
damon backslides so horrifically that it's exhausting watching them jump through hoops to pretend he's redeemable and epic, instead of just ... actually allowing him to be redeemable and epic. he was 👉🏼👈🏼 so close !! to just !! being decent !! and that wasn't enough he had to go back to being terrible and selfish, cause where is the fun in watching a character grow and mature i guess ?? if he actually evolved and stayed even just slightly more consistent i don't think he'd lose so many of us. but i can only take so many scenes of watching him go through the exact same arc again and again only to never truly change.
enzo is my #3 TVD man (because i, like bonnie, have a type lmao) but i'll be the first to point out that he was !! eating people !! while being a part of the mfg. like did bonnie just ?? not know about that ?? is it fine because the people are strangers and he's a vampire ?? y'all remember when he just killed fake sarah to one up stefan ?? yes, he grows and starts acting like he's got some sense but it's only really after he falls for bonnie. she never addresses his behavioral changes enough, because if she did, they'd have to admit how hypocritical it sounds. it sucks, because objectively i like them together and i think especially the cabin arc is precious.
but like ... if we'd isolated bonnie and kai in say, a prison world, for more than a cross country trip to portland i think we all know what would have happened. which would mean no red wedding, no caroline incubator gate, enzo isn't dead, the heretics get a chance at being coven members, tyler doesn't have to turn by offing liv and they can be happy, stefan probably also isn't dead because if we had two witches someone could deal with the hellfire in the armory and someone could freeze katherine in place with magic, like !!!! so much could have been different if those two just figured it out lol
bonnie and the witches in general get snubbed a lot, and i know it's the vampire diaries, but don't give me these stupidly interesting people and then be upset when i love them.
i've never recovered from accepting enzo's death to suddenly having kai back within the span of an episode. i was like oooh alright, so you really are just laughing at us this is a game to you isnt it plec lmao
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thepunkmuppet · 10 months
sorry for saying i was going to live blog my reactions to the show, i over-estimated my attention span and under-estimated my excitement lmao
anyway so um What The Ever-Loving Fuck
ineffable bureaucracy is… real?? like really actually real?? what the fuck?!?!! i thought it was just a crack ship but i guess neil saw it and went huh that’s pretty nice actually because THEYRE REALLY ACTUALLY REAL OH MY GOD. i will say despite being really cute, i thought they were a bit cringe at the end, it could’ve been less lovey dovey because those characters just… aren’t? like that?? but the buildup with them meeting up was absolutely GORGEOUS and so cute and so romantic and just… yeah i love them. i think they probably would have been a bit more awkward / reluctant to admit feelings rather than “baby i love you so much you are my heaven you are my hell my darling sweet beloved” but hey. they were cute. NEW SHIP LET’S GO
nina and maggie were really really cute because of the actresses’ chemistry but pretty underdeveloped in my opinion. still i really enjoyed when they were on screen together, i just had different expectations (i was expecting like a romcom, azriaphale and crowley trying to put them together throughout the season, which was eluded to but then just… didn’t happen i guess). still they were very sweet and i really really liked them
saraquel is great, michael’s hair was terrible, uriel is the hottest character, beelzebub’s new look was cool as fuck, i love the repeated gag of that one demon who just seems to have infinite versions of himself and REECE SHEARSMITH DEMON CHARACTER LET’S GO!?!?!! i was not expecting him to have a significant role again and he was so good, furfur is literally amazing and as an inside no 9 fan seeing him and steve pemberton was soooo much fun
we’re all agreeing that the flashbacks were the best part right?? because they were the best part
shax is my silly little pathetic little skrunkly who talks like a constipated snake and looks like a milf wearing leather that squeaks when she moves. truly a blorbo to behold
crowley’s confession was the most perfect in-character thing i have ever seen and i am SO happy with the way it was written and performed, him almost crying and then grunting in frustration i just i can’t i w AAAAAAAAA IT WAS PERFECT
aziraphale’s realisation was also perfect. sheen is so freaking good at being adorable and smitten
the plot was… odd. every actor was amazing, the visuals were amazing, the jokes were hilarious, every episode was extremely enjoyable to watch… but it just felt a little half-baked to me. every scene was tight and again, really fun, but the overarching plot was kind of…??? i’m not a professional writer by any stretch of the imagination but i’m allowed to have an opinion, and my opinion is pretty damn mixed when it comes to the season arc. there’s obviously going to be a season 3 (i say, literally begging neil gaiman on my knees while screaming and sobbing) and so i think season 2 felt so slow and uneventful because it’s supposed to be a kind of bridge between big plotlines. because so much interesting stuff was picked up and then simply put down again. or kind of just… left to float aimlessly in the air and make me confused as to why and how some of it even happened. but honestly i trust neil and the other writers and creatives so… season 3 here we come! overall i really enjoyed it a lot, but the (modern day) plot was just a bit of a weird one for me
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coredrill · 2 months
this post is not abt bravern but it Is abt my Bravern Feelings
i miss this show so much already SOBS. i did enlist another g roup of irl friends to watch it w me though and we are starting tomorrow so yay :] and also beware the rewatch posts
[guy who has said that i'm glad i watched this live every week voice] i'm rly glad i watched this live, but this time its bc. i think there is something so truly and genuinely special abt the way that the theories abt bravern himself evolved week to week.........like at first everyone was like Well maybe he's an evil alien who is gonna Kill isami. and then everyone was like Well maybe he's a death drive and isami is his lulu. and THEN everyone was like Well there's still some knuth in there so. but none of that was the case!!! none of that was true!!! it was literally just this one guy and all of the love he has and Absolutely Sucks Shit at expressing!!!!!!! and i just. idk. that hits me rly hard that maybe it was percieved as sinister at first just cause it was a little Off but in the end it was something really really sweet :] it also just feels like yet another way of the show doing its "we know audiences aren't willing to accept optimism at face value these days" schtick like they mentioned in that one interview and just. showing how bravern himself evolves in the eyes of the viewer. it's rly special to me :]
i know bravern speaking german in ep2 was a nod to the translator he uses on superbia later but. what if someone loved you so much they became german (if i ever mention kyouji again in a bravern context just fucking shoot me)
WILD to watch the finale and then see the isami hate train take off FKSJDHFJ cause i feel like i adored him so much in that ep LMAO. my guy really felt every emotion known to man in the span of 22 minutes and then started makin gup new ones. he's very human!!! and i love that abt him!!!!
although some takes. i'm ngl. i know we joke abt subtext and cowards but it becomes less funny when the subtext that is there is missed LMAO
sorry to keep bringing up ep4 but i think its SO interesting how like. the way that bravern seems to helps isami out emotionally in that ep actually ends up not helping him in the long run aswell? like getting to know all those ppl care abt him is good ofc but it also feeds Directly into his hangups in ep5. and i remember being a little confused as to Why that was the case on first watch cause ep4 was So abt his beef w lulu (FLSDKJFH) but w the smith being a human again thing in the end it makes. so much more sense!!!!! i can't wait to rewatch the show w it still fresh in my mind and find even more!!!!!!
and omg the beef with lulu. literally nothing is funnier to me than "we are gonna have one Rival Fight in this show and that position is gonna be filled by isami and smith's fucking KID" SOBS. LIKE. it kills me FKSLDJFHL. though i will say again that i think it is So fucking special that in ep10 lulu specifically calls out isami taking care of her after smith dies and it apparently happens to such a degree that like. he is worth her time traveling back to save independently aswell? even though there was no way that he "took care of her" for more than a couple days? which i think just says so much abt isami in the sense that like. at no point before ep6-7ish in his arc would he have even entertained that idea. uwu
i think i said this before but ikd if i included the screenshot but. the fact that while bravern is dying he sees THAT SAME FUCKING PICTURE is just evidence that men do not take enough photos i think
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there is literally Nothing more onbrand for bravern than the fucking. "ep13 abema listing" (if anyone who has not heard abt that sees this. it was just a rebroadcast of ep12 mislabeled) sending everyone into a tizzy regarding like. Secret Episode Question Mark except half of everyone being convinced its an april fools joke and the other half being convinced that the april fools joke is that we didn't expect it. and then it turns out to not be interntional atall and the real april fools joke is Fry Pan. SOBS
Crunchyroll I Am Begging You If You Dub This Please Dub The Songs Too Oh My God (<- delusional)
anyways!!!!!!!!!!! again i know recency bias is the killa but god. i really loved this show a lot!!!! it might be an alltime fave story for me in general!!!!!! even if it's not it was a really special experiance and story on the whole and i'm just really really happy i get to carry it in my heart forever :]
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aermageddon · 10 months
anon back from a week ago re: bbh being a messy bitch who likes drama and his ability to shape his fans opinions. still would love your take on this topic if you don't mind
i am sooo sorry omg i have the attention span of an alcoholic toddler!!!! yes ok so I don't have that many examples on hand because i'm not a library of exo content, all my bookmarks on twt are a mess ugh
but re: manipulation and what i would actually call being an expert at exploiting an atmosphere but everyone else calls being an attention whore
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exhibit A: him "drunk texting" fans on bubble during exo fanmeet in april. mind you this was right in the middle of the legal battle with SM which we had no idea about at the time. fans were so emotional - first exo performance as a full group in over 3 years, baekhyun fresh off his military life, yadda yadda yadda - he was pretty drunk from the post concert dinner the group had. yet later we found out idols need to review messages THREE TIMES before sending anything on bubble lmao 😭 i'm not saying he was faking it - i'm saying even drunk he knew exactly what these texts were gonna do to the fans. he is that good at riling people up like that + preemptively digging his parasocial nails into the fandom cause he knew shit was about to hit the fan.... I love his mind
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exhibit B: the most recent example and something that had me crawling up the walls. i'm not saying he faked it or that he planned to fall asleep on purpose during a livestream, i completely believe baekhyun is careless and overworked enough to do that. what makes me scream into a pillow is the way he was UNFAZED by that shit when he woke up. had his manager blowing up his phone asking him to wake up and +40k people hearing him moan in his sleep and he woke up and stayed in the livestream. FOR 30 MORE MINUTES. he laughed it off and started joking teasing people etc etc like he genuinely dgaf.
might I add this pattern of starting twitter lives early in the morning only started after the comeback which i think is very interesting. i dont think its a coincidence at all but i need to gather my thoughts on that
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exhibit C: not manipulative per se but this fucking clip is so insane to me i love how the worst things happened to exo completely unprompted it's like seeing an episode of the office. anyway baekhyun taking one for the team and distracting fans with his silly little dance.. THAT'S RIGHT HE'S THE GUY THAT STEPPED UP. and i think it showcases his quick thinking and social skills perfectly cause the rest of these men were frozen in place with half their asses out but baek just took it like a champ lol. he just wants to be seen <3 and told he's done a good job <3 give him all the praises please
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exhibit D: this horrible fucking live. just baekhyun as a whole in superm.... like he's not dumb he knew nctzens were eating him up and shipping him w taeyong and what did he do? he went ahead and gave them exactly what they wanted.. while wrapping taeyong around his little finger might I add. now i think irl baekhyun and taeyong aren't that close, they're like those friends from work that you genuinely like but it's not someone you would seek out outside of pretty specific social settings. but baekhyun isn't fucking stupid he knew nctzens were a segment of kpop fans he could tap into and either turn into his own fans or he could get slapped in the face by exols turning on him.
anyways this is so fucking long im sorry to ppl following me i'm on mobile and can't make a read more. no one cares about the weird things i only notice about baekhyun but yes there's more to it i just dont have links for most things... but there's not a lot of specific examples idk once you notice it you just watch content with baekhyun and it becomes pretty clear.
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azumasoroshi · 11 months
guess who just watched summertime rendering (it's really good)
guys what the FUCK
(spoilery-review stuff will be below the cut but tldr: summertime rendering is really good, subverted a lot of my expectations, gorgeous animation, keeps you on your toes and has smart characters and good writing, just try not to cringe too hard at some of the haha boobs/haha panties jokes i swear there's not too many)
okay funny story. i got interested in this anime literally yesterday because one of my favorite channels was analyzing its ending song by chance
and i was like oh it's like anohana but a murder mystery? interesting premise. doesn't necessarily guarantee that it's good, the animation looks pretty at least, but it's 25 episodes and my attention span kinda sucks...
and i see the main girl in a swimsuit and im like alright. the second there's a really weird zoom on her chest im out
(my live thought process pictured below)
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and the first shot or so was of the swimsuit girl (ushio) without any weird zooms so i was like okay hey we're in the clear so far
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one minute ten seconds. dawg. that actually has to be a record of some sort
and i was 🤏this close to dropping the anime but i really wanted to see the dark horrifying stuff so i continued anyway
like. maybe that's a one off joke. maybe they wont do it again and that was just to get weirdos to be like AYYY and keep watching. maybe there is hope
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there was no hope.
but i hung on anyway because right after that was the OP and it looked really interesting mostly because there were no anime visuals at all until the very end
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which was. shinpei being a little bit silly. little but quirky. vibing persona 3 style baby baby baby baby baby baby baby
so yeah i decided to keep watching until the end of the first episode despite my apprehension because i just. wanted to see the dark shit go down. uaghhhhhh
and i kept watching EVEN THROUGH the clear insinuation that the mc's adopted sister was in love with him and that the mc was in love with his other adopted sister and the police officer was looking at porn in public and then FINALLY
(major + ending spoilers start here)
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they killed my favorite character.
and then they killed the younger sister and then they killed the MAIN CHARACTER AND I WAS LIKE DAWGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG
like i was expecting it to be dark but i didnt expect them all to straight up die on screen with blood splatters n everything :sob: wasnt expecting the time loop either
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like. you gon have this gorgeous animation just to make the characters' deaths that much more brutal. holy fuck
i realized the other anime this reminded me of. this anime is a anohana x kagerou project crossover. thats fuckin crazy i kinda dig it
people also compare it to re:zero which is fair cuz it has the time travel, the unexpected brutality, the short haired girl who gets rejected in favor of the long haired girl (lmao) i just like kagerou project more
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it somehow didnt connect the first time that it wasn't mio and i was like huh i wonder why they suddenly skipped time
and then when this scene rolled around for the second time i literally like. it hit me so fast and i was like FUCK. i was like genuinely terrified help
and then she started stabbing the ever loving shit out of totsumura and i was like oh okay! guess i dont have to wait in suspense for what she'll do at the very least
and then she stabbed shinpei in the throat and i was like OH OKAY
that scene also terrified me cuz like the phone call happening while the killer is nearby is a classic horror trope but like. i dont watch horror usually. that's my worst nightmare
it was on his third death that shinpei really started to shine for me as a protagonist because like. he's smart. notably so! it was really nice because the classic horror starts to fade away at this point and everything becomes a giant chess match
fair enough though cuz bro was like "LMAO NAH I REFUSE TO DIE AGAIN THAT SHIT PAINFUL AS FUCK" (and then repeatedly died a bunch more anyways)
it's interesting that his whole "take a step back" thing is like. a trauma response too. we love dissociation representation lmfao
shinpei was also really quick to adapt to everything and it took a LOT of shit going down to make him finally lose his composure, but he gets back in it and doesnt waste time and it was really refreshing because yknow anime (and the horror genre in general) with its overdramatic clueless protagonists
and also!!
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i immediately pegged sou as the loud dumbass yosuke/ryuji type (i love them and their depth, im talking about surface level) best friend who wingmans for shinpei and immediately gets sus of shinpei and gets killed first n shit
but that was my bad like damn sou was a really good character
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to be fair this was his first introduction
and the line "I should tell Sou everything" with a shot of the sky is REALLY FUCKING OMINOUS, so i feel like that was a bit of a bait and switch on the author's part lmfao
i stopped taking screenshots around this point so ill just talk about a bunch of parts that stood out to me pff
she's so autistic and so smart and so just. god. i love her
i literally wanted to cry seeing him in the ending like dawggggggg he's SO cute id marry him no questions asked
he and hizuru were my favorites along with nezu because badass old man SLAYS
i also surprisingly really liked ushio lmao i thought she'd be like the usual manic pixie dream girl and then just based on her being in a swimsuit but like. she was honestly a joy as a character lmfao
like. her being the biggest powerhouse next to hizuru? did not see that coming, we love a girlboss!! and she's also smart and forward-thinking despite the airheaded vibes so like damn. good character! i really liked what little we got to see of the real ushio interacting with her shadow too, it was a nice bit of character building + it was funny lmao
mio was the only character other than shide that i just straight up did not like lmfaosgkjhsjg the whole "im in love with my stepbrother" was just. fuckin. weird to me from the start and you have no idea how fucking relieved i was that shinpei didn't accept her confession or get with her at the end
of course it's like. not any better that he got with his other stepsister. but like mio was more annoying so it's fine (😭)
she ended up being a damsel in distress who didnt really do anything up until the school fight where she still didnt do much, and with how much ushio emphasized "protect mio" you'd think she' have some sort of plot relevance but nope she just. thought about her brother a lot and confessed after 20 episodes and got rejected and cried
it's like all the buildup to her confession was PURELY to buildup for the ACTUAL confession which was shinpei telling her that he was in love with ushio
which is lame
like jesus her shadow had more plot relevance than her. i literally liked her shadow more than her like ????????
tokiko was a good character though i liked the "i didnt dirty my hands for this" foreshadowing and also her being a lesbian was an unexpected surprise that i liked lmfao she's a fuckin real one for still encouraging mio to be with shinpei despite being madly in love with mio. what the hell was that "i want her to see all of me" line like girl????
shide was a good smart villain, he kinda started getting cheesy typical anime villain by the end but by that point the anime was pretty firmly in the action/strategy genre and relying a lot less on the horror/mystery part so it was alright
i did love the talk he and shinpei had about video games and the FF7 namedrop was hilarious lmfao
it was cool how they had the callback to him being a video game nerd during the first fireworks festival with that 2d 3d king thing
absolutely despise him for what he did to hiruko though like. ew.
i didnt really get why hiruko deadass reverted into this weird lookin baby thing at the end but like haise was cute i liked her
didnt understand how they literally changed history either but i guess the magic eyes are like "fuck time lmao all my homies hate time" so oh well, i guess it works
the ending was really a full on "everybody lives and is happy" type deal but like. i didnt even mind man i was literally ecstatic seeing hizuru's boobs again like holy shit. you know you're watching a weird ass anime when you start crying at the fucking fanservice scenes like ohhhh my god
and like goddammit they deserve happiness
although. i was a bit pissed that they brought ushio back to life. like yeah she deserved to be brought back and yeah i do love her but rip the themes of grief and regret i guess
the show was never really about grief so i get why she was brought back but like ueeeuueueuueuee the whole "i don't want to do anything i'll regret again (including leaving ushio before we had the chance to say goodbye) so i have to keep moving forward" was really good character stuff and hrekjajsghjhsg i guess it paid off at the end???
whatever ill take getting hizuru and ryuunosuke back no matter the narrative costs
anyway yeah really good anime, definitely exceeded my expectations (which were pretty low to be fair though), i did watch all 25 episodes within 24 hours so i might be a little insane
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spurious · 1 year
some mcshep fic recs
So ever since I answered that ask from Mer about McShep fic recs, I've been thinking about posting more recs. I have been reading, like, so much fic because there just...is so much fic out there? As I intimated in the answer to that last ask, I am...not used to this amount of fic. The last ship I seriously read and wrote fic for has 58 English-language works on AO3, 17 of which were written by me (and another large handful of which were written for me lmao), so it's, uh, kind of amazing to just be able to read and read and read and read and...still have more?
I've been using my AO3 bookmarks, but sometimes bookmarking is simply not enough and you need to scream at people about the things you have read. So, without further ado...let me scream at you about the things I have read!
1) 264 Hours by Lenore | ~6k, rated E
Set after Seige. The battle is over, except in Rodney's mind.
This one is just some nice Rodney emotional pain content; he’s fucked up over the events of the siege and John is trying, in his opaque Sheppardian way, to help, but it takes a perceptive sex worker and a confrontation to really get through to Rodney. I liked where this went but I almost wanted it to be longer and really draw things out? For the Suffering I guess lmao
2) Long Long Road by Telesilla & padawanhilary | (series) ~50k, rated E
While shopping, two college students run into each other. Literally.
This is an AU (that converges to canon eventually), where John and Rodney meet while at Stanford and find a mutual enjoyment of both each other and kinky sex. There are two branching endings, both of which end happily, the sex is really very very hot and good, and overall there's something that I just find extremely...cozy? About this series? I've read it twice now and I just find it nice and comforting and enjoyable.
3) Sheppard’s Law by Speranza | ~35k, rated E
"Weird? You don't know what weird is. Weird is being in a-- with the-- and the crazy alien--" He stopped, incoherent, hands flailing. "And then your best friend is twelve, and you're his piano teacher. That--now, you're talking weird!"
Honestly the idea of me in the year of our lord two thousand twenty three reccing McShep fic written by Speranza is like...asking someone who likes pizza if they've ever tried pepperoni lmao. NEVERTHELESS. I've now read this fic twice. The first time I thought it was good, but for whatever reason it didn't make that big of an impression on me? I have a feeling it's one of the ones I read before we finished the series when I was trying to find stuff that didn't spoil later season events? So anyway I just sort of randomly decided to reread it recently, and it really wowed me on a second go-round. I think the big-ness of it can be hard to wrap your head around, but when you do it's like...you feel both full and hollowed-out by it at the same time, because it's huge but it's also a collection of these snapshots and small moments that make up the whole. Idk it's just...it's good ok, read it if you haven't!
4) Ritual by lamardeuse | ~5k, rated T
The history of a ritual.
Beer 👏 on 👏 the 👏 pier 👏 As a team ritual, as the story of John’s love for Rodney, and as a beautiful coda to the shrine. John's POV in this is so gorgeously done, the way he's convinced himself of what he can and cannot have and is trying to deal with it the best way he can, even when it's immensely painful. I also like how Jennifer's part in things is handled in this, in terms of her reaction to Rodney's profession of love and how it stacks up against...literally everything else that happens in that episode.
5) Dumbstruck by sgamadison & the_cephalopod | ~30k, rated E
His existence, as he remembered it, began eleven days ago. He knew the word day was what to call the cycle between a single span of sunlight and darkness, but he could not remember what groupings of days were called. He didn't think it mattered much.
Due to...shenanigans, John loses his memories and becomes unable to speak. The thing I really love about this is how well Rodney knows John; how even when John can't speak for himself, Rodney clearly has this mental catalogue of Sheppard Expressions and he can deftly read and describe them. It's just...it's nice.
Anyway, I'm thinking I might make this a regular thing. I like talking about fics I like!!! Send me an ask or whatever if you have types of recs you want to see? Idk?
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spongebob-connoisseur · 6 months
You know, something that I always had a thought in mind;
You know how Slappy is supposedly Kidferatu's Nanny? What if somewhere down the line that Slappy comes to visit his Master's Son during Camp days where he usually just cooks or at least makes sure that Kidferatu is at least always okay (even if it may embarrass his friends) at the Trawler Cabin?
I suppose that maybe Slappy is always there for both of his Two Masters because even though Nosferatu did sent his own child there, maybe he somewhat sent Slappy as a spy there?
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Tbh this is more or less what I had in mind for a kamp koral episode with Slappy. I would like something like that to happen. Slappy seems very caring and doting, I'm sure he would happily check up on how Kidferatu is doing and dote on him (embarrassing him in front of his friends in the process)
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Kidferatu seems pretty adverse to the food they serve at kamp koral so I can see Slappy bringing some of his Transylvanian cooking to give to Kid.
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But here is another idea, I recently finished watching the 2nd half of kamp koral. Kidferatu gets offed often. You think maybe once or twice accidentally getting hit with sunlight but actually no. He does it on purpose! He even has a tanning bed for recreational suicide. Of course he can be ressurrected but the fact that he does it sooo often is kinda hilarious. Don't want to participate in camp activities? Just self delete! Lmaoooo
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But this does remind me of a tweet from someone on the SB crew when Squidferatu came out
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At the time I didn't get what he meant by "who knows how many times Slappy has had to resurrect him (kidferatu)". Now I do know the context cuz Kidferatu commits self delete by sunlight often.
I imagine Slappy getting called often to Kamp Koral to ressurect Kidferatu. He knows the ritual how to do it (I like to imagine it's like the movie Dracula Prince of Darkness where he has to use a blood sacrifice to ressurect a vampire from the ashes)
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Kidferatu does it so frequently that Slappy has to come around to the kamp often. Slappy doesn't mind but the self delete by sunlight probably gives him a mini heart attack every time because he's responsible for Kid and though he's a nanny, he behaves more like a surrogate mother who often is a little too protective of his children lmao. That and also the fact that its hard to come by a good blood sacrifice victim. If we're going by the episode The Perfect Camper, Slappy would have had to ressurect kidferatu several times during the span of 2 days. He probably doesn't mind but it is likely tiring. I imagine the other Trawler kids are well acquainted with him at this point. They often greet him like "hi Kidferatu's mom nanny!"
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Slappy probably gives Kidferatu a little lecture about this. He isn't harsh by any means. Its more like a gentle reminder to be more careful which kidferatu really doesn't abide by. I can see kid purposely walking into the sunlight again just to scare Slappy, he thinks it's funny. Slappy is too good natured to ever get mad at him too.
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I REAAALLY want Slappy to show up in Kamp Koral. Mainly because I want to see CGI slappy. I think it would look so cute and squish. But I also would like to see him being different from how he's usually portrayed, he's often really weird or silly but it would be fun to see him being a caring parental figure to the emo vampire child. I imagine Nosferatu being more strict with Kid while Slappy is more gentle and gives him more leeway. Idk why the idea of slappy being more maternal seems soooo cute. I just like seeing creepy characters being one happy family ok?
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Also the spooky family man is a trope amongst Peter Lorre parodies (a famous example is literally Gomez Addams) so it fits really well with Slappy.
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ichinoue · 2 years
alright i’m going to watch the episode now, i’m just going to liveblog my thoughts here if anyone cares lol:
oh this animation is crisp as hell
i forgot about Akon. hi Akon
still don’t understand how they wear socks with sandals like i’ve TRIED, but unless you have toe-socks on, it is so uncomfortable 
everything looks so pretty, like the background scenery?? omg 
look at her go!!! fighting and healing at the same time, she’s come so far, i’m so proud
the music....NOW YOU FEEL LIKE NUMBER ONE, THIS IS WHAT YOU’VE WAITED FOR!!! i actually have chills lol god how embarrassing
ichigo looks really cool. 
ichigo teasing orihime about the bread ddfjkgjdklfjgl and she’s just like “well, i guess you won’t get to have any then 🙊🤷‍♀️😈” because she knows he really does like it GOD they’re so cute look at this banter
and then ishida and chad immediately back orihime up on this and expose ichigo as the one who likes Orihime’s bread the most dfjkgfjkgjgj 
not to mention, in the arc prior to this one, Orihime was so nervous and fidgety about being in Ichigo’s bedroom and now she just bursts in the door first all confident, look at that growth and development. 
Orihime looks so cute eating the bread. oh and now Ichigo admits that it’s good lmao goddddd he had such a little crush on her, he was too embarrassed to compliment her bread 
second time in like a five minute span that Ichigo tells someone to get off his bed, he’s so protective over it. Which makes it even funnier that Orihime is shown sitting on his bed just a few days later 🙊
lol Ichigo jumps up to kick the guy in the head and Orihime’s already ready and waiting at the window, look at that teamwork!! it’s like foreshadowing for when they tagteam Yhwach at the end and communicate their strategies without even speaking. fuck. do you think kubo planned it that way on purpose
some strange guy just broke in and threatened them, everyone’s all concerned about it, while this ominous music plays and Orihime’s just calmly sitting there snacking on some bread, I genuinely could not love her more, she is....incredible lmao
Ikkaku and Yumichika!!!!!!
aw I actually forgot that happened to Sasakibe 
oh shit Yhwach
oh that’s the end 
awww all these scenes from the original series
uhmm the “your words freed me from my chains” being placed over Orihime crying out to Ichigo in the lust arc.....i’m not okay lmao which of you origos edited this shit omg that is powerful
WELL THAT WAS FUN i loved it when does the next episode come out lol
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ravenalla · 1 year
Welp. Mando finale thoughts.
Y’ALL IM DYING I WAS RIGHT WE ACTUALLY DID NOT GET HELMETLESS DIN 😂😂 what a fucking joke. Literally it’s like the writing this season has expected you to have the attention span of a five year old, debriefing room? Nah mate that was last episode forget it. This show won’t keep a plotline going to save its life. Sigh. At least Din escaped by his own with the help of Grogu instead of Bo coming to rescue him like a damsel in distress again. His fight scenes were really cool and we got to see the most he’s interacted with Grogu out of the whole season.
The Moff Gideon clone thing makes sense I guess but it kinda just came out of nowhere? Like his epic showdown speech was all about Din destroying the clones when it happened like 5 minutes ago, why didn’t you have any security for that anyways lmao. This is probably just a nitpick but it’s a weird thing to introduce at the last second and have it be his big motivator. Also I was just imagining how much more cool it would be if the darksaber was being wielded by Din in that fight, truly the marketing meant absolute nothing. But hey now it’s gone forever so doesn’t even matter who tf cares anymore there yayyyyyy 🙄 At least Bo Katan would actually have to prove that she’s a worthy leader not just based on fucking sword ownership, which realistically she’d 100% get them all screwed again if she wasnt written as a different person all season lol.
No one was the spy. Kinda glad because I didn’t want the Armorer to be evil but idk why the fuck they named a whole episode that then. Flying scenes were also neat at least.
NO DINBO AND HE DIDNT STAY WITH HER AT THE END LETS GOOOO!!! and FINALLY a father son confession, though I’m sorry Din Grogu? Is that a Mandalorian cultural practice established? Why wouldn’t it be Grogu Djarin tf? 😭 that’s gonna take some getting use to because what. Also come on why didn’t you make Din say he’s his son to the New Republic Officer at the end that would have been the perfect transition from this apprentice nonsense after adopting him. Speaking of, please don’t tell me they are making Din a cop. I know it’s an independent contract to just hunt down imperials not much different than his bounty work but it’s getting dangerously close to cop levels for me.
I will say, after going through all that, I’m at the very least happy we got an ending that can merge into Din and Grogu actually being the focus as a family and going on adventures again. These writers still have lost all my trust and I’m not looking forward to more, but it’s better than any alternatives we could have gotten.
Overall, not a god awful finale, but not a great one either. Lots of missed opportunities, but dodged a couple of bullets we were all worried about.
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dadralt · 1 year
twn s3 spoiler discussion (and negativity) under the cut
Geralt and Yennefer’s relationship status will be a mini-arc in the earliest episodes of The Witcher Season 3. As far as we know, it will start by Geralt entirely refusing to talk to Yennefer, which prompts her to pass written notes to him, calling him “friend”.
Throughout this mini-arc that spans either one or two first episodes, Geralt will be slowly warming up to Yennefer, with various little moments helping him trust the sorceress more and more.
At the culmination of this mini-arc, Geralt gives a full letter to Yennefer, a reply to her “Dear Friend” notes. In it, he writes Yen that he can now entrust her with taking care of Ciri, without the fear of betrayal. After that they part ways, with Yennefer taking Ciri to Aretuza.
i'm sorry wait
you add the stupidest unnecessary drama plot involving betrayal for it to wrap up like this?????
i knew it was going to be dumb and happening ultra fast but lmao this is ridiculous
i'm expecting zero good yenralt stuff from s3 🙃
thanks twn
did i mention i hate this storyline??? cause i do!!!!!!!
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galaxyhanart · 2 years
CABINET MAN AU Timeline Information
So I’ve talked about it a little bit but I want to go into more detail about the different timeline of the AU!
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this is what i was thinking when i first started the AU and so far I’m sticking to it except for one change! Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitsu is going to hapen AFTER Skybound now, simply because Skybound and Seabound are so close to each other and it seems cruel to put Jay through those seasons nearly back-to-back. Not gonna go into Crystalized yet cuz i still haven’t watched the rest of the season but I’m gonna lay out some key details for the rest of the seasons
In terms of the AU itself, the ones that are the most important are
- Prime Empire (of course) - Hands of Time - Skybound - The Island/Seabound
“But Leo, Hands of Time is not a Jay-centric season and the CMAU is a Jay-centric AU so why would that one be important?”
Hands of Time is the AU that happens after Prime Empire, so it’s kind of the catalyst for the timeline of the AU to get fucked up. In the AU, Hands of Time takes place around a year after Prime Empire! Within that year, Jay was readjusting to life outside of Prime Empire and beginning his ninja training. In that time, he became very close with Master Wu, Morro, and the rest of the ninja. Because of this, even though that season isn’t centered around Jay, that’s when Jay will be doing his first “official” ninja stuff
I’m not thinking too hard about the changes from the pilot eps through Day of the Departed. Because of the way the AU works there are obvious inherent plot holes - Jay is a key member of the team, not only as one of the Elements of Creation and protectors of the Green Ninja but also his inventing skills and such. So don’t. Think about it too hard lmao Nya picks up the slack in those seasons!
The most major change that involves that AU directly is that Morro ends up returning from the dead alongside Cole in Day of the Departed! Neither of them expected that to happen and everyone’s kind of shocked and confused, but Wu welcomes Morro back with open arms. It’s obviously... tense. At first. It takes a lot of getting used to but everyone makes their way around to Morro being a part of the family eventually.
Not gonna go in the specifics of timing for the AU but by the end of it, the ninja + morro are in their early 20s
The obvious start to the AU! This takes place over the span of a few weeks, and the aftermath is where Jay reconnects with Ed and Edna, meets Morro (who was away doing some much needed self-discovery this whole season), and starts getting taught by Master Wu. During this time he also gets to know his team! He fills a void that the team hadn’t even realized was forming, and while Jay is beyond relieved that he finally has people around him, he’s worried about how to act to make sure they don’t abandon them like Unagami did.
Unagami goes home with Milton Dyer and the two reconnect like in canon! Jay visits every so often, but there’s an unspoken rift between then that they both have a lot of growing to do before it can be undone
This season is accurate to what happens in the show BUT Jay is like. A lot closer to Wu than in canon and Morro is also here!! So there’s a lot of stuff involving them - Jay’s episode with his parents still happens but like. Plop Morro down next to him those two are kind of joined at the hip at this point (although when not with Jay, Morro’s usually watching over Wu) also! Jay is trying EXTRA hard to prove that he’s a good ninja and deserves to be on the team (which was never in question to anyone but himself)
SOG and Hunted are pretty much the same as canon, not much changes there except for Morro exists. However, since it’s my AU and I get to make the rules, March of the Oni happens. Very differently. Because honestly I find canon MotO to be the worst season of the show but it UNFORTUNATELY sets up key elements for Garmadon so like. I can’t just ignore it (if you like MotO i promise this isn’t like a slight against you i just think it’s poorly written ahhhh) but tbh it’s been a minute since i actually WATCHED the season so I’m not going into it here
so i really don’t like a good chunk of Skybound and it’s writing so grabs Skybound and chucks most of it in the trash my turn with it
i haven’t decided if i’m gonna keep the forced marriage plot or not because I can’t think of a good replacement yet but at the VERY LEAST if it stays I’m pulling a Musical Beetlejuice where he’s doing it just for the powers and is like “YEAH IT’S A GREENCARD THING” because that’s the only way i can touch this season without being disgusted but anyways
This season keeps its “the public love the ninja as if they were celebrities” thing especially since Jay practically IS one. He’s stepped away from a ton of his idol pop star stuff since becoming a ninja but he still has lots of fans
His wishes are pretty much the same but they’re driven by his fear of abandonment rather than the canon “i’m not good enough for nya” stuff
Jay’s captured on Misfortune’s Keep for around three weeks (two weeks felt too short and anything longer than a month felt way too long). He gets. Kinda really fucked up lmao not only does Nadakhan get real frustrated he can’t get his wish out of Jay he’s like. EXTRA pissed about him trying to get the venom to stop him after he was able to avoid wishing himself into the blade in the first place and all that. so yknow. my excuse to make whump and angsty content heheehhehehe
how does nadakhan get back in the teapot then? great question i’m unpacking that later BUT that means that the rest of the gang doesn’t completely FORGET all of Jay and Nya’s trauma. And they have. So much trauma.
also i’m redesigning nadakhan cuz i don’t like that he’s Orange okay i’m done rambling about skybound now
These seasons don’t have many changes either! Other than the placement of them of course. Also this is when the second image of Jay’s design comes into play!
Oof the Pain Season
The Island is fun because it’s a bunch of people pampering Jay and he’s like OHOHOHO OF COURSE JUST LIKE THE LEAGUE OF JAYS I MISSED HAVING THIS LEVEL OF FANDOM and then his friends are separated from him and he’s having Less of a Great Time due to his abandonment issues but he’s fiiiiiine
Seabound is obviously,,,,, upsetting. I’ve posted a little about it before but I’ll go into more detail here. Nya and Jay are incredibly close, even if not implicitly romantic in the AU (although as i write this i miss the jaya dynamics so that might change tbh lmao but for now its platonic) so the entire season Jay is incredibly worried for Nya - AND Morro, who shows up at the monastery with his powers also going kinda fucky. Everything pretty much happens the same way, the battery scene kind of fucks Jay up for a while but it’s also a bit cathartic - he’s CHOOSING to use his powers as a battery to save his friends, even though it’s risky.
When Nya becomes the sea? Oh boy.
Jay gets so distraught - he’s tired of losing people, he’s tired of people leaving him, so he isolates himself by choice this time. If he keeps losing everyone around him, he’s going to get himself lost first. That’s how he ends up alone in the lighthouse. The only one who he sees in that entire period of time is Morro and Pixal, who check up on him from time to time. Everyone else is too wrapped up in their own grief.
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erm-you-see · 7 months
ofmd s2 spoiler
I'm in the acceptance stage after reading those interviews with David. I'm just so sad and defeated rn like damn ;'(. I've never been so utterly obsessed with a character before. been here since season one, and then poof! the character I've been waiting for glimpses and snippets of for over a year is now dead.
I'm happy for Ed and Stede, I'm also so happy Ed and Izzy got the closure they needed in the end. it's a testament to how well the writing paired with fandom meta has sunk its claws into me. I know it's weird and kinda silly but I legitimately feel kind of ill, you know?? some devastating, life-altering stuff has happened to me this year so I was looking forward to my comforting little pirate show and my favorite twat.
somehow My parasocial walnut lizard brain legitimately thinks someone died?? Seeing Con's latest post on Instagram soothed it a bit lmao but still, his death is like a punch to the gut right now.
David Jenkins and the writing team did so excellently with writing this season, I loved everything, and they did very well to deliver the best they could within the span of only 8 episodes.
for those of you grieving the loss of our angry little guy, I made you tiny izzys. we'll get through it together!
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