#this is a 'john boyega deserved better' post
gekken · 1 year
Been playing the hell out of Lego Star Wars: the Skywalker Saga, and I have to say I'm disappointed at how the levels are just not fun to replay. The open world was decently fun to explore and puzzle solve in, I have no complaints about that, the voice acting was generally fine, and overall was a good addition to the game.
But replaying levels in free play is just not fun, since it seems to stick you to the default level characters most of the time. And certain story moments will more often than not swap you back to the default so like Dooku and Obi Wan can say their voicelines to each other at the end of Attack of the Clones. But what if I wanted Luke or Ahsoka or Darth Maul to clash swords with Dooku in that fight? For the most part you can, but at sometimes odd moments it will insist you be the level default characters.
I remember the old games letting you pick and choose which characters you wanted to take into a level and then it would fill in the rest with randoms from categories that you might need to get everything in a level, and I honestly miss that, being able to swap to anyone is nice but kind of annoying, with how much menuing can be involved.
Levels are short, which I don't hate but I don't exactly love, and part of the story is told through free roam now, which I don't love but don't exactly hate. It was honestly a bit confusing at first, I started with episode 4, and was thrown off by walking around as C-3PO and R2 and having constant "would you like to continue the story?" prompts pop up while stuck in a tiny canyon after the escape pod. In a way, it does make it feel more fluid, but there are some moments I would like to revisit, and I'm not sure if there is an easy way to do that.
Episodes 7 through 9 were also kind of lacking in a lot of areas, the levels and free roam areas aren't as good as the ones from 1-6 and they only had like, 3 jokes, Kylo Ren is a huge Darth Vader fanboy, Kylo Ren doesn't wear shirts very often, and. I can't remember what I thought the third one was. But yeah, the sequel trilogy was a definite low point for me when I was going through the campaigns.
They also love having you chase and punch the hell out a creature or character for collectables or quests, and you can't just beat the hell out of them, you have to let them get some distance or maybe let some time pass? There were a few occassions where I was keeping pace with the runner and they wouldn't register damage until I backed off and then caught back up. Trying to shoot them had similar issues. These collectable/missions sucked, and while they didn't come up too often, I was never happy to some across them.
Like, it was fun enough, I'm still going for 100%, but it's changed from an enjoyable slog to just a slog.
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that-gay-jedi · 1 year
I was going to say big no on a post-Rise of Skywalker movie bc even if it's good it will force me to acknowledge the sequels happened. Then I realized that even when I'm actively writing fanfic set during tcw events and rewatching etc I barely acknowledge the things that annoy me about tcw (mostly dudebro Anakin) happened. I only really see the parts that worked. So now my only complaint is if John Boyega wants to come back they fuckin better give Finn the respect he deserves and if he doesn't I don't blame him after everything that went down. Oh and if they try to make Poe straight my villain arc will have its own villain arc.
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blaacknoir · 1 year
Re: the Adam Driver post
Someone replied (then blocked, so I had to go incognito to find it): remember when this site didn’t get horny over nazis?
First of all, it was solely about his looks and appearance. Regardless of what you think of Kylo Ren (a fictional character) this wasn't about him. It was about the appearance of Adam Driver vs. Oscar Isaacs and John Boyega.
Second, Kylo Ren isn't a Nazi, because Kylo Ren exists in a fictional universe. He has never, to my recollection, displayed any hint of white supremacy, homophobic attitudes, or anything else Nazis stood for.
Third, the arc of Kylo Ren Ben Solo is incredibly important to me. He was an abuse victim, groomed from birth by Snoke via the Force. He was assumed to be evil because of his lineage. His lineage which was hidden from him. And he woke up in middle of the night to find his uncle--a man that he loved and trusted, both as a family member and a teacher--about to fucking murder him. When he was a teenager. When he was a fucking child.
(His uncle, by the way, who never apologizes for trying to murder him.)
He continues to be abused by Snoke as he gets older, torn apart because of the conflict within him--the dark that he tries to embrace, because he feels as though it's his only choice, and the light that he feels he doesn't deserve. He became a monster because that's how he was treated.
And yet.
And yet.
There was good in him. There was always good in him. And finally, finally someone sees it. Someone tells him that he is good. He is worthy of love. He is not owed forgiveness, he is not exempt from the horrors he's committed, but nonetheless, he is still worthy of love. He has done monstrous things, but he is not a monster.
And do you understand how important that statement is? To people who have hurt others? To people who have been hurt by others?
I got into Star Wars in 2016, about a year after I cut my dad off for Reasons. He hurt me and has never showed any sign of apology, or any interest in reconnecting. But in 2016, Ben Solo's inevitable redemption arc gave me hope that... maybe he would. Maybe there was a possibility that my dad would redeem himself. It offered me hope that someone who had been very important to me might realize he hurt me. And... that helped me through a hard time in my life.
I was also struggling with the fact that I'd made some stupid decisions when I was younger and said some stupid stuff, and it helped me realize that I wasn't defined by that either. I could grow and change, and be better than the person I had been.
I don't "simp for fictional Nazis." I relate to the story of a manipulated kid who ended up realizing that he was more than that. A story about growth and redemption resonated with me during a time when I needed it.
Honestly, if you look at Ben Solo and all you see is "fictional Nazi" then... that's a you problem. And if you look at Adam Driver's large nose and ears, crooked teeth, and pockmarked skin and think there's something wrong with me for finding that attractive?
Then I'm really not sure what to tell you there.
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redrascal1 · 1 year
I have just once again seen a JCF troll insult Kelly Tran.
This time, she has been referred to as a ‘bargain basement Rey.’
I am absolutely LIVID.
Rose Tico was not a ‘bargain basement Rey.’ She was her own character with her own abilities, and in fact, post TROS I realise she was a far better person. Rose had every reason to loathe the FO, but at the end of TLJ she realised that love was far more important than hate. She made a point of telling this to Finn, that saving lives instead of taking them was the ultimate goal that would help them defeat their enemies. She, I’m sure, would have been the first person to accept Ben Solo if he had lived.
Kelly Tran’s treatment in TROS is one of the many, many beefs I have with this film. For years, people have campaigned for equality for POC. As a result many black actors are now enjoying leading roles on tv and in the cinema - as they should.
But other POC - not so good. I remember years ago, the late Brandon Lee expressing his concern at the lack of Asian men in leading roles. Almost 30 years since his death, things haven’t changed much.
TROS is a blatant example of this. I have great respect for Naomi Ackie, but it is pretty obvious that she was brought in to replace Rose. The fact that an Asian actrees was replaced by a black woman doesn’t make it any less racist. I was disgusted with Terrio, DLF and Abrams....and also with Boyega, who many believe was instrumental in the erasure of the Rose character.
But none of them disgust me as much as the Finn fans who constantly slate ‘reylo’ as racist then act as if the talented, beautiful and sweet actress whose character was intended as Finn’s love interest, was ‘inferior’ to the white actress who they deem the only one ‘good enough’ for their favourite character. 
They are racists, and hypocrites and they disgust me. And if DLF give them what they want...then they will have finally lost the last crumb of respect I had for them. They can ‘stand by John Boyega’s support of #blm’ all they like - they will STILL be pandering to racists.
Maybe they could give Ben his own film and make Rose his love interest. She’s more deserving than Rey. And they have a lot in common.
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hi it's star wars anon and i came across a post on twitter that said ppl are review bombing obi wan kenobi. all bc ewan said racism has no place in star wars fandom. this is the ratings before he defended moses, and it's honestly so sad. i can't believe grown ass adults are still throwing tantrums bc there are POC in star wars. moses ingram, john boyega, kelly marie tran and ahmed best all deserve better.
Misogynoir. That is literally what that is. I've seen the way the fanboys describe her while tripping over themselves to act as if thinking the only black woman on the show is too angry, too loud, too one-dimensional isn't anything BUT misogynoir. It's why every WOC who shows up on screen is LITERALLY described similarly. She's always a useless one-dimensional character who isn't important to the narrative and was only included for diversity purposes.
We've seen three episodes so far and Reva has made up maybe 1/3 of the screentime. How the FUCK they've drawn that conclusion just solidifies it for me. Moses Ingram is a fucking phenomenal actress showing us how volatile the dark side of force is.
When she touched the Jedi symbol in part III and you saw her face soften for a moment and her eyes get far away when she felt that pull to the light, I was literally on the edge of my seat breathless like, can Reva be saved??? BAD ACTING WHERE???
This behavior with these people is nothing new. The problem is the rest of us let them be really loud while we cover our faces and quietly assure people that we're not like them. I'm over it. Call it what it is. I'm so fucking tired of dudes acting like it's not plain, boring misogynoir, this belief that Star Wars should be about them first, should cater to their VERY VERY VERY fragile masculinity, and if you attempt to inject the feeling that has always existed or showcase any characters that they don't care to see, it's woke SJW diversity points bullshit or whatever. The galaxy is HUGE, there are a million good stories to tell.
Anyway, if Ewan McGregor thinks you're a racist, well. He's Obi Wan Kenobi. Maybe you should get some fucking help.
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kylorens · 2 years
Solid Snake and Finn for the ask game?
hey. send me a character/ship and I'll tell you
On the og reblog I said I won't be able to write down cohesive words but I'll try bc I usually NEVER get asks on my ask game reblogs lol THANKS <3
my general perception of them
Snake: OK so if you know me, you know what I'm going to say. This man HAS ME in his chokehold, okay? This man could throw me on the ground, stomp on me and I'd thank him. Somehow in such a short time he's become one of my favorite characters of all time. He's got the heart, the look and everything. I love the fact that he never stops trying. <3 Even though the world doesn't deserve this at all!!! I love him.
also I'm more of a moobs girl but i realized the importance of ass thanks to him. I also like thighs a lot so we will sexualize the old man.
Finn: FINN IS LITERALLY ONE OF MY FAV SW CHARACTERS and I just get SO MAD thinking how badly he was treated in the trilogy. I had such high hopes for him so it was so sad to watch it all fall apart. I still think if the EU ever starts to think about continuing on where TROS left, he still could be made into a Jedi knight. I WANT TO BELIEVE. (So far the only thing we have is the LEGO movies lmfao. Even they know that Finn should be training !!)
Anyway. I always thought that giving a redemption arc to a random stormtrooper was a great idea. Imagine if he became a full on Jedi ok not going back to that whole rant I absolutely love how big hearted he is and the way he got super courageous even in the first movie alone.
OKAY I CAN'T NOT SAY IT John Boyega is hot and I'm thankful for his hair transition in the later movies - especially in TROS he was HOT ASF.
@ lucasfilm I will fight you for what you've not done for Finn.
an unpopular opinion or, failing that, a fun fact
Snake: If this was an unpopular opinion about MG in general HO BOY WOULD I HAVE A MILLION. IDK what can be said about Snake that would be unpopular. I can't think of a fun fact either. ;_; so I'll widen the question (like i want snake to widen the gap between my legs ok ill see myself out) and say that I don't like how Snake was sidelined after MGS3 was hyped so hard and he became like a secondary character the BB and this is my villain origin story,
Finn: ok again. I don't think I have anything that would be unpopular opinion about Finn since I think we majorly agree that Finn was handled very badly. But I guess I can say one thing - I don't find the way he wants to be with Rey certainly A BAD THING. She was literally the first person after Poe who believed in Finn, and him tricking her made him feel awful about it. She was one of the reasons why he had changed his ways and I love their relationship, platonic or romantic. They are the best <3
music i associate with them (if any)
Snake: OK I HAVE SO MANY I've posted lots of Muse songs with MG characters already but I'll do it again ;)
Frou Frou - Let Go (I actually have a wip with this lol)
Family of the Year - Hero (Maybe too on the nose idc)
Muse - Map of the Problematique (OK BIASED bc this is one of my top top TOP muse songs ever. kinda snox vibes actually... the animations I have in my mind every time I listen to this. I always say to myself I'm going to make something with it and never do) Muse - The Handler (Writing this down too just because I've posted this before saying it fits Snake but I had just finished MG1 then and he was all I could think about, later I felt like it could also be Raiden's song. But. He fits Citizen Erased better.) Muse - Cave
Oasis - Part of the Queue
Imogen Heap - Headlock (in my otasune playlist...)
MFÖ - Mazeretim Var Asabiyim Ben
I probably have more and will be like "ah i should have added that one" but I can't think of anymore rn
Finn: Wish it was 2014-15 and I would have been in my peak SW era and give you a million songs. I can only give meme-y songs rn
Rober Hatemo - Sana Çinden Koşarım (he sings this to Rey)
Gloria Gaynor - I Will Survive (and this to Kylo lmao)
if I feel (spiritually) like I could beat them in a fight
Snake: Just NO. LMAO. I think he would just laugh at me if I even tried to.
Finn: Before TFA? Maybe. He was only a sanitation worker. But I wouldn't want to 🥺
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it needs to be said that robert pattinson's "idgaf I'll say it like it is I'll do what I want" attitude being seen as cute and quirky and funny and "real" while john boyega was ostracized and demonized and seen as "rude" and "ungrateful" for doing the exact same thing truly shows that y'all just absolutely refuse to include Black men in your celebrity culture
when rpattz hates on twilight it's funny and "omg so true!!" but when john was pointing out the straight up structural racism he was facing in the industry it's suddenly "unprofessional to criticize the thing that made you famous"
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imposterogers · 3 years
wait lmfao i knew that seb had posted something antiendgame steve but THATS what he posted???? insane. it’s absolutely right but actually posting it he’s insane for that
ummmmmm right so some people tried to be like “well that’s open for interpretation seb stan probably means *insert something stupid*” but it’s really not.....
john boyega (who’d been outspoken about the star wars sequels) even posted this tweet in response
Tumblr media
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thecatsaesthetics · 3 years
Twitter rioting over Finn’s treatment is my kind of day...
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elliewillicms · 4 years
racism is such a sensitive topic to discuss when you have personally dealt with it so why do you expect john to discuss his co-stars experience john was talking about his own experience not everyone goes through the same exact thing i find it so fucking gross how people on twitter are attacking john and expecting him to speak up for everyone else when almost no one else has done the same these past 6 years??? why don’t you guys have the same accountability for his white co-stars who have never once said anything
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theclonesaremysons · 4 years
Finn uses the force and finds out the atrocity that happened to the clones and that they were enslaved to Palpatines will just like he was enslaved to the First Order and finally stages his stormtrooper rebellion along with Jannah to avenge the clones and every stormtrooper indoctrinated by the Empire and First Order.
They could also bring in Kix in this story to avenge his brothers!! Sweet Kix who didn’t get to see the end of The Clone Wars and missed seeing any of his brothers free. Who was too late to save his brothers but can help free these troopers that remind him so much of them.
God imagine a movie that ACTUALLY deals with the fallout of The Clone Wars, the Empire and the First Order. A movie that develops Finn’s character while also honoring the characters we loved from other sagas. A movie that takes the history we know as viewers and FINALLY rights a wrong.
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nabenrrie · 4 years
Finn did not kill a single stormtrooper in The Last Jedi. He only pistol-whipped one of them, including Captain Phasma. And after his taunting rebel yell (“come on!”) and his “rebel scum” declaration, Finn’s defiance is betrayed by a tinge of mournfulness that washes over his face when Phasma’s blue eye peaks through her broken mask as she falls to her death — a testament to John Boyega’s acting.
Meanwhile, Finn was mowing down stormtroopers and wooing at their deaths in both The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker without an ounce of regret or consequence. He became a typical 1980s era action hero — the cool, trigger-happy, badass.
What was the point in having him be a defector stormtrooper — such a different and creative idea — if there was no actual execution of the concept?
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forgotn1 · 4 years
I was going to go to bed at a somewhat decent time, bit then I suddenly had to write 500 words on how Finn's story could've been improved in TLJ. Primarily by having him start a stormtrooper rebellion. Just fledgling; 40, max. It would've been such a good way to give Finn agency and purpose. And also pay off how big he should've been had Disney not been cowards.
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swan2swan · 4 years
Seriously, there should have been a scene at some point--whether 8 or 9--where Finn gets into the airwaves and exhorts the First Order soldiers to Resist and Rebel. 
“You’re not alone,” “There’s more of us than there are of them”, “They kidnapped you, took you from your home, told you this was where you belonged, but I got out, I saw where I truly belonged, I found a family and people who will fight for me, who will respect me. My number was FN-2187, but my name is Finn, and I will never stop fighting until you all have names, too.” 
Bonus points if he’s hacked into the Emperor’s call station, using the man’s own broadcast signal to send the message of hope and freedom across the galaxy, in a system deliberately programmed to be unmutable. 
“Shut that down!”
“We can’t, sir! The system is Omega Priority, we can’t--”
*Captain shoots the screen, but then every other screen lights up with Finn’s face*
Just saying, it could have been a good speech. John Boyega could have had a great scene. It would have been memorable, it would have been awesome, it would have explained the ships falling from the sky at the end--rebellions and riots aplenty, tearing through the ships as the brainwashing and fear are wiped away. Combine that with Finn’s Force powers, and it’s almost like a Jedi mind trick--or a Jedi cleanse.
Bonus points if he’s holding hands with Rey for the scene. 
Extra bonus points if Kylo Ren is watching the scene and it helps to swing him back. 
You know. Have Finn be crucial to his decision, too. Finn and Poe and Rey all working together (Poe is almost a brother to him, after all).
But, of course, to have any scene where Finn stands up and asserts himself would diminish Ben’s redemptive arc, so they literally couldn’t have Finn interact with him or it would make it seem ridiculous that it takes three movies for the guy with Han and Leia for parents to go good while it takes the brainwashed soldier with no parents thirty seconds to go good. 
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thewingedwolf · 4 years
Do I just not understand fashion? Why is Harry on the cover of Vogue as a style icon when he always dresses so tacky. Like if we’re taking “stylish man who deserves to be on vogue” he’s nowhere NEAR who I would choose!!!!
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mewatchingstuff · 4 years
Dear Reylos: A genuine question
Why are some of you, the ones who did not send hate, approve of sending hate, STILL claiming and protecting the stans who did?
Those tweets and Instagram posts in JB's post were all publicly sent to him meaning the whole world could ALREADY see them. Those who made those comments did so to harass him just like the ppl who harassed KMT off social media. It is exactly the same thing even if they do share an interest in the same ship as you do.
The Reylo fandom had a choice between acknowledging the wrongdoing of hateful, crazed stans and actively damning those actions OR double down with the part of the fandom that was wrong in some sort of fucked up show of solidarity. We can all correctly guess which choice was made.
But I don't understand it. I've known of this ship fandom since TFA, have friends in it, and occasionally dip my toes in the idea of the ship, so I know y'all aren't like this and never were but suddenly and surely you all are. Yes, ALL. Because by allowing this narrative to switch from JB's harassment by certain Reylos to allowing those certain Reylos to lead the image of this fandom as self-appointed victims, you all are complicit in allowing fandom toxicity to live & thrive.
Here's the thing, anti-reylo fans are just as crazy and most likely racist as the Reylo stans harassing JB. They didn't need ammo to hate you guys but you willfully gave it to them. Not only them but also the general audience who didn't care one way or the other are now seeing the behavior of certain Reylos and the other Reylos who cover for the others. So now both the GA and Anti's were given genuine reasons to hate this ship and focus the fandom toxicity on to a specific sub-section (even tho it's the entire fandom that's a fucking mess).
So much effort being put into making JB the "bad guy" when he truly didn't do anything to deserve this level of harassment when his actual harassers are victimizing themselves and getting their friends/fellow shippers to cover for their shitty behavior.
If you want to get rid of the toxicity of surrounding your ship fandom then you need to start from within because leaving that unchecked all this time is what led to the series of events happening now.
So I ask again, Why are some of Reylos still protecting/claiming the Reylos who ruined your fandom?
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