#this is a serious topic.
kairiscorner · 9 months
man u guys are funni you don't think i remember this? (tw: dr*gs and ov*r*os*)
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first time? that's rich, right @miguelswifey04
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at least change your wording to make it look more original bro
anyway, please STOP SENDING REPEATED REQUESTS. I AM NOT A ROBOT WHO IS REQUIRED TO MAKE YOUR STORIES. if you want to see it written, write it yourself :> i didn't respond to your request at first because i was uncomfortable with it, there, i said it. i'm sorry, but i cannot and will not fulfil your request. i think i've made it clear in my rules that i will not do disturbing themes, i am not required to, ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY'RE REPEATED REQUESTS.
i'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you're not the same anon spamming me and asking lin (hopefully not other writers) with this very request, i'm gonna tell you right now i am not comfortable with writing this. i'm sorry if i sound angry, bc i am. please respect us writers the same way as we respect you anons; i didn't respond to your previous req so as not to embarrass you or anything, but i can't keep quiet anymore.
sorry for the long ass rant, tl;dr: i'm not gonna write this, and if you send another req EXACTLY LIKE THIS OR HAS THE SAME THEME AS THIS OR ANYTHING TRIGGERING, YOU WILL GET BLOCKED. g'day.
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chimaeraonwards · 7 months
John Cusack, the voice actor for Dimitri in Anatasia (1997), shared his statement on Palestine 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸 🇵🇸
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P.S. He has been a Palestinian supporter for years
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scribblyspaceskeleton · 3 months
Speaking up and educating people on why the most hated life forms on the planet are important and meaningful is a thankless task.
How do we reach out and get people to care about insects and spiders when the average reaction is either "EEWW KILL IT WITH FIRE" or blind panic?
Arthropods are crucial to the survival of life as we know it. Yes, even commonly vilified bugs like wasps and mosquitoes have ecological niches that the world CANNOT do without.
I cannot overstate their importance.
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revvethasmythh · 1 month
You know, I think there's something so, so insidious to the idea that Orym's perspective of the Vanguard is "flawed/human" or that him repeatedly reminding his friends what the Vanguard does (kill innocents to achieve their means) "blocks nuance" in the conversation, etc, because it implies that, in this mythical "objective" perspective that apparently exists, the Vanguard aren't so bad. If only Orym could put aside his petty grievances, such as the murder of his father and husband, and let people be nuanced about this situation, he'd see there's two sides to this story. And why discount the Vanguard's perspective just because *checks notes* they're a massive, manipulative cult that preys on vulnerable people to join their ranks and turns them to violence, or that they work with a centuries-old fascist eugenicist literally mind-controlling psychic government with the goal of freeing a creature that could very well destroy the world as we know it and even if it doesn't, will leave an enormous power vacuum for that fascist government to potentially occupy when they invade Exandria?
I think there's some misconception people have that they think war shouldn't ever be personal and if it does become personal for someone then their logic is too clouded by their feelings to see the situation clearly, just automatically. And perhaps sometimes, in some contexts, this can be true! But not here. It's actually quite cut and dried that Orym's "flawed, human" perspective is the one reminding everyone of the human cost to Ludinus' grand plans, all in the name of so called "progress"
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endlessdreamerxoxo · 2 years
So there is apparently a Tik tok trend for an airport life hack where able-bodied people are requesting wheelchairs to get through TSA and customs faster.
As someone in their twenties who can walk but still needs a wheelchair in an airport because I can't walk long distances or fast with my disability, this trend is very frustrating. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten dirty looks from elderly people or been made to wait for a wheelchair because people assume that I'm fine when I'm sitting down and not moving. Idk. There are a group of disabled persons called ambulatory users who rely on mobility aids while still being able to walk on good days. They are often stigmatized by people's assumptions. Please don’t this! You are making it harder for people who are invalidated on a daily basis for not being "correctly disabled"
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terrorofthetrident · 8 months
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forever obsessed with olivia's alicent hair
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chaoswarfare · 1 year
dp x dc prompt #51
when damian was sent to investigate a‘brainwashing summer camp’ he was not pleased. The kid who shared his cabin room might make it more bearable though. Danny seems to hate this place just as much as he does.
Two days later after both of them are tied up in the store room for spying, maybe he should have come in with a better plan.
summer camp dead serious thing that nobody but my brain asked for.
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nitrokiraru · 4 months
if you’re not on twitter um. dmmd has made a sudden 2024 resurgence and people are now finding out about the lore. once again
also for context people in the OG tweet started discourse abt aoba’s sexuality. personally i don’t have a strong opinion abt that but he did sleep w women in the past so it’s not impossible
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n+cbros… we got pros and cons here
-they will now never shut up about this part of the game ever even more. i blame the “he fucked the dog” meme because is it sort of true? yes. is it funny if you actually played the game? yes. but the joke has left the neighborhood and now is presented as facts without actual context
we have kinda successfully gatekept it. the game basically gatekeeps itself with this information “wow gross i’m never playing this!!” good. xx
i think the funniest part about it is that this isn’t even the worst part of dmmd. nor is it even the worst nitro chiral game. god help us if the general public finds slow damage or sweet pool. god help us if they find out about virus and trip’s allmates. the world cannot handle true toxic and camp yaoi in this day and age.
anyways tldr i am once again begging people who haven’t played the game/played it 9 years ago as a joke and barely remember anything to shut up about it end rant
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golden28s · 9 months
another thing that should be extremely important for us a society is mickey letting ian take care of him
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serialunaliver · 3 months
too lazy to edit that image of michael scott from the office yelling but SHUT UP ABOUT FANFIC SHUT UP ABOUT FANFIC SHUT UP ABOUT FANFIC
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m0rbs · 4 months
If you could only show someone one episode of any Star Trek series what episode would you pick? :)
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That one where Spock's tits are huge and it looks like he just forgot to wear his binder
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rokudaimeplease · 4 months
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the previous kage in question: chill
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accio-victuuri · 4 months
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xiao zhan - GQ February issue cover story Q&A 📝
They have experienced real things. There is no camera facing you. Without lights, you are living your own real life.
GQ: When did it become clear that you wanted to be an actor?
Xiao Zhan: When the public paid more and more attention to me, I want to say, why can’t I do it? I think I can. Sometimes I get shaken and think it’s so difficult. Why can’t I do it? For example, when it comes to lines, why are my lines just not good? Why can’t I speak well with others? Is it because I'm from the South? I don't think so, and then I think, how can I say it well? I can do it, let's give it a try.
GQ: In your opinion, what are the professional standards for actors?
Xiao Zhan: First of all, being professional is an unavoidable topic. You can have a non-major background, but you must have excellent professional skills. This is what I want to do, this is who I am. I feel that I am not enough, and i’m too far behind.
After becoming professional, attitude is very important and whether you love it is also very important. Do you just treat it as a job, or do you really like it? These are two concepts. When you see it as a job, you may not be able to go very far. But if you really like it, you will cry for it and laugh for it, which may be the motivation for you to stick to it.
I also have a strong body (laughs). I used to not feel tired when I was in my twenties, but now I feel very tired after staying up late. It's a terrible thing to be. A strong body is important, it is your foundation.
GQ: When you acted in which role or drama, did you feel recognized?
Xiao Zhan: When I was working on "The Wolf" at the beginning, I was under a lot of pressure. My acting teacher would give me a lot of advice and guidance, and I would constantly overturn my own performance every day. t was a period of confusion. After you get over it, you will find that you have grown. When you start acting later, you will gradually find a little bit of feeling, and then step by step — this is a cumulative process.
I feel that I have acted too little. Compared with some of my predecessors, who have acted in many works in their thirties, my current works are still too few and I have not accumulated enough.
GQ: Are you anxious?
Xiao Zhan: Yes, because I think (improving acting skills) is a cumulative process. You can’t make a big step forward with just one movie. This is difficult for me to happen. So you have to keep filming, but you have to keep filming good films and don't consume yourself.
GQ: What are the considerations behind the expansion of the three film and television dramas to be broadcast in 2023 from costume dramas to period dramas and urban dramas?
Xiao Zhan: Actually, I didn’t think anything about it. It just happened naturally. I didn’t deliberately change the themes that I had acted in before. I just read the script and the script was handed to me at the time. I felt attracted to a certain script at the moment, so I chose it. It just happened to be a subject that I had never acted in before.
GQ: Do you feel tired after always acting in costume dramas?
Xiao Zhan: There are many types of costumes. Don’t divide them into costume dramas and modern dramas. It’s nothing more than putting on a hood and changing clothes. In fact, the core is the same, but also just completely different.
GQ: Once your drama is aired, will you follow it?
Xiao Zhan: I won’t follow it, but I will watch it, and I will choose the scenes that I care about to focus on, so I can find problems for myself.
GQ: Will you be able to watch the barrage?
Xiao Zhan: I used to really know how to do it. I felt very happy and laughed with everyone, but now I can’t do it.
GQ: What kind of role do you want to play now?
Xiao Zhan: If I could choose, of course it would be the best one I haven’t tried yet. I need freshness. If I ask you to do the same thing every day, you will be bored.
GQ: What kind of actor do you want to be?
Xiao Zhan: I want to be an actor that the audience can like.
GQ: Have you already done this to make people like you?
Xiao Zhan: No, no, I think it’s far from enough. I once thought about whether to be an actor with a personal style or to be an actor that the audience likes just by looking at you. At present, I want to be an actor who makes the audience like you. Maybe everyone is not your fan, or even not particularly interested in you, but you know that he has a drama, Do you want to watch it? His dramas are all good. I want to do this. This is my current goal. Is it possible to become the actor I like? This is a rule.
It’s a long road, take your time.
GQ: Who are your favorite actors?
Xiao Zhan: There are many. For example, Zhou Xun has always been my favorite actor. I recently watched her play ("Waving in the Poison of Anger"), and it was really great.
GQ: What are your career plans in 2024?
Xiao Zhan: Make more movies and work with more good teams. This is the only goal at the moment, and I won’t consider other things for the time being.
GQ: Do voices on social media bother you?
Xiao Zhan: It doesn’t bother me. It’s been so many years and I’m still worried. I’m still alive. (English) It’s really okay. Just like I know exactly what I'm doing, every time. To make a choice, you have to clearly know what you are doing, what you want to give up, and what you want to make. So, fortunately, the team may have more troubles.
GQ: Your personal life has not been affected?
Xiao Zhan: Very normal! I can go out for a ride or a walk. When you walk on the street, no one really cares about you. It's really not what everyone thinks. Like this, then I can walk around freely,
GQ: Is this an escape moment for you?
Xiao Zhan: It’s time to relax. Why do you want to escape? I am also in the third dimension. Where do I want to escape? This is my life. I am the same as everyone.
There are many things I particularly want to do, such as taking the subway and shopping in shopping malls, which are very similar to when I was in school, and maybe I will do them in the future.
GQ: Do you miss the ordinary life very much?
Xiao Zhan: It’s not that I miss it, it’s that I think I should do it. It’s because of my popularity. I will really take the subway, maybe tomorrow. It’s so normal. I used to take the subway every day. for me there’s nothing I can't do. What do you think I can do? Say hello and leave. It’s just that I don’t want to cause confusion and trouble for everyone or cause a bad reaction.
GQ: You have not appeared on variety shows in recent years. Is this a conscious choice?
Xiao Zhan: Because it’s not suitable. With my personality, people get tired in variety shows. I want to take care of everyone’s feelings, which makes me very tired. Now that I know this is the case, If there is a result, then just don’t do it.
GQ: What was your original intention in entering the entertainment industry?
Xiao Zhan: I really came in inexplicably and ignorantly. I used to watch talent shows and interview the top contestants. How did i get to this point? I accompanied my friend to participate in the selection, but my friend failed and I was selected. When I was a child, I thought these things were far away from me, but when it comes to myself, it is really like this. I think it's amazing. I participated in the draft and got to where I am now. It's amazing. Life is really interesting.
GQ: What things have you not thought of before after entering the industry?
Xiao Zhan: It is a very cruel thing not to eat wantonly. When I see my former high school classmates who have children and gained weight, I will sigh, I want this too— eating recklessly, their living conditions make me feel that if I had not chosen this path at that time, maybe we are all the same, having to socialize and endure hardships — rushing to design at night, you don't know how tiring it is to do design, but life is like this, there is no way.
GQ: How did choosing this piece change you?
Xiao Zhan: Maybe I lack a lot of life experience. In this regard, my classmates and friends are far better than me. They have experienced real things. There is no camera facing you. Without lights, you are living your own real life.
GQ: Are you an emotionally stable person?
Xiao Zhan: It's relatively stable, but once I touch some points, I will become very unstable.
GQ: For example?
Xiao Zhan: It’s just... some things that cannot be said. Haha, maybe when something incredible happens, you will think, what are you doing? I will be very angry when something happens. Maybe it's some privacy issue. If this point is exceeded, I will "run away".
Everyone has their own boundaries, and some people have no sense of propriety. I stay away from such people, but when the boundaries are broken again and again and the bottom line is touched, I will get very angry.
GQ: You once said that you have a particularly strong side in your personality. What do you mean specifically?
Xiao Zhan: In principle, I am a very rigid person. If I insist on something and I think it is right, it will be difficult to be convinced. For example, if I want to be an actor, I don’t want to do anything other than being an actor. If you come to Siam, let’s debate. No one is right or wrong, the team is also for your own good, Isn't it a good thing to have a lot of work? But for me, I have to subtract because some things are really not what I want.
GQ: Do you have a perfectionist side?
Xiao Zhan: I just want to do it well, just try my best right now. Maybe the result is not good, but what should I do? This is all I can do.
GQ: Can you accept failure?
Xiao Zhan: I can accept it. I might not have been able to accept it a few years ago, but 30-year-old Xiao Zhan has learned to accept it (laughs).
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sonknuxadow · 4 months
this is probably an unpopular opinion with the amount of "everyone is married with kids" type future aus people make for sonic characters but i cannot see sonic getting married or having a kid ever. if he did somehow end up with a kid hed be the worlds first transmasc absent father or however the joke goes
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youtube FUCK YOU for putting ads in the middle of a child bride trafficking victim‘s testimonial of what was done to her. fucking disrespectful. do ads have to be fucking everywhere like are you so for real right now. fucking dystopian to watch a documentary about violence and repression against women and girls and suddenly there is a hellofresh ad
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